sleetskies18 3 days
Cute Sam and Kit Headcanons yippee!
- Sam will occasionally walk up to kit and lick her head, as felines do. Kit has a cowlick all day on the days he does that and refuses to flatten it.
- Kit often counts Sam's spots when he's wearing something sleeveless and say a thing she likes about him with every spot she counts.
- Kit and Sam have private pet names for eachother. Kitsy and Sammy, specifically.
- Sam hugs his tail when he's upset, so Kit and her limited crocheting skills made him a massive worm plush so he doesn't hurt himself.
- Whenever Kit rambles to him about an animal, Sam will sneak onto the database to find a fact she didn't mention to tell him, pretending to have already known it to make her happy
- Sam is self conscious of his purr, knowing its more just huffs. Kit however absolutely melts when he does it and doesn't ever pass up the chance to tell him any noise he makes is music to her ears.
(For those of you who don't know, snow leopard purrs sound like
- Kit finds it hilarious when Sam tries to use the old "check my heartrate" excuse to get her to hold his paw. She has fun pretending not to get the hint.
- Kit sings lullabies to sam when he can't get to sleep (snow leopards are crepusular, it works.)
- Sam literally does not know how to take a selfie. He stole Kit's phone to try and take a picture of himself and accidentally took a picture of just his eyes and forehead. Kit has it as her lock screen now.
- You ever seen those videos of snow leopards spoon cuddling? Yeah. Sam and Kit do that sometimes. (Thanks exclusively to Kit's persistence)
- Sam kneads kits bedsheets when he makes her bed, out of pure instinct. Kit feels confused but happy when her sheets smell like him.
- the only time Sam has ever verbally said "I love you" is when he was on catnip. Kit recorded it and uses it as blackmail
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sleetskies18 5 days
The guys!!!!
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It was hard to draw my other designs consistently so I made a few little tweaks :)
Tumblr lowered the quality 馃挃
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sleetskies18 7 days
1. "The mysterious hybrid"
Synopsis - Is it a duck? Is it a beaver? Sam and Kit must investigate this strange creature making people fall sick with a single touch
Animal: Platypus
Main animal fact(s): male platypuses have venemous spurs on their ankles.
Extra notes: this episode is the one that actually allows Sam and Kit to have their full argument. And it's over ducks and beavers.
2. "The Trouble With The Terrible Termites"
Synopsis: after bringing in a fruit crate from the jungle, CLADE HQ is infested with termites! Sam and Kit must find a way to get the termites out of headquarters safely.
Animal; Termites
Fact(s): Termite colonies eat non-stop, termites have wings which they shed when they find a suitable nest
Extra notes; Sam stops helping once the termites begin shedding their wings and literally faints from terror after some crawl on him. This is a solo kit episode.
3. "The mystery of the Stinky Smell"
Synopsis: the Duo search for the creature responsible for the foul stench disturbing the animals in the amazon
Animal: Hoatzin/stinkbirds
Main fact(s); Hoatzin have a foul odour caused by the fermentation of food in their digestive systems. These smells are used to deter predators and attract mates. hoatzin chicks have claws on their wings.
Extra notes: Sam and Kit try to freshen up the hoatzin, and instead endanger it. They ultimately decide its better to explain to the other animals what the smell is and why its there.
4. "The Case Of The Towering Terror"
Synopsis: the agents try to find a 'monster' disturbing the Halloween party at the watering hole
Animal: gerenuk
Main Fact(s): Gerenuks are very tall on their hind legs. when they're startled they drop their heads to their body's, crouch and run. They mark their territory with a tar-like substance from their eyes
Extra notes: hypothetical Halloween special, agents would be somewhat dressed up, that's up to your personal interpretation as to what exactly they are :3
5. "The Missing proposal pebble"
Synopsis: Sam and Kit help a gentoo penguin find the special pebble he wanted to propose to his partner with
Animal; gentoo penguin
Main fact(s): gentoo penguins present their mates with pebbles that signifies the relationship between two penguins. These pebbles are used to build nests
Extra notes: the pebble they were looking for is heart shaped. Sam gives kit a pebble with two points at the top claiming the shape reminded him of her ears.
