#& she would ALWAYS fucking talk about it and also got a bunch of tattoos literally just 'so i dont have to keep painting thwm on when i do
sydmarch · 1 year
having to finally unfilter the word homestuck so I can keep my eyes on this round of plmm LMAO
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bitch-for-bo · 2 years
Sweetheart (Piercer! Suna Rintarō x Brat! Chubby reader)
didn't know I needed piercer! rintarō until i wrote this...
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It was really stupid. 
The way you were crying was so fucking stupid.
You didn’t even really know why you were crying……
….well….that was a lie…..
You were crying because of that stupid asshole in your college lit course. The one who led you on all semester before telling you that you were ‘not his type’ 
Not his type? 
He took you out for ice cream before trying to feel you up in his shitty little car and when you told him you didn’t really feel like doing anything that soon, he went off. Yelling about how you’d been tricking him and how he didn’t want a relationship, how you were ‘just for fun’ ‘cause he would never date ‘a girl like you’. 
Needless to say, you would be moving seats in class. 
This was constantly how it was, it had happened to you so many times that you’d just accepted that you would always only be the ‘just for fun’ girl. You’d always be the one that they snuck past their friends, not wanting to explain why they’d brought a girl like you home, just a bunch of assholes who didn’t want to receive judgment from their asshole friends. 
And while you had tried your best to suffer through this treatment, thinking it’d eventually get better, you were officially over it. Which was why you couldn’t figure out for the life of you, why you were wasting tears on this guy. 
You ended up wine drunk with your friends, bitter-watching 2000s rom-coms and trying not to let them talk you into an irresponsible decision. 
But you were sad. 
So you let them. 
You ended up scrolling through a local tattoo shop’s website, admiring the pieces and wincing at the prices. You wanted something cute….. but also inexpensive….. and probably kinda small. 
……but still…….tattoos were so….. permanent, did you really want to be reminded of this asshole every time you saw yourself in the mirror?
That was when you saw that this shop also did piercings. 
It was perfect. 
Piercings were small, not super expensive, and easily removable if you got absolutely sick of them. 
You booked your appointment for the following week and woke up to a pretty harsh hangover the next day.
A week later you walked into the shop and almost died on the spot. 
You stuck out like a sore thumb. 
More than two sets of eyes watched as you walked through the lobby of the shop, making you flinch and shrink into yourself under their stares.
You got to the counter and tried to hide your pleasant surprise when the woman behind the counter offered you a bright smile. 
“ ‘r you our 3 ‘o clock? Piercing?” 
You nodded, smiling back at her. 
“Sweet. Follow me” 
She got up and let you further into the shop, passing a couple of stations, almost all filled with customers. 
“We have private rooms for our piercers, especially your type of piercing.” the woman winked at you, laughing as your eyes widened and your mouth dropped into a little ‘o’. 
“Ahh, don’t worry! I’m just teasing,” her face dropped a bit, “... but we do want you to be comfortable.”
The two of you arrived at your room. She led you in and let you take a seat in the chair.
“Alright.” She started, leaning against the counter and clasping her hands in front of her “now, we have a really great piercer, he does all of our piercings and we’ve literally never gotten a single complaint about him.” 
Your face must’ve dropped when she said ‘him’. 
“We also have an apprentice, who is definitely great, but she is also still learning….and you are new to this.” 
You nodded. 
“While I completely get it if you want her to pierce you, I will say that she isn’t nearly as good as our main piercer.” 
You nodded again, slower this time. 
“So I’ll give you a minute or two to decide. Like I said… no pressure.” she offered a thumbs up before leaving the room, telling you she’d be back briefly to get your answer. 
You were split. You really were… on one hand, you wanted a female piercer, but on the other hand, you really didn’t want this to get messed up. And who knew? What if you had difficult nipples to pierce? What if she tore through it? What the fuck would happen then? 
So while you didn’t necessarily want a man piercing your nips, you decided that he was a professional for a reason and that you would rather feel embarrassed for a couple of minutes than be in too much pain. 
When the manager came back in, you told her. 
“Fantastic, I’ll let him know you’re here, and when I see you next, you’ll have some sick fucking piercings.” 
She left with one last thumbs up, leaving you to twiddle your thumbs and wait for your piercer.
The man that came through that door was somehow, exactly what you’d expected. 
Tall, dark, and handsome, sporting tattoos in the form of patchwork sleeves and one that wrapped around the side of his neck. He couldn't have been shorter than 6’2”, and while he was definitely lean, you could tell he was still pretty built with the way that his biceps flexed as he closed the door behind him. 
You were also exactly what Suna expected when his manager let him know his appointment was ready. Another college-age girl getting her nipples pierced. 
Of course, you weren’t like every other college girl that came in here, you were sitting so he couldn’t get the full effect, but Suna knew just by how you looked now that you were absolutely his type. 
Your plump thighs were pressed together as you sat rigidly, making him regret that he didn’t have a smaller chair, just so he could see them squish together more, to see your ass struggle to fit in. You were sitting uncomfortably straight, obviously nervous, but Suna didn’t mind, the way that you were pushing your chest out gave him the perfect view of how nicely your shirt fell against your tits, nipples visible though not hard enough to pierce yet, he observed. 
Your face burned as you watched your piercer's eyes attach to your nipples. You knew that it was literally his job, and that he probably did this at least twice a day, but that didn’t stop you from feeling like there was something inherently intimate about it. So you turned your eyes away from his face, hoping he would hurry up with his assessment. 
And while Suna did do this quite often, and he was always incredibly professional about it, he just couldn’t help but stare at you a bit longer. After all, you were exactly his type… and when you rolled your eyes away from him, a small frown making its way onto your face, he couldn’t stop the grin from coming onto his. 
“How’re you doing?…. I’m Rintarō….I’ll be piercing you today.” 
You nodded, offering a small smile as you reached out to shake his hand.
Damn…. His hand was fucking huge compared to yours. You’d never had small hands, quite average actually maybe even bigger simply accounting for your extra weight, but even with the fake nails you had on, Rintarō’s fingers were still longer than yours, and definitely thicker. And wow his hands were cold! 
You introduced yourself, before thanking him for the appointment, stating that you were a bit nervous as it was your first time. 
As you spoke, you missed the way Suna’s eyebrow raised in interest. You spoke of how nervous you were, and how you’d never been inside of a real piercing shop before, but your body language was saying something completely different. While your words themselves were mild, even slightly withdrawn, your tone and posture exuded a level of prissy that Suna didn’t expect. 
Well, that was a lie….. he definitely expected you to be a bit stuck up as soon as he’d seen that little frown on your face, but he didn’t expect you to be like this….hell, you were the best kind of stuck up. 
You were a brat who didn’t even know they were. 
And this impression that Suna got of you only increased as he talked to you. As he explained the procedure and put on gloves, he watched the nervousness in your face slowly morph into distrust, maybe even a bit of doubt. 
“Alright, now that that’s out of the way, let's get that top off and mark where you want these bad boys.” 
“Do I really need to take it all the way off?” you asked. 
Suna chuckled, he wondered if you knew just how condescending your tone was. 
“Not at all sweetheart, just keep it outta my way and we’ll be good.” 
You turned your head towards the wall before lifting your shirt over your breasts, your face still hot with embarrassment. 
Suna had to bite his tongue to stop himself from letting out a low whistle. He’d pierced some pretty people throughout his career, but you? It wasn’t even sexual….. The sight in front of him was almost art. The way that you wouldn't meet his eyes, the way your knuckles were turning light at how hard you clasped the hem of your shirt. 
Yeah, your tits were great but the now exposed sight of where the tops of your thighs pressed together was far better. 
“Umm, are you gonna mark them now?” you asked, he’d been quiet for a bit now. 
“Just looking for symmetry sweetheart, don’t get your panties in a twist, we’ve got all the time in the world.” 
You frowned. 
“I just think that-”
Suddenly the little wheeled chair that he was sitting on was right next to you, and his face was close to yours, too close to be appropriate. 
“I know what I’m doing Princess…. No need to think.”
Your head snapped away from him, choosing to lock your gaze onto the opposite wall. 
Fuck…… his attractiveness was making this seem a lot more hot and a lot less unprofessional.
Rintarō just laughed again before going and opening a couple of cabinets along the wall, pulling out his already sterilized equipment along with a couple of paper towels. 
“What’re those for?” you asked, skeptical as you watched the piercer open the small freezer he had, taking an ice cube from a tray. 
Your eyes widened as he approached you with them. 
“‘K, it’s time for the not-so-fun part, it’s gonna be cold okay?” 
“Wait!” you gasped, “can’t I do that myself?” 
“Do you have gloves on?” 
You winced when he lowered the ice cube onto your nipple, trying your best to stay still as you felt the little pricks of cold travel down your torso, straight to your core. 
This was probably something you should’ve thought about before choosing to get nipple piercings from the hottest man alive. You’d never really known if you had sensitive nipples because none of your partners had ever really tried that. 
So if you were busy avoiding Rintarō’s gaze before, you were absolutely booked doing it now. 
But despite your attempts to hide it, Rintarō could tell. 
He could tell with the way that he could feel your heartbeat pounding under his fingers as he held the ice cube to your left breast, rubbing it around the area of the nipple so as to not make any certain spot unbearably cold. 
He watched your face amusedly when the cube ran over the bud itself, the way you slightly bit your lip, and how your knees twitched. 
“Alright, here’s why we ice it first….” he said, dropping the ice cube into the sink before returning to your side.
“Why do we- fuck!!” you hissed, your upper half involuntarily pulling away from Rintarō, who’d just cinched the clamp onto your left nipple. 
He instructed you to breathe, placing his hand on your shoulder as he helped your inhale pattern, lightly squeezing to help distract you from the fact that your nipple felt like it was caught in a crab’s claw. 
How the fuck did some people enjoy this shit? 
It burned! And all you could think about was how fucking sore your tit would be!
You were beginning to regret this decision. 
But then it happened…
“‘Atta girl….you’re doing real good…..” 
Thank god you were able to hide your face behind your arms that were still holding your shirt up, because if you hadn’t Rintarō would’ve been able to see your eyes widen and your jaw drop open in shock at the absolutely filthy amount of bass in his voice. 
Holy shit…..
You didn’t know if you wanted him to do it again or if you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. 
Was he trying to do this? 
You convinced yourself that this was how he treated every girl that came in for an appointment with him. He held their hands a bit too long when he shook them, he smirked at them as he ‘assessed’ them through their tops, called them ‘sweetheart’ and ‘princess’.....
Men were pigs….. That was your conclusion. This man was no different. 
Unfortunately, that realization did nothing to cease the wet patch currently growing between your thighs. 
You decided you’d just press your eyes closed and tough it out, that you wouldn’t provoke him in any way…. You really couldn’t handle another unattainable crush, especially on a man you’d just met. 
“Ok, I’m gonna take it off now…” he warned. 
You sighed, ready for the pinching to be over as your nipple was now cold AND achy. You still questioned how anyone in their right fucking mind could be into that……. That was until Rintarō’s finger nudged it. 
You barely stopped a moan from ripping out of your chest.
Did you understand now?
Suna chuckled as he heard the little gasp you were unable to suppress, and don’t think he didn’t notice how you readjusted yourself, thighs rubbing together as he (as gently as he could) took the clamp off and went to place the ink dot. 
“Feel better?” He asked, watching as you let out a relieved sigh when the clamp was finally gone. 
You nodded, still not willing to look him in the eye.
“Well…. This is the part that’s even less fun.” He retrieved the needle. 
“I’m gonna count you down, on one I’m gonna need you to take a nice deep breath for me okay?”
You nodded. 
Suna really wished he could see your face right now. He’d almost give anything just to see your expression as he prepared to push the needle through. 
And while you liked to think that the universe was good to you, the universe was better to Rintarō.
He nearly groaned as a high-pitched whine let your lips when he pushed the needle through, your body slightly jerking against his chair in pain as you let out a breathy ‘fuck’ as he followed the needle with the jewelry. 
Even as he took the needle away from your body, the piercing complete, you were letting out little whines about how bad it hurt. 
And while he should’ve soothed you and let you know it was over, he couldn’t help but take the chance to quickly admire his work. 
Fuck…. He thought, he was almost angry at how fucking good you looked. 
Your shirt was still up, he let his eyes wander down past your newly pierced nipple, down to your plush waist and soft stomach.
God, you looked so fucking nice…. he wanted to feel it, under his fingers….. under him…….
He cleared his throat, trying to adjust himself in his pants, trying to make his embarrassingly prominent hard-on less apparent before you saw him. 
“Are you done?” You asked meekly. 
Fuck…… now you were being sweet?
He wanted to see you again….no….he needed to see you again…
But how would he get a little spoiled princess like you back in his chair? Or better yet, in his bed?
“All done sweetheart….” he chuckled. 
You sat up, straightening out your shirt as you looked at him with confusion. 
“But what about the other one?”
“Well……” Rintarō sighed, resting his elbows on his knees as he prayed that you wouldn’t see through his shitty plan to ensure he got to see you again. 
“....it’s probably best that we split this into two sessions….. You didn’t do as well as most people with the first one, so I think it might be best that we come back in about a week and do the other one. That way I can also check up on how this one’s doing.” 
The way that you frowned made Suna afraid that you saw straight through his bullshit lie, but he couldn’t turn back now, so he just nodded. 
“I’d really prefer to just get it done now though….all at once…”
“ ‘m sorry sweetheart, but I really do think it’s best if we split this up..” 
You just stared at him for a couple of seconds, trying to melt him under your gaze, hoping to see if he was actually telling the truth or if he just wanted some scummy opportunity to charge you double.
And while you thought that the glare you offered was pretty worthy, Rintarō just laughed.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you stood up and gathered your things as quickly as you could. You couldn’t believe this… he was really gonna make you waste your time like this?
You looked back to him as soon as you’d collected all of your things, 
“You’re really sure that a whole extra session is needed?” 
Rintarō wanted to coo at the way your face was scrunched up, your nose slightly scrunched and your eyes pressed into a distrusting squint. 
“Wanna pinkie promise Princess?” he asked playfully, reaching out his hand, which you instinctively slapped away. 
You wanted to apologize as soon as you did it, (even though you doubt it hurt, it was still rude) but as soon as you saw the look in his eyes as he chuckled and feigned offense, the apology died on your tongue. 
So you opted instead to just put your nose into the air and turn on your heel.
“Fine. I guess I’ll see you in a week,” you said, exiting the room before the smug piercer could say anything smart. 
You begrudgingly made another appointment, and while you thought about asking for the female piercer to do your next one, the thought of them turning out weird due to a different artist, made you stick with the rude, cocky piercer (who just happened to be incredibly hot). 
Over the next couple of days, you tried your best to relax and forget about the impending appointment. Unfortunately, the new barbell running through your left nipple wasn’t letting you. 
And every time you felt any discomfort, you couldn’t help but think about Rintarō.
……he really was your exact type… sure his attitude could definitely be better…. but since when were you into guys with great attitudes? 
Or great personalities? 
Or great anything to be honest….
So unfortunately with every wince of pain or every ice-pack session, your mind wandered to the tall man. You found yourself thinking about his voice…and his hands….. 
The trouble really came though, whenever your new piercing would rub up against anything. You did nothing to silence your gasps and whimpers of pain/ odd pleasure in the silence of your own space, but as soon as you felt those little tingles in your stomach from the stimulation, you’d find your mind wandering to him. 
You just couldn’t help it… as frustrating as it was, you were beyond attracted to Rintarō.
And while Rintarō wasn’t suffering nearly as much as you were, he was still suffering. 
You were constantly on his mind when he was piercing, when he was tattooing, and especially when he was sketching ideas for clients, some would call you his inspiration….to him it felt more like you were haunting him. 
And it didn’t even stop when he left work. In fact, it got worse. Because outside of work, he didn’t have to try and rein in all of his thoughts, which left his mind wandering further and further each time, trying to recall what your voice sounded like when you whined, trying to remember what your face looked like all flustered and nervous. 
He found himself thinking of you as he touched himself in the shower, thinking about how you’d act once you dropped the pretentious princess act. It was always the girls like you, the bratty, ‘trust no one’ girls that were the most fun to tame. 
And while the way you acted was a lot of what he thought about, that was only because if he thought about your body, he would totally lose it. 
Every time he closed his eyes he could see it, the way that your thighs and ass jiggled when you walked out of his room, the way that the fat of your stomach tensed when he ran the needle through your nipple, and especially the way that your tits rose and fell as he counted you down from three.  
It’d been so long since Rintarō had felt like this like he was going through puberty again. Every little thought about you was getting him hot under the collar, and with every thought, the need to see you again became greater and greater. 
So when he saw you walk into the shop for your second appointment, he couldn’t even contain the grin that took over his face. 
But you weren’t in the mood for games today. You’d just gotten done with your morning class, the class that you shared with that asshole that had practically rejected you. 
You had run into him after class (and by ran into him, you meant he practically trapped you against your car outside) and he asked if he could see you again, saying that he ‘messed up’ and that ‘he missed you’. 
And while a couple of months ago, you would’ve jumped at the chance to reconcile, you’d learned your lesson. 
But that asshole, wouldn’t take no for an answer. He kept pressing… and pressing… and pressing… and now? 
Now you had a coffee date after your appointment with a man you’d rather eat sand than see. 
So when you walked into that piercing room for a second time, you really didn’t have the mental energy for the hell that Rintarō was planning on putting you through. 
The first 30 seconds (maybe) of the appointment went fine. The problems started when Rintarō opened his mouth. 
The question was innocent enough, but you were already on edge and you really needed to nip the teasing in the bud. Even if it was quite literally the hottest man you’d ever met doing the teasing. 
“Nope,” you said, short and sweet (but maybe a little bit cold due to how quickly it came out of your mouth and definitely due to the monotonous way you said it). 
“Really?” Rintarō hummed as he prepped his equipment, you sounded tense, he thought,...... that made it even better. “You’re big talk today, Princess.”
You rolled your eyes but said nothing, not wanting to give a reaction.
Rintarō just chuckled. 
“Alright, ice cube time.” he said, “Shirt up pretty girl.” 
You thanked god that you pulled your shirt up quick enough to hide the look of humiliation on your face. You could barely even feel the coldness of the ice due to the feeling of shame that was already beginning to burn in your stomach.
You swore to yourself that you wouldn’t get… excited today. You swore that no matter how hot he looked or sounded, you wouldn’t feel the need to offer him yourself, ass up on his chair…. How were you already failing?
But the worst was yet to come.
Over the past week, you’d (unfortunately) developed a deep understanding of how sensitive your nipples were. And after several, rather embarrassing, experiments, you’d found out that, despite your previous thoughts and feeling towards people who got aroused by pain, having them pinched, tugged, or even just rubbed was a one-way ticket to arousal. 
So when Rintarō replaced the ice cube with the clamp, you had to focus nearly all of your energy on keeping yourself from moaning. 
And while you didn’t make any noise, Rintarō definitely noticed the way your chest caught and how you squirmed in his chair. 
He got your attention with a small hum before asking, 
“You mind if I check the swelling of this one Princess?”, referring to your week-old piercing.
You would have said no if you knew what that meant. Unfortunately, you thought that checking for swelling meant looking at it, maybe even putting an ice cube on it…..nope
Checking for swelling meant you had to work twice as hard not to let out any sounds as Rintaro poked and pushed at your nipple, making you painfully aware of how embarrassingly wet you were getting. 
You needed to hurry up and get outta here. If he kept getting you worked up, you might end up sleeping with the fucking asshole you were about to get coffee with, and you’d rather die than do that. 
“Isn’t the other one ready to pierce yet?” you asked, trying to ask as nicely as possible without seeming pushy. 
“Just a little while longer. ‘Wanna make sure it’s easy for the needle.” 
You frowned. Rintarō sounded like he’d just shrugged you off with that answer, and he didn’t even stop looking at your tits! Sure maybe the first couple of prods at the piercing were permitted, but it was getting into unprofessional territory. 
But Rintarō just couldn’t help it. You were just so soft….. and he’d been thinking about you for the last 7 fucking days… and by the looks of it, you’d been thinking of him just as much. 
Don’t think that you could hide the way your breath would jump every time he spoke, don’t think he didn’t see the way your lower stomach tensed when his fingers brushed against your piercing. 
“Come on….” you huffed, it had been at least two extra minutes and he still hadn’t made any move to take off the clamp, 
“It has to be okay by now, what are you even- fuck!”
Suna grinned as you finally let out the moan you’d been holding in after he’d just barely nudged the clamp over your right nipple. 
“See…” he cooed, “now it’s ready…”
You just sat in shock as he gathered the stuff to finally pierce your nipple with, whistling to himself as if you hadn’t just let out the neediest sound ever. 
You had half a mind to give him the scolding of his lifetime, but as soon as he turned around with the needle, making eye contact with you as he stood over your laying body, the words died on your tongue. 
“You want me to take it off now?” he asked, the way his eyes gleamed made your stomach sink and your thighs twitch but you weren’t ready to give in just yet. 
“What kind of question is that? Don’t you- shit!” 
He didn’t even give you a warning before “gently” removing the clamp. 
What the fuck was up with this man? Why was he doing this to you? Certainly, he couldn’t see how aroused this was making you, right? If he knew just how fucking overwhelmed you felt right now he’d stop, right? 
“You okay sweetheart?” 
You wanted to kill him. 
The way that he asked the question wasn’t innocent at all, this cocky motherfucker knew exactly what he was doing to you. And the worst part about it all? The bastard wasn’t embarrassed, or sorry, no…. he was smug about it. 
You wondered if you should say something….. tell him that you didn’t appreciate being treated like you were the entertainment.
But if you did that, who knows what would happen. He could refuse to do your piercing (and you refused to face this man a third time to get it) or even worse, he could make this the worst piercing in the world. He could make it to where you’d have to live with lopsided nipple jewelry or make it to where you’d be bleeding on and off for two straight weeks!
So with all of that in mind, you bit your tongue and just mumbled out a disgruntled “yeah, I’m fine.” 
But Rintarō wanted you to react. He wanted to see that little face you made when you were mad again, he’d been thinking about it forever. Thinking about the way your bottom lip pushed out in a pout when he fucked his fist, the way that he knew, if he tried hard enough, he could probably make you break, make you so frustrated you’d admit that you wanted him. 
He went ahead and lined you up and then you felt the tip of the needle against your skin. 
“Alright Sweetheart, from three again…. Ready?” 
This time you were prepared, this time the only sound you let out (much to Suna’s disappointment) was a small ‘mmph’
And almost as soon as he’d put the barbell, you were sliding your shirt back down and gathering your things to leave. 
“Woah…. What’s the rush, Princess?” 
Suna didn’t want you to leave yet. He knew that if you walked out that door, he’d probably never see you again, and he still needed to figure out a way to get a date or at least your number.
“Aren’t we done?”
“Well yeah, but I still need to brief you on how to take care of them now.” 
You turned to look at him.
“Didn’t you do that last time?” 
He had, in fact, done that last time. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t bullshit his way through 10 extra minutes with you. 
“I didn’t cover everything then Sweetheart.” 
You could feel your eye starting to twitch in annoyance. When you looked down at your phone for the time, you saw that not only was there only 15 minutes until your “date”, but there was also a text from the guy you were going to see saying, 
‘Just got to the cafe, can’t wait to see you ;)’
The scowl on your face deepened, a detail that Rintarō didn’t miss. 
“Don’t you have a pamphlet or something? I really need to go….” 
“It’ll take five minutes, tops.” 
Even if it did only take five minutes (which you doubted it would), it was rush hour and the coffee shop was 10 minutes away (almost 20 with traffic). 
“I really can’t I have a date in like 10 minutes.”
You hoped that that would finally get Rintarō to give up, even if it meant you’d be implying that you were off the market to the man who’d plagued your dreams for the last week. 
‘Oh?’ Suna thought, ‘A date? Well gosh….he didn’t want you to miss that.’
Suna shrugged.
“Tell him to wait.” 
“ph-w-what….?” you sputtered out, looking at him in shock as he just continued to clean up his work area.
“What princess? I thought you liked bossing men around? Tell your little date he can wait.”
You were sure that you looked like a fish with the way your mouth was opening and closing, searching for the words to say as your brain ran a mile a minute to catch up. 
“Excuse me?” was all that ended up coming out, earning a deep chuckle from Rintarō, one that may or may not have caused your knees to weaken a little. 
“I’m just saying Sweetheart, you took all this time to come in for a second appointment and now you’re trying to leave? Don’t I need to teach you how to take care of yourself?” 
If your face felt hot before, it felt like it was on fire now. Despite his light-hearted body language, nothing was innocent about what Rintarō had just said. 
The inner turmoil, the choice to either run away with your tail between your legs or to take a chance in the lion's dens, was dizzying. Especially when you could see the way the lion's thick muscles tensed and rippled as he cleaned. Especially when you knew that the lion was hungry…. and that you’d be the meal.
“I only made the second appointment because you told me to.” 
“Hmm…..are you sure?” 
Rintarō had finally finished cleaning, but now he was approaching you, grinning when you make your way to the door in avoidance. 
“Why the fuck would I have made one otherwise?” you gaped, placing one hand anxiously on the door handle. 
“ok…..I’ll let you go..” 
You sighed in relief, but it was a bit too soon. 
“I’ll let you go if you answer one question.”
“Sure….” you scoffed, “...what’s your question?”
Suna was standing directly in front of you now, barely an arm's length away. 
“Your date….. Is he better looking than me?”
…..did you hear that correctly?
Suna laughed again before looking straight into your eyes.
“Is he?” 
Your eyes must’ve popped out of your head as you just stared at the man staring right back at you, clearly expecting an answer to the incredibly invasive question. 
“That’s incredibly unprofessional AND none of your business…” 
You went to open the door, but you were too slow. Rintarō had already boxed you in against it, using one hand to keep it closed while the other rested on the other side of your head, bringing back to your attention, just how large it was. 
How tall was he again? He couldn’t have been anything less than 6’2”..... That was definitely taller than the guy from your lit class. And he was definitely hotter than the guy from your lit class. 
And although you’d known that he was incredibly hot, from this close, Rintarō was impossible hotter. From here you could see just how well built he was, with veins running along the forearms that were trapping you against the door, covered in little ink designs and god were his shoulders wide….
You were ashamed of how turned on you were right now. This really wasn’t the time to be ogling and drooling over a man you barely knew, especially since it was the same man who was literally holding you hostage. 
“You promised me one question pretty girl…” 
Rintarō thought that it was cute the way you were avoiding his eyes, your face was all scrunched up into that little angry expression and while he loved that he now got to see it up close, he prayed that he wasn’t close enough that his quickly growing hard-on would brush against your body because while it was obvious that your body was reacting to his, he needed you to tell him…. 
He needed you to tell him that he wasn’t crazy, he wanted you to tell him that you’d been thinking of him just as much as he’d been thinking of you. 
He needed to know if you’d wondered how he’d feel against you because fuck had he been thinking about what you would feel like under him. 
You rolled your eyes, still not looking as you mumbled out your answer. 
“What was that?” 
The look that came onto Rintarō’s face should’ve worried you. The way that he smiled made him look like a fox in a chicken coop. But despite your better judgment, you felt your panties getting even damper. 
“Why don’t you stay a little then? Tell that fucking loser you found someone better.” 
“Better?” you scoffed. “Did you forget that this is pretty much harassment?”
“You’re free to leave Princess……I won’t stop you.” 
The same smug smirk graced his face as he backed away from you, leaving you completely free to leave the room. All it would take was for you to turn the handle and leave.
…..so why wouldn’t your body move?
Rintarō busied himself with something at the counters across the room, forcing you to live with your silence and contemplate just what you were expecting him to do when you said that. 
Did you want to stay? 
He was by far the prettiest man you’d ever seen, practically a god. 
And he seemed to be into you…..
……and you were definitely into him….
And so, with your face burning in embarrassment and your stomach burning with need, you cleared your throat before sitting back down on the chair and quietly telling Rintarō,
“......maybe you should tell me how to take care of them…..” 
That’s exactly what Rintarō wanted to hear. 
This is what he’d been waiting for….fuck you were gorgeous….
The way that your thighs were sandwiched together, the way that your stomach covered the tops of them. He knew that he’d just seen it less than 2 minutes ago, but god did he want to see it again, but this time, this time he wanted to feel it. 
He wanted to feel your thighs pressed against his ears while he tasted you, wanted to watch that bratty, stuck-up little look fall off of your face when he pushed his fingers down your throat and fucked you into his chair. 
But he’d start off slow. He knew that your type was easy to scare off, girls like you didn’t trust easy. 
Your eyes wouldn't meet his as he abandoned his place at the counter, slowly returning to his stool. 
The intensity of his stare felt like fire against your skin and it was quickly making you doubt your decision to sit back down. 
He sat down. 
You could feel yourself starting to sweat. What the hell was he doing? He was just sitting there…..staring. 
After 20 painful seconds, you finally spoke up. 
Rintarō grinned. 
“Shirt up pretty girl.” 
You went to raise the hem of your shirt but paused, the awkward feeling of Rintarō staring making you stall. 
“Look away” you mumbled, making Rintarō scoff but nevertheless divert his eyes. 
Your freshly pierced nipples glinted under the annoying fluorescent lighting, reminding you of just how wet you actually were, how needy Rintarō had made you over the last week. 
You wanted him to touch you, to brush his fingers against the barbells as he’d done earlier. But instead of asking, instead of telling him how badly you needed him, you just mumbled out a small “done.” and focused your gaze on a spot on the wall. 
“Fuck….” rintarō sighed, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his spread thighs as he admired you. 
His work was, of course, amazing. But the art was only as good as its canvas and fuck did you make his art look good. He could feel his cock twitch in his jeans, begging him to hurry up and bury himself in you. 
But not yet… 
“Touch them.” 
His request was simple, and it shouldn’t have surprised you considering the fact that you both were well aware of where this was headed, but still, you felt your face burn as you stuttered out a small “excuse me?” 
“Pinch ‘em for me, Princess. I wanna make sure you’re satisfied with my services.”
It was your turn to scoff
“as if…” 
Suna shrugged at your words, and to your surprise, he stood up and turned towards the door. 
“Alright. I’ll let you redress then…” 
“Wait!” your worried voice made him stop, the grin coming back onto his face as he turned back towards you. 
You were looking up at him now, your eyes on him but still not meeting his own. Your fingers untwisted in your lap and unsurely traveled up your torso. 
Suna chuckled as he sat back down, watching as your hands stopped at your tits, clearly embarrassed and unsure of what exactly he wanted from you.
You gasped as your fingers experimentally tapped on both barbells, over the past few days you’d become acclimated to the sensation of playing with your piercing, but now that they were both done, the feeling of running your fingers over the small metal pieces was entirely new. 
Your piercings weren’t healed enough to pinch yourself yet, so you settled with softly rolling the pads of your fingers over them, circling the areolas as you bit back the small sounds trying to force their way out. 
You screwed your eyes shut when an embarrassingly loud whimper came out of you, your torso jerking away from the back of the chair as you landed a slightly harder flick to your week-old piercing. 
You couldn’t see what Rintarō was doing but you could hear the sound of his belt buckle coming undone and his zipper coming down. And that thought, the thought of him pulling his cock out to stroke to you playing with your tits made you burn even more. 
You wanted to touch yourself, but he didn’t say that you could. Nevertheless, you found one of your hands trailing down to rub against your clothed core, rubbing against it through the soft material of your leggings. As the other continued to play with your tits. 
Rintarō couldn’t help but groan at the site. Even though he hadn’t told you to, you were already grinding against your palm, your fingers stuffed between your thighs, he could feel his restraint slipping, the need to be between your thighs, replacing your hand with his cock was almost too much….. almost. 
“Take ‘em off.” 
“What?” you breathed, your eyes opening just wide enough to see the upper half of his torso, thankfully not enough to catch glimpse of what he was doing with his hands. 
“I wanna see you…” 
You prided yourself so much on the fact that you knew how to stay in control of your own body, but something about Rintarō….. Something about him made you want to do it, to do anything he asked of you. 
But still, half of the fun was doing the exact opposite of what he told you to do. 
Suna watched as you turned your nose up at him, that little frown gracing your lips for just a second before being disrupted by a light moan. He watched as you took your bottom lip between your teeth and continued to grind against your hand, ignoring his request completely. 
He stood with a small ‘tsk’ and walked over to you, stilling your hands by gripping your wrists. 
“Being stubborn Princess?” he asked, looming over your panting figure. 
You somehow found it within yourself to roll your eyes, making Rintarō groan. 
Girls like you really were the most fun to break. 
Without a word of warning, Rintarō’s hand replaced yours, squeezing between your thigh and grabbing the fat of your cunt between his fingers, making you squeal as you tried to pull your hands from his grip.
He just chuckled before bringing your wrists over your head, pinning them to the headrest of the chair. 
“What’s wrong Princess? Wishing you’d listened?” 
He started to move his hand, massaging the outside of your cunt with his fingers, making you gasp and moan every time his middle finger managed to catch your clit. 
He wanted you to look at him. Wanted you to see the look of hunger in his eyes as he planned what the best way to fuck you would be. You’d been avoiding his gaze, running from the reality of what was happening, he wanted you to know just how hard you made him, just how much he wanted you. 
“What are you-mph!” your gasp of surprise was muffled as Rintarō stuffed two of his fingers into your mouth, releasing your hands to come down and clutch his forearm. 
He groaned at how warm it felt. 
‘Fuck’ he thought, how nice would it be to be balls deep in your throat?
Of course, he wanted more than that today, but that definitely sounded like something to do in the future. 
“Fuck…” he groaned, feeling your tongue flex beneath his fingers as you, despite your better judgment, began to suck on them, wrapping your tongue around them, pretending that it was something more. 
But the real thing was so much bigger, sitting on the edge of your visual field, laying against the side of the chair by your cheek. 
Fuck it was big. 
“So naughty….” Rintar ōwhispered, his fingers running between your lips, feeling just how wet you were for him. “You’re not gonna strip for me? Do I have to do everything for you?” 
Without warning he yanked down your leggings, groaning as you subconsciously raised your hips off of the chair to help him force the fabric down past your knees, leaving them to hang off of your ankles. 
You only moaned around his fingers, digging your nails into the thick muscle of his forearm that was now pressing against your stomach as his fingers started to massage your cunt again. 
He hadn’t even touched you there and you were almost shaking, wanting to beg him to touch your clit or better yet stuff his fingers inside of you. 
You remembered how thick his fingers were. Fuck they’d feel good buried in you. 
Rintarō groaned as he felt you whine around his fingers. 
“What was that sweetheart?” He asked, finally pulling out of your mouth. 
“Touch me….” you moaned, throwing your head back against the chair to avoid his piercing gaze. 
He tsked, his fingers leaving your cunt to grip your plush stomach, making you gasp. 
“Is that how we ask for things, Pretty girl?” 
He raised his fingers to your piercings, flicking the old one, making you cry out. 
“Why don’t we try asking for daddy’s fingers like a good little girl?” 
You couldn’t tell if your eyes rolled to the back of your head, but you definitely felt all of the air leave your lungs. 
You needed him…. Bad….. so bad that you were willing to give up everything you believed in …. willing to beg. 
“Please….” you whined, almost too quiet to hear…. 
“What was that Princess?” Rintarō asked, he wanted to hear you admit it louder, admit that you needed him. 
“Touch me….please..” you begged, your eyes meeting his for the first time since you’d sat in the chair to be pierced.
Rintarō could’ve cum on the spot. If not because of the tears painting your lower lashline, then definitely because of the way you’d finally decided to give yourself to him. 
Without a word, he pushed two fingers into you, groaning as you cried out and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, trying to root yourself in something as his fingers curled up into you, finding your g-spot within seconds. 
“Fuck…. Please….” you whined, nails digging into his back as his digits drug against your walls, curling and prodding at all the right spots, making you see stars as you moaned into his shoulder. 
“Shit….” He groaned…. “You’re so fucking tight Princess….” 
Rinatrō was pressing his dick against the chair, humping the upholstery as his hips unwillingly jerked with each sound you made.
Never had he been more grateful for the thick walls of the room, because he’d be damned if anyone else got to hear the sounds coming from you as he fucked you on his fingers, stretching you out for his cock. 
“Feels good….” you whined as his fingers brushed up against your g-spot again, making your eyes flutter shut as your thighs unconsciously pressed together. 
Rintarō groaned at the feeling of your legs squeezing against his wrist, trying to constrict his movement as his fingers bullied in and out of your cunt. 
You were so fucking soft…and so fucking warm…. he could feel his cock leaking onto the chair, leaving a smudge of pre merely inches from your pouting lips. 
“Yeah?” he grunted, ducking down, “feels good Princess?”
His face was so close to yours, so close that you could smell the mint on his breath, you wondered if you could taste it. 
“Mhmm” you hummed, your eyes flicking down to his lips. Not even trying to hide your want.
Suna got the message… but didn’t comply and kiss you. He wanted to make you work for it, for you to admit that you needed his tongue in your mouth as he prepped you for him. 
Your pout deepened, making Rintarō chuckle.
“You wanna kiss Princess?”
You nodded, the pout not leaving your lips as you offered them to Rintarō, who amusedly ignored them, making you whine in protest. 
