skirtsarenice · 2 months
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(Hecate hot)
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skirtsarenice · 3 months
Currently rewatching one piece with my roommate who is seeing it for the first time and he is in agony over no one being able to wear jackets and coats properly (mostly marines).
However, we have finally made it to loguetown and smoker stands out as one of the few marines to wear a coat normally.
Honestly, it makes me think about smoker as a character. He’s a marine but he’s shown to not be fully for absolute justice. He snubs orders when he decides to chase after luffy, and now he stands out by wearing a jacket properly instead of over his shoulders. Idk I feel like there’s something in there about how his modified jacket means he’s rebelling against the proper order but he wears it properly unlike the rest showing that he believes in true justice.
I just think he’s neat.
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skirtsarenice · 3 months
Okay but Jimbei is like, an old pirate. Joining the Strawhats is basically his retirement job. He’s like “ugh man I’ve been doing all this political maneuvering for decades it’s so exhausting” and Luffy pops up like “wow lame wanna join my Funtime crew instead? I’ll let you punch whoever you want” and Jimbei’s like yeah. I do want that actually.
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skirtsarenice · 4 months
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thinking about her (three sword style Nami that Oda drew for One Piece magazine vol. 13)
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I have not been able to stop thinking about her ever since I saw this design. I took some liberties with the outfit, giving her more of a sports bra and biker shorts and a sleeve (I am not sure if it is a sleeve or haki, I am running with it)
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skirtsarenice · 6 months
Hmm, I’m not sure how to feel about this one piece anime remake. Like, obviously yay more one piece, I’ll never say no to more one piece. And the live action was surprisingly good so im more open to remakes. But, idk, an anime remake? The one piece anime is still running?? And with how long it’s been the art style has practically been a remake itself. Not to mention the amazing ability oda has to weave together plot points across hundreds of chapters and episodes. Idk I guess im just not sure what a remake would look like? An entirely new style might not fit, and it’s not like the current style isn’t crazy good and needs updating. Idk I guess we’ll see. I’ll have tentative hope for now.
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skirtsarenice · 6 months
Video game geralt looks like a goddamn puppy. I don’t know how anyone could be scared of this sweet, earnest little man, his eyes go all soft and comforting when he talks. Idk I just get mine therapy dog vibes from him. The fact that I play him as getting distracted by every flower I come across doesn’t help lol.
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skirtsarenice · 6 months
I’m only just through the prologue and my geralt is the politest kleptomaniac ever. This man will respect you if you leave him alone but if you attack he will take everything. Anything on your person, anything in the area that not nailed down, and frankly prolly some stuff that is.
I can never look at tv geralt the same cause all I think about is this man’s sticky fingers and deep pockets.
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skirtsarenice · 6 months
Just started to play the Witcher 3 and honestly I’m learning so much about myself. I played for 8-9 hours in one day and that’s exactly how long it took for me to finish only the prologue.
I took one look at the 23 question marks on the map and immediately abandoned any semblance of following the main quest. I did literally everything possible before doing that thing. Geralt is supposed to be rushing as fast as possible to Yennefer when it actually took him like a week in game time. He had enough to time grow a beard before starting to actually look!
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skirtsarenice · 7 months
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skirtsarenice · 7 months
Do you know how hard it was not to say anything when watching Opla with my dad. He knows nothing about the anime or manga so I’m just sitting here watching him experience Luffy and friends for the first time while I’m thinking to myself about how he knows nothing about the reindeer doctor or the skeleton musician or the grand line at all or how big the bounties get or ya know the fuckin sun god in disguise we got here
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skirtsarenice · 7 months
Fucken looney toons powers?? Who comes up with this shit Im still reeling
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skirtsarenice · 7 months
I mean, I sometimes forget that Yamato is trans and that he’s not just a dude with a massive rack (well, he is just a dude with a massive rack but you know what I mean)
Nothing has been more affirming of my occasional gender dysphoria than Yamato’s existence. I see him and my brain just goes yep that’s a man with tits. Completely a man, just also has some nice awoogas. If my brain can think of yamato has entirely male despite the very obvious chest pieces, then my body can look like whatever the hell it wants and my gender will still be what it is.
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skirtsarenice · 7 months
Nothing has been more affirming of my occasional gender dysphoria than Yamato’s existence. I see him and my brain just goes yep that’s a man with tits. Completely a man, just also has some nice awoogas. If my brain can think of yamato has entirely male despite the very obvious chest pieces, then my body can look like whatever the hell it wants and my gender will still be what it is.
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skirtsarenice · 7 months
What are the chances that joy boys treasure aka the one piece is a shitty drawing of a dick. And the D. stands for dick as well. The government is trying to hide that the will of D is actually the will of dick and they keep getting attacked by walking dick jokes. That’s the truth that made roger laugh so hard he named the island laugh tale.
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skirtsarenice · 7 months
Hatless chopper. That is all.
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skirtsarenice · 7 months
Whenever I see a fanfic tag on ao3 for one piece fics that says op! on it, I know logically it means over-powered but my brain goes, yep op!luffy? One piece Luffy, correct, luffy is from one piece.
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skirtsarenice · 7 months
Hey what was up with the moon(s?) in one piece? I mean enel ended up on one somehow? And there were living things there?? And I swear I saw once that there’s lore out there about there being several moons???
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