#Wanderlust Burger Bar
scrivenette · 2 years
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On 1/30/23 I was on flight UA510 Newark>Orlando & left my journal in the seat pocket. Includes longhand writing inside, photos (including from SPN VanCon 2022--me w/Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins), editorial cartoons, tweet print-outs, washi tape decorations & is precious to me. My name & address are on inside front cover. I'll reward whoever returns it to me either with $100 to the returner or to their favorite charity (charity, not political cause). Please be kind enough to share this post as far and wide as you can. The notebook is a Cognitive Surplus softcover lined notebook, 6"x9", and looks like the above, with a ribbon glued into it as a bookmark.
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/07/08 Mi amiguita quería cenar pescado, bien sardinas o atún, pero los bares del centro estaban llenos. Al final, encontramos una mesa en una terraza al lado del río y pedimos hamburguesa.
My girlfriend wanted to have fish for dinner, either sardines or tuna, but the bars in the center were full. In the end, we found a table on a terrace next to the river and ordered a hamburger.
Google Translation into French: Ma copine voulait manger du poisson pour le dîner, soit des sardines, soit du thon, mais les bars du centre étaient pleins. Finalement, nous avons trouvé une table sur une terrasse au bord de la rivière et avons commandé un hamburger.
Google translation into Italian: La mia ragazza voleva mangiare pesce per cena, sarde o tonno, ma i bar del centro erano pieni. Alla fine trovammo un tavolo su una terrazza vicino al fiume e ordinammo un hamburger.
Google Translation into Portuguese: A minha namorada queria comer peixe ao jantar, sardinha ou atum, mas os bares do centro estavam cheios. Finalmente encontrámos uma mesa numa esplanada junto ao rio e pedimos um hambúrguer.
Google Translation into German: Meine Freundin wollte zum Abendessen Fisch essen, entweder Sardinen oder Thunfisch, aber die Bars im Zentrum waren voll. Schließlich fanden wir einen Tisch auf einer Terrasse am Fluss und bestellten einen Burger.
Google Translation into Albanisch: E dashura ime donte të hante peshk për darkë, ose sardele ose ton, por lokalet në qendër ishin plot. Më në fund gjetëm një tavolinë në një tarracë buzë lumit dhe porositëm një burger.
Google Translation into Armenian: Ընկերուհիս ցանկանում էր ընթրիքին ձուկ ուտել՝ կա՛մ սարդինա, կա՛մ թունա, բայց կենտրոնում բարերը լիքն էին: Ի վերջո, մենք գտանք սեղան գետի մոտ գտնվող պատշգամբում և պատվիրեցինք բուրգեր:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Приятелката ми искаше да вечеря риба, сардини или риба тон, но баровете в центъра бяха пълни. В крайна сметка намерихме маса на една тераса до реката и си поръчахме бургер.
Google Translation into Czech: Přítelkyně chtěla mít k večeři rybu, buď sardinky nebo tuňáka, ale bary v centru byly plné. Nakonec jsme našli stůl na terase u řeky a objednali si burger.
Google Translation into Croatian: Moja djevojka je htjela ribu za večeru, bilo sardine ili tunu, ali lokali u centru bili su puni. Na kraju smo našli stol na terasi uz rijeku i naručili burger.
Google Translation into Danish Min kæreste ville have fisk til aftensmad, enten sardiner eller tun, men barerne i midten var fyldt. Til sidst fandt vi et bord på en terrasse ved floden og bestilte en burger.
Google Translation into Slovak: Moja priateľka chcela mať na večeru rybu, buď sardinky alebo tuniaka, no bary v centre boli plné. Nakoniec sme našli stôl na terase pri rieke a objednali si burger.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Moja punca je hotela za večerjo ribo, bodisi sardele ali tuno, a so bili lokali v centru polni. Končno smo našli mizo na terasi ob reki in naročili burger.
Google Translation into Estonian: Mu sõbranna tahtis õhtusöögiks kala, kas sardiini või tuunikala, aga kesklinnas olid baarid täis. Lõpuks leidsime jõeäärselt terrassilt laua ja tellisime burgeri.
Google Translation into Suomi: Tyttöystäväni halusi syödä illalliseksi kalaa, joko sardiinia tai tonnikalaa, mutta keskustan baarit olivat täynnä. Lopulta löysimme pöydän terassilta joen varrelta ja tilasimme hampurilaisen.
Google Translation into Georgian: ჩემს შეყვარებულს უნდოდა ვახშამზე თევზი, სარდინი ან ტუნა, მაგრამ ცენტრში ბარები სავსე იყო. საბოლოოდ, მდინარის პირას ტერასაზე მაგიდა ვიპოვეთ და ბურგერი შევუკვეთეთ.
Google Translation into Greek: Η κοπέλα μου ήθελε να δειπνήσει ψάρι, είτε σαρδέλα είτε τόνο, αλλά τα μπαρ στο κέντρο ήταν γεμάτα. Τελικά βρήκαμε ένα τραπέζι σε μια βεράντα δίπλα στο ποτάμι και παραγγείλαμε ένα μπέργκερ.
Google Translation into Hungarian: A barátnőm halat szeretett volna vacsorázni, akár szardíniát, akár tonhalat, de a központban a bárok tele voltak. Végül találtunk egy asztalt egy folyóparti teraszon, és rendeltünk egy hamburgert.
Google Translation into Dutch: Mijn vriendin wilde vis eten als avondeten, sardientjes of tonijn, maar de bars in het centrum zaten vol. Uiteindelijk vonden we een tafeltje op een terras aan de rivier en bestelden we een burger.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Kjæresten min ville ha fisk til middag, enten sardiner eller tunfisk, men barene i sentrum var fulle. Etter hvert fant vi et bord på en terrasse ved elven og bestilte en burger.
Google Translation into Polish: Moja dziewczyna chciała zjeść na obiad rybę, albo sardynki, albo tuńczyka, ale bary w centrum były pełne. W końcu znaleźliśmy stolik na tarasie nad rzeką i zamówiliśmy burgera.
Google Translation into Romanian: Prietena mea a vrut să ia pește la cină, fie sardine, fie ton, dar barurile din centru erau pline. Până la urmă am găsit o masă pe o terasă de lângă râu și am comandat un burger.
Google Translation into Russian: Моя девушка хотела на ужин рыбу, сардины или тунец, но бары в центре были полны. В конце концов мы нашли столик на террасе у реки и заказали гамбургер.
Google Translation into Serbian: Моја девојка је хтела да вечера рибу, било сардине или туњевину, али барови у центру су били пуни. На крају смо нашли сто на тераси поред реке и наручили пљескавицу.
Google Translation into Swedish: Min flickvän ville ha fisk till middag, antingen sardiner eller tonfisk, men barerna i centrum var fulla. Så småningom hittade vi ett bord på en terrass vid floden och beställde en hamburgare.
Google Translation into Turkish: Kız arkadaşım akşam yemeğinde sardalye ya da ton balığı yemek istiyordu ama merkezdeki barlar doluydu. Sonunda nehir kenarındaki terasta bir masa bulduk ve bir burger sipariş ettik.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Моя дівчина хотіла пообідати рибою, або сардинами, або тунцем, але бари в центрі були повні. Зрештою ми знайшли столик на терасі біля річки і замовили бургер.
