#!!! both of you are important to me ok im lov u
yuukei-yikes · 2 years
any thoughts on remind blue?
currently, it is my favorite kagepro song (this changes like every week but i digress...) and i really want to make a pv for it but i lowkey have no idea where to start
your analysis/ramblings on things is really interesting to read and see, so also just wanted to let you know that i love all the content you post!! :D
I LOV remind blue. like every kagepro song makes me want to rip my face off ♥️♥️♥️ but this one is one of those that make me feel so strongly that i cant listen to it ♥️♥️♥️ cuz i do that btw. i cannot listen to kagepro songs without preparing myself emotionally and it has to be when i am alone in my room. i could never listen to them in public. that'd be weird. im drawing and suddenly a kagepro song comes on in my playlist and im like this is so fucked up who put this here (<- i did)
songs like summertime record, lost day hour, remind blue and ayanos theory of happiness specifically i basically never listen to because it causes something in me both mentally and physically. im normal though.
TOTALLY support the idea to make a pv!!! i wouldn't know how to start either tbh💔 who would u make it be sung by?? like the song is so good but for the lyrics im like meh like str is already a thing. idk it sorta has the same vibe. its like summertime record and lost day hour's lyrics had a little baby together. which is why i always liked to interpret it as a haruka song but fuck it ig its shintaro's.
i also liked the idea of it being seto's or hibiya's. i think they'd deserve a song like this, especially hibiya!! tho for hibiya the whole "adult" thing is different LOL and even seto, he's just 17... ive always loved haruka being the punchbag for the "im an adult wtf" feeling because he goes from living his whole life thinking he will die and then he doesn't. or well he DOES die but then comes back, and suddenly he finds himself with his whole life ahead. like haruka and his early 20s crisis abt i did NOT think id be alive this long and now i gotta deal with everything those feelings bring me but at the same time i have to pay rent and worry abt what to make for dinner soooo erm fine ig. that's also what i think lost day hour is about, i know jin describes it more like a song abt old friends but girl idk it rly only has a couple lines abt that as opposed to all the rest of the song... erm. what was i talking about again.
i just think it was rly funny how we were all like ok remind blue uses "boku" so it's seto kano hibiya or haruka (or konoha). and then jin was like hehe. shintaro♥️ SHINTARO DOESNT EVEN USE BOKU whatever im pretty sure he also said it can fit anyone and its more a general mekakushi dan song. but tbh so is summertime record sooooo. sorry im sidetracking a lot
i dont particularly care for remind blue so much (LIKE THE SONG SLAPS im still talking about lyrics) bc it's very heavy on the shit abt like growing distant and stuff sortof??? like kagepros ending/str is implied to have the mekadan not grow apart but kinda do their own thing while still meeting to hang out, bc kagepro is also about growing up and with growing up comes maybe growing distant from these friends you love, but they will always be important and one of a kind in ur life and when u meet its like time hasnt rly passed between you. not to mention the whole thing about combining eyes and how all the snakes will always end up gathering by the queen no matter what, meaning the dan will always be bound to make their ways back to each other no matter what, and are connected to one another by the literal narrative that theyre all actually sort of aware of a little bit (they always refer to their tragedy as a "story"..kagepro is a little meta lol). and like that's all so beautiful but also fuck it. they all meet for pizza nights every week. erm. the passage of time am i right
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flitwick · 7 years
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happee birthdae to my love, fran (@fortesques)
in very frilly robes of pale pink || p. parkinson
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ihatebnha · 2 years
im not ok can u imagine getting repeated trauma as a child, missing out on important developmental yrs, then being spoon-fed into criminality bc wtf else r u supposed to do w how fucked up u r from it?? ill bet u mentally dabi is just stuck at 13, & the fact that endeavour is not only living but he was THRIVING doesnt sit right in my stomach. imagine the inner child AND teen dabi would have to heal. he had no chance at normalcy. good thing he killed innocents bc we'd all b on his side otherwise
FACTS FACTS FACTS because actually one of the things I'm ALWAYS thinking about is how most of the LOV are just... people who never got the chance to grow up. I think it's so, so important to recognize how their hate towards the world seems very childish because... at the core of it, they all assumed villainy AS CHILDREN :(((
(It's a different discussion altogether, but I completely agree about him needing to heal his inner children + teens. One thing I think about all the time is just... how different things would be if... idk, both Shiggy and Dabi were allowed to high school and/or college.)
ALSO it's such a great point you bring up about being fed into criminality... because like, Dabi literally had to CHOOSE between death or violence, DID, and then still tried to go home to a place that he then deemed worse than being a criminal/getting revenge.
Makes me so incredibly mad and sad that the only people who saw the true potential of his flames just wanted to harvest them from him for Nomu purposes... like imagine that you've been good and POWERFUL this whole time and yet, both sides of the fight disregard the soul that harbors this strength and turns you into a monster that you never wanted to be.
...And in the meantime Endeavor set up a whole ass altar for Touya STILL not realizing how fucked up his actions were, and now swears to be a better father for all those he's failed? You keep Touya's name out of your fucking mouth, Enji Todoroki.
Also LMFAOOO agreed but also... I'm on his side anyway💖
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srlkiller · 3 years
would you ever date anyone from your past again?
as in someone i hav already been in a relationship w before? if it didn’t work out in the past n we gave it a real ass shot.. then no i wouldn’t. n when i say ‘relationship’ i consider anyone i called my boyfriend n they called me their girlfriend.. that’s a ‘relationship’ 2me. ive always been a relationship kinda girl tbh i neva had those ‘fun single years’ but that kinda changed after my last bad break up n i haven’t had a ‘relationship’ since bc uhhh uh.
like ive ‘seen’ ppl.. on n off n it was neva no labels or like.. ‘exclusivity’ of WE ARE TOGETHER NOW!!!cuz i don’t understand ppl that b doin that like y’all might aswell just date??? idk it’s rare 4me to even b doin that tho cuz i rlly don’t b likin nobody… n if i do like u.. i fw u HEAAAVY!! so i actually hate likin ppl tbh. ive only genuinely had true feelings for maybe like 4 ppl total n we were locked tf equally as luvsik. after my last ACTUAL break up tho ive changed my whole way of thinkin n actin when it comes to emotions n givin to my love to other ppl tho. like ive fucked w a couple ppl but it was nothing serious n it was always very 1 sided on their part.. i always kept it distant. i had genuine feelins 4 one dude then after him i went completely cold lol.. he came outta nowhere too like i wasn’t lookin 4 him n since that ended i shut every dude down since. i became even colder. but shit always gon come wen u least expect it.
but to me it’s like.. if we broke up, we broke up for a gud reason or we wouldn’t b breakin up at all.. that’s kinda how all my relationships go lmao. we always on the same wave length w shit. im always either 100% all in or 100% all out w u.. i can’t half ass shit.. i either want all of u or nothing to do w u. im either super inluv w u or im over u n feel nothing for u.. i gotta b RLLLLY careful who i b givn my luv2 tho bc i luv so hard that it can backfire very easily.. it’s very dangerous but i learnt from those mistakes.. by putting my trust in the wrong hands n by giving sm of my lov to ppl who did not deserve any of it.
so.. instead.. i chose to b single n jus fw who i fw. i go w the flow of things n let them come to me instead. the universe always has my back.. if not, that’s ok 2. there is sm beauty in the world but i am purely a magnet for the evil at heart. so.. i choose.. to be single. i prefer it this way. timing is everything.. timing is crucial n ESPECIALLY 4me… bc i still got a lot of evolving to do jus ALONE.. just internally.. externally even.. im 1 complex mf individual.. imagine adding another human being to the mix.. that would rlly fuk w my head huh. human beings are rarely worth it. i haven’t found one in the flesh.. that’s been worth it…. think about that 4 a sec… hav u??? sumthin that is worth it tho.. my. fucking. INNER….. peace!!! my god damn sanity. that shit is worth it. that shit is far more important to me than any other human being.. i neva used to think that way.. i used to love n lov n luuuvvvv till it hurt!!! till i BLEDDDDDDD. but now… WELLLLL NOW i put me first. evolution…. ain’t that something…………
so no.. to answer ur fucking question.. no… no1 from my past is worth it to me tbh. but im worth it to me.. n if sum1 comes into my life while im worth it to me then god damnit im the luckiest bitch alive :))
if we dated.. like actually really dated.. and u fucked it up n we broke up then that’s on u. i don’t do ‘re dos’ and i don’t give out second chances. we didn’t work out for a reason, that’s 2bad but im sure we both learnt sumn from it.. and if not well atleast u got to fuck me right. if we never officially dated then maybe it wasn’t the right time n this is the universe telling u to grow sum balls n make it ur mf time to shine. other than that idk what to tell u.
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waifu-13 · 4 years
COLORS  Dabi x reader angst
warnings - slight abuse mention, death mention, badspelling 
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"Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so.
You said your mother only smiled on her tv show.
You just spit words of venom into your boyfriend, Dabi's face, another fight between what once was a thriving young love.
You finally had a enough of this. The last words you said to him...
And with that you storm off, leaving Dabi all by himself to think back on what happened. Were you really gone for good? Maybe...
 {a few years later}
Your sitting at you and your new boyfriends house, watching a movie with his little sister. Until she looks at you and asks, "Tell me about your love like the movie?"
In that moment you flash back to the memories of your love.
{flash back} 
 Your laying on your boyfriends lap. He looks at you and asks, "Why do u love me?" You sit up to look at him and answer after thinking for a moment.
"You're dripping like a saturated sunrise.
You're spilling like an overflowing sink.
You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece."
He scoffs a bit at your cheesy answer, but kisses you right after.
 {end of flash back} 
 "EARTH TO Y/N." You hear a voice yell bringing you back to reality.
So tell me about your love. You looked at the child in front of you and answer. Looking at your, current, hero boyfriend.
"Well everything is blue, his pills, his hands his jeans.
That's the best way to describe him kiddo." She looks at you confused.
"Y/n that didn't answer my questionnnn. Can you tell me more please?" You look at her kindly and give a slight nod before answering again.
"Of course kiddo,
Now im covered in the colors pulls apart at the seams.
Everything is white, his smoke, his hair, his dreams. And now he's so devoid of color.
Does that explain it?"
"YEAH THANKS Y/N!! Do you really feel all of that about my brother?"
"Ah, yes of course. Let's just watch the movie yeah?" You both turn your attention back to the movie, but your mind wonders off again.
 {flash back}
"What other cheesey shit can you say?"
"Wow, so rude to your girlfriend huh #####?"
"Just saying baby." He chuckles enjoying ntge reaction he got from teasing you. "Tell me more."
"As you wish,
your a vision of the morning, of the morning light when the sun came through.
I know I've only felt religion when i've lied with you."
 {flashback over} 
 "BABY YOU THERE?? " You snap back to realty seeing the man standing infront of you.
"Yeah sorry im not feeling well." you respond to explain your odd behavior.
"Oh ok? Let's go to bed early then. I have patrol super early tomorrow, plus im looking for some villain guy." you simply nod.
You and your boyfriend walk to your shared room. You both climb right into bed. He puts on the news and looks at you.
"What were you talking about when talking to my sister?"
"Well you of course. She asked about my love so..."
"Huh. Would you like to explain more?"
