shadowwing15 · 6 months
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shadowwing15 · 7 months
get to know the blogger
anonymously (or not) ask me any question you’d like to know about me
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shadowwing15 · 7 months
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“do you think we’re lovers in every universe?” “of course we are.”
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— hey, it’s nie 🌸! this week marks one year of writing on this account. it’s almost a year of fuyuluvr and to celebrate that, i thought of celebrating with you guys. thank you so much for making my year on this account memorable! now onto the event.
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read my rules and the characters i write for before placing in a request! (can be found on my pinned or here. characters)
anonymous asks are okay (but please make sure to be following me as this is an event for my followers) non-anons will be prioritized.
don’t spam my inbox with requests, please! (i want to make as much as i can for each one of you!)
choose only one event.
your asks will not be posted so go wild!
event is open until the 4th of february 2024!
failure to adhere to the rules will result in the ask being deleted.
all event works will be under #one.year.with.nie
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event 🌸
— in this event, you will be transported into a different universe with the character of your choosing. you will be given an array of tropes to choose from and i will be writing a short drabble about you and your character. the choices for the tropes are as follows: (you may choose two but i will opt for the trope that suits the vision better)
enemies to lovers!
friends to lovers!
exes to lovers!
lovers to exes!
forced proximity!
arranged marriage!
fake relationship!
randomized! (for my indecisive girlies /gen out there)
format: trope + character
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event 🌺
— in this event, i will be pairing you with a character from your chosen fandom. (do note the fandoms i write for). send in a selfie (or a picrew) then describe your personality and your ideal type. and i’ll be pairing you with your…
crushing on you 
your best friend
who dislikes you
with a short description of why i think so.
format: picrew + description about yourself (what are the pros and cons about dating you) and what you look for in a partner.
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again, thank you so much for making my first year on this account special, i really do truly appreciate it. 🫶
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shadowwing15 · 9 months
Happy New year everyone. 🥳🎉🥳🎉
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shadowwing15 · 9 months
So uh. I haven't really been happy with my blog theme and the way I post my writing so I will be changing it up a bit. And be exited, some more works are going to be published.
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shadowwing15 · 11 months
I’ll always be there to save you
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Knight Tenya Iida x fem! wife reader 
TW: Mentioned alcohol drinking 
Summary: After several robberies in the Kingdom a  special Knight Guard was formed, Tenya Iida being one of the selected members. They protected the people from thieves day and night, putting an end to the robberies. At least that is what they thought…. 
Author's Note:
Hello my dear followers. I have written a little something in my free time, that I am just gonna drop here. I hope you have fun reading it.
It wasnˋt unusual in the Kingdom of Edal, that groups of thieves visited the town to rob the people of their money and possessions. At first they would play the nice traveler who was looking for a place to stay. Yet, as soon as the people went to sleep, they would go from house to house stealing the most expensive items and all the money they could find. By the time the people of the kingdom woke up again, the thieves were gone and with them all of their possessions. To prevent these types of robberies, the King created a special Knight Guard. The Knight Guard would go into town at night once unknown people would show up to stay. The knights would go on patrols with a partner and walk through the streets of town, day and night, until the strangers were gone again. 
(Y/N)’s husband, Tenya, was one of them. He came from a long line of knights, so it was no surprise that he began his training once he was old enough as well. He had served the King for a few years before he and (Y/N) got married and then he was selected to be a member of the special guard. Now he spends a lot more time at home with her during the day but would go out on patrol at night. Sure, (Y/N) was happy that he was home during the day, but some nights she missed him dearly and felt rather lonely. These feelings grew exponentially during the cold winter months which found her awake at night, worried that he was freezing outside and left her pondering if he was okay. Those nights started a new habit of her staying up to brew warm tea and run a hot bath for him, awaiting his return once his patrol was over. 
Those nights tended to include Tenya scolding (Y/N) for staying up into the early morning hours to wait for him. However, he was thankful to return to a hot bath, warm tea, and the loving embrace of his wife. Over the months, it became a routine he looked forward to once he returned home. This didn't change once spring started and then turned into the hot summer. By then, it was a rare occurrence that thieves visited the small town and the patrols got less and less frequent.  With fewer patrol shifts, Tenya was able to spend most of his days and nights with (Y/N). 
Since there had been no robberies in the past few weeks, the guards decided to take a day off and go out to the pub to have some drinks. There were a few travelers in town, but they hadn’t tried anything till that point so the guards felt it was safe enough that they could take a break for a day. 
Tenya had been hesitant at first as he didn’t want to leave (Y/N) alone. With her reassurance that she would be fine and that it would be beneficial for him to spend some time with his friends and colleagues, Tenya ended up agreeing to go out. (Y/N) knew that Tenya was in good hands so she decided to not wait up for him and go to sleep early. She assumed that by tomorrow he would be tired, since he probably would have to take care of his drunk colleagues. 
Once (Y/N) had finished up everything for the night, she took a bath and went to bed, falling asleep with ease. Noises from the kitchen startled her awake.. It was completely dark outside which (Y/N) knew meant that she had slept for a few hours at least. She had assumed that Tenya had come home and she nearly called out to him, before she heard shushed voices. 
That wasn't Tenya. 
She knew that something was wrong and she didn’t dare say a word even if she could find her voice. Instead, she stood up as quietly and carefully as possible and moved to the wardrobe that Tenya had insisted on buying for them. The wardrobe was rather big and after she had put all of their clothes into it, she could still comfortably hide behind her dresses. Whenever she had a bad day or an argument with Tenya, she would hide in there to calm down.
Now she was using it to hide away from the unknown intruders inside her home. She hoped Tenya would return soon, before they could find her. Tenya on the other hand was already on his way back, having a weird feeling in his stomach since he had left their shared home hours ago. Only now that his colleagues were rather tipsy could he manage to go home, telling them that he didn’t feel too good. He just hoped that the weird feeling was wrong and that everything, especially (Y/N), was alright. 
Once reached his home, he was ready to release the breath he didn't know he was holding until he found their front door ajar. He stopped for a moment, trying to hear anything that could be alarming. The town was quiet besides some muffled sounds coming out of his house, as if someone was searching for something, and hushed voices. As silent as possible, Tenya entered his house unsure of what to expect. In the kitchen, all the cupboards were opened and every single corner was left in chaos.
Tenya noticed that a few things were missing before he continued to look through the rooms. Each one was left in disarray and things were scattered on the ground. Above his head he could hear the thudding of footsteps, so he made his way to the stairway and slowly ascended them so as to not alert the intruders.  He knew that upstairs was only their bathroom and their bedroom. 
A cold feeling washed down Tenya’s back as he realized that (Y/N) was probably still asleep, unaware of the thieves in their house. He was still able to stay calm as he had not yet heard any screams from her. When he had reached the top, he saw that the unknown thieves had already searched through their bathroom, which meant they had to be in their bedroom. Something inside him snapped as he realized how much danger (Y/N) was in right now and without hesitation he ripped open the door to the bedroom. The sudden bang of the bedroom door startled the thieves and he  knocked out the one standing closest to him before grabbing the second one that had tried to escape through the window, knocking him out too. Tenya quickly scanned around the room. (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen so he called out her name. 
(Y/N) was still hiding in the closet when she heard footsteps and people entering the bedroom, talking to each other in hushed voices. Even through their low volume she could hear ‘how the Knight and his wife were out for the night and that they could easily take their stuff’. A quiet gasp left her as she realized that the two people outside of the wardrobe that stood in her bedroom were thieves. She curled more into herself at the realization, trying to make herself as small as possible in case they tried to search through the closet. That was when she heard how the door flung open followed by a groan of pain. She could hear the thuds of fast footsteps and another groan. After this, there was only silence, until a familiar voice called her name.
It was Tenya. 
He was home. He was home and had saved her from the thieves. (Y/N) didn't realize that she had started to cry once she heard Tenya’s voice until a sob came over her lips and she blinked wet eyes. Tenya heard her sob and instantly knew where she was. Carefully, he opened the doors to the wardrobe pushing away some of (Y/N)’s dresses to find her curled up hiding behind them. 
“Oh, (Y/N), I am so glad that nothing has happened to you, my darling.” His voice was filled with relief at the sight of her.
Tenya immediately took her into his arms, carefully pulling her out of her hiding space, to sit down on their bed with her on his lap. (Y/N) immediately clung to him, the fear settling in only now that she knew what had been going on. Tenya didn’t say anything as he held her close to him while carding his fingers through her hair to comfort her. Once (Y/N) had calmed down a bit, her trembling ceasing, he softly spoke to her. 
“My love, I am so glad that you are alright and that I have arrived in time to save you from those thieves. I know that you must have been scared and I know that you won’t feel safe here for the rest of the night. I will take you to the pub, since they still have an open room and you can sleep peacefully while I take these two to the prison.”