Google Translation into Arabic: أرادت صديقتي تناول السمك على العشاء، إما السردين أو التونة، لكن الحانات الموجودة في المركز كانت ممتلئة. في النهاية وجدنا طاولة على شرفة بجانب النهر وطلبنا برجر.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমার বান্ধবী রাতের খাবারের জন্য মাছ খেতে চেয়েছিল, হয় সার্ডিন বা টুনা, কিন্তু কেন্দ্রের বারগুলি পূর্ণ ছিল। অবশেষে আমরা নদীর ধারে একটি বারান্দায় একটি টেবিল পেলাম এবং একটি বার্গার অর্ডার করলাম।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我女朋友晚餐想吃鱼,要么是沙丁鱼,要么是金枪鱼,但是中心的酒吧已经满了。 最终我们在河边的露台上找到了一张桌子并点了一份汉堡。
Google Translation into Korean: 내 여자친구는 저녁으로 정어리든 참치든 생선을 먹고 싶었는데 중앙에 있는 바가 꽉 찼습니다. 결국 우리는 강 옆 테라스에 테이블을 발견하고 버거를 주문했습니다.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Makemake kaʻu hoaaloha e ʻai i ka iʻa no ka ʻaina ahiahi, ʻo ka sardine a i ʻole ka tuna, akā ua piha nā kaola ma waenakonu. Ma hope ua loaʻa iā mākou kahi papaʻaina ma kahi pā ma ka muliwai a kauoha mākou i kahi burger.
Google Translation into Hebrew: חברה שלי רצתה לאכול דגים לארוחת ערב, או סרדינים או טונה, אבל הברים במרכז היו מלאים. בסופו של דבר מצאנו שולחן במרפסת ליד הנהר והזמנו המבורגר.
Google Translation into Hindi: मेरी प्रेमिका रात के खाने में सार्डिन या टूना मछली खाना चाहती थी, लेकिन बीच में बार भरे हुए थे। आख़िरकार हमें नदी के किनारे एक छत पर एक टेबल मिली और हमने बर्गर का ऑर्डर दिया।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Pacar saya ingin makan ikan untuk makan malam, baik sarden atau tuna, tetapi bar di tengahnya penuh. Akhirnya kami menemukan meja di teras tepi sungai dan memesan burger.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私のガールフレンドは夕食にイワシかマグロの魚を食べたかったのですが、中心部のバーは満席でした。 結局、川沿いのテラスにテーブルを見つけて、ハンバーガーを注文しました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Менин сүйлөшкөн кызым кечки тамакка балык же сардина же тунец жегиси келди, бирок борбордогу барлар толуп калыптыр. Акыры дарыянын жээгиндеги террасадан стол таап, бургерге заказ бердик.
Google Translation into Malay: Teman wanita saya ingin makan ikan untuk makan malam, sama ada sardin atau tuna, tetapi bar di tengahnya penuh. Akhirnya kami jumpa meja di teres tepi sungai dan memesan burger.
Google Translation into Malayalam: എന്റെ കാമുകി അത്താഴത്തിന് മത്തി അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ട്യൂണ മത്സ്യം കഴിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിച്ചു, പക്ഷേ മധ്യഭാഗത്തുള്ള ബാറുകൾ നിറഞ്ഞിരുന്നു. ഒടുവിൽ ഞങ്ങൾ നദിക്കരയിലെ ടെറസിൽ ഒരു മേശ കണ്ടെത്തി ഒരു ബർഗർ ഓർഡർ ചെയ്തു.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Найз охин маань оройн хоолондоо сардина эсвэл туна загас идэхийг хүссэн ч төв дэх баар дүүрэн байв. Эцэст нь бид голын эрэг дээрх дэнжээс ширээ олж, бургер захиалсан.
Google Translation into Nepali: मेरी प्रेमिकाले डिनरमा माछा खान चाहन्थिन्, या त सार्डिन वा टुना, तर केन्द्रमा बारहरू भरिएका थिए। अन्ततः हामीले नदीको छेउमा एउटा टेबल भेट्टायौं र बर्गर अर्डर गर्यौं।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਮੇਰੀ ਸਹੇਲੀ ਰਾਤ ਦੇ ਖਾਣੇ ਲਈ ਮੱਛੀ ਲੈਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੀ ਸੀ, ਜਾਂ ਤਾਂ ਸਾਰਡੀਨ ਜਾਂ ਟੁਨਾ, ਪਰ ਕੇਂਦਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਬਾਰਾਂ ਭਰੀਆਂ ਹੋਈਆਂ ਸਨ। ਆਖਰਕਾਰ ਅਸੀਂ ਨਦੀ ਦੇ ਕੰਢੇ ਇੱਕ ਛੱਤ ਉੱਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਮੇਜ਼ ਲੱਭ ਲਿਆ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਬਰਗਰ ਦਾ ਆਰਡਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: زما ملګرې غوښتل چې د شپې ډوډۍ لپاره کب وخوري، یا سارډین یا تونا، مګر په مرکز کې بارونه ډک وو. په نهایت کې موږ د سیند په غاړه په چت کې یو میز وموند او د برګر امر مو وکړ.
Google Translation into Persian: دوست دخترم می خواست برای شام ماهی بخورد، یا ساردین یا ماهی تن، اما بارهای مرکز پر بود. در نهایت یک میز در تراس کنار رودخانه پیدا کردیم و برگر سفارش دادیم.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Kabogoh kuring hoyong tuang lauk kanggo tuangeun, boh sarden atanapi tuna, tapi bar di tengahna pinuh. Ahirna urang manggihan hiji méja dina téras sisi walungan jeung maréntahkeun burger.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Gusto ng aking kasintahan na kumain ng isda para sa hapunan, alinman sa sardinas o tuna, ngunit ang mga bar sa gitna ay puno. Maya-maya ay nakahanap kami ng mesa sa isang terrace sa tabi ng ilog at nag-order ng burger.
Google Translation into Telugu: నా గర్ల్‌ఫ్రెండ్ డిన్నర్‌కి చేపలు తినాలనుకుంది, సార్డినెస్ లేదా ట్యూనా, కానీ మధ్యలో ఉన్న బార్‌లు నిండిపోయాయి. ఆఖరికి నది ఒడ్డున ఉన్న టెర్రస్ మీద టేబుల్ కనిపెట్టి బర్గర్ ఆర్డర్ చే���ాము.
