sapphic-bnha · 3 years
𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝟱 (5/12/2021)
golden rings (midnight x gn!reader)
genre: romance, slight angst
word count: 1,017 + 5,687 characters
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Today was a big day.
You and your girlfriend, Nemuri Kayama (or also known by her hero name, Midnight) had booked an expensive date at a local restaurant and currently, you were driving Nemuri to said restaurant, nervous as hell.
Tonight was the night you would propose.
As usual, your loving girlfriend looked glamorous: her hair was tied up in a flowy bun, strands of hair gently shaping her cheeks– she was wearing black nail polish and thick red lipstick with blush adorning her cheeks, making her stunning complexion sparkle more than usual. She really lived up to her hero name. Her hair reminded you of the countless galaxies floating around during this present moment, her eyes reminded you of the dark void she would often pull you out of whenever she would laugh; her skin reminded you of the moon, pale and perfect, with pores and freckles to make her even more untouchable.
You really pulled a girlboss.
You were trying hard to ignore the burning sensation in your cheeks– Nemuri didn’t really notice your nervous expression, since she was too busy applying mascara at the moment.
Your eyes flickered from her to the road, biting your lip as you thought of something to say.
“Say, Nemuri, do you remember the, uh, day you asked me out?”
The pro hero smirked and moved her tiny pocket mirror closer to her face as she cautiously applied eyeliner.
“Of course I do, Y/N. How could I forget? You were so shy– it was so adorable.”
The stars glittered above you both as you finally arrived at your destination. You hurried out of the car as fast as you could to clumsily open Nemuri’s car door, which she giggled at in return as she took your hand.
You led your girlfriend inside the restaurant and quickly found your seats, opening the menus present at your table.
You two were sitting beside a large, circular window where you could see the outside scenery, where you were planning on taking her after you two ate.
“You know, Y/N, you really are beautiful.”
The two of you had been dating for three years and yet you couldn’t help but feel time stop whenever you felt her eyes boring into you, a sincere compliment passing her soft, velvet lips.
You smiled awkwardly in response. “You as well, Nemuri. You’re… You look… You look really nice tonight.”
A look of adoration seemed to be permanent on Nemuri’s face whenever she looked at you. It gave you butterflies– you felt like you do anything when she looked at you like that.
You and Nemuri engaged in conversation as you two were waiting for the waiter to arrive at your table, going over topics such as favorite childhood memories, the possibility of a future family (which made you nervously look away), and of course, the current gossip floating around Musutafu.
Multiple laughs were exchanged from the both of you, sparks no doubt flying around you both. Despite being together for a long time, the spark never seemed to die out.
You were eternally grateful to have someone like her.
You would really hate it if you lost her.
Midnight had ordered suppon, tempura, and sake, while you ordered what you usually ate whenever you went out to luxurious restaurants like this.
Nemuri took a sip from her glass, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. “Y/N, we’ve been together for quite a while and…” Her eyes anxiously flickered to her purse for a split moment– she thought she was being sneaky but nothing she did ever went unnoticed by you.
“N-Nemuri, can we take a step outside?” You quickly asked, your hands slamming on the table, resulting in the dishes clanking loudly and suspicious glances from other people sitting at surrounding tables.
This caught her off guard but she smiled warmly at you as she nodded. “Of course, dear.”
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
You two went outside and the scenery was breathtaking: snow piled the floor like a comfortable blanket, frosting the water over with an icy glaze; there was a stone bridge going over the iced over stream, with lanterns hanging off of the tree branches, Fairy lights decorated the now bare trees, and on top of it all, you had the most mesmerizing person you’ve ever met with you.
You leaned over the bridge while Nemuri had her back pressed against it. Your hand was tightly clasped on your handbag, nervously peering over the edge.
Three years.
The both of you had shared an unfaltering romance for three years. You felt bad about interrupting Nemuri’s proposal, but you just had to do this.
She’s always stood up for you, spoke up when you felt uncomfortable around people around you; she made you feel at ease. She was funny, short-tempered, motherly to the students at U.A. and civilians, and most of all, she loved you.
And you loved her back.
“Nemuri…” you began, a smile gracing your face.
She looked at you cautiously, a confused expression on her face.
“I’m sorry for interrupting you earlier but, I, uh…”
Your eyes flickered to hers, and you melted at the sight of being able to see the lantern’s blinding light reflecting in her eyes.
You took out the ring case from your handbag in a quick, graceful movement and got down on one knee, blushing profusely. “Will you marry me?”
Once again, you could feel time stop as you analyzed her reaction. Confusion melted into surprise and melted into tears sprawling down her face, beaming at you.
