#tw: lesson 16 spoilers
devildomditzy · 2 years
Aaah!!!!! I’m so excited for this!!!! Would it be alright if I requested “I need you beside me.” ❤️‍🩹🥺 for Mammon? I love all your work, and I can’t wait to see everything that comes out of this event!!!!
Thank you very much ❤️ I hope I make you cry a lil
(this one got way too long)
TW for gore, spoilers for lesson 16
Also should have mentioned - ooc mammon bc i want to see him get angry
Things changed after that day. As much as you hate to admit it, seeing your lifeless, cold, dead body in your best friend’s arms really does fuck with you.
You became fearful, jumping at loud noises and avoiding the attic. A simple hand laid on your shoulder could provoke the most blood curdling scream, and necklaces were out of the question. If you felt even the lightest of touches around your throat, you’d panic into fight or flight mode.
And it wasn’t just you that changed. No, every brother personality’s shifted ever so slightly, and while you made a point not to mention it, you can’t say you were that fond of their new…‘quirks’ so to speak.
They became softer, too afraid to set you off into a spiral of memories that’s hard to come back from. They made sure you were never alone, a trait that while comforting, was becoming extremely bothersome. They watched you, ever present like hawks just to be sure you were still alive, you were still breathing, you were still with them. And even more so, they watched Belphie.
You’re trying to be nice, fuck, you’re really trying your best. Now that the news that you’re Lilith’s descendant has washed over, Belphie has taken a new, rather innocent interest in you. When he smiles that sweet, gentle smile at you, asking if you want to take a nap together, all you can see if his twisted, self righteous smirk, his lips upturned in laughter as he squeezed all the life out of you, crushing your windpipe and slashing a large, deep, sickening gash along your chest, reaching down to your stomach. It might have not happened to this version of you, but since Barbatos merged the times lines, it might as well have. You have all the memories, all the burning feelings, all the swelling pain. And now you had to learn to live with that.
Progress was being made, you told yourself, in order to keep spirits up, not letting yourself wander in your head too much. Hey, just last week you stopped crying when he was in the same room! You could tell it made Beel happy to see you two interact. He’d try to offer to sit in on movies and naps to get you two acclimated to each other, but you just couldn’t . It’s not only your mentality holding you back, there was a physical force stopping you form getting any closer. Quite literally whenever the opportunity would arise, Mammon would grab your wrist in a vice grip, pulling you behind him and answering for you.
“They’re not interested in anything that has to do with ya.”
His body language screamed protection, and the gaze he shot the youngest reminded everyone he’s the second most powerful avatar. Honestly, you were thankful for it. You didn’t want to hurt Beel’s feelings, but the thought of being in a room with Belphie without Mammon made you want to throw up.
Group activities have been attempted. Family movie nights were once again ago, but the second born made sure the two of you were the farthest possible distance from his younger brother while still being able to see the screen. The atmosphere always awkward, intense, suffocating. You noticed Belphegor’s gaze reach you a few times, a small smile on his lips.
It was almost unbearable, if not for Mammon.
It once was rare that you felt Mammon’s aura become dark and foreboding, so rare that it took so long for you to see his demon form, the first time being at the ball Diavolo held. It was the first time you’d seen one of them like that and your brain didn’t scream in fear. Hell, he was the only brother who hadn’t tried to kill you. The amount of restraint he usually had was commendable.
That was all out the window now.
Mammon stared across the room at his brother, eyes throwing a wordless threat towards him.
“Dontcha wanna watch the movie Belphie? Ya keep starin’ at them yer gonna lose the plot.”
You’ve never heard him so emotionless.
So cold.
So threatening.
Unsurprisingly though, the youngest had decided he had enough of your protector.
“You don’t own them, Mammon”, Belphie grumbled under his breath.
“What did ya just say?”, Mammon shot back, his voice laced with venom, daring Belphie to answer him.
“I said you don’t own them!” The seventh born raised his voice now, tone matching Mammon’s in a lethal contest. “I said I was sorry! I’m trying to make up for lost time, but I can’t if you keep being their guard dog! We’ve barely seen them all week!”
The rest of the room stayed surprisingly quiet at first, simply observing the exchange in anticipation, waiting to see who would make the first move, if any move at all.
“Make up for lost time? Ya wanna make up for lost time when you almost made us loose them for good?”, you notice Mammon begin to clench and unclench his fists in what you have come to learn is an attempt to calm down.
“Ya better shut yer mouth before I shut it for ya. Permanently.”
This was going to break bad any second.
“How about I choke ya out till I cave your throat in? Slit ya down the front until you’re bleedin’ out and cryin’ for mercy, huh? How’s about I make you feel like they did, kiddo?”
Your eyes widen and shoot towards the only source you know who could stop this. As if waiting for your cue, Lucifer stands up and puts a hand to Mammon’s shoulder.
He leans in and whispers something harsh, quietly so the others can’t hear but loud enough for you to take in.
“Enough. Mammon, I understand your anger, but I will not allow anymore deaths on this property.”
When the second born does not seem to back down, he continues,
“Don’t you think they’ve seen enough carnage?”, he gestures towards you, and the action makes Mammon falter.
“Now, take them back to their room and calm down. If this happens again, I won’t be so forgiving.”
Mammon hangs his head, making his expression unreadable to you, huffing out shaky breaths before wordlessly grabbing your shoulder and ushering you out of the room.
You now find yourself seated on your bed, watching him pace relentlessly. He’s talking to himself under his breath, but you’ve never been good at reading lips. Usually between the two of you there’s never a dull moment, never a lull of silence. Right now though, you’ve got it. And it’s scaring you.
“Mammon?”, you question cautiously, trying to get his attention. You can tell he heard you by the way he jolts, but chooses to ignore you to continue his circling.
“Mammon, please?”
He stops, back facing you. At least he’s listening.
“I…”you struggle to find the right words. “I really appreciate you looking out for me.”
With that, he finally turns to face you, cobalt and golden irises finally locking onto yours. He looks pissed, but you can tell he’s trying to calm down for your sake.
“And I really appreciate you hanging out with me all the time…but, I don’t want that to get in the way of the relationship you have with your brothers.”
“Nuh Uh. No no no no no, nope. Don’t blame that idiot’s actions on yerself,” he sighs, grabbing you by the shoulders.
He kneels down now, meeting you at eye level.
“Listen, okay? And listen good cause I’m only gonna say this once. Our family’s problems shoulda never became yer own, got it? None of this is yer fault. Just…you were kinda… how should I put it…wrong place wrong time?”
“So you’re saying it would have been better if I wasn’t picked as an exchange student?”
“NO!”, he winces once realizing how loud that came out, with a speed that needed to cut off that line of thinking any further.
“But you guys have killed humans before? You even talked about eating them, and I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, but Beel definitely has, so why do you care about me? All of this started because you have to protect me, you’re honor bound and pact bound. If you didn’t feel the need to protect me so…so strongly, you would have never been mad at Belphie. Hell, you probably would have felt the same way about me too.”
You drop your gaze, unable to look at him now. The tears that pin prick your lash line threaten to pour over and fall down your cheeks. You become surprised as a hand comes up and wipes them away.
“Fuck, you’re an idiot, ya know that? Sometimes you can be a bigger idiot then me, and that’s sayin’ sumthin’”.
You head shoots up to angrily glare at him only to find him giving you the most sincere look you’ve ever seen on his face.
“You comin’ here didn’t change anything. Belphie woulda done anythin’ possible to kill the human exchange student if it was you, or any other schmuck. An I woulda had to look out for them, too.”
You ponder it for a moment letting his words sink into your skin. It sounds logical, you know that, but you still can’t help but blame yourself. He can almost see right through you.
“But, I don’t want any other schmuck, got it? You’re my human and I’m your first man. Ya know what that means?”
“It means I have to give you my undivided attention or you’ll throw a hissy fit?”
“Wha- Hey! No!”, He tried to look mad, but how can he when you giggle so brightly.
“It means you’re mine, idiot. There is no one else because no one else could even compete with ya. Of course I’m gonna protect ya. I can’t go loosing ya”, you can hear him choke on his words a bit before continuing, “not again.”
You reach out and wrap your arms around him, pulling him into your chest and holding on as tight as you could, almost for dear life. He lifts his head of unruly white hair to look up at you.
“I need ya beside me.”
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obae-me · 2 years
Yo! If you’re currently taking requests I have a hurt/comfort request with the bros for you :)
What about some headcanons where MC has a really bad and vivid nightmare and goes to one of the brothers for help to get out of their fear? To make it more interesting the nightmare can be about something like the infamous lesson 16 event too
That’s all, have a nice day/night!
Ooo hurt/comfort, you know exactly the way to get to my heart, anon! And as someone who used to experience awful awful nightmares, I can do this easily. And for some spice, I will make it about the infamous lesson 16. Angst is the spice of life. Hope you enjoy, anon! 
Another Day, A Different Dream Perhaps. 
Spoiler Warning for Events in Lesson 16! 
TW: Violence, Blood, Broken Bones, Mentions of Death and M*rder. As Always, Read Safely! 
Running. They were running again. Panting, crying, panicked. These halls that held so many good memories also kept haunting nightmares in their walls. They couldn’t breathe, feeling the faint touch of hands gripping around their throat, the joy in the eyes of the person who was watching them struggle. 
The others...they had to find the others. The shadow was behind them, bloody claws reaching out from the darkness to tear cuts into their skin. Running almost seemed useless, their feet hardly making contact with the ground. But they had to run, run faster. 
The halls they were so familiar with kept changing on them, shifting, twisting, betraying them, like the whole house was in on their demise. They didn’t know where they were...they didn’t know where to go. 
Then a hand grabbed them, pulling them back, pain searing into their body as they were flung harshly in the air. As they landed, a sickly sounding snap echoed in their ears. Their leg...they couldn’t run anymore. And their body...was warm...and wet. Crimson seeped out from under them, a seemingly impossible amount of blood flooded the floors. Figures rose from the dark liquid, looming over them, watching them writhe...watching them suffer with glowing eyes and crooked smiles. 
They could do nothing but cry as they crawled, trying to claw through the ever-rising blood, trying to escape, to get help. But they knew there was none. They knew this was their death. And as they tried to scream, they were only met with silence as the sea of red flooded into their lungs, the shadows leaning over to push them further under. 
As their eyes suddenly opened, they found their brain still filled with panic, confused. They couldn’t tell if this was still a dream. They were certain something would be back to kill them. The pain of death still lingered in their body. It had felt so real. What was reality? So once more, they ran, fleeing from their room, tired feet tripped over themselves as they stumbled. Their body seemed to be leading them where they needed to go, whether they were thinking about it or not. 
Weak fingers grasped at the doorknob, pushing their way through the door. Their leg gave out on them, still tingling from the feeling of being broken. As they fell to the ground, they seemed to finally find their voice, their lungs wheezing from the strain. They sobbed, gulping in gasping breaths of frigid night air. Please, this time, save them. Somebody save them! 
“Help me!” 
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He’s a light sleeper, so the noise of someone running through the halls had stirred him awake already. He was already in the process of sitting up, preparing to scold whoever thought it was wise to cause such a ruckus this late at night. 
That was until MC barreled into his room, immediately collapsing, in hysterics. Screaming for help. 
He’s seen a lot in his life. Nothing really gets to him anymore. But hearing MC like that raised every hair on the skin of his body.
His demon form came out immediately, wings pushing the comforter right off his bed, running out into the hallway to see what the problem was. Only...there was no one there. Rushing back into his room, he shut the door, getting to his knees, fearing he’d find them hurt. But there were no injuries. 
His hands cupped the side of their face, trying to get them to stop their frantic rocking on the ground. “MC...MC! What is it? What’s wrong?” As much as he hated seeing them so out of it, he hoped they weren’t paying enough attention to hear the worried crack in his voice. 
They grabbed at the front of his clothing, pulling themselves to him. “He’s coming! Please help me...” 
All at once he knew what was happening. Once more, the walls surrounding his heart chipped away as he was reminded of another one of his failures. One of the most terrible ones. 
With a hand against the back of their head, he rested them against his shoulder. “You’re alright. You’re alright.” He repeated to them, trying to keep his voice calm. “It was simply a nightmare.” 
He hated this. He hated that moments like these came about too often. He hated always being damage control. But...he mostly just hated seeing them this way, being able to do nothing about it other than holding them close, hoping the sound of his voice will eventually bring them out of it. 
He shushed them gently, stroking the back of their head while rocking them slowly back and forth on the ground, keeping the tune of a soft melody in his head. He’s reminded of several times where he’s had to do the same thing to his brothers when they were a bit younger. It’s been a while since he’s done this. Is he...doing it correctly? 
Eventually, he noticed that the sobbing has stopped. They still seemed to be crying, but softly this time, perhaps a bit more aware of their surroundings. “Come now, you’re going to cry yourself sick.” He patted their back and started to stand, carrying them in his arms. 
He brought them to a seat near the fireplace, settling them down, trying not to allow himself to be weak when they appear to refused to let him go, clinging to the fabric of his sleeves. “Hold on, I’ll be just a moment.” He has to take care of them first, no matter how much his heart is screaming to hold them just a bit longer. 
He leaves, gathering tissues and a cup of water. When he returns, he notices that their tears have almost completely stopped, but now they simply looked blankly at the flames dancing in the fireplace. He set the box of tissues next to them, reaching down to grab their hand so he can place the cup of water in their grasp. “Drink,” he demands, although there’s no hint of harshness in his voice, only concern. He stands there and waits till they take the first sip, not allowing himself to feel any sort of relief till they do so. 
He bends his knees, lowering himself so he can look up at their face, one of his hands settled supportively on their thigh. “Take it easy. Give it some time. Collect yourself. Shall I put on some music to calm the nerves?” They nodded, remaining silent. He straightened, heading over to his record player, his thumb brushing over the vinyl collection. He plucked out one that was dear to his heart. One MC had gifted him. He took it out with gentle fingers, placing it in the record player, settling the needle down, listening to the first few notes come through before he turned back to the human taking the chair next to them by the fireplace. The chair feels too far away from them now, even if he could reach over and touch their shoulder with his hand. 
