saintgautier · 5 months
fic masterlist
note that you need an ao3 account to read these. however, i will continue to post my shorter works here and on my dreamwidth.
the calm - internal monologuing, one-sided dimilix.
angel prince - NSFW, m!dimileth, trans dimitri
r u mine? - NSFW, m!yurileth, trans yuri
dancing with a stranger - one sided m!yurileth, angst
what love is - fling poly, angst with a happy ending
if rain is what you want - huleth, angst, trans byleth, trans hubert
i'll be gone - suicide TW, hifudo, angst, hurt/no comfort
written on the sky - ferdibert, lighthearted, pre-timeskip
poem, and like a poem - dimileth, idk it's old
after midnight - hifudo, lighthearted, mutual pining
sweet summer - ramudice, cutesy
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saintgautier · 7 months
stay longer | m!yurileth
another preview to yet another WIP. cw for implied nsft.
When Byleth wakes up the next morning he already sees Yuri getting dressed, the morning sun shining down on his pale, perfect body as he stands in front of the vanity brushing his hair. Byleth sits up, the duvet slipping off his naked torso with his movements.
"Hey," Byleth says softly. Yuri doesn't answer as he sets the brush down, applying some lip gloss. Byleth smiles a little to himself, and takes a moment to admire how pretty Yuri is, with his gorgeous purple hair and cute smile. Everything about Yuri is perfect. His Yuri.
"Hey." Byleth says again, louder this time.
Yuri stops and glances at Byleth through the mirror's reflection, a sweet smile forming on his pretty lips. "Good morning, Professor," he answers back. "Did you need something?"
"I thought you left last night," Byleth says coolly, watching as Yuri picks up his mascara. "After what happened last night, I'd think that you'd have to go back to Abyss and take care of things."
"No, not really. Balthus can handle himself down there," Yuri applies some of his mascara, Byleth watching from the bed. "Plus, I wanted to stay."
"You... you wanted to?" Byleth echoes, standing from the bed, picking up the clothes that had been torn off from last night. "Was there something else that you–"
"I wanted more of you," Yuri finally turns around, gazing into Byleth's pretty green irises. "I can't get enough of you. So I decided to stay."
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saintgautier · 7 months
distracted | m!yurileth
this is for a preview to an upcoming project. cw for implied nsft.
"Where exactly were you on the night of Dimitri's disappearance?" Byleth asks, clicking his pen and holding his notepad on his lap. He gazes into Yuri's pretty lavender hues, only to notice that the other male is smiling. "What seems to be amusing?"
"Oh, nothing, Officer," Yuri answers sweetly. "I was thinking about something... er, someone else, that's all." He gazes lovingly into Byleth's eyes, and Byleth looks back, feeling a warm blush across his pale cheeks flooding in.
Byleth sighs, and shakes his head as he puts his pen down to the notepad. "Who were you thinking of?" he asks, trying to keep as nonchalant as he can, but with the way Yuri looks at him is so distracting, Byleth himself almost forgets where he is, what he is doing, and why Yuri is here – of all people, as a matter of fact.
"Are you truly worried about Dimitri, or are you so enamoured by me that you cannot help but stare?" Yuri teases, leaning in closer to Byleth from across the small interrogation room's table. "Anyway, I was in a club."
"What sort of club?" the officer inquires.
"Curious, are you?" Yuri smirks. "A strip club. It's called the Ashen Wolf, and I will admit, the place itself is quite shady... But it pays well." Byleth's face heats up twice as much as it did earlier. His mind goes from his case and Dimitri's uncertain disappearance, all the way to imagining Yuri, wearing the most gorgeous silk lingerie, teasing Byleth by dancing so elegantly and seductively on a pole, and only Byleth has his eyes on him.
"Earth to Byleth," Yuri says, his sweet voice breaking Byleth from his wet daydream. "Did I surprise you?"
"No... no, not at all." Byleth averts his gaze elsewhere, his heart rate skyrocketing.
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saintgautier · 7 months
sinister | mirrored dimension
based on an idea with my partner, concept scene between mirror!felix (fenrir), real!felix and mirror!edelgard (éowyn). cw for some sadism.
Fenrir's sweet, innocent smile twists into a sinister grin of pleasure. "See, I only killed poor, sweet Hunter 'cause just like you guys, he's against me! And I don't like when my friends turn their backs on me." He displays his dagger in front of Éowyn and Felix, the blood still wet and fresh from Hunter's execution, although Felix knows better than to believe Fenrir executed Hunter with a simple dagger.
