sagencelestient · 5 months
new year new motivation for fics haha jk
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sagencelestient · 8 months
help I just read an ask asking for Scara smut like ofc but the one you read (like the only smut from us) was half written by Sage and idk if she willing to do that again so if you get something js ur gonna be disappointed cuz my writing skills are like sub-par at best -Celestient
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sagencelestient · 8 months
I LAUNCHED A WATTPAD GUYS OMG DO YOU PEOPLE EVEN USE THAT BUT YEAH @SageNCelestient ON WATTPAD (Link) (Probably just the same content as on here but whatever I guess) - Celestient
This song I'm listening to rn is a banger tho anyway follow the Wattpad if you want I dunno I think Sage stopped caring ab this fanfic stuff (heartbreaking)
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sagencelestient · 9 months
Poem From the Depths of My Heart
If Sage gets to do one, I do one too :) (not mocking Sage) (Sage go ask her out pussy)
I hope you die in a pit.
You're so fucking ugly.
I hope you die in a pit.
Your friends don't even like you.
I hope you die in a pit.
I know that because when you were away, I saw them do a poll on who does, and none of them raised their hands.
I hope you die in a pit.
How can you pull?
I hope you die in a pit.
Your voice hurts my ears.
I hope you die in a pit.
Your personality makes me suicidal.
I hope you die in a pit.
Why’re you so fucking loud?
I hope you fall in a pit.
I hope you crack your skull in there.
I hope it hurts a lot.
And I hope,
you never wake up.
I'd tell you this in person, but honestly, I'm a coward too, just like Sage, so I'll spill all my hatred for you here for now, and...
I really hope you die in a pit.
This is actually not directed to anyone specific (unlike someone's else's poem) but to a few people and yeah some fiction people and all examples don't apply to all of them but you know <3
- Celestient
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sagencelestient · 9 months
Me waiting for sage to post cuz I'm too lazy to write and this acc is fucking dead
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sagencelestient · 10 months
My boyfriend Scaramouche!
Genre: Fluff? Character: Take a guess.
Your eyes flutter open, stretching your arms out as you wake up. What time was it? You'd check that eventually. You close your eyes and roll on your side, facing where your boyfriend, Scaramouche is. You grab a plushie from the side of your bed and hug him. He was warm, and cozy right now. You never wanted to get up. But you had to, eventually. Damn cruel world. After a while, probably around half an hour, you kiss him, turn away, open your eyes, and sit up.
"Ah... good morning Scara!" you announce, checking your phone for the time. 12. Shit. It was late, and you had classes. After changing, you say goodbye to your boyfriend and rush out of the room.
Thankfully, you didn't arrive at your classes late. You take a seat and begin doodling on a piece of paper. You didn't really have any friends here. Not only this, but this place assigned so much homework.
You really hated being here, but you really had no choice. You imagine Scaramouche wrapping his arms around your neck, comforting you. You imagine him kissing your neck as he says "It's okay y/n... You'll be home soon, and I'll be there with you~"
You blush, putting your head down for a moment as the teacher takes up the homework assigned a few days ago. You hated that you had to be away from Scaramouche for a while, and you hated that you had to do so much homework because of these classes, but it... was fine, you supposed. As long as you would be reunited with him later.
After hours of class, you caught a small break. You had some time, but not enough to go home, so you go to a small local cafe nearby, buying lunch for yourself. You'd get something for Scaramouche on your way back home too.
As you went back to your classes, you thought about what Scaramouche would want. Definitely something bitter. Maybe tea? But you already had tea. You wondered if you could maybe find some bitter candy, as you know he hated candy but liked bitter things. You were curious as to how he'd react to it. Would he like it? You decide to search for "bitter candy" on your phone, secretly, during class, but all your search engine came up with were sour candy brands. How sad. Maybe you should get him some black coffee?
The class you were in right now was only 2 hours long, and you were halfway through it. However, it did feel like an eternity. An eternity away from your mouchie. You doodled little sketches of him and you in your notebook. Sure, you should probably be listening to the lesson, and you were, partly, so it should be fine.
"All right, that's about it for today," the teacher spoke, "if you have any questions, feel free to stay for awhile to ask me. If not, you are free to go."
Finally! You think, grabbing your stuff and leaving the classroom. You decided to buy him dark chocolate. It was bitter, right? Bitter, and a good long-ish lasting snack. You also decide to pick up some tea and black coffee for him, if he didn't like it.
You ride a bus to get home, excited to see your Scaramouche. When you open the door and look around, however, he wasn't anywhere.
Oh, right. He probably went to work, or maybe he had something else to do. You sigh. You supposed you'd just have to wait.
You decide to take a shower, as it was hot outside and you did sweat during the day. You wanted to smell good when you cuddled with him at night! So you did just that. You thought up some cute things you two could do as well someday!
It became darker and darker outside as you scrolled around on your phone. You put your phone down, lying down and sighing as you imagined Scaramouche with you, sitting on the inside of your bed. But of course, he wasn't there.
You just really wished he were real.
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sagencelestient · 10 months
Operation: Secret Date Spies!
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Mari and Hero are on a date, and Sunny, Kel, Basil, and Aubrey spy on them.