There’s a question on the tip of their tongue, one he can feel. Their pride is getting in the way. As much as he would wish to hear the suggestion straight from their lips, he’s more than happy to bring it up. “Would you like to stay the night with me?” As they open their mouth, he cuts them off, already knowing what they would say. “It wouldn’t be a bother. I would even like to think that I would sleep better, knowing you were safe and sound right next to me.” 
They think about it, but eventually nod. If under better circumstances, he would be beaming. But he remains calm, standing up to extend a hand, waiting till they took it before leading them to his bed, tucking them in first. 
The back of one of his fingers ends up trailing down the side of their cheek. A gentle touch he could not resist. “Just sleep now, and do not worry, you won’t have any more nightmares tonight. You can rest assured, I won’t let measly dreams best me.”
They raised an eyebrow, clearing their throat before they spoke. “Did you just make a joke?” 
“Perhaps.” He got into bed beside them, and despite the grand size of the mattress, he moved to be right beside them. “I’ll find you,” he then promised. “In real life or in the hazy blur of your subconscious, I’ll find you whenever you need me. Don’t forget that.” The light of the fire and the sound of music seemed to dim. He shut his eyes, a subtle pleased smile on his face. “I will see you soon.” 
He sleeps deep. But not that deep. If someone comes bursting through his door crying, it’s bound to wake him up. Scared the life out of him at first, nearly jumped straight out of bed. His first thoughts running through his sleepy mind was a ghost. 
But when he realized who it was...he almost wished it was a ghost. He’d rather be the one scared. 
He scrambled over to them, tripping on his own comforter that had slumped to the ground, crawling over the floor till he was near them, pulling them into his arms. “What is it?! Who hurt ya?! What happened?!” He yelled. He has to be careful, focusing on not greedily digging his own claws into their pajamas, trying not to growl at whoever would’ve done such a thing to them. 
MC could only speak in panicked statements, repeating the same phrase over and over again. “I don’t want to die...I don’t want to die...” 
It hit him much too hard. The memory. The way he felt when it happened...for real. When they said those same words to him right before the light left their eyes. 
He couldn’t help but cry. He’d seen it in his nightmares too. Over and over again. 
With a lowered head, tears managed to escape his eyes as the guilt seemed to tear him into pieces again. Why? Why couldn’t he have been there to help them? Why were they still feeling the pain of this? Why them? 
“I’m sorry,” he choked, his throat so strained with pain, he could hardly speak. He held them tighter, pulling them so close he was almost curved over them protectively. “I’m here with you now. I- I won’t let anyone hurt you again. Nobody. So please...stop cryin’. I’ll get you whatever you want! We can buy it right now!” His heart breaks further when they hardly seem to be listening. Money can’t buy their happiness right now...only he can. 
Only...what can he do? Right...he’s the joke of the family. Maybe if he can make ‘em laugh, they’ll stop crying! Just pull something from his stand-up comedy routine with Levi. 
“What- uh -” He clears his throat, trying to stop his own tears. He needs to be the strong one for them. They take care of him all the time, it’s about time he pays back his debt. “Why are relationships a lot like algebra?” He gave them a gentle shake, hoping to Diavolo that they were listening. “Be-because have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?...Eh? Eh? You get it, because-” 
MC squeaked a bit, a noise made from perhaps a bit of bewilderment at the stupidity of the joke. Although, their quick change in breathing gave them the hiccups, or maybe it was caused simply from crying too much. However, the tears seemed to lessen. 
“Out of one problem, and into the next, huh? Can’t seem to keep yourself out of trouble.” He gave them a pained chuckle, knowing full well that most of their troubles were stemmed from him and his brothers. He felt their body make little jolts as the hiccups continued. He picked them up, letting their arms wrap around his neck as he brought them over to his bed. His demon form lowered, sharp wings and horns tucked away as he brought them underneath the covers. 
They continued to cling to him, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel his heart grow warm. Unfortunate that they had to come here in a panic to get this way but...make the most of what you got, yeah? He let them sit in his lap, rubbing circles into their back as he wondered what Lucifer or Satan would say. Something smart and comforting. 
“I’d try to spook the hiccups out of ya, but I don’t think that would work seein’ as how you’re too good to be scared like that.” At those words, they seemed to shrink into him more. “S-so, how about we just hold our breath for a bit? I’ll do it with ya. Hold it in as long as ya can. Ready? One, two,” he sucked in his breath, waiting till they did the same. They sat there in silence, counting in their head, feeling each others hearts beat in each other’s chests. Then MC let it all out in a long shaky exhale. 
They both waited, hoping that the hiccups were gone. After a while of nothing, Mammon grinned. “There we go, we got it! All gone, see?... It’s all gone.” If only that were true for everything. If he could help them hold their breath and forget all their troubles, he’d never breathe again. A silly thought, one that didn’t make sense, he knows that, but...it’s an honest one. 
“How about we try to sleep again, huh?” He tucked their head under his chin. “I’ll keep ya in my arms all night so you know you’re safe...and if any nightmares show up, just dream of me and I’ll beat it away!” 
They finally let out a little chuckle. “Promise?” 
He gives them a little squeeze. “I swear. I won’t let anything harm ya. Not even in your dreams.” 
If even Levi is asleep, you know it’s late. He also doesn’t expect anyone to come to his room in general, much less in the dead of night. So when his door suddenly opened, he freaked out. He jolted up, climbing out of his bathtub-bed just to fall to the floor. 
And that was all before he heard the crying. 
He peeked around the porcelain curve of his bed to spot MC. His mind went blank, so many thoughts running through his head at once, his brain was shutting down. Why were they in here crying? Did he do something? Did someone else do something? Why were they here of all places?
“H-h-hey? MC?” He worked his way to his feet, coming over to them. “You...uh...you alright?” He hated how unsure and unsupportive he sounded. Of course they weren’t alright! He could see that! He needed to focus! They were in a much worse state than he was! Now was not the time to get lost in his own mind. Just...do what comes instinctively, don’t overthink it. 
He shut his door first, knowing that if it were him, he would appreciate the privacy. He then quickly stepped over to his bed, pulling the blanket out from in it. He placed it over their shoulders, slowly settling down on the floor to tuck it tighter around them. “Wh-what’s wrong? I’m here. You can- you can tell me.” 
They clutched at their head, trying to curl up into a ball on his floor. That’s usually his thing. He almost wishes he could claim it for himself, just so he didn’t have to see MC do the same. “I’m scared...I’m so scared...Don’t let him find me...” 
“Don’t let who--” And then it crashed over him like a wave, the memory he had already tried so hard to forget. He hadn’t done much...when it happened. He stood behind everyone else, only able to watch, frozen in shock. Like a coward. So why him? Why did they come to him now? 
Before he’s even fully aware he’s doing it, he’s stuffing his tub with everything soft he can find. Pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, the works. He’s not even fully aware of his tail slipping from it’s glamour, wrapping gently around their waist so he can be holding them while he works on this little nest of his. When he’s done, he uses his arms to lift them up, placing them in the cocoon of softness. Like a shelter, a safe space. 
If there’s anything he knows how to do well, it’s hide. So he’ll hide them away, tuck them against everything he loves, everything that makes him feel safe. 
The motion seems to pull them out of their state that they were in. They looked around, watching the light reflecting off the water in the fish-tank ripple across the ceiling. Then they turned their head to look at him. “Levi?” 
He quickly releases his tail from them, gripping the front of his shirt to keep his emotions from spilling out. “Y-you can stay here for the rest of the night. It-it might sound weird, but the bathtub can actually be pretty cozy. It feels like a nest, and sometimes, when I get too hot I--” He was rambling again, his mouth releasing the anxiety for him, but he stopped talking when he felt them tug on his sleeve. 
It’s not really made for two...it’s supposed to be a one-person sort of thing, since he’s always alone and all, but...he can feel them trying to pull them in. He...wanted to do that anyway but...he didn’t feel like he deserved it. This wasn’t about him though, was it? And that was okay. 
So, he got into bed, the both of them much too close as they were pushed together by pillow and plush. He didn’t have much of a choice other than to hold them now. Or perhaps that was just an excuse. 
He struggled to act first...always, it seemed. Especially when it was about something important. Just like before...and like now. Just once...he wanted to...he wanted to...
He settled his forehead against theirs. They were a bit warm, probably from crying so much. His heart nearly stopped in his chest from such a bold act, but he wanted to do it. So badly. To hold them, to make them feel safe, to protect them, like he should’ve done on that day, to show how much he cared. 
“When-whenever I get nightmares, I just squeeze something really hard till I wake up. You can try that tonight. If you start to get another bad dream, just hold...hold onto me.” He’s tempted to press his lips to their forehead, like in a perfect anime episode. It’s the pinnacle of comfort. But he doesn’t have that much courage for it, compromising with pressing his cheek to their forehead instead. “We can try as many times as it takes to get it right. A perfect run!” His heart isn’t beating as fast as he expected it would. This was...nice. It was something he’d imagined for a long time. “...A perfect dream.” 
He doesn’t sleep too heavily unless he ends up pulling too many late and sleepless nights reading his books. Tonight, fortunately, was not one of those nights. He wasn’t too far into his dreams, slightly waking up as he turned over on his other side, unable to fall into a deeper sleep with a book wedged under his back. 
It was one fateful circumstance, because anyone who had the misfortune of crashing into his room in the dark was bound to wind up hurting themselves. Have you seen the state of his room? One clumsy bump was all it took for there to be a literature landslide. 
Which was exactly what MC did. 
Still under the sleepy fog of fear, MC threw Satan’s door wide, stumbling in the dark, falling to the floor, their shoulder making contact with a tower of books. If he hadn’t already been somewhat awake...and if MC hadn’t wailed from the top of their lungs, he might not have made it in time. 
Dozens of book spines and hardcover corners pounded into his back as he covered MC with his body, trying to curl them under his frame despite not being nearly as large as someone like Beel would be. 
Once the dust settled, he shook off a few tomes that had settled on his back. Then he took MC by the shoulders, so filled with wild concern that he didn’t even notice MC’s tears. “What do you think you’re doing coming in here like that?!” He panted a bit, blood pounding through his body with adrenaline. He had to take a second to compose himself, taking a deep breath...and then he came to the conclusion that he wasn’t shaking their shoulders...they were convulsing with sobs. 
He quickly moved from above them, settling beside them instead, forcing them to sit up. “What? What’s wrong? What happened?” 
“Hurts...” They cried. “It hurts...” 
He was suddenly worried his quick action wasn’t quite quick enough. A book must’ve hit them, or maybe they hurt themselves when they tumbled. “Where?” He curled a hand around their chin, checking their face before tugging at their sleeves to check their arms. “Where does it hurt?” 
Their fingers moved up to grasp at their throat, hands wrapping around them in such a way to show...
He takes both of MC’s wrists and pulls their arms down, lowering his head, some of his fingers moving up to weave themselves between MC’s. He doesn’t need anything else to go off of. He knows what they’re talking about. He had been one of the ones to check them over when it happened. Every grievous detail of every critical injury was seared into his mind. 
He should probably make sure they weren’t hurt aside from...that. 
So, he picked them up, pushing some of his books away with his foot, still doing so with great care. He settled them on his bed, making sure there were no hidden novels under the covers. He found the one that had been bothering him earlier and set it aside. 
The light of the moon coming through his window provided adequate light to check on them with. Besides, doing a sort of check-up like this might bring them back to reality. 
“Can you move your arms?” He made them move their limbs, wiggle their fingers, stretch their neck, flex their feet, just to ensure they felt no immediate pain. Phantom pains would be...harder to deal with. But it seemed the more they moved, the more they were forced to focus on something else, and in turn cry a little less. 
He pulled the fabric of his long-sleeve cat-print pajamas over his hand, moving to dry their cheeks. “There, there. Still in pain?” They shook their head, which let him sigh in relief. “Not even a papercut?” They shook their head again as he lowered his hand, pleased to see the tears had stopped. “That’s good...Do you want to stay here tonight?” He could only hope they wouldn’t shake their head a third time. 
“...Okay,” they agreed. 
Calm. He had to remind himself, keeping himself from basically throwing himself beside them under the covers. He tucked them in first, joining in after, making sure they didn’t bonk their head against his headboard as they got down, placing his hand on the side of their face. 
“I’ll tell you a story while you fall asleep. Maybe then you’ll finish the plot in your dreams. So, with that in mind, I’m going to be in the story, obviously, and a ton of little fluffy kittens.” He pulls the blanket further up their body as they turn on their side to face him. He rubs up and down their arm, being incredibly gentle as he does so, trying to massage out the tenseness in their muscles. “I’ll dream the same, so when you wake up, we can compare how they ended. This time, it’ll end the way you want it to. I know it.” 
He’s an early to bed, early to rise kind of person. When he’s not partying that is. Tonight he had nothing planned but a full night of beauty sleep for a more beautiful Asmo. 
That was till someone barged through his door. And unfortunately, not in the way he’s always wanting. 
As he heard MC shout and sob, he immediately sat straight up, wishful fantasies flying out of his head all at once. No...this was definitely far from what he wanted. 
He flicked on a little side light, casting the room in a warm pink-hue, but he didn’t really care how the room looked. With the light on, he could see in more detail how frightened MC looked, how distraught they were. It broke his heart. 
“Oh, hon,” he gasped, getting to his knees in front of them, holding their head in his hands, trying to almost frantically bush away the tears as soon as they dripped from their eyes. “What is it? Who did this? If someone hurt you I--” 
“Am I alive?” Their watery and confused eyes stared at him, focusing and unfocusing, perhaps still in the process of fully waking up. They repeated their question again as their voice cracked, their hands coming up to grab the front of Asmo’s pajamas, hands shaking. “Am I alive?” 
