supercuteimagines · 10 months
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Authors Note: This chapter is mostly for character introduction and to set the overall mood of the story. There will be more reader POV narrative in future chapters. This is also slow burn for romance so please bear with me!
---This is a repost from my main account, if you are interested in following this story please follow that page! Thank you!! Christine Evergla
Hope you enjoy!
Rewriting History (Weasley Twins x F!Reader)
Chapter Synopsis: Harry's third year at Hogwarts is not starting out the way he had anticipated.
Chapter 1: A Warm Welcome
The air was thick with soot and ash, surrounding the area in a cloud of darkness.
Angry grunts and cries of pain were followed by several flashes of green and red. Spells ripped across the space like lightning in the night sky, desperately hoping to strike their intended targets. 
The bodies of fellow witches and wizards–friends, hit the ground with muffled ‘thuds’. 
The stench of death hung bitterly in the air and the feelings of fear and desperation seemed to be the only emotions capable of being had. 
What was once a happy place–filled with laughter and magic, was now a war zone.
The crumbled ruins of the castle laid haphazardly in the background and encircled the chaos. 
Hogwarts was no more.
But that wasn’t the thing that made Y/N’s heart clinch with dread.
The streets of Little Whinging were dark and quiet.
Loose paper and fallen leaves blew lightly along the pavement; the cool breeze doing nothing to ease the chill running down Harry’s spine. 
Running away from the Dursleys house had felt right at the time. He had been so angry and frustrated that the idea of leaving was the only thought that had crossed his mind. But now, as he sat underneath the dull light of a street lamp, on the damp curb with nothing more than a thin jacket to keep him warm and his suitcase to keep him company, Harry wondered if he should have just dealt with the aftermath of inflating his Uncle’s sister. 
‘No’, Harry thought, ‘Better to be cold and free than trapped and punished’. 
That house was suffocating and staying there another second was not an option. Harry couldn’t bear to hear another word of that horrid nonsense spoken about his parents. 
“All lies,” Harry muttered through gritted teeth. 
He was glad she was currently blown up like a birthday balloon and floating off somewhere far away into the sky.
The lamp above him flickered violently for a moment before shutting off, enveloping him in bitter darkness. The now ice cold breeze swept across the young boy’s skin as the sudden shriek of rubbing metal echoed throughout the street.
Harry jumped at the sound, glancing behind him with wide eyes and chattering teeth. For a moment, he watched the chairs of a swingset move back and forth, and the carousel a few feet in front of it spin counterclockwise. Both of them seemed to dance half-heartedly with the wind and the eerie sound of groaning metal made Harry gulp. 
The young man could feel his heart rate quicken, and tried his best to swallow the fear that started to climb its way up his throat. 
‘You’re being silly Harry. It’s just a playground,’ He scolded himself. 
The sudden sound of a twig breaking in front of him caused the breath in his lungs to stop short in his throat, and he quickly turned to meet a pair of glowing eyes. 
Surprised, Harry scrambled to his feet and watched carefully as a large, black, mangy-haired dog slowly stepped out from the bushes across the street. 
Neither one of them broke eye contact as the beast emerged from the shadows. 
Harry’s hand crept towards the wand in his left pocket, his heart now pounding against his skull. The dog growled and its ears laid flat on top of its head as it bared its teeth and narrowed its eyes. 
It felt like the creature was staring into Harry’s soul.
In a matter of seconds, the dog barked, he had drawn his wand, and was suddenly knocked back by an invisible force. 
Harry grimaced as his back hit the wet pavement, screwing his eyes shut as a small wave of pain washed over his tailbone. His round frames slipped slightly down the bridge of his nose.
Just in time for the blinding lights and obnoxious horn of the Knight Bus to flood his senses.
And for the mysterious creature to vanish. 
The Great Hall was a sight to behold as usual. Lit warmly with hundreds of floating candles that rested peacefully above the four House tables. 
Listening to the Toad Choir perform was proving to be a difficult task for Harry. His mind wandered to thoughts of one thing and one thing only. Or rather– one person.
Sirius Black. 
It was a name that had followed him the moment he boarded the Knight Bus the previous night. 
