#it’s very funny how I’ll go from refusing to take money from a poor person for a quest
skirtsarenice · 6 months
Video game geralt looks like a goddamn puppy. I don’t know how anyone could be scared of this sweet, earnest little man, his eyes go all soft and comforting when he talks. Idk I just get mine therapy dog vibes from him. The fact that I play him as getting distracted by every flower I come across doesn’t help lol.
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Perma-Bans, Petty Bans, and Poor Appeal Process
Recently I had my account banned for multi accounting. Now why would I be so pissed about this? Because the alt I had made was because of lost credentials and never interacted with the actual account I have, abandoned with literally two dragons in the lair the instant I got the creds for my real account back. But the account in itself isn’t where my peeve comes in. It’s the permanent ban of an active account after an alt was made two years prior. How was this alt found, you wonder? I sent a ticket in with the wrong email linked to my primary account asking about something related to copyright of FR on an upcoming project of mine. Okay that’s a little strange that I only got banned after I asked a question like that specifically, surely the appeal process will go fine when I provide context? Wrong! Even accused of funneling in the process (didn’t happen). What happens when the ticket staff are asked for receipts of said funneling? Permanent denial of response and ban stays in place. It genuinely goes over my head how genuinely abhorrent the process for handling potential multi-accounting is. I have met many people who have gotten away with very blatant funneling and multi accounting and willingly admitted it but are able to explain it away by lying in regards to something like siblings with shared devices. Even people who I personally have reported for funneling with verifiable evidence go untouched. How is this such a frequent issue? And why is it that people who make the most minor mistake of happening to make an account under a lost creds context gets all of their money and work zapped from them when people who do much worse in regards to TOS get off free? How is there no nuance to these situations by now? Are the staff just that petty and unwilling to work with the literal community that funds them? Why would making an account with zero work, interacts, etc be a constitution for a permanent account closure? Do the staff just not realize there is more punishment options than ‘oh you know what you lose it all, fuck you’? They have the ability to actually see context as clear by their forums punishment system, but refuse to take any strike actions on something with valid context? There’s so many other things that could be done, temporary bans, lockdowns on CR/AH, etc. But that’s just too difficult for them huh? What’s the damn point of the appeal function if they don’t actually bother to reconsider a choice? You cannot tell me either that gimmick accounts like nuzlocke form accounts aren’t also Alts. You would be a liar, and you would also be lying if you said that people don’t often make alts for ‘new starts. It’s honestly kind of funny at this point how many people ive heard the stories from who either got perm banned because they made an alt when they were like 14 and got banned 5 years later and stories of people actively funneling in major ways but haven’t been banned for years. The issue is so fuckin prevalent and yet half the time a ban happens because of it it’s for the most minor version of the rule break and almost never the people who actually violate the terms. “Economy advantage this, flight forums that” my ass. If the staff can’t hold even a small bit of understanding for such a minor issue which context resolves, maybe they don’t deserve the use of their site at all. Half the time I’ve seen staff interact with people they’re unbelievably rude and petty, especially Aequorian or whatever their name is. Always have to have a last laugh. But I digress. Maybe I’ll come back to my little account in 5 years time and appeal again and get denied. Kinda weird to think the accounts that had so much genuine time and effort dedicated into them are forced to rot for longer than they were ever active because of a faulty term of service and faulty enforcement of it.
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
how do u think the boy would be in a party😈😈
SYNOPSIS: blue lock at a party
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, rin, chigiri, naruhaya, niko, nanase, gagamaru, kunigami
WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking and weed (but no one actually takes anything), swearing, mentions of throwing up and food, again pretend they're all friends and go to the same school because it's more fun to think that way. ooc rin maybe? idk i like pretending he's not as miserable as the manga makes him out to be 🤗 he deserves to have fun i think
A/N: no cause this was soooo fun to write tysm anon, i got through this in a flash cause i loved this suggestion sm :') literally one of the most fun requests i've ever gotten eeee!!!!! also this made me miss my irls bye corona can suck my balls fr
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i feel like this would be his first big party aw lol, so he’s kind of nervous LMAO.
gets handed a beer by someone, has his first sip of it ever, and immediately spits it out. mutters “how the hell can anyone drink this?” and “discreetly” pours the rest into a bush.
mainly stays with nagi, chigiri, kunigami, and bachira and they just talk throughout the night
(bachira only sits down and talks after his energy dies down. i'll elaborate on this below the cut).
keeps asking nagi “what song is this?” throughout the night LOL. makes a mental note of what songs to add to his playlists.
slightly nods his head to the music, aw cute. goes a little harder and lip syncs/raps along when he really likes the song, though (i stand by my word when i said he loves “neon guts”)
does accidentally bump into someone, but isagi starts a convo with them after he apologizes, and they hit it off right away 🥰
but, the person left early and isagi, ever the dummy, forgets to ask for their number.
and he's actually so disappointed in himself when he realizes, too 😭
not drunk or anything at all, but boy, the way he’s acting makes it seem like he is.
the self proclaimed “life of the party.”
can be found “dancing,” though i use that word generously because to classify whatever he’s doing as “dancing,” is a stretch, to every song, even if he doesn’t know the words LOL
really likes when throwbacks come on!!!! he does dance to the lyrics and not the beat sometimes, though 😭
but, bachira looks like he’s having so much fun, it’s so cute, he’s definitely been waiting for this moment his whole life 🥰
if you were dancing with him, bachira would 100% take you by the hand and spin you around
also forces gets isagi to dance with him but isagi’s so awkward 😭
bachira also ends up jumping in the pool sometime later that night. yells “cannonball!” and everything, like, okay michael phelps 😭
he doesn’t have extra clothes so reo has to give him some and they're so fucking big on him LOLLL
texts the groupchat “i was sooo crazy last night😂” in the morning LMAOO, okay babe calm down
takes it upon himself to make sure none of his friends die LOL
only drinks water and diet coke 👍
his mom calls in the middle of the party to ask how he's doing and bachira and nagi are doing stupid shit like yelling “pass the weed” and fake moaning 😭
isagi and chigiri tell him to tell her they say hi LOL
really likes when the dj puts on 90s/2000's r&b/hiphop songs (i'll die by my hc that kunigami's an oldies fan)
mostly sways side to side to the music, but he did also dance a little, per request of bachira, and ended up talking to a cute person a for little, too 🤗
offers to help clean up in the morning
at least two drunk girls have mistaken him for their friend, and another four have asked to touch his hair.
tried to use one of reo’s many bathrooms, found a couple making out, outwardly said “gross,” and then left to find another one 😭
nods his head and taps his foot to the music, not much of a dancer.
also a people-watcher, and he points out things he sees are happening to his friends.
“guys, i think misa and her boyfriend are breaking up, look.” leave that poor girl alone bro 😭
finds himself laughing a lot that night because damn! his friends are funny, whether they try to be or not.
not really a party person, but chigiri actually had a lot of fun 🥰
also on the dancefloor! doesn’t really dance, per say, but he jumps up and down and does the fist pump thing 😭 he has the spirit, let's give him that.
drank a lot of soda, so he’s filled with energy. also pees in at least three of reo's bathrooms.
talks to his friends, but also makes new ones! also i feel like he takes a lot of pictures LOL. he needs the finsta content 😭
plays truth or dare, or something like that. ends up having to do some stupid shit like smack raichi’s ass and run away, but naruhaya did make out with the girl next to him, so fair trade, he thinks.
also ends up in the pool, but he’s playing chicken with gagamaru and some other people. does not win a single round, but he had fun 😇
leaves with like four plates of food and one of reo’s decorative towels for some reason???
goes through a bunch of reo's shit 😭 he's not taking anything, but he's just curious LOL
strikes up very, random conversations with a bunch of people out of nowhere, good for him!
weirdly good at darts, very good aim.
although one round, naruhaya accidentally distracted gagamaru and one of darts ended up in reo's wall 💔
“it's fine, he has the money to fix it,” naruhaya shrugs as he walks away from reo's now punctured, wall. so true bestie!
gagamaru somehow ends up giving some drunk stranger some “life-changing” advice. (whether it's good or not is debatable)
they thank gagamaru for changing their life and he never sees them again
irritates the fuck out the dj because nagi keeps asking him to play one specific song over and over again.
it was good the first time, don't wear it out for the rest of us bae 😭
doesn't really dance, just nods his head, maybe raps along a little, too
when he talks to the girls that come up to him, nagi says stuff like “yeah, the host and i go way back, we’re best friends.”
“way back,” my ass, but whatever nagi 🤨
knocks out in one of reo’s guest rooms. someone finds him when they’re trying to look for the bathroom and they draw a mustache and a bunch of other stupid shit on him 😭
tries to leave before reo makes him help clean up in the morning. does not work 👍
dumbass also ended up losing his phone (reo bought him a new one so nagi doesn't really care)
gasses himself up sooo much when he’s trying to hit on girls.
“yeah, i'm about to go D1 after high school, just wait on it,” yeah, okay raichi 🙄
also tries to show them his highlights, bye. babe, i mean this in the nicest possible way but, i do not care, can we just kiss 🙏
i feel like he’s one of those boys who likes to take his shirt off for no reason, so raichi most definitely ends up shirtless at some point of the night 😭
takes pictures with reo’s fancy cars in his garage to flex 💀 gets annoyed when reo says raichi can’t drive them. raichi doesn't even have his license 😑
plays pool and is actually not that bad. does almost accidentally blind isagi with his cue, though.
he's with some girls but, he’s a dummy and he didn’t know his other hoes would be there, so imamura had quite a few drinks spilled on him here and there.
still somehow leaves with like three new girls snaps, four numbers, and a bunch of lipstick stains. not even gonna lie, i respect his game.
actually a really good dancer, and he knows he looks good, too. knows the words to every drake song that comes on, argue with your mom.
lip-syncs the words to you when you dance together and it makes you more flustered than you would think 🙄
the type to pull you close and wraps his arms around your waist or around your neck
actually really fun to talk to. always in the loop with drama and stuff, so he's always got some interesting conversation topics. and he's funny 😭
obviously, the party’s at his house. what’s the point of having a rich teammate if you can’t exploit them for their possessions?
jokes, but reo did offer to throw it at his mansion house in the first place.
actually really likes throwing parties lmao, so he jumped at the opportunity.
posted on his snap, “party at my place su for address‼️” LOL
natural charm + raised with good manners = reo being an amazing host
but, reo does have a little group of girls following him around the entire night 👎
and it irritates the hell out of whoever reo’s trying to talk to because they’re all up on him, making it hard for reo to pay attention 😑
also doesn’t help that he entertains them and flirts back and dances with a couple of them, too
and looks good when he dances, too UGH!!!! he's the type to run his hands up and down your body while he dances with you 😣
i hate this man 👎 /j
practicing. he didn’t come. sike! rin has a social life, too, come on now, y'all 🙄
talked a big game about how he wouldn’t show up then he still came anyways, like rin, what 😭??
super good at cup pong and he knows it. he keeps beating ryusei and if you look closely, rin has something reminiscent of a smirk on his face.
a foot-tapper, not a dancer, which sucks because he’s not even bad at dancing, either 👎
a couple of girls come up to rin to flirt, but rin doesn’t give them the time of day. no response or anything just a little side eye 😭
rin just talks to his friends and that’s it, really.
actually internally glad for the chance to kickback and relax for once, tbh.
but, he refuses to admit he had any semblance of fun. (he did, rin’s just a weenie 😒)
the team forced him to come 😭
niko’s already a homebody and he doesn’t like loud noises or large social scenes, so he wasn’t too jazzed about going somewhere where the both of those things combine.
also he's picky with music so LOL. does like that one remix to the pursuit of happiness, though
he’s a wall-stander, i hate to break it to y’all. just watched everything from a distance and didn't talk to anyone except for isagi and his friends.
bye, if you don’t get off the damn wall and dance (he'd dance with me i'm different 🥰🤗)
keeps opening and closing his phone so he looks busy but that mf is literally just going through the settings app 😭
called his mom to bring him home an hour and a half in 👎
i hate to admit it, but he’s the annoying first year that documents everything on snap bye
he’s just excited to be there but like, there is no reason for his story to be half an hour long.
i'm not watching all of that! sorry that happened to you or good for you 🤗
probably playing games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. is very proud of himself for kissing four people in one night #bigmoves 🥳
stays with his group of friends and they're sooo loud and rowdy LMAOO. #firstyearthings
you can literally hear them laughing over the music, but they're having fun, so it's fine (at least of those kids hits people when they laugh too)
also dances, too! has super good energy and a natural sense of rhythm surprisingly 🥰 also a good hypeman!!!!! honestly, he's just really fun to be around tbh
overall, has a lot of fun, as you can tell by his story 😇
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Genshin: University AU [V1]
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I love modern au. Or any “everything is fine, no one died, it’s just a fever dream” au. Half of me is thinking, damn maybe I should answer this serious- LOL HAHA no. That’s not happening. Time to crack my knuckles and let my brainworms take over again.
Once again, this is 90% crack 10% content. I want to switch up my characters from the last brainworm post but I included Kaeya and Diluc.
Today’s appreciation post goes to twistedwishes. Hey! I’ve been seeing you pop up a lot lately and thanks for the support 💕💕 I hope things are going better for you and you’re doing alright^^ I feel kinda bad for making appreciation posts on crack fics but hopefully this is somewhat funny haha. 
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: Roommate [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
  @mikeysbike @hanniejji@unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @dandelily @thegayrubberducky @lovelykittycatmeow @yuunoagivesmelife  @dokidokisama @simpygrimoire @minakohasmanyhusbandos @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki​
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Absolute pretty boy who has braincells, but only if Kaeya is not there. In his mind, Kaeya’s presence makes his room loose 40% of their common sense. He can’t prove it just yet but he’s working on it. He majors in accounting but also has a minor in marketing, logistics’ management, fia- he majors everything business related. He’s going to become the next Elon Musk through smarts or by getting the competition drunk. There can be no contest if he’s the only candidate. He’s actually a hard working guy that overworks and stresses way too much. You have daily “Diluc recharge” evenings where he just hangs onto you while you go through your day.
“Don’t fucking talk to me until I’ve had my coffee,” except there is no coffee - he drinks grape juice out of juice boxes and his only energy boost is when he meets up with you - and that’s his constant mood. So he usually only hangs around you and Jean, since she has childhood friend status and is actually an angel. By default, Lisa is added and Diluc doesn’t mind her but if he see’s Kaeya, it’s full on war paint mode. If he's not busy with work or studies, he's usually with you either in your dorm or his apartment.
He has a fanclub and he seriously hates it and tries to do everything in his power to get Ningguang to take it down. Shouldn’t this be against his rights? But she refuses for whatever reason and makes a whole speech about free will. No matter what he does, someone manages to take a picture and it get’s printed in the university’s newspaper. The only bonding time he has with Kaeya is every Monday, where they collect and burn all the universities newspapers before anyone can get their hands on it. You always bring marshmallows to make smores during their arson activities.
“When I graduate I’m going to burn this school down to the ground. That’s not a threat it’s a promise.”
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Is secretly the leader of the Diluc fanclub - not that she likes Diluc, she’s in a questionable platonic poly marriage with you and Beidou - but it was the easiest way to gain funds for the student council. Which she is the president of, so rip Diluc the fanclub stays. Ruthless business woman I tell you. But she can run in heels so her danger factor rises by at least 20%.
Majors in social sciences and law but more specifically the political science & government. She saw the Imperial State Crown that the Queen of England wears and says yes, that’s mine now. If she’s not with Beidou and you planning on “how to infiltrate the state government just for lols”, then she’s with Keqing, Ganyu, and Zhongli discussing student council things. Should they or should they not tell the student body that they can see everyone’s search results? Sit back and relax as the school goes into chaos. 
She’s probably the scariest person on campus No, she is the scariest person on campus. She’s the scariest person on campus. But secretly she’s popping 20 aspirins just to make it through a night. She has the digestive system of steel. She still holds the title of "seriously do not try and beat her in a drinking game it's never going to happen" and that's her proudest achievement in life but sadly she can’t put it on her resume. Kaeya is still trying to beat her out of spite but so far it hasn't been working. You’re seriously concerned for her when she get’s challenged but Beidou gives you a way-to-hard slap on the back and cheers her on. If Ninngguang somehow get’s alcohol poisonings she’ll somehow find away to make a profit out of it.
"I'll let him die, I'll get the insurance money."
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One day he chugged too much mouth wash, passed out, and somehow woke up in university majoring in law. His idea is that if he is apart of the law, he can therefore stand above it. To be fair, his only goal in life is to say “I am the manager” and he can go live the rest of his life in bliss or as a hermit. He’s secret best friends with you but wouldn't be caught dead beside you. He will stab a bitch if you ever get hurt but will still trip you on the way home. Seriously, you have no idea why people find him attractive. Your guess is it’s the eye patch or the clap of his ass cheeks that keeps alerting everyone.  
He’s apart of the newspaper club and if anyone asks: No, he has no idea who keeps taking all the newspapers and burns them in the back of the campus. Originally, he joined because he was nosy and needed to join some type of club for his resume. He sometimes feels bad for his junior assistant Amber because he keeps tricking her and says that Diluc is secretly a demon that is trying to steal all the jobs and is apart of the lizard government hell bent on eradicating the human race. He even brought out a whiteboard for this joke, he’s dedicated to his job ok? 
The type of guy to try and be humble and say his work is “okay” but will choke a bitch if anyone agrees. He tends to leave everything last minute and says that it’s his drug since actual drugs could land you one year in prison and a maximum penalty of $2,000. You have to awkwardly hold in your concerned mother head shake when you see him speed running his assignment literally right when the professor is walking around to check if students finished. 
“I was taught how to lead not to read.”
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Broke wallet #2. Zhongli is broke wallet #1 but Childe simps for him so is he really a broke wallet at this point? In this essay, I Mona Megistus, will explain why I have the rights to the title “Broke Wallet #1″...
Believes that astrology should be an actual career path but refuses to take astronomy as her major. I can read the stars not a textbook that tells me how to calculate the mass of the sun divided by the fucks I give. Instead she went into Philosophy and cries to Albedo, who is an actual prodigy genius- sir lend some braincells to everyone else please?, that her professor keep turning her paper down because “star reading” is not an academic source.
Fischl wants her to join the occult club because, surprisingly, Mona is very good at telling people’s fates through her crayon sketch ouija board. She thinks first year Fischl is cute but is put off by the cosplay roleplay that she has going on. She would join except that stupid hat wearing gremlin in her lit class would make fun of her if he found out.
You gave her half your lunch one day and bought her a doughnut "because she seemed upset" and "out of the goodness of your heart" whatever the hell that means. She thinks you pensioned it but once that thought comes she takes a bite. Poison from a doughnut is not the worst way to go out, classes are hard enough. She’s waiting for the lord to strike her down anyways. 
“Its not about passing, its about doing better than everyone else.”
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Slept through most of highschool and people question how he got into university. He’s a music major (wow how fucking original is that), and if anyone asks him to serenade someone or just do anything, he’ll do it for the right price. Or if you buy him alcohol because he still keeps getting ID checked. He’s banking on Kaeya actually becoming a lawyer or being on good terms with Diluc so he can finally stop being arrested for looking like a toddler.
Takes one step into classes and quickly nopes out and goes back to bed. Professors have no idea how he hasn't dropped out or failed. He just has some god given talent. He does whine at you to pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tutor him because you're such an angel and would never leave your poor but awesome best friend hanging right? He needs to get this essay down but how he is suppose to explain how the number 10 is symbolic and connects to the universe or the meaning of life. Do you think he can just say it’s apart of his culture and make up some random myth to pretend it looks like he knows what he’s doing? 
He’s honestly going with the flow and put his brain on the back burner all of highschool and only now realizes wait, I actually have to use my brain?
He’s been banned from most club chats since Venti has the no chill card. Someone says “lol I look ugly today.” and he’ll respond "yup, you look like a cow." and he get’s banned. Zhongli keeps a speed run timer on his phone just to document these occasions.
"Sad spelled backwards is das and das how it be sometimes."
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An actual dumbass that somehow does well. He eats sandwiches with the crust off, this heathen. Surprisingly he’s studying to become a physical therapist but most of his experience has come from breaking his own bones. You’re scared how he's going to be if he actually becomes a therapist. If he'll make bets with his patients or try to one up whatever crazy injury they get into. Everything is a challenge to him that sometimes the best way to deal with Childe is to knock him out. 
This man really knows the way to a Zhongli’s woman's heart. Through micro transactions. Mona saw him accidently drop $20 and just shrugged and walked off. She has never been both spiritually and physically offended in her life. She did take the $20 though. As much as you hate leeching on Chile when he’s basically a walking wallet that probably uses bills as tissue paper, you can’t help but give him puppy eyes while planning on how to get into his will. If he even plans on having one, he might honestly write “whoever wins in a gladiator style duel in my funeral’s tournament, they will get my fortune.”. 
Any sport the university offers Childe is probably in it. Which is how he met Zhongli, challenged him to a fight, proceeded to have his ass handed to him, got a backhanded compliment, and screamed to you he was in love and how he found his soulmate. He's secretly very sappy and has cried and watched every Disney and Pixar movie at least 28 times.
God if it isn’t Scaramouche, it’s Childe that ruins the aesthetic. This is why I hate you. Why do you people enable me like this, it isn’t even good. This is pretty much a @ yourself moment and I vibe hard with Venti. This entire post was just to make a joke about the clap of Kaeya’s ass cheeks alerting the guards.
This week might slow down since I have classes and assignments. My reply’s are gonna be late too, sorry;; (oh and thank you to everyone that was so supportive and nice when I mentioned it. All of you. Beautiful 💕💕 )
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plastic smile
Pairings - dark Charles Blackwood x Reader
Word Count - over 4.7k
warnings - oral (f and m receiving), major character manipulation
A/N - huge thanks to @buckyownsmylife @bestofbucky and @supremethunda for beta reading this. Thanks also to @eurynome827 for helping me to choose the gif. The poem in this is by Vinicius de Moraes and might be one of the most beautiful things I've read. As usual this is 18+ only so please don’t interact if you are a minor
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It had been a long day at the diner and you only started two hours ago, your usuals were the only thing getting you through it. You lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone so when the red sports car arrived that morning it’s all anyone could talk about.
Charles Blackwood walked into the diner and sat at the counter like he owned the place, his aura was the kind that everyone was drawn to; he was domineering and confident but friendly. You turned his coffee cup over and filled it up with the dark liquid. “Can I get you anything to eat today?” Smiling at him as he looks over the menu, you observe his features; strong jawline, soft curly hair, thick pouty lips and large uncalloused hands.
It takes you a moment to realise he’s asking you for pancakes, you blush and smile sweetly writing his order down and passing it back to the kitchen. Earl, one of your favourite regulars, asks for a refill, beckoning you over. “You be careful with him, don’t go getting any thoughts. He’s a Blackwood,” he tells you in warning.