"Yeah, sure." In the middle of explaining you think of your last fight with Dabi. The words he screamed back...
 {flash back}
{end of flash back}
"Babe?? Earth to y/n?"
Pulling yourself out of a flash back once again, you shook your head and tried to focus. Clearing your head of the night you dreaded so much.
"Yeah sorry. I mean- Do u want me to repeat myself?"
"Yeah, what you said earlier was sweet somehow." He kissed your cheek as you utter the same words to the question from before.
"Everything is blue His pills, his hands, his jeans
Now im covered in the colors pulls apart at the seams.
Everything is white, his smoke, his hair, his dreams. And now he's so devoid of color he don't know what it means.
And he's blue."
"Thanks babe. I'm so happy I was able to help you turn your life around. And now I have he best partner." He praises you and holds you close.
"Same love, samee". In that moment you wish you were with your self in your thoughts.
"Y/N WHY ARE YOU LEAVING! YOU DON'T MEAN IT RIGHT? I LOVE YOU." Your blue and you liked me because I was red, but you touched me, and suddenly I was a lilac sky. Then you decided purple just wasn't for you.
"Dabi I love you too but I-"
{end of flash back}
"On tonight's news infamous villain Dabi has been rumored to have died during this arrest tonight." You stared at the screen in disbelief. Did you hear that right? The world started to blur and you let out a sob. Your boyfriend looked at you and finally put everything together.
"YOU STILL LOVE THAT VILLAIN! WAS WHO YOU WERE DESCRIBING?" Without answering him you get up and run to the one place you know to look for Dabi. Praying that he'll still be alive.
You arrive at the lov hide out.
"Dabi, is he...? " You couldn't finish your sentence, the words get caught in your throat.
"He is y/n. "
"Now leave. You left us to join the heros. Dabi wouldn't have wanted to see you anyway. "
"That's a lie handys man. And u know it." Toga says as she throws herself at you, all while glaring daggers at Shigaraki. The truth from twice and the hurtful words from Shigaraki were to much for you. In-between sobs you say "Let me join. Please."
"Fine, whatever. Just leave me alone." Shigaraki rolls his eyes.
Toga helps guide you to Dabi's room. You lie down on his bed and grab his pillow. You start crying even harder. The love of ur life was gone. Your blue. Everything you loved, or so u thought... Late that night, while still crying like a lost child on the verge of giving up and passing out. You hear the door open.
"Go away toga." You mange to voice.
" Afraid I can't, after all this is my room." You recognize that voice! You shoot up and see Dabi beaten badly, but alive. You run over to him and hold him tight.
"Dabi. I missed you. I thought you were gone."
"I know baby, I missed you too. I'm sorry I had to scare you to get you back here." You squint up at him with your puffy eyes
"What to you mean Dabi?"
"I knew you missed me. I just didn't know how to get you away from that hero." You looked at him shocked. How would he know? Did he tap your phone? Almost as if he could read your mind he starts to explain.
{flash back} (Dabi's pov)
"I hate this. Why can't I take a brake Toga? "
"Because your gonna wanna see this." He scoffs, what could possibly be so important.
"See what?" As soon as the words leave his lips, he sees you, sitting with that stupid hero. At least your happy now. "Why the hell would I wanna see that? She looks happy with that asshole."
"NO! look again."
"Nothing's gonna change if I do." Yet he still looks again. He missed your smile. But then he notices you looking down at the small burn he left on your arm that dreadful night. "Is she smiling at it?" He sounded surprised.
"Huh... Let's go brat, I got some planning to do."
{end of flash back}
-and that's how I knew." Your villain lover explained.
"Yes y/n?"
Can we get back together again? I missed you and I was wrong. I wasn't happy with him."
"Shhh... You we're always mine. And I was always yours. So of course we can." You hug your boyfriend tight that night afraid he may just slip away again....
Everything is blue. His pills. His hands. His jeans.
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thoriffix · 4 years
fuck it. heathers au idea dump time
ok so. in this au we got:
roman as veronica
logan as jd
janus as heather chandler
remus as heather duke
virgil as heather mcnamara
patton as martha
character thomas as ms fleming
remy and emile as kurt and ram
now, ok. that doesnt make sense, i hear you cry, and i say hear me Out.
roman as veronica: roman and veronica r both desperate to be important, popular and loved. theyre also both a little bit horny and impressed by fighting prowess, with a lil bit of snark to round it out. hes also excellent and good and ofc hes gonna be the lead have you Met roman
logan as jd: ok at first glance this doesnt make sense, But. jd deliberately numbs his emotions because he doesnt want to experience them... sounds familiar hmm? rage is also the emotion logan expresses most violently and most often, and fuck if jd isnt full of rage damn i also want an excuse for logan to wear eyeliner and have the right to go a little bit feral, let him LOOSE! plus jd is generally one of da more knowledgeable characters, w the most references to literature and the ability to make a bomb, which idk ig thats kinda smart?
janus as heather chandler: in thomases own words "hes like the main mean girl" dude hes a shady bitch and hes not afraid to show it in canon hes manipulated roman into being on his side (i know i know hes getting better dont lecture me he is one of my favs) and i jus feel like he fits chandlers sass and Prestige most of all
remus as heather duke: ok, ignoring the most obvious point of The Duke being heather Duke, all remus seems to want is to be heard and listened to, which ties in nicely with dukes constantly being told to shut up wouldnt you say? also, if you can look me in the eyes and tell me remus isnt the most likely to sing shine a light reprise i dont trust you
virgil as heather mcnamara: i talked about this briefly before, but virgil as mcnamara just makes sense to me, cuz like ok. virgil can be sassy and mean as much as the next guy, but at his core hes just scared of not fitting in, and feels uncomfortable and anxious about his place, which like. reflects on mcnamaras fear of being kicked out of the heathers yknow? also, i have strong feelings about him singing lifeboat dont @ me
patton as martha: look. look. marthas character is based around a desire to go back to when things were easy and she didnt have to worry so much. sounds pretty similar to patton "things were so much easier when you were younger" sanders, eh?? also im weak for patton and roman being childhood best friends
character thomas as ms fleming: ok this is sort of where my reasoning starts to fall apart, but like,, he sort of has the most authority over the sides i guessss???
remy and emile as kurt and ram: yeah ok so maybe this is where my airtight reasoning runs out but. remile is a pretty popular ship considering the two have literally never met and yeah emile might be way out of character but honestly i have the least attachment to them hskfhskfh if anyone has any better concepts for remy and emile pls tell me
ok thats all i got!!! might draw patton sometime soon otherwise im jus gonna sprinkle it in here n there (id lov to make animatics but thats sm work) i hope u like it :]
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chrisbangs · 5 years
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so i guess i could type like a practical person for once……. maybe………. but i probably won’t so i apologize ahead of time……… anyway, so i hit? 1k…..? after remaking only 3 months ago... to me that’s pretty crazy because as a lot of my older mutuals will know, i remake like every 0.38 seconds because i’m annoying like that… to the people who’ve been here since forever (you know who you are) it means a lot that you’ve stuck with me through blog type changes (there’s like 1 or 2 of you who’ve just been around since The Beginning and wowza thank you for dealing with me like that ifnawoeiawoef)!!! and to the people who i’ve only recently become mutuals with i apologize cause at any second i will probably be like hee honk time to remake. to all of you, mutuals and followers, thank you for dealing with my stupid lame text posts about chan or my crazy ‘content creators deserve better’ campaigns!! thank you for interacting with me through dms, asks, even just liking my posts and being kind to me when i’m down- i really appreciate that. i’ve been using tumblr for a very, very long time, and tbh, i feel like its not until recently that i’ve found a group of people that i feel very comfortable and happy around. you guys are all so talented and funny and warm and friendly, and i’m so thankful for you guys in my life! thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your dash !!! i’m really grateful if you’ve ever enjoyed my content (gifs, gfx, etc.) and i hope i can continue to make your dashes and hearts bright whether it be through content or my stupid dumb (i hope funny) tags! i love you all!
(( if theres a 🖤 next to your name!! i’ve left a little message for you under the cut ;; v ;; !!! i hope you know how much i love and appreciate all of you! (i really didn’t proof read these so like… u know… just…….. i apologize foawinefoiwna) ))
@00hj 🖤, @1095, @19gf, @3rachha, @angelhyunjin​ 🖤, @binnieseason​, @binsungz​ 🖤, @boxerminho​, @changbeanie​, @chimneycloud​, @cosmicskz​ 🖤, @dhalfmoonbydean​, @f1owerlix​ 🖤, @huiracha​, @ilovedowoon​, @jedixuxi​ 🖤, @jinlix​ 🖤, @jisquish​ 🖤, @johfam​ 🖤, @kim-seungmins​ 🖤, @kim-woojins​, @kimwuujin​ 🖤, @kqngyounghyun​ 🖤, @luvknow​, @marriael​, @momowlw​, @mydays​, @noairmv​ 🖤, @naekkung​, @parkjinwoo​, @prodskz​ 🖤, @pouringmv​, @realstraykids​, @seofthours​, @seungminsmile​, @soohao​, @sk-z​ 🖤, @skzbffie​, @skzd​ 🖤, @stray-kids​, @straykisd​, @theminho​ 🖤, @uayv​ 🖤, @ultscb​ 🖤, @wayvgf​ 🖤, @yngbok​
@00hj​: hello karen! wow :( it feels like forever since we’ve been mutual… like i really cannot believe it’s been??? 7/8 months since we first became friends? like it doesn’t even feel that long. i know time flies and we’re at that point in our lives where every day just flashes by but :( even in those moments that do pass by, you’re always there making me smile. through your killer content or your funny jokes or those convos where we’re both just yelling abt how much we HATE group projects… its all fun :( you always make me smile and make me want to work harder. when i see how hard you work??? it just makes me want to work /that/ much harder. from your gfx to your gifs!! you are a pillar in this community and i am so honoured to be pals with u man faionwefoaie !!! to top that off, i feel like i can always ask you anything- any dumb questions i have abt making things, anything that’s just kinda eating at me, i feel like i can talk to you about it. you’re such a comfy place !! a comfy warm person !! and i love you dearly! i hope you get to kick back with jisung and hyunjin and enjoy a slice of pie!!
@angelhyunjin​: hello angi! my darling you work so so so hard! your art is always stellar and always wowing! i know sometimes you worry about posting, but please remember to put your health first;; its hard to think about yourself sometimes, i know, but remind yourself that !! to make smth nice, you need to be well first!!! anyway;; your art never fails to make me smile. like your style is sososo distinct and memorable?? and also?? you’re an amazing dancer!!! your covers are always so lovely and you do such a great job :( i can tell how passionate you are about things through both your art and your dance! thank you for always working hard and being kind to everyone around you! i love you dearly angel! hyunjin is sending his love!