He looked at the two knocked out thieves with disgust clear on his face as (Y/N) nodded, not ready to speak just yet. With her approval, Tenya stood up while still holding her in his arms, leaving the house and carrying her to the pub. Once there, he explained the situation to the owner. Immediately, he got the key to the room where he sat (Y/N) down on the bed and promised her to be back as fast as he could before he wrapped the blanket around her. 
He then left the pub to bring the two thieves to the prison guard. After that he went back to the pub, nearly running to get back to (Y/N). He knew that she probably was still out of it and that he needed to comfort her. 
Once he entered their room for the night, he saw that (Y/N) was still sitting on the bed with the blanket wrapped tightly around her still. She looked at him before she opened her arms to him for a hug. Tenya didn’t hesitate, immediately accepting her hug. After a few moments he laid down on the bed and pulled her on top of him to hold her close to him, giving her a feeling of safety and comfort. 
“Thank you, for saving me.”
(Y/N)’s voice was quiet and soft as she spoke, clearly tired, now that the adrenaline had left her body. Tenya just held her tighter, wrapping the blanket around the two of them, as he felt how (Y/N) slowly started to fall asleep. Her body relaxed on top of his as she drifted off. 
“No problem, my love. I’ll always be there to save you.”
With that he pressed a small kiss to her forehead, closing his eyes and drifting off into a peaceful sleep. 
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shadowwing15 · 11 months
Hey there.
So I haven't posted in a while, because a lot has happened. I graduated, got rejected from my first study, then I actually found a different study where I fot accepted and two weeks ago I started Uni...
A lot I know and I am still trying to figure out most things, so there won't be any writings in some time, besides two pieces that I have written...
Still I hope I can return to Tumblr soon, once I have working internet in my flat
Till then 😊❤️
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shadowwing15 · 1 year
  SURPRISE Tendou Satori x Female reader Summary: Your Tendou’s girlfriend and are making an exchange year in America. Of course Tendou is happy that you got this chance but still all his doubts and insecurities about your relationship come up. It all stops when you surprise him on Christmas.
Author’s Note: OMG. I finally found a way. I just needed to delete the app qnd write it on the platform. Damn. Anyways. My dear followers, I tried a new fandom and character and really hope you like it. Also I changed my style a bit. Anyways have fun reading.
~ Shadow Warnings: self doubt, some crying but nothing too major just some fluff, if I forgot something please tell me __________________________________________ Author’s PoV.: Love. It didn’t came easy for Tendou Satori. Since he was a child, he got bullied for the way he looked and how he acted. He grew up believing that he was a monster and that no one could ever love him. Of course  now he had Wakatoshi as a friend, but he wasn’t really good at expressing his feelings or show any kind of affection. So Tendou closed himself off and just lived his life with the knowledge that he would stay alone forever. That was until his first year at Shiratorizawa started. He was one of the first to be in the classroom, so he had already a place in the back when you entered the room. You looked around for a moment before walking up to him, asking if the seat next to him was free. He simply nodded at you and you smiled at him and sat down. Tendou on the other hand was a bit confused. No one ever wanted to sit beside him. It made him happy that you now did. And when you then introduced yourself to him, he knew that the two of you would be going to have a lot of fun together.
… This day is now laying back two years. You and Tendou are now not only best friends but also lovers. He had asked you out in your second year together and who were you to deny this lovable ball of fun and energy. Of course Tendou immediately called Ushiwaka to tell him and the whole team the news. And of course all of them were very happy for you two and you all celebrated it the next evening after school. At the beginning of your third year, you got the chance to go to America for a few months to study. You were hesitant at first, not wanting to leave Tendou for so long. But he was so exited for you and always told you that you should use that opportunity and that it will help you in your future life and so you caved in and went to America. But Tendou soon realized how lonely it really was without you by his side and he slightly regretted telling you to leave. He knew that it was a great chance for you, but he was scared. Scared that you would find someone else and that you would leave him or that you would stay in America. His insecurities and past experiences didn’t help to ease his nerves nor the fact that there was a big time difference between you two. It was hard to communicate with each other, which made Tendou feel lonelier, then before. You also weren’t feeling the best. Of course it was fun to experience something like this, but you still missed him. So when one of the organizers came up to you, saying that you could go back early for Christmas, you obvious said yes, exited to see Tendou again. You wanted to call him but decided against it, wanting to surprise him for Christmas. The only people knowing that you were coming back early were your and Tendou’s parents. Your parents were happy to see you again so soon, but understood that you wanted to spend the holidays with Tendou. Tendou’s parents were just as happy that you would come back early, seeing how much their son missed you. They promised you to invite him over to their house, so that the two of you could spend more time together. You could have hugged the world with how happy you felt to see your love again.
… 8 days. Then you would finally see him again. You were practically counting down the minutes, it was hard not to call him and tell him. Tendou on the other hand wasn’t so happy that Christmas was coming around so soon. It would be the first he spent without you since you started dating and it made him just feel lonelier and sadder. But he was thankful that his parents had invited him over to their house, maybe there he could forget all of this. As requested from his parents, Tendou showed up on the doorstep of their house on the 24th December.
His mother opened the door as soon as he rang the bell and he was sure that she stood behind it, waiting for him. She pulled him into a hug  immediately, his father following shortly after hers. And for the first time in weeks, Tendou smiled. He was just so happy to be home again, that he completely forgot about you and all the other feelings he had since you left. Together they played a lot of board games, laughing about old stories and just having a great time. That night, Tendou went to sleep quite tired, his body catching up to the nights he spend awake, lost in his thoughts. It was no wonder how fast he slept in, not even making it to fully put the blanked on himself. And while Tendou was fast asleep  you were sitting I  the plane back to Japan, exited to see Tendou’s reaction. Before you had stepped into the plane, his parents had informed you that, after you arrived, they would leave the house to you  going and staying over at his aunts house for the holidays. And while you were looking out of the windows of the plane, you realized how grateful you were that your and Tendou’s parents were so understanding and supportive with tour relationship. It felt as if you were already a family. Just imagine being a family made you feel giddy  thinking about marrying Tendou, having children with him, waking up with him every morning….. All these thoughts made you feel so warm and fuzzy with the love you felt for this man. All these thoughts now flooded your mind for the while flight, making you more and more impatient to finally be reunited again with your darling Tendou.
… It was five in the morning when your plane finally landed. Your parents were already waiting for you at the exit, welcoming you with open arms and a big hug. And even tho you were really tired, due to your jet-lag, you couldn’t help but talk the whole ride home about how great it was and the differences, about the things you did, your parents carefully listening. You only stopped when you entered your house, seeing an already packed bag at the door. “We figured you might like to go to Tendou as soon as you get here, so we already packed you a bag with a few things like clothing and some snacks.” your mother spoke, watching the smile grow on your face. You quickly hugged her before going up to your room to take a quick shower and to change your clothes into something more comfortable. It surprised you with how fast you could shower and change your clothes, but you believed that it was because of the excitement and anticipation to see Tendou again. Knowing that you and Tendou lived only a few minutes away from each other made you feel giddy again. Looking at your watch on the bedside drawer, it showed that it was already six in the morning, so you made your way quickly down the stairs. Giving your parents their presents and one last hug, you grabbed the bag and left the house, making your way to Tendou’s. You had already written his mother, telling her that you were on your way to them. You didn’t want to ring the bell and possibly wake up Tendou, so you wrote her again saying that you were standing in front of their door. With a smile Tendou’s mother opened the door, letting you into the warm and familiar house. His father was standing I the open kitchen packing away some food, smiling at you as well. “Tendou is still sleeping. We didn’t want to wake him up. In the fridge is some food for you two to warm up and eat.” His father informed you. “Thank you.” “If you need something, you can just call us, alright?” “Of course.” And with that Tendou’s parents said their goodbyes and wished you a merry Christmas, before leaving the house, making their way to his aunt.
… Excitement filled your body as you walked up the stairs to your lovers room. Slowly you opened the door to his room, the only barrier left between the two of you, slowly poking your head into the room. There on the bed, snuggled up into his blanked, Tendou was laying, his beautiful red hair messy and standing up in some places. You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on your face, as you entered the room, he was just the cutest. Setting your bag down on the floor, you made your way over to his bed, carefully sitting down on it, close enough to to gently stroke the hair out of his face. Tendou slightly stirred to this, snuggling closer into the blanket. A small, quite laugh escaped you as his hair fell right back into his face. Again you tried to put the stands of red hair behind his ear, causing him to stir again. You pressed a gentle kiss on his cheek, wanting to slowly and softly wake him up. To this Tendou stirred again, slowly blinking his eyes open, looking around his room before his eyes met yours. You smiled at him. “Good morning Ten.” “Mornin’ (Y/N)” he groggily spoke, before closing his eyes again, still being sleeping. Then he jolted up, starting you in the eyes with a shocked expression. Slowly his hand reached your cheek, cupping it softly. You leaned into his touch, having missed it so much. His second hand followed the first one, placing itself on the other side of your face. You hand followed to place themselves on his. “Your here. Your back” his voice was barely a whisper as Tendou spoke, a look of disbelieve and confusion still in his eyes. “But why?” His question startled you. “Why wouldn’t I come back to you?” you asked him in return, but Tendou didn’t respond. Slowly he took away his hands, placing them into his lap, just to stare at them. You were confused at his words and actions. Why did he think that you wouldn’t come back? Slowly you crawled closer to him on the bed, sitting now in front of him. “Tendou what’s wrong?” You looked at him with a worried expression. Tendou on the other hand tried to process the whole situation. You were really here. But too early. Why? Did someone from his team call you, saying that he was sad because he missed you ? Did you regret the decision that you left for the exchange program? Did you regret listening and caving in to his words? Were you here to break up with him, because of this ?
