#endos use tags like system and alter all the time
littlest-bugz · 5 months
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. introduction post .
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My name is BUGZ ! I am a bodily 21 year old [polyfragmented] DID system. We collectively have ADHD, Autism, OCD and a few other comorbid disorders. They all affect our day to day, but we will likely only post about our experiences as a DID system. Collectively we use they/he/she pronouns!
Get to know us more below the cut!
[ byf and dni also below cut ]
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About Us !
Things in our system change frequently!
Currently, we collectively identify as transmasc, bigender, panalterous, omni oriented DemiAroAce, and ambiamorous ! This is an agreed upon identity the entirety of The Crew and Co. and is essentially for the body itself. Names, pronouns, genders and sexualities all vary from alter to alter individually.
On our page, you will find. . .
Lots of reblogs on random topics and hyperfixations
System Content [Mostly Text Posts and Half-baked Memes]
Original userboxes, blinkies, stamps. [The link to my hoards are below!!!]
Stimboards and Moodboards
Worldbuilding and OC talk
. . . and more!
Layout, Stimboard, and Userbox requests; Closed until current reqs finished!!!
Before you interact. . .
Our account may not be fully SFW, but we never reblog or post explicit material. I have a bad swearing problem, and due to my trauma, I have a hard time telling what is socially acceptable in regards for entirely being SFW. It's something I'm working on, so please be weary! We don't mind agere and petre engagement, just please know my blog is more skewed for mature audiences.
We almost never tag who is posting! We try, but it causes a lot of anxiety for a good amount of us. Please don't ask us to sign off our posts, as we feel it invades our boundaries. We're willing to give pronouns, but we generally try to keep our names more private.
We are endo apathetic. We honestly do not care if endos exist or not, we are just vibing in our own space. We only care about the misinfo on CDDs that is being spread. PLUS anyone is welcome on our blog as long as they don't drag us into any discourse/syscourse, aren't promoting misinformation, and/or being a generally bad or gross person.
We block liberally and without telling the blocked party. It's a force of habit that proves handy on the world wide web. We also ask you don't bother us to be unblocked.
BPD/NPD/HPD/ASPD havers are all welcome on our blog! If u believe in narc/histronic/borderline abuse, leave!!
Do not interact. . .
Basic DNI Criteria [this is a link.] [note: some of the items on this list are repeated for ease of identification]
If you intend to ask about stances on discourse. [note: I'm always willing to be open to new lines of thinking and new ideas, as well as be corrected for any misinfo I may accidentally spread, but if you're going to talk down to me because I don't know or don't believe what you believe, I will block you. Speak to me as an equal or don't speak to me at all.]
pro/comshippers and pro/comship supporters.
transid/transx/radqueer or supporters [transRAMCOA/transProgrammer blocked on sight]
“cringe culture” supporters
ageplay/ddlg [again sfw agere/petre fine, but please know this account has mature themes.]
MAPs/Pedos and Zoos
Transphobes, TERFs, Radfems, Transmeds and the likes
pro-forced birth (“pro-life”)/ anti-abortion
More will be added as time goes. . .
#important - important posts to us!
#littlest_bugz og - my original posts,,, may not be very original tho LOL
#reblogs ?! on my feed ?! /lh /j - My reblog tag!! Everything that gets reblogged should be under this tag, but I don't always remember
#you asked we answered - My ask tag! Feel free to send in asks at anytime
#so real for this - I don't know how to describe this properly, but these posts are so real.
#original userboxes/layouts/stamps/deco/art/ect - All of our original content divided into specifics! [ note: they are not all lumped together like that, just putting them all together for the sake of space, you can find most of them tagged in this post ]
#system posting - Our experiences on system hood as well as reblogs and other stuff! Was formerly 'system stuff'
#kinito posting - I am obsessed with an axolotl virus [mostly kinitopet fanart]
#stardew posting - I'm an avid stardew valley fan!!! I reblog fanart and post abt it sometimes
#lps posting - I am/was an avid lps collector!! I reblog fanart and post original content [sometimes,,, but usually text posts]
#cat posting - I reblog a lot of cat pictures and art!! cats r a huge comfort for me
#the hoard - I hoard and collect deco. If the links don't work for some reason, just click this tag
more tba . . .
Deco Collection - A hoard of all our deco, which includes stamps, blinkies and userboxes WARNING; FLASHING IMAGES, BRIGHT COLORS, AND MORE! PROCEED WITH CAUTION
pronouns.cc - has [some of] the frequent fronter's pronouns, names, and sign-offs. Only the peeps that are safe to say
personal blog - a wip but where I will post a ton of journal entry stuff! but not rn, unfortunately
art comms website - two of our hosts are artists and take comms- this is their site! comms are currently closed, except for the demented chibi heads [link]
my ko-fi - commission payments go here! The chibi head listing is on here! you can also donate if you feel inclined to, but it's 110% not expected
[note: you will probably see a linktree on some of these because I get freaked out by so many links on a page, but this is different bc tumblr is like my hub, if that makes sense?]