6. "The Peacock Dance Dilemma"
Synopsis: Sam and Kit help a young peacock just growing in his bright tail feathers find his groove (I will admit this one is less in the formula but its fun.)
Animal; peacock
Main fact(s): Peacocks display their tail feathers to attract mates, often referred to as dancing. Peacocks only begin growing their tail feathers after a few years. Peahens crests help them locate their mates
Extra notes; sort of a Sam disguise episode? He does fashion a functional peacock tail from leaves and such to teach the peacock to dance. Kit plays the guitar to supply the music.
7. "The Riddle Of The Flooding Nests"
Synopsis: The agents need to find a way to save the arrau turtle eggs on a beach when the rain comes earlier than its supposed to
Animal; Arrau turtle/giant river turtle
Main fact(s): Arrau turtles lay their eggs on beaches during the low water season. If the water rises too fast or early, the babies in the eggs drown.
Extra notes: yeah I have no clue how they'd solve this one. That's up to your interpretation.
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sleetskies18 8 days
I was bored.
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sleetskies18 10 days
Can you do something about Director Scratch?
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Lol can it be any more obvious I don't know how to draw chickens?
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sleetskies18 10 days
While I'm working on stuff have some inconsistent, lazy doodles of the silly snow leopard :)
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sleetskies18 12 days
Someone asked, so behold!
"the Ghost Of The Mountains"
Synopsis - CLADE HQ is in shambles when they believe an illusive 'Ghost Of The Mountains' is haunting the building, and its up to Sam and Kit to investigate.
Late-night at CLADE headquarters. The power had cut out, and the agents had gathered in the Cafeteria while the Stinkwells fixed the generator, the only sources being a few sparsely Scattered candles. Director Scratchs' confident yet calming voice rang through the crowd
"Everyone please remain calm!" She called out, followed by a cluck to reign in the last few diverted attentions "the stinkwells should have the generator fixed later this evening."
There was a collective groan and mumbles of annoyance due to having to wait so long. Kit, who was sat beside her unseasoned apprentice, looked over "Hey, Cubby? Could you fetch us some snacks and juice?" She asked
"Alright, Agent Casey!" Cubby nodded in the affirmative. Kit nodded back with a slight smile "anything specific you want Sa-" she paused, looking around "Sam? He's not here...just..get him some dried mango. He likes that type of thing."
The mutt beside her shrugged at Sam's absence, but nevertheless got up to collect the snacks and drinks. The kitchen in the dark was more chilling in an unexplainable way. She did have the light of a flashlight as she collected a few items. Pretzels, chips, dried fruits, soda, water bottle.
As she was hobbling out with everything, the lights flickered. And she was greeted with the sight of two glowing, blue eyes for a split second. As she took a picture the glow grew and the eyes squinted.
They dissapeared, and there was the sound of bottles clattering and liquid splashing. Cubby shined her flashlight into the mess. There was a tuft of bright purple fur admist what appeared to be grape juice. She let out a scream and ran for it.
She ran all the way back into the cafeteria and bashed into a large figure. She shakily looked up, and relaxed to find Sam looking down at her. Kit peeked over his side "Cubby! What happened? We saw the lights flicker!"
Cubby gripped the snow leopards forearms as if they were a lifeline "MONSTER! G..GHOST!" She cried
"..Monster?" Sam tilted his head "Oh, Cubby. Arent you a bit old to believe in monsters?" He smiled fondly, slightly amused by Cubbys antics. Cubby shook her head "but i saw it! It had big blue eyes! It was huge it...it hissed at me! Look!" The dog pulled out her phone to show the two what she captured. Flash doesn't work aswell in the dark, so only caught the alleged monsters eyes and figure. Kit, now more intruiged and confused, leaned forward "what in the wooly world..?"
