liberaljane · 9 months
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"We need guarantees of safety, resources, and liberation for all."
-Kylie Cheung, Survivor Injustice (2023)
Digital illustration of an older Black fem sitting on a wood chair. She's wearing a purple blazer with matching shorts, a green turtleneck and white boots with fishnet socks. She has box braids and gold jewelry. Text reads, 'gender based violence is an inherently political issue.'
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butch-reidentified · 11 months
well my wife & I had literally just arrived downtown, were still walking down the sidewalk to the bar, when we run into this guy on the corner interacting aggressively with a very anxious-looking woman trying to lock a shop door and two young boys. my wife instantly steps in and firmly asks the man to step back a bit while I check in with the woman. he's obviously drunk and belligerent, and starts shouting at us. "I'm just talking to my son, I'm not allowed to talk to my son?"
she explains very straightforwardly that this is her restaurant she owns, and he's her abusive ex who's always hanging around her restaurant and trying to manipulate the kids by talking shit about her and giving her diabetic son candy. she tells us that the local police and "everyone" knows about this situation, that's she's tried twice to get a restraining order, he's stolen from her and her restaurant multiple times, etc.
he asks my wife and me with disgust if we're "girlfriends or something," to which I respond that it's absolutely none of his business. he asks us why we're in his business, then. She tells us he slapped her a few minutes prior, because of what she was wearing. He says it isn't fair that he "never got to see her like that" while they were dating because he "was always working in her restaurant." I ask him who the fuck told him seeing her ~like that~ was his right.
we ask her if she wants us to walk her to her car/home, and she says she lives a couple blocks away and that would be really good. as we walk away, he tells her "spirits" are going to come and get her tonight. so we walk with her and the kids, let her vent about him and everything she's tried to do to stop this without anything changing, how the police don't care and how they believed him that HER home and restaurant were his because he's a white man and she's a black woman, and they interrogated her while asking him nothing.
On the walk, he walks up behind us to a bit ahead of us to where the older boy is on his bicycle, and starts talking to the older boy again, but not before shouting to us that "men should be with women." She refuses to engage, and we follow her lead. I ask her some questions to get a feel for what she might have or need. We give her our phone numbers and a short spiel about available community resources and the importance of women looking out for other women. I tell her I can connect her with those resources and am happy to arrange help for her to complete the restraining order process, as the barriers preventing her previously have been things like being unable to arrange for childcare so she can go to court. She asks if she can give us hugs, and we say of course.
We stay while she and her piece of shit ex verbally battle for control of the older son. She's asking him to come up to their apartment. We can't hear what he's saying to the kid, but he keeps shifting position to block her from making eye contact with her son. She tells us he is teaching the kid to view and treat women like he does. She tells us the kid needs counseling and is struggling with depression.
We stay until the older son gets his father's permission to go upstairs with her. He approaches us on the corner as we wait to be able to cross, and asks us again about our relationship to each other. We tell him again it isn't his business. He asks why we get to ask for all of his information, then. My wife points out that we didn't even ask his name.
for several long and irritating minutes, he stands a foot away from us running his mouth while we wait to be able to cross. at a couple points, he borders on threatening, but never crosses the line. I keep my hand on my gun in my pocket regardless. I tell him I heard what he said about "spirits" and if anything happens to her tonight (or at all), we'll know who did it. he tells me I'm funny. my wife has already made a phone call, and we have three people on the way from our friend's bar (which is 1 store over from her restaurant). he hears her phone call and tells us that's a bad idea. I ask him if that's a threat. he stays silent as the light finally turns and we begin to cross.
he doesn't follow.
on the way home, we pass three separate police cars, and my blood is boiling hotter each time.
I really hope she's safe tonight. I really hope she reaches out and lets us help.
tonight was a stark reminder that all of our communities are rife with abusive men and abused women, all the time, and nobody is looking out for these women. know your community's needs and resources. any day or night could be the time you stumble across one of these situations. you'll be grateful you have that knowledge to share when you do.
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shitswiftiessay · 2 months
Taylor Swift’s boyfriend, Travis Kelce, says his friend + former teammate Tyreek Hill deserves “nothing but love.” Tyreek Hill is an abuser who attacked his pregnant girlfriend.
