st4rv3untilimpr3tty 3 years
Reblog if your doing drugs !!
Go ahead you know you want too 馃構
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st4rv3untilimpr3tty 3 years
feel that shit
i feel like everything looks bad on me just because I'm chubby.
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st4rv3untilimpr3tty 3 years
Apparently I've let my food out too many times that it's no longer possible because it means I won't eat anything anymore
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st4rv3untilimpr3tty 3 years
i took one complete week of drugs (crystal meth and ecstasy). My goal was to lose weight I also managed to do this method but not do it again anyway not with crystal meth but it felt so good not to have to eat anything I haven't even really asked what to eat this week I tried because I had to but it didn't work out and now I chair in the mirror and see it will be, I'm slowly getting beautiful
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st4rv3untilimpr3tty 3 years
Abdominal circumference - 2'10" (27|10|21)
Abdominal circumference - 2'8" (07|11|21)
i will update it every week now
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