Sunny laid on his couch, barely even listening to the Capt. Spaceboy episode playing in the background, preferring to daydream instead (he would probably start actually dreaming soon), that was someone knocked on his door.
There was only one person that he knew who did that very annoying pattern of knocks, Kel. Sunny grumbled as he got off the couch and went to the door. He was just about to take a nap! When he opened the door, lo and behold, it was Kel. How surprising.
“Hey hey, Sunny!” Kel greeted, “Is Mari home?”
Huh? Why is Kel asking him that? 
Sunny shook his head.
Kel grinned, “Hero’s not either.”
Sunny stayed blank-faced. What’s that supposed to mean?
“Okay well, earlier I heard Hero asking permission to go out, something about helping the bakery and whatever-” Kel explained, “And he said Mari was gonna be there too, okay? And then my parents were like, “Oh go bring Kel too,” and Hero was like, “Ah- Uh- Well I can’t because…” something, something, I don’t remember.” Sunny had some problems retaining the information at the speed Kel was talking.
“Then Hero turned red, and my parents were laughing about “young love” and “how he and Mari look good together”, and Hero left!”
“So, basically, I think they’re going on… a date!”
A date? Ew.
“Yea, they’re probably gonna kiss n’ all…” Kel stuck his tongue out, “Gross right?”
He nodded, but why is Kel telling him this?
“And I was thinking… let’s spy on them!”
Sunny gave a confused expression. Why… would they want to do that?
“Hey, don’t give me that look, I’m bored okay?”
The sound of footsteps was heard behind him, his mother coming up to the door.
“Hi, Kel!” His mother smiled, “What are you doing here?”
Kel shrugged, “Nothing, just asking Sunny if he wants to shoot some hoops with me at the park.”
“Oh, that sounds fun! He does need some exercise, now I’m not gonna keep you two here any longer, have fun!” His mother said as Sunny gave Kel a look of betrayal. How dare he lie to his mom just to force him into his plan of spying on their sibling's so-called date?
“C'mon, Sunny, let’s go!” Kel urged, grabbing his hand as he speeded down the road, dragging Sunny along.
Sunny groaned, his nap was ruined just for this…
Sunny became a deadweight, hoping to slow Kel down as he was running, and he was actually successful, managing to make Kel walk instead of run. He had no idea where they were going, so he had to trust Kel (which was usually a bad idea).
What made him confused is that they went to Basil’s house. Why would Mari and Hero have their date there? 
Before Kel could knock on Basil’s door, Sunny pinched him on his arm.
“Owww…” Kel whined, “That hurt!”
“Don’t knock like that. It’s annoying.” Sunny said.
Kel knocked 3 times, pouting at Sunny, “Happy?”
He nodded.
The door opened to 2 familiar faces, Basil and Aubrey.
“Hello- Kel?” Basil said, very confused at the sight of them, “Why’d you knock 3 times?”
“Because SOMEONE-” Kel poked Sunny, who waved at them, “Told me so. Wait, why is Aubrey here?”
“Can’t I just hang out with him?! Why are you here anyway?” Aubrey huffed, crossing her arms.
“Wellll… Hero and Mari are going on a date! And we’re gonna spy on them!” Kel said excitedly. 
“Oh really?” Aubrey said with stars in her eyes, “They’re so cute together… ooo I wonder if they’re on a romantic date… with candles and-”
“Ew…. we’re gonna surprise them and ruin their date because that’s GROSS!”
Aubrey seemed to be in shock because of this, “Why would we do that?!”
“Yea… that’s kinda rude… we’re gonna be intruding on their private time,” Basil added.
“AH! Well- Sunny help me out here!” Kel asked. Sunny gave him a blank stare.
“Thanks a lot…” Kel grumbled, “Fine, we won’t ruin it! We’ll watch… ew.”
“Isn’t that still an invasion of their privac-” Basil said, interrupted by Kel.
“What they don’t know, won’t hurt them!” Kel exclaimed.
“Yea, but you’re so loud, I bet people can hear you from outer space!” Aubrey said.
“Hey! I’m not that loud!”
Kel and Aubrey began to bicker, which was how most conversations with the two of them ended up.
“Do you know where they are?”
“Umm… Hero didn’t say where….” Kel sheepishly said as he scratched his head.
“KEL! Why’d you tell us then?!” Aubrey said, smacking him lightly on the head.
“OW! Well... I was assuming that we would-”
“Maybe they’re in the secret hangout spot?” Sunny offered.
“Yea! We should check there!” 
“Wait, let me tell my grandma we’re going,” Basil said, walking away.
They waited a couple of moments before Basil returned, nodding his head. 
“Alright! Operation: Secret Date Spies is a go!” Kel pumped his fist in the air a couple of times, before taking off.
They made it to the secret hiding spot, hiding themselves the best they could, trying to get to the open patch of grass. And there they were, Mari and Hero, by themselves.
They all hid behind a large tree, Kel and Aubrey whisper-fighting.
“Move out of the way Kel! I can’t see anything!” Aubrey whispered.
“Go to the other side!” Kel responded.
“Guys we’re gonna get caught if you two don’t stop talking!” Basil said.
