project-nm7l · 2 years
Due to a steady decline of readers on this site, we will no longer be updating on this platform. This blog can be found on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/ProjectNM71 Medium at: https://medium.com/@ProjectNM71 Our Website at: http://www.projectnm71.com
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A142
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Date: 03/23/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A142 I sent a message to everyone to join us in the common area. Inessa, Moke, Ketak, and I all stood awaiting everyone's sluggish exhausted arrival. Everyone had arrived to the common area except Yeserva, and of course Tzakac who was still frozen in the cryo cell in the infirmary. We waited a moment, and she still hadn't arrived. I asked Dr. Williams and Inessa to go check on her, and help her into the common areas. It was important she hear this message too. Finally I could see the three of them coming in from the hallway. Yeserva looked distraught. I signaled for Harkim to look over at Yeserva. Harkim knew what I was needing. She stood and headed over to sit with Yeserva to talk with her. "Hi everyone! I know it's been an interesting state of events the last 24 hours. It's about to get even more interesting. Ketak and I have decided to become an alliance of Xeim." I announced. There was a few loud gasps, and a few whispers, then silence. "I know what you are thinking. It's nothing as we expected, I've met with the leaders and they are providing us with safety and shelter until we can make our next move. They have a celebration ready for us inside, and we need to make an appearance." I finished. I looked over and saw Yeserva's face. It was pale and she was shaking uncontrollably. Harkim seemed to be attempting to handle the situation. I nodded to let Harkim know it was okay to take her to the holding unit. I motioned for Inessa to follow. Ketak then stood forward and spoke. "It's a wise idea that the children remain here. We'll need a few adults to stay with them while we are celebrating with our new connections. Who will volunteer to remain here with the children?" Jane and Akeno's hands shot up. I knew they would be accepting of this. "Might I suggest also that Inessa and Liam also stay with the shuttle? Just to ensure Jane, Akeno, and the children remain safe. Just because we are at Xeim." Ketak suggested. "Yes, that's a good idea. Liam are you okay with this?" I asked.
Jane and Akeno rounded up all four of the children and headed into Jyauacta and Ketak's quarters which already had 5 cryo cells. One for Jane and Akeno to share, and one for each of the children. I asked everyone to get ready for the celebration. Ramesh pulled me to the side, and asked to also remain. I know he's not much of a party type of guy... and he's been really concerned about his wife's shuttle and what is going to happen. I completely understood and excused him from the celebrations. I hadn't updated Earth on the mission yet. I don't even know what to exactly say. I'll be sending a message after I've rested however. I'm just not sure how much information I feel safe revealing at this time.
We all got dressed and exited the shuttle. Inessa secured the doors behind us. I pulled Harkim to the side quickly before we joined the Xeim community. "What's going on with Yeserva?" I asked. "The Beurrizautchi informed her of a bounty on her head with the leaders of Xeim. She's afraid they will kill her and her family." Harkim replied. "I settled all of that. The people of Xeim know of my intention to keep their family safe. I'll go tell Yeserva before we leave." I headed back to the shuttle access and Inessa let me in. I went to the holding unit and opened the door to find Yeserva crying and shaking in the fetal position on the floor. "Yeserva. I bargained with the Guardians of Xeim. I let them know my intentions to protect you and your family. You're safe. We have a clear understanding that we will leave if they did not accept you and your family as part of my crew. I know just a fraction of what you went through. I know that your intentions to protect your family were stronger than your alliance against the Beurrizautchi and they lied to you. They blackmailed you, abused you, and made you fearful for your life. That's not your fault. The choice is yours now. You don't have to side with Xeim, but you can choose us over the Beurrizautchi."
Yeserva stared at me blankly, then began crying. She stood and threw her arms around me. I hugged her in tight. I know she's emotionally scarred. There's no question about that. She needs a lot of healing. "Yeserva, can I put you in a microscale freeze state with some of our Psilo6, the best healing frequency and some aromatics? It will help you process this trauma and help you heal faster." I was looking at her hanging head as tears fell to the floor. "Yes. Penn. I trust you." She said with a whimper. I called Harkim back into the shuttle to dose the Psilo6 for Yeserva. I placed her in a cryo cell and we set the frequency and aromatics. I set the microscale freeze to send her into an unconscious state, but not in a full freeze. I placed a few sensors onto her head, and one on her chest.This will keep her in the cryo cell until we thaw her and allow us to keep tabs on her mental and healing progression. Harkim and I exited the ship once more, with Inessa locking up behind us. I grabbed Moke's hand, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned and kissed my shoulder. The group and I started walking in the direction the light bars were reflecting. We approached a large door with a three sided triangular symbol etched in the metal. The door began to open slowly outwards, and Yulsefh was there to greet us.
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A141
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Date: 03/23/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A141 The four men entered the ship and followed Inessa and Moke into the common areas. I followed behind. I'm not sure of what I am to expect from this visit, but I'm hopeful for the best. The tallest of the Guardians was Gauteque, he seemed to be the leader as he took center stage in our conversation. The Guardian with the darker beard, bigger belly, and seemingly shorter was Tourayte. He nodded a lot, and wouldn't stop looking me up and down. The two other men were Tyvea, and Yulsefh. They seemed to only chime in on the most pressing issues. The most pressing issue it seems was the connection between Yeserva and the Beurrizautchi. She fed them information for fear of them injuring her and her family. In their eyes she was a weak link and was potentially a risk for them to bring in. At one point, Ketak translated 'to distinguish' their family. "I made a promise to Yeserva to protect her, her husband, and their children. I don't intend on breaking that promise. I know what Yeserva endured at the hands of the Beurrizautchi, and you can see my condition. She faced this as well, and still stood without medical attention to protect her children and husband. I will not simply 'distinguish' them for risk. I'll take the risk. Everyone is allowed to make mistakes, and her mistakes were made in fear." I replied confidently. The four men looked at one another and were obviously communicating telepathically through the orb. Gauteque agreed that they would be given the chance to prove disally with the Beurrizautchi. The only other concern was that the Beurrizautchi had tracking and listening devices still within our persons. I confirmed that we went through ample procedures to ensure, but we would be willing to show the scans to prove we are free of further devices. I also confirmed the coordinates in which I dumped the devices I destroyed. "We can't bear the weight of the full Beurrizautchi army with our current population. You will need to stand and fight with us if they do decide to attempt retrieval of Ketak for access to the underground dwellers. It's no doubt he'd be tortured until they were given answers or his death. I would also like an exchange of goods and services to support our decision to provide safety." Gauteque spoke eloquently and was always very blunt with his words. I liked this about him. I like that he was straight to the point. "Yes, Gauteque. We will support and fight with you. I'm also very open to an exchange of goods and services. Thank you for your openness and honesty with us. I'm glad we could alleviate your concerns." I reached out my hand to shake his. He stood, shook my hand, but then walked around the table and gave me a tight embrace. He kissed my cheek on both sides and then stood back. He nodded his head, and the rest of the men stood from the table with him. Tourayte kept looking at me as though I was a snack. Tyvea and Yulsefh shook my hand and gave me a quick peck on the cheek as they left the shuttle. --SEE THE REST ON OUR WEBSITE: www.projectnm71.com
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A140
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Date: 03/23/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A140 "What the fuck was that?" I yelled as I tried to catch my balance. "We're less than 10 minutes out. Ketak, I need you in the command center immediately." I ran back to the command center to see what had happened. We were struck. It wasn't a direct hit, but the explosion caused a bit of damage to the left side of the ship. Ketak arrived in the command center. "What happened?" He asked. "I'm not sure, I don't see anyone down there, but we were shot at. It exploded next to us, but didn't impact." I replied. "It was a warning. We need to set down here." Ketak said with a panic in his voice. Moke arrived in the command center. "What's happening?" he asked.
