serenesimplicit · 8 years
This election wasn’t normal.
Questioning if Jews are people isn’t normal.
Spraying peaceful protesters with freezing water in freezing temps is not normal.
Alt-right isn’t a thing. It’s called White Supremacy. It isn’t normal.
Fascism in the White House isn’t normal.
President-elects picking fights with FUCKING Broadway casts isn’t normal. Teachers calling students “niggers,” or telling Muslim and Mexican students they will be deported isn’t normal.
Trump isn’t normal.
Do not normalize this. It will get innocent people brutalized and killed. Speak up. Get up.
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serenesimplicit · 8 years
Victuuri <3
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💙 Quick Victuuri doodles coz I’ve just recovered from flu! /o/ // The man of surprises–owned. // I might include this plus the “night before” scene in my Victuuri doujin which I plan to sell next month at Komikon (I can make it alive, right?). In the meantime, I’ve lotsa backlogs. 2 typhoons followed by flu. TT_TT Art is mine
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serenesimplicit · 8 years
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I do a series on both Instagram and DeviantART where every Friday/Weekend I post a cute drawing of a couple. Thought I’d start sharing it here.
There’s a lot of them; 80 now to be exact. Wish me luck lol
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serenesimplicit · 8 years
what the media won’t show you; men supporting women at the Chicago Tr*mp protest. I almost cried, it was unexpected and lovely ✨
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serenesimplicit · 8 years
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serenesimplicit · 8 years
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I’m quickly uploading all my Inktober stuff XD
Day 1: Naomi the Angel
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serenesimplicit · 8 years
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This needs to be shared.
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serenesimplicit · 9 years
Honestly what is the appeal of asses I don’t get it. Like there is nothing attractive about them.
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serenesimplicit · 9 years
why do bus timetables even exist they might as well have no times and just the words “good luck” on them instead
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serenesimplicit · 9 years
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Not your average grad school campus. Catch The Magicians Mondays at 9/8c on Syfy.
Watch the first two episodes now.
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serenesimplicit · 9 years
You know what's hot.........? Consistent communication
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serenesimplicit · 9 years
the signs, yo
Aries: Funniest rants, trust me; Seems like a badass, but they’re harmless until you seriously piss them off; Do not piss them off, their limits are usually reasonable and they will fight you; Unafraid to act, especially to defend you; Always thinking about what’s coming up next; Great at starting projects they never completely finish; Sincere friends.
Taurus: Big, sweet cow eyes; Honestly just hug them and never let go, it’ll be the best decision you ever make; Warm aura; They’ll embarrass themselves, but it’s endearing instead of cringe-worthy; Calm presence; Naturally reserved, but they will let you in if you genuinely care; Unintentionally funny; Some quality of theirs makes people look up to them.
Gemini: They try so hard, bless their hearts; Cutest clothes; One of you is going to have a crush on the other; Awkward in a way that makes tension disappear; Unintentionally attracts trouble; It doesn’t occur to them to not put up with your shit; Not very considerate to your emotions unless they’re helping you with a specific issue; Super passionate about their fandoms and interests; Someone you can always talk to.
Cancer: Fucking dweebs that will laugh over the most bizarre things; Will always love you; Messy; They genuinely want you to do your best; They deeply care about all of their friends, too; Give great hugs; Take everything personally and fully invest themselves; They might get too wrapped up in something that doesn’t seem important to you, but just be patient with them, they’re worth it.
Leo: Simultaneously the most self-absorbed and caring people; Lucious locks; So intimidating, but it’s all a big, fat lie if you’re friends; Would kill for you; Childish and immature; Can actually be very practical minded; Really wants you to like them, but they’re not going to try hard for your approval; Let them have the last word because they’re going to have it eventually.
Virgo: Sad eyes that know the dark secrets of the world; They don’t feel in control, yet they try to be; Organized and methodical; Outwardly cynical (but they secretly hope for the best); If you meet their standards, consider yourself lucky; Big sister who will always help you with your problems; Feels most comfortable in a dark movie theater; Listen to them because they know what they’re talking about; Surprisingly patient.
Libra: They have a story for everything; Loves to go out with their loved ones; They spend a lot of time thinking over ideas and concepts; DILF; Lifelong friend that you can always turn to; Confidence booster; Can be surprisingly selfish sometimes; Indecisive as fuck; They’re going to win you over before you even realise it; Silently judgemental, but this doesn’t mean they take sides.
Scorpio: 10/10 would bang; Could destroy you effortlessly; Lifelong struggle bus ticket holder; Romantic love is not their strong suit; Darkly magnetic; Shared looks and inside jokes will be abundant when you hang out; Do not fuck with their friends; I repeat: do not fuck with their friends; seriously; avoid this at all costs; These are the type of people who will burn your house down and steal your boyfriend; If you fuck them over, they will cut ties forever, even if they still love you.