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83 notes · View notes
not to like drag you into syscourse but the whole reason we bacame anti endo was do to the amount of hate-harrasment we got from endo systems, we have had we to many endo systems tell us that we deserve our truama and-or that our trauma wasnt enough to make us into a systems + the amount of endo systems that tell us that we have it better/easier because we formed from trauma and that we can get a dignoses easier do to that then endo system (and some more private stuff we wont bother you with) it just made us really distust endo systems but we want to become pro endo but have no idea if its even worth it or even safe for us do to the trama we got form pro endo blogs
(had the courage to send this do to the ask of one other anti endo annon that wanted to become pro enod,also sorry this came out venty then i wanted to )
hey, thanks for coming to us with this. we’re really glad you did. we welcome any anti endo here who is willing to listen, learn, and be vulnerable with us. we’re all systems here, we’re all people, and we’re all capable of positive growth and change for the better.
this got long, and pretty heavy. so it’s going under a cut to spare those who aren’t interested. if syscourse is a trigger for your system, please scroll on!
we’re sorry to hear you’ve been hurt or harassed by pro endos in the past. we have, too. in fact, we have split an alter in the past due to a pro endo harassing us and spreading cruel rumors about us online. we’ve been called an abuser by pro endos due to our antiracist stance and activism. we’ve also been told by pro endos that we deserved the abuse that we went through as a toddler that caused our disorder to form. so we get that distrust, anon. we really, truly do.
it’s gotten so bad for us that we avoid calling ourselves “pro endo” outright. do we love, support, cherish, and believe endogenic systems? absolutely. do we want to uplift them and help them feel welcome in the plural community? without a doubt. but we cannot bring ourselves to call our system “pro endo” specifically due to the harm we’ve faced from pro endos in the past.
but the thing is, the harsh and violent words from a few pro endos should not reflect on the validity of all endogenic systems or endogenic plurality as a whole. some pro endos can be really mean, especially online. but that doesn’t change the fact that most endo systems are just out here existing, attempting to live their best lives and avoid being fakeclaimed and harassed by people who don’t know them. we have had the privilege of meeting dozens of endo systems in our time running this blog - nearly all of which were thoughtful, kind, and caring folks who don’t spend time harassing other systems in any way, shape or form.
anon, you can in fact be supportive of endo systems without ever interacting with them directly. you can educate yourself and attempt to learn more without ever calling yourself “pro endo.”
if this interests you, we’d really encourage you to try browsing some endo friendly tags on tumblr to get a feel for plurality without trauma and those who identify that way. (note: please block the “#radqueer” tag before doing this, as a lot of radqueers will clog the endo tags with posts. endogenic plurality has nothing to do with radqueers, despite some folks saying otherwise.)
the “#pluralgang” tag is absolutely amazing. you could also check out “#plurality,” “#actually plural,” “#endo safe,” “#endo friendly,” and “#endogenic.” by just scrolling the tags, you can try to expose yourself to some endo systems without committing to following anyone or interacting directly. maybe this could help you work through some of that distrust.
of course, if you do reach a point where you feel comfortable calling yourself pro endo, go for it! there are tons of amazing, wonderful pro endos here on tumblr who surely would welcome you into their spaces. but you don’t have to directly engage or identify with that specific label in order to be supportive and accepting of endogenic plurality. it’s okay to listen to others with different life experiences and support different system origins without identifying with the pro endo label.
we’re always here, happy to field any further questions you may have or provide resources if you’re hoping to learn more. and we truly are wishing you the very best in your future. we’re sorry this got so long, but we hope it can help put your mind at ease a bit, or at least help you feel a little less alone.
if any endogenic systems sees this and feels comfortable interacting with anti endos who are willing to learn, feel free to comment or reblog this post so anon can maybe find some endo systems who they can potentially follow without facing any backlash. no pressure, of course! again, we do think that everyone is capable of positive change, and past anti endos or ex anti endos should always be welcomed in our spaces with open arms.
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the-hydra-sys · 4 months
Pinned Post / Introduction!
We are Hydra.
@the-hydra-sys-spam - Spam, mostly reblogs
@hydra-creates - Requests for templates, userboxes, banners, writing snippets, sketches, etc etc
@michaels-multiverse - Michael rambling about science and source
@tales-from-systok, @tales-from-syscord, @tales-from-sysblr - Askblogs all about people's experiences with system spaces. Positive and negative submissions welcome!
@demonized-infodumps - A blog for rants, rambles, infodumps, and just general community around demonized and stigmatized disorders. A judgement free space.
Discord: the_hydra_sys
Collective Pronouns: Xe/xem and they/them. While most alters are okay with one of these, we prefer you use each specific alter's name/pronouns to talk about/to them unless referring to us as a collective.
Find us on TikTok
Read our system dictionary (google doc)
See Plague's anti-endo community blog masterpost
Join our system-centric discord
[Discord contains a 16+ RAMCOA sector and a sector for systems of colour. Singlets are allowed, but there is a seperate category without them for those that want a system-only space.]
Feel free to send asks, we like answering them!
Sometimes we post about stuff from communities we aren't in, please correct us if we say something wrong, and let us know if we're misusing your community's tags.
Blocklist of narc abuse believers. People w/NPD you are safe here.
Tags, DNI, Alter Info & Sysboxes under the cut.
#[alter name or emoji] blogs = [alter] is fronting, and they are the one who created a post
#[alter name or emoji] reblogs = [alter] reblogged this post
#[alter name or emoji] opinions = [alter]'s opinions may not align with the rest of the system
#[alter name or emoji] likes = posts [alter] likes
#[alter name or emoji] replies = posts [alter] replies to
#hydra blogs = blogs from our system
#hydra reblogs = reblogs from our system
#hydra opinions = collective opinions
#hydra likes = collective likes
#hydra replies = posts we collectively reply to, typically from our inbox
All posts should have some of these tags. If you see us reblog a post with no tags, or create a post with no tags, it's probably Echo forgetting again. If a post is tagged with 'blurry' or 'anon' in place of the alter name, then it's a blurry alter or an alter who wishes to remain anonymous.