"We were fired upon. We need to set down here. Will you send a message through to everyone to buckle up?" I responded. Moke buckled in right away and sent the message, then confirmed that it was completed. "Holy shit. This is Xeim, isn't it? What the fuck are we doing here?" Moke exclaimed. "I'll explain later, I need to get the shuttle set down before the next shot isn't a warning." I looked back and gave Moke a wink. After circling for a few minutes, I finally found a patch of land that was the best for landing. I landed us gently balancing the RCS Thrusters, and disengaging the Anti-Gravity Drive. I could see a line of Nauertains standing at the entrance of the base of the city. "What do we do now, Ketak?" I was very unsure of his plan. "I need to go talk to them. I'll be back. It's better if I go alone. I'm not sure how accepting they will be of humans yet." Ketak responded in a concerned tone. Ketak exited the ship and we watched him jog up to the gates to what looked like the leaders of this city. They all entered the city, including Ketak and the doors were shut. Moke and I secured the shuttle, and we sat in the command center waiting for Ketak to return. It was late, and very dark outside. It made me incredibly nervous. Xeim was essentially an island about a hundred miles off the coast of Yheim which was the second largest continent of NM71. Although I didn't feel we were in immediate danger, I did feel we were at risk and that made me anxious.
I sent a message across the shuttle to let everyone know that we had arrived in our new destination, but to remain in their quarters and rest until further notice. I saw a light peer through the entrance of their city, and Ketak exit, along with four very tall, very large Nauertains. They were headed to the shuttle. Inessa exited her quarters, and I was thankful of her company. Moke, Inessa and I exited the shuttle and stood at the secured entrance waiting for the five to arrive. Ketak gave us a small wave, I'm assuming to let us know that the meeting went well, and we can relax before meeting these four new people. The four Nauertain men were much larger than I had anticipated, they were at least 8' tall. They all had long, greyish beards, and dad bods. "Hello, I'm commander Penn Draugon." I introduced myself to these men. "Hello, Commander Draugon. We are the guardians of these people. We'd like to discuss the options, and your intentions with you. May we come in?" The head of the guardians pointed at the shuttle. "Yes, you may come in." I gestured to Inessa and Moke to enter the ship and lead the way. I walked in behind Ketak and the Guardians. Ketak shot me a quick glance, but I wasn't able to read what he was trying to say exactly, but it certainly didn't make me feel at ease.
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A139
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Date: 03/23/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A139 Xeim was a city we were all aware of. It was very prevalent in the Nauertain history they shared with us. It was a place of great bloodshed. Although the planet had known peace for the past 15,000 years, Xeim was known for it's correction of beings who didn't assimilate or conform to the ideologies of peace. This was where the greedy, exploitive, murdering, raping scum of NM71 went. It wasn't quite a prison, but a place where they were forced to remain living together in isolation. I had no idea why Ketak selected this place, but I have no other choice but to trust him now. Xeim was a three hour flight at full thrust. It was just about the furthest we could travel without running out of fuel and falling from the sky. We set the destination and auto pilot. I turned to Ketak. "Why are we going to Xeim?" I asked. "I don't feel comfortable disclosing that information aloud." He said. He turned to the tablet next to his left arm. He began writing. After a few minutes, he presented the tablet for me to read: "I have connections there that will be of use to us. Those who live in Xeim remain untouched from the virus. They have resources, and I'm hoping they would be willing to work with us. It's the safest place I know we can go without the threat of the NM-Z's, and they hate the Beurrizautchi." "I trust you Ketak." I said as I stood and walked out of the command center. Ketak followed. I submitted a message calling everyone to the common area. Within a few minutes, everyone had gathered. "I am not able to discuss the coordinates at this time of where we are headed, but please, I need everyone's cooperation as we move forward. We couldn't face an attack by the NM-Z's, not with the condition of our shuttle and the new dangers with the Beurrizautchi. We needed to leave the farms, and we are headed to what Ketak and I have deemed to be the safest location for us at this time. We will be in flight for the next few hours. Everyone will need to get into their cryo cells, or into bunks for the evening and try to get some rest. I'll announce when we have arrived."
Everyone looked around at each other, then started heading to their cryo cells and beds. Moke stayed and waited for everyone to disperse. He gave me a kiss on my forehead, and wrapped his arms around me gently. "Can you rest, or do you need to stay awake in the command center?" He asked. "I will need to stay in the command center. Hopefully I'll get some rest soon, I'll need it to heal. I do need you to get some rest though, Moke. You're going to need it, and I'm going to need you. I replied. Moke nodded his head, smiled, kissed me on the lips, and ran his hands down my arms, until our hands met. He headed off to bed. I made my rounds to ensure everyone was settled in for the rest of the evening. My final stop was the infirmary. I knocked. Dr. Williams answered. "What's going on Jordan?" I asked, shocked at the amount of orange blood on his sleeves, and jacket.
"We found the devices on the three of them in the exact location as yours. I was able to get them all out, but everyone needs to recover now. I looked over at Jyauacta who was laying on the same medical bed I was on earlier, with a large bandage across her spine. "Tzakac was already frozen from the cryo cell, so the removal of his was simple and he'll recover without knowing it was even there or removed. Yeserva on the other hand was very hesitant about me removing it. She actually knew it was there, and showed me. She told me that Tak would murder her, and her entire family if it was removed. I promised her that it wouldn't happen, that we are protecting them now. Right, Penn?" Dr. Williams seemed nervous for my response. "I'll protect them with my life, Jordan. I'll never let Tak or the Beurrizautchi near them ever again." I said it aloud, enough for Yeserva to hear me clearly in her drugged state. "Thank you, Jordan. I appreciate you taking care of this." I grabbed the three devices off of Dr. William's desk. "I'll take care of these."
I went into Paulo's lab and asked for the device he had been inspecting. He told me that it was for sure a tracking device, and it had some vibration detection which indicates an audio transmission as well. I asked Paulo for the device, and I took all four devices into the resource bay and found a hammer. I started smashing the devices to smithereens and dropped them through the drop port.
We were now two hours out from Xeim. I went into the command center and sat, watching the dark landscape as we traveled. It was almost hypnotizing. I was exhausted... and I started to notice time slipping between blinks. The 10 minute alarm startled me. We were now 10 minutes out from Xeim. I jumped up and headed towards Ketak's quarters, I need to know where to land, and what the plan is. Just as I opened the door to their quarters, the ship jolted as though we had been hit by some sort of missile.
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A138
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Date: 03/23/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A138 Moke rushed to get Dr. Williams, while Jyauacta held my head in her hands as my body sprawled across the floor.
I felt an intense burning in my lower back. Almost felt like I was being branded. When Dr. Williams arrived, I was able to weakly express to him the intense shock, and the burning I felt in my back. He gently rolled me to my side. I felt intense pressure. Dr. Williams exclaimed when he touched the source of the intense burning, as it burned him as well. "What the fuck is that thing? Moke! Go get me my bag!" Dr. Williams shouted. Moke returned with his bag. Dr. Williams pulled out a scalpel, and began carving something out of my back. I screamed and writhed in pain. "I'm sorry Penn, I have to get this out of you." Dr. Williams was working quickly. He pulled out a small circular device and placed it on my desk. He stitched me up and rubbed a numbing cream across it. Moke and Ketak helped me up onto my bunk. "What the fuck is that?" I asked. Paulo looked at the device on the desk to examine it. It's some sort of bio-tech. It was scorching hot, and it smelled like burning flesh in my quarters. "I'd be willing to bet it's a tracking device, and possibly an audio transmitter. Looks like it malfunctioned." Paulo was still poking at it with my pen. "Beurrizautchi." I whispered. "If that was in me, then there is no question that it's in Yeserva, Tzakac, and even you Jyauacta. Anyone who has been in the hands of the Beurrizautchi is probably carrying these... If we leave, they'll be able to track us. There's no doubt." "We'll have to find some way to scramble the signals. I'm not sure how these things work, but I'll start working on it right away." Paulo grabbed a tissue and picked up the device and carried it out of the room.