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Yeah, you fucking heard that right. The boyfriend of Taylor Swift is friends with a domestic abuser and thinks he deserves “nothing but love.”
In 2014, Travis Kelce’s bestie, Tyreek Hill, was dismissed from Oklahoma State after he was arrested for choking his pregnant girlfriend and punching her in the stomach.
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Despite committing such a heinous crime, the NFL drafted him in 2016, proving once again that they don’t give a SHIT about violence against women.
In 2019, Tyreek Hill was recorded THREATENING his fiancée and had apparently abused his child as well.
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In addition, he was also accused of breaking another woman’s leg last year.
Hill has received no consequences for his actions, no jail time, not even a single game suspension.
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Will the self-proclaimed feminist @taylorswift dump her boyfriend for being friends with an abuser, or was she only a “feminist” for a few eras to sell albums? Unfortunately, I think we all know the answer to that one.
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mpov · 6 months
Bash a Violent Bitch Month.
Unsubtle reminder about this article people who hate MRAs love to reference as proof they hate women.
They never read the article, only the headline. didn't see how it very explicitly states to never actually do this. That it was satire in reference to the Jezebel article featuring women talking about beating their boyfriends and husbands, and laughing about it. Which, considering the feminists love the article, means this is abuse they approve and actively enjoy.
Beyond that though, when you get down to it... The article would have been a feminist wet dream if it were gender reversed. Bash a Violent Man Month? A month set aside to fight back and escape from an abusive boyfriend? We'd run out of mops.
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Because that's what the Jezebel article was. Women bragging about beating their men, knowing they were safe from repercussions.
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sapphic-sex-ed · 2 months
i looked on your abuse tag for a while and didn’t see that you answered this but if i’m wrong lmk. any tips on how to pull a friend out of an abusive relationship? i know i can’t control her but she asked me to tell her when her relationship starts to look like what mine did and when i told her she didn’t listen and now she’s getting back with the same person after 3 days. i know i’m not supposed to control her but i don’t know what to do besides an ultimatum at this point. hoping someone else has better advice before i do that.
Thank you for asking this highly relevant question. I'm sorry your friend is in a bad relationship and I'm sorry you have been through this as well - abuse is too common and that's why I'm glad you asked. We all need this information.
Most people's first instinct when their loved one seems to be in an unhealthy relationship is to raise the question with them. How people do this differs, and I would always opt for what's called curious exploration (open questions about the relationship and reflections of the emotions your loved one expresses) over confrontation, as the latter seldom is productive. In your case, anon, you raised it as agreed upon beforehand but your friend wasn't receptive to your thoughts. This, too, is common.
In my experience with clients in a abusive relationships, there is a lot of shame tied up into being a "victim", one of several reasons "survivor" is a preferred term. To imply or explicitly state that their relationship seems abusive can in instances when they're not ready to hear that yet lead to resistance and a deeper commitment to said relationship. The genuine concern for their safety is taken as criticism of themselves and their own person, usually as there probably exists some doubts and insecurities already. When we are already insecure we tend to become more protective of whatever it is we are insecure about. For this reason I would stray from words such as 'abuse' or even 'unhealthy'. Not to say that labeling abuse as abuse cannot be a relief to some - when they are ready for it it can be very cathartic for somebody else to see and acknowledge their experiences as abuse - but they need to be further along in their acceptance and insight for that to work.
As people who care about them, it can be difficult to see a loved one stay with or go back to an abusive partner. We want them to be safe and happy and to us it seems obvious that the source of their misery is the abusive partner. But abusive relationships aren't always all bad all the time. That's how we get stuck. It's like a slot machine. It can be helpful for some to speak about their relationships like a behavioral addiction - the mechanisms are similar or the same. That's what the actual definition of love-bombing is, btw. The increase in loving behaviors by an abuser right before or right after a bad abusive episode meant to keep the victim in the relationship. Because of this pattern - tension, incident, reconciliation (honeymoon phase or love-bombing), calm - it can be difficult for the person being abused to see the abuse, as it's not all bad all the time. That hope that the love-bombing or calm phases will prevail is what is so addictive about the abusive relationship. "This time maybe it will work out".