Indie fluttered behind them, intruiged by the racket, and landed on the ground just beside Cubby "I recognise that figure! I read a book about it!"
Sam's eyes looked hopeful, his ears raising "really? What is it?" He inquired. Indies wings ruffled slightly as he spoke "The ghost of the mountains!"
Both kit and Sam's faces fell, yet they continued listening. The honeyguide continued "its a big, mean prankster! It goes around playing tricks and scaring people for fun! I read it in a Himalayan Folklore book."
"Himalayan, huh?" Kit turned to Sam expectantly. The ounce glanced off thoughtfully "Well. All I know is that specific Folklore is based on the nickname my species gets..but aside from that it's all I know."
Kit nodded with interest, then shrugged "I highly doubt its that. What would some himalayan mountain ghost want with HQ? not that it even exists..." she rolled her eyes. The lights flickered again, and everyone started screaming 'GHOST!' , 'ITS HERE!'.
The vixen cringed and covered her ears, while Sam simply stared in mild confusion. The two immediately focused again when Director Scratch approached, her own wings covering her ear-holes "agents! I believe there can't be anything out there, but please look into this to quiet everyone down!"
Kit smiled confidently "you got it! We'll debunk this myth!"
"Good luck agents...please hurry.."
Sam glanced off to the kitchen door "we better start where Cubby said she saw it." He declared. Kit nodded in affirmation and followed him into the kitchen. The two donned their flashlights to look around. "Cubby said the ghost has big, blue eyes.." Kit thought aloud "but I dont see anything out of the ordinary in here..."
"Check it out, Kit!" Sam's voice shook her from her thoughts, and she looked to where his flashlight was pointing. Purple stained fur, sitting in a puddle of grape juice "Good eye, Sam!" She bent down and picked up the fur clump, running the nearby faucet and running the fur under the hot water. "Hmm..take a look. The purple isn't coming out, see? That means that whoever the ghost is has lightly coloured fur." She stated. Her snow leopard partner looked closer "is it just me or is that three different shades?" He pointed out. Looking closer, Kit was surprised to see sam was right. It was mostly a middling shade, but with pieces of lighter and darker at the top and bottom, respectively "Huh. How interesting..." she brushed a paw down the fur. Wet fur like this felt...familiar. yet she brushed it off and pocketed it without drying it off, much to Sam's disgust. She looked around. Various other things were knocked over, too. "Hm...she said she heard a hiss...do you hear anything?"
While Kit was looking around, the lights flickered again. She cringed slightly at the sudden flash of light, then she heard it.
A hiss, followed by a clatter.
She whisked around, and found Sam sitting on the floor with a pot on his head "are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm alright.." Sam responded, pulling the heavy pot off his head. "The light just startled me.." he smiled sheepishly. Chuckling, Kit offered a paw and helped him stand up. "Well. I heard a hiss. Did you hear it too?"
Sam rubbed the side of his head "yes, I did, but-"
Kit abruptly cut him off "right! And judging by how it sounded, it wasn't a reptile hiss. And it wasn't a grumpy burrowing owl, either." She grinned excitedly "come on! Let's look elsewhere in headquarters."
Before he could say anything, the ounce let out a squeak and was dragged down the hall.
Carefully eyeing every surface for clues, Kits ears twitched sporadically in attempts of hearing something. Sam quietly walked beside her, looking around just as vigilantly, his tail gently swishing as he walked. "Kit, I dunno if we'll find anymore clues.." he stated "it's rather..barren."
"Awh, don't say tha...woah! Look at those bad boys!" Kits ears perked. Her partners head turned to look at the claw marks deeply imbedded into the bench. Huh. Interesting. He gently felt around them. "Whiskers...this case is definitely mysterious..."
"Sure is." Kit agreed, donning her ispygoggles and scanning the claw marks "urgh..I can't tell what made em..." she huffed. "Maybe we should split up to look. Headquarters is pretty big."