"We don't have much time. I need to get the shuttle fired up, and we'll get moved out of here for now. Liam, will you do a run through with me? Moke, can you get everyone settled in? Dr. Williams, will you take Yeserva and Jyauacta to your quarters and begin looking for similar devices on their bodies? Maybe an X-ray? Something?" I was in full commander mode now. It was almost night fall, and we still had no concrete plan. "Ketak, Liam, Inessa. Come with me. Ketak, I need you to help me with the map. Liam, and Inessa, will you help me do the run through. We need to get this shuttle off the ground immediately." We all started jogging towards the command station of the shuttle. Liam and Inessa went out onto the top of the shuttle to start removing the solar panels, and the cameras from the top. Moke was already getting everyone settled into their quarters, cryo cells, or into buckled seats. Dr. Williams had Jyauacta and Yeserva buckled in the infirmary.
I turned on the digital display and began getting the electrical system up and running within the command center, and began looking over the readings. It was exactly what Paulo had shared with me. Liam and Inessa confirmed they had returned to the ship, and all was five by five. I initiated the anti-gravity drives and could feel the vibration of the ship as it lifted off the landing pads. You could hear the groaning and rattling of the damaged shuttle. An alert notified us of the immense damage. The landing gear on the rear left was jammed. I engaged the RCS Thrusters and lifted us into the sky. The whole shuttle shook and rattled as we ascended. I looked over to Ketak who was buckled next to me. "Where are we going, Ketak. Where is safe?" Ketak looked blankly out the front windows. "Ketak! I need to know the direction which we are headed." I said louder, hoping to snap him out of his trance.
"Xeim" Ketak whispered.
"Where, Ketak?" I spoke loudly over the sound of the thrusters.
"Xeim." Ketak pointed down at the map.
"There!? Are you sure, Ketak?" My eyes wide with concern. "Yes, there." Ketak responded still looking disassociated through the front windows of the shuttle.
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A137
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Date: 03/23/2427  Commander: Penn Draugon  Fleet: Aritite 6  Expedition Log A137
Jyauacta walked over to Moke and I sitting at the table. She sat down in front of me. She motioned for Ketak to come sit down as well.
“I was worried for you. We were all worried for you.” She said in a gentle tone. She reached forward and grabbed my hands into hers. She kissed the top of my hands and placed her forehead onto them, still caressing them from below. I could see the orb pulsing, but it wasn’t nearly as bright as before.
“Are you okay Jyauacta?” I asked. “Yes, still recovering. Seems we both have recovery to do now.” Jyauacta turned and looked at Ketak, revealing a large bite on her collar bone similar to the one both I, and Yeserva experienced.
“Oh my god.” I exclaimed under my breath. This meant so many things. This meant that the Beurrizautchi did this to her as well, most likely it was Tak. Did they know she is the wife of Ketak? Did they know who she is?
“We have a lot to speak about Penn, but not tonight, we have too much to do.” Jyauacta looked over at Moke, then back into my eyes.
“Yes, we are trying to get into orbit, or at least into the atmosphere for the night. We wont be able to fight them. I think they are coming for you, and the children. It’s a long story, but it’s for the best that we leave this area for now.” I was having a hard time looking over at Ketak who’s eyes were burning into me. I could only focus on Jyauacta.
Jyauacta’s eyes widened. She looked over at Ketak. I could tell they were conversating in their minds, but excluding us from the conversation. Ketak looked back over to me. “We do need to talk, and in private.”
“Yes, we can do that. First I want to get us out of here, then we can speak. The longer we wait, the sooner nightfall will be here.” I carefully stood, leaning on the table. Moke grabbed the plates and ran them over to the kitchen. Jyauacta and Ketak stood and returned to their children and Ketak’s mother at their table.
I saw Paulo, Liam, and Inessa approaching all deep within discussion. “What did we figure out?” I asked.
“Well, we’ll have enough fuel to get into the upper atmosphere and remain in hover, but that will only last 4 hours before we are out of fuel. We can go into orbit, but that will take 60% of our fuel just to get out of the atmosphere. The problem is now the ship. The ship isn’t space worthy with the damage. I think the best thing to do is to move us out of this area. Maybe one of the Nauertians know of a safe place for us to land this evening.” Paulo sounded exhausted.
“Fuck, okay. Let’s go speak with them.” I motioned for Ketak and Jyauacta to follow me. The seven of us all stood in the privacy of my quarters.
“We need to know if there is a safe zone that we can travel to tonight away from the NMZ’s. Somewhere on this planet that we will be safe and away from the Beurrizautchi?” I asked, I knew it was a long shot.
“Look, Penn… There is someplace we all can go.” Jyauacta said hesitantly.
Ketak looked very uncomfortable, he was fidgeting and pacing.
“I can’t let you lead the Beurrizautchi underground.” I said all in one breath.
Ketak and Jyayacta looked at me in complete shock. “How do you know about underground?” Ketak demanded to know.
I explained what happened with the Beurrizautchi, and how obsessed Tak was in finding these people. I knew it was a trap. There was a reason he wanted these people. It was all about power and control.
Ketak sat on my bunk. “Yes, there are settlements below ground. Hundreds of them, many miles below the surface. Many of these colonies existed before the virus, before the Beurrizautchi. They became a safe haven when news of the virus broke out. Millions of Nauertains went below ground. I had no idea the Beurrizautchi knew about the underground colonies.”
“Tak wants the colonies, Ketak. We can’t let him have it.” The moment I spoke, I felt an electric shock shoot up my spine and into my brain. I fell onto the ground and began convulsing.
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project-nm7l · 2 years
The writer of this blog has been infected with Omicron. There will be no blog posted tonight for this reason. The story will pick up right as we left off once I have recovered.
