stillmind2 · 5 months
We are Being Ruled by Idiots
Photo by Art Guzman on Pexels.com Humankind has reached a level of stupidity never seen before (well, almost never). One side spent tens of billions sending missiles that the other side brought down like flies, costing billions. The makers of said missiles are laughing all the way to the bank, making billions, replacing all the missiles downed, and selling them to both sides. Now, both sides are…
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stillmind2 · 6 months
Here we go, our Guardian Angels. We couldn't ask for a better ensemble. (The lil guy on the the top right knows exactly what he's doing) 🤗
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stillmind2 · 8 months
Don't Leave Me Alone
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Blurb from the previous episode: Markus was the most wanted college student in this prestigious academy, studying physics. He was the apple of most girls' eyes and a top stud. He was, by all standards of today's society, living the life. But then, at the school cafeteria, he met Althea, a woman who would turn his world upside down.
Literally and figuratively. He couldn't have enough of her, and vice versa.
Exotic, gorgeous, and smart, she eventually disclosed her reasons for being where she was. But by the time she did so, he was already hooked on her, almost bewitched. He has never been the same since that encounter.
This is their story.
What happened next would make Ray Bradbury envious.
Althea slowly started displaying abilities that only a different human species could. Smartly, she introduced Markus gradually to what she could do in order for him not to panic.
Not small deeds either, but enough to realize he was in the presence of a very special woman beyond what he already knew.
She decided to come clean and explained that she owned ancient abilities that all humans had in the distant past, including telekinesis, telepathy, and magnetic levitation.
Markus tilted his head and smirked. A smirk with marked sarcasm.
“Babe,” she said. "Either you want to know or you don’t, but don’t dismiss this knowledge too soon. Your face will stay red in embarrassment for quite a long time.”
“I’m listening, love, but you can't blame me for being skeptical. I’m not saying it to you, but my head wonders, ‘What in the world is she talking about?’"
“That’s why I’m explaining it to you the best way I can. I'll slowly show you proof that what I’m saying is true. All I ask of you is to please don’t freak out and, most importantly, keep an open mind. Also, know that humans today are blind to these effects because of collective amnesia. I’ll explain how that happened at another time. But first things first.”
“Althea, you have my full attention. You know I’m open-minded already, and you know I’m overly curious, and being with you is an experience I've never had before with anyone else.”
"Great! I love to hear that! Let’s begin.”
Althea gets up, closes her eyes, and says to Markus, “Do you see the 75-gallon fish tank over there? Watch carefully,”
To his bewilderment, Markus observed the whole thing move from its stationary space across the room to the other side, but not before stopping in mid-air, spinning a few times, and continuing to its designed destination. Slowly descending to the now empty table where his computer used to be and landing on it without spilling one drop of aquarium water.
Only then did Althea open her eyes, smile, and look at Markus, who by now had his hand on his mouth in amazement and disbelief.
“How did you do that?!?” he asked, half freaking out.
"Babe, you could do it too, if the world hadn't been taken over by the Shadow Lords." I'll get to that later. Now watch this.
“Go by the window and look outside,” she said. “Remember you were telling me that the rose plants in the garden failed to recover from the last freeze you had a year ago?”
"Of course. It was terrible."
"Alright. Watch this."
Right before his eyes, the plants slowly started to turn green, and before too long, they were flowering with huge red roses, bigger than the time he remembered them. Way bigger.
“Holy Komoly! They came alive again in less than a minute!”
“Intention,” she said. “That’s all you need.”
“Intention? Wait. what does that mean? I intend to get ten million out of the bank. How would that work, then?
“Hahaha! Maybe that's how you guys lost the ability. I’m unfamiliar with the details, but greed, gluttony, and avarice were part of what doomed your present race, babe.”
“Well, I’m beyond impressed, but answer my question. Can that be done?”
“Are you willing to pay the consequences, hun? Everything has a price, a cause, and an effect. You know that.”
“So, it’s possible, but I will get caught. Is that it?”
“I don’t know that. But the price might not be what you think; a punishable offense by the laws of men. Karma could be the result of your own actions. Think of it as a guilty conscience, a term your race is familiar with.”
