pluralia-tantum · 1 year
do you guys remember being like 14 and being like these sheep could never understand me and,the inoffensive indie rock I listen to on my ipod touch ..
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
Pls do people rly say this 😭
Reminder that being a "plural singlet" isn't a thing.
Full stop.
Full breaks.
Enough is enough.
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
TW for non-graphic mentions of different types of abuse.
Reminder that 90% of DID cases are associated with abuse specifically - the original study took into account only sexual and physical abuse, meaning types of abuse such as emotional abuse or neglect likely weren't factored into this statistic. According to one study, about 90% of cases reported CSA, about 80% reported physical abuse, and about 95% reported experiencing both at some point.
Again, ONLY TWO TYPES OF ABUSE WERE FACTORED IN. This didn't account for other types of abuse. It also didn't account for other types of trauma, such as growing up in poverty, medical trauma, or natural disasters.
The fact that only two types of trauma were taken into account and it's still almost 100% of cases kind of speaks for itself imo.
plural culture is learning that trauma isn't even actually in the diagnostic criteria for DID or OSDD and silently being so intensely angry at sysmeds over it.
we're a non-disordered mixed origins system and we're so intensely PISSED. OFF. on behalf of (especially fully) endogenic disordered systems.
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
I understand why people think otherwise, but I've never believed that personally because dissociation has been linked to trauma statistically, down to over 90% of people dx'd with DID reporting experiencing just one specific type of childhood trauma.
reblog for sample size!
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
Realizing more and more how varying my parts' spiritual and religious beliefs are. This honestly makes a lot of sense to me, we were exposed to a lot of religions growing up over different points in our lives. Not sure how to balance this though, I've been trying to allow them to express themselves more but this seems quite difficult somehow. Workout on figuring it out.
Do other systems have the experience of conflicting or differing religious beliefs in parts?
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
I try not to include stuff like this on this blog but I feel like I should say something since I've observed this more recently. Why are there anti-endogenic maladaptive daydreamers?
Both are unofficially recognized experiences - but if anything endogenic and non-disordered systems actually have far more historical and even official DSM-V recognition than MaDD. MaDD was only very recently purposed but you have the healthy multiplicity movement going back to the early 90s, historical examples of non-medical systems, and the acknowledgement of cultural and non-clinical multiplicity in the DSM-V.
They are also very similar. MaDD isn't exclusively caused by trauma but is generally associated with it, and people might daydream before it becomes MaDD - which is very similar to system experiences where non-trauma systems are not excluded from DIDOSDD in the DSM-V and there are systems who were non-disordered before trauma but trauma made them disordered. Not to mention daydreaming itself isn't inherently the disorder and we have communities like immersive daydreaming and neuronaration, which might share terms and experiences.
I know the obvious answer is systems have had an organized community for longer and the plural community, especially DIDOSDD, being set up so you can loose your support network over even being neutral on endogenic systems among other things, but it does make me wonder if we might experience the exact same community divide/binary, term/experience gatekeeping, and medicalization that occurred with non-medical systems. It just takes one person to start a domino effect that can do irreparable damage to a community even 8 years later.
Imagine if there was a sudden push by MaDDers to make the term paracosm exclusive to MaDD or begin to claim that non-disordered daydreaming can't exist? That's basically what syscourse is.
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
Endos stop appropriating terms from actually marginalized communities challenge
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
One of my friends in high school had to drop out bc he was the only one in his family who could work and didn't have time for that and school. If he had made more, maybe he could have worked part-time and been able to graduate.
"I dont think teenagers flipping burgers should make more money than adults paying rent."
I know a 15 year old who is the only money earner for his household because his parents are elderly and hes the only one of them that speaks english well enough to get a job. I think he should get paid a lot, to be honest.
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
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Losing my mind over this article
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
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Every now and again I think of this Sarah tweet and just stare into the middle distance.
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
calling literally any of us a little is a sure-fire way to get us to turn into an absolute monster in 0.02 seconds
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
Happiness Will Come To You.
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
i really hate it when pro/endos are like "one side of syscourse just want to exist (pro/endos) and the other side just wants to control and erase people (anti-endos)" because like anti-endos also just want to fucking exist lmao most CDDs systems literally do not want anything from endos except for them to stop spreading misinformation about disorders they literally say they dont have like i am genuinely willimg to bet a good portion of anti-endos would not give one flying fuck about what endos do if they werent stealing medical terms or spreading misinformation
like hasnt that been the shift in syscourse recently? at least from what ive noticed a lot of people who call themselves anti-endo arent even necessarily people who think endos dont exist period, theyre better described (and a lot of them do straight up describes themselves as) anti-misinformation
i just feel like so much of syscourse would die out over night if endos just agreed to stop talking about shit theyre not educated about if theyre not going to do proper research or listen to actual CDD systems💀💀
i dont believe this is even a situation where endos shouldnt talk about CDDs at all, because that brings on a whole different issue of people mixing up their CDD experience with endogenic plurality, and i am personally of the belief that these experiences are very fundamentally different, but theres a large amount of CDD systems who have mistakenly thought they were endogenic (like us) so while they are fundamentaly different theres the implication that theyre similar enough to be mistaken for eachother so spreading correct information and making some kind of divide is important
idk honestly im just putting thoughts out into the air
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pluralia-tantum · 1 year
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[image description: a picture of a printed message on a piece of paper. before the message is a picture of pope john paul II smiling and with his hands raised in the air. below it reads:
if you're reading this message, it's highly likely that your printer is exposed to the public internet via port forwarding. This means that *anyone* on the internet with some technical knowledge can send print jobs to your printer - or worse, try to exploit it and use it as a part of a global botnet.
If you didn't intend for this, please look into disabling UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) on your router, or remove the port forwarding rule for the port 9100.
~ a friendly catgirl hacker :3
end ID.]
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