The Blackwoods were almost an urban myth in the town, you only ever saw Merricat once a week and never her sister since the ‘incident’. The whole town was terrified of them, people always fear what they don’t understand. You however, thought they must be lonely and always tried to make an effort to speak to Merricat when she came in for her drink. Sure, she was a little odd but she was always polite and never forgot to thank you before she left, you always thought some of your other customers could learn a thing or two from her.
Passing Charles his pancakes, you catch your breath when he looks up at you with those big, blue eyes of his and smiles at you, grabbing your hand to ask you to stay. You stood chatting while the diner was emptying, feeling butterflies at how attentive he was, he asked you so many questions about yourself and actually listened to the answers. After finishing his third cup he pays, leaving you a hefty tip, and winks saying he’ll see you again tomorrow.
Watching him drive past in his flashy car, you can’t help but wonder why on earth he spent so much time getting to know you, you come from very different worlds. Wiping the countertop down and finishing up, you grab your bag and shout through to the kitchen, letting them know they’ll see you tomorrow.
Everyone around town seems to be talking about the Blackwoods today, you go to the library and hear Mrs Conners talking on the phone with goodness knows who about how Charles has come back, you then go to the park to sit and read when you hear two mothers gossiping while their children run around. You can’t understand the fuss but nothing ever happens in this tiny town, people talked for weeks when poor Sarah got flipped off her horse and broke her leg.
The next morning went the same as usual, you filled coffee cups, brought eggs and wiped down tables, that was until Charles came back and sat down in the same seat as the day before. He smiled at you and you held your fingers up to let him know you’d be right there, he grabbed a newspaper and read patiently refusing a drink from Barbara while he waited for you.
You flipped his cup round and poured him a coffee. “You know she has the same coffee as me,” you teased him, passing him the sugar and pulling your notepad out to take his order.
“Yeah but yours is so much sweeter,” he says, pushing the white crystals away and taking a sip of the bitter drink.
You try not to smile at the strange compliment but fail quite spectacularly when your mouth practically splits your face in half. “I’ll go and order your breakfast Mr Blackwood”.
Turning to add his ticket to the wheel. “It’s Charles.” You look back at him curiously.
“I’m sorry what was that?” You walk back over to him.
“You can call me Charles darling, Mr Blackwood is too formal. That’s my fathers name so please call me Charles.” He stares at you as though he’s staring through your soul, you lean forward and flip the paper over, grabbing your pen and passing it to him.
“I’m stuck on 10 down.” Pointing at the half finished crossword puzzle.
The diner has emptied again and you’re sitting laughing with Charles while you wait for the lunch crowd to show up, he is cute and funny, nothing like the other guys in town, the butterflies never really go away when he’s around you.
After your lunch shift, you grab your book so you can go and read in the park again when you see him across the street, leaning against the car. “Wanna go for a drive?” He opens the passenger door and gestures for you to take a seat, you don’t even think about it before skipping over and climbing in.
“So darling, tell me where you want to go,” he asks, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it. You almost melt into the seat, not able to speak for a moment before clearing your throat and pointing him in the direction of the beach on the outskirts of town. You talk for hours, you tell him about how your parents both died a few years ago, how you’re trying to save up enough money to move to the city and how you’re trying to write a book.
He’s such a good listener, you feel like you’ve talked for hours about yourself, which is refreshing because usually you’re the one people talk to. You could charge an hourly rate in that diner, listening to people’s troubles. He smiles that big beautiful smile at you and leans in to kiss you, it’s soft but demanding, grabbing the back of your head to deepen it, you moan into his mouth as he pushes his tongue in and strokes the top of your mouth.
Pulling back and rubbing his nose against yours, he looks down at you. “You’re so beautiful, I could just keep you forever.” Blushing at the cute compliment, you hide your face in the crook of his neck. He gives you a moment before tipping your chin up with two fingers and staring into your eyes. “I can’t believe one little compliment makes you so shy, you should be told everyday how precious you are my little dove.”
Dropping you back off at the diner for your evening shift, he waits for you to get through the door before waving goodbye and driving away. You float around on cloud nine for the whole shift and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by your boss, who has watched everything from the moment Charles first walked into the diner.
Calling you into his office, he asks you to take a seat. “Look, your private life is none of my business but please just be careful with him, he’s not what he seems. The whole Blackwood family is bad news.” You nod and smile at the elderly man who has always looked after you since your parents passed away. You respect him but he doesn’t know Charles very well, if everyone took the time to understand him better they’d see what a sweet person he was.
The end of your shift comes quickly and once again he waits across the street, leaning against his car and smiling at you. “Need a ride home?” You walk across to him and throw your arms around his neck. “Oh, someone is happy to see me,” he chuckles and kisses the top of your head.
Directing him to your house, he drives with one arm wrapped around your shoulder, running his fingers over your neck gently, setting your whole body on fire. Such a soft, gentle touch and you’re already absolutely desperate for him. Pulling up to the front of your little cottage, he switches the engine off and pulls your face up for another deep, soul clenching kiss. Leaning back you look at him bashfully. “Would you like to come in for a coffee?” He nods and kisses your forehead softly before telling you to stay put, running around the side of the car, he opens the door and holds out his hand to help you out.
You show him around before going to the kitchen and making coffee, taking out your best mugs, most of your kitchen stuff comes from the diner, and grabbing some snacks. You’re just leaning up to pick something out of the cabinet when you feel him pressed up against your back, he grabs the packet you were reaching for and sets it down on the counter. “It’s almost like I’m made to be here, looking after my little dove,” he whispers in your ear before planting soft kisses down your neck.
You breathe out softly as he takes his time finding all of your sensitive spots before turning you and holding your head in his big hands and desperately kissing you. Grabbing your ass, he picks you up and sits you on the counter. “Can I touch you?” He smiles as you nod quickly, moving your skirt up slowly, teasing you. You’re practically begging him by the time he pulls your ruined underwear down, he looks at them and sniffs the wet patch smirking at your embarrassment. “Looks like someone is needy”.
Shutting your eyes, you’ve never felt so absolutely mortified before, but he grabs your chin. “Look at me.” You slowly stare at his face as he grabs your hand and puts it on his hard cock. “Don’t be embarrassed, I want you just as much.” Holding your panties up he smirks. “These are mine now though.” Pushing them into his back pocket he pulls you closer to the edge of the counter and kisses around your thighs, tracing a line closer and closer to your wet folds.
You’ve read about this before but no man has ever done it to you and you’d never ask. His tongue is so firm and warm, he knows exactly what to do with it and you feel a new sensation slowly building inside you. He sucks on your clit and pushes what feels like two fingers into your tight wet hole, angling them up, setting your whole body on fire. You moan out loud and grab his thick hair, holding him right in place as you explode, moaning out his name, your voice echoing around your small kitchen.
Pulling your skirt back down to cover you up, he licks his lips and sucks his fingers clean while you catch your breath. “I’ve never tasted anything better before.” Your cheeks warm up again and are about to look away when he softly grabs your face, running his thumb over your lips and jawline. “You are so precious, don’t let anyone tell you any different. I’m going to go now, you need some sleep. I’ll come by in the morning and drive you to work”. You see him out and get cleaned up, pulling the blankets up, you don’t need to read to help yourself fall asleep tonight. You still feel like you’re floating.
You and Charles have been inseparable for the last month, he pretty much lived at your place so you could see more of each other. Every morning he’d wake you up with gentle kisses and touches that set your body on fire, he was so attentive driving you to work and taking your books back to the library when they were due, sitting in the diner doing the crossword puzzle while you work.
It was the best month of your life, so that weekend, when he got down on one knee to propose, you didn’t hesitate in saying yes, sliding his grandma's ring onto your finger, you made love that night and he made you feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
The next day, you wake up and see a white dress hanging from your wardrobe door, confused you go downstairs to find Charles and see him preparing breakfast for you. Eggs, coffee, orange juice and a flower in a glass just for you, walking up behind him you wrap your arms around his waist and kiss the freckle between his shoulder blades. “Is all this for me?” He turns around in your arms and kisses the top of your head.
“You weren’t supposed to wake up yet, I wanted to surprise my beautiful fiancé.” You kiss his lips and smile running back up the stairs and jumping into bed.
Following you up a few minutes later, he places the tray over your lap. “I have a proposal for you”. You slowly drink the bitter coffee and try not to let your disgust show on your face, he’s clearly never made coffee before but somehow that makes him even cuter to you, now you get to look after him forever.
“Let's go down to the courthouse and get married today, I don’t want to wait another minute to make you mine forever.” It was too soon, you know that, but the look on his face was so cute, you didn't want to hurt his feelings so you agreed, almost crying at the look of happiness on his face. “I found this dress in your closet, it's perfect, you’ll look like my own personal angel.” That was it, that's all it took, your own personal kaleidoscope of butterflies flew around your body. You were so happy you could almost cry.
After breakfast and a little bit of fun, he ran out to get a haircut and grab a few things for the ceremony. You got dressed and pinned your hair up in a simple style. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you felt sad that you didn’t have any family to be with you, you didn’t really have any friends either but you did have Charles and honestly that's all you wanted. Writing down a poem you wanted to say to him after your vows, you tucked it into the hidden pocket on the side of your dress and smiled when you heard the car pull up.
Charles walked in and looked at you like you hung the stars in your soft cotton dress, he passed a small hand tied bouquet of pink roses to you, smiling at how happy you were. “I got us an appointment with the judge, can you be ready in 15 minutes?” You looked in the mirror and nodded, picking up a lipstick to match your bouquet, you swiped it on and went to find your future husband.
An hour later you had said your vows, Charles was smiling so wide when you recited yours, squeezing your hand when you said honour and obey. The judge looked at you and you pulled out the poem, dropping Charles’ hands for a moment before you began;
I know that I’ll love you
My whole life through, I know that I’ll love you
At every farewell I will love you
With desperation I know I’ll love you.
And every verse i write will be my chance to say
I know that i'll love, love you my whole life through.
I know I’m going to cry,
Whenever you’re not here I’m going to cry.
But each time you return will make up for
The loss I felt when you weren’t at my side.
I know I’ll have to bear
A never ending feeling of despair
While waiting for this chance to be with you,
With you my whole life through
A tear rolled down your cheek and Charles wiped it away with his thumb. The judge pronounced you husband and wife and you kissed, his tongue softly caressing yours before he rubbed his nose across yours, your own secret love language.
Climbing into his car, Charles looks over at you smiling. “Shall we go to the diner now so you can quit?” Turning your whole body to look at him, he smiles that big grin that makes you melt. “I’m your husband now, I’ll take care of everything and you will take care of me and our children. I can't wait until you’re swollen with our children,” he says while rubbing your stomach. “You want that, don’t you my little dove? You want to honour and obey me.” Nodding, you turn back and look out the window at the passing scenery.
He stops outside the diner. “You’ve got ten minutes to grab your shit, don’t take all day.” Your stomach drops at the tone in his voice, you can’t think of what you’ve done to upset him but you want your happy and loving Charles back. Gathering your things, your boss tells you he’ll always have a space for you and not to be a stranger, he watches as you cross the street and climb into the car.
You slide up to him like you usually do but he pushes you away. “I’m driving, sit over there” the rejection stings but it makes sense he needs to be safe especially when driving. You sit and play with the roses he got you earlier, sniffing them and smiling at the sweet gesture, in no time at all you’re back at the cottage and he storms off into the house without even waiting for you. Your stomach drops, you must have upset him but you can’t think how or when, you walk into your house and call out for him wanting to apologise and fix whatever happened.
He’s in the bedroom sitting on the bed waiting for you “hey there little dove, come over here, it’s our wedding night don’t you want to make your husband happy?” Nodding you walk over to him and move to kiss him but he pushes you back and opens his legs “kneel down for me” pushing your shoulder down with force your knees hit the floor and you wince at the sharp pain. Undoing his belt and pulling his cock out he gently grabs your hair and pulls you over “make me feel good, be a good wife for me” you nod, licking and kissing his length before sucking the tip into your mouth.
He moans out and the fist in your hair tightens as he pushes you further down, choking you and bringing tears to your eyes. You slap his thighs to get him to ease up but he thrusts up into your mouth even more and groans out before spilling down your throat. Pushing your head back you stumble backwards and hit the floor “mmmm well done” he says lifting you up and sitting you in his lap. “How about you go and make us some dinner and I’ll clean up your mess in here?” He says as he kisses your neck, nibbling on the spot that he knows makes you putty in his hands, you stand up and he slaps your ass making you jump “make something nice for me and fix your hair it's a mess”
A few hours later you’re sitting reading on the sofa when the phone rings, Charles jumps up to grab it and grins a kind of smile you’ve never seen before. Staring at him as he sits back down he looks over at you and smiles “Constance has invited us over for dinner, she must have heard our happy news. It's all coming together my little dove, I’m going to be so rich I won’t have to talk to anyone in the family ever again and people will respect me all across the city”. You look at him confused “what do you mean? You’ll be rich?” But he just ignores your questions and reads the paper.
You wake up the next morning and find a dress hanging up waiting for you, sliding your feet into your slippers you go downstairs to find Charles sitting waiting at the dining table “finally you’re awake, I’ve waited for hours for you. I’m absolutely starving” grabbing the eggs and bread you look at him sitting reading his newspaper, he hadn’t even made himself a coffee. “I need you to look nice for Constance, we need to make a good first impression” you nod your head and give him breakfast trying to kiss him on the cheek but he pulls away.
On the way to Blackwood manor you’ve already been told to be on your best behaviour and you feel tense, sensing your feeling Charles pulls you close and hugs you like he used to, kissing your head and squeezing your shoulders “I’m sorry darling I just want them to love you as much as I do, I didn’t mean to make you nervous” you relax into his side and smile feeling the little flutters in your stomach again.
Constance and Merricat welcome you into their home and congratulate you on your recent wedding “I’m sorry you weren’t there, we were just so excited to tie the knot” Charles says hugging you tight and smiling at his cousins. Merricat pulls you into the garden while Charles and Constance catch up “why aren’t you at the diner anymore?” She whispers, hoping Charles doesn’t hear her, you smile at her knowing she likes her routine “I’m sorry, Charles wants to take care of me so I don’t have to work anymore. We’ll be starting a family soon so I won’t have time for anything else” that’s not what she wants to hear so she storms into the house and barges past Charles while you call after her.
You help Constance prepare lunch and try to get to know her better but she seems to be wary of you, probably because of Merricats reaction earlier. “Charles can you open the wine for the table please” you ask, passing him the corkscrew and biting your lip when he winks at you and blows a kiss. “You two seem to be enamoured with each other” Constance observes as you smile to yourself, grabbing the plate of vegetables “Thankyou, we love each other very much, neither of us wanted to wait too long before making it official”. She nods her head and smiles “I wish we could have met before you married, I want to get to know my new cousin. Merricat speaks so fondly of you” she says as you both walk into the dining area
Merricat comes back for lunch sitting at the opposite end of the table from you all, sneering at everything Charles said. You could see he was getting more and more annoyed with her and you tried to diffuse it before something bad happened by constantly interjecting and getting her talking. Dessert is served and you all sit discussing the weather, which is the safest subject between you all, you’ve discovered, when Charles suddenly changes the subject. “So Constance you sent me a letter saying that I was entitled to some of the family money” you all look at him in shock but he doesn’t seem to care.
“Yes but there were some conditions Charles” she says softly trying not to make a scene. Exhaling a loud breath through his nose he starts “I needed a wife” he nods at you, your face burning with rage as you start to put the clues together. He continues “I need a home, I have that now. So where’s my money” you stare at him with tears in your eyes, before excusing yourself and going to the bathroom.
You take deep breaths to not let your panic take over. Trying to focus your mind on something you grip the edge of the sink and don’t hear him enter, until he leans over your body growling in your ear “don’t you dare fuck this up for me and I’ll make it worth your while”. Staring at each other in the mirror for a moment, the only way out of this is if you nod in agreement and follow him back to the table.
Merricat jumps up and sits by your side gripping your hand “are you ok?” You turn and smile at her nodding your head “I’m fine thankyou I just needed a little air” you take a sip of your wine and turn back to Charles glaring at him but he just smirks “I brought a duffel bag we can fill with my share, we can do it right now get it over and done with”.
Agreeing with him Constance takes him to the safe, leaving you and Merricat alone “you should leave him, he’s just using you” she says quickly and quietly. Shaking your head at her “now Merricat it’s not like that, he loves me he just shows it differently that’s all. He wants to start a family with me” you fake a smile and play with the ring on your left hand.
Once he has his money, Charles quickly makes excuses to leave, hurrying you out of the door with a hamper of food from the pantry, you wave at the sisters and smile as he drives away. Not attempting to get closer to him you sit in silence for the rest of the journey. Getting out before he’s even stopped the engine once you pull up at the cottage, slamming the door in his face and marching up to the bedroom to change.
He walks in a few moments later and picks you up pushing you against the wall, trapping you “listen to me, I needed a wife and you were an easy target. You fluttered your eyelashes the moment you set eyes on me, I knew I could get you exactly where I needed you, now I’m rich and I don’t need you anymore but I am willing to give you a couple of months wages to tide you over but you have to be a good fucking wife until I can get things sorted back home” you smile and nod at him “ok, that seems fair how long will you be here?” Raising a brow at how quickly you agree he contemplates his answer “about a week, maybe more” nodding again you push him back gently and move away from him “I’ll set up the guest bedroom for you, I would prefer it if you would sleep in there”.
He takes a deep breath and leaves the room watching you as he goes, as if he expects you to do something silly behind his back. He has no idea what’s about to happen and you’d almost feel sorry for him if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s a shitty person who deserves everything that's coming to him.
The next few days you play it cool, you want him to be relaxed around you and not raise any suspicion. You cook and clean and play the dutiful wife in all areas but the bedroom, not that he doesn’t try everyday, kissing your neck, rubbing your shoulders while you cook, even whispering filthy things in your ear like he used to but you always say no and turn him down.
Wednesday rolls around, nothing exciting ever happens on a Wednesday. Charles goes for his afternoon nap leaving you downstairs reading your book, you wait 20 minutes before hopping to action. Running to the pantry where he’s kept his duffel bag you quickly unzip it and check it’s all still there, satisfied he hasn’t moved anything you grab it and throw it in his car. Running back to the cupboard under the stairs you grab your suitcase, slip the note out of your book and place it on the end table next to his wallet.
Climbing into his car you start the engine and wait a moment to see if he wakes up, watching the window until you see him, there he is, his face burning with rage as he spots you. You blow him a kiss and speed off, laughing to yourself that you managed to fuck him over once and for all.
He runs downstairs hoping to catch up with you and screams when you’ve already gone, walking back into the house he spots the note you left him “Dear Charles, you were an easy target. Have a nice life”
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
Speak Up
A commission for @mintocchi ! Thank you so very much for your patience while I moved everything around :D
Summary: You and Crypto have been in a relationship for awhile now, and he's still got issues when trying to speak up for things that he wants. You always try to get him to voice his opinions and concerns, and somehow this leads to training him how via the bedroom. Or! In which Crypto needs to learn to stop being an actions over words guy or else you'll make him beg over and over again for what he wants.
Reblogs > Likes. Please Reblog if you hit Like :D
!!!Minors and ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked!!!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Crypto/Reader
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Reader is gender neutral and written with a vulva, they were originally supposed to be a cis gal but there’s no real language depicting them as strictly a gal!, Denial and forcing Crypto to beg and use his big boy words, P tame kink wise!
Words: 5k
That’s how you had first felt when you had met Crypto. 
You were a new camera operator on the set of the Apex games, someone who got all the good angles and made sure the drone cameras could really catch all the action. You’d met him the same season he’d been introduced, noting how he’d been cold and disregarding, yet appeared confident in himself. But his eyes, they’d been so...paranoid. Especially when you approached to introduce yourself as one of the camera operators. 
He’d regarded you with a short, quick nod. Odd, you’d thought. But that had quickly vanished when Elliott had taken you aside and chatted you up, an arm slung around your shoulder and a grin on his face. “Hey, don’t mind the kid, probably still jet lagged, dropships, bein’ legends and all- anyway sooooo I hear you operate those cameras now, huh? Make sure you get all my good angles- not that any of them are bad, just, you know, keep that attention on the money maker you feel me? The money maker being me, of course-” 
~Rest under the cut~
“Mirage.” Crypto’s voice had cut in between you two, watching as you both had turned and you could note his irritated look at Elliott before a much more apologetic one was glanced your way. “Apologies. He does not understand personal boundaries-” 
Elliott feigns a dramatic gasp, cutting Crypto off with his free hand against his own chest as if wounded. 
You stifle your laugh when Elliott keeps up the act, sputtering before pointing at Crypto accusingly. “Woah, woah, woah, I’ll have you know that I know this lovely thing. Used to be the tech head up iiiiiiin- audio, right?” He turns towards you after that, squeezing his arm around your shoulders in a friendly way as you beam at being remembered. 
“That’s right! I was actually hoping to speak to you, Crypto,” You gesture at him, noting Crypto’s light surprise of raised eyebrows before confusion and worry passes his features. Quick to overthink, huh? 
You’re quick to follow up to ease his possible fears. “N-not! Not as an employee, I mean, I just- your, uh, your drone. They kinda remind me of an old camera used back in the day and I was wondering if you had any tips or tricks I might be able to pick up on?” 
That’s what started the relationship in the first place. Crypto, that day, had offered merely a one shouldered shrug, but after Mirage giving him a look and whining to him like a puppy, he’d agreed. Resulting in you having your own private session with him as he helped you learn a few tips. You were already trained in operating the newer models, but having a few pointers never hurt. 
The entire time he’d asked questions about you, it almost felt like he was interrogating you rather than trying to start up curious small talk. But, to ease any fears he might have had about you having ulterior motives, you answered as honestly as possible to each one. Judging by his more paranoid nature, you didn’t ask any in turn for fear of him shying away. 
The least you wanted to do was make Crypto feel as though you were untrustworthy. 
As you two grew closer, the more relaxed he became around you. No more tips were to be given, so that excuse flew out the window, so you’d offered hang outs. It took a few tries until he finally mumbled he’d feel more comfortable in his room, which is where you two ended up being and you learned he had a sweet little cat named Isabella-Marie. 
You had smiled at her name, asking where he got the idea from, and he’d smiled softly- almost sadly when he’d said she was his sister’s cat he took in, but no more information. Said cat took to you nicely, and just as she had, Crypto started warming up to you as well. 
It was a slow, slow process. You took your time with him and learned that the personality he put on was nothing but a front. Something to keep more hidden. In private, he’s so soft, almost shy in his approach to you. He’s still got his sarcastic tongue, but he’s more playful when in private with you. Much like a cat. You see him opening up the slightest bit to people he’s starting to enjoy too- Elliott and Natalie both seem to have won some sort of favor with him. 
That friendship slowly worked its way into romantic. 
The first time you kissed him is with your hand cupping his cheek and his cheeks flushed red as his dark eyes flickered to your lips multiple times until you took initiative. It took a bit of coaxing to even get him to rest his hands on your waist, but once that had happened, it’s like he’d been so touch starved all his life. Clinging to you and sighing into your mouth as if he’d just sunken into bed after a long day. 
