pcosgirl-blog · 11 years
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pcosgirl-blog · 11 years
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pcosgirl-blog · 11 years
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
i'm 15 and i have all the symptoms of PCOS, i had a blood test a while back (i'm afraid of needles i nearly fainted) anyway, my mum said i had very high testosterone, but hasn't done anything about it.. i want to be able to have kids, and lose weight, and everything but i just don't know what to do.. do you think i should get another blood test to make sure? i haven't been diagnosed but i am certain this is what i have. argh. :(
Okay so basically sounds like you have it, You need to eat a low carb  no sugar diet, and You need to be put on birth control to make the testosterone go down, And if you get diagnosed with the PCOS  most insurances should cover the medication for it. So i would suggest going to a gynacoligist  (cant spell sorry) that deals with pcos and go from their she/he should be able to help you get healthy 
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
Bike riding
So tried to ride my bike around town today.. didnt go so well,  I couldnt breathe halfway through cause of my asthma and had to call someone to pick me up.
Riding your bike is a good way to get some exercise  in though, I like it ! Just not when its slightly cold out lol
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
Try not to feel bad about eating on thanksgiving, Its practicably unavoidable. 
Just remember to get up the next day and get your ass on the tredmill! 
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
That moment when you find out there IS actually something wrong with you, and your not doing it to yourself. That moment when you realize you wanted an answer, And got it. It was PCOS, And now you wish it was anything but that. You wish it was something curable.
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
Question for people with pcos.
So For about a year now My underarms have been red,itchy,burning, and just literally torn . Like my skin is broken. Anyone else have this problem?
Just wanted to see if it was another pcos symptom ?
Like this if you have the same problem. I will appreciate alot!
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
Do you have pcos?
Does this sound like you?
1. I gain weight easily, even if I am careful about my diet.
2. I have gained more than 25 pounds since high school.
3. I have difficulty losing weight with diet and exercise.
4. I crave sweets and carbohydrate foods.
5. My waistline is greater than 35 inches.
6. I have now, or in the past, problems with severe acne.
7. My acne is worse a week or so before I have a period.
8. I have noticed changes in my skin color of dark patches on my neck or groin or under arm areas.
9. I have excess facial hair.
10. I have balding or thinning hair in the front of my scalp.
11. I have hair around the nipples on my breasts.
12. I have excess hair on my upper or inner thighs.
13. I have pubic hair that grows in a line up my stomach to my navel.
14. My menstrual cycles are frequently longer than 35 days between periods.
15. I have fewer than 6 menstrual periods a year.
16. I have erratic, unpredictable menstrual bleeding.
17. My menstrual bleeding sometimes lasts longer than a week.
18. I have had problems getting pregnant.
19. I have needed fertility treatment to get pregnant.
20. I have high blood pressure.
21. I have diabetes, or a history of gestational diabetes.
22. I feel extremely hungry, irritable, moody, sleepy, fatigued, or “fuzzy-brained” within two-three hours of eating sweets or simple carbohydrates.
23. I have a family history of obesity and/or diabetes.
24. I have a family history of heart disease or stroke.
25. I have a family history of uterine cancer.
Score 2 points for each “yes” answer to questions 5, 8, 15, 19, and 21. Score 1 point for each “yes” answer to all remaining questions. If you have two or more “yes” answers from the first group and four “yes” answers from the second, please get tested for PCOS.
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pcosgirl-blog · 13 years
Okay So lets talk about Metformin.
Metformin is a drug used to help with diabetes and insulin resistance. Metformin makes me sick to my stomach and dizzy so when I'm on it I take it at night, so if you get sick from it I suggest you do the same. Metformin also causes like a memory problem... It decreases your b12, So Like when I'm in the shower I'll wind up washing my hair twice because I can't remember if i washed it in the first place... Its really frustrating. So I got a multi-vitamin wich had b12 in it. I do believe it helped. 
Metformin is also being used as a diet pill now, so I've heard... not sure if its Legal though...
I've heard some success weightloss success stories with the Metformin, Yeah its great you lost the weight... but look your fat again.
I don't think the Metformin helped me lose weight at all, I do know that it made me not want to eat at all. AT ALL. I felt sick all the time. Nothing tasted good.
See that is why I think some people lost weight with it; Cause it makes you turned off of food, and just sick. Therefore you do not eat which equals Loss of weight... then you lose the weight and stop taking the Metformin and you gain some weight...
What do you think?
Hope that was helpful LOL 
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