“If you wanna kiss princess, take it…” 
Your eyes widened at his words. Somehow, even with his fingers, knuckles deep in your pussy and his other fingers wet with your spit, asking for a kiss seemed humiliating. 
But still… something burned in you when he made you ask for it, and you could try to roll your eyes and hide how much his demands turned you on, but the way that you clenched around his fingers didn’t lie.
He had you wrapped around his finger. 
You slowly wrapped your hand around the back of his head, and pulled his lips down to yours, opening as soon as his tongue touched your lips to allow it into your mouth, moaning at the feeling of it scraping against the roof. 
He groaned at the way your cunt squeezed around his finger as you sucked on his tongue. He couldn’t believe you’d actually done it, he thought you’d be harder to break. 
You could feel your end approaching, your hips were grinding against his forearm as you rode his fingers.
You cried out into his mouth as his thumb began to glide across your clit. 
Rintarō could feel you getting tighter, feel your walls firming up around his fingers as he pushed into your soft spot with every jerk of his wrist. 
God, you were so wet, he could get off to the sounds of your gushing cunt alone, the way your juices were coating his palm, he bet that if he tried hard enough he could make you cum harder than you ever had before. 
He dropped his head into the crook of your neck, not even trying to hide his panting as his hips desperately jerked into the side of the chair.
Your mouth dropped open as his pace somehow quickened, his palm beginning to slap against your clit with the force he was finger fucking you. 
You could feel him pressing up against that spot inside of you with every thrust, but you didn’t know what it meant until you felt that unfamiliar feeling rising up inside of you. 
You remembered the first time you squirted. It wasn’t with any of your past relationships, it’d actually been so long ago that you had nearly forgotten that you were capable of doing it, but as the sounds of your cunt became louder, and that shameful urge to piss came over you, you knew that you were about to do it again. 
“No….” you gasped, trying, to no avail, to stop Suna’s fingers from continuing to piston into you. “No, please…” 
He just laughed….hadn’t you squirted before? 
……fuck….. was this the first time? 
He ignored your cries and pleas to slow down, his tunnel vision focusing in on making you gush all over his chair. 
He cooed at you as you began to cry, still begging him to stop as your legs began to shake around his arm. 
He decided that he couldn’t have you ruining your own orgasm and stuffed his free fingers back into your mouth, pressing down against your tongue as muffled cries and pleas still left your throat. 
“Come on pretty girl….” he panted above you, “you can do it…” 
It was too much…. You’d been holding on for too long. 
You couldn’t hold it much longer. 
With a final sob, you felt yourself lose the fight, your hips jumping off of the chair as the embarrassing liquid sprayed against Rintarō’s forearm, soaking the chair beneath you.
“Fucckk…..” he moaned, fucking you through your high on his fingers, groaning as you squirted all over his arm, practically drenching him in your arousal. 
“Good girl…..” he cooed, as you came down from your high, your unfocused eyes meeting his. “.....such a good girl for me…” 
Rintarō could practically feel his heartbeat in his dick as he rubbed your slick across your pussy, painting the fat of your thighs and stomach with the clear liquid, lightheaded from the fact he’d been able to make you cum so hard. 
He looked down at you…. His face dropped. 
You were staring back up at him with tears in your eyes, sniffling like a baby as your chin wobbled in embarrassment. 
“heyyy….What’s wrong Princess?” he whispered, automatically retracting his hand from its position between your thighs as he guided you to sit up in the chair. 
“You-….” you hiccupped, hot, shameful tears welling in your eyes as you grabbed his arm to stand on shaky legs. 
Rintarō looked down at you, worry gathering in his brow as you took watery breaths.
You took him by surprise and pushed him into the chair, making him sputter out a confused ‘huh’? Before you stretched your leg over his hips to straddle him, barely able to balance fully on your feet as you sat over his bulge, trapping him against his chair. 
“What’re you doing princess?” Rintarō asked, genuinely confused as you brought your hand up to wipe away the tears in your eyes. 
“That was mean….” you mumbled…. 
Suna let out a light moan as soon as he felt it, the slight circling of your hips against his crotch, he couldn't see it, but he could feel the wetness of your cunt gliding against his bare dick, slicking it with your cum as you let out little whines above him. 
“Come on Princess…..” he asked, taking your hips and beginning to force you off of his lap. “Let me up and I’ll give it to you….” 
The warm hand around his throat took him by surprise, he looked up at you with wide eyes. 
“Stay still…” you demanded, your hips still pushing and pulling, dragging his cock across your entrance. “You had your fun….”
You trailed off, throwing your head back with a whine as his tip caught on your clit again, slightly overstimulating you as you prepared yourself to take him. 
All Suna could do was watch you, fuck he was drowning in you, your plush body completely covering his as you guided his hands up to grip your ass before laying down against him, pressing your freshly pierced, overly sensitive tits into his chest. 
You took the hand that was wrapped around his throat and slid it to the back of his neck, pulling him into a loose kiss, tracing his tongue with yours as you felt him rumble beneath you, his chest vibrating against your tits. 
You looked up at him, your face in an expression of reckless want before pulling a deep groan out of him as you guided him to your entrance and sank down onto his cock. 
You barely gave him time to adjust before you were grinding yourself against his hips, his cock so deep in you that you swore you were seeing stars. 
“Shit…” he grunted, his fingers digging into your sides, trying to slow you down in fear of cumming like a high schooler, “slow down baby….” 
You only shook your head, your hips driving him crazy, forcing him to look away from you in fear of losing it too soon. 
He felt so good, hitting so deep inside of you. You swore that you’d never go back to ordinary dick again, not if this is what it could feel like… what it should feel like. 
Your legs burned with how long you’d been riding him, the protest of the muscle finally overwhelming the need to have him dragging against your walls. 
Rintarō was finally able to stop moaning when your hips ceased, making his eyes snap open to find your eyes inches from his, watching him expectantly. 
Without a word, you crawled off of him, barely able to stand as your knees shook in exhaustion. 
“Wh-?” Rintarō was bewildered as he sat up, looking at you in shock as you stood beside him, your arms crossing over the fat of your tits as if you were expecting something. 
“Get up,” you demanded. 
And somehow, for some reason, Suna found himself getting up, wincing at the feeling of gravity against his leaking cock. 
You casually wrapped a hand around his dick, making him gasp, a whine rising in the back of his throat. 
“Are you gonna fuck me now?” you asked, the same condescending tone that you usually sported, making a re-emergence as you folded yourself over the back of the chair, presenting your ass to him like it was on a fucking platter. 
It took him a second. After all, all of the blood that was usually in his brain was currently flooding his dick, but after a second he caught up. And when he did he couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“You’re trying to tell me what to do Princess?” he asked, pulling an unexpected whimper from your mouth as he palmed the thickness of your ass. 
“Thought you said I like to boss men around?” You retorted, suddenly grinding back on him, making him bite his lip as his cock jumped between your ass cheeks. 
‘Fuck’ he thought, watching you as you arched your back more, trying and succeeding to tempt him. “Guess I was right…” 
You nearly screamed when, without warning, he slammed his cock into you, thrusting balls deep as the fronts of his thighs pressed against your ass. 
“Shit.” he hissed, not able to control his hips from bucking into you too fast to last any longer than the next couple of minutes. “You feel so good Sweetheart….” he gasps, his fingers digging into your waist as he pulled you back at the same time he thrust forward, making your whole body shake with the force at which he was pounding into you. 
“Please…” you begged, too dumb to form any coherent sentence. “....more…” 
“You want more Sweetheart?” Rintarō grunted, going to push his arm under you to play with your clit, when your phone rang from in your bag. 
Both of you looked at it from its place on the foot of the chair, the vibrations making it almost impossible to ignore. 
Neither of you knew who was calling, but you both had a pretty good idea of it. 
Before you could stop him, Rintarō was pulling the phone out of your bag and answering the call from some contact labeled ‘asshole from lit’ 
He said nothing as he pressed accept. 
“Hey, where are you? I’ve been waiting for like half an hour now?”
“No-mphf-” you tried to whisper out before Suna forced your head down against the chair with his free hand, continuing to roll his hips against your ass as he chuckled into the phone. 
‘So this was your ‘date’?’ he thought. 
“Sorry …she’s a bit busy right now….” 
He heard a scoff over the line. 
“And who are you?” 
You let out a muffled protest from underneath Suna, making him that much more tempted to hold the phone down to your mouth before fucking you as hard as humanly possible, letting this asshole know just who you really belonged to. 
“Shhh, sweetheart…” Suna cooed “I’m on the phone..”
He held the phone away from him before thrusting into you again, the head of his cock ramming into your g-spot, making you cry out behind your palm which was doing a pretty shitty job to hold back all of your needy little sounds. 
“What the fuck?” he heard on the phone, making him chuckle again, “who the fuck is this?”
The asshole on the other end of the phone sounded angry, but the only thing that Rintarō cared about was how you clamped down that much tighter with the shame of knowing your pleasure was being eavesdropped on. 
You were writhing beneath him, chanting breathless, barely audible ‘harders’ and ‘pleases’ as your thighs shook trying to hold you up. 
And despite the protests from the asshole from your lit class, Rintarō chirped a quick, sunny ‘goodbye!’ before hanging up and refocusing on the feeling of his cock inside of you. 
“Damn it..” he sighed, eyes rolling back as he felt you pushing your hips back to meet his, trying to fuck yourself back onto his cock. “Your so fucking hot princess….so fucking good for me…..” 
“That little boy can’t fill you up like I can Princess… fuck- only I can make you feel this good, yeah?”
You nodded, senselessly agreeing with his words, even though it was true. You were so far gone that he could’ve asked you to marry him and you’d probably agree.
“You gotta say it baby….say you love my cock…. That no one can fuck you like daddy…”
“Yes!” you cried, shaking as you felt your second high quickly approaching “.....only you daddy…..love your cock so much….” 
Suna could feel his own end rising as well, the feeling of your wet, plush cunt driving him to the quickest orgasm he’d had since his freshman year of college. 
“Shit princess….. Feels so fucking good…. You gonna cum for me? Gonna cum on my cock?” 
He asked, reaching down under you, to circle your clit, wanting to feel you squeeze him and milk his load out of him. 
“...yes… fuck-please….gonna….. -fuck- ‘m gonna cum…..” 
Rintarō covered your mouth with his as you squealed in release, squirting on his cock as your cunt tightened around him, pulling his orgasm out of him with a guttural moan.
 He felt your cum dripping down his balls as he emptied himself into you, praying that you were on birth control because your cunt was so tight that it wouldn’t let him pull out. 
He just laid against you, softly grinding into you to gently bring you down from your highs, whispering what a good girl you were, how you took him so well and did so good into your ear, making the after waves of your orgasm that much more enjoyable. 
Eventually, he pulled out of your spent pussy, groaning softly at the wet pop. 
He lightly patted your ass before going over to his station to retrieve some wet paper towels to clean you up. (he really wanted to clean you using his tongue but he decided that was best saved for another day)
But when he turned around, he found you already pulling your leggings back up and your shirt back on, not to mention you were back to avoiding his gaze.
“Woah woah woah, Sweetheart… what’s the rush?
You sighed. You knew how these things worked. You were used to them by now. You weren’t even mad about it this time, you’d gotten the best dick of your life and he’d gotten a bit of stress relief. 
If you didn’t leave first, he’d soon be awkwardly clearing his throat, asking you to get out of his shop and his life. 
Might as well save yourself the embarrassment and bite the bullet now. 
“Hey, I said wait!” he said, grabbing your wrist to stop you from grabbing the door knob. 
It almost made him trip over himself. Was that really it to you? Just walk out the door and bam, gone forever? 
“What do you mean what? You’re just gonna leave?” 
You wanted to roll your eyes, let him know that he could drop the niceties, that you knew where this was going. 
“So what?” you said, turning your face away from him. 
Rintarō groaned as that bratty look came back over your face. No matter how cute it was, now wasn’t the time for you to act like this. 
Did he need to remind you of what just happened? Could you not feel his cum leaking out of you as you spoke?
“That’s it? You’re not gonna give me your number or anything?” 
“I’m not looking for a fuck buddy right now.” you shrugged off, trying to turn back towards the door, only to be stopped again. 
“Who the fuck said anything about that? Now give me your number…” 
“What?” you looked at him incredulously, amazed with his devotion to ‘not hurting your feelings’ 
“Give me your number….” he backed you up against the door, closing you in like he had earlier. 
‘Incredible….’ Suna thought…. You acted like some smart little college girl, but you didn’t know why he’d want your number?
“Why do you think sweetheart? ‘M gonna take you out…” 
Your mind went blank. 
Take you out? 
“What?” you asked, genuine confusion painting your face as you stared up at him with wide eyes. 
Rintarō scoffed before looking away, making it the first time ever that he’d avoided your eyes. 
He covered his mouth with his hand, rubbing his jaw as he tried to hide the obvious blush coming over his cheeks. 
“God…” he muttered, “you’re really gonna make me spell it out?” 
And it wasn’t until then, until you saw the embarrassed blush and nervousness flickering through his eyes that you understood….
“As if…” 
Suna’s jaw practically dropped when he heard you scoff. 
But nevertheless, you reached into his front pocket, fishing out his phone before holding it out for him to unlock. 
But he was frozen. And for only the second time in the short time you’d known him, he seemed speechless. 
“Well?” you asked, pulling him out of his daze. 
“Shit.. right” he mumbled, unlocking the phone and staring at you in shock as you entered your number before handing it back to him. 
“Alright…..” you said awkwardly, getting ready to turn and head out the door. 
But once again, before you could, Rintarō wrapped his hand around your wrist and turned you around. 
“What no-mphf..” 
Rintarō held you by the chin as he placed one last kiss on your lips before pulling back, grinning. 
“Fuck that felt good,” he said, his smile only getting wider as you rolled your eyes and finally opened the door to leave. 
“Whatever pervert,” you grumbled, ducking your head as you tried to keep yourself from smiling, scowling at him one last time when he landed a light slap on your ass.
Rintarō just laughed as he watched you walk away calling behind you, “see you tomorrow night!” 
You just rolled your eyes and went to the reception desk to pay. 
And even though you left the shop with a small frown on your lips, remembering the obnoxious, inappropriate, insanely hot piercer inside, you couldn’t deny the fluttering feeling in your chest. 
You got into your car, wondering if that creep from lit had finally gotten the message. 
Your phone chimed. 
Unknown Number: tomorrow night, date, be ready ;)
You smiled.
hope you liked it bestie!!!!!!! please lmk what you thought <3
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beck-nightengale · 11 months
Hi beck, this is for jade!
🍕🧊 and I can't remember the other emoji but best memory?
Hi thank you for asking these!
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Despite not always being able to afford it, Jade's always had something of a sweet tooth. She loves fruits and things fruits are baked in.
Also because I'm mean, she has a mild allergy to dates... but still loves stuffing her face with date cakes even though she swiftly regrets it minutes later. The allergy isn't severe, it just causes some slight swelling in the throat and itchiness. But dates are just so. fucking. good.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Hardly! Though some have changed and others have stayed the same: Her first original design was more of a half-elf rogue in a D&D setting, and she's always had long black hair + ridiculously long ponytail (i.e. these old sketches - but I'm so sorry, they are literally over a decade old and they suck).
Her "modern itineration" was more goth-esque in terms of how she dressed, and being blind in one eye ended up being another common theme with her character design that differed from her original tabletop version. The scarf and spade tattoo was also more added (i.e. here and in this shitty old art of mine that I'm remiss to share but THERE YOU GO, lol). FYI, yes, her look was very much inspired by Death from The Sandman comics.
In Enderal, with the wonders of mods, I ended up being able to keep some of her old designs (the blind eye - even if it's on the other side of her face now because I forgot during the Character Creation stage, derp - the hair, the body scars, etc). Though finding decent lore-friendly "goth" looking clothes in the game was more difficult, even with mods involved... so I ended up having to be more flexible in what she wore and just chose whatever looked good on her.
Either way, I'm pretty happy with her current look and so is she!
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❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Well, one of her best memories was mentioned in that ye olde Character Ask I did some time ago, but she has others so I'll do one of those instead!
A particularly happier memory from her later years would probably involve her years after escaping her slave master, traveling with a Kiléan couple who she had both developed romantic feelings for. I've got a bunch of stuff written about them in notes, but Azra was the one Jade was closest to at first, as she was one of the first people Jade had ever opened up to about her past, mental health struggles, and her troubled sleep habits. Azra was just more understanding than she expected and, as a traveling alchemist, was able to provide medicinal remedies to help soothe her nerves. Eventually, they had a nice romantic moment by the campfire where they talked for hours before their relationship became more intimate. 🙃
I've had a lot of Azra feelings since I created her, lol. Maybe I'll ramble about her and her boy toy someday since for now they just live in a pile of notes.
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
Tattoo Heart
Summary: Tony and you make a dumb drunk decision. He gives you a tattoo.
“Um, what the hell, Tony! You said it wasn’t that bad.”
“It’s not! It’s well-proportioned. Really it’s the best heart I’ve ever drawn. I don’t know why you’re so upset. It could have been worse.”
“The heart isn’t the problem. You tattooed Wanda’s name on it!”
“Yeah, I can see why you’re mad.”
You poked your sore arm. Out of all places, he had to tattoo it on your arm above your elbow where everyone could see. Talk about bad placement.
You pout, “How am I supposed to hide this?”
“Baseball tee’s could make a comeback. You’ll be a trendsetter,” he suggests, not helping at all. 
You glare at him. “You’re paying for it to be removed.”
“I expected no less,” he concedes. You’re still touching the tender spot, frowning. He stops you. “Poking it is not going to make it go away.”
“Fuck! I’m never getting drunk with you again,” you vow. 
“You say that now, but come Friday night, whiteclaw in hand, you’ll have no recollection of this ever happening.”
“Getting a tattoo with your crush’s name on it is kind of hard to forget, Tony,” you spit out. He wears a sheepish smile. Speaking of the party on Friday, “Shit!”
“What?” Tony asks, clearly not processing the situation you’re in as fast as you are.
“Wanda’s gonna be there,” you remember.
“Well, yeah. It’s Pietro’s birthday party and they’re twins so,” he comments sarcastically.
“It’s a pool party. How am I supposed to hide this?”
“Just don’t get in the pool. Or you know what, just don’t go. Say you got sick,” Tony suggests.
“I can’t do that. She expects me to be there and I don’t want to let her down on her birthday,” you explain. Wanda had personally invited you to her party, saying you were going to be her partner for beer pong. 
“Fine. Don’t worry about it too much. We have all week to figure something out,” he reasons. You guess he’s right. No use in stressing too much.
Friday afternoon comes too fast.
You’re stressing as you look at yourself in the mirror. You look ridiculous. 
“You’re literally a genius and this was the best you could come up with?” you complain. You already feel yourself sweating. You hadn’t thought of what to wear. You only had your one piece bathing suit. Tony told you he had something and you trusted him. What he brought you, a long sleeve rashguard to wear over your bathing suit.
“Makeup was just going to wash off. We couldn’t chance it. This way, you can get in the pool,” he says. 
“I look like I’m going surfing, not a pool party,” you huff. 
“You look fine. If anyone asks, you burn easily. Now let’s go. Your girlfriend is waiting on you,” he rushes you along, grabbing your stuff for you. You throw on some shorts and slip on some sandals.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” you mumble, blushing as he pushes you out the door.
“Oh, I know. This wouldn’t be such a big deal if she was.” He closes the door.
Pietro opens the door for you and Tony. You both hug him and congratulate him on another year of being on this earth or as Tony puts it, “Congrats on being one year closer to death!”
Technically, their birthday is tomorrow but they always have a birthday dinner with their parents, so they celebrate with their friends either the day before or after. You and Tony hand Pietro your present for him. 
“Just don’t open it in front of your parents,” you warn. He decides to unwrap it right then. You roll your eyes at his impatience to wait until tomorrow. To his satisfaction it’s running shoes with a bottle of alcohol in each shoe. He laughs, thanking you for his present. He notices you looking around, searching for a certain somebody. He already knows who you’re looking for. 
“She’s in the kitchen,” he tells you, a smirk appearing on his face when you blush at being so obvious. You thank him and go find Wanda.
As Pietro said, she is in the kitchen fixing some appetizers to bring outside. What you weren’t prepared for was her already in her bikini, like she’s ready to jump into the pool. Her two piece bathing suit doesn’t leave much to the imagination but you’re quite the daydreamer it seems. You’re snapped out of your trance by Wanda clearing her throat.
She wears a smirk much like her brother’s and you splutter an embarrassed, “H-hi! Happy Birthday. You, uh, you look good. Great! You look ready for the pool.”
She smiles, amused by your awkwardness. “Thank you. You look ready for the beach.”
You blush. “Yeah, I burn easily,” you lie and quickly move on, handing her the present you got her. “Here.”
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” she says, but you shake your head. “Of course I did. It’s your birthday tomorrow. You can open it now if you want. Your brother did.”
“Unlike my brother, I can wait. Let me go put it in my room. I’ll be right back. Wait here,” she requests. You nod and she leaves with her present. You respectfully turn your gaze to the appetizers, not wanting to ogle her backside. 
“Cowabunga, dude! What the hell are you wearing?”
“No way. I almost wore the same thing. Good thing I didn’t or that would be embarrassing.”
You roll your eyes, turning around to see Sam and Rhodey, both clearly amused by their own jokes. You give them an unimpressed look and they laugh harder. 
“Haha. So very funny,” you deadpan.
“Seriously, Y/N, why are you wearing that? It’s like a thousand degrees,” Rhodey asks. 
“Maybe I’m insecure and you guys laughing just makes me feel worse? Maybe thought of that?” you retort, but neither buy it. They look at each other and start laughing. 
“Insecure, my ass. You almost give Tony Stark a run for his money in the size of ego,” Sam says between laughs. You just roll your eyes.
Wanda returns to find the guys pressing you about the long sleeves. 
“Hey, Wanda. I think you might have given Johnny Kapahala the wrong address. She’s gonna be late for the competition,” Sam jokes and you hate that you get the joke. Wanda doesn’t and looks adorably confused. All she knows is they’re referring to you so she looks at you for an explanation but you ignore her in order to throw your own remark.
“At least Johnny wasn’t afraid to swim at the beach,” you bite, making Rhodey and Wanda laugh and Sam take offense.
“There are sharks!” Sam defends himself, making you all laugh. 
The three of you help Wanda bring out the appetizers to the backyard. They’ve got a table and a bunch of chairs laid around. Wanda asks if you’d like a drink and goes to fetch one for the two of you while you greet other friends. 
“You didn’t want one?” You ask her when she returns with only one drink. “If we’re going to be beer pong partners, you can’t leave me drinking alone.”
She giggles and takes a swig from your drink. “Happy?” She asks when she returns the drink to you and smirks upon seeing the slight blush on your cheeks. 
You get a few more remarks about the rashguard but with a few drinks in everyone’s system, the pool is more enticing than poking fun at you. You didn’t plan to get in the pool but with a simple “come on” from Wanda, you’re cannonball jumping into the deep end. 
Once it’s dark, you all begin to vacate the pool in order to play games. You and Wanda play two games of beer pong seeing as neither of you are very good and you think you’ll surely be sick if you play another round. 
You eat, you dance, you sit around and talk to your friends, and Wanda is with you the whole time. It’s midnight and you’re right beside her as everyone sings for her and Pietro. She hands you the first slice of cake, which you eat standing up just to stay next to her as she cuts a piece for everyone. 
It’s nearing 2am as people begin to leave. Wanda and Pietro make sure everyone is getting home safely, either taking a LIFT or having a designated driver. You and Tony stay later to help the twins clean up, which they greatly appreciate.
Almost an hour later, the house looks as if there hadn’t been a party. You and Tony wish them happy birthday once more before he pulls out his phone to call an Uber. The twins insist you two stay, that it is way too late and they’d feel better if you do.
Tony wiggles his eyebrows discreetly at you when Wanda invites you to sleep in her room. You spare him a warning glance before following Wanda to her room. She offers you some pajamas and hands you a long sleeved tshirt like you ask. You excuse her questioning glance saying you get cold at night. 
You change in the bathroom. When you return, you find Wanda also in her pajamas sitting on her bed with the present you gave her earlier in her hand. 
“You want to open that now?” You ask, amused at her eagerness to open it.
“I mean it is my birthday now,” she reasons. You nod, closing the door and going to sit next to her. “Or is this one of those ‘open when you’re alone’ presents?”
You quirk an eyebrow. “What kind of presents are those?”
“One of those romantic ones like in the movies that show that you’ve always loved me or something,” she replies. Your palms feel sweaty all of a sudden with the way she stares at you. She reads the nervousness on your face and takes pity, continuing, “Or a vibrator.”
You burst in giggles. “Damn it. How’d you know?” you joke. 
It’s not a vibrator, obviously. You got her two necklaces, one gold with her name and the other sterling silver with her initials.
“I was going to just get you the gold one but then I thought maybe you wanted one to match all those rings you wear so, that’s why there are two,” you explain.
She puts the box aside and throws her arms around you, pulling you flush into her. “Thank you. I love them.”
“Are you sure? ‘Cause I could totally return those and get you a vibrator if that's what you want,” you laugh. She pulls back immediately, a frown on her face. 
“No, they already have my name,” she protests, pulling a chuckle from you. She hands you the golden one that says ‘Wanda’ and asks, “Will you put this one on me?”
At your nod, she twists around, turning her back to you and sweeping her hair up. You struggle with the clasp a little due to your nervousness, but you get it. Had you paid closer attention, you would have noticed how Wanda shivered at your touch. 
She turns back around and you admire her with your gift around her neck. “It looks great on you.” 
She leans toward you again and you assume it’s to give you another hug, which you wouldn’t mind one bit, but she doesn’t move her head to the side the way one does to hug someone. Her nose bumps into yours and you realize she’s going to kiss you. 
For some damn reason you pull away before her lips reach yours. She looks embarrassed and begins to apologize, “Sorry, I misread that. I thought with the present and the way you’ve been looking at me all day, shit.”
“No, you didn’t misread anything,” you reassure her. She relaxes. “Can we try that again? I was just nervous, but I’m ready now.”
“Are you sure?” 
“Wait.” You get up and make a show of shaking off the nerves and pumping yourself up before you sit back down. “Okay, now I’m ready.”
She giggles, grabbing your face and pulling you into her, kissing the life out of you. She moves to lie back on the bed and you follow her lead. You’re kissing and it’s getting hot and she tugs on your shirt. You remove it without a second thought. You begin kissing down her neck pulling sweet noises when you leave a love bite. She gasps and grips your arm, right above your elbow. 
You flinch in pain. The sudden intake of breath tips her off and she pulls her hand away. She asks worriedly, “Are you okay?”
You remember the tattoo and the fact that it’s not so hidden right now. You start to panic. “Yep, why? Are you okay?”
She narrows her eyes in suspicion, but you kiss her with the intention to make her forget. A minute later, she does it again, grabbing right on that spot. You try not to, but she hears the small groan and she pulls away. “Okay, what’s wrong?”
“Wrong? Nothing’s wrong,” you lie. 
“Then why do you flinch every time I grab your arm?” She moves to grab your arm again to prove a point but you move it away.
“Nothing’s wrong with my arm,” you deny. She sits up and reaches for your arm. Once more you pull out of reach. 
“Y/N, let me see your arm,” she demands. 
“Okay.” You try to save yourself from some of the embarrassment by explaining, “But before you look, just know I did it on a drunken dare and I didn’t know until the day after what Tony actually wrote.”
That piques her curiosity and she shuffled around you to take a look at your arm. You can’t watch, so you hide your face behind the palm of your other hand. You expect her to either laugh at you or get upset, but moments pass and you don’t hear anything. 
You get the nerve to look over your shoulder at Wanda. She looks indecisive about what she wants to say, but she doesn’t look mad. Finally, she says, “I guess I don’t have to ask if you like me or not.”
You groan in embarrassment, hiding your face again. She laughs and pulls you into her as she lies back down. “Don’t laugh. It’s embarrassing enough getting your crush’s name tattooed on you. I don’t need her to actually make fun of me.”
“Aww, you have a crush on me?” she coos. 
You pull away, giving her a deadpan look. “No, I get girls’ names tattooed on me all the time.”
“Having your crush’s name tattooed is embarrassing,” she agrees.
You narrow your eyes, thinking she's just making fun of you now and that was the last thing you need but she continues, “So how about we say it’s your girlfriend’s name?”
Your eyes widen. Wanda bites her lip nervously, waiting for your answer, and that’s how you know she’s serious. You blush, “That would be less embarrassing.”
“I think so too. So what do you say?” She asks, wanting a clear answer.
“I would love to be your girlfriend,” you answer.
She smiles and kisses you. You can’t help the giddy laughter that comes after. 
“You know, he didn't do too bad. It’s pretty well-proportioned.”
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babydarkstar · 3 years
part two: bring your sweet loving 
rating: E (18+ ONLY) || pairing: ezra x f!reader || word count: 10.5k
chapter summary: as the night winds down and tensions simmer, we learn more about you, pieces of your past, and your relationship with ezra.
 warnings: ezra’s gigantic mouth that won’t shut up (suggestive language) and two criminals not knowing how to act; caretaking, i guess? reader cleans ezra but it’s nothing erotic; SMUT; handjob and graphic depictions of a glorious dick; dirty talk; dubcon maybe bc painkillers but he’s enthusiastic abt it; praise kink; switches having a great time; ezra’s subby in this but i promise he’s a dom too just not tonight; mentions of death, killing, tattoos, scars; mention of past drug use, bad coping mechanisms; mm i hc that ezra is a tiny tattoo guy so there’s that; fluff bc im sweet; author is a southern peach, forgive her if it gets a little slow and twangy up in here
a/n: un-beta’d bc mistakes are sexy. i’ll go back later and fix whatever i find but for now. enjoy. i’m literally just making shit up about this universe as we go but it’s working out for the best so bear with me. lmk if u want me to add u to be tagged here. tagging: @pedros-mustache @jk7789    
crossposted to ao3 :) || playlist || one || two || three
“Here, Cee,” you said, adjusting the threadbare blanket over your cot and splaying a hand over it while she eyed you from across the tent, still standing amongst the carnage of a violent field surgery, “I’ll sleep on the floor tonight.”
The poor girl was scared. Well—not scared, not anymore.
Vengeful, for certain, though it seemed to dwindle with every minute she watched you interact.
Definitely wary of the two of you.
Which was appropriate, given that Ezra had killed her father and left her alone on an uninhabitable moon, only to be scooped up by his partner and deceived into thinking she was safe, and then forced to perform impromptu surgery to hack off an arm. But she appeared more wary to accept help from you than wary of you.
And honestly, if Ezra hadn’t just lost a limb and you didn’t want to hover beside him after not seeing him for a month to make sure he didn’t slip the veil in his sleep or disappear beneath your fingertips—and if you weren’t trying to earn her trust, you’d have made her take the floor.
But things were different now, they might always be. She had saved his life. You owed her your cot to sleep on.
“Wait,” Ezra said, swallowing thickly as he blinked, seeming to just process the words you had spoken, “You think so little of me that I’d let you sleep on the dirt after the day you’ve had? Now, I agree that our guest should find comfort in a cot of her own, but I will not deny you the simple respite of sleep. That would prove me an unworthy companion.”
“Ezra,” you said, giving him a look of incredulity that seeped into your tone, “You can’t be serious.”
He eyed you and clenched his jaw, still stomaching the fact that he had one less limb to worry about, and a bunch more problems to deal with. It was a look that told you he was not arguing with you, you were going to sleep on the cot. He would not be coddled like a child just because he lost an arm.
Which was, in itself, ridiculous. You didn’t plan to coddle him—you weren’t the type, not really. But. He’d lost a fucking arm. But he was also still delirious from the anesthetic, so that didn’t help his desire to prove something to the universe.
“You’re taking the cot, I’m not having this conversation,” you said, wiping his sweaty brow with your sleeve, “Tap into the ruthless outlaw inside of you and take it without regret. You know I hardly sleep anyways, I’ll live without a bed for the night.”
“Then I must insist you share it with me, precious angel,” he sighed, and you could almost see the cogs in his head turning as his distant gaze darkened into something hungry, “I’ve longed to feel your body pressed against mine since I left with Number Two. The divinity of your skin.” He hummed, eyes fluttering shut, “More…more precious than the ore we risk our lives for. Sweeter than fruit. Fresher than a rainstorm.”
“Ez,” you warned, snapping a glare at him.
“Your body…so tender, warm,” he continued, entranced in his own fantasy, not even hearing you when you warned him yet again, “All soft and pliant beneath my touch. It has been far too long since we partook in a pleasure as indulgent as one another—before our partnership with Two, if I can recall. Grant me heaven tonight. I deserve the satisfaction of watching you drip honey for me—”
“Hey! None of that,” you snapped, cocking an eyebrow—and fighting the flutter in your chest and the heat tingling down your core, “There are young ears present, Shakespeare Erotica. Not to mention young eyes.”
You would do no such thing with him as long as this teenager remained in close quarters and under your care. He turned to look at Cee, as if he’d forgotten all about her for a moment. Or maybe it was that he didn’t care. Bastard.
“I’m okay as long as you guys don’t fuck in front of me,” Cee sighed, resigned to have dealt with too much in her past to be worried about flirting—no, verbal-fucking.
“We won’t be doing any of that,” you assured her, giving Ezra another pointed look before slinging his arm around your shoulders and helping him to the cot. He grumbled incoherently, moaning and groaning the few steps it took to ease him down into the squeaky frame.
When you finally got him down—forced him to lay down—he let out another soft whimper of pain, followed by your name. “Don’t go.”
Brushing the hair off his sweaty forehead, you bent down to press a kiss there, “M’right here, Ez. Rest. I’m gonna clean you up, okay?”
It was the least you could do—and that way you could take inventory of every inch of him to ensure he didn’t have any other wounds hiding and festering and threatening his life. Just as this wouldn’t be your first time tending to him while he laid incapacitated, he’d done the same for you plenty of times. There was very little, if anything at all, the two of you hadn’t seen of each other. Vulnerability had another name here: normalcy.
“After—” he rasped up at you, coughing and then righting himself, “After we find our way off this Kevva-damned moon—which we will—I understand if you no longer deem me…worthy of your affections. It’s the only explanation I can find for your denial of my offer to dote on you. I only pray you make good on your long-standing promise to drop me where I stand should I ever disappoint you, dear heart of mine.”
Okay, you didn’t know where all the insecurity and sentiment was coming from, especially hearing it from the mouth of your dear old confident mean-streak Ezra, but he couldn’t possibly be serious. It made you ache to think that he didn’t trust you to stay with him, that he viewed himself as lesser because he lost his arm. Well, he was lesser, but only by mass.
Also, really? The only explanation he could find for you not wanting to sleep with him was that you hated him and didn’t want him because of his injury? He couldn’t think of any more glaringly obvious reasons, those of which had just been pointed out to him?
With a sigh, you brushed your thumb across the silvery scar on his cheek, “Rest now, chatterbox. I’ll be here when you wake up—and every morning after, for as long as I can. Only death could pry you from me, and me from you. You’ve got me, forever….I still see you as you are—a hundred percent you, a hundred percent mine.”
The words felt foreign on your lips, but he was bound to forget them the moment he fell asleep, so you didn’t feel as weird waxing poetic right back at him. The man had rubbed off on you in more ways than one. You normally didn’t speak to one another so frankly—at least, you didn’t, given the nature of what it meant to care out here and how you’d already unofficially established that you two were something more—but tonight you couldn’t fucking help it.
Ezra leaned into your touch, pawing at it with his hand, grabbing onto your fingers and kissing into your palm. A dull smile poked at his mouth and he let it engulf him. “Quite the charmer you are, siren.”
You didn’t respond, only half-smiled and wriggled—reluctantly—from his grasp to grab a few clean cloths and fill a bucket with water. After squirting the sanitizing solution in the water, you simmered the lights down to the lowest setting, to where your eyes had to adjust for a moment before you could make your way across the tent. His gaze bore into you—no, both Ezra and Cee watched every move you made; one in lazy admiration and the other in curiosity.
“Do you need me to put a drape over the post? I’m strippin’ him,” you asked Cee as you slung Ezra’s clean shirt from off the drying line onto your shoulder—you smiled at the floor, thanking yourself from hours ago for deciding not to burn it. You grabbed the bucket and tottered over to him, nodding at him to scoot. He obliged, giving you room to sit by his hip so you could ease his clothes off.
Cee shook her head when you looked to her for a response, opting to sit on your cot facing away from you with her nose in her book, so you shrugged and tugged the fabric off of Ezra in slow, deliberate motions, wincing every time he grunted.
As you took the time to clean off the grime and dirt and sweat of the Green, he told you about running into Cee and her father Damon; how he tried to take his entire harvest from the few cycles he’d spent with Two; about Two’s untimely, irrational outburst that cost them their life. About the Queen’s Lair and the mercs, and the plan to ravage and plunder and take it all for themselves. You thought the Queen’s Lair was a rumor. Not even a rumor—a myth, a legend, something fabricated by desperate fools with hazy minds of dust and their eyes set on fortune. But Ezra told you he’d seen part of it marked on Cee’s map, that her father was contracted to help extract the deposit. Cee even pulled her map out to point to the marked areas, albeit with clinical movements and short words.