He couldn’t help but cover his mouth, eyes stinging as it all settled in. He didn’t want to remember it. He didn’t want to think about how they looked when... “Oh, MC...honey...” He wrapped his arms around them, pulling them into him, nuzzling his head against theirs, trying not to cry, feeling the warmth of their body, the beating of their heart, the sound of their breath so close to his ear. That way, he could say with absolute certainty. “You’re alive...you’re here, with me, right as you should be, okay?” His perfectly pitched voice was suddenly squeaking in odd places as his throat suddenly seemed strained. He didn’t want to cry. He wouldn’t. They both couldn’t be a mess. 
“Come on, no more crying, you’ll end up feeling awful.” He coaxes them up, guiding them over to his bed where he helps them sit down. He gathers a few things around the room to make them feel better. 
He is the king of pampering after all. 
He uses a room spray to make the room smell like their favorite scent. He grabs the comfiest fluffy socks. He always has a spare water bottle on hand for hydration. But best of all, he brings over little circular gel packs that he keeps in a small makeup fridge to keep them cool. They’re even designed like little cucumber slices. 
“Here you are, dear.” He does all the work making them comfortable, making them drink and then helping them lean back so he can place the cold packs over their eyes. “This will help with the swelling and puffiness...and probably the pounding headache behind those eyes.” 
He sits beside them on the bed, his hand over theirs, rubbing his thumb back and forth against their wrist. “Just breathe...it’s alright, your beautiful Asmo is here.” He was hoping saying that would make them smile or chuckle. He’d even take a groan or some reaction, but they just remained quiet. He...doesn’t blame them. 
After a few minutes, MC takes the packs from off their face, setting them aside. It did seem to help luckily, they didn’t seem as red as before. He can smile at that, although weakly, leaning forward a little to swipe away an eyelash that had come loose and fallen on MC’s face. He makes sure their cheeks are dry while he’s at it, rubbing the back of his hand up and down their face in soothing motions. 
“I think you should stay here tonight,” he states. “If you don’t want to sleep, we can have a little slumber party! But even I think you should get some more rest. I think you look absolutely exhausted.” He speaks in a soft and worried tone, not ashamed to still be petting their head, hoping it’s as comforting to them as it is for him. “What’ll it be?” 
“I’m tired...” They agree, but say so hesitantly, afraid of running into more nightmares. 
“Then bedtime it is!” He puts away any stray objects, turning off the light before joining Asmo in bed. He lays beside them, his finger tracing the outline of MC’s face over and over again, in such a slow hypnotic way that it makes their eyelids droop. “I won’t stand for unbeautiful things in my room, which means nightmares are absolutely not allowed. Just look at me while you fall asleep, and I know for certain your dreams will be just as beautiful as I am. I know my dreams will be amazing tonight too...because I’ll be looking at you.” 
Beel’s connection with his twin helps him sleep deeply at night, only waking when he’s hungry, and most times not even then. He’ll just eat in his sleep. However, tonight, it seemed Belphie was more active than usual, probably out star-gazing by himself. So, it was keeping Beel more awake than normal, only sleeping lightly, tossing and turning as he tried to not think about how hungry he was. 
Then the door slammed open. 
It’s not usually a sound he associates with Belphie, so his eyes opened, catching MC at just the right moment when they fell to the ground. 
His feet touched the floor before they could even scream. 
In fact, their ‘help me’ cry was muffled as he pulled them into his arms, careful not to crush them or squeeze too hard. It was difficult to control, but he was capable. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt them. 
“Why are you sad? Why are you crying?” His heart seems to break with each racking sob. He glanced over to his twin’s bed only to confirm that Belphie was in fact gone. He would have to comfort them alone...
They grip at his sleeves, seeming to grow ever smaller as they shrink into him. They struggle with speaking, almost hyperventilating, but finally able to speak the words he’d never want to hear again. “He killed me...” 
He doesn’t always pick up on things quite like the others do, but this...he didn’t need to ask. That was about as straightforward as you could get...
He usually runs warm, but all the sudden his blood ran cold, goosebumps rushing over his skin, his stomach dropping. 
He felt sick. 
Even now, he still did his best to convince himself it never happened, that it was all a bad dream. But it wasn’t...he knew that. So in reality, it remained one of the worst days of his long life. How...how are you supposed to feel when...when your twin...when your family...
A pained groan rumbles in his throat, sounding almost like a whimper. It hurts. Their pain hurts him like it’s his own. That usually only happens with Belphie, but this time, it’s with MC. It’s awful...
He tilts their head back carefully, frowning deeply as he uses his thumbs to clear the tears from their face. His bottom lip almost quivers as theirs does, resting his head on theirs for a moment. He doesn’t think they want food to cheer them up...so he’ll have to do what he’s used to doing next. 
He picks them up, cradling them against his chest, taking them over to his bed. He only needs to keep one arm under them to hold them while he uses the other one to give his sheets and blankets a firm shake, removing any lingering crumbs. He then uses one of those blankets to wrap MC in like a little burrito. He won’t eat them, promise. He’s pretty nauseous right now anyway, something people only thought happened when Solomon’s food was involved. 
He settles them into his bed and lays himself next to them, placing himself lower than they were so his head was near their chest. He wanted to hear their heartbeat...every beat, every second, every breath was precious to him. 
“I think you’re so strong,” he says, wrapping one arm over them. “Stronger than me. You do so much for us all. You’ve been through so much because of us...” After listening to their heartbeat for a while, he pushes himself back up on the bed so he can tuck them against his chest this time. “I’m sorry...I’m sorry, MC...” 
He can’t help but feel like this is his fault as well. He should’ve known what was going on. How did he not know Belphie was in the House this whole time? His twin always gets too cranky if he’s by himself for too long, even if he’ll never say it. He could’ve done more...been stronger, been smarter.
Maybe not...he knows MC wouldn’t want him to think such things. He knows Lilith wouldn’t want that either. 
MC already seemed a little more at peace, not fully calm, but not crying anymore. That makes him feel a little better. “I’ll become even stronger so I can carry all the heavy things for you. I’ll stop whatever is hurting you too. Let me have it all so you can sleep good, okay?” He plants a kiss atop their head and runs his hand through their hair, sorta like Belphie likes. “Just think of pudding or cake or ice cream, that way you can have sweet dreams.” 
It’s hard to wake him up most of the time. He sleeps like the dead. So, when MC entered the twin’s room, he hardly stirred. If anything, he assumed Beel was the one making the noise. 
To be fair, he was dreaming himself. It was a pleasant one, one that he didn’t want to wake up from. He, Beel, and MC were enjoying a picnic under the stars. They looked so at peace, looking up at the constellations as he told them all about the stories. Then a leaf from a tree fluttered onto the human's shoulder. He reached a hand out to brush it away...and then...
“Help me!” MC’s cry rang through, even in his dream, forcing it to change in an instant. Turning it into a nightmare. His hands were around their throat. His fingers were squeezing them, hurting them. But he could not let go. Did he want to let go? Of course he does! He’s hurting MC! But that’s what he wanted. That’s what he planned. He didn’t know what he wanted! He was hurt! He was angry! He was desperate! Would he have cared if they weren’t connected to Lilith? That’s the only reason why he stopped. 
In the nightmare, he’s standing over their body, watching the human suffer. Watching his brothers suffer. Even Beel. Had he enjoyed his own twin’s sadness? All he could do was stand there and watch as each of his brothers turned to him with eyes filled with betrayal. It’s not fair! He was the one betrayed! But he was doing this for them! For everyone! Humans brought nothing but pain and suffering. 
“Don’t lie to yourself.” His demon form stood in front of him, like a twisted, bloody reflection. “This was never about humans in the first place. Something precious was taken from you. So in return, you wanted to take something precious from everyone else. Make them feel your pain. Make them suffer like you had suffered. Because that’s all you can do. Because you’re a demon. A monster.” The image changed to that of MC’s now, able to look at him with nothing but fear. “A murderer.” 
With that, he awoke in a cold sweat, trying to give his fuzzy mind the time to recall that it was just a dream. Only...he could still hear MC crying. Was he awake, or not?... He sat up, looking over at Beel’s bed. Empty. His twin was probably in the kitchen getting a late-night snack. So then the sound... With a glance, he could spot the very end of their head on the floor, right by the end of...his bed. 
The whispers of dreams and memories repeated in his head. Somehow, he knew. He knew they were crying because of him. He knew what plagued their mind at night. 
Why should he help them? Why should he comfort them? That would be too selfish of him. He should just lie back down, pretend like he wasn’t awake, and have Beel help them when he came back. 
So that’s what he tried to do, pressing his pillow over his ears to block the noise...to try to keep himself from crying with them.  
But then...he realized he was doing exactly what his brothers were doing. Ignoring things. Pretending like they didn’t exist. Sweeping problems under the rug...or locking them in the attic. That’s one of the reasons why he got so angry in the first place. 
So, he quietly got out of bed, dragging his pillow and a blanket with him. He stepped over to where they were curled on the floor, and sat beside them. He lifted their head and put his favorite pillow under them, throwing the blanket over their body. He pulled his knees up to his chest and started running his fingers through their hair, like he so often requested they do for him.
He won’t say sorry. Sorrys are saved for things like sleeping in and missing plans or eating someone’s snacks they’d saved for later. Sorry wasn’t good enough for this. Perhaps nothing would be. 
Eventually, MC’s crying dies down, far too exhausted to continue. “B-Belphie?” Their throat sounded scratchy. 
“Don’t say anything,” he demanded, both because it sounded painful and because he couldn’t stand to hear his name like that. He flopped over on the ground, turning so they were facing away from each other, the back of his head against theirs. “Try to get some more sleep.” 
“I...don’t think I want to...” They paused, sniffling and trying to get their breathing back to normal. “I’m sorry for...waking you up.” 
Hearing them apologize almost broke him. “Don’t be...I was having a nightmare too.” They both go quiet, and for a moment, he believes they’d fallen asleep. He did have a question, one he wanted to ask even if it never got answered. “Why did you come in here...where I was?” 
Silence. He closes his eyes, simply content with the way things were, but then he heard them move turning on their other side to look at him. “I...don’t really know. Maybe, I just needed to be with the real Belphie…Leave the other one to the nightmares...” He didn’t dare look at them, but he felt them push the blanket over his body as well so they could share in the warmth together. He could feel them bury their face in his back. They were cold. “I prefer this one.” 
He doesn’t understand...but...trying to understand was hard work. Not to be solved all in one night of guilt. Right now...MC needed him. He needed them too. “Are you comfortable on the floor?” 
“...Not really.” 
“Then get in my bed, silly.” He stood up, not giving them much of a choice, dragging them to his bed where they would be warm, tucking the covers around them. He sat beside them and waited...thinking. “I want to go on a picnic with you and Beel. Let’s go tomorrow.” 
“A picnic sounds nice...but we have class tomorrow.” 
“I don’t care. We’ll ditch classes. We’ll pack up the best food and the softest blankets and have Beel carry us to where we can easily see the stars.” He finally lies back down beside them. “That’s my dream. I want to make it come true. I don’t...” Again, this is selfish of him...but he’s the baby of the family, and a demon, so he can’t help it, right? “So you have to come with. I don’t want any of my dreams to happen without you...Think all about it tonight, so you can have something to look forward to tomorrow. So you can have good dreams tonight.” 
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writingjourney · 2 years
⛧ Ghost Masterlist ⛧
My fics are all reader inserts for female, afab or gender-neutral readers. Please check the individual tags for more content information. I loosely structure my fics in multichapter fics, one-shots (over 5k words), ficlets (up to 5k words) and headcanons/blurbs.
>> Multifandom Masterlist
>> My Ao3
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multichapter fics:
⛧ I Knew Nothing But Shadows (ongoing, 19/?) 18+ (only on Ao3, f!reader, artist!reader slow-burn with horror/mystery elements)
Curious circumstances and a questionable curse from your childhood led you to becoming the resident artist of the local Satanic Church – and a sinister night you’d truly rather forget. Years later, you’re presented with another chance at proving your artistic worth. Only this time, you’re kind of falling for the awkward anti-pope who sits for you and he is oddly interested in the intricacies of your past that you’re so desperately trying to hide.
Check out the amazing fanart to the story here, here, here, here (18+), here, here, here (18+), here (18+), here, here, here. Click here for more posts about the fic.
Many kisses to @delulluart, @nocterish, @rinakosus, @foxybouquet and @ladymorguesblog. Please mind that the artworks contain spoilers ♡
⛧ Honey and Venom (on Ao3, 9.5k words, f!reader) 18+
Or: The four times you fell for your best friend without noticing and the one time you did.
⛧ A Lesson In Patience (Ao3 only, 8k words, f!reader) 18+
You haven't seen your papa all day and while he missed you just as much, he's not going to give you what you want so easily.
⛧ Late Night Reading (on Ao3, 3.6k words, f!reader, smut) 18+
⛧ Don't Make Me Wait (on Ao3, 1.5k words, f!reader, dom!copia smut) 18+
⛧ On your Knees (on Ao3, 1.3k words, gn!reader, smut) 18+
⛧ Let Me Help (on Ao3, 2k words, gn!reader, helping Papa do his make-up)
⛧ Rough Day (on Ao3, 1k words, f!reader)
⛧ Pain Relief (on Ao3, 550 words, gn! reader, pain comfort)
⛧ Falling asleep at Copia's desk (480 words, gn!reader, fluff)
⛧ Never Alone (550 words, gn!reader, hurt/comfort)
⛧ Freckles and Rigatoni Lines (850 words, gn!reader, fluff)
⛧ Analogue Date Nights and Polaroids (set after chapter 16)
⛧ Click here for more Copia headcanons
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multichapter fics:
⛧ Dance Macabre (completed 4/4) (only on Ao3, 15k words, f!reader) 18+
Working with the Cardinal has been the best part of your day for months now, possibly because of your not so small crush on him. A night out with some of the Sisters of Sin gives you the courage to finally tell him – and explore what you really feel for each other.