Tears formed in Tendou’s eyes at the mere thought that you would leave him. Memories of all the moments you spend together came to his mind. It scared him. Then two arms wrapped around Tendou’s shoulders, pulling him into your chest. And even tho he didn’t felt worthy of feeling your touch at this moment, he couldn’t help it. Clutching your shirt in his hand, he buried his head into you neck, letting his tears flow. And you waited patiently, giving him all the time he needed before asking again. “Ten, what’s wrong?” Tendou took a moment before speaking. “You are here. But far to early and I can’t figure out why! And I thought that maybe you came back so early, because you regret going to America and that you regret listening to me and that you now would break up with me because of this, that that is the reason you came here, just to tell me this.” Your arms around him tightened  at his words. “I would never leave you Tendou. And even if I wouldn’t have liked it in America, it would never be a reason for me to break up with you.” Tendou’s sniffling was all that you got as an answer to your words, while your hand wandered through his hair. “Did you felt like this all the time ? Did you think that I would leave you ever since I stepped into the plane?” Hesitantly Tendou nodded, your arms around him tightening again. “Why didn’t you tell me ?” “I didn’t wanted to make you feel guilty or responsible or sad for leaving.” “Tendou, answer me this one question, okay?” Tendou just nodded as answer. “Have you ever felt like this before ?” Tendou nodded again. “When?” “I… I don’t know. Sometimes these thoughts just come up in my head. And I try to not let them get to me, but this time it just didn’t work.” You sighed and Tendou sunk further into himself, thinking that he had made you mad or even disappointed. “Tendou, you are NOT a monster and I would never even think about breaking up with you. I got the chance to go home early for Christmas. And even tho I landed just a few hours ago, I immediate wanted to go to you. Because I love you. I didn’t told you to make it a surprise, planning it with our parents. But it seems as if I let you and your feelings out of that. And I am truly sorry for this.” Tendou just shook his head at your words. “No. You shouldn’t be. You couldn’t know that I was thinking and feeling this way…..” “But still. I should have at least thought about it from your point. I mean you could have made plans with Ushiwaka and the team.” Again, Tendou just nodded and you both fell into silence, before he spoke again. “I’m sorry.” “For what?” “I ruined it. You panned all of this for me and I made you feel guilty for it. Just because of some stupid insecurities of mine.” “Hey!” You took his face into your hands, looking straight into his red orbs, before continuing talking. “You didn’t ruin anything and you didn’t made me feel guilty. It’s good that we talked about all this, especially your feelings.” Tendou looked down. “And don’t say your insecurities are stupid because they aren’t. And next time you feel like this, please tell me, no matter what time, day or reason okay?” “Okay.” With that you took Tendou back in to your arms again, holding him close and tight. After a while, you started to slowly lay down, taking Tendou with you, not once letting go off him. “How about we take a small nap?” You asked, feeling yourself growing more and more tired. “But my parents will call us down for breakfast soon.” “No they won’t.” “Why not?” Tendou’s voice held a tone of confusion as he looked up to you. “Well they left when I came. But don’t worry. They are visiting your aunt for the holidays, which means we have the whole house to ourselves. And yes they left us some food to warm up in the fridge.” “You really planned out everything, didn’t you?” Tendou chuckled. You couldn’t help the smile that grow on your face, finally seeing him happy again. “Yes I did. Can we take a nap now, I need to sleep out my jet lag.” you said a bit pushy. “Alright, alright. Yes we can take a nap.” Tendou laughed, snuggling closer into you. You
pressed one last kiss into his red hair, before closing your eyes, relaxing to the feeling of his body on top of yours.
… After a moment Tendou looked up into your face, your eyes were closed, features relaxed and your breathing slow and deep. A smile started to bloom on his lips and he felt happiness flooding through his body. All of his insecurities were gone, erased by merely watching your face for a few seconds and your mere presence. And Tendou knew. No matter what may be in the future, you will never leave him. With that last thought on his mind, he closed his eyes and joined you in your sleep, hearts beating a steady rhythm together.      
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shadowwing15 · 1 year
I can you do a Iida x reader Iida falls in love first fanfic nsfw please
Hey, sorry Anon but i do not feel very comfortable writing nsfw at the moment, so i can not write this ask, but maybe in the future when my writing is better, ill start doing nsfw. Also i cant check if you are a minor or not, so that is also a reason why i will not write this.
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shadowwing15 · 2 years
Hello I hope you are still doing requests and if you dont mind but if you can write for iida with a S/O with alot perieces(hope I spelt that right). But if you can't I understand and thank you if you do am a big fan of your work. Have a nice day if you read this.
Tenya Iida x Reader with piercings
Authors note : Hello Hello. I didn't thought that i would say this, but damn it is hard to write, when to stand shortly before your graduation. So I am really sorry that it took me so long, but well here it is now. Also i kind of didn't put the reader as his S/O, since i didn't really had an idea for this. But i still hope you like it.
~ Shadow
Summary: When you arrive at UA with a lot of piercings, you give your class representative nearly an heart attack.
Warnings: none, besides piercings
Tenya was shocked to say the least when you entered the classroom for the first time
nearly everywhere on your body were piercings and this was definitely against the school rules
You didn't even had a chance to sit down, before he walked up to you and told you that you "could not wear these piercings to School"
You on the other hand were just staring at him, not really knowing how to react to it
No one had ever told you before, to not wear your piercings at school, especially not someone you didn't even know
After the blue haired boy finished his speech, telling you to not wear them again near him, you just nodded and went to your seat
soon after a girl with short purple like hair entered the room and sat down besides you
she introduced herself as Jiro and complimented you on your piercings
you thanked her and you two started to talk more often
soon a friendship between the two of you was formed
with Tenya you didn't had much to do for quit some time
You first started to really talk after you and him got paired up for a presentation
Tenya was hesitant to work with you, thinking that you would just sit around and let him do all the work
He was more than surprised when you showed up that same evening, knocking on his dorm door, asking if he would like to already start on the presentation
he nodded and let you into his room where you sat down on his bed
You presented him a list with different parts and topics of your subject, asking him wich ones he would like to do
He slowly reached for the list, took it from you and looked at it
You had parted the subject into four smaller ones, each one having some small explanations under it
He looked at you again and just now realised your missing piercings, while you looked at your hands
Feeling his eyes on yours you looked up at him, to see him looking at you with a quizzed shine in his eyes
"Is everything alright Iida-kun ?"
Still in a trance he asked bluntly
"Where are your piercings?"
You where caught off guard by his question, but simply answered
"You didn't like them so I took them out before I came here."
To that Tenya just nodded and finally decided on two of the topics
Over the next week you two worked at your topics and met up every second day to work on the Handout and tge presentation
Tenya watched you throughout this time, realizing that you wore your piercings to class, but never when you just were with him
He didn't exactly know why, but it made him feel sad
He got to know you a lot better and saw you as his friend, a very good friend at that
So the next time you planned to meet up, Tenya came yo your room far too soon
When you opened the door, you quickly apologized, stating that you still had to take out your piercings, but he stopped you
It surprised you, but Tenya himself just started to apologize
"I am very sorry for I have treated you at the beginning of this school year. I don't hate your piercings, so please do no longer take them you while you are around me."
He then bowed to you, wich placed a smile on your face
Of course, you accepted his apology, and you both left for the library, you joking about how he also should get a piercing
And him just moving his arms like a windmill, embarrassed at the idea, while a great relationship started to bloom between the two of
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shadowwing15 · 2 years
Hand over a iida x a emotion qurik
Tenya Iida x Reader with an Emotion Quirk
Author's Note : Well hello. I finally finished my second Request. Since I'm in my final school year I am not sure how fast I will get my writings finished, but to the people that requested something : I promise you I am working on it. This one came out a bit short and I don't know how to feel about the ending but I still hope you like it.
Warnings: nothing really
Summary : Headcanons of how a reader that can control Emotions met Tenya Iida
You are a student in 1B and you are good friends with Hatsume Mei from the support class
That is also how you met Tenya
One day you decided to visit Hatsume with some food, knowing how caught up she can get with her inventions
as you enter the room, Hatsume was already talking to someone so you waited as to not interrupt them
after they had finished talking Hatsume turned around and smiled seeing you
"Y/n! It's so nice to see you. What ya got there in the bag?"