Zionists, nazis, etc.
Misogynists, sexists, etc.
Homophobes, biphobes, lesbophobes, etc.
Arophobes, acephobes, aphobes.
Transphobes, transmisogynysts, transandrophobes.
Anti-furry, anti-therian.
RCTA, DCTA, NCTA, and other transIDs.
Endogenic systems.*
Anyone who uses the word "sysmed." (Pro)endo or not.
Those who say littles can consent to sex/romance.
If you are under the age of 15, please interact with care. Our blog is SFW, however some topics may be heavy and some alters may vent. Please skip these posts if you wish to interact with us as a younger person.
*We are anti-endo, pro-belief, endo-critical and anti-fakeclaiming. If they say they are endogenic, we will simply not interact.
*This DNI does not apply to our syscourse posts.
Fluid Opinions
If you don't agree with these, you can still interact, and we're open to discussion about these.
Transfemme alters in AFAB bodies and transmasc alters in AMAB bodies can exist, but they should clarify that they aren't bodily transfemme/transmasc. The way we see it is that if an AFAB system can't have transfemme alters, then doesn't that imply all of their male alters are trans? Does that mean AFAB systems can't have cis male alters?
Alter Information
In our system, frequent fronters change rapidly, but we'll list our alters most likely to front. Others may sign off from time to time, and you may hear about an alter once but never again - this is to be expected, our alter count is high and constantly fluctuating.
So, with that in mind:
Serpent Hill Fronters
The Nightmare Gang
If we get more frequent fronters, I'll add them!
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All sysboxes from sysboxes on tumblr!
Made by Echo
Later edits by: Angeldust, Lexi, Orion
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theswiftheartsystem · 4 months
@returntothesoup asks:
“Hi! We’re new to interacting with more systems and are unfamiliar with some terms folks us! Any chance you could throw out some definitions for like plurals and multiples and stuff? We just became aware on a grand sense in the last couple years and are working through a lot of stuff alone. Happy to find systems to get to know🫶🏻🩷”
Hello! Welcome to the Tumblr community! It can be toxic at times, so please take care of your mental health! You can block certain tags (like triggers, or communities and such!
Origin: this is referring to what causes the system to form, the most common ones used are Traumagenic, and Endogenic, however it is a spectrum, and also some systems are multi-origin!
Traumagenic: This is referring to systems formed due to childhood trauma. This does not mean every alter is created by trauma.
Endogenic: A spectrum term that refers to systems who formed without trauma. This does not mean they do not have trauma, or that they are faking, it just means they experience plurality outside of what the mainstream idea of plurality is. A example is religious formed systems! (Also to clarify, when I say it’s a spectrum term, look at it like how non-binary is used, some people use it as a label, and some use it as a spectrum, neither is less valid then the other.
Tulpamancy: although a lot of the time this gets grouped with Endogenic, I’d thought I’d explain it since it is quite different. For one, there is many names that are used to describe this. Obviously Tulpamancy, but also Willowgenic, Tulpagenic and Thoughtform. This basically describes the experience of creating a being in your mind sometimes called a Tulpa. This practice originates from an ancient Tibetan Buddhist practice.
Splitting/Forming: Splitting is when an alter splits a part of themselves off and creates a fragment, and/or alter. It is possible to split multiple alters at once. Forming is a term that a lot of Endo systems in our experience prefer. Personally we like to use the term when the alter didn’t split off from trauma, but both can be used interchangeably a lot of the time.
Fusion: This is when two or more alters fuse together and create a different alter that is not the same, but all of them at once in a sense (a good way to think of this, is if you put two things of playdoh together and mush it into one, it’s now both of those colors and together they make a new color! Both colors are still there, but they are now mixed together.) Also this is not the same thing as integration. Fusion isn’t always a good thing, and can be caused by traumatic events.
Integration: This is the process of Amnesia barriers lessening. This leads to better communication and less black outs and grey outs.
Blurry: Blurry is when you cannot tell who’s in front.
Blended: Multiple alters are blended together while in front. This can go hand and hand with being Blurry very easily.
Co-Con: This is usually when alters talk to each other outside the inner world! This describes one or more alter is in front, and one or more alters who are conscious, but are not fronting.
Co-Fronting: This is when two or more alters are fronting, but aren’t blended. A example would be: one alter can control the body, while one controls speaking.
Headspace: So some systems use this to describe that little area in your head where you and alters talk, but some use it to describe that and the innerworld.
Innerworld: This is a world internally that alters often go when they aren’t fronting. Not every alters can enter into the innerworld. It’s very common for host to not be able to enter, especially at the beginning. Some systems don’t even have innerworlds as well.
Alters/Headmates/Parts: These are the most common terms to describe different beings within one body. Alters is used most in Traumagenic spaces, while Headmate is very commonly used in Endogenic spaces. These terms can be used by all systems regardless of origin. (We personally feel most comfortable with alters, which is why we have been using it in this post.)
Switching: This is when alters switch who’s in front.
Anyway, that’s some basic terminology! If you, or anyone else would like more of this, feel free to use the ask box! We made it so you can be anonymous now!
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months
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Hey, does anyone remember that time a while back when @sysmedsaresexist targeted an endogenic positivity blog with an angry rant, making it all about themselves???
