#grays heathers au
rosekiller-addict · 10 months
in honor of this great day, I wrote a little Rosekiller Oneshot based on Heather by Conan Gray!!!
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ghoulsplay · 3 months
I’m in my panic era
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I have been coloring in Takaaki and Monomi's eyes and Takaaki's are stumping me a bit. The thing is he has this like...grayish type of eye color, but I really like him with this like red-brown kinda colored eyes. Because him and Taka both have/had (I guess) red eyes. But Takaaki's eye color in the official picture for him has him with grayish eyes. Idk.
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Him with red eyes (I wanna add spirals so badly because Taka has them hbjbdrgs but my style isn't really for that because it looks weird. Also this drawing is too far away from his eyes so they probably won't be noticeable. Unless I change the black for like a very light red/pinkish.
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Then here's his grayish eyes. The white is more noticeable when I look at the full drawing. That's why I said to maybe change the black for a lighter looking red. Idk, I like both. The grayish color adds to the fading/sick look of Takaaki. But the red gives a bit of the Ishimaru look to it. Plus whenever I mention Takaaki's eyes in a fic I use red as his eye color. AUGHHHHHHHHGHH!! WHY WAS I BORN INDECISIVE??????
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elliesbelle · 1 year
hiii love idk if you’re taking requests but if you are, would you be able to do something elliexreader based off of the song wish you were sober or heather by conan gray <3
while i die
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chapter 1
pairing: best friend!ellie x reader
synopsis: only if ellie knew how much you loved her. but she likes someone better.
content warnings: modern au, cursing, angst, unrequited love, no comfort
word count: 4.3k
chapters: 1) while i die, 2) rained on with you, 3) eviscerated
series masterlist
my masterlist
i have a ko-fi if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
the heartbreak trilogy spotify playlist
based on the conan gray song "heather"
a lot of y’all have asked for a part 2 to this one-shot, so i made a promise that if y’all get my friend’s band “equal creatures” to 350 followers on spotify, you will get a part 2 ♥︎
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You roll over in bed towards your nightstand after a restless night of sleep. The first thing you reach for is your phone, which had been blaring for a while to wake you for work. You hit the seductive “snooze” button, not having any actual intentions to fall back asleep but knowing that you’ll stay lying in bed for two more hours if you’re not reminded to get up every eight minutes a few times. 
Unlocking your phone, you check your messages first. Two texts: one from your best friend Beth and another from your close coworker Lina. As you read their respective messages, you feel a black hole beginning to open up in your stomach. 
She still hasn’t texted me back… 
After responding blandly to your friends, you reluctantly open up Instagram and scan the stories of the people you follow. You ignore all that of your friends and instead tap on the one with the picture of a face you’ve memorized like the back of your hand. When it opens, your stomach lurches and your eyes go glassy. 
The first story was posted the night before and is of a tattooed hand holding a bouquet of flowers with a caption that reads, “her faves.” You notice that the flowers are pink camellias. Her new girlfriend’s favourite flowers. Your favourite flowers. 
The next story was that of two hands woven together with a caption that read, “she loved the flowers” right next to them with several heart emojis. One of the interlaced hands was adorned with several silver rings, one of which you recognized very well. You were the one who picked it out and gifted it to her. 
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“Dude, what! This looks fucking amazing!” Ellie cried out. 
In her hands, she held a small, velvet blue box with a silver ribbon falling around it, unwrapped. Inside the box, safely cushioned, was a shiny, silver ring. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” You said, excitedly. “Check this out.” 
You picked the ring up from the box, lifting it up to her eye level. Delicately, you twisted what looked like a tiny hinge on the side to reveal that the ring actually contained multiple bands. The outer, exposed brim was decorated with ornate spirals. The next one had Latin engravings that you vaguely recognized as astronomical terms. The innermost hoops were inscribed with the symbols of the Western zodiac. You twisted the hinge back the other way to once more conceal the inner bands and give it the appearance of a singular ring again. 
“Holy fucking shit!” Ellie cussed loudly, dropping the box to clutch at your hands still holding the ring. “How the fuck?!” 
She snatched the ring out of your fingers, twisting the ring open and closed over and over. You giggled at her childlike enthusiasm. 
“So… You like it?” You asked, chuckling. 
“Fuck, yeah! Of course I love it!” She exclaimed. “It looks like a fucking armillary sphere!” 
“I genuinely have no idea what that is or what that means,” You admitted truthfully. “But as long as it makes you happy—” 
“Dude, of course it does!” She said excitedly. “You are the greatest best friend ever. Oh man, I’m never taking this shit off.” 
Ellie tried it out on several fingers and found that it fit best on her left ring finger. You desperately pushed away any and all implications of the positioning. 
“You really know me so well, man,” She sighed, admiring the ring on her hand. “You didn’t have to get this for me! It’s not even my birthday or anything!” 
You shrugged nonchalantly, even if the intentions behind your generosity were anything but nonchalant. 
“I just saw it and thought that you might like it.” 
“Well, you were wrong because I love it.” 
Ellie gave you a huge grin that ignited a wildfire in your stomach. 
“Oh! It’s made of sterling silver too, none of that cheap shit. So it won’t leave you with those gross, green stains or anything.” 
Ellie looked at you completely dumbfounded. 
“I really don’t know what I did to deserve you in my life.” 
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You tap uneasily to view Ellie’s following story. The fingers holding your phone grow cold and begin to tremble as your eyes warily take in the face of Ellie’s new girlfriend. 
She was incredibly beautiful, undeniably so. Her eyes sparkled, mirroring the gentleness of a clear, blue sky on a bright, sunny day. She had the face of an angel, the ones you’d see in Renaissance paintings: pure, gentle, exquisite. The genuine, trustworthy look on her face makes it impossible for any sane person to hate her. 
Some part of you still did. But being desperately in love with your best friend meant you weren’t fully sane in the first place. 
You realize that she’s wearing a familiar sweater: Ellie’s favourite grey, polyester hoodie. You of all people knew how incredibly attached to that sweater she was, almost like it was a safety blanket. You couldn’t blame her; it was soft, warm, comforting. She took better care of it than she usually did the rest of her clothes. And it always smelled like Ellie. 
The caption for this picture was, “someone stole my favourite hoodie.” She’d tagged another Instagram account, sunny-heather, and it took everything in you not to click on it. 
Ellie’s girlfriend posed shyly with a bashful smile, throwing up a peace sign. It appeared as if Ellie had caught her mid-giggle. She had a perfect manicure, straight white teeth, dimples on each side of her face. She looked so sweet, nauseatingly so. 
She looked so beautiful wearing that sweater. 
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December had just begun and the weather was finally catching up with the season. After a mostly and uncommonly warm month of November, you hadn’t bothered wrapping up earlier that morning before leaving the house. It was to your detriment when around midday, you were hit with gusts of brisk air that brought goosebumps to your bare, uncovered arms. 
Later that afternoon, you and Ellie visited your local Starbucks for both situational and liquid heat. Ellie had taken pity on your shivering form all day and lent you her hoodie, having already been wearing a warm, long-sleeved shirt underneath. You’d initially declined it, but when your body began to reach hypothermic levels, you quickly pulled it over your head and accepted its polyester warmth. 
As you got in line to order, Ellie was teasing you for your poor choice of winter attire. 
“This is why you check the weather before you leave your house, dummy.” 
“It was 62 degrees over the weekend! I didn’t know it was going to be this cold all of a sudden!” 
“Dude, it’s already the third of December. You should have expected it to get cold as shit at some point.” 
“At some point! But not yet, I’m not ready!” 
Ellie playfully rolled her eyes at your sheer stubbornness as the cashier called you forward. You both ordered large hot chocolates, neither of you a huge fan of coffee. You and Ellie played a brief dance of who was going to pay for your drinks. Ellie eventually and quickly won, as she usually did. You conceded and consented to be the one to leave some cash in the tip jar before you both scooted over to the side towards the pick-up counter. You bickered affectionately back and forth until your drinks were eventually placed in front of you. 
You visited this particular Starbucks regularly, partly because of its convenience in distance to both your apartment and your job. But mostly, it was larger than a usual café and spacious enough for several quiet, peaceful corners for patrons to occupy. Ellie’s and your favourite spot was a table on the loft-like second floor where you could look down at other customers and make up stories or pass off harmless, though sometimes needless, judgment. 
As you carefully sipped your hot chocolate, you and Ellie made your way upstairs to your usual, unoccupied table. You made yourself comfortable, sitting across from her. She rolled up her sleeves instinctively, showing off her arm tattoos, including the one of a moth perched on top of several ferns. Of all her tattoos, that one had always been your favourite. 
“So are you planning on wearing my sweater all day or—?” She inquired. 
“What do you mean ‘your’ sweater? This is mine now.” You proclaimed. 
“Hey!” She protested. “Don’t you dare think of stealing my favourite hoodie!” 
“It’s just so comfy!” You giggled. “And it’s so soft and cozy, and you know how much I love polyester.” 
“Thief.” Ellie chuckled. 
You made a show of burrowing into the hoodie in order to claim your clothed territory. Ellie laughed at your goofiness. 
“See, this sweater was made just for me!” You insisted, returning to a regular position. 
“I mean, I will admit that it does look better on you than it does on me.” 
You blinked. 
“Really?” You asked. 
“For sure, dude,” Ellie insisted. “I just look like some boring, basic white dude when I wear it. But I don’t know, you kind of pull it off.” 
“I pull off a plain, grey sweater?” 
“I don’t know what to tell you, man! You just look cute in it!” 
Your cheeks grew so warm that their heat rivaled that of your hot chocolate. 
Before you could properly respond to Ellie’s casual, off-handed compliment, she spoke up once more. 
“We should really come here more often.” She said. 
“Oh, umm,” You began, still reeling from the moment. “Yeah, we should. We don’t go as often as we did back in high school.” 
“Yeah, we really wasted our allowance on so many shitty, dry cake pops.” Ellie recalled. You laughed at the fond memory. 
“Why the sudden interest though?” You asked curiously. 
“I mean, this used to be our ritual, you know? Getting drinks and just hanging out here for hours.” 
“You know, we do that everywhere else already, El.” You smiled, shaking your head. 
“Okay, true, true,” Ellie relented. “Buuuut, did you happen to see the barista that took our orders earlier?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed before looking down towards the ground floor and scanning the front counter. You weren’t quite sure which one of the several baristas had served you, not having paid much attention when you were putting your orders in. 
“Uhh, I guess? I mean, not really.” You admitted. “Why?”
“What do you mean ‘why’?” Ellie playfully scoffed in surprise. “You didn’t see that she was hot as fuck?”  
Your stomach dropped at her words. 
“O-oh.” You murmured. “I guess I didn’t notice.” 
“Come on, dude, you have eyes! She was gorgeous!” 
You gulped as you felt your heart plummet towards the floor. 
“Do you think I should ask for her number?” Ellie questioned, completely oblivious to your shift in demeanour as she tried to sneak a peek at the front counter below. 
