Bullshit. All i did is gained my weight all back. Let's help eachother out. I need someone to bully me into loosing weight. There's no other way? Anyone wants to help me
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queenofgasstaionworld · 7 months
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this is so true
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queenofgasstaionworld · 7 months
I'm scared
I'm scared that i'll not look skinny enough at my goal weight. I'm scared that i'll still look the same cause i'm a tall girl. I'm just scared cause i know that once i'll achive my goal it's never gonna be enough. I already know that even in the future i'll never recover. I feel it. This scares me. I have to be dangerously skinny or dead
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queenofgasstaionworld · 7 months
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Pinterest is so fun
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queenofgasstaionworld · 7 months
Why be fat and ugly when i can be skinny and ugly
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queenofgasstaionworld · 7 months
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queenofgasstaionworld · 7 months
Hunger hurts but ⭐️ving works
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queenofgasstaionworld · 8 months
You're the one
You're all i ever wanted
I think i'll regret this.
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queenofgasstaionworld · 8 months
Just lemme d!€ 2night so i'll don't have to do this shit again.
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queenofgasstaionworld · 8 months
If she's ugly what am I?
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queenofgasstaionworld · 8 months
I feel the urge to get so small that guys could break me in half:3
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queenofgasstaionworld · 8 months
Ngl i love @na babes but most of the polish ones are so cringe. Like pls, i say it as a polish @na hoe
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queenofgasstaionworld · 8 months
Fr like cmon
does anyone else get angry when they see a skinny person eating unhealthy or eating a-lot like why can’t that be me?
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queenofgasstaionworld · 8 months
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queenofgasstaionworld · 8 months
So you're telling me that i'm only 2kg away from the 4 on the front?
I've never been more motivated
Stay skinny :3
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queenofgasstaionworld · 8 months
My plan for wl!
I'm not doing fasts for the next two weeks cause i need to slowly lower my calories intake. Cause if i'd start fasting i'd get into b!nge cycle again and we don't want that. For the next four days i'll eat not more than 800kcal. Then i'll go to 500 and next i'll start fasting again.
I can't wait ;)
Stay skinny
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queenofgasstaionworld · 8 months
52kg again :3
Till the end of the week i hope to go 2kg down so i'll be 50.
Stay skinny
Wait for the results
Fall for the procces
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