prismgrl · 20 hours
OK BUt the fact that both my therapist and my hairstylist both told me to get on hinge within the last few days...
is this a sign from the universe or the devil trying to seduce me
tbh it all makes me feel rlly anxious to get back on there i've never had any real luck with dating apps,
except one guy was kinda cool but idk i wasn't really feeling it idk
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prismgrl · 3 months
I started feeling better once I began believing in myself that I will get over them, because I absolutely will. And not deluding myself into thinking they ever cared more than they showed. It's been a tough pill to swallow, but I'm glad I've come to this place of moving on.
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prismgrl · 4 months
yeh so as i predicted he left me on seen. and made the additional effort to MUTE me and hide his ig stories from me, seems like overkill for what coulda been a healthy communication but ummm ok...
no because every time i've had the urge to send a long paragraph to someone explaining how i feel about something, i give myself like two days to think about it and i'm always grateful that i didn't send anything to give them the satisfaction of knowing they got to me.
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prismgrl · 4 months
it's more painful to heal an old wound, to rewrite the script, to have a second chance to make things right;
to have hope that things will be different this time around.
because the first time, you were young and immature.
and then the painful disappointment when you realize that other person doesn't share the sentiment. they came back to get what they wanted from you and dip, and hurt your feelings on their way. simply because they don't care.
the audacity it must take to waltz back into my life after all the pain they've caused me, knowing fully well that they don't care is mean and awful.
i couldn't imagine doing that to someone who I knew cared about me. it's rare to have someone who still cares about you even when you don't deserve it.
but assholes will behave as such and cannot be helped. my mistake was thinking that the pain and scars that that person caused me could be healed by that same person.
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prismgrl · 5 months
learning to trust and act my inner voice and intuition after years of being gaslit by dusties, a novel
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prismgrl · 5 months
Being claircognizant is kind of cool until one night you are standing at your front door, having an enormously difficult time saying goodbye to someone, because, despite them deceiving reassuring you otherwise, you have a sinking feeling that it will be the last time you'll ever see them and then it is.
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prismgrl · 6 months
It happened again. This time with a different person. I had this same eerie feeling. When they were getting ready to leave, I couldn't shake this feeling of dread and sadness. It was ridiculously difficult to let them leave. And I selfishly kept prolonging their departure. I remember at the time thinking that would be the last time I'd hangout with them, and even though they said that we would hangout again "soon", they kept making excuses, and that never happened, I last saw them the end of December. It's almost April, and now we haven't had any contact in over a month, and I don't foresee us hanging out again in the future. So it just goes to show. I guess I can sense that. Which is an awful feeling.
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06/03/23 — It was a stupid argument. I just wanted to go home for the night to cool off, I had no idea you were done with me, or that walking out would mean goodbye forever.
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prismgrl · 7 months
but after months of contemplating whether to voice my irritation to the person for the ways they've treated me, i decided to write a small paragraph. i knew they wouldn't respond anyway, solidifying my resolve to just tell them off since it made no difference anyway
no because every time i've had the urge to send a long paragraph to someone explaining how i feel about something, i give myself like two days to think about it and i'm always grateful that i didn't send anything to give them the satisfaction of knowing they got to me.
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prismgrl · 7 months
I really don’t like when people say stuff they don’t mean to keep me at a position in their life that does not align with how it actually is. Like not making effort to hangout but saying they want to but not replying to texts to hangout. Stop that
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prismgrl · 8 months
no because every time i've had the urge to send a long paragraph to someone explaining how i feel about something, i give myself like two days to think about it and i'm always grateful that i didn't send anything to give them the satisfaction of knowing they got to me.
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prismgrl · 8 months
Not me desperately wanting connection and validation that I become a pick-me who ignores her own boundaries.
Not me jumping to give them my time, effort, and care until time reveals that they were using me to get their needs met and didn’t care. :)
Not me being aware they're giving bare minimum effort, breadcrumbing to keep me around but only interested in taking advantage of what I have to offer.
Not me NOT confronting them about it because although I notice EVERYTHING, I don't confront. But maybe it's about time I start. After all, what do I have to lose? People who weren't even friends to begin with?
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prismgrl · 10 months
If I were rich I’d wake up every day and immediately go run outside to my massive yard and just run around, all that empty space, much better than going to a gym, just playin’, doing cartwheels and stuff
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prismgrl · 1 year
The fact that whenever I feel any inkling of happiness towards someone's presence in my life, it falls apart, no matter what I do. I'm so tired of being lonely and friendless. It's been this way for so long it makes me lowkey wanna fucking end my life. I'm actually scared of how this is beginning to make me feel. I don't know what to do.
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prismgrl · 1 year
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prismgrl · 1 year
I finally deleted your number. I don't know it by memory, so that's one of my ways of saying goodbye and letting you go. I still need to delete your pictures from my phone and laptop. A part of me still holds onto the good memories, but that's another thing that I have to work myself up to. It just takes time. No point in rushing the healing process. It's taken me two months, and they say it takes half the time you were together to get over it, well, I'm 1/4th of the way there.
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prismgrl · 1 year
I think that’s how you know you’re really in love with someone. When you’re loyal to them, not because there’s a social responsibility to be loyal and to not cheat, but because you genuinely don’t want anyone else. Even if you break up and there's no longer that social responsibility, you still only want them. Your heart is loyal to them, for a while afterwards, you can’t see anyone else in the same light. No one else takes the same place in your heart.
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prismgrl · 1 year
i don't wanna miss you but i do another heartbreak i can't undo
i ask myself
why you are not here with me if things were as i thought them to be?
i wanna start over be wiser be kinder
i wanna be held be loved be yours
but after 9 months together you no longer want me and i will never know why you decided to ghost me
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