@binsungz​: yooooo whaTS UP HOMIE FIAWNOFANWFO HELLO BABY!! MY WHORE PARTNER!!!!!!!! MY GIRL!!!!!!!!! literally what do i even say here that i haven’t already said to you??? you’re one of my closest friends online and you ALWAYS make me laugh. from talking abt nsfw things to cute things to minecraft and gaming!!! you always always get me !!! you just have a knack for understanding me?? and that’s just :( so appreciated!!!! you !!! are !!! amazing dude!!! ur gifs are always so clean; you’re one of the reasons i started working harder to make my gifs better bc you inspired me !! you’re always so kind and warm and loving ; and i can always talk with you abt sucking dicks or eating pussy like IT REALLY DO BE LIKE THAT !!!!!!!!! i was going through my old blog and i found those videos you did where you looked through my blog and when i heard your voice again and you being like ‘omg ur so funny’ i was ready to scream cause it was still so fuiowenaowieaoe fricking cute :(((( dude I LOVE YOU!!!! like you really are one of the kindest people in the world and i can’t stop !! saying !! how thankful!!! i am for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you so much britt !! thank you for always dealing with me and being kind to me and just fjaoweifnaow you’re really the best :((( jisung and [redacted] love u but not as much as me ok foaiwneoaiwnfia ……..
@cosmicskz​: hello gumdrop!!! my love!!! thank you so much for always hyping – not just me- but everyone up!! you are sososo kind and so so so SO warm and cute and oawifenawo precious!!! please remember to take care of your health and of yourself too!! loving everyone around u is important but also take care of yourself TT TT !!! your content is also always so cute and thoughtful and you put 110% into everything you do ????? like !!!!!!!!  ma’am????? so talented and pure ;; ___ ;; like i don’t know how you do it but you do !!! also thank you for ALWAYS offering to look @ my work and give me advice etc etc!! i am so appreciative of it ;; also – i know i don’t always reply that often but !!!!!!!!!!!! i love you and i’m thankful that you’re so patient with me when it comes to dms fjaowiefnawoiefn TT TT you’re ! so ! lovely and sweet and i hope you know !! i’m here for you whenever you need !!! skz and i lovelovelove you!
@f1owerlix​: vale……….. vale………………. VALE……………………………. HELLO…………………. ??? i ??? can’t even find the words to tell you what you mean to me. i’d write a poem but its just gonna end up being long and i’d never be able to finish it bc i’d go back and keep adding bits and lines abt how you’re like the NICEST person in humanities history and that you’re just an all-around talented and wonderful person….. like….. are u KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!! she did that (that = being the kindest person EVER) you’re always using The Most amount of nicknames possible;; and it makes my heart so so so soft. not only that, but you’re also such a kind, genuine, warm person. i don’t know anyone who is as kind, and humble, and talented, and warm like you. i literally could list a billion wonderful things about you because you’re that frucaowienoawikingiawgo amazing…. dude like seriously…. we out here STANNING miss vale….. i was going through my blog a while ago and i saw this tag that was like ‘i got my vale fansite set up and we’re going to start making slogans and planning birthday events’ like past li had it right. you’re so kind and funny and warm and i always feel safe and comfy talking to you. i really appreciate the feedback you give me- because its always so thought out and GENUINE. like… you do this for EVERYONE… all the tags i read from you are so KIND and you always make ccs feel like they’re doing the best job ever…. like you really……. you really are an angel on this ea.rth…. huh….. also…? changbin is dropping by with flowers for you!!!!
@jedixuxi​: hello angel;; i hope you’re doing well!!! thank you for dealing with my blog change and staying mutuals with me regardless of content differing! thank you for always being kind and being patient with me- i know i don’t reply a lot but ;; you are a really good friend to me and i am so so so thankful;; you’re so sweet and warm and such a talented artist;; like everything you draw im always like fjawifeawoej :0000 !!!!! you really have so much love and warmth inside of you and !!! that’s why ur so tall ma’am.. foawiefnoaweifno :’( aaaa thank you so much beth for always being so warm to others; your brightness is like the sun on my dash and in my dms and you always make me smile or laugh its just ;; aofwienaiwneoi I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! and xuxi is also mailing his entire heart your way ok !!!
@jinlix​: hello madam ! hello to my lov e !!! my sweet lil gum drop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hello KELLY!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh hi bb :( thank you for everything you do; firstly, your gfx?? so incredible ok?? like i know your style immediately when i see it yet you always manage to surprise me?? like your work is so fucking GOOD. how does she do it :// like us plebeians will never kno and that’s how it fuckin be ig afoiwneoaiwnfeoawi ….. omg…. ok…. and like secondly??? youre always so humble and kind to other ppl??? like your tags on anyones work is always so so so so kind TT TT you always say the nicest things- and i still remember the tags you left on one of my very first skz gfxs … like you really made my heart flutter like that huh….. hm…. guess you’re an angel or smth like… that…. gmgamoweigna TT __ TT Kelly seriously you’re such a sweet heart? you love with all your heart and its so warm and soft and whenever you talk abt hyunjin im like jfjfaiweIFAIWo …. my heart !!!!!!!!!!! like he would totally be floored by your love bc of how soft u fuckin are oh ymgmymmym go d !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway :( i love u so much and hope you’re well angel!! hyunjin is sending all his love your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@jisquish​: ok here we go … ma’am… MA’AM… how do i even EXPLAIN the love i feel for u.. oh my gosh.. miss india.. you really exist like that.. like we STAN a whole ass legend huh… not only are you funny and smart and talented and kind and amazing?? you’re also just like.. the coolest bestest person in the world? like i still find it hard to believe you were one of my anons bc like… u just.. u r too … ://// cool… like i’m really just sitting here like… an idiot… from day 1 you’ve always been so fucking kind to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have just :( been so sweet and kind and just an all-around angel- and even if we only talk every now and then, i always feel so warm and happy whenever we do!! u know those ppl u don’t have to talk to 24/7 to know that there’s still a warm friendly hug waiting for you??? :(( yea you’re one of those people. you always always ALWAYS make me laugh like hfawoifenoawie :( hello how do u do this?? yet you also are so grounded and warm and understanding and like.. i can’t believe you’re also one of the most talented humans ever;; whenever i see your covers, i’m always like !!! wowowowo !!! you inspire me to work harder with my music and writing ;; you are such an angel :-( and i am so thankful for you! so so so so thankful!!! jeongin and changbin and jisung are sending all their love !!! and so am i bb !!!
@johfam​: if anyone deserves a thank you- it is you. miss nita… jejejsigaweg i feel like i’m gonna cry typing this so here we go…. you’ve been friends with me for more than a year now i believe :( i think we’ve actually hit our year since we became friends which is so wild to me?? you’ve been with me through SO MANY THINGS… like you’ve been my soundboard for so many things in my life.. i can’t believe we started talking bc a spider landed on your hand… and u stabbed ur own hand with a pencil.. like ig we have to thank that spider….. ghanwegoiawen….. you’ve really stuck with me through blog changes and through me being angry abt things and you’ve allowed me to be angry- which i appreciate so much.. you know me so well :// like… idk how you do it but you always make me feel safe and warm and like i can say anything to you and you’ll hear me out?? like oaiwnefaiwenof :( you just !! you’ve supported me so much through so many bad days and i can’t thank you enough. you are made of sunshine and stardust and your heart is literally the softest and warmest. thank you !!! for !!! always enjoying frogs with me and sending me cute frog things.. like.. :( it makes me SO happy that we can enjoy those lil squishy fuckers together.. also thank u for being my source of johnny content jfjawfieawio i’ve literally unfollowed every other nct blog and you’re one of the only ones left bc i still love johnny so much and seeing him on my dash- esp with your tags- makes me so so so happy;; thank you for everything you’ve done for me and !!! and for all the love you’ve given me :( and just for being there for me through some of the toughest places in my life;; i really love and appreciate you!!!!!!!!! johnny is sending his love and some kisses through the mail :’(
@kim-seungmins​: hfhawefaniow…………… hello dumm..y… :( u r the loml.. you’ve been there for me through so much shit in the short amt of the time we’ve been friends.. u were also one of my first friends in this fandom- and i’m so thankful you were bc we got really close during these last few months and it makes me so happy. you’re so funny and you always make me laugh!!! you give me so much confidence and happiness and you make me feel so warm and happy ;; !!!!!! you are a fajfowienawei whole ass angel who is always working hard both to make good content and in school. :( i’m so proud of you for all that you do dude like wowowwowo :( look @ you go ????? you’re also one of the funniest pals i have like u literally make me bust a LUNG laughing … like whenever i get any of my biases together in one screen i now literally think, without even pause, “abia voice: crumbs” likej faweiojaowefoi you’re such an icon!!!!!!!!! also?? like … you’ve just been s o kind to me and helped me with things that i’ve not talked to others with bc you never make me feel like i’ll be judged… like.. you’re so fucking understanding and warm and kind and considerate with how you reply; you always care and you’re just… :( u r angel or smth like that… i know i tease you and that’s kinda how i show my love but for real dude………………. i love u so much.. like if i could give you the whole world i really fucking would.. :( because you deserve nothing less!! thank u for always providing that good good seungmin content ;; seungmin and minho and woojin all told me to tell you that they love you!!!
@kimwuujin​: hello sugar drop!! thank you for being so kind and warm and always just !!! being so sweet :( you always tag me in funny/cute content and it’s always appreciated !!! i feel like i can always be dumb and say stupid soft things abt chan with you bc you’ll understand how i feel :((( you’re so sweet and i’m so glad we started talking more !! you’re not only like faoiwenfaowi incredibly cute and sweet but you’re also so so so so funny !!! :( like you make me laugh and aofwinewaoinoi i really appreciate that!! you’re also so grounded and understanding and !! you always know what to say and i’m really appreciative of the fact that you phrase things so well and eloquently- when will my dumbass ever- anyway fhawjeofaowein i love you with all my heart and hope you’re !! doing well sweetpea !!! chan and are yeeting every ounce of love we have for you to you!!!!!!!!!!!
@kqngyounghyun​: hello my love :( i can’t even remember the first time we talked bc it feels like its been so so so long; and through all of this time you’ve been one of my close friends who’s stuck around with me through so much. you’re always there, and always kind, and just always warm and friendly and a safe place to go. i love that we can bitch abt things with each other but also oiawenfowaie be super soft… but then also talk abt super nsfw things jfawieaoeif aofiwneoai you’ve always been so so kind to me and i really do appreciate it. thank you for sticking with me through all my blog changes and for always supporting me and my dumbassery;; i really hope you know how much i appreciate you and how much i love you! you’re such a hardworking person- like whenever you tell me abt the effort you’re putting in at school its just oifnawiefnaoi wowowow!!! you’re so amazing :(( !!!!! also, you were there for me during one of the Hardest Points In My Life- like a time when i really thought i was going to ofaiwneoiawen lose my mind bc of how much i was struggling……. but you seriously helped me get through that part of my life and i can never fully explain to you how thankful i am. but i love you so much and i’m so thankful. younghyun and i both love you to the ends of the earth ;; __ ;; !!!
@noairmv​: hello ! ! ! miss ai!! the loml!!! angel!! bb gumdrop!! jacob’s baby!!! all names we can use to refer to you!!! :( hello baby!! thankyou! for everything! for all you do! for all you are! you are always honest with me, always genuine, always kind and understanding. you do more than i could ever fucking ask for. i’ve told this to you before but, i think you’re the one person i can go to- without fail- for like.. real life advice… like things that i feel like i cannot ask anyone else, i can ask you. i remember when i was struggling financially i immediately went to you first to talk things through. you give me a lot of clarity and you help me understand my own thoughts and talking to you always puts things into perspective for me. you’re also always there to rant abt nsfw things with which is foaiwnefoaiwn so fun afnowienfao afjfaowefiao but also i get to be super soft with you which is also really :~( the best oof……… i love u so much…….. like, thank you for always looking @ my gfxs, and for always being supportive and understanding and giving me genuine advice. i love listening to you talk abt Jacob (and being rawed by others who are not … Jacob………… ahem………) aofiwnefoaiwno thank you for always being patient with me and for being so kind (and for always faowineoawi saying yes when i propOSE FAOIWNOAIWF ;;) you’re an angel (hee honk) from above and i will always be thankful for you in my life angel bean :( thank you so much for everything ai, i love you SO fucking much… jacob also loves u – he told me to tell u that !!!