“Oh, umm, sure, I guess so.” 
“I mean, I don’t wanna come off as a creep. Plus, she might not even be gay.” 
Your fingertips grew colder and colder with each second that passed, despite the way you were grasping your warm cup tightly. You would have been more worried about your drink exploding in your hand if you were much more present in the moment. 
“What am I talking about, she works here. Of course she’s gay.” Ellie chuckled at her own joke. 
You could barely muster enough of your trembling voice to reply, settling for a seemingly agreeable hum. 
“What do you think, dude?” Ellie asked, finally turning back towards you. 
You feigned a smile, succeeding only in giving her a weak, partial one. 
“Go ahead, El. Why not?” 
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Ellie’s last Instagram story was what sent a jagged knife through your heart. 
It was a video this time: she had her arm wrapped around her girlfriend, who was still wearing her hoodie. Both wearing wide smiles, they were both snickering about something for a moment or two. 
Then Ellie planted a kiss on her lips. And again. And again. 
As the video ends with their lovey-dovey giggling, your lips let out an involuntary sob. You press your fists onto your eyes in an attempt to stop the tears from falling. Head throbbing and gut nauseated, your body trembles from the waves of anguish crashing down on you. 
You stare at the ceiling and consider staying home from work. Nobody would benefit from being around your zombie-like presence. But feeling pathetic about missing work as a consequence to your broken heart, you chastise yourself for the mere thought of it. 
You spend a few minutes composing yourself, pushing every emotion to the back of your brain as forcefully as you can. It seems to last for a lifetime, but you’re able to eventually soothe your tears and take several deep breaths. 
Forcing your lifeless body out of bed, you begin your pre-work morning routine. The streaks on your cheeks from the unfaithful tears previously falling were scrubbed away when you washed your face. Tremoring fingers prepare your breakfast, which you end up mostly throwing out as a result of a queasy stomach. It feels completely futile to continue your day, but Ellie’s world continues to turn. Why shouldn’t yours? 
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You’re at work, spacing out as you’d been doing so often recently. Coworkers continue to ask throughout the day if you’re alright, but you merely smile every time and assure them that you’re just tired. That same smile fades once you turn away, a vacant expression taking its place once more. 
Before you came to work, you made the resolve not to check your phone every twenty minutes to see if your previously unread texts were responded to. But as each hour passes, fighting the urge becomes more of a struggle. 
On your lunch break, you relent and finally check your messages. You only have one unread text from your best friend Beth, checking on you. None from Ellie. 
You begin to chew nervously on your lip before switching to your nails when your friend and coworker Lina finds you. She pulls up a chair to sit next to you before tugging your fingers away from your lips. 
“I thought you stopped biting your nails,” She says, frowning. “You were doing so well.” 
“Sorry, Li-Li,” You reply, gingerly pulling your hand back. “I just—” 
“What happened now?” Lina asks knowingly. 
“Nothing,” You sigh. “That’s literally it. Nothing. She hasn’t texted me or called me or anything. She hasn’t even read my messages or even seen my Instagram stories.” 
“Babe…” Lina says sympathetically. 
Your friends have been lovingly chastising you lately for obsessively checking if Ellie had viewed your Instagram or Snapchat stories. You’d unintentionally trained your eyes to scan through your stories’ viewers to spot Ellie’s picture and username. Whenever you wouldn’t spot a picture of the auburn-haired girl among the list, you’d fight the instinctive urge not to break down every time. 
“You can’t be doing that anymore,” Lina continues. “You’re driving yourself crazy.” 
“What am I supposed to do, Lina?” You ask desperately. “It’s the only thing I get from her nowadays, and it’s barely anything.” 
“Exactly, it’s barely anything,” Lina repeats. “I know you love her, but…” 
“I know, Li-Li.” 
“She’s not even being a good friend right now. You deserve better than that.” 
“I really don’t.” 
“Stop that. Yes, you do.” 
“I just want her, Li.” 
“She’s obviously not good for you, honey.” 
Your phone buzzes from your alarm alerting you that your break has ended. You stand up from your chair. 
“I’ll talk to you later, Li-Li.” 
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You hadn’t replied to Ellie all day, ignoring her texts asking if you wanted to come over and hang out. 
Ever since that day when Ellie asked out the girl from the coffee shop, she’d been spending immense amounts of her free time with her. The rest was spent with you, talking about her. Ellie hadn’t been much of a talker ever since you were both kids, but now she was endlessly babbling to you about her new girlfriend. 
You’d learned that her name was Heather Sonnen. She was in her final year of college and was attending a university nearby. She was studying to become a veterinarian and had a golden retriever named Sunny. Her favourite colour is purple. She likes to go hiking and kayaking on the weekends when she’s not working. She was very good at kissing and even better in bed. 
Every little detail you learned about her felt like yet another crack on your already broken heart. You spent many sleepless nights bawling alone in your bed, screaming and crying over a pathetic love you could never do anything about. 
It felt so sick, so pitiful that a girl who would never kiss you or touch you or love you took up every corner of your mind. You knew you could never be pretty enough, never amount to Ellie’s idea of a dream girl. And this new beautiful, angelic girl she’d fallen for continued to prove that. 
You would watch the way Ellie’s eyes lit up any time she spoke about her, the goofy grin on her face every time she said her name. You’d seen Ellie through several other relationships, each one treating your heart like a Hans Moretti box. But this time, her glow was brighter and her smiles were wider. You could tell just how far and how hard she’s fallen. 
As you were laying on your bed, your phone buzzed as you received another text from Ellie. You ignored it and closed your eyes, having no desire to hear more about her perfect saint of a girlfriend. After several more minutes passed, your phone began buzzing in succession. You sighed, waited a few moments, and eventually relented to answer it. 
“Hey, Els,” You greeted her. “Sorry, I was napping just now.” 
“Oh, my bad, dude. I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“It’s okay.” 
“Have you not seen my messages though? I’ve been texting you all day.” Ellie demanded. 
“Oh, sorry, I just haven’t really been on my phone today.” You lied. 
“Bullshit, man, you’re always on that thing.” 
“It’s the truth, Els, I promise.” You lied once more. 
After a second or two as Ellie considered your words, she responded. 
“Alright, well, I was trying to see if you wanted to hang out today.” 
You stopped yourself from audibly sighing. 
“Sorry, I can’t today. Got a lot of shit to catch up on and take care of.” 
“Come on, dude, blow it off. I haven’t seen you all week.” 
“I really can’t, Els, not today.” 
You heard Ellie exhale in frustration on the other end of the line. 
“What’s been with you lately? We’ve barely hung out this month and you take forever to text or call me back nowadays.” 
You began to chew the inside of your cheek. 
“I’ve just… been going through a lot lately. That’s all.” 
“What, and you can’t tell me about it?” 
“N-not really.” 
“Why not? I thought we’re best friends. And don’t say that Beth is your best friend; I 100% had you first.” 
“We are, we are, but—“ 
“If something’s going on with you, I seriously wanna know.” 
“It’s nothing important or specific. Just been struggling mentally and all. Not been having the best time.” 
A moment or two passed where you held your 1breath, hoping she’d buy yet another lie. 
“Okay. I’m sorry you’re going through that right now. Can I do anything for you?” 
“No, it’s okay.” You replied, sighing in relief. “I’ll be okay.” 
“Alright, well, if you change your mind, just let me know.” 
“I will.” You said, knowing you never would. You couldn’t do that to her. 
“I—“ You began nervously. “I’m really sorry about today, Els.” 
“It’s okay, dude.” 
“Maybe tomorrow, if you—“ 
“Ahh, can’t tomorrow, I have plans with my pretty girl.” 
“Oh. Okay.” 
“Actually, I’ll text Heather in a bit and see if she can hang out right now so we can get a head start on our all-day date tomorrow. I planned out all this romantic ass shit to do.” 
“Ahh.” You replied, voice constrained in pain. Ellie didn’t notice. 
“Oh dude, I didn’t even tell you about this new strap I got for her—“ 
“Hey, Els,” You interrupted, not wishing to hear the rest of her sentence. “I think I hear someone at my door. I’ll call you back in a little bit, okay?” 
“Oh, okay, that’s fine. I’ll be right here.” 
“Right. Bye, Els.” 
“Talk to you soon—“ She was saying as you quickly hung up the phone, unable to further control the sobs that had been threatening to emerge ever since Ellie had said her name. 
You rolled to your side and hugged your legs to your chest, attempting to calm your hyperventilations. There was a ringing in your ears accompanied by Ellie’s words. 
“…my pretty girl.” 
“…planned out all this romantic ass shit…” 
“…this new strap I got for her—“ 
You’d been trying desperately to be a good friend to Ellie for the past month, despite everything. You’d listened and planned and supported, all the things a best friend should do. But the more mesmerized Ellie grew, the more everything within you died. 
You never bothered calling Ellie back that day. 
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The drive home from work was mundane and uneventful. An old song sung by Ray Charles about being in love with your best friend plays on the radio. The second bridge is cut off when you turn the key in the ignition and exit your car. 
The steps you take to reach your apartment feel heavy, and it takes everything in you not to collapse where you are. You don’t even bother to take off your shoes when you cross the threshold into the dark entryway. The cushions of your living room couch wheeze sadly as you collapse into them. 
You drop your work bag onto the floor next to you before turning on the TV. Eventually, you choose to put on some basic early 2000s sitcom as easy background noise. It’s something you’ve seen several times before and your mind doesn’t fully process what the plot is or who the characters are or what episode you’re on. 
Your eyes gaze away from the television screen and to a blank space on one of the walls. There’s a spot where the wall’s off-white paint was accidentally streaked off the first week you moved in. Ellie had been helping you hang a picture up, and you were fooling around too much that the ladder you’d been using almost slid down and left a mark. You never bothered covering it up. 
You stare at the mark as if it’d transport you back to that day, back to the mostly carefree moments when pining after your best friend was a mere minor inconvenience. But her love for another and ignorance of your struggle turned that inconvenience into an anguish you were not prepared for. 
That day you fully accepted the feelings you had for Ellie, there was something within that knew instinctively that you could never have her. She was an impossible dream that the universe cruelly created to be untouchable. Deep inside, you knew a long time ago that your plain, boring friendship was just a placeholder for something bigger and more meaningful in her life. And she seems to have finally found that. 
Blinking yourself out of your stupor, you eventually tear your eyes away from the wall. You take your phone out of a pants pocket and open up Instagram. Accepting the feelings of miserable self-pity, you once again scan your stories’ viewers for Ellie’s name. You finally spot it. You let out a sad sigh. 
I guess she at least remembers I exist. 
Orange and purple dance around Ellie’s profile picture before you tap on it. She’d posted a story from a local band she liked and another about a new video game release she was excited about. The last was a selfie of her posing in her bathroom mirror. 
It was an inconsequential picture, just another Ellie thirst trap. She looked handsome in it as she always did. But something catches your eye, and you wish it didn’t. 
