Oh wow thank you for putting us in here but we don't do much anymore! ah-tw and roosterteethtriggers does more (I think). I mean, this blog still gets anon hate so I guess we still count lol. -EG
Honestly, I’m not offended by the PSA, because it doesn’t really apply to me, but it really concerns me that they’d try to mess with people who take triggers seriously. Like, there are better ways to convey the message they were trying to put out, that RvB has always been offensive and people should already know this when they go into it, and tagging everything would be impractical for them, but… bleh. I dunno. Now people are at each other’s throats, the fandom is upset, RT employees are being harassed; lack of respect and decency all around, imo.
I hope this was informative for Rooster Teeth. Here’s hoping it was worth it.
By the way, there are tumblr users that catalog triggers for Rooster Teeth content. ah-tw, roosterteethtriggers, and roosterteethcontentwarnings are a few of them. The RT community DOES provide resources for people with triggers.
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To the lovely anon who’s not gonna get posted because you’re, once again, an ableist piece of shit.
I love anon hate! :D
Y’all are hilarious like how are you winning? All you did was remind me that I wanted to watch the movie AND helped someone with epilepsy down the line lol.
I didn’t review it all I did was go ‘yeah, that’s bright’. And then it reminded me I had to see Mad Max: Fury Road so it’s a win-win for me.
I dunno, maybe I’ll ‘review’ that movie, too.
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Any luck with the Terminator?
Ye, right here
Thank you for waiting so paitiently!
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Terminator Genisys: Triggers
Okay so the opening part is all about the war and what not so it’s really loud with spontaneous explosions for a solid fifteen minutes. There’s also a lot of suspenseful moments and death and stuff. It’s up to you whether or not you want to see it.
Also, there’s the camp thing for humans coming up again (obviously) so if that bothers you in any way you should skip the beginning.
Possible epilepsy triggers: 16:54-19:10, 29:05-29:40, 52:30-53:50, about 1:52:00-end credits
There’s this back alley scene where a Terminator comes up to steal peoples clothes (like always lol) but it feel claustrophobic and almost like they’re going to attack you: 19:45-20:05
And end fight scene, I cried at the end FYI.
It’s really just a loud and flashy movie (nothing bad content wise). If you like action and aren’t sensitive to loud noises,bangs, and flashes, you’ll like this movie.
(I’m sorry this took so long gah ;w;)
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so you don't care if you make fun of people who might already be depressed. that is pretty problematic, im sorry but i can't follow such a blog that is so ignorant.
Did you not read the whole thing? Excusing shitty behavior on your mental illness isn’t a good practice. (Excusing shitty behavior on ANY illness is bad)
It’s not like someone HAS to say a joke that humiliates and dehumanizes someone. I’ll call it out either way.
I have acute depression and anxiety problems. There’s no need for me to say a joke like that.
That’s victim blaming the actual victim and playing the victim card yourself. Literally what you’re saying is this:
Person: -Says really awful joke-Someone else: You really shouldn’t say that because it hurts victims and perpetuates that thing.Person: WOW I HAVE (x disease) YOU’RE HURTING ME FOR SAYING THAT.
This blog doesn’t make fun of anyone. What it does do is shut down and enlighten people on why such things are bad. People try and twist what we do to make it seem like we are.
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do you ever think about the feeling you hurt of the people who make these jokes that you don't like? these people become sad and depressed because of their constant abuse from people like u
Wait, you’re saying I shouldn’t call someone out on making a joke at the extent of someone else’s utter despair and misery because it’ll hurt them?
That’s victim blaming and playing the victim card. It’s not the fault of the person who the joke targets that whatever situation happened at their expense, it’s the fault of the speaker that they either a) come up with such a joke or b) forward one that someone came up with.
If anyone (even myself, mind you.) makes a joke that is ableist (example: calling someone autistic when you yourself are not autistic), sexist, perpetuates rape, transphobic, homophobic, racist etc. I will not hesitate to call them out on it. We’re not perfect, but if we tell ourselves anything we do bad is fine, people would do whatever they felt like at any given moment.
And if the person who says such things feels sad or depressed after someone calls them out, then maybe they need help with mental illness or are mentally ill, but it doesn’t negate the fact that they said that and it’s wrong.
Excusing behavior that is based off another persons pain isn’t a good thing. Mental illness isn’t an excuse.
TL;DR - No, I don’t care if someone gets sad or depressed about someone calling them out on a joke centered around someone else’s pain. Bad behavior is bad behavior, period and excusing such a thing on mental health is not a good way of handling it.
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I went to see Terminator Genisys (More like Genicis) with my disabled wife and we were pretty shocked to say the least and had to leave the theater. I plan on buying the DVD when it is released but would love to be able to watch it with my spouse. If you could create a trigger warning for this film I would seriously appreciate it! Thanks :D
Sure! I’ll watch it tonight and post it by tomorrow noon. -EG
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sjw scum
Cool story, now get off this blog.
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What if I revamped this blog just to be general sj? Like, the old warning would still be archived but the blog as a whole would be running again?
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“I believe that art has the transformative power to heal.”
Kelly Rae Roberts began her journey as a clinical medial social worker. Although content of work got a little heavy, she began experimenting with paint to help release emotions and share her feelings and reassurance with the world. She expresses herself and encourages others to be ‘posibilitarians’ and look boldly for the incredible possibilities of life and hope.
“I was still listening, sharing, healing, navigating messy emotions, making an impact — except using a paintbrush in a studio, instead of a clipboard in a hospital.”