From the Minister’s vague chastising and Mr. Weasley’s very direct warning at The Leaky Cauldron, it appeared to Harry that his trouble’s with Sirius Black were only just beginning. 
The incident with the Dementor just a few hours prior only solidified the growing pit of worry in the young wizard's stomach.
Harry was hoping the trail would end here, now that he was within the borders of Hogwarts. 
“Something wicked this way comes,” The song ended with a rather, seemingly, fitting message.
Harry did his best to gulp down his anxiety.
“Welcome! Welcome, to another year at Hogwarts,” Dumbledore’s voice echoed throughout the Great Hall, raising his arms in greeting to all of the students. 
Their clapping ceased and all attention rested solely on the Headmaster. 
“Now, I’d like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast,” The old wizard chuckled, causing the room to mutter in amusement. 
“First, I’m pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who’s kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck Professor!” Dumbledore gestured back towards the teacher's dining table. The room began to clap in acknowledgement and welcome. 
Standing from his place between Professor Snape and Professor Babbling, Professor Lupin gave a small bow, hands clasped tightly in front of him as he gave the students his greeting.  
Harry smiled softly, recognizing the man who had saved him on the train. Had it not been for him, he was certain the outcome would have been a lot worse than simply fainting.
“Of course! That’s why he knew to give you the chocolate, Harry.” Hermione concluded, giving her friend a smile from across the table.
“Pstt, Potter- Potter,” The all too familiar, condescending tone of Draco Malfoy whispered from the Slytherin table behind the boy, causing Harry to roll his eyes in annoyance as he looked back at him. 
“Is it true you fainted?” Malfoy asked in mock concern. Harry frowned as Crabbe made a point of dramatically putting his hand to his forehead and sighed.
“I mean, you actually fainted?” The blonde haired boy smirked.
“Shove off Malfoy,” Ron spat from Harry’s left, grabbing his best friend's arm and turning his body back towards his plate. 
He flashed Draco a glare, while Hermione shot him a look that was nothing short of venomous. All the pure-blood did was snicker in response. 
“How did he find out?” Harry grumbled, his eyes downcast in frustration.
“Just forget it,” Hermione reassured him, shaking her head and turning her attention back towards the Headmaster. The boys in front of her decided it would be best to do the same.
“Our Care of Magical Creature teacher of many years, has decided to retire, in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs,” The man had said it so casually, as if the idea of losing one's limbs was as simple as brushing one's teeth. 
The sound of Fred and George’s snickering a few bodies down the table did not go unnoticed by the trio.
“Fortunately, I’m delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!” Excited clapping and enthusiastic whistling followed, the Gryffindor table being the loudest of the celebratory cheers. 
The gigantic man stumbled to his feet, hitting the table in front of him as he nervously stood. Cups and plates clattered lightly against the wood. He gave the students an anxious smile. 
Harry couldn’t help but grin as Professor McGonagall pulled the towering man’s arm to once again settle into his seat. 
“Now, on a more disquieting note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban,” Dumbledore’s tone was grim, listening to the sound of hushed voices of disbelief that took over the Great Hall.
“Until such a time as Sirius Black is captured.” 
There it was again– that name. 
“Additionally, due to the nature of these unique circumstances, we will also be welcoming a new transfer student from Ilvermorny,” As he spoke, Professor McGonagall stood from her chair and walked towards the door closest to her position at the table. 
“Please, give a courteous welcome to Ms. Y/N Black,” As soon as the name left his lips, a roar of surprised gasps filled the air, followed by a chorus of different sentences gossiping back and forth: “Is he serious?” “Is this a joke” “No way this is real” “Black is sure to show up now”. There was a look of disbelief on almost every single student's face. 
“Dumbledore must be right out his mind to be letting her ‘ere.” Ron said, his face twisted in distaste.
“Think about it Ron. If the ministry thinks that Sirius Black is going to show up at Hogwarts, then they need to give him as many reasons as possible to show up.” Hermione reasoned, leaning forward to quietly relay the information to the duo sitting across from her. 
“Yeah, as if killin’ Harry isn’t a good enough reason,” Ron grumbled back. Hermione rolled her eyes in response. The pair looked towards their friend in concern.