So you made a plan to head out at first light, with the trip taking most of the daylight, and they’d be cutting it close but there was no way you’d let Ezra hike so many klicks in his state—not without a few hours’ rest first.
After you’d managed to clean his legs, his hips, his feet and get him into something more comfortable than compression pants, you moved to his torso and traced over each scar marring his skin, each jagged edge where something hadn’t healed right or wasn’t stitched properly. He’d lost some weight under the harsh conditions of the Green—you both had. But he still held onto muscle from the toil that came with survival on such harsh terrain; and he was naturally broad, he always would be, which made him sturdy.
Your fingers ghosted over a few microtattoos he’d gotten; one beneath his ribcage, one on his hipbone, and the one you’d given him yourself on his lower sternum. That one, as you brushed over it with a wet cloth, never failed to make you smile. A sad smile, but a smile nonetheless.
A tiny, unfilled heart, a mere outline, barely a centimeter in size. It was messy, simple, done in minutes. But it meant something, meant exactly what you’d never quite been able to voice.
My heart is yours. Take it.
You’d done it one night when the two of you had gone on a two spin bender, which happened more towards the end of your glory days, when the drugs came easy and heavy and the illusion of time slipped by like sand on the wind.
Any time someone hired your services as cleaners, it took a toll. They didn’t do it often because of that, but the payout was worth the work. No matter how many times you swore you would never do it again, you went back. Because it was hard to ignore the way it felt to flood a deserving someone’s mouth with the taste of their own blood, or to slip a knife in between their ribs and let it slide like butter and watch the light die. It was hard to ignore that you liked it, especially when it was so violent—one of the worst sins to commit, and you enjoyed it.
The act of killing had become cathartic for you. It made you feel more alive, reminded you that you had a beating, bloody heart, and a brain, and veins that pumped blood, and muscles that tore apart and rebuilt themselves stronger. Killing came easy when you didn’t know the target. It felt like a game.
Ezra didn’t enjoy it as much as you did—not to say he didn’t enjoy it at all, for he most certainly did. But he didn’t process it the same way you did. He saw killing as a means to survive and a means to get where he needed to go. He enjoyed turning it into a game, making fun out of whatever circumstance presented itself.
But that one—the last one—it had gone wrong. Messy, slow, noisy, choppy. There was only supposed to be one person in the house: typical target, a man who owed the wrong people a whole lot of money and refused to pay up.
One man.
One man was all you’d expected.
One man was all you’d been instructed would be in the condo.
He went down easy enough, quiet enough—Ezra snuffed him and stuffed him and you’d made to transfer his points into the right pockets.
And that was that.
They had tossed the bodybag over the high-rise balcony and into the pits of the bottomless highway next to the building, with a blinker-bomb inside just in case.
That was that.
Except it wasn’t, it was so fucking far from it.
Ezra, being himself, had wanted so bad to sneak in a quickie before heading back—an unholy, immoral ritual you two had initiated, to fuck where you killed—and who were you to protest? Who were you to say no to pretty words and soft eyes glittering with an untamed wild? To say no to the hands that already ripped at gear and pushed beneath underwear just to get a taste—you couldn’t, it was impossible.
Fresh off a high of adrenaline, pulsing with nervous energy—he was always so good, he always got you right where you needed and then that much further.
And Ezra—being himself—could not keep his fucking mouth shut. The stereotype about men holding in their moans, about them never whimpering or whining or groaning or grunting—yeah, that was a load of Bearkie-shit.
Maybe it held true for some men, but.
Not your Ezra. Not even a little bit.
He talked like heaven’s mouthpiece—or maybe the devil, given all the sinful things he’d whisper to you in the crux of any given night. He let loose whatever noise he deemed necessary to make.
They’d only just made it to the dried, bloody stain on the carpet (a bed on which to copulate), knocking over a floating hilolamp and pulling a chuckle from your paramour, when a shout rang through the apartment and shattered your moment into a thousand pieces.
It was only supposed to be one. One man.
Instead, you were met with another man who you’d later learn to be his brother, the target’s mother, and his pregnant wife.
The man held onto some type of curved sports bat, keeping it up threateningly as if warning you of something imposing. Ezra didn’t hesitate to shoot him in the head, not even bothering to get up from where he’d pressed his hips between your legs. But then you’d had to go and check the other rooms, effectively killing any mood the two of you had shared.
Because fuck, where the men had no fight in them, the women wouldn’t go down without a struggle. Or maybe it was that you pitied them, and it distracted you. They’d already peeked their heads out from behind the door of the master bedroom, worried and doe-eyed and determined.
Maybe if they hadn’t seen your faces—if they’d still been asleep while you swept for warm bodies after the first assailant—maybe they’d have gotten out with their lives. But who were you kidding? You killed without thought. You’d likely have put a pillow over their heads before aiming your thrower and firing twice for good measure, had you been sharp and not distracted by a tongue in your mouth.
Instead, Ezra had the audacity to try to bargain with them. Something about having a soft spot for mothers—his own having been a beacon in his life until she left him orphaned as a young boy. He made it a point not to kill women and children. It was one thing in which he remained unwavering. (He’d kill a grown woman if she gave him reason to, like he had on Exon-5, but that was another story for another time, and a different circumstance which called for such measures, namely that of protecting you.) But he should have known better, he should have known not to try something like that. He should’ve known that he’d have to let go of the final shred of morality he held onto.
So Ezra took down the old woman in a way you still have yet to ask about and don’t care to know; and you’d ended with the pregnant woman choking on her own blood when you twisted your knife into the dip of her throat—and you felt awful about it after watching her crumble beneath you, but she’d hit you upside the head with a thick textbook of outdated skimmer-craft modules and it made you see red among pinpricks of stars.
And that night, after all was said and done they’d spent a fortune on getting high—just to forget, just to be okay.
That night they’d locked themselves in a self-imposed prison of satin sheets and destructive tendencies. Two days buzzing with no food, little water, just him and you and needles and spoons and eyedroppers and blades and pills. Like you couldn’t breathe if he didn’t fill you with all of him, you wouldn’t be able to stand upright if he took his hands off you and stopped letting you flood your veins with a chemical glow. Heavy eyelids, messy sex, raw arms and red eyes.
It felt fucking awful, coping that way, but it felt too fucking good and it made you forget about the lives you’d taken in (somewhat) cold blood.
So after sprawling beside him on the gigantic plush bed with his hand ghosting over your spine, you’d found a part of yourself snagged at the corner of this wild-eyed man’s tar-black soul, and you had thought about what could have happened in an alternate universe.
A moment when he was the target, you were (somehow) the pregnant wife, and you watched him die before succumbing to the dark of your own soul escaping you. And it made you desperate to cling to him as he was in the moment, desperate to know that he was yours and you were his. It was then that you’d asked him if you could mark him. Claim him, to know that he wouldn’t leave you like that, and if he did, he’d have a piece of you everywhere. He’d go down with a piece of you.
Ezra had been delighted, of course, as he was always one for symbolism and deeper meaning even if he didn’t quite understand the rhetoric. And it wasn’t the first time you’d marked each other, just a different time with a different meaning. So he let you dip a sterile needle in ink and plunge it into the tender skin of his chest.
You had one too, a heart on your sternum. Nestled between your breasts, just close enough to your heart to feel like it mattered, like it meant that he felt the same. But you didn’t even let yourself go that far—you two were doped up and delirious and he enjoyed marking you in any way he could, so an opportunity to stick and poke his way further into your skin than he already had was an opportunity he could not pass up. At least, that was how you saw it. Nevertheless, it made you happy to see it there on his chest, and to have one that matched.
Ezra’s soft voice snapped you from the memory.
“What’s crossed your mind to make you so delicate in your touch, so solemn in your stare?”
You realized you had stopped your ministrations and had planted your palm on his chest, staring just over his shoulder and onto the canvas beside him. With a careful hand, you resumed gentle motion over his pecs, up his clavicle, his throat.
“Thinking about Beta-Mobilia,” you whispered, unable to meet his eye, “And after.”
“Mm,” he grunted in recognition, the vibration tickling your fingertips, “Regrettable night. Unavoidable, necessary. But I dwell in shame identical to yours.”
“I don’t deserve to be here after that. I didn’t deserve to live after the Exons, The Grime. Why am I still alive?”
“We’ve discussed this in great length by now, siren. Don’t doubt your existence. It’s beyond sense, beyond comprehension.”
You nodded, still unable to look at him. But then he latched onto your wrist, brushing his calloused thumb over the delicate skin there, and this time you couldn’t keep your gaze away from the soft smile that begged to form on his lips.
“And I appreciate your tender care, wildfire,” he hummed, eyes glittering up at you like two dark pools of amber, “Where would I be without it? Mmm…mhm. Dead, likely. Or bitter. Wicked with taciturn rage. No meaning could come from that.”
“You, bitter and unspeaking? Unthinkable, I’d sooner pronounce you dead,” you drawled, thankful for his kindness to grant distraction, and he granted you an eye-roll. But his expression softened when you sat him upright and maneuvered behind him, wiping down his back in gentle strokes. You folded the cloth over once the side turned brown with grime, and moved up to his neck, scrubbing over his shoulders and giving short strokes down his nape and behind his ears.
“So you planned to go ravage the Queen without me, huh?” you asked quietly, irked that he hadn’t even come to find you before setting out on that venture, “Planned to leave me to rot on the Green, take the money for yourself and steal away with the girl.”
Ezra sighed, and you could see from behind his shoulder how he worked his jaw, formulating what to say.
“Understand that I do nothing without you willingly. Birdie over there’s about as fleeting as a real one. But trust that I planned to come get you—I’d never leave you stranded. I just couldn’t introduce another person into the threadbare alliance I had forged until the time was right.”
“She likes me,” you countered, smiling over at Cee, who now laid with her back facing you as her ribs contracted with the first breaths of sleep. A sign of trust. You didn’t know when exactly you’d earned it, but you’d accept it nonetheless. She had also taken both of your throwers (something you protested and Ezra waved off), so maybe that helped.
“No doubt—there’s plenty to like about you.”
Ever the flatterer, even when delirious with pain.
With a coy smile, you scrubbed over his head and then his face, careful to avoid his snapping mouth that reached out ever so often to nip at your hand—there was that playfulness, the natural effervescence of his presence. When you decided your work was done, you eased him back down on the cot and he allowed it with no protest.
You fluffed his pillow and moved the book you’d stashed beside it. He turned his head and pressed his nose to the pillow, grunting in mild appreciation.
“Smells like you down here,” he remarked with a half-smile, eyes drooping, “You sleep on my cot while I was away?”
“I missed you,” you whispered, nodding, just now aware of how much his presence affected you. To think that you had resolved to try to move on without him—it seemed ridiculous now.
“I missed you,” he returned, “You haven’t the slightest idea how much I wanted you beside me. Number Two was a fond ally but not a companion. Nothing like the banter we exchange, nor the secrets we share.”
“They never talked. I imagine your time away was just as lonely as mine.”
“Absolutely. I regret agreeing to leave with Two. But you know we couldn’t have trusted them to stay at camp while we went off—not absolutely. Not when they’d never spoken a word,” he chuckled and then coughed, a quiet rumble you felt against your leg as it zigzagged through his chest.
Thank Kevva you had a plan to leave now. The spent filter had taken a toll on Ezra—and it wasn’t even his to begin with. He insisted on giving you his when the one your new suit came with was almost completely used up.
Fuck the man for caring about you; he’d gone soft during your time on the Green, and you hated how much you loved it. Hated it because he needed to focus on himself, needed to stop putting you before him. Hated it because every day it made you feel like somehow, he loved you back. That somehow, he thought of you as more than just a constant in his life, more than a body to fuck and a brain to pick.
You’d grown used to each other. But his unpredictability oozed into every aspect of himself, every nook and cranny of his life, and you were too worried about fucking up a good thing over a simple conversation. All it took was one sensitive topic breached and you’d surely find yourself shit out of luck. He was all you had left of the scraps of a fucked up life. Without him, you’d make do but not without a struggle and not without reluctance. Some part of you knew he’d be the same even if he initiated a split.
The thought had you hurrying to tug his shirt on before gathering the cloths and scurrying to place the bucket near the front of the tent.
And you shouldn’t have been so scared to be honest with him—the two of you rarely kept things to yourselves. But to love someone so fully within your heart, to never want to be away from them, to never grow tired of their presence no matter how tedious they may be or frustrating they could get, it scared you.
“A kiss for the wounded?” Ezra asked, brown eyes wide and mouth pouty enough to break you from your racing mind. You softened then, padding back over to him on tiptoe and settling back at his side for a brief moment.
With a gentle smile, you leaned down to grant him a kiss to his lips—the first one you’d shared with him in fuck knows how long. Too long, that was for sure, because when your lips notched with his chapped ones you melted, every worry and every qualm simply washed away in a swirl of pink pleasure.
You couldn’t help yourself—an indulgent, quiet moan pooled in your chest and slipped from your throat before you could stop it, and he hummed right back when his tongue pushed between your lips and you let him devour you. Always the ravager, ever a greedy bastard when it came to his pleasure, he licked up into your mouth and tangled his tongue with yours. It took very little for you to melt right into his chest, pressing your own against him and whimpering when he sneaked his hand up the hem of your shirt to rub circles over the skin of your back. You remained sloppy and almost lazy but intentional as you held either side of his nape and toyed with the strands of his still-damp hair, pouring yourself into this kiss like you’d never kiss him again.
Fuck. Fuck, you wanted him so bad. You missed this man with every vibrating inch of you. You missed his body, you missed his voice calling to you from the very depths of himself, you missed everything about him, and you needed him as close as possible. Closer than close, you needed him.
But fuck. You couldn’t. When you pulled back for air, it didn’t surprise you when he pressed his palm flat on your back to keep you from moving too far.
“Mm, baby—you’re divine. I ache for you,” he all but whimpered into your mouth, breath brutally hot and heavy as he fed you his soul, “Come sit down on me—come take what’s yours. I want to feel you strangle me, show me just how much you—”
“No, Ez,” you cut him off in a biting whisper, lips kiss-swollen, hating how, if there had been literally any other person in the tent beside you, you might’ve taken him up on the offer, “I want to, I promise you that. But she’s a kid and I have limits—one of those limits is fucking in the same room as one.” You glared at him with half a heart, then leaned down to run the tip of your nose along the curve of his ear, smiling when he shivered, “I swear, once we get out of here I’ll make it up to you so many times you’ll forget your own name. You get first choice—however you want me, I’m yours to take.”
“Fuck—alright, I apologize for my eagerness,” he smiled, tilting his head to kiss your forehead.
“But,” you whispered, your heart racing as you glanced over to be sure Cee had fallen asleep before inching up to look back into his eyes. Fuck it, he deserved it. “If you stay quiet, I’ll take care of you right now.”
His eyebrows raised in deft interest at your offer.
“Will you let me take care of you, Sailor?”
Ezra would never admit it, and you’d never tease him about it because it made you feel some kind of way—but he fucking adored when you used his callsign. You were his siren, after all. Only made sense for him to draw to you like a dying man at sea when you called for him. You used it rarely aside from in the field, opting for your preferred chatterbox—because he was more that than anything else—so it came as a treat when you decided to pull it from your bag of tricks.
“I can hardly refuse such a tempting offer.”
“Quiet, though,” you reminded him, tiptoeing your fingers across his chest and tugging the waistband of his pants and his underwear down. Just enough to spring his cock free, which was already hard and leaking for you.
Fuck, he was such a gorgeous sight, and you couldn’t help the urge to cup his balls and nudge them free too, to admire every glorious inch of him.
Spreading your fingers out over his groin through the coarse curls gone wild with mistreatment, you paid extra attention to the white patch of hair ghosting over the base of his cock and spreading out near his abdomen before stopping abruptly on the left and diverging back down into dark brown. You remember when you’d first noticed it and had all but squealed in delight.
Every bit of him was a pleasant surprise, just as you’d found yourself more than eager to let him ruin you for anybody else with the sheer size of him.
Nobody fucked you like they were dying and you were salvation; nobody but him. And shit, did he tear you open. As if he’d carved a space inside of you just for him, each time he’d leave you with a hollow ache that only he could sate.
“Baby,” you purred in a whisper, kissing his hipbone and then leaning up to wrap your hand around the girth of him, rubbing your thumb over the weeping red of the head, “You’re so pretty for me like this.” Forever a glutton for compliments, he whimpered his soft appreciation and you hushed him accordingly. He was so thick, so big that you struggled to touch the tip of your middle finger to your thumb, so long that if you had planned to swallow him down tonight, you would’ve been needing your hand to help. But tonight you could not risk the absolutely filthy noise of you gagging on him; he’d likely cum faster and in less time to worry about waking up a certain tentmate, but you wanted to watch every muscle in his face twitch, wanted to see him take his pleasure unobstructed by your tears. This way was quieter.
So with that thought in mind, you shifted to straddle one of his thighs so you could watch him without tiring your hand in an awkward position. Then you let a string of spit drool down and over him and you gave him a twist and then more, sharp and sudden and fast in your movements as opposed to the slow, appreciative way you’d unsheathed him.
Ezra hissed out a curse, bucking up into your hand, “Shit, darlin’—“
Arching an eyebrow, you halted your work on him immediately. His pulse beat through the throbbing vein jutting out
“What did I tell you?” you snapped. With your free hand you reached up and wrapped your fingers around his neck, feeling the column of his throat contracting as he swallowed. Wide brown eyes looked up at you, a tinge of amusement in their stare.
“Are you gonna be good for me?” you asked in a low rasp, tightening your grip on his neck and giving him a little shake before going slack again, “I don’t wanna hear a single word come outta that pretty-boy mouth. If I do, I’m blue-balling you. Fair?”
Ezra nodded, his gorgeous fat mouth blessedly shut for once.
“Good boy,” you cooed, kissing him before forcing his jaw open and spitting in his mouth. It would’ve been cruel but you meant it so affectionately, and his gentle moan told you he was more than willing to accept it.
You felt his cock twitch beneath your fingers and you simpered, giving a little shimmy of your shoulders in appreciation.
Controlling this stubborn man, resorting him to silence made you feel powerful. It made you feel respected, worshipped; if the man who never shut up and always called the shots would gladly take the backseat and grant you the power to take charge, that meant more than you could wish for.
So you resumed pumping his cock, working him with both hands and then switching to hold onto his throat again before going back to two hands. The act still made quite some noise—filthy and wet and sloppy—but at this point you were less concerned about it than you had been prior. When you decided, despite his tip dripping precum, to spit down onto him again for the fun of it and twist him with a gentle tug, he couldn’t stop the whine that left him even with his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. It had you darting to clamp over his mouth, shooting daggers down at him as he stared up with a silent apology in his eyes, one you might have taken as genuine if not for the way the brown of his irises had disappeared into black, blown out with lust and glassy with pleasure.
“If you’re gonna cum, let me know so you can do it in my mouth. I just cleaned you up and I’m not doing it again.”
The last bit came out harsher than you meant but he took it all the same, biting back a grunt in the form of a sharp exhale as he twitched violently in your hand. Yeah, he didn’t really need to let you know when he was about to blow; you knew him too well. At that, you took it upon yourself to remove your hand from his mouth in favor of scooting to lean down and put your mouth over his angry, swollen tip, flinching at the way the frame creaked but ignoring it and opting to swirl your tongue over him instead.
“There it is,” you whispered with an arguably evil smile—quickly, before pulling him back into the heat of your mouth, resuming your work and grunting when he bucked up into your mouth, chasing the high you were drawing out of him.
Ezra came with a muffled, broken sob, his face buried in his arm as he bit down on his bicep, flexing and squeezing his fingers. A thick stream of his cum hit the roof of your mouth and you indulged him, taking him in further so you could swallow everything he gave you. Ropes and ropes and ropes of cum, like he hadn’t let himself get off in so long, like he’d been saving all of it for you. The thought made you whine around him, and you pulled off when he finished, flashing him your dripping tongue with his spend still on it and drawing it back in before any of it could spill.
“Holy fuck, baby,” he sighed, letting out a quiet, breathy laugh as he tugged on the front of your shirt to kiss you, tasting himself on your tongue.
This time when you pulled back and smiled, you granted him a toothy grin, goofy and knowing. It took you a minute not to giggle like a little kid as you carded your fingers through his hair. He grinned right back, still catching his breath. To you, he was gorgeous, inside and out, flaws and all. You wanted to fuck him right then. You wanted to make love to him, to let him fill you entirely and to sob into his mouth, showing him everything you couldn’t tell him.
“Get some sleep,” you settled on instead, slipping off the cot with little grace after replacing the waistband of his pants, “We head out early tomorrow.”
“Hey now, what about you?” Ezra asked, brows drawn together in concern that you wouldn’t find the same enjoyment he did.
“You’ll just owe me.” You winked then, and gave him one last kiss, which he hummed into with a great appreciative rumble.
Then you pressed your forehead into his, “Mine—you’re mine. Never leave me again or I’ll hunt you down and kill you myself. You’re everything.”
Because he was.
“Nothing without you.”
That was his response, always always always. To hear it again pricked tears in your eyes, so much so you squeezed them shut.
And once again, you caught yourself wanting to say it. This time it had ghosted in your throat, almost making it into the curve of your mouth for you to hold its shape and give voice to a thought. But you stopped it before it could get far. Those three words, the same ones that now haunted you since you’d decided to indulge in every reminiscence involving them. Somehow he had come back to you, a feat which could not be commended enough, but now you ached for him—yearned for him even stronger than if he had well and truly died.
As you settled down onto the floor beside him, those three torturous words surfaced into a memory. The one that, among other fears, made you ever so hesitant to admit just how much you loved him.
“—In that vein, I don’t find myself in particular need of a great, star-shattering love story. If love is all-encompassing, I can do without the obstacle. Romanticizing my life and its quarrels is satisfaction enough.”
You didn’t know why you were still listening. You just knew that if Ezra kept it up, you’d find a way out of this cell just to break into his and strangle him. Anything to get him to shut the hell up. Banging your head methodically against the wall that separated the two of you, you didn’t even try to hold back your groan of displeasure as he rambled on.
“Now, don’t doubt my skill in worship. I have plenty of practice in the art of copulation”—you could hear the shit-eating grin on his face—“To say I haven’t affixed my interests on one soul or another at some point in time would ordain me a liar. I simply prefer to remain lovers in action…and not in name nor feeling. Companionship…yes, it’s something we all yearn for. It can’t be helped. A warm body, a brain to pick. All wonderful facets to enjoy for the sake of one’s own baser desiderata. But—“
“Shut up,” you bit out through gritted teeth, tugging at the roots of your hair when he kept going and you had to repeat yourself, “Shut up, you goddamned chatterbox. I don’t give a fuck about your love life. Why are you even talking about this?”
A brief silence occupied the space, as if he was thoroughly perplexed by your outburst. Then he let out a huffed laugh, amused.
“You inquired about the specifics of my occupation, little thorn.”
Every time he used that nickname for you—the thorn in my side—it made you bristle. Especially when he used it almost affectionately, soothingly, full of calm and charm that had you balling your fists and pricking the skin of your palms with your fingernails. You despised him, and he treated your existence as a joke, or as a little pet he would grab from its cage and admire before tossing it back and neglecting it until he deemed its presence acceptable again. Everything was funny. Everything could be laughed at. Sometimes you didn’t mind when the guards came to beat him bloody; it made him shut up, whether from pain or because he had passed out.
“Prospecting has nothing to do with love,” you snapped, shoulders tense despite the ache in your body. If these fuckers holding you captive didn’t kill you, the stress of surviving next to this fucker surely would.
“No, it doesn’t,” he agreed, suddenly serious, “Love for others, at least. Love for the dig, love for the hunt and the adventure—that’s a different narrative altogether. Which is why I deemed it appropriate to explain such measures. The lifestyle I settled for is no small undertaking. It comes with sacrifice.”
His condescension was unintentional but still stabbed and poked at you like keepers at a circus.
It comes with sacrifice. That it did.
That long-ago night haunted you to this day.
But Ezra had his mind focused on softer dreams as he broke you from your self-destruction once more.
“Nights like these make me keen to hear you sing for me again,” he lilted out through the dark, a reminiscent simper pulling at his mouth and crinkling his eyes as he shifted to look down at you, “The melody of your voice haunts the halls of my midnight reveries. But it is such a sweet possession—as though I willed a ghost to enchant me with her gift. A siren indeed. Lure me into the sea of your deception, try to pull me under like the rest of them. But not me. No…not me—I float like driftwood in the breeze…follow the tides of your affection. Somehow I remain unscathed, and you lap at me in gentle waves.”
“Such powerful words from a man who should be asleep,” you chuckled quietly, pressing your lips to the back of his hand where you held onto it now, fingers laced.
“I am but a vendor of poetry. And you, a weaver of melody. Sing for me, siren,” he murmured, his voice thick with the drowsy pull of lassitude. He hadn’t asked that of you in so long you had almost forgotten what it felt like to hear it. Almost. And you would have agreed to it, but—
“No, the girl, she—“
“I don’t mind,” Cee interrupted, quiet and soft. It surprised you; you thought she had fallen asleep—you didn’t want to wake her with your singing. And then you were—
Shit. You sincerely hoped she had just woken up due to Ezra’s long-winded soliloquy about your singing, and hadn’t heard anything else beyond that. Mm, no. You think she would’ve said something about how fucking gross it was. Or pulled a thrower on you.
“As well you shouldn’t,” Ezra chuckled, turning his head to grin at the girl where she had turned to face him on the opposite cot, “She sings like Kevva strung her throat with gold. Or the very strings of a harp.”
You blushed and ducked your head into your shoulder, embarrassed by his flattery. Looked to him and found his honey-dark eyes drinking you in from above, the ghost of a smile on his lips as he flattened his palm over your chest and rubbed it affectionately. “What would you like to hear?” you asked, running a hand over your hair and shifting on the floor to calm your nerves.
It was just Ez.
…and a girl who harbored a teen angst bigger than ten moons; fuck if you wanted her to judge you.
“Whatever tickles your fancy,” he replied, his grin wider now that you’d agreed, “You know I’m not particular to any one hymn—I find myself enraptured by it all.”
“Okay.” You pondered for a moment before settling on one of your favorites.
Then you sang.
Quietly, nervously at first in an unpracticed rasp, then growing more steady and mellow and soft.
Some swirling folk melody from your childhood in your native tongue, one you’d never forget even if someday you lost your memory. A lullaby for village children; a lilting work song for the women to hum when laundering clothes at the stream, soothing the babies strapped to their backs or their chests or both.
It told the story of a curious young girl who loved the stillness of the ocean, found peace in its silky depths. She liked the silence so much that she would spend hours beneath the water, training to hold her breath and exploring the creatures of the reef and listening to the wavering silence.
Until one humming summer night she swam so deep the water turned black. She was scared she wouldn’t be able find her way back home but she reveled in the quiet—the quiet that not even the nighttime forest could provide, nor the village when the hunters and scavengers left for work. It was then that she saw a light shining from the deep, and decided to chase it.
Down, down, down.
And down. Until the light became so bright it surrounded her, seeped into her until she did not know where she began and it ended. No pain, no fear surrounded her. Just a sense of calm, and peace.
And she became the moon, the biggest one in the sky. The silence up there was incomparable.
The song was meant as a warning to the village children not to wander too far from the town and somehow find themselves in the cove breaching the outer mountain range. A warning to stay away, else you’d become one of the many moons in the sky, never to return to your family and the life you loved.
But you’d always found it more compelling than that, more meaningful, because the story originated from a similar legend of the moon goddess your village worshipped, the deity of the biggest satellite in your skies. The minor difference came in the detail that she chose to become the Great Moon after divine conversation instead of chasing a light down into the deep on a whim. And there was a ceremony held to initiate her transition into a celestial body.
When you’d wrapped up the lullaby you found yourself more at peace than you’d felt in a long time. You didn’t like to think about your planet, nor your village, nor the tragedies that occurred there. But this memory was a happy one, filled with sleepy eyes and chubby fingers grabbing onto mothers’ cloaks, and getting tucked into warm soft blankets by a fireplace.
“Sweet siren,” Ezra whispered in a drowsy slur, giving your hand a gentle squeeze as he turned to rest on his back, “Never fail to soothe me even when ’m in utmost anguish.”
And with that, he left you in silence, and you knew he wasn’t far from sleep.
By the time his breath evened out, you felt your eyes drooping.
Fuck, you were exhausted.
This spin had been arguably more eventful than any you’d had in a long while, and it didn’t occur to you that you could be tired when you’d hardly done much until the action rolled in.
The floor was actually not half bad, given that you laid on the tarp that absorbed heat but quickly cooled when you moved. The nights here got cold, surprisingly. But Ezra’s hand hanging down and resting across your chest felt so good. The weight of him, the heat of him, it grounded you. You circled patterns into his upturned palm until you became too sleepy for that, settling on threading your fingers with his and feeling his pulse beneath your fingertips.
How dare he think you’d care for him less with only one arm? If anything, it showed his perseverance, his will to move forward and make hard decisions. Only something a man with determination could do.
He felt so warm and sure—steady. He was safe now that he had come back. You felt the inky black of sleep begin to wash over you as organized thought became jumbled feeling.
You didn’t have to worry anymore, not about his whereabouts. Everything was alright. It was as good as it had been in quite a while.
Everything would be alright, you could just…
“I wish my parents had loved each other like that,” Cee murmured in the quiet dark of the tent, rendering you wide awake with a jolt, as if someone had plunged a shot of adrenaline into your chest.
“They separate?” you managed, knowing it came out strange but not wanting to confirm or deny anything about you and Ezra. The silence that greeted you implied that she had had no intention of you hearing it. But she spoke regardless.
“No,” she scoffed, then went quiet for a moment, “My mom died when I was little. And I can’t remember what they were like together. We were always working so there wasn’t a lot of time for love between them.”  
Oh. An orphan. It softened you a little more for her, made you more sympathetic to the fact that Ezra had killed her last living parent. You were an orphan too. So was he.
“We’re all missing parts of our family in some way or another. People with worldly attachments don’t usually sign up for this level of intensity. Not the strays, anyhow.”
“But you have each other,” she insisted.
“By chance alone. We didn’t start off liking each other. And we’re not…married, or anything.”
The last bit came out strangled—you’d never…said something like that aloud.
You and Ezra, married? It was odd, to say the least. You never thought of yourself as one to desire marriage in any respect—ceremonial, legal, the like. It just didn’t sit well with you. Too many complications, a lot of governing body involvement that you didn’t care for.
And Ezra…he wasn’t too fond of it either. But not because he didn’t want it, that much he’d admitted to you one night after admitting the complications of his feelings on his love life, ones that somewhat contradicted the first time he told you about it all; he couldn’t have it, he’d never let himself believe even a fraction of him deserved it. The life of a floater—and sure, just as Cee’s parents had prospected and been married (you assumed) and had a kid, many others did the same. But then you supposed it ended with kids like Cee, and she was lucky to not lay dead next to her idiot father, or trapped and sold as a body in the Dark-Spawn Trades. Lucky Ezra wasn’t filthy and depraved, lucky you were once young and scared like her and so took it upon yourself to keep her in your sights for now.
“How’d you meet?”
A chuckle bubbled out of you as you sat up and ran your fingers through Ezra’s hair, watching his chest rise and fall in even strokes, thinking back on that night so long ago.
“Stealing supplies from the same drop company. Two feral dogs fighting over who deserved it more. We bickered and threatened so much we lost track of time and made a mess and a ruckus and got caught.” A smile threatened to break your features and you let it, for just a moment. It faded as you recalled your awful encounter, “Captured, tortured for information because they thought we worked for a rival mining company. They wanted the locations of dig-sites we didn’t have, mining techniques we didn’t know. When he brought up the Wastes earlier…that’s what he meant. Surprised we didn’t die, but they really thought we were valuable or something.”
You gave yourself a minute before continuing. In a panic, you rubbed circles over the tattoo on the web of Ezra’s hand between his thumb and forefinger, trying to ground yourself as wicked, blood-specked memories flooded your head.
Deep breath. You’re safe, he’s here. This will be good to get off your chest. You’ve never spelled it out to anyone before. Nobody’s ever asked. Maybe this girl is a gift from the universe, maybe she was sent here to give you space to heal. Deep breath. You’re safe. He’s here.
You eventually pressed the back of his limp hand to your cheek, and found your voice once more. You didn’t need to worry about waking him; once he conked out into REM sleep it took a freight train to wake him up. At least, when he was with you he always slept deeper. He’d told you one night; how it helped to have you there, like you dragged all the bad memories and nightmares away, pulling them so far out of reach he only found thoughtless, worry-free sleep.
“Hearing someone’s screams from the other side of a cell wall makes you more susceptible to care about them. A bonding experience, so to speak. He’d talk to me for hours on the nights they made us sit and anticipate another session. Recited poetry, recalled stories from his time as a prospector as an escape from our reality. I would sing for him, when we knew the guards had left. It was how we got to know each other. It’s—that’s why he calls me his siren. The reason I call him a chatterbox, among other obvious explanation.”
“How’d you get out?” Cee asked, resting her cheek on her hands as she laid on her side, watching you with keen interest.
“Killed them,” you rasped, not wanting to go into the gory details, “Every single one.”
For nights you had laid awake, haunted by memories of blood staining your only pair of clothes, blood splattering into your mouth, chunks of brain matter on Ezra’s gloves as he dragged you through a maze of tents and established buildings, viscera on your recovered suit, the way you’d had to swallow bile back down your esophagus at the sight of all the lives you’d taken. But you had to do it; it’s what you told yourself when the images would replay every time you closed your eyes.
Vengeance, necessity, paired with Ezra’s seemingly insatiable bloodlust—and your own. Your own shameful desire to incite violence, one you bred in the early years of your youth and had stuffed away until needed.
But you hadn’t been able to deny that, when Ezra shot a man who’d pinned you to the ground and then finished him off with a knife spurting blood out his neck, it stirred your blood something wild. Hearing him panting through the transmitter, grunts and curses as he tore through humans and humanoids and alien creatures alike right beside you. Hearing him call out targets, watching your six, taking single-word direction from you when you did the same.
They worked like a well-oiled machine, like you two had never not known the other. And he was sloppy in his technique, grounded more in brute force than strategy—but you made up for that in quick, evasive maneuvers and stealth. Both of you had near-perfect aim and could work around the clunky gear of your suits.
Messy—pools of blood, the sickening crunch of bone and cartilage crushed beneath your hands and your feet and your knife and whatever other weapon you scavenged along the way.
It felt like a ritual. A baptism of carnage that ensured neither one of you could live without the other.
So of course, when it all was over and the last vertebra snapped—
—there had been filthy, unhinged, surely unsanitary, bio-hazardous fucking in a tent surrounded by carnage.
Fucking in way you could only describe as feral.
Hot, Kevva’s saints was it brutally hot and so needy—but also so, so tender.
Full of soft emotion. Unspoken, even for Ezra’s standards. Almost loving.
Your aching bodies, exhausted and weak and battered, dragged lazily against one another once both of you had ceased the initial writhing pace of passion and the adrenaline ebbed. It tasted tinny like blood and musky like spit and salty with sweat and tears, and if nothing more, it was real. Whispering about how fuck, they’d made it and god, they were on the same level, we made it, baby—can’t live without you, I need you I need you I need you—
That day was quite possibly your favorite memory as well as one of your darkest. The day that you knew, in the charred, most twisted part of you, that you’d follow this man to the ends of every planet, to the far reaches of the universe—and he’d very well do the same.
Of course, you shared none of that with Cee.
“We took down the main base of the entire company. They were small but well-endowed. Got to transfer points into our accounts and sort through the mining equipment and the food,” you offered instead after a long bout of silence, “And the spoils of their labor. We were rich, could have retired early.”
“Why didn’t you?”
You debated whether to lie or tell her the truth, deciding on the latter. This girl wasn’t a threat, she genuinely wanted to know. “Ezra and I have—had a certain…interest in finding thrill wherever we can.”
Cee quirked an eyebrow, and you elaborated, “It’s not something to romanticize, we certainly weren’t smart about our spending. Gambling, drugs, slingshot scooter racing, smuggled creature ring-fights. The risk makes winning worth it. It was addicting. We earned a lot. Uncountable amounts of money. But we spent it all and then spent more. Pulled stunts that not even the most daring would try. Heists, intel-theft for enemies of certain people. We got caught up in it. Eventually drowned in a swamp of debt and unrequited favors. Got put on watchlists by the head crime syndicate and peace officers alike in the Core Worlds because we got cocky. Sloppy. So many people want our heads on a stake that we’d be better off dying out here. It’d be ironic, given the executions we deserve.”
You shuddered at the thought of Karolclan and their unusual procedures for punishment. They wanted you the most—you owed them the most. Them and Omni-Five. But Karolclan was decidedly worse.
“Why are you still mining? Wouldn’t it be easier to hide somewhere less dangerous?”