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I just absolutely love the "starving children" line because the appeal to worse problems is literally what this whole post was doing but somehow is accusing endogenic systems of doing it!
A positivity post said endogenic systems are strong for dealing with everything they deal with.
SAS attacked them for talking about this while trauamgenic systems have it worse. And then acted like the positivity post was engaging in the Appeal to Worse Problems.
Just, absolutely amazing mental gymnastics to make themselves into the victim of a positivity post.
Let's also give a shoutout to that one comment under the post...
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Thank you for putting your bigotry so openly on display for us!
Just for the record: it's not minimizing the experiences of traumagenic systems to talk about the stigmatization and oppression of endogenic systems.
In public, endogenic systems are regularly subjected to general pluralphobia. Most lay people will treat you like you're crazy for having voices in your head and other agents who takeover your body, regardless of whether you call them alters, tulpas or some type of spirits.
But as @ghostly-collective points out, there is also specific endophobia, especially in online spaces.
Endogenic systems are regularly targeted for harassment for existing. We're sent hate anons and death threats on Tumblr. We face mass harassment on TikTok. We're regularly ostracized and banned from Discord servers that don't even have anything to do with systems because of anti-endos.
And as you can see, we can't even have positivity blogs because anti-endos will target them.
Pointing out the stigmatization endogenic systems isn't minimizing what traumagenic systems go through.
But you know... when the people who are making these sorts of Appeal to Worse Problems arguments are part of the hate groups who are causing endogenic systems to be be stigmatized and harassed in the first place, it really has the same energy as someone punching you in the face while telling you to shutup because they've been punched harder.
(There are a ton more examples of SAS posting about Tumblr blogs if you browse the "#shit endos say" tag. Including many examples that are more recent. This was just one of the grossest I came across and I needed to get off my chest how appalling it was.)
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rez-urrection · 3 months
thought I'd make a intro post since I've been gaining mutuals :3
hi !! my name is Rez, (or Benjamin, if you want !! Rez is preferred, but Benjamin is also good !! please do not call me Ben. no serious reason, I just don't like the nickname ^^;)
I dont mind the nickname King !! in fact I really enjoy it !! please feel free to use this on me, jokingly or not !!!
I'm a mixed fictive, the result of a fusion between a fictive of an original character Rez, and Dr. Benjamin Kondraki !!
I'm the host of a system. I would rather not specify what disorder at the face of my blog ^_^
we are strictly anti "endo," or anything that falls under non traumagenic claiming to be disordered plurality. OSDDID is a disorder that forms from structural dissociation, which only happens when trauma interrupts the fusion of identity anywhere before 9/12 years old
I have autism, and I would prefer the usage of tone tags ^_^ !!!!
I also have ADHD !!
I am agender transmasc, queer, and my pronouns are he/xe/kit !!
I am 16 at the time of this post's creation !! I will edit as time goes on. if this discomforts you, or you're an 18+ blog and I followed you by mistake, please feel free to unfollow/block !!
I will mainly post about hyperfixations or my special interests !!
my special interests are:
the SCP foundation (completely non-canon, sorry guys)
the color purple !!! (not the movie, literally just the color)
rick and morty
my hyperfixations are (to be edited in the future):
rick and morty
while I am the host of a system, I will likely be the only one of us that posts !! you may see posts from other alters pertaining their interests, but likely not because im the only one who really uses social media to post
if we're mutuals - please feel free to message me !!!! at any time !!!! I dont mind at all and I'd love to chat !!!!! especially about my hyperfixations/special interests
thanks for reading <3 !!!!
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endo-haven · 24 days
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Endo Haven!
This is a pro endo blog, so if you’re not endo or not supportive of them please kindly leave! It’s alright if you’re neutral or avoid syscourse but please don’t bring negativity in here. This is meant to be a place to talk freely without judgement about your system otherwise we’re no better than FDC or SC.
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What can you do here?
There’s a lot you can do here such as:
There’s a lot you can do here such as:
Talking about Hyperfixations
Submitting Posts
Asking Questions
Talking with Us
Talking about your Experiences
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The Venting Rules!
I only ask that there are proper trigger/content warnings when applicable!
You can vent about anti endos, you can vent about your day, anything about RAMCOA/OEA, absolutely anything! This is a safe space for all! If you don’t want to see the vents then feel free to block the tags endo-haven-vent and endo-haven-vents!
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The Question Rules!
You can ask anything within reason! We don’t mind answering any questions at all! But if it goes past what we’re comfortable sharing we don’t have to answer! If you want to know about us check under the cut first!
You’re also free to ask questions for other anons and people to reply to, getting answers and advice is always a good thing!
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Claimed SignOffs
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FAQ / About The Owner!
We are a Diagnosed RAMCOA-DID system! While we are traumagenic we support endos and all types of systems! We have been in both sides of the community for a long time and have done a lot of research with our psychiatric team and by ourselves so please don’t assume we’re just ignorant or don’t know a lot.
We will not be signing off alters that post but you are free to do so! We also won’t be sharing our main blog but you can if you’d like to. We won’t be giving out our other socials so please don’t ask, if you’re close to us you will already know them or learn them eventually!
Why did I follow you? If i’ve followed you and you haven’t followed me first then I likely found you under a pro endo tag or on another endo’s blog! I follow lots of people so I can make a bigger community and reach. If you’re anti-endo and I accidentally follow you, feel free to block me!