It makes him sick, seeing just how satisfied and pleasured his doppelgänger is after taking another innocent life. If Felix were anything like Fenrir, he wouldn't trust himself with his own sword.
"Soooo, if you two don't mind, I'd love to like, not paint your cute 'lil faces in red right now." Fenrir says flatly, taking the flat end of the knife and licking some of the blood off of the silver metal.
Felix grimaces. "You disgust me," he snaps, readying his own sword, until Éowyn gently places a hand on his shoulder. She gives him a reassuring look, a one that says Felix will cut down Fenrir, just not at this very moment. He's more powerful than he looks, and his smile alone is enough to make Felix's own blood go cold.
"Do I?" Fenrir asks innocently, tilting his head to the side. "Or do you disgust yourself? Remember, Felix, we're one in the same! I think that's so cute!"
"I'm nothing like you!"
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saintgautier · 7 months
concept idea | mirrored dimension
so this is for an idea i have had for a long while. it's about a different dimension from zaharas, but it's a "mirrored" version of fódlan where there is eternal unrest, and there are opposites of everyone living in fódlan. fenrir hades fraldarius is the opposite / mirrored version of felix, hence his opposing personality. i'm not even sure if i'll continue this, but it was a fun idea i had. fenrir is the main antagonist. the picrew i used can be found here.
Fenrir smiles warmly as he takes Felix's hand into his own, his skin almost burning to the touch. "That's absurd, Felix, and you know it!" he says cheerfully. "I am you! And you are me! We're almost like brothers, you and I. Just like how in this dimension up is down, and down is up! Left is right, and right is left. You understand, yeah?"
"I could not even begin to describe just how insane you sound," Felix says flatly, jerking his hand away from the other male. "This is ridiculous. I don't have a brother!" he lets out a sigh. "I mean, I did, but he's not you."
"I had a brother as well!" Fenrir says sweetly. "Too bad he's six feet below the ground. Or maybe six feet above? Regardless, I know that we aren't related, but we are one in the same! I'm you! You're me! Isn't that cool, Felix?"
"No, it's not. It's actually really fucking creepy."
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saintgautier · 7 months
concept idea | cannibal
for my upcoming dimilix werewolf AU. this is a preview to one of the parts of the upcoming project / fic. dimitri has memory gaps each time he takes on a werewolf transformation, and felix is trying to connect the dots between dimitri and glenn's death. sorry glenn.
"Felix...?" Dimitri hesitates, knocking on Felix's motel room door. "Felix, can I... can I please come in?" the blond pleads, gently grasping for the door handle. The door unlocks a few minutes later, and Felix opens it partially.
"What the hell do you want?"
Dimitri sighs. "I wanted to talk to you. About last night, and..."
"What could you possibly have to say to me right now, after you left me for dead with Miklan?" Felix demands sharply, preparing to close the door. Dimitri presses his foot in between the door. "Boar, go away. I don't want to see you."
"Felix, I wanted to apologise, okay? For not telling you about my... my curse. I'm sorry for not being there for you, and running away when you told me not to. I'm sorry for leaving you back there, Felix. That is all I wanted to say."
Felix's eyes widen slightly.
Dimitri continues; "I killed Miklan to protect you, and I may have no memories of it but his blood stained my hands and I... I'm a terrible person. I understand why you don't want me around."
Felix hesitates, and finally widens the door. Dimitri glances up at the other male. "I'm sorry, too," Felix says quietly.
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saintgautier · 7 months
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saintgautier · 7 months
mesmerise | dimilix
When Felix wakes up the next morning, he feels Dimitri's naked torso pressed against his back. He wants to smile – he wants to turn and reciprocate and maybe even kiss Dimitri awake. He even wants to maybe surprise him, tease him until he wakes up and realises what Felix is up to. Last night had been... well, Felix isn't so sure. He feels so many different things – secure, loved, cherished, protected. But he also feels regret.
Regret that Dimitri is putting aside everything for Felix's sake. Regret that any of this had happened to him in the first place.
Or maybe Felix is overthinking. Maybe Dimitri is still the same – he wants others to treat him as he were a normal student, attending the academy on the daily, interacting with not just nobles and commoners, but those with a lack of a crest, and even those with more than one crest.
