"I'm gay" "I'm straight" Okay??? I thought I knew what it'd be like having Jeffrey inside of me. But as it turns out, having Jeffrey inside of me only brought out the worst in me. Which is to say, having Jeffrey inside of me was wrong...to have Jeffrey inside of me.
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Merry day that coincided with Jesus’ expulsion from a uterus
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can’t get over the fact that Buzz Hickey, a white male baby boomer, who’s biggest problems are a strained relationship with his son and being unable to draw a duck (both of which are his own fault tbh), looked at Abed, an autistic Muslim man who went through his adolescence in the early 2000s, and was like “over the past couple of years I’ve noticed that your friends are usually pretty nice to you even when you do things I personally don’t like and therefore I have come to the conclusion that nothing bad has happened to you ever in your life. anyway, time to handcuff a student”
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babygirl you won’t believe the amount of popular things i don’t know
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this might sound crazy but i think if annie had dated troy she would’ve realised she was a lesbian
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Reasons that Troy and Abed have kissed:
For Abed's college experience checklist
Troy wanted to practice for girls
One of them dared the other to
Filming the Kickpuncher sex scene
Acting out the shadow puppets
Star Wars homage that felt oddly familiar
One of them lost a bet (the bet was between the two of them, whoever lost had to kiss the other)
To show support for LGBTQ rights when Britta was getting really into that
What happens in the dreamatorium stays in the dreamatorium
Making out so you don't look suspicious trope
Sharing gum
Game where they rate each other's technique
Checking if chapstick is needed
Just to try it out just in case but no haha just kidding wasn't that weird dude
It became part of Abed's routine
It might be the last chance
They missed it so so much, they're so glad that wasn't the last chance
They love each other
They don't need to come up with reasons anymore
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"I got him a little" says the guy who immediately saw the lava as real and dangerous when Abed told him it was real to him
"I got him a little" says the guy who engaged in Abed's special interests constantly to the point where memories of him became intrinsically tied to them
"I got him a little" says the guy who very convincingly imitated his mannerisms for an unplanned bit for hours
"I got him a little" says the guy who so often rushes to comfort him when everyone else is confused by his distress
"I got him a little" says the guy who lived with him slept right above him built up special rituals and celebrations with him blended their lives essentially made a home and a family with him
All this and Troy still doesn't presume to understand Abed. All this and he understates it if anything. All this and he knows enough to know that there are still parts he hasn't reached, things that are still hard to share. He knows that even this incredible closeness doesn't erase the deep-seated loneliness of being so different from everyone around you. He knows that and he will do nothing but respect it.
If that isn't true love, I don't know what is.
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remedialchaostheory314 · 10 months
We all love to talk about how much Troy loves Abed but like I think it's really crucial that he had this journey from "whatever nerd I don't even like you that much" to "you're the most magical perfect person ever and you know everything" to "holy shit you're a human with flaws and sometimes I know better than you" to (briefly and with outside manipulation) "you suck and you don't appreciate me" to "wait no I was right about the just being a human with flaws thing but you're still my favourite human" like way to grow as a person Troy sweetie I'm so proud of you
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remedialchaostheory314 · 10 months
Genuinely honest to god can't comprehend how anyone could watch Community and come to the conclusion that Abed is emotionless. I get that he doesn't express his emotions through his facial expressions or voice as much as most characters, but first of all, he has so many emotional moments and episodes, and, second of all, even still it's not like he never ever expresses any emotion the way others do. There's times where he laughs, smiles, frowns. And it's not like that's the only way to show emotion. Does Abed seeing real lava when Troy was leaving mean nothing? Does Abed seeing everything as stop motion animation mean nothing? Or the entirety of Virtual Systems Analysis? Or how Abed screams when he's upset? Abed literally saw a pencil Jeff named Steve and reacted when it was snapped in half. And this was in the first damn episode. How how how does someone see any of this and think Abed is emotionless. Hell, Abed himself has said that he gets emotional. I could list dozens of more examples because Abed gets emotional! He experiences emotions! A lot of the time even! Saying he's not emotional is just objectively wrong and I am mentally fighting everyone that's ever said that
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remedialchaostheory314 · 10 months
nasa just revealed a heaven-like planet where you can watch nbc's community on your television right now. and they're calling it earth.
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remedialchaostheory314 · 10 months
I wanted to make a post starting with "There's no heterosexual explanation for the way Troy and Abed" and start talking about specific events in a specific episode, but y'know I don't even think I need more than that.
There's no heterosexual explanation for Troy and Abed
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remedialchaostheory314 · 10 months
Real talk why does social interaction feel like you’re trying to get a good grade in being a person
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remedialchaostheory314 · 10 months
Oh, you like Danny Pudi? Are you autistic? Or a lesbian? Or both?
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remedialchaostheory314 · 10 months
abed said let’s pirate it 🎥 and troy got the wrong definition ⛵
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remedialchaostheory314 · 10 months
just noticed in the pilot episode of community during jeff’s look left speech, after jeff breaks the pencil he named steve, abed is seen putting said pencil back together in the next scene :,)
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remedialchaostheory314 · 10 months
you guys know how abed has that head tilt tic that sometimes gets triggered when he’s upset? (lmk if you don’t know what I’m talking about, I have other examples.)
anyway, he does it again (very slightly) when troy is leaving at the end of geothermal escapism. I haven’t been able to unsee it since I noticed it and it’s absolutely destroyed me so I thought I’d burden you all with it too <3
the subtlety and how held back it is just makes it more devastating. it’s also yet another testament to how great of an actor danny pudi is. I have no idea if he even did the tic consciously, but he understands abed on such a deep level that it’s automatic for him. and even if it was a conscious decision danny made, it’s very obvious that for abed, it wasn’t intentional. for abed, it was just an automatic expression of how upset he was. it’s so realistic and heartbreaking UGH I hate this SHOW (I love this show)
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