Probably says alot about me that my main thought about the Corinthian is that he begs on his knees so prettily
That being said, kinda surprised there isn't more fic with that yet....
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Being a chameleon to blend in with others and provide the expected emotions works....until it works too well.
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Falling down the path of my brother but no one cares to notice
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Why must naming things/coming up with names be so hard?
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Feel slightly guilty for disliking our mailman considering I've never really met him, but between the profanity, the thrown packages, the days where I'm pretty sure he just skips our building if it is too cold out, and the misdelivered mail he is just irritating.
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Starting to think our front door is hidden by secret magics that mean only certain people can find it
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If a ghost time-travels back to before they died, does it count as necromancy?
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Do you think if you handed a teen a Polaroid camera, they would shake the picture?
Is it just an instinctual motion to make it develop faster or just something you learned through osmosis cause someone else did it?
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Having a ridiculously large recipe you don't make that often, so you always forget that no- it really will only fit in the largest bowl and even then only as long as you are really careful
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Sometimes I really hate how people responding wildly outside of expectations can completely derail me and I'm stuck trying to reboot and figure out how to respond
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Wtf tumblr, can't you just stop messing (making worse) the formatting for a bit???
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Ok, but seriously though- how the hell did Irene Adler ever come to be considered a main character?
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When you want a specific type of smut only to realize it doesn't seem to exist in the latest fandom you have wandered into....
aka the true struggle of "am I going to actually write this?"
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And of course after I get it fixed and everything sorted out, plus get the first iron...I realize that I screwed up at the start and might as well just restart the world
Super efficient mob grinder is great...until the bottom gets blown up and lets out everything
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Super efficient mob grinder is great...until the bottom gets blown up and lets out everything
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the void is so kind … we are all just yelling at her n she just sits n listens …
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