Felix sighs quietly. Dimitri is so loving. Too loving – and who is Felix to deserve Dimitri's love? He runs a hand through his own long, white hair – the same hair that used to have such a pretty indigo colour, one that said Felix is of House Fraldarius, the son to Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius.
And yet, Dimitri still loves Felix. Felix belongs to Dimitri, no matter who he is, or where he has been, or any of that sort.
Dimitri finally wakes up, gazing lovingly into Felix's pretty amber eyes. "Good morning, beloved," he says softly.
"Hi," Felix answers – stupidly, at that. Dimitri leans in to place a chaste kiss on the side of Felix's face. He's almost humoured by how shy Felix is, but he knows it's a result of Felix's trauma – and Dimitri has been more than understanding. "You're staring," Felix says flatly, although his face is a cherry colour.
"I'm staring at someone I love," Dimitri answers sweetly. "Why wouldn't I stare at you, Fe?"
"It's annoying." Felix blushes even more.
"But you love it when it's me who does it," Dimitri says sweetly. "And you know that I sometimes cannot help it." Dimitri's gaze is so loving, gentle and Felix has to admit, he is kind of pretty when he's mesmerised. But he wouldn't say that out loud – he doesn't say his most outward feelings to begin with.
Ever since... that day, Felix has despised people staring at him with judging eyes. But Dimitri is different. Entirely different.
And if only the rest of the world would shut their eyes just so Felix can have Dimitri all to himself.
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saintgautier · 7 months
sunset | m!yurileth
The sun is a gorgeous mixture of pinks and oranges, the view from the Goddess Tower so breathtakingly stunning that Yuri finds it hard to believe it's real. And he thought that last night would have been his very last sunset, what with the war and the destruction the Immaculate One had caused, burning Fhirdiad into ashes, buildings disintegrating and townspeople suffering from the legendary beast's wrath.
But Yuri no longer has to fear the end – instead, he looks forward to his ending. He doesn't even know if this is his ending, or if it's the beginning of a new chapter in his new life. He's eagerly welcomed a new dawn from the very beginning, five years ago. He retrieves a small ring from his pocket and stares at it, the sun's reflecting making the gem on top sparkle.
"Who are you waiting for?" comes a smooth, familiar voice. Yuri quickly hides the ring and turns away from the sunset. Byleth stands there with a gentle expression, one that Yuri has a hard time figuring out. Yuri's heart skips a beat. Byleth is even prettier in the sun's rays casting down onto him like he's the Goddess herself.
"Oh, no one in particular," Yuri says sweetly, stepping away from the balcony and over to the Professor. "Just someone I've been wanting to speak to for a little while."
"Who would that be?" asks Byleth, curious.
"Well, who are you waiting for, Professor?" Yuri asks sweetly.
Byleth blushes, glancing down to the floor. He reaches into his pocket, and retrieves a beautiful ring. He presents it to Yuri. "Someone I've loved for a long time."
Yuri stares at the ring. He laughs. "That's so cute, Professor. Care to tell me more?"
"Take the ring. Please." Byleth says, insistent. The sun's orange rays begin to fade into a purple colour. A colour that's just as pretty as Yuri himself. "It's for you."
"For... me?" Yuri's voice is now barely above a whisper, surprised. "Huh. You never cease to surprise," he says quietly as he retrieves his own ring from his pocket. "Because look what I have."
Byleth tilts his head to the side. "So... we're both proposing?"
Yuri laughs sweetly, blushing again. "Of course. Take this ring, Professor."
"Is it for me?"
"Who else would it be for? Just take the damn ring," Yuri teases. "And... and take my love alongside it, too."
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saintgautier · 7 months
honey sweet | m!yurileth
There is only one person Yuri loves.
And there is only one Byleth – one person who can make Yuri feel so many different, lovely emotions. That same Byleth kisses Yuri so sweetly, pressing himself against the shorter male, in between their kisses whispering sweet words of reassurance and love and affection. Everything that Yuri needs in his life, Byleth is the one. Byleth is everything; more than what Yuri needs, actually.
And Yuri can't argue with a man crafted by the Goddess herself, when Byleth expresses his reciprocation, his love for Yuri is returned and something he truly feels, and even cherishes.
The sweet, gentle moans Byleth makes when Yuri's tongue slips into the other male's mouth are just urging Yuri to continue. Any time Byleth makes any sort of noise of satisfaction, it's all the more for Yuri to indulge in Byleth. Make him his. His one and only Byleth.