That shut them up, and they could actually focus on what they came here for, Mari and Hero. They were on a picnic blanket, just chit-chatting and eating some sandwiches. Sunny couldn’t hear what they were talking about (just a “so many” from Hero) from the distance. 
Then they started to lean in closer, and Sunny was preparing himself to close his eyes when the inevitable kiss happened, but suddenly Mari put a finger on Hero’s lips.
“I know you guys are there, y’know.” She laughed, and they emerged from the back of the tree.
Hero turned bright red, “Wha- You guys! Who’s idea was this?!”
They all pointed at Kel.
“Hey- Um- It was Aubrey!” Kel lied.
“No, it wasn’t!” Aubrey was fuming.
“Kel!” Hero groaned.
“It’s okay Hero, I was expecting this was gonna happen, but don’t worry! I made enough food for everyone!” Mari got out all the sandwiches from the picnic basket.
“Is that why you have so many sandwiches?” Hero asked.
“Mhm, come on, what are you guys waiting for?” Mari gestured to the picnic, “C’mon!”
They all went to the picnic basket, Basil muttering a small sorry for ruining their date. Sunny refused the sandwich Mari offered him, instead opting to lie down on the grass, afraid to take up too much space on the picnic blanket. The ground was soft and comfortable, and he could feel himself slipping into a nice cozy dream, mimicking his current reality.
 Happiness was the only thing you could describe Sunny as at that moment, happy and surrounded by the warmth of his friends.
Mmmmm fluff for the soul... anyway this was super fun to write I should write fluff more but... angst is just calling my name... Oh and btw I'm gonna write a continuation for "Hero's Misery" and it's gonna be in Kel's pov, I'm hoping to cover the rest of the friend group (the same timeline, but just different pov's). Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I liked writing this! - Sage
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sagencelestient · 10 months
Hairdresser s/o!
Characters: Scaramouche (not Wanderer), and Albedo (Separate)
Genre: Fluff!
Warnings: annoying customers (smh)
You were tired after a long day of work, and it was almost after your shift. It wasn't a great day per-se, there were more difficult customers than usual. Not only this, but a bunch of the staff called in sick, so it was just you and two other co-workers there. Luckily, the day was just about to end. There were only a few more minutes. You really couldn't wait to get back home, and back to your lovely boyfriend, Scaramouche's arms. You felt kind of burnt out right now, and you knew being with him would help you out a lot.
However, your excitement to go home was soon snuffed out, like an extinguished flame, by the sound of the door opening. It was another customer. You and your co-workers' heads turned as they entered, demanding that their hair be styled, cut, and dyed while getting furious after you told them that the shop was just about to close. No matter what you told said customer, they just wouldn't leave.
"Why don't we just play rock paper scissors?" One of your co-workers, named Childe, suggested, "I mean, I really have to go right now, so... we should just let one person take one for the team!"
And of course, you were that person. You sighed, as you start to think of things to say to this difficult customer to make them leave. Unluckily for you, you couldn't think of anything that would convince someone like them.
However, right as you were about to give up and try to push them out the door or something, a familiar man pushed the door open like he owned the establishment.
"Y/n?" he asked, "do you still have clients? The salon was supposed to close 5 minutes ago, you know."
It was Scaramouche, the boyfriend you couldn't wait to get back home to! But why was he here?
"Hm? Scara? Uh, well, this client over here..."
At that point, said client interrupted.
"You said closed?! Well, look here! Someone else that you seem willing to service! My Hoyobook page WILL hear about this, you hear me?!"
"I- uh, ma'am-" you stutter, trying to get her to calm down.
"Uh, ma'am?!" the client basically screamed, "honestly! you can't even form a proper sentence! What does that mean?! Just for this interaction alone, I demand a 30% discount!"
"What y/n means, is that if you don't get out of here, right fucking now, some haircut wouldn't even be a worry of yours very shortly. You can stay around if you'd like to see why, though." Scaramouche threatened, giving the customer a death stare.
"I- Your manager will hear about this!" the customer screamed, before taking off running.
"Oh, um, T- thanks, Scara!" you say, greatly relieved that that person was gone. You look at your savior, your boyfriend. He really did look hot right now.
"Jeez, she couldn't even take a few threats... what a waste of space," muttered Scaramouche under his breath.
"Anyways! Why are you here?" you question, changing the topic. After all, he usually didn't come to visit after work.
"I just wanted to come to see you right after work. You should be thankful, honestly. And don't worry, what I said won't get you fired, not that you even need a job to begin with..." Scaramouche muttered.
"Aww!" you squeal, hearing that and running into his arms, giving him a hug and a few kisses, "you really are so sweet!"
"Okay then, let's go home!" you cheer. Even just seeing Scaramouche lifted your spirits, and it seemed to do the same for him.
While you two walk home, you joke about how you should also visit him at his workplace sometime. You were obviously not going to do it, as he has explicitly told you that it wasn't that safe, obviously, being in a place where not many like him, and being in a place where pretty much everyone has weapons and such. However, you still did want to visit his office. Maybe someday you could convince him!
After about 10 minutes, you reach your shared house and pop open the door with the key. You then walk over to the couch and collapse onto it.
"Come lay down with me, Scara!" you call out.