"Just some food for you. You didn't show up at lunch break, so I assumed you were caught up and figured I should bring you some food." you said, giving her the bag
Hatsume greedily took it from you
"You are really my hero Y/n. I am literally starving here."
Hatsume didn't even waste a second to open the bag and started to eat what was in it
"Well, since you are eating now, I will come back later to talk about the details for my suit." said the guy Hatsume talked to earlier
"No need for that Iida. We can finish it now. I am sure Y/n will help, right ?" Hatsume looked away from the man called Iida and just smiled at you, before going back to eating
"Well I have a break at the moment so it is no problem." you answered a bit unsure
"Great. just write down what Iida says, alright ?"
you nodded
and with that you spend your break with 1A's class rep Tenya Iida, as you found out later from Hatsume
in the next days you met Tenya often at Hatsume's work place
from time to time you started to talk a bit and your conversations started to grew longer and longer
you started to talk more and more even outside from school
after a month, Tenya was the one to ask you to train together
he knew first hand how emotions could control someones mind and actions ( Stain Arc )
He was sure that , with your help, he could train to get his emotions under control, so that something like this wouldn't happen again
of course you agreed seeing it as a chance to train your Quirk
your one time training turned into a weekly session and you soon started to get closer
after a few more months of training together and meeting ups, Tenya asked you out
no one was really surprised seeing how close the two of you had gotten
Hatsume especially, was happy about the news, since she had tried to bring you two together for quite some time, claiming that you two where the perfect match
aside from training you now often met up at caffès and restaurants to chat and spend time together
after you two graduated, Tenya asked you to work with him at his agency and you agreed
together with you, it was a lot easier to take down the villains and soon you two were climbing up the ranking list
and on your fourth anniversary Tenya popped the big question, claimig your heart forever 
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shadowwing15 · 2 years
Shadow`s Masterlist
My Hero Academia:
Tenya Iida > 1. Forgotten Birthday 
                     2. Tenya Iida x sad Reader 
                     3. Shopping Headcanons
                     4. Secret Lover
                     5. Tenya Iida x punk Reader
                     6. Argument part 1.  part 2
                     7. How to be Ingenium
 Tendou Satori > 1. Surprise
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shadowwing15 · 2 years
Can you please make a masterlist
Sure. I just got a Computer so I will sit down and create one
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shadowwing15 · 2 years
How to be Ingenium
Summary: Tenya looses himself in training after his brother gave Ingenium to him, thinking we would never live up to it.
Author's Note: Hey guys. So this piece was originally used for my application for the Iida-Zine. But I didn't got accepted into it, so I thought why not post it here. I hope you like it, since it is something completely new.
Warnings: talk about no eating, an appendix infection, blacking out, a small crack sentient the end and some fluff
______________________________________________________________ Training. Ever since Tenya's brother Tensei had passed his hero name onto him, it was his top priority to make his brother proud and to be worthy of the name Ingenium. So the hero in training made a special schedule, to bring out the best in him, everyday. At first it was okay. Tenya got his full 8 hours of sleep, ate breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday, finished all of his school work, got 4 hours of training and still had some free time. He also saw some progress. He got faster and could run for a longer time period. But this was only counting for his own training alone. As soon as he trained in class with the others, he saw that he still needed to improve more, so that he wouldn’t fall behind. So Tenya decided decided to make to make new schedule. Now he had 5 hours of training everyday and no longer free time. And again he saw improvement as long as he trained alone. When he saw Midoriya’s hard training on the other hand, he felt as if he was still too weak and slow compared to him and the others. So again he made a new schedule, and another one and another one, again and again. Tenya’s training got harder and longer with each new schedule. He took time away from eating and sleeping, to train study. And every time he felt as couldn’t do it, he just reminded himself that he needed the training to become a worthy hero for the Iida family and the hero name Ingenium.
All this didn’t go unnoticed by his classmates. Tenya barely spend time with them, and even tho they all understood how hard it could be sometimes, especially in the hero class, it worried them. Midoriya was the first one to go up to Tenya, asking him if everything was alright and why he wasn’t spending any time with them. At first Tenya was confused by his friends question, but then he quickly answered that, of course, everything was fine and that he was just training a bit more, to say in top shape. Still Midoriya didn’t seem as if he would believe him, so Tenya said that he would do something with them, even tho he knew that it could ruin his schedule, but he didn’t want that anyone worried about him. He also promised himself that he would train harder on Sunday, for the time he lost, to not fall behind. It was quite refreshing for Tenya to not have to train, as he went out with his friends. They had a lot of fun and Tenya had to admit that he had missed to spend time with his friends. He was thinking about changing his schedule, until they went into a clothing store. Midoriya and Todoroki decided to try in some shirts and as they stepped out of the changing area, Ochako and Tsuyu began complementing the pm on how much their body improved to their training. Of course Tenya agreed, but at the same time he asked himself why no one complemented him, surely he also made some training progress you could see, so why didn’t they saw it ?
That evening when they came back, Tenya excused himself to his room, starting to make a new and better schedule. In that he skipped dinner completely for training and also just planned in 3 and a half hour for sleep, to leave the rest for training. After he finished it, he changed into his training cloths and sneaked out of the building to train.
After a few weeks with his new schedule, Tenya was positive about the fact that he had improved. He even took a day “off” to visit his brother, hoping that he would notice the improvement and tell him that he was proud of him. But not even Tensei saw how hard he trained to take over his place. Of course he asked how school was going and Tenya said that he had started to train more, but to this Tensei just nodded, before talking again. Tenya didn’t knew why, but it made him fell as if he still wasn’t doing enough, when not even his own brother saw improvement. Again he changed his schedule, taking away another hour of sleep and skipping breakfast to have more time for his morning run.
In the next week’s his friends got more and more worried about him, only seeing him for class and lunch before he goes to train. They tried to bring him to take breaks, but Tenya just said that he fine and didn’t need that many breaks. So they left him alone, knowing that no matter what, he wouldn’t stop. Tenya on the other hand, really needed a break. His legs were constantly hurting and he felt tired, but still, he didn’t stop. No, he only went harder, seeing the pain as a sign of weakness. He started skipping lunch more and more frequently, completely stopping to eat.
This continued again for weeks. His whole body was now hurting, he barely could walk and he even didn’t feel hunger anymore. His classmates were extremely worried by now about his health. Mr. Aizawa on the other hand didn’t seem as if he even noticed any of it. So they tried again to bring Tenya to stop his training, but every time someone came up to him, he excused himself. This went on for another few days, until Midoriya couldn’t see it any longer. He knew that Tenya would not even talk to him, so he went to the only person he knew, that could bring Tenya to stop; his brother Tensei. They had met a few times before, so he knew where he lived. Upon arriving, Tensei happily let him in, asking what had brought him to him. Midoriya sat down, before starting to talk about the changes in Tenya’s behavior. Tensei was shocked to hear these things, but still listened carefully trying to find a reason for the things Tenya did. As Midoriya started to tell him that Tenya refused to stop and that Tensei was possibly the only person he would listen to, he immediately called one of his families drivers, to get to UA, seeing how serious this was.
As soon as they started to drive, Midoriya send a message to the Dekusquad, so that they would try to stop Tenya for at least a moment, until they arrived. Of course they answered yes, making their way to find and stop Tenya. At first they searched on the campus for him,but had no luck. So they moved on to the training halls. When they entered they already heard Tenya running. For a moment they watched him, before Ochako stepped into his way. Tenya barely managed it to stop in front of her without falling over. He was completely out of breath, skin nearly as white as paper, looking confused at Ochako, who stared at him, looking quite angry. Before Tenya had the chance to even say a word, Ochako walked up close to him and sternly told him to stop training. For a moment Tenya bluntly looked at her, before just answering with no. Then he turned around and started to run again. And before the Squad could even try to catch up to him, he was already out of the hall, using the second entrance.
Tenya knew that it was a mistake to continue training. Not only were his legs burning as if they were set on fire, but also his side started to burn the last few days. It confused him and him think that maybe it was all too much. He couldn’t really remember when he ate something the last time nor when he had even felt hungry. He only drank orange juice. Of course it was unhealthy, but Tenya keen that he needed this, that he needed it to become a great hero and a good replacement for his brother. But why was it so hard to run now, why did his side hurt so much . It was hard for hi to even hold his eyes open. Suddenly the pain in his side flooded his upper body and Tenya collided with the ground, not able to move because of the amount of pain he felt, before passing out.
After Tenya practically run away, Todoroki called Midoriya to tell him what had happened. Upon hearing this, Tensei got more worried. He knew how stern and consequent Tenya could get and that he just had let a conversation, meant that all this was foe something important in Tenya’s mind. With out any second thoughts he told them to search for him. He had never seen Tneya like that and that scared him. What if something would happen to him? But nor only Tensei saw it this way, the whole squad was just as worried and wasted no time to search for Tenya.