⛧ 5 Types of Christmas Kisses with Copia (+1) (on Ao3, 8k words, f!reader, festive fluff) – check out this beautiful illustration by @thew0man ♡
You and the cardinal have been tiptoeing around each other for a while now – it’s time to let the festive spirit do the rest.
⛧ A Message from the Bulletin Board (on Ao3, 9k words, gn!reader, Copia posts a lonely hearts ad, sickening fluff ensues) – See the cute art by @tasty-ribz ♡
The ministry’s bulletin board, ordinarily used for missing items or party announcements, contains a particularly interesting request this week – a lonely hearts ad.
⛧ Trust Your Cardinal (on Ao3, 1.5k words, afab!reader, dom!copia smut) 18+
⛧ Bound by Lace (on Ao3, 2.8k words, f!reader, dom pervy copia smut) 18+
⛧ One More (on Ao3, 750 words, gn!reader, lots of kissing)
⛧ How it Feels (on Ao3, 2k words, hurt/comfort, tw: body issues, gn!reader)
⛧ Spring Walk (on Ao3, 1.4k words, anxiety comfort, gn!reader)
⛧ Ouch (on Ao3, 1.3k words, gn!reader, fluff)
⛧ Date Night Polaroids
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ficlets, drabbles:
⛧ No Games (on Ao3, 1.6k words, gn!reader, friends to lovers ficlet)
⛧ Better Than Your Hands (on Ao3, 1.1k words, f!reader, smut) 18+
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⛧ Unprecedented (on Ao3, 12.7k words, gn!reader, contains smut) – see this cute illustration by @tasty-ribz 18+
Working with Secondo is only half as bad as people make it seem – at least until you fall in love with each other. Or: The four times you almost get Secondo to admit his feelings for you and the one time you succeed.
⛧ Friday Nights at the Vinothek (on Ao3 in three chapters, 26k words, vampire!secondo, gn!reader, romance, horror, smut, Part 2 of the Friday Nights Series) – check out this cool animation by @tasty-ribz ♡ 18+
When the local vintner who buys his cigarettes at the kiosk you work at offers you a job you can’t believe your luck. But after moving to the vineyard where the attraction between you only grows, you soon realize that he is not quite who you thought – and that working for a vampire comes with unexpected dangers.
⛧ Peppermint Oil & Kisses (on Ao3, 1.6k words, gn!reader, fluff)
⛧ Of Lemon Tarts and Tiny White Rabbits (on Ao3, 4.6k words, f!reader, regency AU)
⛧ His Body and Blood (on Ao3, 2.6k words, gn!reader, ANGST, you try to resurrect secondo, contains gore/horror elements)
⛧ Starved (on Ao3, 1.6k words, afab!reader, just smut) 18+
⛧ Heavens Away (on Ao3, 2.8k words, f!reader, loving, affectionate smut) 18+
⛧ Skin to Skin (on Ao3, 400 words, gn!reader, fluff)
⛧ General SFW headcanons
⛧ Click here for more Secondo headcanons
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⛧ Friday Nights at the Cinema Club (on Ao3, 14k words, vampire!primo, gn!reader, romance, horror, smut, Part 1 of the Friday Nights Series) – See this amazing fanart to the fic ♡ 18+
The handsome old gentleman who attends the late night showings is certainly the best part about your small town weekend job. But as the gentle attraction between you slowly begins to bloom, you realise that there’s more to him than meets the eye – and promptly find yourself chased into the woods by an unexpected monster.
⛧ The Devil's Ivy (on Ao3, 900 words, gn!reader, wholesome fluff)
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any or multiple Papas:
⛧ Soft, Sleepy Sex with the Papas (on Ao3, 4.8k words in total, 1k-1.4k for each Papa, f!reader) – look at the Terzo art by @ghuleh-recs ♡ 18+
⛧ Ghosting (on Ao3, 2.5k words, any Papa x gn!reader, sick care ficlet)
⛧ Coffee HCs for the Papas (+ tasty-ribz's art)
⛧ Click here for more Papa headcanons
⛧ Papa Short Fic Collection
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multichapter fics:
⛧ Ziplocked Love | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 – 18+ (on Ao3, 20k words total, dew x f!reader, 18+, completed)
Dewdrop and you start preparations for their upcoming tour early. Just the prospect of being parted is more than you two can bear, so you’re finding ways to cope. Shenanigans ensue.
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If you want to support me, please consider reblogging my work, leaving comments or kudos :)
553 notes · View notes
bestguymammon · 2 years
TW: Death, lesson 16 spoiler, blood, violence, aggression.
You died. You died within his arms as Belphie laughed. Mammon's breath hitched as he held you close to him. He cried, hoping that maybe, just maybe you'd come back to life.
Magical tears, just like the books you had been reading him! You two would snuggle up together, you gently playing with his hair while reading. Maybe he never listened to the story, but he loved hearing your voice. Soothing, comforting.
Unlike the crumpled body within his grasp. Broken limbs, blood, bruises. How the hell did Belphegor do this, so fast and so swiftly? You would've called Mammon, he was sure of it! So..why didn't you...?
Quiet sobs filled the room as Belphie's hysteria faltered. He expected the brothers to be upset, but he didn't expect to just..break Mammon.
The second-most powerful demon in all of the 3 realms, maybe even the absolute strongest if he had something worth fighting for. You were that something.
Within a second or two, your body was placed back gently in the middle of the room, Belphie pinned against the wall and Mammon holding his claws against Belphegor's neck.
Ready. Waiting.
He had to be pulled back by Lucifer and Satan while Beel protected his twin.
"Mammon," Belphie stuttered, holding his hand close to his neck. "It-It was a simple human. It wouldn't have lasted even a hundred ye-"
You were gone. All the brothers left Mammon alone for the time being, just to get his head wrapped around the fact.
It had been about 2 months now. No one had forgiven Belphie, and most brothers wouldn't even interact or look at him. The brothers kept their insults about Mammon to themselves, afraid he would snap.
Mammon assumed you were in the Celestial Realm. You didn't deserve to be down here in such a terrible place. Mammon had to stop being greedy, he couldn't have you around all the time.
When he heard that the Demon Realm was getting a new exchange student to replace you, Mammon punched a hole in his wall. Diavolo seemed too happy for such a gloom event.
But however, Mammon still attended in meeting the new student. He didn't hold his breath though. They wouldn't be you, the MC he knew and loved.
He heard the clacking of shoes in the hallway and looked up. Somewhat familiar. It wasn't until you opened the door that he noticed.
You were dressed in the most formal and translucent cloth possible. Beautiful flowers placed in your hair ever so planned, just the perfect hue to match your eye color.
You made eye contact with Mammon almost immediately. You softy smiled towards him, taking a few steps forwards.
"Hi Mammon. Did ya miss me?"
259 notes · View notes
belphegorspillow · 2 years
Petals [Obey me x Gn!Mc]
TW: Angsty one-shot, Reader has Hanahaki disease, death, lesson 16 spoilers
Multiple Endings at the bottom! + an Epilogue [I did my best to try make them the same amount]
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Mc held onto the sides of their sink as blood and petals cover up the sink and counters.
Mc looked up at the Mirror, grabbing their mouth-wash and cleans out their bloody mouth. They started to wash away all the blood that covered the sink
This has been happening for months. Ever since they started to crush on them. Yet they knew they would never be able to date their crush...
The first time they saw a petal fall was when they told themselves that they would never end up with their crush.
The petals started white and pink before turning red as the thorns started to tear inside of their body dying the innocent petals the colour of their pain.
As time passed more petals came before it started to bring blood along with it. They couldn’t do much about it. All they knew is that their time was limited if they didn’t confess or get a surgery to remove the flowers - along with the memories of them...
Mc would keep it a secret from all of their friends, no way that they could let it slip that they were dying because of something stupid...a dumb crush... 
Each time their crush came up to them, they would feel the burning of the petals that were trying to escape their throat.
Every night Mc would force everyone out to be able to cough up petals that they were trying to hold back for the whole day.
Their friends and their crush would ask what was wrong. They would lie that they were alright. Nothing was wrong. They were okay....
No one needed to know...No one needed to...
“Oi MC!” Mammon yelled as he busted open the door. Mc panicked a bit as they tried to clean up the blood faster before Mammon would find them. As Mammon entered to find Mc’s mouth covered in blood, petals littering the bathroom counter. 
He screamed. “Mc!”
“They have a disease called Hanahaki disease.” The doctor explained as the brothers stood at the entrance of Mc’s hospital room. They were looking between each other as expecting for someone to know. They could see the fear on Satan. They knew it was something bad.
“It means they have roses growing inside of them, it is slowly going to pierce through their lungs if it isn’t delt with.” The doctor explained as he showed an xray of Mc’s chest, roses were covering their lungs, as if it grew anymore it would kill them.
“Is there any way to prevent this from occurring?” Lucifer had some strain in his voice as he asked the doctor, clearly trying to not let his emotions get the better of him.
“There is a way. If we remove the flowers through surgery. But they will lose all memories of the person who they like and because of how bad they are already...it may not be 100 percent sucessful..”
“Who they like?” Satan soon sighed. “ Hanahaki disease is when a human has...feels for someone and they haven’t told them for a long time... They start to develop the disease... The ways to cure it is to confess to their crush or to get the surgery...”
The group went quiet. So Mc was going to forget someone if they get it removed.
“But, they chose to not get the surgery...” That suddenly got the attention of the group. “What.” Lucifer seemed angry at this. He was. Mc was going to die if they didn’t get this.
“Mc ain’t getting the surgery?!” Mammon was clearly panicked at this news. “Why aint they?! They can die!”
“My henry...They are going to die!!” “Poor Mc! They need the surgery!” “We can’t lose them again..“ “Mc... They have to get the surgery.”
“I don’t want to.” Mc opened up the door as they stared at each of the brothers, violently coughing as  red petals fell to the ground. “I chose that I don’t want the surgery. I don’t want to forget him and I know he won’t feel the same so I don’t want to confess either... So my only choice is this. None of you can change my mind. It’s final.”
The group would look at Mc, as much as they were pained to try and get Mc to reconsider. But they didn’t.
They were going to die... and they had to accept that... So they were going to spend as much time as they could with Mc before they die... they had to...
As Mc was reaching their final few days, they could barely breath anymore. They decided they would spend it with their crush for their final moments...
Lucifer was in his study, classical music was playing softly as he was doing his paperwork. A soft knock came at the door where he called them inside.
“Hey Lucifer...” Their soft raspy voice caused Lucifer to look up at them, seeing their normally warm skin turn pale, their eyes having so little light and blood on the edge of their mouth. It hurt Lucifer...It hurt him so much...
“Can we hang out for a bit. You need a break... Let’s take a walk.” Lucifer pushed himself out of his seat. “Mc, you’re too weak to go out and-”
“That’s why you’re coming with me. Now lets go before it gets too dark.” Mc started to head out, with Lucifer sighing softly and going to follow
As the two left and started their walk, Lucifer made sure to have a grip on their side incase they were to start to feel lightheaded.
Mc smiled weakly as the breeze pushes the hair out of their face as the two were walking.
“Thanks for coming with Lucifer...” “Of course Mc. I enjoy spending time with you...” Mc smiled a bit as they felt their heart beat faster before a coughing fit started and Lucifer held them close as he watched the petals and blood fall onto the ground. 
“We should go back-” “There is a park that isn’t too far. Lets go there.” Mc cut him off and smiled as they wiped the blood from their mouth. “It will be fun. Come on.” They held his hand and started to walk ahead a bit as to lead him to the park.
As the two reached the location, up on a hill in the park, Mc sat down on the grass and smiled a bit, patting the spot beside them. Lucifer hesitated before looking at Mc again and sighed, sitting beside them on the ground.
As the two sat in silence, Mc looked at the view and hummed. “I will miss the Devildom...” Lucifer looked at them again and seeing as they were tearing up. “I will miss your brothers, and their shenanigans.... Don’t tell Satan that I told you this, but he is the reason why your hair was dyed entirely gray once.” Mc laughed before coughing violently as they felt their breath disappear. They fell onto the ground as they were coughing violently. 
“And most importantly...I would miss you...” They whispered as their eyes were closing. “because...i love you...” 
Lucifer grabbed onto them, transforming into his demon form as to try and get back to the hospital nearby. He didn’t care if you were against the surgery...you needed it...you can’t die... not now...please... don’t die on him. He loves you too. He can’t...no please...don’t...
Lucifer felt your body go cold, no heartbeat, no pulse...nothing... He sat there, craddling Mc in his arms as tears started to fall.. 
‘Why didn’t you just forget me...‘
“Mammon.” Mc grinned a bit as they went into his room, they were holding onto the wall as they were trying to go over to him. “Wanna watch some movies together?”
Mammon looked at Mc, he frowned a bit as he missed their normal, more vibrate personality. He hated seeing how weak they had become...
As Mammon set up the movies, Mc would curl up into his side and look at the screen and hums a bit. They look at Mammon who had his arm around them. They felt their heart start to beat faster before they started to cough intensely.
“Mc-” “I’m fine.” Mc coughed as they wiped the blood and petals from their mouth. “It’s not as painful as before.” They smiled at him tiredly. They moved to sit more comfortably on the couch and tried to relax
Mammon stared at them before starting to tears up.. he rests his head on their shoulder, causing them to get flustered, but it didn’t stop the petals that were clogging up their airway.
“Why don’t you just...get the surgery... Whoever ya forget, it doesn’t matter... I don’t want ya to leave me...”
Mc tears up as they open their mouth about to speak when they started to feel light headed, intense pain coming from their chest as they moved their hand to their chest.
Their lung got ripped... They were dying. Mc started to close their eyes before whispering softly. “I didn’t want to forget you Mammon...I loved you too much...”
Mammon froze at hearing that, he would be flustered and excited that his crush liked him back, yet they didn’t move. He didn’t hear them talk, they went cold...
They were gone. Mammon moved to hold them, staring at their closed eyes. They looked so peaceful...yet they were gone..
