personrighthere · 6 years
Season 3 Theme Songs
Here are the lyrics for Season 3
“The Baudelaires are trapped in mountains covered up in snow More Villains have arrived and there is no place they can go. It’s a horrid way to start up this, our third and final season Anyone still watching it has clearly lost all reason”
“The Baudelaires are deep below the surface of the sea Hoping to avoid Count Olaf’s horrid company. But of course he finds them and of course it’s very awful. This show’s so grim it really ought to be unlawful.”`
“The Baudelaires check into a hotel to spy upon A group of awful people from whom murder is a yawn It may seem like Count Olaf will be finally brought to justice. But why would any viewers think that they could really trust us”
“The Baudelaires, adrift at sea, wash up far off the map Olaf’s right behind them with a fungus and a trap. Our story ends in tragedy upon a coastal shelf I beg of you, I beg of you, stop watching, save yourself”
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personrighthere · 6 years
I want this for the Percy Jackson series too
The Netflix ASOUE series is the kind of adaptation I want of the Harry Potter books.
Literal monologues from the book,
Amazing actors,
Where there’s 2 episodes per book for ASOUE
There could be a season per book for HP,
Beautiful sets,
I dig it.
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk. Bye.
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personrighthere · 6 years
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personrighthere · 6 years
Kit and Jacques are twins.
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personrighthere · 6 years
person: *casually mentions something i’m obsessed with*
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personrighthere · 6 years
The funny cats histories
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personrighthere · 6 years
Let's trend #RenewRISE on Twitter, tonight!
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In my previous post I asked you about trying to trend this on Twitter during tonight episode and it seems a lot of people liked the idea, so here we are!
The episode starts at 9/8c PM on NBC. So the trend has to start around this time - at least 15/20 minutes before I think it’s fine - and keep going during the episode(and a little bit after that would be great).
Write tweets to comment the episode and/or why you like the show and/or the show should have a second season and things like these; then add the #RenewRISE hashtag. You can add the show tag too, if you want (#Rise).
Use the #RenewRISE hashtag also when you reply to other tweets.
DON’T tweet the trending hashtag ALONE, without any comment and DON’T write the hashtag more than once in the same tweet because it doesn’t work for trending.
Don’t forget to mention the official account @NBCRise and the official NBC account @nbc. Also the actors, if you want.
You can check a timezone website converter like this one and find out your time. As first city you can select for example New York, then choose the date (May 8th) and the time (9 PM). Now select your city - here you go, you have the corresponding time.
If it’s late or a difficult time for you you can schedule tweets with TweetDeck: it’s a very easy tool for schedule tweets and it’s free. You don’t have to be online to make it work, I did a test and it went well. This of course is useful to everyone, like if you want to help the trend but you’re busy/at work/can’t watch live etc. Of course by scheduling tweets you can’t comment the episode live, but you can write reasons why you love the show or other things (see the third point above).
The minimum of tweets to get something trend is 500. Even if I think that just getting noticed by the network can be useful, let’s all do our best. Please spread the world by REBLOGGING THIS POST. Likes are fine, but with reblogs more people can know about it. I’ll tag the same blogs of the previous post: @simonandjeremy - @alittleglorious - @simonssaunders - @simonjeremymaashouslilette - @simonjeremy - @but-still-they-rise - @i-feel-glorious - @jeremy-simon - @internalscreaming012 - @simonsaundrs - @simonnsaunders - @siremyy - @jeremyytravers - @bringmestanton - @siremyrise - @therisetroupe - @traversaunders - @iconsrise - @seangrcndillo - @thegayfleet
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personrighthere · 6 years
If you’re not amazed by the stars on a clear night then we won’t work.
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personrighthere · 6 years
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personrighthere · 6 years
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how to draw arms ? ? 
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personrighthere · 6 years
so heres a thing my mother always said to me growing up when i broke something on accident that i think is really important
and i know, from watching my friends and seeing their panic and terror when something broke, that not only were not nearly enough children told this thing, many children were punished in place of being reassured
and thats heartbreaking
so heres the words from my mom that i was always told, and theyre the same words that anyone who never got to hear them should hear now, courtesy of my mom, who has repeated those same words to many a friend of mine and now to you
if i ever broke anything, the first words out of her mouth would always be and have always been, “are you hurt?” 
i would say no
she would say, “thats okay, then”
and i would ask why
and she would say “because it was just a thing- even if its a nice thing, or an old thing, or an expensive thing, its still just a thing. it can be replaced, or we can live without it. there is only one you. there will only ever be one you. you will always be more important than just some thing.” 
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personrighthere · 6 years
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“Everybody stay where you are, chill the eff out!”
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personrighthere · 6 years
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Robberies are getting harder due to unexpected reasons
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personrighthere · 6 years
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Wanda Maximoff’s holding back Thanos with one hand while having an emotional breakdown for having to kill her boyfriend and destroying an infinity stone with the other hand all at the same time… She IS the most powerful avenger.
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personrighthere · 6 years
When people go off about how English is the worst language, I just wanna point out a few things:
- Our future tense requires only one word (looking at you, Spanish)
- Words don’t change meanings depending on tone (Cantonese)
- We don’t live in some bizarre Beauty And The Beast world where we give inanimate objects genders (romance languages, German)
- Likewise, we don’t have have two different words for “they” because we don’t care whether “they” were male or female (Spanish, French)
- There’s no formal “you” because we don’t play mind games about whether or not we respect you (Spanish, German)
- We don’t alter the whole fucking language based on how much we respect you (Japanese)
- The letters and sounds might not be consistent, but at least we have letters, not just pictures (Mandarin)
- We don’t have a fucking stupid tense specifically for talking to two people because some idiot decided that a two-person tense was necessary (Arabic)
So yeah, I think we’re doing okay as a language
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personrighthere · 6 years
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make a bullet journal
start a YouTube channel
go shopping
look through old photos
make a bucket list
read a book(s)
empty your inbox
watch Netflix, YouTube,..
go swimming
play a sport
wear a face mask
take a good nap
organize your closet
organize your room
go online shopping
text some friends you hadn’t spoken to in a while
learn/play an instrument
do some laundry
edit some pictures
FaceTime a friend
paint your nails
paint a picture
practice your handwriting
make a workout routine
go for a walk/run
start a blog
experiment with your hair
learn a new language
watch a movie in your target language
organize your phone
write in a journal
make a vision board
do yoga
have a photoshoot
practice some makeup
do something you’ve been putting off for a while
add to the list
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personrighthere · 6 years
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“Sleep is a natural part of life, like cosmetics or frivolous lawsuits.”
Esmé Squalor
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