On her left ring finger, she was wearing a silver ring. But it wasn’t one you recognized. It wasn’t the silver ring you’d gotten for her. The one she always wore on that finger. 
Maybe the ring accidentally broke. Maybe it got dirty and she has yet to clean it. Maybe she just felt like switching it out for a day. 
Each excuse you come up with seems more and more pathetic. You know there was no point in justifying it, no point in finding reason. You know that Ellie wasn’t overanalyzing it. Not like you are now. 
Your heartbeats are heavy and you suppress the reflex to throw up. You open up your messages and tap on Ellie’s contact, knowing the most rational thing was to simply move on and continue being her friend. But what you find abruptly breaks your heavy heartbeats. 
The text messages you had sent still remained unanswered. But there was a slight change. 
She read my texts… five hours ago… 
Ellie wasn’t always a big texter, always preferring old-school face-to-face interaction. But with you, she had always been the kind of friend to respond right away. Even if just to say she was busy and would respond when she was free, she never left you hanging. 
Your jaw tenses and your vision momentarily becomes blurry. Your bottom lip trembles and you find that you can’t stop hastily bouncing your right knee. Tears form behind your eyes and your cheeks grow feverish, but you’re unable to process or feel anything except the movement in your hands. 
Your shaky fingers lead you to Ellie’s contact in your phone without a second thought. You click “Edit” and delete every piece of information, from her picture to her birthday to her nickname. You save your changes and scroll downwards. You stop sharing your location with her before glancing at those conclusive three words in red right at the bottom. 
Block this caller. 
Without hesitation, you definitively tap the button. 
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author's notes:
this was very therapeutic. did this describe something i’ve been going through lately? no why would you think that what gave you that crazy impression ahahaha (shut up no i'm not thinking and pining over my ex, shut up!)
pink camellias because pink camellias represent longing lmaooo, i love symbolism and etc.
the ring reader gave ellie is based on a couple ring i gave to my my ex-girlfriend (the one i live with, not the one i’m in love with)! it’s super cool, i felt like it would be something ellie would wear!
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is the part about reader obsessively checking if ellie has viewed their insta stories based on real life? no, why the fuck would you say that
the whole starbucks and hot chocolate thing is a little reference to something in my personal life but i refuse to elaborate further
me once again inserting myself in reader with them always saying they’re tired when someone asks if they’re okay cause news flash, i’m always tired 🙂
reader’s friends’ names beth and lina are inspired by my irl best friend and work bestie’s names :)
ellie’s gf’s last name is purposeful but i again refuse to elaborate further
the ray charles song mentioned is “you don’t know me” but my fave rendition is actually by jann arden from the “my best friend’s wedding” soundtrack (my family’s obsessed with the score of that movie, we had the tape and then the CD of it and played it nonstop growing up)
sorry this took forever to write cause LOL it may have been a little hard cause it was a little TOO autobiographical... hope y'all enjoy anyway lmao
taglist: @elliessknife, @mina-2812, @bellasfavepansexual, @slaysksmska, @theganymedes, @sno-leopards, @cosmikoo, @elliesnumber1gf, @eleactric, @thatgiraffefromtlou, @bellswlw, @kissesforells, @ratdungeon, @elliewilliams8fingers, @wex--12
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angelkissiies · 2 years
pancakes for dinner
abby anderson x reader
cw : love confessions , anxiety , hockey!abby , girly!reader (glitter n pink fan) , modern!au
a / n : i never meant for this to be so long but i adore a love confession n hockey!abby ,, anyways ! enjoy ! also if you see grammatical issues SQUINT i didnt proofread this !!!
based off of emotions i get from THIS song ,, and some ugly dude being mean to abs on twitter ..
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You stared down at the blank sheets of paper, fluffy fountain pen twirling in between your fingers as you let your playlist restart. You had so much to say, that you almost didn’t couldn’t find a way to say it, the itching anxiety pulling at your heart as you glanced at the clock. ‘7:38 PM’. Her flight was landing in a couple hours, you internally kicked yourself for waiting so long, but finally made the first move to start writing. 
‘Bee, Abby, 
This seems extremely silly right now and I kinda want to throw up at the idea of you actually seeing this’ 
You let out a sigh, striking out the line before continuing. 
‘I need you to know some things, some things I've been meaning to tell you for, well, forever. We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember and as much as I don't want to risk losing that, I can’t not tell you. I’ve been very clear about my sexuality and you’ve been so supportive of me– but I can't let you set me up with any more of your hockey friends (you’re probably wondering why this is soo important but just keep reading.)
Don’t get me wrong, Nora was a lovely date– opened the car door for me and everything, but it just wasn’t right. I know you and as you’re reading this you’re probably shaking your head and muttering something about ‘you just didn’t give her a chance,’ but just stay with me here. 
I have gone on dates and I have tried all the dating apps, I’ve even had my fair share of hookups–
but Abby, I can’t stop thinking about you. 
From the day I met you, I think I've always known. You have been all I've wanted and I really understood that this year, I mean seeing you hooking up with all of those girls made me jealous– as stupid as it sounds, and no, It wasn’t because they were prettier than me or something, but it was because they had you.’ 
Your stomach churned as you halted, taking an unsteady breath, your finger moving to skip the song that had come on– ‘Heather’ by Conan Gray being in bad taste for the moment. You had the urge to rip the paper apart, hiding all evidence of the confession of your love, and nestle into your bunk bed– waiting for the inevitable knock on your door when she arrived back, begging to chat about her travels. Though, you remained still– chewing on the flesh of your lip before forcing yourself to continue. 
‘I’m saying this now because I fear, if not now then never. Your absence gave me a chance to figure out my feelings about you without worrying about you accidentally finding out. I needed to overcome my fear of losing you and came to realize that I can't, so writing this all out is seriously freaking me out. ‘ 
A ringing from your phone made you jump, the music pausing briefly as you checked the caller ID, the air caught in your lungs as you realized who it was. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” You chanted, staring at the little picture of her that accompanied the tense ringing in the now quiet room. ‘Shit!” You huffed, at last, letting your finger swipe across the screen to accept before placing her on speaker. 
“Hey!” Her groggy voice rang out, accompanied by the loud bustle of what sounded like a crowd. “Did I wake you up or something?” 
You let out a small, confused noise before answering– hand shaking slightly. “No, no. Just doing some work. What about you, you sound like shit.” You teased, taking a deep breath to gain your composure. The last thing you needed was to queue her on to anything, letting her remain clueless for as long as you possibly could. 
Abby snorted, rolling her eyes as she pulled her heavy suitcase behind her through the crowds of people. “No, just tired, they managed to get us on an earlier plane at the last minute– I had planned to sleep all day before the flight but surprise, surprise.” She hummed, watching as her team slowly began to disappear out of the double doors. “Anyways, because I'm getting back so early, I wanted to see if you’d be up for a movie tonight.” 
You felt time slow down, eyes shooting to the unfinished letter on your desk, you could barely find it in yourself to respond– feeling borderline dizzy at the rapid thumping of your heart, “Y-yeah, that sounds great. What are we watching?” She wasn’t supposed to be back for hours, and now you're getting told that she was already here? That you had to finish your declaration of love, now?! 
“I was thinking we could see that new avatar movie, what was it called?” 
“Way of water.” You spoke quietly, putting your pen down so hard on the sheet of paper– you were almost sure it was gonna rip. “That sounds great, when will you be here? I need to get ready.” Your pen began scribbling down the rest of your thoughts, handwriting less neat than it had been before. You didn’t know if you cared though, the thought of being caught in the middle of doing this was more mortifying than being articulate. 
“Say..” Abby trailed off, pulling up her hoodie sleeve to peer at her watch. 8:20 PM. “Does 8:45 sound good? Airports not far from campus.” 
You could’ve choked, forcing yourself to nod– even though she couldn’t see you. “Yeah, perfect. I’ll meet you downstairs, I’m sure you wanna change.” 
“Finally, a girl who gets me.” She joked, pushing the double doors open, and glancing around for the team bus. A chill rolled down her spine as she pushed the varsity jacket closed, blocking any more chill. “I've gotta go, I'm getting on the bus– but I’ll see you soon.” 
“See you soon!” 
You practically threw the pen down, doing a quick once over of the letter before folding it neatly– placing it inside its designated pink envelope. Your heart was racing, making you sweat slightly, as you slid out from your chair. You’d planned this all out so perfectly, yet, here you were– sliding on your crocs as you exited your dorm in an attempt to make this confession as seamless as possible. You were terrified of the possibility of her saying she didn’t feel the same, terrified that she wouldn't want to be friends anymore, terrified that she was still in love with her ex. Just terrified. 
The hallway passed in flashes, your mind too preoccupied to take in anything else as you speed walked to her door. It was as it usually was, empty, with the exception that her roommate had drawn a little moth in the corner of the whiteboard next to the number indicator. She was a neat girl, Ellie, but it always confused you at how they’d come to be assigned together– seeing as Abby was majoring in sports medicine and Ellie in physics. You shook the thoughts away, practically beating down the door with how hard you knocked. 
A few moments passed and you heard the soft pattering of feet on the carpet before the door swung open, a very disgruntled girl standing before you. “Dude, I literally have an exam tomorrow, what do you want?” She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. From all the times she'd met you, she was used to the intrusion– almost finding it funny how often you came by. “Abby isn’t here.” 
You nodded, pushing the envelope forward, watching as she looked at it and then back at you. “Can you put this on her bed? Just leave it there, that's all.” You gushed, glancing at the digital clock on her desk before dropping it into her now outstretched hand. 8:33 PM. “I have to go, so just please make sure she gets it okay?” Your feet were already moving, taking large backward steps into the hall before turning on your heel– leaving a slightly confused, slightly curious Ellie peering down the hall as you disappeared around the corner. 
The door to your dorm was still slightly ajar, making it easier for you to slip back in and begin changing out of your – what you’d begun to call – lesbian pajamas. The reason was that they had little hearts in varying shades of pink and orange dotting the fabric. By the time you’d had a chance to even pull on your shoes, It was already pushing 8:40PM– meaning that any second Abby would be passing your dorm to go change and you’d be practically bouncing off the walls with pent-up anxiety. 
Abby trudged up the stairwell, making a mental note to email the maintenance guys about the elevator, her suitcase hovering just above to not smack against the concrete. She tossed her braid over her shoulder, using her free hand to push the metal door open, stepping out into the warmth of the hallway. A soft sigh left her mouth as she paused, eyes fluttering to the door that bore your name in glitter peel-and-stick letters, a small smile pulling at her chapped lips– internally debating on stopping to talk to you, but coming to the conclusion that she’d just come back in a couple minutes. It always popped into her mind, upon thinking about you, she practically had to drag herself away from you to get anything done. 