Mammon couldn’t see clearly as his teared filled his eyes. He screamed and cried.
Mc was gone.
“Why did ya have to leave me...’
Mc was trying their best to heal Levi as he was storming through the dungeon in the game the two were playing.
Levi had been asking Mc to play the game with them forever, yet they only decided to play it with him today. 
Levi was determined to finish the game. They didn’t have a long time to complete it. He didn’t know how much longer you would be with him... He needed to go through and spend as much time as he could with you.
“Levi...can we have a break? My hands are starting to cramp” Levi paused the game and panicked a bit. “Are you okay?! I-is it something to do with the disease? Are you leaving me?”
Mc grabbed Levi’s hands and looked at him. “Calm down... It’s just that my hands hurt from playing...” Levi nods his head and looks down, mumbling sorry.
“Are you scared?” Levi asked Mc softly. “Scared that you are dying?” Mc looked at their crush and hummed. “A bit... I’m also upset that I can’t spend time with anyone anymore. I will miss playing games with you and binging anime.” They laughed as they thought about it, before they violently started to cough up petals.
“Mc!” Levi went over and grabbed a bottle of water nearby as well as held onto Mc to prevent them from falling and getting hurt if they were going to faint.
“I’m fine. I’m fine.” Mc smiled weakly as their hand reaches to hold Levi’s. They sighed softly.
“I’m terrified honestly Levi...” Mc told him. “I’m scared... I don’t want to die...”
“Why didn’t you get the surgery.” Levi asked them as he tears up a bit and looked at them. “Whatever normie you would have forgotten didn’t matter! It’s not fair you have to suffer because of them.”
As Mc was going to respond, they started to violently cough. They held onto Levi, who grabbed them. He was panicking. “I-I will get Lucifer!” Levi tried to help them up, but they weakly pulled him down.
“It’s too late Levi...” Mc told him softly as they were coughing. They were tearing up as the pain was getting worse. They knew this was their last moments - Levi knew this too. Neither one wanted this.
“I love you Levi...I love you...” Mc whispered, but even though they confessed, they still died, because of the thorns destroying their lungs.
“Mc...” Levi stared and cries as he held onto their hand.
“Why did you leave me...”
Mc was sitting with Satan outside in the garden of the House of Lamentation as a small group of kittens were sneaking inside the gardens.
Satan would pet one gently as he looks over at Mc. “How is Ms Paws doing?” He asked as Mc was happily petting the small kitten.
“Ms paws is really cuddly.” They laughed weakly as they hummed a bit. They were trying to hold back the feeling of coughing up the petals.
Satan seemed to take notice and grabbed their hand. “If you hold it in, you could get worse...” He told them. They nod a bit and quickly pass the kitten over to Satan before moving and starting to cough up petals.
He would place down the kittens before going over to rub Mc’s back gently. That didn’t seem to help as Mc was still coughing violently. 
“Let’s go inside... you’re getting worse..” Mc shook their head as they were stopping their coughing fit. 
“It’s fine. I want to be outside... It’s nice...” Mc looked to where the kittens were and frowned. “They left.”
“They went back to their mom..” Satan gestured over to the group of kittens surrounding a cat that was escaping out the garden with the kittens.
Mc smiled a bit and sighed softly. “I really wanted to spend more time with the cute kittens! Now I can’t.” Mc pouted a bit which Satan looked at them.
“You could...If you go and get the surgery...” He suggested. Which Mc huffed and shook their head.
“I can’t. I’m in too bad of a condition to get fixed up now.” “Not true.. You can get it removed and angel magic can-”
“Satan. I said I’m not going to.” Mc said firmly as they look at him. “I am not going to do it. As much as you try.”
Satan frowned and looked at them. “Why not.. You are choosing to keep feelings for some guy than dying...”
“Because... I want to remember him... even if i’m dying.” Mc hummed as they started to cough again, petals and blood fell into the grass. It didn’t seem like their coughing fit was stopping anytime soon.
Satan went over and he grabbed their side, he noticed the light in their eyes was fading. “Mc-”
“I don’t want to forget you..” Mc whispered as they closed their eyes and their body went limp in Satan’s arms.
“You...” Satan was quiet as he stared at their face. He placed them on the ground before slamming his fist into the ground out of anger. He was angry. He hated himself. He was the reason. Why didn’t you just forget him.
“I should have forced you to forget me..”
Asmodeus was finishing up with the outfit that you were wearing. “There. You look perfect my darling.” He smiled a bit, though it seemed a bit forced.
He hated how the outfit didn’t make you look like you... Your vibrate skin was pale, your bright eyes were duller. Nothing about your appearance made him hopeful you would survive...
“Thank you Asmo. I look really amazing thanks to you.” Mc spun around before wobbling a bit and Asmodeus grabbed onto their arm, leading them to sit on his bed.
“Be careful! I don’t want you getting hurt.” Asmo stared at Mc who smiled before feeling their throat blocking up with petals so they moved quickly to try and get to the bathroom, but were too weak to stand so they started to cough petals all over the ground
Asmodeus hated the sight, but he would deal with it to try and help Mc. He moved them to his bed, not minding that they were coughing blood and petals all over his sheets.
“Thanks Asmo...Sorry you have to deal with it...” Mc apologised as they were going to wipe the blood off of their mouth - which Asmodeus did instead with a napkin.
“It’s okay dear... I want to make sure you’re okay...” Asmo stared at them before tears started to fill his eyes. “Why Mc... Why didn’t you get the surgery!”
He cried as he moved to hug them. Mc looked at him and hugged him back - pushing back the feeling of coughing. “Because I don’t want to lose the person I like...”
“Mc...Who ever it was... they don’t deserve you. You should save yourself and forget them. It doesn’t matter.”
Mc smiled before they were forced to start coughing again. But this time as they were coughing, they couldn’t breath. They were loosing their vision. Their time was up...
“I didn’t want to...lose you Asmo...”
Asmodeus froze as their body went still, they were gone. Asmodeus cries as he held their body close.
“You should have forgotten me. I could have won back your love..”
Beelzebub was sitting with Mc out on a picnic, which they invited him on. He was worried as they were coughing violently all the way to the picnic location.
“Mc.. Are you sure we shouldn’t go back...” Mc looked at him and shook their head. “No. The flowers here only bloom once every 1000 years. I have to see it with you. And it’s better to have it with a picnic.”
Mc smiled at him weakly as they turned to look at the sunset. They move to lean on Beel a bit before a large amount of petals filled their throat, causing them to cough violently again
Beel moved quickly to be at their side and rub their back. He was worried if he held them, he was going to break them.
Mc finished and looked at him. “Thanks Beel...” Mc smiled weakly. They looked as the sun was moving down, the flowers were going to bloom soon...
“Mc... Why did you choose to not get the surgery...” Mc hummed and looked at Beel before smiling sadly.
“I didn’t want to forget the person I loved. And If I died during the surgery because of how bad I was already, I wouldn’t have remembered him. But if I die this way, I can remember him still..”
Beel looked down. This reminded him of loosing Lilith. He would lose another person who he loves.
Beel moved to hug Mc gently. Mc smiled and held him close. They started to cough violently, causing beel to pull away as they fell on the ground
“Mc!” Beel didn’t know what to do, he looked as they reached to hold his hand.
“Beel...I love you...please be happy...” Mc whispered as they closed their eyes. They’re hold on his hand disappeared and Beel stared at them in silence.
He couldn’t believe it. He was the reason. He is the reason why Mc died. He lost them...because of him
“It’s my fault... It’s my fault you died..“
Belphie had been forcing himself to stay awake. He couldn’t sleep because he knew he was going to lose MC at any point. 
“Belphie. We are going to nap.” Mc told him as they grabbed his arm and gently pulled him towards the attic.
“Mc, we won’t have any time to spend together if we sleep all the time..” Belphie tried to say as he was forcing himself to try and keep his eyes open - he couldn’t sleep. He had to spend time with you..
“Belphie.. Come on...please..” Belphie eventually caved in and went with you to the attic to lay down and relax.
He would hold Mc gently with their back facing him incase they were needed to cough up petal.
He winces as he heared Mc started to cough violently. He moved his hand to rub their back gently and frowned. He thought back to Mc’s face when he killed them.
He hated it. He hated that he killed them once. He hated they were going to die again..
“Get the surgery... Mc please..” Belphie tried to ask them again. “I don’t care that you don’t want to forget them... But you have to...”
“No matter how many times you tell me. I will not. I will not forget him.” Belphie held Mc close and tears up.
“But you are dying because of him. You can’t die...You can’t leave...”
“I’m sorry Belphie. My choice was mad-” Mc started to violently cough as they were struggling to speak. They look over at Belphie. Even if they were dying.
Belphie should know how Mc actually felt.
“Belphie...I love you...” Mc smiled weakly as they moved and hugged him. Before Belphie could do anything else, their grip around him was gone.
He stared at them and held them close to him.
‘Why did I have to kill you twice..‘
After Mc’s Death. The brothers were never the same.
Lucifer locked himself away to always work, never finding him relaxing. Because if he did. Mc would come back into his head. He didn’t have time to grieve. He had to work
Mammon was never home. He was always out at places that he never took MC to as to try and not remember them. If he did, he would break down. He was too upset to win at any casino
Levi was more of a shut in than usual. Burying himself in games and animes that he knew you wouldn’t like. Even if he hated the game, he wouldn’t want to be reminded of how many things he wanted to spend time doing with you
Satan was more wrathful than usual. They could hear Satan punching his wall out of anger. He went back to how he was when he was just born from Lucifer. A pure demon of Wrath
Asmodeus was never leaving his room. His appearance was a mess. No posts on social media. Nothing. It was as if he disappeared and died as well when Mc left.
Beel barely ate anything. Whenever he saw his favourite foods, he would think back to MC and the feeling of sickness hit him so he could never eat. He would spend most of his time sitting outside of Mc’s room - not wanting to enter or else it would hurt more
Belphie didn’t know if sleeping or being awake was better. Either one he was faced with thinking or seeing MC again. He hated how no matter what he did he thought back to their pained face of when he killed them and their face when he saw them dead.
The room beside the kitchen that was considered Mc’s room was never touched. It was collecting dust. No one entered it besides when Lucifer went to put sheets over the furniture to prevent more dust from covering everything. No one wanted to go in. It was the last thing that reminded them of you.
The movie marathons. The book binging. The napping. The midnight snacking. The dress up. The chatting about anime. The comforting words.
All of that was gone.
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Thoughts on Nightbringer (minor spoilers)
Description: What it says on the tin.
TW: None. Minors DNI.
Thoughts on game mechanics:
- Ruri Tunes is so much fun! And I'm loving the remixes of all the characters' songs.
- The difficulty spikes after lesson 4. I went from getting S-ranks to D's in the span of a single lesson. :(
- The hardest part of the game is leveling up cards/drawing the right cards in nightmare. Nightbringer makes me wish I had my old cards from the base game.
- The backgrounds, enemies, etc. are nods to the anime/past events (like Beel's carrot curry and the masked bats). Which is super cute!
-Extreme mode is INSANE.
- It's far easier to get devil points. In daily rewards, you can earn up to twenty points per day.
- The game takes place a year after the celestial war ends. The brothers have been under house arrest staying with Diavolo while the HoL was reconstructed.
- The brothers are constantly surprised by Beel's appetite. Which tells me that their sins have been slowly infecting them over the past year.
- Solomon fought off the entire devildom at once??? AND WON???
- Finally, we have more of Luke's backstory! Apparently he was born sometime after the celestial war ended and Nightbringer begins. He could be anywhere from a year to literally like a month old lol.
- Barbatos hates Solomon for some reason. Their conversations are comedy gold. Solomon "can't" remember why his friend hates him because his memories from this time are "foggy." (I call bs)
- Guess who makes the first pact in the game? It's not you - it's Solomon. He forges a pact with Asmo when you're stuck in the maze under Diavolo's castle...which effectively rewrites how the two originally made a pact! Two lessons later, he warns you not to mess with the timeline. Pick a lane.
- Nightbringer (let's be honest, it's Barbatos) is the name of the person who brought us to the devildom. Imo, the name is stupid and Barbatos should never be allowed to name anything, ever.
- We met biblical Adam and he was in hell. For some reason.
Misc. Notes:
- The brothers are kinder to the MC than season one of the base game. I can't tell if it's because they're still acting like angels or because the MC is masquerading as their demonic attendant.
- Seriously I'm at lesson 9 and no one has threatened to kill me yet.
- Ah, cold and distant Lucifer my beloved.  How I've missed you. 😌
- Mammon is a simp in all universes and across all timelines for the MC. I love that for them.
- Leviathan has always been like that™️
- Asmo misses the celestial realm so much he modeled his room after it.
- Belphegor doesn't seem to hate humans as much? I keep expecting him to lesson 16 me at any second.
- MC lied to Diavolo's face, forgetting that one of his cannon powers is that he can detect lies. Guys why are we so stupid. 😔
And that's it! I may come back to update this list once I've finished lesson 10
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mochatsin · 1 year
Welcome :0
If you find this then know that I'm here to mostly just vibe and write. Everything written is out of my love for the characters so please be nice about it! This dude really just wants to think of silly scenarios bc the events is not enough and i need that shot of serotonin now.
For a compilation of what I've written so far, check my AO3 Here's a Masterlist of my works
Please Note:
MC is gender neutral in all scenarios unless stated otherwise!
Most inspiration comes from the chats! (i can't get past the lessons...)
Spoilers for OM Lessons 1-16
How long the scenarios would be will vary! Some are lengthy for that lovely hurt comfort brain rot <3
There will be TW for some scenarios so please mind them before reading!
Currently there are no version of the Side Characters here yet (as I am not confident with my current knowledge of them)
I can't write NSFW and will not write Yandere tropes 
I struggle for fem! centered audiences so I cannot write for things such as pregnancies, periods, etc.