Sagittarius: They’re best friend material; Lots and lots of friends but few close friends; Attractive/ Magnetic; You’re going to find yourself thinking about them later; Can go literally anywhere and fit in; Histrionic; Will not put up with your bullshit at all; They seem like an open book, but this is not the case at all; Take themselves a little too seriously; More loyal than you could ask for.
Capricorn: Sassy as hell; Sarcasm actually flows through their veins; You will admire them; Always seemingly stable; They have the soundest advice; Tend to think they’re always right, and they aren’t exactly wrong about that; If they love you, it’s true; Good listeners and friends; Grouchy is their default emotion; Lowkey SUPER competitive, just let them win because they will literally never let it go ever.
Aquarius: You will fall in love with them, even if it doesn’t last; They’re going to make you laugh; They try to be forgiving creatures; Lowkey super stubborn about things they believe to be right; Really, really good at one area of expertise; Detail oriented; They downplay their emotions; It’s hard to completely understand what they’re thinking about unless they explicitly tell you; Trust their gut because they’re going to be right.
Pisces: Hug them, please, they’ll really appreciate it; They’re probably going to fall in love with you, too; Trusting and trustworthy; Watch what you say around them because they’re very sensitive; Encourage them to trust their intuition more; They’ll be able to understand your feelings more deeply than any of the other signs; Insecure but so, so, so worthy; Would die for you; Sneaky; Need a favor? Call this babe.
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serenesimplicit · 9 years
im shitting sam winchester asked lucifer what he would do afterwards and he said “i don’t know. move to L.A. and solve crimes?”
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serenesimplicit · 9 years
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The Leading Lady
Maggie Smith / LAPIS
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serenesimplicit · 9 years
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Finally got a tablet so I can digital art again XDD
Isugoro from my story, LAPIS
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serenesimplicit · 9 years
Little Loneliness and Laughter
I’ll admit, I do come to Tumblr to be a bit more emotional than I do say on Facebook or Instagram. Idk, I feel like if a large amount of people who I personally know read about me feeling like shit, it makes a unneeded amount of people feel guilty and then a lot of what I like to call “Passing Empathy” to be thrown at me.
You know what that is, when people, in a bout to feel better about themselves, throw a lot of empty love towards you just because they want to be able to say that they’re “There for you.”
Basically, bullshit.
Anyway, I’ve had a lot of negative emotions building up lately. I’ve been feeling more and more distant and lazy, and am beginning to worry I may become worse. 
Why? Well, being away from home, fear of failing, plus a lot of things that I’m trying to move on from, including a few emotional situations that I won’t get into on the internet because honestly, even I need my privacy on some things, but it’s mainly a long running problem with me; loneliness. I easily get lonely, ever since I was little. It never made sense to me, considering that I’ve been very blessed with a stable home life. As I grew older however, it made more sense as I realized that growing up is expanding outside of the comfort of your family and into society, which being honest, I kinda failed at. Yes, in recent years, I have finally broken my stigma and made a lot of friends, but my fear of losing people is still very real. It’s especially powerful nowadays in the romance corner of my life. I’m not currently dating, talking to anyone, anything, and while yes, I did make the conscious decision to stop looking for a boyfriend, that doesn’t mean I don’t want a relationship. I’m just fed up with talking to guys that in the end, just use me for my kindness or leave to screw another girl. And it especially sucks because at this point, every one of my closest friends are either in committed relationships, or are in the talking stage with someone. I’m jealous, I admit it. I’m scared that I won’t find someone, while really cliche, it is how I honestly feel. But more than that, I’m kept up at night by the idea that I won’t be happy with how my life unfolds. I’m afraid that I’ll always feel lonely.
Now, don’t get me wrong, most days I’m able to feel generally content and am able to go about the hours normally. Unfortunately, because of that, when I do have growing moments of being upset, I don’t say anything because I know that I won’t come off believable. People who I have opened up in front of before normally just stare at me and say “What the hell, five seconds ago you were joking around.” and then I go quiet and make myself feel better because hell, apparently I don’t APPEAR depressed. That, or I CAN’T be depressed because I don’t come from a bad home life.
I find it annoying that those memes go around about how the people that laugh the most are the ones that are hiding the most emotional build-up, but then when people WHO ARE LIKE THAT do actually show their deeper emotions, PEOPLE BELIEVE THEY’RE SHIT. It’s like “Dude, literally just showed you a freaking picture describing my psyche, and you’re still calling me fake.”
I am upset, I do cry a lot, but I don’t like to make people feel like it’s their fault. I don’t want to people to feel like they have to talk to me, but I do want more interaction with some of those that call me their “Friend.” I don’t want to show that I’m sad because I think it makes me looks selfish, stupid, hell, or dramatic. I don’t want to tell people I’m jealous because that’ll label me as desperate or “boy-crazy.” My reasons for being this way are deep-rooted, but aren’t as bad as what others have experienced, so I feel unworthy of showing my deeper emotions. I don’t have home problems, I do have friends, so I shouldn’t feel lonely. I shouldn’t be lonely. I can’t be lonely. 
So I’ll laugh so I can pass off the tears.
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serenesimplicit · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcS629ZNs84)
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