#& czech propaganda
laulo821 · 6 months
Bonsoir, I've got a shower thought (literally) for you! I've realized that in French, there are only 3 one-letter words: a, à, y.
(I'm not taking into account abbrevations, contractions, slang (like r), and dialect variations. Also, this could be debatable, but I'm not counting t (as in "va-t-il") and ô bc I'm a hater.)
Can you guess how many one-letter words there are in Czech? :D (Bonus points if you can guess which ones <3)
woa only 3 one-letter words?? funny funfact it is... but i do believe we love longer words soooo not too surprising =)
as for in czech mmmm. i have seen your post last time about the different "and" words so there are two at least (a and uh i don't remember the other one? i maybe). and with my Russian knowledge, i had noticed the czech language has one-letter prepositions for certain declensions (so, likewise russian, it maybe has a v or b to introduce locations and the equivalent of c in russian). anywho i'd guess there's like 10ish one-letter words in czech =D
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scarytheory · 8 months
Myslím, že čumblr by měl vědět o existenci filmu Holka nebo kluk, který mě přesvědčil o tom, že Adina na mě možná nefunguje jako štramanda, ale rozhodně funguje jako štramák.
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schnuffel-danny · 1 year
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see you soon, laika
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grahamcarmen · 11 days
And my thing STILL is that as carmen gets a stronger sense of her past and better connections with her friends and allies the need/desire for Gray in her life doesn't decrease and dissapate, it INCREASES and is refined. All while constantly being more sincerely layered in romantic tones as the show goes on.
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the-cricket-chirps · 10 months
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Victor Oliva, The Absinthe Drinker, 1901
Emile Decoeur, Absinthe is Death, c. 1900
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bpdclive · 7 months
which i could copy the kill clive dove theme html & give it to you
after i fix the navigation buttons (amateur css-er)
OH!?!??!? thatd be incredibly awesome :o thank you!!!!!?!?!
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amerasdreams · 1 year
It's crazy how closely events of the present echo those of the past. Almost as if russians are using the playbook of the nazis, becoming the very enemies they profess to despise. 
"Germany’s state radio systematically stirred up discontent in the Sudetenland, with stories of Czech atrocities that were at best exaggerated and frequently completely fabricated." -https://english.radio.cz/czechs-and-germans-1930s-czechoslovakia-a-complex-picture-8116010
"The Czechoslovaks are only now beginning to realize the dangerous effects of the new technique of propaganda, which consists in telling lies and half-truths with such conviction and consistency that even the victims begin to wonder what is really the truth." - British visitor to the Sudetenland, Edgar Young, 1937
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alpinelogy · 4 months
you’re watching hockey 👀 tell us about it!
Sort of?? ajsjdkd
Idk what you mean by tell us about it I think everyone knows hockey o7. But I’ve gotten a ton of Canadiens propaganda from my mutuals (Kay) since like November and I resisted, but now I’ve been seeing the iihf everywhere so I watched the quarterfinals against the US and yeah. Propaganda successful I guess 😂😭
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laulo821 · 9 months
Hi! I have a little game for you. Here's a list of words:
All of these are real Czech words that come from French. All...except ONE that I made up. Can you guess which one is the fake one I created? :D
YIPPIE! i love games!!
so here are my first ideas: trying to pronounce czech although i have no idea how the inverted ^ sound (between others) and here is what i think
ratrapáž = rattrapage
montáž = montage
antuka = antique (seems kinda strange but why not)
angažmá = ??? engagement??
šumafuk = ????????????????
garnýž = garnir / garnish (english) (unless ý is NOT pronounced i at all lmao)
ležérní = laser (??? aint that english)
so im stumped on 4, 5 and 7 for starters. so . disadvantage.
second idea: what already exists and is borrowed like montage. it is also a russian and english borrowed word so i'm for sure crossing montáž (2) out. same for antuka (3), angažmá (4) and garnýž (6) cuz it'd be a giveaway wouldn't it
third idea: CHEAT and have a czech voice synthétiseur tell me how the words sound ok so i still have no idea what šumafuk (5) is. and i guess ležérní (7) is like léger/légèrement or something so it enters the 2nd idea category: OUT (also i double checked angažmá (4) and it do be engagement so we good)
fourth idea: overthink it since šumafuk (5) seems so far stretched that i can't recognise it, it can't be it cuz you'd make up an easier word. so it is out.
so we're left with (1), ratrapáž/rattrapage. which is a very strange for you to come up with ... since it's not a common one... but maybe you're trying to throw me into a loop ... mmmm ...
fifth idea: overthink it MORE considering it's a game you want to fool me so youre gonna make the word look like another from the list. or make it have czech letters cuz "if it has czech letters it's definetly an existing word". do you think i'm so credule. who do you take me for.
anyways i think you made up ratrapáž and i can't wait for you to prove me wrong and for me to learn more <3
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autistictortoise · 2 years
Other people: binge watching Friends, Supernatural, TBBT, Stranger Things...