Google Translation into Thai: แฟนของฉันอยากกินปลาเป็นมื้อเย็น ไม่ว่าจะเป็นปลาซาร์ดีนหรือทูน่า แต่บาร์ตรงกลางเต็ม ในที่สุดเราก็พบโต๊ะบนระเบียงริมแม่น้ำและสั่งเบอร์เกอร์
Google Translation into Urdu: میری گرل فرینڈ رات کے کھانے کے لیے مچھلی لینا چاہتی تھی، یا تو سارڈینز یا ٹونا، لیکن بیچ میں سلاخیں بھری ہوئی تھیں۔ آخر کار ہمیں دریا کے کنارے ایک ٹیرس پر ایک میز ملا اور برگر کا آرڈر دیا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Qiz do'stim kechki ovqatga baliq iste'mol qilmoqchi edi - sardalya yoki orkinos, lekin markazdagi barlar to'la edi. Oxir-oqibat biz daryo bo'yidagi terasta stol topdik va burgerga buyurtma berdik.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Bạn gái tôi muốn ăn cá cho bữa tối, cá mòi hoặc cá ngừ, nhưng các quán bar ở trung tâm đều chật kín. Cuối cùng, chúng tôi tìm thấy một chiếc bàn trên sân thượng cạnh sông và gọi một chiếc bánh mì kẹp thịt.
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joy2paris · 1 year
Paris To Do List!
- l’arc paris (jorja and burna went) - can’t go if you’re short apparently
- silencio 2nd (kaytranada did a set)
- pamela - disco. not as picky with who they let in but go on a thursday as more relaxed
- carmen
- wanderlust
- aquarium de paris cinéaqua
- la machine du moulin rouge
- JAZZ - caveau de la huchette (€10 entry)
- humeur exotique club
- raspoutine
- madeline
- bridge
- supersonic (indie vibes)
- the pop up (bar and concert venue with a free jazz night every tues by gare de lyon)
- palais de tokyo (izzybozzy did a set there)
- Pachamama (latin american bougie) also mainstream, cash only but bouncers can be weird
- le tres particulier 18th
- la pelle
- saint gervais
- le progrès
- bar griffon
- no entry - speakeasy in the basement
- lavomatic
- le syndicat (on same studio road)
- chez prune: next to canal st martin (11/10 from nimue)
- la cidrerie du canal
- the cork and cavern (have pub quizzes every tuesday)
- le nouvel institut (fun student bar 5e and open till late)
- l’orée du parc (5e and recommends any of the spritz)
- au clair du lune (nice cocktail bar with happy hour)
- le balto (6e, great happy hour and vibes, right by christine cinema)
- ruprances - in le marie, lots of young people (louis)
- la perle
- la flèche d’or (kaytranada inspired night)
- Le pavillon des canaux - old house that has been turned into a bar/working space
- la cafe d’église near 10e
- sky drinks thing (vanessa)
- fanzone - place de la concorde. rugby match
- Benedict - eggs (4e)
- big mama
- bistrot victoires
- kintaro opéra
- chez janou
- le bonaparte
- Jah Jah Paris
- Zinga
- super smash burgers paris
- pho tai - 13 rue philibert lucot 75013
- big black cook
- passage à niveau
- le petit bouillon pharamond (1e)‼️
- le jardin du petit palais
- walyfey
- cook n saj
- flottes
- candide in belleville
- Shana/shosh (2e)
- Chateau voltaire
- mouffetard saigon - most incredible food nimue has ever had in paris
- amagat
- chambre noire studio
- gros bao - amazing chinese/pan asian restaurant next to canal
- bouillon pigalle/république - best cheap french restaurant. good for cheap birthday meal: €15 for starter, main, glass of wine or alternatively their 3 litre bottle of wine to share
Cafes/Food spaces:
- le mazarin
- le mansart
- le très particulier
- chez meunier
- café saint honoré
- SAFE (sunday, work space) near Amar
- espeletia
- 45 rue olivier de serres 75015 paris
- carré pain de mie
- cafe bogata
- a fole
- le carre voltaire
- carette, place du trocadéro (viral place w hot chocs)
- belleville market
- arabica coffee at beau passage courtyard
- oliera paris
- sonny’s pizza
- galerie paradis
- recto verso
- benchy
- café berry
- the coffee
- bar principal
- brasserie martin
- onii-san
- cafe charlot
- poilane bakery
- asian/japanese next to opera
- rue santan - known for asian food
- mouffetard - best road in all of paris: right by sorbonne/pantheon/ENS. filled with cheap takeaway places and cute bars
- Le Cèdre - great falafel wrap
- chez nicos - best crepes. good for a night out and open until 3
- trantranzai - yummy noodle chain, one right by pantheon
- nomas tacos - 2ere
- bobs bake shop - 18ere, english speaking
- bonjour jacob
- 207 rue du faubourg
- dumbo paris
- gramme (11e)
- Princess cafe (10e)
- boulangerie de quatre
- le pain retrouve
Cafes to work in:
- cafe husby
- cafe nuage
- l’anti-cafe
- maison fleuret
- la marelle 2nd - go upstairs
- come on eileen
- Nuovo (quite middle aged vibes)
- villa cœur
- bobbv
- acid violette
- merci
- at dawn
- relique
- louise gift shop
- puces de vanves
- puces de montreuil
- ^ best flea markets in my friend who has recommended me this’s life: enormous and so cheap and better than the central paris ones)
- life drawing in montmartre (class every sunday in a cafe, spenny but lovely vibes, coffee after, discussion, v social. go w a friend and then go to au claire de lune after)
- OFR Paris - magazine shop (3e)
- 8 cité d’antin 75009 paris
- bouliner les halles -
- freepstar
- la pharmacie des âmes - book store
- yvon lambert
- palais galliera 16th
- mad paris
- sis rue du pas de la mule july
- lacrapule
- 59 rivoli
- fondation h (closed sun, mon)
- YSL museum
- louvre
- tokyo palace
- LV foundation
- rodin museum
- musée de l’orangerie
- pino
- galerie angalia paris 3 - congolaise
- musée de quai branley
- albercon museum and gardens
- south side of siene - shakespeare book company english language
- abbey book store
- perrotin
- pompidou
- Galeries La Fayette
- Bourse de commerce - Pinault collection
- le sentier - beautiful passages
- montmartre
- the latin quartier
- place des vosges - marais
- PARK - parc de buttes chaumont (best park in all of paris, go at sunset with some beers)
- 9th - good vibes (louis)
- 18th, 6th, 7th nice
- 16th and 8th to avoid
- giverny (monets gardens)
- jardin lazare-rachline
- montparnasse cemetery - rue Daguerre nearby
- canal st martin + chez prune drink
- montparnasse for drinks
- sénat - palais du Luxembourg
- Place where you can see people dancing
- @moviesinparis
- UGC les halles
- MK2
- christine cinema (6e, show lord of old english language films, do student discussions too)
- the filmothèque (best cinema in 5e, showing old 35mm films)
- la librarie du cinéma du panthéon
- la cinémathèque française - museum dedicated to history of cinema, masterclasses, special screenings
- le forum des images - debates, master classes, exhibitions related to cinemas
- l’arlequin- special screenings and cinema club
- cinema en plein air de l’hôtel paradiso screenings on the rooftop
- On rue Champollion - queue outside cinemas for tickets - you won’t be assigned a seat
- Le reflet Medicis
- La filmothèque (€5 tickets) - shows lots of older films
- Le champ - best programming - usually does all nighters
- Le grand action - shows new releases and English films in a cool cinema
- Lost in Frenchlation - works with cinemas around the city to put on French films with English subtitles! Reccommended at sorbonne nouvelle so lots of students go to meet people
- L’épée de bois
- BNF - national library and €15 for national student pass. access to all their reading rooms. lovely cafe
- eiffel tower
- 21st JUNE la fête de la music
- Arts et mètiers
- saint german des près
- sacré cœur
- banlieue blues
- la villette jazz festival
- le popup du label
- le compte “movies in paris” on IG
- @miaousb
- @bishopnast
- @vsaulz
- @monsieurbonheur
- Pigale (la fete)
- châtelet
- 99 ginger Bercy
- poissonière
- colonel fabien
- billard nation
- bi urban pop play game @mr.glo_ tiktok
- picnic by eiffel at port du belli (mia in france)
- bateaux mouches (1hr seine cruise, €15)
- disney land
- petit palais
- père lachaise
- journée de patrimoine
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Office Catering Trends: What’s Hot in the World of Corporate Food?
