Dark Souls / Shadow of the Collosus style game where you play as a colony of ants. Instead kf a health bar you have a meter that measures how many ants are in your colony
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I know pride has been difficult for a lot of tumblr users, so here's a gay transfem necron to hopefully make you feel better
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If you're ever having ship troubles in the warp, stop by her sandbar and she'll happily fix your ship for you (as long as you don't pick fights with other customers. Or steal anything. Or wait to do either of those until the other customer is off the sandbar. She'll disintegrate you if you do that)
Click for better quality! Zoom in for all the little details
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I was told to share this, so,, ^^; @whorety-k @pickpocketing-your-gender
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Meet my Thousand Son oc, Seth.
He has no lore whatsoever yet and his only reason for existence is @ms--lobotomy suggesting a Thousand Son for me when we were talking about wooing astartes.
I have yet to draw it, but he has a scarab tattoo on his upper back with its wings spread from shoulder to shoulder..
Personality wise, he's a pretty nice dude. Playful, fair bit of a smartass, likes to make you laugh kinda guy. He does struggle a bit with kleptomania, si if something goes missing, you might wanna ask if he's seen it....
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Bluetooth typewriter
How do yall write fics on your phone?
Note app and this small keyboard sucks :A:
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He was made for neurodivergent trans folk with C- PTSD, which Tumblr has in spades/hj
In all seriousness, I think it has to do a lot with empathy. A lot of folks on Tumblr have hobbies or interests that are considered "weird" "morbid" or "strange", or are they themselves just "different" in a way they can't control that isn't considered socially acceptable. Because of that, we see a lot of ourselves in Konrad, consciously or not, and we want to give him care and comfort that we were seldom or never given. A common misconception of Konrad fans is that we want to fix him, when what we really want to do is treat him with human decency and bring him comfort.
I think another contributing factor is that a lot of us Konrad fans are
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So now if you'll excuse me, I need to continue writing my "Konrad gives the reader erotic top surgery" fic
After mindlessly scrolling the tumblr side of the Warhammer community for about a week now, I’ve begun to notice that people seem to really like Konrad Curze. Like, REALLY like Konrad Curze. And there’s nothing wrong with that, you do you, but I feel the need to ask…
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Thank you @angronsjewelbeetle for giving me the courage to post. Anyways (taps on a microphone)
Trans fem space marines are called "Honored sisters"
Trans masc sisters of battle are called "Honored brothers"
Nonbinary of either are called "Honored siblings of war"
They are all honored because they all fought and won a war nobody else could see
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"Bold words for someone who at dick punching height" funny, threatening.
"Bold words for someone who's in dick sucking range" HILARIOUS, UNHINGED, WHY WOULD YOU USE THIS
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Fuck it, Nostroman marriage practices
Posted with the encouragement of @angronsjewelbeetle
Handfasting is legally recognized on Nostromo as long as you have three witnesses: one family member/friend for each spouse, and an outsider in a judicial profession (they do not have to be on the clock, just sign their name)
While things such as wedding rings exist on Nostromo, it's more common to get a wedding tattoo done
Wedding tattoos are the surname of the person's spouse, done on the inside of the left wrist
Wedding tattoos are often done on rainy days, to provide a curtain of privacy for the couple. They begin by washing their hands and wrists in liquorice water, then take turns tattooing their surname (often with a homemade device) on their partner's wrist, comforting and encouraging them through the pain all the while. After the tattoo is complete, it is kissed for good luck. This is often done directly before handfasting
As a derivative of this, some individuals tattoo their own surnames on their right wrist, so that the names will touch when holding hands. Some parents will also tattoo the family's surname onto their child's right wrist, as an act of inclusion, and as an act of hope for their future successes in romance
White is considered improper at weddings, worn by anyone
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Reblog to get a good sample size
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I think Larian should let me dump the contents of one container into another so I don't have to spend ten minutes putting all my food items into the camp supply bag that I keep in the traveler's chest so that food items don't weigh me down
“I think Larian should—“
Fanfiction. You need to write fanfiction. For the love of god and all that is holy, just write some fucking fanfiction.
