sams-fluffadise · 5 months
ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to be a nervous young man
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sams-fluffadise · 8 months
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sams-fluffadise · 10 months
My favourite thing about tumblr is that I have been following John Green for years (yes, including the books) but to this day could not have pictured what him saying "motherfucker" would look like. But now he has. Right here on this shithole of a platform.
(Though I still cannot imagine him actually saying it aloud.)
So many very kind people have responded to my last tumblr post by saying, "I never read your books, but I like your work on YouTube and tumblr."
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
I'd be a little sad if it wasn't.
I love you
That's insanely gay of you
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
Hey there, it has been a while!
Life has been a bit odd lately, not necessarily in a bad way, but certainly in a stressful way. Thus I kinda fell off the face of the earth, at least fandom-wise.
But this is not a note saying, "I am back." It's just saying,"I am still alive, and I will be back. Please do not forget about me!"
In the meantime, you can find me over at @justrebloggingfellas , where I (as you might have guessed) mostly reblog.
And since a few weeks now, you can also find me at @everyday-aesthetic101, where I upload pictures of things I see every day to romanticize life a little. Though I am travelling rn, so there will be a good bit of that too.
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
I am currently in Reykjavik, at the (advertised as such) best hot dog stand in the world, freezing my ass off. And what do I see at I turn around?
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Pizza John really has made it all over the world, huh?
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
As a celebration of the last few hours of fest, I made a James Bond (Craig-era) drinking game!!
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
Queering the Characters Day
I already posted my head canons about all our favourite Bond characters last year. This year I decided to write a little drabble based on the hcs of Mallory and R!
The door to Mallory’s office closed softly and as he looked up, he saw R standing in the doorway, arms crossed and a determined expression on their face.
Usually this was one of M’s favourite people to visit his office. Though admittedly any person visiting him this late into the evening either was a pleasant surprise or brought news of catastrophe.
But today, M would rather have the PM barge through his door than have R stand there, showing all the tell-tale signs of a forth-coming talk.
The two of them had gotten into a bit of a tiff yesterday and the young boffin had left his house in a huff.
For a few moments, both of them were quiet, simply looking at each other, until R broke the eye-contact by checking her watch.
“We had reservations at 8.”
Mallory looked down as well, avoiding the gaze that was once again on him. He pretended to fiddle with a few papers for a moment. Then tried to swallow the growing lump in his throat silently. Though he was not successful and for a moment it seemed like the sound filled out the entire room.
“I-” He took another deep breath. “I wasn’t sure if you still wanted me there.”
R sighed and within a single moment all of their resolve to be mad at this ridiculous man went right out the window.
“Oh, Gareth.” She walked around the table and leaned against the edge right next to where his hands were clutching a sheet of paper.
“Just because we fought, doesn’t mean-“ They gathered his hands in theirs and made sure to look him right in the eye for this part. “Doesn’t mean, I don’t love you anymore. Alright?”
Mallory held their gave for one, two, three, four, all of five seconds, as if trying to determined how honest they were being, before all the tension seemed to leave his body. Clearly happy with what he saw, he nodded.
“I love you too,” he added quietly.
It was hardly the first time he had said it, but it still send a shive down R’s spine.
In the early days, admitting even the tiniest silver of a feeling had already send Gareth down a dark spiral. To him feelings were weaknesses, that could be exploited and used against him. Not just by his enemies but by the ones he loved as well.
R swore if she ever got her hands on Mallory’s wife, the woman was as good as dead.
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
Scavenger Hunt Item #18
Create a table-top-game character sheet for a Bond character.
As a DM myself, I went for the classic: Dungeons and Dragons and created a character sheet for one of my personal favourites: Craig-era Bill Tanner!
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I chose to make him a cleric, his “deity” being Queen and Country. A healer as a supporter, who does the most important background work and never gets enough credit just seemed right for Tanner. Furthermore, I have never met a cleric that was not a mom-friend and to me Tanner just screamer mom-friend who so desperately needs a break.
The focus of his skills mostly lies around being very perceptive. Tanner sees and hears absolutely everything.
I also have a bit of a personal head canon that he is shite at lying, which is the reason he never made it into the field. That went into his skills and personality as well.
And the fact that he has a gun (probably hidden away in an ankle holster) is just common sense. I mean, look at whom he surrounds himself with.
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
Headcanon Day!
Okay July 1st started literally seventeen minutes ago but I need to get this off my chest.