Harry could hardly say he was paying attention to them.
“Settle down! Settle down,” Said the booming voice of the Headmaster, narrowing his eyes at all the students in front of him. His gaze rested on Harry for just a moment.
“Come on dear,” Professor McGonagall assured, waving her arm in order to coax the young woman through the door and towards the center of the room.
The Great Hall was deafeningly quiet as she came to stand next to Professor Dumbledore. All eyes watching her every move. 
Harry couldn’t help but observe her appearance, curiosity taking over as he watched her stand near the beloved professor. 
She was already wearing a Hogwarts uniform– at least, part of the uniform. She wore a white, button-up shirt, half hidden underneath a black cardigan. The top two buttons were undone and no tie seemed to be present around her collar. The black pleated skirt she wore rested comfortably down onto her mid thigh, exposing the s/c skin along her legs. Black socks came up to her knees and the shiny black shoes that every other student wore covered her feet. She wasn’t very tall, but not overly short either. Smooth locks of h/c hair rested peacefully on top of her shoulders, falling just above the curves of her chest. A few strands sat stubbornly in front of her eyes.
She was too far away to really see anything else, but she seemed like a normal teenager.
But the daughter of Sirius Black couldn’t really be classified as “normal”. Not here at least.
The girl’s eyes scanned the room as her fingers twitched nervously at her sides, but her expression remained calm and her stature upright and confident.
All attention was on her. Some are curious. Some cautious. Most, however, were filled with suspicion and mistrust.
“She will be continuing her education as a fifth year student. Of which house she will be joining– well, that remains to be seen.” Continues Dumbledore with a soft, knowing smile.
“Slytherin no doubt,” The red-headed third year muttered. He received a small kick in the shin underneath the table.
“Ow- Hermione!” “Shut it Ronald.”
Gingerly, Professor McGonagall approached to stand behind the girl, the all too familiar looking Sorting Hat gripped softly in her left hand. 
It sprung to life as soon as it touched the young woman’s head.
“Aaahh. It’s been a long time since I’ve had one of your kind in my presence,” The Sorting Hat said slyly. The room chatted lightly in response.
“Hmm, yes- quite a fascinating mind. Yes- yes!” The hat squirmed in excitement.
“Such interesting pieces- courage; ambition; intelligence– an unwavering loyalty to people who don’t even know you~” It cooed.
The girl tilted her head, narrowed eyes pointed up towards the cap in a way that was almost warning.
“Oh I’m sorry.” It said sarcastically, “Have I said too much?” The hat asked teasingly and flapped its rim in mock surrender. 
Harry frowned, wondering what exactly the old hat meant.
‘Could he mean Sirius Black?’ The thought made him almost choke on his own spit.
“A complicated mind for just one house. One house, one house…” Its face scrunched up in thought as it mumbled to itself.
The young woman's eyes once again scanned the room. Searching.
“I know just where to put you! Yes–yes! The perfect house for you.” 
The room was silent, looking at the pair with heavy anticipation as they waited with bated breath.
Y/N's eyes found Harry’s in the sea of watchful gazes. 
The silence was deafening.
Harry’s heart thumped heavily against his chest as he stared back at her.
Both of their gazes were unwavering– locked in a quiet stand-still. 
“Better be….
Harry's ears were ringing.
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supercuteimagines · 2 years
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the best part of BH6: the series is that Tadashi gets an honary degree and Hiro is the one to accept it, not to mention the memorial table at the front of the stage.
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
Limited Edition T-Shirts. Pop Culture and Geeky Tees for the Big, Tall and All!
Anyone like Star Wars?? Super Mario??? Slave Princess Peach??!? Check out this awesome tee designed by an amazing artist!! Nora Evergla! This is only out for an limited time! So make sure you check it out!!!!
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
Limited Edition T-Shirts. Pop Culture and Geeky Tees for the Big, Tall and All!
Anyone like Star Wars?? Super Mario??? Slave Princess Peach??!? Check out this awesome tee designed by an amazing artist!! Nora Evergla! This is only out for an limited time! So make sure you check it out!!!!
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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supercuteimagines · 10 years
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