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magicluckystars · 2 years
The brothers accidently call MC Lilith (younger brothers)
I'm so sorry this is so late!! I've been swamped with school and work among other things so I didn't have time to properly write a fic!! I will try to be active more...
Just a thought, I might also write Enstars content...What do y'all think? 👀
I'm sorry if this is short!
Please forgive me if the characters are OOC, I'm still a beginner writer and constructive feedback would be much appreciated!
TW: Mild spoilers, references to lesson 16, OOC characters?
Honestly, I don't see this happening unless something happens to get him thinking about Lilith (aka the lesson 16 incident when I think it's most likely).
If it does happen, he would immediately correct his mistake and get on with whatever he was saying.
"So, did you hear what was going on with that succubus today?! She was TOTALLY out of control! First, she was like, an HOUR late to class, and then, she just roasted the professor left and right! Satan was in her class, he told me, and oh boy, you should have seen him Lilith- Oops, sorry MC hun,-He was seething mad!" <- kinda like this.
If you didn't mind it much, he would be glad and get on with his story.
If you did get offended, however, he would definitely apologize and remind you that even if you are related, Lilith is Lilith and you are you. He wouldn't want the distance between you two to increase, after all, you are his MC, and he loves you and your adorable face to pieces!
Again, I don't see this happening with Beel too much. You're someone he cherishes deeply, so he makes it a point to remember your tastes.
If something's on his mind and he does get the two of you confused, he's heartbroken and tries to make it up to you in any way possible.
If you didn't care too much about it and forgave him, he would envelop you in a great, big bear hug.
If you did get offended, he would understand your feelings and give you some space until you're ready to talk to him again. He would feel lonely until then, but when you do come back, he'll be waiting.
I'm sorry Belphegor stans, but I feel like Belphie can mistakenly call you Lilith a lot, but no need to worry! He's usually half asleep when he does that.
One thing I find really nice about belphie is that he's the only brother to emphasize the fact that Lilith might've been his sister, but you were irreplaceable to him as well, so he can't mistake the two of you while he is fully awake.
Since this could be a common occurrence, if you did decide to confront him about it, he would, (like everyone else) apologize, but say that he doesn't remember it (as he was half-asleep). He does cherish you a lot though, so if this becomes a common occurrence he'll try his best to differentiate you two, even when he's not completely awake.
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queerspaceprince · 3 months
super long post
i saw the tv glow spoilers, me being depressing, tw's in tags
i went to see I Saw the TV Glow this afternoon. i got it. def cried a little (idk if hrt has stopped me from crying more bc i havent cried since i was in hs anyway) my sib got it, tho we havent talked ab it yet bc im still processing even now. my mom did not get any of it. at all. wasnt affected. thats fine, whatever.
and. jesus. i give the movie a 15/10, but it was. a whole lot. i have too many emotions.
Im def gonna mention a few spoilers so if you dont want to be spoiled, is your warning.
it made me feel too much. is the allegory really allegory if the hidden meaning is right at the surface?
when owen says that thing during their convo on the bleachers -i cant remember the exact words fuck- something about feeling hollow or missing something or whatever, how he thinks something is wrong with him and his parents do to-i feel that. so much. i felt it so much more before my egg cracked, but i still feel it in relation to my depression and anxiety. that hit me.
there was also that part about feeling like you're watching yourself from the outside, as if through a tv. oof.
then the whole thing maddie said about how time didnt feel right, how nothing changed when she left. i get it. I was 10 nd my parents got divorced, and suddenly im 11 and thinking i wanted to d1e for the first time, and then im 14 in a kind of manipulative relationship, with like 1 friend and super depressed, and then i was graduating and realizing im queer and exploring my gender and going through a breakup. then im 20, and getting my first job, and coming out to my family. and now im 26. and i still mostly feel the same way i always have. i have more good days, and im more confident now, but i still feel like im just going through the motions a lot of the time.
when did I stop being a kid? ive been an adult for 8 years and Im still only working part time (32 hrs), still living with my mother bc rent is $$$$, still barely functional enough that I havent cleaned my room since last year and ive only showered 3 times in the past week, and i have to force myself to go get coffee on my days off or else ill stay in bed all day. Im just stuck here. i shouldve taken driving lessons when I could. id be out. except i cant leave my sibling behind with my mother. shes not awful, but them being alone is an explosion waiting to happen. but they dont have a job and i doubt i could support both of us. and now i dont trust my eyes enough, like i read for 15 minutes and everything else goes blurry, like im seeing triple.
anyway. next is the scene in where she talks about k1lling herself to get back to the pink opaque world. I. have to admit i nearly threw up. the imagery, the way she spoke about it. she said she regretted it while she was stuck underground, then how she felt good about it, about getting out....ive been sitting in a low spot for a while, it was better while we were on our trip, but it just reverted when we came back. i keep thinking im going to relapse into sh again. i feel so close to the edge sometimes. and theres really no reason for it either. my life is fine. not great, not perfect. but adequate. anyway i had to close my eyes and take a minute after that.
i feel that even without wanting to go back to the other world, maddie was suicidal. she wouldve found some reasoning to k1ll herself. Now ive only ever been actively su1cidal once, when i was 15 -or 16- idk my teen years are all a blur of depression and anxiety. im good now. well. i say good. im more, self destructive then really wanting to d1e. just. i feel so bad on the inside for no reason, why can i have a reason to hurt on the outside?? anyway, im ok now, im 3.5 years clean, i dont want that to change. im working on my coping mechanisms.
there was another quote from that planetarium scene that i couldnt stop thinking about but has now vanished from my mind entirely. bc sometimes getting my thoughts in order is like. catching smoke.
anyway. then everything after that. him growing old. knowing something about him is different but not wanting to acknowledge it or it would drastically his life as he knows it. I understand that feeling. except for me, its not exactly acknowledgement of myself, its doing something about it. while I didnt exactly stay in the closet long, that feeling of not wanting anything to change is why the closet exists. i realized i was queer in 2014, trans 2015. came out as bi that summer, but i didnt come out as trans until 3 years later. when I had a job. access to money if i ended up getting kicked onto the street. i literally had a bag packed and ready to go. and yet. even when i did come out, i was too afraid to correct my family on my pronouns or name for another year. my sibling really helped with that. immediately used them. Tbh theyre my fave person and id do anything they asked.
the whole thing about there still being time.
i see a lot of tiktoks about this. people watning to do stuff now bc there is still time to change your life or whatever. im interpreting it differently.
there is time now, but your hourglass will run low eventually. live while you still can, while you can still do something about it. how that message showed up after maddie left- their time together had run out, but he might still be able to do something. make a change. idk. but owen was too scared to do anything.
im still scared to do anything.
i still dont correct people on my name or pronouns if they get them wrong. i still dont speak up if my family says anything not pc (they are learning tho). im too scared to talk about any big feeling i have bc ive always been brushed off in the past and i dont want to feel worse becasue of it.
i still havent done anything to get my name or gender marker changed bc im scared. idk why. ive been living as a man for 6 years, i got top surgery almost 3 years ago, and ive been on hrt for nearly 2.
it terrifies me for some reason. maybe ts the complexity of it. ive found 3 different versions of the paperwork, and nowhere does it tell me exactly how or who to submit it too. one of those said i could submit online but it had to be printed, notarized, and scaned back into the computer? none of the other versions said it had to be notarized???
and i have nobody who has any knowlege that could help. my aunt worked for a lawyer for years, and yet she just said all I have to do is go to the dmv. like babe. no. thats not how that works.
i think ill start on that again.
while i still have time.
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olivyh · 2 years
obey me brainrot again guys ;;;;
Spoilers for lesson 16 below!
Tw: manipulation, violence
I was thinking abt different ways that the main Obey me plot could have gone,,, mostly with the thought of another human exchange student! Imagine if there were two (both mortal, sorry solomon) humans, and both lived in the HoL (pretending that there are separate rooms for both of them,,, or they share the same room maybe?
Except one of the humans, the "chosen one" (i.e. the one who has the same abilities and lineage as og!MC), is evil, and power-hungry. Like,,, manipulative and acts all sweet and caring but is really on a mission to sacrifice the other mc (for immortality? power?). And, of course, the evil mc meets Belphie in the attic and sees right through his lies, promising to essentially sacrifice the other human to him, give him someone to get his aggression out on. In exchange? He would make a pact with them, giving them more power. 
But sadly, the other human, the good mc follows everything, does everything by the book. They stay out of everyone's way and listens to every single one of the rules that Lucifer told them. 
Evil mc puts on a display of acting kind and friendly to get the pacts from the brothers and to gain their friendship while also acting sweetly to kind mc. Kind mc is none the wiser and also gets close to the brothers, but without the powers of the pacts. Or...
Evil!Mc forces them to stay away from the brothers, either through trickery (telling kind!MC that they're demons and trying to betray them) or empty threats/magic
Here's where the story somewhat branches off... imagine if one of the brothers (let's say the one closest to them, or Mammon, since he's always around them and he's perceptive) picks up on the little clues. He notices how evil mc looks at kind mc, the sudden bouts of violence against kind mc, the teases that seem to be a little too serious. If he's close enough with them, maybe he'll make a pact with kind mc out of concern for them (will they take him up on his offer? considering how manipulative evil mc is, could they really believe a demon?).
In the end, evil mc makes them follow them into the attic, where they're killed (or almost killed) by belphie and they almost get another pact, until Belphie tries to attack them and exposes their plan to the rest of the brothers; calling humans monsters and asking how anyone could betray one of their own kind, one of their "friends" over something like a pact. Evil mc could either play the innocent card, or... they get exposed. Now the brothers have one dying exchange student, and another in jail (or somewhere else until Diavolo figures out what to do). 
From there idk where it would go honestly. Maybe evil mc gets away and the brothers have to learn how to protect this other human? They still have to deal with the information about their younger sister, but now they're learning that her descendant is evil. Belphegor isn't as kind to the nicer mc (bc I feel as though a lot of his affections post lesson 16 was solely due to the information about lilith.). Will he continue to try to hurt them?
This is all just little scraps from my midterm-burnt brain, so a lot of it might not make sense, but I might write a fic on this later... (if not this, then a different OM!AU)
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Sick demons
Tw: illness, fluff
So when he didn’t come down for breakfast, you were concerned. Even after he sent you a text saying he was busy, you know he likes to kiss you and say goodbye even when he was behind schedule
Lucifer, the ever diligent brother, missing? That was suspicious
Then you didn’t see him at school, so as you closed the door from RAD, you legged it to his room
You should’ve knocked, and lucifer would usually tell you that, but you were concerned
He was laying on his bed, hair dishevelled and nose red from blowing it
All he could give you was a weak glare before thumping backwards
It seemed almost comical, the harsh demon laying there, wallowing in melancholy
He wonders where you go when you leave before falling asleep
When he wakes up, he feels a soft hand raking through his matted hair gently and the smell of warm tea from his bedside table
As scarlet eyes lock on yours, he looks so utterly in love. Who would’ve thought a human could evoke such feelings in him?
Mammon practically begged you not to leave and to look after him
Both of you were surprised when lucifer let out a small laugh and nodded, but said not to get used to it
Mammon wants to have cuddles but he’s sick so he can’t :(
He loves being pampered and feeling your skin pressing against his forehead and your fussing over him and you bringing him his favourite foods
He glows red at the feeling of your lips pressing against his forehead and the small humming you do to send him to sleep
It wasn’t unusual to not see Levi for a few days at a time
But something was different, you hadn’t received your affectionate text this morning
When he asked the password, his voice was nasally and quiet
He looked awful, eye bags and a blocked nose and sweating. You help to clean him up and he pressed his face into your neck and whimpers
He feels as though your a blessing
Without you he would be a mess
He’s even willing to have good rest and food with you here
Your presence is comforting to him
He tries to avoid you like the plague
Honestly he doesn’t look that bad but screeches he looks awful and doesn’t want to infect you
He eventually gives in to your touch
He purrs as you apply a face mask to him and stroke his peach hair as he lays in your lap
He sobs from joy at your unconditional love
He promises he’ll do the same if you need it
Beel losing his appetite was odd. Something was wrong with him and you and Belphie knew it
He then proceeded to hole himself up in the room and not leave, so naturally when you were first home you went to check on him.
When you saw him looking sad, a frown of his features and his skin paler than usual
His eyes seemed duller than usual and he immediately fell into your embrace and smelt your scent.
He lay back as you fed him spoonfuls of soup and you taking his temperature.
He is so grateful for you
He rested a lot. Like even more than usual, to the extent of not waking up to you
You could tell from his slaying something was wrong
He wouldn’t let you help him for a while after lesson 16, but eventually your reassurance told him he was worth your love
If he was pampered before, now he’s spoilt rotten.
He will be less snarky than usual and just lay there with you holding him
Big man, big heart, big sick
He was in a really bad way, and barbatos told you he wanted you
He was very overdramatic and melted into your embrace.
He may appear dominating and powerful but he would do anything for you
Barbatos smiled at watching you help the young master and helped you as he could
feels nice to be the spoiled not the spoiler for once, but he would never say that
Dia loves you more than anyone else could
Does he even get sick? 💀
He can take care of himself but won’t turn down a bit of TLC from you
Honestly he might even act worse than he feels, just so you show him affection
He likes to be ready for anything, but this time he’ll allow himself to lay in your arms
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laly-481 · 2 years
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J'ai publié 129 fois en 2022
85 billets créés (66%)
44 billets reblogués (34%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 68 billets en 2022
Seulement 47% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#wings of fire - 23 billets
#wof - 21 billets
#my art - 18 billets
#my oc - 11 billets
#undertale - 9 billets
#utmv - 9 billets
#undertale frisk - 6 billets
#frisk - 6 billets
#laly - 6 billets
#wings of fire oc - 5 billets
Tag le plus long : 95 caractères
#also there was a whole story of sunny and undyne exchanging bodies because they acted super ooc
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
Wings of Fire - My AU
This post is like, writing all the facts about my AU. I'll reblog it every once a while when I have something to add. This contain spoilers. Also TW trauma and mentions of suicide ? And other thing like that ?