His need for touch didn’t surprise you considering when you offered hugs and snuggles that he’d melt into you and cling to you so tightly. Your height difference, with you being much shorter, made that kind of funny when he’d lean down to bury his face in your neck and you’d stand on your tiptoes to make it easier. All within a private setting- outside of these rooms, you were both strictly professional. 
Crypto’s name had been revealed to you not long after. Tae Joon Park. You both agreed that if you used it frequently that you might yell it in public, so it was reserved for more intimate moments or serious when you two were alone. You were mindful about switching his name, so you kept to using ‘Crypto’ in your head to ensure you wouldn’t fuck it up. 
Though, it never failed to delight you in hearing him sigh fondly when you’d mumble his name by his ear after a sweet kiss. 
Dates were more reserved for the bedrooms as well. You never minded that either, but sometimes on rare occasions, he’d don a mask and a hood so you two could go out. You could only imagine the type of anxiety those outings brought, but it always warmed your heart that he was willing to take a breath and push himself out to do these things for you. In turn, you would spend the nights with him, with his head on your chest and his arms squeezing around your middle. 
Crypto, you quickly find however, is really bad at vocalizing his desires. 
He’s a man of action, hardly using his words and if he did it was one worded or quick. You’ve been trying to help him on communication skills for both your sakes, but it’s more difficult on him. It doesn’t help that he’s quiet either, so sneaking up behind you to snake his arms around you normally results in you jumping and making a squeak sound. 
But it also meant that for more...bedroom activities, that he would use actions. You always knew when he wanted something, you weren’t blind to it, you just wanted to make 100% sure of what he wanted. Normally resulting in you straddling his lap, a hand around his neck and speaking low for him to tell you what he wanted. 
Crypto always got the cutest face anytime you took the reins and control. A healthy flush over his cheeks, his breathing heavier and his eyes pleading, but his mouth refusing. 
 Stubborn was a good way to put it. How his eyebrows would furrow and he’d whimper and buck his hips up, but not tell you what he wanted. It took a lot of trial and error to even get him to utter ‘please’ at times. Your poor baby. 
You especially found you liked teasing him. Learning quick that he liked nicknames like ‘Good boy’ and ‘Baby boy’. You enjoyed edging him, tying him up or even just making him cling to the sheets or his own hair as his hips humped the air and he sobbed without begging for you. Always trying so hard to convey in his body language what he wanted you to do. 
You found yourself mesmerized by his desperation at a lot of times. Where Crypto’s kiss flushed lips would part, his eyebrows knitted and his eyes frantic on you. His own hands gripping his hair to follow instructions on not to touch you as his hips thrust into the air and made his thick cock bob. 
Sometimes you wondered if he could cum just by humping the air alone. 
Another time, you’d always tell yourself, always so eager to hear that final sobbed out word of ‘Please’ before you would swing your legs over him and ride him hard and fast. Normally fit with cruel croons about what a sweet, pathetic little thing he looked like. Your very good boy. 
That’s what you were thinking of now as you sat on the couch in his quarters, waiting for him to return from his match in the arena. 
Isabella-Marie is happily purring in your lap as your hand strokes through her soft, strawberry blonde fur. You’ve set up there with a blanket over your lap that she’s kneading happily, the match Crypto had been in having ended about an hour ago. You could tell he was struggling, too much talking around him that was reflecting in his steps. 
He’d been in a team with Mirage and Wattson, both people you knew he liked being around, but unfortunately, they kept striking up conversation. Leading to Crypto being off his rhythm. But it was nice to hear him breathe out in amusement at their antics sometimes, caught on the audio feed with the announcers crooning about how it looked like he made some friends finally. 
They at least made it to the top three. Fighting valiantly to maintain their location on World’s Edge in the city. Mirage had gotten cocky when they’d knocked two of the opposite team, going up to finish them off and ending up with a shotgun in the back and a cracking snarl in the sky of Bloodhound. 
The rest is history. But, at least you knew Bloodhound wouldn’t be the type to gloat and act cocky if they caught Crypto- at least out loud. You’re glad it was them rather than Caustic. Bad blood ran deep between them, not to mention Natalie struggling herself with it all. You were glad her and Crypto could solve whatever issue it was that ran between them- one that not even you were aware of. 
Security and secrecy, Crypto had told you with apology in his eyes. You understood, some things were best kept secret. Especially in case you accidentally got caught up in a mess, you could genuinely say you had no idea what was happening in all the legends’ lives. 
The beep of the door being unlocked makes Isabella-Marie awaken, doing a stretch across your lap before she chirps and hurries to the door to greet Crypto. She curls around his feet as he removes his shoes at the door before entering any further into the room in the rest of his gear. 
“Hello, sweetheart,” You hear him tiredly coo downwards, hearing Isabella-Marie's delighted chirp as she’s scooped up, quickly followed by her loud motor engine of a purr. 
You slide off the couch, dressed in your lounging outfit of soft black sweatpants covered with cliché little green alien heads and a loose gray sweater with a green Apex symbol over the right breast, the collar falling off your shoulders. Crypto looks worse for wear, his eyes are tired and he’s got dirt smudged on his cheek and smells heavy of sweat. Not that Isabella-Marie minds. Nor you. 
“Hey,” You greet him, a smile on your face as his eyes rest on you whilst his cat presses her cheek in insistent strokes against his chin, cradled in his arms. 
“Hey,” He murmurs back to you, adjusting Isabella-Marie in his arms when you reach for him. Despite his tired expression, his cheeks flush when he leans down and to the side for you to cup his cheeks and peck a kiss on his lips in greeting. 
“You need a shower. You go wash up and I’ll order dinner.” You tell him, offering your arms out for Isabella-Marie to be transferred to your arms in all her purring glory. “What were you thinking tonight?” 
“Mmh.” Is his only reply, leaning down to rest his cheek on the top of your head in a small nuzzle. Affectionate boy. You laugh a bit, gently nudging him with your hip as Isabella-Marie jumps out of your arms. Giving you time to hook your arms around his waist and shove your hands into his back pockets under his jacket to draw him close and make him blush. 
“Tae Jooooon,” You tease his name, enjoying how he hums low in his throat in response and turning his head to press his lips against the top of your head in a kiss. “We’ve talked about this. You can’t go your whole life being a one worded man.” 
“Mmh.” He responds again, this time with a smile that you feel. 
You shove at him playfully to shoo him off for the shower, calling out after his back when he goes dutifully towards the bathroom. “Fine! But if you don’t like what I picked because you didn’t give any options, I don’t wanna hear you complain!” 
Not that he ever did complain. If he was picky this would be a bigger concern. But thankfully you two seemed to be on the same page a lot of times, especially when it came to food. 
The food you order is Chinese takeout, getting here just in time for when Crypto emerges from his long shower looking a lot more awake and less grouchy. He’s dressed in his thick framed glasses, his normally slicked back hair nice and slick, some black sweatpants and a loose white crop-top, something you appreciate very greatly to be able to see his fit frame. 
Like a nerdy jock. 
You show your enjoyment when you wrap your arms around him from behind when he goes to look at what you got for dinner. Running your nails up his exposed beauty-marked, warm skin on his abdomen to feel him squirm and lean back against you with this flustered huff falling from his lips. 
Eventually you two make it to the couch where you have dinner and watch one of the K-dramas he liked to indulge in. Sometimes Crypto will pause it to explain a verbal pun that wasn’t caught via the subtitles for you, something that always makes you smile and appreciate when he takes the time to pause and explain for you. 
Though you’re sure he doesn’t appreciate when you wait for his most distracted point in time to steal a piece of his food and shove it in your mouth too quickly for him to stop you. Resulting in him poking at you until you squeal from being tickled and he can take a piece off your food in retaliation as you whine at him after. 
Domestic. That’s the best way you could describe yours and Crypto’s relationship. 
After dinner is put away and teeth are brushed, you two settle back onto the couch. You curl up on the corner, Crypto following you to cuddle up to your side. His cheek rests against your shoulder, kind of tilting his body into you as you rest your arm behind him, your hand resting on his nape to slide up to pet at the shaved portion of his head. Another hum from him of appreciation, but not verbalizing his like of it. 
Crypto softly adjusts, but you take it as nothing more than him getting closer to you with the soft sound of the TV in front of you. You’ve got your phone in your lap to play a puzzle game while he watches his show, very much like a cat as he rubs his cheek against your shoulder affectionately. 
Another squirm, another adjustment is felt after a moment of him pressing his thigh to yours. You take it as him wanting to be closer, only sliding your fingers higher along his scalp to the coarse hair atop his head to lightly scratch at the root like he likes. 
You don’t notice his mouth starting to part, quickly cut off with the ringing of your phone and you groaning aloud. “Really? Right now?” Before you’re answering it with a polite ‘Hello?’ that makes Crypto snort at your tone change. 
He watches as you chat, watching your lips move and hearing you discuss footage and what your boss must have wanted you to edit or someone else. He’s not really paying attention when you’re still petting his hair. He tries to nudge closer to you, near flush with your side as his hand now rests on your thigh, hoping to catch your attention. You only offer him a quick smile before returning back to your conversation. 
After five minutes, it’s clear this isn’t going to be a short call either. 
A sigh is heard from Crypto before he’s leaning up to start pecking soft, brushing kisses on your neck. Your head tilts for him, only a light flutter of your lashes as you go ‘Mmhm yeah’ to whoever you are on the phone with. Your nails press lightly at his scalp, letting him know you feel him as his teeth lightly nip at your neck like you like. 
You’re damned good at keeping your composure verbally, and now Crypto’s beginning to wonder if you’ve ever done anything on the phone with him without his knowledge. Even the mental image of you spread out and touching yourself while on the phone near making him whine, something he swallows down. 
You clearly can feel him and see him. You offer a little smile when he peeks up at you, catching your gaze. Emboldened by you sparing even a little attention to him, his hand slides down to your wrist in hopes you’ll catch up to what he’s saying. Gently drawing it to his thigh and towards his inner thigh. And yet, you still chat on the phone, but now you’re squeezing and massaging his thigh, your pinkie lightly skimming over his crotch and making Crypto’s breath hitch against your shoulder. 
His brows are furrowed, looking ever so frustrated as you now purposefully lengthen the conversation out by bringing back a point from the last game played. Crypto’s head tips lightly up to you, his eyes pleading with you when your knuckles brush over the bulge in his sweatpants. 
Your eyes meet his and you quirk a brow with a light smirk on your face. Your eyes say enough for him, you’re sure, judging by how his face flushes and his brows furrow once again. You can see and feel how he squirms, realizing he’s not going to get anything until he uses his words. 
He’s stubborn. He’s always so stubborn. Squirming in his place and getting more frustrated as you keep chatting. Only after three minutes does he finally give in when he realizes this isn’t going to work and you’re only going to keep teasing him through his pants. 
“Please?” He all but whispers, his mouth felt quivering on your bare shoulder and his hot breath felt in a shaky exhale. “Please touch me, please?” 
You smirk. 
“Oh! Hey, boss, looks like I’ll have to chat with you tomorrow morning about that- uhuh, yeah, yeah, getting,” -You pause there to let out a feigned yawn- “Oof, yeah, getting real tired....uhuh, yeah, sounds good! Buh-bye.” Before you’re ending the call and practically pouncing on him. 
You end up in his lap, straddling him and cupping his cheeks, brushing some of his hair from his face before you lean in to kiss him. Crypto’s hands find your waist, hovering at first before gripping you when you lick into his mouth after biting his lip to make him gasp. 
You sit up higher to press him back into the couch, letting your hands slide into his hair for him to tip his head back when you pull at it. His moan is low and vibrates his chest when your tongue licks over his own, feeling his hips jerk lightly up and against your ass needily. 
“I like when you beg,” You breathe as you part from the kiss, moving the kisses down his jawline and towards his ear where you lightly nip. “Do it again for me?” 
“Nnh-” Is the only response he manages at first, his fingers shaking as they slide down to grip your hips when you start grinding across his lap. Back and forth to your own rhythm and feeling just how hard he is. Bless whoever made sweatpants. 
Crypto’s so cute when you pull back to look at him. Where his head is tipped back and to the side, his lips parted and letting out ragged breaths with each drag of your hips across his lap. How his brows knit together when you grind low and slow downwards to catch his attention and his mouth falls closed to hiss. 
But. He still wasn’t speaking. 
“Be a good boy and tell me what you want, hm?” You try to encourage him, letting your hands fall down to his exposed abdomen to slide your hands up and under his crop top. Slipping your hands over his chest to thumb at his sensitive nipples, gently pinching and rolling them. Crypto whimpers sharply, his head rolling to the opposite side and looking more stubborn by the second as he strains to come up with words. 
“I-I-” His voice comes out in a whine, framed by how his lips quiver and his blunt nails cling to your hips when you stop grinding to encourage him further. “I...I want your mouth. On- o-on my cock. Please?”  
“Awww, baby, when you look that cute? I’d do just about anything for you.” 
You move down his body, kissing your way down until you can slink in between his knees onto the floor. You waste no time in hooking your fingers under his sweatpants, your mouth watering as you follow his happy trail downwards as it gets more exposed. You tug them completely off with his underwear, watching his thick cock bounce with a satisfying bob and a drool of pre-cum from the flushed head peaking from foreskin. 
Crypto covers his face with his hands to hide his burning red flush that edges down to his chest when you hum at him approvingly. But, judging by how his cock throbs, you already know that as he likes being watched and praised without words. 
You take your sweet time kissing up his length and down his balls, letting your tongue run over the sensitive skin. Your hand holds the base, stroking downwards to pull back his foreskin, mouthing at the flushed head and letting your tongue slide against the slit in teasing dips until a whimper falls from his lips. 
You tease him like this for a good enough amount of time before you even take him into your mouth fully. Suckling and bobbing your head, your free hand holding his hip to squeeze to remind him to keep his hips down when he starts trying to hump upwards into your mouth. 
Anytime you feel how his cock jerks and you hear his breathing quicken; You stop. Pulling your mouth off to kiss at his hips and thighs instead. Squeezing on his legs soothingly and rubbing at his skin when Crypto whines and rolls his hips up with not a single word peeping from his lips. Even if now his arm is thrown over his forehead, able to see how he peeks open one eye to look down at you pleadingly. 
You smile up at him each time before you take him in again. Suckling, licking, your nails sliding down his thigh until your hand can cup his balls and lightly squeeze. And each time you feel him get close, you pull back. The same bite of pain of your nails on his skin, same edging, the same denial even as pre-cum spills from his cock and it mixes with your drool to connect you with a sliver that makes him near sob when he sees you. 
You know he liked it messy. Liked seeing the mess you could make. 
The mess you could make of him. 
You’re about to remind him that he needs to use his big boy words if he wants to get anywhere tonight. But, seems Crypto gets the memo when he starts pleading. 
“Let me cum inside you, please, please, please- please let me cum i-inside you, please, I’ll be good-”  His voice is breathy, a high whimper as his hips try to fuck up into the loose grip you have on his shaft. He just looks so pathetic for you right now. Just a teary, drooly, humpy mess. 
You like how desperate looks on him. 
“Mmmhhh, I dunno, baby,” You let your voice elongate your words, your breath fanning across his sensitive skin and causing his dick to jerk, lightly tapping your lower lip and making you smile. “You look awfully cute. Can’t you hold it a bit longer? C’mon, you can be my good boy and hold it, can’t you?” 
Each end of your questions is punctuated with a drag of your lips across his cock, letting him feel how you murmur across his reddened skin. 
Crypto sobs out again, his body jerking in sensitivity as both his hands come back up to hide his red face and teary eyes. His nod allows you to continue, continuing your teasing kisses and licks. Making sure to bite pain into his thighs to cause his mind to either associate the pain with pleasure or to back off his pleasure. Judging by the way he sobs out and twitches each time you scratch or bite him, you’re guessing it’s your prior guess. 
“Please, please, please-” Crypto starts to sob when you deny him again, his cock jerking heavily and spilling pre-cum on his lower abdomen. His hands have fallen to grip the couch as best as he can, his teary gaze looking down at you and his lips quivering with his shaky breaths. So cute. “Please, I-I cannot take it anymore, please, please let me cum in you, I want to cum in you-” 
You’ll give him credit. This is the most he’s ever spoken during sex, let alone been so clear in his needs and desires. Something you’ll praise him for later. For now, you smile up at him, wiping your mouth off on the back of your hand before standing to wriggle out of your lounge clothing.  
Crypto’s quick to help you, hooking fingers in your sweater to help you out of it. It’s fit with your laughter as you nearly fall on him, lots of giggling when his mouth presses a kiss to your abdomen when you get halfway stuck through your sweater and pants. “Tae Joon-” You laugh out his name when you feel him smile against your abdomen, “C’mon, lil help here?” 
Eventually you escape your clothing prison, able to set the mood again when your straddle his lap. You’re plenty wet enough, but you still take the time to tease him a bit more by reaching down to stretch yourself while hovering over his cock. You feel flustered as he watches you, sitting under you and looking up at you with such love in his eyes while you make soft sounds yourself. 
It takes a few tries to line up correctly, but soon you’re bouncing your hips on him with your fingers in his hair and your mouth on his neck. He always sounds so pretty the way he cries out, clinging to your hips at first before his arms wind around you to hug you to his trembling frame. You pepper kisses all over his face, cupping his cheeks adoringly as you rest your foreheads together. 
He cums rather quickly, clinging so hard to you as his hips frantically hump up against you. He ends up accidentally holding you still so he can thrust up into you, resulting in you clinging to him in turn with your lips parted and murmuring praise as he fucks you through his orgasm. He’s swearing in his mother tongue, something you can only catch bits and pieces of. 
When Crypto’s done cumming, one of his hands quickly goes down to between both your bodies to rub at your clit as you hump against his cock still lodged inside you. He finds your lips to capture when you whimper out his name when you begin to cum, your nails biting into his shoulders as he rubs you through it. 
By the time you’re both satisfied, you slump against his frame, burying your face into his neck as your sweaty bodies press together on the couch, still connected. 
When both of your breathing settles, he presses a kiss to the top of your head, nuzzling himself there as his hands slide up and down your sides. You smile softly, adjusting your hips a bit and laughing a bit when he grunts in this little oversensitive way. 
When you lift your head to meet his gaze, you smile a bit brighter, gently bumping your noses together. “Hey,” 
“Hey,” He murmurs back just as fondly. 
“You need a shower.”  
He smiles when he realizes you’re replaying your interaction from earlier that day, reaching up to brush your frazzled hair from your face. “Mmh.” 
“You need a shower with me?” 
“Mmh.” He repeats, moving to rest his cheek atop your head as you laugh at him when you feel his chest shake with a quiet laugh in turn. 
“Alright fine. Guess I’ll be getting a shower first and you’ll be left out here with your dick out and cold-” 
That gets him. Pushing you off him and to the couch with a yelp from you as you fall gracelessly on your side and gasp as he takes off towards the shower and you quickly following after him with a playful swat to his ass when you catch up. 
Yeah. You would say your guys’ relationship was domestic. 
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anonymouslyangsty · 3 years
Assassin Mondo Supreme Leader Taka
Okay you say this but....Assassin!Taka that gets used by his grandfather to eliminate political opponents. Supreme Leader!Mondo whose gang has become MASSIVE, so much so that it has actual political power.
Look I swear I'll get to your actual message, but now I'm thinking about Assassin Taka. If you didn't want me to ramble ya shouldn't have asked me things lol.
Assassin Taka's a really fun idea because it plays on the vagueness of "Moral Compass" as an ultimate. Taka would still call himself the Ultimate Moral Compass in this au and, while it IS a cover for his real talent, he doesn't think it's a lie either. He is moral after all. He thinks what he's doing is justified.
Toranosuke spent years training Taka, telling him that some people are evil and deserve death, and through their deaths the world is made better. And Taka would take that to heart, believing that everything he does is for the improvement of Japan and the world at large. He never personally looks into his targets: why would he? His grandfather is one of the greatest men Taka knows, he wouldn't send him after an innocent person. Right?
Personality wise, he's probably surprisingly similar. Again, the Ultimate Moral Compass is much more than just a facade for him. So he's probably going to be just as loud about rules as usual. If you ask him what Ultimate Moral Compass actually means, prepare for a long rant about how "Ultimate talents aren't important, it's all about hard work!!" He will not give you a straight answer.
Okay okay, now I'll get to the actual point of this question. Assassin!Mondo and Leader!Taka.
Assassin!Mondo is not an easy one. Being an assassin is like the opposite of his personality. He's loud, short tempered, rebellious against authority, and not at all subtle. He's like everything you wouldn't expect from an assassin.
I definitely see him as more of a paid for hire killer instead of being used by a specific organization. Ultimate Hitman perhaps? I'm not sure if there's a significant difference between hitman and assassin, but I'm calling him a hitman.
Mondo definitely strikes me as a "moral killer" type, funny enough. He picks his jobs, doesn't take ones where the target is innocent. Hell, if you try to make him kill an innocent, you've got a good chance of him coming after you out of spite. He might also refuse to kill women, innocent or otherwise given his "I wouldn't hit a girl" thing.
I think this would be an au where Daiya and Mondo never formed the Crazy Diamonds. They were just two poor kids living on their own, trying to make it through life without dying. I don't think Mondo's parents are really mentioned, so I'm going to assume they're both out of the picture.
(I'm going to say Daiya's 4 years older than Mondo. Let's say Mondo's 13 and Daiya 18 for right now)
Trying to survive on your own isn't easy. Daiya has to drop out of school early to make enough money to keep them fed, and even then it's barely enough.
Mondo knows how hard his brother works, and he thinks it's fucking unfair. Why should Daiya work his ass off only to make almost no money? Why do they have to scrape and panic everytime rent's due? Why is Mondo so damn useless?
Mondo doesn't want to just be a burden for his brother, so he secretly starts working as well. But he's not even old enough to work and he doesn't exactly look old enough to pass as an adult. So he has to get into more questionable work. Acting as a runner for transporting drugs for gangs, playing bodyguard as shady bars, ect.
It doesn't pay great, but at least they don't have to skip as many meals.
Daiya would absolutely be against it, because there's no way he's okay with his brother getting involved in that kind of stuff. He doesn't want Mondo arrested or dead. So Mondo tries to keep where he's getting the money from quiet.
And perhaps this is how Mondo gets into Hitman work. It sure pays well and, as he gets more experience, he can get more money for his work. Eventually he goes from shooting drug addicts who went too long without paying their debts to eliminating heads of Yakuza families.
For his cover, Mondo would call himself the Ultimate Dog Groomer or something similar. He just really likes dogs.
As for Ultimate Supreme Leader!Taka. I feel like his backstory is very mundane in comparison to such a title. He's the leader of a community service group called Youth Morals Committee (YMC). They, as you'd expect, do a lot of community service stuff. Cleaning parks, volunteering at the senior center, ect.
Taka takes his position very seriously. He's got troops all around his town, happy to assist in whatever is needed. There's so many of them that crime rates have actually gone down, because if a YMC sees a crime they will report you. It's like having hall monitors but OUTSIDE of school. Horrifying.
Personality wise he'd probably be very similar, but would have more of a backbone against people insulting him. He definetly wouldn't be a Kokichi type.