In today’s fast-paced business world, office catering has evolved beyond the dull sandwich platters and uninspiring salads. Whether it’s a weekly team lunch, a company-wide meeting, or a special corporate event, food plays a crucial role in bringing people together and enhancing workplace culture. So, do you want to know what’s hot in the world of corporate food when it comes to office catering? We’re here to fill you in on the latest trends that will tantalize your taste buds, spark your creativity, and make your office catering experience an unforgettable one!
1. Sustainability is on the Menu
In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, office catering is no exception. Green is the new black when it comes to corporate food trends. Companies are ditching single-use plastics and opting for eco-friendly utensils, biodegradable packaging, and compostable cutlery. Sustainable sourcing of ingredients is another key trend, with a growing emphasis on locally sourced, organic, and fair-trade products. By choosing sustainable catering options, companies not only reduce their carbon footprint but also appeal to environmentally conscious employees and clients.
2. Global Flavors to Satisfy Your Wanderlust
Office catering in London, Boston or Dubai is now an exciting culinary journey that transports your taste buds across the globe. Instead of sticking to familiar, safe options, companies are embracing global flavors and international cuisine. Whether it’s a sushi bar, a Mexican fiesta, or a Mediterranean mezze spread, corporate catering is offering a diverse range of choices to cater to a diverse workforce. These international options are not only delicious but also a great conversation starter among employees with varying tastes and cultural backgrounds.
3. Interactive Food Stations: Food as Entertainment
Office catering is getting interactive! Gone are the days when food was simply served on trays. Now, it’s all about creating an experience. Interactive food stations are the latest craze, with live cooking stations, build-your-own-burger bars, and DIY dessert corners stealing the show. These setups engage employees, allowing them to customize their meals and socialize with colleagues while enjoying delicious food. It’s a surefire way to make any corporate event memorable.
4. Health-Conscious Choices
As health and wellness gain prominence in the corporate world, office catering in London trends is keeping pace. Businesses are increasingly offering nutritious and diet-friendly options to cater to employees who prioritize their well-being. You’ll find a wide range of salads, gluten-free, vegan, and low-carb choices on the menu. Nutrient-packed snacks and smoothie bars are also becoming staples of office catering, keeping employees energized and focused during long meetings and brainstorming sessions.
5. Personalized and Flexible Menus
One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to office catering. Companies recognize the importance of accommodating individual preferences and dietary restrictions. Customizable menus are now a norm, allowing employees to select their meals or tailor them to their liking. Whether you have a team member with a food allergy or someone following a specific diet, you can ensure everyone is satisfied with personalized options.Key Takeaway: How about impressing your colleagues with a cup of tea? We recommend booking afternoon tea delivery services in London with Owen Brother Catering. At affordable prices, they provide the best services in the industry. 
6. Technology Integration
Technology is revolutionizing the way we order and enjoy office catering. Online platforms and apps have made it easier than ever to place orders, customize menus, and track deliveries. Some companies even use data analytics to understand employee preferences and tailor their catering offerings accordingly.
Technology is also being harnessed to enhance the presentation of food, with digital menu boards and interactive displays becoming increasingly popular.
Wrapping Up
In conclusion, the world of corporate food is evolving at a rapid pace, and office catering is no exception. Sustainability, global flavors, interactive food stations, health-conscious choices, personalized menus, and technology integration are the hottest trends that are changing the way we eat at the workplace. By staying updated with these trends, companies can create a more engaging, inclusive, and enjoyable culinary experience for their employees and clients. After all, great food is not just about sustenance; it’s a recipe for success in the corporate world! So, go ahead and explore these trends to spice up your office catering game and keep everyone coming back for seconds.
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wanna-bee-sk1nny · 3 years
Food bucket list
For when and if I recover and travel
Btw some of the headings are more specific than others bc I have lots of food from that specific place.
South America
Brigadeiros from Brazil
Tembleque from Puerto Rico
Mango sticky rice from Thailand
Roti Sai May from Thailand
Yakgwa from South Korea
Che ba mau (I actually had a dream about this one) from Vietnam
McDonalds strawberry shortcake McFlurry
McDonalds mudpie McFlurry
Sourbombe artisanal donuts
Yugoslavia Bakery
Chu and Co
Creamery Botique Ice Creams
Birds of Paradise Gelato
Dessert bowl
Kaya toast
Haianese chicken rice
Oyster omlette
BBQ stingray
Nyonya Kueh from HarriAnns Nonya Table
Chendol from Cendol Geylang Serai
Ice cream block sandwich from the pushcarts with red umbrellas
Durian puffs
Satay stuff
Tekka centre
Soufflé pancakes
Toblerone McFlurry from Denmark
Stroopwafel McFlurry from The Netherlands
Chimney cakes from Hungary
Skyr from Iceland
Syrniki from Russia
Greek yoghurt from Greece
Snowflake luxury gelato
Chin Chin Labs gelato
Full Vegan English breakfast from Gallery Cafe
Mamasons Dirty Ice Cream
Blondie's Kitchen
Poptatas Fries
Wheelcake Island
Australia / Home-made
Stroopwafel - 9.5/10
Watermelon soft serve - 6/10
Ice cream cannoli - 9/10
Burgers dipped in cheese from Burger Point, Sydney
Baked custard
Pumpkin spiced latte from Starbucks
Cookie dough from Get Chunky
Doughnut Time in South Brisbane or Burleigh Heads
Daniel's Donuts in Melbourne
Matcha Mylkbar in Melbourne
Portillo's cake shake
A hotter-chocolate from Bombobar
Halo Top LA
Primo's donuts
Randy's donuts
Mashti Malone's Ice Cream
Wanderlust Creamery
Sushi donut from Project Poke
Crêpe cake from Lady M
Pho burrito from Komodo LA
New York
Wheel cakes from Catmint Wheel Cakes at The Queens Night Market, NY
Malaysian egg burger from The Malaysia Project at The Queens Night Market
Dominique Ansel cronuts
Mochi donuts from Alimama in NYC
Levains Bakery chocolate chip walnut cookies in NYC
Smorgasburg street food
Funnel cake ice cream sandwich from American Cut
Gnocchi stuffed sandwich from Luzzo's La Pizza Napoletana, NYC
Milk and Cream Cereal Bar
New Jersey
The side-show shake from Coney Waffle
Corn dogs from Mochinut
Frozen custard from Kohr's Frozen Custard
Queues De Castor beaver tails from the Quebec Winter Carnival
Maple taffy from the Quebec Winter Carnival
Baklava from Güllüoğlu
Macun candy
Chai tea
Adana kebab
Iskender kebab
Cağ kebab
Manisa kebab
Döner kebab
Ali Nazik kebap
Tepsi kebab
Kuru Fasulye
Pilav rice
Katmer (with milk)
Midye Dolma
Buffalo milk with honey
Çiğ Köfte
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fanfics4all · 6 years
The Perfect Anniversary
Request: Yes / No  Could you do an imagine with sweet pea x reader female, where pea take the reader for swing at night, a really sweet night, romantic. @gi-angels
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Fem! Male!Reader
Word count: 1422
Warnings: Nothing
Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Sweet Pea POV
It was mine and Y/N’s two year anniversary and I wanted to make it special for her. So, I went to her very best friend, Toni Topaz. She knew Y/N better than anyone, they grew up together. Y/N’s parents abandoned her and Toni’s family took her in. Toni was her sister and I knew she would know just what to do to make this anniversary the best.