- Glory wasn't named by the guardians. They only ever called her "the Rainwing" (or insults) so the DoD decided to give her a name. Because them naming her glory made no sense-
- Sunny is single. Honestly Tui will have to make a REALLY REALLY great ship to make me change my mind about that.
- Riptide is an aquatic teacher in the Jade Mountain. He teach to any dragon who wants to how to understand the language and can give special lessons to Seawings who don't speak it for some reasons.
- Quinterwatcher.
- Fatespeaker has the same powers as Whiteout. So kind of empathy and weak seer ability. Also she totally know that Starflight love her because she act lile Sunny and it kind of break her.
- Turtle enchanted himself to not love Kinkajou anymore because of Anemone's spell. Sad :') I'm doing it for the angst- (and because it litteraly had no consequences ?!)
- Winter was suicidal back in the Ice Kingdom, especially after Hailstorm was captured, because he was his main reason to keep living. His parents sent him to the Jade Mountain hoping it would help because it's frowned upon to have a kid that kill themself (and let me pretend they cared-). But he's better now :)
- This 🛐(also it traumatized her way more than shown in the book. Because I legit forgot at some point it happened to her. Like it traumatized her so when she got locked up with Turtle by Darkstalker she had a panick attack because she thought she was back on the island where they experimented on her) Credit to @wof-as-humans on this post for this hc and the inspo for the one before
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- Scarlet is... Scarlet because she was very young when she had to kill her mother (and become queen). It kind of drove her crazy.
- She also did cared about Peril, and ended up considering her as her daughter. It was an accident thought, she just wanted to use her at first, she just got too attached.
- The colors Rainwing usually have (like for example Jambu is usually pink, he can change it and it change with his emotions but he mostly take the color pink) actually represent their usual mood. Like Gloria's green because she's stressed (with some orange which is irritation, blue so sadness because she's left out due to being the intruder in the DoD prophecy and red/pink but idk so let's go with pink for the love for the other DoD). Kinkajou is yellow for excitement/amusement and pink for love and happiness. Jambu is very pink because he's very happy.
- When Clearsight enchanted Darkstalker so he sleep, they were adults. Because I prefer it that way so does everyone I know in the fandom-
67 notes - publié le 23 février 2022
Wdym they aren't called the sandwich sisters
69 notes - publié le 16 mai 2022
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I've connected the two dots I've connected them !
115 notes - publié le 1 mai 2022
Imagine some rainwings, who grew up living only with other rainwings, sometime just forget other dragons don't change colors with their emotions.
Like they'll see a Skywing and spend half an hour wondering what they did to make them angry, only to realise that's just how they look and it has nothing to do with their emotions.
162 notes - publié le 13 juin 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
But what if Darkstalker looked a little more like an Icewing before, but he enchanted himself to be more like a Nightwing.
What if he had purple blood and frostbreath, but he hated it so much he used his power to get rid of it.
What if he used to have a lot more of white scales scattered on his body.
Maybe that hc is like- totally unoriginal, but shut
262 notes - publié le 29 mai 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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serena-hart-09 · 2 years
"Remember Me"
A/N: Heyyyy!!!!! ✨ 💕
Any suggestions or asks are always welcome! 💕💖✨😊
Have a great day ahead! ✨
TW: Spoilers for Lesson 16 ; Angst :) ; Slight (?) Self-Loathing ; Headaches ; Implied Stalking ; Slight Paranoia. If I have missed anything please do tell me!
Extra: Lucifer x OC!Meera ; "System" ; '' and italics is M.L. talking ; Mistakes in fic.
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Chapter 3
Since the tea incident, Lucifer hasn’t been once called to the castle by the prince. If none of this mess took place in the first place…. Lucifer would have been worried. Now? Now, he mutters a silent thanks to fate for not letting him go even near the prince, as much as that too, worries him. But he would rather be by the side of the ones he loves than be killed alone, uncertain of the fates of his family….
Lucifer even now does not understand.
Why is Diavolo after killing him?
What did he do wrong?
Where did he go wrong?
Was he in some way not qualified enough for his job?
Or was it the fact that he never responded to the prince’s request positively most of the time?
True, that Lucifer was never truly the one to show affection or happiness openly, since he does have a reputation to keep after all.
But being cold, distant…… heartless was never truly his intention……
He too desires to be open about his feelings….
And while its too easier for someone to smile happily as if nothing happened, voice his true thoughts…….. It was never easy.
Happiness would be an oasis in a desert, that he certainly feels he doesn’t deserve.
He never deserved it.
And he knows, he could never truly attain it either.
So, he only yearns.
Dreams, of the impossible.
Even after the whole debacle with Belphegor, he still has nightmares of Her death.
The coldness of her corpse that he held close with hope to still give her a chance, if his Father were so kind.
Then came the contract.
Then the secret.
He never had any regrets about the War.
What he does regret is that-
He, the Great Lucifer, failed to save someone important to him, his own sister.
He was the one to reassure his siblings and acquaintances of their victory.
Yet, it all still went to dust.
The only thing he is glad is that…
Despite his actions and their consequences….
She lived.
Where no demon, no angel nor a God would interfere, in her life, ever.
And even if, his brothers and his relations may have become stale….
On that day, he vowed to protect them all….
Even if it meant to lie to them…
To betray them…
Or even if he dies….
It will all be alright with him…… as long they are well and alive.
The demon of pride lets out a sigh as he leans back on his chair to stretch his muscles.
Even after all this, he has to pretend that everything is fine.
He looks lazily at the papers on his desk. The more he works, his back screams to have some rest. Oh well, he can’t. These are needed to be submitted in the morning.
His whole day was… well normal.
No Diavolo, nor his traps.
Only his brother’s yapping, Shannon, the new Celestial Realm Exchange student seemed to be comfortable with everyone and now, grown close to his brother, Satan. Then that one demon friend of Meera’s trying flirt with her right in front of him, Simeon talking with Meera, Luke baking and chatting with her……. Oh yeah, the crazy “Lucifer Fanclub” that follows him like ghosts and making his job even more difficult as it is. He either needs to close the club (but that would mean meeting Diavolo and exposing the club as an inconvenience to him that the prince may even use against him….) or he needs to find another secret escape route just in case.
‘Oh, you are working this late?’
Ah, yes.
There is also M.L.
‘Would you like to tell me, what did you mean by “There is also M.L.”? You seem to think as if I am not here at all. Quite rude, don’t you think?’
Lucifer groans, “What made your mood sour?”
‘Tch. Nothing that concerns you, demon of pride.’
Lucifer after some moments of silence, blinks.
“Since when did you…… start to talk like….that?”
‘What? I always talk like this.’
“No. At this point, you would have combusted into swears and scream in my head…”
‘…. First, that is not how I talk. Second, I don’t know what you mean.’
“…..Do you realize…. That you were talking a bit like me?”
‘And do you realize that the Demon King’s palace, Diavolo might be planning his next way to murder you.’
Lucifer sighs again. M.L. is right. Though, for a flash of thought where he thinks…. He saw M.L.’s form who is well, formless. That image might have been his own brain escaping the reality and think of something else to calm his nerves by imagining…… but there was something that-
'Lucifer. Someone is knocking on the door.’
“…..Come in.”
Surprisingly, a rare visitor had appeared. Leviathan.
“Do you need something, Leviathan?”
His brother just looks at him for a moment and says, “The net’s been bad for hours now, Lucifer.”
“He probably is downloading many e-books at once.”
“*sigh* Is it…. Urgent?”
The third brother shakes his head and lets out a rare, small yet welcomed smile, “It’s ok. I can wait a little….. Um… I’ll join the raid after an hour or so……. So, um…..”
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell Satan, myself.”
At this, Leviathan’s eyes light up, “Thanks!.....Um I- uh, Thanks, Lucifer.”
Lucifer looks at his brother, fondly and smiles, “You’re welcome.”
Levi looks at him, between surprised and shy and quietly runs away from the study.
“ ‘ This takes me back…’ ”
[01010101011011100110101101101110011011110111011101101110] is now activated.
[Requesting Permission for Initiation of base code…..]
[Requesting Permission to access Autosave File…..]
[Requesting Permission for “Special” Actions….. ]
[Requesting Permissions for More “Special” Actions…]
A distant memory.
‘I can’t save you…’
‘It is not in my hands….’
What in the-
‘I know that is my fault……’
‘I am the one who brought you into this mess…..’
‘I am truly sorry, for I am the one who led you to your downfall……’
[Initiation complete.]
[Permission for AutoSave File granted.]
[Permissions for “Special” Actions granted.]
[Permissions for More “Special” Actions denied.]
[Open the Void?]
[Yes.]         [No.]
[“~” would like to hand you a message.]
[Open the Void?]
[“~” sends a message to you.]
[“~Well, there is always the next time.~”]
[Thank you for your feedback and co-operation, User.]
[Hope you have a good night’s sleep and don’t overwork yourself.]
[End of session.]
The pen on the his desk clatters down the floor as he wakes up from his sleep…..
“What in the name of Devil was That?”
‘My, isn’t it already time for work?’
“Hold it, you know this? All of that? Whatever it was?”
‘…….. It’s…… That was one of my memories……. I think?’
‘It’s….. please ignore it……’
“But someone said that they wanted to meet …… you…”
‘Drop it. Now.’ He suddenly growls inside Lucifer’s head, making the demon wince in pain.
“Fine. Now stop.”
“Tch…. You………”
“Uh…. Lucifer of Pride……?”
Lucifer and M.L. shellshocked quiet down hearing the young angel’s voice from the door.
“….” Lucifer adjusts his look, “keep it down for a moment”
‘I am unlike you.’
“…..Whatever. Shannon, what are you doing in the house? You should be in RAD.”
She replies, voice muffled due to the door, “Today is Sunday. Also, miss Meera had heard you….. growling….. she tried to knock to get in but when you started to almost scream in pain, she tried breaking the door….. but the door didn’t budge so……. She went to call your brothers and told me to stand here if anything else happens…..”
‘Oh no……’
“How much did you hear?” the demon tries to keep his composure and looks at the door in horror.
“Uh, I came here just a minute or 2 ago……. Meera was the one standing here before I came…”
‘ “Oh, the Devils….” ’ They groan as they cover their face with their hand.
“Uh Lucifer…… Can I come in to check if you are….. alright? If that is …..”
“No need. Return to your quarters.”
The demon hears her steps becoming more and more faint, and he settles on his chair. He looks around the room he calls his study……. Or called his study…….
It seems in the internal scuffle that Lucifer had with M.L. he had destroyed most of his study and maybe had also turned into his demon form with the small black feathers scattered around.
He sighs in frustration.
Suddenly, his D.D.D. rings loudly.
It’s Diavolo.
Taking a deep breath, he picks up the device and accepts the call.
“Lucifer? Are you alright?”
The demon feels as if the prince’s voice is asking him not in worry but in some sort of mad glee.
As always, he puts up his walls strong, unbreakable, “Ah, yes. For now.”
“Oh….” He almost sounds disappointed, “What do you mean by “for now”?”
“…..I was quite unwell, but for now, I feel alright. …… If this is about the paperwork then-”
“Oh no, I was quite worried is all.” the prince chuckles.
“Anyways, if you want, you can take a day off or two-”
“My lord, how did you know?”
“Hm? Know what?”
“…..Nothing. I am still quite unwell it seems.”
“I see, take care.” With that the demon could hear the ping from his device. Lucifer looks out his window with narrowed eyes, searching for something.
“It seems you also have the same thought.”
His gaze is still fixated outside.
‘How…… did he know……. About now….?’
Only one answer could be there.
There seems to be a bug in the house.
End Notes: I hope you like this chapter!😊
Please Do Not Repost without Permission! (Reblogs are welcome!)
All the characters (Except for Meera and Shannon) mentioned above belong to Shall We Date?: Obey Me!, NTT Solmare
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pastel-in-devildom · 3 years
What would happen if like Mc was another Angel Exchange student that was like the brothers childhood friend and they fell
Maybe the side characters too?
Male Mc Preferred or just general neutral:)
Backstory/Context: Centuries ago, MC was an angel in the Celestial Realm, just like the brothers (minus Satan ofc) and Lilith. The eight of them were close, ever since MC met Lucifer when they were children & the others when they were created. After breaking the rules, you fell long before the brothers. Diavolo saw you and offered you somewhere to live and a position.
TW: Lesson 16 spoilers(?), platonic relationships/friendships, mentions of blood and injuries
A/N: Sorry if things sound repetitive, it;s my first ask and I'm new at this whole thing.
Was there when you fell, front row seat.
It was hard for him to show much emotion due to his position as a Seraph back then.
Unfortunately, he had to be the one who had to break the news to his brothers and Lilith.
He comforted them as much as he could
Was genuinely surprised to see you as an exchange student
Seeing you again, he greeted you with a smile.
It wasn't until the two of you were alone to wrap his arms around you, hugging you tightly and close to him.
He misses his best friend after all these years.
When Lucifer told him you were banished, he cried in his room the entire night and then neglected his duties for about a week or two after that.
You were like his second older sibling and loved you just as much.
When he fell, he constantly looked all over the Devildom for you, but couldn't and eventually gave up on finding you.
But he never forgot about you over the years.
It wasn't until he saw you yet again, but with you being an angel exchange student.
He almost cried seeing you, but wiped his tears before anyone else saw.
“Just promise me ya won’t leave me again.”
When he heard about your falling punishment post trail, he was speechless.
After falling and being the Avatar of Envy, Levi never truly forgot how you would encourage his interests and listen to every single one of them.
When you knocked on his door, he was about to yell as Levi thought it was Mammon trying to bother him yet again.
But the moment he saw you yet again, he froze in place.
In his head, he's screaming to himself that this can't possibly be real right? Is MC really right here, standing in front of him, alive and well?