Though, even though he isn’t like Kokichi, he still probably calls out Mondo for lying about his ultimate. After all, he’s a leader! It’s his job to ensure that everyone is honest with one another and NOT hiding terrible secrets. 
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, it makes me really happy and comforts me that you enjoy reading what I submit. It makes me really happy to write all of this and finally be able to tell someone my ideas. Thank you so much.
At first he kept trying to deny the father figure role, but when one night Jackie had a nightmare and came to him and ended up calling him dad, he stopped denying it and accepted it. And once he accepted it he did basically adopt all of them. Jackie and Grievous are literally chaos incarnate most days. They regularly love to prank the contestants and just act insane. Ran and Jackie just kind of hang around eachother, like Ran could be reading and Jackie training and they'd enjoy eachothers company. They do sometimes nap next to eachother, or play card games (which is a rare instance where Ran gets (playfully) rilled up and competitive). Grievous and Ran bonding sadly gets interrupted when Ranbob suddenly drops in, but before that Grievous would try to talk to Ran about what book he's reading and just try to make conversation with him.
Oh the height difference definitely remains. And its both terrifying and hailours to new people. It's even better when it's a 2v2 fight because Jackie has a habit of just climbing Ran like a monkey gym and sitting on his shoulders and its terrifying.
Well, since the drinking age is 3, I personally think the age limit is like 14 or something close. I believe I made their ages as Ran is 19 (almost 20. Maybe 4 months away), Jackie is 16, Watson is 30 something, Grievous is 22, and Ranbob is 28 (Ran is younger than his brother by 9 years) I have written down all their ages somewhere (and the ages where the events of Mizu took place) and if I got any wrong I will submit another ask with their ages. The other gladiators have managed to keep good relationships with most of eachother. A few like Grievous and Genevieve are close, Edward, Levi, and Watson are drinking buddies. Lagguis sadly isn't as involved cause he is sick and can't vist often at all. (I think I got everyone. Tell me if I missed anyone please, I cant check cause whenever I exit tumblr, tumblr deletes everything in my ask :') )
I dont have many rules for the Pit rn but I do have, no injuries that could cause long term or chronic damage, no sabotaging opponents, no teaming unless its a team round, no blackmail or anything of the sort to force an opponent to forfeit, and in order for a battle to end due to forfeit both sides must agree to it. But the Pit in general is a lot of things, there's fights for money, fame, and positions (like general). There's tournaments meant for nothing other than to show skill and just to fight your heart out. It's open to anyone above 14 and anyone under 80, to people from Subbin to those just passing through.
And there are different battles in the Pit, theres singles, the ones we saw in the Tales of the SMP episode. Teams, where teams of 2 battles against eachother. Free-for-all, where literally everyone fights against eachother. And Ion battles, battles where there are super powered weapons (like flame 2 iron sword. Or strength 3 potions) that spawn in the area at random. Typically Ran and Watson work best toghere, as their strategists and plan everything with back up plans, and they always call out warnings and watch eachothers back so its incredibly hard to actually hit them. And Jackie and Grievous work best toghere, with the two going insane and often taking people by surprise with their unmeasure and randomized movements and attacks.
At the start Ranbob was completely under Dreams thrall, not being able to really think for himself and even foregoing self care. When Ranbob starts to become himself again the fishermen are more than confused and hesitant, with Cletus especially stating multiple times that it may just be a trick. So it takes a while but Isaac actually is the one to suggest maybe it isn't a trick, and has to do with the mask that was found. This is later confirmed when the mask is brought to the group and Ranbob has a massive negative reaction that sets him back to how he was when they first met him.
Im honestly not sure yet, I think I want it to be a 'lets never go back' type thing but im not positive yet.
I dont have a solid backstory for the fishermen, but I know I want a little bit of it to tie to the story. Do you have any ideas for their backstory or nah? I do know I want them to have met eachother while they where in unfortunate situations and because of those they got family level close.
Ranbob doesn't take the little space well at first; staying outside when able too, even though that really upset Benjamin; and Ranbob has no idea how the outside works and has no idea how to read the weather or what he can and cant eat, but hey the enderman boi is trying his best to make up for everything he's done. And trying to build his own house to not impose on the fishermen (much like Ranboo did with Techno), but Benjamin wouldn't accept that and kept dragging him inside. It wasn't that hard for Benjamin, Isaac, and Charles to get used to Ranbob, already being used to sharing a small house, it was more Cletus with him refusing to leave Ranbob alone even for a second because he doesn't trust Ranbob at all.
The two groups actually get along surprisingly well! They like eachother and Watson once said, "It was like a family reunion. Or like long lost siblings finally found their way home."
I am once again not sure! Originally I planned for them to stay in Subbin and in the Pit. But the more I think about it the more boring that is and more I like the idea of the groups traveling toghere in the world.
I like this question! So enderman travel in groups called hauntings right? I personally headcanon the enderman in this group are basically family, biological or not. And ever since Ran and Ranbob lost their family they lost their haunting, which can be mentally damaging to a enderman. Once Ran found Waston, Jackie, and Grievous and started hanging around them more, he started feeling a connection ot them he hasn't felt on a long time. He's claimed them, as his haunting, his family. And he'll defend them with his life against anyone and anything. And then suddenly Ranbob came in, a enderman that should be part of his haunting but isn't, a enderman that killed his previous haunting. So Ran is incredibly defensive over his group, and is trying his best to keep Ranbob as far from his haunting as possible, to protect them.
Now Ranbob also got a haunting, his being Charles, Isaac, Benjamin, and even Cletus. So Ranbob is also defensive over his family. But unlike Ran, Ranbob still considers his brother as part of his haunting, his family (and yes, Ranbob did think Ran was dead when he first chased him out years ago, so he's shocked and relieved that his baby brother is still alive). And he sees how his family gets along so well with Rans family and then starts to even consider Rans haunting part of Ranbob's. Basically Ranbob has a big heart and is willing to accept almost anyone into his family, no matter what they've done.
Yep, the reason Porkius is so interested in Ran is because he's an enderman hybrid. And no one else is a hybrid expect for the two brothers (and Porkius, with him being a piglin hybrid).
Porkius is excited! He's excited to see what happens and is more than happy to agree to help as long as he is kept in the loop. Though unless he's directly asked to be involved he prefers watching from a distance at whats happening. Just so he doesn't get mauled by a pissed off enderman.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes (its late) and its so long! Im probably going to try to shorten them.
I’m glad you’re happy, it’s a nice thing to feel. Your ideas are really cool, and I hope I’ll get to see more of them in the future.
Now, can I simply say how adorable so much of this is? Jackie going to Watson when he had a nightmare, the Rans being protective of their groups, Jackie climbing Ran? I love that, it’s very heartwarming and cute, and it made me smile.
So Watson wasn’t really sure what to do with his new title at first, hm? And then Jackie called him dad? How’d he feel about that? How’d Jackie feel about the slip? Or did he even notice? He’s parenting them all, he’s gonna have a dad voice and everything. How do the adopted ones feel about him embracing it?
Jackie and Grievous, two people to truly fear when they wish to cause havoc. Tremble before them. Do they prank people, or do they just become absolute madmen on the battlefield? Or something else. Honestly, anything with these two just instantly makes me amused. 
Jackie and Ran being chill buddies. very nice. Ran getting competitive over card games is a funny thought. Does he win often? Does Jackie? What kind of card games do they play?
Rather sad Ran and Grievous bonding is interrupted, but it’s nice to hear Grievous trying it. Hopefully they’ll get there someday. 
Oh my god, it’s the height difference. Jackie getting on Ran’s shoulder sounds absolutely terrifying. Imagine being some poor new guy pitted against these gremlins and the short ones climbs on the tall ones shoulder-both look absolutely gleeful with the destruction they’re about to wreak, and you already know you cannot outrun them. 
Jackie...Jackie...he’s da youngest. He’s small, and young, and you have no idea how much I’m laughing at this. I don’t even know why, it’s just really, really funny to me. Probably something to do with what a complete force of chaos we all know this boy is. Oddly fitting, but hilarious. How does Jackie feel about this? 
How do the others? Are they a bit more protective over him? Does Ran like to flaunt his three years more over him? 
Grievous and Genevieve are buddies! Very nice, they seem to have a good dynamic. Watson, Edward, and Levi also being close? Very interesting, has a lot of potential. I bet they share a lot of funny stories.
So we’ve established the basics of The Pit. Doesn’t seem too bad, for a fighting arena, to be honest. Seems pretty popular, actually. Do the gladiators live there? In the palace? Or do they just have a house somewhere nearby? What kind of establishments and areas are around? Food places, stores? 
So Ran and Watson are the scariest team because of their strategy, and Jackie and Grievous are the scariest team because of their randomness? It checks out. I’m curious though, how do the other combinations work out?
Ranbob sounds like he has a less than fun time here, and the poor guy could really use some closure. What’s he like, free from the influence of the mask? He seems pretty close to Benjamin, so at least he’s got that going for him. Though he and Cletus don’t seem to have the strongest bond at first. How is that resolved?
And how does Ran feel about his brother’s new haunting, after everything? I imagine that he’s at least a little bit unhappy with it, for one reason or another-and there’s quite a few reasons for him to pick from.
How did that house-building attempt go, between Ran never being above water, and probably never building a house before? I can’t imagine too well.
Some ideas for backstory, well, hm. Isaac seemed dressed a bit fancier than the others, perhaps he comes from a richer family than the others? That’s about all I’ve got for now, sorry. 
It’s nice to hear they got along, who clicks the easiest?
Possible road trip? Always fun.
So, the enderman hybrids have adopted their respective groups as their hauntings. You’ve mentioned Ranbob’s pretty cool with this, how does Ran feel? Obviously, he’s less than pleased with Ranbob, but what about the fishermen? Protective Ran and Ranbob! How protective exactly? Is it subtle, or overbearing at times? Actually, how do their instincts lead to them interacting with their groups overall?
Porkius must not see Ender hybrids too often, if he’s so interested in them. It’s nice that he’s willing to help out though, and his concern is valid. I wouldn’t want an angry enderman hybrid after me either. 
Are hybrids not overly common, then, if there’s only Ran, Ranbob, and Porkius around currently, or are they just not mentioned a lot?
Thanks for the ask, a lot of it made me smile. I enjoyed reading it, and I hope you’ll be willing to send more when you have the time.
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cynicalrainbows · 4 years
An incredibly late happy birthday fic for the very lovely and very talented @shut-up-heather-d, who has been patiently waiting for this for weeks. After you read this, you should also take yourself to AO3 to read her OWN writing too, because it’s really excellent.
But here’s some fluff in the meantime. The request was for Kitty being taken care of by Catalina and Jane, and Catalina being the stricter ‘parent’.
‘I’m dying-’
Kitty rolls dramatically onto her stomach and buries her face in the couch cushion, displacing Cathy (who falls off the couch with a squeak and retreats hastily to the kitchen for paper towels to mop up the spilled coffee from her shirt).
‘You’re not dying Kit.’
Kitty lifts up her flushed face and tries to muster up the energy to glare at Catalina.
‘I AM.’
Catalina raises an unimpressed eyebrow. ‘You’re not dying, you have cramps. And if you’d just take the aspirin-’
‘But it tastes HORRIBLE-’
‘So you keep saying.’
Kitty flops back down with another groan and Catalina carries on tidying up.
‘I hate today, I’m really stressed and I have to make that phone call to the bank, on top of everything-’
Catalina sighs. She isn’t really sure how to help and she doesn’t like it- it feels like Kitty’s blaming her for her not being able to fix it. Of course, she knows this isn’t Kitty’s fault at all, just her own stupid brain but still…
Even so, she’ll do the best she can, even if advice IS all she can do.
‘Well, maybe if you go and get it done rather than putting it off….and you know it’s going to hurt until you take some painkiller, so you’re only hurting yourself by putting that off too.’
There. Sensible and hopefully enough to spur Kitty into action.
Kitty though just gives her a slightly wounded look and rolls onto her side.
After a while, the silence stretches out a little too long. She returns to the couch.
Kitty doesn’t move from where her head is buried in the cushions- Catalina gently tucks a few locks of hair back behind her ear to get a look at slightly more of Kitty’s face, and her fingers brush against dampness on the girl's cheek.
‘Mija, are you alright?’
‘’M fine.’ It’s more indistinct than it should be- Catalina frowns. She starts to feel the first gnawings of guilt in the pit of her stomach. 
‘- I’m sorry.’
‘Oh Kit.’
Catalina pushes a few cushions aside and makes herself a space at the end of the sofa. The guilt grows, and she wonders if maybe advice hadn’t been what was needed after all.
‘You have nothing to apologise for. It’s ok.’
‘’M sorry. You don’t have to take care of me.’ It’s so small and wavery that Catalina immediately feels like the worst person in the world. It’s not her fault- she isn’t used to this, she’s used to dramatics needing to be curbed, she’s used to plain speaking and advice. That’s what she’s good at. Kitty half sits up as Catalina sits down, as if she’s going to retreat to her bedroom, and Catalina sighs. She’s fucked up.
‘Come here mija.’ Catalina tugs until Kitty reluctantly rests her head against Catalina’s leg, and begins to smooth her hair back from her warm forehead. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so snappish and unhelpful. I was trying to help and I think I just made it worse, didn’t I?’
‘It’s ok.’
‘I’m not actually cross with you, you know that don’t you?’
Kitty makes a small non-commital noise.
‘Don’t you?’
‘...I suppose.’
‘Good. Now what I can get to help you feel better, hm?’
Kitty’s face sinks into resignation. ‘I’ll take the aspirin. Is it still in the cabinet?’
It’s mildly painful to Catalina to actually witness this- how Kitty’s resistance, her own wants and needs, are ready to crumble in an instant if it means that she’ll be restored to favour (in the early days, she’d taken it for a pleasant compliance until Jane had set her straight.)
‘You don’t have to-’ Catalina stops herself; Kitty blinks at her warily, confusedly. She can see the question in Kitty’s eyes as to whether or not this is some sort of trick or trap. She doesn’t take it personally (mostly, usually)- she knows this wariness was bred into the girl a long, long time ago. ‘That is, I still think you should. But that wasn’t what I meant- I was just trying to think of an alternative.’
‘I could run you a bath? Or make you up a hot water bottle. The heat might help. Only if you want to though. You can stay here if you like.’
‘You don’t have to.’
‘I know. And you don’t have to either mija. But it might make you feel better.’
Kitty opens her mouth to give her usual polite refusal and then a cramp makes her tense- her eyes close for a moment and a nod is wrung out of her.
‘Ok. Thank you.’
‘You’re welcome.’
Catalina insists Kitty stay on the couch while she turns on the bath. (She intends to use some of her own special fancy bubble bath in it, as a sort of apology, but realises to her chagrin that she’s run out. She uses some of Anne’s instead and tells herself it still counts.)
While Kitty soaks Catalina decides to make the hot water bottle anyway. Save them having to do the same rigmarole over whether or not she goes to all the trouble of boiling the kettle or not.
If Kitty doesn’t want it, it can just go on the floor or something.
Jane comes home just as the kettles switch flips off. Her cheeks are red from the wind- or possibly just from the three supermarket bags she’s laden down with.
Catalina stares. 
‘Are you sure you got EVERYTHING?’
Jane nods, opening cupboards and pulling out draws as she stashes boxes and jars.
‘I think so- probably.’
‘Jane, you were picking up milk and bread.’
‘Oh!’ Jane catches the sarcasm too late, as she always does and colour rises in her cheeks as it always does. (She does not however either fly off the handle at Catalina for teasing her- as she used to, in the very early days- or shut down entirely and go silent and drawn in on herself- as she still does on very bad days, although they happily are getting rarer.) ‘Well I KNOW- but then I remembered it’s Cathy’s turn to cook tomorrow and she probably won’t have time to get to the supermarket before supper-’
‘You mean she’ll keep writing til the last minute and then panic like last time?’
Jane ignores her. ‘-SO I thought I’d get some staples just in case. And they had some of that pate Anna really likes on offer, and it seemed silly to not take advantage of THAT. And Anne finished the last of the cereal this morning so-’
‘We have at least three different kinds of cereal in the patry Jane.’
‘Yes but not the one that she really LIKES. And there were fresh muffins in the bread aisle, and sometimes it’s nice to have a bit of a treat for breakfast even if it ISN’T a weekend day, and THEN I thought that it would be a good idea to get stuff for making that shortbread that Joan really likes because she’s having a bit of a stressful week, poor thing-’
Catalina smiles despite herself and starts to help put things away.
‘I see…’
‘Don’t be jealous Catty, I got you some green tea.’
‘I do have green tea already.’
‘Yes but this is a special fancy looking NEW kind of green tea because I thought you might like a treat. Also a mango.’
‘Did you get anything for yourself?’
‘Yes.’ There’s only the slightest of hesitations and Catalina resists the urge to ask what: they both know it’ll just send Jane into a spiral of defensiveness as she tries to justify her spending money on herself to the insatiable long dead ghosts of the past.
‘Good. Well done.’
‘Thank you.’
‘And thank you for my treats- and for everything else. The others will be thrilled.’
‘I hope so. I got some stuff for Kitty and I to bake with too, there’s a recipe we saw on Bake Off that Anna liked the look of and Kit wanted to try it-’
‘I don’t think she’ll be quite up to that for the moment.’
‘Why? Why not?’ Jane looks suddenly urgently panicked and Catalina hastens to reassure her.
‘Nothing to worry about. Period pain, that’s all.’
‘Oh the poor little thing.’ Jane’s face creases into sympathy even as the anxiety leaves it. ‘Where is she?’
‘Taking a bath. I’m going to bring her a hot water bottle when she’s done. Actually-’ They hear the rush of water down the drain rattle the loose guttering. ‘I think that’s her now.’
‘Has she taken anything?’
‘She didn’t want the aspirin…’
Jane nods. ‘She doesn’t like the taste. I usually just end up bribing her. What did you do?’
‘....I- um- I told her to stop complaining.’
‘Sorry! I didn’t say it exactly like that.’
When she glances up at Jane, she’s supremely relieved to see that Jane looks more amused than vengeful.
‘What’s funny?’
‘Sorry. Nothing. Just…’ Jane bites back a smile. ‘You looked SO guilty when you admitted that. I don’t think you’re as cut out for the strict parent role as you think you are…’
Catalina can’t help but smile back. ‘Maybe not. I do want to make it clear I did apologise. And I WAS about to make her a hot chocolate to take up when you came in.’
Jane chuckles and hands over the bag of mini marshmallows. ‘Better get started then.’
Kitty’s struggling with her wet hair- cursing herself for her ill-thought out decision to lay back in the water and wondering whether to just leave it and lie down with it wet- when Jane taps on the door.
‘How are you feeling love?’
‘You’re back!’ For the first time since being struck down, Kitty feels actually, properly happy: she can’t quite explain it, but somehow, having Jane in the vicinity during a crisis just makes things better. Easier. 
It didn’t even mean things were fixed or solved- for that, all the queens agreed, you needed Catalina or Anne or Anna (or Cathy if the problem involved etymology or linguistics or the interpretation of scripture). Jane was not the person you had around to fix things, they all knew. 
But Jane was the person you’d position yourself close to once the solution to the problem had been identified and needed putting into place. 
(Her role in this respect- always fairly clear- had been absolutely cemented the day that Anna had come home to find Catalina miserably struggling through a phone call, her head in Jane’s lap while Jane did needlepoint and fed her white chocolate buttons. Catalina had been slightly flushed upon discovery but determinedly insouciant, and to their eternal credit, the others had refrained from commenting.)
Kitty struggles to her feet to pull Jane properly into the room. ‘I’m fine! How was your shopping trip?!’
‘It was alright. They had those special dark chocolate biscuits I was waiting for them to restock at LAST-’
(Jane isn’t quite sure why talking about things she’s brought for herself to Kitty doesn’t set off the same anxiety as it does when admitting to having done so to anyone else. It doesn’t, and that’s enough for her.)
Kitty knows better than to comment on the purchase, but she beams proudly at her all the same and Jane shoots a small, grateful smile back- which fades quickly when she notices how tense the girl is.
‘Are you sure you’re ok? Is it still hurting? Catalina said you were having a really hard time of it.’
Kitty blushes slightly. ‘Yeah. Did she tell you I was making a fuss?’
She looks so forlorn, Jane thinks it would almost be funny if it wasn’t so very sad. She makes her voice as gentle as possible. ‘Of course not, sweetheart.’ She wraps an arm around Kitty’s shoulders, guides her to sit on the edge of the bed and then picks up the abandoned comb. ‘She said that you were in pain and that she was concerned. That’s all.’
‘Oh.’ Kitty keeps her head down as Jane begins to patiently work through the tangles. ‘I WAS making a fuss though…’
‘Actually, she told me that she feels awful for not being more sympathetic at first.’
‘But she doesn’t need to! She ran me a bath and everything. And I shouldn’t be so whiney anyway.’
‘Love-’ Jane keeps combing, and Kitty unconsciously relaxes back into her touch, enjoying it. ‘Remember what we told you? You don’t need to feel bad about being taken care of sometimes. We all want to help. Especially if you’re not feeling good.’
‘But I’m an adult, I-’
‘I-’ Kitty bites her lip miserably. ‘I should be able to just...handle myself, you know?’
Jane shrugs. ‘Is that what you think the rest of us should do then?’
‘Like, I should just handle myself and stop bothering Anna or you when I need help doing a form? Or how Cathy should just get over it when she gets overwhelmed and keep going?’
‘No of course not-’
‘Or how Anne should just stop being late for things and finish jobs when she starts them?’
‘No! That would be horrible, that’s-’
Jane nods. ‘So why is it any different for you? Why wouldn’t we be just as eager to help you when we love you just as much? Hm?’
Kitty sighs in defeat, and then winces as the comb is tugged. ‘I know. I know that really. I suppose. It’s just….hard to know it properly sometimes.’
‘I know love.’ Jane leans down and kisses the top of her head, then begins to plait her hair back. ‘We’ll remind you though. As much as you need.’
Kitty opens her mouth to reply but she’s interrupted by another tap on the door- Catalina, bearing a tray and looking slightly awkward.
‘I thought you might like a hot drink-’ As she puts the tray down on the nightstand, Kitty sees that it bears one fuzzy hot water bottle, one plate of shortbread, two mugs of tea- and possibly the most decadent hot chocolate she has ever seen in her life.
She’d been about to apologise again- she still can’t quite shake the anxiety that Catalina might maybe still be annoyed at her despite her reassurances- but the elaborateness of the drink surprises a laugh out of her instead.
‘Catty! It looks-’
Jane’s laughing too. ‘That’s….oh my goodness!’
Catalina tries and fails to frown. ‘Hey! I worked very hard on this. It is NOT easy to get that many marshmallows into one mug-’
‘You look like you managed though-’
‘Just about-’ She glances at Kitty, slightly anxiously. ‘Is it ok? Do you like it?’
‘I love it!’ Kitty bounces off the bed to hug Catalina in gratitude and then winces. ‘Argh. Bad idea. Sorry.’