As she passed by your door, she heard soft music– particularly a song she’d heard many, many times before. It made her heart skip slightly, upon the realization that you’d actually started listening to the songs she recommended, that being more than a small victory in her books. She glanced up at your whiteboard, it being pretty empty besides the few hearts you’d forgotten to erase from valentines day, before uncapping a marker to leave a tiny drawing of two girl stick figures in the mass of hearts. 
You were lying face down on your pillows, biting back the screams that tempted your lips as you waited for the alarm on your phone to sound– the idea of seeing Abby making your stomach twist into uncomfortable knots. The words of ‘Pancakes for Dinner’ by Lizzy Mcalpine permeated your thoughts, making you sigh aloud, she made it seem so easy. Too easy. You just wanted to say all of what you were feeling to her, see her face when she realized, and know instantly whether or not your friendship was over. The waiting made it all so much worse. You sat up, lifting your phone just as the annoying beeping started, making you groan. 
The music stopped as you swiped off of the app, pulling yourself up to sit on the edge of your bed– sliding your crocs over the pink fluffy socks you’d slipped on in spite of the dropping temperatures. “You can do this. You can definitely do this.” You whispered, coming to stand before grabbing the dorm keys from your bedside table. You couldn’t back out now, though you desperately wanted to, shuffling out of your room and into the hallway– already missing the comfort of your room. 
Ellie had greeted Abby at the door, the realization of the letter finally clicking in her head, an annoying smug grin on her lips. It was beyond confusing for the blonde, giving her an odd look as she let her suitcase fall on the floor in front of her bed. “What is wrong with you?” She finally asked, digging through her drawer, feeling the auburns eyes burning a hole into the back of her head. “You’re being weird, er, weirder than usual.” 
“Nothing, nothing. You have, uh, mail.” She coughed, covering a small chuckle, turning back to her computer as she sat down– keeping an eye on the pink envelope sitting perfectly on the dark surface of her bedspread. 
Abby knitted her brows together, following the girl's gaze to an envelope she automatically recognized as yours. How did she know? Well, you were the only girl on campus who used pink envelopes and she didn’t think that another could have manifested in the short time she was away. She instantly lost all interest in what she was doing, practically tripping over her bags to get to it. “Did she say what it was about?” She asked, turning the little thing in her hands, noticing the little star sticker you’d used to seal the envelope. 
Ellie shook her head, putting her hands up as if to say ‘i dunno’ before looking back down to her work– leaving Abby to tear open the pink paper hastily. 
You sat outside on the bench, tapping the toes of your shoe onto the pavement as you waited, jumping at every noise of the door– hoping, praying, that she even came. It had been so long since you’d felt this kind of scared, less schoolgirl more double homicide, as you pondered what could possibly come of this. The best case scenario being she felt the same way, and the worst case scenario was that she hated your guts and went around telling everyone that you were just some weird girl with a crush on her– that wasn’t likely though, seeing as that wasn't Abby. She’d never be so harsh. The reality was that she’d let you down easy, slowly but surely ghosting you in the process. You didn’t know what scared you more, good or bad news. 
The loud squeaking of the hinges drove you from your thoughts, making you glance behind you, a strained breath catching in your throat as you saw her– glancing around before she saw you. “Abby, hey,--” You began, standing to meet her in the middle, hands wringing nervously behind you. 
The blonde didn’t speak, her hands coming up to cup your cheeks, dipping down to press a needy kiss to your lips. Nothing had ever been so important, the letter being more than enough to send her practically flying out of her dorm to find you, she’d been waiting for the day she’d come to admit her feelings out loud– though as she felt you melt into her, hands now bunched in her jacket, she knew words were unnecessary. You’d been what she wanted this entire time, all the girls and the parties and the one-night stands being in spite of her budding feelings. She’d been trying to get you off her mind, protecting the friendship that meant more than anything to her. Your words flashed through her mind, making her smile slightly against your lips. 
You pulled away, taking a much-needed gulp of air, before looking up at the burly woman. The light was blocked out by her head, making a kind of halo around her. She looked beautiful, she always looked beautiful, but this was different. “Abby..” You breathed, eyes meeting her own. “Are you–?” 
Abby nodded, using her thumbs to caress the blushed flesh of your cheeks. “I am.” 
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baronessvonglitter · 3 months
Cherry, Cherry 🍒 Chapter 2 🍒 "Coffee & Garth Brooks"
pre-outbreak! AU!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Word count: 1,247
Summary: Joel visits you at work and during some innocent flirting, you reveal something that you probably should have just kept quiet about.
WARNINGS: 18+ Only! Mature and Explicit, however this chapter is pretty tame, age gap (reader is 18, Joel is 35), reader is tomboyish but otherwise no race mentioned and will not be throughout the series, until specified this story takes place in the summer of 2003 and is AU with no outbreak, flirting, reader has mild fantasies about Joel, no use of y/n
Series Masterlist
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Mondays at the cafe are hectic. So as eager as you are to see if Joel will show up, you're also swamped with orders. It's not until the crowd begins to clear that you see him. He's smiling at you and you can't ignore the way your heart does a little backflip.
"Hey!" You greet him with a smile.
He approaches the counter. Today he's wearing a heather-gray t shirt and jeans. His hair is tousled, beard neatly trimmed, and you catch a whiff of clean-scented shower gel coming off him. "I remember you," he says, a playful glint in his dark eyes.
"I remember you too. . and I remember I owe you a coffee for helping me yesterday."
"Hang on there. Where's that ring I labored so arduously to free from your kitchen drain?"
You smile at his wordiness. "Why, it's right here." You extend your left hand to show off the ring, a lot cleaner and shinier than the last time he saw it.
He surprises you by taking your hand with a delicate touch. "It would've been a shame to lose somethin' so pretty." His eyes move up to yours, as if to gauge your reaction. "That offer still on the table?"
This small yet meaningful gesture mesmerizes you. "The… offer?" you mumble. "Oh! The coffee." Crimson, you fix his coffee, giving him a bigger size than you're supposed to. "Are you on your way to a site?" You ask as you hand him his drink.
"Thank you. Yeah, I've gotta check in on a site before noon." He sips his coffee, leaning against the counter. You try not to stare but you give a quick glance - his body, even when at rest, seems powerful.
"What's it like, being a contractor? Do you like it?" Before the words come out of your mouth you realize how immature you sound. Of course he likes it. He wouldn't be in that business if he didn't.
You feel a little relief when he smiles. "It depends on the day. You get plenty of sun, and you have to deal with a lot of bullshit, deadlines.. but it pays. So I don't mind it all that much. What about you? You enjoy bein' a barista?" Joel smirks and you wonder if he's enjoying your exchange as much as you are.
"It's thrilling," you say in a deadpan voice. "Wanna trade places for a day?"
"I'll pass," he laughs. "Sounds like you're tryin' to get out of work right now," he teases you, leaning over the counter. He places his elbows down and rests his chin on his clasped palms.
"Can you blame me? At least you get your choice of music in your truck, not whatever this is," you roll your eyes at the indie jazz playing over the speakers.
"I'm in charge of the radio in my truck. Just the way I like it."
"What do you listen to?" You also lean against the counter, subconsciously angling yourself towards him. You're only vaguely aware of the cafe, of your surroundings. As you talk with him it just feels good.
"I'll listen to almost anything: rock, oldies, anything really. I guess I don't like anything too artsy and pretentious-soundin'," he answers.
"You strike me as a country music lover," you give him a little bit of teasing.
He tilts his head to the side. "You got a read on me already, huh? Well I won't lie, I listen to some country, but only the old stuff. Not this new, pop-py, overproduced stuff."
"Do you like Garth Brooks? George Strait? They're the greats. You have to like them."
"Girl, you're too young to tell me who the greats are," he grins. "George is the king of country music. Garth's a given. He's kinda cheesy sometimes, but his songwriting is great, no denyin' that."
"When I was a kid I used to go around singing his songs to anyone who would listen. I would put on a show, sing at the top of my lungs.. I was a pretty rambunctious kid," you laugh at the memory.
"Bet you're just as rambunctious as an adult too," he says playfully.
You smirk. Joel's flirting with you, there's nothing more obvious. "I'm a college girl. I'm supposed to be rambunctious."
He gives a low chuckle and an intrusive thought slides into your brain: you want to know what that low rumble in his chest sounds like, with your ear pressed against him… When you come back to your senses you catch his eyes scanning your face. "Fair enough. I'm sure you've got all the boys chasin' ya, huh?"
There it is: the question you thought was only ever asked in books, in movies, and Joel is the one to ask it about you. "Oh.. not really.."
"I find that hard to believe."
You look away a moment, wiping an invisible spot on the counter with a cloth. "Truth is, I kind of have someone.. back home in Houston." You dare a peek at him only to see something like relief cross his face.
"That's great," he says, maintaining a smile.
You regret saying something like that. Trevor isn't someone worth bringing up to Joel, yet you have used him almost as a shield, and you don't know why. "It's, uh.. kind of uh.. ambiguous," you add. "He's going to university there. I guess we're still figuring things out."
Joel nodded slowly. "So.. it's complicated, is what you're sayin'?"
"A little.. I don't really, you know, want to talk about it." You smile and shrug as if it's a minor thing.
"Of course." He puts his hands up, then he looks like he wants to say something but he stays quiet. Looking at his watch he says, "I gotta get to the site."
"Yeah.. I should also get back to work." You turn your back for a moment then turn again to say something else to him but he's already outside going to his truck.
The rest of your shift goes by smoothly and you pocket your tips and start home. Once you're comfortable in the house you allow yourself to think about your interaction with Joel. Of course the first friend you make in Austin would be the ruggedly handsome, middle-aged man next door. A man with a daughter only a few years younger than yourself.
You've never really been in this position before. You don't really recognize your own feelings. You've had crushes on older guys before: teachers, coaches.. so why is this time different? And why are you struggling with it?
Joel, meanwhile, feels himself in almost the same predicament. He doesn't want to admit it to himself but he really likes you. The age difference is too much for him to even consider, but your presence.. it's getting to him. He likes talking to you, wants to be close to you.. but he can't. He doesn't want to mess up his life, and it will only cause problems if he doesn't keep his distance. He worries he won't be able to fully shake you off his mind.
A few days later he spots a paper on his truck windshield. It's a handwritten note from you:
pool party at our place this Saturday @ 2 pm
and your name signed underneath. Joel smiles and gets a pen from inside his truck to write a reply.
We'll be there, he writes beneath your message and he leaves the paper on your car windshield.
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grimreapersnuisance · 16 days
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Teaser for my latest project— Fantasy AU Klance comic 💜
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jdsgothwife · 2 months
au where veronica notices just in time that jd is making one too many "jokes" about poisoning heather chandler. she sits him down and has him tell her what's wrong and he tells her about all his trauma. he goes into therapy and veronica is there by his side supporting him. they grow up and get married and have kids and also jd gets fat as part of his healing and they grow old together and live happily ever after. these days they're an extremely happy old married couple who have a bunch of pet names for each other. neither of them ever thought that jd would make it past 18 years old so they both just feel so happy at every milestone and every sign of them both getting older and growing up. their wedding, their kids being born, jd getting gray hairs and wrinkles. they made it, they're alive and grown up and together and they're parents. jd thinking about how he was moved around his whole childhood and when he got to sherwood, ohio, he thought it would be the same, not knowing that he would spend the rest of his life there with his soulmate and his family, a family that actually loves him.