He sighed. "Fine, just for a bit though."
He moved onto the couch, and then you moved on top of him, laying on his chest. He really was super cute when he got soft, and you were the only one to see this side of him! It made you feel special. Oh, how lucky you were to have him! You sneak a kiss onto his cheek and lie back down, and soon, fall asleep.
And even though Scaramouche said he would only lie with you for "just a bit", you two ended up falling asleep together on the couch for the rest of the day. In all truth, he didn't fall asleep by accident, he just didn't want to disturb you from your slumber by moving, and ended up falling asleep. But he'd take that secret to the grave.
You owned a small hair salon in Mondsdat, and actually, one of the only ones there, which meant you had many customers every day. You loved your job, but it was getting more and more tiring day by day. Not only this, but your salon got a sudden influx in popularity, which meant you didn't really have enough employees to meet everyone's needs. Cutting people's hair, whilst searching for employees, and running the store was really becoming tiring, and you knew you just needed a break. You also knew who else needed one.
"Hey, Bedo!" you say, entering his office.
He looked up, smiling as he saw you. "Yes, y/n?" he asked.
"Weell..." you said, "we're both really busy, right? So I thought we could go on a vacation for a bit! Just me and you! I think we both need it, and we also can get to spend more time together!"
"Oh... well, I suppose a little break wouldn't hurt," Albedo answered, "I just need to tell Jean, and I'll probably be able to go. Do you have anywhere planned?"
"Well," you say, moving to sit on his lap, and giving him a kiss, "not really! We should pick a destination together!"
"Alright then. Let's look for somewhere good after I'm done work, alright?" he asked, holding him in your arms and giving you a kiss back.
"Okay!" you smile, excited about where you were going to go. After all, it wasn't often that you two got much quality time together, and the vacation would be where you could cuddle with him all day and pepper him with kisses. You were already thinking of places you two could go as you walked out of his office. "See you at home, Bedo!"
Haha, can you tell who the favorite is? Can you? Can you?
(sorry the Albedo part is so short I just... well I have no excuses)
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sagencelestient · 10 months
We have an AO3 account now!! Everything that's on here will be posted there, but if we have a multi-chapter story we'll just post it on there (but we'll let u guys know)! Anyway heres the link: AO3 - Sage
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sagencelestient · 10 months
Hero's Misery
Genre: Angst Summary: Hero's POV on some of the events in Omori, leading to the bad ending. TW: Suicide.
His whole life Hero was told he was perfect. 
So much so that Hero started believing it himself.
But then, people didn't just say Hero was perfect. His mom squealed at his perfect friend group. His dad congratulated him for getting the perfect girlfriend. His classmates were jealous of his perfect parents, perfect family.
Then soon Hero realized that everything in his life was perfect. Perfect grades, perfect personality, perfect little brother, perfect parents, perfect friend group, perfect girlfriend. 
He wasn't just the perfect person, he had the perfect life too. 
He– as many people described it– was living the dream life many people wished to have.
He didn't want anymore since that would be greedy and perfect is not greedy-
And he was happy. He was happy with his perfect little life. 
He loved his life.
Hero has only been to a funeral once. 
He was 8 at the time and it was for some relatives that he had never met, but he quickly decided that he didn't like them.
It was suffocating, the pained sobs that surround him, the somber atmosphere.
He tried to imagine what it was like to lose a loved one, not to much success.
But now, he really can say how much he hates funerals.
Mari is just a few feet in front of him. Mari, his beautiful perfect beloved girlfriend, laying cold in a coffin. 
She didn't deserve to die. She should've realized how so many people loved her and cared for her and would be miserable if she died.
He can't believe he didn't notice. He was her boyfriend goddammit! He couldn't even see Mari was struggling. He should've seen through it and helped her. 
Hero's nickname hasn't felt more unfitting until today.
He shut his eyes, not wanting to see Mari's cold dead body surrounded by flowers. He could hear the cries of many people, and he knew that his friends were crying their hearts out too.
Kel, Sunny, Basil, Aubrey, Mari's parents, and himself. There were so many people that cared about Mari. So why?! Why did she do it? 
For the first time in a long time, Hero wept. He sobbed until he felt hollow inside.
The day that death took Mari, it didn't just take her, it took a part of Hero too.
Hero has been rotting in his bed since that day. His whole life felt pointless since he couldn’t even see how much Mari was suffering. How could he live if he couldn’t even help one person? 
His head ached and he felt like vomiting, but he didn’t move an inch, just continuing to think of all that he could’ve done to help.
At some point, Kel came up to him, saying something along the lines of going to the park, smiling.
Hero felt something snap in him. How dare he smile after what Mari did to herself. Mari ended her suffering and he was happy?!
Hero remembers screaming insults at Kel until both of them were in tears. 
Eventually, his parents came into their room, ignoring Kel to go comfort him. 
Hero snapped out of his daze when he saw Kel wiping up his own tears, pushing past his parents to go apologize and comfort him.
Hero promised Kel to never do that again.
Hero was going to a pretty good college, that was only a couple hours away from home. He was studying to be a doctor, and despite his passion for cooking, he decided that this was the best route for him.