‘It’s ok-’ Catalina hands her the hot water bottle and Kitty presses it thankfully to her stomach. ‘Why don’t you get comfortable? It might feel better if you lie down.’
Jane starts to arrange pillows as Kitty settles onto the bed. ‘Jane, I’m not an invalid you know, I honestly can do it myself-’
‘I know love.’ She doesn’t stop. ‘But you’re sick so-’
‘I’m not sick.’
‘Being in pain is a kind of sick.’ Catalina chips in. ‘Just indulge us mija. Now, do you want some peace and quiet so you can rest? Or do you want company?’
Kitty hesitates. ‘It’s ok love, whichever you prefer. We won’t take it personally if you’d rather have some space-’
Kitty nods; Jane and Catalina wait a moment and then pick up their tea and start for the door. As Jane opens it, they’re stopped by a squeak from the bed.
‘Do- do you mind staying? If you’re not too busy?’ She squeezes the hot water bottle case anxiously. ‘Just, it really hurts and it’s nice to have a distraction and-’ Despite their reassurance, Kitty still half expects to catch an eye roll or a reluctant sigh. Of course they don’t want to stay really, of course they’re busy…
But instead, Jane smiles as she closes the door; Catalina squeezes her hand as she settles onto the bed.
‘Well done mija. I know that wasn’t easy.’
It’s a silly thing to need validation for but it makes the anxious bands that have seized around Kitty’s chest loosen anyway.
They get comfortable on the bed either side of her and Jane reaches for Kitty’s laptop.
‘How about some trash tv? That usually makes me feel better.’
Kitty settles back, letting her head rest against Catalina’s shoulder. It feels warm and comfortable, a good place to rest. ‘Sure. Not Love Island though, I feel too gross to enjoy watching people in bikinis.’
‘Fine.’ Jane pouts slightly and Catalina chuckles. ‘Bake Off?’
They watch in silence for a few minutes, as the sprightly music plays and mouth watering images of sponges and tarts fill the screen. Catalina hands Kitty her hot chocolate and it’s very bit as good as it looks; Jane’s arm around her is pleasantly soothing.
‘You’re welcome mija.’
(Kitty doesn’t just mean for the hot chocolate. But she thinks Catalina probably knows this.)
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’ (Part-10)
Word count: 5.2K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: Implied smut, fluff :)
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: No angst again! And good stuff. I am being very nice these days ;)
The story employs two different timelines. The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014. Please let me know what you guys think :)
Beta: @deanssweetheart23​. Athina, you’re a goddess <3
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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10th September 2008
You woke up to something soft tickling your face, almost feather light and pleasant. Opening your eyes, you found Sam’s arms wrapped around you, nestling you in them. A glowing warmth spread through your body as you remembered last night, his lips on your skin, and the feel of his hot breath on your face. The way he had called out for you was enough to raise goosebumps on your skin now. And he’d said he loved you. Your heart thrummed in your chest at the memory.
Slowly, you removed his arm from over your body and slipped out of bed. You wanted to kiss him on his forehead or the point of his nose but Sam looked so peaceful you didn’t have the heart to wake him up. 
You pulled over the T-shirt and the boxers Sam had lent you last night and headed down to the kitchen. Maybe it hadn’t been the best idea to skip dinner after a morning of hangover because your stomach was churning weirdly. 
Would everything be different now? After last night. You felt like your heart would burst from all the love you were feeling. Without giving the task at hand much thought, you fried some eggs, toasted the bread and put the coffee pot on a boil, wondering what Sam had for breakfast. 
With an excitement that you had never felt before, you carried the tray laden with food upstairs, wondering how to wake Sam up. As it turned out, Sam was already sitting up, a confused expression on his face. The sheets were bunched around his waist and the sight of his naked torso made your face feel hot. When he saw you, his eyes lit up, a smile replacing the frown.
“Here you go,” you said, placing the tray before him and then joining him on the bed.
His eyes softened. “You didn’t need to,” he said, gesturing towards the food. “Not seeing you here, I was starting to worry that last night had been a dream.”
“Only the best dream of my life,” you muttered, pouring his coffee. “Black with half spoon sugar. Just like you have it.”
Sam was still stuck on your words. He took the cup from your hands and placed it back on the tray, then pulled you to him. “That’s just it. I didn’t want it to be a dream. Even if it was the best dream ever. All dreams, even the best ones end when you wake up. But with you… I don’t ever want this to end.”
You reached out and kissed him. At first he was surprised, then he leaned into it. Kissing Sam was like a breath of fresh air for your soul. If it was left to you, you would spend an obscene amount of time kissing him.
“This is one way to start the day,” he chuckled.
“Mhmmm…” you sighed, handing him the coffee and starting on the eggs. 
“Funny that Jo didn’t turn the place upside down looking for me,” you wondered idly. You should have told her where you were last night.
“I called her when you got here,” Sam said. “When er… when you were having a bath.”
Sam was always so thoughtful. Last night it hadn’t even occurred to you to let Jo know, about the acceptance or the fact that you were here, and you weren’t particularly proud of it. Absentmindedly, you scooted closer to Sam and like it was the most natural thing to do, he put his arm around you. The heat coming of his skin and his scent was so comforting, you all but melted against his side. A girl could get used to this.
“Hey,” Sam nudged you with his lips pressed in your hair. “You know that NC Central is only a seven hour drive from New York, right?”
Of course you knew that. It was a great school, but it was also on the East coast, where Sam would be. You nodded against his neck, lightly tracing the hard lines of his stomach. 
“I could drive over the weekends to see you.” There was hope in his voice.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” you smiled at the thought of it all. A new school, a new life with Sam in it. You thought of happy weekends and flinging yourself into his arms whenever you saw him. You pictured his wide smiles, and the joy in his eyes when he saw you. “I could hop on a bus on Friday night and be there in New York in the morning. You’d show me around, wouldn’t you? I’ve never been to such a big city.”
“You have no idea,” he said. “I’ve never wanted that job more than now. Hell, I’d throw myself into preparing for the bar, if it keeps us that close now.”
“Mhmm.” You huddled closer to him.
“What’re you thinking?”
“About how I’m going to afford this,” you said. “NC central isn’t that expensive, but it’s still a lot considering I have almost nothing to my name. I don’t want to sell off Gran’s house.”
“You want to make it into a bakery, I remember,” he said, gently, then added hesitantly. “Maybe I could-”
“No!” You sat up straight. “Absolutely not. I can’t ask this from you.” You hurried to explain, seeing the slightly hurt expression on his face. “This isn’t about you in any way. It’s very kind of you to offer, it really is. But I want to do this by myself. I’ll apply for a student’s loan. Like I said, the money isn’t an impossible sum. I just need a guarantor to vouch for me at the bank. I don’t want to ask aunt El cause I know she had some bank problems with the diner. She doesn’t trust them very much.”
Sam looked thoughtful.
“What’re you thinking?” You asked suspiciously. “Don’t think about volunteering.” 
His finger was drawing a pattern on your shoulder as he licked his lips. “You know I can’t. I don’t own any property myself. You should ask Dean, though.”
“Dean?” You looked up at him surprised. “Why would he?”
“Why wouldn’t he?” Sam countered. “He might not show it, but he does like you. You’re not asking him to pay for your college, you’re just asking him to be a guarantor. He has great credit, the bank won’t refuse that. It’s not like you’re going to dupe him. I know my brother. Trust me, he’ll be happy to help you.”
When you still looked surprised, Sam took hold of your hand and pressed it to his lips. “Don’t overthink this. You said you wanted to do this by yourself, so you bring it up with him. I promise I won’t say a word.”
“You’re awesome. You know that, right?”
He winked. “I don’t know about that. But I’m sure happy you think that!”
You removed the tray from the bed and placed it on the side table, then moved over to straddle Sam, hands placed on either side of his face. “Thank you for being so understanding.”
In a quick moment, Sam flipped you, so that you were lying on the bed with him hovering over you. He dipped down to kiss the hollow of your neck, then whisper against your skin. “The pleasure is all mine.”
“You know, if you keep bouncing on the balls of your feet like that,” Meg said drowsily from the table, where she sat flipping through a magazine, “I’m going to side with Kevin on this. You’re hiding something.”
You put your lunch in the bag, wondering just how to tell her. It wasn’t that you wanted to hide your history from your roommate. There was just so much of it, you had no idea where to start. For now, you just settled for, “There’s this professor. I thought he was mad at me. Turns out he isn’t.”
“Wow. It doesn’t take much to get you all chirpy.”
Just the feeling of six years worth of hell coming to an end.
“Ready to go?” You asked and Meg jumped down from the high stool.
“Is this the same good looking professor?” She asked out the blue as you reached the campus gates.
“How do you know about the good looking professor?” You narrowed your eyes. You had mentioned Sam only to one person in the apartment.
Meg looked taken aback for a second, then said nonchalantly. “Cas told me.”
“You two are really close, aren’t you?” Try as you may, you couldn’t keep the sly tone out of your voice completely. 
Meg changed the topic smoothly, but not before you saw the faint blush on her cheeks.
Meg blushing? Speak of novelty.
She waved you a goodbye at the entrance of the law building, heading north to the Physics department. Wondering if anyone else in the apartment had noticed, you entered the class for your first lecture. 
Professor Mills was in a great mood today, and she encouraged a debate on whether Legal writing and its syntax should affect how seriously the core content of any litigation is treated. You firmly believed that poor syntax should in no way undermine the severity of any litigation, and made your points with citation. The opposite team consisting of Brad and everyone in Madison’s group tried to put up a strong fight, but you knew you had the moral high ground on that one. Maddy was smiling by the end of it, but the expression on the other’s faces ranged from disappointment to disgust.
Professor Mills mentioned you by your name at the end of the class, lauding you for your points. It was enough to give you the high of the day. You simply loved her.
As the college day neared its end, you were excited for Civil Procedures, excited to see Sam again. Maybe he wouldn’t ignore you now. Maybe he’d actually look at you and smile. Your eyes were eagerly glued to the door, waiting for him while everyone chattered in the background.  
It wasn’t Sam who came in. Instead, the TA Paul announced that the lecture has been cancelled for today and tomorrow. Professor Winchester would take double lectures in the following week to cover it up. 
“Well, dang it!” Meredith cursed. “After that horrible debate, I was looking forward to seeing that chiseled face.”
“You aren’t the only one who’s disappointed,” Lacey said slyly. “Y/N looks like someone kicked her puppy.”
You schooled your expressions immediately. 
Madison rolled her eyes. “Everyone was looking forward to it. Maybe he has something important. Remember he ditched Thursday, Friday on our first week, too.”
“Maybe he’s just playing hooky with his girlfriend,” Rebecca shrugged. You had a maddening urge to slap her. It wasn’t fair to direct all your anger at her; you knew that. However, listening to her words, evaporated the high you had been feeling completely.
How naive of you to think that one small conversation could make everything okay. Maybe he went back home and changed his mind, had seen that the exchange was a lapse in his judgement. Your stomach dropped at that thought. Why did he have to show you a moment of softness, if he was just going to take it all away? It would have been better then, had he continued to ignore your existence. You had been making your peace with it. You didn’t think you had it in you to take one more hit after feeling hope, at last.
Morosely, you started picking up your things.
“Y/N. Don’t forget about the party, tomorrow.”
Madison was looking at you with wide eyes.
You opened your mouth to make up a reason. She cut you off-
“Look, I checked your schedule. You’re not working this weekend. This is your last working day for the week. I’ve made all the reservations and counted you in.”
Her brow furrowed. “You’re not going to stand me up, are you? The drinks are on me.”
Looking at her, you just couldn't say no. 
“I was gonna say that I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”
“Yay!” She shot out of her chair and flung her arms around you. Surprised, you put your hand against her back. 
“Told you she’d come,” Madison told her friends. Lacey gave you a smile, Meredith looked disinterested and Rebecca had her back turned to you completely. That summed it up accurately. For the umpteeth time you wondered how their group functioned at all.
Brad, who had been lingering at the table with his guy friends, gave you a smirk.
“Miss Y/L/N finally gracing us with her presence?”
“Oh, butt out, Brad,” Madison shoved him. “If you keep acting like a dick, she might change her mind.”
“Now we wouldn’t want that, would we,” he said under his breath.
You didn’t want any more of their company than what was absolutely required, so you said your goodbye to Madison and left the lecture hall for the day. With your sulky attitude, returning to the apartment wasn’t an option in case you ran into someone. Those guys were very perceptive and you didn’t want to lie to them anymore.
After wandering aimlessly underneath the pergolas of the Quadrangle, you headed to the library. It was about two in the afternoon; four more hours and it would be your shift anyway.
You decided to have your lunch in the closed quarters of the librarian’s room. There wasn’t much to the room except a makeshift bed, a table, chair and a coffee machine. You could sit there and catch up with the essays after lunch.
The on shift librarian wasn’t Molly today, but this other odd hours guy. She was hovering over him, giving instructions. When she saw you, she ushered you to the side. “It’s his first time. I’m training him for the weekend.”
“Oh.” You looked over at the guy. He was clearly an anxious wreck. You felt bad for him.
“Hey listen,” you said, “Is it okay if I use the librarian’s room? I haven’t had lunch and I don’t want to go to the eateries or the mess.”
She gave you a guilty look. “The room is kinda sorta… ocupado.”
“See for yourself.” She took hold of your hand and pulled you towards the room in question.
The door was almost closed, save for a small slit. Through it, you could see Sam sitting on the table, multiple books and files scattered around him. He was absolutely absorbed in whatever he was doing, forehead lined in concentration.
“What the-”
Molly shushed you. “Look, I know this looks weird, but he’s in the middle of something. They convicted one of his key clients, and he said he needed some place quiet to figure this out.”
“What about his firm?” You asked the obvious question.
“Client’s not from SF. He’s from LA. Heading to Acton Gris would be going in the opposite direction.”
“Then what about his office here?” You were so surprised that the questions just flowed out of your mouth.
Molly gave an exasperated sigh. “Students. They keep knocking on the door.” She gave you a desperate look. “Please Y/N, let him be. He’s really worked up about it.”
“Yeah, of course,” you assured her. 
She looked grateful. “This isn’t conventional, but he’s one of the good folks around here. I knew him from the alumni fraternity before he started teaching here. In fact, he recommended me for my internship at the LA firm he was working in then.”
That explained why she called him by his first name. She was preaching to the choir about how good Sam was though.
“That’s all fine,” you said. “Just let me know if there’s any way I can help.”
Both of you jumped at the sound of his voice.
“Molly?” He asked again. “Is that you?”
She pushed the door open.
“Yeah it’s me.” She looked at you. “And this is Y/N. You remember her from the other day, don’t you?”
He smiled at you. It was a tired smile, but it held the mischief of a secret only the two of you knew.
“I remember her,” he said dryly.
All the distress and world ending angst you had been feeling since the class vanished into thin air.
“I-I didn’t mean to disturb you,” you said quickly. “I just came in to check if I could have lunch here. Clearly you are busy working, so I’m just going to go now.”
“You’re not disturbing,” he said firmly. “I’ll clear the table. You can have lunch here.”
“No- no,” you backed off. “Seriously. I can go to the mess.”
“Y/N.” He looked beyond exhausted, as if he hadn’t slept in a while. Even his words were heavy. “C’mon, in. At least sit on the bed.”
Molly poked you in the back from behind and you stumbled inside. 
The room was a mess. There were papers everywhere. Sam was one of the most organised people you knew. If there was that much mess around him, either he had changed drastically in the years or this was really a disaster situation. 
“Tell me if I can help you with anything.” The words were out before you could even think them through. 
He rubbed his hand across his face. “I can’t possibly ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking me. I’m offering.”
You didn’t know if this fell in line with proper etiquette of how one should converse with a professor, but this was Sam, and he looked ready to drop. To hell with etiquette. You were going to do whatever you could to help.
Behind you, Molly had disappeared back into the library.
He paused, considering your words, then sighed. “Even if you wanted to, this is too much to explain.”
You flung your bag on the bed and rolled up the sleeves of your sweater. “I’ve worked as a paralegal for an asshole boss. I think I can keep up.”
Sam gave you a look that was halfway between impressed and surprised. 
“Well, I’ll be damned,” he muttered under his breath, so softly that you almost missed it. “Alright, here’s the details of the case-”
You listened attentively as he quickly briefed you about this teenage boy, James Feller, who had been arrested for grand auto theft about four years back. The boy testified against the gang, cut a deal with the DA and walked. Now he had been arrested again, and after being let out, jumped the bail. Sam had until tomorrow to fix it or this kid was spending a long, long time in jail. Sam was sure that James hadn’t done it. He had some grabs from CCTV footage to prove his alibi. It only needed to be put together. He might be completely innocent when it came to the theft, but there was still the bail issue to take care of.
“Right, I’ll go through the log to see if there’s anything similar where an underage defendant jumped bail and got out of prison under the jurisdiction of LA,” you said.
“That’s exactly what I was going to suggest,” he said, astonished again.
You shrugged and pulled out your laptop, signing into the library’s archival server with your password. There were a couple of cases that could be cited in context to Sam’s case. You pulled out the soft copies of the litigations and highlighted the relevant extracts. 
“You guys need anything?” Molly was standing at the door. She had her bag on her shoulder. You looked at the clock. It was already six, time for your shift to begin. Where had the time gone?
“We’re good,” Sam said.
“Seriously? You guys don’t need anything? Not even coffee?” She came to stand by the coffee machine. “I’m making a cup for myself anyway.”
You gave in. “I’d like a cup. Thanks, Molly.”
“One for me, too,” Sam caved, too.
“You guys look intense working like that,” she said, filling the pot with water. “Are you making any headway?”
“Y/N found some useful citations.” Sam closed the heavy book before him and leaned back in his chair, rolling the sleeves of his white shirt. The coat had been hung over the back of his chair since long before. You tried not to look at him too much.
“Good on you, Y/N!” Molly said, pulling on three mugs. “How do you have your coffee?”
“Little milk and one spoon sugar,” you said politely.
There was no response. You looked to see that he was busy with his phone, having not heard a single word of it.
“Let it be,” you suggested, seeing as Molly was shuffling the strap of her bag. “You go on. I’ll manage the coffee.”
“You’re a lovely person!” She noted with just a hint of surprise, then blew you a kiss. “See you later, Chica bonita.”
You poured coffee for him, black with half spoon of sugar, stirred it and carefully handed it to him. He took it gratefully, holding out two fingers as he talked over the phone. 
You grabbed your mug and went back to your laptop. It appeared that Sam was talking to a colleague explaining the things he needed to get ready. He took a sip of the coffee and stopped mid sentence, looking at you over his screen in wonderment.
“Chase, I’ll call you back in a minute.”
You had gathered your stuff in one hand.
“Y/N?” Sam interrupted you, voice oddly tender. “You remembered.”
He was holding his mug out. The warm vapours were slightly fogging his glasses.
“Of course I remember.”
There was no way you would forget.
He saw your things wrapped in your hand and the bag slung over your shoulder.
“You’re leaving?” Disappointment clear in his tone.
You shook your head. “I’m just going outside at the desk. It’s my shift now. I’ll continue tagging relevant extracts and have three sets of printouts ready for you. You’ll let me know if you need more time? I can keep the library running all night.”
“You’re the power wielding person here, aren’t you?”
“Sure am,” you grinned. “I’ll leave you it.”
Once outside, you took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Being around Sam made you conscious of every little thing… enough to drive you crazy. Maybe it was a good thing that you were going to the party tomorrow. You needed a drink. That thought inadvertently reminded you of Jo- the only sister you’d ever had. If she were here, she would have told you to go for it despite knowing how insane drunk Y/N was and wreck you would be the next day. The memory of her also made you sad, the missing was gut wrenching sometimes. You almost turned on your heel and headed by inside to ask Sam about Jo and about Dean. Were they still together? Did the diner ever get out of the bumpy patch? How was aunt El doing? 
Did they hate you for leaving like that?
That thought brought you up short. You didn’t want to know the answer to that question. There was a small hope within you. If Sam of all people could find it in himself to be civil with you, maybe they would, too. Broaching the topic now would be disastrous. It wouldn’t help Sam right now to lose concentration. Hell, he might do a 180 and suddenly remember that he didn’t like you.
You got back to your desk, filing the cards out for the day before getting to Sam’s paperwork. Though it was a manual job, you did it with utmost concentration, knowing how chaotic courtrooms got and how crucial it was to find the right evidence at the right time. Alongside, you carefully read the suit and arranged the stacks according to the order in which they were needed.
“You know, if you kept going at it like that, you’ll have to represent the boy tomorrow.”
You looked up and your breath hitched. Sam stood before you, his shirt partially untucked and sleeves rolled all the way up till his elbows. The tie was gone and the top button of his shirt was undone. There was a glint of silver against his neck, a thin chain. You wondered where it had come from absently. Without the glasses, and his hair slightly dishevelled, you could see some of the guy you had first fallen in love with.
You looked away quickly, blinking several times, then pushed the stack of printouts towards him. All three copies, arranged as per the appearances of the evidence in the suit papers. The affidavits are all the bottom, along with the supplementary copies.
“You should come down to the office and train my assistant,” he said, leaning over the table so that his elbow rested on top. “He can’t find one paper on time.”
You bit your lip, trying not to laugh.
“Aren’t you having dinner?” He asked, tucking his hair behind his ear. He was nervous. 
“I’m not hungry.” Your stomach was already so full of butterflies, you didn’t think any food could go in.
“I’m already feeling terrible that you’re helping me with this… please don’t skip dinner for it.” There was something about his voice that affected your soul. The sound of his words were different from everyone elses. All words felt kinder, lovelier when he said them.
“Why are you fighting for this kid?” The words slipped past you before you could stop them. You had been wondering this all evening. “I saw the papers. You’re doing this pro bono and not for Acton Gris. This is your own case.”
He didn’t reply immediately and his face had a far away look. When he finally spoke, it was in a reminiscing tone. “I met James when he was a foster kid a few years ago. He got pushed into the racket because of bad influence. When I saw him at the retention centre, he broke down completely. They were blackmailing him by threatening to hurt his little sister. When he first got off, he looked at me like I was some kind of miracle.”  Sam’s face had an awed look, as if he couldn’t comprehend how anyone could think that of him.
“I knew he wouldn’t get into this again. He’s in college now and has basically turned his life around. We have enough evidence to pin a gang member down for framing him. I don’t want anyone at Acton Gris to help me on this because this is my own case. Putting some poor junior on it is just abusing my power.”
He was a good man. That in itself didn’t surprise you because you had always known it. What surprised you was that he had remained one. Sam used to be starry eyed with ambitions and full of a thirst to do the right thing. He had been so idealistic. It worried you that one day he would wake up and see that the world was an even worse place than what he thought it to be. You worried that the ruthless profession might kill some of the inherent goodness in him. After having lost just as much as you, he hadn’t lost faith in the world. He had remained good.
“What?” He questioned and you realised you were staring.
“There you are!”
Jody Mills stood behind Sam, a harried expression on her face. He straightened up immediately and it occurred to you how close your faces had been.
“I went to your house, called up your PA, and here you are.”