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A136
Date: 03/23/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A136
We loaded Tzakac into Dr. William's infirmary. The crew couldn't take their eyes off my condition. I could see Moke was especially frantic to talk to me. I told Dr. William's all that I knew about his condition, and asked Tsula to translate for Yeserva. Dr. Williams performed an MRI and CT Scan on Tzakac. He found a leech nested within his brain. It was very similar to what he experienced with Jyauacta. He dosed Tzakac with some Altrodroiddrine, then I helped lower him into the cryo cells to prepare him for surgery. Dr. Williams also noticed high levels of Cerriatin in his blood. This substance is very similar to arsenic. There were no medications, or other abnormal chemicals in his blood stream, but an obvious track mark in his arm. I asked Tsula to take Yeserva to her children, and Moke to start tonight's meal. Tonight was day 10. Though I'm thankful I'm here to protect my crew from the horrors that await us this evening, how effective can I truly be in this condition without recovery? I sat down in Dr. Williams chair, resting my face upon clasped hands with my elbows piercing his desk. I stared at the picture he had hanging on his wall. It was the most beautiful picture of a southwest desert on Earth. As a child, I loved learning of the bio diversity of Earth that I had missed by a few centuries. I can be sure that I was fully in love with nature in a past life, that was for sure. This life was dedicated to the humans. It's not good, or bad. It just is. Dr. Williams walked over placing one hand on my back. I winced slightly, but nothing got past Dr. Williams. "You need medical attention, Penn." "I know, Jordan... but Tzakac had the higher priority." I responded, I know I sounded broken. I couldn't help it. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" Jordan sat partially on the desk next to me, looking at my face, but I couldn't disconnect my eyes from the painting to look at him. I didn't need him to see my pain. This wasn't war wounds, this was a personal attack on my body, it was a violation, a message to comply, an attack on my phycological health. It was meant as a power move, an ultimate punishment for my lack of conformity. An attack on my internal strength. He made me feel helpless. It was an attempt to break me. "Jordan, there is something going on at that compound and it's not what it seems. They attacked me, held me down, raped me, beat me, humiliated me, mocked me, and tried to break me. I was brutalized because I refused to conform and comply, because I represented as strong, and because I attempted to establish myself as an equal. I saw a very similar bite mark on Yeserva which tells me that this is their tactic for control." I began tearing up, but regained my composure. "Why would the Nauertains invite such volatile beings here? I honestly don't believe the leaders of NM71 would have ever consented to inviting such behavior the Beurrizautchi exhibit. While in the compound, besides Yeserva and myself, there were no women. All of the men acted in the same toxic, abusive, harassing, disgusting, repugnant corporate-frat boy-bro flake behavior. Either they lied to the Nauertians, or they were never invited in the first place." I was finally able to make eye contact with Dr. Williams. "I'll need you to patch me up, Jordan. I don't need any Altrodroiddrine. I feel that it's important to deal with the trauma as my body recovers, so I know when I'm fully recovered." Dr. Williams walked over to the examining table, and gestured for me to come over. I carefully stood, walked over and sat on down. I winced more than I would have liked to on that short journey. Dr. Williams helped me as I carefully removed my top to expose all of the intense dark purple, blue, and green bruising all over my torso. The bloody scratches, bite marks, and intentional digs from Tak's nails into my lower back. Dr. Williams took in a sharp breath, as if he could somewhat feel the pain I was in. "They did a number on you. Are you sure you don't want the Altrodroiddrine?" "No, I need to recover mentally and emotionally...
and it will be difficult to do that if my body is at 100%. I need this balance of mental - emotional - physical healing." I replied with shortened breath. "Penn, you're going to need to put on a gown. I can see what they did to your torso, but I'm sure that it's not the only damage you've suffered. We're going to have to do a full panel, a full examination, and it's going to be difficult. Do you want Moke with you for this? I could tell Dr. Williams could see things that I could only feel. It was obviously much worse than I had thought. "Yes, if he wants to come in, then I would love if he could be with me right now." I didn't want to scare Moke, but I was feeling scared and vulnerable and I needed him. Dr. Williams opened the door to see Moke sitting in the hallway just outside. "Oh, hi Moke. Penn and I thought you might want to come in." Moke stood from the floor and walked into the infirmary and saw me sitting topless on the examining table. His eyes welled up with tears and they started falling down his face. "What did they do to you!? I'm going to kill them!" Moke was full of anguish, rage, and fear. "Do I look that bad babe?" I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "No, you're still the most beautiful woman in the world. Just looks like you got into a fight with a paper shredder and it won." He replied, trying to comfort me with a bit of humor. I chucked... but it turned into a horrendous cry face. Moke stood in front of me and carefully wrapped his arms around me. He kissed the tear off my cheek. He put one hand around the back of my head and pulled me in close to him. I winced with pain, and he let go immediately. "We can talk about what happened when you're ready, but for now I'll be right here while Dr. Williams takes care of you." Moke grabbed my hand and stood beside me.
I stood and removed the rest of my clothing. From the sharp breaths of Jordan and Moke, I can tell that the damage was far worst than I could have ever imagined. I didn't look. I didn't want to look yet. I wasn't emotionally ready to see the full damage. I laid down on the examination table while Dr. Williams performed a pelvic exam.
I could see handfuls of bloody gauze being placed into the trash. He took some samples of the sexual fluid that was left behind inside of me, and all up my back and down my thighs. He placed them into specimen baggies to inspect later. In that moment I began feeling thankful that I didn't ask for options to be able to become pregnant when I had my bottom surgery. I didn't want the uterus, the periods... or the children. Don't get me wrong, I love children... but in my line of work, and how late in life I transitioned, it wasn't what I wanted. Dr. Williams examined my transitioning scar tissue, and ensured that I didn't suffer damage to the incisions. I had a great deal of torn tissue, and lacerations inside my vagina however. I could feel Moke's eyes staring at all of the damage that was done to my body. I could feel him starting to obsess over what he wanted to do to those who did this to me. Dr. Williams finished up his work. I had a full CT scan, MRI, blood work, IV fluids, medication for my headache, and I was bandaged. I thanked him for his quick work. We had less than 5 hours before the sun would set, and I was starting to get antsy. Moke helped me into the common area, where the crew and our guests were all finishing up their meals. Jane and Akeno ran to see me. They both gently wrapped their arms around me. Jane stretched up and kissed me on the forehead. Akeno kissed me on the cheek. I saw Jyauacta staring at me from the other end of the common areas. Her eyes were filled with tears. I sat down at the nearest table, and Moke went to grab us a plate of food. He asked Liam to take a plate of food to Dr. Williams. Harkim sat down across from me and grabbed my hands, and gave a light squeeze. "I have you penciled in tonight for a chat." She said in her loving, motherly tone. "I'm certainly going to need it." I smiled at her and gave her hands a soft squeeze back in return. She leaned across the table and kissed me on the forehead. "I'm glad you're back, and you're still alive. The children told us stories about her parents dealing with those monsters. We were all afraid you wouldn't return." Harkim than stood, and headed back to her office. "I'll expect to see you soon, Penn." I nodded.
I saw Paulo stand, he began to approach me slowly. "Are you okay, commander?" "Yes, Paulo. I just got stuck in a paper shredder. I'll be better in no time." I lightly chuckled. Paulo let out a small snort. I don't think he was expecting humor from me.
"Paulo, I think we need to figure out how to hover for tonight, or leave the planet entirely and go into orbit. Either way it would require more fuel than we can spare... but we need to get out of range for these beasts tonight. It's night 10, and I don't think it's going to be a fightable battle against them. My gut is telling me that they will try to seize Ketak, Jyauacta, and their children tonight within the attack." Paulo gave me a wide eyed look. "Uh, let me talk to Liam. I think I have an idea, but I'll need his help. If we can hover just right in the atmosphere where the gravitational pull disperses, we could be able to use a safe level of fuel. We'd also be out of reach for most other aircrafts. We could even move further to the North near the icecaps. The atmosphere is thicker at the North Poles - it's opposite of that of Earth where it's thicker at the equator." Paulo stood and immediately grabbed Liam as he reentered from delivering Dr. Williams a plate of food. I could see Inessa was waiting for Liam to return to their table. I motioned for Inessa to come sit with me. She stood and walked over to me. "What's going on?" I could tell she was very concerned. "I've asked Paulo to figure out how to get us hovering for the night. It's night 10, and as much as I want to kill those attacking bastards... I have a gut feeling that tonight's attack will decimate us, just to get access to Ketak, Jyauacta, and their children. The Beurrizautchi are exactly like the men you would bury at home. Disgusting, entitled pigs. They want access to the Nauertian people whom have moved underground."