It took them an hour to find him. Tensei and Midoriya had already arrived and were currently talking, well more like yelling on Tensei’s side, with Aizawa. Tensei seemed pretty mad with him, for not looking after Tenya. Midoriya felt pretty awkward to just stand there and watch Tensei roasting Aizawa, but he had to admit that it was kind of funny, until Todoroki walked up to the three of them. Tensei immediately stopped, when he was told that Tenya was with Recovery girl. He didn’t even waste a economy before making his way to her office, accepting help from Midoriya. What they didn’t expect was for Tsuyu to come out of the room, nearly crashing into them, saying that Recovery girl needed to talk to Tensei. He nodded and entered the office, seeing Recovery girl standing over Tenya. He looked pale, thinner than the last time they had met and the bags under his eyes were worse than Aizawa’s. Tensei didn’t had much time to look at his brother, before Recovery girl came up to him, asking if Tenya had gotten his appendix removed in the past. Tensei just shook his head no, too shocked to see his brother like this, until she told him that Tenya needed to go to the hospital, having a serious appendix infection. Tensei, knowing himself how bad it can get, agreed and Tenya was brought to the hospital immediately, going into an emergency surgery.
It took a few days until Tenya finally woke up again. Meanwhile his brother searched in his dorm room for a reason, that could have caused the changes in Tenya, until he found his latest schedule with the title “How to be Ingenium”. It all clicked in his mind and when Tenya was finally ready to see some visitors, they both had a long talk. Tenya apologized for how he had acted and Tensei promised hi that he would always be proud of hi and that he didn’t needed this extra training. After Tenya was released from the hospital, they both made a healthy trainings schedule, so that something like this would never happen again. And Tensei made Aizawa promise to watch better over Tenya and the other students, saying that if not, he would roll him over with his wheelchair.
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shadowwing15 · 2 years
  SURPRISE Tendou Satori x Female reader Summary: Your Tendou's girlfriend and are making an exchange year in America. Of course Tendou is happy that you got this chance but still all his doubts and insecurities about your relationship come up. It all stops when you surprise him on Christmas.
Author's Note: OMG. I finally found a way. I just needed to delete the app qnd write it on the platform. Damn. Anyways. My dear followers, I tried a new fandom and character and really hope you like it. Also I changed my style a bit. Anyways have fun reading.
~ Shadow Warnings: self doubt, some crying but nothing too major just some fluff, if I forgot something please tell me __________________________________________ Author’s PoV.: Love. It didn't came easy for Tendou Satori. Since he was a child, he got bullied for the way he looked and how he acted. He grew up believing that he was a monster and that no one could ever love him. Of course  now he had Wakatoshi as a friend, but he wasn't really good at expressing his feelings or show any kind of affection. So Tendou closed himself off and just lived his life with the knowledge that he would stay alone forever. That was until his first year at Shiratorizawa started. He was one of the first to be in the classroom, so he had already a place in the back when you entered the room. You looked around for a moment before walking up to him, asking if the seat next to him was free. He simply nodded at you and you smiled at him and sat down. Tendou on the other hand was a bit confused. No one ever wanted to sit beside him. It made him happy that you now did. And when you then introduced yourself to him, he knew that the two of you would be going to have a lot of fun together.
... This day is now laying back two years. You and Tendou are now not only best friends but also lovers. He had asked you out in your second year together and who were you to deny this lovable ball of fun and energy. Of course Tendou immediately called Ushiwaka to tell him and the whole team the news. And of course all of them were very happy for you two and you all celebrated it the next evening after school. At the beginning of your third year, you got the chance to go to America for a few months to study. You were hesitant at first, not wanting to leave Tendou for so long. But he was so exited for you and always told you that you should use that opportunity and that it will help you in your future life and so you caved in and went to America. But Tendou soon realized how lonely it really was without you by his side and he slightly regretted telling you to leave. He knew that it was a great chance for you, but he was scared. Scared that you would find someone else and that you would leave him or that you would stay in America. His insecurities and past experiences didn't help to ease his nerves nor the fact that there was a big time difference between you two. It was hard to communicate with each other, which made Tendou feel lonelier, then before. You also weren't feeling the best. Of course it was fun to experience something like this, but you still missed him. So when one of the organizers came up to you, saying that you could go back early for Christmas, you obvious said yes, exited to see Tendou again. You wanted to call him but decided against it, wanting to surprise him for Christmas. The only people knowing that you were coming back early were your and Tendou's parents. Your parents were happy to see you again so soon, but understood that you wanted to spend the holidays with Tendou. Tendou's parents were just as happy that you would come back early, seeing how much their son missed you. They promised you to invite him over to their house, so that the two of you could spend more time together. You could have hugged the world with how happy you felt to see your love again.
... 8 days. Then you would finally see him again. You were practically counting down the minutes, it was hard not to call him and tell him. Tendou on the other hand wasn't so happy that Christmas was coming around so soon. It would be the first he spent without you since you started dating and it made him just feel lonelier and sadder. But he was thankful that his parents had invited him over to their house, maybe there he could forget all of this. As requested from his parents, Tendou showed up on the doorstep of their house on the 24th December.
His mother opened the door as soon as he rang the bell and he was sure that she stood behind it, waiting for him. She pulled him into a hug  immediately, his father following shortly after hers. And for the first time in weeks, Tendou smiled. He was just so happy to be home again, that he completely forgot about you and all the other feelings he had since you left. Together they played a lot of board games, laughing about old stories and just having a great time. That night, Tendou went to sleep quite tired, his body catching up to the nights he spend awake, lost in his thoughts. It was no wonder how fast he slept in, not even making it to fully put the blanked on himself. And while Tendou was fast asleep  you were sitting I  the plane back to Japan, exited to see Tendou's reaction. Before you had stepped into the plane, his parents had informed you that, after you arrived, they would leave the house to you  going and staying over at his aunts house for the holidays. And while you were looking out of the windows of the plane, you realized how grateful you were that your and Tendou's parents were so understanding and supportive with tour relationship. It felt as if you were already a family. Just imagine being a family made you feel giddy  thinking about marrying Tendou, having children with him, waking up with him every morning..... All these thoughts made you feel so warm and fuzzy with the love you felt for this man. All these thoughts now flooded your mind for the while flight, making you more and more impatient to finally be reunited again with your darling Tendou.
... It was five in the morning when your plane finally landed. Your parents were already waiting for you at the exit, welcoming you with open arms and a big hug. And even tho you were really tired, due to your jet-lag, you couldn't help but talk the whole ride home about how great it was and the differences, about the things you did, your parents carefully listening. You only stopped when you entered your house, seeing an already packed bag at the door. "We figured you might like to go to Tendou as soon as you get here, so we already packed you a bag with a few things like clothing and some snacks." your mother spoke, watching the smile grow on your face. You quickly hugged her before going up to your room to take a quick shower and to change your clothes into something more comfortable. It surprised you with how fast you could shower and change your clothes, but you believed that it was because of the excitement and anticipation to see Tendou again. Knowing that you and Tendou lived only a few minutes away from each other made you feel giddy again. Looking at your watch on the bedside drawer, it showed that it was already six in the morning, so you made your way quickly down the stairs. Giving your parents their presents and one last hug, you grabbed the bag and left the house, making your way to Tendou's. You had already written his mother, telling her that you were on your way to them. You didn't want to ring the bell and possibly wake up Tendou, so you wrote her again saying that you were standing in front of their door. With a smile Tendou's mother opened the door, letting you into the warm and familiar house. His father was standing I the open kitchen packing away some food, smiling at you as well. "Tendou is still sleeping. We didn't want to wake him up. In the fridge is some food for you two to warm up and eat." His father informed you. "Thank you." "If you need something, you can just call us, alright?" "Of course." And with that Tendou's parents said their goodbyes and wished you a merry Christmas, before leaving the house, making their way to his aunt.
... Excitement filled your body as you walked up the stairs to your lovers room. Slowly you opened the door to his room, the only barrier left between the two of you, slowly poking your head into the room. There on the bed, snuggled up into his blanked, Tendou was laying, his beautiful red hair messy and standing up in some places. You couldn't help the smile that bloomed on your face, as you entered the room, he was just the cutest. Setting your bag down on the floor, you made your way over to his bed, carefully sitting down on it, close enough to to gently stroke the hair out of his face. Tendou slightly stirred to this, snuggling closer into the blanket. A small, quite laugh escaped you as his hair fell right back into his face. Again you tried to put the stands of red hair behind his ear, causing him to stir again. You pressed a gentle kiss on his cheek, wanting to slowly and softly wake him up. To this Tendou stirred again, slowly blinking his eyes open, looking around his room before his eyes met yours. You smiled at him. "Good morning Ten." "Mornin' (Y/N)" he groggily spoke, before closing his eyes again, still being sleeping. Then he jolted up, starting you in the eyes with a shocked expression. Slowly his hand reached your cheek, cupping it softly. You leaned into his touch, having missed it so much. His second hand followed the first one, placing itself on the other side of your face. You hand followed to place themselves on his. "Your here. Your back" his voice was barely a whisper as Tendou spoke, a look of disbelieve and confusion still in his eyes. "But why?" His question startled you. "Why wouldn't I come back to you?" you asked him in return, but Tendou didn't respond. Slowly he took away his hands, placing them into his lap, just to stare at them. You were confused at his words and actions. Why did he think that you wouldn't come back? Slowly you crawled closer to him on the bed, sitting now in front of him. "Tendou what's wrong?" You looked at him with a worried expression. Tendou on the other hand tried to process the whole situation. You were really here. But too early. Why? Did someone from his team call you, saying that he was sad because he missed you ? Did you regret the decision that you left for the exchange program? Did you regret listening and caving in to his words? Were you here to break up with him, because of this ?