“We have debts to pay, bird,” you sighed, fond of the nickname Ezra gave her as it fit her well, “It’s the only honest work we can get without a biotracker recognizing our scans or someone realizing that the burner names and scouting codes we give them are bullshit. We work alone—no drop company, no mining corps. Until we can get our names cleared and our bio-scans off the watchlist, we can’t do shit else.”
If nothing more, Karolclan did allow debt payoff. But only if you could evade their capture, and only if you had the means to satisfy compounded interest. They were brutal, ruthless.
“He said you had a crew…and a ship…before you ended up stranded.”
“We did. A group of people like us. But you can imagine that a group of outlaws don’t always see eye to eye—buncha hotheaded criminals. Fought over aurelac, argued over fair shares, resources, everything.”
That wasn’t the whole story.
It started as a dispute over aurelac, but had quickly turned into a spat against Ezra, why he had so many successful harvests and surely he was stealing or cheating, how it wasn’t fair that you two were attached at the hip and didn’t section off when you split into groups to cover more land. In the heat of argument and the desperation of man, that had morphed into threats against you—Why don’t you fucking share her, Ezra? We all have needs and she’s barely good at the dig-sites. Put her to use somewhere else or we’ll find a use for her, and that devolved into Might take her right from under you if you don’t watch yourself, don’t be surprised if you hear her struggle tonight.
You had gotten used to the crude commentary, the snickers and wolf-whistles when you bent over, and if they had tried to somehow steal you away in the night, they’d have been reminded that you slept fully armed and showed no mercy to anyone who touched you unless they knew just where to start—and only one person did.
But that…that had not gone over well with him. It ended before you even knew what he did, and pretty soon you had a dead crewmate spilling blood over your boots while the familiar sound of throwers charging up rang in your ears, all of them pointed at the man panting beside you. The only one from the group to live and remain on the Green had been Two, and honestly you were never fond of them but weren’t surprised when they helped you and Ezra take the heat off your backs—they always teamed up with you two and they were good at what they did. It was a shame they were gone—despite their silence and threatening demeanor and sometimes uncalculated moves in a plan, they never made a move to harm either of you; they just wanted to harvest and get out like you did. Better them than Ezra, though. You’d have genuinely lost your mind if they had shown up in his stead.
“Did you kill the crew too?”
“Only a few,” you said honestly, “The others left us stranded when they realized we’d kill them next. Number Two was our only ally. Now they’re dead.”
You laid back down and put Ezra’s hand across your chest again, “Get some rest now. We’ve got a long day ahead of us. And if you choose to kill him while we sleep—kill both of us.”
You didn’t know why you’d felt compelled to say that, but revealing such a dark part of yourself to her convinced you that she’d plant a bolt in you or Ezra’s head and run. Ezra was the more likely target, given his history with the girl. It was irrational, for the most part; if she truly wanted him dead she would have let his wound kill him. Or she would have shot him sooner. But you couldn’t be too sure.
And you’d sooner die than wake up to him cold next to you.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Graceful Gods (M)
Greek God!Jeongguk x Human!Reader
WordCount: 26k (Oh ho, tuck in)
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Slight Crack, Strangers to Lovers!AU, Greek God!AU
Warnings: Marking, Cunnilingus, Body Worship, Begging, Praise, Multiple Orgasms, Bondage, Fellatio, Face Fucking, Big Dick!Jeongguk, Impreg Kink, Riding, Squirting, Cream Pie, Jeongguk Has Glittery Cum
A/N: THIS HAS BEEN MY BABY FOR A HOT MINUTE! I’m so fucking proud of this fic and I did so much research that my head might explode and Greek Letters will come out! Thank you to @lunarlxve​ and @jung-hoseok-s-airplane​ for beta reading it and giving me awesome feedback! Thank you to @ladyartemesia​ who literally pushed me to write something so awesome AND SHE MADE A FUCKING GORGEOUS BANNER. LIKE DO YALL SEE THAT?! Anyway I hope you really enjoy it because my heart is so warm for this fic!
Eros, the Greek god of love, sexual desire and attraction
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“At the center of Greek mythology is a pantheon of deities who live on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. Every aspect of human life was ruled by these deities. There were twelve main Olympians who ruled over such aspects. Olympian gods and goddesses are said to look much like women and men of this world but could also change their appearances into whatever they liked, animals and things of that nature. Most people know of the common gods, such as Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. But, there are others such as Dionysus- the god of wine, Aphrodite- the goddess of beauty and love, and even Hermes- the god of travel, who was in fact the personal messenger of Zeus. If you’ve watched the movie Hercules you’ll-” Professor Song’s voice becomes drowned out by the snort that comes from your left. You roll your eyes before craning your neck forward to keep listening to the lecture. You’ve always had an affinity to mythology of any kind since you were a child but, as you grew up Greek mythology stood out the most to you. You became enamored with it and decided to become a mythologist. You’ve heard of these tales countless times but you could always hear them once more.
A cough comes from next to you as you listen to the tale of Hephaestus and you roll your eyes once more before putting your hand underneath your chin. You jot down notes dutifully before looking up as Professor Song begins to wrap up the class. “For the last portion of your grade, you will all be assigned to work with a partner. The theme of your project is Graceful Gods, a study on partnerships between the gods and goddesses. You may choose whichever two gods and goddesses you may like that have had a connection with one another. Now, this doesn’t mean to watch Hercules a bunch of times and comment on those relationships between cartoons.” 
The class erupts into small giggles and you find yourself snorting at the lame joke. “Since I know that most of you cannot put yourselves together properly, looking at you Haeyun and Jowoon-” You giggle at his call out before paying attention again, “-you will all work with the person directly next to you at your tables.” Your eyes glance over to the long haired boy by next to you and you inwardly groan.
You know of him, of course you do. Who hasn’t heard of him on campus, he’s a fuckboy that enjoys preying on the hearts of innocent girls. To be fair, he is one of the most beautiful people you’ve ever seen in your life. His long black hair fell just above his chin and as he looks at you, you can see his coffee brown eyes with flecks of mocha mixed in. He smirks at you and your first instinct is to immediately swoon but you stop yourself and roll your eyes instead. His smirk only widens letting you view the way his eyes squint slightly as his head tilts. “I’m Jeongguk.”
His voice is melodic, dripping with saccharin sweetness and your body tenses up at his tone. He was smooth and of course, he knows it but you wouldn’t budge. You just wouldn’t. “Do you have a name? Or should I call you Nemesis?” 
So he knows more about mythology then he lets on. You take in his posture, the way he leans back in his chair smugly, legs stretched out in front of him as he folds his arms. He has no backpack, no notebooks or anything of the sort that is required. “Hello? Nemesis?” His hand waves in front of your face and you grimace at him before pushing your chair back. 
“Y/N.” Your answer is short and he nods thoughtfully at the name as if it held some sort of riddled meaning. His hand digs into his ripped black jeans before pulling out his phone. “Put your number in so I can contact you. We can meet up whenever you aren’t gagging over Ares.”
You shut your notebook before staring at the phone in his hand. “I do not gag over Ares.” 
He snorts before throwing his phone into your lap, dragging his thumb over his bottom lip as he looks you over. His expression is somewhat amused before putting his fist underneath his chin, “Song was talking about him and I saw your thighs twitch, he isn’t all that by the way.” You shove your notebook into your backpack before freezing. He sounds so comfortable with this subject, it’s almost as if he knows him.
“Oh yeah? How would you know?” 
“How would I know what?” He snorts, a gentle breathy noise as people begin to get up and leave the lecture hall. “How do you know that he isn’t all that?”
He stares at you for a second before laughing loudly, his eyes crinkle as his mouth opens wide showing off a dimple on his cheek. You swallow gently as your eyes scan his handsome face. You zone in on the beauty mark beneath his bottom lip and you have to rip your eyes away before licking your lips. 
“Did you know that Ares is one of the most disliked gods on Olympus? He has a quick temper and nasty disposition. Just because he’s handsome doesn’t mean he’s the greatest guy ever. He didn’t beat Herc when he fought him. So, he was unsuccessful. He pissed off Poseidon enough to physically murder his son. He had an affair with Aphrodite! She’s a beautiful soul and he just fucking stole her away. He’s an asshole and, you can’t fucking please him to save your life!” He rants carding his fingers through his hair, and you can see a vein begin to protrude in his neck as it flushes pink. He knows a LOT about mythology it would seem. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to work on a project with him then.
“Interesting how you know you can’t please him.” You jeer as you pick up his phone. His scoff is loud before looking to the wooden floor and widening his eyes. He gives a small embarrassed chuckle as you throw his phone back into his lap. You look at his worn leather jacket before standing up. “Hit me up when you want to work on the project.” 
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Your eyes flicker to your phone again, looking at the black screen before scoffing. “So what he hasn’t texted you. It isn’t like he HAS too. He’s a fuckboy. He’ll do what he pleases.” You mock to yourself before stepping out of your apartment.
Your walk to the university was relatively short, your eyes flicker down as you spin your phone in hand. It’s been two days since you last saw him and you can’t stop thinking about the handsome guy. Maybe it was because he just dripped with this kind of allure that you wanted to know of. Or, maybe it was because he was so comfortable talking about things that you find interesting. You can recall when you first met Jeon Jeongguk. How you swooned at the sight of him before getting a general dislike for him.
You had heard tales of the hot guy on campus, the man that was always leather clad with tattoos and dangling earrings. You never hung with people in your university, for the simple fact that you wanted to just push past this awkward phase in your life and do what matters most to you but you did have one friend before he graduated. A certain Jung Hoseok that would take time out of his day to make sure you were alright and be a shoulder to lean on. “That’s him. That’s the fuckboy.” He whispers in your ear as you press your bag closely to your chest.
You look over as he sits on a bench, legs crossed as his arms extend over the top of the bench. He was surrounded by girls, fawning over him leaving drinks and snacks for him to eat. You scoff gently as his head turns in your direction. “Who does he think he is? The Messiah?” 
He looks you over and you feel your breath catch in your throat. The first thing you notice about him is his bone structure. Underneath the beating sun you can see the way his sharp jaw calls out to you as he tilts head at you. He smirks, just the corner of his lips flick upwards and Hoseok whistles next to you. “That’s a whole meal right there, bitch.” 
His golden skin sings under the sun's rays as he fixes his leather jacket. You find your body beginning to sway at his gaze before shaking your head and scoffing loudly. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?” You narrow your eyes as he snaps his fingers, the girls begin to disperse taking themselves to class and he bows his head to you before smiling widely. You roll your eyes befo-
You’re taken out of your memory as a car horn begins to sound off loudly and you turn your head quickly to the noise before gasping. The car drives towards you without stopping and you feel your body stiffen in shock. Mind going blank as you stare at the car approaching.  
“Nemesis!” You hear before your body is being shoved by a leather clad body. You feel your body become coddled to the other body before you begin to shiver with the aftereffects of your shock. 
“Zeus above! Are you okay?!” You feel the body pull away before your eyes are greeted with the now familiar coffee irises of Jeon Jeongguk. His black hair falls into his eyes as his eyebrows furrow. You gasp gently before he hugs you close to him.
“Who do you think you are? Hermes? You think you can fucking fly?! How could you be so careless?” He scoffs gently before setting you down on your feet and swiping his thumb over the apple of your cheek. His touch sends a shiver down your spine and you shove him off of you before clutching your backpack to your chest. 
“I-I… I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” He widens his eyes before putting his hands on your shoulders, “Be careful! We shouldn’t let Hades welcome you to the Underworld any sooner than you should be.” His touch feels comforting before you clear your throat and step back away from him. “I’ll pay more attention. I’m sorry.”
He bites his bottom lip, his beauty mark on display before he is sighing gently. “Let’s get you to class, Nemesis.” 
The walk towards the lecture hall was quiet and awkward as he stayed next to you. His tall form shadows yours as he puts his hand on the small of your back. You can hear girls whispering and staring and you shrink in form. He clears his throat before snapping his fingers. The whispers begin to die down and you find yourself looking up at him as he gives you a small smile. “Thank you for that back there.” 
He chuckles gently before rubbing your back, “Anything for a goddess.” You tilt your head confused and he smiles widely. “Nemesis. Goddess.”
You open your mouth before nodding gently. “Right. Nemesis.” He opens the door to the lecture hall before opening his arm, “Ladies first.”
You clear your throat before walking in first and he follows shortly behind without a second glance at girls as they stare at him. “You-You never texted me.” Your voice sounds feeble and you curse yourself for it. 
He laughs gently before slinging his arm over her shoulder. “You sound upset about it.” You frown before shrugging his arm off of you. “I just wondered when you wanted to work on the project. That’s all.” 
He hums playfully before opening the door to Mythology Lecture Hall, “I can’t leave Nemesis waiting with bated breath.”  You narrow your eyes at him as you ascend the stairs to your table. 
“It’s not bated breath, I just want to get this project over and done with.” You throw your backpack on the floor before taking a seat.
You watch as he sits down next to you, legs stretched out before him as he tilts his head. His eyes roam over your form before smiling. You find your head tilting along with his before your breath hitches. He really is so handsome. You take out your notebook before watching Professor Song enter the lecture hall. You can feel his eyes on you and you pull at the hem of your shirt. Is it hot in here or is it just you?
“Just text me when you want to work on it.” You mumble before pulling at the collar of your shirt. “Yes, ma’am.”
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You stare at your television, Chinese takeout in hand as you spin the chopsticks around. Your mind begins to drift, thinking about your new lab partner. He knows so much about the subject and yet, he pays absolutely zero attention. It’s very interesting. So interesting in fact that it’s hindering you from watching the latest episode of your favorite television show. Your feet kick up on the small wooden coffee table before looking up at the ceiling. He was annoying, that much is sure. He was so smug and sure of himself and it’s irritating but you’ve never given him a second glance since taking this class and it’s been almost a year already. He was gorgeous, you’ll give him that. His sharp jaw and those coffee brown eyes that remind you of a doe. His long black hair that you really wouldn’t mind running your fing-
You’re pulled from your thoughts as a small feline body crawls across the loveseat and onto your lap. “Artemis, you scared me.” You whisper before petting the top of her head and turning your attention back to the television. Jeon Jeongguk is an enigma, a fuckboy enigma and you’ll complete the project and be on your way.
You cross the green grass lawn of the university before parking yourself underneath the same tree you always do. No one ever seemed to come to this secluded area, nor did people really seem interested in sitting underneath a weeping willow tree that hasn’t been taken care of probably since the university was created. But, you liked it, you liked the free nature of it and always take your place under it before class. As you fold your legs underneath you, you take out your book of choice for the day. The Iliad. You’ve read it many times before this but the story never seems to get old. 
“Where was I?” It’s a sin to dog flap pages and it always will be. Your eyes find the page and you smile to yourself. 
“Hera seduces Zeus.” You mumble to yourself, finger trailing over the many lines of text before finding it. Your eyes light up and you tuck in for a good, quiet read before you hear the fluttering of wings nearby. A dove lands before you and you tilt your head to it as it sits down on the grass before you as if it’s studying you. Your nose wrinkles and you look back down at your book, “Would you like me to read to you? It’s a very interesting book. It’s about the Trojan War. It’s from a book called The Iliad.”
The bird makes no move and you shrug before clearing your throat and leaning against the trunk of the tree. “Hera of the golden throne looked down as she stood upon a peak of Olympus and her heart was gladdened at the sight of him who was at once her brother and her brother-in-law, hurrying hither and thither amid the fighting. Then she turned her eyes to Zeus as he sat on the topmost crests of many-fountained Ida, and loathed him. She set herself to think how she might trick his thinking, and in the end she deemed that it would be best for her to go to Ida and array herself in rich attire, in the hope that Zeus might become enamored of her, and wish to embrace her. While he was thus engaged a sw-”
“Why’re you reading to a bird?” The voice makes you jump and you look up as a hand curls around the trunk before revealing the owner of the voice. You sneer at his handsome face as he sits down next to you. 
“I didn’t invite you to sit next to me. And, it’s not just a bird it’s a dove.” His eyes flicker over to it before narrowing his eyes. “Yeah… I see that.”
With the roll of his eyes, he goes to shoo the bird away but it stands its ground making him huff out annoyed. You’ve never seen such a brave bird, how interesting. “Why’re you reading this?” 
He takes the big book from your hands and you fold your arms as he skims through the pages before slamming it shut. The echo resounds through the lawn and you scowl at him. He smirks before holding up the book and you notice how veiny his tattooed arms are. “I can tell you more than this book could, I’m sure.” 
“Oh? Could you? When you never take notes in class or even pay attention? I think last week I heard you snoring next to me.” You mumble before pulling the book out of his hands and pressing it to your chest as if it was protection from the attractive man in front of you. “Yeah but that lesson was on Dionysus, that’s boring shit. He’s a drunk partier big whoop.”
He’s doing it again, talking like he knows them personally. “I’ll bet you twenty bucks I can tell you more about The Iliad without having to even open the book.” You raise an eyebrow at his brazen words before letting your legs stretch out and you don’t miss the way his eyes flicker to your bare legs as your dress rides up as you move. Frazzled, Jeon?
“I’ve read this book a handful of times. I want to do this as a job, you do realize that? You can’t lie to me.” He copies your actions, hands pressing the ground behind him as he stretches. His foot presses against yours and the dove walks closer. 
“Oh my gods! Would you please get lost?!” He asks the dove loudly who just sits down closer to the both of you. You snort before looking back over at him. “Twenty bucks.” 
His tongue sweeps over his perfectly shaped lips before smirking. “You’re on Nemesis.”
“Who does Zeus send a dream to, to attack Troy?” Jeongguk rolls his eyes before giving a fake yawn.
“Agamemnon. Next, what is this kindergarten?” You open your mouth surprised at his answer before shaking your head and clearing your throat.
“While fighting who does Diomedes kill?” That’ll stump him, it’s a trick question. 
“He killed many Trojans but the only one he killed of any importance was Pandaros. Who before you get snippy was an aristocrat and not a god or goddess.” You frown before your fingers begin to skim the back of your book. He sure knows his stuff.
“Ah! Who drove back the Trojans?!”
“Oh good gods above. Achilles. Who cut like, half the population of them at the river Skamandros. The river became filled with them and I hear it also smelt like shit.” You giggle gently at his joke before sighing and digging in your bag. You grab your wallet before pulling out a twenty dollar bill. “Here. Go buy your girls ice cream or something.” He snatches up the bill with a wide smile before it falters.
“Girls? What girls?” He folds his arms, hand crumpling up the bill of cash before tilting his head. His eyes are alight with confusion and you find yourself stuttering as you shove your book back into your bag. “You fuck like half the campus, Jeongguk. Everyone knows this.”
“Oh, do they now? How are you so well informed about this information if you stay by yourself all the time like Oizys?” Calling you the goddess of misery and suffering? You scoff gently before standing up, “I have ears and eyes also I’m not Oizys. I just like to be by myself.”
He hums playfully as you walk away, “You’re right, Nemesis! Sorry!” He chuckles to himself as the dove flies onto his lap. “Mother, can you go away? You’re embarrassing me, Zeus above.” He stands up quickly before calling after you.
“Nemesis! Wait up! You mad I didn’t text you yet?” 
He chased you all the way to the lecture hall before taking his seat next to you. You pull out your notebook and pen before looking over at him. Empty handed yet again. You snort before giving Professor Song your attention as he enters the room. 
“Today we’re going to be talking about Apate.” Jeongguk gasps gently next to you. “Your sister.” You roll your eyes at him before turning your head. 
“I’m not Oizys. Shut up.” He snickers before leaning closer to you, “She’s a bitch anyway. You aren’t, you're just...sheltered and cute.”
You frown at his statement before paying attention to Professor Song, the cap of the pen purchased between your teeth as you narrow your eyes at the white board.
“Apate- the goddess of deceit was the daughter of Nyx, the personification of night. Apate was the sister of several others such as Oizys- the goddess of suffering, Geras- the god of old age, Moros- the embodiment of doom and many others of that nature-” Song’s voice becomes drowned out as you hear Jeongguk’s chair scrape closer to yours. You could feel his breath fanning your face, he was so close and you stuck your neck out to try and pay attention. His smell was intoxicating, the smell of honey, pine and something else that you couldn’t put your finger on. Something that pulled your body towards his as if he was your polar magnet. 
“Did you know that Apate once gifted Dionysus with buckets of wine to distract him from giving Ariadne a crown but it didn’t work?” Jeongguk whispers in your ear, your body shudders at his smooth voice. Goosebumps grace your skin as you side eye him, his long black hair falls into his eyes as he smirks. His tongue licks over his lips and you suddenly find yourself questioning how he would taste.
You squeeze your eyes shut as he leans into your ear, “I can teach you a lot more than Song, if you let me.” 
There was nothing in books about the tale that Jeongguk just told and yet, you find yourself believing him. You open your mouth to speak before you hear a throat clear. “Jeongguk, since you happen to know so much you feel the need to talk, why don’t you tell us about the tale of Hera and Zeus?” 
You cringe before looking over at him, he fixes his leather jacket before leaning back in his seat. All of the lecture hall is looking at your table and you feel yourself shrinking in your seat. “The tale of Hera and Zeus? He cheated on his wife. So Hera begged Apate to get revenge for her, but Apate made her beg on her hands and knees before agreeing. Semele had Dionysus, the drunken little idiot and Apate gave Hera a magical girdle. She tricked Semele into asking Zeus to see his real self and then Semele died because of it. Humans cannot view gods in their true forms. Their little brains can’t handle it. Oh! Also, when Semele died it rained with thunder and lighting for a year.” 
Professor Song’s jaw opens in shock before raising an eyebrow, “That’s sort of how it went. There’s nothing in books about rain and the getting on hands and knees part.” Jeongguk shrugs before looking back over at you and smiling. He’s weird. 
“Just...pay attention and no talking Jeon Jeongguk.” He salutes the professor before his leather jacket begins to sag under weight. He digs into his pocket and produces a bag from his jacket pocket. His eyes light up and you look at the woven bag that has a dainty string around it. He stomps his feet happily before looking at you and wrinkling his nose. He opens the bag before pulling out an apple and then another. He puts an apple on your lap before biting his. You watch as the sweet juice coats his lips before dribbling down his chin. It was something simple that has your insides coiling. Fuck, he was too hot for his own good.
“Eat it. Don’t refuse my gift. I’ll be sad.” He says before nodding his head to the apple on your lap. You pick up the apple quizzically before staring at it. You turn the apple in your hand, staring at how perfectly shaped it is. The skin shines brightly and you swallow as your mouth begins to water. It’s the most perfect piece of fruit you’ve ever seen. “It’s from my aunt's special garden. They’re really good.” He whispers as Song looks over.
You shrug before biting into the apple, the sweet taste spreads over your taste buds and your eyes widen. This is the sweetest piece of fruit you’ve ever tasted. “Wow.” You whisper before putting your hand to your chin to wipe off the juices. Jeongguk watches you with amusement before nodding to himself. Like he’s made his own executive decision on something.
“I’ll text you later, want to come over to my apartment to work on the project?” You had almost forgotten all about it before noticing that people are leaving the lecture hall. Class was already over? You were so into your interaction with Jeongguk you hadn’t noticed time fly by so quickly. It wasn’t such a good idea to bring him over your apartment, Artemis doesn’t like very many people. “Sure. Hit me up.”
10:32 Unknown Number: Nemesis, good evening.
You snort to yourself as you lay in bed. You turn on your side, hand sliding underneath your head as you add his number to your phone. 
10:33 You: Hello.
You didn’t know how to feel about him after today. He was always deemed a fuckboy but he doesn’t really seem like the type if you’re being quite honest with yourself. It’s always just what you had heard in passing but watching him get so childlike and excited over an apple? It seemed like he was a bit different. Not to mention his knowledge of Greek mythology was absolutely incredible and you find yourself liking that he likens all of the gods and goddesses like his friends or family. It’s something comfortable to you.
10:34 Hades: Want to come over to work on the project? 
10:34 You: That works for me, I don’t have many classes this week.
10:35 Hades: Perfecto. Anyone you want to choose for the project?
You set the phone down before tapping your fingernails against the back. Who would this project even be about? You hadn’t really given it much thought. You do enjoy a lot of different relationships between the gods and goddesses but your favorite would probably have to be Eros and Psyche. Wouldn’t hurt to see if he was up for it.
10:38 You: Eros and Psyche?
You settle yourself in for bed before looking back down at your phone. He left you on read. You frown before typing to him once more.
10:40 You: We can choose others if you prefer, it was just a suggestion.
10:41 Hades: See you soon, Nemesis.
You stare at the phone before sucking a sharp breath between your teeth and tilting your head. Now, you weren’t an expert at texting but something felt wrong. His answer seemed clipped and you wonder why. Did you hurt his feelings or something? You frown before throwing your phone on the charger and staring up at the ceiling. Enigma Jeon Jeongguk.
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You saw him the next day on the lawn of the university. He was by himself for once, not surrounded by girls or gifts near him. You hid behind the weeping willow tree as you surveyed him. He sat down on the green grass near the tree, pulling at the blades of grass with his head tilted. A dove lands at his feet and he smirks at it before putting his fist underneath his chin. “Hello.” His voice is small as he leans back on his hands. He seems different somehow today, like he was in deep thought over something. 
“Remember I told you that I had a lab partner to work on a project with?” He’s talking to the dove, like a crazy person. He takes off his leather jacket before laying it on the ground and throwing his body on to it. “She wants to work on Eros and Psyche.” 
He stays quiet for a minute before clicking his teeth, “I’m not mad at her or anything. I really like her. She’s funny and cute, interesting.” You feel a blush begin to heat up your cheeks and you sit on the ground behind the tree before pressing your head back to it. “She seems really sweet and she’s very smart and nice.” 
He sighs before ripping up a blade of grass, he groans loudly before putting the palms of his hands to his eyes. “No! I’m going to do what I want without your advice for once! We all know what happened the last time you fucking talked to a woman I liked!” 
He likes you? You stop breathing as you go wide eyed. Heart hammering in delight you press your backpack tighter to your chest before smiling. Even if he was claimed to be this famed fuckboy, your heart feels a bit lighter knowing that he enjoys your presence.
“Just let me figure out if she likes me first. Zeus above!” He sits up before pulling his jacket back on, as he walks towards the lecture hall. He spots your legs behind the tree before stilling. You stomp your feet on the ground and he begins to smirk before heading off.
A few days later he has texted you his address. That was it. Just the address and nothing else. You can’t help but think you fucked up with that text and  you don’t even know how you did it. You had put on comfortable clothes, although your brain was telling you to wear something cuter for god knows what reason. Something about this guy pulled you to him and you are unsure how to feel about it. You’ve never been this way before, you’ve only ever just went about life on your own. But you do know one thing all you have to do is just get this project done and get it over with. That’s all you can hope to do.
Standing in front of his apartment you can smell those same smells you smelt on him yesterday. You could feel your legs quivering for some unknown reason and you lean against the door jamb to collect your breath. You were nervous to be alone with him in such a small space. That’s what you think anyway, but knowing that if you knock on this door right now and he’ll appear makes your heart begin to hammer with delight. You groan gently before making a fist and taking a deep breath. Get the project done and over with. 
You knock on the door before teetering on one foot to the other as you hold your breath. “Coming!” The voice is not of Jeongguk and you tilt your head before releasing your breath.
The door swings open and a handsome man stands before you. Smiling widely as his eyes squeeze shut before tilting his head. 
“Y/N?” You nod slowly as you take him in. He had deep blue hair, dark chocolate eyes, a bright smile and the most plush pink lips you’ve ever seen in your life. He was dressed casually, just blue jeans and a black hoodie and even that seemed sensual. He dripped allure and effervescence as he stepped out of the way. “Come in, Jeongguk is in the shower.”
As you enter, setting your shoes off to the side you let out a low whistle at their apartment. The walls were made of marble, stone pillars in random places that exuded richness. Everything was gold, the furniture, the statues placed on stands and even the filigree of the walls. The blue haired boy walks past you before jumping onto the gold couch and smiling widely as he picks up a glass from the coffee table in front of him. “Wine? I’ve got the good stuff.” You swallow, looking around the living room with a dropped jaw before looking at the man on the couch. 
They’re fucking rich! You notice a dove perch onto the statue of Aphrodite in the corner and suddenly your nodding to the man. “Yes. Wine.” He smiles widely before jumping up, “I’m Jimin by the way. Jeongguk is my cousin.” You nod in amusement before walking towards the Aphrodite statue. 
The statue is pure gold, glimmering underneath the lights of the large chandelier that hangs from the ceiling. The dove bows its head down at you and you smile before waving at it. It looks just like the dove from the great lawn. You reach out to touch the statue before pulling your hand away, it’s almost like you’re in a museum of some sort. There’s a loud purr that catches your attention and you turn your head to the noise before yelping. “That’s Adoneus.” Jimin says cheerily and you narrow your eyes at him.
“That’s a lynx.” He nods happily before handing you the glass of wine, the lynx approaches you and you stiffen as it rubs its head against your thigh. “He’s really friendly, don’t worry. He was a present from my father.” 
He pats the seat beside him before widening his smile at you, his eyes completely disappearing. You find comfort in his smile and you find yourself doing so as well before sitting down next to him. Leaning back you take in his black hoodie for the first time before noticing the thyrsus printed on the front. 
“Do you like Greek mythology too?” You find yourself asking before you could stop yourself. He laughs gently, a short melodic noise before Adoneus sits at his feet. His fingers curl underneath the cat's chin before tilting his head to you. “You could say I embody Greek mythology, Y/N.” 
You take a sip of the wine before widening your eyes, “Good, right? I have the best grapes on the planet.” The taste held so many undertones you couldn’t put your mind on any of them besides one. One that you couldn’t name that you smelt on Jeongguk the day before. “It’s delicious.” 
Jimin hums at your compliment before pointing at the gold caddy by the Dionysus statue in the corner of the room. “I have something else you should try too.”
The crystal vase holds some sort of thick looking honey and you lean forward as he stands up. “It’s the most delicious thing to drink besides my wine. Look, I’ll give you some.” He stands tall before brushing off his pants. His feet pad over to the caddy before flipping over a gold goblet. The glass cork is pulled from the vase and you swallow as he begins to pour the drink. It’s thick, taking it’s time to fall into the cup. “Is it honey?”
He smirks before topping off the glass and holding it out. “Come.” You go to stand before hearing a hall open in the doorway.
Jeongguk appears, shirtless with a towel hung around his neck before narrowing his eyes at the situation in front of him. “Do not drink that. Jimin, please.” Jimin chuckles before putting down the glass. “Y/N seems fun! That’s all.”
You swallow thickly before looking over Jeongguk’s naked upper half. He had an eight pack underneath his golden toned skin, small droplets of water grace his skin as he leaned against the door frame of his room. “Come on Nemesis. Leave Jimin to drink and have fun on his own.” 
Jimin laughs loudly at your nickname before walking back over to the couch and his huge cat. “Nemesis? Seems more like a Psyche to me.” You watch as Jeongguk grimaces before grabbing your wine glass and walking towards him. The closer you get, the tighter your throat gets. Chest restricting as his muscles clench and lax with every breath. You can see his tattoos clearer now, all symbols of Greek mythology. The one that catches your attention the quickest is the dove holding a rose in its beak over his heart. He smirks at you and you find it hard to stand still, knees beginning to quake underneath his molten gaze. He raises his arm above your head letting you enter the room and you thank him quietly before entering. His bed was white with a gold headboard. The room smelt of pine and apples as you stand awkwardly in the doorway. “Come.” His voice is gentle as he passes you to sit by the bed. His arm brushes against yours and you stiffen at the touch. 
“I’m sorry.” You say quickly and he raises an eyebrow drying his hair with the towel. “Sorry? For what?” 
Your feet shuffle towards the end of his bed before clearing your throat. “The other day, you didn’t text me back after I suggested Eros and Psyche and I’m sorry if I upset you.” He tuts his tongue to the roof of his mouth gently before patting the spot beside him. “I’m not mad at you, don’t be silly. Come, sit.”
His tone is soft and you find yourself sitting on the edge of his bed before looking around. He had portraits of gods and goddess littered around the walls and the same kind of gold caddy like in the living room nestled in the corner underneath a statue of Eros. “The story of Eros and Psyche is boring. I’d rather pick something else to do.” 
His admission calls your attention and you can’t help but look at his chest as he leans back on his hands. You have to literally rip your gaze away from him as he begins to smirk. “Boring? It’s a great love story.” He snorts loudly before putting his head back.
“It wasn’t how the story goes. Anyway, I don’t want to do that so can we please just find something else to do?” His tone holds a venom that makes you recoil within yourself before nodding shortly. “Sure.” 
“Hades and Persephone?” You find yourself asking before looking back down at his chest. His skin looks so smooth, if you could only just-
“Some other group will surely do it. We have to do something unconventional and fun. But, nothing with Zeus because he’s a hoe.” You giggle at his joke before licking your lips and looking at his eyes as he winks at you. Your neck heats up and you can feel your ears begin to burn. Your eyes are drawn to his abs again and you clear your throat as your mind begins to get warped with intrigue.
“Can you put on a shirt, please?” It comes out a frail whisper and he tilts his head before chuckling. 
“You can touch them if you want.” He grabs your wrist before putting them on his stomach. His skin is as smooth as you thought, you can feel his abs flex underneath your fingers and your bottom lip purchases between your teeth. Your fingertips press into the muscles and you can hear a strangled noise in the back of his throat, your stomach unfurls in need before you come back to your senses. 
You rip your hand out of his grip before clearing your throat and looking at the Eros statue in the corner. “Please, put a shirt on.” He rubs your shoulder comfortingly before standing up, “Yes ma’am.” 
You had both decided to work on Hephaestus and Aphrodite, working with Jeongguk was quite simple, actually. He was funny and told you funny stories that almost sounded real. You found yourself becoming incredibly comfortable with him throughout the evening you spent together. It made the image of him being a fuckboy seem almost impossible.
“Hephaestus isn’t as ugly as the books say, you know. One time when I was little, I sa- I heard that he looked like a monster but he’s just constantly covered in soot and grease from metalworking. Aphrodite is just never happy if she doesn’t get what she wants.” He mutters before biting the apple in hand. You hum playfully before stretching your legs out next to him as you both lean against the headboard of his bed. “You sure know a lot about these people.” 
He smiles into his bite before pointing at your notebook. “We have a lot of material already. We can just chill if you like, you’re cool. I’d like to spend more time with you.” You blush at his admission before closing your notebook, “Sure.”
He looks at your wine glass before grabbing it and standing. “I’ll get you more Jimin juice.” You giggle before nodding. As he leaves a body walks by the door before stopping. “Oh? Human. Hello!” 
He had silver hair and gold eyes as he wrinkled his nose at you. You swallow at his handsome features, a perfectly sculpted nose and strong jaw. You wave back at him as he smiles widely, the form almost resembling a box before Jimin stops next to him in the hallway. “This is Jeongguk’s brother. Anter- Taehyung! Taehyung!” Taehyung waves once more before clearing his throat. 
“She’s a pretty little thing, isn’t she?” His head turns to his cousin and you find yourself blushing at his compliment. Jimin nods happily before turning to you. “You’re very welcome here, Psyche.”
Jeongguk arrives behind the two boys in his doorway and his jaw tightens, “Will you guys get lost please? And stop calling her Psyche.” He steps inside of the room, “She’s nothing like that fucking bitch. Get lost.” The door swings shut in their faces and you raise an eyebrow as he turns back around to you, black hair falling into his eyes. He smiles before handing you the glass of wine. 
“Wanna watch Hercules?!” He asks cutely before jumping back on the bed, you sip the wine before giggling. “Sure.”
“It’s been a real slice.” Jeongguk mumbles along with Meg as you both stare at the television. You can’t help but snort as he side-eyes you. He was nothing like a fuckboy, you’ve decided this within the hour you’ve been watching the movie. “Why does everyone call you a fuckboy?”
He looks over at you before slinging his arm over your shoulders and pausing the movie. “Maybe because I’m really hot.” You blush as he squeezes your shoulder, his face moves closer to yours and you find your breath hitching in your throat. “Maybe because they're liars that just say I’ve fucked them to gain popularity.”
“B-But, you never stop them or tell them to stop.” Your voice sounds weak as he brushes his hair out of his eyes. “Why should I deprive someone of a fantasy? I’m not cruel. If every girl was like you then they would have gotten me.” 
His stare is molten, his pupils blowing out as he looks down at your lips. The compliment makes your body stiffen before you’re ripping your gaze away from his. “You-You-” He pulls away before laughing gently, “Relax, Nemesis. I’m not trying to make you have a heart attack.” 
You feel your palms begin to sweat as he takes the empty wine glass out of your hand. His thumb drifts across your cheek and you feel your body heat up underneath his touch. His tongue swipes across his lips before he’s turning back on the movie. “Pain and Panic are so annoying.”
You find yourself getting drowsy towards the end of the movie, your arms and legs dully whine as you move. You find your eyes fluttering shut as Hercules dives into the Underworld to save Meg. Jeongguk looks over at you as your eyes fully shut before wrinkling his nose. His hand reaches over quietly to the side drawer of his bedside table before grabbing a velvet bag. His fingers pinch the dust inside of it before gently blowing it at your face. “Dream well, pretty girl.” 