Inessa gave me a very confused look. I kept my voice to a whisper "I know, I didn't know anything about this until I was told I have contact with these people... specifically Ketak who is the leader of one of the factions supposedly. Apparently Yaserva told them this. She was brutally attacked just like me, and I can tell they plan to kill her and her whole family. They've been poisoning Tzakac saying that they were trying to help him. We aren't safe. They have too many, and I can't be too sure if these NM-Z's aren't actually being ordered by the Beurrizautchi. They have a massive compound filled with brutalizing men. They've already threatened the children on the shuttle, and all of the women. I can't risk us being on the ground tonight." Inessa sat back and took in a sharp breath. "You're right, Penn. We don't have the resources to fight this. We'll be totally fucked. Do we have enough fuel to perform this maneuver?" I could see the gears moving in Inessa's mind.
"Yes, but Paulo is trying to find a way that we use less fuel, and possibly move our operations further from Beurrizautchi reach. I need to talk to Ketak and Jyauacta about any NM71 resources we can utilize to help get us through until we can find a more permanent solution for protection." She could see the exhaustion in my eyes. She put her hand on top of mine at the table... She leaned in and put her forehead against mine. She then stood and ran off to join Paulo and Liam. Moke returned to my side with a plate of food. It was my favorite meal. He made pesto tortellini with fresh garlic bread and a tall glass of lemon water. It was exactly what my soul needed, and he knew that. I looked around and everyone else was eating chicken and rice. He made this special for me. There is no doubt his love and dedication to my happiness when he knows exactly how to heal me with food. "Thank you, Moke." I held his face between my hands and gave him a deep passionate kiss. I didn't care how much it hurt. Jyauacta stood from her seat and cleaned up the mess at the table. She walked over to Moke and I. She and I still hadn't talked, and this kiss was obviously the first time she was made aware of mine and Moke's relationship...
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A135
Date: 03/22/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A135 I refused the shower and change of clothing Tak instructed us to wear. I didn't trust this building. I felt eyes piercing through my flesh in every corner of this mirrored glass room. I asked Yaserva to obstain as well. I felt like prey in a warehouse of predators. It was time to go to our 'business' meeting. I opened the door for Gzartariloious. He looked at me puzzled. "Why didn't you change?" "I see no need to alter my appearance. I am here for business, not conformity." I responded. He gave a pained grin, turned and headed down the hallway, and waited at the corridor for us to follow. I went first, and Yaserva followed behind me. I could feel her anxiety. We followed Gzartariloious to the conference room. It was a long panel table with 7 men in the upper crest Beurrizautchi uniform. Mind you, the uniforms Tak offered for us to wear were absolutely demoralizing, sexist, and to indicate a lower class. I was happy with my Aritite 6 suit.
The panel of men including Tak watched as we entered the room. Tak gave a face, I can only assume that he was displeased by our rejection of their attire. "What happened to the uniforms we set out for you?" Tak sounded very annoyed. "We're fine in our current attire, Tak." I responded knowing the lack of the credentials would irritate him. "You are quite the character Miss Draugon. Please have a seat." Tak seemed more amused than irritated. I could see his narcissism switching tactics to earn my good favor. I can see the game he's playing. It's in my best interest to play along to find out what's happening here. I held the seat out for Yaserva to sit and then I took my seat. We were at a separate table facing their panel. It felt like one of those intense corporate intimidation interviews to see how well you handle the pressure. Tak cleared his throat and leaned against the panel desk facing us. "Now, ladies. There are monstrous creatures out there right now destroying the good people of this planet. The cities that were once glorious, vibrant, and active are now abandoned. I know, we feel regrettably sorry that our tests didn't catch those infected leeches before arriving here, and the copaniterine in NM71's water supply exacerbated the problem. It's happened just like it did on our planet. Just a travesty." Tak looked like he was in a cheesy soap opera, or was trying to emulate some Zapp Brannigan knock off. I kept my poker face of attention to hide my cynicism of his phony turmoil. I nodded, shook my head, and gave the cues that I was listening intently. "I'm most impressed with those who colonized under the surface of the planet. From what I've heard from my teams, they were able to survive this massive catastrophe, and have even started thriving underground. We really need their help controlling these monsters. We really need to make that connection, work together, and reclaim this land to rebuild society. We've used sonic waves all over the planet attempting to find them. I hear that you, Miss Draugon have connections." Tak was now staring intently into my eyes looking for how guarded my response was. My face was contorted with confusion. "I have connections? This is news to me. I had no idea that there was a society or people living below the surface. Whomever told you I had connections was mistaken." Yaserva looked down to her lap. "Interesting, Miss Draugon, Yaserva here was the one who said you had the connection, are you calling her a liar? That's a pretty serious offense where we come from." Tak's words were threatening. Yaserva whispered quietly. "Ketak." I was confused still. "What does Ketak have to do with this?" Yaserva shifted a side glance at me, while still looking down. "Ketak is a leader of one of the many underground factions." She whimpered a bit. I sat in silence, trying to process the information. I sat back in my chair. "Ketak and I haven't spoken about any underground factions, or civilizations. I don't think he would have agreed to be a member of my crew if that were the case. I think Yaserva might be mistaken." I was so confused on how all of this came about. Yaserva burst into tears. "I'm so sorry Yaserva, I really have no idea what any of you are talking about."
Tak was staring at Yaserva like a bug he was ready to crush. The 6 other Beurrizautchi men sitting at the panel were staring at Tak.
"Look, I get that this is important for all of us. We must find these people to merge and create a stronger force to fight against the current monstrous plague destroying this planet. I'd be happy to discuss this with Ketak when I return to my shuttle. My crew and I could even help find these people if Ketak isn't the contact. I think it's important that I return to my shuttle so we can get this sorted and get Tzakac and Yaserva back to their children. Your men may approach my shuttle anytime you wish to speak. We will work with you." I was trying to create an exit, and establish the idea of compliance and urgency. Tak turned and looked at the other men in the panel. The eldest on at the end of the panel nodded at Tak. "You'll work for us." These words must have twisted my face into a confused look, which he took as an opportunity to repeat and clarify. "You'll work FOR us, not with us." He said in a cold, demanding tone. I felt like I was being blackmailed. Maybe it was because he could sense my concern for the safety of Yaserva and Tzakac. My concern for them was seen as a valuable weakness they could manipulate. "I understand, Commander Tak." I responded. This was a power move. I spent my entire life on Earth dealing with these types in corporations. Those assholes who exploit labor, manipulate, harm, and destroy anything that doesn't feed their ego. "Glad that's clear, Misses Draugon. I'm not sure if Tzakac can leave, he's in pretty poor condition. Yaserva can stay here with us until he's recovered if she'd like." Tak was looking Yeserva up and down again, salivating. The men from the panel stood and exited through a secret back entry that I hadn't noticed before in the mirrored glass. "I think it's best that they come with me, I'll need their help with translating, and convincing others to help us. As an Earthling, there is only so much I can do to convince these people to join us. If Tzakac does die, we can use it as an honorable cause to convince these people to join us." I almost threw up in my mouth. The words were so repulsive on my tongue. I've fought my life against corruption. Tak nodded his head thinking and agreeing to my horrible words. "Yes, convince them with a hero fighting this battle. Good thinking. Gzartariloious please get the flight ready to transport them to Misses Draugon's shuttle, please take Yeserva with you, and have them bring Tzakac as well." Gzartariloious nodded, and left the room with Yeserva. Tak gave me a side grin. He touched the tips of my aqua hair. "You are rather stunning, Misses Draugon. I'd be really interested in discussing some other arrangements with you." He licked his lips with his long, freakishly thin tongue and looked me up and down. "I'm not available in that capacity, Tak." I winked at him. Trying to hold back my intense desire to barf on my shoes at the disgusting proposition. "I don't care about that, Misses Draugon." I suddenly felt someone grab and lock in my arms behind me. Someone else grabbed my hair holding my head backwards. Tak took a large step forward to lean in against me. He reached one hand down my pants, and the other pinching and squeezing my breasts painfully. He placed two of his fingers inside of me. He kissed my neck and bit me hard on my collar bone and sucked until a bright purple bruise formed. I screamed out in pain. "Good, finally you can see the errors of turning me down." He removed his hand from my pants, and asked the men to release me. I immediately sprung forward into a standing fetal position instinctively. He told the men who held me to stay incase he needed more help, and that they would want to watch. He pushed me face down bent over the table. He began removing my pants. I started pushing back, trying to stop him. He ordered one of the men to hold my hands down, while the other was ordered to pin me by my neck. He removed my pants, and unzipped his. I knew what he was doing. He was forcing me into a victimized, traumatized state so I would do what he wanted. This was blackmail. This was
brutalization and embarrassment that he could use against me.
