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Remember this may or may not apply to you. This is a general reading. If it resonates apply it how it it applies.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you. This is a general reading. If it resonates apply it how it it applies.
Gemini you need to get it together! It’s up to you if you want to turn things around or not.
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Special love reading. Remember this may or may not apply to you. This is a general reading. If it resonates apply it how it it applies.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you. This is a general reading. If it resonates apply it how it it applies.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you. This is a general reading. If it resonates apply it how it it applies.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you. This is a general reading. If it resonates apply it how it it applies.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you. This is a general reading. If it resonates apply it how it it applies.
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‪Remember this may or may not apply to you but if it does resonate apply it however it applies to you. ‬
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Remember this may or may not apply to you but if it does apply it however it resonates.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you but if it does, apply it how it fits.
Libra Jan. 25-Feb.1
You are overcoming something. Now you will go on and experience better things. Stay proactive. In the past you had a lack of balance. But now you are healing and moving forward to better things. You may have had your heart broken or you will have your heart broken. You will come off as strong and independent. If you find yourself feeling disappointed this week, don’t let it get you down. Keep moving forward.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you but if it does, apply it.
Virgo Jan.25-Feb1
Right now you are feeling regret. You could also be confused about something or wanting to know something. You are feeling trapped in the situation you are in. In the past you had some broken promises. You feel like you have limited options and fear change. If you conintue on they way you have been, you will not learn from your mistakes and repeat negative patterns. You need to learn from your mistakes and set goals. Then work toward those goals. Think things through before you act. Don’t be reckless and careless. I am seeing a lot of stress and negativity. You need to make some choices and change things around. Your not as stuck as you think you are. It’s time to take control of your life.
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Remember this may or may not apply to your life but if it does, apply it where it does.
Leo Jan.24-31
Recently you may have had some bad news. There’s a lack of structure and maybe some deceit in your life this week. In the past you have had some regrets. You repeat negative patterns and are having trouble moving forward. You are experiencing self doubt and indecisiveness. What ever is troubling you this week, you need to walk away from it. It’s no good for you. There is a stable person in your life this week. There is a choice you need to make involving this person. You fear your decisions but you hope for good things. There is a good person in your future but you fear this relationship.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you. If it does apply it where it goes.
Cancer Jan.24-31
Right now you are successful in life. This week you will experience chaos. There could be missed opportunities or lack of control. In the past you were good coming up with solutions. Those closest to you are your strength. When things get tough you should lean on them for support. The start of something new may be coming soon. Try to remain positive this week as you may experience some up and downs.
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This may or may not resonate with you. Apply it where it applies if it does.
Gemini Jan. 24-31
In the past there was a mature woman. She could be a mother or business woman. This woman was important to you. Right now you are experiencing sadness. But things will soon start turning around. Focus on positive things right now. One of your strengths is to push forward. In the near future you will have success. Be sure to plan carefully. You will be getting money this week. Whatever problems you may encounter this week, you will rise above them.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you. If it does resonate apply it how it does.
Taurus Jan.23-30
1. Where are you right now
Not learning from mistakes, lack of growth, no determination, no motivation, mistakes
2. Potential/challenges
3. What to focus on
4. Your past
New beginnings, success, breakthroughs
5. Your strengths
Financial security
6. Near future
Trouble coming
7. Suggested approach
Setting goals, solid beginnings
8. What you need to know
Defeat, fighting back, surrender, walking away
9. Hopes and fears
Lack of success and achievements
10. Your potential future
Speaking out, ideas, using your head, planning
Right now you are making mistakes and not learning from them. This could be the cause of your heartbreak. They can be unrelated. However it applies to you. Whatever is going on in your life right now focus on the truth. It looks like you had success in the past and are good with your money. You maybe experiencing trouble this week. I’m not sure what that could be. But set goals and work towards them. In the future use your head and speak out.
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Remember this may or may not apply to you.
Aries weekly ready Jan. 23-30
1. Where you are now.
There is something going on in your life right now that isn’t good.
2. Potential Challanges
You could be experiencing chaos this week.
3. What to focus on
There is a lack of control. Try focusing on gaining some control back in your life.
4. Your past
In the past you may have had a soul mate. Your life had balance and harmony.
5. Your strengths
Even though, you are overloaded and have many burdens, you keep going.
6. Near future
You may be experienceing a life lesson this week. Some truths may come to light.
7. Suggested approach
You need to sever ties with someone.
8. What you need to know
There is some sort of defeat and you are walking away from something or someone.
9. Hopes and fears
You are struggling with someone right now. This could be causing arguments and disagreements. You could fear losing this person or hoping to work things out with them.
10. Your potential future
You and this person may be ending things. This will cause a big change to your life.
There is something going on with someone in your life. It could be a lover. You two are having conflict. One of you could have cheated and it came to light. Whatever the conflict may be, it looks like you will be walking away from each other.
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