radiopastor · 10 months
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radiopastor · 10 months
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Jesus was about 2 years old when the Wise Men visited the home of Joseph and Mary. Matthew 2:1-18.
The 'Massacre of the Innocents' from www.gotquestions.org
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radiopastor · 10 months
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radiopastor · 10 months
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radiopastor · 4 years
Funeral at Crane Chapel Austin MN - Part 1 - by Pastor Ed Brady - JesusE...
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radiopastor · 4 years
Carmen Brady 003 - Choose to Believe and Forgive - Guard Your Heart Mini...
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Carmen Brady - Give Up the World's Ways - Guard Your Heart 002 - edbrady...
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radiopastor · 4 years
Carmen video - Believing is Seeing - Guard Your Heart Ministries Intl - ...
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radiopastor · 4 years
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🕮 Matthew 6:12-15 Jesus said this: 12 And forgive us our trespasses, as we have forgiven those who trespass against us. 13 And do not let us yield to temptation but rescue us from the evil one. 14 If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. If you forgive, your heavenly Father will also forgive. We must forgive if we hope to be forgiven. You do not have to be their friend, but you must forgive. If you do not forgive, your Father in heaven will not forgive you. Refuse to Forgive and God Won’t Forgive You? Yes. When people are saved by grace through faith, they come into a new relationship with God. God’s former enemies (Colossians 1:21-23) become His children. “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:13-14). When God saves us, He saves us completely and forgives us of all of our sins. No one who is born-again has their faith walk with Jesus complete. None are perfect and God knows it. In fact, it takes the Spirit’s work in our lives over time for us to resemble Christ. Some bad habits persist. Wounds need healing. Negative thinking needs renewal. Bad behaviors require repentance. Neil Cole puts it this way, “Sinful people produce great growth because there’s more fertilizer in their lives.” While God saves completely, we cannot discount Jesus’ words. Forgiveness is a weighty issue. But, if unforgiveness doesn’t jeopardize our salvation, how does it affect us? Think about the relationships in your life: your marriage, your children, your parents, your closest friends. There are lasting commitments that define these relationships. But what happens when your spouse or a close friend offends you? Do you immediately part ways and end the relationship? Probably not, because more than likely we’ve also offended them. Eventually, the offender will seek forgiveness, and we will forgive. We hope that they will change. They probably hope that we would change as well. If you forgive, your entire life will get better…and I mean every aspect of your life. Try it, okay? Let’s say that your spouse offends you, but you don’t forgive. You decide instead to hold the issue over their head. How’s that going to play out? There will definitely be tension in the relationship. You will interpret what he/she says and does through her hurtful actions. She will interpret you through your stubbornness and lack of forgiveness. What initially happened, in and of itself, is not necessarily bad enough to cause a divorce, but the issue and the reaction have created a rift in the relationship. Unless you decide to work on forgiveness, the truth is that you and your spouse are slowly parting. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison, hoping the other person will die (< Credits for that line: Joyce Meyer). Now, think about your relationship with God. If you have trusted Him for your salvation and have committed your life to Christ, God has saved you. God has declared you as righteous (Romans 3:21-26) and has adopted you as His child (Ephesians 1:4-6). Out of His love, God doesn’t want to leave us in such a miserable state. God doesn’t want us to be bound by bitterness and resentment. He wants us to be free. We have to live life His way, okay? We can only experience freedom when we’ve exercised His grace and forgiven others their sins. While our salvation is not in jeopardy, unforgiveness causes a miserable existence. Freedom comes through generously extending God’s grace to others. Jesus said, “Freely you have received; freely give” (Matthew 10:8). Who has sinned against you? Who do you need to forgive? Forgive them. If you feel that it’s impossible to forgive someone, ask God to help you and He will. Believe that by faith, please. Who do you need to forgive? Write down their names and pray for each one and forgive each one because Jesus commands it, please. As you forgive and forgi
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radiopastor · 4 years
How Does God Us to Live?