@prodskz​: hello my love! ! ! ! i think i told you this once but!! my favourite kinds of relationships are those ones that have a good roast/love ratio!!! and i deeply feel that ours is that kinda relationship!!! no matter how many times we destroy each other aoiwnafienaiowe we’re always like ‘uwu anyway u r my baby’ 2 seconds later and foawinefoiane i love that!!! i love that you will send me 20 messages in a day and i’ll be like yoiNk i forgot but also let me reply to everything at once !! i love that you send me SO many skz memes throughout the day- they make me laugh so hard;; and also you always send me The Best Chan Pics so thank you for that fiawfenfoawienoiwe TT TT you’ve been so kind to me and so so so supportive of all my work ;; whether my gifs or my gfx or just my stupid posts- you are so supportive neha i :( i don’t even deserve the amt of love you give me but fjawoefawoe i ACCEPT ALL OF IT !!!!!!!!!! i’m such a dummy but please know that i love you WITH ALL MY FUCKIN HEART BABY!!!! you are so precious and talented and kind and funny and you are amazing !! like i mean it :( do not !! forget for a second how wonderful you are baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hyunjin would like to also remind you that he loves you to the moon and back (but i love u more ok)
@sk-z​: hi sweet pea !!! :’) i know we only started talking very recently but i already feel so close to you! i just wanted to say thank you for being there for me that night aofinweoianfew and thank you for always being a voice of reason; you’re so understanding and warm and !!! i really am floored but how kind you are!! i know i always say sorry and that’s ifonaweifnaio really just how i am but !! you really make me comfy and it feels easy to just say anything around you and not feel stressed out or judged?? like even things that i blame myself for, you help me see reason and feel better and i just :( i can’t thank you enough for that;; you’re so bright and warm and i really hope we get to continue talking for a long time angel!! i love you!!!
@skzd​: hi haleigh !! i know we haven’t talked in a while but you’re still one of my fav content creators!! even from back when i was an nctzen and we interacted there, to now over on these blogs!!! you’ve stayed such a constant in my life :( and you’ve honestly been nothing but supportive of me :( you’re always so kind whenever we do talk and you’re still one of the funniest people i know;; your tags will never fail to make me laugh;; i really appreciate your presence on my dash and i really want you to know all your content is so beautiful and appreciated;; :( you’re so talented my dude and i love you long time;; i really hope you’re doing well and taking care bc i do love you from the bottom of my heart angel!!! hyunjin is sending his love (and so am i !)
@theminho​: min my little gumdrop!! my sweet sugar bean!! my lil soft angel!!!!!!! hi angel!! :( darn i think you’re one of the ppl i’ve been following longest and oof… OOF.. like :( !! i’m so glad we started talking!! you always make me smile! you are so warm and thoughtful with your words. i’m not sure i know anyone who is as eloquent or as understanding as you. you just.. you really phrase things well. whenever we talk i !! i feel so grounded and like i know oafiwenoaw what you’re saying!! and you’re always so sweet and funny and expressive with what you say :( dude you’re just amazing ok!! and your gifs are always so so so beautiful like… omg…. WOW…. an angel huh TT TT ;; whenever i see your gifs or your tags i’m always so soft!! i’m so proud of you for working hard at school, and though i miss you!! i hope you’re spending your time resting when you get a chance and that school isn’t kicking your butt too much my love!!! i am so proud of you TT TT and i’m sending all my ‘fightings!!!’ and strength your way angel bean!!!! minho is also sending his love and energy!!!
@uayv​: hi darling!!! miss joyce! miss gfx queen! oh my goodness;; first of all- thank you for the BOMB ass content dude… your gfx… wowowowwo..w… secondly, thank you for sticking with me through a drastic blog change;; faoiwenfoaw i’m so glad that we’re still pals bc you’re one of those people that makes me laugh so hard from just your tags alone- and in dms i usually can’t stop smiling/laughing;; aoiwenfoiawenwa !!!!!! listen to me !!!!! the first time i found your blog was bc u rb’d one of my gfxs and left some of the nicest tags ever and i saw you had ‘gfx’ tagged in your bio so when i scrolled through your gfx and i was eMBARRASSED BC LIKE………… DUDE HOLY SHIT THIS PERSON HAD SOME OF THE BEST WORK I’D E V E R SEEN. i still think you are one of the MOST TALENTED GFX MAKERS EVER. you have so much of my respect and love and i wish i could aowiefnoawiefn give you … the whole world dude… awenfiawfeowia TT TT you are so kind to me whenever i ask for a second opinion on my gfx and you’re always so warm and funny- and your love for bread is so good- like i’m telling you whenever i see bread posts that aren’t from you i IMMEDIATELY either tag you or send them to you fawienoawien ;; you’re such a warm positive influence on my dash and in my life and i really love you from the bottom of my heart. i’m so thankful we’re pals bc you are a true angel and a true pal and just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAA I LOVE U SO MUCH JOYCE OIANWFOIAWN TT TT (doyoung loves you loads too okay; he is sending big fat kisses ur way!)
@ultscb​: hi taryn!!! miss gif queen;; faoiwenfaown holy moly; you are such a talented person- but not only are you amazing at giffing ?? you’re also just ??? an amazing warm funny kind beautiful person??? like afnoiwnefowaienof hello?? you’re somehow always making me smile; whenever we talk or through your tags?? you’re just !! so !! lovely and fantastic and i!!!! really do love you!!! you’ve been so kind and warm to me and made me smile so much even if we don’t talk that often;; you always give me such kind feedback when you look at my work and it really foanwifeanwoe blows my ego into another dimension fanoweinaowienfao i love you so much angel!!! i hope you know that you’re an amazing and talented and funny and wonderful person! changbin is sending kisses !! (and so am i!!)
@wayvgf​: hi mara baby!!!!! :0 you are such a bright personality, whenever you’re excited ofiawneofai you’ll make like fawoniewi a bunch of posts back to back with 0 context and idk why that makes me laugh and feel so warm and happy- but the thought that someone who is so warm and bright exists really makes me so happy!!! you are literally the funniest and cutest person i’ve ever !! met !! you are so kind and warm and funny and idk man :(( you’ve just been very kind to me and listened to me rant abt some very dumb stuff faoiwnefoaiwne TT TT thank you for always dealing with that side of me, and for being so kind to me;; i know i always say this but : your nose is… really… afwioenaofiawoifwa the pinnacle of noses ok. u r s o cute :( and whenever i’m like “I LOVE MARA DOT ORG” i mean it !!! i love you SO much!!!!!!!!!!! you are such a fantastic, funny, hard working person and i love you SO much bb !!!!! hyunjin also loves u but :/  i love u mos t.
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euphoriecs · 5 years
11/11/11 tag !!!
thank u sm for tagging me @yikescomma​, @buckaroowrites​ nd @yikeskimi​ !!!
rules: answer 11 questions, write your own 11, tag 11 people !
under the cut bc its a Lotta questions KSKSKSHK
yikescomma’s questions!!
1. what’s your favourite place to write?
oh this is ?? kind of a tough one bc i feel like i never Branched out in my spaces when it comes 2 being productive,, like a lot of my work is done in my bedroom just bc my desk is there and it’s the most convenient,,,, honestly im jus gonna say my favorite place to write would be from . my desk . bc it faces the window :-)
2. which character(s) from your wip(s) is your favourite?
since i only have wtsf confidently worked out ,, i’ll use those ocs !! but i think , quite Honestlie ,,, that wendy is my favorite character !! im rly in love with how she progresses as a person nd also she’s jsut . she gets it u know .
3. what are some inspirations for your wip(s)?
I TALKED ABT THIS BEFORE but b/ts’ hyyh series, my neighborhood, spring day by b/ts are a few inspirations for wtsf !!! 
4. how did you start writing?
my dad got me hooked on reading when i was really really young !! and being able to read abt all these huge worlds nd being given an opportunity 2 fall in love w them rly inspired me to want to write worlds of my own . plus , i watch a lot of different shows nd animes that feed into my daydreams nd sometimes im like ‘yo,,, that was a good daydream,,,,, time 2 story it’ .
5. which of your ocs is most difficult to write?
uHGHHGHGS ARTHUR ...... trying to capture this like . enigmatic feeling while keeping close 2 his reasons for acting That way is actually ,, rly hard?? hes a tough cookie 2 crack but i will crack it .
6. what aesthetic do you associate with your wip(s)?
for wtsf ,,, quiet towns , lonely beaches , sunset nd sunrise ,,, running through the streets ?? 
7. do you like planning?
YEA !! i see it more as like . being able to explore ur wip and what directions it can take nd its also jsut rly helpful to have a solid foundation .
8. what is your favourite quote from your wip(s)?
i pulled this from my drabbles but: “Slow down.” Wendy grabbed Arthur’s wrist, pulling him down to sit on the sand. “This world can’t keep up with you.”
9. do you like to listen to music while you write?
yes and no ?? im very particular to the kind of music im listening to nd more often than not, i write in complete silence ,,, but sometimes i’ll find a song that i feel rly fits the vibe of what im writing nd i just put it on repeat HGSHJK
10. what do you like most about your own writing?
i think i like the descriptive aspects of it ?? like how i describe places nd feelings ,,,, :-) !
11. what are/were/would be your ocs favourite subjects in school?
everyone except piper in wtsf is graduated from high school but ,, wendy liked english class the best bc it was fun nd she got good grades !! rafael definitely loved psychology nd took it at an ap level ,, arthur liked math nd chemistry .. chemistry he liked More bc he got 2 blow stuff up SKKSKSEH and piper likes world history!! tho shes not good at it . but she likes it!!
buckaroowrites’ questions!!
what is your favorite subgenre to write? to read?
i lov urban fantasy and low fantasy JGHDSHGJKS like its my favorite to write nd read bc like .. o heck ?? ghosts nd ghouls nd just overall supernatural stuff irl ?? that’s the way 2 go
if you had to be trapped on a desert island with any of your ocs, who would it be and why?
if i had 2 be trapped on a desert island ...... i’d probably choose rafael . honestlie he just seems like he always knows what’s up nd my chances of survival would increase w him JHGJKSJKS
what is your favorite medium to write?
definitely novels !! its a format i’ve pretty much grown up w and im more comfortable w this medium than any others GHSHJKS but i’d love to explore like ,, screenplays nd see where that takes me
who was your first oc?