“Yes! I will! I was hoping I could’ve proposed first, but-”
She cut off her own sentence as she swept you into a tight hug, burrowing her head into your shoulder.
"It looks like we bought the same golden ring as well. Great minds think alike, huh?" A giggle vibrated your shoulder, and you couldn't help but giggle as well.
You thought you two would have a never-ending future, full of excitement and the possibility of raising a family (even if it’s just cats and dogs).
You ended up wishing that time would’ve stopped right there.
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A/N: I haven't proofread it, so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes or lack of details. I really enjoyed writing this, however, and I hope the readers do as well.
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sapphic-bnha · 3 years
𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝟰 (4/12/2021)
letters to santa (nejire hado x gn!reader)
genre: romance, fluff
word count: 884 words + 4,986 characters
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“Dear Santaaaaa–”
You and Nejire were comfortably laying on the floor in your bedroom, pillows and blankets scattered around you both. You two were having a sleepover on a Saturday night, both weirdly energized from the school day you both had earlier.
It was both of you guys’ first year at U.A. While Nejire was in the hero course, you were put in the General Education course. You didn’t really mind it that much and you actually found it kind of cool, since you didn’t really have a quirk.
Nejire and you had originally met in secondary school and while you were extremely shy while Nejire was outgoing and confident, something kind of clicked between the both of you. Nejire was the extroverted, bubbly friend that would definitely go up to a McDonalds employee and tell them that you didn’t order any pickles on your hamburger while you awkwardly stand behind her, embarrassed.
You were laying on your back, your head resting on a pillow while Nejire was sprawled out on her stomach, her feet kicking as she held a pen in her hand, a piece of paper laid in front of her.
“...you are a hairy, dumb bitch…”
You both were writing to Santa, but with a twist. You weren’t asking for any gifts; instead, you were basically just calling him out on his creepy bullshit. You had already finished your letter so now you were listening to Nejire voice her sentences out loud.
“How can you eat over a million of cookies in one night? You need to get your ass to the hospital immediately,” Nejire voiced out loud as she scribbled on her notebook paper, grinning mischievously.
Hearing Nejire cuss is one thing you didn’t really expect from her when you both first met. She was always a good student, getting good grades and listening to the teachers and getting along well with her classmates. However, as she got older, she slowly melted into her rebellious phase and expanded her vocabulary.
“Yes queen, call his ass out.”
“You literally stalk children to make sure they’re being nice. That’s weird as fuck. You visit over a billion homes to give the children gifts– how the hell do you know where they live? You’re a creepy old guy who can literally never seem to fucking die,” Nejire continued, her voice contrasting greatly to the words she was writing. Her voice was like a dove’s coo, very gentle and high-pitched.
To anyone else, this would’ve shocked them greatly to hear Nejire speak ‘foul language.’ But this was literally just another casual Saturday night.
“And don’t get me started on the slavery of elves.”
You rolled your eyes as you let out a loud, ugly laugh from her long rant about the mistreatment of elves.
God, you really liked her.
You both were kind of childish around each other. There was just an overwhelming connection between you both– sparks seemed to fly around you two yet you both tried to ignore the tension slowly growing between you both over the years. It was easy to laugh around her, finding things funny that other people wouldn’t. It felt nice to finally let go of daily responsibilities and just be yourselves.
“A sincere ‘fuck you’ to both you and your hot milf wife, Nejire Hado.”
You turned onto your side to face her, propping your head up with a hand. “Nejire, don’t be surprised when you find coal in your stocking,” you joked, a grin sprawling across your face.
Nejire only shook her head in response, keeping a completely straight face as she placed the letter in an envelope. “I think after this, Santa Claus will be too scared to even show up on my roof,” she responded.
You laughed in reply, feeling nothing but pure adoration for your best friend. If there was one thing you wanted for Christmas, it would definitely be her. She was so funny, yet immature, and so creative, and so wonderful, and so aesthetically pleasing, and so–
Nejire had suddenly gotten up to get a lighter from her purse, a mischievous glint in her eyes. You eyed her suspiciously, unsure on what she was gonna do next.
Is she gonna light my house on fire-
She suddenly lit the envelope on fire, watching as its embers tore the letter apart. It eventually just fell into ash, and your mouth was gaped open the entire time as she literally dropped the envelope on your floor.
Luckily nothing got caught on fire, but you were panicking the entire time.
“Nejire, why did you–”
“Santa has to be able to receive the letter so I sent it to the fiery pits of hell. I have a theory that he’s a demon.”
You sighed and laughed, your hand resting against your forehead.
She can definitely be dumb sometimes but that’s just something you’ve become used to over the years.