"Good idea." The snow leopard nodded, gesturing in the way he'd go before walking off, with kit walking in the opposite direction.
(*totally thought out but fruitless investigation later*)
The kit fox zoologist sighed heavily, trudging herself in the direction Sam had went to report her findings, or lack thereof. Her path took her to the stinkwells lab, and along the way she notices things knocked over or broken. Just as she entered, the lights flickered and she saw it.
Two wide, glowing blue eyes. She grinned confidently. She ran to it. The Ghost hissed and darted past her. She huffed "Hey! Get back here you!" She swiftly turned heel and pursued it. As she ran after it she could hear more items being bumped into or smashed. This thing sure was fast. She had to corner it somehow...but how...
The pool!
The vixen shined her light in its eyes, prompting another hiss. Around the gleaming blue she could see grey fur and..was that freckles? Pushing that aside, she continued her chase once the ghost started running again, and steered it into the training room. She jumped forward and pushed it into the pool with a loud splash and gurgle, pointing her flashlight at the waters surface. "I've got you cornered now, ghost!" She exclaimed "show your-"
"*splutter* *cough*!"
Kit gasped upon seeing who emerged "SAM!" She exclaimed, reaching down to help her friend out of the pool. Once he was on dry land, she couldn't help but brush her thumb against his finger. It felt exactly like the fur they found...
It all seemed to click into place. Kit took a step back as Sam shook the water off, smiling brightly. "Sam! You're the ghost!"
Sam, pushing his hair back up, looked up to kit "what?!"
Back in the Cafeteria, Kit had a now dry Sam stood infront of their colleagues, flashlight in paw. "Behold!" She smiled, pointing the flashlight to Sam's face. His eyes began to glow blue as soon as the light hit them. Cubby gasped "those are the eyes I saw!"
"Thats not all!" Her fox mentor stated, pulling the fur sample they found earlier out of her jacket pocket and holding it up to the section of his fur. Though the sample was dyed by grape juice, the lighter, middling and darker shades matched perfectly with Sam's. Following that, she pulled up the photo of the claw marks, and scrolled through the database to find the snow leopard claw marks Sam lovingly made to fill her database. It was a 100% match. Kit continued, "it all makes sense. The claw marks, the eyes..and the hissing."
Indie raised a wing "don't snow leopards roar when they're unhappy?"
"Snow leopards actually can't roar." Kit stated "a bit like cheetahs or cougars. Instead they can make a bunch of other cool sounds, including hisses!"
Director scratch tilted her head "my, my..I suppose Agent Snow was the ghost." She said softly. Sam rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish, almost guilty smile plastered on his muzzle "I..guess I was. Looks like Indies little folk tale wasn't too far off.." he held his paws together, ears drooping "I'm so sorry for all the trouble I caused...and the property damage. When the lights suddenly went off and started flickering I just got really startled and.."
Director scratch interrupted "it's quite alright, Agent." She spoke with a sigh, walking forward and putting a warm wing on sams shoulder "However, next time you're startled or upset by something, just tell us instead of going into a panicked frenzy, okay?"
"...I will." Sam replied quietly. Kit gently elbowed his side and held up a fist. "Another creature case...?" She said expectantly. Sam hesitated for a moment, feeling like considering he was the culprit, he wasn't exactly allowed to. But another jab in the side from Kit made him raise his own fist and bump it again Kit's "Closed.."
Cubby burst through the crowd, her little tail wagging "woah! Snow leopards eyes glow like that?! And you can't roar? Can you tell us more about your species?! Pretty please?" She begged, backed up by a jumble of pleading agreements.
Sam remained dumbfounded for a moment. Kit gently pat his back "go on, Partner. Humour your adoring fans." She half-joked. Sam nodded and walked forward, starting to talk about how far he can launch himself. Director scratch crossed her arms and stood beside Kit. "Agent Snow sure is something, isn't he?" She smiled, prompting Kit to giggle.