Byleth is the first to break from the kiss with his shaky, laboured breaths, as he gazes into Yuri's pretty lavender hues – and Yuri stares back, enamoured. "Well?" he says sweetly, his voice laced with innocence that he loves to feign, just to rile his pretty professor up. "Aren't you going to kiss me more?"
"The things you make me do," Byleth says in return, gently running his dainty fingers through Yuri's lavender coloured hair.
"I didn't make you do anything, Professor," Yuri smiles sweetly again. "You did this on your own."
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saintgautier · 7 months
my goddess | m!yurileth
"You mean... you've fused with the Goddess Sothis?" Yuri asks softly as he stares into Byleth's pretty eyes, the taller male lacking any expression. "All this time, you were the embodiment of the Goddess?"
Yuri still can't believe what – who – he's seeing. Byleth is so beautiful, and when he watched him cut out of the darkness with the Sword of the Creator, not only did his hair colour change but his strength did, too.
It's very evident that Byleth is telling the truth. No one can explain his change of appearance or where he obtained such strength to cut out of Zaharas and its darkness. So maybe it is a blessing from the Goddess... or that Byleth is her. Just... a vessel.
Still, he's beautiful. Still, he's Yuri's Professor.
"Does that change anything about us?" Byleth asks quietly, and for a split second, Yuri can see Byleth's eyes sparkling in curiosity. "It's still me, though."
"Nothing will change how much I love you," Yuri says, and he holds his Professor closely, almost centimetres away from kissing him. He wonders if Byleth will kiss any differently, or even–
Byleth seems to know where this is going, and he reciprocates, kissing Yuri's pretty, glossy lips. Yuri's heart rate skyrockets – sure, he wants Byleth, but he's surprised Byleth wants him. Yuri reciprocates and returns the kiss with equal passion, and when they break away moments later, Yuri is smiling so sweetly – and Byleth, oh, he is so pretty, with his face red as a pretty rose.
All this time, Byleth has been one with the Goddess – the same Goddess that Yuri prays to nightly. Whether Byleth himself is the Goddess or a different kind of god, he'll always find himself worshipping his pretty boyfriend.
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saintgautier · 7 months
scar | sylvix
based on my crest au inspired by my bf's own crest au - felix has both the crest of fraldarius and minor crest of flames. cw for past experimentation and flashbacks.
Felix can't breathe – all around him are people, those same people who've tortured him and ruined him and everything about him. He used to be such a promising swordsman, honing the blade with such elegance and skill that many of his peers admired him, and some even wished to challenge him. He was so loved by the Professor, too, and they often would find time to duel in between classes and just the closeness Felix had felt around him made him want to get better.
But here he is. Here he is right now. Shaking. Unable to breathe. Surrounded by mysteriously cloaked figures, readying their magic and tools and whatever else they use to torture their helpless victims with. One of them even says his name. "Felix," says one. "Felix? Hey! Can you take a deep breath for me?"
Odd. Since when did any of those people have empathy? Felix continues shaking, his breathing heavy and laboured. "Get the fuck away from me," he snaps, shoving one of the figures out of the way. "Get out!"
"Felix, calm down," says the other person. "It's me, Fe. It's Sylvain."
No it's not. He sounds like Sylvain, looks like Sylvain but he's one of them – there's no way that's truly Sylvain. But the figure who resembles Felix's best friend hugs him, and Felix wants to fight. Yet he can't. The touch is warm and gentle, unlike anything Felix has had in so long.
"Fe, listen," the other male says. "You're just having a flashback. You're safe right now. It's the 17th of the Pegasus Moon, Fe. You're in your dorm room in Garreg Mach. No one's gonna hurt you."
Felix's breathing slows down a little. "Sylvain...?" he says quietly. The mages disappear from Felix's vision, the noises of their magic and technologies fading along with. And Sylvain is here. He's holding Felix in a gentle embrace.
Sylvain brushes Felix's long white hair away from his face. "Yeah, I got you, Fe," the other male says soothingly. "You're not back there. You're never going back there for as long as I have you."
Felix lets out a shaky sigh. "Syl... I could've stopped them."
"We're gonna stop them this time," Sylvain says, reassuring. "I swear to you, I'll cut every one of them down."
