swearwolfx · 1 year
“It’s an expression, Moony.” he said softly, “I’m just making a joke, besides I need to know your weight for the potions.” he didn’t want Remus to feel self conscious now just because of a stupid thing James was saying. It was to distract him, not to make him feel worse. “Gaining a little weight might even help with the side effects of every moon and potion.” he pointed, as he remembered something he had read in a medical journal. He had been trying to get more information on werewolves studies but there were little to none. 
James looked at Remus’ back, and there were a few minor injuries there that he cleaned, but he was glad to see that every major wound was already closed and healing. “Thank Godric,” he murmured when he finished his job. There was still some things to do, but at least Remus wasn’t bleeding out any longer. “Does anything feel broken?” he asked, as he looked for a blood replenishing potion, now that Remus was stable it might work to help him with the recovery. 
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swearwolfx · 1 year
the fryer’s delight, muggle london regulus black & remus lupin (( @swearwolfx ))
          regulus hardly recognized the face staring back at him in the mirror, he really needed to shave, but given the fact that he was heading to muggle london it would probably help conceal his identity a little, sure anyone that cared about him being at muggle london would need to explain why were they there first, but he could never be too careful, if anyone suspected him, if anyone was tailing him, well he could not place cissy and bella in any danger. regulus grabbed his wand and with a simple motion charmed his hair. ❝kreacher i’m going out. if anything happens, you know what to do…❞
          meeting at muggle london was a smart idea considering who he was meeting with. out of all of sirius’ friends, lupin was the one regulus tolerated the most. that was a lie of course, regulus was just too afraid to admit that he actually enjoyed remus’ company. they had crossed paths as prefects, and now— well, now remus was a comforting presence in regulus chaotic life, destined to keep each other’s secrets.
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          with a small wave regulus approached remus, one last look behind his back before he could relax, he had been watching his surroundings since he apparated at the nearest designated spot, and the walk to the chippy had been filled with turns and double backs, but the smallest mistake would cost them greatly. ❝okay i’ll admit it, i think i’m addicted to the food they serve at this place❞ regulus said foregoing any greeting. 
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swearwolfx · 1 year
For a moment she sat and observed, the silence settling between them despite how loud the area they were sat in was. It was as though all sound was drowned out as her eyes scanned every detail, every little thing the witch could pick up a thing she refused to ever forget about. Even in that very moment Emmeline could still remember the first time Dumbledore had approached her, asking about just how far those potion skills could take her. As far as it takes in order to survive, those words had echoed in her head for days. Sometimes she wondered whether that and her dark past were the only reason the wizard had ever considered her to be a viable option for the order. Perhaps it had been Kieran's presence but the skills and shadiness certainly hadn't been a wrong thing to offer up in exchange for hope; a path to stumble along much like the rest of humanity.
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"I was ware from the moment Dumbledore approached me about that type of potion what it meant. I've always known there was someone within the Order that had to deal with specific condition during full moon." Emmeline leaned forward onto her elbows, once again scanning the face of the one in front of her. "I've always known, I just didn't know who. And I never minded." Her voice went almost quiet, a whisper above the wind. "I know what it's like to be judged for something you've no control over." It was rough to even think about it, the truth of her bloodline a reality she hated facing even that day. "I'm a half-blood, Remus. Against all popular belief and rumors, I'm not a pureblood. In fact, I'm anything but pure." There it was, that little bit of loathing for who and what she was - had become. Even the tiniest moment of silence made it all the harsher, causing the witch to wish to talk more for once. "Dumbledore told me a while ago that the potion wouldn't be needed anymore. Brilliant as he may be, he is a strategist." A shrug, as though to point at how obvious the whole wish for control really was within the most brilliant Albus Dumbledore.
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swearwolfx · 1 year
James could see the color come back to Remus’ skin, it was still pale but now he could see some improvement in his friend’s condition and he visibly relaxed, “It was a compliment mate, you finally got an ass, we need to keep working on it.” he teased, just making sure that none of the wounds was opening again.
“Moony, need to turn you over, see your back, think we can do that?” he wanted to give Remus’ at least some agency on whatever that had happened to him, it was bad enough that he was attacked, just manhandling him would make things worse. 