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meo-on-prairie · 1 year
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Gojo Satoru x Reader
Prompt: “You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love // The slowest way is never loving them enough”
Words count: 2844
Tags: ANGST, SO MUCH ANGST, fluff if you take out the James Webbs Space telescope, pain train all the way, not a happy ending, mention of blood and death, idiot to lovers a little too late, it’s not happy, highschool au, hanahaki au
Rambling: if you see this fic as “Pulmo flower” this is the revamp of that lmao, I posted it years ago and deactivated my entire account cuz i was insecure about my creativity, but i’m working on that. By re-releasing what I think is my proudest work. Please listen to “High Infidelity - Taylor Swift” and “Heather - Conan Gray” for this fic. 
XX03 Daisy: innocence 
He gave me a Daisy when we first met— a wildflower he picked at the entrance of the playground, shoving it in my face as I sat on the swing. Grinning from ear to ear when he asks, “will you be my friend?”. And every birthday from then on, without fail, Daisies would be shoved to my face. Those damn Daisies occupied my lungs, took my breath away. 
XX09 Sunflower: unconditional love 
We’re inseparable, attached by the hip. It’s easier to count the times where we’re not together. I don’t know when it started, but he became my air, although sometimes it was hard to breathe, it’s hardest to breathe when he isn't near. The pressure in my chest became so great that it often forced out violent coughing fits. They are often violent and painful, sometimes unbearable, they feel like my lungs are trying to force something out that is incapable beyond reach. Until one day, those violent coughs forced me into unconsciousness. 
White. The first color that I saw when I opened my eyes. Cold and harsh white of the hospital room. the color white, it’s in everything I hate. White is the color of the hospital room glaring at me mockingly, laughing at the fact that I have a weak body. White is the color of snow signaling the arrival of winter and the freezing uncomfortable cold. White is also the color of his stupid hair, a painful reminder of someone I can never have. I hate the painful white color. 
But maybe the color white isn’t so bad if it allows yellow to shine so brightly. The Sunflowers on the table caught my attention from the corner of my eyes, the flowers warmed up the whole room instantly, funny how a speck of yellow can warm up the cold white room. The small note of the familiar handwriting attached to one of the flowers makes the flowers shine even brighter. "Get well soon! :( love and miss you a lot ~ Satoru". Slowly, painfully, I can feel the sunflowers blooming, occupying another space in my lungs, making it harder to breathe, especially without him. 
XX11 Cornflower: young love
Legend has it that Cornflowers were worn by young men in love; if his love was returned they would remain bright and fresh, if not they would wither away quickly. He gave me Cornflowers during freshmen orientation. Everything about cornflowers was annoying, the color was too bright and it hurt my eyes. It's a weak flower and dies easily, withering in two days. It reminded me of how similar I am to it, weak and annoying; both wither away when our love is not returned. But at the same time, it gave me hope… 
“Why Cornflowers?”
“They just look bright and pretty, something vibrant for a new chapter in our life right?”
“Right… of course.” 
Of course, there wouldn’t be any deep meaning to them. Hope is for fools.
XX14 Heather: admiration
November brings around the freezing cold of winter, I have always disliked the cold, it made breathing harder than it already was. When the bell for lunch rang, I quickly packed my bag to go meet up with Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko at the cafeteria.
To my surprise, Satoru wasn’t with them. The three of us went to get food anyway since all the good foods will be all gone if we’re late to the line. Satoru arrived at the cafeteria a few minutes later, with an unfamiliar girl trailing behind him. 
“Sorry I was late, I was trying to convince someone to join us” he explained quickly before turning his body sideways, “We got paired together for a project for Physics, she just moved here so be nice to her.”
“Hi, I’m Areum” she spoke softly, her shyness written all over her face. She was absolutely gorgeous, the soft curls of her long hair framed her face perfectly. She has a small figure, the clearly oversized sweater she’s wearing made her look adorable, a sight for sore eyes. Compared to her I’m not even half as pretty.
“Hello Areum, I’m Suguru, I see you’re wearing Satoru’s sweater,” he said with a smirk, clearly enjoying the blush that quickly appeared on both Satoru’s and Areum’s faces. 
“S-She looked like she was about to freeze over in that room alright?!” Satoru defended hotly. 
“Sure thing buddy” Shoko joined Suguru on the teasing-Satoru-bandwagon before smiling at Areum, “My name is Shoko, by the way!”
I reached my arms out to flick Suguru and Shoko on their forehead, “stop teasing the poor girl!”
“Hi Areum, I’m Y/n, Satoru’s childhood friend, sorry you got stuck with that doofus for a Physics project of all thing” I joked, offering her a gentle smile while ignoring Satoru’s pouty complaints of something along the line of he’s not that bad at Physics.
Areum let out a shy giggle at my comment before sitting down to join our table. The four of us quickly settled into a comfortable atmosphere as we got to know Areum better, asking her the reason for her transfer so late into the school year, among other things. 
The entire time, Satoru’s eyes never strayed away from Areum’s face. His smile got wider every time she laughed. His gaze toward her made my stomach somersault and me feeling nauseous. They’re the same gazes I had toward him. It slowly gets harder to breathe as pressure builds up in my throat. I forced the cough that threatened to escape down, I was probably overthinking it anyway. 
But that feeling of nausea never went away. It only gets worse as the week comes and goes, especially when almost all of the conversations between me and Satoru had always led to her. I started to see him less and less since he always declined invitations to hang out with: “Sorry, I promised Areum that I would study Physics with her.”
Ever since Areum joined our little group, she got Satoru mesmerized. They’re practically attached by the hip, never one without the other. It was suffocating to see them together all the time. But how could I hate her? She was an absolute angel. Always speaking softly and gently, always kind to everyone around her. Hell, she noticed whenever I started to struggle for air when no one else did. I wish I could hate her even just a little bit, maybe then it wouldn’t be as painful.
XX15 Rose: romance  
February 14th, probably the most annoying day of the year. The school ground is littered with pink and red, people carrying flowers, balloons, chocolate, and stuffed animals in different sizes around, blocking up the already crowded hallway. 
Some couples walk around, others busy sucking each other face off in a corner, and god knows what some of those freaks are doing in the bathroom stalls. I wish this day would be over already, everything is suffocating. I make my way through the hoard of people professing their undying love to each other in the schoolyard. Finally, I reached my first-period class, reaching my hand out to tug open the door when I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Satoru with one hand waving in the air like a madman and the other carrying a single pink rose. 
“Y/n! Hi!” He greeted me after coming to a stop in front of me.
“Good morning to you too, Satoru,” I said with a smile.
He shoved the pink rose he’s holding to my face with the bunny smile gracing his lips, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
I guess some old habits die hard after all, “Thanks, Satoru” I chuckled lightly as I accepted the flower. 
We stood there for what felt like forever until he started, “Y/n, so I----” the bell ring cutting Satoru off.
“Shit, gotta go, my first class is on the opposite side of campus, I’ll see you after school okay? Bye Y/n” He said quickly before running off. 
What was he about to say? Curse that damn bell, I swear that thing has the worst timing. I look down at the pink flower. The pink petals look soft and fluffy, a small pink rose starts to bloom in my lungs along with budding of hope. “No Y/n, you idiot, didn't you say that hope is for fools? Stop it before you get hurt!”. But I know it's already too late, I can't seem to control the smile that's growing on my lips and the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach. 
Maybe... Just maybe... he feels the same way. Maybe I was wrong about his feelings toward Areum. After all, he gave me a rose, the one flower that shouted “love” louder than any other flowers. This could be my chance to tell him how much he means to me. Suddenly, Valentine’s day became the most exciting day of the year. Bringing the rose closer to my nose, I can't wait to see him after school...
When the last bell signaling the end of the day rang, I practically bolted out of the room to meet Satoru at our usual spot. Excitement filled my body, I felt lighter than ever, but also nervous at the same time.
I arrived at the schoolyard to see a huge group of people crowding around in a circle blocking the way to our usual spot. I rolled my eyes as I prepared mentally to push through the crowd. 
With great difficulty, I started to join the crowd and maneuvered myself through the hoard of people while repeating "excuse me" over and over again. Eventually, I reached the other side of the human barrier, I breathed deeply and prepared to do it once again before looking up. The sight that greeted me when I looked up filled me with dread. My stomach dropped and I felt nauseous. The flowers in my lungs are multiplying, making it harder to breathe. I can feel my heart tighten up in my chest. 
Standing in the middle of the circle of people is Satoru, holding a bouquet of red roses, looking as handsome as when I last saw him. Light pink coating his cheeks, there is nervousness in his eyes as he stands in front of Areum, who is having both hands covering up half of her face. Surprises grace her beautiful form. Standing behind them are Shoko and Suguru, they're both holding up a giant sign that reads "will you be my Valentine?" with a glittery cursive font. Both of their faces show excitement as they look at Satoru and Areum. 
I held my breath as I prayed for whatever deity above for her to say no. Unfortunately, they seem to hate me with a burning passion. I watch as she nods slowly before exclaiming "yes!". I watch as Satoru lets out a sigh and then smiles brightly. The same smile that can light up the whole room. The same smile that makes me fall hopelessly in love with him. I watch them walk toward each other as people around them cheer loudly. I watch as Satoru shyly gives Areum the rose and she accepting them just as shyly. I watch as they embrace each other with wide smiles gracing their lips and people hollering and wolf-whistling around them. 
I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. The flowers are multiplying too quickly, filling up my lungs, making it almost impossible to breathe. I need to get out of here. I turned around abruptly, forcing my way through the crowd of people. Once I'm out of the circle, I break into a sprint. I ran and ran and ran and ran. I don't know where, I just want to be as far away from that crowd as possible. My lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen, but I kept running until I could no longer hear the cheering of people and dropped down to the ground. 
I tried inhaling to no avail. It hurt so much. Every time I try to inhale or exhale it would feel like needles are being scraped against the walls of my lungs. It's painful, no, fuck that, it's torturous, everything hurt like hell, the pain is agonizing. It makes me want to rip out my heart and lung and throw them far away to ease the pain in my chest. 
Pressure slowly builds up in my throat and it gets itchier and itchier forcing me to let out a cough. That cough is followed by another one, and another one, and another one until I'm coughing uncontrollably. My body doubled over and shook violently as I wheezed for air. I covered my mouth with my hands as I coughed into them. I choked violently before I felt wetness on my hands. 
I pulled my hands away from my face and looked down on them, holding back another cough. In my hand, a pool of blood and flower petals. The warm yellow of sunflowers, the cold white of daisies, and the gentle pink of roses are being dyed by the red of blood. Tears blurring my vision as I throw myself into another coughing fit. More blood was forced out of my body along with more flower petals. 
