WWC’s A Beginner’s Guide to Academic Research
We are pleased to present  WWC’s A Beginner’s Guide to Academic Research!
This pandemic project has been over 2 years in the making and we hope it will greatly assist any of our readers who are eager to conduct in-depth research but may be at a loss where to start. 
Go to the Guide Here
The guide is split into 6 parts:
Introduction and Table of Contents
Part 1: Getting Started
Part 2: Searching for Sources Online 
Part 3: Evaluating Sources
Part 4: Navigating Academic Sources 
Part 5: Recognizing Your Limits
Each portion of the guide has links to connect to the previous and next sections. While it is possible to view tumblr pages on phones and tablets through the app, we highly recommend viewing this guide via browser on desktop whenever possible. Tumblr page formatting is better suited for browsers and each section is very dense with information, which will make scrolling in the app or on your dashboard difficult. 
Future FAQ/ Discussion: 
As noted in part 5 of the guide, for the next two weeks, we will be keeping an eye on the notes for this post. If you have further questions or comments about academic research, drop them here and we will select the most pertinent to respond to in a later post. 
If you find this guide helpful, we request that you consider tipping the moderators below for the work and time required from conception, to drafting, formatting and debugging. Their ko-fis are listed below: 
Rina: https://ko-fi.com/arcanabean
Marika: https://ko-fi.com/5h1njuu
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resourcesforthemuse · 2 years
Hey FYI a lot of old writing posts floating around tumblr comes from writing_questions_answered. This blog has been deleted and links to those posts seem to be redirecting to spam pages. I don't think there's any spyware lurking in them, but treat those links with care just in case.
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
Dear Writer,
You never expected to come this far.
You hoped and you dreamed, but you never allowed yourself to do anything more than write. To do more would cement the dream further. It would give you something to reach for with your soul, your heart encouraging you every step of the way.
But something clicked. Your soul demanded more anyway. You drafted a story multiple times. Then you did the unthinkable. Something you’d never done for yourself, but had done for others.
You edited your story.
It was scary at first. Were you doing it right? Were you ruining the story? Half-way through you realised you couldn’t stop even if you wanted to stop. You pushed, and you pushed. Euphoric in the mania of not stopping.
Then it was finished.
You came down from the euphoria. Lost and uncertain. It didn’t matter you’d already started drafting the follow-up story, while editing the first. You’d put everything into the first and you finished. You actually finished.
Now what?
Rest. Allow yourself to feel the enormity of what you accomplished. Laugh. Cry. Then refill your well of inspiration and do it again. Do it again, because your soul is ready and this was what it wanted all along.
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
Dear Writer,
Celebrate every milestone. Celebrate every success. It doesn’t matter how small or big they are.
You started a new daily goal and smashed it? Celebrate!
You kept smashing your goals all week/month/year? Celebrate!
You finished your first draft? Celebrate!
You edited your own story for the first time? Celebrate!
You published for the tenth time? Celebrate!
You came back to it after a hard time? Celebrate!
Do something, anything to mark the occasion. Tell the people who support you. Allow yourself to feel the elation of crafting something. Rest if that’s the best form of celebration for you. Whatever you do, however you do it, I beg of you to lean into the celebration.
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
Dear Writer,
You aren’t doing this wrong.
It’s okay if your method isn’t the same method of other writers. It’s okay if it feels like you’re paddling upstream when you take the advice from the posts of other writers. There isn’t one way to write.
It’s also okay if what worked yesterday doesn’t work today. Everyone grows and changes, so why wouldn’t our craft? Don’t give up.
Write about the changes. Tell us about the frustrations. You may find an entire community who faced similar struggles and who thought they were doing it all wrong because they’d not seen a post like yours before.
I believe in you.
Keep going.
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
Dear Writer,
I’ve heard you describe yourself as a night owl, but are you really?
This isn’t an attack. This is a genuine question. Are you really a night owl or is the night the only time you have to do the things you love?
Or is it a hang-up from your adolescence when being awake until the sun came up was what your body demanded?
There is no wrong or right answer.
Now consider whether it’s serving you as well as it used to serve you. If not, consider changing it up. Go bed early. Wake up early and find the dawn is as as quiet as midnight. Maybe you hit your stride over lunch.
As with any aspect of writing, find what works for you. Remember that it can change and that’s okay.
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
Dear Writer,
It’s ok to have off days.
It’s ok if you are too tired to write.
Try again tomorrow, but do it without the guilt of yesterday. It’s a new day. A new opportunity to hit your daily goal. Don’t punish yourself by forcing extra words in a bid to catch up. That way leads only to more frustration and negative thoughts like why can’t I do this? Why am I a shitty writer?
You can do this.
You’re not a shitty writer.
Like bad days, there will good days. Days where the words come by the thousands. That’s when you’ll catch up.
Be kind to yourself.
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
Hey all! I'm finally giving it a go. I'm pursuing publication. Please give my new Tumblr a follow.
It’s Time
For years I’ve run a writeblr called @resourcesforthemuse. Maybe you know it, maybe you don’t. It’s a place of all things writing, but this is for my journey. I’m finally ready to work toward the goal of publishing. I started working toward it back in March 2020, but now I’d like to welcome others writers along the journey with me. Follow along while I flail about editing, exhaustion, or some sort of anxiety induced dread that likes to make itself known at the most random of times.
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
Journal notebook makers are missing a step by putting the detachable sheets at the back of the journal. I’d much rather a notebook have them at the beginning of the notebook, so I won’t feel like I’m ruining it when I’m figuring out how I’ll use it.
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
any other writers out there ever read a paragraph of your own work and just, in the least self centered way possible, think
fuck, i’m such a good writer.
if you haven’t, that day will come eventually, i promise. but until then, keep writing whatever your little working brain tells you, because one day you’ll consider it a masterpiece or absolute shit that’ll make you laugh and realize just how far you’ve come.
keep writing words so your future self has stuff to look back on and either compare to current wips, or to reminisce on. words are permanent as long as you let them be.
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
15 Creative Writing Exercises To Improve Your Skills
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If you want to improve your health and be fit, it helps to exercise. The same rings true for writing: If you want to improve your writing skills, you need to exercise your creative muscles. Unlike writing prompts, which hope to inspire full works, creative writing exercises target a specific skill and focus only on improving that technique. The experts have put together a list of creative writing exercises that will help you stretch and improve your skills. Click here to learn more!
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
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December is traditionally known as a time for love, gifts, and family. For writers, the month of December can mean a valuable opportunity to write.
The Ultimate 31-Day Boot Camp For Writers
Constantly writing is crucial to being a good writer.
The following writing prompts are designed to improve your writing skills across a variety of fields. At the end, your writing will feel more developed, and be more refined.
These writing prompts focus on improving business writing, email writing, copywriting, review writing, letter writing, fiction writing, product writing, blogging, and feature writing.
This boot camp can be used throughout the year – and you can start whenever you want.
Good luck!
The Ultimate 31-Day Bootcamp For Writers
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
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Quotable – Joyce Maynard
Read more about the author here
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resourcesforthemuse · 4 years
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