“Hm. Better not, then. I think I understand what you’re trying to tell me. I wasn’t being serious, anyway.
“I’m happy to know that, babe,” Althea said with a fresh smile on her face.
“Intention is paramount; this gift that is not in your nature any longer is partly because your race misused it for all the wrong reasons; warring between yourselves, forgetting that you are all the same, and other aggravations that were, truthfully, self-punishing.”
“Why did we do that? Why weren't we told?; where was the guidance?”
“I believe the problem was your people just weren’t ready. It was a mistake by the ancients to provide you all with these abilities. No one thought you could be so ruthless with each other. Not to this degree.”
“What else did we have that we’ve lost?” a curious Markus asked.
“I’ll show you. Come with me.”
They walked into the garden, now a paradise of nature with everything blooming, and went to the center.
“I’m hot and dizzy, ‘Thea. Is this normal?
“Not sure, but probably. It’ll pass. Most importantly, don’t attract it; ignore it."
A light breeze caressed their faces and increased as soon as he finished manifesting his complaint.
The sun wasn’t as strong as clouds began to cover it.
“Wow! It’s gone! I feel fine again. Althea, did you do that?
“Oh, no, did not. You must have done it, like I said, by disengaging from the thought. Well done, man! You’re learning quickly!” Althea said, grinning.
“OK, we are standing here. What for?”
“How many things needed fixing here in the garden?” asked Althea
“Improvement, you mean? Not much; the garden is fine.”
“Is it? How about the fountain that stopped working, the birds’ bath? And the fence that has seen better days, or the neglected pool full of leaves from two years ago? Shall I notice more?
“Ok, you got me there. That is true. I suppose I could have done a better job, but I procrastinated and was all alone. Then you showed up, and you know what happened,” Markus said with a flirty expression.
“So, the garden isn’t fine. Recognition, not pretension, is key. Let’s fix it, shall we? Althea retorted.
“Yes, ma’am, responded Markus. You can do that?!?”
Without replying, Althea again closed her eyes, grabbed Markus's hand, and stood there.
Nothing happened for a minute, and Markus didn’t dare break the silence, so he waited and surveyed her face.
He hadn’t seen such splendor in a woman’s face ever. It was like she had an interior light surfacing unannounced, but amazingly clear.
Her exotic looks were prevalent as the wind blew strands of hair on her cheeks and forehead, and in that silence, Markus felt completely stunned by such natural beauty. It was the first time he noticed her features for that length of time in the outdoors. He could hardly contain himself from kissing her and making love to her there, in this magic garden, for a complete and glorious experience.
And then, just as she predicted, all the things that a minute ago were dysfunctional or broken started coming to life again, like sorcery.
Althea opened her eyes and looked around, marveling at the change.
“Oh, wow!!!” she said excitedly.
Markus felt sad that his beautiful, silent, and magical moment ended.
But then she turned and hugged him tightly, almost as if it was all his doing.
“Thank you, babe!” Look at what we did!”
“What did I do?”
“Without your intention, it wouldn’t have been possible!”
“But it wasn’t me. All I did was stand here, holding your hand. I had no idea why. I was just following what you said we’d be doing.”
“We held hands, and the power of affection and the intent of our thoughts made it all possible. Look at the results! Everything is working beautifully again!” she said euphorically.
“How could it be possible? How does that work?”
“It’s a bit complicated, and I don’t have all the perfect terminology to be able to explain it; I can hardly understand it myself, but I know it’s got to do with part-time travel, part telekinesis, and magnetic levitation. Your kind would be more familiar with the term teleportation," she continued, laughing.
“Wait, who are you then, a visitor from the future? An advanced being for us in this timeframe, and despite that, a visitor from a different dimension? You mention ‘your kind’. Why?”
“Yep. I’m your favorite tourist! Any complaints? No? Then, let’s go inside and make wild, altered senses, kinetic love. All that fixing up put me in the mood.”
Markus found himself speechless at this point.
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stillmind2 · 8 months
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The Devil Makes Yet Another Deal
People boarded the plane like any other time, followed the instructions accordingly, and proceeded to their seats. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Yet.
This is the story of an event where not everything was as it was supposed to be.
On one particular flight, the LAA 457, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Quito, Ecuador, anyone with any ailment who used the restroom would be cured immediately. Relief was felt instantly.