He wouldn’t say that he was attractive, but sometimes he could feel the stares that some girls gave him, while excitedly whispering to their friends.
Some girls even confessed to him! He never accepted them though, and his college friends tell him to “loosen up” or something.
It’s just… how can he have another girlfriend after Mari? Hell, he thought Mari was the woman he’d marry! It would feel unfaithful if he just got another girlfriend.
The sorrow that he felt after he thought that was immeasurable, the thoughts of what he should’ve and could’ve done to help threatened to flood his mind, leaving him to uselessly mope in his bed like he did those years ago. 
Hero shook off those thoughts.
Right now, he should focus on his schoolwork.
When going back home from college, Hero expected to relax and destress from college, but he definitely didn’t expect to save Sunny from drowning. 
It was an unexpected “surprise”, but Hero was quite happy to see that Sunny was outside. Especially since he was so pale… and skinny… and generally not healthy. But Kel told him that Sunny was moving, which is a good thing, since… the memories this place holds….
Aubrey dyed her hair pink, which did look good on her, Mari was supposed to dye her hair purple and she’s… in a gang? Apparently, she’s also the one who shoved him in the lake and has been bullying him. He’s worried about her, maybe he shouldn’t have left after all.
Well, everything is going well. He may have gotten his mom mad, but of course, he made it up to her!
They even decided to have a sleepover at Sunny’s house! Just like old times!
For the first time in a long time, he felt that things were looking up.
The next day was quite eventful, they successfully managed to talk to Aubrey (well, he did), and Hero regretted not being out for them all. He’s the oldest, so he should’ve made sure everyone was okay. 
But, they got all the photos back in the photo album! And they went to Basil’s house to go apologise for not being there for him (and bullying him on Aubrey’s part). But unfortunately, Basil’s grandma died, and it probably wasn’t the best time to apologize. Basil’s caretaker did let them stay the night, so he was confident that they could fix everything.
But that night is where everything went wrong.
Hero awoke to Sunny not being next to him, which seemed normal, as he could’ve been in the bathroom, but Hero kept on hearing… noises, so he got out of his quilt and decided to check it out.
He knocked on the bathroom door. Nothing. The noises were coming from Basil’s bedroom, and even though Hero didn’t want to disturb Basil’s privacy, he opened the door.
“Basil is Sunn-” Hero didn’t get to finish as he saw the state Sunny was in, his eye was bleeding, and Basil was holding the weapon.
What happened next was a blur, just him screaming for help and calling an ambulance.
...And that’s what made them end up here, in a hospital, in Basil’s room.
They would press for answers, but since Basil was in an unstable condition, they decided the questions could come later.
They stayed there for a bit, making sure Basil was at least not going to have a nervous breakdown.
“We should probably see if Sunny’s awake,” He said.
Aubrey and Kel nodded.
“Ah…okay.” Basil looked sad, “I have to apologize to him…” He muttered that last part.
As they were walking out of the room Kel said, “We’ll see you in a bit, Basil!”
But when they went to Sunny’s room, surprisingly, he wasn’t in his bed.
“Maybe he’s in the washroom?” Kel said.
“Well, he definitely shouldn’t be out of bed.” He responded.
“Well, then let's split up,” Aubrey said, “Kel you check the bathrooms, Hero you can check… the hallways? And I guess I’ll check where Hero doesn’t.”
“Sounds like a plan to me!” Kel said, and they were off.
Before Hero checked the hallways, he just wanted to make sure of one thing… Hero ran to the rooftop, hoping and praying Sunny wasn’t there. He…probably wasn’t right? He wouldn’t do that to them…
But as he got to the rooftop, he saw Sunny. The pale, skinny unhealthy boy that locked himself in his house because of what his sister did. And he was about to follow in her footsteps.
Some time ago, Mari made him promise her if anything happened to her he’d protect Sunny. He was not going to break that promise.
“SUNNY! Sunny, please get away from that edge, please.” He begged.
Sunny didn’t look at him, just staring at the ground below him.
He tried again, “Sunny, please. I know you miss her– I do too –but we can’t have someone else die. Not again.” He took a deep breath, taking a few steps forward “I- I don’t think we’ll survive this time Sunny. We- We care for you! All of us do, Kel, Aubrey, Basil, and me! Please, Mari wouldn’t want you to do this!”
Sunny looked back at him, his eyes dark and lifeless. 
But then he smiled. It was the brightest smile he’d seen Sunny give after Mari died, it was like…
He was at peace with himself.
Hero’s eyes widened at that, starting to run to Sunny.
Sunny jumped off.
Hero failed again.
Not my best work... but I still liked writing this. Maybe I'll write perspectives on the other characters... - Sage
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sagencelestient · 10 months
Genre: Angst? I have no clue Character: Sunny (OMORI) Summary: Sunny drowns. Pre-trauma.
Being submerged in water was quite peaceful. 
Utter silence surrounded him, as he slowly floated to the bottom. 
At least, that’s what he felt in the first few seconds. The water rushed into his nose and mouth as he ran out of air. Sunny tried to cough out the water, only allowing the water to rush in more.
He thrashed his arms and legs, trying his best to mimic the movement of swimming, eventually giving up, letting the water take him. The water filled his lungs, his throat, and his eyes.
