scrivenette · 4 months
OK, fannish people: I need your help. Does anyone know if there’s fanart somewhere on the web of the characters Aaron Bass and his golem from Supernatural? Their episode is one of my favorites, and I haven’t been able to find anything via Google search. Help me, Tumblr! You’re my only hope!
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scrivenette · 1 year
This has always bothered me, this business of "Biblically accurate angels." This post expresses it perfectly. Thank you, OP! BTW, Castiel is a seraph. They are described as red-winged angels. According to the Book of Isaiah, they had six wings, one pair for flying, another covering the face and the third pair covering the feet. They may have three or four faces (lion, ox, eagle). Let's get this right, shall we?
I won't blame goyim for calling them "biblically accurate angels" because that's the term that most of the internet uses. but it's really incorrect and you probably shouldn't use it.
the most outlandish and crazy depictions of angels that you probably see the most as "biblically accurate angels" are the depictions from the book of Ezekiel. the ones with flames and eyes and animal heads and basically not resembling a human form at all.
but these angels are not from the bible. they're from the Tanakh. the Tanakh came first, and the bible followed. Judaism came first and christianity followed.
I really hate how people have turned the angels that appear in a book that's part of the Tanakh into "christian cryptids". they aren't a xian creation. they're a part of Jewish lore and angelology. so maybe don't call them something that implies they're from a xian text. because they aren't. those types of angels don't appear in the xian bible, and even if they did, they were a part of Judaism long before xianity was invented.
again, I'm not blaming you if you didn't know. if this is your first time hearing about this, I'm glad I taught you something new. I would suggest simply calling those angels by their names, seraphim and cherubim and ophanim. and if you want to learn more, try looking into Jewish angelology.
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scrivenette · 1 year
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On 1/30/23 I was on flight UA510 Newark>Orlando & left my journal in the seat pocket. Includes longhand writing inside, photos (including from SPN VanCon 2022--me w/Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins), editorial cartoons, tweet print-outs, washi tape decorations & is precious to me. My name & address are on inside front cover. I'll reward whoever returns it to me either with $100 to the returner or to their favorite charity (charity, not political cause). Please be kind enough to share this post as far and wide as you can. The notebook is a Cognitive Surplus softcover lined notebook, 6"x9", and looks like the above, with a ribbon glued into it as a bookmark.
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scrivenette · 1 year
SPN S8Ep5: Blood Brother
Last night, for the first time in a very long time, I re-watched “Blood Brother.” I have observations:
1) When Dean and Benny get into the dinghy to go over to Prentiss Island, Benny talks about not knowing what is real, and Dean gives him the “This is real. We are.” speech that Cas gives Dean later in the series. I never realized that before. Oh Dean, your heart breaks for Benny, you want him to succeed in this world, and you want to save him so much!
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2) The purgatory flashback in which Benny and Cas get into an argument is extra funny when Dean says to the two of them, “You two are killing me!” Like, yes, dude, they’re fighting over *you*, their baby; deal with it!
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3) Later in another purgatory flashback, Benny saves Cas and then gives him a hand up off the ground. All I could think was that Benny knows Dean loves Cas and so therefore Benny will save Cas for Dean. And, of course, the opposite is true as well. It’s obviously a moment of recognition for each of them. Dean has no idea what a prize princess he is for them both. 🙂
4) When Dean, Benny, and Cas get to the portal, Dean slices open his and Benny’s forearms and they grip each other tight so that Dean can be raised from Pur . . . gatory. So Benny is to Dean in Purgatory as Cas was to Dean in Hell.
5) I love that, at the end of the episode, if you watch carefully, you can see Benny looking past Andrea, and giving Dean the slightest of nods to kill her. And later, if you weren’t watching carefully, when Benny asks Dean why he did “it”, for a moment, we are set up to think that the Benny is asking Dean why he killed Andrea. But that isn’t it at all, of course. The silent understanding between Dean and Benny is the equal of that between Dean and Cas. It kills me every time.
6) Benny has beautiful blue eyes, just like Cas does. Apparently, Dean has a type.
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scrivenette · 2 years
Immigrant Song
Word has it that folks are emigrating over here from Twitter. I guess we're gonna party like it's 2009 or something. :-) I'm gonna be watching here and seeing how it all goes. But I will probably post a little more here, try to keep things interesting, try to make it worth following me. I'll certainly post some of my birds and my cats and I might even post some destiel WIPs. Keep an eye open!
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scrivenette · 2 years
The ULTIMATE Dean/Benny vid. Loving this!
ok. a little more gasoline. this time i'm drinking it & losing my mind over these two
(deanbenny // Spaces)
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scrivenette · 3 years
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#Suptober21 Day 2: No Vacancy or my interpretation Catching Some Zs at the Motel or maybe 1 room left and it only has 1 bed lol.  I did cheated with this one and reused an old fanart of mine but its cute and I love it 
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scrivenette · 3 years
How to support writers
Buy their books. If you can't afford a print copy, but the e-copy. If you can't afford a book you want, request it through your local library; they're paying for the book so you don't have to. If you want a copy to keep, get it through a used book store. Don't download it "for free." When you buy a book, you're paying for the writer's skill, imagination, effort, hundreds of hours of their lives. You're supporting a publisher, paying for design, typesetting, printing, art, editing proofreading & paper. These are things of value. Don't download books "for free." That means fewer books are sold, which means the publisher may not buy the author's next book so you can enjoy it. When you download a book "for free," you're saying a writer's work has no worth. You're saying you're more important than they are. And though their work adds joy to your life, *their* life, effort, heart isn't worth anything to you. Now for the hard talk: Downloading books "for free" from the internet is stealing, plain and simple. It's the electronic version of shoplifting. It's disrespectful, it's dismissive of the artists you love and, oh yeah, it's illegal. Support writers. Buy books. Be one of the good guys. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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scrivenette · 3 years
Just a gorgeous moment.
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“Don’t Give Up” - Digital Oil Painting
I’m soft for post-kiss forehead touches…
Please see the pinned post at the top of my Tumblr for my links if you’d like to help support me in saving for a safe place to live!
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scrivenette · 3 years
I love @winchester-reload’s work. It’s gorgeous, imaginative, always fresh and full of energy. She’s given me a whole new appreciation for Castiel (and, yes, Misha).
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A few personal favorite Cas portraits from over the years.
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scrivenette · 3 years
This is the kind of meta-analysis I adore: the kind of thing no one notices but rings true and is textually completely supportable. I LOVE this stuff and I love the people who are knowledgeable and observant enough to see it, share it and break it down for others. Wonderful!
The SPN gun meta post no one asked for
One fun tidbit from SPN is that everybody has symbolic guns except Cas. Who doesn’t use guns. (Except for once, but we’re getting to that.)
So, right. Starting in season 1, we see that Dean props the truck of Baby open with a shotgun. The contents are the messiest in the first season. 
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(@deanwasalwaysbi​ has advised me to add the rest under the cut because this post gets kinda long.)
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