ramenstudie · 5 years
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ramenstudie · 5 years
hello guys! i’ve always wanted to post something related to studying on my youtube channel, so i finally did it. a video of me studying for my art history final is up. 💗
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ramenstudie · 5 years
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04.03.18 // 第10課 ~ 単語
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ramenstudie · 5 years
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Floor studying-only way to go when you have a cluttered desk
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ramenstudie · 5 years
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art history notes for my second reading of the summer semester. i am actually really loving this course so much more than i anticipated.
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ramenstudie · 5 years
melancholically beautiful things:
empty perfume bottles
abandoned castles
pressed flowers
old books with dust all over them
walking all alone in a museum hall
languages that humanity no longer uses
stars, the moon, the entire universe and its secrets
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ramenstudie · 5 years
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ramenstudie · 5 years
hey!! i was just wondering how do you take notes on mandarin (if you self-study) and how do you organize your mandarin notebook?
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hey there!! i might make a masterpost on this at some point but, here’s an overview of how i take them. i take up a big ol’ portion for new words, and a smaller portion for the key sentences and basic characters learned in the lesson. i am taking chinese mandarin in university as part of my major so it’s more stricter than self studying, but i like to keep it that way so everything is apart and when i need to review i can use that as a way to review. i keep a separate notebook for practicing writing characters and another one for practicing words in sentences i create based on the kinds of sentences we’ve already learned. you can message me if you have any other questions, i’ll be happy to help ^^
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ramenstudie · 5 years
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i have been trying not to freak out, lolol but here i am still reviewing for my test + quiz. sometimes i forget perfection is an impossible goal, and stress myself out way more than what i should. i need to learn to take care of my brain and self care, amdjsldiwmfke.
i also opened up a studygram by the same username: @ramenstudie
🍜 🍜
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ramenstudie · 5 years
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09.17.15. today i’m re-learning basic japanese grammar since i haven’t in a while
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ramenstudie · 5 years
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Okay so I just finished exams and I have firsthand experience with this situation so I figured I’d put together some tips/advice for anyone else who is going through this!!
1 >> DO. NOT. PANIC. There’s absolutely NO use in stressing out or regretting waiting until now to study. You can’t go back and fix things, so it’s best to work with what you have now!! If you’re going through a breakdown, try to relax  + focus on what’s now. Try listening to some rain and taking deep breaths to calm down. 
2 >> Don’t procrastinate any more!! I find that sometimes I freak out enough to procrastinate even more (checking Tumblr, etc), making myself even more stressed. Put ALL the distractions away. If you’re having a problem with constantly checking your phone, try Forest. (also on Apple) I also use apps like StayFocusd on Chrome so that I block websites I tend to procrastinate on.
3 >> Set up and get started right away! Basically part two of step 2. Get out your notes/worksheets/whatever you need right away. Some music/sounds is usually preferable for people. (music masterpost by @areistotle, white noise masterpost by @killjoyjournal, a playlist for procrastination by @studyign) or just your own music!! Try to avoid things with lyrics, though. 
4 >> Set up a Pomodoro! Yes, you might not have much time, but that doesn’t mean you should study non-stop without any breaks whatsoever. A pomodoro is a 25 minute study/work block with a 5 minute break. Every 4 pomodoros, you take a longer break. However, since you’re on a bit of a deadline, it might be better to study for 25 minutes, get up, stretch, grab a glass of water, then head right back. (maybe not a full 5 minute break) That way you won’t become too unfocused in between pomodoros. 
5  >> Don’t read the textbook! If it’s the night before the exam, you don’t have enough time to read through the whole textbook. Also, it’s not the most effective method of getting stuff to stay in your brain. If you’re stressed, you could be reading it and nothing is staying in your head. Do things that will make you think about the info you’re going through.
6 >> Go through review sheets/old tests if you have them! Instead of trying to go through every single note/worksheet you have, look through some past evaluations. Redoing your old tests will make you think about what you’re doing, and if you come across some of the same problems you had before, you’ll know exactly what notes to go back over. If you have a review package with questions that your teacher gave you specifically, make sure you do as much of that as you can.
7 >> Write quick little summaries of the lessons! It’s a quick way to review what happened in the lessons without going too in depth or spending too much time. Sometimes I’ll write the topic name on one side of a cue card and write the summary on the other side, so that way I can test myself on each topic later. 
8 >> Talk to a friend! Talk to someone else taking the exam via social media/skype/whatever (don’t procrastinate though!!) and make sure you’ve covered everything. You can also try testing each other to make sure you know the content. 
9 >> Don’t forget to take care of yourself! Drink lots of water and eat healthy things while you’re studying. The water will keep you alive and hydrated as well as focused. The snacks will keep the energy coming. Also, don’t sit at your desk the entire time. Get up and walk around every once in a while. Remind yourself that you can get through this!!
10 >> DON’T STAY UP ALL NIGHT CRAMMING!!! The information will NOT stay in your head and it’s MUCH more beneficial to get as much sleep as possible!! This is especially important if your exam is early in the morning! Go to sleep at a reasonable time (that is not after 12, even 12 is pushing it) Try to fit in 5 or 10 minutes of meditation sometime before you sleep, too. It’ll help you relax and calm down enough to sleep instead of stressing.
11 >> Review what you studied in your head before you sleep. While you’re brushing your teeth, getting changed, before you fall asleep, go through the list of things you studied. Again, a way for you to think about what you reviewed. Also, try getting up everything you need for your exam. (Sometimes I forget stuff if I’m rushing in the morning, and that can lead to problems)
12 >> The morning of your exam: Eat a super healthy breakfast that will keep you going!! Try to keep it balanced: grains, dairy, fruits and protein. Take a walk outside, get some fresh air, and shower if you can. Review stuff in your head before, and try not to stress yourself out. You can totally ace that exam!!
And that’s all!! Right before the exam remember to take deep breaths, and remember that you can do it! Believe in yourself!! Anyways I hope this helped. uvu 
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ramenstudie · 5 years
“chuffed doesnt mean what you think it means”
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it means exactly what i think it means its just some stupid word that literally has two definitions that mean the opposite thing
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ramenstudie · 5 years
gentle reminder
you’re going to be okay - it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but one day, you’ll be okay again; i promise
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ramenstudie · 5 years
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🍜 the picture above is from last semester, i am currently in lesson 14, the final lesson of our first book. also, my notes now are super entirely different from what they were last semester.
i did my mandarin presentation on thursday, which was meant to be no more than 2 minutes and i completed it in 1:30 which makes me really happy about this accomplishment. my mandarin test was not as hard as i expected it to be, but i’m glad i got that off of my list of things to do because it really stressed me out a whole ton. this weekend i have to prepare for my music test and my 生词 quiz on monday. we got this!! ^^ 🍜 🍜
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ramenstudie · 5 years
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i’m currently reviewing up for my mandarin test tomorrow. lots of green tea and motivation let’s goooo!!
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ramenstudie · 5 years
. * . * .🌙 * . * ☄️. * * . 🌍* . . * 💫 * . * . . *. ✨
* . * 🌑 . * * . * 🌕 . * * . * . *⭐️ * .
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ramenstudie · 6 years
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16.10.16 | finally got these mildliners hehe ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ft. some chinese notes! my handwriting is really messy but since I stopped chinese school this year , I didn’t had time to practice a lot :’) one of my goal this year is to improve my chinese ✨
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