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saintgautier · 8 months
similar | dimilix
Dimitri isn't supposed to go near the water, especially so late at night when the hunters are out on the prowl. But something about the beautiful waves crashing along the beach, the gorgeous blanket of stars in the sky and the captivating scenery of the beach reel him in - pun not intended. And he cannot count how many times his father has warned him not only about the humans, but also mermaids.
Mermaids, according to Lambert, are mischievous songstresses who lure unknowing men into the sea, where they drown to their deaths. Fortunately Dimitri is immortal - he doesn't have to worry about dying from a mermaid's hypnotism. He's never heard a mermaid sing before, only having Googled videos but the quality is usually piss poor. Dimitri, as much as Lambert protests, wants to hear a mermaid. Scratch that - he wants to see a mermaid.
He draws nearer and nearer towards the edge of the beach, water splashing onto his shoes. He can hear the faint sound of harmonising, a quiet and gentle voice at that. Dimitri doesn't feel the need to step further into the water - he wants to. He just wants to hear more, and with the waves crashing it makes for a beautiful rhythm.
It's not too long until Dimitri finds himself a little ways from the beach. He notices a shadowed figure sat atop a rock, which is where the beautiful voice comes from. Dimitri's heart begins to beat loudly. His night vision isn't perfect, but he can make out just how beautiful the person - the mermaid is. He stops harmonising and glances down at Dimitri. "The hell are you looking at?"
"O-Oh," Dimitri stammers, blushing. "I apologise, I was just... I heard a voice..."
"And?" the mermaid crosses his arms. "If you're here to stare at me, you may as well start walking further into the ocean and never come ashore again."
"I didn't mean to intrude," the blond vampire smiles nervously. "Are you a mermaid?"
"No, I'm Aqua-Man and I live in a pineapple under the sea. Of course I'm a mermaid. So what are you then? Do you just ask random people if they're mermaids or not?"
"I apologse, I meant no offence!" Dimitri raises his hands in defense. "I'm a vampire, actually. So perhaps we're alike in some ways." He smiles even more, his small fangs disclosed. "A-Anyway, my name is Dimitri."
"Felix," the mermaid says, flicking his tail nervously. "And pretend you didn't hear a thing out of me. I don't sing. I have never sung in my life, and whatever you hear about mermaids is a myth." He pouts. "How are mermaids and vampires alike in the first place?"
"Well... can mermaids leave the ocean?"
"Not exactly."
"Vampires can't go into the sun. There's one thing we have in common." Dimitri smiles warmly. "And vampires are often hunted by humans."
"Same with mermaids. Humans are so relentless," Felix pouts even more, sticking his tongue out childishly. "I hate humans."
"Me too. So, we do have a bit in common, Felix. Isn't that interesting?"
A shrug from the mermaid. "I guess."
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saintgautier · 8 months
body | felix & dimitri
trigger warning for self-deprecation, past abuse, stockholm syndrome. this is a vent piece. don't like, don't read.
Felix can't tell what time it is, when time is no longer moving for him. Every day it feels like that night - the night Dimitri took him away from his friends; the night Dimitri swore to the Goddess that he'd kill Felix if he tried to escape. The very same night Dimitri made Felix both extremely afraid and yet so loyal. In the beginning Felix had screamed and even stabbed Dimitri, trying to pry him off.
It's been four (five? six? Felix no longer counts.) months since that night. Felix doesn't break so easily. It takes a lot to beat him down, and he can tell that at that point in time Dimitri humours Felix - each time Felix had tried to fight back, Dimitri enjoyed his fearful look, his panicked cries. Now, Felix is silent as the grave. Maybe Dimitri will get bored and let Felix go. Then again, that's wishful thinking. Dimitri would never let go of his prize.
It's not like lions listen to sheep in the first place.
Normally when Felix is alone, he thinks a lot about his decisions from five years ago. Had he not followed the Professor, he'd be out of here, free to do what he wants with no chains to restrict him. Sure, Dimitri has given Felix free reign of the palace, but it's not like Felix is allowed anywhere else. The furthest he can go is the palace gardens. Even there, there's no hope of escape.
Every night, before Dimitri had truly extinguished the flame inside Felix's heart, Felix would fight to escape. He even killed a few bastard guards trying to bring him back into the dungeons. Had he not been so stupid, he would take recluse in the Empire somewhere.
