spidershea · 2 years
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Literally an end of an era
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spidershea · 2 years
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spidershea · 3 years
madrigals skintone reference
ok so i’ve been. struggling with their skin tones and a mutual of mine responded with some flat colors on my other blog
anyway i went ahead and eye dropped their skintones from each as best i could and this is what i got
they’re a little varied in each but i hope this at least gives a good idea of where to aim for in terms of tint and undertone
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(the reference images ⬇️) (badly put together in a collage bc i didnt want to post like 5 pictures)
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but ye i hope this helps !
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spidershea · 3 years
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The heroes allow Overhaul to see his father. Mirio volunteers to question him.
To say Overhaul was tired would be an understatement.
He was covered in dirt and mud. The sleeves of his shirt hung beside him as he sat back in his chair near his father’s hospital bed. His head was against the wall, eyes closed. His hair was longer and the stubble was new. The bags under his eyes were vivid against his pale skin.
He looked broken.
‘He’s not bothered by the dirt on him. ‘ Mirio thinks as he enters the hospital room.
Mirio was the one who volunteered to question the ex-villain who appeared in front of the Agency that used to be Sir Nighteye’s.
Mirio knocked on the wall to let Kai know he was in the room. He had used Premeation to go through the door.
“You have your quirk back.” Kai says, eyes still closed.
“Thanks to Eri.”
Kai huffs out a laugh.”Who taught her?”
“Eraser Head.”
“I’m surprised.”
Mirio looked at him, hoping for an explanation.
“I’m surprised it wasn’t the Hero Commission.” Kai explains.
“What do you mean?” Mirio goes to sit on the other side of the bed, opposite of Kai.
“I mean, I’m surprised the Hero Commission didn’t take her in like they did with Hawks.”
“I would ask how you know about Hawks but Dabi already told everyone.”
“Heh. Actually I didn’t know about that. They don’t have TVs in Tartus.” Kai shifts a little in his seat. “I knew because of Lady Nagant. She used to be apart of the Commission, in fact she was Hawks senpai. I don’t know why she was in Tartus but I can only asume from what All For One said.”
Mirio’s jaw clenched at the mention of AFO.
“What did he say?”
“He said it was an honor to meet the ‘Traitor of the Heroes’. He also gave her a quirk. So now Lady Nagant has two.”
‘This is not good. Lady Nagant was the number 1 shooter in Japan. If she has another quirk that could potentially help her original, that could be very bad for the heroes that are left.’
“Anything else?” Mirio asks.
“Other than the fact that all of the heroes are screwed?”
Mirio chuckled and Kai let out a smile. As silence fell upon them Mirio had a question that he wanted to ask for a long time.
“Why did you become a villain?”
“Why did you become a hero?” Kai retaliates.
“Kai.” Kai interrupts.
“Yes. I don’t like Chisaki since it’s my parents last name. Or you can call me Overhaul.”
Mirio nods, “I became a hero because when I was a child I fell into a river and a hero saved me. That made me want to be a hero save others.”
“You’re lucky you got saved. Some are not that fortunate.”
Mirio knew that. Every hero knew that. It was a hard to swallow truth. Even worse when you find out that some villains are the way they are because heroes weren’t there to save them.
“Was a hero not there to save you?” Mirio asks.
“A different kind of hero saved me.” Kai opened his eyes and looked towards the sleeping figure before looking at Mirio.
“I apologize about Sir Nighteye.”
Mirio took a deep breath. He was expecting a lot of things to happen when he volunteered to question Overhaul.
This wasn’t one of them.
“He was one of three heroes I respect.”
“Who are the other two?” Mirio breathes out.
“Deku... and you.”
“Not AllMight?” Mirio jokes.
Kai let out a laugh.
They sit in silence for awhile. Kai closes his eyes again while Mirio goes over their conversation.
Mirio breaks the silence.
“If we were to let you go, where would you go?”
“As far from Japan as possible. I’m tired of All For Ones shit.”
Mirio nods and stands up.
“Thank you.” Mirio says before leaving.
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spidershea · 4 years
Vocal warmups.
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spidershea · 4 years
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“Dear, sweet Littlefoot… I’ll be with you, even if you can’t see me” “What do you you mean I can’t see you? I can always see you.”
“Littlefoot, let your heart guide you. It whispers…so listen closely.” Mother? Mother??
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spidershea · 4 years
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- 99 drawings - 105 frames - 2 scenes ~ Time: 20 hours 
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spidershea · 4 years
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Danny Phantom has a Passive Danger Potential of 17 on a scale of 1-10. 
He no longer plays by the rules of mere mortals. 
Drop me a Ko-Fi if you enjoyed!
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spidershea · 4 years
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The first Lost Boy
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spidershea · 4 years
Is Destiel Canon Yet?
11/25/20: Si.
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spidershea · 4 years
i think supernatural should end with d*stiel becoming canon but then immediately pulling a bury your gays. sorry i know homophobia isn’t funny but at the same time that would literally be so hilarious
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spidershea · 4 years
Is Destiel Canon Yet ?
11/5/2020: Yes.
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spidershea · 4 years
Sleepless Nights
It’s been four days since little Eri came to live with her grandfather in the yakuza base. Kai, the adoptive son of Eri’s grandfather, didn’t really care, he was too busy in the lab to take care of himself let alone a three year old. Hari, on the other hand, did everything a parent would. With lots of research on ‘how to parent’ since his abandoned him when he was five.
