sjwritesthings-blog · 4 years
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sjwritesthings-blog · 4 years
how was the day?
Just a few daily prompts so i can keep track of progress and a positive mindset.
What did I learn today?
i think the fact that i can do stuff if i set my mind to it? i want to change my room around so i have a workspace for college and i can only do that if i got rid of a storage cabinet, which is eFFORT. But because i wanted it, i cleared out all the drawers and found new homes for everything so that hopefully by September I can have a desk!
How am i better than yesterday?
Well my mental health was a bit better, but thats probably because yesterday i had 2 therapy appointments which is a big stress even though its helpful.
How can I improve tomorrow?
Hopefully go out on a bike ride!! I’ve been missing my daily exercise this past week due to another lung infection causing me hassle (2nd one this year). But I’ve finished my steroids and antibiotics so hopefully i’ll have the lung power tomorrow!
How did I treat others today?
I was generally polite and not a bitch but I could’ve spent more time with my mum over an animal crossing session (oops!) cause now she’s rightfully spending time with her boyfriend and i’m on my lonesome. 
What challenged me today and how can I do better?
I guess how tired I felt after tidying and still having to clean out my guinea pigs, which I pushed myself to do cause they don’t deserve to suffer cause of my mental health. I did pretty well but I could’ve also cleaned out my hamster and took both dogs for walks which I will get to soon. I’m doing my best to push myself for my lil kiddos!
Did I challenge myself today?
Yeah, I think I did considering I’m nearly 17 and my mum does way too much for me which is my fault, but even tidying my room is a big feat for me at the moment.  I also interacted with a stranger (from 2m away don’t worry)!! I was waiting for my mum to post something  and I made small talk with a woman about her dog, which is kind of the only topic I can small talk about (working on it!!) but thats still good for me.
let me know how your day has been!
Stand tall, Sunflower. - SJ
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sjwritesthings-blog · 4 years
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sjwritesthings-blog · 4 years
Allow me to introduce myself...
Hey. So I don't know you, and chances are you don't know me. So here's a little intro post to remedy that.
So who am I?
I'm a girl in college, struggling through her daily life. What I mean by struggling is a battle with my mental health, alongside some physical disorders, which are just a bit annoying. I've been in two inpatient units for the past four months and now I've been discharged, and I'm struggling to find a purpose, or anything that gives life meaning. I've never blogged before, but I've always enjoyed writing, so hopefully this blog is a good shout.I suppose I'll likely write about my daily life, and my journey to recovery, which is far from over. As well as that, definitely some inspo posts and quotes. I'd also always be there for anyone who might stumble upon this, especially if you're struggling with something similar. If anyone sees this and has any suggestions on things they'd like to see talked about, feel free to let me know.
Anyway, that's all for now, speak soon!! Stand tall, sunflowers. - SJ
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