All illnesses would be gone.
There was a presence there. It was immaterial, like a hologram, and it spoke of a deal impossible to refuse.
There was only one condition. You couldn't reveal who you encountered inside.
By now, the readers know who I'm referring to, and as it turns out, I am one of the beneficiaries.
But I digress.
We will know him as “Mr. Happen.”
No one could make any sense of these encounters. How is it possible that He, of all people or spirits, would be the one with such an ability for healing?
It didn't matter for any of those who were terminally ill and about to die. Not only now they won’t, but there's no sign of the previous illness. 
Cancers, brain tumors, decaying organs, heart, lung, and kidney issues. All were totally and completely gone.
Science could not explain it, and neither could physics professors.
Mr. Happen would only see one person at a time, and he agreed upon a contract. A contract for one's lasting life in return for unspeakable acts of malice.
In order to qualify for a certain number of years, your deeds had to match in quality. He explained that in detail, and it was not very pleasing.
The individual's actions and their deviousness were the deciding factors. 
So, he explained, just doing something terrible wasn't enough. It had to have more dire consequences. For example, if you killed your brother, that would give you a number—maybe adding a year to your life—but if you lied and destroyed his reputation during the funeral, you'd get quite a bit more. And so forth and so on. He wanted to cause as much discord as possible.
Everything was multiplication and arithmetic. Add and subtract, divide, or multiply. Eventually, life itself would take it to a different level. Algebra equations.
Then quantum mechanics.
Mr. Happen was on a mission.
People would earn or lose points depending on the way they achieved evil deeds.
But to Mr. Happen, the way you get there was what was most important. How can one produce the most elaborate way of creating more complications after the initial act?
Nobody wanted to hear the details. They were all willing to save their skin and do whatever was necessary to live as long as possible.
Life. More time on earth. That's all that counts.
Everybody wanted to participate. Unfortunately, mothers too, especially those with many young children, toddlers! Those were high on the list. They had a very high number in Mr. Happen’s book.
Sacrificing one or two could add ten whole years to mum’s life! 
Naturally, hysteria ensued. The state of the world didn't help matters, either. Lately, everybody has been dying of something. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. 
It got to the juncture where the now-landed plane had to be closed off and surrounded by authorities, but not for security. They sealed access to it so they could confer with Mr. Happen themselves.
So, Mr. Happen came up with a solution. He gave instructions to build bathrooms everywhere, just like the one on the LAA flight. Exactly to a “T”.
There was no need for the plane, just the bathrooms. 
Within days, as more and more people were dying for unknown reasons, probably of some plague, the hysteria turned into chaotic madness. No one was safe. At one point, it got so bad that people were committing the most brutal crimes, taking videos and notes, and rushing to confess to Mr. Happen and get their due credit.
Everything stopped: travel, vacations, going to work, social gatherings—all ceased to exist.
People were dropping dead everywhere, some holding the evidence of their malicious acts in their hands. They died before they could ‘collect’. 
People have erected Boeing plane bathrooms in the most unexpected places. Inside churches!
The idea was to hold on to religion, even though it was completely hypocritical and phony. But they held to their faiths tightly, even if they had to work with the dev….oops!
End of Part 1
(Blurb from the upcoming Part 2):
The world was unrecognizable. No one was acting normal. The disease affected millions, but only a few individuals were spared. Scientists couldn’t come up with a denomination for it. Worse, it seems to mutate or have the faculty to disappear right in front of the technician’s equipment. Then it would reappear again without any sense of logic. One day, it was one virus; the next day, it would be ten. Most were deadly. Some were quick; others would kill the person so slowly that many lost their minds.
Seeing such horrors, Mr. Happen saw an opportunity to make even more contracts, so out of his own will, he produced clones of himself to accommodate the surge in “customers.”
Everyone wanted to go to the bathroom. 