"He sure is, Director. He sure is.."
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sleetskies18 15 days
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Whoops my finger slipped
(How I love making my favourite characters miserable)
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sleetskies18 16 days
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sleetskies18 17 days
Family headcanons!!! :3
- Kits mother is named Amber Casey, she works as a freelance home builder (aka she digs burrows for animals who cant). She's easy to scare and often tired, made worse by her kids. When Kit lived with her and her husband they were constantly worried for her safety due to how..outgoing she was.
- Kits father is named Clay Casey, and is a stay at home dad. Much unlike his kids he is cowardly and introverted, and struggles to reign his kids in. Though he is very loving and can be warily protective if it calls for it.
- Kit has five siblings. In age descending order; Diego, Maria, Hazel, Archie and Lilith (Or lily for short). Maria is deaf, and uses sign language to communicate. Diego is only two years younger than kit. Archie and Hazel are twins, and Lilith is only around 7.
- Kit adores the chaos of home when she visits and often when she does, the entire burrow looks like a whirlwind went through it. She's equally as good as coordinating her siblings into clean-up mode.
- Kits parents and some of her younger siblings have a stronger southern accent than she does.
- When Sam met Kit's family, her parents were a bit frightened of him. Their kids, however? They were interested and very loud. Amber and Clay found themselves relating to Sam after finding him hiding from the chaos.
- Sam's mother is named Delilah Snow, she is a meteorologist and weather reporter. As pleasant and gentle as she is, delilah can be sassy and fierce. She is incredibly protective of the things she holds dear. She gave her fingerless gloves to sam the day he left for CLADE
- Sam's father is named Cliff Snow, a cryptozoologist. Cliff tends to be scatterbrained but loveable. He writes books detailing his epic cryptid encounters..with a little dramatisation because well, he hasn't found any yet. He dreams to find a yeti one day.
- Sam has one sibling. His twin sister/littermate, Leyla Snow. Leyla is rugged and tough person, and a little intimidating, but unendingly kind. She accompanied Sam when he went off climbing. They climbed 3 of the highest peaks in the himalayas together, and she refuses to climb anymore until she can do it with her brother.
- Sam was (and still is) oddly small and scrawny for his species. (I refuse to believe the average snow leopard is only a head taller than a fox) As such, his family can be a tad bit overprotective of him.
- literally nobody in the snow family could tell you why their accents are English and not something more predictable. They've been asking themselves that for a while.
- Kit quite liked meeting Sam's family. She'd never seen such big snow leopards before, only ever seeing Sam, and begged for pictures and height and weight scans for her database. She really got along with Sam's father in particular, as they both shared reckless curiosity about something animal knowledge related.
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sleetskies18 18 days
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I may design their families and give yall headcanons :3
I know Sam's fingers make no sense shh
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sleetskies18 24 days
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I love how they gave Sam the black outlines around his eyes from the YouTube videos.
I'm actually tweaking out rn
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sleetskies18 26 days
Hi, I like you!
*hands you creature cases episode ideas in honour of chapter 4*
1. The Territory hunt
Synopsis: Sam and Kit help a rowdy pride of lions find new territory after their old one is destroyed in a storm
Main animal fact(s): lions roar together to mark their territory, and even the cubs join in with their mews.
Extra notes: Sam learns that if he has something important to say, he shouldn't be afraid to speak out, even if that means over friends.
2. The Search For The Scattered Bush Babies
Synopsis - the Duo go on a search around the African grasslands to reunite a family of bush babies who strayed away from eachother and got lost in the dark
Main animal fact(s): families of up to 7 Bush babies split up to look for food at night, Bush babies use calls to find eachother.
Extra notes: there's only four Bush babies, the episode is more kit centred but I'm not sure how.
3. The Case Of The Quiet Cricket
Synopsis: Sam and Kit must help a violin-playing cricket when he refuses to chirp before the Insect Orchestras biggest performance.