About an hour later, the two men were ordered to carry me back to the shuttle. My body bloody, covered in scrapes, bruises, bite marks, and hickies. My eye was nearly swollen shut from him punching me in the side of my pinned face after he came. I watched as the video footage of the assault was played across holograms throughout every measurable inch of the building we passed through. The men all pointing, laughing, whistling at me, hollering names at me, calling it my 'walk of shame' as I was carried by my arms. They tossed me into the shuttle, almost on Yeserva's lap. Her eyes welled up with tears when she looked at me. It was at this angle I could see the deep bite scar on her neck in the same place I felt mine. This wasn't just a tactic to control me, this was THE tactic they used to get the power and control they wanted. I looked behind me to see Tzakac's limp body. His skin was pale, eyes open and yellowing. His orb was slowly pulsing. I sat in my seat the best I could. I'm pretty sure he broke one of my ribs. I was uncomfortable, but at least this trip would be short.
We arrived at the shuttle, and noticed at least a dozen Beurrizautchi uniforms standing at the access entry of the shuttle. They all entered their vehicles and filed in a perfect row headed back to the compound. The Beurrizautchi group leader that escorted us back asked Yeserva to exit, and to take Tzakac on the stretcher with her. He told me to wait. Once I was alone, yet again... The Beurrizautchi group leader pulled out a hologram device with Tak. He said "You've got 72 hours... and two cute little girls on that shuttle of yours, as well as some rather... beautiful women.... I'd hate for something to happen to them in the night. We know you don't have the fuel, or the power to leave. Better get to work." "I understand Tak." I responded coldly. "Good. We're always around. You've got no other choice but to get me what I want." Tak smiled, and the hologram ended. "Do what he wants Penn, it's in everyone's best interest to comply." The Beurrizautchi group leader said. I nodded my head and exited the carrier.
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A134
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Date: 03/22/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A134
The Beurrizautchi are an interesting looking people. They are nearly the same height as average humans, though their bellies jet out like a torpedo. They have large bulbus red noses, and super sonic huge ears with tiny eyes. Their hands are small, almost like children’s hands. Their skin tone is almost jaundice. Their legs are longer than humans with quite odd proportions.
Yaserva was certainly agitated by the interruption, but was very compliant. I’m sure due to the fact she was counting on them to heal her husband. Two Beurrizautchi went down into the cellar and lifted Tzakac and carried him up the stairs.
The leader of this group looked me up and down, then Moke and Ketak. He smiled at Ketak “You’re not of Earth. What are you doing with these Earthlings?” They asked him. “I’m a member of their crew.” Ketak responded without hesitation.
“You’ll stay here with the children. We can’t take them with us to the compound. This one will come with us though.” He pointed at me. Moke suggested that he should join along too. The leader of the Beurrizautchi denied this request. I tossed Moke the keys to the buggie. “Take these kids back to the shuttle for the evening. I’ll radio you when we’ve returned. Please help Inessa and Liam with security detail tonight." Moke grabbed me by the arms and kissed me softly. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me in close to him. “Please be safe.” he whispered into my ear.
“I’m more worried about you. Please stay safe, and take care of them.” I whispered. I pressed my lips into his. I felt a tear run down my face. Using the side of his thumb, he wiped the tear off my cheek. “I promise” he said while placing his forehead against mine.
“Let’s go!” the Beurrizautchi leader demanded. Moke kissed my forehead and released me from his hold. “I love you, Moke. I’ll see you soon.” I said walking up the steps from the cellar. We entered the Beurrizautchi’s flight craft. It was much smaller than a traditional space ship, but spacious on the inside. The craft looked almost like a metallic axolotl. They loaded Tzakac into the craft and everyone was buckled in. I watched out the window as Moke and Ketak took the kids to the buggie to return to the ship.
We arrived at the compound within a half hour, much faster than the buggies. We were traveling at least 300 mph. The compound was large, insanely large. I can imagine that it's the equivalent of two double stacked Ikea buildings. Moke and I were ordered to do a full sweep of one when we first met, we were lost in the building for five days.
We entered the compound on what looked to be the 6th level. The side wall of this level slid down and closed behind us. The lights were near blinding. They ushered us off the craft, through a door, and into a blueish green glass elevator.
Yaserva and I watched as they moved Tzakac into a separate elevator that traveled horizontally out of site. Yaserva's face was puffy and red. I could see that she was holding back tears.
"Where are they taking him?" I asked as we continued traveling upwards. "Medical." The Beurrizautchi answered.
We finally stopped on what looked to be the top floor. There were many skylights, and windows on this level. More natural light than we had experienced during landing.
A man walked out in a dark blue and gold military uniform. Obviously the top of the chain.
"How was your trip?" He asked me as he settled into his large desk chair. "It was fine. Can you tell me what is going on here? How did you know we were at Yaserva and Tzakac's home? How do you speak English?" I asked.
"Well, we've been watching you and your crew. Keeping an eye from afar. We saw you heading to Yaserva's farm and decided to intercept and discuss some business." He gave a side smile. He was charming, but his words made the hair on the back of my neck stand.
"I asked Yaserva to get your attention, which obviously she did an excellent job. You investigated just as I assumed you would. I didn't want to risk you killing my men if we approached your shuttle. We've seen what you've done to the Na-leechers. I needed Yaserva to stand as a middle man. She contacted us the moment you showed up today at the farmhouse." The man stood, walked around to the front of his desk, and ran his index finger down Yaserva's arm.
"Oh, and to answer your question, we have chips that detect dialect from over 50,000 languages across thousands of planets. We know English, Chinese, Latin, Spanish, Swahili, French, Persian, Russian, and more. The list goes on. We just like to communicate efficiently without the struggle to understand one another. We're not primitive if that's what you are thinking." He said with a smug inflection.
"What business would you like to discuss.... ? I'm sorry, I didn't get your name." I replied. "Call me Commander Tak. My full name is usually too much for beings such as yourself, its complexity is far beyond your ability to cognitively comprehend." His lips dripped with condescension.
"Understood Tak." I replied.
"It's COMMANDER Tak. See, I knew that might even be too difficult for you." He replied snottily.
"We've prepared a room for you for the evening. You'll need to get settled in, change out of that gear and into what we've provided. We'll meet you in conference in 2 hours. Gzartariloius will come get you then." Tak signaled for Gzartariloious to guide me out.
"You, Yaserva, You get to stay here with me for a few." He said in Nauertain with a predatory tone. I have been working on my Nauertian, and was able to translate this fully between understanding some of the words, the tone and body language. Yaserva looked at me, then the ground.
In my best Nauertian I said, "Yaserva will be coming with me. We can discuss her business with OUR business." I stepped back over to Yaserva and grabbed her hand to bring her along with me.
