sparklysundays · 3 years
blue jay
every morning, when the sun is rising over the yard,
i sit outside on the back porch and wait.
coffee in hand, eyes gazing forward,
waiting for you to fly from tree to tree.
for someone so small,
you sure give me a reason to get up in the morning,
my little blue jay
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sparklysundays · 3 years
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Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge conserves more than 30,000 acres of rich tidal marsh and is a treasured spot along Maryland's Eastern Shore. Enjoy a soothing sunset along the water or stroll through mixed hardwood and loblolly pines that entice bald eagles to build their massive nests. Seeming otherworldly, the wonder of this area leaves visitors transfixed.
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sparklysundays · 3 years
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Parenting 101: When the kids are noisy, feed them snacks.
Barn swallows, like the ones seen here at Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, are voracious insectivores. Not only that, they are "aerial insectivores," meaning that they eat flying insects caught in the air!
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sparklysundays · 3 years
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sparklysundays · 3 years
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sparklysundays · 3 years
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sparklysundays · 3 years
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sparkling, with specks of gold
get out there and gleam
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sparklysundays · 3 years
"Bad writing" is important too. Even if your writing isn't where you want it to be, it is valid and it has a lot of worth. Bad writing is better than no writing, and it paves the way for better writing.
Even if you think your writing is bad, it has a lot of value and meaning! It's not wasted effort and it's still something you painstakingly created. Writing badly isn't a negative thing; it's a good thing and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
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sparklysundays · 3 years
rose colored glasses,
the color of a dead rose,
and you’re glowing right through them.
who says dead roses
can’t be beautiful?
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sparklysundays · 3 years
you are the glistening lights on my Christmas tree,
the sweet taste of peppermint hot coco on my lips.
the innocent joy of snowfall by a candlelit window.
the glitter on our old, twinkling ornaments.
the sound of fire crackling in my fireplace.
you are the most exciting gift of my life.
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sparklysundays · 3 years
have you ever felt so strung out
as if pieces of you were scattered
scattered in all parts of the world
scattered in different places in time
while you sit there feeling like another version of yourself
a version you don’t know
a version you don’t like
where did you go?
where are those pieces?
will you ever get them back?
can you simply replace these pieces
with better pieces?
can you transform yourself into the best version of you?
even if you aren’t whole?
is it as easy as replacing a broken Christmas ornament
on a beautiful pine tree?
no. growing takes work, but you can do it.
if you truly loved your broken ornament,
you would repair it
or find a better one.
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sparklysundays · 3 years
I was only 17
you didn’t need to manipulate me
you didn’t need to force me into a strangers room
you didn’t need to use my innocence for your selfish pleasure
you didn’t need to force a 60 year old man onto me
who promised to take me far away so he can touch me again
so you can win drug money
I lost everything after
trust, weight, sanity, friends, cleanliness
endless showers, both water and tears
I was only 17
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sparklysundays · 3 years
where were you?
a sweet taste on your red lips
I can’t tell if it’s from candy,
or cherry-flavored lip gloss.
but you don’t eat candy,
and I don’t wear lip gloss..
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sparklysundays · 3 years
mr. green
jewels are nice,
but they don’t twinkle and sparkle as much as you
for you already hold emeralds in your eyes
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sparklysundays · 3 years
Witchy Things for School
In spirit of spooky season, I wanted to make this post! Many of you don't know that I'm also a practicing witch (mostly elemental) and I love finding ways to bring magic in the mundane so here are some ways I've done so with studying!
Make study satchels and keep them in your bag or desk. Use herbs for memory like rosemary as well as ones for focus and calmness like eucalyptus and sea salt. I keep mine in the dark and then bring them out when I study. Bonus points: keeps your desk drawers from smelling mildew-y if you live in a tropical or humid environment like myself
Bless your stationary
Make study sigils and write them in your notebooks
Make memory sigils and write them in your textbooks
Enchant your coffee. Use whatever chant you need for the day. Maybe add some vanilla to help with making friends or cinnamon to give your day a more focused and energized kick
Drink sun or moon water when you wake up. Sun water is great if you want more energy and focus while moon water is great if you need to be calmer and feel more intuned with yourself
Carry some thyme with you. It's got the properties of air and is used in many European practices for anything from healing to protection
Use affirmations to help fuel your day! Say things, even neutral things, to boost your mood and outlook
Big test coming up? Sleep with some clear quartz, amethyst, salt, and rosemary under your pillow. The salt will help keep your sleep relaxed and calm while the amethyst will help you sleep. Rosemary to help with memory and luck. Clear quartz helps boost these properties as well as balances it all
Herbs/plants that are good for studying: basil, rosemary, thyme, sumac, cinnamon, strawberries, acorns, grass, maple leaves, chamomile, bay leaves, honey suckle, lily, and wisteria
Stones for studying: clear quartz, tourmaline, carnelian, citrine, yellow fluorite, apatite, calcite, jasper, pyrite, tigers eye, agate, amazonite, jade, blue kianite, citrine, sodalite, selenite, and fluorite
Incense for studying: dragons blood, citrus, mint, pine, cedar, vanilla, strawberry, raspberry
Try music with steady beats and lower vibes to help keep you grounded
There are deities in many pantheons who love education and knowledge. You could try working with some and making offerings to them!
Food is magic too! Make yourself a soup or salad or pastry or something using some of the plants/herbs listed above! (Always do research before consuming anything)
If y'all liked this and would like to see more witchy study posts let me know! I could easily make a whole series about it!
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sparklysundays · 3 years
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oh yeah baby I’m already ready
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sparklysundays · 3 years
terrified of aging, of getting old.
I see my parents get older and older with each passing year and my heart is breaking. I don’t want these lines on my face, I don’t want my hair to start to thin, I don’t want my immune system to start shutting down.
Just recently, I started being able to live again after 5 years of being a depressed, suicidal, psychotic mess. I’m 27 now and for the last 2 years, there have been some definite signs of life getting better. The horizon is gleaming, I’m just not there yet.
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