Tears formed in Tendou's eyes at the mere thought that you would leave him. Memories of all the moments you spend together came to his mind. It scared him. Then two arms wrapped around Tendou's shoulders, pulling him into your chest. And even tho he didn't felt worthy of feeling your touch at this moment, he couldn't help it. Clutching your shirt in his hand, he buried his head into you neck, letting his tears flow. And you waited patiently, giving him all the time he needed before asking again. "Ten, what's wrong?" Tendou took a moment before speaking. "You are here. But far to early and I can't figure out why! And I thought that maybe you came back so early, because you regret going to America and that you regret listening to me and that you now would break up with me because of this, that that is the reason you came here, just to tell me this." Your arms around him tightened  at his words. "I would never leave you Tendou. And even if I wouldn't have liked it in America, it would never be a reason for me to break up with you." Tendou's sniffling was all that you got as an answer to your words, while your hand wandered through his hair. "Did you felt like this all the time ? Did you think that I would leave you ever since I stepped into the plane?" Hesitantly Tendou nodded, your arms around him tightening again. "Why didn't you tell me ?" "I didn't wanted to make you feel guilty or responsible or sad for leaving." "Tendou, answer me this one question, okay?" Tendou just nodded as answer. "Have you ever felt like this before ?" Tendou nodded again. "When?" "I... I don't know. Sometimes these thoughts just come up in my head. And I try to not let them get to me, but this time it just didn't work." You sighed and Tendou sunk further into himself, thinking that he had made you mad or even disappointed. "Tendou, you are NOT a monster and I would never even think about breaking up with you. I got the chance to go home early for Christmas. And even tho I landed just a few hours ago, I immediate wanted to go to you. Because I love you. I didn't told you to make it a surprise, planning it with our parents. But it seems as if I let you and your feelings out of that. And I am truly sorry for this." Tendou just shook his head at your words. "No. You shouldn't be. You couldn't know that I was thinking and feeling this way....." "But still. I should have at least thought about it from your point. I mean you could have made plans with Ushiwaka and the team." Again, Tendou just nodded and you both fell into silence, before he spoke again. "I'm sorry." "For what?" "I ruined it. You panned all of this for me and I made you feel guilty for it. Just because of some stupid insecurities of mine." "Hey!" You took his face into your hands, looking straight into his red orbs, before continuing talking. "You didn't ruin anything and you didn't made me feel guilty. It's good that we talked about all this, especially your feelings." Tendou looked down. "And don't say your insecurities are stupid because they aren't. And next time you feel like this, please tell me, no matter what time, day or reason okay?" "Okay." With that you took Tendou back in to your arms again, holding him close and tight. After a while, you started to slowly lay down, taking Tendou with you, not once letting go off him. "How about we take a small nap?" You asked, feeling yourself growing more and more tired. "But my parents will call us down for breakfast soon." "No they won't." "Why not?" Tendou's voice held a tone of confusion as he looked up to you. "Well they left when I came. But don't worry. They are visiting your aunt for the holidays, which means we have the whole house to ourselves. And yes they left us some food to warm up in the fridge." "You really planned out everything, didn't you?" Tendou chuckled. You couldn't help the smile that grow on your face, finally seeing him happy again. "Yes I did. Can we take a nap now, I need to sleep out my jet lag." you said a bit pushy. "Alright, alright. Yes we can take a nap." Tendou laughed, snuggling closer into you. You
pressed one last kiss into his red hair, before closing your eyes, relaxing to the feeling of his body on top of yours.
... After a moment Tendou looked up into your face, your eyes were closed, features relaxed and your breathing slow and deep. A smile started to bloom on his lips and he felt happiness flooding through his body. All of his insecurities were gone, erased by merely watching your face for a few seconds and your mere presence. And Tendou knew. No matter what may be in the future, you will never leave him. With that last thought on his mind, he closed his eyes and joined you in your sleep, hearts beating a steady rhythm together.      
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shadowwing15 · 3 years
Tenya Iida x reader Argument part 2
Author's note: Hello my friends. Sorry that it took so long to bring it out but with school work and my drivers license classes, I just got a bit overwhelmed and stressed. But finally I managed to find some time. Also it's shorter then the first part since I kind of lost ideas how to end it. I still hope you like it. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
Warnings: contains hospitals. Mentions of surgery ( I think once or twice ) talk of injuries, bad writing and kind of ooc Tenya. Please tell me if I forgot something.
Author's PoV:
Unknown to Mr. Mornoe, the hero's were already in the building. After finding out that he had planned to take you away, they immediately went there to stop him and get you. After hearing of Mornoe's plans Tenya slightly paniced. He was scared that they would come to late and that Mornoe had already brought you away. He was waiting outside of the building, watching the door closely where the hero's went in. After getting the information that Mornoe was planning to take you away Aizawa and All might decided to take a few hero's more into their plan. Now there weren't just Present Mic , Eraserhead and All might but also Midnight and Vlad King. Practically all of UA's teachers went to save you.
Present Mic waited outside with Tenya, in case someone would try to escape. Mic quickly realised how nervous and scared Tenya was and tried to calm him down. "Hey little listener. Don't worry we will get her out of there in no time. And then everything will be fine again, okay?" Tenya just nodded. He hoped so much that you would be alright. Then the two of them heard a loud crash and a big flame came out of the building. Tenya and Present Mic, both stared in shock at the building. And then they finally saw the hero's coming out. Vlad King was carrying (Y/N) and the others took care of Mr. Mornoe and his men's. As they walked over to where Tenya and Mic stood, Tenya nearly began to cry, when he finally saw your pale face. He was just so relieved that you were out of this hell. Vlad King saw how Tenya starred at your body and slowly went over to him and laid you in his arms. Tenya was now holding you carefully but still firm to his chest, not wanting to hurt you further but needing to feel your body against his.
Meanwhile the police arrived and took care of Mr. Mornoe. Aizawa talked with one of the officers a few words before going over to Tenya, so that the officer could see what Mornoe had done to you. The officer looked over your body,before saying that the hero's should bring you to the hospital, to see how bad your injuries were and if there were others they couldn't see. Aizawa nodded and the officer went back to his car and Mornoe. After he was secured in the car, the hero's and officers went back into the building. Aizawa on the other hand took Tenya, who was still holding you in his arms, to his car. Before going in he asked if Tenya would be able to hold you until they arrived at the hospital, to prevent further injuries and of course he said yes immediately. So they stepped into the car and drove off.
While they drove, no one said a word. Aizawa was concentrating on the road infront of them and Tenya listened to your calm breathing, holding you tightly to his chest. In his mind were many thoughts, mostly about your health and if you would forgive him after all of this. Before Tenya got too lost in them, the car stopped and Aizawa stepped out to open the door for Tenya. Together they went into the hospital. Immediately a nurse came to them and brought you away to a doctor. Aizawa then brought Tenya to the waiting room and they both sat down.
An hour. They were waiting for you for an hour already and it made Tenya for crazy. No one could say how bad your injuries were or when you would be able to see him or your parents, which arrived a few minutes after Aizawa and him. They were just as worried as Tenya and currnty talking to a doctor. Then finally, a nurse stepped into the room. She told them that the surgery was successful and that you were stable.
Your parents were the first one to go to your room, of course and Tenya was waiting patiently, relieved that your were fine, but still worried.
Half an hour later, (Y/N)'s parents came back and her mother told Tenya that she wanted to see him. With slightly shaking hands he made his way to your room. Standing infront of the door, he took a few deep breaths before knocking on it and slowly opening it.
As you heard the door opening, you looked up and a small smile slowly crept on your face. Tenya's eyes scanned over your body for a moment, taking in all the bandages on it, before stepping into the white room, hesitantly. Slowly he made his way over to your bed and sat down on the chair in front if it. All the way over to you, you watched him carefully. None of you said a word and Tenya didn't dare to look up at your face, into your eyes, scared that of what he will see in them. And the fact that he was fighting back his tears, didn't make it any better. It shocked and surprised him when he felt your hand stocking to his hair. And when he finally looked up and saw that smile on your face, he couldn't hold back his tears any longer. Carefully, as to not hurt you, he laid his head onto your shoulder as your opened arms welcomed him. Through his tears and sobs, he told you how sorry he was over and over again. And you listened to Hi., holding him in your arms and telling him that you forgave him. After his 20th time apologising for all the things that had happened , you made him promise that from now on he had to take at least 3 breaks a week with you, and Tenya of course agreed, happy that he could finally hold you again.