Tak seemed angry, but held his composure. "Fine. We'll talk later Yaserva."
Gzartariloious showed us to a beautiful room filled with crystal furniture, and tinted glass walls. I was sure this was two way glass, and Tak was watching us.
I sat down, and patted the seat next to me for Yaserva. She began crying into her hands, and I hugged her shoulders as she rocked back and forth.
I kept whispering "It's going to be okay." in Naurtian as she sobbed. I tried to use my radio, but the signal was just contained within this room, or possibly the building. I tried all of my devices to no avail. I couldn't even complete the journal, it kept giving me an error.
Gzartariloious knocked at our door 2 hours later. Yaserva had laied down and fallen fast asleep. The knock startled her awake. It was time.
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A133
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Date: 03/22/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A133 We peeled back another layer of this onion we like to call Planet NM71. We've met yet another ally on this journey, although this circumstance was rather unexpected.
We were unable to log our experience from yesterday due to a transmission error on the communication network due to the frequency blocking of the compound we found ourselves within. Moke, Ketak and I set out for Yaserva's farmhouse to investigate further and attempt a conversation with her. She was supposed to go to Earth, but now her farmhouse is filled with blood and she's running the fields naked in the nighttime hours. We couldn't be sure if she was infected, but we certainly wanted to find out. Upon arrival to the farmhouse we found more windows shattered, the back door torn off the hinges, and more tools scattered across the yard. We announced ourselves and continued calling out for Yaserva. We walked around the back of the farmhouse and found the cellar door shut. We hadn't noticed the cellar door before, but we admittedly didn't inspect the exterior of the house after being spooked the last time. I attempted to open the doors, but they were locked from the inside. I knocked and kept repeating Yaserva's name. We heard some movement and footsteps from within. Ketak decided to try speaking to whomever it was in Gretitan, and announced himself as Ketak. We heard chains rattle, and the click of a gun. The doors opened and Yaserva exited the cellar. We could see her daughter, one son, and what looked like her sick husband at the bottom of the stairs. They invited us into the cellar to talk. Ketak translated for us. We found out that Yaserva and her daughter were rejected from traveling to Earth because her oldest son was infected, and it put the mission in jeopardy.
The two oldest sons fought off a hoard of NM-Z's while Yaserva and her husband Tzakac were dealing with business in town. The two older boys forced the three younger siblings into the cellar to protect them. Their oldest son Rax was infected, and the second oldest Gratam was killed. It was his blood pooled in the kitchen. The rest of the blood throughout the house was from Rax and the NM-Z's they fought against. When Yaserva and Tzakac returned from town they found Rax barely breathing, and Gratam had already passed. They rushed Rax to the town doctor, where he was pronounced dead a few hours later. They buried both boys behind the barn, and informed the alliance of the NM-Z bodies for further investigation. They had heard about the infected on the news, but it hadn't struck their town until that day. Had they known it had spread to their town, they wouldn't have left the kids alone that day. I could see the grief, regret, and guilt across Yaserva's face. Her husband was lying in the corner of the cellar, covered in a blanket and obviously very ill. "Is he okay? Does he need medical attention?" I pointed over to Tzakac. The next words Ketak translated sent chills up my spine. "The Beurrizautchi gave me a medicine to remove the tainted leech." She grabbed a notebook to show us a sketch of a transparent leech to show us. "The leeches? The leeches that cause the Voan'ny aretina?" I lost my balance for a moment, but Moke caught me, holding his hands on my hip to steady me. "We invited the Beurrizautchi to NM71 for protection from the destruction on their planet. Their planet was struck by an asteroid filled with Grelouivitity compounds. The Grelouivitity infected their people. Some people became so docile they just laid down and died while others became enraged, blood thirsty, gruesome monsters that just wanted to mutilate and kill. They found the Grelouivitity compound infected their water supply which tainted their leeches. The leeches they used for millions of years to cure all mental illness. The infected leeches would nest in the brain and trigger a genetic immune response. When the Beurrizautchi traveled to NM71, they unknowingly transported multiple individuals who tested negative, but were infected with the tainted leeches. Shortly after they arrived the Copaniterine in the water supply of NM71 triggered these tainted leeches to reproduce at an alarming rate. They began infecting the Nauertians and Gretitans alike."
We all stood in silence for a moment. "Where are the Beurrizautchi now?" I asked.
"They are in a compound three hours North of here. You'll have to wait a few days, because the voan'ny aretina rise from their 10 day Eboutchiet-eeitee" Ketak translated Yaserva's description as loosely "Discharge bath". We all heard some movements up above the shut cellar door. We stood silently. There was a knock. Yaserva instructed us to move to the back of the cellar with the children. She peeked the cellar door open. It was a soldier of the Beurrizautchi. "You and your Earth friends need to come with us immediately."
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project-nm7l · 2 years
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project-nm7l · 2 years
Expedition Log A132
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Date: 03/20/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A132 We gained some clarity today about the woman standing in the field naked. Ketak was able to confirm that her name is Yaserva. She was the woman in the picture at the farmhouse with her husband, daughter, and four sons. Her husband was a Gretitan, she was Nauertain. Ketak didn't know them well but had heard the talk of the town when the Alliance forced them to sell the farmhouse. Yaserva and her daughter were selected to go to Earth, but that meant leaving her husband and four sons behind.
I wonder if it was Yaserva that ran through the field that day Moke and I were at the farmhouse. I wonder what happened with the family, I mean, we saw all of the orange blood splashed across the house, and the huge puddle, but there were no bodies. I think it's important that we make a trip back to the farmhouse to investigate, and possibly talk to Yaserva if she'll allow it. She didn't appear to be infected with her posture, and behavior. We'll never know until we look into it. I'll plan for a trip with Moke, and Ketak tomorrow.
Jyauacta will be spending the day with Yenera and the kids tomorrow. It'll be a good opportunity for him to feel like a member of the team, instead of like a guest. I overheard a conversation that he had complained that they were treated more like pampered guests than a part of our mission. He made a crack about thinking we might cook them and eat them in a pinch. I know it was a joke, but I think it's important to make sure he knows how much we value their family on our shuttle. Jyauacta is doing exceptional, she's still a little out of it. We still haven't learned what happened that day, but I'm sure when she's ready she'll explain. That is if she ever wants to.
We were able to complete 120' of the interior fencing today, which leaves 540' remaining. We should be able to complete this before the next attack if we push. We will finish printing 10 panels tonight to be ready to start first thing in the morning. I asked Ketak if he would be willing to allow Durri to help us. Ketak thinks it will be a great idea, but Durri wasn't on board until I offered to pay him for his services in electronics.
Security detail last night was almost as odd as the night before. I saw some flashing lights up on the hillside, and we heard some loud noises, almost like mini explosions in the distance around 2am. It didn't resemble the work of an NM-Z, but we're still studying their behaviors and habits. We have no idea what it could have been.
We received an update from Earth this afternoon. They dismissed my last transmission entirely. They even asked for an update on the status of our mission. They wanted to know about the community, the design, and the completion rate. I haven't responded yet. I don't know how to respond. I know we are on track, but the fact that they are ignoring my transmission and asking for status irritated me. I felt like I was back trapped in the corporate world under a manipulative, gaslighting, narcissistic manager. Ignoring the problems, but still seeking a quality performance.
I think Moke could sense something was wrong with me. He brought me my favorite dessert, a beautiful slice of lemon meringue pie. We shared it. I fed him, and he fed me. It was delicious, and the experience made for great stress relief.
I've noticed that Liam has started sleeping back in his cryo cell, and Inessa in hers. They haven't been as interconnected lately. I can only hope that they find a way to mend their issues or be amicable.