“Thanks for meeting me Topaz.” I said sitting at the bar.
“Of course Pea, what’s up?” She asked taking a sip of her drink.
“Mine and Y/N’s two year anniversary is coming up and I don’t know what to do.” I said running my hands through my hair.
“Well you can to the right girl.” She said with a smirk.
“So, you know how she loves to dance right?” She asked and I nodded.
“Well, she’s been dreaming about a really romantic night at Sweetwater since she was little. You know that abandoned cabin near the cliff?” She asked and I nodded again.
“Take her there, set it up nice and cute and she’ll love it. I’ll help you of you need it. I’m sure you could Fangs and Jones to help out too.” She smiled.
“Yeah, yeah! I’ll set up a playlist of her favorite songs and maybe cook?” I said with a smile.
“Hahaha! You cooking? Do you remember last time you cooked?” Toni laughed and I blushed.
“Shut it Topaz!” I growled and rolled my eyes.
“You’re lucky Y/N came to your place before you set everything on fire!” She laughed and I rolled my eyes again.
“Fine, I’ll get us Pop’s then.” I said and Toni nodded.
“Definitely.” She nodded.
It was the day of our anniversary. Jughead was keeping her distracted while Toni, Fangs, and I were setting up the cabin. It was a mess but we cleaned it yesterday so we wouldn’t have as much work to do today. We put a table down on the balcony area and placed a white tablecloth on it. We also placed to chairs and a smaller table down too. Toni placed a bunch of lanterns around and it made the place look amazing. We put plates and silverware, that Toni borrowed from Cheryl, down on the table. Fangs placed a bucket with ice on the smaller table and inside the bucket was champagne.
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“Dude, where did you get champagne?” I asked.
“Don’t worry about it.” He said with a shrug.
“Guy, Jughead just texted me. Y/N’s wondering where you are.” Toni said looking at her phone.
“Well, we’re done here so I’m gonna go get Pop’s. You help her get ready and I’ll pick her up in an hour?” I said and Toni nodded.
“Right, Let’s go!” She said texting Jones back.
I picked up Pop’s and went back to the cabin. I put all the food out and covered it then hopped back on my bike and went to go pick up my girl. Before I went to Topaz’s I stopped at my place and put on my suit. I got to Toni’s place and knocked on the door. She answered and smiled.
“Y/N/N! Sweets is here!” She called and I looked at my hands nervously.
“Give me a minute!” Y/N called back and Toni looked at me.
“Toni…” I said.
“What?” She asked confused.
“There’s something I didn’t tell you but I gotta ask you something.” I said and put my hand in my pocket.
“What?” She asked again. I pulled a small box out of my pocket and opened it. Toni gasped and looked at me.
“Do I have your permission?” I asked.
“Of course Pea!” She said happily and I smiled. We heard a door open and I quickly put the box back in my pocket. Y/N walked up behind Toni dressed in a beautiful black dress, black heels, black roses earrings, and her hair curled a little. Her eyes were decorated with a bit of eyeshadow and a wing. Her lips were painted a deep red and god did I want to kiss them.
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“You look so perfect.” I said staring at her in awe. A blush dusted her cheeks and I smiled.
“Ready to go?” She asked and I nodded. I grabbed her hand and lead her to my bike. Ii handed her her helmet and she put it on.
“Sorry about your hair in advance.” I said and she giggled.
“It’s fine babe.” She said with a smile.
We drove to Sweetwater River and I stopped my bike. I got off and took off my helmet and she took hers off. I helped her off the bike and she smoothed out her hair.
“You still look perfect.” I said and she smiled.
“Well thank you Sweets.” She said with a blush. I pulled out a bandana and held it up.
“Baby, can you put this on? I want everything to be a surprise.” I asked with a smile.
“Sure.” She smiled and I gently placed it over her eyes. I picked her up and she squealed in surprise.
“Sweets!” She giggled and I kissed her cheek.
“Don’t worry baby, I just don’t want you to fall since you’re walking blind.” I said and she giggled again. I took her to the cabin and placed her down then went to stand next to the table.
“Okay, you can take it off now.” I said nervously. She took off the blindfold and she face brightened.
“Sweets…this is amazing!” She said shocked and I could see tears starting to blur her vision.
“When did you do all this?” She asked walking over to me.
“Started it yesterday and finished it not that long ago.” I smiled.
“Toni and Fangs were helping me set everything up and Jughead was distracting you.” I admitted.
“So that’s why Jug wanted to hang out today.” She said looking at me with a smirk. I pulled out a seat for her and she sat down. I pushed her in and then sat in my own seat. I pulled off the tops covering the food and she giggled.
“Pop’s?” She asked with a smile.
“I was going to cook but Toni reminded me of what happened last time and I thought burgers and fries would but safer.” I said and she laughed.
“Good choice.” She said and took a bit of her burger. We ate and talked until the sunset. Once we finished I stood up and took put on one of her favorite song, All About Us by He is We. I held out my hand for her to take.
“Care to dance?” I asked and she smiled taking my hand. She stood up and I lead her a bit away from the table. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. We started swaying to the beat and she was smiling up at me.
“Happy anniversary Y/N.” I said looking down at her lovingly.
“Happy anniversary Sweets.” She said then stood on her tiptoes to kiss me. I pulled away and she looked at me confused. I got down on my knee and pulled out the little black box from my jacket.
“Y/N, I’ve been in love with you since I first saw you years ago. I knew the second I laid eyes on you that I wanted to marry you. I wanted to give you the perfect life that you deserved. So, when you agreed to go on a date with me I swear I thought my heart was going to explode.” I said and she giggled.
“So, will you please make my dream come true and marry me?” I asked opening the box. She gasped and placed her hands over her mouth. A few tears fell down her beautiful face and she nodded.
“Yes, yes of course Sweets!” She said and tackled me in a hug. I laughed as she pampered my face in kisses. I gently pushed her away and took the gold ring with a single diamond on it out. I placed it on her finger and she looked at it in awe.
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“Sorry it’s nothing grand, I was saving for something better but rings are so expensive and-”
“No! It’s perfect!” She said cutting me off and looking at me.