Me: binge watching F. L. Věk
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scarytheory · 8 months
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
“Persons who had been captured by Hitlerist propaganda insinuated that both France and Britain were divided at this period between a war party and a peace party, and that the European crisis was dominated by the struggle between these groups. This is precisely what Mussolini and Hitler contended, and the insinuation was a service to them. In reality there were men who had succumbed to the fascination of force, and others who were virtually making common cause with the dictatorships ; there were, on the other side, others who saw more clearly and realized where the continual concessions would lead, and who wanted, not war (who does?), but a policy of firmness: they knew well that Hitler would not go to war, and they knew the inner springs of his behaviour. The best proof of this segregation is that the psychological differentiation cut across party divisions: in France, for instance, M. de Kerillis was to be found in agreement with the Communists, and on the other side M. Flandin, who had sent a sympathetic telegram to Hitler, was supporting the views of certain well-known pacifist intellectuals who until then had been absolutely opposed to Hitler.
Thus the whole course of this acute crisis shows the tactical soundness of the principles here enunciated as determinants of the dictators’ action. Among other psychological features of the crisis was, above all, the rapidity with which, thanks to the technique of wireless publicity, reflexes were formed and reactions produced which determined behaviour. The Hitlerist and pro-Hitlerist propaganda in the democratic countries made full use of these new possibilities, especially by spreading false news or declaring false news to be true; this is a new aspect of struggle at moments of acute crisis in international policy, and one of which account must be taken in future; it is capable of producing entirely unexpected effects.
Of great interest is the behaviour of the masses and of crowds at the time. Excitation, producing anxiety, spread everywhere during the last fortnight of September, preceding the climax of the crisis; and this excitation was increased with the psychosis caused by Hitler’s broadcast speeches. Then came mobilization: at once, as though at a signal, there came an impressive calmness; a collective inhibition spread in a few hours, lasting some days, until 6 p.m. on the 28th. A general “thaw” followed, a wave of joy, a new excitation; not until then did the realization come for many people of the personal danger that had come so close to them, and it was then that symptoms of real fear were manifested. This was the phenomenon of the dis-inhibition of the conditioned reflexes which had until then been inhibited. Many of the very people who during the mobilization calmly said to themselves, “If the country is to preserve its independence, it is impossible to put up with the attitude of the totalitarian States; and if the worst came it would be better to fight than be enslaved”, afterwards became ardently pacifist, carried away by the wave of boundless optimism, and attacked those who showed more self-mastery and warned against excessive optimism. The events that followed a few days later threw a cold douche over the optimists. The necessity of urgent arming was proclaimed everywhere. Then came the entire destruction of the independence of Czechoslovakia, the anti-Jewish pogroms in Germany, the scandalous attacks on France in the Italian Parliament by irredentist Fascists, at the instance of the dictator ; and finally the invasion of Poland. All this had shown that the moment was approaching for the inevitable collision.”
- Serge Chakotin, The Rape of the Masses: The Psychology of Totalitarian Political Propaganda. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1940. p. 254-255, 257-258.
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illgiveyouahint · 2 years
Idk how much I'll be active over the next two weeks. I'm currently experiencing election anxiety and that will probably last me until the second round or maybe ever depending on how it goes
so my plan for these excruciating two weeks is watching a lot of silly little Thai shows and escape reality as much as possible and hopefully at the end of all this my country, my people will elect someone semi-decent and not the billionaire who is like the 2nd richest man in the country, owner of multiple news media, leader of a political party, anti-ukraine, anti-democracy, ex-communist secret police and just overall a terrible human being. Wish us luck
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bogkeep · 2 years
i Genuinely find goncharov (1973) to be a really profound piece of collaborative storytelling and mythmaking and not just A Meme - like it is that, but it follows all these threads that have been human tradition for as long as we can remember, i think.
from mythologies about local pantheons and how the stories have evolved through geography, oral storytelling, and cultural drift over centuries and millennia - there is no One Right Version of the story, because every story is right Somewhere. from, whatever is going on with arthuriana and similar collections of Characters and their arcs. from the entirety of the czech republic playing into the cimrman bit, and kids having to learn that he's not real like he's santa or the tooth fairy. from the way actual historical figures get shrouded in propaganda to a point where what we learn about them is not the real story of what actually happened. from fandom shenanigans with homestuck's squiddles, and, uh, didn't voltron fandom invent a bootleg klance? from superwholock gif collections to the way podcast fandoms seem to soldify character designs for characters who have no canon visual appearance beyond a few precious clues.
i think stories can be Real without being Canon, because where DO any of these lines go? at what point does a character go from being an OC to a Fictional Character? are we not telling a story together? scorsese and license plate matteo didn't make this movie but you've made the movie now, or at the very least the experience of one. and you made something beautiful! you could have made a spiteful and irony poisoned dig at the movie industry and instead you decided to create something beautiful and meaningful.
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ultimateanthropoll · 7 months
SEMIFINALS SIDE A: I think they would be friends actually
On the left we have possibly the STRONGEST MEMBER OF THE FURIOUS FIVE, trained in kung fu since she was a child, she has DESTROYED her competition and made it to the semifinals!
On the right we have the pride of the Czech Republic, turning children into environmentalists since 1957, a little mole who can drive and ride a spaceship, he goes by many names: Kiskavond, Krtko, Der Maulwurf, but for the purposes of the tournament we will call him...
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"She played a role in both my furry and my lesbian awakenings 🐯"
"big big slay"
"Pretty kitty. :3 ♡"
"I neeeed him to make it you don't understand"
"Krteček is really good! some epizodes are on youtube and in them they dont speak, so there is no language barrier"
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