Main animal fact(s): Crickets chirp less when they're cold and more when they're warm, a group of crickets is called an orchestra
Extra notes; the special performance is the orchestra's Last performance with their conductor, who is "retiring" (the conductor is a mayfly.). Sam is extra happy this episode, its snowy :3. I'm not sure what agent this episode would be more centered around so that's up to your interpretation.
4. The Ghost Of The Mountains
Synopsis - CLADE HQ is in shambles when they believe an illusive 'Ghost Of The Mountains' is haunting the building, and its up to Sam and Kit to investigate.
Main animal fact(s); snow leopards are nicknamed "ghost of the mountain" due to their illusive natures, snow leopards can't roar, instead they make chuffs, meows and yowls.
Extra notes: Sam was unknowingly the ghost all along. He was startled by a flickering light and the picture was taken the split second only his glowing eyes were visible.
I'd love to hear if anyone else has any episode ideas, too!
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sleetskies18 29 days
The Creature Cases headcanons but its just all what their life was like before the present day
- Sam was an amateur mountaineer and grew up in a small village nearby Mt. Everest. CLADE found him when they were called to find a climber who went missing on the mountain and learnt a snow leopard had already went up and retrieved them unharmed. Impressed, they left sam with CLADEs business card and claimed he should use that tracking and problem-solving skill for good.
- Kit grew up in San Joaquin Valley. She was a tad too curious for her own good and often got herself into hot water trying to learn more about the other species around her. She met CLADE when one of her escapades caused her to rile up a coyote. The agents were impressed by her bravery and knowledge, which got her out of the situation with no help from them. Like Sam, they gave her a business card and asked her to consider channeling that endless knowledge into helping others.
- Sam joined CLADE at 18, while Kit joined at 19 (Kit is older in my heart.)
- Sam was quite a bit shier while training. He hadn't been out of the Himalayas before, and was slightly nervous with all the new faces around him. He'd often flinch whenever somebody tried talking to him. He tended to feel homesick (going from snowy mountains to a warm island does that to a guy). Kit however, was the opposite. Loved the new environment, to the point she was considered a bit obnoxious. She talked all the time, asked questions all the time and overall didn't know how to stop running her mouth. Her chatterbox nature drove alot of the other apprentices away, which made her feel a bit lonely. She couldn't tell what she was doing wrong.
- Sam and Kit had the same mentor, which was quite worrying for poor Sam, as Kit seemed to specifically lock on him with all the questions, mostly due to his rare species. Their mentor was rough and stern, selected to toughen Sam up and cool kit down, though he did care for the two and kept Kit from overwhelming Sam too much.
- Sam winded up having to train for an extra month after Kit became a full agent, as he constantly tried to avoid the mandatory water-based tests and had to redo them.
- as soon as Sam graduated, he and Kit were partnered up and sent on their first creature case as official CLADE agents. Kit, who had only ever seen Sam timid and jumpy, was genuinely quite impressed with how locked on he could be with a bit of effort. Throughout this case she was asking less questions, and in turn Sam seemed more comfortable in her presence. This case is where kit learnt she was a bit too in-your-face, and Sam learnt that new people aren't quite as scary as he thought.
- kit had personally asked the stinkwells to make the clu-bots for Sam after their first case, noticing his tech-based approach.
- Sam made his and Kits customised jackets, they went through a few different renditions until settling on what the two wear in the show.
Thas all :3
I'd love to hear the headcanons other people have of Sam and Kits lives before the show!
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sleetskies18 1 month
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The last time Sam ever wore wired earbuds..
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sleetskies18 1 month
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I'm absolutely obsessed with how he called them "little guys" he's so adorable.
Naturally, I decided to draw him and the (redesigned) wooly bear moths! :3
(I'll actually try to keep this piece of art up I promise)
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sleetskies18 1 month
Ladies, gentlemen, those in-between, we have a date!
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