“I love you Sweet Pea.” She said.
“I love you too Y/N.” I said and kissed her as the moon started to rise.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @tht1wrdo @schisbro87 @blueandgoldaus @southsidefandoms @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @answer-the-sirens @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @widowsgirl @staygoldsquatchling02 @wanderlust-and-poetry @hiighdeex3 @blueberry-lipgloss @ayeitsjaz
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cassiopeiasara · 6 years
21 Questions
Tagged by: @applebottomclaudiajeans
Nickname: Cass, Cass the Bass, honey, sweetheart, HOW DARE. 
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5′4
Last movie I saw: Agatha and The Truth of Murder (it was pretty good)
Last thing I googled: Lyrics I think? 
Favorite musician: I can’t pick one fave but I’ll give a selection: Brandi Carlile, Sara Bareilles, Janelle Monae, Missy Elliot, Tina Turner, Donna Summer, Tracy Chapman, Dolly Parton, Hozier, Chance the Rapper, Kelly Clarkson, Stevie Nicks, Florence Welch, etc...
Song stuck in my head: Here You Come Again by Dolly Parton most days 
Other blogs: Nope
Do I get asks: Sometimes
Following: 98 (I may need to cut down soon. My limit is 100 and I don’t like being close)
Followers: 600+
What I’m wearing: yoga pants and an oversized sweater. 
Dream job: Novelist 
Dream trip: I really want to go to Ireland. 
Favorite food: Jam made by some local Amish folk, cookies, tofu stirfry with peppers and brown rice, veggie burgers. 
Play any instruments: No but I used to play a little guitar. 
Languages: English and Spanish (though this is rusty)
Favorite song(s) at the moment: I’m currently in a music slump so I’ll get back to you but I do adore Wanderlust by Empara Mi
Random facts: I worked at a boy scout camp at 16 where I met my one and only bf, I can probably quote songs and TV eps better than anyone you’ve met, I had to get married twice on my wedding day because despite EXTENSIVE research our minister needed a piece of paper we weren’t going to be able to get (lucky we had a local one on hand)
Describe yourself in aesthetic things: sleeveless dresses, leggings, jeggings, scattered post it notes full of titles and random references, half-filled notebooks, forgotten cups of tea, books, cat eye glasses, a purple boot in a tennis shoe, throw blankets, half started knitting projects, KIND bar wrappers, pens, rom-coms, exercise bans, day of the week pill boxes.
I tag: @rikubean, @flutter2deceive, @flamingtoads, @amillionmillionvoices, @unique-fate and @bookreader73
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dgmtours · 3 years
Hot New Tables 2021: The best new restaurants, cafes & bars in Bali On the hunt for the best new restaurants in Bali? Bookmark this page, because here we bring you the hottest new menu for new openings of 2021. #restaurant #food #instafood #instagood #instarestaurant #kuliner #kulinermataram #kulinerlombok #instaculinary #culinary #delicious #available #pizza #pasta #burger #Pastry #cakes #lombok #mataram #senggigi #giliislands #wanderlust #instatravel #travelgram #foodie #foodphotography (di Mataram) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSgJVLLhZwh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theroutinelife · 6 years
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That night when we did the bar hopping thing. First #sinceileftyou, #grandmasbar, #marys, #italianbowl (just restaurant), and #thecourthouse or #thecourty. Love the ambient at ISLY, love beer and burger at Mary’s though Grandma’s bar cocktail is spectacular! #sydney #travel #wanderlust #throwback
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leslieslane · 5 years
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Tried Chicken Salad Chick for the First Time! Loved It! I especially like the founder's inspiring story! I am so very excited about visiting the beautiful city of Augusta, Georgia as a guest of two prominent hotel properties! I am especially thrilled to visit Crowne Plaza North Augusta! I absolutely love the contemporary décor featuring brilliantly vivid hues. Its elegant restaurant serves magnificent cuisine and the fabulous rooftop bar offers great southern spirits! I look forward to writing about all that it offers upscale vacationers and business travelers with discerning tastes! Also, I am absolutely honored to be a guest of The Partridge Inn – a stately, iconic establishment that has graced the city since 1910! Internationally renowned, I’m eager to write about its noteworthy past as well as offerings for modern day visitors having a desire to stay at historic, luxury properties! In addition to dining at their exceptional restaurants onsite, I visited several eateries in the city including the dynamic Farmhaus Burger restaurant, trendy New Moon Café, amazing Chicken Salad Chick restaurant, and cool Peachy Rolls Ice Cream shoppe. Next time, I’ll visit Honey From the Rock Café! Please follow me in real time on social media as I share images of my stay! @CrownePlazaNorthAugusta - @Pineapple_pr - @VisitAugusta - @VisitAugustaGA - @CrownePlaza - @ExploreGeorgia #ExploreGeorgia #LesliesLane #LuxuryTravel #CrownePlaza #CrowneNorthAugusta #LoveAugusta #AugustaGA #restaurant #food #foodporn #foodie #instafood #dinner #instagood #foodstagram #FodorsOnTheGo #luxuryhotel #luxuryhotels #tourism #explore #adventure #travelphoto #wanderlust #traveldiaries #vacay #traveler #tourist @chickensaladchick (at Chicken Salad Chick) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzkBfAphhbb/?igshid=1xbj0r5orgtqo
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hackshaw · 5 years
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Move over #ShakeShack & #InandOutBurger ... I've had the @hopdoddy #burger and it is out of this world! Also, those fries are AMAZING. WOW! - - - - - #Latergram #LatePost #foodporn #burgerporn #hamburger #Food #Foodie #Wanderlust #Travel #travellingfoodie #foodtravel #LosAngeles #California (at Hopdoddy Burger Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwSwndpgmo0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z59blmgxkuy1
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$30 in Dining Credit at Newark for United MileagePlus Status Members
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Connecting through New York/Newark Liberty International Airport hasn’t always been smooth sailing for United Airlines passengers. Sure, the Polaris Lounge is open (finally) and there’s that secret restaurant but the airport is still home to a few “pop up” lounges.
The Pain & Suffering of Traveling out of Newark
Being based in ORD and often passing through IAD, I don’t find myself spending a ton of time at Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR). And that’s not just by chance. When I first started traveling a lot for work and was but barely a MileagePlus Gold member, I struggled with the lack of amenities at United Clubs. They were overcrowded, run down and some were even closed.
While United has spent plenty of money improving the passenger experience, the updated F&B offerings are some of the most expensive options you’ll find at airports. And don’t fall for the trick of using your miles instead of paying cash. The fancy iPad ordering is fun, but it doesn’t really replace good customer service. Especially when you can’t get a meal for less than around $25…
$30 in Dining Credit for United Airlines MileagePlus Status Members
That’s why as I was (finally) enjoying the Newark Polaris Lounge, I was pleasantly surprised to see a sponsored United ad on Instagram promoting a new offer for MileagePlus Status Members:
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There’s no link available and after some research I still couldn’t find anything online, so you’ll just have to take our/their word for it and give it a try for yourself. $30 is still $30 and if you can score a free meal, it’s probably better than the cheese and crackers found at the standard United Club. There wasn’t a chance I was going to leave the Polaris Lounge too early to check out the offer…
OTG Restaurants at EWR
If you’re curious which restaurants this offer is eligible for, here’s a handy list for you:
Abruzzo Italian Steakhouse
Caps Beer Garden
Flora Café
Happy Clam
Little Purse
Melange Bakery Cafe
Nonna’s Meatball Café
Oeno Wine Bar
Proof Whiskey Bar
Wanderlust Burger Bar
The post $30 in Dining Credit at Newark for United MileagePlus Status Members was first published on Coworkaholic.