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Promo Ping
@inclusysboxes @inclusiveplurality @pluralrights @plural-polls @systempositive @pluralitywords @pluralterms @pluralprompts @pluralpolls @pluralpedia
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antiendovents · 3 months
cw for. anger i guess? im an anger holder/avenger
oh my god i am SO TIRED of seeing "endo safe" and endos in the did tags. the did tags. these! assholes! whine all the time about not being did systems, about not being disordered, but they also want in our communities and not to be in their own?? they want to be accepted as a did system EVEN THOUGH they REPEATEDLY explain that they are NOT! disordered! NOT! traumatized! NOT! disabled! you're not a system, you just want all the quirky and funky and cool parts about being a system and those aren't even cool in the first place!! ooo wow multiple personalities COOL!!! until you realize there is FEASIBLY no way to have alters without there being a REASON for you to have them. you wanna know why that is?? because to have them you have to be SO! DISSOCIATED! and yknow. what dissociation is caused by. if you guessed FUCKING TRAUMA!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE RIGHT and im SO GLAD!! you dont just fucking dissociate for the funsies. you don't just split several alters for funsies. if you "created" your system, please come to terms with the harsh truth you may have delusions or you might just fucking daydream. this place is a freakshow i respect literally none of you people /ref
yes, endos are so frustrating like that. claiming to not have a disorder but using the tags, terms and resources FOR that disorder. its annoying and causes us great anger. i respect no endos, i don't care about any morals or anything, the moment you start acting ableist (as endos are) you lose my respect.
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cattysharkkz · 2 years
edit 11/10/22: Jesus christ you guys really are ruthless huh. Some of you really need to realize the difference between malicious intent and people explaining their reasonings for their beliefs.
Also, the reason we tagged this as "endogenic" is because it's about the topic of endogenics, and if you actually read the post you would know that we wanted to learn more about why endogenics are a valid and very real thing. Not once did we say it was a safe space.
And yes, we realize that some of the things we said were wrong, and we apologize. Again, we have no bad intentions, we just want to help people. We will no longer be responding to anything from this post or anything related to it since not only has it gotten old, but it has created a lot of stress for us too. -Susie
realizing that we're "anti-endo" just because we want to protect people.
this is a very serious disorder that impacts so many people. we no not want people to have this disorder because it stems from abuse and trauma before you even understand who you are or even consider thinking about who you are.
it's okay to not remember the trauma because well, its trauma. and this disorder is designed to make you forget stuff like that. we were lucky enough to remember why this all happened, what caused it, etc. so yes, its okay to not remember what happened.
what's not okay, however, is spreading the idea of "endogenic systems". why? well a few reasons.
lets say someone "identifies" as an endogenic system. what if they don't have a dissociative disorder, but something similar, like psychosis. they think that their delusional attachments are alters, making them believe that they are those people/characters. this becomes a problem, because this can make their condition worse.
now what if they don't have a dissociative disorder or anything of the like? this becomes a huge problem. they start having identity issues, they have no idea who they are, who they will be, who they ever will be, and causing a downward spiral until they just can't take it anymore or get some sort of professional help.
now lets say they do have a dissociative disorder. they don't remember their trauma or even deny that they do. first off, read the 3rd paragraph again. this disability is literally designed to make you forget. but then they start spreading the idea of systems "without trauma" exist, and thus make others hurt themselves in the process (like the last two paragraphs) while meaning well. mot only does this only repeats the process, but now they cannot face their traumas, get professional help, and potentially break down communication and amnesiac barriers and heal as a whole.
this is why so many systems and people are so against the idea of endogenic systems. we do not wish hate or war. we only want to help and protect those that need it.
but if anyone has any information on reasons why endo systems DO exist and DO help people from a RELIABLE SOURCE OF INFORMATION, please send it to me, and i will read it. this will be the only time i will allow my DNI to be broken. /srs
edit: and please, keep a civil and open-minded discussion. we are doing are best to be that way, so we expect you to act the same.
also, the reason we get so defensive over things like this is because we are trauma survivors. unfortunately a lot of people don't act the way they should because we are tired of people getting misconceptions and misinformation baded on something we suffer through daily. being mentally unstable just does that.
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hellisforever · 4 months
HI this is our stimboard + gif blog
it/rot (DO NOT USE THEY ON ME!!!)
agender and queer
dx DID system, we use i/we interchangeably
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dni + request rules + info under
DNI: basic stuff, p/do, racist, ableist, pro-sh/p, anti lgbt+(includes being anti xenogenders and neo pronouns), terf, transmed, truscum, nsfw blog, endo/endo supporter/endo neutral, just dont be weird
!! REQUEST RULES !! -you can request anything from the list of things im familiar with! -if you want something that ISNT on the list you can still send the request in! HOWEVER!! it may lack an understanding of the character/item/game/theme/ect that you send in since i might not be the most familiar with it depending on what it is!! -i can and will refuse requests that go against my DNI or make me uncomfortable -be sure to include any specifics/themes/colors/ect that you want!! unless you dont want anything specific lol -im ok to include horror elements and things like blood, violence, and gore (all fake) -one at a time please!! if you've already requested something please wait until its posted to send in another request!! -introjects are totally free to send in requests! introject based stimboards are actually what this blog was initially made for. a lot of unrequested stimboards (not all) are going to be based on our own alters
!! ABOUT THE BOARDS !! -will be doing the standard 8 gifs with one picture or gif of whatever the request is in the middle -can be based on whatever -credits will be linked in order
!! THINGS IM FAMILIAR WITH !! (not EVERYTHING is listed since its already really long and i cant remember everything lol) GAMES: fnaf, dsaf, tf2, ultrakill, shovel knight, sonic, borderlands, nintendo games, valve games, bioshock, dont starve, fallout, skyrim, lethal league, spyro, undertale/deltarune, club penguin, mega man
OTHER LOL: transformers, lemon demon, DC, marvel, hlvrai, vocaloid, computers, computer viruses, invader zim, jthm, IRL animatronics, eddsworld, mlp, marble hornets, creepypasta, moral orel, spy vs spy, the walten files, astro boy, soul eater, bfb, gorillaz, khonjin house
!! EXTRA !! -icon was drawn by us, i love the flesh panopticon -username is from a dream puzzles song, my favourite band -as of rn we dont do the anons tagging themselves as emojis thing. i dont hate it or anything, its just really easy to impersonate people that way
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thundersyst3m · 2 years
I'm Mallow (also known as the host, Nimbus!)
