simple-dangan-imagines · 4 years
Ooo, fresh blog. How about Tenko and Kokichi’s s/o who has a hard time expressing their emotions saying “I love you” for the first time?
Aw, this was cute! I’m a big sucker for stories/imagines about saying “I love you” for the first time, so this was really fun to write.
- Mod Angie
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Tenko And Kokichi’s S/O who has a hard time expressing emotions saying “I love you” for the first time!
Tenko Chabashira
- Tenko is a very expressive and loud person, a great contrast to your more reserved, quiet and unemotional personality. It isn’t as if she really minds, though.
- She wishes she could see you smile more around her, or show any emotion really. She doesn’t bug you about it too much, but she always tries her best to make you crack even the smallest smile.
- Sometimes she even succeeds - and when she does, she will be the happiest known person on the planet for the rest of the day.
- It isn’t as if she hates the fact you don’t show emotion though, it’s just something about you that she wishes you’d do more. That’s all.
- “Tenko? Can you come here for a minute?” You call out to your Girlfriend, who is practising Neo-Aikido moves on the grass. She stops as soon as she hears you, and turns around to face you.
- “Huh? Okay!” Out of breath, she makes her way over to you, stopping when she reaches the bench you were sitting on. “Did you need me for something, S/O?”
- It’s a challenge to even force a single word out of your mouth. as you feel Tenko’s stare focused on you and your face heating up by the second.
- “Are you okay-”
- “I love you.” You say this all too quickly, and you look up at Tenko nervously, waiting for a reaction. The silence is deafening. Her face switches from dumbfounded to excited as she beams down at you.
- She squeals as she picks you up from where you are sitting on the bench and hugs you tightly. “I love you too S/O!”
- You take a minute to react, but eventually smile back at her, and hug back.
- Maybe now, you’ll be able to open up a little more around her.
Kokichi Ouma
- Kokichi hated the fact that you were unemotional - and constantly bugged you about it, telling you to smile and whatnot.
- He may hide his true feelings and lie about them all the time, but it really annoyed him that his S/O never showed him the slightest hint of emotion. Whether it be a smile, and frown, anything.
- He did his best to make you smile at first. Pulling pranks on others while you were around, cracking jokes, things like that.
- But after only getting a smile from you a couple of times, he gave up on that, and resorted to tickling you in the end. 
- It just upsets him that the one he loves doesn’t show much emotion around him, and he can’t just constantly tickle you, no matter how much he’d like to so he can hear you laugh ever once in a while.
- “Kokichi?” You tap him on the shoulder, making him turn around. He beams at the mere sight of you, hugging you tightly.
- “S/O! Hi~!” He looks up at you, smiling like a child. “Anyways, what’s up?” He lets go of you, letting you breathe.
- You look away for a moment, letting silence fill the air. It’s difficult for you to even decide how to say this, and you’re on the spot at the moment.
- You are flustered, embarrassed and nervous. It shows when heat rises to your cheeks, and you swear that you can feel Kokichi’s grin even when you aren’t looking at him.
- “I love you!” It comes out a little quieter than you would’ve liked, but you still said it. You turn back to Kokichi, and he looks shocked at first. Then his expression is immediately replaced by his sly smile.
- “Sorry, S/O, what did you say? I didn’t quite hear you~” Now, more than ever, you want to slap him.
- You decide it’s better not to answer, and turn back, walking away. “Wait! S/O~!” He laughs quietly behind you.
- Although you could’ve done well without the embarrassment and teasing, it still went better than you anticipated. And maybe, just maybe, you will be comfortable enough to say it around him more.
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simple-dangan-imagines · 4 years
Here are the rules, just in case the link didn’t work in the last ask I answered.
Unfortunately, I will not be writing any NSFW. I can write implied or referenced NSFW though, I just won’t go into detail. (Ex, I can write things like the morning after their first time, but I will not actually write about their first time.)
I will not write anything involving incest, paedophilia, etc. One exception to this is rape. I won’t actually go into detail - but unlike the others, I can reference past experiences with it. It’s kind of like how I do NSFW.
Please don’t worry about sending in violence/suicide/gore, I will write about these things.
Don’t come here just to antagonise characters. This doesn’t mean I won’t write anything that makes a certain other character the antagonist, but if the things they are meant to do seem too OOC, then I won’t write it.
I won’t write anything to do with pregnancy or child-birth. I will write things about raising a child, or taking care of a child, as long as I skip the birthing part.
The character limit is 8. If you want more than 8 characters, please specify that you’d like a part two.
Only send in requests when they are open - or you will have to send them in again when they are.
I won’t write anything for UDG. Other than this, the only other thing that I will not even mention in the imagines is Korekiyo’s sister.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me them!
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simple-dangan-imagines · 4 years
Hi hi! Can I have a link to the rules post please? It doesn't show up on mobile QwQ
Oh! Alright, I can only hope this link works, but if it doesn’t just let me know and I’ll just tell you the rules.
- Mod Angie
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simple-dangan-imagines · 4 years
Aww that’s really sweet of you!
And as a fellow Mod Angie, I hope you have an amazing day!
- Mod Angie
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Blog Promo?
Hello there!
I am mod Angie! My pronouns are she/her. I am a new danganronpa imagines blog, and I was wondering if any existing blogs could share this post, or the blog?
You don’t have to if you don’t want to, of course. But thank you so much if you do! It really helps, especially since I will be the only one working on this blog.
Have an amazing day!
- Mod Angie
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simple-dangan-imagines · 4 years
Dating Nagito Komaeda Would Include...
I wanted to do this kind of thing for quite a while now, and I thought it’d be a nice and simple start for this blog!
- Mod Angie
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- You are always the person who has to calm him down from his long, self-deprecating rants about hope. The best way to do so is to kiss him - but also to interrupt him whenever he says something self-deprecating with your own, more positive remarks.
- He’s a massive cuddler - and if you’re not, he’s fine with giving you your space. But if you are, then expect him to come up and wrap his arms around you daily.
- Might be a bit needy at times, but that’s when he’s having a bad day or needs cheering up. He will probably cling to you if that’s the case.
- If you initiate any affection, he’ll likely tell you that he doesn’t deserve it. He’ll ease up after a few minutes of this, though, and will gladly accept any affection you give to him after that.
- He compliments you all the time. And if you’re the type to get easily flustered by this, then you’re in for a ride, because he will never stop no matter what.
- Since he looks up to you more than he ever did anybody else, he cherishes every time he gets to spend private time with you. Whether it be a movie night, or just chatting about your day, he will never forget anything you’d said to him.
- He worries a lot about you. He thinks that one day, his luck will turn on him and harm you in some way. You’ve reassured him multiple times that it won’t happen, but he still believes it will.
- He’s also very overprotective. If he catches anybody saying a single bad word about you, they will never see the end of it.
- If you’re upset and come to him for help, he will do anything you want, get you anything you want, just to make you happy again.
- So although he might seem overbearing at times, and although he acts crazy around ultimates...
- He still really cares about you. And if doing his best to stop insulting himself around you is what it takes to show that, then so be it.
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simple-dangan-imagines · 4 years
Blog Promo?
Hello there!
I am mod Angie! My pronouns are she/her. I am a new danganronpa imagines blog, and I was wondering if any existing blogs could share this post, or the blog?
You don’t have to if you don’t want to, of course. But thank you so much if you do! It really helps, especially since I will be the only one working on this blog.
Have an amazing day!
- Mod Angie
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