He stands tall before stretching and looking at you, your hands press against your chest like a defense mechanism even in your sleep. He pulls the covers over you before opening the window. He whistles gently before looking over at your sleeping figure. “You’re not like Psyche. You would trust me, right?” Wings flutter drawing his attention back to the windowsill before leaning down as a rooster perches on the ledge. 
“Tell Morpheus to send this one sweet dreams of me.” The rooster quirks its head to the side before bowing its head and flying off. The window is sealed shut before Jeongguk leans his back against the window and folds his arms. A smile spreads over your face as you sleep and he wrinkles his nose. He realized how much he did indeed like you, you were different. And, it’s been a very long time since he’s felt drawn to a woman.  “Come to me, Y/N.” 
 Jeongguk throws himself on the couch before slinging his legs onto his brother's lap. “Very nice by the way Jimin, just call Taehyung Anteros in front of everyone, why don’t you?” Jimin rolls his eyes before pouring himself a glass of nectar. 
“I slipped up, sue me. Anteros doesn’t come by every day, I forgot his Earth name. Maybe when Y/N comes out, I’ll slip up and call you Eros.” Jeongguk sneers at his cousin before relaxing into the couch. Taehyung smiles happily before sipping his own drink. “She’s sleeping? She seems very nice. Shy and sweet.” 
Jeongguk watches how his brother's golden eyes dilate as he talks of you. “Watch it. She’s not for you.” Jimin laughs gently before sitting in the gold armchair next to them. “Seems like we’ll get a replay of Psyche.”
Jeongguk rolls his eyes before stretching his arms over the top of the couch. “Y/N would trust me, whereas Psyche did not. Don’t compare them, Y/N is different. She seems to not have an ill intentioned bone in her body.” Jimin hums before nodding, “She’s very nice. I agree. I heard the wings of Hermes earlier, what was he doing here?”
“I called on him.” Taehyung looks over at Jeongguk before raising an eyebrow. “Why?”
“For Morpheus to send her sweet dreams.” 
“Of you?”
“Of me.”
Waking up wasn’t usually this difficult but you didn’t want to wake up from this dream. Your mind knew it was time to get up but you couldn’t help but will yourself to stay in this dream. 
Laying upon a marble table in the middle of a field of wheat, your hands graze over Jeongguk as he straddles you. His smirk is broad as he hums gently. “You are a goddess.” His body bows down, chest and stomach muscles rippling as his full lips graze over your jaw. Your eyes flutter shut under the lavender sun. Your body singing with want as his hands run over your bare sides. You were completely bare underneath him and you felt no embarrassment, as if that emotion did not exist with this god above you. “You taste like berries from the Elysian Fields, so sweet.” 
His lips leave small petals of pinks and reds on your skin as his hands cup your breasts gently. His hands knead them gently and you can’t help but hear birds begin to sing as his tongue flicks at your stiffening nipples. Your fingers card through his black locks before gasping as he suckles sweetly at your areola. Back bowing off of the marble table as he spreads your legs with his large hands. 
Your eyes open to watch the god lavish upon you, his touch feels electric against your skin. Sending shockwaves of want to your core. His lips trail lower, eyes on yours as he nips playfully at the skin of your stomach. “Eros, want you.” 
His eyes glimmer with amusement before licking across your bare pubic bone. “Do you now? You want me? Here?” His fingers caress your pussy lips and a mewl is coaxed from your lips. You feel your arousal dripping on to the marble table beneath you and you squirm underneath him. His chuckle has you whimpering as he bows his head back down. “So wet, Zeus above.”
He curses under his breath before licking a flat swipe over your folds. Your moans resound throughout the wheat field as his hands grip at your thighs. “Sweet like Ambrosia.” 
His full lips suckle at your engorging clit, the tip of his tongue flicking it gently as white hot pleasure courses through your veins. “Look at me, goddess. Watch me.” His tone is commanding and your eyes snap to his as his pupils blow out with lust.
His suckles become stronger, your stomach beginning to tighten as a finger swirls around the ring of muscle of your sex. “Eros!” 
“Yes, goddess?” His tongue is playful and as he lifts his head you can see your arousal coated on his chin and cheeks. The sight makes your eyes roll back as you lift your hips. 
“More. Want more, please.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” His finger enters you slowly, the full feeling making you whine as he gets back to work. You feel as light as air as he pumps his finger into you slowly, his tongue circling around your clit before flicking at a quick pace. Your moans fill the field as doves begin to fly overhead, lightning cracks above and you find yourself reaching the precipice of your pleasure.
Another finger is added as he expertly curls them within you, finding the soft patch of muscles that have your back lifting off of the table. “Guk! Jeongguk! Yes! Yes!” He moans against you, a gravelly wanton sound that makes your stomach tighten tighter. “Cum for me goddess, shower me in your pleasure.” 
Your toes curl as your mind begins to get fuzzy, his name both Eros and Jeongguk pour from your lips as your eyes screw shut. “I'm cumming! Fuck! Eros!” As you fall over the edge, birds begin to sing louder. Your pleasure starts at your heart before spreading-
You jump awake, a sheen of sweat gracing your body. Your head feels fuzzy and heavy as you gasp gently at your surroundings. You fell asleep here?! Idiot! And, that dream...Fuck… That dream was… Something else. Your eyes find the Eros statue in the corner before narrowing at it. “Get out of my subconscious.” 
You hear shuffling outside of the room door and you find yourself aware that you should not be here. How could you just fall asleep in Jeongguk’s bed?! Speaking of the god...man. Speaking of the man, where is he? You go to stand before feeling how soaked your panties are and you groan gently. How embarrassing! 
As if he had heard your thoughts, the bedroom door opens revealing the handsome man you had just dreamed of. "Good morning, Nemesis." You watch as he lifts a cup to his lips, the veins in his arm protruding as he smirks against the lip of the cup. His coffee irises dance with delight as he looks upon your figure. You begin blushing, your mind reeling back to the dream that felt so intensely real. "I-I'm sorry I fell asleep!"
You stand up quickly, hands frantically trying to smooth out your hair as Jeongguk leans against the door jamb. "Oh no, it's cool watching Herc rescue his lover gets me sleepy sometimes too." You can't help but stare as his tongue sweeps across his lips. Thinking back to your dream, his tongue felt so amazing on the most intimate part of you. You grab your backpack off the floor before pulling at the hem of your dress.
"I'll-I'll get going. Sorry." He furrows his eyebrows before watching as you teeter on your feet awkwardly. "I can make you breakfast if you want."
His fingers curl around the cup and you swallow thickly as if you could feel them inside of you. "I have to go!" You shove past him, coffee spilling from the cup to his chest as you barrel towards the door. 
"Y/N?" He calls confused as you grab your shoes from beside the door. "See you in class." 
He takes in a deep breath before opening his mouth as you meet eyes once more. "Hey Y/N, wait-" You open the door quickly before scurrying out without another word. How could you have such a dream?!
Jeongguk scoffs gently as Jimin peeks out of the kitchen, "I made her Ambrosia buttered toast!" He wipes at his coffee covered chest before looking at his cousin. "Where's the key?" 
Jimin sets the plate down gently before widening his eyes, "Key? No. No! Eros!"
His bare foot taps rapidly against the marble floor before holding out his hand as his jaw tightens. "Give me the key, Dionysus."
Jimin whines loudly before trudging out of the kitchen towards his room. "Aw man! My father is going to kill me when he sees my hair." He mumbles pushing past Guk to go to his room.
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Both men stand at the end of the hallway, the gold key jumping from knuckle to knuckle as Jeongguk stands at the wooden closet door. “Any last words?” Jimin clears his throat before looking at his cousin.
“Maybe just forget about it?” He gives a nervous laugh, in turn Jeongguk rolls his eyes before putting the key in the lock. A large boom resounds throughout the apartment as he turns the key and Jimin whimpers before chugging the contents of his wine glass. The walls vibrate as if they’ve turned to jelly and he takes a deep breath before shoving open the door.
“Oh gods.” Jimin whines loudly sticking his head past the door frame as clouds make a staircase towards a ray of shining light. Jeongguk steps past the door frame before looking down at his clothes as they shimmer and change. The chiton that appears on his body is lightwear and the color of a white sheep. He sighs before looking at Jimin, who in turn, changes from his hoodie and sweatpants to a chiton the color of wine. “Oh fuck! Dude! Let’s just go back inside, hmm?”
“I need to speak with Morpheus, he fucked me over.” His cousin whimpers before the sounds of harpsichords begin to resound throughout the air. “They know we’re here anyway.” 
Without a second thought he walks over the clouds, the white wisps licking at his ankles before disappearing all together, his foot raises before stepping onto the staircase and closing his eyes. “Here we go.”
Mount Olympus was bustling today, gods and goddesses walking around on the stone ground not giving a glance at the two boys as they crossed the gold gates. Jeongguk’s mouth opens, eyes lifting up to look at the scenery he hasn’t seen for years. Stone pillars litter the pantheon, temples and mansions as far as the eye could see. Stone slabs of jagged and large rocks hold up the floating islands far and wide and he finds himself folding his arms before smirking.
“I knew you would come!” The sound is melodic, the voice making him feel at home as his head turns to his mother. “Mother!”
She floats forward, hair pinned underneath a gold crown as she extends her flowing arms. Jeongguk’s heart swells before enveloping her in a hug and spinning her around. She smells of ambrosia and roses and he feels immediately comforted. She steps back before placing her hands on his handsome face, shaking him around before smiling widely. “My son.” 
He hums as Jimin steps closer to him as a bolt of lightning ricochets through the sky. “Shit man.” Jimin holds out his hand before a goblet of wine produces and he guzzles the drink greedily as the white clouds begin to turn a dark grey. “Why have you come?”
Aphrodite’s voice is filled with glee as Jeongguk slings his arm over his mother's shoulders. “I must speak with Morpheus.” She hums playfully before pinching his chin and wiggling his face. “We like her, yes?”
Jeongguk chuckles before pulling her with him, leaving Jimin alone. “Yes, we like her. Quite a bit actually.”
“Eros! Wait up! Please!” Jeongguk chuckles before opening his arm as Jimin rushes to him. “Big bad Zeus is going to light up the sky until you go see him. He birthed you after all.” Aphrodite’s voice is playful as all three stop as Pegasus crosses their path.
“Nice to see you diaper wearing boy.” The deep voice is a welcome one as his eyes look up at Heracles mounted upon his horse. “Herc. Pleasure, I’m sure.” 
“Bro! You gotta help me out! Dad is going to flip when he sees my hair!” Jimin calls to his brother before pulling at his blue strands. Heracles laughs loudly before holding out his hand to Jimin. “Get on, you’ve been summoned.” 
With the stomp of his foot he grips the big hand before getting hauled on to the back of the winged horse. “Hey, Eros! One hour Olympus time, please!” He begs his cousin, wanting to get out of this realm as soon as possible.
Jeongguk chuckles as his mother smooths out his black hair, pinning it behind his ear. “That’s if you don’t get struck down first.” The horse flaps its wings before Jimin’s scream is heard as the horse takes off without a second thought. 
Jeongguk walks along the roads with his mother, head bowing down to the gods and goddesses that’s eye contact lingers for more than a few seconds. He was the god of love, sexual attraction and desire after all. His hand reaches out for a ceramic vase, one only that could be crafted by the great Hephaestus before the sound of winged boots draws his attention to the clouded sky. “Hey you!” 
“Hey yourself Hermes!” Aphrodite giggles gently before sitting down on a marble bench, legs crossing demurely as she leans back watching the interaction. Hermes appears, slowly floating off of the ground before pointing his staff at the god of love. “Morpheus is looking for you!”
“And I him. Care to lead the way?” Hermes hands him a pair of flying boots before looking at Aphrodite. “Well don’t you just look ravishing today. The Elysian Fields could not compare.”
“You flatter me, Hermes.” She produces a rose before handing it to the handsome trickster. Jeongguk tuts his tongue before narrowing his eyes at the man. “Easy now, that’s my gorgeous mother you’re trying to play with.”
He kisses his mother on the cheek before smiling, “I’ll see you soon, I’m sure.” She hums to him as he puts on the boots. His eyes widen before pointing at her as he begins to ascend into the air. “Stop coming around Y/N as a dove all the time. You’re making me look bad!” She gives him a gentle wave which he can only roll his eyes at before the winged shoes are taking him to his meeting.
The home of Morpheus never ceases to amaze Jeongguk. He’s not sure if it can even be called a home, honestly. A simple canopied bed sits high above the mansions on their own cloud petastools as he lands. His bed is cocooned within swirling white puffs of clouds and Jeongguk makes it a point to clear his throat in case the god of dreams was sleeping, which in fact would usually be the case. “Eros.”
He leans against one of the bed posts before folding his arms, “I have words for you god of dreams.” The laugh he hears makes him scowl as Morpheus sits up in his bed. “Words? For me? I did you a service.”
He scoffs loudly as he pushes himself off of the bedpost. “She ran away from me, any dream you gave the poor girl must have been a nightmare.” 
“Hmm? The dream. Let me see.” The grey haired man’s eyes close, eyeballs rapidly moving behind his eyelids before the corners of his mouth begin to turn upwards. “I would not consider this a terrible nightmare. I’d like to be such a man or lady in this situation.”
Jeongguk’s eyebrows furrow before holding out his hand, “Show me.” 
Morpheus chuckles before a goblet of Ambrosia appears within his grasp. “I gave her the gift of a good dream and her mind created this. It is not untoward to think she scared herself.” 
Jeongguk shakes his hand impatiently before hearing a sigh, Morpheus’ wings sprout from behind his back before cracking his neck and placing his hand atop the god of love. Jeongguk’s eyes closed as his head lolled back. His body shakes with pleasure before smirking at the dream as it flits across the inside of his eyelids. “Ah.”
His answer is short as he pulls away from the god before him. His hands smooth out his black hair, pinning it behind his ears before clearing his throat. “Send her more dreams, won’t you?”
Morpheus laughs loudly, his laughter mixing in with the crack of thunder as lighting bolts fly through the sky. Rain begins to scatter on the clouded ground and he can’t help but smirk. “Must hate the blue.” 
“I’m sorry to waste your time. I had assumed she saw something very unpleasant within her dreams to run from me in such a way.” Morpheus chuckles before laying back down with his goblet. “Embarrassment and unpleasantness sit in two different houses underneath the sky.”
Jeongguk nods thoughtfully before looking back down at the pantheon below this high cloud. “I’ll be on my way now, Morpheus. Thank you for your time.” The grey haired man hums before closing his eyes as the winged boots begin to ascend into the air once more. “She’s got a gorgeous body.” Jeongguk murmurs to himself before flying towards the market place. 
He walks through the stone street, hands behind his back as he looks at all of the stalls. A flash of light catches his eye before turning to a booth with a wide smile. “Theia.” She hums to him, sitting upon a marble bench with her ankles upon a stone stool. “Eros.”
He wrinkles his nose at her cutely and she sighs happily upon seeing his handsome face. “I haven’t seen you in quite some time, young man.” 
His eyes glance over the jewelry she has laid out, “I’ve been in the mortal realm. Enjoying life down there.”
“And does Eros have a new love that shines as brightly as my jewels?” He smirks at her question before picking up a gold necklace. It shines brightly even with the drizzle of rain. Two gold chains wrap around each other, coiling gracefully and he tilts his head before looking up at her. “How much?”
“Five gold.” He nods before feeling at where his pants normally are and sighing. “Can you make an Eros pendant?” 
Theia snaps her fingers and a gold pendant dangles from the necklace. He smiles at it before nodding, “That’ll be ten gold, dear boy.”
He nods before a woolen bag is thrown over his shoulder. He turns his head to his cousin who now graces black hair with a frown. “Can we go now?” He murmurs before giving Theia a small wave. 
He turns back to Theia before nodding, “Before you go, why don’t you stop by Heras home. She could enchant that necklace for you.” He stops before tilting his head. It just wouldn’t be right to have the goddess of marriage charm this piece. If you want him, you’ll have him.
“That’s alright. She can make her own choices, thanks Theia!” She hums before letting out a low whistle. Her legs leave the stool before watching him saunter down the rain slick road. The necklace glimmers in his hand and she smirks before leaning back in her chair. 
“Let’s go get you a glass of wine. Hmm?” Jimin nods gratefully as they cross the golden gates.
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“I mean what the fuck do you even think you’re doing?! Hmm?!” You counter to yourself as you stare in the mirror of your bedroom. Your fingertip taps repeatedly against the glass as you scowl. “Uh! So what if he has a super hot fucking body and he’s really cool and sweet. Ha! Like that fucking matters. Because, news flash, idiot! It doesn’t! And, so what if he knows a lot about something that you have such a passion for?! HA! As if you’d fall for him because he has all these cute stories about y’know...Dionysus and Hephaestus…” You collect your breath as you change out of your clothes from yesterday before getting ready for class. 
“I mean, y’know, too fucking bad that you had a dream where he ate you out like a champ...With his lips...trailing all over your body and birds were singing because he...he licked your clit so well...and his hair felt so soft in your-” You go wide eyed before fanning your now pink tinted cheeks. “GOD! WHATEVER SO FUCKING INFURIATING!”
You barrel towards the lecture hall, backpack to your chest for protection as your eyes flit across the green lawn. You were safe, all you need to do is make it into the lecture hall and ignore Jeongguk when he gets there. That’s it! You grumble as you stop to look at the weeping willow tree you’ve grown so fond of during your time at this university. The dove was sitting underneath it again today and you find yourself feeling guilty you didn’t spend any time with it. You wave at it with a small smile and you hear him before anything else. 
His laugh is loud, a sound that you want to revel in and yet, you shrink in form before jogging over to the tree and pressing your back to it. You can hear girls giggling at what he says and you scowl before looking down at the dove. “He must really think he’s like Eros or something, huh? No wonder people call him a fuckboy if he’s so easily amused with girls.” The bird sits down, head tilting to the side as your back slides down the tree. The beady stare makes you swallow thickly before scoffing, “I’m not jealous. Don’t even think that!”
You point at the bird before frowning. This is called projecting and you’re doing a great job at it at this very second. “Just because he’s handsome doesn’t mean he has to talk to every person he sees. God, he knows what he does to people! So annoying.” Your voice tapers off into a murmur as you recall your dream. The way his tattooed hands caressed your body and showed you such attention. The way his tongue flic-
“Who’re we hiding from?” You gasp loudly as you fall over. You look up at him as he smiles widely at you, “Hi, Nemesis.” 
“H-Hi, Jeongguk.” He holds out his hand and you take in his attire before grabbing it. His leather jacket, his ripped black skinny jeans, even the earrings that dangle from his ears suit him so well you find the wind being pulled from your lungs. He lifts you up easily and you find comfort in his smell. “I was going to make you breakfast this morning. Why’d you leave?” 
You clear your throat as his arm slings over your shoulder, you find it bizarre how comfortable he feels beside you. “I-I… You know… Had to feed my cat and wash my...toes.” Very cool. You’re amazing at this.
“How hygienic of you.” He snickers before putting his index finger under your chin and pulling your face to look at him, “Wouldn’t have anything to do with your sleep, now would it?”
Your cheeks burn at his question before shrugging his arm off of your shoulder. “Of course not! You’re ridiculous!” Your scoff echoes throughout the lawn and he chuckles before nodding. “Yes, goddess.”
You freeze at his words before pressing your backpack closer to your chest, “Jeongguk! Could I get your number?” Your head turns to a few girls as you both approach the lecture hall building. 
He smirks before slinging his arm around your shoulder, “Sorry. Busy. Got a goddess to take to class.” You smack at his hand as it squeezes your shoulder. “Come on, Nemesis.”
Sitting down at your table, you can’t help but feel your stomach coil as he scrapes his chair closer to you. The scent of pine invades your senses and you find yourself smiling as he places an apple on the table in front of you. “I brought something to impress you.”
Your eyebrow quirks up as he puts a notebook with a bow on the front cover onto the table. He smiles widely and you can’t help but giggle as he folds his arms. “This is to impress me?” He gives a small nod before opening up the page. 
Will you hang out with me again?
The words catch your attention and you close the notebook cover quickly as people take their seats behind you. “Jeongguk!” Your voice is a whisper as he bites his apple. He wipes at his chin before nodding at the book.
“I want to show you something.” 
“What?” You can feel the excitement radiating through your bones, as Professor Song enters the room. Butterflies begin to erupt within you as he smiles widely wrinkling his nose. “You’ll really like it. Hey, do you...have a pen?”
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“You’re just going to go over there and not be a baby.” You whisper to the mirror before stomping rapidly on the floor with your foot. Your eyes peer over at the bed, flitting between the two outfits you have casually laid out for your date. No! Not date! Hang out! You’re both hanging out! You sit on the floor, head leaning back against the door before Artemis climbs into your lap. “I think I really like him.” You whisper to your cat as she curls into a ball within your lap. 
“He’s not like how I thought he was at all and my heart keeps doing this stupid thing where it stops and I feel like I’m dying.” You whisper fiercely to the cat as her paw extends over your calm lazily. She yawns loudly and you scoff gently, “No yawning while I’m spilling my heart to you!”
You lift her up before looking into her sleepy eyes. “I think I really like him and I’m not afraid of it. It’s freaking me the fuck out!” She closes her eyes before you press the cat into your chest. Thinking back to all your moments spent with him, you can feel those butterflies again. Flying around without a care as a smile begins to grace your face. “I’m not afraid and it’s freaky.”
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You wore something prettier for this hang out. You listened to your heart instead of your head for once and you were impressed with the outcome. Your hair falls in rivets around your shoulder before you knock on his door. “It’s open.”
Your hand turns the knob before being greeted by the familiar golden fixtures around you. “Y/N!” Jimin yells loudly as he throws his arms up, wine sloshes onto his bare chest as you giggle at him.
“Hi Jimin!” You give a small wave as Adoneus rubs his head against your thigh. “Hi!” You crouch down to rub at his head and he purrs loudly for you. 
“Wine for the prettiest human alive?” He goes to stand before Jeongguk’s bedroom door opens. “Come, Nemesis. Leave the drunk alone for a while.” 
“Nice hair by the way.” You comment as a dove perches on Jeongguk’s shoulder. Jimin frowns before folding his arms, “My dad made me do it.” 
His grumble makes you smile as your lab partner enters the room first. He sits on the bed and you can’t help but think to yourself how truly comfortable you feel as you sit down next to him. His black hair is pushed behind his ears as he turns his head to you. “Want to go to a party?” 
You frown before looking into his eyes, “A party? I’m not dressed for a party.” He hums before clearing his throat.
“I can help with that, actually. It isn’t a regular party per se. It’s more of a...family gathering.” He wants to take you to a family event? You fold your arms before raising an eyebrow as you let him continue. 
“You know how I um...I always talk like I know the gods and goddesses?” You nod slowly, your mind becoming confused as you clear your throat. “Hey, Dionysus?! She’ll need some wine.” 
You blink slowly before Jimin appears in the doorway in a flash. He smiles at you before holding out his empty hand. You step forward to take it, confused at the meaning before his hand shimmers and a goblet appears. You choke on your own spit, coughing loudly as you back up into the window. 
“Jeongguk!” Your voice is high as your hands grip at the gold ledge of his window. “Yes, goddess?” 
“He-Jimin! He-” Jimin giggles before stepping into the room and you are two seconds away from ripping open the window and flinging yourself out of it. “He’s my cousin Dionysus.” 
Your gaze flickers between the two handsome men before a psychotic giggle begins to erupt in your throat. Your hands find your knees as your laugh grows louder, eyes watering as you fall to the ground. “Y/N.” Jeongguk’s voice is gentle as you shake your head.
“It’s mythology! MYTH! This is not real?! What’re you insane!?” Your giggles go dead as the dove lands on the ground in front of you before the image begins to ripple. The bird becomes a tall Asian woman with chestnut brown hair and gold eyes. You swallow thickly before wiping at your face in shock.
“This is my mother.” Jeongguk grumbles gently, Jimin rounds his mother before grabbing your hand and putting the goblet into it. “Drink it, you’ll need it.”
“Well, isn’t she just a doll.” The woman's fingers pinch at your cheeks and you feel your body begin to feel tingles at her touch.
“Mother, please do not embarrass me.” She scoffs before helping you to your feet. “I’m Aphrodite, a pleasure to meet you. My son really enjoys spending time with you.” You gasp, mouth falling open before looking at Jeongguk as his eyes squeeze shut. 
You feel as if you’re in a dream, the world beginning to feel flat besides the three people in this room. Two of them who just so happen to be part of the twelve Olympian Gods! You bring the goblet to your lips before chugging it as Aphrodite giggles. “She’s funny.” 
“Let me refill that for you.” Jimin snaps his fingers before your goblet is refilled and you set it down gently before rubbing your hands together. “Okay, she gets it. Can you guys just… shoo? Please?” They hum before Aphrodite kisses your cheek. 
"You're very welcome. I hope to see you on high." She winks before leaving with Jimin. Your eyes widen as Jeongguk leans back on the bed. "Surprise?"
You scoff before looking at the door then back at him. Then at the door. Then him. Your finger moves with your head to both places before scoffing again. "Let me truly introduce myself. I'm Eros." The god of sexual desire and love. You swallow before fanning your face as you let out a short laugh. 
"Y/N?" His tone is gentle as he stands up tall. 
"It's real?! Like, you're a god?!" He hums before snapping his fingers, his casual attire turns into a royal looking chiton. He looks like everything good in this world and you find yourself clearing your throat as your eyes falter to the floor. "So you...your stories were real?! You're from Mount Olympus?!" 
He opens his arms with a small smile before nodding. "Yes, Olympus is my home."
This is incredible! Astounding even! To be in the presence of a god is...unreal. "I wanted you to see me for me. I like you. Quite a bit, in fact. I thought you would understand." 
He likes you?! Truly?! You hum unsurely before looking at the Eros statue in the corner and squeeze your eyes shut. "Nemesis?" Your eyes flicker to his before looking away once more.
He approaches you, hands grabbing at your arms before rubbing them gently. You feel the tingles again, you rip your arms from his before shrinking under his warm gaze. "I can make you forget this if you want...I don't want you to be afraid of me." 
You weren't! You were just in shock. Completely and utterly lost not knowing what to do. "I just...need some time." He opens his mouth before nodding slowly. "Whatever you'd like, goddess." His words make you shiver and you feel your body go numb. 
"I-I have a gift for you. If you'd accept it of course. I bought it from my aunt Theia. She's the goddess of-"
"Light but also the deity of gold, silver and jewels." You finish his statement and his smile makes your heart feel light as he nods. "Yes. I bought you a present if you would accept it." 
His hands press into one another before light begins to seep out of the cracks. You stare in awe at his hands before he opens them to a glorious gold necklace. "Will you accept?" Your head nods stupefied before you can even think properly. He chuckles before stepping behind you.
The gold chain and pendant are chilly against your skin but as he clasps it tightly you feel like it has always belonged on you. "I need time to think." 
He hums to you before hugging you from behind, "Don't run from me Nemesis, please. I like you, very much. There will be time for my family parties in the future, I hope."
Once safely inside your apartment, your body slides down the apartment door. You let out a screech before stomping the heels of your feet on the floor. “OH MY GOD!” You squeal loudly before looking up at the ceiling. This is absolutely insane! No wonder he was so fucking handsome, he was literally born from the goddess of love and beauty! And, he likes you. You! He wasn’t like how people said he is at all. Well, that is for the simple fact that they don’t know him at all! All of his fun sounding stories make them that much more incredible because they’re real. He was honestly, so kind and funny. 
He wasn’t like most people and there’s one good reason for that. He wasn’t a person, he was from on high which continues to rattle your brain. You can’t find the strength in yourself to stand so you opt for crawling. Which you feel blessed to have acquired a single bedroom apartment without the need for a roommate. Would be embarrassing if someone was watching you crawl towards your bed as your cat waltzes along with you. “He’s a fucking god.” You tell your cat who in turn knocks her head into your jaw as she rubs against you. “I know! So insane!” 
Laying in bed you flip your phone from one hand to the other before touching the gold necklace on your neck that you never wanted to take off ever again. It came from Mount Olympus but just knowing that while Guk was up there, he thought of you and that makes it even more special. He likes you and he wants you to spend time with him. You like him and want to spend more time with him too. Your tongue swipes across your lips before unlocking your phone. Your lungs fill with air before exhaling loudly.
9:12 You: Eros.
9:13 Hades: Goddess.
You giggle to yourself before your phone falls from your hands, smacking you in the face. You whine loudly before rubbing at your cheek as you type to him.
9:14 You: I’m done thinking.
9:14 Eros: Oh? Are you? And what does this goddess think?
9:15 You: I like you too.
Your heart begins to beat loudly, the sound filling your ears as you gasp gently. Was that wrong? Did you do the wrong thing?
You stare at your phone on the pillow beside you, eye twitching as your phone screen still stays black. You whine loudly before pressing your face into the pillow. Of course it was a dumb idea. He probably has a bunch of women, goddesses even, that adore him. 
9:30 Eros: Fuck! I’m so sorry! Dionysus spilt wine everywhere, broke the fucking vase that Hephaestus made us and I had to clean it up!
You grab your phone before reading his message and smiling. 
9:31 You: A vase? Where do I get a god crafted vase? I want one. 
9:32 Eros: Your wish is my command, goddess.
Your doorbell goes off and you jump at the noise before tilting your head. “Hello?” Your voice is loud, echoing throughout the apartment before standing up. 
“Delivery for Y/N.” The voice calls through the door. You exit the bedroom before opening the door. A man in an all brown ensemble stands before you, he has a winged shoe medallion hanging from his neck as he blows a bubble with his gum. “Hermes nice to meet you, doll face. Here.”
He thrusts the box at you before popping the bubble of gum. “H-Hermes, like the god of messages?” Your voice comes out in a squeak as he winks at you. “In the flesh. Sign here.” 
You stammer on a few syllables before setting the box down and grabbing the clipboard. “Like, actually Hermes?” He nods slowly before tapping the clipboard and blowing another bubble. Your eyes glance over his attire before clearing his throat.
“Listen, Eros’ new girlfriend, I got stuff to do. Hmm? I have three people I have to guide to the Underworld in like twenty minutes so-” He taps the clipboard, “-sign the sheet so Eros doesn’t murder me in my sleep.”
You clear your throat before signing the sheet attached to the clipboard and handing it back to him. Eros’ new girlfriend? You blush brightly before pushing your hair behind your ear. “Nice to meet you, Hermes.” The blush that graces your cheeks makes him chuckle as he pulls a packet of gum from his pocket and hands you a stick. “Nice to meet you, too kid. You watch out for that diaper wearing Cupid okay? He’s got a fragile heart.” 
You nod slowly as he snaps his fingers before vanishing into thin air, small flecks of gold rain down from where he was standing and your mouth opens wide before a squeal leaves you. You grab the box before trudging back into the apartment and into your bedroom. The box is heavy and with a groan you haul it onto your bed. Your fingers begin to twitch with excitement, eyes widening before hugging the box to your chest. Wow! Jeongguk is actually the coolest person you’ve ever met. Coolest god, you’ve ever met. Only god. Anyway.
You open the box before staring inside. Just the rim of the vase exuded richness and you find yourself carefully pulling it out of the box before staring at it. Beautifully glazed clay with the faces of the twelve Olympian gods stamped on the base. “Holy shit.”
Where would you even put this beautiful thing? Your phone buzzes loudly and you set the vase down gently before scrambling for your phone.
9:41 Eros: Do you like it? 
9:41 You: UH YES! THANK YOU!
9:42 Eros: Haha! Anything for you, goddess. See you tomorrow!
9:43 You: Goodnight.
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You did it again. You had a super sexual dream about your lab partner slash crush slash god. And, honestly, when you woke up you weren’t the least bit insecure. “He finds me attractive.” You tell your cat as you comb your hair in the mirror as you get ready for class. The cat blinks at you slowly before laying down. 
“He likes me. Me! Can you believe it?! I mean, I’m not even that special or great or anything and he has a crush on me!” You scoff to yourself before smiling. You look at the time before jumping up, Aphrodite might be waiting underneath the weeping willow today. 
You rush to the weeping willow only to see an Asian woman sitting down on what seems to be a blanket made of silk. You were so excited to get here and now that you are, you can feel yourself becoming smaller as she looks over at you. “Come! I’ve been waiting for you.” 
You give her a shy smile before walking over and standing awkwardly next to the silk blanket. She looks up before smiling warmly and patting the spot next to her. “I don’t bite, come. Sit.” 
You clear your throat gently before sitting down beside her and putting your hands in your lap. She hums before folding her legs beneath her and smiling. She holds out her hand and a golden hairbrush appears. “Well now, I like being able to spend time with my son's beloved.” You open your mouth to reply as she sections off your hair before combing through it. Her tone is gentle before she snaps her fingers and an apple falls into your lap.
“I really love these.” She wrinkles her nose sweetly as you take a bite. “Good, I’m glad you enjoy them. Do you also enjoy spending time with my son?”
Your teeth sink into the apple before stopping at her question. The back of your hand swipes across your lips before looking back at her. “Yes, I do… Is that wrong?”
She laughs gently before shaking her head. Her hand sends electrical currents through your body as she swipes her thumb over your cheek. “Not at all, little one. I just have grown so protective of him after the whole business with Psyche.” You hum before folding your arms. You recall his anger every time she was brought up and you can’t help but question why. “What happened?”
Aphrodite tuts her tongue as she continues to comb through your hair. “I think Eros should be the one to tell you. He was so heartbroken for so long and then he met you. You seem to make him smile and feel as light as air again and I do enjoy seeing him so happy.” You feel yourself beginning to blush at her admission before hugging your backpack to your chest. Her eyes flicker to your necklace before smirking, her fingertips dance over the gold before sighing happily. 
“I hear a grumpy boy coming.” She whispers as if she is spilling a big secret.
“Mother.” Jeongguk’s voice is clipped and you find yourself smiling at him as he narrows his eyes at the situation at hand. “Son.”
“What’re you doing?” His voice is riddled with tension before giving you a sweet smile. His eyes narrow back at his mother as she clears her throat. “Just combing Y/N’s hair.”
“Why?” He questions before holding his hand out to you. You make no move from the goddess as she sets down the hairbrush.
“Because I wanted to. Because I like her. Is that so wrong?” He rolls his eyes before shaking his hand and you look over at her as she nods. “Go on, little one. He’s in no mood to fool around today.” 
You take his hand before bowing to her as he slings his arm over your shoulders. “It was very nice to see you again, goddess.” She giggles before nodding. “The pleasure is mine. I look forward to seeing you on high.”
“Zeus above.” Jeongguk mutters before pulling you away. You give her a small wave and his hand physically turns your head to look in front of you. “Don’t be so mean! She’s the goddess of beauty!”
He chuckles gently before ruffling your hair, “Yeah well, I’m the god of sexual desire and you don’t see me begging for women to suck me every minute of the day.” You smack his hand over your shoulder as he laughs loudly. 
“Come on, goddess.” As you enter the building you look over at his other shoulder, the strap of a backpack hangs loosely on his leather jacket and you point at it. “You’re wearing a backpack.” 
He hums before looking down at you, “To impress you. And! I even brought a pen today.” You laugh as you both enter the lecture hall.
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Being with Jeongguk is amazing. There’s no other way to describe it. He makes your knees weak and your heart explode into a million stars that could paint the galaxy. You find yourself wanting to spend every minute with him. Not just because he’s a god, of course. Because, he’s genuinely an interesting person that you feel comfortable around. He does sweet things for you when you don’t even ask him to and he always puts you first. He hasn’t even deemed you his girlfriend yet and he acts as if you’re his wife. It’s very comfortable with him and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
“Then one time I accidentally ran into Herc as he was fighting a titan and I got shoved off of the pantheon. Hermes had to come and save me as I was falling.” Jeongguk mumbles as you lay next to each other in his bed. He snaps his fingers before pointing as the image on the ceiling changes. “That’s my mother and father's house.” 
Your eyes drift to the marble mansion before looking at a mansion beside it on it’s own floating stones. “Whose house is that one?” He hums before snapping his fingers as the ceiling goes dark. “Mine.”
You furrow your eyebrows at his short tone. “You don’t sound very happy about it.” He snorts before drinking some wine, “Yes well, not many good things happened there.” 
“Oh?” You sit up in his bed, legs folding underneath you as he looks over at you. His hair falls into his eyes as he gives you a small smile. “Psyche lived there, too.” 
Ah. “What’s up with that story? It always seemed like it had a happy ending.” He gives a quick laugh before setting down his goblet and grabbing your hands. “It really, really doesn’t.” 
“Care to talk about it?” He groans before sitting up and leaning against the headboard. His arms cross before his head lolls backwards. “I mean, do you wish to hear about my tryst with another human? Besides you?” 
You shrug before putting your hands underneath your chin, “You like me, right?”
“Gods yes. More than you know. You’re so refreshing and sweet.” You smile at his compliment as his head tilts towards you, tongue running over the inside of his cheek. “Then you can tell me, I won’t be jealous. I’m here with you, in this bed.” 
He shakes his head with a chuckle before closing his eyes, “You’re really something different, huh? Fine. Hold my hands.” 