Spiritually speaking, God wants us to live forever because He created us as a Spirit (in the image of God) that will live on earth now and later in heaven for eternity.
Physiologically speaking, God wants us to live on earth in our human body for 120 years.  Does that surprise you?  Are you among the people who believe that most people are supposed to die at 70 or 80 years old?  The fact is that most humans, in today’s world, think that they’re supposed to die at age 70.  Since that idea has been implanted in their brain, and their brain tells their body to die at that age!  What humans think programs their brains.  What humans say programs their life, for better or worse.  Please, be careful what you think, and more importantly, be careful what you say.  God created the whole world, the stars, and the entire universe with words.  You can create your whole world, failures, and successes, by what you say.  Our words have power.  God’s words have divine power and must be followed exactly, if you want to live up to the potential that God created you to aspire to in this life.
Here comes the truth, and the proof, that we are created to live 120 years on earth.  If you don’t want to live to 120, that is in God’s permissive will.  If you choose to live to 120, just imagine all that you could do for God, for your family and you, too.
Genesis 6:3 – Amplified Bible – 3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive and remain with man forever, because he is indeed flesh [sinful, corrupt—given over to sensual appetites]; nevertheless his days shall yet be [a] a hundred and twenty years.”
Footnotes – a. Genesis 6:3 This may refer to the time given man to repent before the flood, or to the normative human life span after the flood.
There it is! – God said in sacred scriptures in Genesis 6:3 that we are to live 120 years here on this earth.  The footnotes give us cause to wonder if the directive to live 120 may have been for humans to repent before the flood.  This writer (Ed Brady) believes the second half of the footnote. It suggests that that 120 years is how long you and I are to live.  How about you?  Do you want to live according to God’s word in Genesis?  It could give you so much time to succeed in the desires and passions that God has placed in your heart.
120 years, you ask?
You may feel that 120 years is too long to live, but perhaps you need to re-think your paradigm and learn to understand that we are a spirit, with a soul (mind, will, emotions) living in a body for 70 or 120 (depending upon which we choose).  And yes, we choose the age and time we die, not God.  When you are ready, you can release your spirit.  Or, when you find yourself in a life-threatening situation, you can choose to live.  
Acts 7:59-60
– Amplified Bible – 59 They continued stoning Stephen as he called on the Lord and said, “Lord Jesus, receive, accept, and welcome my spirit!” 60 Then falling on his knees [in worship], he cried out loudly, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them [do not charge them]!” When he had said this, he fell asleep [in death].
God does not need another angel.
Scripture teaches us that when we are ready to die, we can ‘release’ our spirit and it goes to heaven or hell.  It bothers me when people think that God killed (or took) their loved one.  It bothers me when people say things like, “God must have needed another angel.”  The statement itself is wrong, and it is wrong to believe that humans become angels.  God created humans and God created angels to honor God, help humans, and deliver messages to humans.  Nope, you won’t ‘get your wings’ because you will not become an angel.  Up in heaven you will be you, in spirit form, in a new resurrection body that looks like you, but better!  Remember when Jesus was crucified, rose from the dead, and came out of the tomb He had a body that looked like Him, but better!
What about the 70 years verse? – It is not a blessing, but a curse.  The anger of God is expressed in this biblical verse against the people of Israel who chose, on their way to the Promised Land, go a different way than God had told them.  
Psalm 90:10
– Amplified Bible – The days of our life are [a]seventy years—Or even, if because of strength, eighty years; Ye their pride [in additional years] is only labor and sorrow, for it is soon gone and we fly away.
Footnotes –
Psalm 90:10 This psalm is credited to Moses, who is interceding with God to remove the curse which made it necessary for every Israelite over twenty years of age (when they rebelled against God at Kadesh-barnea) to die before reaching the promised land of Canaan (Numbers 14:26-35). Moses himself lived to be 120 years old, Aaron 123, Miriam several years older than Aaron, and Joshua 110 years of age; but it is conceivable that Moses considered such longevity the exception. The ancient Israelite Rabbis taught that by the time of David, 70 was the age of death for an old man and 80 for a vigorous old man.