Looking down, he could barely make out tendrils, as they slowly drifted toward him. Sunny swore that he saw 2 beady eyes staring at him. 
“S- NY!” A muffled voice broke through the water, reaching his water-clogged ears.
Sunny realized that was Mari, and a few other voices joined in calling for him. He opened his mouth as if to respond to them. Nothing came out.
Why didn’t they know that he was in the lake? Why didn’t they help?
Oh. Of course. 
His friends wanted to have a picnic today, at the secret hangout spot. Mari’s knee was acting up more than usual, forcing her to walk slower, so when he and Mari were walking, she encouraged him to go ahead of her, as some of their friends could’ve been already there. When he got there though, he was the only one. He debated on whether or not to go back to Mari but ended up going to the edge of the water, gazing into the depths.
That was before he saw the spider on his shoulder, and jumped into the lake.
Sunny sank further in, feeling light-headed due to the lack of air, lungs burning. 
The tendrils grabbed his limbs, pulling him down to the very bottom, as he closed his eyes for the very last time.
Sunny succumbed.
A couple of days later, Sunny was found near the surface of the lake, skin blue and muddy, blood and water frothing at the mouth.
Woo! First Omori fic! - Sage
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sagencelestient · 10 months
I guess im turning this into a Scaramouche smut blog (sorry sage <3333) (dw I'll write fluff soon) (soon) (I need to figure out how to write)
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sagencelestient · 10 months
O right by the way every fic I post *wiLL* have a Scaramouche fic with it or mention Scaramouche or something so!!!!!!! (well ill try to do that anyway and it has been like that so far) (its cuz hes so bbggirl!!) Oh yeah did i also mention that I had like 800 summons saved up for him before??
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I'm too cool (I am also not a whale IM STILL MISSING ONE REFINEMENT >:((
-Celestient (obviously)
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sagencelestient · 10 months
Sleeping Beauty
⋆☆.⭒.~~Genre: ...Angst? I don't know
Yandere!Scaramouche (not Wanderer but they're basically the same person) x reader
⋆☆.⭒.~~Warnings: Poisoning, stalking, (implied) death of reader, corpses & taking pictures of them. Also, was written way before Wanderer.
Watching. Scaramouche was always watching you. It had been months since he has been. He always used a spare key that you didn't know he had.
He would enter, and when you were sleeping, he came out from whatever hiding spot he had at the time, and went up to you. Staring. Violet eyes never looking away from you. He had never made contact with you during these times though, fearing that you might wake up.
He loved you, he loved you so much. But you wouldn't get it. Obviously. He got quite annoyed every time he had to go on a long mission, that could potentially take days. He didn't want to stop watching. He really didn't. He also hated when you brought friends to your house. You should be his, and only his. He hated when you laughed with them, and he hated how nice you were to them. But he quickly thought up a solution to his issue. Quietly, he waited for the right time. He waited until you were about to eat. Since the food was hot, you decided to do something else while you waited for it to cool down. You went upstairs and left the food unguarded. You did that every day. How foolish of you, he thought. Coming out of his hiding place, he poured a few drops of a little something he got Dottore to make. It would take effect in a few hours, just as he wanted. ----------
He was watching you sleep again, like he did every day. He was close to you, he could hear the sound of your breathing, and you looked so peaceful.. he began to consider his other idea again. But no! If he did, then you would have so many wounds, you would be less perfect and pretty. He didn't want that. After all, if he did, you were probably going to stay as you looked..
Suddenly, the breathing stopped. He couldn't hear it anymore. A smile spread across his face as he got closer. He never made contact with you, fearing that you may wake up. But today, he slipped in the bed. He slid his arms around you, leaving little too no space between you. His face was in your sweet smelling h/c hair, and he turned your head around so he could kiss you. You didn't wake up.
The morning came and went, but you never woke up. As the evening came, Scaramouche visited you. He knew he didn't have to hide today, he knew you wouldn't be awake. He sighed, before planting a kiss on your lips. It was colder than last night. He didn't mind.
He picked you up, and out of the bed. He changed you in to the clothes he had brought for you, they looked better after all. Then, he carried you to his house. When he was in, he went into a room made especially for you. There were many pictures on the walls. All of you. You sleeping, you brushing your teeth, you in the shower, and so, oh so many more. Now, he was going to add a new picture to his collection. It would be his favorite. He placed you against the wall, took out his Kamera, and took a picture. He put the picture on the wall. Right on top of you. You were all his now, and never once have you woken up.
(Note: This is really old, so it might be bad, I don't know. Also, I did not rob this, I wrote it on Wattpad first but decided to post it here as well!) - Celestient
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sagencelestient · 10 months
Love in the Storm
⋆☆.⭒.~~Genre: Smut!
afab!virgin!reader x dom!Scaramouche (Not wanderer, but they're basically the same person)
⋆☆.⭒.~~Warnings: Fingering(?), Giving head, Intercourse, and some degradation
You definitely didn’t think this was how you were going to spend the night. You listened to howling winds and the absolute pouring rain that was outside the small cave you and Scaramouche found. The storm didn’t show any signs of stopping, so you and him were definitely going to be stuck in here for some time.