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“Why are you looking at my ass?” he muttered squinting his eyes in James’ direction. He wasn’t sure if he should feel offended or not. “Knowing it so well you can compare and contrast,” he added. Remus didn’t feel better per say, he still felt tired and nauseous, but the active blood loss seemed to have stopped so he just needed to work on replacing what was lost.
“If we have to,” he agreed. There wasn’t much choice in the matter, it had to be checked at the very least even if he wished for stillness. Movement made the nausea worse so it would be good to be done with it. He wasn’t sure they had the potion they needed for the next step though, it should have occurred to him to stock up but with the worry for his friends, it had slipped his mind.
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swearwolfx · 1 year
James wanted to make sure that Remus could tell him if something else was wrong, but he knew soon he would pass out, it was too much blood and his body would enter shock at any point now.
He grabbed the dittany and tried to recall how much he could use on Remus, specifically, as he wasn't sure if the lycanthropy would interfere with the healing. He didn't want to make his mate sicker just because there weren't any special instructions due to people fearing werewolves instead of treating a conditions.
He didn't have time to think about it, so he poured the potion on top of Remus wounds, "I'll make you your favorites, yeah? We need to put some muscle on those bones." he tried to keep the topic light, as he made sure every major wound had at least some drops of the potions. He could focus on healing things later, slowly, carefully, but he needed to stop the main bleedings.
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swearwolfx · 1 year
battleofpeter Since Peter first returned back to London following the Battle of Birmingham, he had been visited by many of his past friends. Some hurt - Some scathing. But one friend he hadn’t yet been in contact with was Remus. It felt odd, to see the Marauders again after everything. To take in what his life could of been. How he still could have been part of the group, part of a family. In all honesty, Peter hadn’t felt part of that family for long before the Battle of Birmingham.  He felt isolated, and alone.  Rather than turning to his friends, or to Mary.  Peter dived further into the minefield - until the debris and smoke was too thick for him to climb out himself.  His eyebrows raised at the prospect of Remus being here to see Peter.  He took a mental note to prepare for an onslaught of anger.  But it wasn’t a mental note that was took up on as Remus began to speak.  Peter appreciated how Remus lowered his voice.  The White Wyvern wasn’t a trustworthy place for such admissions.  Sometimes the walls had whispers. “I didn’t do anything spectacular.  It was just a case of right person, right time.” Peter shrugged. Not wanting to give his actions too much flourish.  That would make them harder to deny if the Death Eaters came knocking.  At Remus’ next words, Peter wanted to slide a drink across the bar.  Peter wanted back - to step back in time. But that was naive on his part.  Who could ever forgive him.  “After everything, there is no going back.” 
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swearwolfx · 1 year
vclatiles Mary had grinned at her friend as she passed him when entering, his words lost on her for a moment, before a sudden look of realisation crossed her face at what Remus was implying, what he was asking. Safe to say - her cheeks grew red at the thought, and for the first time in her life, Mary felt an onset of shyness creep across her bones. “I-” she couldn’t come up with a funny retort fast enough, thoughts swirling back to Peter and the love for him she couldn’t admit to anyone, not after Birmingham - not after thirteen dead. In another life, perhaps Mary would have brushed off his request with a hearty laugh, but now? She wasn’t so sure. “How very daring of you Mr. Lupin,” she replied cheekily, deciding not to give him an answer straight away. Instead Mary had made herself comfortable on the couch, crossing her legs and opening the bottle - taking a long gulp of it before grimacing - “Jesus, I don’t think I should drink it straight,” a slight murmur mostly to herself, as she passed the bottle to Remus. “My love life is far less illustrious and budding than Rita makes it out to be, I assure you,” she snorted lightly, shaking her head with a laugh. “Unless you mean still being in love with a traitor in every sense of the word - sorry, I know people don’t like... a certain topic about a certain someone.” Looking up at Remus rather shyly, she thought back to his earlier words. “I mean... to answer your question earlier - I wouldn’t... say no - to, you know. If you - If you’re serious.”
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Remus did not miss the way Mary’s cheeks grew red and his turned red in return wondering what had just come out of his mouth. Why had he said that? He could only hope Mary wasn’t too put out by such a suggestion, it had been in jest at first at the article but somewhere along the way as it was coming out of his mouth it had suddenly turned into something that seemed like an option and it was clear Mary had picked up on that. “Or that’s just a kind way of saying I don’t have a shot and the gossip mills should get their facts straight,” he teased, a smile on his lips. 