Go the way that God tells you. – God had told the Israelites to take a route that would have gotten them there in about a dozen days.  However, the Nephilim tribe who were directly in front of the Israelites.  They were large men whom the Israelites would have to fight and defeat, if they took God’s planned route.  The key here is to do what God says, even if you don’t feel like it.  Please, do what God says (and live as Jesus lived) even if you’re afraid, do it afraid, but do it, okay?
Numbers 13:33 – Amplified Bible – 33 There we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”
Unfortunately, the Israelites judged the problem by the size of the other tribe, but they should have judged the problem by the size of their God.  God could have helped them defeat the large Nephilim warriors, but they mistakenly thought that they had to fight their enemies by their own power.  Of the 12 spies that the Israelites sent to observe and evaluate their chances of winning in battle, only 2 men, Joshua and Caleb, had strong faith and belief in God and (based on that faith) told the Israelites that they could defeat the Nephilim in battle.  The other 10 spies said that they could not win and advised the tribe of Israel to go a different way, because of that, the House of Israel wandered in the desert for 40-years and none of the Israelites lived to enter the Promised Land.  Only the two men that showed their faith, Joshua, and Caleb, entered the Promised Land with the sons and daughters of the people who died before they entered.  Everybody who was over 20 years of age died in the desert before they got to go into the Promised Land.  During the 40 years in the desert they all died.
Old Versus New Testament – That’s an example of the Old Testament Wrath of God.  We’ll discuss the different manner that God views us in the New Testament (because of what Jesus did for us on the Cross) at another time.  For now, let’s wrap up this section of “How does God want us to live?”
This note is for YOU. – If the Israelites would have done what God told them to do, it is estimated that they would have entered the Promised Land in a dozen days instead of wandering for 40-years and never entering the Promised Land.  When God tells YOU to do something, by faith just do it because God will help you conquer any giants in front of you, okay?  The Bible says that God is no respecter of persons because He shows no partiality (Read Acts 10:34 and Romans 2:11).  That could be interpreted in a negative manner, but by faith we can believe that what God does for other believers who have faith in Him, He will do for YOU.  Please, read the Bible daily, study it, and apply it to your life to have a wonderful 120 years on this earth.  Enjoy!  However, if you do not follow God’s directives/commands in the Bible, try enjoying your wandering in the desert for 40 years.  Ouch!
We must live by faith, not sight.  To get better at living by faith, spend more time reading and studying the Bible daily.  The main reason that most Christians believe wrong information about God, and life, is that they have no knowledge of scripture.  In closing, “How Does God Want Us To Live?”  He wants us to live our life the way He told us in the Bible.  Read it daily and apply it to your life, okay?  To make it easier for us live the way God wants us to live, He sent His son, Jesus, to make it very, very clear how God wants us to live.
2 Corinthians 5:7 – Amplified Bible – 7 for we walk by faith, not by sight [living our lives in a manner consistent with our confident belief in God’s promises].
Thanks, and God bless you, Pastor Ed Brady
Questions?  You can reach me at: [email protected]
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radiopastor · 4 years
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Christian Radio Ministries: “Country Gospel,” “Sonrise Radio,” and “God’s Promises.”  Interested?  Available for broadcast by radio stations and internet streaming services.  More info @ edbradyradio.com.
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radiopastor · 4 years
Storm Warning – Michele Bachmann with Jan Markell
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radiopastor · 4 years
O Soul, Are You Weary and Troubled? Check this out. Todd Friel - Wretched.
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radiopastor · 5 years
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radiopastor · 5 years
Fear Of God Has Been Lost In The Church (Compilation)
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radiopastor · 5 years
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