Everyones favourite kind of Take-Out:
Bond - Will generally order just about anything Q wants. Bust is secretly a basic bitch (aka Burger lover)
Q - Thai, you'd have to pry his Tom Kha Gai out of his cold dead hands
Moneypenny - Absolutely obsessed with sushi, she has tested every restaurant in the general London area and has a list rating her favourite dishes at all of them
Mallory - Italian, mostly pasta with some kind of creamy sauce (mushroom and spinach are his favourite)
Tanner - Look, he is an amazing cook and loves to try out exotic and new things... but sometimes your tummy really just wants pizza
Mansfield - Greek although only when she can be entirely sure the only one who will smell the enormous amounts of garlic on her breath is her husband.
I am now absolutely starving, anyway, good night.
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
Intro Post: 0015
Hi, I’m Double-Oh-Fifteen! (Aka Felix)
Just last year, I was on Team Villain, but what can I say? With the right incentive I’ll work for just about everyone.
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Pronouns: he/they
Favourite Caviar:  Sevruga
Favourite Cocktail: Whiskey on the rocks, he would say out loud. Caipirinha, he would think to himself.
The last gadget I brought back to Q branch in one piece: Bond gives us agents such a bad rep. Not all of us are as careless with the beautiful little knick knacks Q gives us as 007. That being said, the smart glasses I received for my last mission were definitely stolen, they are absolutely gone, without a question. 
Least favourite mission: Classified. 
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
Authors have been revealed!
What a fantastic remix---thank you to everyone who participated, including our wonderful writers, readers, and commenters! Remixes are only possible because our writers are so willing to be careful and creative with each others' work, and this exchange truly embodies what we love about the MI6 Cafe community. <3
Our 2023 Riverhouse Remix fics include...
Revenge (Is a Dish Best Served Yellow) (1869 words) by Celyan for Moons_of_mercury
You’ll Breathe (Again) (11096 words) by Prismatic Bell for Samanthahirr
Best Suited (2841 words) by Samanthahirr for oldestcharm
Where to Start (767 words) by Samanthahirr for Celyan
Petite Douceur (1101 words) by Emilia_Silverova for Anyawen
With You I’m Feeling Something (917 words) by Oliver Mansfield (lowkeynostalgic) for Sams_fluffadise
The Other Side (817 words) by moon_of_mercury for Emilia_Silverova
It is as they always say (1054 words) by Sams_fluffadise for Reallyneedsalife
Broken Habits (1588 words) by Linorien for Prismatic Bell
Flux (1881 words) by Anyawen for Linorien
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
It’s you friendly neighbor fanfic author here. In the light of this apparent new trend of people feeding unfinished fics to AI to get an “ending,” and some people even talking about “blanket permissions,” let me just say this:
That is my anti-permission.
Thank you for your attention.
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
Cheese doesn't need any of the crew to adopt him, he is getting his brother back and thus his family back
I see you, I hear you. But consider... Both Cheese and Spaulding are so deeply traumatised by their parents and everything that happened to them.
Jack, putting a hand on little Cheese shoulder after a long day, saying "I am proud of you." Cheese would burst out into tears.
Myrtle, silently casting some kind of protection spell on Cheese before combat. Only later does he notice that some attacks just seem to bounce of him and something inside him breaks a little bit. Later, when they are alone, he gives her a hug and then scurries off SO FAST.
Marcid tries his very best to explain all this ship-owning-buisness to little Cheese, who doesn't even know economy 101 and at some point, Cheese's head just drops back and he us fast asleep after hours of doing this. With a deep sigh, Marcid picks the boy up and just deposits him in his bed, throwing a blanket on him. Cheese wakes up in the morning, pulls his knees to his chest and just weeps.
So, yeah, Cheese is close to grown up and has his brother, but I refuse to believe that he (and his bro) don't deserve to do some healing and to have some positive experiences with parental figures.
Oh, also, since they theoretically don't have a home except for the ship anymore, they absolutely stay at Gold Gardens while in Leviathan. Having some fun under the watchful eyes of Garthy and Jack.
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
I only ever feel like writing poetry when I am (1) so overwhelmed with sadness, I can't even manage to cry, or (2) and I am so full of happiness, not even squealing and jumping could express my emotions.
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sams-fluffadise · 1 year
Waking up in cold sweat:
If Pib switches from boots to sandals, instead of puss in boots, he'll be puss in sandals... short Pis.
Baba Yaga would be so proud.
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