He saw you yet again, he froze .ly accepted the fact that you were here and
He never met you as he never fell, so the two of you met when you became an exchange student
The two of you begin to learn about each other over time.
Honestly, when he learned why you fell from grace just because you broke some rule, he was a bit angry
So just one rule and they kick you like nothing?
You managed to calm him down a bit when explaining how important this rule is, so banishment was a reasonable punishment for you. Only a bit.
He also gets some embarrassing Lucifer stories from you, so win-win.
He remembers being so heartbroken when he was told that they banished you
Misses you to bits every single day for decades
How the two of you owned matching jewelry, and he still has his half after all this time, placed in a hidden part in his room.
If you're insecure about your new self, he'll always praise and compliment your black wings, burn scars, and horns when you fell.
More than often preens your wings to the best of his abilities.
The two of you wear your matching jewelry every day from then on.
Comforted Belphie when they first heard the news. They were pretty young at the time and you were like a sibling to the twins.
Believed that you died from injuries and demons before falling himself.
First, you were gone, then it was Lilith. He lost two important people in his life without saying goodbye to either of them.
Was ready to hug MC to death when he saw them.
And he did. Multiple times. More like tackled them than hugged them.
When Lucifer told everyone all those decades ago, he froze in place
He was still pretty young when it happened
Couldn’t really sleep that night. He cried all night and woke up with red eyes the next morning.
Seeing you again, tears welled up as you hugged him tightly.
No fight, no death. Just two childhood friends reconciling with each other and seeking each other for comfort.
Always liked to sleep under your soft, feathered wings when he was younger and he still enjoys it.
He remembers seeing you in the past, all those years ago when you fell in the Devildom, when his father was still ruling.
Imagine your first shock when you found the Crowned Prince greeting you with such genuine enthusiasm
You helped him with the R.A.D. and his plan of peace between the three realms.
After all, it was the least you could do for him as the Prince and first friend down here.
Despite still working with the Demon King at the time, Barbatos was there with Diavolo to get you back out on your feet.
Cue weekly updates and check-ups, especially the first couple of weeks.
He helped take care of you, helping you adjust to society there.
Barbatos was also the one who delivered the news about the Celestial War, Lilith's death, and the brothers falling to you.
He was interested in meeting you.
He never met you up until he became an exchange student as well.
Once he heard that you were close to Lucifer, he with did: 1. tried forming a pact with you, but you said no (for the time being), or 2. tried to convince you to convince Lucifer into forming a pact with him.
At times, it was both at the same time.
The man is shameless with his ambitions. That's probably why you enjoy his company.
The day you fell was one of the worse days of his life. Especially since he didn’t do anything to help or defend you.
The image of you dropping from the Celestial Realm haunted him long before the war.
Glad to see you alright after decades of not seeing each other.
He didn't trust you at first
After all, you were a fallen angel that fell from the Celestial Realm like the brothers did and now reside here.
In the beginning, Luke was wary when you were in the area
Up until the incident with you, him, Lucifer, and the grimoire
You, a fallen angel, saved him, an angel from the Lucifer Morningstar.
Needless to say that Luke now has yet another fallen angel as a mentor to look up to.
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sondepoch · 4 years
May I ask for "life is a godamn ocean and I don't know how to swim" with Levi, satan, or belphigor. Who ever you see fits best
Sonde’s Sunday Snippets I-X
The first time Belphegor cracked your neck, he did it out of hatred. Out of his own selfish desires, his own blind fury.
It was a painful experience for you, the demon knows. He was anything but kind during your final moments, taunting you and laughing when he saw the crimson life drip from your body until you were gone entirely. He even took joy in mutilating your corpse afterward, finding sick pleasure in just how disfigured he could make you, how ugly you looked when he peeled back the mask of human skin and stared at the bloodied organs within.
Indeed, Belphegor doesn’t quite understand how you ever managed to forgive him after that night.
He thinks about it often, when the two of you are alone together like this. The question is eternally on the tip of his tongue, just a breath away from being asked...but cowardice always prevails. Belphegor prefers sleep to confrontation, the main reason as to why he’s spent more hours napping in your bed than actually interacting with you.
Though today, it seems that you also have something to say.
You glance at him from the corner of your eye, taking a deep breath in almost as if to ask something...but as soon as you open your mouth, your posture freezes and you grow rigid. Your mouth closes, the hopeful glint in your eye fading with it.
The process repeats three or four times until Belphegor has had enough.
“What is it?” He finally snaps, his voice coming out a little more forceful than necessary.
It makes you flinch. He pretends not to notice.
“I...” You lift your eyes up at him, sweet eyes that have never looked at him with scorn, not even once after he killed you that first time. “It’s nothing, Belphie.”
He groans.
“If you have something to say, say it.”
You frown at that, irritated at the nonchalance dripping from Belphegor’s voice even as he criticizes you.
“It’s not like I’m the only one who’s thinking stuff they aren’t saying.” You shoot Belphegor a hard frown, and the demon begins to remember all the times he, too, braced himself to ask you questions, the question—how you could ever forgive a monster like him for killing you—only to back down. He quickly realizes that he hasn’t been as slick as he thought.
“It’s not...” Belphegor rolls his head back. He’s certain that you already know what’s on his mind. "I don’t want to stir up bad memories for you.”
“Oh, Belphie.” You sigh, leaning closer to him. You turn your gaze toward him, making sure he can see the sincerity in your eyes. “That isn’t a bad memory for me.”
“What?” The question has left his lips before he can stop himself, before he can convince himself that no, he doesn’t want to know the answer. “How can you say that?”
“It’s just...” You look away, sighing. Belphegor hates how this is the first proper conversation he’s had with you on the subject. “It’s just, it was nice, you know?”
“It was nice,” He mumbles slowly. “To die.”
“Not...when you phrase it like that, it sounds stupid. I can’t explain it. But in that one moment right before it happened...my body just knew. And it let go of everything. It was peaceful, actually, it was really nice, really—”
“Stop,” The demon blurts abruptly. He doesn’t want to hear this. But you’re not quite listening to him.
“You don’t believe me,” You mumble in disbelief, shoulder drooping. “Belphie, you don’t get it. You don’t get how amazing it is to—to—”
“To be dead.”
The demon’s tone is flat, disbelieving. He doesn’t expect you to nod your head.
“Yes.” You lean back, swallowing thickly. “I didn’t even realize it until it stopped. How hard it is to be here. Like life is a goddamn ocean and I don’t know how to swim.” You take a breath, finally looking Belphegor in the eye. “I didn’t even realize I was drowning till I stopped, Belphie. Until I could finally relax—until you—" You stop yourself before the words can leave your mouth, but Belphegor hears them all the same.
Until you killed me.
“Belphie,” You whisper, leaning forward so you can cup his cheek, forcing him to meet your eyes. 
“Don’t you think it’s cruel that you finally gave me peace and only to steal it away?”
The question hangs in the air like a chandelier about to fall. Belphegor knows the implication, knows the sheer catastrophe you’re seeking to inflict with it. Like a single wrong move will cause it to collapse, breaking everything.
“Is this the thing you kept trying to say?” Belphegor finally asks, interrupting the silence. He recalls how long it’s been since you’ve looked at him with hopefulness in your eyes, your mouth opening with only silence coming out, cowardice holding you back time and time again. “Is this what you wanted to tell me?”
Belphegor swallows thickly.
“I’m not killing you again. Go to sleep.”
“But Belphie, it’s not fair that—“
“Go. To sleep.”
The finality in Belphegor’s voice doesn’t leave room for argument. And when you refuse to bundle yourself up in a blanket and fall into slumber, the demon does it for you, sighing as he pulls your head into his lap, into the familiar position that the two of you always take.
It’s hardly ten minutes before you’ve let go of your frustration to give in to the temptation of rest, ten minutes before your eyelids have fluttered shut and your chest is rising and falling to a languid rhythm.
Belphegor doesn’t smile as he touches your cheek, caressing the skin there in a comforting gesture for what he’s about to do.
He hears your earlier cry echo in his mind—your desperate frustration at having found true peace only to have it ripped away from you. And the demon knows he must fix what he has done, amend the wrongs he committed against you.
And the first time Belphegor cracked your neck, he did it out of hatred. Out of his own selfish desires, his own blind fury.
But the second time, his heart is empty. Devoid of everything but the sickening feeling in his gut when he hears you crack.
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devil-doms · 2 years
The Brothers reacting to MC snapping
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GN! MC - Spoilers for Lesson 16
CW/TW: angst, yelling
thank you for 1k!
“Y’know…Lilith used to do that…”
“That reminds me of Lilith.”
“Sometimes you really act like Lilith.”
The words plague your mind. Is that all you were to them? Just a descendent of Lilith?
You hear Belphie whispering from across the table, “Beel…look at MC…remember when Lilith used to do that…MC really reminds me of her…”
This was the breaking point.
You slam your hands on the table, standing up. The sounds of dishes clashing against each other echos throughout the dining room. The brothers quickly turn to look at you in shock.
“I’m sorry that I’m not her, I’m sorry I can’t be her and I’m sorry you can’t have her back. I know you miss her, but I can’t keep being compared to her! I’m not her…I’m me…” You angrily walk away back to your room. Not planning on coming out anytime soon.
Everyone turns to him, expecting him to go after you but he just continues eating, “They need to cool off. I’ll speak to them when we’re done here.” After finishing dinner he finally checks in on you. He knocks at your door and walks in.
“How’re you feeling?” He asks, closing the door behind him. You shrug in response and he crosses his arms, “Listen, I know you were upset, I’ll let the mess you made tonight slide. If there’s an issue, figure it out without causing a scene.”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear right now, thanks for letting me off the hook.” You say sarcastically, turning away from him. He stays quiet for a minute, unsure of what to say. He rethinks his way of approaching the situation. A pair of arms wrap around your body, “I’m sorry. I’ll have a discussion with my brothers and we’ll get this sorted out.”
He’s angry with his brothers, and himself. He knows what it’s like to be compared to others and he’s upset that he didn’t realize you were upset sooner. He brings your dinner to your room, “Ya can’t go without dinner, I’m comin’ in.”
He sees you laying in your bed, he sets your food on your desk and sits next to you. He rubs your back and sighs, “I always get compared to my bothers, ‘Why can’t ya read more like Satan?’ ‘Be more responsible like Lucifer.’ ‘Have a heart like Beel.’. So, I get what you’re feelin’ and it ain’t fair.”
He lies on his stomach right next to you. When you look at him he gives you a big, goofy smile, “Don’t worry MC, you’re always just going to be MC to me, cause that’s who ya are, and that’s who I love.”
He wonders if he had contributed to this breakdown or yours. He’s hesitant to go after you at first, he’ll be honest, he doesn’t get it. He tries to go back to eating but feels guilty for doing so. He caves and checks up on you.
He brings his Ruri-Chan body pillow with him and knocks at your door, “Uh…MC…I’m coming in.” He walks in and sees you sitting on your bed, surrounded by pillows, your knees up to your chest. He stands in the door way, not sure what to do until you look at him, waiting for him to say something.
He glances away when he notices you’ve been crying, “I…uh brought Ruri-Chan with me, she always makes me feel better when I’m upset…” He walks over and sits next to you, handing you the body pillow. You take it from him and hug it, burying your face in it. It smells like him, “Thank you.” You guys sit in silence, not sure what to say, but it’s okay. All that matters is that he’s here.
He immediately goes after you. Out of all his brothers, he’s the one that gets you the most. He knocks on your door, tells you it’s him and walks in.
You stay silent, sitting on the edge of the bed. He sits next to you and you lean against him, “I truly understand how you feel. I was born from Lucifers rage, part of me is always going to be that. I’m always going to compare myself to Lucifer no matter how hard I try to become my own person…”
He places his hands on your shoulders and pushes you away for a brief moment to look you in your eyes, “But you…you are your own person. You’ve made a name for yourself MC. You are you, and nothing will change that.”
After he finishes his dinner he makes you a tea to hopefully make you feel a little better. He knocks at your door, “It’s me hon, I’m coming in.” When he walks in he sees you sitting on the floor crying. He rushes to set the tea down at your desk, then over to you.
He pulls you up and into his arms and runs his fingers along your face, “I’m sorry, I should’ve checked in on you sooner.” He sits you down at the end of your bed and grabs the tea off the desk, “Drink this, you don’t want to be dehydrated.”
When you finish the cup he takes it from you and sets it on the floor. He softly smiles at you and places his hand on your cheek, using his thumb to wipe away a tear, “Are you going to be okay?” He asks, “It’s okay, I’ll stay with you until you are.”
He wants to make sure you’re okay, for once he leaves food on his dinner plate and goes after you. You’re so much more important than food. He knocks at your door and patiently waits for you to open it.
When you do open it, you’re met with the biggest hug, “I’m so sorry MC. I didn’t think about how comparing you would be harmful to you. I didn’t mean it, seriously. I know Belphie and the others don’t mean to hurt you like that either.”
“Thank you…” You manage to say under the strength of his arms. He lets go of you, “Are you okay now?” you nod and he smiles, “Okay good, let’s finish dinner.”
Glances over at Beel, he knows that the two of them are the ones that bring Lilith up the most. He puts his head in hands, regretting bringing her up. He plays with his food until dinner is over then goes to check in on you.
He stands in the hallway for a minute. Does he really care that much about a humans feelings. He knocks at your door, “Hey MC…I’m sorry…I’ve never had the same bond with someone like I did with Lilith, until I met you…sorry I made you upset.” The door doesn’t open and he doesn’t hear a reply. He cracks the door and peaks inside, seeing you asleep in your bed. All those sappy words wasted, you didn’t even hear them.
Belphie sighs, then slides into your room. He quietly slips into the bed with you and whispers, “Are you asleep? Did you hear me? Don’t make me repeat it...” He pauses, “Okay I’m sorry I made you upset. I’m sorry for comparing you to Lilith…” He starts dozing off, getting comfortable under your blankets, “…I just…really care about…you…” He was out. Little did he know you were awake the entire time.
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