You put your hands in his before closing your eyes. You see her now, Psyche, her beauty was breathtaking. She was married to Eros, an arranged marriage that she had been forced into. She sat alone in a magnificent castle, gold columns, floors made of jewels and silver lined the walls. She was suspicious then, and an empty house welcomed her. 
“I was never home, I was always out with my brother and Dionysus.” 
She waited patiently for her husband to return home, laying in the large gold bed, eyes screwed shut. Then he appeared out of gold mist, he lays down behind her whispering sweet nothings into her ears and her face becomes passive. You feel your heart clench and your stomach roll before inhaling deeply through your nose.
Jeogguk’s hands clenched tighter onto yours, “Shall I stop?”
Days pass and you can tell just how truly happy Psyche is. But, you can see her pain, too. You can see the way her eyes fill up with tears as she walks the halls of the large castle alone. You can hear her call out to her sisters and family members, her sweet voice bouncing off of the silver walls. She relays how much she misses them, how lonely she is. How she doesn’t want them to suffer because of her.
That night, as she lays in bed, he reappears behind her. Jeongguk’s body shimmers as he clutches her tightly. She asks him if her family can come up to the castle and see her, to know she is alive and well. He denies her but when he hears her whimper out of sadness he grants her that favor. He warns her though, to not let her sisters influence her mind or their relationship will crumble. She agrees to this before falling asleep.
The next day, her two sisters arrive with the grace of Hermes. The three sisters hug and cry with one another, happy to be together again. Upon entering the castle though, the sisters are too deeply amazed with what they see. How the floor is engrained with jewels and all of the expensive trinkets that litter the halls. Envious they question their sister throughout dinner, asking her who her husband is to have such wonderful treasures.
You can hear yourself gasp gently and Jeongguk lets out a bitter laugh, “I know. Keep watching it gets fucking better.”
Psyche tells them he is a young handsome hunter, that of which they do not believe. The sisters look across to each other at the dinner table before subtly nodding, their jealousy overtaking their minds as they make a pact to hurt their sister. As they say their goodbyes they whisper words of warning to Psyche. Telling her that her husband is an awful snake from the oracle Dephi. That this is the reason why he doesn’t allow her eyes to ever grace his face, he is an ugly wicked beast. 
They had warped her mind like Jeongguk had warned her of. She speaks to herself in the day, alone in the castle. Asking herself why he does not come in the day and why he does not let him see her. He must be hiding something horrendous and she would shine a light in his face that night to see if he is a horrendous snake. And, if he is she will kill him. If not, she will go back to sleep peacefully.
“Psyche!” You find yourself whining and Jeongguk smirks before opening his eyes and staring at you. You are completely engrossed in the memories you watch and he runs his thumb over the back of your hand before tilting his head. You weren’t like this woman who he is showing you, you are someone far better than he could ever hope for. He feels lucky to have gotten to know you and in this luck, he wants to push it farther. He wants to know you forever.
Jeongguk sleeps peacefully and you watch as Psyche grabs the candle with a shaky breath. 
“Don’t do it, idiot. He’s Eros!” Jeongguk chuckles gently before kissing the back of your hands.
Psyche’s face reveals great relief as the candle shines upon his handsome face. She falls to her knees and thanks the gods for this handsome man before her. As she leans against him a drop of oil falls from the head of the candle before burning Jeongguk’s back. He wakes up, pain written all over his face before looking at his wife as she thanks the gods. He scoffs, hand reaching to his back before standing and leaving without a word. Distrust is written over his features as he puts on his chiton. 
Psyche runs after him as he descends the stairs of the castle, she hears his voice on the wind loud and clear as he tells her love cannot live without trust. She falls at the highest step of the castle stairs before wailing loudly.
You tut your tongue before frowning and you feel a tear squeeze past your shut eyes. “What an idiot.” 
She cries on the doorstep for days, her body turning frail before deciding she would look everywhere for him and regain his love. 
Jeongguk opens his eyes once more before wiping his thumb over your tear stained cheek. 
Psyche goes to the temple of Aphrodite, praying to the goddess to give her back her husband. She begs the goddess to talk to her son and come back to her. She tells Psyche that she must be certain she is right for Eros, since she can distrust so easily. She tasks Eros’ wife with three tasks and if she does not complete them then he will be gone from her forever. Of course, Psyche agrees.
“Wait for it.” You hear Jeongguk’s voice whisper smugly before he is kissing at the back of your hands once more. 
The goddess shows Psyche a mountain of different seeds. She tells her to separate the seeds before noon or she will never see Eros ever again. The goddess is gone in a shower of golden dust. She wails loudly as she separates the seeds knowing she would never have the time to complete the task. As she continues her task, a group of ants begin to pass by before deciding to help the crying woman. The seeds were then separated into smaller mounds that Psyche deemed acceptable. When Aphrodite saw these mounds she became angry and made Psyche sleep in the field.
“My mother can be a bitch sometimes.” You giggle at his statement before paying attention to the scene behind your eyelids. 
The next morning Aphrodite comes back to the field, with a horrendous task. She points to a river as it flows freely over a large hill. The water is pitch black, abhorrent and running quickly. She tells Psyche to fill a jug with the water. 
“Damn, Aphrodite. She could get hurt.” You mumble to yourself as your teeth nip at your bottom lip. “You aren’t watching a movie, goddess. You’re watching my life.” Jeongguk jeers before running his hand over your hair. 
Psyche reaches the waterfall before discovering just how sharp and jagged the rocks. The black water was slippery and only a winged animal would be able to cross the rapids easily. An eagle flies Psyche to the waters after watching her fail several attempts out of sympathy for the still weeping woman. Aphrodite tells Psyche that she would not have passed without having help. She demands the weeping woman of yet another service, telling her she can prove herself to be as determined as she claims to be.
“Whoa. Aphrodite was on a rampage.” The god before you hums playfully, “She was angry that Psyche was beautiful, quite like she is, she has since grown up.” 
Aphrodite gave Psyche a box, telling her to go to the Underworld and ask Persephone to drain her beauty into the box as a gift for the goddess of beauty. Obediently, Psyche to the road to Hades. Crying for two days and two nights before getting gates. She got onto a boat, one that was made of bones and leather as it crossed the river where the dead used to leave. She gave gold to the boatman, Charonte, to help her find her way to the dark palace of Persephone. 
“Where’s Cerberus?” You whisper as your eyes squeeze tighter at the dim lighting of the Underworld. Guk chuckles before brushing his lips against your cheek as his forehead presses to your temple. “Cerberus lives with Hades in his palace. Persephone has her own. You know she can’t stomach him.” You open your mouth gently before nodding. Another story for another day, perhaps.
After a day of travelling, Psyche finds Persephone. She begs the queen of the dead to drain her beauty into the box for Aphrodite. Which, the queen does willingly because it was so asked by the goddess of beauty. She would always be glad to serve Aphrodite. With this third task done, Psyche travels back up to the surface before giving Aphrodite the box. Upon opening it, the goddess of beauty’s skin turns black as night, eyes turning bright red out of anger. She swears to keep Psyche a slave forever and never let her go.
You whistle before flinching as Aphrodite flies into the air leaving Psyche alone in the field. Vines grow tall around her imprisoning her as she cries out for help from Eros. Upon hearing her cries the gods and goddesses tell Eros, who has locked himself away due to heartbreak, all of the unjust things his mother has done.
“Here we go.” He mumbles to you before pulling you into his chest.
He flies down to Psyche before enveloping her into a hug, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and promising to never leave her side. They return to the palace before long and he promises to stay around forever. Their days turn into weeks and their happiness is unending. And yet, Psyche still talks to herself, mumbling that he is a snake underneath the handsome god's skin. He planned all of this to happen, he set his mother upon him to give her these terrible tasks. Her skin begins to turn pail as the light in her irises dim. She swears at him, shoving him away as if he is a demon. He tries to hold her, to calm her but she becomes mad. Raving and ranting as her long nails scratch and dig at his skin. He begins to bleed, tears of gold leak from his eyes.
You feel yourself begin to cry as you watch him writhe in pain. He brings you closer burying your face into his chest as your hands grip tighter at his. “I’m alright, goddess. I’m okay.”
She wishes death upon him, begging him to leave her be in the big palace by herself. She couldn’t bear to look at him as if he had wronged her in every way known to man. His body crumbles before long, knees cracking and splintering the brilliantly gemed floor as he weeps for her. She spits at him, grabbing a knife off of the wall before holding it to his neck. He begs her not to kill him, he tells her how ardently he loves her and yet, she leaves him alone in the palace as he falls to the floor wailing. He lays there as the days turn to night and night turns to day. 
He pulls his hands from yours before hugging you tightly to his body. You sob against his chest and he coos gently as his hands run over your hair. “W-What happened to her?” His lips press to your hairline before picking your face up and brushing your tears away with his thumbs.
“She is a mistress of Hades.” You sniffle before sobbing again and the corners of his lips quirk upwards. “You’re even beautiful when you cry.”
You smack his hands away before whimpering and he merely chuckles before kissing your forehead. “Don’t cry, goddess. I’m over it, it was a long time ago.”
You rub at your face, chafing your skin with your sleeves before sniffling, “Have you ever loved after that? Did you ever find someone?” He tilts his head before smiling, his finger booping your nose before chuckling. 
“I have indeed.” You look up at him as he shakes the hair from his face. His coffee irises gleam with delight as he tuts his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “What was her name?”
Your voice is a whisper in the expanse of his room as he curls his hands around the Eros pendant you were vigilantly. “She sits before me. On my bed. Rubbing the skin off of her face as she cries for my past loves.” 
You stiffen as he smiles lazily, his head presses against the headboard before sighing gently. He loves you? Him? This impeccable being? You can’t seem to think as your heart begins to pick up speed. Jittery nervous course through your veins as your lungs restrict. “Y-You love me?”
He hums gently before nodding, “I do, goddess. Very much.” 
Your body lifts itself up before throwing yourself on to him. He grunts gently before laughing as you wrap your arms around his golden skin, his large hands caress at your cheeks before wrapping a hand around your neck.
“I do indeed.” He kisses you gently. The feeling of his lips makes goosebumps produce on your skin as you gasp gently. Your hairs stand on end as your body begins to vibrate at his touch. Your eyes open wide as his skin begins to glow before you and as you pull away you can see yours doing the same. He groans gently before flipping you over and kissing you as if his life depends on it. Your heart rate soars, the sound resounding in your ears as your fingers tangle into his long hair.
He moans against your lips, a sound so carnal your hips are lifting off of the bed at his touch. “Goddess.” He whispers gently as his lips trail across the skin of your jaw. You whimper at how deep his voice has gotten as lust enshrouds him. 
You pull at his hair gently as his hands begin to knead at your thighs. “Goddess. I cannot do anything with you until you are my wife.” You pull at his head, scoffing as he kisses down your neck. Lips plucking gently at your skin before sitting up.
“What?! Guk! Fuck me!” He chuckles gently before leaning back on his heels. You eye his erection, how it strains against the fabric of his sweatpants before reaching for it. He grasps your wrist gently, his touch is electric sending tingles through you as he shakes his head. “I cannot do a thing with you until you are on high.” 
You narrow your eyes at him before shaking your head. “Excuse me?”
“I’ve made a promise to my mother, goddess. If I do not abide by the promise I will burst and no longer exist.” Your jaw drops open before sitting up. “Wow.”
He hums before looking down at his sweatpants and running both of his hands through his hair. “I will wait for the day you accept me.”
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After that telltale night, you find yourself falling in love with the god that gives you everything so willingly. He’s become such a large part of your life that you can’t seem to help always wanting to be around him. The Graceful Gods project was due tomorrow and you yet again are in his bed as the pen cap sits snugly between your teeth. “What else should we add to it?” 
Jeongguk looks up from the notebook before yawning and lying down, “Nothing. For the fiftieth time. Just lay down with me and let's sleep.” He opens up his arms and you pout before flailing the book in front of his face. “You’re already a god, I need to complete this so I get a good grade and graduate with honors.” 
He smirks before pulling at your arm. Your body lands on top of his and he hums to himself happily. You both lay quietly for a moment before he lifts his head. “Move in with me.”  
“Where, in here? Where we can hear-” You point to the sky before hearing loud moans ricochet through the apartment. He chuckles before pressing his hands to your ears playfully. “No, to Olympus. Move in with me.”
The book falls from your hands as he offers you such a thing. To move into his palace in the sky?! You squeak gently as his hand runs over your back. “I love you and I want you to spend your days with me.” 
You do love him. You’ve never loved anyone more than him. Well, come to think of it he’s the only one you’ve ever truly loved. A love that shakes up your heart and you would give your life for him gladly if you needed to. It was a pure love, built from nothing but apples and vases. But, it was a love of your own that had your heart soaring.
“After we complete the project. I will.” You promise him. He smiles widely, so widely you’re afraid his skin will crack before his lips are on yours. His kiss is filled with ardor, pouring all of his emotions into the kiss as you both begin to glow in the dim lighting of his gold coated bedroom. He kisses you until all of the breath is stolen from the both of you. His hands run over your sides before putting his forehead to yours. “So.. the project, you wanted to add something else?” He whispers before hooking his chin over your shoulder. You giggle quietly before throwing the notebook on the floor and kissing him once more.
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“You’ve done exceptionally well, which is surprising to me because Jeongguk seems to show as little interest in Greek mythology as I do when my wife continuously packs me cheese sandwiches for lunch.” Professor Song mumbles before throwing the sandwich on to his desk. You stand beside the man you love, head bowed down as you await your grade. “Very interesting how you formed the bond between Aphrodite and Hephaestus as a working love and not one made of anger like the books usually show. I was rather captured by it.”
You smirk as well as the god next to you. You can recall sitting underneath the weeping willow as Aphrodite brushed your hair telling you the tales of her marriage with her not so handsome husband as you wrote diligently into your notebook. “I do enjoy the hard facts, although what could be so hard about them when they’re fiction.” 
Jeongguk smirks beside you before pressing his fist to his lips. “But I also enjoy how you made them feel like real people. As I said before I was captured by it. You both get an A.” Your eyes shoot up to Professor Songs before you’re squealing and wrapping your arms around your partner. He hugs you tightly before chuckling as you jump up and down excitedly. “You get to graduate with honors, Y/N. Congratulations. I’m sure this really has given you excitement.” 
You thank him generously, having to be pulled out of the lecture hall by your boyfriend as you continue to jump up and down. His lips press to your forehead and you feel your body light up, your nerve ending jumping and vibrating at his touch. "Come with me, goddess. I’ve waited too long for this day."
His house is empty when you arrive, you can hear rain pattering against the windows. Adoneus sits patiently in front of the Dionysus statue before perking up at the sight of you. "You know when it rains, Zeus is angry or emotional about something. Since Jimin is not here, he must have done something to upset his father." 
You giggle at his words before watching as he snaps his fingers. Your clothes ripple before changing and your jaw drops as you feel the rich fabric against your skin. The peplos falls in rivets and you find your fingers feeling the silken fabric. “Beautiful.” 
His attire changes to a chiton and you find yourself feeling that fabric too. Pushing your body closer to his as he wraps his arms around your waist. “Goddess.”
You hum quizzically as your fingers drift over the baggy silk shirt, feeling his abs contort with every breath. You stand up, lips drifting over his golden skin and he lets out a gentle sigh. 
“Goddess.” You suck gentle patches over his neck, leaving small markings indicating him as yours. Your body jumps and he catches you easily, his hands finding purchase on the globes of your ass before squeezing gently. A small moan leaves you and his jaw flexes as you kiss over it. “Baby. We can’t, you know this.”
You hum to him as he squeezes your ass again, your legs wrap around his waist as your arms run over his shoulders. “I don’t want to explode into gold dust.”
His admission makes you giggle before you gyrate your lower body over his. His cock, hard and throbbing, as your core runs over his. “Zeus above.” His lips chase yours before pulling you into a kiss that sets off a glow between you both. “You’re being a bad girl, goddess. You know what you do to me.” 
You giggle before pulling him back in, his teeth bite your bottom lip. Pain radiating through you, you gasp only to have it be swallowed by his mouth as his tongue caresses yours. He moans loudly, a noise that mixes in with the thunder as it crashes loudly outside. You can feel your heartbeat pick up, as your fingers card through his black hair. His fingertips massage at your ass before walking over to the couch and laying you down gently. He straddles you before lifting the peplos and licking his lips. His coffee irises are all but black, blown out with lust as his bottom lip purchases between his teeth. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” His hands are warm as they caress your bare sides. He bows down, lips connecting to yours as your stomach begins to unfurl in wanting. His hands reach for your breasts before a throat clears.
You both jump before turning your heads to the noise. Aphrodite stands, leaning against her statue before biting an apple. Jeongguk jumps up before hauling you with him. He gives an embarrassed chuckle and you can’t help but feel your cheeks flush as she stares at you both. “In front of my statue? You would defile each other?” 
He rubs the back of his neck before looking at you and giving you a small smile. She laughs gently before throwing him the apple, which he catches with quick reflexes before sinking his teeth into it. “I came because you told Hermes something very special was happening today. I assume it isn’t you turning into gold dust?” 
He clears his throat before rubbing his hands together as if he’s getting scolded. “Yes. Um… Y/N is going to ascend today. That’s why she’s wearing the peplos.” His voice is a whisper before looking over at you, fingers scratching nervously at his scalp. He looks at his mother as she gasps. “Today?!”
You nod happily and within seconds she is lifting you off of the couch with ease before wrapping her arms around you and jumping. “This is so exciting! I can’t wait! I have so much to do! I-” She stops herself as her body rocks yours with glee. “Drink the Ambrosia slowly, your body will thank you for it. I have to go! I have to speak with Apollo, Dionysus, and Caerus. Oh! And-” She disappears within seconds, her body turning into gold shimmer before you two are left alone once more.
Jeongguk chuckles gently before wrapping his arms around you, “I think we can expect a festival awaiting us.” You wrap your arms around his before burying your face into his neck. His scent calms you and you feel your body ease into his. His hands drift over your hair, pulling your face ever closer to his body. “Are you ready?” 
You feel your throat tighten before looking up at him, his eyes are on yours. Alight with love and fiery passion before he snaps his fingers. Two gold goblets appear on the table and you gasp gently. The thick liquid calls out to you, glowing gently in the dim apartment. “Once you drink this you will become immortal. You will not age, you will not die. You will stay by my side forever. We'll be married in the eyes of the gods and goddesses of the pantheon."
Your eyes flicker to the cup before biting the skin on your lip. To be with this man, this god, for your eternity sounds something akin to pure bliss. Without a second thought you pick up the cup. The liquid ripples slowly and you can see Guk begin to smirk as he picks up his own. “I love you, goddess.”
“I love you, too.” You bring the goblet to your lips before sniffing it gently. The smell makes you blink, “Holy shit.”
His laugh is loud before he sips his own drink. “Yeah, I know.” The smell is clean and pleasant. You can only liken it to itself, seeing as how you’ve never smelt or drank anything like it. Although, come to think of it this is Jeongguk's scent that you could never put your finger on.
“Drink it slowly, baby.” Your lips part for the thick drink, eyes on his as his nose wrinkles. His hand lands on your clothed thigh, stroking it comfortingly as you take a small sip. The thickness coats your tongue, your tastebuds scream with pleasure as your eyes go wide. You can feel your mouth warm up as the flavor bursts within you. “Okay.” He whispers before grabbing the goblet as your head lolls back. 
You swallow the Ambrosia before your mind blanks. White noise fills your ears and Jeongguk sets down the goblets before cradling you in his arms as your body stiffens. You whimper gently at the locked feeling before your eyelids fall shut.  “You’re okay, goddess.” 
Your heart stops for a minute, veins falling still before your body jolts as an electrical current runs through you. It runs hot and fast, pushing your blood out of every vessel before you still once more. Your chest begins to glow, a subtle gold before it shines brightly, radiating through you to each limb. Your hands move first, numb but still pliable as you clench onto his arms. He pulls you to him, coddling you to his chest as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. 
Your heart begins again, pumping furiously as your eyes snap open. “There she is.” Your mind becomes clear, a loud gasp emits through the room before you look down at your radiating skin. He hugs you tightly, lips kissing over your face as he tells you how much he adores you. “Thank you. For coming to me.”
You hug him back, sitting like this for a small while. You grab the goblet again before taking a sip and relishing at the taste. No food or drink could ever compare to its deliciousness and you find yourself never wanting to have anything else. “Snap your fingers for me.”
You raise an eyebrow as you look upon his handsome face. He closes his eyes and snaps, an apple appears on the table. “For me. Just let me see what your fruit is.” 
You snap your fingers before tilting your head as nothing happens. Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows before shrugging. You pout deeply making him chuckle before his lips are against your temple. “That’s okay, goddess. Not everyone can get a fru-”
His sentence is interrupted as the apartment begins to rumble. He widens his eyes before holding you close as the marble floor begins to crack and splinter. “What the fuck?” 
A tree erupts from the ground, groaning loudly as branches smack against the ceiling before apples begin to grow off of the tree's limbs. “Zeus above!” He pushes you off of him before stepping around the coffee table and plucking an apple off of the tree. Your mouth drops open and he laughs loudly before throwing the apple up in the air. “By the gods, you’re incredible.” 
He stands there before tilting his head to you, "You know, I've had a crush on you since that day you watched me on that bench." You smile gently at his admission before crossing your legs. That was a while ago now.
"Then why didn't you talk to me?" He hums to himself before clearing his throat. "Gods can be insecure too, goddess. Maybe I was just happy to sit next to you every day." You mewl at his words gently before taking another sip of your Ambrosia.
He takes a bite of the apple before chuckling to himself. He holds out his hand as he walks towards the hallway. “Come, my goddess. You have a welcome party to attend to.”
You watch, eyes enraptured as the walls turn into jelly before he pushes open the simple closet door. Clouded stairs greet your path, illuminated by a lavender sun. He steps onto the clouds before smiling at you. “Come.” He holds his hand out waiting for you as you peek your head through the door. 
“Holy shit. This is…”
“Olympus.” You can hear wings flap and as you step out nervously, foot tapping against the cloud to make sure it's stable you see a flying horse with a man on its back. “Is that…?”
“Pegasus and Heracles. Yes.” You squeal loudly, feet stomping on the cloud making him laugh gently. “I’m sure you’ll meet many of my family. If Jimin had a hand in this party, you’re in for a treat.” 
He goes to step up the staircase with you before turning sharply. “Try not to let my aunts touch your skin. They’re insane.”
He steps up another step before stopping, “And, don’t drink too much Ambrosia. You’ll get sick.”
You nod thoughtfully as he stops at every stair. You whine loudly as excitement courses through you wanting to see the pantheon just a few meters away. “And don’t leave my side.”
“Don’t touch any animals.”
“Don’t accept any offering that demigods try to give you.” You roll your eyes as you begin to ascend with him. 
“If you see Helios, don’t look directly into his eyes or your skin will burn.”
“Hymenaios will congratulate you on our wedding, if he tries to-”
“Jeongguk!”  He tilts his head with a pout as you wrap your arms around his waist. “Relax. I’m going to be just fine.”
His lips drift over your hairline before nodding, “Yes, goddess.”
Harpsichords begin to play as you cross the golden gates. Your breathing stops as you take in the bustling pantheon in front of you. You eye the floating isles set upon clouds and jagged stones and in the distance you can see Jeongguk’s home. You point to it before squealing and he smiles at you. “Yes, that is our home.” 
You hug him tightly, feet stepping giddily on the stone floor as you gasp as Pegasus steps in front of you both. “Eros.”
“Herc. Pleasure.” 
The horse brushes it’s white face against you and you look up at the divine hero. He bows his head to you before smiling. “Goddess. Good morning to you.” His body was chiseled and riddled with scars from his battles that he so dutifully fought. You find yourself beginning to swoon as his pectoral muscles ripple. “The Hall is getting ready for your arrival. I was told to bring you this.” 
Heracles snaps his fingers and you feel a weight on your skull. Jeongguk hums gently before fixing your hair behind your ears. “Pretty gift. From who?”
“Theia and Aphrodite.” He nods and you point at your head. “Is it a crown?” 
He wrinkles his nose cutely before nodding. “A pretty one too.” 
“Well. I’ll be off. Pegasus, say goodbye to our new goddess.” The horse whinnies loudly and you gasp with delight before petting his head. “Hi Pegasus!” 
Jeongguk steps back to look at you in your entirety, his heart swells with adoration before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and squeezing gently. “Oh!”
You look up at Heracles once more as he snaps. “Have a nice flight.” Winged sandals appear on your feet and you gasp loudly, gripping at Jeongguk’s chiton as you float above the floor. Pegasus takes off, wings flapping loudly in the breeze before flying into the clouds above you. “It takes some time to get used to, like riding a bike.”
“You know how to ride a bike?” You find yourself asking with a laugh, he chuckles as he begins to float beside you. “No, but I can ride a chariot and that is much more impressive.” 
You reach the hall screaming bloody murder as Jeongguk laughs loudly. “You’re fine, goddess. See.” He plants himself down on the gold steps of the large hall. Your head lolls back as your mouth opens to take in the gorgeous architecture. Pillars of marble and gold hold up the high ceilings. You eye carefully the way the pillars are cut with precision, swirls at the base and tops leaving the columns looking regal and defined. “Eros!”
That is a voice you know very well. You look at Jimin as he flies towards you with a wide smile. “Y/N! Can you do this yet?” He spins like a top as he floats in the air before doing a somersault. “I just got here like five minutes ago. I can barely float.” He laughs loudly before finding purchase on the ground. He produces a cup of Ambrosia before handing it to you.
“You had to hear her, screaming like a banshee. I’m sure Hades could hear her in the Underworld.” You scowl at your man as he chuckles delighted. Your eyes look past Jimin as godly women arrange a banquet, the likes of which you’ve never seen before. “Well, well.” 
You turn excitedly to the woman who mothered the god you so love. She wraps you into a hug before a lyre begins to play throughout the sky. “The beautiful goddess is here. I’m so happy for you.” Her hand feels warm upon your cheek as you giggle shyly. “We have many people to meet, wouldn’t you say?”
“Mother, we’ve only just arrived.” She tuts her tongue at her son before smiling at you. “Demeter. Come meet Eros’ wife. She’s an absolute vision.” She pulls you away from Jeongguk as he scoffs quietly. 
“Family really is so annoying.” He whispers to his cousin before snapping his fingers and producing a glass of wine. 
“Demeter, this is Y/N. Eros’ wife.” A woman turns to you and you can do all but gasp at her beauty. Her peplos is the color of wheat, which is apt for the goddess of grains and harvest. She hums delighted before putting her hands upon your face. You feel a jolt run through you before you’re licking your lips. “Well now, how gorgeous is this one.”
You smile shyly as she fixes the gold crown atop your head before giving you a motherly smile. “She has a beauty fit for a goddess. I wish my Persephone were here to see this.” You clear your throat gently before looking over at Aphrodite as she drinks from a glass of wine. “She has immortality, but not eternal youth. This must be fixed. Right away. Don’t want you wrinkling, goddess. Hebe!”
Your attention turns to a young woman, black curls shroud her shoulders as her young face smiles at you three. “Oh! Mother!” Jeongguk whines loudly as Hebe skips over. His voice is like a song you would love to hear for all of eternity. Hebe stands in front of you before clapping happily.
“We must do something about your skin. It is already turning pale.” You point at yourself, eyes widening at the goddess of youth. She nods early before snapping her fingers and producing a small vial. “Drink. This is from my fountain.”
You take the vial before looking down at the water from the fountain of youth within your palm. “Go on, Y/N. It’ll be but a minute.” You uncork the vial before drinking the water. “Zeus above!” Jeongguk yells loudly before dropping his goblet to the floor as your body goes still.
He flies over to you, catching you quickly as the three women giggle with childish intent. “You could have let her sit or something.” You feel your skin become softer, hair becoming shinier underneath your gold crown and Jeongguk’s eyes soften before running his thumb over your cheek. “Why must she sit when she has you. So eager to catch the young goddess.” 
He scoffs gently before helping you stand back up, his lips brush against your cheek. Your stomach unfurls in wanting as your hand snakes around his neck. “I do hope you enjoy my wedding gift, Eros. Doesn’t come cheap.” Demeter jeers before turning back to the banquet table. 
“I told you not to let them touch you.” He whispers through clenched teeth as you begin to smile at his handsome face. Your lower body begins to glow, womb glistening like the sun making Guk scoff.
“Oh, Zeus above, Demeter! Really?! You could have just given her a loaf of fucking bread.” Demeter giggles before fixing the wheat in her cornucopia. “Where’s the fun in that god of love?” 
The welcome party goes off without a hitch. You find yourself leaning into a conversation with Odysseus and Persyus as they tell you their wondrous tales that only heroes could live. Jeongguk has kept you close to him throughout the night, his hand never leaving your waist as you converse with the gods and goddesses you had believed were a myth your whole life. “Wife.” Jeongguk calls your attention and your head is already lifting to look up at him. “Let’s go for a walk. Hmm?”
He takes your hand before kissing it gently and you bow gracefully to the two heroes before you are off with the god you so ardently love. “Gods, they don’t shut up. If I have to hear Theseus tell the tale of how he battled a minotaur one more time, I might rip my own ears off.”
You laugh gently as you both begin to float off of the island towards Jeongguk’s home. It dawns on you now that this is your own home as well. “Shall I take my goddess home?” He whispers in your ear as his arms wrap around you. You giggle before burying your face into his neck, “I think so.” 
You step inside of the castle, your eyes not knowing where to land as fires begin to light up the cold halls. “It hasn’t been lived in for a long time.” He whispers before looking around almost as astounded as you. He pulls your hand as you both step onto the floor. You take in the jewelled floors, how they shimmer and sparkle within the orange lighting of the fire. His feet pad up a marble staircase taking you with him as you notice the missing sword on the wall. Your throat clenches at his memories you’ve seen so vividly. Your hand brushes along the gold walls, feeling the expensive metal beneath your fingertips as he turns to you. “This is our home now. This home will be filled with love and joy. The walls will tell tales of how ardently we love one another.”
Your eyes catch Artemis as she flits down the hall and you smile widely. "Couldn't leave her on Earth by herself now could we." 
You smile at him, heart beginning to race as he lifts you up with ease wrapping your legs around his waist. “I love you, goddess.”
Your hands card through his hair as he walks into the master bedroom. “I love you, too.”
He looks at the bed before frowning. This bed holds many memories that would not do. You snap your fingers and the bed changes entirely. From gold to silver. From red bed sheets to white silk with four bed posts made of ivory. Jeongguk whistles before kissing you softly. “Now that gets my cock hard.” 
Your giggle ricochets off of the golden walls as he lays you down gently. “You know… We’re married now.” You hum to him as he kisses down the expanse of your neck, eyes fluttering shut as his lips pluck at the thin skin. “We are.”
His lips suckle sweetly at your neck, tongue licking over the reddening skin as he marks you as his own. Your stomach unfurls once more, pants beginning to rip from your chest as your legs squeeze his waist. He groans gently before snapping his fingers and you are utterly naked underneath him. “Zeus above, you’re so beautiful.”
With the snap of your fingers, he too is naked before you. In the dim orange lighting you can see every shadow, every curve of his muscles. The way his eyebrows furrow as he takes in the sight of you beneath him. Your eyes dance over his handsome face, watching as he bows his head down to lavish sweetly upon your body. His hands cup your breasts, lips sucking marks around an areola before encasing it with his perfectly shaped lips. Your back bows off of the white bed. Fingers running through his hair before pulling gently. You relish in the short gasp he takes at the pain and you could feel your arousal beginning to weep from you. 
His large hands spread your thighs, as his tongue flicks against your nipple. Soft moans emit throughout the large bedroom as his hands begin to grip tighter at your sensitive flesh. “Guk!”
“Yes, goddess?” His voice is deep as his eyes meet yours, in the light of the fire you can see how blown out his pupils are as he licks at his lips. “Want you.”
“You have me.” His fingers run over the expanse of your thighs before his lips begin to trail lower. Hands grasp at your hips as he groans lowly. “You do taste so sweet.” 
If you could have any thoughts you would recall how much like this your dream was that you had not so long ago but all melts away as his teeth nip playfully at the skin of your pubic bone. “Shall I taste the sweetest tulip I’ve ever seen?” He cocks his head to the side, black hair falling into his eyes and you could orgasm on the spot of how handsome he is. Hands falling from his hair, your fingertips drift over his muscled arms, leading over to his pectoral muscles and down to his abs. You find it hard to concentrate as he sits up tall for you, letting you explore his body. The sinew of muscle constricts as you touch him and his head lolls back at the feeling. "Gods, your touch is incredible."
You go to sit up before he is narrowing his eyes at you. "Lay back and shower me in your pleasure." You whine gently as your hands continue to stroke his abs, wanting nothing more than to lick and suckle his taught skin.
"Goddess, bad vixens get punished in this house." Your breath catches in your throat as his head bows back down. His tongue sweeps over your closed pussy lips and you sigh gently at the feeling of his mouth upon you. He snaps his fingers and your arms are pulled over your head as white silk bands wrap around your wrists. "Guk!" He chuckles gently before spreading open your pussy lips. 
He moans at the sight before licking a flat swipe up your sex, gathering your arousal on his tongue. "Sweeter than Ambrosia. I'd like to taste this every minute of every day, Zeus above."
You become aware of harpsichord music as his lips kiss your swollen clit. The melody is a sweet song that has your brain beginning to feel fuzzy. "Shouldn't have let Demeter touch you. Her gift makes me want to impregnate your fertile little cunt." He mumbles to himself before suckling harshly at your clit. Your body bows off of the bed, thighs pressing against his head as you moan loudly. He snaps and your ankles are stretched open and pulled tightly down onto the bed leaving you perfectly exposed for him.
"I'm going to put a god inside of your womb tonight, goddess. Would you like that?" You whimper loudly as his index finger begins to tease your entrance. "Fuck you so well the whole pantheon sees my child growing inside of you." 
The thought has his head swimming as his lips attach back to your engorged bundle of nerves. His finger enters you slowly, moans coaxed from the both of you. Guk curls his finger slowly yet expertly to the patch inside of you that has sobs wracking from your body. Your body begins to float up and his free hand pins you down to the bed as he slowly adds in another finger. "Guk! Fuck!" He hums against you, tongue flicking faster as your arousal begins to coat his cheeks and chin. The harp grows ever louder as your body begins to illuminate for your husband between your legs. It is then that your heart begins to beat fast, stomach tightening as you whimper louder. "Shower me in your pleasure, goddess. I love you so much." 
"Jeon-gguk!" He moans against you gently, eyes rolling back as he feels your cunt begin to pulsate around his fingers. "That's it, goddess." The light from your body begins to shine brighter and he watches your face, drinking in the pure pleasure written upon it. 
Your stomach tightens to the fullest before your head is lolling back. "Fuck! I'm cumming!" He grips at your hip harder, your words sending all of his blood straight to his cock. His teeth graze across your clit before you're cumming loudly. The stars of the galaxy paint the back of your eyelids as you fall over the edge. The harp gets drowned out as white noise replaces it. You moan his name loudly, both of them Eros and Jeongguk alike and he sits up to watch you with greedy eyes. "Gods, you're gorgeous."
Jeongguk slowly pulls out of you. He suckles on his fingers, savoring the sweet taste of you. His hand rubs at your glowing sides, letting you bask in the afterglow of your orgasm. He leans down pressing his lips to yours. You can taste yourself on his tongue, sweet and thick as he cups your face with his hand. His forehead connects to yours before muttering the only three words that seem to matter. "I love you."
"I love you, too." Your hands strain against the fabric before you pout. He chuckles, sweet breath fanning your face before you're slyly smirking at him. You snap your fingers and like that, you're free from your confines. Your body lifts up before shoving him down onto the bed, he gasps gently before chuckling. 
"I guess I'm not the only one who holds power in this home." You giggle before planting a chaste kiss upon his lips. Trailing downward, your tongue sweeps small circles over his golden skin as he glows from the orange flames. He gasps gently, mouth dropping open before his eyes flutter shut. You lick at his chest, dancing over the taught, muscular skin. He groans gently, whispering your name reverently as his hands run through your hair. You feel it again, the feeling that sends tingles through your body. Begging for the man underneath you, Jeongguk's eyes flutter open before smirking as your lower half begins to glow. "Someone's womb is dying to be filled with the seed of Eros. Hmm?" 
You snap your fingers, white silk ribbons wrap around his wrists before yanking his arms above his head. He groans gently before chuckling. "You're astounding, goddess." You know he could easily release himself from them but he makes no move as your hands run over his thick thighs. You take all of him in now, almost gasping at his large size as his cock twitches with need. He was long and thick making your mouth water. Rose colored veins peppering his long length as it rests against his stomach. His bulbous head is blushed pink and you can help but notice the gentle curve of his immaculate cock. He whimpers when you touch his inner thighs. Hips bowing off of the bed begging for something more. "It's been so long since I've been touched." He admits and you watch how precum begins to pool at his slit. 
The precum shimmers in the lighting and you feel your mouth go dry, begging to taste it. You wrap your hand around the base, earning a hiss from the god beneath you before kissing over his length. He groans long and low as his head smacks into the mattress. "Oh gods, goddess you don't know how long I've waited for your touch." If it's half as long as you, you have a pretty good idea.