He followed her to the couch where she settled in, a place she had been many times before as she made herself comfortable and he came to sit beside her. A laugh escaped his lips at the look on her face as well as the words that followed, clear she hadn’t been prepared for the strength of the liquid. “Well you could rummage in the fridge or cupboards if you like we should have something to mix it with,” he offered as he took the bottle she passed him. He took a swig resisting the urge to grimace himself. It was strong, a burn at the back of his throat as he swallowed but he figured he probably needed some liquid courage for what may come.
“Oh? So not lurking in the shadows with all these blokes she has mentioned, a new one every week?” he questioned playfully. “It's a touchy subject with most,” he agreed. “But we have alcohol…and he was my friend. I don’t think avoiding talking about it does any good,” he paused. “I know a bit about being in love with someone you shouldn't myself," he mused, probably what had prompted him to say such a thing to Mary with any seriousness. 
The blush came back to his cheeks as she truly answered his question, and he suddenly felt nervous as he licked lips gone dry. “I…well I wasn’t at first, but then I thought… why not? It seems we both have people we need to get over,” his voice was soft as his body shifted toward her in response. They always said the best way to get over someone was to get under someone else, but that seemed a bit too crass to put to Mary in such a way.
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swearwolfx · 1 year
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She continued to eat french fry after french fry until she spots Remus, she straightens up in her seat and she smiles when he takes a seat in front of her. She had already felt a bit more calm just seeing him and seeing that he is somehow alright. ‘Wouldn’t that be exciting?’ she jokes lightly, and shakes her head- it was kind of good to be able to joke about something as sometimes off-putting as that. 
‘ I think  it’s you who has some things to share with me, right?’ She lets her head to a side- she had been busy with work and trying to figure out her entire life really- but, she had more than enough time to be alarmed by others, especially those that she cares about. ‘ You can try and lie to me, but we both know that wouldn’t work so well.’ She moves the fry basket closer to him with a narrowed eyebrow. 
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“Would it? I was more thinking gruesome and how it would be hard to distinguish what was ketchup and what was blood,” he noted making a face. Perhaps his mind tended to be drawn toward the macabre as when he was young every full moon meant some of his blood was spilt, but these days it wasn’t like that…except for that frightful time being without his potion, returning to the beast he had been but he shook the thought off. 
“Me? Whatever could I have to share with you, you know my life is always exceedingly dull,” he told her, trying to dissuade her from digging further. He was alive now, wasn’t he? So what did it matter that a bit more of his blood had been shed, it was nothing new. “I wouldn’t lie to you, skirt the issue, but not outright lie,” he paused tilting his head to the side at her words. “Oh? What would you do to me?”
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swearwolfx · 1 year
afracturedstar Sirius threw his head back and laughed, a genuine mirth bubbling up from his chest despite the heavier emotional undertones of their conversation. "Well, I would hate to mess up that pristine coat of yours, Moony," he teased lightly. "But I suppose there's always the traditional bath." His gaze softened as Remus spoke about their friendship. "Ah, you weren't that easy to befriend, Moony. But once I get my teeth into something, I don't let go easily," he said with a smirk. "And I’m grateful for that. Your friendship has been invaluable to me as well, Moony." His chest swelled with a warmth that he usually felt only in the presence of his closest friends. Sirius had never been one to mince words when it came to the people he cared about, and it felt good to say it out loud, to confirm what he felt in his heart. At Remus' light-hearted jab, he couldn't help but chuckle. "I'll remember you said that next time you're complaining about me leaving my socks all over the place," he teased. At the mention of the night sky, Sirius grew slightly sombre again. It wasn't something he often talked about, the lure of the stars and their infinite vastness, the freedom they represented. But if there was anyone who would understand, it would be Remus. "We’ll deal with my room first, though," he agreed. "And yes, you might need to check under the bed, too. I can't guarantee the state of it." He stood up, motioning for Remus to follow. His room was a reflection of himself - a chaotic mess on the surface, but there was a warmth to it, an underlying comfort that he had striven to cultivate. It was a space where he could be himself, without any expectations or pretences. "Let's get this over with, then," he said, leading the way to his room. "And remember, Moony, no complaints about my socks."