HYLLY SHITTTT THIS BRINGS ME BACK SJHJHJGJKS i used to draw a lot back when i was younger nd so i had this oc JHJS his name was ian and he was meant for the maximum ride universe but he was a dumb dude who was 2% cat . nd he had an adopted sister ,, i forgot her name but she was part bird .
what was your first wip about?
world end club is supposed 2 be abt a group of teens who work together 2 take down a corporation that wants 2 essentially control the artificial island they live on thru engineered soldiers . ITS A CONCEPT ,, nd it requires a little Too Much for my one brain cell to think abt
thoughts on shakespeare?
uhhh no thots bc i never read his work in high school i jus know macbeth is cursed .... wow i rly dont know anything abt shakespeare huh .
poetry or prose?
o this is TOUGH i rly adore both .......... im gonna . im gonna go w prose . i lvoe poetry so much sometimes there are lines that just rly fucken punch u in the face but im gonna go w prose bc its familiar !!
would you ever co-write a story?
nO ..... i wouldnt b able 2 compromise i’d jus b like oH ACTUALLY SKSKKS MY IDEA’S DUMB LETS JUST DO URS 
write what you want to write or write what you want to read/watch?
oh . fuc .... i feel like its important to have a good balance of both but . honestlie im very partial to what i want to read/watch ..
do you like to write violence?
i dont Like 2 write it but its In My Wips !
what is your favorite trope?
oH ,, probably ‘fire forged friends’ or like . mutual pining ... i have too many favorite tropes nd somehow im gonna incorporate them all .
yikeskimi’s questions!!
Tell us about the main character(s) in your current WIP!
oKAY SO im gonna try to not make this too long SJKHJGS !! wendy is a very like . prickly character . shes like a cactus . nd she’s not too fond of letting ppl get close, but the ppl who do manage to get close to her are happie 2 learn she would actually die for them . loyalty is a Huge Huge part of her character, and she cares very deeply abt the people she calls family . shes also v sarcastic nd like . ‘open ur eyes dummy’ .
arthur is a kind of person who lives heavily on false pretenses . like he projects this image bc its an image that he can control nd he jsut Rolls w it , but hes actually someone who likes 2 tease his friends nd be friendly to them ,, hes got Issuez nd is very much the type of person to be like ‘o lol im ok :-)...’ nd prioritize the needs of others 
rafael is , in all honesty , just babey . he studied a lot during high school nd rly pushed himself beyond his limits bc he wants to be able 2 go 2 a good college on scholarship nd get a job 2 support his family , nd hes just ?? very responsible nd sweet but that can also manifest into him taking on more than he should nd burning out . 
piper is a very ,, honestlie kinda sad character kjHGJSJ she spends a lot of time just trying 2 appeal to other ppl bc she knows her interest in the supernatural make her a ‘weird’ person nd she wants to be able 2 have real friends ,, but when she learns 2 let go of this she’s very silly nd always making jokes During The Right time ..
Do you have an all time favorite OC? Tell us about them!
hMMMM i dont think i do ??? my memory of my ocs is rly bad JHSJ so more often than not i just ,, rip i dont remember them </3
If you could be best friends with one of your OCs, who would it be and why?
ms piper chaiyathan !!!! shes a very open nd kind individual nd i feel like our humor nd joking style would match V v v well !!!
Last line you’ve written in your WIP?
Wendy, unlike her brothers Adam and Nate, had inherited her father’s rough touch, and that made them both unwanted in the high stakes setting of a diner kitchen.
If you have a chosen title for your WIP, were there any titles you considered before it? And if not, what are some titles you’re thinking of?
when the sun falls went through SO many titles nd i actually have them all here: where the sun goes / fever dreams / above the sun / where the sun follows / the drowned sun ... as u can see the sun was smth i Needed .
What is an important element in the world your WIP takes place in?
uHHHH the supernatural element is . Very important but i cant be too specific about it but i will tell u it involves a dead tree on the beach .
Tell us an out of context spoiler.
arthur gets a cool new set of eyes.
Any power couples/ships in your WIP?
wendy nd arthur babey ,,,,,, bat nd molotov cocktail duo ,,,, last name central until the important moment nd THEN they use each other’s first names ..
Any music you like listening to while you write?
uHHHH specifically for wtsf i listen 2 a lot of hozier, lorde, conan gray, khalid nd halsey :-)
What would your main character(s) favorite song be?
oH okay i got this in the BAG ... wendy’s favorite song would Absolutely be work place by hozier or more than sorrow by a-lin ,,, arthur would definitely b listening 2 like . free spirit by khalid .. piper, since she p much spent all of middle school nd 2 years of high school in thailand ,, i think she’
Which character in your WIP could you relate to the most?
honestly? all of them !!! a lot of the characters in wtsf have little bits nd pieces of me bc thats how all my ocs come into existence nd theres no One character thats like “oh,,, das me”
and here are my 11 questions !!
Which one of your OCs do you think could survive a zombie apocalypse? Why?
What’s something you’ve been itching to write about?
Share the last paragraph you wrote!
Do you prefer coming up with plots or characters? Why?
Do you have any abandoned WIPs? Tell us about them!
What are some favorite themes/tropes to write about?
How do you get into the zone for writing?
Tell us a random fact for any of your OCs !!!
Are you someone who needs a visual for your WIPs?
What are some influences to your writing style?
If you had to be a character in one of your WIPs, which WIP would it be and what role would you play?
i’m gonna tag @babyreeds @holotones @alejandroistyping @noloumna @faerisms @omniawrites @aslanwrites @ashesconstellation @thegrievingyoung @glittcrpeach @syposium !!! no pressure to do it if u dont want to tho <3
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multitudinus-a-blog · 5 years
so a majority of this is just going to be me yodeling out of my own asshole because i’m literally going fucking feral and have been for about three straight hours and i’ve literally cried myself to the point of almost fainting from dehydration anyways y’all been warned lmao
starting the movie off with jeremy renner and giving a shit about hawkeye in the movie.......big fat n*ce
linda cardelini is so incredibly valid i caNT
 S C  C  OT T
‘ anyone seen a piece of shit van??? ’ 
so anyways when scott reunites with cassie and finds out that she’s grown up in the five years its been i coiuldn’t stop thinking of my own dad and that got even worse when tony goes out into the woods on his n pep’s lil lakeside cabin the way he’s interacting with mORGAN
‘ mommy sent me to come rescue you ’ IM SO
‘ it’s nOT....like time traVEl its..........ok that’s exactly what it is ’ YFODSAUFDSKALL IDIOT i lov u
scott actually having MAJOR anxiety and being nervous, the way he paces, getting lost, speech patterns, ugH
am i even gonna be able to finish this post??? PROBABLY NOT
im literally already emotional all over again jsut thinking about it
god tony rly said fuck thanos rights 
steve rogers rly earned my respect in the course of this movie and that is one HELL of an uphill battle god bless america’s ass
that was just robert staring at evans’ ass for the hell of it dont lie to me there was NO ACTING REQUIRED
thor was fuckgin beautifully done bc he’s fuckgin depressed and dealing with the repercussios of being a failure and id die for him oh mgyoD???!?!?! let him play fortnite shut the fuck up
as soon as bruce mentions thanos’ name you see how fuckign broken thor really is and i Felt That
i literally cant fuckgin procss everything that happened there was so fuc f gkin much
“““““““howard potts”““““““
strange making direct eye contact with tony and tony fucking k n e w
in conclusion tony stark was, is, and always will be the absolute heart of the marvel cinematic universe we know and not even his death can change that
avengers Actual Literal Inarguable Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart endgame
wong being the absolute LEGEND he is for like FIVE WHOLE SECONDS OF ME LOVING HIM IRREVOCABLY
jeremy renner getting the fucking respect he deserves lord in heaven i love clint barton so fuckgin mjuch dond tfuc gkin touc  h me
say what u want abt scarjo but my god she DID THAT did that
peter saying tony
i want to fucking die
im taking legal custody of morgan edwin antoinette baby girl stark 
please watch this movie i’m literally beggin gyou
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hehehehehehehehe ur turn. overshare pals
hehe im lov u ceec :)
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
water bottles and soda cans!
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
chocolate.... im lov it
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
cotton candy!
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
hardworking, earnest, and honestly? they gave me too much credit ebagweaganegioawnegew
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
soda bottles!
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
somewhere between boho, goth, and grunge hehe
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
you know that wet pavement smell after it rains? love that
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
dodgeball hehehe
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
nothin tbh. i don’t wake up early enough for it
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Writing Music! i made it hehehe
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring!
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
“A Child Called ‘It’“ by Dave Pelzer
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
cuddled up to someone in blankets,,, im lov anything with my s/o tbh
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
i have this beat up pair of blue slip ons that have bloodstains on em bc i got a nosebleed one day bwaeiugbaweugbaweubguaw
18. ideal weather?
post-raining, or like. just before it starts raining
19. sleeping position?
anything with my s/o or bein wrapped in like. a billion blankets
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
on my home pc in my room!
21. obsession from childhood?
dice and video games!
22. role model?
i know it’s gonna sound dumb but like. a lot of characters from media have influenced me a lot, like sans/komaeda etc. another one from my real life would be my aunt on my mom’s side!
23. strange habits?
i bounce my leg while listening to music or stressed,, that’s abt it. OH and i like twirling a small blanket around on my arm bc... acrobatics of sorts
24. favorite crystal?
amethyst, but anything clean cut and rounded looks rlly nice imo,,
25. first song you remember hearing?
the first day i remember in my life was christmas at my grandma’s when i was 4, so probably random christmas music ubwegebwgwebgoibgweg
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
sometimes when i get tired of sitting around at home i like to walk down to the dog park by my house! 
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
cuddle,,,,,,,,,,, wrap up in a blanket with some freshly baked cookies n just. be there
28. five songs to describe you?
megalovania, medley rush 2 from the sonic rush ost, the promised neverland english op, metal crusher from undertale, metal scratchin’ from sonic rush
29. best way to bond with you?
just talk to me! im godawful at starting convos but i love talkin to ppl! 
30. places that you find sacred?
every person’s room feels that way, as well as obvious places, like churches n whatnot. we went n visited my aunt’s old house so my mom could pick up some stuff and being in her room after she died in 2015 was just like. an emotion i can’t rlly describe
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
hoodie, trackpants, n sneakers hehe
32. top five favorite vines?
back at it again @ krispy kreme, ADAM, they were roommates, two dudes in a hot tub, my croissant
33. most used phrase in your phone?
either “be there soon” or “ily” 
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
none tbh. i don’t watch much tv so i don’t see ads often
35. average time you fall asleep?
either 10:30 or sometime after midnight. no in between 
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
it was a rage comic
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
lemonade, but i LOVE tea!
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
i was walkin in the halls with my friend and someone dropped a styrofoam cup of pasta on my friend’s head from the second floor awbegiuawbeguiawbguaewg
41. last person you texted?
the person who sent this ask heheheheh
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
jacket pockets!
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
anything really, but i like whatever my s/o uses bc it would remind me of them!
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
underwear tbh. like. that and a tshirt or just underwear is the only way i can sleep
47. favorite type of cheese?
sensory issues say i have to hate all kinds of cheese outside of like. grilled cheese so let’s go with that/cheddar
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
GOD pretty much every quote from monomi or chiaki in danganronpa 2, but mostly “if you learn to love yourself, that love will continue to carry you for your whole life! love, love...”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
OH HERES A FUCKIN STORY OK so i was at my friend’s house with a bunch of others bc we were doin a sleepover type thing and we were eating raising canes in his attic at like 3 am and some guy high on like. 3 different drugs at once got impaled through the leg on his fence. nobody saw him but we knew he was there and the cops were there in like 3 minutes. that very same friend has some of the most wack stories ngl
51. current stresses?
just doing well in school and making sure my s/o is happy!