We are a diagnosed DID system of over 80+ members!
This blog is for reblogs, shitpost, dumb thoughts, aesthetics, doodle dump and questions!
Wanna know what I like + other social media? Check here!
Wanna know more about the system and our proxies/sign-offs? Check here!
My art page is @cinnaskiies
My qsmp page is @qthundercubitos
My littles page is @thundersystemlittles
My hornyposting page is @thunderhornyposting (+18 ONLY)
My writing blog is @thund3rwords
My paranoia blog is @magicalgirlbreakroom
Chilchuck dedicated blog @chilchucklover2003 (+18 ONLY)
North's winter posting blog together with an alter from another system is @frozenheartache
Alter blogs:
North - @winterangelthoughts
Gabe - @blood-soaked-peppermint
#thunder diary - daily notes about our day :)
#therapy stories - funny or impactful things from therapy
To see posts from certain alters, just put [alter name].pdf
These are the alters that mostly use this tumblr:
Nimbus ✨ - Body age - All pronouns/zap/cloud
Nimbuschu ⚡ - Body age - He/She/They/Zap
Blade 🍒 - 24 - He/They/Hound
Alice 🌸 - 28 - She/They/Flower
Cupid 🌺 - Ageless (adult) - She/They/Love
Hastur 🍚 - 3000+ (adult) - Any Pronouns
Moss 📗 - 20's - He/Him
North ❄️🩸 - 20's - He/it/snow/ice
Fawn 🦌🩸 - 20's - He/They/Deer
Sabrina 🐰🩸 - 19 - She/They/It/Bun
Heartache 🩸 - 20's - He/They/It/Blood
Ignis 🧨🩸 - 30's - He/It/Fire
Astro ☄️ - 17 - She/They
Aurora 🕯️ - Ageless (adult) - She/They/Star
MK 🍜 - 18 - He/Him/Chaos
Sol ☀️ - 1000+ (Mentally on his 30's) - He/Sun
Norton 🧲 - 35 - He/They/She
Pinkie Pie 🍰 - idk age (adult) - She/They/Cake
Fluttershy 🍂 - idk age (adult) - She/Her/Flutter
Purple 😈 - 16 - He/It
Grace 🐟 - 25 - She/They/Pearl
Cellbit 📷 - 30's - He/him
More might be added
We are Brazilian! So sometimes portuguese posts might happen!
We are having a race crisis, we don't know if we white or mixed/pardo, hard at the moment
We are socially anxious and overall introverts that hate DMs
Please use tone tags, we are autistic and this helps a lot!
We can answer some system questions, but not all, we not a professional!
This acc is sfw! But I am keeping it 18+ for my own comfort (plus i do touch on some mature subjects sometimes)
I am pro-kink (no I don't defend abusers, fuck off), don't care for contradicting LGBT labels and am overall a sarcastic person when it comes to venting about people who hurt me, if that bothers you, don't follow me
Don't send vent or hate asks, we will ignore you.
I try my best to use trigger warnings constantly, please tell me if i don't
If i follow anyone who did anything illegal, please DM me about it
I won't judge you based on the fandom you are as long as you consume content in a critical way (aka recognise the problematic aspects of the media you consume)
We are very mentally ill (DID, C-PTSD, anxiety, autism, etc etc...)
I block freely, especially content i find repetitive/boring/not interesting for me personally so, if i have you blocked, don't take it personally
My stance on endos: Neutral, as long as you're polite and nice, idc, dont bring syscourse in my inbox and we good
We interact with both anti-endo and pro-endo, we will only DNI If you have "endo neutral" on your DNI
You are free to reblog the silly stuff If you're a minor but i prefer If you don't directly interact with me, i prefer to form friendships with people my age!
I hate racists, homophobes, ableists and all that jazz i hate y'all and will block y'all
If you came from szoller/ih8szllr/murysy blacklist/posts feel free to ask questions about It on DMs, this person abused me for a long time and i'm tired of referring to them publicly
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Project Know-It-All tracking
Enjoy your stay! <3
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Quick introduction post I guess.
Hello from the Nebula system! Please use they/them. We have both trans mascs and femmes in the system and our host is nonbinary so it's a good average.
Like it says in the bio we don't tolerate bigotry. We don't participate in syscourse much but endos are fucking exhausting. We tend to think that many are just those who are actually traumatized or most attributing other symptoms or perhaps just needed a friend.
With the exception of endos, we generally we think that judging the way systems work is rude. Even if a traumagenic system uses neopronouns, is "cringy," has nonhuman entities, has a lot of alters or very few, they are all welcome here.