The fact that you thought that everything was going to be fine too! You and Scaramouche were paired up for a mission before all this happened… Well, the only thing you can do is to wait it out.
You were very ill-prepared for this, as your bag had a limited amount of food, and the clothes you were currently wearing weren’t the best choice for the rapidly dropping temperatures of the cave. And with no means to light a fire, your only choice was to pace in circles to try and conserve as much heat as you can.
“My god, COULD YOU STOP WALKING AROUND?!” Scaramouche chided, “Your footsteps are getting annoying. Just sit still. Are you really that pathetic as to not even be able to stay still for a few minutes?”
“I’m just trying to keep warm, okay!?” You shot back at him. The cold was getting on your nerves, and he would soon be too.
You continued to walk around, ignoring what he said earlier.
“When’s this rain going to be over anyway? This is wasting my time. And you’re making the time pass by slower!” 
“So then? Help me find a way to warm up without moving! We can’t make a fire or anything, and I don’t have any spare blankets! So what do you expect me to do? Cuddle with you or something?!” You retorted.
“I wouldn’t touch you with a metre-long stick, you know,” Scaramouche spat out.
Suddenly, an idea popped into your head on how to warm up. Maybe you should try to get him to cuddle with you. You begin to walk toward him, before throwing yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck, and sitting on his lap.
“Hey- What are you-” Scaramouche spluttered, turning a bit red, “Get off of me!”
“Nah. Since you didn’t give me any more ideas, this is my solution.” You said while smirking. 
Though you did notice that he wasn’t any warmer than the cave you were in, but you weren’t gonna give him the satisfaction of getting off of him, so you stayed put.
Surprisingly, he didn’t make any attempts to shove you off of him, so that was a good sign. You two stayed like that for a few moments— you hugging him, and him being frozen in place, before you noticed something poking at you.
So you unwrapped your arms around his neck to look down and confirm your suspicions.
“You- you’re kidding me right?” You said in disbelief, “How can you have a- a that right now?!”
“...I told you to get off of me.”
An unbearable silence stretches out for a couple of moments. What could you even say in this situation? Well… you could hel- no. Who knows how Scaramouche will react to that? He may be disgusted and never interact with you again! You don’t want that!
But maybe it’s worth a shot..? Maybe? Might as well ask, right?
“So, um, do you… need help with that?” You asked, stumbling over your words a bit.
“What did you just say?” Scaramouche asked, sounding amused. While he was saying that, you noticed a smirk appearing on his face.
Oh shit. Oh shit. Was he mad? Was he into this? 
“Hm? What’s that look on your face for?” he whispered into your ear, “You were the one that asked that, you know?”  
You feel his breath against you and you start feeling warm. Very warm. You suppose your “method” of warming up worked after all.
“Hmm? Cat got your tongue?” He teased.
After a couple of seconds, you respond.
“W- would you like help or not?” You manage to get out. You could feel your face flushing up with embarrassment as you mutter out those words.
“Well,” he responded, “since it is your fault-”
“I guess I should then,” You interrupt, hopping off of his lap, and onto the ground.
“Desperate, aren’t you? Worried I’d change my mind?” 
You ignore his mockery as you move in front of him, staring at the bulge he had.
It was right there… right there…
You look up at him, waiting for him to give you any sign of permission.
“Go ahead, I’m waiting,” he responded, looking down at you.
You sheepishly begin to move your hand to the waistband of his pants, pulling it down, and freeing his dick from its confines.
You experimentally put your hand on it, and stroked. Scaramouche tensed slightly as you did that, and you scootched a bit closer to him to be able to do what you were about to do. 
You held it close to your mouth, giving it a kitten lick.
“Hurry up! We don’t have all day!”
You scoffed at that, “We most certainly do, considering outside has gone to shit right now,” 
You still decided to indulge him though, putting the tip in your mouth, and sucking. He inhaled sharply at that, thrusting his hips a bit. You’re only able to get in a few more inches before you start to gag a bit. Scaramouche didn’t disappoint in that aspect. You wrap your hands around the parts that weren’t encased in your mouth, and you start to slowly bob your head up and down on it.
He groaned at the sensation of you sucking him off, gripping your hair ever so slightly. You continued on, doing the best you can. Suddenly, he thrusted hard, his dick hitting the back of your throat, causing you to gag.
He continued to basically throat-fuck you, while you were trying your best to multi-task trying to breathe, and trying to suck Scaramouche off, and make him feel good.
“Breathe through your nose, dear,” he said.
You glared at him as if trying to say: “Thanks a lot, genius, didn’t know that.”
Scaramouche kept on thrusting in your mouth, and at some point, his thrusts got sloppier.
Oh shit, he was about to cum, wasn’t he?
And with a final snap of his hips, he did, filling your mouth with the warm sticky liquid. You removed your mouth from his dick, wiping the sticky fluid off of your lips with your tongue and swallowing it down.
“Satisfied now?” You asked.
“Well yes, but there is one more thing you could do…” Scaramouche said, his eyes glinting slyly, but you hear a tinge of hopefulness in his voice.
“Oh? Like what?”
He glanced down at his dick, before looking at your… area.
You burned at the realization of what he meant.
