rebellingisomniac · 6 months
Butch: I think we should get married.
Buttercup: What?
Butch: I think we should get married. Soon.
Buttercup: …Are you pregnant?
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rebellingisomniac · 1 year
This post is everything!!
Your reproof, so well applied, I shall never forget: ‘Had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner.’ Those were your words. You know not, you can scarcely conceive, how they have tortured me; though it was some time, I confess, before I was reasonable enough to allow their justice.”
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Image description in the alt text
From the text, one can imagine that being a GENTLEMAN was a core identity and source of pride for Darcy, and Elizabeth unknowingly hit him right where it hurt.
I was given good principles, but left to follow them in pride and conceit. Unfortunately an only son (for many years an only child), I was spoiled by my parents, who, though good themselves, (my father particularly, all that was benevolent and amiable,) allowed, encouraged, almost taught me to be selfish and overbearing, to care for none beyond my own family circle, to think meanly of all the rest of the world, to wish at least to think meanly of their sense and worth compared with my own. Such I was, from eight to eight-and-twenty; and such I might still have been but for you, dearest, loveliest Elizabeth!
The word "gentleman" originally just meant someone of a certain social class who didn't have to work for a living but overtime became synonymous with the refined behavior and "good breeding" that people expected of gentlemen. In modern times it's become just another way to compliment someone. (Henry Tilney would be so annoyed. See his sarcastic commentary on the word "nice.")
From Darcy's description of his upbringing, one can see how "you've been born into privilege and have what other people don't have" became "your status and education (that you did nothing to earn) makes you inherently superior to those who don't have it," not only for Darcy but for the upperclass in general.
There's this undertone of snobby false benevolence: "Oh the lower-class can't help themselves from being so unrefined. They haven't had the education and good breeding we've had, you know."
Thank goodness for Elizabeth putting Darcy in his place:
You think you're acting like a gentleman but you're NOT!
(Darcy agony ensues)
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rebellingisomniac · 1 year
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What I think Selina Kyle would look like. Got these from Pinterest as well. Left and right are my favorite ones. Left for those who love the blonde Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman and the right for the Catwoman I see as canon. The middle would be more of her casual wear.
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rebellingisomniac · 1 year
I love how much this tracks with everything.
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He signs the email "Regards, Fitzwilliam Darcy" and five minutes later she sends back:
"RE: Proposal
You're a dick.
-sent from my android"
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rebellingisomniac · 1 year
I found these images on Pinterest and they gave a young Batman/ Bruce Wayne vibe. In my head cannon, Bruce is Korean on his mothers side and British-American on his fathers side. The last one gives a good idea of what I imagine his body looks like too. Would love to figure out the sources.
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rebellingisomniac · 1 year
Love the Barbie reference.
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rebellingisomniac · 1 year
What I always imagined Superman to be like
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His babygirl energy is through the roof!
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rebellingisomniac · 1 year
Selina and Bruce both love K-pop and emo music. The main reason why Selina and Bruce gel so well together is that they love the macabre. They are prone to either upbeat songs from IVE or emo ballads by MCR.
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rebellingisomniac · 1 year
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rebellingisomniac · 1 year
Love the idea of both Bruce and Selina being half Asian and half White but Bruce is white passing since he takes after his father.
Canon would include:
- Selina and Bruce’s moms being close friends during their childhood
- Selina’s father was involved in white collar crime and sent to prison. Mother ends up dying from stress.
- Wayne family supposed to adopt Selina, but were killed.
- Selina slips through the cracks in child protective services
- Selina and Bruce reconnecting as teens.
- Takes both of them a long time to realize their separate identities
- Selina being the unofficial matriarch of the house and family. They do marry later on and have a girl (Helena) and a boy (Terry)
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rebellingisomniac · 2 years
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Dude, Mr and Mrs Wayne are kinda scary
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rebellingisomniac · 2 years
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DC Gurls (L-R) : Carol Ferris (Star Sapphire) having her heart broken by Hal, Selina Kyle (Catwoman) sitting in a business meeting, introducing Dinah Lance (Black Canary) dealing with the annoying Green Arrow, and Lois Lane writing notes for her next article
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rebellingisomniac · 2 years
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DC Bois are back (L- R) we got ya boy Hal (Green Lantern) on the phone with the newest lady of the week, library assistant Clark Kent (Superman), rich boi rebel Bruce Wayne (Batman) and rockin Barry Allen (The Flash).
Credits to Picrew
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rebellingisomniac · 2 years
COVID-19 Thoughts
Waking up to my second week of COVID-19 and Sinus Infection symptoms leaving me thinking a lot about how I've kinda fallen into a pattern of unhappiness. Think that even though my situation stinks since nobody enjoys being sick its helped me realize that I need to work towards my happiness again.
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rebellingisomniac · 2 years
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DC Couples(L - R): Carol Ferris X Hal Jordan (Star Saphire X Green Lantern), Selina Kyle X Bruce Wayne (Catwoman x Batman), Iris West X Barry Allen, Lois Lane X Clark Kent.
Image 1: Hal Jordan is forced to take a photo with Carol before their breakup.
Image 2: Secret photo taken of Selina and Bruce showing what a true simp Bruce is for Selina. Bruce will deny this till his dying day.
Image 3: Barry being silly with his girlfriend, Iris West.
Image 4: Clark freaking out over taking a selfie with Lois Lane.
Made on Picrew
Side note: I Love Qi-Pao wearing Chinese mix Selina Kyle getting white presenting Bruce Wayne to fanboy over her.
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rebellingisomniac · 2 years
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DC BOIS (L - R): Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Clark Kent ( Superman), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Barry Allen (The Flash).
Created on picrew
This is what I see them looking like in their high school to early 20s years. They kinda look like a kpop boy band haha. Hal is kinda a fuck boi while Clark is a total Lois Lane Simp. Bruce is ready to thrown down with anyone who tries to step to his girl (Selina) and Barry is just this chill nerd. created
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rebellingisomniac · 2 years
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Got COVID-19 recently and thought I would go through my old picrew stuff. These PPG x RRB portraits were really fun to create hope someone else enjoys them as much as I loved making them.
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