We stay anonymous for safety and also because a lot of the time it's hard to tell who's fronting.
We don't have any alternate blogs yet and we mostly use mobile so we're putting off making our blog ✨aesthetic✨. We'll try to tag triggers but there will be regular mentions of transphobia and general hate to the lgbtq community, as well as nfsw jokes and talk of mental health. When a certain alter is fronting things will go in tagged cuz they kind of forget how tumblr works/don't have the energy. Sorry about that!
Also, there will be an occasional use of reclaimed slurs (t and f usually). Oh and sometimes we double reblog if we like something extra or think it's important so sorry for spam.
Asks are open if you have questions!
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thestarseersystem · 1 year
Systems, you can do whatever you want, forever. I don't care anymore. And if I care later, that's someone else who pilots this meat body.
Syscourse is stupid. I may scroll through the tag of my own curiosity and outrage, but getting mad over how another system does or doesn't operate is stupid.
I do the following:
Roleplay and make picrews and do silly videos with my alters and dress up
Romanticize my symptoms as a coping mechanism because that's all I got
Edit my shit and constantly fight in my head, because who's actually right here
Take shit personally. Hey what the fuck you looking at??
Thinking about committing and constantly threatening violence. Because evil alters are poggers actually
Half of the system is hypersexual. Including the littles. I've been hypersexual since I was bodily 5 years old. Whatcha gonna do, give me therapy about it? I need it.
Have a lot of problematic behaviors. So what. Who doesn't. You aint pure, bitch
Using names that I wasn't born with. Because apparently people get mad about that. I'm not elaborating. Y'all just wanna trigger ppl with OCD all day, huh.
Etc etc etc.
I'm unpalatable. DID, OSDD and other dissociative disorders aren't pretty or happy or easy to deal with. It's dark and dirty and grungy and sucky and I become an asshole sometimes.
Stop expecting systems to be perfect or having perfect labels and perfect names or perfect existences. We had to do whatever we could to survive, and that means doing morally questionable shit. That means taking up space. That means stop judging people when they do something you don't like. Because they probably are not in recovery or in therapy or getting the right treatment or wanting to get treatment or needing everything you needed.
Systems have no set way to be. Yes, I'm mainly anti-endo and do think all systems come from trauma, but do you know what I'm not gonna do? Go and harass people about it. I block people, constantly. I constantly question if I should block people on my side of things because of their stupid fucking opinions. I stay in my fucking lane and try to mind my own business.
But sometimes I'm a nosy bitch, sometimes I'm curious about what's going on. Because there's no positive or neutral system content most of the time. But there's always some crazy drama going on. And that's what I assume some of y'all are doing when looking at this post.
So, just take a step back and ask yourself, are you willing to die on this hill and keep shitting on other fucking randos on the internet, for shit you have no right to question, or are you going to log off and touch some fucking grass? Because honestly, I don't care anymore, and you shouldn't either.
Live authentically, even if that means being a little punk ass bitch or mauling a stranger.
I'm done with keeping up appearances and masking in this community. I don't need a crumb of validation or acceptance, I'm just throwing this out there to anyone in the trenches. Don't give a shit for a moment. Eat some grass instead of being online.
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nova-alien · 10 days
🌴〖️ 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕞 〗️🌴
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💙 basic info:
traumagenic polyfragmented OSDD-1b (possibly DID) system, 100+ alters, severe amnesia of all types, heavily LGBTQ+
system tag is the solar system, bodily over the age of 21, can collectively be referred to as nova/solar and with any pronouns
disabled, chronically ill, C-PTSD, BPD, auDHD, OCD, GAD, ARFID, psychosis. we have symptom holders!
bodily jewish, white, and afab
✨ things to note:
WE ARE ENDO NEUTRAL! we simply feel anxious interacting with endos due to past trauma! we are TRAUMATIZED, NOTHING ELSE!
our memory SUCKS. like, REALLY sucks. we have a seriously difficult time remembering things that happened, something we did, discussions we've had, and people we've met. please keep this in mind!
WE DON'T ENGAGE IN DISCOURSE. no syscourse, no discourse on queer topics, no fandom discourse, NOTHING.
please use tone tags with us! we are neurodivergent and can get confused by things easily!
signoffs are only used by alters other than nova, because they are not the main host! if a signoff is not used, assume it is nova.
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🌴〖️ 𝕞𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕤 〗️🌴
💙 nova (💙):
primary host
persecutor, trauma holder
any pronouns, ages with body
introverted, impulsive, hot-headed, anxiety ridden, overachieving, perfectionistic, and altruistic. enjoys goofing around and helping others, and frequently engages in various creative hobbies. gets frustrated easily
✨ marlon (🌊):
secondary host
caretaker, gatekeeper, protector
he/him, age slides in 20s
outgoing, friendly, and laid back, but has absolutely no tolerance for bullshit. enjoys being silly and can even be chaotic at times, but will be serious when required
marina (🌿):
secondary host
caretaker, gatekeeper, protector
she/they, age slides in late teens/early 20s
bubbly, cheerful, honest, loving, and kind. has a bad habit of people pleasing too much, and is prone to anxious spirals. heavy OCD and GAD symptom holder
💙 dimitri (💧):
tertiary host
archivist, caretaker, gatekeeper, internal self-helper
he/him, no older than 20
feels deep passion for everything, and is unapologetically himself. loves others loudly and proudly. usually very understanding and flexible but if challenged on his beliefs, he will dig his heels in
✨ phoebe (✨):
tertiary host
archivist, caretaker, gatekeeper, internal self-helper, protector
she/they, early 20s
timid, sweet, loving, soft gentle, and scatterbrained. never stays in one place too long and is constantly looking to help anyone she can. has low self-confidence and struggles to speak up
💙 vincent (🧀):
tertiary host
archivist, gatekeeper, persecutor, protector
he/him, early 30s
incredibly chaotic, extroverted, self destructive, hypersexual, flamboyant, and shameless. does things without thinking and is prone to running away from his problems
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🌴〖️ 𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕠𝕩𝕖𝕤 〗️🌴
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renders by denny busyet!
