shayhwrites · 10 months
Reflecting On My 2022 Reading Wrap-Up 
I track my reading on the StoryGraph app and view my statistics for a specific month or year. All information I gathered was from my 2022 wrap-up and general stats page. Before I view my “end of the year” reading stats for 2023 at the end of December, I decided to revisit my 2022 reading wrap-up to remind myself of my reading progress over the months. It was a year full of struggles and limited…
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shayhwrites · 11 months
How Is Your NaNoWriMo Project Coming Along? 
My Accomplishments and Fails So Far  Because November is a national (or international) writing month, I decided it was best not to have a monthly goal of watching movies or reading books. My only goal is to keep up with daily word counts and write several short stories. Of course, being the only month I did not have a reading goal, I read 25% of a novel! I accomplished my goal with the help of a…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
Weekly Update 13
I talk about changes to my blog and preparation for NaNoWriMo.
Some Changes  Following my post about my thoughts on AI, I felt it would be hypocritical if I kept the AI-generated images on my previous posts. I figured it was time to use Canva to create better images! I’m still in the process of designing images, updating my posts, and removing all AI-generated images from my blog.  Opinions change over time as more information is presented, which is what…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
My Thoughts on AI 
Let me warn you ahead of time: my thoughts about AI are negative. There was a time I used AI in an explorative way, only to realize something was wrong. After importing a specific prompt, I received short excerpts involving characters with names I had not included. Those names were Dean and Sam. Yes, the AI bot stole Supernatural fanfiction from Archives of Our Own based on my experimental…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
5 Tropes I Hate
Shay highlights their dislike towards five popular romantic tropes.
Disclaimer: Although I support the “fiction is fiction, and it doesn’t influence your actions” debate, I still say “do not romanticize these things” to certain tropes. These may include mental health disorders / symptoms or real life abuse such as one-sided control or heteronormativity. In the end, I will never judge a person for enjoying the tropes I dislike. To each their own!  Amnesia  This…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
Weekly Update 12
Rough Start, Busy Month  To spare the details of my personal life, I can say I have been busy! The only time I was able to work on my third short story was on Saturday morning–but I was not able to finish the draft. It’s still something; better than nothing!  Other than that, absolutely nothing else was completed! *smiley melting emoji* Maybe not nothing, but a little bit of something I…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
Weekly Update 11
Writing Against Plans  My main plan last week was to write the first draft to the third short story. However, after writing about 10%, I switched to reading through the first part of the first short story as well as writing the opening image of a completely different project. Watching previous writing sprint streams on YouTube have been helping me to stay focused! I’ve been keeping up with…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
October Goals
Technically, I finished an audiobook in early September that I started listening to in late August. Also, I finished reading only 1 digital book. No physical book. No movies. 1 completed draft of a short story. Let’s aim lower this month! I’ll explain more below the goals section.  Goals Read 1 Audiobook: I have met my audiobook goal for the year! I don’t need to listen to any more books, but I…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
Check-In: September Goals
I’m uploading this late because I lost track of the days, thanks to dissociation. I thought today was the 14th and not the 15th. Read 1 audiobook: I have reached this goal! And I might read more. Other than that, I have been adding to my DNF list. Read 3 digital books: So far, I have read only 1! Read 1 physical book: Not yet. Watch 4 movies: Nope, not yet… Finish the next drafts to Batch 1:…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
Books I DNF in August 
DNF = Did Not Finish  Disclaimer: I have problems with memory; I might not remember why I stopped reading these books. However, I will do my best to recall what I can!  Everything is F*cked: A Book About Hope – Mark Manson  Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents – Lindsay C. Gibson  Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
(late) Weekly Update 10
Books and Quarters  I want to talk about the progress I’ve made in my short stories. First, let me discuss my trick to reading books and the apps I use!  For audiobooks, I set the speed to 1.5x and listen to 25% of the audio. However, if the book happens to be longer than 8 hours, I read half of a quarter. Similarly, I’ll read 25% of a physical book, but only half of 25% if the book is longer…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
September Goals
Wins and Fails The only goal I accomplished in August was reading 3 audiobooks. And there were 6 DNF audiobooks. As for the rest, I will explain below.  Continue reading Untitled
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shayhwrites · 1 year
August Goals Update
Let’s see how I’ve been progressing with my goals. Read 3 Audiobooks: I have DNF’ed 4 books and finished 1. Let’s hope I finish another 2. Read 3 Digital Books: Have not started this goal. Read 1 Physical Book: Have not started this goal. Prepare to publish a short story: I have another 15 or so days to see where I’m at with the short story piece. Currently, I have a beta reader providing…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
Weekly Update 9
Website Update! A new page on my site is live! Open Eyes Collection is a page featuring the progress of my short story anthology. The genre is general/contemporary fiction for new adult and adult audiences. I write these stories as a neurodivergent, trans/queer, and disabled person. Therefore, my characters may or may not represent likewise.  There will be updates and added pages as time goes…
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shayhwrites · 1 year
Weekly Update 8
What Camp NaNoWriMo Has Taught Me Last month, I took part in Camp NaNoWriMo. My goal was to write the Fun & Games portion of my novel (according to the Save the Cat! Writes a Novel beat sheet). I targeted a word count of 19,000 and added to the already written Act 1 of my novel.  Continue reading Untitled
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shayhwrites · 1 year
WordPress has unlinked Twitter from my upload direction (no idea how to word that better), which has lowered traffic to my website.
I'm no longer using Twitter for personal reasons-- I've never enjoyed that site in the first place.
If anyone is interested in my writing or publishing journey, please subscribe to my WordPress directly or follow my Tumblr for updates!
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shayhwrites · 1 year
August Goals
Goodbye, July. Time to get back on track!  Goals Read 3 Audiobooks: I found a trick that works for me! If I listen to 25% of an audiobook at 1.5x speed per day, I will finish within four days. I don’t remember how many I have read during July, but I know it worked for me. Now, it’s time to put that trick to the test!  Read 3 Digital Books: I have a few short comics to read and an ebook that…
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