“Jody?” He clearly hadn’t expected her.
She handed him the bag she was carrying. “I have dinner for you. I knew you would bury yourself in the case and wouldn’t cook since you’re by yourself now.”
Now. What did that mean? Lacey’s remark about Sam living in family quarters and having a girlfriend came to your mind. You dismissed it quickly.
“Didn’t see you there, Y/N,” Professor Mills came around. “I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Actually I just started a week ago.”
Her eyes flitted to the stack in front of you. “And what’s this?”
“Y/N’s been helping me with some printing,” Sam said.
Professor Mills gave him a once over. “Sam Winchester making students work?”
“It’s not like that,” you defended quickly. “I offered to help S- Mr. Winchester. I have some experience as a paralegal and this was only a matter of making copies.”
“You did a lot more than that,” Sam corrected smoothly.
“I was only joking.” she placed a hand on Sam’s arm and you noted that they were probably closer than just colleagues. Friends even. “You, on the other hand, keep surprising me, Y/N. This looks like solid work.”
You blushed at the compliment, mumbling a small ‘thank you.’ Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Sam gazed down at you oddly. If you didn’t know any better, you might have misinterpreted it as a hint of pride. 
“You have your food!” Jody ordered him and waved at you. “See you in class tomorrow, Y/N.”
“Good night,” you wished her.
Before leaving, she glanced from you to Sam and back again, a peculiar look in her eyes, shook her head and left.
She had packed a burger and pack of oily fries for Sam. You saw his brow furrow at the sight of it and smiled to yourself. Some things never changed.
Sam insisted that you have your dinner, too. However, you made sure that while he sat inside, you had your dinner at your desk. There was only so much of his nearness you could take without having your feelings run wild. Sam needed to go through the case files in peace for the court tomorrow. You let him be, only visiting the librarian’s room once to let him know that you wouldn’t shut the library at all. He was grateful for it. After everyone else had left, you wrapped the shawl around your shoulders and put your head down against the wooden desk. Closing your tired eyes just for a second, you let yourself reflect on everything that had happened today and how one day could be more impactful than a month of one's life sometimes.  
You woke up several hours later. Grey light was starting to filter from the high windows. It was early dawn.
Hurriedly you got up to check on Sam, but the librarian’s room was closed from the outside, you checked in the seating area, too. There was no one there; you were by yourself in the room. 
Back to your desk, you noticed a folded piece of paper placed under your paperweight.
It said-
I have to start from here now to make it to LA in time for the hearing. Didn’t have the heart to wake you up. I can’t thank you enough for your invaluable help.
You clutched the paper tightly in your fingers, crumpling it in the process. Sometimes a few words were louder than a speech. Sometimes the gesture was even louder.
A/N 2: You guys! THEY TALKED! I know a lot of you have been like ‘They just need to talk’ and well, it happened. So what do you think? Uphill?
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MK 11 Nozomi vs Canon intro fight dialogues part 1
Hey o, finally got part one of the Nozomi intro fight dialogues done. Same rules for the replaced guest character apply like the first time.
tw/cw: small implications of abuse and trauma
enjoy below the cut
Barka vs Nozomi
Baraka: You took Shariah away!
Nozomi: She was left for dead! I saved her!
Baraka: Why should I trust what Quan Chi’s spawn says?
Baraka: You are not welcome here in Outworld, Nozomi
Nozomi: I think your Kahn would beg to differ.
Baraka: Kitana doesn’t speak for Tarkata!
Baraka: I know your dirty tricks, Goddess
Nozomi: Comparing me to that bastard necromancer isn’t a reliable source of information.
Baraka: Your personality and eyes are the near image of him!
Cassie vs Nozomi
Cassie: You don’t dress too fancy for a Goddess
Nozomi: Why should I? I’m only a Demi Goddess
Cassie: Stop the presses. We have a humble God.
Cassie: Wait so you’re like Kronika’s granddaughter?
Nozomi: She must not know I exist!
Cassie: Don’t you think it’s a little too late for that?
Cassie: You’re with the good guys, right?
Nozomi: As long as the “good guys” don’t hurt my children, then yes.
Cassie: Give me names, and I’ll make it an official SF order to bring no harm to them.
Cetrion vs Nozomi
Cetrion: My sweet niece, have you come back?
Nozomi: To try and close void again
Cetrion: Ah. So you aren’t going to stay
Cetrion: What does your mother say of your proposal?
Nozomi: As long as Rain makes me happy, then she’s fine with it.
Cetrion: Well if she’s fine with it..
Cetrion: The One Being calls to you.
Nozomi: Oh no! Not again!
Cetrion: Again? What do you mean again?
D’vorah vs Nozomi
D’vorah: The lost world’s demi-goddess
Nozomi: Not really lost if I never intended for it to be found
D’vorah: Kronika will merge it with this one in the new timeline.
D’vorah: Why refuse Kronika’s offer?
Nozomi: Kind of hard to accept someone's offer when you're being held prisoner in a cave
D’vorah: You should not blame Kronika for the One Being's rashness.
D’vorah: This one does not fear you.
Nozomi: Good for you? Look I really don’t care.
D’vorah: Not the reaction this one was expecting
Erron vs Nozomi
Erron: You and Rain sure are quite the match.
Nozomi: What do you mean, Black?
Erron: Two demi-gods with daddy issues.
Erron: You really ripped Kotal a new one.
Nozomi: There are two types of people I can’t stand. Argus and liars.
Erron: Give me one good reason to pray to you.
Erron: Y'all really have it in for Argus, don’t you?
Nozomi: If you don’t want to do so, then don’t.
Erron: You’re not good at this god thing are you?
Frost vs Nozomi
Frost: Since Michiko’s my mom, does that make you my platonic grandma?
Nozomi: Stardust Frost, I’m not old!
Frost: Aren’t you ageless?
Frost: What can you offer me Nozomi?
Nozomi: Love. Safety. Revenge.
Frost: I already get love and safety from mom and Reiki. But about the revenge thing.
Frost: Mom warn you about me?
Nozomi: Yeah. She said not to keep you up past 9, otherwise you get really cranky.
Frost: Very funny, grandma!
Fujin vs Nozomi
Fujin: You’re the one helping Michiko in her quest for vengeance!?
Nozomi: I am the Goddess of Revenge.
Fujin: You have another goal in mind. What is it?
Fujin: Nozomi… is there a reason you weren't there in the fight against Kronika?
Nozomi: No reason you need to worry about
Fujin: Nozomi, talk to me.
Fujin: Raiden cares a great deal about you.
Nozomi: Even after helping Michiko in her quest for vengeance?
Fujin: He understands why. He doesn’t blame you or Michiko.
Geras vs Nozomi
Geras: Nozomi, creator of the world below
Nozomi: And what of it?
Geras: Creationism was always your destiny
Geras: The One Being, The Morai, and The Reapers
Nozomi: Enough with the trying to make me remember that life!
Geras: I am sorry you had to meet him like that again.
Geras: Kronika will give you anything you wish.
Nozomi: She didn't seem to care about me when I was trapped beneath the sea of blood
Geras: Even Kronika cannot oppose the One Being
Jacqui vs Nozomi
Jacqui: Where’s your mom?
Nozomi: She said she had some family matters to attend to
Jacqui: Shouldn’t you be with her?
Jacqui: Kronika might not be finished
Nozomi: Lucky for us, I got my mom on our side
Jacqui: So is she gonna be our secret weapon?
Jacqui: Haven’t seen you since you found your dad’s decapitated body
Nozomi: Out of all the deaths I have witnessed, why did that one bother me the most?
Jacqui: I’m sure your dad’s out there somewhere.
Jade vs Nozomi
Jade: I found your mother’s temple
Nozomi: So Michiko has told me
Jade: Your mother was quite the informant
Jade: Will you help Kitana Kahn?
Nozomi: I don’t think I’m the right Goddess to ask
Jade: Then who do you suggest?
Jade: Are you really Raiden's daughter?
Nozomi: Platonically I am.
Jade: Platonically?
Jax vs Nozomi
Jax: I hear you’re related to Kronika, Shinnok, and Cetrion
Nozomi: Unfortunately, yes, and yes
Jax: Family get togethers must be a nightmare
Jax: You’re a weapon of mass destruction
Nozomi: I lose my shit once, and everyone calls me unstable
Jax: You lost your shit more than once Nozomi
Jax: I hope your union with Rain straightens him out
Nozomi: There’s no point in the union if I’m going back to my world.
Jax: Have you talked to him about this?
Johnny vs Nozomi
Johnny: I’m confused. Is Quan Chi or Rai-dude your dad?
Nozomi: Biologically or?
Johnny: With as protective as Raiden is of you, I'm going to assume it's Raiden.
Johnny: Earthrealm’s savior has arrived!
Nozomi: Oh, what a pleasure it is to meet the famed Johnny Cage.
Johnny: Finally! Some recognition.
Johnny: You control lighting!?
Nozomi: ehh, sort of.
Johnny: Are you sure you aren’t Raiden’s daughter biologically?
Kabal vs Nozomi
Kabal: Nozomi? What kind of name is that?
Nozomi: It means hope.
Kabal: That all? Could’ve sworn it meant more
Kabal: What deal did Kristy make with you?
Nozomi: Who said she made one with me?
Kabal: Bullshit! Kristy wouldn’t lie to me!
Kabal: You can bring people back from the dead?
Nozomi: Yes. Why?
Kabal: Do you make em revenants like your dad?
Kano vs Nozomi
Kano: Heard you were the Devil of Deals.
Nozomi: And Debts! Name your price.
Kano: Now we’re talking!
Kano: Well color me gobsmacked. You and Rain?
Nozomi: What of it?
Kano: Kind of thought it’d be you and that old sorcerer
Kano: What are you here for sheila?
Nozomi: Has nobody ever taught you not to cross a devil?
Kano: Guess yer about to teach me that lesson?
Kitana vs Nozomi
Kitana: If it wasn’t for you.. Mother would still be..
Nozomi: A corrupt, money grubbing, backstabber that lies through her teeth?
Kitana: Thank you so much for your help Nozomi.
Kitana: My revenant and Liu’s is really attached to you huh?
Nozomi: I blame my dad.
Kitana: Well that, and Liu Kang himself thinks of you as his sister.
Kitana: Are you leaving soon?
Nozomi: Once the portal’s fixed.
Kitana: Liu Kang and I will miss you
Kollector vs Nozomi
Kollector: Are you also a collector, Nozomi?
Nozomi: Yeah. Of debts.
Kollector: You and I would make great business partners
Kollector: What is Shariah’s status?
Nozomi: Her wounds are healing tremendously. Nyx is keeping her company.
Kollector: If that Saurian tries anything with her..
Kollector: How is it Mileena, Tanaya, Skarlet, Nyx, and Phantos get to see Shariah, but I can’t?
Nozomi: She requested them. And I know they wouldn’t try to take anything from my world.
Kollector: So she’s still mad at me?
Kotal Kahn vs Nozomi
Kotal Kahn: So you're the Nozomi Raiden has bragged on so much.
Nozomi: Leave it up to dad to be the embarrassing one.
Kotal Kahn: Dad? I did not know Raiden had a daughter.
Kotal Kahn: Is Shariah doing alright?
Nozomi: Didn't think you'd care.
Kotal Kahn: She helped Jade free me.
Kotal Kahn: Do you also practice the dark arts?
Nozomi: I practice all sorts of magic. Wanna see a card trick?
Kotal Kahn: Your character slips my mind day by day.
Kung Lao vs Nozomi
Kung Lao: My hat tricks, your card magic.
Nozomi: Together we’d make great great entertainment for a kid’s birthday party.
Kung Lao: Or anybody’s in general!
Kung Lao: You dated Shang Tsung?
Nozomi: Yes?
Kung Lao: Hate to break it to you Nozomi, but Rain’s not an upgrade.
Kung Lao: Are you going to leave once the void is sealed?
Nozomi: It’s what I intended to do from the start
Kung Lao: You’re the best sister ever. Please don’t go.
Liu Kang vs Nozomi
Liu Kang: Madam Nozomi.
Nozomi: Liu, you know you can just call me Nozomi
Liu Kang: Well I haven’t seen you in so long, I feared you’d think me a stranger
Liu Kang: You have poor taste in partners.
Nozomi: Oh? What are you, some expert?
Liu Kang: You met Kitana. I rest my case.
Liu Kang: Are you really going to leave us once the void is sealed?
Nozomi: That was my plan from the start, Liu Kang.
Liu Kang: You’re my favorite sister. Please don’t leave.
Mileena vs Nozomi
Mileena: How’s Shariah doing?
Nozomi: You and Tanya just saw her!
Mileena: That was an hour ago! I need a new update now!
Mileena: I’m glad it is you who Rain will wed.
Nozomi: Why?
Mileena: You make him the happiest!
Mileena: Tell me, does my sister actually like me?
Nozomi: She worries for you and Tanya everyday
Mileena: You mean it?
Nightwolf vs Nozomi
Nightwolf: Why do you hate that spot in the Netherrealm anyway?
Nozomi: Something bad happened there.
Nightwolf: Great Spirit Nozomi, are you alright?
Nightwolf: You’ve met the Great Spirit before.
Nozomi: No, she's met the Great Spirit
Nightwolf: You are her Nozomi.
Nightwolf: Raiden spoke a great deal of you.
Nozomi: Oh? Enlighten me?
Nightwolf: Like a father bragging about his daughter.
Noob Saibot vs Nozomi
Noob Saibot: Quan Chi spoke a great deal of you, daughter of Fuyuka.
Nozomi: I doubt it.
Noob Saibot: He’d sang your praises to everyone in the Netherrealm.
Noob Saibot: Tell me why Michiko hates me.
Nozomi: I don’t think she hates you, Bi Han.
Noob Saibot: I have seen that rage in her eyes before. There is no mistaking it
Noob Saibot: As Quan Chi’s daughter, you will take over the Brotherhood of Shadow.
Nozomi: Shouldn’t that technically go to Melantha instead of me?
Noob Saibot: Shinnok’s daughter has chosen to stay in Orderrealm.
Raiden vs Nozomi
Raiden: Out of all the gods, you led Michiko against Flamus and I?
Nozomi: You and Flamus need to atone for what you did to the Karasugawas!
Raiden: I cannot blame your anger or hers.
Raiden: I hope Rain will be a good husband to you.
Nozomi: He was my best friend and greatest boyfriend.
Raiden: Should he hurt you, lighting will strike more than twice.
Raiden: Are you going to leave?
Nozomi: Once the void gets closed again.
Raiden: You know there are a lot of people here that will miss you Nozomi.
Rain vs Nozomi
Rain: Nozomi are you really going back to the world below?
Nozomi: You can come with me Rain!
Rain: But wouldn’t it be better here?
Rain: Is it true you do not have followers my cosmic queen?
Nozomi: I have no need or want for them, love.
Rain: All the realms should worship you and your generous beauty.
Rain: I don’t feel comfortable with you going to Orderrealm alone
Nozomi: I’m just visiting my cousin Rain.
Rain: Melantha isn’t the problem. It’s Hotaru
Scorpion vs Nozomi
Scorpion: So you’re the reason for Michiko’s wrath against the gods!!
Nozomi: I am the Goddess of Revenge! Why does everyone forget that?
Scorpion: Because that is not the impression you give Goddess.
Scorpion: Tell me, why does Michiko hate me?
Nozomi: She’s just afraid Reiki would leave her for you.
Scorpion: Reiki leaving a wonderful woman like Michiko? That’s impossible.
Scorpion: I am sorry for acting so hastily back then.
Nozomi: Because of you, we almost didn’t find Charu!
Scorpion: Hurting anyone else was never my intention.
Shang Tsung vs Nozomi
Shang Tsung: We’ve danced this dance a thousand times.
Nozomi: And yet you still miss the steps.
Shang Tsung: Forgive me, I’m still learning.
Shang Tsung: You and the Edinan demigod?
Nozomi: Rain was my friend for as long as you were.
Shang Tsung: Should we hurt you, his soul will be mine.
Shang Tsung: I’ll miss you when you leave.
Nozomi: You’re usually not this direct Shang.
Shang Tsung: I have no need to be elusive with you.
Shao Kahn vs Nozomi
Shao Kahn: That sword will be mine!
Nozomi: I’d like to see you try and take it!
Shao Kahn: I’ll enjoy cutting you up with it when I do.
Shao Kahn: You took Sindel away!
Nozomi: She never loved you in the first place.
Shao Kahn: You’ll pay with your life!
Shao Kahn: It’s a shame your mother isn’t here
Nozomi: Mother doesn’t need to waste her time with you.
Shao Kahn: A shame she won’t get to see her precious daughter die!
Sheeva vs Nozomi
Sheeva: Thanks to you Sindel is reunited with her daughters.
Nozomi: I know what it’s like to live so long without a mother.
Sheeva: I hope you and your mother get a chance to catch up.
Sheeva: How is Shariah doing?
Nozomi: Her wounds are healing tremendously!
Sheeva: That is good to hear.
Sheeva: So you are also a devil?
Nozomi: Of deals and debts.
Sheeva: How many are in your debt?
Sindel vs Nozomi
Sindel: I thank you for waking me from my corruption
Nozomi: It wasn’t an easy task.
Sindel: I imagine it was not
Sindel: If you are to wed an Edinan then it would be wise to do so in Edenia.
Nozomi: Queen Sindel, I’m not staying long
Sindel: Please stay in this world with all of us Nozomi.
Sindel: How is she?
Nozomi: Shariah is healing pretty quickly.
Sindel: Shao Kahn will pay for this.
Skarlet vs Nozomi
Skarlet: So you’re the famous blood-bender?
Nozomi: You’re the Skarlet Michiko has mentioned?
Skarlet: How have we not befriended each other already?
Skarlet: My sister, how is she?
Nozomi: Shariah is healing well.
Skarlet: I shall visit her soon.
Skarlet: If Reiko bothers you again, I’ll deal with him
Nozomi: I might have to take you up on that offer
Skarlet: I’ll bloodbend him til he breaks in two.
Sonya vs Nozomi
Sonya: Did you honestly make a deal with Kano?
Nozomi: Heard he was a crosser. Thought I’d teach him a lesson
Sonya: You are some sadist.
Sonya: What’s Kronika’s deal with you?
Nozomi: She thinks being nice to me will make up for what her husband did.
Sonya: I didn't know she was married.
Sonya: From the way Raiden spoke about you, he seemed really proud.
Nozomi: So I’ve been told.
Sonya: You should stick around, for his sake.
Sub-Zero vs Nozomi
Sub-Zero: So you are the one who saved Michiko all those years ago?
Nozomi: She was so scared when I found her.
Sub-Zero: Did she ever tell you why?
Sub-Zero: Is Michiko going back with you?
Nozomi: That is for her to decide
Sub-Zero: So that is a no?
Sub-Zero: You control all the elements?
Nozomi: Their khaotic forms.
Sub-Zero: What are you Nozomi?
Shinnok vs Nozomi
Shinnok: My dearest niece, it’s good to see you again
Nozomi: I’m only here to seal up the void Shinnok
Shinnok: Won’t you stay?
Shinnok: So you’re marrying Rain?
Nozomi: Yup.
Shinnok: He will know death should he bring you harm.
Shinnok: Nozomi, your father has told me this isn't the first time you have been held captive in my realm
Nozomi: I don't want to talk about the first time.
Shinnok: Nozomi. Who else hurt you?
Quan Chi vs Nozomi
Quan Chi: Starlight. You and your mother’s return fills me with such joy.
Nozomi: Didn’t think you really cared.
Quan Chi: When you left, I nearly died again.
Quan Chi: My daughter, are you not happy to see me?
Nozomi: Your return could mean Isaac’s return!
Quan Chi: Nozomi, what did he do to you?
Quan Chi: If Rain hurts you, I will see to it he is tortured beyond death.
Nozomi: You’re actually accepting of the engagement?
Quan Chi: I trust your judgement.
Hotaru vs Nozomi
Hotaru: Madam Nozomi.
Nozomi: General Hotaru.
Hotaru: Here to see Lady Melantha I presume?
Hotaru: Nozomi, I love Melantha. I’m not going to hurt her.
Nozomi: One mark on her, and your soul won’t live another life.
Hotaru: You have my word.
Hotaru: Melantha wept when she heard you were going to leave.
Nozomi: I have no reason to stay.
Hotaru: Leave, and I will hunt you down and kill you for making my beloved Venus cry.
Reiko vs Nozomi
Reiko: If it isn’t the gorgeous blood bender.
Nozomi: An engaged blood bender, Reiko.
Reiko: Not for long.
Reiko: Honestly, why settle for that demigod?
Nozomi: Cause he isn’t a scheming little shit!
Reiko: That tongue is sharp. I like it.
Reiko: May I have this dance?
Nozomi: You can have a seat.
Reiko: Only if you take one on my lap.
Meat vs Nozomi
Meat: Is Shariah here?
Nozomi: Yes she’s healing- son is that you?
Meat: I want to see her. Then we’ll talk.
Meat: Are you mad at me for leaving?
Nozomi: I just want to hold you again.
Meat: Your hugs were my favorite.
Meat: No flesh please. I don’t want any.
Nozomi: Anything, just please don’t leave again.
Meat: Then you stay too.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
Hello Tumblr
The subreddit has directed me here to promote my realfic(s) about actor Richard Armitage on Ao3.
I do not know the etiquette of doing this, but here I am...
Here’s the first chapter of the ludicrous romcom I’m writing right now...
°1° ­~Victoria~
Victoria, Vic to her friends and Vicky to her father and Tory to her ex-husband, walked briskly towards the little café at the end of her street, lifting her shoulders to her ears to shield herself as much as possible from the wind that cut into her skin and made her face flush an unflattering shade of windburned red.
She had no idea what Angie and Liza were up to, but apparently, she was to have high tea today, which in itself was not a reason to distrust her friends, but a little voice at the back of her head told her quite clearly that this was not going to end the way she had anticipated, and she was already annoyed before even knowing what they would spring on her.
As her heels clacked on the pavement in an impatient staccato, she yanked her handbag that kept sliding off her shoulder a little harder to wrestle it back in place and slammed it into her face with full force.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake!” She cried out in the middle of the street, rolling her eyes at her own incompetence.
When she pushed open the door though, the warm smell of cinnamon and coffee wafted into her cold, numb face and she relaxed a little, especially as the young girl behind the counter gave her big, beaming smile and took the dark grey coat from her with perfect understated courtesy.
Victoria loved this place, she had loved it from the very first time her former husband had taken her here to introduce her to the owner of the little shop for whom he had a strange fascination (which turned out to be run-of-the-mill horniness, as Angie was a lesbian).
Once, this had been a townhouse much like the one Victoria lived in now, and the old doors were still clearly visible in the bright, open room where polished white tables and dainty chairs with faded blue upholstery invited for a quiet sit-down with a good book and a steaming cup of coffee or tea.
On the old mantlepiece over a disused fireplace, daisies and peonies smiled at her from a slightly kitschy, ornate vase and her favourite spot, right next to the huge windowfront looking out on a neat little courtyard with wrought-iron tables and chairs in impeccable white, was waiting for her.