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highfemmecatgirl · 8 months
Hiii name is Sapphe!!
Im 23!!! (But the body is 22!!)
She/Her only!!! But am nonbinary high femme!!
Typing is hard cuz autism impact talk and write skills sooo not gonna use lots words and lots grammar!! It really hard and draining and not comfy
Please no interact if: Men, Terf/Swerf, Pedo, CGL/Ageplay, tag my posts with d*ddy or m*mmy, please no ED blog please am recovering, Endo systems :( you need trauma to be system cuz cuz thats how part forms
Am a alter, so.. dont have my own body!! So wont make lots pictures for blog because body doesnt feel right to me (since it looks different from how I see myself!!!) So only sometimes pictures!!! Cux body feels too different!! But but i make other kinds posts about thngs i like and fantasies 👉👈!! Im part of the SoaP system!!! With Desmone!! ( @lycanstonebutch hehee 💖💖 ) we are!! Desmone and I are co-hosts so we often online at same time cuz we often around front together, and since this is side blog if Desmone follows you then I follow you too!!!
Kinks are... Lots.. big list but some big ones are!!:
-breeding 👉👈
-pet play
-lots impact play and even intense!!
-cnc (please dont tag cnc posts i make with!! R/pe in any way please dont !! My fantasies are!!! All!! Consensual!!!! I use cnc to reclaim and and heal and cope so please dont call it r/pe)
-fear play
Everyone free to send any kind asks!!! Long as sapphic!!!
Mmm my nsfw post & pictures are tagged!!: kitten.purrs
Ask games are tagged!!!: ask.kitten
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lostsouls-house · 9 months
I was gonna say something angry but I realized quickly that that wasn’t what I wanted to say. As one of your ex friends I do care, I don’t check on your blog to see how you’re doing because I don’t care. Just because we’re not friends now doesn’t mean I don’t care now or didn’t care then. You’re free to delete this ask/ignore it but I just wanted to say my peace.
This took us weeks to sort our feelings on, so if you are checking Anon- I hope you see this.
First, let us say that we are not talking about anyone we still have as friends on Discord. We are talking almost exclusively about our former friends from the Survivor's Network, mostly mods.
If this is @circulars-reasoning , then you're right. You did care, and we thank you for that. We miss you, and we're sorry you get lumped in with the people you hang out with. We wish things could have been different, but they weren't. Whatever we say, it's not aimed at you. That said, we think it's time we talked about why we left in a more substantial presentation than vague posting. Because if this is a specific *dude*, then you should know how fucked up everything between us was.
Unfortunately, we only ended up modding for the Survivor's Network for a few months. When we joined, it felt like coming home. We had a brilliant mod team, we all had similar views and we worked very well together. We even got a new writing partner out of it. We were on top of the world. Working on the rules, creating a safe space and making things for the anti-endo community just a little more comfortable. Oh, and the voice chats! We had such a great time in those spaces. That's what we miss the most. But the atmosphere changed for us as our new Writing Partner began to enter awkward territory. We are no strangers to flirting and we are not opposed to enacting the rights of our open relationship, but this quickly became uncomfortable and emotionally manipulative. We have long been in silence as they are a huge name on Sysblr and were know no one would believe us over them. We do have receipts but for now we are choosing to keep them to ourselves. If the need is there, they will be released but we'd rather not have to paw through thousands of trumatic messages.
None of this is in any particular order, as our brain is very averse to revisiting the server these things happened in. But we do still have it, it and all the things said in it. We are going to place this list in bullet format and under a cut. You are welcomed to DM us any questions after this, but I doubt we will have straight answers as we're still scared to *actually* name them.
- Made our protective alter feel like a monster.
- Made us feel like we somehow cheated on them if we spoke in the SN before our private server.
- Used a situation I was venting about to try and make me feel bad after they "tried to help" by sending us a car part WITHOUT TELLING US. They used it to make us feel like we had done them wrong when we hadn't even known it was happening.
- Made our partner System feel like they were monsters.
- Tried to convince us that we were either ALL IN the relationship with this person, or all out. As in we either commit or we don't be friends.
- Pressured us to tell them any and every dark thing going on in our mind.
- Pressured us to make sure our protective Alter was never around when they were, shutting down to one word answers when certain alters would appear.
- Generally getting upset when we split new alters.
All of this and more in the space of three months. I cannot go back to the Survivor's Network because this personnas far as I know is still a mod there. They are older than me and manipulative as hell.
So if you *are* still watching my blog please note that your stupid little servers ended me in the hospital and into new psych treayment to deal with the scars you left.
We're are tagging this so it's seen. Ask us whatever, but I will not be giving a name until I can go through mentally and screencap everything. If you're asking yourself "Why now?"- It's because the alter that spit to protect us from this person finally gave us to okay. So here we are, telling the story. Believe me or don't I don't care.
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