His cock is heavy in the palm of your hand, twitching with bliss as you press your lips to the smooth skin. The harpsichords begin to play once more as you reach the head. Your tongue darts out, licking the thick precum off of him before your eyes widen at the taste. There is no musk, nothing of the sort. He tastes of Ambrosia and you find yourself pumping his cock quicker for more. Delectable is the only word to describe it. You moan gently for him, a noise that makes him grunt gently before your tongue swirls around the blushed head of his cock. He moans loudly, eyes squeezing shut as his chest begins to glow. "Oh goddess!" 
Your mouth engulfs him, hands caressing his abed stomach as you hollow your cheeks. He is heavy against your tongue, shimmering precum streaming endlessly into your mouth as he moans your name. What you cannot fit inside of you, you begin to stroke. His body begins to twitch with pleasure, thighs flexing and unflexing before he is snapping his fingers. His hands fall free before he is sitting up to watch you suck him diligently. "You fuck my cock into your mouth so well."
You whimper, thighs pressing against each other for some relief as you feel the emptiness of your cunt radiate through you. His hands grab at your hair, pulling it away from your face to view you easier. Your tongue runs flat licks over the base, the sounds of your cheeks hollowing and sucking him echo through the room and he gasps loudly as he grips your hair tighter. "Oh fuck! Goddess! Thank you for pleasing me so well." 
Your eyes shut at his praise and his thumb sweeps across your cheek bone as you feel him begin to throb within your mouth. His body glows brighter, moans beginning to reach new levels of high. His fingertips roll and pluck at your nipples as his bottom lip purchases between his teeth. Your hands cup his balls, squeezing and rolling them gently within your hands and you whimper as he whispers your name with reverence. "Oh shit! I'm going to cum. Oh gods, fuck, it feels so good, Y/N!" 
You swallow around him diligently, nose nestling to his pubic bone as you let him use your throat as a cocksleeve. "Oh goddess, how I love you." He begins to fuck your face, he pulls at your hair gently. The feeling sent straight to your core as your new wave of arousal begins to weep from you. Your eyes well up with tears as he whimpers loudly. "Goddess! Yes! I-I" He falls silently as his body begins to float into the air, taking you with him. His head falls back as he gasps quietly. "Cumming. Fuck, baby. I'm cumming for you." 
His cock throbs wildly before stilling, warm ropes of cum paint your throat and you relish in the sweet taste of him. He moans your name so loudly that the gold walls of the castle vibrate gently. He glows brightly before you both fall back down onto the bed. Your hands run over his chest as he breathes raggedly. His tongue licks at his pretty pink lips before he raises his head to look at you. His smile makes your throat tense up, the most beautiful god is really beneath you.
His hands coddle your body to his before he is laying you back and kissing you gently. His knees knock open your legs, thumb caressing your cheek and jaw as he aligns himself to you. His cock gently brushes open your lips, gathering your arousal on the underside of his cock. You moan as his bulbous head prods at your engorging clit. His lips press to yours quickly before putting his forehead to you. "Shower me in your pleasure, goddess."
The harpsichords resound throughout the room, gentle and melodic as the head of his cock prods at your entrance. Hands grip at his tattooed arms, eyes on one another's as he inches slowly inside of you. There is a burn as he stretches your pussy for him. Your cunt muscles clench and squeeze against the thick intrusion and he kisses you languidly as he takes his time. He buries himself to the hilt, choking on a moan as his tongue caresses yours. "You're so tight, goddess. So fucking wet." 
Kissing over your jaw, he gives a small thrust to work open your pussy and you could feel every curve of his cock, every part of your cunt filled by him. His moans are gentle as his thumbs brush over your nipples. "You'll take my child so well, pretty tits will swell with the milk of the gods."
Your pussy clenches around him as your womb glows brightly. "You'd like that, goddess. Wouldn't you? Like to have a god within your womb. Growing my child strong for Olympus." 
"Yes! Please! I want to be pregnant with your child." He moans at your reply, lips crashing down on yours as he kisses you with unbearable wanting. It is then that he pulls out slowly, the bulbous head of his cock drags deliciously through your walls before thrusting back inside.
Your back bows off of the bed, eyes rolling back as your body begins to sing with white hot pleasure. He begins a lazy pace, whispering words of ardor over you as his lips kiss at your skin. Your bodies begin to float and he takes this time to wrap his arms around you, arm muscles rippling as he buries his face into the crook of your neck.
"Guk! More, please." He whimpers against your neck, tongue lazily sweeping circles over your skin before lifting his head. "Yes, goddess."
His thrusts pick up speed, your legs wrap around his waist as he grips at your hips. You can see the way his black hair begins to coat in a shimmering sweat, sticking to his forehead. His bottom lip finds purchase between his teeth as he pumps his cock into your needy cunt. "Gods, you feel so amazing. Your, fuck, your pussy is so incredible."
You sit up, chest smacking into his as you both float higher, your body bouncing on his with each thrust. His hands snake to the globes of your ass, squeezing roughly as he pulls you in for a kiss. You can see his body begin to glow once more, starting at his heart and spreading to his limbs. His strong arms take control, lifting your body with ease as your arousal begins to drip down his balls.
"Oh fuck! Eros!" With each thrust, the head of his cock prods against your cervix folds and your head lolls back as your body begins to radiate. Your toes begin to curl, the sound of the harp getting drowned out by both of your moans. It is then that he presses you both back down into the bed. Grabbing your ankles and hauling them over his shoulders as he bucks into you with fervent need.
"Y/N! Oh fuck! I'm going to spill my seed into your womb. Gonna fill you up so much you have no choice but to get pregnant with my child." The new angle has his bulbous head brushing against the bundle of nerves within you. His hands trail over your body, pinching and plucking at your stiff nipples before reaching for the apex between your thighs.
His fingers rub quick circles against your clit and your breath catches within your throat. Your body careens towards the precipice, the room filling up with white light as you moan his name loudly. You become acutely aware of how your pussy begins to throb around him, your mind going blank as you murmur his name like a prayer. "Goddess, I feel it. I feel your pretty little pussy trying to milk me of my seed. Cum on my cock, baby."
Your eyes flutter shut, hands grip at his arms. Your fingernails dig into his golden skin as it sings with pleasure. The pleasure, so intense, it brings tears to your eyes as you whimper for him. "I love you. Cum for me." 
His thumb and index finger squeeze your swollen bundle of nerves gently and that's all it takes as you orgasm for him. Your heart beats voraciously fast, body tingling with new found pleasure as you cum for him. White noise fills your brain and you sob loudly at the pleasure. "Good girl." 
His face is back to your neck, lips plucking at your delicate skin as he chases his own high. "Oh gods, you came all over me goddess. Squirted all over me. So gorgeous." 
Fuzzily, you lift your head to look at his lower body, your cum shimmering on his thighs and cock. He fucks into you faster, tongue licking at his lips before his eyes are rolling back. His black hair tickles the skin of your neck as he moans your name like a prayer. “Oh fuck, Y/N! I’m going to cum! Get you so nice and big with my child inside of you.”
His words are a promise, a promise that fuels his desire to give you his everything. “Yes, please fill me Eros. Give me your child!” He groans loudly as he lifts his head. His coffee irises begin to turn white as he bites his bottom lip. You feel it then, how fast his cock begins to throb within you, begging to unleash his cum deep inside of you. You can see the love, the pleasure, the wanting written over his handsome features as his eyes flutter shut. His mouth opens, tongue caressing the skin of his bottom lip before his eyebrows furrow.
“Fuck! Goddess!” His hands grasp at your hips as you begin to float higher than before. The harps song begins to quicken and your back begins to arch as Guk moans. “Oh gods, I’m cumming.”
His body bursts with white light, so bright you have to squeeze your eyes shut as his cock stills inside of you. He gives small thrusts before moaning so loudly your ears ring. The orange flames of the room are burnt out as a gust of wind sweeps throughout the bedroom. Ropes of cum greet your needy cunt. Your womb swells with his seed as his cum never seems to cease. It fills you with warmth, numbing your body and you feel euphoric as he hugs you tightly to him.
He kisses over your sweaty skin, peppering you with love as you both slowly float back down to the bed. The harp turns into the sounds of a lyre before you hear trumpets begin to resound. He chuckles gently against you before shaking his head. “Welcome to Olympus.” 
You giggle before running your hands through his sweaty hair. He hugs you tightly before pulling out of you slowly, his tongue licks at hips before he's humming in amusement. His fingers splayed open the lips of your pussy before groaning. "Zeus above, that's hot." You watch as his cum seeps out of you, coating the silk sheets beneath you as it sparkles. 
"I can't believe you have glittery cum." He laughs loudly, head falling back before he snaps his fingers changing the sheets beneath you both. He lays down beside you, arm wrapping around your waist before pulling your back flush to his chest. "I love you."
"I love you too." 
Tumblr media
Waking up in Olympus can only be described as rapture. Leaving Guk alone in the bed, you snap your fingers as you walk towards the open balcony. A light blue peplos enwraps your body and you can smell Ambrosia on the wind as you lean against the marble railing of the balcony. The lavender sky hangs high above the pantheon and you close your eyes taking in the heated rays. Once an enigma to you, Jeongguk has become everything you could have dreamed of and you find your eyes welling with tears as you open them once more.
You take in the sight of gods and goddess flying around to get from the Elysian Fields to even the market. “Goddess?” His voice croaks with the sound of morning and you giggle before putting your hands underneath your chin. You hear the sheets ruffle as he awakes and your head tilts to look at a garden with a fountain in the center. In the distance you can see Hebe sitting on the edge of the fountain combing her hair and you fill with calmness. “Good morning.” 
His arms wrap around you before pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. “Good morning.” He pulls back before looking at the blue peplos and smirking. “You feel different today?”
You raise an eyebrow before turning to him. “Different?” He hums before kissing your lips gently. 
“Blue.” He pulls at the peplos before looking past you towards the pantheon.
His hands run down your arms to your stomach and you go wide eyed as he turns you back around. “Pregnancy is different here, goddess.” You choke on your own spit before looking down at your stomach. Just a small bump, maybe signifying that you were two to three months pregnant and yet, you’re still mystified by it.
“You-I- We just did it yesterday.” He laughs, a sweet melodic sound as his breath fans the back of your neck. “Yes, we did. A very good night for me indeed.” You snort as your womb begins to glow underneath his touch.  It hits you then.
“What about my job as a mythologist? What about everything on Earth?” He hugs you tightly as Pegasus flies above the castle.
“I’d say this is better than studying myths, don’t you think? You’re living one.” You ponder on this thought for a second before you begin to smile. “I’d say so.”
He sighs gently before rubbing at your stomach. “It’s a boy y’know. That’s why you’re wearing blue.” Your heart swells before turning to him, his hands caging you against the railing as the prop up on either side of you. “Although the world will never write about your story, they will never know the tales of how Eros grew to love again. How our love culminated into the greatest gift of being-” His hands press to your stomach as you tilt your head, “-the pantheon will know. They will know how ardently I treasure and adore you. The gods and goddesses will know how you make my heart sing.” Your fingers reach up and touch the gold necklace around your neck and his nose wrinkles. He wraps you in his arms, chest beginning to glow as his forehead presses to yours. “For Eros, the god of love found his own in a woman whose heart made his own weep with Ambrosia, sing like the winds of the Elysian Fields and dream such sweet dreams only Morpheus would provide.”
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The rfa + saeran sending nudes to mc
I got you anon!! I hope these are okay! <3 
RFA (+ Saeran and V) sending Reader nudes Headcanons (NSFW)
Yoosung Kim sending Reader nudes Headcanons
Yoosung has literally never taken a nude picture in his life, he gets embarrassed even at the thought of it. It’s not something he would really be into usually, but if you get him really in the mood and send him a couple of pictures first to make him feel more comfortable he might consider sending one or two.
He isn’t really sure what it is you want to see, and he definitely doesn’t feel like he can ask Zen or Seven what he’s supposed to do because they would literally never live it down. He’d also never survive the shame of asking in the first place. 
Yoosung is a little bit self-conscious of his body and doesn’t think particularly highly of himself, so the most you would probably get from him is a picture of his semi-erection bulge through his trousers, maybe with his hand slipping underneath. 
He’s not one for taking pictures of himself but he’s more than happy to see some of you, if you’re willing to send them. He can’t believe how lucky he is that he’s the one you chose to share these photographs with.
Zen/Hyun Ryu sending Reader nudes Headcanons
  Zen? The chance to share another selfie? He’s already on board. It always sits in the back of his mind that he worries the server will get hacked and that the pictures will leak and it could damage his career, but he has faith in Seven’s protection.
He doesn’t even need a reason to take them, he already has a bunch stored. He tries to keep them tasteful, so there’s never really any full cock action, it’ll be concealed with a towel or a well placed shampoo bottle. He has to make sure the lighting hits his body just right to show you all of his best muscles. He has a full length mirror in his bathroom, and by God, he’s going to make use of it. Most of his nudes are post-shower pictures because he thinks he looks particularly good when dripping wet. Well, he is dripping with good looks after all.
He’s also definitely one to get turned on by his own pictures, and his own moans too if you’re having phone sex together. He definitely prefers sending them whilst talking over the phone because he wants to hear your reaction to them and to hear you praising him.
If you wanted a fresh TM picture, you’d be most likely to get one of Zen pulling his grey sweatpants slightly down to reveal his abs, V-line and the top of his pubic hair. He’d also lift his t-shirt up so you could see his abs in the shadows. The lighting would be dark and he would just be lying in bed but*chef’s kiss* it’s still OnlyFans worthy. 
Jaehee Kang sending Reader nudes Headcanons
Jaehee has also never really been one for taking and sending pictures of herself. It makes her rather anxious and she doesn’t really think there’s anything special enough about her body to justify taking a picture of it. Like Zen, she would worry about the pictures somehow getting leaked and damaging her career, but reassures herself that there’s essentially zero chances of that happening and if they did, Seven would make sure that all evidence was destroyed. 
She’s always pleasantly surprised and extremely flustered to receive images from you, but she might need a little coaxing and reassurance in order to send one back.
She’d start simple, with nice pictures of her thighs, maybe her stomach with a little bit of her bra revealed whilst she worked up the confidence to send anything else. 
Even when she is more comfortable, Jaehee doesn’t really take her underwear off for these pictures. So, the most explicit you would get from her is her ass reflected in a mirror in some lingerie that she bought for the two of you to enjoy on her. 
Jumin Han sending Reader nudes Headcanons
As much as Jumin enjoys receiving explicit images from you, telling how much you want and need him, he rarely sends one back. He much prefers to call and hear your voice and tease you saying that you’d have to wait for him to come home before you can have him, and that you deserve a punishment for pulling something like this when he’s at work, especially when you know he has a meeting he’s supposed to be concentrating on right now.
On the occasion that you do get a picture back, it’s a blurry. Barely even visible. You wouldn’t even know it was a concealed erection otherwise. The majority of Jumin’s lewd pictures are of his bulge through his suit trousers, hidden under his desk. 
Whilst he would fuck you in his office, he’s not one for masturbating at work so he’d sooner send you a picture of his clothed erection and tell you what you have to look forward to the second he steps into the penthouse.
Besides, him ignoring his erection now is only going to make it feel even better later when he finally gets his hands on you.
Saeyoung Choi sending Reader nudes Headcanons 
Every time Seven gets a picture from you, he mutters a prayer and kisses his cross, asking forgiveness for the sins he is about to commit. 
Seven’s nudes still have Honey Butter chip crumbs on his trouser leg. Tasteful. Classy. 
He worries about one of the hackers chasing him somehow coming across yours and his nudes, so whilst he Cannot bear to part with your wonderful, blessed, gorgeous images, he’ll keep them on an encrypted floppy disk that only he knows how to gain access to. He is the only one that will ever get to see such photos of you.
He’ll send images similar to Zen, with his V line and pubic hair visible and his hand disappearing beneath his trousers, but the outline of his dick very much visible. 
He’s also very much someone that would want to call you so he could hear you as he was touching himself. Bonus points if you’re putting on a show for him on one of the cameras whilst you’re on the phone with him, because then he gets live action visuals. 
Sometimes he’ll wear his maid outfit and send you pictures of his ass, jut to keep it fresh and remind you that he does have a rather nice ass, if he does say so himself. 
When he’s jerking himself off, he’ll bite onto the hem of his t-shirt so he doesn’t cum on it and revealing his stomach and chest in the process, but it is Quite a few to see him finish on his abdomen, which he would probably send you a photo of before cleaning it up. 
Saeran Choi sending Reader nudes Headcanons (Unknown)
[The only alters I can see actually sending nudes would be Unknown and Suit Saeran, so I’m going to write this with Unknown in mind!]
Out of Saeran’s alters, Unknown is the flirtiest and probably the one who would actually send a nude first once it was established both parties were interested. He’d take the picture from below whilst he was lounging on a chair, so the phone has the upward angle and got to include all the Best TM aspects that he wanted in the picture. 
Unknown would bite at his shirt to reveal his abdomen and to show a devilish flash of a grin. The phone is set to an angel that it’s exactly what someone would see if they were on their knees in front of him, which was entirely intentional on his part.
The photo would cut off above the smile, and his free hand would be resting just next to his bulge, most definitely drawing attention to it. His legs are slightly spread and his tattoo is even more visible than usual.
It wouldn’t be a full nude, but definitely the outline of his cock pushing through the leather trousers and the caption, ‘I bet you want to see more, right?.’
If you sent him a picture back, don’t expect a lot of praise because the only thing you’re going to get back is a ‘heh, not bad’. That means he really liked it.
V/Jihyun Kim sending Reader nudes Headcanons 
V rarely sends his own nudes, but you know what he Would send? Your nudes. He would absolutely send you photographs of lewd polaroids that he had taken over the course of your relationship. To him, that was better than any pornography available and it was the only material that he had any interest in it.
He doesn’t really think he’s anything special or worth taking pictures of, but you on the other hand, he could take a picture of you every minute of every day and it would never be enough.
The closest you would get to a nude from V would be his silhouette looming over the bed that was covered in these pictures, the shadow of his hand over his crotch. 
It would have been creepy if anyone else was to do it, but V was your partner and you thought it was rather hot that he prized and worshipped  your images in such a way. He adored the way the expressions you made, the emotion, the purity and how good you were making one another feel in those photographs. 
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: (Y/n) lives a normal life. But that’s the issue, it’s normal, it’s plain, and it’s growing boring. Everyday she wishes for something, anything to spice up her life. But, when her old school friend (and crush) shows up at her bakery with a new look (and what looks like a new life), what will it bring for her? Will their puppy love grow? Will his big secret lead to the end of them or will it spark a new beginning?
Warnings: mentions of sex, suggestive conversations, fluff, fingering, soft smut
A/N: A little treat for the horndogs <3
"O-oh god! It's too big Nev, 's not gonna...c-can't-"
"Oh It's going to fit, don't worry pretty girl. Daddy's gonna fuck you so good. You want that, don't you baby?" He asked, cooing as she nodded frantically, tongue lulled out the side of her mouth. Neville had barely gotten past the tip before she began whining, crying about how big he was. He couldn’t help but lose control, shoving himself deep inside her, pistoning his hips at an ungodly pace. His eyes lingered on her chest, entranced by the hypnotic sway that they had due to his thrust. Pinning her hands to the bed, their eyes locked in an intense moment. 
“O-oh fuck princess, you’re so tight. You gonna cum? Hm? Gonna make a-”
“Nev?” he snapped up, a heavy gasp leaving his lips as looked to his side. (Y/n) sat there, a confused look on her face. “Are you alright? I think you were having a nightmare. You kept making a bunch of noises in your sleep!” he felt his face flush, clearing his throat as he looked away from her. His heart began to race as she climbed into his lap, turning his face towards hers. He looked at her, hoping his nerves weren't clear on his face. Due to the snickers he heard in the background, he was certain it was obvious to just about everyone but her what the issue was. 
“Hey um, petal, you might wanna move.” he whispered to her, trying to keep her hips from his troubled area.
“Why?” she asked, tilting her head once more as she moved back. Her eyes widened at the newfound breeze on her rear due to her skirt being lifted up. Not sure of what the cause was she moved back slightly, gasping at the feeling of something hard and long against her ass. Suddenly it all set in, he was- “O-oh. I’m sorry Nev.” she squeaked, quickly hopping from his lap. She smoothed down her skirt, clearing her throat as she eyed everyone in the room awkwardly. While the pair seemed flustered, the team couldn’t get enough of the interaction.
“Well I guess it’s clear why you’re the boss now.” Fred said, laughing as he motioned to the large tent in the man’s pants. George gave him a low five, joining him in his laughter as Neville glared at them all. Who were they to make him feel embarrassed? Standing up he adjusted the tent in his pants but despite his efforts, his dick was still prominent through his slacks.
“Poor (Y/n). She’s not gonna live to see another day after that thi-”
“Would you lot quit it?! When the fuck are we landing?” Neville growled at the bunch, causing the laughter to cease. Everyone knew what it was like to deal with an enraged Neville and that was the last thing they wanted. If the plane hadn't already landed, he’d shoot it right out the sky.
“We’ve actually just landed, boss. I was going to tell you before this little…situation that just occurred. Your bags have already been brought to the villa to ensure we have maximum time to scope out the museum.” Harrison said, giving the man a nod. He hummed, giving him a nod. “In the meantime, the city is yours to roam girls. We’ll be sending two men with you for your safety.” he snapped his fingers and two tall men appeared, their scary appearance paired with “tourist” clothing. What was supposed to be a disguise was just a funny sight of two muscle heads in brightly colored floral shirts. The (h/c) haired girl walked over to the leader, tugging on his sleeve some. He looked down at her, face softening at the pout on her face.
“Will we be able to spend some time together eventually? I know this is technically a work trip for you but I-I’d really like to spend time with you.” she said, making his heart melt. She never failed to make his heart burst, unreasonably cute without even trying. He had already planned on making time for her but now it wasn’t just something on his list, but his main priority. Stroking her cheek gently he put a soft kiss on her forehead.
“ ‘Course petal. In the meantime,” he leaned down sucking on the skin below her ear as he let out a chuckle, “Why don’t you go buy yourself something pretty for me?” her eyes widened but she nodded regardless, looking at him with a shocked expression as he pulled away. Before she could respond Twyla began to drag her, yanking her down the stairs of the jet.
“Come on babes! We’ve got some shopping to do.”
“Was it really necessary to send them with us?” (Y/n) whispered, looking over her shoulder at the two large men that had been following them from a distance. “I mean, everyone’s looking!” she hissed, pointing to a group of people that were pointing and whispering to them. Twyla shrugged, a subtle skip to her walk.
“Just means we look important! You worry too much, babes. We’re on an expense paid trip to Italy and we don’t have to pay for any of these clothes? There could literally be an angry mob after us and that still wouldn’t kill my mood!” she sighed, still noticing the girl’s tense mood. “Plus, Neville would want you to enjoy yourself. Speaking of him…” she grabbed the girl’s hand, walking into the lingerie store on the left. She looked at her confused.
“Why are we here? Nev already bought me underwear.” she asked, following Twyla as she began to grab different sets off the racks. Another layer of confusion was added on when she noticed that she wasn’t grabbing her own size. Twyla let out a snort, throwing the small pile that she had somehow amassed into her arms.
“Don’t be ridiculous! You’re telling me after today’s little ordeal that you haven’t noticed? Your hottie has definitely been thinking of banging your brains out.” she said, giggling at the girl’s bashful expression. “I’m only telling the truth! And judging by your reactions, you’ve been thinking about it too.” she pondered her words for a moment. It wasn’t not not true. She most certainly had thought about Neville in more unsavory ways. Even before their reuniting, (Y/n) always thought about him as she attempted to get herself off, imagining they were his hands touching her bringing her to a well deserved climax. However anytime she’d get close, she’d become overwhelmed with the thought that what she had been doing was shameful. Masturbating to her old crush from school? What could be more dirty?
“I-I guess I have thought about it once or twice..” she admitted. “B-but I don’t have the balls to just walk out in something like this! What if he laughs at me?” Twyla gawked at the girl, blinking repeatedly. She could not believe her ears.
“Are you kidding me?! The only sound that will be leaving that man’s mouth is the sound of him telling you to get on your knees.” she responded, turning back around to look through the racks for more. “Plus, it’s not like you have to pounce on the man. All I’m saying is wait for the right time, maybe after a nice dinner or something then boom, whip out the goods. You’ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose. If that’s all then let’s check out then go get massages! I’m making you pamper yourself this trip. Merlin knows you need a break.”
(Y/n) was thankful for Twyla’s pep talk knowing the blonde was right. Neville would like anything she did; it was just a matter of when she should do it.
And pampering they had done. (Y/n) and Twyla had been to just about every ritzy spot Italy had to offer them. After their shopping trip, the taller girl had taken them to get massages. It was funny how the masseuse instantly knew it was her first time from the abundance of knots in her back and when the man was done? She was most certainly an inch taller! They also had gone for manicures (despite having done that a few days ago..). Being bold she decided to get a set out of her comfort zone which she was beyond satisfied with. But the hot Italian sun combined with all the running around had tired her out, resulting in the driver bringing them to the villa.
The villa wasn’t as big as Neville’s second manor but was still insanely big. After the bodyguard had carried her bags to her room for her, she climbed into the brand new silk robe she had gotten, laying on the bed drinking the smoothie the maid had gotten for her. It was nice, just being able to relax. Throughout her years of working, (Y/n) rarely took off days. A lot of the time she’d even cover shifts for employees that couldn’t make it and even when the bakery was closed she would come in, fixing things up and tidying up mindlessly. Numerous times Twyla had caught the girl there when she wasn’t supposed to be and forced her to go home out of concern for her health.
Her eyes fluttered open at the sound of the bedroom door opening, widening with enthusiasm as she saw the tattooed man in the doorway, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Hopping up she ran over to him, jumping into his arms which he gladly accepted, holding her tightly. “I missed you.”
He smiled, setting the flowers down to hold her better before placing a soft peck to her lips. “I missed you too, love. I left early so I could spend some time with you.” his eyes moved to the bags in the corner of the room, chuckling at the large pile. “I’m guessing your shopping trip was successful?” she felt her face heat up at his lack of knowledge of the lingerie that lay within one of them.
“I guess you could say that. Come, come! I wanna relax with you.” she began dragging him over to the bed, straddling him once he was situated. They sat in a comfortable silence with Neville holding the girl close to his chest, just appreciating the closeness he had with her. Since they’re reunion, every intimate moment, be it sexual or not, had been interrupted by some instance where he was needed somewhere else. He hadn’t been able to spend nearly as much time as he wanted with her but now he had her all to himself. His hands rubbed at her back gently until he got bored, deciding to test the waters. He knew it’d take a while before they’d get anywhere near what happened in his dream but he was willing to wait. He’d do anything to be able to touch her, feel her in a way that was less than innocent. As he gripped at her ass with one hand he brought the other one up to her cheek, cupping it as he pulled her into a deep and sensual kiss.
She gladly accepted, kissing back as she brought herself closer to him, playing with the bits of loose hair at the base of his neck. He began to nibble on her lip before pulling away, trailing open mouthed kisses down her neck. A mewl sounded from her, causing him to pull away slowly. Gripping at her waist above her robe, he gazed into her eyes intently. “You wearin’ anything under here?” he asked, watching as she looked down, shaking her head. “No? God you’re making it so hard for me to not just fuck you right here.” he sighed some, reaching for the ties on her robe. He stopped, looking at her once more for confirmation. She nodded frantically before stopping, feeling slightly embarrassed from how eager she was. With one soft tug, her robe was undone revealing her soft supple breast which he instantly went for. With his lips wrapped around one he began to lick and suck at the other, both of them moaning in unison. After a while of him teasing her sensitive nubs she began to grow impatient, rocking her hips against his gently as she let out a soft whimper.
“P-please..” she moaned breathlessly, not too sure of what she wanted. All she knew was that she wanted something, anything. Everything he did had her near her edge, from his kisses to his tongue and she needed to feel more. Pulling away he looked at her, thinking for a moment before pulling the two of them up.
“I wanna try something,” he said, positioning in front of the mirror. “He pushed back the fabric of her robe, putting her pussy on full display. His pants tightened at the sight of her glistening folds which she avoided in the mirror. Neville gripped her chin gently, positioning it to look at her bits in the mirror, chuckling at her wide eyes, pupils fully blown with arousal. With his other hand, he began to massage up and down her thighs. He watched as her legs grew weak, shaking with anticipation. Trailing his fingers near her sex, tracing small patterns on the inside of her thighs. 
He patted the side of her cheek with two fingers, pulling her attention away from herself to make eye contact with him through the glass. “Open up.” he whispered, small praises of approval leaving his mouth as she did. He took his thick digits, slowly pushing past her kiss stung lips. His eyes watched in the mirror as they entered her wet little mouth, groaning at the feeling of her soft tongue gliding along the underside of them. Pushing them a little further, she gagged, eyes tearing up. She looked so pretty with tears in her eyes, already fucked out before he had even put them in. It was hard to tell who wanted it more at this point but as Neville finally slid a finger into her folds, it was obvious. Hot tears fell down her face, already overwhelmed from it all. Pumping his finger in and out, his eyes flickered between her fucked out face and her pussy, juices already coating her thighs. Moving his face to her neck, he began to suck and kiss on her neck.
(Y/n) was becoming more and more desperate by the moment. She had subconsciously begun to play with her tits, rubbing and tugging on her nipples. “M-more, Nev please!” she begged to which he instantly complied, sliding another finger in. He began to work her open more, scissoring and stretching his fingers inside of her. Once her muscle had relaxed once again, he began to speed up his moment, the heel of his palm creating a slapping noise each time it’d meet her pussy.
“Merlin, baby, you’re soaked. Your messy little cunt’s just eating my fingers.” he purred out, chuckling deeply as he felt her clench at his words. Who knew his pretty little princess would get worked up so easily, slowly reaching her peak just from a few fingers and words? He used his other hand to rub at her clit, causing her knees to buckle, falling back onto him for support. He loved how much she relied on him, becoming a needy mess just for him. He curled his fingers up, aiming for her spot until he found it causing her to let out a loud cry, gripping onto his arm tightly. Neville watched as her face scrunched up, tears streaming down her face.
“N-need to….need ta….O-oh god Nev! I’m gonna-” before she could finish her eyes widened before snapping close, head falling back onto his shoulder as she rutted her hips against his fingers, whimpering as she rode out her high. He continued to rub at her clit, fingering her cunt until she began to whine, pushing him away. He smirked some, admiring her fucked out expression in the mirror. Her eyes were shut, pants  puffy lips. He licked his lips at the sight of her cunt, sensitive and fucked out, messy and cum covered from her orgasm. As he pulled his fingers out, he had to stop himself from letting out a string of curses at the way her cream began to run hot down her legs along with the bit that had gathered on his fingers. Lifting them to his face he wasted no time, sucking and licking on them. He moaned softly, continuing to clean them thoroughly, not stopping until the only thing that remained was the salty taste of his own flesh.
“You look so pretty when you cum, flower.” he muttered, smiling as the girl just let out a soft ‘mhm’, half asleep and barely able to process his words. He took off her robe, lifting her up as he began to carry her to their private bathroom, letting out a content sigh at the events that had just happened. Although he hadn’t been able to get off himself, he was more than happy being able to just please her. 
Afterall, it was what he wanted more than anything, to have his flower live in absolute happiness and pleasure.
TAGSLIST: @vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff @clancyscookies @elemental-of-magic @beewitchedlou @simpforremuslupin @mottergirl99 @princesslaiahg  @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend @redpanda-poetry @vibingaesthetically
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
sorry for such a late review, but i figure no time like the present lol
here's my review of snc's third episode in their attachment series
aka "The Bellaire House: A Portal to Hell..."
the trailer alone had be excited for this week. i will be honest, they KNOW how to make a trailer for a video lol
so kristin... was an interesting person. for the longest time, i thought the necklace she had on was just a big ass mirror and i was like "okay... that's a choice". i can't tell if she really believes in all the stuff she is talking about or if she's really trying to upsell the house to make it seem scarier. probably a bit a both.
so quick question, how much money are you willing to bet that snc have never played the video game they got sponsored by sksksksks
the little disclaimer they put was nice. i personally always assume there is a ton of bias in how they research and explain what has "happened" in any location they go to. also, like i kinda mention in an ask prior to this, boys... let me do your research for you. just pay me and i'll do it. and then the history of the house... yeah, idk if i really buy any of it. something about it just seems kinda dumb, minus having an untrained psychic or medium coming in and opening a fuck ton of portals bc they don't know they're doing it. i can 1000% see that being real. the rest... sounds nice, if this was a horror movie.
can i just say, i LOVE when they tease each other like brothers? it's literally the cutest thing. like colby asking sam where does it say the bellaire house is the most haunted-iest house in america. as my mom would say, they're "busters" (aka they like to bust each other's balls haha)
this is a weird thought i just had. kristin made is seem like she doesn't live in the bellaire house anymore bc of all the crazy activity they get (plus renting it out to ppl to investigate in) so... why is the house still furnished? like, if ppl are only coming in to do investigations, maybe occassionally spend the night, why have furniture in a house you don't use? just a thought.
i think the editing in the beginning was really nice, them going back and forth between the history and the interviews. nice touch, boys.
if someone could explain to me why seth has 17 tattooed on his body, that would be great bc idk the significance of it and it just seems like such a random number to tattoo on your body. also kristin saying "there's no such thing as a coincidence".... okay lady lmao
can i just say i think it's the funniest thing that there is apparently a demon/daemon in that house that goes by emily davis sksksks that is such a weird name to go by. like, that sounds like someone i went to grade school with. she was probably also a demon tho lol
the idea that all of these portals are connected and that's how this sallie thing is follow snc........ look, imma be honest, i'm not well versed in portals and understanding how they work. but personally, just the way i think, i would be more likely to believe i have something connect to ME, rather than following ME, if that makes sense.
mike is also an interesting character that we meet in this video. i like them bringing in other ppl that have investigated the house before, or at least know the locations better than them. it was really brave of mike to come back and be in the house again if it really scarred him that much. and then him casually admitting that the spirit wanted him to deck colby was lowkey kinda hilarious to me.
and then colby saying "it's bc i have god on my side" was really sweet and wholesome.
so onto the investigation:
for there "equipment" that they brought... i understand that apparently the ghosts (or one in particular) likes light up things... but why did they harp on it for SO LONG?? like you bought a bunch of raver toys to a haunted house. how are they supposed to be trigger objects
also colby, the kid that did church choir and was forced to do plays as a kid, saying "yOu GuYs HaVe NeVeR hElD oNe Of ThOsE" about the tamborine was just *chef's kiss* to me sksksks
i love how any basement, no matter how finished it is, stil looks creepy. idk what it is about basements but they almost never not look creepy lol
also the color of the basement was really nice looking. a nice mint green if you will.
mike pointing out that the spirits are intimidated by colby... and him just saying "yeah i've been told that before".... IS FUCKING CRAZY TO ME. I NEED TO KNOW MORE. LIKE RN.
seth: colby's my protector 🥰
the basement - what a bust. that's fine tho. bc i think the rest of the video makes up for it.
okay so the PORTAL SEANCE... absolutely NO. that thing creeped me the fuck out. idk how i believe it, but it definitely unsettled me so much ngl. idk why every voice was coming in as a whisper. that was freaky too.
also the screams that sounded like they were saying "colby"... sounded like sam to me. just like, slightly higher pitch so do with that information as you will.
also also it's clear that whatever radio stations the portal device was cycling thru was like meditation stations, which i didn't think really existed. you can just tell by the verbiage that's used like "quietly in your head" "relaxation", shit like that
...who was that random guy that was there with them sksksksk ANYWAY
sam: three boys alone in a haunted house ready to get in the dark and do some ~spooky stuff~
seth: NAKED
okay so the boo-bear... idk about that thing. it's creepy for sure, but like... idk how much i believe it. any equipment outside of snc's i feel like is being rigged to say shit or go off.
i will say tho, the rempod going off bc of a temp change and then the bear saying "did it get warm in here" was... concerning lol
look at our boys listening to us with the second camera, it would have been good if it had a LIGHT on it, or was night vision, but we'll save the semantics for another day
idk why sam was so hell bent on trying to figure out if sallie or emily is who they were talking to. leave sallie for another video in an non-haunted house.
okay so they caught a lot of evidence in the second floor area. all of that was really interesting and you could tell they were talking to an intelligent spirit.
on god, i wish they would stop using the cat ball. like, i can't imagine them seriously saying into the camera "we caught some serious evidence. the cat ball went off!"
the flashlight falling was really only scary bc of how loud it was and how they reacted to it. but it is weird how it fell in the first place.
so the estes method: again, i always love when they do the estes method. i think it's some of their best evidence personally. granted i just wish they would calm down and stop trying to connect everything together as it's happening. like, let the words flow and then connect them all later, if that makes sense.
i think i just get annoyed by sam talking over everyone else while i'm still trying to process what was just said lol
so them coming to the "conclusion" (cause is anything really a conclusion with them sksk) is that the entity that might be attached might actually be from the conjuring and not sallie house.... i can believe it. again, like i've said in a bunch of different asks, they need to go to a professional that will help get rid of the spirit/entity, regardless of where it's from.
seeing colby do the estes method is always the worst idk why. i think it's bc he's too loud and he always looks like he's in physical pain.
them confirming that they're talking to sallie is so weird. idk why but talking to a spirit that's following you rather than the spirits that are already in the house is funny to me. like the other ghosts are just like "am i a joke to you?"