52. favorite font?
comic sans.......................... im sorry
53. what is the current state of your hands?
my palms b sweaty but my fingers are dehydrated tbh. typin
54. what did you learn from your first job?
work.... difficult
55. favorite fairy tale?
probably the princess and the frog!
56. favorite tradition?
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
probably my most noteworthy traumas tbh. gettin therapy for em, too
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
writing, my ability to overcome obstacles, being able to help ppl as well as i can, and making friends fast!
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Not dead yet.”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Probably either shounen, romance, or moe,,,,
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
“It’s a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like these, kids like you... should be burning in hell.”
62. seven characters you relate to?
sans, komaeda, makoto naegi, komaru naegi, toko fukawa, chiaki nanami, and chihiro fujisaki!
63. five songs that would play in your club?
they’d all be fall out boy tbh. that and videogame osts
64. favorite website from your childhood?
armor games hehe
65. any permanent scars?
i don’t think so? at least, not yet
66. favorite flower(s)?
roses and anything blue!
67. good luck charms?
my dice sets!
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
vanilla york peppermint patties... gross
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
pikmin in pikmin 1 who are underneath a bridge when it’s completed are killed because they get pushed through the ground
70. left or right handed?
right handed!
71. least favorite pattern?
probably the hellish bumpy pattern all teachers have all over their fuckin classrooms
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
chicken nuggets in milkshake... good. or frankly just like. cooked chicken mixed with anythin cold like ice or ice cream
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
like. 3 or 4
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i was eating a crunch bar and it fell out hehe
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
any small blooming plant, like a single rose or flower!
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
hrm. coffee from a gas station tbh
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
NEITHER LOOK GOOD LMAO and i don’t have a driver’s license. that’s just like. a prediction
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
jewel tones!
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
lightning bugs!
82. pc or console?
either works but i spend more time on pc!
83. writing or drawing?
writing, but i like both!
84. podcasts or talk radio?
talk radio, but i love podcasts like TAZ or Critical Role! 
84. barbie or polly pocket?
neither? but probably barbie bc it’s more well known? idk
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
cupcakes all the way b
87. your greatest fear?
me being the last person i know alive. i’d rather die than outlive everyone
88. your greatest wish?
i hope that no matter what there is after we die, i get to be with the people that are most important to me. 
89. who would you put before everyone else?
my s/o and family tbh
90. luckiest mistake?
buying danganronpa bweguowabguawebogbaweibg
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
fairy lights!
93. nicknames?
i go by wes, dev, bines, anything rlly
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
tumblr hehe
96. desktop background?
it’s the ddlc cast! it’s a greyscaled image of four of the events cut together and their eyes glow hehe
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
only one, and it’s my dads bc i have to call him every time i go to my grandparents’ hehe
98. favorite historical era?
probably the one we’re in now tbh, but like. also hate it
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loveg1rl-remade · 7 years
write short descriptions of your favourite mutuals/friends and then tag them (but not next to their descriptions) and try to make them guess which one is theirs!
i did two parts bc i did a lot of ppl! ppl are tagged in alphabetical order dfjskfn also i hope y'all can guess your number 🚶🚶🚶
@01bri @1aju @1oveful @2blushy @chanilovehours @doyoung @fruittxt @himlo @jenolees @junghwasgf
01 - omg we were JUST talking today… we always hit each other up for drama its p funny sjdfksldj i love hearing them talk just in general. they have a lot of good energy and it makes me happy that they like me enough to like. willingly hit me up i think thats really cute and i love that… also theyre always going to concerts and i think thats really cute i hope they hve a really good time :( they always have my back n i love talking to them !! angel 
02 - my sweetheart!!! they’re really the funniest we used to talk ALL the time before school started :( i miss them a lot but honestly i love when they spam me with notifs :’) jsdfkjsd i remember when we first met n we talked about divergent and the bts visual novel it was HONESTLY really iconic… they’re a year under me but honestly it feels like we’ve known each other for a while !! they have a lot of love in their heart and their love for a certain few ppl (starting w t) is so sweet :( i love how we both procrastinate and stay up until like 2 for everything anyway ily and i miss u! 
03 -  omg.. i feel like they’re my younger sister… i really don’t deserve such a ray of sunshine! whenever i’m down they always send me the sweetest asks and messages and once they even told me abt their day out of nowhere i just thought that was really cute :( they’re ALWAYS cheering me on and it is really really sweet !! they make me rlly happy nsdfkjsd even just seeing their asks that start with “GIRL!!!” yea :’) they’re the brightest star w the cutest personality
04. we talked for like four hours about grapes once and that’s how we became friends… uhh i love them a LOT !!! they are really so kind and supportive and we get along really well?? they have a callout list for me kjdfdsf honestly we have a lot of inside jokes and it’s really cute. they changed my opinion abt taureans (U SHOULD KNOW WHO U ARE BY NOW .. ) and i just love how we can talk about anythin????? also your sleep schedule is SUPER screwed up but its chill bc that means we can talk more ndfkjsdkf i love you angel !! 
05. i will LITERALLY never forget the time i was feeling like absolute SHIT and they took the time to write out like an ESSAY for me and it’s saved and screenshotted and immortalized forever in my heart it really meant a lot for someone to like. take the time out to do that for me and im so grateful…we don’t even post the same content anymore but they always interact w my posts and check up on me and send me asks… i love them a lot lot lot! on my old blog they’d send me the cutest asks too im grateful and lucky to have them in my life :’) 
06. they know who they are !! my one n only!! we talk every single day and somehow they don’t get sick of me which is a feat in of itself. super creative and caring and empathetic and strong and selfless and just? a really good person. they have the biggest heart and the most love to give. they’re also really hard on themselves :( my biggest cheerleader n the love of my life.. if you haven’t figured out who you are yet i’ll send jeno over to talk some sense into you (*tell you he loves you)
07. soooo soft :( everything about them is soft!! they hav a lot of love for a certain bunny boy and they’re always always tagging ppl in things i think it’s so unbelievably kind. they’re always spreading kindness and joy and is such a ray of sunshine!! i really really lov them a lot ! 
08. o man where do i start?? they’re really full of a lot of love… they’re always love posting abt their best friend and that really makes me so happy that they have such a positive good person in their life… anyway we always send each other cute asks periodically to check on each other & we’re always helping each other out when we go through emo moods… anyway they’re applying to college at the same time i am and i remember stressing out abt it with them but i KNOW we’ll both be fine i lovve them :’)
09. seriously a big source of support for me even if we don’t talk on the daily!! they always have really good advice to give and even when like. No Advice Can Be Given they’re always lending an listening ear. they’re really cute i love how mature they are !! besides giving rlly insightful n thoughtful advice.. uh they’re just a rockstar! they’re a little bit younger than me but they always try their best and help others out and it’s really admirable. plus they said they love making playlists and i just thought that was the cutest thing :/
10. we haven’t had a lot of conversations together but theyre really just the sweetest :( ever :( i was going through a hard time n they sent me so many sweet asks and messages. its always nice to know there are ppl who care abt u and this person is just SO caring in general!! they’re always tagging ppl in sweet things and doing their best and it is much appreciated !! much like their name they rlly are. the best and the brightest
@kimjunnoodle @lazy-gudetama @pastelunnie @rapgodkth @rosehyuck @snowedjin @taehn @taeilsgrl @taeyyongs
11. UGH another sweetheart … they’re always sending me the sweetest long asks checking up on me and they’re always interacting n communicating and talking abt stuff they’re passionate abt it i really love it ?????? i miss talking to them !! they would send me the cutest dog pictures :( i always see them around spreading love and happiness and warmth .. they have a lot of love and compassion in their heart. i always look forward to their asks and replies!!
12.  my EVERYTHING!!!! i saw their selfies like yesterday n they rlly knocked my socks off imagine being so pretty!!!! they are really an icon it was so cute talking to them abt our wedding :/ they’re a lot of fun they go from super soft to super funny and like, theyre either loveposting or talking about furries i think its the funniest thing ever. anyway they’re a total sweetheart n the best hyuck stan so yeah ! i love love
13. omg …. they’re SO considerate they’re always tagging me in those “associate ur mutuals with” posts and it’s honestly really cute ??? they have my kidneys and my left lung and my Whole heart :( the biggest sweetest tae stan ! super sweet and lovely and funny !!! we don’t talk a lot but i’m always cheering them on behind the scenes!! they always interact w my not funny stupid posts and hype me up theyre just. really great to be with and im grateful to b mutuals 
14. i’ve known you the longest!!!!!!!! i have all ur jk fics saved omg :( you’re the sweetest bean and i love talking to you.. even tho we don’t talk on the regular anymore it’s always so sweet hearing from you and i love how we always update each other when smthing important happens in our lives!!!! i love watching the videos u send ur voice is rlly the cutest n i remember the first tme i heard it i started crying anyway i still have your christmas card saved and i love you a whole freaking lot im still waiting to go on a date with u :( my tall gf
15. UH we literally talk and just. gush over how cute girls are …. jsfdasdf we ALWAYS tell each other beef no matter what sfjdsk they really have such a caring n chill personality. we think alike so it’s really nice telling them abt things i need help with because i always get a good second perspective on it… they’re always here to listen to me (even late at night when they have work the next day)… they’re a bit like my older sister i trust them a lot !! i really love how they always update me on things even tho i SUCK ass at messaging so :) anyway i love them a lot (move to california sooner!) 
16. one of the funniest most down to earth ppl i’ve ever met. memes are iconic and every single conversation we have i always manage to laugh bc their comedic timing is amazing and yea they’re just an all around great person. they’re my movie buddy and we can also really talk abt anything??? like we’re super comfortable around each other which is super cool n i’m grateful. we can talk for hours n hours … and yeah .. they’re also super sweet and always support me through everything! we have a lot of inside joke its cute & i’m glad i met this person i really am :’)
17. hdfsfn.. really. they really own my heart.. honestly i couldn’t have asked for a better mutual???????? they are Top Tier quality one of kind…they have like thousands upon thousands of followers and they always always promo me … im so undeserving of their love… AND AND THEY ALWAYS SEND ME ASKS …. even when like. im being annoying and ask stupid questions no one wants to answer they always write out a whole paragraph and it makes my WHOLE world ten times over im so grateful for them … i have the strawberry emoji on like all of their asks bc i want to keep all of them thats how much i appreciate the time n effort they show me … wrow… the cutest and best ever i love them a LOT! 
18. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they’re so motherly to me …. they’re always looking out for me and making sure i’m doing ok and i think that’s just the sweetest best thing ever :( they’re really sweet n pretty AND funny i always love seein their posts… they’re one of my few exo mutuals and i LOVE IT ! I LOVE THEM! they are sosososo soft their tags for their man are really the cutest too… they’re one of those mutuals who switch from loveposting to toesucking and it’s the best and funniest i love them! once i was sick n they sent me like two asks making sure i was ok and . wrow. i couldnt have asked for anyone better
19.  mMmMmMm i remember i thought they hated me and then it turns out they didn’t and i was SO relieved bc they’re so sweet and funny and :( just a really great person. they did a lil astrology analysis for me and it was so spot on i’d trust them with my life and my savings and my posterity…. uhhh they have a heart of gold they’re always looking out for others and trying their best n it’s really admirable. they also have such a good sense of humor!! a treasured mutual who owns my heart :( 
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leesungjongg · 7 years
While You Were Sleeping Review~
Honestly.. I think I’ve forgotten everything I’ve wanted to say at this point, and I should seriously just take sticky notes with me everywhere from now on just so I can jot down notes of what I liked and disliked about the dramas I watch. Sigh. But I’ll try to remember what I can and tell you all about it, because I love telling stories. Spoilers ahead, just a warning!!
Ok so honestly the most ridiculous thing I remember happening in the drama was literally like.. Jongsuk being shot and dying……. And then when he’s like flatlining, he says “no. i must live… to tell hong joo im sorry” and i was like omfg bruhHH if that actually happened like irl LMAOOOO
That was like one of the things I knew I really wanted to talk about. There was also one other thing that i was like mhm… on but i forgot what it was so. It doesn’t matter. Unless i remember. Then it DOES matter LMAO
Can we also talk about Mr. Choi? :(((((((((( literally wtf like dude i liked him but i literally was so soooo sad when he died LIKE WTF THAT WASN’T FAIR WTH WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL HIM HE DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING WRONG T___________________T my heart hurt when he died. that was so cruel. I’m grateful he saved jaechan and hongjoo. Im sad he didn’t reveal himself sooner. He played such an important role in jaechan’s life, mostly jaechan, because i dont remember much about hongjoo and him besides that one moment at yubeom’s trial.
On that note, Yuboem deserved that life sentence man. I was like oh god what if they like.. Make him do like 20 years, that’s not even enough to make him pay. He was horrible, absolutely horrible. Honestly I wanted to go in there and punch him like jaechan almost did but gosh DARN it Mr. Choi had to step in and say ‘hey, it’s not a good idea’ and T________T he seriously did whatever he could. I totally wasn’t even expecting him to be the one from so long ago, but when the scenes from earlier in the drama came back up again, all the puzzle pieces fit together and it made SENSE. I was like ‘omfg thank you Mr. Choi, for being there for them, for doing whatever you could for Jaechan and Hongjoo, you are the REALEST.’ such a wonderful human being. And he knew how he was going to die too, ugh. UGH. UGH UGH UGH. NO. im still sad.
Now i’ll get into the characters LOL
Jaechan: i love lee jongsuk. Like idek what else to say. I just love him. He’s really tall but with great height comes great awkwardness and omfg. I loved his dorky character sooo much. He is literally my baby and forever will be my baby even though he’s like.. So much older than me idek. He’s 8 years older than me rip. Still my baby tho. Lov u. OMFG IS HE SUNGGYU’S AGE? WAIT SUNGGYU IS OLDER THAN HIM? AM I WRONG? Tell me im wrong. Im RIGHT? By a few months.. Anyway it doesnt matter bc they’re both still super cute and im melting rn dont mind me. This was pointless i didnt even talk about jaechan. I loved the fact that he became a prosecutor because his dad told him to, i love the fact that he became rivals with his old childhood tutor who left him in the dust after that motorbike incident, and i love the fact that he looked over everything just to make sure he didn’t miss a single spot. Yubeom tried to be like ‘oh, you will all fall like me, i slipped up but i just got caught. When you get caught, you’ll be in prison with me’ and jaechan was like ‘nah son, you literally brought this upon yourself. You tried to make the wrong answer the right one and it didnt work out. Ur not unlucky. You’re just bad. *drops mic* *crowd cheers* *happy ending for all* *and a fkc you i mean life sentence to yubeom*’
Yubeom: ROT IN HELL. I am forever shaking my head and tsking at him for LIFE. he honestly deserved that life sentence idgaf. Like.. how evil can you get? Man.. my brain hurts im not in the mood to be angry at this fictional character. Good job person who played the character. Whats his name. Lee Yangseob. Good job on making me hate you, you despicable Yubeom you… good job at acting….. I still hate u…
Hongjoo: suzy is so amazing. Dude like despite her having those kinds of dreams at the start, she still tried really hard to prevent them from happening, and it was so horrible. Like i would literally be afraid of falling asleep or smth like that. Also why was it almost always death? Like i guess it added to the drama but omfg if i saw myself die in a dream and i knew at some point it would come true like...idek man. Wouldn’t you get traumatized by it? Like ‘crap all these people are dying and i cant do anything about it’ DUDE!! Jaechan even told her to forget about it but then he was still unnerved by it too omfg. In this case, it worked out because they all tried saving each other and stuff but what if they didn’t know each other? What would’ve happened then? I hope hongjoo would’ve still been able to go on and become a reporter or something like that. If not a reporter, then someone who went and told the news from those desks and stuff. But i guess she liked being on the scene more, who knows. Im just blabbing at this point idek what im saying. I do but im lazy to backspace sigh.
Wootak: :((((((((( my honeybunch sugarplum, pumpie umpie umpkin… he’s literally so adorable. I loved the fact that he tried to fit all the puzzle pieces together and jaechan was like nah that can’t be… hongjoo wasn’t chestnut (son… wootak’s detective skills i stg. He’s amazing. No wonder he stayed in the police force for so long dang) I knew he wouldn’t be able to get hongjoo so i was just like it’s ok, i will give u my heart instead ok. Even though i also love jongsuk, i have enough love to give to u all. Im glad he didn’t become one of those ‘I WANT THE MAIN GIRL CHARACTER’ person like im so tired of it lol but he was a sweetheart from beginning to end. Honestly when he was like ‘stick to a secret to the end’ and hongjoo was like hm… what’s his secret? I was like oh my god. Did he kill someone???? What if he killed someone and became a police officer to make up for it? Wtf BUT THEN he just turned out to be color blind so i was happy with that. I didnt know you couldn’t be a police officer if you were colorblind omfg. The more you know. But seriously :( such a sweetheart. I love that despite crushing on hongjoo, and knowing that jongsuk really liked her too, he 1) didn’t get in the way of their relationship, even though he honestly COULD HAVE, and 2) he didn’t hold anything against jaechan. Maybe it’s because he saved him from dying, idk. But i loved their friendship so much. I would love to have Wootak as a friend. I felt so bad for him when he told his police partner that he had been carrying the weight of that for so long, but think of how much relief he felt when everything spilled out. It’s hard to keep secrets, because it’ll eventually fall apart. We’re not superhuman… talking to you wootak, wearing those batman clothes… secretive.. But still fighting for what’s right. Im glad he went on the path to become a lawyer after quitting his police job. I hope he continues to spend time with his police partner though. I wish there was more interactions between them and also between wootak and jaechan, i loved them both so much.
Anyways, i think this has gotten long enough… overall, i’d say this drama is really nice. I really liked it, even though at like a few parts i was like dude… this is extra and not needed. But honestly, the characters were amazing, especially yubeom. Idk how yangseob could pull off a character like that, but he was amazing. OMG I REMEMBERED WHAT I WANTED TO SAY. I really liked the idea of having your dreams come true… in some kind of twisted way, maybe not so much… but still, it was interesting, and i was waiting to see what would happen next. I would recommend it if people like these kinds of AUs i guess. I liked that the love triangle was less… like less. Idk how to explain it. But i also really liked the plot and how everything came together and clicked. Im sure there are some things that i’ve overlooked or smth, things that i probably didn’t realize needed more clarification, but it was still nice. I was also surprised at the two prosecutors getting married xD that was nice. A nice plot twist. That’s a random addition but i wanted to include it :P
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beebosbitchh · 7 years
1-65 ;)
holy heck ! thank you sophiw i lov u 🍒
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
i dont understand this question?? like sometimes i doubt my own existence and other times i doubt that i exist to certain ppl? ya?
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
2,, normal amount? like good for sleep but pitch black is scaryy but not to the point i need the escape ?? if that makes sense??
3. The person you would never want to meet?
guy fieri, i dont think i need to know if hes actually real ? like is he real and from this dimension or from flavortown (which he has a very scarily detailed description of)?? thats not something i need to know
4. What is your favorite word?
hmm, probably ‘fam’ obviously
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
a willow tree !!!!!!!!!! i just talked to my mom about this :-0
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
ngl but i dont look in the mirror anymore unless its lip syncing along to a song sung by a guy/someone w a deeper voice bc i feel like it suits me better! gotta love coping w dysphoria!
7. What shirt are you wearing?
baseball tee, gay
8. What do you label yourself as?
nb, lesbian, fool
9. Bright room or dark room?
dark room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
10-11 when i was in 5th grade. i still only had two friends but i was way more extroverted and everything was so carefree and i was very invested in adventure time and art. i think that was the most of a childhood i got? i honestly did not do much as a kid and i wish i had..
12. Who told you they loved you last?
sophiw ! tumblr user almightyportraits ! the loml !
13. Your worst enemy?
14. What is your current desktop picture?
one from apple called ‘abstract shapes’ its very orange but also blue which is my fave color pairing atm so its perfect
15. Do you like someone?
tumblr user vahilla
16. The last song you listened to?
megan played ‘marceline’ by willow in her car ! a song i suggested to her a few months ago and it makes me very happy that she likes it especially bc we bonded over adventure time in 6th grade :-)
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
mmyy seelfff ??
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
mmmyseyyffelllff ??
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? 
eh whats the point
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
n o ne ? 
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
what is the opposite of nb,, i feel like if i was opposite of how i present id be a girl, which is a verryyy weird thought for me, pass
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
no :-/
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
uh first of all blood, like, ill pass out,, second of all,, literally everything worries me
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
jimmy johns #16, turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, NO MAYO
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
im a very practical person so the least boring answer i can come up w is more art supplies
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
fukcing , acetoNe
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
i think a FIRST rule would have to be pretty IMPORTANT so probably smt like how ~WE THE PEOPLE~ are all EQUAL would be a pretty good start and pretty UNDENIABLE and STRAIGHT FORWARD especially if it was the FIRST thing in this,, hmm lets call it the CONSTITUTION, in the completely hypothetical society
29. What is your favorite expletive?
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuk cufck ufc kfuck 
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
sunglasses??!!! that shit gotta be bright huh>?? gotta protect my retinas 
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
i wanna say my first relationship made me a better person but that shit was rreeeaaallyyyy fucking awful and 4 months (+recovery months) that i will never get back and i think ? maybe ?? i wouldve been ok without it ? idk just a thought
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! 
spain ?!?!? why not + i sorta know the language? thatd b cool
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
zoey my dog :-( i miss her a lot, this month it will have been two years oh my god i miss her so much
34. What was your last dream about?
the last one i remember was a nightmare about someone tryna murder me i was very scared
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
i think so , when i was two i got really really sick and couldve died ?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
ahh yes ! we gave hhimm,, fruit snack nipples, please forgive me fathr
38. What is the color of your socks? 
grey w blue n orange stripes ( again i lov blue n orange together, my shirt is teal and i have an orange hat on wow)
39. What type of music do you like?
all! i had to train this new guy at work and im sooo awkward but once why started talking about music it was easy for me to talk bc it was smt we both really like !!! i felt like i could actually communicate w feeling a disconnect it was nice ! we talked mostly about rap which was cool and unexpected but i could do it ? i really love music and i love being able to know enough to talk about it ,, isk 
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sunrises, ive been pushing myself to wake up unreasonably early to have more time to myself and i get to watch the sunrise most days which is nice
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
college? god i dont even know… smt w art.. by an illustrator or art teacher or freelance artist or graphic designer ,, i really dont know
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
one thing ?!!?!? i wish i was neurotypical
46. Are you reliable?
yes? i try hard to be? i hope so ?