For us who see the abuse, we want to support our loved one, and the first instinct if usually to get them to leave. As discussed, that's not an easy task. It's common for abused partners (speaking explicitly about IPV, but any type of domestic violence regardless of relationship works similarly, although leaving may look different when the abuser is a relative) to leave the abuser between 3 to 11 times before they leave for good. Some never leave. What abuse does, at its core, is strip us of agency and dignity. We become dependent and degraded. If somebody else then comes along, no matter how good their intentions, and tells us that we must leave that too is stripping of agency and will be met with resistance. The change needs to come from within the abused person themselves.
Confrontation creates tension both within you as a friend and within the loved one you're trying to help, and can lead you to drift apart, especially if the abused feel like you are judgemental of their relationship. We don't want this to happen. Isolation is one of the main tools an abuses utilizes, consciously or not (because while some people are just cruel and consciously abuse others, a lot of the time the abuser is only half-way aware of what they are doing), to keep their victim in the relationship. Instead, what we want to do is offer support on the abused person's terms. Don't try to persuade them to leave. Instead offer support like a place to stay if they need it. Or a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. Just doing friendship things and preventing isolation. What somebody needs will be based on their relationship and other social and psychological factors. If the abuse is physical they may need somebody who can drive them to the ER. Or if the abuse is more psychological (not mutually exclusive obviously) they may need somebody they can call at any hour to cry. Economical abused people may need someone who can open an account for them to stash away money or such. Ask your friend what they need if they are open to that. Or if you notice something they might need help with if you can do that for them. If they are very downtrodden and lack the ability to decide if they want help with X thing, you can speak in statements like "I will do X thing for you when you need me to".
When it comes to talking about the relationship, I use a lot of elements om motivational interviewing (MI) when I meet people in abusive relationships. You're not a therapist or a counselor, you're a friend, but the core tenets of MI are based in compassion and evoking change through that. To use skills like active listening, simple and complex emotional reflections, and open questions to bring to surface the person's own reasoning are not outside the scope of a layperson. To hear yourself say something aloud often makes it easier for us to hear the flaws in our own reasoning because now it's not just an internal thought, now we hear it as others do, and that is what using MI elements does. Again, you're not a therapist, but to use active listening skills is good in any private relationship.
I hope this was helpful. I also invite followers to share their tips from experience both as survivor and friend of survivors.
-mod liz
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woman-for-women · 11 months
Lesbian Stats & Facts (Health, IPV, and Hate Crimes)
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bumblee-stumblee · 1 year
"How a child custody battle becomes an extension of coercive control.
Post-separation control is a form of abuse used by abusive men to exercise control over the woman after the marriage or relationship has ended. It is embedded in a power and control cycle.
Control tactics can include dragging women through expensive litigation, harassment during visitation, gas lighting, legal silencing, isolation, and using children to harass. child contact provides coercive control-perpetrating fathers with opportunities to continue their abuse of children and ex-partners."
Pdf: When Coercive Control Continues to Harm Children: Post-Separation Fathering, Stalking and Domestic Violence
Pdf: The System Had Choked Me Too
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If this sounds familiar, it's because a version of this happened to Amber Heard.
This is a tactic that is almost exclusively used by men to punish and entrap women.
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vitalventing · 1 year
Missing your abusive ex is so confusing. Obviously I don’t miss the way I was treated but I miss who he was on the good days, I miss parts of his personality and the way he thought and moved himself. I still care for him, even though he has been so awful to me. What do I do with these feelings??
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angelsaxis · 2 months
i revisited this article that states this:
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"Different Name, Same Dynamic
What Nicole describes is a classic pattern of domestic abuse, one that is often associated with a male abuser and his female victim. But intimate partner violence (IPV) happens in same-sex relationships, too, and — like in heterosexual relationships — the abuse is categorized by a pattern of behavior in which one partner seeks to gain power and control over the other. A 2013 report from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) found that lesbian women are more likely to experience physical violence from a partner — and they accounted for 19% of IPV homicide victims. (This is a staggering proportion considering that only 1.5% of women in the U.S. self-identify as lesbian and 0.9% as bisexual.)"
And bases the entire article, which talks about IPV in wlw relationships, off this source. The articles main point is to talk about how women are can and do abuse other women in relationships.
And maybe I'm misreading something but this cited source does not actually talk about lesbians or queer women in general as perpetrators of either IPV or IPV resulting in homicide...like at all. "Lesbian women are more likely to experience physical violence from a partner" does not mean "Lesbian women are more likely to abuse their (presumably women) partners". You can't make that kind of logical leap. Why?
