realsextime · 8 years
Blog - Website has Moved!
Please visit me on my website/blog now located at:
All posts have been transferred, and new posts added! Come check me out! This TumblrBlog will be much less active, and only used occasionally so I encourage you all to start visiting and bookmarking the website above. You can also follow me on Twitter @chrisbelous to get notified of updates and get links to new posts. 
Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
#SundayInfographic - “Sex and the Smart Phone”
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So many people use technology for sex! Do you use your smartphone for sex, during sex, or about sex??
Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
#ThoughtThursday - #GymSex?!
Working out releases all kinds of happy hormones, like endorphins - which increase happiness and libido... So, why not have sex at the gym, right? -Where all this goodness is happening. Well, at least 25% of you “gym people” are already doing it. 
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Online magazine from the UK, Independent has recently conducted a survey of workout-ers, and found that 82% of people use dating apps during their workout, trying to find a partner. In addition, 50% actively pursue connections with others at the gym. 
Believe it or not - 20% of people have had sex with their trainers as well! I swear, it’s not a pornographic film plot - this is real life people. 10% of all people bring condoms to the gym, just in case. 
Even with all this sex happening at the gym, there are also many benefits to working out in general for your sex life. Squats can help with the specific muscles used for stand-up and doggy style sex, allowing for longer activities; and in recent studies 45% of women report better orgasms with their partner when they have lifted ~10lb weights for 15 minutes a day. 
All this sex and sexuality encourages many people to work out even more; and can make our lives better overall. A healthier body means a healthier sexuality. Get out there and get them endorphins flowing! 
Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
#JustTheTipTuesday - Touch yourself, too!
How much time do you spend working on your partner during sex? What about yourself? Maybe give yourself a hand as well. ;-) Many lovers report that watching their partner touch themselves during sex, or whenever, is often very arousing - and educational.
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It can be super arousing to see you partner pleasuring themselves. We all have a voyeuristic side that wants to see someone having a good time - and our partners are especially fun to see. There is an element of “taboo” to touching yourself, and you are doing it in front of someone else - very arousing for many people. 
It is also educational! When you touch yourself, you are doing so in a way that already feels good - you know what you are doing. Because of that, you can teach your partner what works best - and they can then imitate that when they start playing with you. Overall, it’s a double win. 
Try it out next time when you are romping through the sheets, or whatever, with a sex friend - give it a good touch yourself, and see how it works out. 
Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
#SundayInfographic - 15 “not-so-important” Facts About Sex :-)
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This infographic makes you wanna be a pig, eh??? 
Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
#RandomWednesday - AirSex?
Nope... nothing having to do with the mile-high club... though, I suppose that could be the fantasy that gets you through this one.
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So, this is a legit thing - and it sounds AWESOME. There is something called the Air Sex World Championships that are held each year, and it is one of the most hilarious, interesting, and sex positive things I have ever seen!
Here’s a gif of one act (compliments of Buzzfeed):
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This is real, everyone. Like for reals. People get up on stage in front of hundreds of other people and perform fake sex acts! How sex positive is that? This is amazing! I can’t stop gushing about it, because I can’t think of a better competition that would be more fun! It is a regulated event that you actually have to sign up for - and prepare for - in advance. There are a few rules, namely that you can’t have any real orgasms, you have to have at least one “fake” person on stage, and you have to perform to music - for about 2 minutes. Other than that, its pretty much wide open; you can get crazy! 
Check out the AirSex Championships Facebook Page, their website, or follow them on twitter @airsex to learn more. 
I don’t know about you guys... but I’m going to start on my routine for next year right now!
Keep Sexin’ -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
#JustTheTipTuesday - #GetClitorate
Do you know what the clitoris is? Do you know where it is? ALL OF IT? What we used to think of as the clitoris is actually just one small, external (albeit very sensitive) portion of a much larger and more complex tissue structure that we are only just now getting to know about. 
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(image credit: Mail & Guardian Women, 2015)
The #GetCliterate movement is attempting to provide information and education on exactly what the clitoris looks like, and how you can begin to get to know it better - and thereby have a more fulfilling sex. 
This is what the clitoris actually looks like; 
So that little “nub” that you see at the top of a vulva (please, please, tell me you’ve seen it before!) is just the beginning. The clitoris is actually an amazing organ that extends down, encircling the vaginal canal, and even has little wings that extend outward. It is quite the beautiful organ. Where the all the parts come together, just below the glans clitoris, before it splits to go around the vagina, is where many scholars believe is the “g-spot” location, as it will be the crux of where the different tissues merge - thereby being a sensitive location. Specifically, it is directly about 2 inches or so inside the vagina, on the top of the canal - and can often be felt by someone paying attention to subtle differences in texture. 