It took two days for Eri to warm up to Hari. It was hard the first day she came. She hardly ate anything that day and getting her to sleep was worse.
The night came and while the other members of the Yakuza were asleep, Kai was fully awake. He was testing out his quirk on what he could fuse together
The door behind him slowly opened without a sound as Eri wandered into the lab. She saw a square container on the counter and made her way towards it. At the same time Kai turned back to grab another item.
“What are you doing? How did you find this place?”Kai questioned when he saw her. Eri, startled, didn’t reply, instead she backed away with tears welling up in her eyes.
‘Shit.’ Kai thought before he let out a deep exhale before crouching down.
“Do you know where Hari is?” He asked in what he thought was a gentle voice.
Eri shook her head no as she looked at the floor.
Kai, accepting the answering the answer, stood up and returned to his task. He used his right hand to disassemble his left arm and a dagger only to reassemble them together right after. The blade part of the dagger was sticking out of his palm.
He overhauled himself again and placed the dagger back on the counter, away from the small child. Eri, who had slowly walked towards Kai, held her arms up towards him.
“Up” She spoke.
Kai paused when heard her. This was the first word she spoke since staying in the Yakuza. Kai and Hari both knew she would talk on her own time. Once Hari finds out about this Kai will never hear the end of it.
Kai looked over at the white haired girl. Her red eyes sparkled, hoping to get picked up.
“No, go find Hari.”
Kai gestured at the door that was still wide opened. Eri looked at the door before returning her gaze back to Kai.
“Eri I don’t like germs. That’s why I wear these” Kai showed her his white gloves before returning to his project, promptly dropping the conversation.
Eri let her arms down as she looked at Kai with a puzzled expression before walking to the labs sink. Since she was too small to reach the sink, Kai took off his glove and put it on the ground. They didn’t have a stool for a small child so Kai overhauled the floor so it would lift Eri up.
Kai knew what she was doing but still continued to watch as Eri washed her hands, without soap but that’s besides the point.
When she was done drying her hands, Kai walked up to her. Again she lifted her arms and said ‘up.’
Kai stared at her for a few seconds before he reluctantly picked her up.
“Happy?” He asked sarcastically.
He held her away from him but she kept wiggling to get closer to him. Through her squirming she managed to latch onto his shoulder, making him freeze.
Then he slowly brought her to his chest where she finally relaxed. He moved his left arm across her legs while the other was across her back.
‘Hari will never believe this.’ He thought.
Kai doesn’t know how much time passes before Hari is rushing into the rooming, panting heavily.
“Kai! It’s Eri, she’s-“
“Sleeping” Kai interrupts as he turns around to face Kurono with a sleeping Eri, who had her head on his shoulder and his jacket draped over her back. “She finally fell asleep and keep your voice down.”
“Apologizes.” Hari said before walking up Kai.
“Here. Take her.” Kai handed Eri over to Hari, carefully. Hari took Kai’s jacket that fell off during the transfer and covered her back. “Take her to her room.”
With a nod of his head Hari made his way towards the door but Kai’s voice made him stop.
“When you’re done I’ll be in your room.”
Thirty minutes later Hari entered his room to see his friend for a decade laying on the tatami that was put in his room the day he first arrived at the Yakuza. He was facing the door with the duvet covering his lower body.
“If you wanted cuddles, you could’ve just asked.” Hari teased.
Kai didn’t say anything as he lifted his arm as an invitation. Hari accepted and laid next to him, wrapping his right arm around his waist while the other stayed between them. Kai moved closer and moved the duvet so it covered both of their chests.
“You picked up Eri.” Hari spoke after a moment of silence.
“She wouldn’t leave me alone.”
Hari huffed out a laugh, he knew that was bullshit. Kai was a germaphobe since he was seven, probably longer.
“I didn’t lie. She kept asking me to pick her up so I told her I hate germs and why I wear gloves. She understood and went to the sink to wash her hands.”
“Wait, asking you to pick her up? She spoke?”
“What did she say?”
Hari smiled. Even though he’s the yakuza’s assassin he’s also a caregiver and he’s very proud of what Eri did.
The two fell back into silence and reveled in each others arms. They didn’t do this often, only when they had time. Both teens needed a break from the world.
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spidershea · 4 years
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spidershea · 4 years
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Some people don’t understand how big this is, opening a school, especially a public one is a huge undertaking and even with LeBron money it’s costly.
It’s really nice to see black celebs and athletes actually show their support for the community, rather than sparing a few words about it.
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spidershea · 4 years
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spidershea · 4 years
I saw where you said that each pride cake design is based off a different type of actual cake, and I for one would LOVE to hear about all of them if you have the time!!
Took me a bit because some of these are specific and some aren’t honestly:
Gay: Birthday Cake Lesbian (1): Gift Box Cake Lesbian (2): Strawberry Shortcake Bisexual: Chocolate Drizzle Cake Pansexual: Pound Cake Asexual: Tiramisu Transgender: Cheesecake Genderqueer: Square Tea Cake Genderfluid: Frosted Bundt Cake Omnisexual: Marshmallow Cake Abrosexual: Genoise Sponge Cake Greygender: Lemon Blueberry Cake Agender: Tall Cake (Devil’s Food) Nonbinary: Tall Cake Aromantic: Iced Loaf Cake Demisexual: Battenberg Cake Polysexual: Banoffee Cake Bigender: Bebinca Cake Polyamorous: Chocolate Ganache Cake
Note these are based on designs and not all drawn to match the irl cake.
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