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
u still a lil bitch ?
48. Do you hold grudges? 
nope i try not to, ive had too many toxic petty people in my life that i dont need to be one myself.. now this is grudges w/o reason, but if ive given people several ‘second chances’ and theyre still (thumbs down) then ill avoid them but w/i reason?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
mm probably smt w my lab partner from last year. she always sends me weird quotes from a fanfiction shes reading and its weird but i really appreciate that she still talks to me or talks to me at all tbh
51. Are you a good liar?
nooo ?? i try not to lie? mb not tell the full truth but idk , i feel like id feel too guilty
52. How long could you go without talking?
uhh literally days like i already fucking do.. i m taking this as verbally but i dont get texts so like, it would not be hard
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
before i went to short hair i used to alllwaayyys wear a tight ponytail every single day bc i wasnt girly enough to do anything w it and it was really really gross like thank god i cut it all off
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
heck yeah
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
*clears throat*
56. What do you like on your toast?
butter and jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
58. What would be you dream car?
razor scooter
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
sometimes im just too physically or emotionally exhausted to stand so ill just,, lay down? ive fallen asleep in the shower before ha
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
whenever it comes up but i dont ,, seek it out
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
dragons tf
64. What do you think about babies?
evil, ugly, dont see the appeal. open ur eyes ppl !!!! bbs are n Ot cute !!
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
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iu · 7 years
hey i kinda want to start stanning exo but i don't know shit about them. could you give me a little description about each member? i think you have a cool opinion about stuff lol. thanks!
ooooh idk if im the best one to ask but sure kgjfhgdf ill do my best… best way would be to watch their shows! for suho id watch fluttering india, for chanyeol id watch his roommate episodes, for lay id watch his chinese shows like go fighting or others (idk them that well sry;;). overall for all the dudez id watch their exomentary episodes since they do show their personalities pretty well! ok sooo… ill b biased u can see who i know/like better than the others.. also this isnt Truth yknow just my perception
xiumin - i used to bias him a few years back. nice chill dude, very Dude Bro in my opinion, but as we rmr exo described him as the one who wakes up first n nags on the others. close friends with chen. talented in singing and dancing and yet no1 knows abt it. the oldest and that shows
chen - honestly an angel man. THE vocal of exo, makes a lot of noise if excited. overall seems like a very caring and wholesome person. wrote she’s dreaming the best exo song???
lay - i… honestly to god…. dont know him well. ive never seen his chinese variety and he isnt as present in their korean variety because of the language barrier, but nonetheless he is an extremely talented and hardworking man. not only is he a talented dancer and vocalist, he works very hard at writing his own music, once lost his usb drive with all his work so he redid it all..
chanyeol - is allergic to both cats and dogs and Yet gropes every one that comes in a 100ft radius to him, so if that doesnt tell you what kinda man he is idk what does. google “chanyeol ferret” for the best google search of ur life. used to be part of a ferret loving club. also writes music, had more than one vlive in which he would eat mcdonalds at 2am in his music studio. the kinda dude who hits too hard when laughs but also falls on the floor n is the last one to let the joke go when everyone else stopped already
kyungsoo - hes.. interesting.. loves to cook loves his mom. with his teammates he can jokingly punch/pinch/kick them but with a romantic interest hed be the opposite i feel. AMAZING actor (pure love, its okay its love r my faves of his). hates when fans call him by his real name so i deduce he wants to keep his private life away from his public one. the kind to hang out in fancy suits with his actor friends after watching anime in his bed for a week. husband material
kai - second youngest. imo? silly kid.. like the boy next door kinda vibe. will cheese if sees a pupper and b very sweet and gentle with it. can b very thoughtful. turns into pure talent when onstage… hes lonely i remember him saying that. that he doesnt have a lot of friends to hang out with
sehun - maknae. with his hyungs he will be this spoiled brat persona, but honestly sehun is the one holding exo together no joke. hes sosoooosoos hardworking the boy spent nights learning basic mandarin and japanese (with suhos help) for promotions and was super proud to show it off. also is a very very hard worker when it comes to dancing. but. honestly i tried watching his vlives and exomentaries the boys boring as a sandwich bag. like he rlly needs an entourage to be more interesting cos thats when he starts sassing the mmbrs n all that. would die for exo. super close with suho
suho - i used to be hardcore into him for more than a year so ive got a lot to say. social butterfly. doesnt have an insta and yet appears on everyone else’s hangin out with them. leader. any mess u hear abt $uho??? forget it.. the boy’s been talking about refunds for stuff he bought on at least 4 different occasions. he’s sweet n shy n talented. thats of the nicer traits. from the worse one hes app not v clean in his dorms .__.// also can b v Specific n Annoying abt lil things like they told a story of how suho would hate anyone touching his bag in the dance studio so baekhyun would purposefully sit on it lmao. does indeed make a lot of dad jokes n jus wants ppl to laugh at them :( a lil bit of a health freak like would eat salads constantly n not eat yummy foods
baekhyun - he’s////// idk/// i lov him//// ok ill get the worst ones out the way hes Gross like a Gross Boy kinda gross he said he doesnt hold his farts n would walk around naked. but at the same time he has lil things like, its v important to him how a person smells, he cares abt fresh/clean smells on people. is overall a big Nerd who plays overwatch and LoL all day in his dorm .___. good frenz with heechul. super supportive bby, loves n supports all exo mmbrs, and like, is friends with all of them in their own way.. like he finds common ground with all the members somehow. is the cuuuutessstt towards the fans, really cherishes them and would give a kidney for them. hes sosoosososoosos osososoos talented when he sings he gives it his 100% every time he’s so passionate and heartfelt.. can b very silly but can also b v calm and quiet he’s got it balanced out rlly well.. is always the heart of a group, tries to dissipate any tension and be the one to make people laugh
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I want Tree Bros with all of them.
wHY DOES EVERYONE LIKE ME SUFFERING... lov u**1: Prefers gummy vitamins over pill onesprobably both lmaoevan is okay with pills but he loves gummy vitaminsand connor?? i just like the idea of him having fish-shaped gummy vitamins ok????--2: Prefers pizza without the tomato sauceNO!!!!!!!!!--3: Cries at romantic comediesevan. totally evan.--4: Says “me” at literally everythingconnor tbhespecially weird stuff like a trashcan with a dent on it or w/e--5: Is the most likely to have a weird knick knack hobbyhmmidk wowconnor? maybe?--6: Dips their fries in mayonnaiseboth, but depends on the mood--7: Obsessively touches thingsevan, tbh--8: Hoards books, 75% of which they’ve never even readconnor!!!--9: Likes flavored water over plainconnor "fuck regular water" murphy--10: Has to plan the next day’s outfit the night beforeno one tbhthey dont feel like itevan does before important dates though--11: Matches their pillows, bedsheets, blankets, carpets, and drapesi feel like both would do that--12: Color codes everythingagain, both--13: Takes punch buggy waaay too seriouslyi feel like its jared so im just gonna throw him in for one question--14: Is more likely to get into a fist fight at Subway at 9:50pmconnor, 100%--15: Has an embarrassing college story they’re way too proud ofno one tbh their college life is boring--16: Would get a tattoo on a dare... connor--17: Celebrates Halloween for all of October........... connorthe boy always looks like he's ready for halloween ok he loves it--18: Has ended a friendship over Mario Kartyeah no one tbh(again - its jared)--19: Likes getting lost in the woodsconnor--20: Is a horrific cook but denies it completelyboth, tbh. especially evan.--21: Likes to prank their friendsno one they're too tired--22: Unironically loves Nickleback AND Smash Mouth... i feel like it might be evan--23: Watches YouTube videos until 3am at least once a weekboth--24: Cries over viral animal videosevan. totally evan.--25: Would kill a man over petty things.. connor. he probably already did.--26: Has seen the same movie over a dozen timesevan!! its a comfort thing yknow--27: Can come up with amazing one liners on the spotconnor, he's The Master--28: Is dangerously clumsyevan lets be honest here--29: Is surprisingly flexibleCONNOR!!!! let connor be a ballerina you cowards!!!30: Would propose firsthnnnnnnng idk maybe evan? he might be am anxious mess but he lovs his bf,, so much
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coalessscence · 7 years
answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: at this moment, otps around here are george x lorraine, herb x lucille, (for romance) and tiff x linda ( @tannen ! ! ) (for... kinda both ??) then for non romance/friendshipping, herb and piper ( @piper-aileen-lenox ! ) mary and jennifer ( @themostpowerfuleditor ! ) & herb and vin ( @innocentmanwithabounty ) and vin and lorraine (same person lol) aND harold and lorraine !! ( @fatherofmachine ! ). OH and @timcspirit cindy n lorraine!!..... and sorta also cindy and tommy and maybe kinda @aceinthehcle jack and mira ??
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: romantically speaking, romance isn’t my strong suit really, but i do love to write the ships! provided there is chemistry and all that jazz. as for platonic ships, those are my jam, my aroace ass lives for them, pls gIVE THEM ALL TO ME.....ALL.....a  l  l....... also qpr esq ships ????? yes pls oml
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: I MEAN...... ofc the actual age is important but... its also about maturity, and emotional connection/just..... the age you embody ?? obviously underage is not... good.... but like....  its not Just About Age and if both parties can consent and are mature and just..... u kno what i mean ???
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: I MEAN... SORTA ?? it sorta has to happen naturally and it sorta has to include clickage between muns bc if we cant mssg each other w all caps and 90% typos at three am this just isnt gonna work out for me ok
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: IDK i mean for me it has not yet come up but i’m sex repulsed so no smut will be happenin on this blog. fade to black is fine w me if it is w you. i would need to fade to black if body parts started Coming Out / if it got.... ya knOW... HEATED...... almost nsfw heated things but not quite are tagged as ‘nsfwish’ if u need that.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?:  @tannen w linda !! is the only kinda traditional muse ship at this time, but ofc i mentioned all the non romantic/sexual ships at the top !!
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: i mean i guess idk ?? like i said i wanna like.... get to that point u know, i wanna have the muses find that chemistry in their interaction, im not to into “guess what they’re dating now and they’ve never interacted before’ u know what i mean ?? but i mean yeah idk if that means to ask but.... just take it slow lol
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: i don’t really have many ships, not by choice, it just.... doesnt rly happen ?? u feel me ?? im down !! but its.... rare (tm)
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: yup !! all my muses are !! except the underage ones ofc but in their older verses yeah ig !!
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: thats impossible to answer i have too many fandoms my guy
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: write w me !! lets see if something develops !! thERES ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT.....
tagged by: @pxperhearts (thank uuu!!) tagging: @tannen @haplesstimetraveller @piper-aileen-lenox @fatherofmachine @aceinthehcle @theholisticdetective @doomedtogether (for whoever u like !!) + anYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO SAY I TAGGED THEM BC YAS
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