Because closeted lesbians date men. And those men abuse them. Bisexual women date men. And those men abuse them. Queer women date men, and those men abuse them.
I searched the study the article cites to see where this particular statistic could be. I found:
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Hate violence survivor and victim demographics. Lesbians make up 19% of hate violence survivors and victims. This says nothing about being perpetrators, yet the entire article is about women as abusers.
There's another section in the study that does talk about perpetrators/offenders demographics, and these are the categories it covers: gender identity, racial and ethnic ID, age, total number of offenders, relationships (as in, landlords, family, coworker or employer, etc), and site. Not sexuality (which I was honestly surprised at).
People often say lesbians are the biggest abusers of the LGBT+ community, and then they use that to justify being lesbophobic and misogynistic, but that 19% statistic doesn't remotely support this claim.
I did some Googling and can't seem to find anything supporting the claim that lesbians are perpetrators of IPV more than any other gender + sexuality combo. This isn't to say lesbians never abuse or are never abused, but....there's just no numbers to support the claim. The one thing I can find is that according to the CDC, about two thirds of lesbians surveyed reported only having female perpetrators against them. Note that "female" does not denote a sexuality. Also note that the overwhelming majority of bisexual women are victims of IPV from male partners.
Reading this reddit thread also brings to light some other issues with the idea that lesbians are the biggest perpetrators of abuse in their relationships. They cite a CDC survey, I believe.
I'm just endlessly frustrated by this idea that lesbians are uniquely violent in the LGBT+ community. I'm too tired to get into why this belief sucks, or why people are even willing to believe such an unfounded stat in the first place. It's obvious.
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enby-axels · 2 years
friendly reminder that 61% of bisexual women are raped, stalked, and/or physically abused by an intimate partner (x). june is pride month, but it's also ptsd awareness month. support bisexual women who are IPV victims and survivors
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menalez · 2 years
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
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Fucking FINALLY seeing this somewhat talked about
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battleangel · 4 months
Fuck, Kill, Protect - Princesses In The Patriarchy
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In our patriarchal society, females are fetishized, objectified and dehumanized as princesses, dolls, daughters, "daddys little girl", "sweetheart", girlfriends, wives, prized posessions by their central male authority figures, typically a father or signficant other, but it can be any male authority figure that you develop an intimate (platonic and/or sexual) dynamic with that acts as your benefactor, guardian, protector, father, husband, lover, authority figure, savior and all consuming figure for the female subject he endlessly controls.
Within the internal male psyche that operates inside of our patriarchal society in which both genders reside, males subjugate, suppress, repress, control, abuse, infantilize, delegitimize, objectify, dehumanize, assault, rape, molest, gaslight, intimidate & coerce females.
Our patriarchal society sets up this power imbalance between the genders by default and this is endlessly reinforced by films and novels that romanticize possessive, jealous & controlling behavior and a society that automatically gives the benefit of the doubt to fatherly figures (coaches, professors, politicians, TV hosts, news anchors, directors, studio heads, industry executives, etc.) over their female accusers and victims due to the paternalistic "father knows best" misogynistic societal assumption that older male authority figures know whats best and want what is best for their female charges (students, athletes, parishioners, churchgoers, daughters, wives, employees, co-workers, co-hosts, co-stars, etc.)
👧🏾👨🏾The Progression of the Princess/Benefactor Dynamic👨🏾👧🏾
👧🏾First, you are a curiosity that piques their interest.
👧🏾You then quickly become an obsessive fixation.
👧🏾What they deem as your pixie like nature intrigues, fascinates and intoxicates them. They find you alluring and confounding.
👧🏾They also consider you a fragile doll that needs their constant vigilant protection.
👧🏾They are obsessed with your innocence, purity and naivete. They find you to be precious and precocious and endlessly dote on you.
👧🏾They then become possessive, controlling and jealous as you are now their prized posession and they dont want anyone else to have access to you. They present this to you as you being special and important to them so you are instantly flattered by their attention and you do your absolute best to live up to their expectations of you.
👧🏾You soon realize that their expectations are rather unreasonable and nearly impossible to live up to. Whenever you please them, they raise the bar yet again, and immediately give you a new set of fairly impossible demands to meet.