When there is something stimulating inside the vagina, it is contracting, moving, and stimulating this larger clitoral organ. In conjunction with the concentration of nerve endings in the glans clitoris an orgasm occurs - however, orgasm can occur by stimulating each of these areas separately as well. 
Some other interesting facts about the clitoris:
The clitoris continues to grow throughout a woman’s life, and after menopause, it can even become 2.5 times larger than before!
It contains 8,000 nerve endings - twice as many as a penis!
The sole purpose of the clitoris is to bring a woman pleasure
It does have a limit, however - if it reaches the maximum pleasure power or is stimulated too much, it can actually become too sensitive, even painful, for some women
It becomes “erect” as well! It is actually made of similar tissue to that of the penis, and when a woman becomes aroused, it becomes engorged with blood, swelling up, and being more able to receive stimulation!
The word “clitoris” is Greek for “key” (maybe as in the key to pleasure?)
Check out HuffingtonPost’s Cliteracy Project Website to learn more!
Tune in later for more tips on how to stimulate this amazing organ for more pleasure!
Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
#SundayInfographic - Male Kegel Exercises... Men can become multi-orgasmic??!
Yes, they can! Check out the infographic below on Male Kegel Exercises! Kegels can help with all orgasmic concerns - multiple, too soon, delayed, etc! It is a great way to practice learning more about your body and be healthier.
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Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
#JustTheTipTuesday - USE PROTECTION! #Duh
Sexually Transmitted Infections rates are increasing in recent years, specifically for men - reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Syphilis has been increasing during the last decade or so, giving it the infamous honor of joining the league of most common STI’s in the US - along with Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. 
4.5 out of every 1,000 people have Chlamydia
1.1 out of every 1,000 people have Gonorrhea
.6 out of every 1,000 people have Syphilis 
However, the very top honor goes to HPV - Human Papillomavirus. HPV is the most common form of STI in the US - with just about everyone getting some version of the virus during their adult life. 14 million people report new infections of HPV each year. 
On the contrary - if you utilize safe sex practices, your chances of contracting a sexually transmitted infection drastically decrease. One of the best way is to use a condom - properly. Instead of reinventing the wheel, I figured I would head over to good ole’ YouTube and find a great instructional video for you all. This is one of my favorites - just in case you need a refresher. :) 
Even if you trust your partner. Even if you have never been with anyone else. Even if they say they have never been with anyone else... 
If you don’t have a condom, dental dam, or other barrier... don’t do it. Do other things. You know what I mean... ;-)
Hope this reminder tip was helpful!
Keep Sexin’ -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
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realsextime · 8 years
#SnowSex - Taking a break for the holidays!
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Downloaded from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/103090278945959261/
(In case you couldn’t tell from the lack of posts recently...) I’m taking a brief break for the holiday season; to return in January! Maybe sooner, if I find interesting things to post. 
Just wanted to thank you all for following, liking, re-posting, and showing me some love!
I sincerely hope you all have awesome, wonderful consensual sex this holiday season, amidst all the celebration! 
Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
#SundayInfographic - Relationship Types
Hey Everyone! I apologize for the delay in posting. Here is an interesting “infographic” I found recently that thought you might all enjoy. What do you think? I found it confusing, helpful, interesting, funny, and awesome all at the same time!
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Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 8 years
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Trevor takes issue with calling President Obama–or anyone for that matter–a pussy. Click here to watch.
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realsextime · 8 years
#SundayInfographic - Yoga Positions for Better Sex!
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Try these different yoga poses for better sex! 
Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 9 years
#SundayInfographic - Bisexual Violence
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Bisexual people experience very high rates of violence, purely for their identification as a by person. In addition, many sexual trauma responders receive little to no training on how to help a person who is bisexual - the unique and special difficulties encountered by this underrepresented and marginalized population. End Biphobia and Bierasure! Spread the word!
Keep Sexin’! -Dr. B
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realsextime · 9 years
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Check out the post above from HuffingtonPost, you may be surprised by the amount of connections between the queer community and Thanksgiving. :-)
AND... this is a perfect opportunity to have some wonderfully non-stressed, relaxing and innovative (read: adventurous) SEX! So... do it!
Keep sexin’!
-Dr. B
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realsextime · 9 years
#SundayInfographic (a day late!) - What is sexuality?
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Today’s Infographic is part of a series from the @Asexual-Not-A-Sexual blog on how to be an ally. This particular graphic was interesting, I thought. :)
Original: http://asexual-not-a-sexual.tumblr.com/post/36631111802/a-guide-to-being-an-ally-for-friends-and-family-of
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