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🙋 Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend. Remember the best way to stay safe and calm is to stay peacefully centred deep in your very own heart - in Yoga, the seat of our Soul, the eternal, living powerful Being of Spirit and joy beyond body and mind and all planes of duality - Ananda. . #earlymorningyoga #joziyoga #igersjozi #yogaathome #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #patanjali #sacredmusic #music #spiritual #meditation #yogastrong #yogafun #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaoutdoors #yogafit #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogasutras #yogaholidays #fitness #instayoga #worldofyoga #yogaphilosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zMUeLDks6/?igshid=1jt246b38hooq
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🙋 Know your Yoga Sutras. Did you know that Patanjali tells us that the method for attaining Asana, is not about practicing hours every day, but rather to, 'relax and allow our awareness to merge with the infinite'. Asana for Patanjali means 'comfortable seat'. So, a stable strong physical aspect fit for meditation. . #earlymorningyoga #joziyoga #igersjozi #yogaathome #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #patanjali #sacredmusic #music #spiritual #meditation #yogastrong #yogafun #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaoutdoors #yogafit #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogasutras #yogaholidays #fitness #instayoga #worldofyoga #yogaphilosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-rL-ULjmQs/?igshid=7rgn5dpgwnye
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😂🙋🙏 We all live our lives from our current level of perception and understanding. That's like being inside a sealed box with no widows and no doors. We've never known any different, so that's what our reality is and always will be until we get dissatisfied in some way. So now, do we work to enlarge the box with us still inside? Or do we make efforts to get 'outside the box'? Do we even realise there is a box? Amidst the fear, lockdown and sadness - Beautiful late afternoon light . . #earlymorningyoga #joziyoga #igersjozi #yogaathome #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #ibogaine #sacredmusic #music #spiritual #meditation #yogastrong #yogafun #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaoutdoors #yogafit #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogaretreats #yogaholidays #fitness #instayoga #buddhist #worldofyoga #yogaphilosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pD0gwDNq_/?igshid=1wm5ctrurn7lf
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🙋Love this quote from Dr Joe Dispenza "View your life as an initiation/test. This way you won’t be a victim to any of your life’s circumstances. When you view life as an initiation, you are challenged to bring a greater level of mind to the obstacles in your life. Remember—you can’t overcome a challenge with the same level of mind that created it" #drjoedispenza #earlymorningyoga #forwardfolds #joziyoga #igersjozi #yogaathome #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #sacredmusic #music #spiritual #meditation #yogastrong #yogafun #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaoutdoors #yogafit #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogaretreats #yogaholidays #fitness #instayoga #buddhist #worldofyoga #yogaphilosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pCsU2jjVf/?igshid=ktjw1v9g7wqe
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🙋 At any one, single, isolated moment, from within linear space matter time, we have a choice. Do I listen to and follow my 'mind'? Listen to and follow the Apparent Reality presenting itself to me? Listen to and follow my Body? Or, Listen to and follow my Soul, with it's Heart and Spirit? Even when this is completely contrary to the consensual reality all around me! . #earlymorningyoga #covid19 #coronavirus #joziyoga #igersjozi #yogaathome #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #ibogaine #sacredmusic #music #spiritual #meditation #yogastrong #yogafun #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaoutdoors #yogafit #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogaretreats #yogaholidays #fitness #instayoga #buddhist #worldofyoga #yogaphilosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-bVQ9YjPZs/?igshid=1f8t1jyfx4pv
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🙋 Beautiful weekend. . #earlymorningyoga #covid19 #coronavirus #joziyoga #igersjozi #yogaathome #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #ibogaine #sacredmusic #music #spiritual #meditation #yogastrong #yogafun #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaoutdoors #yogafit #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogaretreats #yogaholidays #fitness #instayoga #buddhist #worldofyoga #yogaphilosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-PZIQbDJCx/?igshid=1sxbocaq2uh19