Suddenly my lungs started to burn even more. I cough harshly as something bigger than the petals force its way out of my throat and onto the floor, joining the existing puddle of blood. A pink rose. Soon enough the more flowers and blood forced their way out of my body to join the puddle of blood under me where the rose and flower petals lie. It hurts like hell with each cough, but... It became easier and easier to breathe after each time. 
When the last daisy fell into the pool of blood, the coughing fit stopped. The burning stopped along with the pain in my chest. The numbness I felt was almost exhilarating. My body felt lighter than ever, it felt like I was floating on clouds. I take in a deep breath and slowly exhale as darkness takes over me. 
XX16 Tiger Lily: “Please love me”
A figure of a man holding a bouquet walks silently toward the cemetery. His lean frame is adorned with a thick jacket to protect him from the harsh cold of winter, his form feels lonely as if a part of him is missing, gone from this world completely. The sun is setting over the horizon, coloring the sky in bright orange and pink. But Satoru couldn't care less, his world has lost all of its colors a while ago. The beauty of this world only appears dull to him, nothing can be pretty in a world without her. 
He walks solemnly through the cemetery, passing by the countless headstones. Until he reached one in particular. The headstone looks relatively new compared to the ones surrounding it. The writing on it read: "Y/n, XX97 - XX15, 'Loving you silently'". 
Satoru kneels in front of Y/n's grave as tears slowly spill from his eyes, blurring his vision. He placed the bouquet of Tiger Lilies in front of her grave, joining the other flowers that were already there from visitors earlier that day. He sat there regretfully silent as tears spilled from his eyes. 
"Hey Y/n, How have you been?" he greets.
"I hope you’re doing well.” He lets out a forced chuckle, "Everyone has been missing you. Especially your mom, she cried everyday for months after you’re gone. She has been doing better now though, so you don't have to worry too much, I’ll take care of her in your stead."
Satoru let out a shaky breath as more tears spilled out from his eyes, “I miss you every damn day, I miss you so much that it’s hard to breathe. Fuck, I can’t look at daisy flowers without crying anymore!"
“I miss your smile that brightened up the whole room. I miss your eyes that held the universe. I miss your comforting voice” he said while choking up as tears fell harder from his glistening blue eyes, "But more than anything, I miss you who felt like home...”
“I’m sorry for being an idiot and realizing when it was already too late, you deserve so much better than my pathetic self” He sobs pitifully.
Satoru sat there with his back hunched over as tears fell endlessly from his eyes. At that moment, he looks small and fragile, as if we would break from a single touch. With each passing minute, it got harder and harder for him to breathe. His lungs begin to burn as the pressure slowly builds up in his throat, forcing him to violently cough up flower petals and blood. When the coughing fit died down, he pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the blood off of his lips. Slowly, he stood back up before glazing at the headstone longingly. 
“I’ll see you soon, Y/n,” he whispered with a bitter smile as he began to walk away.
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sillystappen · 21 days
i was wondering if you can do max as a singer and not a driver
i wonder if he can be MARINA and he interested in f1 and goes there to watch the races
Singer!Max huh? Ok I see you.
And mother of god did figuring the logistics of this AU hurt my brain :')
Ofc Max would retain his interest in F1 heck I might even make him kart when he was a kid but drop out for angsty lore reasons. Naturally this would make his relationship with his father very strained and almost nonexistent if it weren't for the fact Max still hasn't blocked his number. He spent most of his kid/teenage life with his mum and sister in belgium and thrived in music classes, having a natural sense of rhythm and being able to hear the layers in a song. He still watches F1 on tv and becomes a Daniel fan after Spain 2014 - Daniel's first podium, though he also is team Rosberg when brocedes happens (no reason other than I like Nico Rosberg)
As for his music type honest to god I can see why you would say MARINA as those lyrics can definitely be Max coded but genre wise and looking at her performing idk if that fits the Max vibes bc I wanna keep him from going too OOC. But not in a total stray from the idea of MARINA, I propose... Conan Gray. Still kinda indie vibes (and I love indie) and there's a lot of desiderium songs as well as full on pop bops and hopeless romantic stuff which give people some good emotional rollercoaster concerts. However these songs and albums release date will be manipulated to it my narrative because trying to align a calendar with an interesting plot and those songs just was too much...
For Daniel and any race settings, I am thinking of using the 2021 season. Which I'm sure you all are thinking: Silly, what would be the 2021 season without Max in it? Wouldn't it just go to Lewis without a fight? And I thought long and hard about it, looking through the grid and reserves to see who if anyone should take the seat that Max originally had and... it's Daniel. You heard it here first folks this baby is a Daniel never left Red Bull fic too. Using this Mr V's Garage's video, I borrowed the simulated 2021 season between Norris and Sainz and made it Lewis and Daniel (who will ofc win) with 3rd place going to Checo (because i like checo) and 4th Bottas. As for Abu Dhabi... there's no way it won't be controversial come on.
I imagine a meeting between Daniel and Max would be him getting paddock passes after saving up and ends up being recognised by Daniel at the Belgian Grand Prix. At this point he has he has had Kid Krow out for nearly 2 years after saving a crap load of money from royalties and a birthday gift from his sister he finally had enough money for a paddock pass over a grandstand ticket (but holy fuck those things are expensive). He meets Daniel who is like "holy shit you're Max Verstappen! Wearing my DR3 hat?" and Max feels like holy shit is very much correct because Daniel knows who he is?!?! Queue both of them having a fanboy moment and Daniel admitting he cried when he heard heather for the first time. But Daniel has to be pulled away so he gives Max his number and invites him to the garage (much to christian's chagrin but hey, number one golden driver championship contender privileges). Max totally nerds and Daniel thinks its cute and the mechanics are surprised by Max's knowledge.
They go on "friend-dates" to get to know each other properly and surprisingly (to them not to us) they click really well. Daniel invites him to GPs and Max invites Daniel to music video sets (they sneak Daniel into an MV and if you look close enough you can see him in the background) and a lot of trips to the recording studio. The internet being the internet picks up on this and are like AIN'T NO WAY OMG WORLDS COLLIDING all dramatic like that. There's even TikTok edits and a small tumblr community (hi) about them.
Then one day Max goes on an interview and is asked about Daniel. "He's probably the best person in my life right now, outside of work and family. Gosh, I've been a fan since 2014, and my sister will tell you I yelled pretty loudly when he won in Canada that year. But the Daniel you guys see in media is only half the story. He's kind and considerate and generous and a really comfortable person to be around and I am glad I bumped into him in Spa. He's been my rock as I work on my newest album."
Hashtag maxiel starts popping off a lot more mainstream and Daniel calls Max after the interview to tell him how sweet and lovely he is and as he gushes Daniel has the 'oh I love him' moment, like actually in love and not just a how a fan would. He doesn't say it, of course, but the penny has dropped.
For Max, the 'oh I love him' would be when they're back in Daniel's hotel room post race (that Daniel won ofc) and they're sat on a sofa in front of a quiet TV playing some sort of movie when Daniel falls asleep on Max's shoulder. Max looks down at him and just knows 'i love him' then and there. It's a quiet realisation, and one he is content with.
As for how they get together, it's one of the times Daniel is in Max's recording studio listening as Max sings, completely entrapped. When Max finishes and sits down next to him, he asks what Daniel thinks Daniel doesn't hesitate to say he thinks Max is amazing and that the song will be a hit, but suggests a few tweaks to the instrumental. Max takes this seriously and appreciates the honesty, kissing Daniel's cheek as thanks. It was the way Max looked at him and gently held his face that has Daniel sitting there for a moment before going fuck it and properly kissing Max.
They don't announce their relationship until Daniel after wins his second championship in 2022 but spend the rest of 2021 and the entirety of 2022 soft launching it and teasing. Daniel posts photos of Max hugging him in Abu Dhabi 2021 and lots of photos of them hanging out in winter and summer break. The F1 media catches Max in the paddock and Red Bull garage a lot and Daniel at the Superache tour in late 2022 (what about the tour? what tour? the early 2022 world tour? yh that didnt happen I'm just adding a couple songs from there into the superache setlist). Max also posts a video of Daniel lipsyncing to Overdrive whilst holding a deodorant can and standing on a bed.
The actual announcement spooks the F1 world more than the music one and at first it's a lot for them, the questions and the prying, the demand to know it all and of course the homophobia but they get through it all fine and dandy.
Oh and Jimmy and Sassy? They give Daniel the seal of approval the moment he shows up offering pets. And that was the only outside opinion that ever mattered.
{I may flesh this into a full on fic, but I also might not but I liked your idea anyway and wanted to put the concept I created into the world! I hope you like it.}
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inexplicablymine · 8 months
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Here is a little more of Little Drummerboy, the rockstar drummer au!
(chapter two posted today this is a snippet from chapter 3)
A song lyrics snippet preview for the next chapter! And yes you should be reading between ALL of those lines ;) The song is entitled “Every other Weekend” you might possibly imagine this to a somewhat similar tune to Conan Gray’s Heather if you so please:
you tried it for years/love wasn't enough/the front yard grew weeds/roof started to rust/you said it’d get better/trashed every one of my letters/broke bicycle training/rust under the mainframe/the car you brought by/when you’d teach me to drive/every other weekend
why would you ever miss me/stuck half alive in your memories/you gave me your word/you left me unheard/I stay undeterred/till the worlds end/every other weekend
stuck behind, loveblind/aged out of a system of bliss filled remission/ wandering halls long empty phone calls/ you walk by, what a sight for sore eyes/ bleak words of admission/ every other weekend
why would you ever miss me/stuck half alive in your memories/you gave me your word/you left me unheard/I stay undeterred/till the worlds end/every other weekend
so I fucked it up/so I ran it off/so I blew a fuse/till the world stepped up/but then you took me down/ran the weekend gambit/took my love for granted/should’ve guessed you planned it/we struck a match/ burned the whole place down/ took the weekend off/ gave you the runaround/ but still you stand/ by that bygone date/ for your sacred meeting/ some sick twist of fate/ so I hold it up/ for all to see/ every other weekend/ but you’ll never get all of me (you’ll never get all of me)
stuck half alive in your memories/you gave me your word/you left me unheard/I stay undeterred/till the worlds end/every other weekend
Can’t wait to continue posting more of this over the course of February!!!