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shadowwing15 · 3 years
Tenya Iida x reader Argument Part 1
Author's Note: Hello my friends. For the end of the year I tried to bring out the full story but I could really finish it. So I give you at least part 1 of it. I hope that you still like it and have a great start in the year 2022. Requests are open.
Warnings: Mention of blood and torture, argument, yelling, cursing ( mentioning the word scared and guilt a lot ) pls tell me if I miss anything.
Author's PoV:
Friday. Finally the stressful week found its end. Test and practical exams had you tired out more than you thought. All the free time you had, you spend studying and training. And now you were finally able to relax. Together with the other girls of Class 1A you made your way to the dorms. Since you and your parents lived only like 100m away from UA, you didn't have your own dorm room, so you were mostly in the dorms of the girls or in the dorm of your Boyfriend , the class representative Tenya Iida. Shortly after you entered Momo's dorm, Uraraka asked if anyone had seen the new Alladin movie. Thinking of it you realised that Tenya and you hadn't had a movie night in an long time. With this in mind you said your goodbyes to the others and made your way to your boyfriends room. You knocked the door and opened it, only to see Iida sitting at his desk, studying. Again. Walking over to where he was seated, you gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Tenya's head shot up and it felt as if he was glaring at you, before ha look back at the book infront of him. "Don't you think you need to take a break ?", you asked him. "No." "But we could watch the new Alladin Movie together." "I said no (Y/N)!" "Why are you even studying? We don't have any exams in the next weeks." "Because I want to be prepared. And you should be studying too." "Why? I did great on my last exams." "Yeah you did. But only because of my help." "What? Do you really think I can't have good grades with out you helping me study?" You were shocked. Tenya on th other hand, couldn't stand it anymore. He needed to let out all of that pent up stress and frustration. But you were certainly the wrong person. But Tenya didn't realised it at first. He stood up from his chair, walked over to you with a glare in his eyes that made your take a step back. "Yes I do. And you know what ? Everyone does. Everyone thinks that you are stupid. Everyone that you are too lazy. Everyone thinks that you are annoying. So shut the fuck up and leave us all alone.", the morehe said tge more you shrunk together. You had never seen this side of Tenya before and it broke your heart. And as he finally finished, you wanted nothing more than to leave and you did. You took your bag and quickly left the room without another word. It wasn't until this moment, when the door closed, that Tenya realised what he had done. He hurt you. He hurt you more than any villian could ever do. And he felt disgusted with himself. Guilt and Sadness now claimed his thoughts and he wanted nothing more than to run after you. But he was sure that he had just destroyed your relationship. 'Congratulations Tenya. You just ended your first relationship' he thought to himself. With an sigh, he took out his phone. He needed to apologise to you immediately, maybe you wouldn't break up with him then. Tenya tried to put all of his heart and emotions in the apology, so that you would see that he was truly sorry and that he regretted everything that he had said. But you never responded.
Your PoV:
I was literally running out of school. I just wanted to get away as fast as possible from the man I loved the most. Ironic, right ? But I just couldn't believe what he had said to me. I had never seen Tenya like this before. Normally even when he was stressed, he would stay level-headed and calm. But today...... he scared me. The glaring in his eyes. Why was he even so mad ? Am I really that annoying? But before I could think any further over it there was a tissue over my mouth and nose and I quickly lost consciousness, before I could even try to fight against the person. When I woke up up I was tied up against a chair. Looking around, I realised that I was in a big room. Here and there were a few chains. In front of me was a big, I assumed, metal door. Then I heard voices coming closer to the door and I was quick close my eyes. I faintly heard the door open and a huff, then someone said:" I told you not to use that much. She is still as out a a light. And we need this information." "Calm down." Another voice said to the first one. "The Iida's and their company aren't running away. At least not without her." After that the door closes again. I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding in. 'So that's why I'm here. They want me to blackmail the Iida's' I thought to myself. But does Tenya even want me to get saved, when they find out? I mean, he said I was stupid.... No! I can't think about this now. I have to make a plan to escape. Maybe I could tell them that Tenya and I broke up weeks ago? I could at least try it. Hopefully the Hero's will find me soon.
I didn't know how long I was already sitting here. The two men from before haven't came back yet ,too, so I was left alone in the dark. While trying again to get rid of the chains that tied me to the chair, I heard footsteps. This time I decided to leave my eyes open. The door opened again and a man walked into the room. "Finally awake ,princess.", he spoke. "We already thought thought that we might have killed you.", a chuckle escaped his mouth. I just stared at him. The man was wearing black clothes and black shoes. On his hands were a few scars and he had one on his face. His eyes had a deep brown color and his black hair was cut short. The grin he held on his face was a bit scary, I had to admit, but I had sworn myself to never show fear. The harsh grip on my face took me back to reality, the face of the man only centimeters away from mine. "Listen to me little girl. If you behave and cooperate with us, we don't have to do anything that might hurt you. If not.?....... well then you will see, understood?" His voice was cold and his eyes were holding a glare. I just looked at him without saying anything. Then I felt a harsh pain in my cheek. "Answer me when I ask you something." He yelled at me. "Maybe" I responded dryly. With a huff and another slap in my face he left the room and I was alone again.
Tenya's PoV:
I was tossing and turning it my bed. It was 1 am and everybody should be asleep by now, but I was wide awake. (Y/N) hadn't answered to my apology or even read it. On one hand I know that she needs time, but on the other hand I was deeply worried. To get my mind off of the argument and her not answering I was already scrolling through my social media's. Then I got a message from Tensei. It was a meme like always. I just responded with a laughing emoji before going back to my previous app. Shortly after I became another text from my brother. "Still awake?" It read. I just answered with a short yes, not feeling like texting lore to not bother him, I closed the app and laid back down. I looked through the room. Here and there were a few pictures of me and (Y/N), all taken at special moments. As the memories came back, tears started to appear in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away when I got another text from Tensei. "Did something happen?" Not wanting to shut him down I answered. "I had an argument with (Y/N) and now she isn't answering my texts." "Give her a bit of time. I'm sure that you both need this to fully calm down. Also don't worry to much. If she really loves you as much as you love her she will forgive you." "Thank you brother." "No problem. But now go to sleep!" "Alright, alright. Have a good night rest Tensei." "You too Tenya." After his response I turned my phone of and finally felt at least a tiny bit tired. I closed my eyes and finally drifted off.
I woke up when it was already 7 am, but I didn't really care. Normally I would now go on my morning jog, but I still felt exhausted after this stressful week. I decided that I could at least read a book until it was time for breakfast.
Your PoV:
I woke up as the door opened. This time there were three men; two men in black clothes on each side of the man in the middle who was wearing a grey suit. He stepped infront of me before looking me up and down with an expression on his face I couldn't read. Then he started to speak; "So. And you are the girlfriend of the youngest Iida ? Don't you think she is a bit to beautiful for this robot guy ?" He turned around to the other two men, a slight grin on his face. Then the man from yesterday, I believed, stepped into the room. "Ah, Melcom. Good to see you." So that us his name. "Mister Mornoe. As always a pleasure." The man, Melcom, said to the other one in the grey suit. 'Mr Mornoe' I thought ' I think I heard his name before but I can't remember when' I looked at the men infront of me. Mister Mornoe was a middle-aged man and his hair look as messy as if he was coming straight out of bed. Melcom was at least 5 or even 10 years younger. They both talked with each other before Mornoe asked:" has she spoken yet ? " to wich Melcom shook his head no. They turned to me." Well well well, my dear. Why don't you talk to us ? Don't you know that you won't get hurt, when you tells us what we want to know ? " I was still looking at Mornoe without saying a word. Mornoe just huffed, before turning his back to me and nodding once to the three other men still standing in the room. They silently left the room, closing the door after them and Mornoe turned back to me and knelt down infront of me. "My little girl..." he started to speak again, " I think you may not understand the situation your in. I so, I have to show you what happen if you don't talk and answer my questions.Do you really want this ?" He looked at me, but I still refused to answer. "Well, you asked for it." This were Mornoes last words before standing up. He then laid his hand on my shoulder and a sharp pain flooded my body. I tried hard to not scream out in pain and nearly failed but thankfully he took away his hand. " Not bad, but we just started , my angel." He smiled at me before turning, and walking to the door, knocking on it. The door opened and he left. Now that I was fully awake, a slight feeling of hunger was noticeable since I hadn't eaten anything for the time I was here. Hopefully I will at least get a bit of food from them.