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🙋 Covid-19 personal action plan. * Increase your daily: Meditation, Asana and Breathing Practice. This naturally and harmoniously increases our immunity by improving all essential body systems, fitness as well as giving us a needed dose of the right kind of hormones such as dopamine, serotonin and Dhea. * Its been proven in studies that good old fashioned 'love' and kindness, can increase our base immunity levels up to x4 in a matter of a day or two - of course provided this is genuine love and caring. * Nutrition - Specifically Vitamin C and Zinc. If you supplement, make sure that you buy food state products that your body recognizes. If you don't, you will simply have very rich vitamin pee with very little absorbed by your system. Make sure that you watch our video and understand 'How' to pray and chant and meditate effectively. * Drum up support from friends, family and wider community. It is absolutely essential that we have a large volume of people with united and focused intentionality. This writes the signature directly into the universal field. If done with the correct inner frames, the field must reflect this back into the physical plane. * Do please respect and maintain the common recommendations of washing your hands regularly with a foaming soap, especially after contact with surfaces and products in shops and public places. You can wear a mask or scarf, keep social distance and avoid contact, drink small amounts of pure water regularly, drink hot beverages such as teas. * Please be aware and spread the word that covid-19 is NOT transmitted by animals!! There is no need whatsoever to do anything with your pets. . #earlymorningyoga #covid19 #coronavirus #joziyoga #igersjozi #yogaathome #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #ibogaine #sacredmusic #music #spiritual #meditation #yogastrong #yogafun #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaoutdoors #yogafit #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogaretreats #yogaholidays #fitness #instayoga #buddhist #worldofyoga #yogaphilosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-M31laD4pO/?igshid=13gz00sh5gqic
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🙋Okay, Sacred Spiral will asap be offering a selection of FREE Video, Paid Group and Paid Private Online Classes. Also, Meditation, Sacred Sound and more. Coming soonest. . . #earlymorningyoga #covid19 #coronavirus #joziyoga #igersjozi #yogaathome #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #ibogaine #sacredmusic #music #spiritual #meditation #yogastrong #yogafun #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaoutdoors #yogafit #yogateacher #onlineyoga #yogainstructor #yogaretreats #yogaholidays #fitness #instayoga #buddhist #worldofyoga #yogaphilosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-MaeSWD2dq/?igshid=kvoqt14tnwq
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Love Wim Hof. . . @iceman_hof I’m publishing the guided Wim Hof breathing exercise on #IGTV today at 6pm Dutch time, 9am in LA and 12 in New York. Let’s do it all together, before breakfast, lunch or diner! Please like and share. ❤️ . . #wimhofmethod #wimhof #breathingexercise #wimhofbreathing #breathingbubble #guidedbreathing #community - #coronavirus https://www.instagram.com/p/B-L35X-jG33/?igshid=edsuz11yr5ci
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Amidst the fear, lockdown and sadness - this beautiful Strelitzia opened in our garden forest this morning. Blessings to everyone and do lookout for our up coming inspirational posts and videos in this time of global turmoil. . . #earlymorningyoga #joziyoga #igersjozi #yogaathome #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #ibogaine #sacredmusic #music #spiritual #meditation #yogastrong #yogafun #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaoutdoors #yogafit #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogaretreats #yogaholidays #fitness #instayoga #buddhist #worldofyoga #yogaphilosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-L3UUkDIx2/?igshid=mjv7q1ndn0k9
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🙋 @wildernessofmen "Anxiety and anger have been big issues throughout my life. I’m constantly trying to improve myself but I feel frustration niggling in the background sometimes. The intensity is ok but at times it’s quite tough. Another thing that I struggle with is down time, especially at home. I feel like in some way or another I’ve been running away and I never quite figured out why and what I’m running from. I live in Melbourne but I'm originally from Galway, Ireland. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I think a lot of men like myself are sensitive and we use a tough exterior to cover our sensitivity. There is an acknowledgement that to be masculine we should be seen to be tough and not to worry or to be afraid and I think we need to talk more about our experience and our emotions toward that. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The suicide rate in young men is a pandemic and I think it’s due to a long time of suppressed emotions with unresolved actions and behaviour."⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - Finn, 34. Australia⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @wildernessofmen - #yoga #yogaschool #meditation https://www.instagram.com/p/B-J7FM7Do0u/?igshid=pofe7j2287ai
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Greetings beautiful people. In this time of troubles, lets all of us take up the sword, spear and shield of our heart, spirit and soul. In ancient yogic and other astrological systems we are currently in a time of an awesome opportunity to discard old beliefs, patterns and behaviours that no longer serve us and our communities. Seriously introspect with the purpose, not of escaping but of re-assessing, re-grouping, re-directing very substantial changes. So Please, a call to keep down the panic and stress triggers, aim for sobriety and clarity and above all get pro active with new ways of social and business activities, a time for new perspectives on how we think of and relate with our precious earth mother, how we relate to our very own 'selves' and of course those near and dear around us. Can we return to all the old ways of the past once covid 19 calms down locally and globally? I believe not. Should we do so, I feel another, possibly worse, world wide issue will arise. This is a time for a ground-swell of folk to rise up and say No to flagrant abuse of our planet by huge multi nationals, say No to blatantly dubious political agendas by those