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swearwolfx · 1 year
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YA Lit Meme: 9 Quotes (5-6/9) →  THE MARAUDERS’ MAP // HARRY POTTER SERIES
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swearwolfx · 1 year
Out of all RJL’s friends turned possible lovers who do you think is the best match?
"The League of Love: Who Could Truly Tame our Lonesome Lupin?"
My dear, curious readers, once more, we find ourselves delving into the mystery surrounding our favourite heartthrob, Remus 'Lonesome Lupin' Lupin. A poignant question was sent to me, wrapped in the intoxicating scent of intrigue, "Out of all RJL’s friends turned possible lovers, who do you think is the best match?" Well, my dears, who better than your indomitable correspondent, Rita Skeeter, to dissect this tantalising conundrum?
Before we begin, let's remind ourselves of the delicious line-up of potential partners that could just be the one to tame our Lupin. Could it be Marvellous Marlene, the alluring Hit Witch and former Slytherin Chaser, whose eyes hide secrets as deep as the Black Lake? Or perhaps the ethereal Pandora Lovegood, a Ravenclaw alumna and spellmaker extraordinaire, albeit already Mrs Lovegood? We have the enigmatic James Potter, our very own Quidditch maestro and Gryffindor heartthrob; the fiery Lily Evans, with her bewitching charm and apothecary acumen; or could it be Mary MacDonald, the wounded yet indomitable Potioneer?
And let's not forget the enigmatic Sirius 'The Black Moon' Black. Renegade of the pureblood Black family, the famed tattoo artist has never been one to adhere to societal norms, including those of betrothals and family expectations.
After careful consideration and sifting through countless owl posts, whispers in the Leaky Cauldron, and not-so-subtle nudges from my Quick-Quotes Quill, I have to admit, the contender that truly stands out is none other than… Lily 'Flaming Red' Evans!
Yes, dear readers, you read that right. Evans, our Muggle-born enchantress, might just be the perfect match for our Lonesome Lupin.
Picture this, my darlings, a union of two brave souls bound by a shared sense of purpose and undying loyalty to their cause. Imagine the harmonious blend of Lupin's calming presence and Lily's fierce determination. The fireworks when Lupin's empathy and understanding meet Lily's fiery passion for justice. Oh, what a romance that would be!
Despite their contrasting backgrounds, both Lupin and Lily have shown an exceptional knack for connecting with others, a shared trait that might well be the key to their potential romantic liaison. Besides, who among us could forget the enchanting sight of them in the corridors of Hogwarts, always in amiable conversation, sparking rumours aplenty?
And while Lily may currently be apprenticing at an undisclosed apothecary location, surely such a minor detail won't deter a love as legendary as theirs, right?
As always, dear readers, remember that this is merely the whimsical conjecture of your dear Rita, though based on some very promising leads. Regardless of the outcome, we can all agree that the wizarding world waits with bated breath for Lonesome Lupin's next move.
So, hold onto your wands and keep your Extendable Ears at the ready. For when it comes to love and our beloved Lupin, the journey is often just as thrilling as the destination.
Until next time, dear readers. Keep those owl posts coming, for no one unearths the tantalising secrets of the wizarding world quite like your own Rita Skeeter.
@swearwolfx @fauvehoof
@nymphgood @mighty-prongs @vclatiles @afracturedstar @marlexne
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swearwolfx · 1 year
why is this literally remus lupin
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swearwolfx · 1 year
Snape almost scoffed at the manner of which Lupin was reacting. He knew it wouldn't take much for a confirmation that it was him. After all, they had years of experience of mutual disdain for one another under their belts. Nevertheless, Snape still kept his guard up. Out of all the Gryffindor lot he often dealt with, Severus knew that - while he was quiet, but complicit - Remus was also quite gifted in dueling. Eyes narrowed as Snape took notice that the other was hardly phased by the knockback jinx. Behind the mask, he sneered. If the other completely ignored it, then something was tipping the scales in Lupin's favor, somehow. Yet, quickly on his feet, Severus blocked Remus' counterspell with ease. Then, seeing the imminent explosion, the Slytherin got out of the way quickly as he sent another nasty hex toward the other that would bring a horrid ringing of the ears and blurred vision to disorient the Gryffindor.