Author's PoV:
While you were thinking about all this, Tenya was sitting at the breakfast table together with Midoriya, Uraraka an Todoroki, eating. Midoriya quickly realised that something was off with Tenya, ha was quiet and had das circles under his eyes. Todoroki and Uraraka were also looking at Tenya, but no one said a word. They all knewed about the argument the two of you had yesterday. Midoriya had overheard how Tenya had yelled at you, when he came to his dorm to ask Tenya something. But he oy told Uraraka and Todoroki so that they would leave him alone for a while. The others didn't know about the argument but still kept quite and didn't ask Tenya , knowing that he wouldn't say what was wrong or at least not the truth. Tenya on the other hand didn't notice the worried looks on his friends faces, he was too lost in his thoughts. Mostly about you. Since he woke up he had this feeling that something was wrong, but he wasn't sure what. Maybe he has this feeling only because he felt guilty for lashing out on you? Yeah, it must be this. Tenya wanted to go to you, hug you, kiss you, tell you how sorry he was, apologising until you forgave him, but he had promised Tensei that he would give you time. And so he pushed these thoughts away. He would wait for you until you were ready.
The hero's on the other hand were already searching for you. When you didn't showed up at your parents house, they were quick to call Aizawa asking if he knew where you were, worried to death. Tensei was also helping, mostly because you were his brothers girlfriend but also because you were his friend. But sadly they didn't had a clue yet, on who had captured you. It made things hard but who where they if they would give up just because of this.
1 day later
Your PoV:
A sharp pain on my cheek took me out of my sleep. Mister Mornoe stood infront of me, dressed in a blue dress shirt and black pants. He was holding a knife in his hand a bid of my blood dribbling off of it. "Good morning, princess." His amused voice sounded through the room. "I hope you slept well because today I won't be so friendly with you." I looked up at his face, a grin decorating his lips, but I still didn't say a word. "Since you still don't want to cooperate with me, you leave me no choice." And with that he rammed the knife in my thigh. I want to scream out in pain ,but bit my cheeks instead. "Oh please, don't hold back your screams princess." He came closer to my face, before speaking again. "The more tou hold back , the more I will have fun to break you." With that he yanked the knife our of my thigh and rammed it right back into it, before doing the same again and again moving to my other thigh. After I let a small cry escape my mouth he stopped. Tears were streaming down my face and Mornoe looked at me with a look of pure joy. " See. That wasn't so hard. Noe tell me about..." "No! I would prefer to die before telling you anything." "Oh. I see. Well well then. If this is what you want that I will give you a slow, painful death. Oh and just that you know. Sooner or later everyone talks, including you." With that he putted a finger on my forehand and pain started to fill my head and body. The longer I was holding back my screams the stronger got the pain. Again tears were streaming down my face, my lips were bleeding from biting on them to stop my screams and my ears were ringing. Than it stopped. I slowly opened my eyes and saw two man's I didn't recognise. They looked at me with monoton eyes before stepping infront of me and I knew that the pain from before Was nothing compared to the pain that will follow.
Tenya's PoV:
It was Sunday. Two days after the argument. It still haunted me. And (Y/N) still hadn't answered any of my texts. I know that I should give her time but I was really worried. She not only refused to answer my texts but also the ones from our friends, and this wasn't like her at all. Aizawa and Present Mic were also acting a bit strange, even a bit suspicious. Everytime they saw me they would look at me with an expression I could quite read. I tied to focus on my studies, but (Y/N) always crossed my mind. In the End I stopped, closed my books and laid back I my chair. I promised to get back to studying after lunch ...... but I didn't. I just went straight into my bed , plugged my headphones in and listened to music, letting my thoughts wander. This was the only thing I did until and after dinner until I tried to sleep, knowing that I will see (Y/N) again tomorrow, and that I could properly apologise to her.
Your PoV:
Th room the two man had brought me in, was different then the first one. The walls and floor was white and on the opposite side of the door was a big mirror. The both men brought me into the middle of the room and tied my hands over my head together with chains, so that I was standing , more hanging, by myself. Then they left, leaving me alone, but not for long. I was standing, looking at the mirror, qnd saw how the door opened and a person stepped into the room. Mister Mornoe was still wearing the blue shirt stained with my blood, in his hand he was now holding something else I could recognise. "Welcome (Y/N)." Mornoe started to speak, "this is my room of pain. Many people that had refused to speak, like you, were within these walls. They all went through pain, hunger and sleeplessness. But in the end they all talked. So my dear (Y/N) think back to these pour souls and answered my questions. Or I won't show you any kind of mercy." I just stared at him, not scared of his speech. "Well then we will go with this until you finally talk. And I promise you to .... break... you .... slowly." For each of the last three words he took a step forward, so that he was standing directly behind me qnd put both of his hands onto my shoulders. And the pain started again.
Author's PoV:
What you didn't know, was the fact that there was a camera behind the mirror, filming everything that Mornoe did to you. In the following days many videos were taken. In some videos you were tortured by Mornoes Quirk. In others body parts of you were cut open. In some others he chocked you , slapped you kicked you and tried to drown you. But you never talked, even though you often screamed out. No matter how hard it was to breath, how much your body hired or how strong the feeling of hunger grew, you still fought against him and stayed strong. The hero's on the other hand finally knewed where you were and who had captured you. Mornoe sended all the videos to the Iida's, but forgot to erase himself in one of them. So the hero's could just follow him to see where he had brought you. Tenya also found out what had happened to you. You didn't showed up to any of the classes or even to school and he got immensely worried. After a few days he had enough and went to Aizawa to ask him if he knewed something, walking in on him and All might watching the videos of you getting tortured. After that there was no use to keep it a secret from him any longer. They told Tenya what they knowed and showed him the videos. Tenya couldn't decide what shocked him the most, the fact that you got tortured or the fact that even after all this you still refused to speak. But it also scared him. You looked so pale and there was so much blood coming out if your body. If it wouldn't have been for your screams he would have thought you were dead. After not even the first video he closed the laptop, he couldn't bring himself to watch any longer. "How long has she been there ?" Tenya asked. "Nearly a week. After she didn't came back last Friday her parents called us. Midoriya then told us that she had already left the school. We started to search right away, and today Tensei and your father sended us the videos." Tenya just stared at the closed Laptop infront of him and Aizawa started to talk again. "Her captor is Mister Mornoe. He wants informations about you qnd tour family and agency from her. We observed him and now know where he brought (Y/N). Tomorrow we will get her out of there." "Tomorrow? Why not today ?" "Iida ! We can't just go in there and hope that we can find her. We need a plan and we need to know where in the building she is. But we are already on it so you don't need to worry. Tomorrow we will get her out of there." Tenya just nodded his head. His teachers were right, they needed a plan to not make things worse. "Can I come with you ?" Aizawa and All might looked at each other for a moment "Well.... Tensei already told us that if you find out about this that you would want to come with us to save her so... you need to promise us that you will stay outside and away from the building, and wait until we come back out. Understood ?" "Yes!" Tenay knewed that it was to dangerous for him to go inside, but still he wanted to be the one to save (Y/N). That is the least he could do after the things he said and due to the fact that you went through all of this because of him. But he was thankful that he could at least come with Aizawa and All might, so that he could stay with you after you are saved.
That night Tenya didn't slept well. Thoughts clouded his mind. What if they would come to late? Or would you even want to see him ? What if you think that it was his fault ? Are you going to break up with him ? To say that he was nervous was an underestimate. He was scared not only for you but also for your relationship. If you die before he can apologise.... no this was not going to happen. You were strong and rhe hero's will save you. And after that he will apologise for all this, if you wanted to see him. With a sigh Tenya hid his face in his hands. He had really messed up this time. All he could do now was to hope that you would hear him out and accept his apology. Hopefully everything will went good tomorrow.
Your PoV:
I didn't know how long I have been here or what time it was. My head feels dizzy die to the blood loss and the fact that I hadn't eaten in days. It got harder to stay awake and not loose conciousness. The ringing I my head getting louder and louder. I didn't even understood what Mornoe was talking about, while I watched him with tired eyes. He was walking around in the room, his brows furrowed. He seemed angry. The two men that brought me here were also in the room. Mornoe was holding a phone in his hand and it seemed as if he was yelling, at least he seem angry. The other men just stood thee watching him. Then he ended the call and looked at the men. He talked to them and gestured wildly with his hands. I looked down for a moment. The originally white floor was now covered in red. It was scary how much blood came out of my body. When I looked up again Mornoe was still talking, befor one of the man's said something and a smile appeared on his face. He then left the room and the two men walked over to me, loosening the chains and carying me out of the room. It was kind of funny to hang motionless over the shoulders of the men. Then we came to a sudden stop. There was a wheelchair in wich the men sat me down. Then Mornoe appeared infront of my face. "Listen. It was really fun until now. The hero's found out about all this so I need to bring you to an other place. But don't worry darling, we will continue as soon as we arrive. Even though you are barely conscious I need to make sure that you don't scream. Have nice dreams." And with that I felt a needle at my arm and lost consciousness.
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