Read Here: Part 1 | Part 2
Thank you for the tags: @whimsymanaged @futureseaempress @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @onthewaytosomewhere @kiwiana-writes @suseagull04 @cha-melodius @three-drink-amy @orchidscript @heybuddy-drabbles @wordsofhoneydew @sherryvalli @firenati0n
And some more Wednesday tags!!: @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @affectionatelyrs @adreamareads @babiemonk @cricketnationrise @cultofsappho @celaestis1 @celeritas2997 @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @dragonflylady77 @everwitch-magiks @14carrotghoul @gayrootvegetable @gay-flyboys @lizzie-bennetdarcy @iboatedhere @hillerskas @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @ninzied @nontoxic-writes @nocoastposts @ships-to-sail @indomitable-love @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @happiness-of-the-pursuit @read-and-write- @littlemisskittentoes @saintlynomenclature @raysletters @notspecialbabe @onward--upward @magicandarchery @msmarvelouswinchester
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blond-jerk-tourney · 1 year
Brackets + Participants Masterlist
Have you ever thought who is the JERKIEST and MOST LOVEABLE MEAN BLOND ASSHOLE?? Well then this is the tournament for you!
read this if you're new
complete list under cut. the order of images does not reflect matchups.
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Champagne Bracket (alphabetized by media)
Sakyo Furuichi from A3! Act! Addict! Actors! Kristoph Gavin from Ace Attorney Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (musical) Clotted Cream Cookie from Cookie Run Yoshiki Kishinuma from Corpse Party Jiwoo from Dandelion - Wishes Brought To You - Byakuya Togami from Danganronpa Hiyoko Saionji from Danganronpa Eichi Tenshouin from Ensemble Stars Nazuna Nito from Ensemble Stars Karin Sauer from Fear and Hunger Rufus Shinra from Final Fantasy Zenos yae Galvus from Final Fantasy XIV Sharpay Evans from High School Musical Vace from I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Natsume Minami from Idolish7 Cindy from Kindergarten Felix from Kindergarten Larxene from Kingdom Hearts Kromer from Limbus Company Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat Mikhael / THE MAVERICK from OMORI Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5 Bede from Pokémon Sword and Shield Oleana from Pokémon Sword and Shield Babette from Raggedy Ann and Andy A Musical Adventure Haley from Stardew Valley Joshua Kiryu from The World Ends With You Clownpiece from Touhou Project: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom Vil Shoenheit from Twisted Wonderland Camus from Uta no Prince-sama Ryuji Goda from Yakuza Honey Bracket (alphabetized by media)
Andrew Minyard from All for the Game Mean Generic Golden Retriever from Anon Ask (link) War from Bonus Links AU by @bonus-links Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes Richard Lazarus from Doctor Who MacKenzie Hollister from Dork Diaries Ryusui Nanami from Dr. Stone The Blond "weird sister"/"bride of dracula" from Dracula Arte Ente Conchita from Evillious Chronicles Dave Strider from Homestuck Dirk Strider from Homestuck Trophy from Inanimate Insanity Emma Frost from Marvel Comics (usually X-men titles) Brittnay Matthews from Most Popular Girls in School Ambrosius Goldenloin from Nimona (comic) Danburite “Danny” Skinner the OC of @porcelain-animatronic Rose Thorburn Jr. from Pact (art by @wraith_ly on twitter) Brandish/Carol Dallon from Parahumans (art by @cpericardium Glory Girl/Victoria Dallon from Parahumans (art by @cpericardium) Goddess/Bianca from Parahumans (art by raikiri on reddit) Tattletale/Lisa Wilbourn from Parahumans (art by monkeyjay on reddit) Shaka from Saint Seiya  Thranduil from The Hobbit Achilles from The Illiad (art by ancient greek polychromatic pottery painter c. 300BC) Ianthe Tridentarius from The Locked Tomb (art by @starcanist) Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray Adam Parrish from The Raven Cycle Rachel from Tower of God Arlo from Unordinary Mathis Quigley Sr. from Unsounded Benedict from Violet Evergarden Linton Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights
Platinum Bracket (alphabetized by media) Brad Morton from American Dragon: Jake Long Biff Tannen from the Back to the Future Trilogy Patriarchy!Ken from Barbie Howard Hamlin from Better Call Saul Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer  Johnny Lawrence from Cobra Kai/Karate Kid Daring Charming from Ever After High Ed Rooney from Ferris Bueller's Day Off Zap Brannigan from Futurama Joffrey from Game of Thrones Gideon from Gravity Falls Heather Chandler from Heathers Helga Pataki from Hey Arnold Simon from Infinity Train Dee Reynolds from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Cindy from Jimmy Neutron Ankh from Kamen Rider OOO Villanelle from Killing Eve Regina George from Mean Girls Arthur Pendragon from Merlin Skwisgaar Skwigelf from Metalocalypse Chloé Bourgeois from Miraculous Ladybug Steff McKee from Pretty in Pink Angelica Pickles from Rugrats Gunther and Tinka Hessenheffer from Shake It Up Prince Charming from Shrek Bartleby Montclair from Sonic Underground Illya Kuryakin from The Man From UNCLE (2015) Lyle Lanley from The Simpsons Tom "Iceman" Kazansky from Top Gun Julia from Total Drama / Total Takes Flash Thompson from Ultimate Spider-Man Strawberry Bracket (alphabetized by media) Lilith Bristol from Absolute Duo Rio from Assassination Classroom  Mello from Death Note Beelzebumon from Digimon Tamers Laxus Dreyar from Fairy Tail Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Char Aznable from Gundam Kei Tsukishima from Haikyuu!! Shaiapouf from Hunter x Hunter Anzu Futaba from Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Isobe from Kamisama Kiss Nozomu Nanashima from Kiss Him Not Me Hanazawa Teruki from Mob Psycho 100  Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia Neito Monoma from My Hero Academia Arcangelo Corelli from Neo Yokio Cavendish from One Piece Donquixote Doflamingo from One Piece Sanji from One Piece Panty Anarchy from Panty and Stocking Nanami Kiryuu from Revolutionary Girl Utena Jadeite from Sailor Moon Zoisite from Sailor Moon Akagi Ritsuko from Shin Seiki Evangelion Sofia from Space Dandy Kuusuke Saiki from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K Ryou Shirogane from Tokyo Mew Mew Sylvio Sawatari from Yugioh Arc V Malik/Marik Ishtar from Yugioh Duel Monsters  Mizael from Yugioh Zexal Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri on Ice The brackets are based on the type of media they are from. It isn't perfect but I think that is okay. I was thinking of posting all the initial matchups, but I've decided I don't want to change them as they are now and I also want them to be surprises.
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The Heathers+Veronica play D&D
What a surprise, another random AU that I came up with
So one day the gang is hanging out and JD mentions that he wants to play D&D with them and he thinks it would be fun
Everyone but Chandler is all for it while she, like usual, is being a bitch about it
'Its a nerd game and I'm not a nerd' and 'It sounds boring'
Eventually Mac uses her puppy-dog eyes which makes Chandler relent and agree to play the stupid nerd game
JD DMs while The Heathers, Veronica, Betty and Martha play
He's the kind of DM that goes all out, spending untold amounts of money on minis and other kinds of shit
Eventually the day arrives where they start playing
They enter the room and holy shit JD decked the place out
He put blackout curtains on all the windows and turned the lights off so the room is pitch black besides the candlelight of a chandelier he hung on the ceiling
He put a fancy looking blood red tablecloth over the table
At each seat there is a set of dice in each person's assigned color (The obvious for the Heathers and Veronica, Pink for Martha and Purple for Betty)
They aren't the cheap plastic ones no, they are the metal ones that are as sharp as a knife
JD himself is wearing a gray cloak that covers his face
They sit down and JD begins the campaign
The premise is simple, they are students at a magical academy where a series of murders has happened recently, and they have decided to take it upon themselves to investigate it
However, there is a twist
One of them is the murderer, and it is their job to make it to the end of the school year and graduate, thereby being able to flee the investigation and live freely
Of course, they don't know that the killer is one of them, except for the one who was assigned the role
He starts by going over each of the player's characters
Betty drew a picture of everyone's characters to get an idea of what they all look like and she shows off the picture when they introduce themselves
The Heathers are all named Hecate bc of course they had to have the same name in D&D too
There's Hecate Carnation, Hecate Dahlia, and Hecate Magnolia
(Their last names are all different kinds of flowers bc their actual name, Heather, is a type of flower so they thought it would fit)
HC is a Sorcerer who comes from a long line of powerful magic users and came to the academy like her parents and grandparents before her to hone her skills
She looks pretty much like what she looks like IRL and she acts like how she did in High School, acting superior to everyone bc she thinks she is
She thinks that solving this simple Murder Mystery case won't be a problem for someone as talented as her
So basically she's Claire from I'm In Love with the Villainess
HD is a Wizard (Or Witch ig, the class name is Wizard but she's a girl sooo) who came to the academy to learn the Wizarding arts from the talented professors the academy employs
HD also looks like IRL Duke, but much taller and with longer sleek hair compared to Duke's short curly hair
HD acts as the check to HC's id, being the ego and the one who can rationally look at a situation and make the best course of action from there
She's not very good with emotions, however, and can struggle to act appropriately in emotional situations
HM is a Druid who hopes to get some hands-on experience with the Druidic Work while studying
She is the superego to the other two's id and ego, the one who can look at a situation with both emotion and logic and determine the best course of action from there
She also looks generally like IRL Mac, but she has light brown hair compared to blonde and is a bit less muscular and more well endowed in certain areas
The Hecates joined the investigation as they are obviously the most capable of doing so, and as such they have a responsibility to be apart of it
Veronica is Vadina Siannodel, a High Elf Cleric
She picked Cleric bc she just knew that the Heathers were gonna do some dumbass shit and she was gonna need to bail them out with her healing
She is also the only one of them to pick a non human race
She joked Duke should pick a dwarf bc she's so short and Duke elbowed her in the stomach
She looks kinda like Frieren from that anime (She watched it with Duke around the time JD said he wanted to play so it influenced a lot of her character choices)
Vadina is a model student, the one who always aces her exams and does everything she can to help those at the academy to prove those who didn't want her there wrong
The academy is generally only open to humans and other races, especially half-elves and other mixed races, are looked down upon and by and large not accepted to it
But, because of Vadina's overwhelming academic talent she was admitted despite the prejudice at the academy
But with the murders occurring, many suspect the non-human students of being the murderer, especially Vadina, who many assume to be behind the attacks as an attempt to off her academic competition, and so she joined the investigation to prove her innocence
Martha is Megara Deepcrest, the Warlock, who made a deal with the demon Jami for power in exchange for the occasional sacrifice (animal, not human)
While everyone assumes that she is the one who did it, she knows that it wasn't her bc her patron desires the blood of fauna, not humanoids, and this school ain't big enough for two Warlocks
Everyone is just kinda stunned bc they assumed she would be a Druid or something but they did not expect Martha the Warlock who sacrifices animals in elaborate rituals every full moon to maintain her power
She looks nothing like Martha, she is a tall, lanky figure who wears a cloak which covers all but her hands, which reveal an elaborate tattoo on each palm and her fingers are covered with rings with unknown gemstones in the center
She is not in the uniform of the academy but all the professors are too scared of her to say anything
Finally Betty is Barnabas the Bard
Out of everyone Betty is taking this the least seriously, she heard the stereotype of bards seducing everyone and thought that was hilarious and decided to make her whole character around it
She put all of her stats into making sure that her seduction rolls would have the highest chance of being succesful
It kinda ruins the whole vibe JD had going on but whatever as long as she's happy
Her plan is to figure out who the murderer is then seduce them into not killing anymore
Once JD got all of their character descriptions he had to decide which of them is the murderer