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This is actually probably really close to the truth!
In dnd there are two subcultures of high elves: Sun elves and Moon elves. Sun elves tend to have tan and darker skin, with hair from blond to black, and while prone to wanderlust, tend to stick in one place for long stretches of time. Moon elves, on the other hand, tend to have pale skin, with it often being some type of peach, pink, or blue, and almost always have blond or white hair, although blue is not unheard of, and have a tendency to be nomadic, exploring the world and seeing the sights (they also tend to be the most accepting of others as far as elves go).
Seeing as his white hair and pale skin were probably accurate to how he was before getting turned (he only mentions that his eyes turned red and he got fangs), he was most likely a Moon elf. This makes him settling down and becoming a magistrate rather unusual, and was probably seen as a childish act of rebellion by his family (he died at 39 iirc, and elves consider each other adults once they stop experiencing memories of past lives in reverie, which is around 100. A side note, elves don't start forming their own memories in reverie until their 40s). In a way, they were right, as in the epilogue, he doesn't really want to settle down and wants to keep traveling and exploring and having adventures, although he's willing to if it's for you.
So not only was his family not in the city, they probably never noticed he died in the first place. They probably assumed that he just wandered off and never reconnected with them, or if they did know, they probably assumed it was fine because elves reincarnate after they die.
So not only did he die alone and before he was considered an adult in Elven culture, but he died without being able to remember his life before Cazador as he wasn't old enough to commit memory to reverie, which is the main method elves use to remember and reinforce memories for the long term.
And Cazador, as an elf, knew all this. Astarion (which is his child name, since elves get adult names as well) was the perfect, most tragic victim Cazador could have picked. And he was one of the first.
I've entertained the idea of Astarion's parents leaving Baldur's Gate after he was turned into a vampire, but let's be honest. Astarion couldn't originally be from Baldur's Gate if Cazador's MO is to be believed.
Astarion was not allowed to go after nobles or aristocracy AT ALL, even if they were slumming it in places they didn't belong. They would have definitely had family in the area that came looking for them the moment something happened. Being a magistrate should be on that list of "no-nos" but then there's Astarion. A magistrate.
This makes me think Cazador targeted him because, well, one, he's absolutely gorgeous, and two, he had no one close in the city other than perhaps work acquaintances, or else his family could come looking for him, which is what Cazador was afraid of. He did not want attention brought to himself.
So, as a young elf, Astarion came to Baldur's Gate and earned his magistrate title before being attacked and killed. With no immediate family in the city to find the death suspicious or come looking for Astarion, Cazador had him to himself. This leans into my suspicions that Cazador stalked Astarion for some time and then staged the Gur attack once he was ready to pounce, regardless of whether the Gur knew the truth or not. Not saying he DIDN'T hand something down to piss people off, it could have contributed to it.
Maybe Astarion didn't have a good relationship with his family before coming to BG either, which fed into the mindset that no one gave a damn about him. Perhaps, too, he didn't have the best attitude and it somewhat drove people away.
Not having family in Baldur's Gate also means he had nowhere to run in case he escaped, which he alluded to doing several times only to be severely punished for it. Cazador wouldn't have risked him having family in the area for that to happen. He had no way of knowing if they would leave if Astarion was killed.
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I'm gonna do this for Jared, 19, bc why not lol
1: He was born and raised in the fourth layer of hell (it's the one full of lawyers)
2: Lawful Neutral
3: Tiefling, draconic bloodline sorcerer
4: He would be found talking to Karlach, as he needs her to sign some paperwork in order to confirm that Gortash had no power of attorney over her, nullifying the deal he made
5: No
6: He is Karlach's bestie and number one fan and supporter
7: Romantically close to Gale, aka they have big fat crushes for each other and there's a lot of pinning.
8: Suspicious of Wyll, due to his immediate aggression towards Karlach, and his refusal to give details. After meeting Mizora, his suspiciousness of Wyll goes away and he just rocks her ass straight to the fourth layer for breach of contract.