The post $30 in Dining Credit at Newark for United MileagePlus Status Members appeared first on Coworkaholic.
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agnesthefoodie · 7 years
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除咗Air Speed Gambas,另外呢款Cadet crew sliders都幾得意🍔。以窩夫取代麵包,中間嘅餡料有牛、炸雞、炸魚、或手撕豬肉4款選擇,而我呢款牛漢堡會加埋bbq醬、mayo同芝士🧀,重點係旁邊又有好好食嘅薯條🍟😋完全停唔到口! ▫️ Cadet crew sliders $98 Fuel loaded fries $68 High attitude nachos $78 Air Speed Gambas $88 Vintage flights cocktail $98 . Runway (中環) 中環雲咸街77號嘉兆商業大廈地下B鋪 . #agnes_中環 #agnes_香港島 ▫️ #runwayhk #cheesy #fries #nachos #sliders #waffle #burgers #burgerporn #mixologist #🍟 #larissathefathand #bar #中環 #香港 #wanderlust #discoverhongkong #beautifulcuisines #forkyeah #getinmybelly #hongkong #heresmyfood #handsinframe #foodinhands #hongkongstyle #explorehongkong #getinmybelly #gastronomy #gastronomia #hungrymate (at Runway Hong Kong)
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kareemldavy · 8 years
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Scrumptious Tuna Burger from @lavo_lanes, Grenada. (at LAVO LANES)
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partysan · 7 years
TUNE IN – EXPLORE – RESTORE Amidst a breathtaking scenery, Obonjan regenerates body, mind and soul. Reward yourself with the unique experience of music, yoga, meditation, fitness and sport.
This is just one of the many promises on Obonjan’s website. Marketing, SocialMedia, pictures, program – everything is superbly done – innovative, fresh, glossy, lifestyle-ish.
An adult glamping version of a festival away from the Springbreak Party Islands in Croatia with an extraordinary program of yoga, lectures, workshops, sport and music.
Sounds great – that’s what we wanted to see.
Obonjan is a 1.5 km long island on the Dalmatian coast, about 6 km before Šibenik. Originally conceived as an “island of youth” for boy scouts, the island is very beautiful and really serves all clichés of the Adriatic: turquoise-blue water, pine and olive trees, beaches and the obligatory background sound system for cicadas. With a small ferryboat you can reach the island about one hour from Šibenik harbour. In the 1950s, the scouts left behind a complete infrastructure of ports, houses and streets. All beautifully ingrown and a little wild. In 2016 the island was renovated by a Croatian/English event agency, partly rebuilt and put back into operation.
On the island there are tents for about 500 guests, divided into two categories. The tents are new and of high quality, equipped with AirCon and in the category “Forest Lodge” even with refrigerator, toilet and shower. For the tents of the “Bell Tent” category there are sanitary facilities available as on a camping site. All the public buildings we saw were in order, some of them new or renovated and clean.
Obonjan offers two restaurants and three food stalls (pizza, burgers, curry) for catering. In the big restaurant “The Kitchen” on the highest point of the island there is a breakfast buffet and a large seawater pool. The small restaurant “BOK” at the harbour opens at noon and serves mainly seafood. And then there is a small “Green Bar” which offers tea, smoothies and allegedly veggie / veganes food, but during our one-week visit the bar was mostly empty.
At the harbour there is a bar all day long which is played by DJs in the afternoon and in the evening. At events, parties or concerts there are more bars at the amphitheatre and at the open-air club. Then there is the “Zen-Den”, a wellness, massage and yoga temple and a pavilion for all kinds of events.
The seasonal programme is dedicated and of high quality. Every week a label, publisher, promoter, agency or other organisation takes care of the work. The curator brings together bands, DJs, performers, artists, trainers, coaches, etc. and brings the associated followers to the island. An interesting concept that reads itself thrillingly and holds many surprises and discoveries ready.
Here is an overview of the 2017 programme
[toggler title=”Curators” ] Gilles Peterson and Worldwide FM, Wanderlust, Electric Elephant, The Numinous, Late Night Tales, Hunger, The Hoxton, Unit 44, Supersoul, Fashion Revolution, Visual Fodder, Wildfitness, R&S Records , Ernest Journal, Secret Yoga Club, Gottwood, SHE, Phonica, She’s Lost Control, Soul & Surf, Creative Social, Refinery, Switch On, Serenebook, East of Eden, Yogarise, Your Space Berlin, and Yoga Hero.[/toggler]
[toggler title=”Tune-In – Music” ] Daniel Avery, Dave Maclean (Django Django), Flamingods, Garden City Movement, Gerd Janson, Gilles Peterson, Hercules and Love Affair, Horse Meat Disco, Jack Savidge (Friendly Fires), Jordan Rakei, Josefin Öhrn, Justin Robertson, Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, Khraungbin, Low Life (Bill Brewster & Frank Broughton), Man Power, Midland, Mister Saturday Night, Norman Jay MBE, Phaeleh, Prosumer, Ray Mang, Roy Ayers, and Sean Johnston.[/toggler]
[toggler title=”Explore – Talks + Workshops” ] Daniel Pinchbeck, Patternity, Laraaji, John Higgs, Lisa Luxx, Anthony Peake, Sam Bompas, David Bramwell, The Wild Swimming Brothers, Nick Jankel, Kto Wong, Loba Diaries, MA-TT-ER, and Super Human Earth.[/toggler]
[toggler title=”Restore – Wellbeing + Fitness” ]Jasmine Hemsley and Sound Sebastien, Patrick Broome, Meghan Currie, Seb Eubank, Ruby Warrington, Michael James Wong, Lani Rocillo, Steffy White, Alexandra Roxo, Toby Huntington-Whiteley, Swim Dem Crew, Susan Rozo, Chloe Brotheridge, Wolf Sister, Pip Roberts, Run Pack Berlin, Paula Andreewitch, Charlotte Welfare, Carlos Romero, Pandora Paloma, Jessica Skye, Bess Shipside, Gail Schock, and Kate Taylor.[/toggler]
And after a short acclimatization period you can get really busy. Here’s a typical Obonjan day.
[column size=one_quarter position=first ]07:30 am – 10:30 – 14:30 17:00 19:30 – -[/column]
[column size=two_quarter position=second ]Early Morning Yoga Breakfast Mediation – Session Lunchtime Beach Life, swim and/or swim and / or hang out at the harbour Readings, workshops, coachings, etc. on the tent veranda enjoy the view and sip the first glass of wine Sunset Yoga Dinner In the evening a concert, a party or a film on big screen?[/column][column size=three_quarter position=third ][/column][column size=three_quarter position=last ][/column]
Great! An Eco-Hipster-Art-Professional-Chiller-Paradise.
