queershavinthoughts · 1 month
Okay i need everyone to be mind melding with me right now. Okay?
Weve gotta be like this for a second:
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Okay now listen.
So, we all can understand this, correct:
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We understand ⬆️ these two ⬆️ are the same.
Now, keep that idea and consider these:
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Can you see the vision??? P l e a s e tell me someone gets this.
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queershavinthoughts · 2 months
Things Lucifer from hazbin hotel wears, part one
These bad boys
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Thats all
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queershavinthoughts · 4 months
Hazbin hotel/helluvaverse headcannon: human sinners have scars reminiscent of whatever got them put into hell in the first place.
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queershavinthoughts · 4 months
One of my favorite things in Stranger Things fanfic has got to be when Steve's gotten more queer action than the rest of the group combined:
Robin is excitedly telling Eddie and Steve how she finally got her first kiss from a girl, prompting Eddie to complain about how he can never find anyone to hook up with or date in small town Hawkins Indiana.
Steve, in response, tells them that he (until then presumed straight) used to make out with his team mates in highschool (when they got drunk at away games) and hooked up with Tommy several times. And also his first kiss ever was Jonathan Byers.
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queershavinthoughts · 4 months
The greatest thing about reading fics from fandoms youve never interacted with is that you never know whats cannon and whats just a really widespread headcannon. I have never once in my life interacted with the MCU. However, Peter Parker Field Trips to Stark Industries fics are top tier.
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queershavinthoughts · 5 months
so during the 2015-16 school year i had a single dorm room in brooklyn heights so i was hosting like crazy and i sucked off like 6 or 7 guys in my dorm. one of them who was notable was this very fit man who came over once or twice. after we finshed i commented that he was in really good shape and i asked him what he did  and he said “well i work out but also i do hip hop dance classes” and then did a brief routine for me unprompted and i was like 
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queershavinthoughts · 5 months
I wanna write about girl with one eye by fatm.
Same rules as last time, one reblog and ill do it
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months
People feel like they have to... Justify their ships now? When the hell did that start? Ask me why I ship something and it's like, the characters were in a room together one time. The fuck more do you expect from me?
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months
inveting a new type of steel called Stainful Steel. allkinds of fuckin colours and slops will stick to this bad boy
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months
sonic the lesbian is a hedgehog
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months
kids were roleplaying with minecraft figurines and one of them had their figure go up to the other and say “i’m in love with you” and the other one replied “sword slash to the chest. and you’re on fire”
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months
200k! 200k! 200k! 200k!
@pukicho Help us out
glad that im not popular enough to have an evil shadow version of my blog that exists just to make contradictions on my posts
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months
I forgot my other credentials: i also read over 7million words of Jegulus fic this year also.
I could write an in depth analysis of the song "Tongues and Teeth" by The Crane Wives and how it directly relates to Jegulus (specifically with regulus singing the song).
1 reblog and I'll do it
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months
"No, don't - don't come any closer."
"Reg-" "Please, please, I don't want you to see me like this, just let me - let me clean myself up and-"
"You're shaking."
"You don't - Reg - Regulus, stop, hey," he takes the other boy by the arm as he tries to get past him, pulling him in.
"I'm sorry," Regulus says again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry."
"Sh, sh, it's alright, we're alright," Regulus is flush against his chest, head tucked beneath his chin.
"I don't know why I'm crying."
"You don't need to have a reason." "You shouldn't have to come home to this." "What are you talking about? I get to come home to you. That's all that matters." Regulus shakes his head against James's shirt, sniffling. "I'll get myself together." "I don't mind you apart." "I meant to have dinner ready." "I'm not hungry." "James." "Regulus." "I don't know what's wrong with me," he says miserably. "Nothing, nothing's wrong," and then, after a brief pause, and in a voice so gentle Regulus doesn't know how it's even possible: "You're just depressed." Regulus half-laughs and half-sobs into James. "You have no tact, anyone ever tell you that? No tact at all."
"You tell me all the time," kissing the top of his head and holding him more tightly. A few seconds pass before: "I love you, you know?"
Regulus's hands are all twisted up in James's shirt, a wounded noise coming out of his mouth. "I thought it might stop, now that..." "That?" "You and I are..that we're so good. I thought it might stop." "Don't think it works like that."
"I'm sorry." "No," kissing his head again. His temple. His ear. His cheek. "I don't mind Regulus, I really don't. You just need to tell me, okay? Tell me when you feel it coming on, and I'll know and I'll be here."
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months
Alrighty then, lets do this.
First off, my credentials; how do you know you can trust me to give you the best analysis of this song? I studied music and music theory for 9 years. Now did i pay attention? absolutely not, but that is irrelevant.