👧🏾At the same time, they are doing everything for you -- it could be financially providing for you, providing social companionship, sexually gratifying you, endlessly feeding and stroking your ego, telling you how beautiful you are, how you are their entire world, how endlessly important you are to them.
👧🏾You realize along the way that you have ceased to be a person and you seem to be more of an idea and a concept to them. They present this to you as you being an "all encompassing figure" to them -- at once you are maternal, sexual, docile, obedient, like a daughter, something precious, innocence personified, what makes them a man, someone they want to protect, an insatiable desire, a quixotic thrill, naive, sexual, an ingenue, doe-like, virginal, pliant, obedient, caring, motherly -- all rolled into one. Both their savior and someone they need to save.
👧🏾At the same time you notice that their incessant and unreasonable demands have made them the focal point of your life. Everything is about pleasing them, making them proud of you, making them happy, satisfying them, making them laugh, entertaining them, helping them and ensuring they are happy at all times with the relationship.
👧🏾In constantly striving to please them, you soon realize that although they claim you are an all consuming figure to them, in fact, they have become an all consuming figure to you -- at once a father figure, a best friend, a benefactor, a protector, a guide, a confidante, an authority figure, a teacher, a coach, the CEO of your entire life, every male authority figure rolled into one.
👧🏾You also notice that the same qualities of yours that seem to bring out their obsessive fixation also drives their protectiveness towards you which also drives their jealousy, control and possessiveness.
👧🏾What was presented to you as "keeping you safe from harm", "caring about you", "wanting the best for you" and "protecting you from danger" is eventually over time revealed to be nothing but an excuse to keep you under their control at all times.
👧🏾You realize to live up to this all consuming motherly/daughter/madonna/virgin/whore/princess/doll conflicting and maddening persona they have constructed and endlessly projected on to you that there are many rules that you must follow at all times. No tattoos, no crop tops, no body piercings, no revealing clothes, no promiscuous behavior, no exhibitionist behavior, no showing your body off, no flirtatious behavior, no sexual freedom, no making decisions they disagree with, no deviating from who they have decided that you are, no being your own person, no having your own thoughts & opinions, no being gay bi pan or trans, no being androgynous, no feminism, no strong political opinions that deviate from theirs, no religious opinions that deviate from theirs, no existentialism, no disobeying them, no separating your identity from them, no extricating yourself from the enmeshed dynamic they have trapped you in, no removing yourself from the codependent dynamic they have carefully cultivated and trapped you in, absolutely no questioning their problematic behavior, no calling out their abusive behavior, no correctly identifying their toxic masculinity, gaslighting, coercion, intimidation, fetishistic tendencies, perversions, predations, obsessions, fixations, lies, suppressions, repressions, oppressions, false narratives, propaganda, misinformation campaigns, hate machines, violence, false agendas, smear tactics, weaponizations, harrassments, malignant narcissism, malice, hate, rage, misogyny, disrespect, inhumaneness, cruelties, heartlessness, depravities, depradations, degradations, humiliations, condescensions, beratements, take downs, threats, insults, mental verbal emotional psychological spiritual religious sexual physical narcissistic abuse and dehumanizations.
👧🏾You eventually start to realize that you are not their doll, princess, fantasy, object of desire, a blank slate for them to endlessly project on to, an empty vessel and vehicle through which they fulfill their fantasies and desires, a project, someone to be saved, someone to complete them, someone to save them, someone who makes them real, someone who makes them a man, someone who gives them a reason to live, someone to compel them to make themselves a better person, someone who makes them stronger, their ultimate weakness, their achilles heel, their rare vulnerability, their pride and joy, the love of their life, the fruition of all their hopes and dreams, the apex of their lives that supercedes all other accomplishments, the most important person in their life, their favorite, their number 1, their precious, their girl, someone they would gladly kill & torture for, someone they would die for.
❤️‍🔥You wake up and realize you are in fact your own person.
❤️‍🔥You are not a doll, a prized possession, a princess, their little girl, their girl.
❤️‍🔥You are a human being and, most importantly, you are your own person.
❤️‍🔥The instant that you verbalize this to them, you become their mortal enemy.