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stillmind2 · 10 months
The Day I Learned I Was Nobody
This is a memory recall from younger days that was possibly the most important encounter I ever had, even to this day. A lesson from a wanderer; a searcher like me but with profound wisdom. The short conversation I had changed me forever. I became Nobody
And it was the most liberating thing ever. I learned young that self-examination is one of the hardest things humans can do. It takes a lot of effort to recognize and accept our faults. ~o~ I felt invincible when growing up. Many of us think that way. What could go wrong when you’re 19? Incredibly, my solace was partly the knowledge that I have my entire life ahead of me; therefore, why…
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stillmind2 · 10 months
Tales From Here & There.
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stillmind2 · 11 months
My Rescue Kitten Now Demands a Boyfriend... Help me, God!
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stillmind2 · 11 months
Storytelling or die.
Intriguing short stories that reveal and entertain at the same time. Join me to make a difference. Subscription is free:
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stillmind2 · 11 months
Leave me an insight or/and a comment. I'd love that!
A Box Cannot Contain The Human Soul A while back, as I was moving out of my NY apartment, I came to the realization that I was packing stuff that I hadn’t used in years. Bam! Hello, Minimalism! Photo by Pickawood on Unsplash What a relief it was to throw away literally 75% of all that clutter. Sure, it was tough at first. Separation anxiety — of sorts — hit hard. These items I was…
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stillmind2 · 11 months
The Pilot and The Griffin
A struggle for control at 45,000 feet. The pilot made a sharp left turn when he first saw the griffin. He quickly checked his coordinates to ensure that everything was okay. However, the griffin appeared on top of his cabin, grabbing the front shield and staring at him with blood-red eyes. At first, he thought it could’ve been an enormous eagle but dismissed that notion since it would’ve been…
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stillmind2 · 1 year
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Terror in the Sky - Hijacked (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1383789101-terror-in-the-sky-hijacked?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Stillmindster&wp_originator=K6kbhe1ZN5uoHN1pU6I%2FlZMYBOjHwHIwD%2BLoBvVH%2Fg5BmqNxbL37tVTQObej9sFSxg75%2F1Yppe%2F6ck36LrKlYNCXwwlw0JakLwPmMY7LMkoedAsLhzjABRXYhu3BdHrs A pilot struggles not to panic when a mythological creature, a griffin, suddenly controls his F-16. What ensued was the stuff that nightmares are made of, but he was completely awake.
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stillmind2 · 1 year
The Horrific Treatment of Indian People In Dubai
While the world goes about its business ignoring human trafficking. Photo by Jeet Dhanoa on Unsplash They sweat in the hot sun and the suffering is atrocious. The host country had taken away all of their passports when they arrived — under contract — to work on whatever labor they were told to do. When they visited the agency in rural Latur, Maharashtra they never mentioned that was going to…
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stillmind2 · 1 year
Don't Leave Me Alone
Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash He couldn’t eat, sleep or concentrate on anything since Althea was perpetually on his mind. It’s been two months since they’ve been together. Markus felt he was in another dimension when she was around. When she wasn’t, he felt a connection to the earth like being barefooted. If he thought about her for a while, he could feel her presence in the room. At…
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stillmind2 · 1 year
Buddha's Secret and The Meaning Of Happiness
Photo by Mattia Faloretti on Unsplash The young man sat by the sacred tree with a mixture of confusion, dejection, and disillusionment. He was spent, tired, and hungry. He thought many times if death would come to free him from his torment. He closed his eyes but only for a moment, for every time he did, demons would appear worse than in a nightmare. Only at certain times, he would get relief…
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stillmind2 · 1 year
10 posts!
Fantastic! (and I want even counting) ✌️
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stillmind2 · 1 year
Ernest Hemingway Against The World
Photo by Elina Sazonova on Pexels.com What would you do if meeting Picasso, Renoir, Joan Miro, T.S. Elliot, Mattise and Monet is not enough to appease your excitement? Since not much happened in Kansas, you thought a better idea would be to go where the action is. At that time, that would be WWI. So, brimming with excitement you volunteered to join the army. 24 hours later, depressed because…
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stillmind2 · 1 year
The Man Who Paralyzed The NYC Police Dept
(With the help from Angela Davis) Everything changed after he read “To Kill a Mockingbird”. Nobody understood the drastic change, nobody could explain it. One thing was sure. It was radical. He started going to the local library daily and reading about his country, the USA, pre-civil war, and during its aftermath. It had a profound impact on him and his outlook on life. He became a lot more…
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