me at 13: guess something's wrong with me
them: oh don't honey, it's just a phase :)
me at 23: long phase
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My mind is fucking killing me again. I don't even know why, it's so annoying. I really want someone to know how I'm feeling but I don't want to get sympathy, I don't wanna hear that someone even loves my dark side.
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me: Am I really happy or just pushing everything to the back of my mind?
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You know, they say 'you have to love yourself first'. I always wondered about these words and thought they wouldn't be true. But now that I'm madly in love I can feel my self hate destroying everything.
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Where are y’all from?
I’m very excited, message me and maybe tell me something about your country! :)
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is this time of  the year called ‘fall’ cause things are falling apart then?
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parents: have u already..?
friends: can u please..?
sleep: why r u ignoring me?
future: where are ur plans buddy?
me: ERROR 404
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me: *posts selfie*
friend: wtf happened, you look like you haven't slept for 5 days, crying your eyes out while planing your own death???
me: oh lol
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me: *feels good*
me: *triggers myself*
me: wtf is going on???
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Ever just sit there and think about the people who once were a big part of your life but now they act like they don’t even know you and you wonder how the hell things were changing into this? 
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me: *sleeps like shit since forever*
person: but have you tried lik-..
me: shut up pls
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one more time a reeeally big sorry to everyone on this blog. was going through a rough period lately. i can’t say if I’m getting better or worse. one more problem is that I can’t really effort the time to see my therapist rn to tell him. I’m a little scared that everything’s breaking down again, I could not stand this one more time. I’ve started to work again and I really wanna continue but if I’d get worse I know I wouldn’t be able to do this.. but I try to be more avaiable now.
greetings <3
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It's so fucking annoying when you can't stop crying because you lost someone important. Why the hell does sadness exist? Hope I'm already strong enough for not making bad decisions rn..
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Last year I had an episode and my bff/FP won't talk to me anymore because of it. I don't blame her, but it's been a year and she still won't talk to me. I was in love with her, but now I have a new gf that I love very much. It's been a year since my FP left, but I still have to see her frequently. Anytime I see her or her bf, I get triggered and upset. All she does is ignore me. How do I get over an FP? I just want to move on. I was just diagnosed with BPD and any tips would be great. Thanks.
Oh that’s really hard to say in general. For some people it’s not that easy to move on and it seems like you’re one of them, too. I mean, actually it’s hard to let someone go who meant so much. I think it’s important that you don’t smother your feelings completely but you should never let them take over the main part of your life. That’s what I learned in my DBT group when it comes to dealing with feelings.
Any other tips guys?
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okay so i have this friend with hpd, and i want to know how i can give them more attention and validation to show that i like them. they're not being abusive and they haven't been annoying or overly clingy/jealous. i searched it up on google but it's all about 'how to deal with jealous hpd friends'. i just want to know of different methods to show my appreciation for them/validate them and stuff. please help?
First of all, it’s such a lovely gesture! Did you already talk about this with this friend? I think that would be the best idea because it can get very individually. Some little things that are always appreciated could be:
- listening to that person
- saying what he/she means to you
- taking them seriously
- no saying things like ‘stop over reacting’
- showing that you care about him/her
any people with more tips for this lovely anon?
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I'm 90% sure I have hpd with bpd traits but I feel super ashamed/guilty of my behaviours and i feel like a horrible evil person. I've read stuff that says histrionics are not very self aware or guilty? Is that true? I'm really confused
Well, my diagnoses were bpd with traits of hpd and npd and lots of times I felt very guilty of my behaviour. I think bpd is the cause of this but I’m not 100% sure. Anybody else here with experiences?
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I don't know what's wrong with me yet. Please help
What can I do to help you sweety? If you want you can message me! stay strong
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