Angie had worked wonders with the small, crowded rooms, making them appear more spacious without losing the cosy feeling they had once held, and every artfully decorated plate hung on the wall had a special meaning to the dreamy, romantic woman who was the owner and boss of the establishment.
As far as middle-aged women went, Victoria was a good enough catch with her reasonably attractive physique and her actually very pretty face, not to mention her considerable smarts and her undeniable wealth, BUT Victoria was also notoriously stubborn and easily angered.
Most importantly though, at least that was what Angie and her beloved Liza thought, Victoria had taken the ludicrous and completely insane decision never to date another man again after her divorce and they were having none of that nonsense.
Hence why they were about to have high tea with her to gauge how hot her distemper was still burning after months where she had shut herself away in that little house she had taken to spite her family and avoid her ex-husband, refusing to take most calls and only ever coming to the tearoom to read a script.
As a member of a highly successful production-team, Liza had decided to offer Vic a spot as proof-reader of scripts, as her friend seemed particularly good at finding mistakes or inconsistencies. Also, Liza was convinced that Vic needed a few stories in her rather dull life after the childhood and youth she had had.
Vic took her new job as seriously as she did everything else in her life, her existence as a hermit included, and this made Angie’s plan to find her nice man to at least bed increasingly hard.
“She doesn’t want a man.” Liza had rolled her eyes at her, but Angie was convinced that it was not good for a woman to leave home and hide somewhere in London in a tiny townhouse and refuse to meet any kind of new person. It made people bitter, and she definitely didn’t want Vic to become bitter.
“Jesus, Angie, listen, I see bitter old men every day at work.” Liza had laughed, but when her girlfriend’s eyes flashed a feline green, the idea had taken hold in her own head to convince Vic to change her mind after all.
Only, not only did Vic not want to meet any men, no, she had made it very clear that there was a certain type of man that she would never ever exchange a single word with again: wealthy, suave, and handsome men, which was exactly the kind of men Liza had to sell a dime a dozen.
In this very second, she watched Vic settle down in her usual spot, waiting for her friends to arrive, her eyes narrow, suspicious slits as she surveyed her surroundings with hawk-eyed distrust.
He was surprised to see his phone light up and when he saw the name on the screen, his amazement only grew. There was no good reason why Martin would call him up just now as they’d meet a few days hence for one of those terrible meetings where all the rich and beautiful would stand around, bored to tears.
“Hey, what’s up?” He picked up his phone, nonetheless, curious what his friend could want from him.
Martin droned on about all kinds of things before making sure that Richard would indeed show up on that fateful evening, he had just been musing about a few minutes earlier.
It was vital that the man would be there for the success of the plan that he had hatched out with a dear friend of his, which consisted of getting two boorish, middle-aged twats to have a roll in the hay.
Maybe that hay would be pure spun gold, but the roll would be the same as it was everywhere else on this planet for all kinds of people. As far as he knew, the woman Liza had pitched had been made a millionaire by her divorce…and an emotional cripple.
After having married her high-school sweetheart, she had been replaced by a woman 10 years her junior as soon as the money and the fame started rolling in. If Liza was to be believed, she had put her heart and soul into that marriage and into the platform she now owned 50% of, which made of this banker’s daughter a good catch…Only, she apparently hated all men with a burning passion now.
Enter stage left, a rather underwhelming specimen of said population: inveterate bachelor, notoriously shy and often awkward and still stunningly handsome artiste extraordinaire Richard Armitage.
Martin had no idea how much he and Liza had drunk that evening to really believe, even for a single moment, that it would be a good idea to pair a hissing, angry, and disillusioned divorcee with a man who had not even been able to convince wide-eyed ingénues of his merit, but for some reason, they had shaken hands on their game plan and he would be damned if he was the one to drop the ball on this one.
“Yes, I will come. Why?”
That makes two of them being suspicious from the get-go, Martin thought, feeling the challenge raise his hackles and light a fire within his chest. This could be great fun if they managed to pull it off.
“Just checking in on you, old horse, don’t get your panties in a bunch over it.” Martin chirped cheerily, rubbing his hands noiselessly as he popped the earbuds in to move around the house while being on the phone like the puttering busybody he was.
Richard pinched the bridge of his nose in silent exasperation, he worked too much and socialised too little, he was well aware of that, but God, what did people expect of him? Secretly, he HAD thought about ducking out of this function on the down low, but now, that was virtually impossible as at least one person would indeed be looking out for him to show up.
There was an edge to Martin’s voice that he didn’t like all too much either as it announced some mischief he could not yet fathom, but already, he could feel the shadow of those dark rainclouds falling on him and it made him frown impatiently.
He had no time to be the butt of a joke or the unsuspecting victim of some cruel prank that had been hatched in good faith, he had no doubt whatsoever about that, but he was too old to be made a fool of in public and he hoped that his friend would know that, and respect his boundaries.
Poppycock, the hell he would, Richard thought with a sigh, rubbing his forehead to dispel the headache that was building constantly behind his eyes. He really should be wearing those glasses more consistently, but he tended to forget when he was sitting around at home, lounging comfortably around with a good book and planning a productive, prolific future that would keep him from thinking too much about the things he had missed out on.
“I’ll be there, don’t you worry.” He grumbled, hoping that there would be enough mainstream artists so he could blend into the background and slip out of the crosshairs of those who were after some funny business.
“Then I’ll see you there. I’m sure you’ll look ravishing.” Martin chuckled and earned a disgruntled growl from his friend and colleague which made him laugh silently. Oh, he was smelling that something was up, Richard was too smart to be taken unawares, but he was also adorably easily to get flustered sometimes, and, if he was honest, Martin enjoyed that a great deal.
For a second, he pondered if it would be cheating to pull Ben into the fray, but he knew that he’d need help to steer poor, old Richard into the right direction and there was only so much a single man could do.
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nanbaka-82 · 3 years
No one asked and no one will probably read but here’s songs that remind me of some of my most beloved hypmic boyos (Yes I wrote this at five am and I was being biased) Alert this is very long and shitty don’t read if ya don’t wanna get a brain rot and I advise you not to break your mind before 2nd drb.
Bonus up top:
All Stars + Kotonohoto:
- This Is The Moment - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
- I’m Ready - AJR
- Three Thirty - AJR
IM NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE AT ALL but since he’s a character that we never really got to understand and analyze, or maybe the fact that he was put falsely into his comatose state pains me.
“You start thinking about the clock ticks, you get nervous, you start stressing, so how am I supposed to fit this, in three minutes, and thirty seconds?”
“Listen to my aching heart. Quick before you skip the song. We are human after all. And we. Don’t. Stay. For. Long”
Naughty Dialogue/MCD +:
- Bang - AJR 
“I’m way too young to lie here forever (IchiKuko) I’m way too old to try so whatever (SamaSasa) so come hang! We’ll go out with a bang!”
- Partners in crime - ft. Ash Costello
The vibe too! Idk I really like it!
- A Bud Like You - AJR
Naughty Busters: 
- Rope - Kulick
“I keep slipping on down but I can’t let go yet”
- Kids In The Dark - All Time Low 
 “They left us alone, the kids in the dark, to burn out forever or light up a spark, we come together, state of the art, we’ll never surrender, so let the the world sing”
More pain but cute 
Mad Comic Dialogue:
- I’m Not Ok - Weathers 
- Weak - AJR 
“But I’m weak, and what’s wrong with that? Boy oh boy I love it when I fall for that” (fall for each other those Lil gay boiz)
- Broken -lovelytheband 
“I like that you’re broken broken like me, maybe that makes me a fool?” (sasa)
“I like that you’re lonely lonely like me, I could be lonely with you” (sama)
“There’s something tragic, but almost pure, think I could love you, but I’m not sure” (sama)
“It’s something wholesome, it’s something sweet, tucked in your eyes that I’d love to meet” (sasa)”
- Rose Colored Boy - Paramore 
Y e s 
- Sober Up- AJR
“Hello hello, I’m not where I’m supposed to be, I hope that you’re missing me, cuz it makes me feel young”
*Cries in SamaSasa*
“Won’t you help me sober up? Growing up had made me numb, and I wanna feel something again. Won’t you help me sober up? All the big kids say I’m drunk and I wanna feel something again. Won’t you help me feel something again... how’s it go again?”
“And I wanna feel something again. I just wanna feel something again. (My favorite color is you)”
“Can I finally feel something again?”
*Cries in SamaSasa again*
Otome (I’m so in it for her):
Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez 
Just. Her backstory. Shit. 
Fling Posse:
- TMD (Talk Me Down) - R & R 
This song just reminds me of the overall relationship between fling posse! I’d make an edit but I’m lazy and sad 
- It’s On Us - AJR
(Honestly AJR is my emotional anchor and it’s obvious)
“It’s not your fault you don’t feel safe it’s not your fault so don’t take blame (no it’s on us)”
“We can try together, make it right together, we can fight together, it’s on us, though your trust is stolen, though your heart is broken, you are never broken, it’s on us” 
“We know what we need to do we’ll be there it’s not on you”
Now da main course:
Samatoki Aohitsugi:
- Karma - AJR : 
THAT PART WHERE ITS LIKE “Where the hell is the karma?” HNGGG
- Can I Get a Witness - Sonreal :
OKAY hear me out:
“I fell in love with you cuz you made me feel, I fell in love with you cuz you kept it real, but you changed up on me, you changed your flow, and now I’ve been hating on you every where I go”
- Honest - Nico Collins 
No comment... 
- Middle Finger - BOHNES 
Oh god I love this song 
“But I refuse to let you make me feel like I can’t fly, not only will I soar again, I’ll own the fucking sky” 
“Livin like a riot, setting off the sirens, fists are clenched I’m fighting, soul has been ignited, ain’t got time for dying, I’m too busy thriving, more than just surviving, heart is beating violent”
And just so much more, this song reminds of his spirit that no matter how many times it’s been broke down just won’t give up, and I love it
- Little Poor Me - Layto 
“I tried hard you know I care, I care, I care, just a little poor me, just a little poor me”
The way he protected what he loved with all his heart, Sasara and Nemu, yet, he still lost them at the end. 
Jyuto Iruma:
The Car - Nightly 
Idk why it fits him—the feel of it I guess 
Ramuda Amemura (maNy but I chose):
- Rabbit Hole - AViVA 
Gives me the feel where he drags people down with him but wants to escape 
- Hypnotized - AViVA
“Can’t you see you’re hypnotized? Locked inside those eyes. Now don’t you go out at night, you’ll end up hypnotized”
“Look into my eyes find it so appealing look into my eyes send your body reeling, now you’re hypnotized, drag you down down down”
Gentaro Yumeno:
- The Way - Layto
Not so sure about this one—but 
“New Speak, show and tell, this will be my hardest sell, wise men, always say, sadness raps in golden plate” 
Reminds me of how he was bullied and unsocial in school, also how his care takers were elders and made him happy 
- 100 Bad Days - AJR
“A 100 days made a hundred good stories, a 100 good stories make me interesting in parties” 
Dice Arisugawa:
- Disaster Party - MAGIC GIANT
“You’re a brave heart, but you’re broken, and an Angel, but you’re choking”
“Throw away all your money” hhhhh
- I’m Not Famous - AJR 
Reminds me oh how he could have been literal royalty but decided to say fuck it
Hifumi Izanami:
- Echo - Crusher-P
We don’t talk about why I link this to fumi 
- Oh oh and there’s this part in Parents - Yungblud, “Hi nice to meetcha! Got nothing to believe in! So tell me when my breathing, stops-“ idk it reminds me of his phobia and past 
- Make you Mine - Public The Band
Doppo Kannonzaka:
- Isolate - SubUrban
“Segregated, situated, hanging on, sophisticated, liberated, nauseated, I just want my medication, individuality and blue lights give me headaches, I’m not changing for the better, I’m just changing clothes on weekends”
Need I say more?
- Come Hang Out - AJR
I personally love this one 
“Come hang out cuz you’re outta your mind, you’re working so damn hard, you forgot what you like, come hang out, don’t you leave us behind. But, I’ll be there next time”
“Come hang out cuz you’re missing your life”
“Should I go for more clicks this year? Or should I follow the click in my ear?”
I feel like this song is from everyone who cares about him which is also me—
Jyushi Aimono/Hitoya Amaguni:
- Crybaby - Melanie Martinez
ABSOLUTELY NOT SHIPPING but the part where it’s like 
“I look at you and I see myself”
Makes me cry because I remember how Hitoya lost his brother to bullying then you have Jyushi so he wants to help the little boy live his life and achieve his goals, unlike his brother, sadly
Sasara Nurude:
- My Play - AJR 
Fucking. Just watch the official vid. That’s all. It’s about parent divorce and slaps.
“When I show you my play, will you pretend you didn’t know, if I make a mistake? It’s gonna get really really really really bad, before it’s okay. But maybe you’ll forget it all, while you’re watching my play” 
- Rose Colored Boy - Paramore 
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople) 
- Hushh - AViVA 
Fucker got one. 
“Hush Hush, keep your pretty mouth shut, hush hush, lose your inhibitions”
- This Ain’t A Scene It’s An Arms Race - Fallout boy
Like HeLL.
“Fitting you with Weapons in the form of words, and don’t really care which side wins, as long as the room keeps singing that’s just the business I’m in”
“I’m not a shoulder to cry on, I digress, I’m a leading man, and the lies I weave are so intricate, oh so intricate” 
If you read this then congratulations why the fuck did you waste your time
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conceptstage · 4 years
A Funny Trick
She doesn’t really remember meeting Bren. He was just always a part of her life. She doesn’t have a single memory of a time when she didn’t know him. His mother worked on her father’s vineyard, that must have been why she was allowed to hang out with him since usually her mother wouldn’t allow her to associate with poor kids.
During the day, while their parents were working, he would come up to the house and hang out with her. He called it babysitting but Beau called it friends.
Bren frowned and just flipped to the next page in his book. “I am just your babysitter, Beauregard,” he said in his thick zemnian accent.
“But I’m not a baby and you’re not my boss, so it’s not babysitting.” She was practicing her somersaults in the grass a few feet away from him. She was getting really good at them.
“What else would you call it when someone pays an older person to watch their child while they’re away?”
“A funny trick. You got my Mommy to pay you for being friends with me, very good idea.”
He chuckled a little and rolled his eyes. “You are five, I am fourteen. We are not friends. I care for you but we cannot be friends.”
“Because you are five. You should make friends your own age.”
Beau pouted and crossed her arms. “But they don’t like me!” she complained. “The kids around here won’t be my friends.”
Bren sighed and shut his book, using his thumb as a bookmark. “I am sure that’s not true. Why do you think that they don’t like you?”
“They told me.”
He blinked in shock. “I… Oh. Perhaps you just misunderstood?”
“Anne said ‘You’re stupid and annoying, go away, we don’t like you’.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “Yes, that is difficult to misunderstand.”
“So, see? You have to be my friend cause you’re the only person in the world who likes me.”
He thought about it for a long moment and turned back to his book, though it didn’t seem like he was reading it. “Maybe we can be friends when you are older, ja?”
She frowned and started kicking at the grass, angry and sad. “Fuck you.”
Bren looked up at her sharply. “Beauregard! Where did you learn that!” She grinned and laughed and started running away from him. He tossed the book away and started to run after her but she was so fast that he couldn’t catch up. “Do not say that in front of your parents! They will kill me!”
Bren babysat her for a little while longer, until he got accepted into the fancy smancy magic academy in Rexxentrum. Beau sat down on his suitcase and pouted, her arms crossed over her chest.
“You’re not going.”
Bren sighed but there was a small, fond smile on his face as he packed up his component bag. “Beau, I will miss you too, but I have to go to school.”
“No you don’t! You don’t though. You can stay here and work for me when I take over the business. I promise I’ll be the best boss ever, you can have ice cream whenever you want.”
“I do appreciate that, danke. But this is what I want to do with my life, Beau. This is important to me.”
“I thought I was important too! You told me I was your little sister!” She was valiantly holding in her tears but she couldn’t stop her bottom lip from wobbling.
He chuckled and turned to kneel down so that they were face to face. “You will always be my kleine schwester, ja? Always. But I have to go to school now. I will write you letters all the time.”
“But I can’t read.”
“Then maybe you should start learning.” He walked over to his bookshelf and dusted off a small novel hidden in the back. It was a short, easy story about a woman who was competing to marry a prince and was sabotaged by the prince’s mother who put a pea under a stack of mattresses. He walked it back over to her and handed it over and she squinted at it suspiciously, turning it over in her hands. “This was my favorite book when I was a few years older than you. You are not ready for it now, but you can hold onto it until you are and then you can send me a letter to tell me about it.”
She reluctantly got off of his suitcase when Bren’s father came up to take it down to the carriage waiting outside, holding the book tight against her chest. She refused to let go of Bren’s hand until she had no choice. He hugged his parent’s goodbye and wiped away his mother’s tears and turned to leave.
Her new babysitter was a mean older woman who used to babysit her mother when she was Beau’s age. She had a lot of rules, stupid rules that seemed designed to make Beau misrable. 
Young ladies must always wear dresses, never slacks, and most certainly never shorts. 
Young ladies must spend their time learning piano, or embroidery, or dancing.
Young ladies must eat with their mouth closed.
Young ladies must never have skinned knees or grass stains.
Young ladies must never call people ‘poo poo heads’.
Sometimes she hated being a young lady.
She got letters from Bren every few months. He sent them along with letters to his mother and she would bring them over to her before she started work for the day. Beau would stuff the letter into her petticoats until she could find time to hide it in her room. She couldn’t read it all yet, she understood some of the words, and she wanted to save them for the day she could read the whole thing.
Over the years, the letters got fewer and farther between. At the beginning, she got letters once a month, then they spaced out to once every three months, then twice a year, then one letter at Harvest Close. They got short too. The first letters were several pages long,  full of stories from school. As she learned to read she would reread his letters every night until she knew them by heart. After a few years she had less and less to read. The last letter she got was only half a page long. It was cold and detached, wishing her a happy Harvest Close.
She knew that his mother still got letters but whenever Beau asked if one had come for her, his mother would give her a small smile and pet her hair. “I am sure he is just getting busy, little one. He will send you another letter soon.” But he never did.
She was eight when his parents died.
People said they left a fire burning in the stove when they fell asleep and suffocated in their beds.
Bren hadn’t come to the ceremony. 
She never forgot about him, her first and only real friend, her brother, but as the years passed he sort of receded to the back of her mind. She was forced to leave his letters and book behind when she got shipped off to the Cobalt Soul but at that point she had long accepted that she would never see him again.
The day she left Zadash was the anniversary of the day that he left for school. Maybe it was a coincidence. Maybe it was fate.
She looked up when someone walked down the stairs, idly listening to Jester’s story as she spoke quickly and excitedly. Fjord was watching Jester and smiling a little as she ate but he was probably too tired to join the conversation, he’d gotten really beat up the day before.
The stairs creaked as a man with long, curly red-brown hair stepped down the stairs. He was dirty, dusted with dirt and dried blood. He was wearing a too big coat and a heavy scarf that covered the lower half of his face as he and his smaller friend made their way over to the table next to them. He didn’t look up, just watched his feet as he moved. 
He sort of reminded her of someone. Maybe if he walked with his back straight and his chin up high, maybe if he smiled kindly, maybe if he had his hair immaculately styled and cleaned… Maybe he would almost be her long-lost friend. She turned away from him and started listening to Jester once more. When Jester finished her story, Beau and Fjord started talking about their plans for the day and counting their money but paused when Jester suddenly leaned over to their table neighbors.
“Are you two staying here?”
The halfling(?) froze and her big eyes blinked under her bandages. “Don’t move. Tieflings can only see movement.”
The red haired man frowned. “I do not think that is-”
“No it’s true we have a very hard time seeing things that aren’t moving. But I can hear you. You should take a bath. They have baths here, you know.”
The man looked surprised. “I- What?”
“You wash yourself with water.”
“Ja, I know what a bath is.”
Jester leaked even farther and started to whisper loudly. “It’s because you smell really bad! And I would hate if I smelled that bad and someone didn’t tell me.”
The man blinked at her like he wasn’t sure what he was looking at. It was a very Bren-like expression that made Beau’s chest feel tight. “I- I have only just met you.” It was strange to meet someone else with that accent. The Ermendruds were the only other people with it that she’d met before now. Maybe this man was a distant relative.
“Hi, I’m Jester!” Jester said, reaching out to shake his hand. 
The man just stared at the offered hand and kept his own hands in his pockets. “C-Caleb.”
Jester shook her empty hand. “Nice to meet you, Caleb. How much silver did I get?”
Beau looked down at the three piles in front of her. “Seven.”
The red haired man finally looked up at her and met her eyes. He gave her a… curious look, like he wasn’t sure what to make of her.
“And 16 copper.” The eyes didn’t leave hers, getting wider and wider as Caleb seemed to come to a realization.
He jumped to his feet and grabbed for his little friend's arm, hauling her back towards the stairs. “It was very nice to meet you all, have a good day. Jester,” he said as he disappeared up the stairs. “Beauregard.”
“Caleb?” the halfling screeched, her voice fading as she got farther away. “What’s going on, what’s wrong?”
Beau watched him leave and exchanged a glance with Fjord across from her. He frowned and crossed his arms. “That was weird.”
“Yeah,” she said. “He looked really familiar.”
“No, I meant… You never told him your name.”
Beau frowned. Then, it was like getting hit by a train.
“That son of a bitch,” she hissed, throwing herself out of her chair and marching up the stairs after them. “I’m going to kill him! Don’t you run from me, you piece of shit! You have some explaining to do!”
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tachyon-at-rest · 4 years
An insanely funny story of "domesticated" dogs reminding us that they are still kinda wild.
From: Edward Hume <[email protected]> Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 20:40:36 -0500 Subj: Dogs in elk ____________________________________________________________
I edited the follow-up thread
The original is here:
dogs in elk Posted by Anita z8 Seattle ([email protected]) on Fri, Oct 22, 99 at 14:44 The following apparently appeared recently on one of the newsgroups, rec.pets. It sounds pretty believable to me--though it's so funny, I'm not sure that I care. It's pretty long, but it's worth it. ---------------------
Anne V - 01:01pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1318 of 1332) Okay - I know how to take meat away from a dog. How do I take a dog away from meat? This is not, unfortunately, a joke.
AmyC - 01:02pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1319 of 1332) Um, can you give us a few more specifics here?
Anne V - 01:12pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1320 of 1332) They're inside of it. They crawled inside, and now I have a giant incredibly heavy piece of carcass in my yard, with 2 dogs inside of it, and they are NOT getting bored of it and coming out. One of them is snoring. I have company arriving in three hours, and my current plan is to 1. put up a tent over said carcass and 2. hang thousands of fly strips inside it. This has been going on since about 6:40 this morning.
AmyC - 01:19pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1321 of 1332) Oh. My. God. What sort of carcass is big enough to hold a couple of dogs inside? Given the situation, I'm afraid you're not going to be create enough of a diversion to get the dogs out of the carrion, unless they like greeting company as much as they like rolling around in dead stuff. Which seems unlikely. Can you turn a hose on the festivities?