I asked Harkim to call everyone in separately to do a psychological analysis to offer any necessary support. I want everyone, including Jyauacta's family to have an opportunity to be heard. Harkim agreed that it was for everyone's best interest, and will begin pulling everyone in one at a time. I will announce it tonight before the cryo cell closing nightly routine.
It's time to start lockdown for the exterior now that the sun is beginning to set. I'm hoping for another night with no immediate threat. I don't mind the strange happenings, but I definitely don't want to bring conflict and chaos to us.
Since we moved off the platform, we've agreed that all lights are off before total sunset to avoid visibility in this new territory. I feel the less visible we are at night, the less it makes us a target for whoever is out there.
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project-nm7l · 3 years
Expedition Log A131
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Date: 03/19/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A131
I saw something on the exterior camera last night that is difficult to explain. What looked like a tall, white haired Nauertain woman stood naked in the field for 5 minutes staring at the shuttle. She appeared to be screaming, but the cameras didn't pick up any audio. She ran back further from the shuttle, crouching down in the fields. Three NM-Zombies were detected on the camera on the other side of the shuttle. The woman noticed them and ran further to the South West towards the city Jyauacta and her family lived. They obviously didn't see her. They leered at the shuttle for twenty minutes before traveling to the North. My heart was racing. Who was the woman, and why was she standing naked in the field after dark? Why didn't the NM-Z's go after the shuttle? They weren't acting like jonesing meth heads as per usual. Something was different. I assumed they were NM-Z's, but maybe they weren't. It's difficult to tell from these cameras in the dark of night. I took a snapshot of the footage of the woman, and edited the photo to see only her face. I'll ask Ketak if he recognizes this person, but he's with Jyauacta today. She seems to be coming back, slowly. Dr. Williams performed and MRI per my request. She's all clear. We were able to build another 100' of interior wall today on the community. 660' left to finish before we can begin our housing unit. Moke and I were able to get some rest before the security detail tonight. I'm thankful for the peace we've currently found ourselves in. I know the NM-Z's will return. I know we have less than 5 days before we suffer another possibly devastating blow. We need to prepare for that attack. We might need to have a few more hands during that security detail. I feel exhausted. Worn out beyond my ability to function. I'm going to get some more rest before the security detail tonight.
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project-nm7l · 3 years
Expedition Log A130
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Date: 03/18/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A130
I asked Ketak and Liam to review the test results from Paulo's GPR reading. It looks like we are building on a high water table. From what I remember reading in the architecture books from NM71, it's good that we are building here, but will need to plan accordingly. We started the building markers for the exterior wall of the community. It will need to be exceptionally tall considering the height of the NM-Zombies. Once the wall is in place we can start building the living units and the community building.
Ketak and Moke both worked on drilling into the water table and installing our water supply pump. Liam was able to begin using the 3D panel builder using the hemp composite expansion powder and water from our new water supply. The water supply will also help refill our hydro-electric energy system. It's the main source of power for the cryo cells. Liam, Ketak, Inessa, Moke and I were able to install 27 panels today for the exterior walls. They are approximately 3' H x 10' L x 5" D at 200lbs each. They are absolutely more stable and strong than the metal exterior of the shuttle. It provides me with some ease of mind that we will be able to keep these people safe. The community itself will be 260' x 150'. Once this community is set up, we'll create a secondary exterior fence with defense stations on each corner.
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Ramesh will begin the crops for growing more hemp, so we can continue to create our hemp composite expansion powder to build communities to house the other communities. We should be able to complete the interior fence by the end of this month if everyone lends a hand. We were able to finish 60' of the wall with just a quarter day and 5 workers. After the wall we will work on the crew living quarters inside the community. Ramesh will be leading all garden, farm, and orchard sections. Inessa is leading the defense stations and storage / entries. Dr. Williams will be leading the Medical Center, while Harkim will be managing the mental health center. Moke and Akeno will be leading the resource center. We will build connecting communities as the other shuttles arrive. We didn't hear anything last night from the NM-Z's. Makes me feel slightly unnerved. I feel secure in our defense performance thus far. Moke and I were almost tempted to leave the ship and make love under the stars in the dirt. The threat of death was certainly the main deterrent from doing so. We did settle for some time in the cryo cells. Moke enjoys connecting certain body parts to the built in tens unit, and I happen to appreciate the sound proofing. Jyauacta was released from the cryo cell today. We have her held in isolation until Harkim and Dr. Williams clear her for release. I'm mainly concerned that she could be infected. I don't want to put her family in danger until we know for sure. I asked Dr. Williams to perform another MRI before she is released to her family. I haven't spoken to her yet, but I still can't hear her mind. We never discussed how / when it could be disconnected by distance or because of the trauma she faced. I wonder if she has shut me out. I need to be patient, but I will be speaking with her when she's more recovered. Moke, Ketak and I all worked on setting up family quarters on the shuttle for Jyauacta, Ketak, Yenera, Durri, and Owncalla. I'm pretty sure Jane and Akeno would like some privacy back. Moke and I didn't get enough rest today for the full security detail tonight, we'll be taking turns sleeping to ensure the ship is protected tonight. Inessa and Liam don't take back over for another few days. We'll need to control ourselves long enough to get some rest. We don't want to sleep separately though, we will have to in order to prevent both of us from falling asleep being too comfortable snuggled up together. I'll be spending my awake time reading some of the translated texts in these books and working on my Nauertian.
I'm just hoping tonight is as peaceful as it was last night. We worked hard today, and I'm absolutely exhausted.
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project-nm7l · 3 years
Expedition Log A129
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Date: 03/17/2427 Commander: Penn Draugon Fleet: Aritite 6 Expedition Log A129
We moved the shuttle to the building site today. I'm impressed with Akeno and Liam's plan for building the community. We'll be breaking ground tomorrow after some testing.
I asked Inessa to facilitate the testing necessary on the site before we start setting the building markers. I need Jane to inspect the fauna, Ramesh to inspect the flora, Paulo to check the soil, and perform a GPR reading. She took everyone out individually to perform their tasks while protecting them from any danger.
Moke and I switched security detail with Liam and Inessa around 8:00 AM. We slept in his cryo cell for approximately 9 hours. It was some much-needed sleep before tonight's security detail.
It was surprisingly quiet last night, Moke and I checked the cameras regularly, but not any indication of movement in the fields surrounding us. We sat up and reminisced about the tricky situations we found ourselves in over the years. We talked about his sister and her family joining us within the next year and a half and how he felt about that.
It did trigger some concerns about our relationship, however. His sister hasn't always been my biggest fan. She always thought I took her brother away and put him in dangerous situations. It's partially true. He and I have always had a strong bond, and he chose to follow me into those situations. It was always just me telling Moke what my next assignment was, and he was on board ready to go right there with me. I can see why his sister felt the way she did. Now, above all else, how is she going to respond to the news, and how will Moke feel about that? How would this impact our relationship?
It's certainly not something I need to get into my own head about now. We have plenty of time to develop our relationship and discuss these challenges. No need to worry about the feelings of an external party.
Jyauacta is recovering quickly. She will be released in 24 hours. I know Ketak, Owncalla, Durri, and Yenera are excited to see her. I know I'm excited to see her again too. Hopefully, in time, I'll get some answers. Harkim is preparing the recovery space for Jyauacta now. She'll be on medical hold until she is fully recovered.
Earth still hasn't responded to my transmission about the current status of our mission. I'm beginning to wonder if they are going to disconnect us and write us off. Hopefully, that isn't the case, but I've heard about this sort of behavior on other missions I've rescued troops.
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