few who wield vast power, say No to abuse within our closer circles and communities. This is a time to continue helping one another as part of a new paradigm and independently of some gruesome virus. This is a fabulous opportunity to work into harmony with the forces of the kali shakti, the planetary conjunction of mars, pluto, saturn and jupiter. Sacred Spiral is dedicated to bring individual and global transformation, spiritual upliftment and deep change into the deep subconscious triggers and resulting habit patterns, that have been bred and woven so intimately into our fabric as humans for so long now. So deep blessings to everyone, please join in and engage and share our material as we all come to stand together now to not only subdue and bring to heel covid 19, but the real task of coming together in genuine unity as members of humanity. A truly unified cosmological society that emphatically stands for peace, caring, kindness, wisdom, growth, inclusivity and freedom. Namaste #yoga #coronavirus #yogainspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/B-J3Sk5D48B/?igshid=186nz2h8knnbu
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Indeed great post @innerworldsmindfulness Why are we waiting so long to lock down? Is the economy more important than human lives? What have we learnt from the countries that are weeks ahead of us in terms of the spread? Is it up to the people to guide the politicians in charge by acting - by staying home? Who is leading who? And when it is all finished, and many lives have been claimed, will us people carry over the wisdom of what we have learnt through this intense experience? Will we make life be more about quality of relationships and time spent together, than profit and possessions? Will we allow our planet to thrive through a real global concerted effort to reduce pollution and waste and by living in a truly sustainable way? As humanity, will we have raised our level of consciousness, will we have stabilized at the level of altruism, compassion, kindness, generosity, peace, gratitude, solidarity..... Will we be more united, mindful and inclusive, or will we wait for our politicians to make it happen through laws that may never be written? This is a huge opportunity to change our ways and evolve together. In the near future, I can see multitudes marching in perfect peace together, demanding real big social and economical changes - a powerful peaceful global movement that the governments will have to follow because they will have no choice. With Love, Hope and Light 💛🧡❤️ #yogateacherlife #yoga #meditation https://www.instagram.com/p/B-BqhQ6jBeY/?igshid=17h359trrt45m
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🙋 Wishing all our beautiful new friends and followers a peaceful weekend. Stay safe and enjoy the new order of greater genuine friendship and interest in each others welfare instead of our own 'status' and maybe other more social and community building ideas we forgot in the mad rush for tech and FB and insta and. . . Rich blessings all round #yoga #meditation #coaching #yogaeverydaydamnday #coronavirusbrazil #yogaschool #yogamat #yogateacher #mountains #spirituality #yogainspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/B99bq-fDogb/?igshid=d90ff5u406yr
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'Everything is only half true' #Kabalion. Ancient #Egyptian text. #yoga #asana #mountains #yogaeveryday #yogateacher #meditation #nature #yogaposes #yogainspiration #yogaschool #yogateacherstraining https://www.instagram.com/p/B8l0nXznrCB/?igshid=1fm5v6ojidiuq
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😂🙋🙏 We allive ourblives from our current level of perception and understanding. That's like being inside a sealed box with no widows and no doors. We've .ever known any different, so that's what our reality is and always will be until we get dissatisfied on some way. So now, do we work to enlarge the box with us still inside? Or do we make efforts to get 'outside the box'? Do we even realise there is a box? . . #earlymorningyoga #joziyoga #igersjozi #yogaathome #yogaeveryday #yogaphotography #ibogaine #sacredmusic #music #spiritual #meditation #yogastrong #yogafun #yogainspiration #yoga #yogaoutdoors #yogafit #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogaretreats #yogaholidays #fitness #instayoga #buddhist #worldofyoga #yogaphilosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/B8iOgnJH6CY/?igshid=1mdazs93psm8h
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💚Join Paul Carlos for a SoundScape Experience and Deep Meditation at Sacred Spiral Yoga Shala. Paul plays Spanish Guitar, sacred instruments, a variety of vocal techniques and sacred chants, nature sounds of ocean, rivers, rain, bird song, bush night sound and more. The Journey is designed to 'take you away' on a journey to less travelled lands. Before and leading into the main journey, Paul will guide a short yoga session and Deep Guided Meditation. The experience is a spiritually transformative and healing opportunity and is valuable for dealing with current and past emotional difficulties, deep spiritual growth and deep stress and anxiety release. When: Saturday Afternoon 29th February Time: 14h45 for 15h00 start (please dont be late since we cant let you in after 3) Event will be around 2 hours Where: Sacred Spiral Yoga Shala (Listed on Google) Light Refreshments will be served. Bring: Yoga mat, blanket and pillow Cost: R200 @ door. Booking essential for limited space claiming. RSVP [email protected] or What's App/Call: 081 735 3900 www.sacredspiral.yoga/events #yoga #meditation #yogainspiration #yogateacher #sacredsound #yogaphilosophy #yogaeveryday #yogaschool #yogaasana https://www.instagram.com/p/B8gxcfunJxV/?igshid=1bb3uti8c67r7
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