9: N/A
10: He can play a double bass
11: Spells and brass knuckles
12: He is gay and transgender (ftm)
13: Growing up in hell, he's very apathetic about death and killing. He, quite literally, doesn't get the big deal about a loved one dying, or the weight of a life taken.
14: He loves to sing and dance and entertain. He's also a bit of a foodie, always looking out to try a new culinary experience
15: He likes Dammon, hates Mystra, and wants to make Gortash swallow his teeth. He would love chatting up ommelleum and Blurg, and would have a soft spot for Kar'niss, at the very least trying to convince them to follow him instead of the Absolute. Views Arabella as a little sister. 1v1 cage match with Kaga aND HERE COMES JARED WITH THE STEEL CHAIR
16: He loves anything soft and fluffy, and WILL risk his own life to pet said soft and fluffy things
17: He LOVES adventuring. He loves getting to see new places and do new things
18: He would be running errands for his mom, as the hells' cutest messenger.
19: Something stupid, like choking to death on a walnut
20: Destroys the elder brain. He hates having to be responsible for literally anything
21: His favorite spell is grease because he thinks watching people slip and fall on their asses is the funniest thing ever (he's right)
22: He is fluent in common, infernal, dwarvish, elvish, sylvan, draconic (chromatic and metallic), dragonborn, under common, and abyssal. He, however, is also illiterate in all languages and needs people to read them for him (sorry Astarion)
23: He goes back to Waterdeep with Gale and gets married (and learns how to read)
24: duh
25: The Sun (both upright and reversed)
26: A rabbit; He's cute and seen as cuddly and harmless, and people often underestimate how dangerous he can be
27: He was raised by the hells' most healthy couple (it's a low bar) with siblings. He's never had to want for anything in his life, his sweet, big brown eyes melting even the stoniest of hearts into giving him what he wants. He is often running around delivering paperwork for his mother. Yet, despite all his needs and wants being met, he still finds himself feeling empty and lonely, wanting something that he doesn't even have the words for.
28: Pre Creche, he let Lae'zel take the lead, as she seemed to be the only one with a solid plan. Post Creche, he took more of a leadership role, but still like a more decentralized angle to decision making
29: No
30: I love how much of an underestimated powerhouse he is. He's not very tall or intimidating, and his warm, fluffy, outgoing personality means that people almost never view him as a threat, and then boom. They're a pile of ashes
Baldur's Gate 3 Character Development Questions:
1: Where in the Faerûn is your Tav from?
2: What is your character's alignment?
3: Race and subclass?
4: If your Tav was a companion, where would they be found?
5: Dark Urge or no?
6: What companion are you platonically close with?
7: Romantically close with?
8: Who are they suspicious of?
9: Is your Tav from Baldur's Gate? Why are they travelling there?
10: Are they proficient in playing any instruments?
11: Weapon of choice?
12: What is their orientation?
13: What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
14: What hobbies does your Tav have?
15: What NPC's do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
16: Do they have a favorite creature in the Faerûn?
17: Do they enjoy life as an adventurer?
18: What would your Tav be doing if they weren't kidnapped on the Nautiloid?
19: How do you think they'll meet they're end?
20: Would they destroy the elder brain or control it?
21: What is your Tav's favorite spell?
22: What languages is your character fluent in?
23: What do they do after the absolute crisis?
24: Does your character believe in the afterlife?
25: What arcana major best represents your Tav?
26: What animal best represents your Tav?
27: What was their life like before the events of BG3?"
28: Is your character the de facto leader of the party? Or do they consider someone else to be the leader?
29: Does your Tav want to utilize the tadpole powers or not?
30: What's your favorite thing about your Tav?
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Tav? More like I'm once again pressing tab because I'm encumbered
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Lae'zel is god's most autistic soldier
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You don't need to Ascend Astarion to give him the power he wants to have, just let him play animal crossing smh
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To get soft tacos, because he's your friend :3
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why’s his hand outstretched . Where are you taking me
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