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Hi! Would you be willing to follow my sexual assault and domestic violence awareness blog to support survivors? It's caffeinated-awareness :)
Of course! c:
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I'm an Iraq war veteran with PTSD (the kind you get from seeing IEDs detonate directly in front of your friends as their limbs are launched into you from every angle knocking you unconscious). I'm in a wheelchair and I'm the ableist? What a joke. I can laugh at a joke about rape where the assailant can't get it up and thats perfectly acceptable. I do not perpetuate rapes to occur, sorry to burst your bubble.
I’m sorry for what you’ve gone through in life, but as someone who has a chronic illness that is ripping my joints apart and then fusing together and has had to deal with depression, eating disorders, self harm, and severe anxiety I will be the first one to say that yes, your comment calling my followers and whoever supports what you do not autistic was incredibly ableist.
Just because you’re disabled doesn’t mean you can’t be ableist to a different group of disabled people.
And even more, you’d never call us a bunch of PTSD suffering war veterans, then why would you call us autistic for making a safe place you don’t need?
And btw: That’s still perpetuating rape. All rape jokes perpetuate rape. (And many victims suffer from PTSD, too.)
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I'm not even going to post this last anon because all they're doing is being an ableist piece of shit so
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You run a Tumblr about triggers and expect me to take you seriously. Big mistake.
I ran a blog about making sure people could skip things that could throw them into panic attacks or worse. Now I run another more successful one somewhere else.
AND even now, for every one of you, there’s 50+ positive things about this blog still.
The big mistake is you trying to go after something you have no ground on whatsoever.
Again A+ on being an adult. 
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Nah I don't support the rapist, I support the comedian. TL;DR
Once again, you’re perpetuating rape. 
And it’s funny how you get to say we back out of things and don’t educate and you skip a whole post dismantling your argument. Solid way of dealing with things when you’re wrong there. A+ adult-like actions.
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I said rape jokes are funny, not rape. Funny you people always claim you can educate but then back out. And I'm still a member of society so guess that whole freedom of speech thing is going both ways. -ED (erectile disfuction)
But that’s the thing: supporting rape jokes IS supporting rape.
Because, when you make a rape joke or support one, you’re supporting the the rapist and their actions. You normalize rape as if doesn’t effect the victim at all; like it’s just part of every day life.
Here’s  an article on it by SCSU and it’s really insightful on these things. I highly suggest you read through it all anon and rethink your ways. I’ll even point out some key points.
First, what is rape culture? It’s exactly what you’re doing. (The text is edited to be less binary in gender terms by me, mind you)
Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of women’s bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence, thereby creating a society that disregards women’s [and other minority group’s] rights and safety.
Here’s specific examples and there are many more in the article. Again, pretty binary, but you get the point.
Blaming the victim (“She asked for it!”)Trivializing sexual assault (“Boys will be boys!”)Sexually explicit jokesPublicly scrutinizing a victim’s dress, mental state, motives, and historyGratuitous gendered violence in movies and televisionDefining “manhood” as dominant and sexually aggressiveDefining “womanhood” as submissive and sexually passive
And the lasting mark these thing leave? This-
Victim-blaming attitudes marginalize the victim/survivor and make it harder to come forward and report the abuse. If the survivor knows that you or society blames her for the abuse, s/he will not feel safe or comfortable coming forward and talking to you.
Victim-blaming attitudes also reinforce what the abuser has been saying all along; that it is the victim’s fault this is happening. It is NOT the victim’s fault or responsibility to fix the situation; it is the abuser’s choice. By engaging in victim-blaming attitudes, society allows the abuser to perpetrate relationship abuse or sexual assault while avoiding accountability for his/her actions.
If you still consider rape jokes appropriate by now, my statement still stands.
And on to the rest of your bullshit here:
1)Funny you people always claim you can educate but then back out.
 I can educate, I did educate, but you weren’t here to listen in the first place.
2) And I’m still a member of society so guess that whole freedom of speech thing is going both ways.
No, that’s not what freedom of speech is. Under the constitution, it states that people have the freedom of speech when going against the government, not just spouting defense against rape. I’ll give you another article about it here.
Madison’s version of the speech and press clauses, introduced in the House of Representatives on June 8, 1789, provided: …. “The freedom of speech and of the press, and the right of the people peaceably to assemble and consult for their common good, and to apply to the Government for redress of grievances, shall not be infringed.’‘2 In this form it went to the Senate, which rewrote it to read: ’'That Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and consult for their common good, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.’'3 Subsequently, the religion clauses and these clauses were combined by the Senate.4 The final language was agreed upon in conference. 
This is the legal term used in court and to battle discrimination and prejudice from the government. The explanation goes on to say this:
’‘It well may be that the prohibition of laws abridging the freedom of speech is not confined to previous restraints although to prevent them may have been the main purpose … . We admit that in many places and in ordinary times the defendants in saying all that was said in the circular would have been within their constitutional rights. But the character of every act depends upon the circumstances in which it is done. The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic.”
AKA perpetuating rape (even if unintentional) isn’t freedom of speech. Because the action causes more harm to the victim and empowers the guilty, it’s nothing more than a disgusting display of sexual dominance from men. 
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Rape jokes are pretty funny especially when you think about it lol. Stop being pussies.
Wow, I can’t believe that a) after this blog hasn’t been running for over a year now you find it necessary to send us this and b) that you are so arrogant about this subject.
I don’t have time to educate your awful ass about this so I’m going to leave it to this:
If you think that someone being attacked sexually, physically, and emotionally mutilated with intent from the rapist to only humiliate, dominate, horrifically scar the person, and/or receive sexual gratification for themselves is funny and see no problem to this, you have no conducive reason to be part of society as a whole.
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