However, the explosion still managed to effect Snape, cursing as a piece flew and hit his shoulder. In angered retaliation, he then used one of this original spells that Lupin and his friends loved to torment him at school with once they stole it, "Levicorpus!" he managed calmly, searching for whatever was helping Remus now in this fight.
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swearwolfx · 1 year
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Loves of my life
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swearwolfx · 1 year
Sirius' body hardened, an instinctual reaction borne of raw survival, as Remus enfolded him in his arms. Yet, as Remus' hold persisted, his resistance melted away, supplanted by a delicate surrender that was as unnerving as it was comforting. He was cradled in the warmth of his friend, an anchor amidst the internal storm that had been roused by his recent ordeal. He nuzzled into the hollow of Remus' neck, the scent—earthy and reassuring—reigniting forgotten memories of safety.
"Timely, as always, Moony," Sirius responded, attempting to infuse his husky voice with the echo of his old humor. The feeble jest was a patchy veil, barely concealing the raw vulnerability churning underneath. His words trailed off, his gaze shifting away from the empathy mirrored in Remus' eyes, "Scars are proof that we've survived, aren't they?"
As Sirius' gaze collided with Remus', he found his cheek grazed by a familiar hand. The contact was feather-light but potent enough to spark a warmth that began melting away the icy solitude that encased him. "Oh, this? Just a keepsake from my most recent dance with danger," he said, straining for nonchalance.
His faux indifference was aimed as much at assuaging Remus' concern as it was at fortifying his own precarious defenses. Sirius knew, though, that his feeble façade would crumble under the scrutinizing gaze of his friend. However, he permitted himself to find comfort in Remus' concern, his own thumb tracing the contour of Remus' spine as if to wordlessly reassure him.
"Prongs worked his magic pretty well." He noticed a shift in Remus, his words triggering a ripple of concern that sent a wave of protectiveness surging within Sirius, a warmth starkly contrasting his recent, icy experiences.
"Let's not get all grim and gloomy, Moony," Sirius coaxed gently, suppressing the looming shadows of concern in his voice. He extricated himself slightly from the embrace, his eyes steady—resilient even—as they met Remus'. "Can't let a couple of bruises get in the way of our day, right?"
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swearwolfx · 1 year
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“A bullet to the taste buds! You are brilliant, my friend!” She smiled, as bright as ever, and reached for his hand, holding it dearly to herself. “I must invite you over more! You ought to come for supper next week, at least once!” With the invitation dropped onto him, she gave her best ohmygodi’mapuppyleftout eyes, already planning the decorations she’d set upon the dinner table. Doubt? Why would he doubt it? For Pandora, it was clear to see that the man in front of her was upmost deserving of love, be it in any form. It seemed as if he was… Insecure? Broken-hearted? “Never doubt the power of love, Lupin.” With a threatening tone, she leaned over the table, teacups shaking a bit from the weight of her. “It’s the most surprising thing, most conniving thing. Might blow your frilly panties off. But once it’s coming, it doesn’t slow down. You’ll feel it. And then! You’ll tell me alllll about it, won’t you?!”
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swearwolfx · 1 year
James hated seeing Remus sick, he understood why he lost blood during full moons, and he understood that there was little that he could do to help Remus other than being with Moony during those nights so the wolf would have a distraction and not turn on himself. But this wasn't full moon related, this was something that someone did to Remus and made James' blood boil.
Remus slip from his grasp and he cursed, "Fuck!" he said more to himself than to anyone else and made sure that Moony was conscious before proceeding, "Try to stay awake." he knew Remus wouldn't move on his own.
Looking at his surroundings the only thing that made sense was treating Remus there and then. James magically cleaned the kitchen table from any leftovers and meals, accio the potion bag and moved back to Remus, "Sorry mate, I have to move you." he apologise picking up Remus from the floor, "You've gain some weight," he joked as he carefully put Remus on the table, "This is not the way you ask a mate to take of your close, you need to wine and dine me first, you know." he was trying to distract himself and Remus' from the injuries as he carefully took Remus's shirt off, counting exactly how many new injuries he had on his skin.
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