He ruled out Martha immediately because it would be too obvious, he couldn't think of a motivation that would fit Betty's, and Veronica, while giving him a reason to pick her as the murderer, would probably have more fun trying to find them instead of being them
That left him with the Heathers, which works as they had created their characters together as a well-oiled machine, so by throwing a wrench into it he could make it more difficult
He settled on Mac bc he thought it would be unexpected, but then he realized that she is a terrible liar so he switched to Duke who agreed to be the murderer
Duke is smart enough to know how to cover her tracks and has that element of chaos that would make it more fun
HD's motivation is that the wizard track was overcrowded with students who weren't born with magical abilities and were forced to study, and it made it hard to stand out, so she eliminates other students, knowing that the school would turn their attention to the wizarding track, where she would be able to show them how talented she really is and hopefully be placed into higher-level classes
She also knows that even if the other three get suspicious, the other two Heathers would never suspect her and that infighting may allow her to get away with things
**Line break bc tumblr is dumblr**
So from there the campaign starts
They meet once a week, Wednesdays at 5:30 to 8:30 at JD's, Betty's and Martha's house in what became referred to as the D&D room
It starts with the group forming after the 3rd murder this month and an overview of all the evidence found so far
So far there had been 9 total murders over the school year
JD put a dossier on all of the students on the table and had all the players look over it
They quickly discovered that all 9 students had been in the Wizarding Track, but besides that they had little in common
They had a range of academic scores, came from a variety of different backgrounds and had varying social standings
The group came to the consensus that their culprit was probably in the Wizarding Track
They decide to then get a list of everyone currently enrolled in the Wizarding Track from the School Dean, to which Duke suggests that they also find anyone who used to be in the Wizarding Track as well
By doing that Duke hoped to increase the suspect pool and introduce the idea that it might not be someone directly in the Wizarding Track
They get the list from the Dean and in total there are 30 students in the Wizarding Track and 9 Former Students who transferred out
The group goes back to HC's dorm and they discuss the game plan
Vadina says that they need to eliminate suspects one by one and narrow down their options, which everyone agrees too
HC tries immediately eliminating HD form the list, arguing that if she was the killer she wouldn't be part of the investigation, but Vadina counters back that this could be a cover up and a chance for her to mislead them
Duke is sweating bullets and trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible but thankfully both Chandler and Mac stick up for her and even Betty and Martha think it would be unlikely that someone would join the investigation if they were the killer
That discussion stops when Chandler threatens to make Veronica sleep on the couch if she keeps accusing Duke so she backs off
From there, they spend each session looking into one or more of the suspects, interrogating them and comparing their testimonies against the evidence, and eliminating those from the list who could not possibly be the killer
Chandler rolls so many Nat 1s and she swears up and down that the dice are rigged (They totally are, JD and Duke both thought it would be funny to see her get mad over it when she didn't even wanna play in the first place)
Much to JD's horror, Betty's seduction strategy works more often than not and despite his attempts to put a stop to it, she always finds a way around them
JD (speaking as the NPC): "I appreciate the gesture, but I'm not attracted to women"
Betty: "Ya wanna bet?" Out of character "JD, If I roll a Nat 20 and add that with my +5 bonus can I still seduce him?"
JD (Done with her bs): "Sure why not"
Betty: rolls a nat 20
JD (Doing just fine he lied he's dying inside): "You all watch as Barnabas somehow seduces a gay guy, and as JD regrets all of his life choices"
It becomes Mac's mission to make as many animal friends as possible and to stop Martha from sacrificing animals to her demon overlord
Whenever they have to fight an enemy that is even remotely animalistic, Mac tries to roll for Animal Friendship and to make it her friend
Like one time they were fighting this Tabaxi (Cat person) and Mac tried to use Animal Friendship, arguing that even tho its humanoid its still a cat and therefore an animal
She ends up somehow becoming friends with an Owl Bear and she plans to use it to smell some cloth left by the killer and track the killer
Duke acts quickly by sending a quick text to JD while hiding her phone under the table so no one sees saying that she does something to agitate the Owl Bear, sending it into a frenzy which allows Duke to kill it, saving herself
When the party questions JD on that he says that somebody did something to anger the bear
Mac got pretty upset after this so after that session they all went out for ice cream
Over the course of the sessions Veronica becomes more and more suspicious of Duke but no one believes her despite the mounting evidence that points to her involvement
Sometimes at the start of sessions JD will add that another student died, sometimes just a random that they hadn't gotten too or one they had decided wasn't the killer, but sometimes it would be someone they heavily suspected, forcing them to question themselves further
Eventually they get who they think is the culprit and they are arrested and the group thinks they won, only for JD to start the epilogue where he says that because of all of the deaths that she caused, Hecate Dahlia was able to stand out more among her class, allowing for her to be placed in the upper classes and get a better job once leaving university, and that she lived the rest of her life guilt-free for both the murderers and the innocent person she condemned to death by framing them for the murders she committed
Veronica jumps out of her chair screaming that she knew it the whole time but the rest of them didn't believe it and that she was right and they were wrong
Mac, Betty and Martha look betrayed
Chandler storms out of the room and tells Duke that she's sleeping on the couch for a while
Meanwhile Duke and JD are just cackling about how they actually got away with it
Duke ends up sleeping on the couch for a month before Chandler lets her back in
Whenever someone brought it up Chandler would get pissy and they would say "But I thought you didn't wanna play the stupid nerd game Chan-Chan?" and she would only get more pissed off
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elliesbelle · 6 months
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the heartbreak trilogy
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synopsis: if only your childhood best friend, ellie williams, knew how much you liked her. seeing her fall for a new girl made it clear that you had to go. the consequences leave you eviscerated.
pairing: modern au ellie x reader
word count (work in progress): 15.7k
minors don’t interact
i have a ko-fi if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
the spotify playlist:
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chapter 1
synopsis: if only your childhood best friend, ellie williams, knew how much you love like her. but her new girlfriend, heather, has got her mesmerized. and it leaves you brokenhearted.
content warnings: cursing, angst, unrequited love, no comfort
based on the conan gray song "heather"
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chapter 2
synopsis: you completely cut ellie out of your life, and it has been months since you decided you had to go. but it's not over for ellie, and it all hits you in her car.
content warnings: cursing, angst, unresolved feelings, cheating, reader has a vagina, SMUT, dom!ellie, sub!reader (dom!reader for two seconds), cunnilingus, fingering, slight spit kink (sorry lol), strap eating (kind of), strap-on use, slight hair pulling, breeding kink, no comfort
based on the lizzy mcalpine song "ceilings"
featuring a duet of "ceilings" by lizzy mcalpine and ellie williams
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let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist or if you'd asked previously and i missed you! otherwise, follow @belleloves and turn your notifications on to be notified when the newest chapter comes out! and please have your age in your bio if you want to be added to the taglist!
more coming soon! ♥︎
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angelled-art · 2 years
Modern AU Heather and... Windshear?:D
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The idea of the art was absolutely random.. I just was inspired by the beautiful photos of the atmospheric rooms and wanted to draw some HTTYD character in the modren AU theme with such a background:>
The idea of ​​adding Windshear was also pretty random)) Perhaps the ferret reminded me of Razorwhip with its oblong body shape and similar paw structure.. Also, ferrets can be gray and they're predators in nature)) In general, I didn't think much about the modern incarnation of Windshear, I just wanted to draw something cute, so she's a ferret here))
Btw, if you have any other suggestions what animal Windshear could be, feel free to share them!
And I hope you like what turned out)
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arminsumi · 2 years
Just a few things about Armin
Hcs / A. Arlert
Just a compilation of headcanons, with some x reader content mixed in of course!
Cws; fluff, smut hcs
Kink cws; consent kink, praise kink, mommy kink, a little bit of a creampie kink, pet names (Goodboy/sweetboy)
Notes on Y/n; AFAB! + gn! pronouns
Notes on this au; modern! + college! au
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He loves drawing, and often makes you these dumb little doodles to make you smile
Great public speaker, but when he's speaking one-on-one with you he chokes up and all the charisma drains out of him
His scent is vaguely of a floral shampoo, sometimes you catch a whiff of fragranced facial creams when hugging him
Pokes his tongue out in focus, whether it be during cooking, studying or drawing. He's completely unaware that he does this
Surprisingly swears a lot, but does it in such a feathery voice that it mostly goes unnoticed.
Studies late into the night, really gets carried away with taking notes. And his handwriting is so tiny that basically no one can read it
Very sensitive to noise, the smallest sounds can make him jump or wake him up in the middle of the night
Definitely not a morning person! He's even bleary-eyed after getting 10 hours of sleep :( He wants soft hugs after waking up too
Favorite games include Minecraft and Genshin
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Super self conscious about his accent, even though it's so soft and indistinct that you didn't notice it until he complained about it
He's very attentive when you start speaking in a group
Remembers the little things you mention in passing, like your favorite flower, and then surprises you with a bouquet on your birthday
Hates his own birthday, it stresses him out
And he has a no-gifts rule, also because it stresses him out (Except your gifts! He loves your gifts, and tucks them safely into his closet)
Speaking of, he keeps his closet very neat and probably color-coordinated
He has a sock collection that he's embarrassedly proud of
Sucker for the shirt collar peaking under a wool sweater look
Hate hate hates t-shirts and tank tops, or anything that shows his arms, because he's self-conscious about them
Experiences so many voice cracks, and he swears they get more frequent around you
He has no idea how to cook and often burns things (Except pancakes, he makes really good pancakes)
Refuses to let anyone see him cry because he's convinced he has an ugly crying face
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Some songs that he loves;
♫ Melting / Kali Uchis
♫ The Beach / The NBHD
♫ Cherry / Lana
♫ Devil Town, 888 / Cavetown
♫ Bored / Billie
♫ Heather / Conan Gray
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Forewarning; smut content ahead!
Melts when you call him a goodboy/sweetboy
Definitely has 'sex on the beach' on his bucket list
Definitely has a consent kink
"Can I really?" He asks a lot, not because he's unsure, just because your permission is music to his ears
Mommy kink has consumed his entire soul
He has the sweetest whimpers :( like he sounds so sweet that you feel this overwhelming urge to hug him with all your might
He's too embarrassed to ask if you're okay with creampies but he really wants to :(
His hips stutter a lot, sometimes he's too hyper and excited to keep a steady rhythm, but he's always hitting the best spots <3
Best aftercare, it's not even a competition! He cares for you like a royal
He makes it routine to clean you with a delightfully warm cloth after post-climax cuddles. Even makes you tea, or food, and brings it to you in bed
Lots of giggling under the blanket after sex
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