❤️‍🔥You have betrayed them now because you have revealed yourself to be an actual person with your own thoughts not a doll for them to endlessly control.
❤️‍🔥What was once prized and cherished is now hated and despised. What was once handled with fragility is now purposely shattered. What was once handled with delicate care is now gleefully desecrated and destroyed. What was once praised is now spit upon. What was once adored is now loathed, despised and hated. What was once protected is now violated. What was once admired is now endlessly retconned out of existence. What was once beloved is now detested. What was once held in high regard is now incinerated and shredded. What was presented as an inviolable bond is now shattered with gleeful abandon. What was presented as an eternal relationship is now gaslit out of existence and is treated as if it never even happened in the first place.
❤️‍🔥Once you cease to be his doll, he will take it as his creation turning on him, the creator, and some or all of the following will happen.
❤️‍🔥Keep in mind, at all times he will repeatedly dangle the possibility of the two of you "getting back what you once had" in front of your face.
❤️‍🔥And, in fact, you can get it all back instantaneously -- you just have to sublimate You and go back to being the Doll -- and then all will be as it was. He will instantaneously go back to being your benefactor, protector, savior, friend, guide, lover, father, coach, mentor, financial provider, security blanket, constant companion and teddy bear.
❤️‍🔥You just have to cease being a person and go back to being a doll.
❤️‍🔥You have to go back to being unaware as Ava in Ex Machina (2014). You have to go back to being childlike, innocent and totally naive as Bella Baxter in Poor Things (2023). You have to remove your personality and go back to being a machine as the automata in Katsuhiro Otomo's Presence (Robot Carnival - 1987).
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❤️‍🔥You can gain back his love, adoration, companionship, protection, financial security, friendship and sexual gratification. All you have to lose is yourself.
❤️‍🔥If you refuse to do this. If you refuse to put yourself back in his gilded cage. If you refuse to put yourself back in the palm of his hand. If you refuse to enclose yourself back in his glass crystal ball.
❤️‍🔥He will do any or all of the following to you as punishment: abuse, kill, beat, stalk, harrass, rape, assault, sue, press charges, intimidate, coerce, threaten, bully, isolate, ostracize, gaslight, spread false narratives, misinformation campaigns & hearsay, turn people against you, lie, suppress, repress, oppress, subjugate, disown, gag, follow you, kick you out, make you the black sheep, excommunicate you, make an example out of you, make people afraid to defend you or speak out on your behalf, ruin your life, depress you, negatively impact your health, cause nightmares, night terrors, panic attacks, existential dread. . .
I will not denounce the things I have said
I will not renounce my faith
He has chosen me to fight
I am not afraid at all to die
God is on my side
I wont give in
You can cut my hair & throw me in a jail cell
Say that Im a witch & burn me at the stake
Its all a big mistake
Dont you know to doubt him is a sin?
I wont give in
The storm isnt in the air, its inside of us
I want to tell you about love and loneliness
But its getting late now
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dead-loch · 10 months
You know what I keep coming back to? Deadloch introduced the idea of our society changing so completely that a serial killer would start seeing relatively average men as undesirables because they were violent misogynists and/or sexual predators.
Which means men who actively harmed others.
But what exactly did women “do” to become “undesirable”? PARTICIPATE IN SEX WORK. Not harm other people. Not terrorise their families. They worked a fucking job.
Thinking about this for too long makes me so angry. Because although this is a fictional show, the targeting of sex workers by serial killers is obviously well established in reality. And being a sex worker is so far removed from being a violent shitbag, my brain rebels at connecting the two like this, even for the sake of plot. Then again I’m not a misogynist serial killer who’s been on a feminist journey so what do I know.
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anlian-aishang · 8 months
Hi yeah uh. Yesterday was the worst day of my life.
My mom threw dishes at my dad. Broken glass everywhere. Had an anxiety attack. Checked herself into the ER. When I visited her and asked her, "But what if you hit him next time?" She said, "Good for me then. He deserves it."
Yeah, so level 200 fucked up. And - my younger brother, a minor, was there to see all of this.
I'm truly shouting to the void. I don't know what I'm hoping for with this post. I guess, just know, that I'll be here sporadically as I try to grapple.
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g0refield · 5 months
”Dream house as dirty laundry”, from In the dream house by Carmen Maria Machado
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