Ase Innes-Ker - 01:31pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1322 of 1332) I'm sorry Anne. I know this is a problem (and it would have driven me crazy), but it is also incredibly funny.
Anne V - 01:31pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1323 of 1332) Elk. Elk are very big this year, because of the rain and good grazing and so forth. They aren't rolling. They are alternately napping and eating. They each have a ribcage. Other dogs are working on them from the outside. It's all way too primal in my yard right now. We tried the hose trick. At someone elses house, which is where they climbed in and began to refuse to come out. Many hours ago. I think that the hose mostly helps keep them cool and dislodges little moist snacks for them. hose failed. My new hope is that if they all continue to eat at this rate, they will be finished before the houseguests arrive. The very urban houseguests. Oh, god - I know it's funny. It's appalling, and funny, and completely entirely representative of life with dogs.
Kristen R. - 01:37pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1324 of 1332) I'm so glad I read this thread, dogless as I am. Dogs in elk. Dogs in elk.
Anne V - 01:41pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1325 of 1332) It's like that childrens book out there - dogs in elk, dogs on elk, dogs around elk, dogs outside elk. And there is some elk inside of, as well as on, each dog at this point.
Elizabeth K - 01:57pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1328 of 1333) Anne, aren't you in Arizona or Nevada? There are elk there? I'm so confused! We definately need to see pics of Gus Pong and Jake in the elk carcass.
Anne V - 02:03pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1329 of 1333) I am in New Mexico, but there are elk in both arizona and nevada, yes. There are elk all over the da*n place. They don't look out very often. If you stand the ribcage on end they scramble to the top and look out, all red. Otherwise, you kinda have to get in there a little bit yourself to really see them. So I think there will not be pictures.
CoseyMo - 02:06pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1330 of 1333) "all red;" I'm not sure the deeper horror of all this was fully borne in upon me till I saw that little phrase.
Anne V - 02:10pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1331 of 1333) Well, you know, the Basenji (that would be Jake) is a desert dog, naturally, and infamous for it's aversion to water. And then, Gus Pong (who is coming to us, live, unamplified and with a terrific reverb which is making me a little dizzy) really doesn't mind water, but hates to be cold. Or soapy. And both of them can really run. Sprints of up to 35 mph have been clocked. So. If ever they come out, catching them and returning them to a condition where they can be considered house pets is not going to be, shall we say, pleasant.
CoseyMo - 02:15pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1332 of 1333) What if you stand the ribcage on end, wait for them to look out, grab them when they do and pull?
Anne V - 02:18pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1333 of 1333) They wedge their toes between the ribs. And scream. We tried that before we brought the elk home from the mountain with dogs inside. Jake nearly took my friends arm off. He's already short a toe, so he cherishes the 15 that remain.
Linda Hewitt - 02:30pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1336 of 1356) Have you thought about calling your friendly vet and paying him to come pick up the dogs, elk and letting the dogs stay at the vets overnight. If anyone would know what to do, it would be your vet. It might cost some money, but it would solve the immediate crisis. Keep us posted.
ChristiPeters - 02:37pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1337 of 1356) Yikes! My sympathy! When I lived in New Mexico, my best friend's dog (the escape artist) was continually bringing home road kill. When there was no road kill convenient, he would visit the neighbor's house. Said neighbor slaughtered his own beef. The dog found all kinds of impossibly gross toys in the neighbor's trash pit. I have always had medium to large dogs. The smallest dog I ever had was a mutt from the SPCA who matured out at just above knee high and about 55 pounds. Our current dog (daughter's choice) is a Pomeranian. A very small Pomeranian. She's 8 months old now and not quite 4 pounds. I'm afraid I'll break her.
Lori Shiraishi - 02:38pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1338 of 1356) Bet you could fit a whole lot of Pomeranians in that there elk carcass! Anne - my condolences on what must be an unbelievable situation!
Anne V - 02:44pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1339 of 1356) I did call my vet. He laughed until he was gagging and breathless. He says a lot of things, which can be summed as *what did you expect?* and *no, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a dog.* He is planning to stop over and take a look on his way home. Thanks, Lori. I am almost surrendered to the absurdity of it.
Lori Shiraishi - 02:49pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1340 of 1356) "He is planning to stop over and take a look on his way home." So he can fall down laughing in person?
Anne V - 02:50pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1341 of 1356) Basically, yeah. That would be about it.
AmyC - 02:56pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1342 of 1356) No, there is no such thing as too much elk meat for a dog." Oh, sweet lo*d, Anne. You have my deepest sympathies in this, perhaps the most peculiar of the Gus Pong Adventures. You are truly a woman of superhuman patience. wait -- you carried the carcass down from the mountains with the dogs inside?
Anne V - 02:59pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1343 of 1356) The carcass down from the mountains with the dogs inside? no, well, sort of. My part in the whole thing was to get really stressed about a meeting that I had to go to, and say *yeah, ok, whatever* when it was suggested that the ribcages, since we couldn't get the dogs out of them and the dogs couldn't be left there, be brought to my house. Because, you know - I just thought they would get bored of it sooner or later. But it appears to be later, in the misty uncertain future, that they will get bored. Now, they are still interested. And very loud, one singing, one snoring.
Lori Shiraishi - 03:04pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1344 of 1356) And very loud, one singing, one snoring. wow. I can't even begin to imagine the acoustics involved with singing from the inside of an elk.
Anne V - 03:04pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1345 of 1356) reverb. lots and lots of reverb.
Anne V - 03:15pm Sep 9, 1999 PDT (# 1347 of 1356) I'll tell you the thing that is causing me to lose it again and again, and then I have to go back outside and stay there for a while. After the meeting, I said to my (extraordinary) boss, "look, I've gotta go home for the rest of the day, I think. Jake and Gus Pong are inside some elk ribcages, and my dad is coming tonight, so I've got to get them out somehow." And he said, pale and huge-eyed, "Annie, how did you explain the elk to the clients?" The poor, poor man thought I had the carcasses brought to work with me. For some reason, I find this deeply funny. (weekend pause)
Anne V - 08:37am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1395 of 1405) So what we did was put the ribcages (containing dogs) on tarps and drag them around to the side yard, where I figured they would at least be harder to see, and then opened my bedroom window so that the dogs could let me know when they were ready to be plunged into a de-elking solution and let in the house. Then I went to the airport. Came home, no visible elk, no visible dogs. Peeked around the shrubs, and there they were, still in the elk. By this time, they had gnawed out some little portholes between some of the ribs, and you got the occasional very frightening glimpse of something moving around in there if you watched long enough. After a lot of agonizing, I went to bed. I closed the back door, made sure my window was open, talked to the dogs out of it until I as sure they knew it was open, and then I fell asleep. Sometimes, sleep is a mistake, no matter how tired you are. And especially if you are very very tired, and some of your dogs are outside, inside some elks. Because when you are that tired, you sleep through bumping kind of noises, or you kind of think that it's just the house guests. It wasn't the house guests. It was my dogs, having an attack of teamwork unprecedented in our domestic history. When I finally woke all the way up, it was to a horrible vision. Somehow, 3 dogs with a combined weight of about 90 pounds, managed to hoist one of the ribcages (the meatier one, of course) up 3 feet to rest on top of the swamp cooler outside the window, and push out the screen. What woke me was Gus Pong, howling in frustration from inside the ribcage, very close to my head, combined with feverish little grunts from Jake, who was standing on the nightstand, bracing himself against the curtains with remarkably bloody little feet. Here are some things I have learned, this Rosh Hashanah weekend: 1. almond milk removes elk blood from curtains and pillowcases, 2. We can all exercise superhuman strength when it comes to getting elk carcasses out of our yard, 3. The sight of elk ribcages hurtling over the fence really frightens the nice deputy sheriff who lives across the street, and 4. the dogs can pop the screens out of the windows, without damaging them, from either side.
Anne V - 09:58am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1401 of 1405) What I am is really grateful that they didn't actually get the damn thing in the window, which is clearly the direction they were going in. And that the nice deputy didn't arrest me for terrifying her with elk parts before dawn.
AmyC - 09:59am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1402 of 1405) Imagine waking up with a gnawed elk carcass in your bed, like a real-life "Godfather" with an all-dog cast.
Anne V - 10:01am Sep 13, 1999 PDT (# 1403 of 1405) There is not enough almond milk in the world to solve an event of that kind.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.9
Sipping his glass of wine, Lance sat at his dining table. Poor Hunk had been overwhelmed in making sure every detail of the meal was perfect for Shay. Pidge had driven Shay out to his house, she’d immediately started complaining that her security system was offline, and had left to fulfil her quest in getting it back up and running. Shay was in the living room with Hunk, Lance volunteering Hunk to give Shay the grand tour of his house. Lance was left with Shiro for company, his eyes trained on the man’s back as Shiro kept checking his chicken soup. With everyone there, it seemed pointless to go ahead and feed Keith separately. Shiro was making his brother socialise, probably to make sure he didn’t expire from being a baby. Lance had the feeling he’d missed something between Keith and Shiro, their bond deep, but Keith seemed off. Like he hadn’t expected Shiro to take mercy on his undead arse. Did it have something to do with Shiro’s nose? There was definitely a story there.
“Lance, I can feel your eyes on me”
“What happened to your face?”
Whoops. That slipped out, zero filter between his mouth and mind
“Is that something that interests you?”
“If I’m honest, I’m more curious than interested. I’m also curious as to why you’re acting the way you are”
“Patience yields focus. I learned that the hard way, and got this scar for using my heart instead of my head”
Lance sighed. Matters of the heart were always complicated
“Before you continue, I’ve got a confession. I’ve never been in love, let alone had a partner. I can’t offer any advice there, but I can listen”
Shiro glanced over his shoulder
“You’ve never...”
Lance popped the “p”, Shiro was listening to him, so he may as well admit his lameness out loud
“... I never wanted to take the risk. Being what I am is a curse. I never fed from a human and I never slept with one either. I guess it’s stupid, but I always maybe hoped that one day I’d have that kind of love, but I refuse to risk ruining someone’s life like mine was. You know?”
“I do. This isn’t that kind of love. I had a friend who got himself in trouble. He met a girl and fell in love, she was a werewolf, and Matt wouldn’t leave her to her fate. He was the one who introduced me to this world. It’s funny, when I was about your age we came through Garrison. Me, Matt, and his father. Back then the mobile coverage was poor, we ended up out of contact for a week... Matt’s mother and his little sister really laid into us when we got back”
Any mother would. Who just went missing for a week, and why the heck hadn’t the father called through on a pay phone on the way? Talk about irresponsible
“Shiro, I’m sorry to say, I’m older than you. I’m not 18, and I’m not 26”
“Right. Sorry. I forget that. There’s a lot of things about you that remind me of Keith”
“You said Keith had been through something. Was it to do with your friend?”
“No... No, that one’s a little closer to home. I had a partner, and it didn’t end well”
Talk about being insensitive. Lance felt he should be apologising for whatever had happened to Shiro’s partner. Clearly it wasn’t something good.
“I left him for a hunt, he was killed while I was away. Keith didn’t take it well. He had a hard life, but don’t hold that against him”
“He seems a little high strung”
“You have no idea. He carries the weight of sins that weren’t his to carry”
“Them feels right there. Shiro, can I ask you something?”
“You haven’t already?”
Lance bit his lip, looking down at his hands. The question he wanted to ask seemed like too big of a favour. No. He’d ask Coran, but Coran was bound by as many rules and laws as Shiro was
“Never mind. It’s fine. Just... your friend, Matt... he was really lucky to meet you. Living on outside... it’s hard. I’m sure having a friend he could count on helped”
“I wouldn’t be so sure. She bit him, turned him, and left. The last thing I heard he was travelling to find himself and find a cure”
“And her?”
“He said she didn’t mean to turn him. She left him with her heart broken, breaking his as she went. I don’t know her well enough to pass judgement. Like a vampire’s bite turns a person, a single scratch from a werewolf can too”
Lance shook his head. A bite maybe, with saliva, a scratch not so much
“I’ve met werewolves. It’s all about the blood. Your friend would have had to ingest her blood... I think. I try to avoid werewolves. It’s not my business to say anything. Sorry, just forget that I mentioned it”
“You’re trying to understand”
“It’s been 36 years and I still don’t. We should start setting the table. The others will be back soon”
“Need help?”
Lance raised an eyebrow. Shiro seemed semi domesticated, he’d probably had a hundred fancy dinners back with the other Blades
“You know how to set a table?”
“I know how to imitate setting a table. I do get a bit confused with all the fancy knives and forks”
“That’s easy, you start from the outside in. I bet Keith’s all like “I only need one knife and one fork, let me eat like a Barbarian”
Shiro chuckled
“Pretty much. I don’t think he’d use cutlery if he could get away with it”
“Great. He’s a cave man with a mullet. Fantastic”
Keith was coaxed out his room by Shiro, sullenly sitting across the table from Lance on the opposing end. Shiro seated beside Pidge, with Hunk and Shay sitting on the opposite side. Dinners at his house were always loud events. Pidge had piled her plate high, armed with a just a fork like the heathen she was, she was all smiles. She’d really taken a liking to Shiro, maybe because she was talking the man’s ear off
“I never thought you’d be here again. It’s a good thing you left your camera here. Anywhere else and it probably would have grown legs and walked”
Shiro laughed as he grabbed himself a bread roll
“Hunk said the same. We’re lucky Lance is such an inviting host. Normally we’re too busy to sit down for dinner like this”
Stuffing her face with lettuce, Pidge nodded, the bond between her and Shiro already felt like two siblings reuniting.
Chewing quickly, Pidge was stabbing at her stuffed potato before she swallowed her lettuce. For someone who required oxygen, she seemed to forget that with the speed at which she ate
“Yep. Hunk’s got mad kitchen skills. Lance isn’t bad. Don’t tell my parents, but dinner here is much better than home”
“Speaking of your parents, what do they do?”
“Mum and dad are both professors in Platt. Mum insists on big family dinners, Italian background and all that. I don’t know why though, since my brother took off, it’s just the three of us at home for them”
Shiro nodded along as she spoke
“So you have a brother?”
“Yep. His names Matt. Matthew Holt if mum’s in a mood. Full names always mean trouble. He’s been backpacking through Europe. Apparently he’s too good to contact us now”
Shiro choked hard on the piece of bread he’d just popped in his mouth. Quickly washing it down with his beer, Lance observed the very obvious change in his demeanour
“Matthew Holt... hang on, are you Katie?”
It was Pidge’s turn to choke. No one but Pidge’s mother ever called her Katie
“How do you know that?”
“I know your brother. I’m Shiro. Takashi Shirogane”
Pidge’s eyes went so wide it was comical, gaping at the man sitting next to her
“You’re Shiro! Holy fucking shit! No way!”
Across the table, Hunk looked to Lance, then to Shiro, then to Pidge, then to Shiro again
“Care to share?”
“Shiro was Matt’s best friend. Do you remember that road trip I told you about? Where Matt and dad totally went missing, Shiro was there too! Holy shit, man! It’s been... what? 5 years?
For Lance the revelation made his stomach drop. Matt... Matt as in Pidge’s Matt, was a werewolf. A turned werewolf. A turned werewolf that was distancing himself from his family in the hopes of a cure...
“8, since I last saw you”
Pidge let out a whistle
“Holy shit. Does Matt know you’re here? Like, in town? Dude, they were like besties in high school. Shiro and Matt were always off chasing ghosts, they wouldn’t take me with them though”
“We never did find any proof”
Dirty rotten liar. Shiro never should have said he knew Matt. He should understand what it mean to have someone that wasn’t human in the family, someone naive enough to think there could be a possible cure out there. “Everything on the planet had been gifted by God. Everything on the planet had a cure waiting to be found. It was through God that all things were made possible”. His Mami had told him that, she didn’t have an answer as to if God still loved him. A naive child’s question. Pidge pushed her chest out, sitting a little prouder
“That’s because you didn’t have me. Seriously, have you heard from him? It’s like he’s dropped off the face of the planet. He said he was going to Rome, but that was weeks ago”
“I haven’t heard from him in a little while either. I never thought the little Katie I remember in dresses would be you”
“I never thought Matt’s best friend would be showing up with a scar across his face! Mum would flip her lid if she saw that”
“Would you believe it came from fighting a werewolf?”
Pidge laughed openly
“Only if you believe I’m a ghoul, come to feast on your flesh!”
“I’ll keep that in mind. So, now I know about Pidge, what about you, Hunk? How goes the world of a paranormal investigator?”
Hunk was too busy making “lovey“ eyes at Shay. Pidge happy to continue talking to Shiro
“Hunk’s my wingman. It’s awesome because his dad lets us use the welding gear at the garage. We don’t have the money to buy all the fancy equipment so we build what we can”
“Really? What out of?”
“Car scraps mostly...”
“You do know ghosts are repelled by iron...”
Pidge gaped at Shiro, Lance wished he’d stop feeding her curiosity in the subject
“That are? I read that was a myth”
“Yep. Iron. Have you done any road trips cryptid hunting?”
“Yep! Mothman was a must. We did that one the first year of college. Lance was the only one with his own car at the time. Took us days to get out there, then he got bogged. We did the whole Sasquatch thing too. Not to shoot it, because that’d totally be a dick move, but to take a look around. I keep trying to tell Lance he needs to open his mind and believe more. I mean, even the bible references spirits and tells us no to play with them. And God admits he’s not the only god out there... There’s so many myths and legends, they all have to come from somewhere. But there’s also soooooo much crap out there, and then there’s mistranslations, and people interpreting things their own way... I just wanna hunt ghosts”
“Oh, no. You went and set her off, Shiro”
Shay giggled, Pidge shooting her a dirty look
“You’re supposed to be on my side”
“I am. I’m just saying that there’s no way a whole other world could exist just beyond our fingertips. If there was, science would have proven it. They say all these psychic videos exist that prove people like that exist, but, like, where’s the videos? Why are they hushing it up if it’s the next stage of human evolution. I think it’s even harder these days. The lines have been blurred with cultural misappropriation, and dumb people only wanting to steal stuff because they’re greedy morons. Like, if you’re not Native American, you can’t sage a room, and you shouldn’t be making and labelling any old thing a dreamcatcher, you dig?”
Lance nodded at Shay. In an ever changing world, some things remained. Like stupid people were always going to be stupid
“It’s always the quiet types. They open their mouths and out comes something unexpected”
“I happen to like the way Shay thinks”
Hunk jumped to Shay’s defence like he thought Pidge was insulting her, not impressed and pleased with Shay’s answer
“Aw, I like the way you think too, babe”
Shay winked at Hunk, who went bright red
“You’re welcome. Tell me more about the work you guys do. I’ve always kind of wanted to see it first hand. Do you use a ouija board?”
“Nope. Those things are dangerous we fuck. You can’t control what you reach, nor can you send them back safely. We like to go in and record. See, if a spirit reacts right away, it means they want you out of there like ASAP. Most spirits hide themselves, that’s why you don’t get good readings. I mean, like, if a stranger rocked up at your house, you’re gonna wanna hide from them, am I right?”
“I guess?”
Pidge beamed, before launching into further details about her thoughts on the paranormal world. Lance felt sick. His stomach somewhere near his toes. Shiro had burdened him with a secret he shouldn’t have known. Pidge loved Matt but Matt was no longer the man she loved. She was so eager to be part of that world, she’d let herself be bitten if she ever knew the truth. Matt was doing all he could to keep his family safe from by staying away. He knew those feelings too well, and the internal wounds of being turned felt like as fresh as they did that day. He could almost feel the fangs on his flesh, here the laughter as blood was drizzled into his mouth. Waves of pain so intense they crushed the pain of his sires beating the shit out of him for fun. He’d screamed and begged, cried for his Mami and Papi, only to be openly laughed at. His stomach heaved, vomit barely swallowed back down. Pidge’s voice seemed to echo around his aching head as if she was equiped with a microphone and a thousand speakers.
“Lance, buddy, you okay?”
Smile. He had to smile. This was Hunk and Shay’s night. They were finally going to start dating. Absolutely nothing could go wrong. He smiled at Hunk, picking his wine glass up in what he hoped was a casual move
“Sure, just a bit tired from this flu”
Lance hoped he was smiling enough. His complexion was most probably horrid. He should have slapped a layer on foundation on to give him a much healthier glow
“Are you sure? You’ve gone really white”
“Buddy, light of my life, brother from another mother, I swear you worry far too much about little old me. I’m okay. Honestly I started zoning out as Pidge got carried away with her theories again”
Beneath the table, Pidge kicked him in the ankle
“Rude, much? Shiro’s interested, aren’t you Shiro?”
Shiro scratched the back of his head
“Totally. But, you lost me when you switched to alien encounters”
Pidge wrinkled her face up in annoyance, the pout was strong as she crossed her arms
“You all suck. Except for you Shay”
Shay giggled
“I know, I’m awesomeness embodied”
“You’ve got that right”
Hunk clamped a hand over his face, blushing beet red. Shay giggled again, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek
“I can always count on you, Hunk. So, Lance, have you got any embarrassing stories about these two you can share?”
“Well, the first thing that comes to mind is when we went hunting Mothman...”
Pidge shot forward in her seat
“Don’t you dare!”
“It’s more cute than embarrassing...”
“Lance, I swear I’ll stab you in the eyeball if you keep going”
Shay threw her head back as she laughed. Lance locked eyes with Pidge
“See, Pidge was super excited. So excited that she...”
Pidge raised her knife, Lance holding his hands up in surrender
“I guess I better not finish that”
Pidge had been so excited that she’s gone running off, slipped in a puddle, fallen face first in the mud with her beloved video camera. She’d been so pumped for the trip she’d packed everything but clothes. They’d had to buy really lame gimmicky clothes from the closest service station which had swum on her small frame
“Good boy”
“Damn, Lance. She’s got you trained”
Lance nodded at Shay
“Our little gremlin here can be pretty intimidating when she wants to be”
“I’ll bet”
“You should see her when she hasn’t had her morning coffee”
“I can imagine the horror”
“I don’t think you can. It’s like Satan has risen from the depths of hell to possess her”
Shay kept laughing, Hunk was so smitten with her that Lance wanted to grab them both by the backs of their heads and make them kiss
“Oh no!”
Pidge blew a raspberry at him, not enjoying his teasing
“Merp, yourself. You know you’re not the greatest person ever in the morning, but we all love you just the way you are”
“I hate you. Why do I hang out with you again?”
“Because you need someone who can drive and lug all your junk around”
Pidge sighed dramatically
“Dammit. Stupid fine print. You know, I can’t deny that”
“Yep. Guess you’re stuck with me”
“Until your uses run out”
Lance pouted, clutching at his chest
“I’m wounded. Years of devoted friendship and this is how you treat me”
“Gotta be mean and keep’em keen”
“Don’t think I won’t remember this. To very last breath I’ll remember how you wounded me”
Pidge snorted with laughter, he loved it when she finally cracked. It was worth all the teasing
“You’re suck a dork”
Lance shot her finger guns, not feeling the least bit better internally
“Takes one to know one”
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