And you could definitely get used to spending the rest of your life with her. Maybe you won’t confess your feelings for a longgg time, but nevertheless, just spending time with her (minus the scare of her burning up an envelope) was enough for you.
And maybe if Santa Claus wasn’t offended by you both, he would give you the chance to date your best friend.
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sapphic-bnha · 3 years
𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝟯 (3/12/2021)
ice skating (momo yaoyorozu x gn!reader)
genre: fluff, romance
word count: 620 words, 3,370 characters
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Momo had finally got over the cold that had been plaguing her for the past week and you both perked up immediately at the idea of going ice skating together.
Of course, you both made sure to dress warmly to avoid either of you getting yet another cold.
As you were lacing up your pearly white ice skates, it suddenly dawned on you out of nowhere that you literally don’t know how to ice skate. You immediately put your face in your hands at the realization, groaning.
How did I just now realize?
Momo always complimented you on your intelligence and sharp wit but right now, all of that seemed like complete bullshit. Momo noticed how your mood abruptly changed, and she was by your side in 0.02 seconds, a worried look creasing her face.
“Y/N, are you alright? Are you in any pain? Oh no– are you sick, my love? I can carry you to your dorm room if you’d like.” A hand was pressed against her cheek as she concerningly looked down at you sitting on the park bench.
You couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at her antics. “I’m fine, Momo, don’t worry. I just… remembered I don’t know how to ice skate.”
“Oh. Is that all?”
You nodded in response. “Yeah, I’m really sorry, Momo,” you apologized, your eyes momentarily flickering to the snow squishing your feet.
“Don’t apologize, Y/N! Would you like me to show you how to ice skate?”
You blushed at her question before shrugging, trying to act cool about it. “I mean, if you want.”
“Perfect! Let me put on my ice skates and we can start whenever you’d like.”
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
“Momo, I’m nerVouUUusSs-” Your sentence got cut off as you let out a very unflattering sound as you staggered towards your girlfriend, whose hands were very tightly clasped around yours to ensure that you wouldn’t fall.
Your girlfriend let out a laugh as she basically dragged you around on the ice, your ice skates clinking against the cold solid.
After a few minutes (or what you believed to be a few minutes) of Momo giving you instructions and you almost falling on your face multiple times, you finally kinda got it.
There’s no way in hell you’re letting go of her though.
Momo placed a hand on your waist, another hand entangled in yours as she led you across the ice.
You always knew your girlfriend was pretty, but this was the first time you noticed just how beautiful her eyes were. Her eyes were enough to melt the snow and ice surrounding you both. Her eyes were soft, and yet rough, and were the same color and texture as coal.
As you gazed into your girlfriend’s eyes completely zoned out, it suddenly started snowing out of nowhere but neither of you really cared. You did, however, notice the snowflakes entangling themselves in Momo’s hair and you couldn’t help but laugh before you inhaled a snowflake. Momo’s initial reaction was to panic but she then calmed down after hearing your laugh.
After a few more minutes, you both decided to stop ice skating since it had started to snow and neither of you were wanting to risk getting a cold.
“It sucks we had to stop early,” you commented on your way back to the dorms. Momo nodded in agreement, sighing sadly. “Maybe we can try again tomorrow?” she suggested, looking towards you for your approval.
You quickly nodded your head and pulled the coat you were wearing closer to your body.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
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sapphic-bnha · 3 years
𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝟮 (2/12/2021)
turtle doves (tsuyu asui x gn!reader)
genre: fluff, romance
word count: 848 words + 4,739 characters
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You and your girlfriend, Tsuyu, had agreed to go to the park for your one month anniversary. It may not seem that great of an idea, but the park you two had in mind was actually where Tsuyu had asked you out. You can still vividly remember the scene: you two were underneath the starry lit sky, and as a star had fallen from the heavens before your eyes, Tsuyu grabbed your hands and professed her feelings for you. You could feel time stop in that moment as you quickly accepted her feelings, your heart drumming against your chest as you pulled her into a tight hug, feeling genuinely happy for the first time in forever.
It still honestly makes you blush to this day.
Your hand tightened around Tsuyu’s, and she initially gave you a weird look before giving you one of her iconic closed-eye smiles.
The park was just the same as the day you two had made things official– other than thick piles of snow carpeting the ground and Christmas decorations on almost every tree, things were pretty much the same.
You and Tsuyu sat together on a park bench, your hands still tightly clasped. “It’s really pretty,” you commented, trying to ignore the way your cheeks heated up from the contact with your loving girlfriend.