“I- W-What?!” You stammered, “You can’t be serious, right?”
He shrugged, “Well if you don’t wanna, we won’t.”
“Well, I do.”
A look of surprise materialized on Scaramouche’s face.
“What?” You said, “ I sucked you off a few minutes ago, why not go all the way?”
He smiled mischievously at you, “Well, I wasn’t expecting you to accept so fast. Were you waiting all this time for this opportunity, just to have sex with me?”
“Wh- what?! No!” you say, caught off-guard by the question, though you could already feel a wet patch forming.
“Really?” he hummed, reaching towards the hem of your pants. 
You put your hand on his, and pull it down, revealing your panties. He smiles, and notices the wet patch forming down there.
“Wet already? Are you sure you weren’t waiting for the opportunity?” he teased with a smirk, before sitting you on his lap and moving his hand closer to your pussy.
You felt him touch it, and it sent shivers down your spine. 
“Is it your first time?” He questioned.
“W- well…” you trail off, “it is. I- I haven’t really lost my virginity yet…”
Right as you said that, your breath hitched. You felt him slide his fingers onto your panties, massaging your pussy from the outside. It was slow at first, but he began gradually speeding up. He then moved up to your clit, and your breath hitched again. Was it… supposed to feel this good…? Not only that, but his other hand was busy fondling your breast. His touch was so light and soft, yet rough at the same time. It felt like heaven. His pace quickened on your pussy, as he sensed that you were about to release.
“S- Scara! I- I’m going to-” you start, but you quickly feel the sensation that you were just feeling leaving, as quick as it came.
You look down, and you notice that he had removed his hand from the surface of your panties. His fingers were covered in your slick, even though he hadn’t touched under. You look at him in a mix of disappointment and longing. 
“Why? Why’d you stop?” you ask, desperate for him to continue.
He smiles.
“If you want me to continue, dear, you better beg for it,” Scaramouche answered, whispering in your ear.
“B- beg?” you asked.
“Get on your knees, take off your panties, open your legs, and tell me how much you want me,” Scaramouche directed, “and tell me how long you’ve been waiting for this moment. And don’t lie. I know you’ve been waiting for a while, darling!”
“Wh- I- I can’t-” you stammered, noticing a bulge appearing in his pants once again.
“Your choice.”
You are unsure what to do. It’s so embarrassing, doing something like that. But at the same time, you could feel the heat building up down here. It was throbbing. You need some relief right now, and the answer to your troubles was right there, in front of you. 
You gulped, swallowing your pride, as you obeyed. Your panties drop to the floor, and you lay down, opening up your legs so Scaramouche could see how wet you were for him. 
“P- please… Scaramouche, I need you…” you beg, “I- I was waiting for this moment for so- so long, I’ve always wanted you, so- so please, put it in me…”
You were obviously desperate, and so he pulled down his pants and boxers, revealing his hard dick once again. You wondered if all of it would even be able to fit. It’s big, to say the least. He comes closer to you, placing his tip right at your entrance.
“What a whore!” he laughed, “But so cute too… since you’re being good, I’ll give you a gift.”
It hurt at first. Only at first. Your eyes widened as his length slowly penetrated your pussy, taking your virginity in the process. You needed a moment to catch your breath, trying to get used to the feeling of his cock inside you. After you adjusted to the feeling, slowly, you motioned to him to start moving. 
He started off slow, of course, allowing you to enjoy the feeling of his cock slipping in and out of you. He then leaned over, entangling his hand in your hair, and started kissing you. His lips were so soft, yet he was violent with it. Your tongues intertwined as your saliva mixed, and strung out when you pulled apart. As he thrusted into you, a hand of his was playing with one of your soft boobs and his mouth was sucking all over your neck, sure to leave marks the next day.
“You look so hot right now…” Scaramouche muttered under his breath, “I love you so much, y/n.”
You moaned as Scaramouche quickened his pace. You felt as if you were going to cum. Desperate to reach your high, you grinded onto him as well, getting a little bit of extra stimulation to send gooey white liquid out of you.
“C- cum inside…” you say, right as Scaramouche follows, releasing his warm seed into you. You could feel it filling you up, as your eyes roll back in pleasure. You were barely able to think, yet you were still longing for more.
“A- ah… It’s all inside,” you say, weakly, “I- I think you can… do it… harder this time, since I kinda k- know what to expect now,” you mouth, barely making a noise.
But Scaramouche heard you, and he was glad to give you what you wanted. After all, you were such a good girl today, just for him.
⋆☆.⭒.~La Fin!~⋆☆.⭒.
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sagencelestient · 10 months
Ik this is u Celeste (imagine it isn't)
- Sage
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sagencelestient · 10 months
❥ Masterlist ✻
Sleeping Beauty - Character: Scaramouche
Bunnies and Blueberry Pancakes - OC
Aquaphobia - Character: Sunny
Hero's Misery - Focus Character: Hero
Hairdresser s/o! - Characters: Scaramouche and Albedo
My boyfriend Scaramouche! - Character: Take a guess
Operation: Secret Date Spies! - Characters: All the main Omori cast
(Both Sage and Celestient's)
Love in the Storm - Character: Scaramouche
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