But on closer inspection we were really disturbed by some points, which we don’t want to share here as an offending online review and experience report, but as a call to guests, media and organizers.
If you look at the Obonjan SocialMedia and website and read through the programme, you will get the impression of a committed, sustainable, organic & eco-resort. Unfortunately, this is not the reality.
Disposable dishes, plastic cups, plastic cutlery, plastic straws, coffee to go paper cups even at the breakfast buffet. Not a single solar panel all over the island, no grey water recycling, no waste separation, delivery vans and cars on the island are normal petrol, no call to recycle or any other recognisable spirit for a sustainable island life. And the air-conditioning systems in the tents are not really necessary either.
The team, the employees on Obonjan seem to be recruited partly from unpaid volunteers, who are mostly gastro beginners and also by the bank only minimal-friendly. But the organisation worked out well for us – but good mood feels different.
Vegetarian or even vegan dishes are scarce. In the restaurants and stalls there are hardly any meatless or vegan options (or the veggie paddies at the Burger Grill or the summer rolls at the Green Bar are just randomly off…). If you are not into meat, fish and cheese, you should bring enough food from the mainland, otherwise it could get cramped. Anyway – Basically the food was good to OK everywhere.
At some bars, menus and drinks disappear inexplicably and drinks seem to be charged according to a kind of daily rate; especially the later the evening, the more volatile the prices can become. And watch out for the Beer/Lemonade Mix Shandy – then you will soon have two drinks on your bill: a small beer and a lemonade = 2 x 36 kuna / 9,80 € – without tip: -) Tricky is the payment even if you haven’t brought enough kuna. But it gets complicated when you pay in € and get Kuna change back. Then it becomes expensive and here too there are different, suboptimal exchange rates.
In the little shop with limited, completely commercial offer and prices like at the bar there is a ban on photos. On demand: why? … there’s the answer “Because my boss said so.” Which, by the way, is something you get more often as a curious guest.
The prices are not cheap all over the island.
Beer 0,3l = 35 Kuna / 4,70 € Beer 0,5l = 52 Kuna / 7 € Corona 48 Kuna / 6,50 € Cuba Libre 85 Kuna / 11,50 € Burger 65 Kuna / 8,80 € Pizza 85 Kuna / 11,50 € Curry 90 Kuna / 12 € Breakfast buffet 100 Kuna / 13,50 € Small Water 20 Kuna / 2,70 €
But hey – it’s an island and not the mainland, every can of beer is brought by ship.
All this is not dramatic and doesn’t deserve a rip-off stamp.
The somewhat „Mediterranean“ gastronomy practise has to be taken sporty and nobody can be really good and friendly all the time. But the impression transported by the Obonjan communication of an Eco Village, which is operated only by yogis, gurus, hedonists, vegans and mindful eco guerrillas, we see then nevertheless as genuine label fraud.
The people we met in Obonjan were just as amazed and disappointed about all the mentioned non-ecological points. Obonjan manages to bring a great, open, interesting and mixed audience to the island and then disappoints on the spot with small and big failures, which leave a more than bland aftertaste. Obonjan could be so much more.
Obonjan could be a lighthouse for the entire tourism industry of the Adriatic Sea. The advertising for this has already been placed, and the appropriate guests have already arrived.
“The spirits I called…”
Many of the Obonjan visitors we spoke to agreed that there will be a lot of feedback when you bring such an environmentally conscious target group to the island and then do not fulfill expectations. The pressure on the organizers must be big. The complaints, concerns and comments must take on alarming proportions. All curators have to be asked whether they will continue to support this or demand changes.
You can’t have a wellness / ecological festival, throwing around with disposable dishes and hardly offering veggie food without an echo of the guests?
Actually we are Obonjan fans. But just disappointed Obonjan fans. As a real eco island, the 2018 season might be fully booked already – think about it.
The Obonjan project is a respectable feat of strength, the organisation, the infrastructure, the booking, all this is not stomped out of the ground in one season. We realize that. In the second year the shop seems to be running a little more smoothly, but in many areas there is still room to move upwards.
We could imagine going back to Obonjan again. But next time we’ll ask what has changed. And whether the eco awareness yoga meditation marketing show has perhaps even become a reality by now. We wish the whole Obonjan team much success for the third and many more years.
Go-bonjan! www.obonjan-island.com
Tips for the Obonjan trip: Bring: Eye mask (the tents are bright), Ohropax (the tent walls are thin: -). Food/Beverage: a bottle of wine, a few beers, some snacks and a couple of water bottles are allowed and useful. Of course, the organizers also have to earn money, but you can also bring along what you consume in the tent. Enough Kuna: the exchange rates on the island can become crazy. Except in the two restaurants, cash is used everywhere. There is an ATM on the island, but we didn’t try it. Internet / W-Lan: There are top free wifi almost everywhere on the island. Water: The tab water is drinkable. Children: Obonjan is not really meant for families / children. Guests: The promoters come from the UK, so most of the guests are british but we’ve met people from all over the world. Arrival with your own car / parking lot in Sibenik: We drove with our own car from Munich to Sibenik and after 8 hours of driving we stayed for one night in Hotel Jure **** / Solaris Beach Resort (170 € double room incl. breakfast). The resort has a large, guarded parking lot and we have parked the car there for a week (7 € / day) Taxi / Bus: From the resort there is a bus for 17 Kuna p. P. to Sibenik. With Uber the trip from Sibenik Harbour to the hotel costs 45 kuna, taxis in the city wanted three times as much for the same trip – they just haven’t heard the gong and keep trying to advantage from tourists.
Deutschsprachige Version dieses Artikels @ www.fernwehblues.de
Obonjan Island? Our Experience with the Million-€-Wellness-Organic-Musik-Festival TUNE IN - EXPLORE - RESTORE Amidst a breathtaking scenery, Obonjan regenerates body, mind and soul. Reward yourself with the unique experience of music, yoga, meditation, fitness and sport.
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sowheresnate · 4 years
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Still, Getting a taste of everything you can put Ketchup on. #OnTheMenu The LA Dog (1/4 pound Vienna all beef hot dog, Bacon, Peppers, Grilled Onion, Jalapeños, mayo and...ketchup). Cool spot that has custom dogs, burgers and anything else you can put some ketchup on along with some cool shakes and boozy shakes as well. ╔════════⁣⁣⁣═══🌎🛫🚗🛬🌏══════════╗ #SoWheresNate #WheresNate #WhereIsNate #Blogger #TravelBlog #PromoNate #TakingFlights #RoadWarrior #RoadTrip #Wanderlust #TravelGram #BlasianTravel #Blasian #TravelerBlogger #FoodMission #HotDog #HotDogs #🌭 #VegasDog #CustomDogs #CustomHotDogs #LasVegasDog #ketchup #Catsup #hotdoglovers #hotdoggourmet #hotdogsofinstagram #instahotdog ╚═══════════⁣⁣⁣🌎🛫🚗🛬🌏══════════╝ ⁣⁣ (at Ketchup Premium Burger Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL-5fRfDNSo/?igshid=1n1ph8rulupfe
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