“Mhm,” she responded. She didn’t sound too thrilled for some reason, which obviously concerned you. You turned your head to scan her facial expression, and all you could see was her staring ahead, her eyes glazed over and a completely neutral expression plastered upon her face.
“Tsuyu,” you began, tightening your grip on her hand (if it was even possible), “is everything-”
Out of nowhere, a sudden flash of white appeared in your peripheral visions, distracting you both. Turning your heads, both on alert, you recognized the flash of white as a turtle dove. You let out a small giggle, glancing at Tsuyu to see her reaction. You noticed how intently focused on the turtle dove she was– her finger was resting on her bottom lip as she readjusted her position to perch on the park bench. Other than her suddenly jerking away her hand from yours to sit more comfortably, it was kind of cute.
A moment later, another turtle dove had glided against the wind towards the other turtle dove before gracefully landing in front of them, their chest puffed out and wings extended outwards to help settle themselves on the ground. Their head started bobbing up and down and let out a very interesting sound, similar to that of an owl’s call.
You stared at the two turtle doves, amused as it dawned on you that you both were witnessing a mating ritual. You glanced back towards Tsuyu to gauge her reaction, and you saw that a small smile had fallen on her face. Seeing her facial expression made you smile as well as you looked back at the turtle doves.
What you assumed to be the female turtle dove had let out a soft coo as she hopped towards the male dove and started grooming his feathers, with the male dove reciprocating her act. You held a hand against your mouth as you stifled a laugh at how oddly cute the couple of doves were.
You looked back at Tsuyu, only to realize that she was now staring at you. “Y/N, you must’ve noticed I was a bit off earlier,” she began. She cleared her throat, her eyes never leaving yours for a split second.
“I… I was nervous. We’ve been dating for a month now, but I felt a bit… weird, kero kero. I was… worried that I might lose you. I really don’t wanna lose you,” she continued, wiping her eyes as she began to tear up.
You immediately grabbed both of her hands and placed them against your chest, smiling widely, your cheeks burning hot despite the winter chilly air. “You will never lose me, Tsu, I promise.” You gingerly swept a strand of her hand behind her ear and Tsuyu readily melted into your touch, adoringly looking at you. You could tell there was more on her mind, but you didn’t want to pressure her into spilling anything she wasn’t comfortable with.
You both stayed like that for a couple of moments before she scooched away from you, looking behind you.
Oh yeah, the turtle doves.
Before you could turn to look, Tsuyu caught your attention.
“Did you know that turtle doves mate for life, kero kero?” she asked, a finger mischievously pressed against her bottom lip, her lips curled into a smile.
Your eyes widened as you caught onto what she was getting at, and you felt a smile grace your facial features as well.
“Turtle doves are supposed to symbolize love, friendship, and good luck,” Tsuyu continued. “I think it might mean something for our relationship, kero kero.” Her eyes flickered back towards you, her smile widening as she met your gaze.
You then put a gloved hand over hers and smirked. “I think we’ll be just fine then.”
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sapphic-bnha · 3 years
𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝟭 (1/12/2021)
dessert (itsuka kendou x gn!reader)
genre: fluff, romance
word count: 855 + 4,917 characters
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Strawberry shortcake, or Japanese Christmas cake regarding the upcoming holiday, is a very popular dish in several Asian countries.
You and Itsuka were both currently standing in the lobby kitchen, running around the small space provided to gather the ingredients you guys needed.
“Cake flour, strawberries, water, vegetable oil, eggs, honey, sugar, vanilla extract, salt… What are we missing, Itsuka?”
“Baking powder?”
You rummaged through the cabinets to find baking powder, and you released a sigh of relief as you grabbed the remaining item and placed it next to the other ingredients.
And thus, the cooking had begun.
You cracked open the egg yolks, letting it delicately fall into the mixing bowl. You then quickly added the sugar, salt, honey, vanilla, and water into the bowl and began to aggressively stir the substances, only stopping when it resulted in a fluffy texture and a pale yellow color.
Meanwhile, Itsuka was busy beating the egg whites to firm peaks and added half of the beaten egg whites to the egg yolk mixture, gently folding it. You and Itsuka gave each other a high five before going immediately back to work, no words exchanged between the two of you.
While Itsuka added the cake flour and baking powder into a fine sieve and sifted it into the mixture, you grabbed the vegetable oil and started mixing it with two tablespoons, or what you estimated to be two tablespoons, of the mixture, gently folding it into the remaining half of the egg white meringue.
Since Itsuka didn’t want you accidentally burning yourself, she took the mixtures in parchment lined cake pans and gingerly positioned them into the oven at 350 degrees F. In the meantime, you had taken the strawberries and began slicing them, dropping them into a bowl afterwards.
