#iran-israel conflict
futurefatum · 19 days
World Predictions - Time Stamped (Tone: 250)
Upcoming predictions on global politics, food shortages, and more by Amanda Ellis. Stay prepared and informed! #Predictions #FutureEvents
Posted Aug 19th, 2024 by @AmandaEllis World Predictions – Time Stamped ABOUT THIS VIDEO: The video by Amanda Ellis discusses a series of world predictions covering various global events and scenarios. The video explores future political shifts in countries like the USA, UK, and Japan, potential food shortages, and global economic changes. It emphasizes the importance of being aware and…
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creativemedianews · 1 month
Starmer asks Iran to 'refrain from striking Israel' in 'unusual' call with POTUS
Starmer asks Iran to 'refrain from striking Israel' in 'unusual' call with POTUS #ceasefiretalks #diplomaticefforts
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stillmind2 · 5 months
We are Being Ruled by Idiots
Photo by Art Guzman on Pexels.com Humankind has reached a level of stupidity never seen before (well, almost never). One side spent tens of billions sending missiles that the other side brought down like flies, costing billions. The makers of said missiles are laughing all the way to the bank, making billions, replacing all the missiles downed, and selling them to both sides. Now, both sides are…
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smsmstar80 · 5 months
الذهب يتجه إلى 3000 دولار؟ اتساع نطاق الصراع في الشرق الأوسط يزيد من حمى الذهب
ارتفع الذهب متجاوزًا 2410 دولارًا للأوقية، مسجلاً مستوى قياسيًا جديدًا، مسجلاً مكاسب بنسبة 3 بالمائة خلال الأسبوع مع تصاعد التوترات في الشرق الأوسط. حقق الذهب سلسلة من الارتفاعات القياسية في أبريل، محققًا مكاسب بنسبة 14 بالمائة هذا العام حتى وقت أعلى من المكاسب البالغة 13 بالمائة التي حققها الذهب طوال عام 2023. ويتلقى الذهب الدعم من الشراء كملاذ آمن على خلفية ارتفاع التضخم، وتوقعات تخفيضات أسعار…
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tmarshconnors · 5 months
Iran launches drones at Israel
As tensions escalate in the Middle East, reports emerge of Iran launching a barrage of drones towards Israel, further intensifying the volatile situation in the region. The incident has triggered widespread concern and condemnation from global leaders, raising fears of a potential escalation in hostilities.
The drone attack represents a dangerous escalation in Iran's ongoing confrontations with Israel and its allies. Such actions not only threaten the security and stability of the region but also undermine efforts for peaceful resolution and dialogue.
In response to the attack, Israel is likely to deploy its advanced defence systems and may retaliate, raising the specter of further violence and instability. The international community must urgently engage to de-escalate tensions and prevent a dangerous spiral of conflict.
Efforts to address the root causes of the tensions between Iran and Israel, including regional rivalries and geopolitical ambitions, remain essential for long-term peace and stability. Diplomatic channels must be utilised to find peaceful solutions to the underlying issues driving these conflicts.
As the situation continues to unfold, it is imperative for all parties involved to exercise restraint and prioritize dialogue over confrontation. The consequences of further escalation are grave, with the potential to destabilize the entire region and inflict untold suffering on innocent civilians.
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Tel Aviv last night
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Following the devastating news of the murder of 6 hostages, us Israelis are striking and protesting for a deal.
Saying we don’t want a ceasefire deal is just wrong. There are protests nationwide, school and most businesses are closed in protest.
We want a ceasefire / hostages deal . Bring them home now❤️🎗️
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butterfly-95 · 10 months
I think people need to realize that it was sheer luck that they have been born in developed countries with decent living conditions, away from the threat of war or civil conflicts. It is by pure coincidence at times that you end up being a citizen of a developed country, rather than one with an impoverished population experiencing man-made (because it is man-made in this day and age) famine, diseases that have been long eradicated or war (be it a civil conflict or due to selfish interests of developed nations who profit from these, at the cost of civilian lives). You could have been born into these conditions.
The point is: NO ONE should ever be made to witness the horrors of war, famine, poverty, disease or any other trauma inducing situation in which they have no free will or say about its outcome.
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feministfang · 1 month
Fuck all the islamic activists like Khalid Beydoun and Fatima Bhutto constantly posting about muslim m@les dying in west or p@lestine but staying silent on the oppression women are facing in islamic countries. Taliban just passed a new law banning Afghan women from speaking outside of their homes or even speaking to non-muslim women. But no word from these "peaceful religion" protesters! The entire world should follow the instructions of these fucktards, boycott whoever they want, unfollow the celebrities they hate otherwise we are labelled as islamophobes. But they can choose to zip their mouths and mock women suffering at the hands of islamic terrorists. Well, i am not boycotting or unfollowing anybody these muslims want me to as long as they don’t protest for the afghan women with the same energy and rage. You either accept that your religion is the most misogynistic one and harming women and speak up on it, or you keep getting silent treatment that you deserve . Call me an islamophobe i am not even denying that i am one!
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athymelyreply · 5 months
It’s driving me up the wall that the same people who demand that Israel be dismantled and call for “death to Israel” because it’s apparently an ethnostate (already a very dubious claim in itself), then turn around and praise/idolize the Islamic fucking Republic of all places!!!!!
Are you genuinely that disconnected from the reality of the situation? How far up your own ass do you have to be to not immediately see the massive hypocrisy?
Did you forget Masha Amini? Was she just a trend to you? Are you willing to throw your lot in with morality police, Russian allies, and fascist extremist governments just because you both hate Jews?
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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anchorsnreignbows · 5 months
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whoops too real
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anyahita · 1 month
Middle Eastern kids deserve to wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, not bombs and airstrikes
Middle Eastern kids should be carrying books and flowers, not the dead bodies of their loved ones
Middle Eastern kids deserve to run the streets in joy and laughter, not run away from bombs
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good-old-gossip · 5 months
Western Hypocrisy at its finest You only have a right to self-defence if you are a white country
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Honestly Netanyahu and his ilk remind me of guns' rights advocates: they base all their arguments against a strawman and then refuse to acknowledge that said strawman doesn't exist.
"You want to ban all guns!" "Well no I want to ban guns specifically designed for..." "You're lying, you want to ban all guns!" "That is literally not what this bill will do..." "It'll ban all guns! It'll ban all guns! 2nd Amendment!".
"You support Hamas!" "No actually, if they all dropped dead today I would celebrate, I just don't want want the people of Gaza to die for it." "You want every person in Israel to die!" "No, I think the attacks were a horrific tragedy and I really don't want more people to die, that's why I want you to stop killing civilians." "You're lying, you want every Jew to die!"
They know they have no argument against what we're actually saying, so they pretend to be arguing against something far more extreme and refuse to be broken out of their fantasy. They can't look you in the eye because even the slightest bit of good faith would crumple their argument like wet paper, so they shut their eyes and replace you with an easy villain they can defeat.
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workersolidarity · 6 months
🇮🇷🇵🇸 🚨
📹 Scenes from Tehran, the Iranian capital, where thousands of Iranians have gathered to rally in solidarity with Palestinians under siege and bombardment in the Gaza Strip, marching on Friday, April 5th, 2024, celebrated as International Al-Quds Day (occupied Jerusalem).
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My Israeli Jewish ass when I log in here
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