The song "Tongues and Teeth" by the Crane Wives is a song that delves into the realizations of a person who comes from some bad places (whether that be intimate or familial relationships can be debated, but for my purposes I'm gonna say familial) who has developed a bad relationship with their own self image. Someone who sees themselves as someone who "breaks things" and "poisons happy thoughts", someone who isn't going to be for the long term. who does that sound like to you? Regulus Black, Mr. R.A.B. himself, the emo boy poetry writer of Hogwarts.
The reason i make that point is because the way that the song is written it is as though the singer is trying to explain why this is unsustainable and using their on self image issues as a reason. Its like we, the audience, are listening to an argument over a phone call--in that were only hearing one side of this, and the other is pushed away from us. Not only that, but (to me at least) its almost like the singer is explaining this in simpler terms, like the person they're arguing with doesn't fully understand just how bad it is, and just how badly they se themself because of this past relationship.
Now, we insert that into Jegulus and their relationship, and it fits too well. Picture with me for a moment if you would; Regulus is trying to explain to James how he doesn't intend to be mean and cruel but its almost a safety mechanism, almost to protect himself from more issues than he's already dealing with. Like the lyric "I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel || its all that i can give to you, my dear" Regulus is aware that he is cruel and bad and rotten, and even though he is offering that to James, James shouldn't want that, shouldn't want 'broken merchandise.' and then that point gets emphasized even more with "and when you come in quick to steal a kiss || my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear"
Then the instant rebuttal, because James wants to help Regulus, to fix him and make him better and help him heal, but regulus knows that and doesn't want it, because he still needs to be sharp and pointy and abrasive to protect himself from his parents ("and i know that you mean so well || but i am not a vessel for your goof intent").
And then the chorus, where he tells James that he "will only break [his] pretty things" and "will only wring [him] dry of everything" and making James aware of this issue, but eventually relenting and letting himself be loved, even if only in secret because James has an image that even Regulus himself fell prey too. The good parents popular only child who will go on to marry his highschool sweetheart and forget about the fling he had once. and him still knowing that James feels something for him but still getting caught in his own self confidence issues and how James has to get the girl. ("Abandon all your stupid dreams || about that girl i could have been, my dear || "Cause in the night I know you burn with feelings I cannot return, my dear || Oh, my dear").
Then him begging with James to let this go because "You gotta know that this wont last || desperation will erase the fact I'm keeping all || of the answers in my cigarette box" and because he knows that something big is coming and he is gonna be involved and no matter how much he doesn't want to be, he knows its happening soon, almost like a gut feeling that something is about to happen. But he knows James doesn't realize that yet, and cant articulate that to him because he's never had to feel something like that before, that intense anxiety over something that you know is coming, so he lets himself enjoy it for a little longer because no matter what happens, he'll still have this, even for a moment he'll have this. (" Yeah, the answers in the second before the other shoe drops || And if your blind to that || I am fine with that.")
Then him lamenting that he knows that no matter what comes from this it wont be good for James, and how he instinctually ruins things is going to leave James broken to pieces because he cant handle that much emotion and no matter how much James wants to fix this he cant because its one boy against years of trauma and defense's and everything else. ("Oh, i will ruin you || Oh, i will ruin you || It's a habit, I can't help it || I know that you mean so well || but I am not a vessel for your good intent.")
Then we return to the chorus and Regulus is still trying to convince James that he isn't worth is and he shouldn't stick around to find out what happens, especially now, right before something big happens and Regulus is going to be in the middle of it.
Then Regulus decides to double down and make it even worse because he knows this is not good for James and he knows that this can only be a fleeting moment of feeling, and he cant let himself love someone like that because that puts them in danger. "I will poison all your happy thoughts || I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box" this line is especially impactful because its almost a double entendre. Regulus would love James like an addict, knowing that it is bad for him but doing it anyway, loving like a man starved, loving like a man drowning gasping for air. But then there is also the second meaning that Regulus knows that this should be fleeing. A single moment to James, even if it means a lifetime of hurt for Regulus.
anyway to conclude; never ask me to write an analysis of something, because i will and it will be a school papers worth. Also i fear i may think of these idiots too much. also also, go listen to the crane wives.
I could write an in depth analysis of the song "Tongues and Teeth" by The Crane Wives and how it directly relates to Jegulus (specifically with regulus singing the song).
1 reblog and I'll do it
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months
wheres seasons greasons
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queershavinthoughts · 6 months
I could write an in depth analysis of the song "Tongues and Teeth" by The Crane Wives and how it directly relates to Jegulus (specifically with regulus singing the song).
1 reblog and I'll do it
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