While you were both waiting for the spongy material to bake, you were caught off guard as you suddenly heard Itsuka let out one of her charming laughs. “You know, Y/N, I’m a bit surprised that you somehow knew what to do. Last time we tried cooking something, I had to give you instructions the entire time,” she observed, an eyebrow arching as she placed a hand on her hip, the oven mitt gently resting in her palm.
The night before, you had done excessive research on how to make strawberry shortcake. You watched YouTube videos on multiple professional chefs making it, read the recipe on different food sites, and you even tried it out yourself (it didn’t go as smoothly last night as it did today, however).
You let out a nervous chuckle as you scratched the nape of your neck, awkwardly returning Itsuka's stare. “Well, I-”
“Ooh, hold that thought.”
The timer had gone off and Itsuka quickly swooped the oven mitt back on and scooped the pans and deposited them on the counter in very fast and smooth movements.
She began slicing even layers, brushing the sugar syrup on each individual layer.
“Y/N, could you add the whipped cream and strawberry slices?”
You nodded aggressively and immediately dashed to her side, spreading the whipped cream and messily placing the strawberry slices on top of the cake layer. You then sprayed the cream on the strawberry slices, repeating the process until all of the cake layers were used.
Itsuka took the whipped cream and began to frost the sides of the cake, while you took out a few whole strawberries and plopped them onto the top of the cake. You both leaned backwards to analyze your creation, and you were both very satisfied.
Your girlfriend clapped her hands together and looked at you in utter adoration. “Good job, Y/N! I know that you were very nervous but look! You did it perfectly,” she tenderly said, a smile painted on her lips as she leaned over to give you a warm kiss on the cheek.
Her kisses were always so sweet– you could compare it to the spongy, delicious texture of the Christmas cake sat before you both.
“I almost don’t want to eat it,” you commented, despite hunger scorching your stomach as you basically drooled over the cake. Itsuka laughed in response, nodding in understanding. “Well, I think we did really well and I think we shouldn’t leave our creation to waste away, hmm?”
You leaned your head on Itsuka's shoulder, still a bit confused as to how you managed to get a girlfriend as amazing as her.
“Yeah, you have a point there.”
Itsuka cut two slices and placed them on paper plates, happily walking to the seats in the lobby. She placed one of them down on the small wooden table, which you assumed to be yours, and then sat down on a rocking chair, and began to eat her share.
You followed after her and began to eat as well, content with your day with Itsuka.
Itsuka thought of you as the most precious being in the entire universe, and while you do disagree, you can’t help but feel giddy with the way you’re lovingly viewed by your extraordinary girlfriend.
Maybe one day you two will bake strawberry shortcake as an old married couple.
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A/N: I recently started this blog & I found this AMAZING post with Christmas prompts (I reblogged it before this post). I'm gonna have to do a LOT of writing in order to catch up.
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sapphic-bnha · 3 years
25 Days of Christmas Prompts
Turtle Doves
Ice Skating
Letters To Santa
Golden Rings
Peppermint Swirl
Ugly Sweater
Under The Mistletoe
Cookie Exchange
Advent Calendar
Tree Lights
DIY Gift Making
Christmas Playlist
Snow Angel
Secret Santa
Snowball Fight
Candy Cane
Holiday Lights
The Wish List
'Twas The Night Before Christmas
New Traditions
Feel free to use these if you'd like!
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sapphic-bnha · 3 years
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 !
students . . .
heroes . . .
𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 | 𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧 | 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐩 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭
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sapphic-bnha · 3 years
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𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧
probably losing their mind at this point. student, minor. greatly appreciates
animals in knitted sweaters. snakes wearing hats are cool too. miruko # 1 tbh.
name is pluto. they/them. mbti enthusiast. local astrology bitch. hyperfixating
on the owl house all the time. neurodivergent. average markiplier enjoyer.
not really that into bnha anymore tbh but thinks the females (miruko) are pretty
sagittarius rising & libra moon ; INFP 4w3 sx/so IEI
𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐩 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭
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sapphic-bnha · 3 years
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a blog that writes only for female characters. this blog isn't exclusively wlw
despite the name; the reader can also be either nonbinary or male and still
enjoy the content.
- request for only the female characters in bnha
- don't request smut or anything suggestive
- i don't have many rules since i'm very lenient on things but if an ask rubs
me the wrong way, i will not do it.
- i will try to get to almost every ask in a week. however, i am a student and
feel frequently unmotivated to do things so i can't make any promise. i'm
a beginner writer so i'm okay with constructive criticism.
𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐩 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭
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