Well, Felix is stupid. At least, that's what Dimitri tells him. And Dimitri loves Felix. Why did it hurt so much, being called names by someone who claims to love Felix? He sees nothing but a body full of scars, bruises and cuts - Felix has grown to hate reflections. He can't even look at himself in the mirror in the morning, seeing that hideous, unrecognisable person staring back with bloodshot eyes.
And maybe Dimitri is right - maybe Felix is nothing more than a body.
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saintgautier · 8 months
blur | felix hugo fraldarius
Felix has no other option. The only way out is to fight, but he can barely stand on his two feet. Linhardt is passed out, Mercedes is tending to Annette who's broken her arm and Edelgard is nowhere in sight.
Felix's vision is a complete blur as he stabs an incoming Kingdom soldier with his sword, the blood seeping through her clothes spilling onto the silver blade. The rain and mud mix with the crimson liquid, spilling to the ground.
Felix's breathing is heavy, laboured at best as he prepares to defend himself from more oncoming Kingdom and Seiros knights. He's trained for this very day beneath the Professor – he has Byleth to thank for shaping him into the man he is today – stronger, faster, more durable despite his struggles to keep standing.
A Seiros gremory casts Death F on Felix, the swordsman collapsing with a loud thud, his back striking the muddy ground. The last thing Felix sees before he passes out is a shadow looming over him. He hopes – prays that it's Edelgard or an ally of his.
"Traitor." Felix recognises that voice, yet his vision fades from blurred to black.
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saintgautier · 8 months
unchanged | dimilix
Dimitri can't tell the difference between what love and obsession – he claims to love Felix, he claims that he'll do anything for his "beloved". But Dimitri is blind to the world; he's blind to what Felix wants and needs and feels.
Felix never really understood love – he only thought of it as a distraction from real world problems, that falling in love won't fix your mistakes or help you feel better about the past. That's what he said to the Professor the day they met in the Goddess Tower five years ago. That love is meaningless if it lacks power.
Well, Felix wishes he could take those words back. He wishes that instead of Dimitri, he'd fallen for the Professor instead. And to be fair, Felix has always loved Byleth. More than anyone. It just took him a long time to realise what his feelings were – outside of a sparring partner, outside of a tutor.
Except the Professor is gone. He hasn't been seen since the end of the war, disappearing elsewhere into the world. He'd left Felix behind with an unchanged man. Dimitri hasn't changed, even with his promises – he's a manipulator, a boar at best. He hides behind that pretty face, when he's truly ugly on the inside.
No one believed Felix when he tried to point it out. No one believes Felix now.
Dimitri loves Felix to death, to where no one has seen Felix for a very long time, assuming he'd died or left or just doesn't come around. Dimitri doesn't see Felix as a human but as a pet, a trophy to keep with him at all times. Dimitri loves the thrill of Felix's fears.
There's no loving an unchanged man.
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saintgautier · 8 months
mystery | ramugen
Sure, Ramuda looks innocent with his cute demeanor and his candy pink hair, bright blue eyes and spontaneous outfits. But Gentaro knows a devil when he sees one. Many of the antagonists he's penned about compare not to Ramuda, however. It makes the novelist uneasy when Ramuda giggles in such a sickeningly sweet pitch, and when he leans up against Gentaro singing his name, "Gen-pyooon~!" whenever he needs something.
It's not that Gentaro distrusts Ramuda or finds him suspicious. Okay, perhaps that in itself is a lie - Ramuda is very suspicious. As an ex-member of The Dirty Dawg, of course his past is shrouded with mystery. And when Gentaro attempted to do some digging of his own, Ramuda had pulled him aside, using his sickeningly sweet voice laced with honey, asking to speak with Gentaro alone "for a mo", as he put it.
And after that last confrontation, Gentaro had decided it's best to keep his hands to himself - there is no point in dirtying his hands for the sake of discovery. Maybe it's too early to begin his search for clues as to who Ramuda truly is, what he is hiding behind that cutesy smile and cheery laugh.
Gentaro has had many sleepless nights ever since Ramuda pulled him to the side. "You're not so innocent yourself, Gentaro," the shorter male had said, circling Gentaro like a shark in deep water. "Don't play little word games with me. Save it for the next division battle." When his octaves dropped, Gentaro couldn't get that dark stare out of his head.
Ramuda, Shibuya's cutest fashion designer with pretty candy pink hair and joyous baby blue eyes, is the most mysterious person Gentaro has ever met - and Gentaro has spoken with and written about very strange people. Perhaps Ramuda will star in his next novel.
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