OVERALL: i would rate this video like a 4/5. i think snc with seth (along with josh and nate too) are like my favorite ppl they collab with. i think their energies just mesh well together. i think this video was very interesting. i'm curious how the rest of the season is gonna go, and what's gonna happen with the sallie ghost. hopefully they go to a professional, that for the love of god isn't amanda, and get the spirit removed or at least make sure it isn't bad if it's gonna stick around.
can't wait to see the penitentiary. hopefully it's a good one :)
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Sander Sides High School Host Club
Sanders Sides OHSHC-
This is simply a bullet fic for a Sanders Sides version of Ouran High School Host Club. Everyone is Supernatural except for Virgil, and if y’all like it enough, I will turn it into a full fledged fic. Just let me know!!
Original Character= Sander Side -supernatural identity- tattoo that shows supernatural identity Haruhi=Virgil -human- ??? Tamaki=Janus -shapeshifter- dice surrounded by various shapes Kyouya=Logan -vampire- fangs with a moon and cross Hikaru=Patton -Cupid- bow&arrow w/ heart Kaoru=Emile -Siren- musical notes with emoji Hunny=Roman -fae- willow tree and red mushrooms Mori=Remy -sandman- hourglass combines with a sandstorm Renge=Remus -fae- willow tree and green mushrooms
~A bunch of freaking people talking loudly in a freaking library!~
Virgil – [Sigh] ~This place has four library rooms. You'd think one of them would be quiet.~
~How are things in heaven Andy? I can't believe it's been ten years already. I'm beginning to think that rich kids only come to school to have a good time.~
~An abandoned living room. I guess this is the only place I'll be able to study in peace and quiet.~
[Gets buried in an avalanche of petals]
Sides Host Club – "Welcome!"
Virgil– ~When I opened the door, I found the Host Club.~
Janus *background/narration/janus answer to Virgil’s ‘whaaa???’*– "Only those with excellent social standing, filthy rich families, and are supernatural creatures are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school, Sides Academy. The Sides Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys, with too much time on their hands, entertain other handsome boys who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Sides Academy's elegant playground for the super-rich, supernatural, and beautiful."
Virgil – "This is a cult?"
Patton– "Oh wow, it's a new boy!"
Logan – "Patton, Emile, I believe this young man is in the same class as you, isn't he?"
Emile– "Yeah, but he's so shy and quite! He doesn't act very sociably, so we don't know much about him."
Logan – "Hm. Well, that wasn't very polite." "Welcome to the Sides Host Club, Mr. Honor Student."
Janus – "What? You must be Virgil Storm! You're the exceptional honor student we've heard about."
Virgil – "How did you know my name?"
Roman– "Why, you're infamous. It's not every day that a commoner gains entrance into our academy. You must have a lot of nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student cutie."
Virgil– "Boi, excuse me?"
Janus – "You're excused. You're a hero to other poor people, Storm. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy. It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others."
Virgil– "Ahhh, you’re that type of asshole. I think you're taking this "poor" thing too far."
Janus – "Spurned. Neglected. But that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor! We welcome you poor man, to our world of beauty."
Virgil– "Bitch, bye. I'm outta here."
Patton– "Hey! Come back here BFF Virgil! You must be like a superhero or something. That's so cool!"
Virgil– "I'm not a hero. I'm an honor student. And who are you calling "BFF Virgil!?"
Janus – "I never would've imagined the famous scholar would be so openly gay."
Virgil – "Openly what? BITCH WE’RE ALL GAY! There are no girls at this school! It’s like, a requirement or something!"
Janus *not listening*– "So tell me what kind of guys you're into. Do you like the strong, silent type? Because we don’t have that. We have Remy instead.
Remy- “You got that right babes. Silence is weakness. That’s why I always be slurping Starbees! *siiiippppp*”
Janus- Then there’s the boy Lolita? That’s Pat and Em! How about the princely type, Roman, or the cool nerd type, Logan?"
Virgil– "None! I was just looking for a quiet place to study."
Janus – "Or maybe... You're into a guy like me. *winky winky nudge nudge* What do you say?"
Virgil– "I will slap you. Back away!"
~Joan enters to see what the club was up too, and hears a ‘crackboom’. He turns to the noise, and sees the club standing over his broken vase.
Joan- “BROOOOOOOO! No effin' way, dude! Who broke this vase? Who broke this vase? Seriously, guys. Everyone who's here at my awesome party... this huge crowd of people that's definitely here right now...”
Virgil- *Mumbling* “Oh my go- wait, are they drunk? Why are they talking like that?”
Joan- “Somebody broke my grandma's vase. And that was the last thing she gave to me... to sell for about 75 thousand dollars! I swear to all things football and/or skateboarding that I will find you. Don't make me cry these incredibly manly tears! Anyone can speak up here and be a part of this scene. Especially those of us who aren't imagined and are actually here on the stage.”
Janus, Logan, Patton, Emile, Roman, and Remy all facepalm.
Joan- “Like, not the people who are imagined to be here through means of suspension of disbelief.”
Logan- I do not understand theatre. Joan, you don’t have to practice your script right now! Besides, you literally watched Virgil break it.”
Joan- “True, but I was very convincing! Now, ima go, but y’all should have the new guy do indentured servitude or something, because that’s the typically way a teenager pays for breaking a vase. Bye!”
All- “Bye Joan!”
Virgil- *gulping and looking around the room*"Uh, I'm gonna have to pay you back."
Remy – "With what money? Babes, you can't even afford a school uniform."
Roman – "What's with that grubby outfit you've got on anyway?"
Virgil- “Hmm, don’t like you either asshat.”
Logan – "Well, what do you think we should do Janus?"
Janus– "There's a famous saying you may have heard Virgil, "When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do." Since you have no money, you can pay with your body!”
Virgil- *raises an eyebrow, flips him off, and moves to leave*
Logan- *grabbing Virgil’s arm and pulling him back* “He doesn’t mean like that! He means-“
Janus- * interrupting* “That means starting today, you're the Host Club's errand boi!"
(Scene change)
Virgil– ~I don't know if I can handle this Andy. I've been captured by a bunch of boys that are calling themselves a host club.~ [Indistinct chattering] Brian– "Um, Janus, what's your favorite song?"
Janus– "What song? The one that reminds me of you, of course."
Steve (the stove) – "I baked you a cake today. Would you like to taste it?"
Janus– "Only if you'll feed it to me darling."
Bill (the drill) – "Oh wow. You're so dreamy."
Chad – "May I have a word with you Janus?"
Janus and Bill – "Huh?"
Chad– "I've recently heard the Host Club is keeping a little kitten without a pedigree."
Janus– "I don't know if I'd call him that. Speak of the devil! Thanks for doing the shopping Count Woe-laf! Did you get everything on our list?"
Virgil– "What? If Roman can’t call me that neither can you. Now here’s your food."
Remy– "Hey, wait a minute, what is this?"
Virgil– "Just what it looks like. It's coffee."
Remy – "I've never seen this kind before. Is this Dunkin Donuts?"
Virgil – *rolling his eyes* "Holy fucking shit. It's just Krueger coffee pods. I even got Starbucks brand!”
Everyone– "It's coffee pods?"
Remy – "Whoa! I've heard of this before. It's commoners' coffee. You just place it into a machine."
Steve – "I didn't know there was such a thing."
Brian – "So it's true then. Poor people don't even have enough money to buy Starbucks from Starbucks!"
Chad – "Mm hmm!"
Virgil- “No, it’s just Starbucks coffee pods. For home. It’s convenient you preppy asshats.”
Logan– *winks* "Commoners are pretty smart and convenient."
Roman – "68 cents per pod?"
Patton – "That's a lot less than we normally pay!"
Virgil – "I'll go back and get regular Starbucks. Excuse me for not knowing y’all orders."
Remy – "No, I'll keep it."
Crowd – [Gasp]
Remy– "I'm going to give it a try."
Crowd – [Gasp]
Remy – "I will drink this coffee!"
Crowd – [Applause]
Remy – "Alright Virgil, get over here and make me some of this commoners' coffee."
Virgil– ~I hate all these damn rich people.~
Chad– "Oh Janus, Logan, now they’re taking the joke too far. His palate won't be able to stomach that crap. Y’all don't have to drink it just because he bought it."
Virgil- "With all do respect, what?"
Chad*verychadlike* – "I'm sorry. I was talking to myself."
Virgil– "Bitc-"
Emile– "Virgil!"
Virgil – "Eh, I'm comin'" "Here."
Remy – "Let the tasting begin."
Brian – "I'm a little scared to drink this stuff."
Jon – "I'm afraid if I drink this my father will yell at me."
Roman– "What if I let you drink it from my mouth?"
Jon – "Well then I would drink it."
Guys – [Squealing]
Virgil – ~This is ridiculous.~
(Scene change)
Emile– [Giggle] "So he had a cookie jar hidden in our room."
Patton– "Emile! Don't tell them that story. I asked you not to tell anyone that. Why are you so mean to me?"
Emile– "I'm sorry Patton."
Guys – [Gasp]
Emile – "I didn't mean to upset you, but you were so adorable when it happened, I had to tell them. I'm sorry."
Patton– "I forgive you."
Guys – [Squeal] "I've never seen roommate love quite like that."
Virgil– "What are they so excited about? I just don't get it."
Roman – [dramatic entrance] "Sorry, we're running late."
Jon – "Hello Roman. Hey Remy."
Apollo – "We've been waiting here for you guys, hi"
Roman– "I'm sorry. I was waiting for Remy to finish his party plans and I simply couldn’t leave a man behind! *wrapping his arms around Remy* especially not the handsomest prince in the world!"
Guys – [Gasp] "So cute!" [Giggling]
Virgil– "Is Roman really a prince?"
Logan – "Roman may seem dramatic, but he is a fae prince."
Virgil – "Really? Damn."
Logan– "And then Remy allure is he’s a sassy, coffee-addicted sandman."
Virgil- "Interesting... tell me more?"
Logan- “Well, Emile is a siren. Patton is a Cupid.”
Virgil-*suprised Pikachu face* “seriously?”
Patton– "Vergie!"
Virgil– [Yelp]
Patton– "Hey Virgie, do you want to go have some cookies with me?"
Virgil– "Thanks, but I don't really like cookies."
Emile– "Then how would you like to hold my Stitch?"
Virgil– "I'm not into stuffed animals."
Emile– "Don’t worry! Stitch isn’t a mere stuffed animal! You look stressed. Stitch is enchanted, he brings luck and happiness to the holder.”
Virgil– [Gasp] "Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt?"
Emile and Patton– [Gasp] *REALIZATION!* "Take good care of him, okay?" [Laugh]
Logan– "You'll notice that our club utilizes each man's unique characteristics to cater to the desires of our guests. Just so you know, Janus is number one around here. He's the king. Just don’t tell Roman. Janus’s request rate is 70%."
Virgil- "What's this world coming to? So, what is he?"
Logan- “Janus is a shapeshifter.”
Virgil- “Figures”
Logan– "And in order for you to pay off your 75 thousand dollar debt with us, you will act as the Sides Host Club's errand boy until you graduate. You can try to run away if you want to Virgil, but just so you know, I can find you anywhere you go. By the way, do you have a passport?"
Virgil – "Huh? What does that matter? And how could you find me? You never told me what you are."
Logan: “oh, of course. *smiles slowly, showing fangs.* “I’m a vampire.”
Virgil~eyes widened. Crap. Why does the one I like best have to be the most dangerous?~
Janus – "You're going to have to work hard to pay off that debt, my little emo." [Blow]
Virgil– [Hyperventilating] "Please don't do that again. Fight or flight, I will punch you."
Janus– "You need a makeover or no guys going to look twice at you."
Virgil – "You seem to be looking at me just fine. Besides, I’m not trying to get guys to look at me."
Janus– "Are you kidding me? That's the most important thing. You have to learn to be a gentleman and please the masses, like me."
Virgil– "I just don't think it's all that important."
Janus– "Hm?"
Virgil– "Why should I care about appearances and labels anyway? I mean, all that really matters is what's on the inside right? I don't understand why you even have a host club like this."
Janus– "It's a cruel reality, isn't it?
Virgil– [Grunt]
Janus– "It's not often that God creates a perfect person like moi, beautiful both inside and out."
Virgil– "And vein all around?"
Janus– "I understand how you feel since not everyone is blessed as I am, but you must console yourself. Otherwise how would you go on living? And think about this Virgil. Why do you think they put works of art in museums? Because beauty should be shared with the world, and those born beautiful should-“
Virgil-(~There's a word to describe people like him.~)
Janus- “promote other beautiful things. That's why I started this club in the first place. I did it for those who are-“
Virgil-(~Hmm. What is it?~)
Janus- “starved for beauty. For those working day and night, pursuing beauty. And although
Virgil-(~Aw man, I wish I could remember that word. Hmmm~)
Janus-“your looks may be average, and you have a few negative characteristics, I've chosen to share my expertise with you. Here's a tip. When setting down your glass, extend your pinky finger as a cushion, and that way when you set it down you won't be making a lot of noise. Gentlemen do not make loud sounds. Besides,” Virgil-(~"a pain in the neck"?~)
Janus-“a gentleman looks much more refined”
Virgil-(~No, there's something that fits him perfectly, better than that~)
Janus-“that way. I like to check my reflection.., but above all else ? Virgil, you must remember, how effective a glance to the side can be.”
Virgil- “Ha. I got it!”
Janus-“Oh, did I strike a chord?”
Virgil- You’re Obnoxious!"
Virgil – "Uh, I'm sorry Janus. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings."
Roman and Remy– [Laugh]
Roman– "You're a hero alright."
Remy – "Uh-huh."
Virgil– ~But he is a pain in the neck.~ "I'm sorry Jan, but your lesson did strike a small chord with me."
Janus– "Really? It did? Let me teach you more, my friend."
Virgil– "Well, he got over that quick."
Janus- “Emile!”
Emile – "Boss?"
Janus– "Call me King."
Roman- “Nope, that’s me! Try again.”
Janus- “Fine. Call me Emperor Now where was I?”
Emile– “I think you were wanting to make Virgil a host. You can teach him all the basics of hosting..."
Patton– "But he's not going to get very far with the fellas if he doesn't look the part you know. HE NEEDS A MAKEOVER!!!"
Virgil– "I thought I already vetoed that?"
Roman– "Yes! Maybe if we moved his bangs out of his eyes it could help."
Virgil– "Hey! I happen to like bangs in my eyes! STEP AWAY FROM THE BRUSH! NO!!!"
Remy Attack Virgil with a hairbrush
Remy realization*
Logan– [Gasp] "Remy."
Remy – "Got it!"
Virgil– "Huh? Bitch what the hell is going on??" [Yell]
Roman– "Emile, what’s the number to my hairstylist?“
Patton – "What about me Lolo?"
Logan– "Patton."
Patton– "Yes sir!"
Logan– "You... go make some cookies."
Patton – "Ok! Virgil, what’s your favorite type of cookie?? You know what, I’ll just make them all!"
Remy – "Here! Change into this uniform."
Virgil– "What? Why?"
Remy– "Don't ask questions!"
Virgil– "No way! Screw you! You know what, I'll change, but you have to GET OUT!"
Remy – [Yell] [Stutter] "Huh?"
Logan– [Sigh]
(Scene change)
Virgil– "Um, guys?"
Janus– "Aren't you done changing yet?"
Logan– "Hmmm?"
Virgil– "You sure it's really okay for me to keep this uniform?"
Patton– "Cute! You're super pretty! Adorable!"
Emile– "Verge, you look so cute!"
Roman– "If we had known that's how you really look..."
Remy– "We would've helped you out sooner. You’re actually pretty hot..."
Logan– "Who knows? Maybe he'll draw in some customers. And I agree, he is extremely aesthetically appeasing."
Janus – "You know, that's just what I was thinking. Our errand boy is moving up the ranks. Starting today, you are an official member of the Host Club. I will personally train you to be a first-rate host. If you can get 100 customers to request your service, we will completely forget about your $75,000 debt."
Virgil – "A host? You people are fucking crazy. And I don’t want you to train me. You are an asshole."
Logan- “Janus? Do you mind if I train him? It could be educational.”
Janus- *slightly offended snake sounds* “If you can get the ungrateful, sassy, mean emo to agree, you can train him.”
Logan- “Virgil, can~”
Virgil- “I’ll let the hot nerd train me. I like him.”
Everyone looks between an extremely pleased Logan and a smug Virgil. ‘Interesting’
(Insert fluffy, flirty Analogical scene of Virgil learning how to be a ‘proper host’ and the others spying)
(Scene change)
Alfredo– "So, tell me Virgil. Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do?"
Herbert– "I'm curious, what kind of products do you use on your skin?"
Boy(I’m running out of Thomas’s male character names)– "Yes, it's so pretty."
Virgil– ~I can't do this anymore. I’m sorry Logan, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. And these people are staring to get annoying. And invasive...~
Boys – "So why did you join the Host Club Virgil?" [Giggle]
Virgil– "Uh." ~All I have to do is get 100 customers to request me, and they'll forget about my $75,000 debt. I just have to seem interesting. Oh! I know just the story.~
Alfredo – "I see, your brother was sick and passed away two years ago. Who do you bond with now?"
Virgil– "Oh, I‘m just kind of by myself now. My brother was my best friend and confidante, so I found it hard to make friends since he passed. Now all I have is my Uncle, but he is pretty great, and I have managed to make it through okay."
Herbert – "So uh..."
Boy – "Is it okay if tomorrow..."
Alfredo – "We request to sit with you again?"
Virgil– "Yeah, I'd really appreciate that guys. Y’all are great listeners, and I am interested to hear about y’all next time." *smirk*
Boys- [stifled shrieking]
Roman – "Why is he so popular?"
Logan– "He's a natural."
Janus– "Apparently he didn’t even need training."
Chad– "Have you forgotten about me?"
Janus – "Oh, no. Sorry prince. I'm just a little concerned about our newest host."
Chad – "Well that's obvious Jan. You and Logan sure have been keeping an eye on him."
Janus – "Of course. I have to. I need to make sure he a good host, and Logan is training him to be a gentleman."
Boys – [Giggling]
Janus – "Virgil! Come here for a minute."
Virgil– "What's up?"
Janus– "I'd like you to meet someone. This is my regular guest, Prince Chad."
Virgil– [Gasp] ~It's that asshole from earlier~ "Sir, it's a ‘absolute’ pleasure to meet you."
Janus – "That was so cute! That air of bashfulness was very good! Super good! Amazingly good!"
Chad – "Uh, Logan, what is happening?"
Logan– "Virgil is adorable, so Janus is trying to show affection and make Virgil like him better than me."
Virgil– "Roman! Save me!"
Janus – "Nope, mine now!"
Roman– *Whacks Janus with his sword and grabs Virgil bridal style* [Realization Gasp]
Janus– "Damn it Roman, you didn’t have to go that far. Come on little emo, let your best friend give you a big hug."
Virgil– "Ok. Patton! Janus says I need a hug."
Laughing and offended noises, then Patton jumping in Virgil arms for a giant hug. Guests are very amused, and Chad is very pissed
(Scene change)
Virgil-"Hey, what happened to my bag? [looks out window and sees bag in fountain] Uh, are you kidding me? How did that happen? I didn't think there were bullies at this school. I guess those asshats are everywhere. They’re like McDonalds."
Virgil runs towards the fountain
Chad – "Oh! It's you again. I bet you love having Janus and Logan making you over and fawning over you. It's useless though. You're always going to be a second-class citizen.”
Virgil – ~I bet my Tim Burton posters that he is the bastard that threw my bag in the fountain. I can't be bothered with him right now though. I've gotta find my wallet or I won't have any money for food this week.~
Remy– "Hey, tiny emo! You've got some nerve skipping out on the club like that. Why is your bag all wet?"
Virgil– "It's no big deal. I got it. I just can't find my food money."
Remy– "Hm?"
[jumps into the fountain after taking off his sunglasses]
Virgil– "Hey, you don't have to do that. You'll get wet. And why the hell did you only take off your sunglasses? That does nothing!"
Remy – "A little water never hurt anyone. Besides, people are always telling me that I'm dripping with good looks. Oh, hang on a second. This what you're looking for? What's the matter, you're staring off into space. Ooo! Please tell me your falling for me. Because Logan is gonna be pissed! "
Virgil– "No way!"
Remy– "How did your bag end up in the fountain anyway?"
Virgil– "Well uh, I guess I accidentally dropped it out the window at some point."
(Scene change)
Chad – "Oh really? That must've been terrible. I can't imagine what I'd do if my bag fell into the fountain."
Virgil – ~Why did he request me when it's obvious he doesn't like me? He has a plan. Ima end up decking this guy...~
Chad– "And you actually made Remy search that dirty old thing with you. How astonishing! You do realize he's a blueblood and not a commoner, right? The only reason any of them are paying attention to you is because they’re trying to turn you into a gentleman."
Virgil– [Gasp] ~Dis bitch wanna get punched ~
Chad– "Don't start thinking he cares about you just because he's doting on you."
Virgil– "Now I understand. You're jealous of me."
[grabs Virgil’s arm and yanks to where Virgil knocks the table over and lands on top of Chad]
Chad – [Scream] "No, Virgil! Leave me alone! Somebody help, he just attacked me!"
Virgil– "Bitch please."
Chad– "Somebody do something! Teach this commoner a lesson!"
[Emile and Patton dump water on the two]
Virgil– "Honestly, what the fuck is with you guys?"
Chad – "Why did you do that? Do something, Janus. Virgil just assaulted me."
Janus – "I'm disappointed in you. You threw his bag into the fountain, didn't you?"
Chad – "You don't know that. Do you have any proof that I did?"
Remy- “Yeah, babes, we got proof. It’s called we’re not fucking stupid. Or blind.”
Logan– "You know, you're a handsome guy, but you aren't classy enough to be our guest. If there's one thing I know, Virgil is not that kind of a man."
Chad– "But, why? You are all idiots!" [Cry]
Janus– "Hmmm... Now how am I going to punish you? Because it is your fault after all. Your quota is now 1000!"
Virgil– "Huh? 1000? My fault? Why yo-"
Patton– "Come on. I got high expectations for you, kiddo!"
Virgil– "Really?"
Emile– "Yep! This is the only spare uniform we have. Sorry, but it's better than a wet one, right?"
Virgil– "Thanks a lot you guys. I'm gonna go change."
(Scene change)
Janus – "Virgil, here you go. I brought you some towels."
Virgil– [Gasp] “Please get the hell out!”
Janus blanches and leaves
Virgil walks out in the uniform that shows ones supernatural identity tattoo. It shows off storm clouds and lightning, a rare tattoo but one that’s signifies humanity.
Janus– "Virgil."
Virgil– "Yeah?"
Janus– "So, you're a human?"
Virgil– "No shit Sherlock, yeah. Is there anything wrong with that?"
Janus– “No! I think you are awesome even if you’re human. Who else knows?”
Logan, Patton, Emile, Remy, and Roman all raise their hands
Virgil– "Listen guys, I don't really care whether you recognize me as a human or not. In my opinion, it's more important for a person to be recognized for who they are rather than for what supernatural identity you have."
Everyone nods
Virgil– ([Stammering]) "Uh, you know, I have to say Logan, I thought you were pretty cool earlier."
Logan– [Stammering]
Virgil *blushing*- “Logan, I know that you figured it out as soon as you saw me. Thank you for not saying anything, that was very cool of you.”
Logan *also blushing* -“Ah, umm, ehh, it is no problem. You’re welcome.”
Emile, nudging Patton and both giggling– "Well isn't this an interesting development?"
Roman and Remy – "Oh, yeah."
Janus – "Now, I could be wrong but I think we may be witnessing the beginnings of love here. Can’t believe that nerd stole the hot emo right out from under me with words. Ssssssssuck up!"
Patton- “Janus, kiddo, your name isn’t Jealous.”
Remy- “Yeah! Calm thy snaktitties.”
Roman- “Snake tits. Snake titties. Snitties.”
Roman and Remy- “OH MY GOSH SNITTIES!”
Emile- “Common guys. We are not a love to hate tumblr post.”
Roman and Remy- *chanting* “SNITTIES, SNITTIES, SNITTIES, SNITT-“
Janus- *chasing Roman and Remy around with a broom* “SAY IT ONE MORE DAMN TIME!”
Virgil- “You know, this might be fun, I actually enjoy being a Host...”
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mermaidssonshipss · 4 years
the mark - soulmates au {1}
warnings(these are going to be for the entire series, so while some may not be in this specific chapter, it will be at one point): smut, cursing, drug use, alcohol, mentions of abuse, mentions of suicidal thoughts(very brief). 
pairings: JJ Maybank x reader
word count: 3,855
The second the clock struck midnight on your 18th birthday, the feeling of burning flesh would pierce an area of your skin, signifying that your soulmate mark had appeared. Only two people could ever share the same mark. It would appear on the skin in the form of what simply looked like a tattoo done in white ink (white ink tattoos were illegal for this reason), and the mark would ever so slightly raise, so when fingertips glided across it, you could make out the shape, even if you couldn’t see it.
When you were younger, you had dreamed of your 18th birthday and finding your soulmate, but as you got older, the idea began to terrify you. Your parents loved each other deeply, their marks burning deep for one another, but they had never loved you. To them, you were a burden, something that came along to try and break their bond, to get them to stop focusing on one another and just focus on you. Your mother had been told she couldn’t get pregnant, and she had been elated with the news. She didn’t want a child, nor did your father, and now they didn’t have to worry about it. Two years after finding one another and one year into their marriage, though, your mother had unexpectedly fallen pregnant with you. From the day you were born, you were unwanted, and they spent every waking moment reminding you of that. They provided you with a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food on the table; to outsiders, you were the perfect family, but on the inside, hidden away from the world by closed curtains and locked doors, words were hurled at you like bullets. “You’re worthless.” “I wish you had never been born.” “No one will ever love you.” “You’re a mistake, and your soulmate will realize that the second they look at you.” 
By the time you were 13, you had convinced yourself that on your 18th birthday you would be one of the ones who just didn’t have a soulmate. It was rare, but it happened. Generally, the people without soulmates ended up with one another, or they simply spent life alone. To have a soulmate, you had to be worthy of love, and if your own parents didn’t love you, surely, you weren’t worthy of it. But of course, you had been proven wrong. Now, as the clock struck midnight on your 18th birthday, and the burning sensation began to engulf the smallest bit of flesh on your hipbone, you couldn’t help the tears that escaped. You took in a shaky breath, pulling yourself from under your covers and reluctantly made your way to the full length mirror propped against your wall. The burning sensation had faded to a dull ache, begging you to look at it. Your eyes closed as you bunched up the fabric of your tank top, yanking it up as you pulled down your shorts slightly with your other hand, your eyes falling on the mark that now stained your tan skin.
“No fucking way,” you laughed humorously as your eyes scanned the small wave that adorned your hipbone; a wave that you had seen many times the past two years staring back at you. The same wave rested on the inside of JJ Maybanks bicep the past two years since he had turned 18.
The two of you had grown up with one another, JJ always two years ahead of you, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a crush on him up until you were 13 years old. He had always been cute, his blue eyes the brightest on the island, and as he grew older, he only grew more attractive. It was no secret he had a rough home-life. His parents had both been two people who had no soulmate and found one-another, and when JJ was around 12, his mom had left, leaving him with his dad. Soon after, bruises began to appear on JJ’s skin frequently, and eventually, he started getting into fights to cover up that it was his dad leaving the original marks, but you still knew. You had spent years paying attention to the boy. You remembered the day he turned 18 like it was yesterday.
You had been sitting at The Wreck with your parents eating, watching as Kie floated around the room effortlessly, ignoring the calls of the 3 boys she called her best friends from across the room. Kiara, in your opinion, was the prettiest girl on the island, and you envied how easily she made friends. You also envied how clear it was her parents and friends loved her. She had always been kind to you, and even tried to invite you to hang out with her and the Pogues many times, but you’d always declined, your parents having convinced you you were better off alone. 
JJ was sporting a new bruise on his face, boasting about how he’d gotten into a fight the night before with Topper, but you knew it was a lie. Topper lived across from you, and you had seen his car in the driveway all night as well as the light in his room had been on till 3am, meaning he hadn’t left his home. 
“Stop looking at him, Y/N,” your mother had snapped quietly as she caught you staring at the blonde boy, “Quit dreaming and accept the fact that nobody will ever love you, or want you,” her voice was quiet so only you could hear, her words laced with venom. 
You had simply nodded quickly before excusing yourself to go to the bathroom, rushing to the back of The Wreck as tears spilled down your freckled cheeks. You looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment, wiping away the tears and closing your eyes, willing the redness to go away. After taking a few deep breaths, you exited the bathroom, running into JJ as he rounded the hidden corner.
“Oh shit, sorry y/n,” JJ had muttered, sending you a sympathetic smile, but it quickly dropped as he saw the tear stains on your cheeks and the redness of your eyes, “You okay?” He asked quietly, and for a moment, you convinced yourself that maybe, he cared.
“I’m fine,” you had replied, sending him a weak smile, and your eyes fell down to the new mark on his bicep, his soulmate mark.
“Cool, isn’t it?” He had noticed your eyes find the mark, and his smile had returned, “A wave totally suits me. Never thought I was gonna get one of these to be honest,” he was making easy conversation with you, and your eyes warmed as you looked up at him.
“You deserve it, JJ. You’ll find her, and you’ll get out. Away from your dad,” the words left your mouth before you could stop them, and his eyes widened as he looked at you. You barely knew him, how did you know about his dad? You muttered a quiet “sorry,” before quickly moving around him and taking off back to the table your parents were at, missing the way JJ had watched you the rest of the time you were in the restaurant. 
Now, as you looked at the identical wave, you wanted to scream. Since the wave appeared on JJ’s bicep, he had been anxiously waiting for the day he met his soulmate. At every boneyard party he went to, he asked every girl he met to show him their mark if they had just turned 18, though he knew he would know the second he laid eyes on his soulmate she was the one. It was said that the first time you make eye contact with your soulmate after both of your marks have appeared, the world around you stops, everything but them turning gray for a moment, making it clear that they are your soulmate. Once you blink though, everything returns back to normal, and many have said they missed the moment, not realizing it even happened until they showed their mark to their soulmate. You were terrified for that moment now; you had to avoid JJ at all costs, and you definitely couldn’t make eye contact with him. JJ Maybank was to never know you were his soulmate.
A week had passed since your 18th birthday, and you had managed to avoid JJ. In fact, you had managed to avoid literally everyone on the island: you hadn’t left your house. Today though, your mom had asked you to go pick up food from The Wreck, and you had made yourself bleed on accident from digging your fingernails into your palms so deep as you clenched your fists. 
You pulled up 20 minutes after your mom had forced you to go, ignoring your constant pleas and complaints that you didn’t feel good. The second you entered The Wreck, you heard his laugh, and for a moment you contemplated turning around and running in front of a car, that way your mom couldn’t get mad at you for not grabbing the food. With a roll of your eyes, you shook your head and pushed forward, sending Kie a small smile as she spotted you.
“Y/N!” She called, catching the attention of the other Pogues who’s eyes all snapped to you, them sending you wide smiles, “Hey, you just turned 18 like a week ago, right?” Kie’s voice was full of excitement as she leaned over the counter, her words grabbing the attention of the blonde boy who was now watching you intently. 
“I did indeed,” your answer was short as you pushed yourself onto a stool, sending Kie’s dad a small wave as he moved to the back to grab your order.
“Well, let’s see it,” Pope was the next to talk, his eyes watching you closely. 
“I...” you hesitated for a moment, your eyes glancing over at JJ, for a moment you made eye contact on accident, but before anything could happen, you blinked and looked away, “There’s nothing to show. I didn’t get a mark,” you shrugged, and the Pogues surrounding you went silent.
“Shit...” John B muttered, shaking his head as he clapped his hand on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze, “Sorry to hear that, dude. But you’ll find someone anyway, I know you will,” he assured you, and you couldn’t help the small, genuine smile that quirked up your lips at his words.
JJ was silent the entire time, his baby blues scanning over every inch of your face: you were lying. He didn’t know how he knew you were lying, but somehow he just knew.
A moment later, Kie’s dad appeared from the kitchen and handed you two bags which you graciously accepted, handing him over the money and extra for a tip before you quickly scurried out of the restaurant. 
“I wish she would hang out with us,” Kie sighed as the group watched you retreat.
“She’s the nicest kook on the island,” John B agreed.
“Can she even be considered a kook?” Pope interjected.
“I mean, her parents are kooks,” JJ was next to speak, his hands folded in front of him as he played with the ring around his thumb, “But I don’t think she is. I don’t think she really cares about any of that. She used to always play with me when we were in elementary school, before her parents sent her to the kook academy. I was a few years older than her but we always had recess at the same time. I ate shit once trying to impress her on the swing set and broke my arm. She looked at me for a moment before kicking dirt over my arm and telling me to suck it up,” he laughed at the memory, the other Pogues joining in. “She changed though, when she got older. Even after she went to the academy I always saw her around, she’s always running around The Cut, but she was just... different. She used to be so happy and full of life and suddenly she just started to look... empty? I don’t know. Tried to talk to her a couple of times and she was always friendly, but it never reached her eyes, and she always leaves before anyone can really get anything out of her.”
“I’ve asked her to hang out before, too,” Kie followed, her fingers wrapping around a wet towel as she began to wipe down the counter in front of her, “But she always has some lame excuse to get out of it. I’ve seen her at boneyard parties before, drinking and fucking around with Tourons, but yeah, I agree with JJ. She just seems empty. I wanna know what’s going on in her head.”
Your mind was a fucking mess as you stepped into your house, placing the bags of food on the island in the kitchen. 
“Why’d you take so long?” your mother entered the kitchen, raising her eyebrows as she looked at you for a moment before beginning to unpack the food.
“Food wasn’t ready yet,” your response was simple, and the truth. The only reason you had been able to speak to Kie and them for a few minutes was because the food hadn’t been ready yet, but of course, your mom didn’t believe you.
“Hm,” she hummed as your dad walked in, sitting at the table waiting for your mom to serve him, “Did you get your soulmate mark?” She asked it so casually, and for a moment, you thought she might have actually cared, but as you heard your dad let out a snort at the question, you were reminded of the harsh reality. You had turned 18 a week ago, and they were just now asking.
“No,” you shook your head, the lie slipping past your lips easily as you shrugged your shoulders, grabbing a small plate of lettuce your mom had passed to you, making your way to sit at the dinner table.
“What have we always told you?” Your dad spoke up finally, his gaze fixed on you, “We knew you’d be one without a soulmate, we’ve just been trying to prepare you for it,” your mother nodded, agreeing with your dad as they both began to eat their food.
Your fork scraped across the lettuce in front of you as you looked down at it, not feeling even remotely hungry. The conversation between your parents continued, them rambling on about how you’d have to be content being alone, the usual remarks leaving their poised tongues. 
The table shook slightly as you pushed away from it, grabbing your plate and throwing the lettuce into the trash before placing your plate in the sink. Both of your parents were watching you with raised eyebrows as you grabbed your phone and car keys from the counter.
“I’m gonna go to the beach and walk for a bit, call me if you need me,” you could hear their protests as you walked out the door, but you simply ignored them. 
For a moment, you just sat in your car, your hands gripping the wheel as you closed your eyes tightly, willing the tears threatening their way to the surface to go away. After a moment of deep breaths, you collected yourself and began your drive to The Cut. The beaches on The Cut had always been your favorite, free from the prying eyes of those that inhabited your side of the island. They all thought you were happy, but they had no reason to believe otherwise. On the outside, your parents were wonderful at playing the game everyone on the island was entangled in, they were the perfect parents who loved their daughter, bought her everything she could ever need, and set her up for the best life; if only they knew the truth.
By the time you had arrived to one of your favorite hidden beaches, a few stray tears had made their way across your cheeks. You parked and got out of the car, ripping your sweatshirt off and tossing it back into the vehicle. You were wearing a simple white, tight fitting tube top and a pair of jean short shorts that hung low on your hips. If you moved just the right way, you knew your mark would show, but you weren’t worried about that at the moment. JJ was nowhere around you, and you had been the only car in the lot when you pulled up. Quickly you kicked your converse off, leaving them beside your car door as you began your walk down to the secluded beach.
The wind was blowing through your hair, causing the long tendrils to fly around you as you stood, your feet digging into the sand as the waves crashed around them. You wondered for a moment what would happen if you just kept walking until your feet couldn’t reach the bottom of the ocean, how far you’d drift into the ocean, how long it would take for you to let go. Of course, you knew you wouldn’t do it, though the thought was tempting. Your parents wouldn’t care, but they’d care what those around them thought about their only daughter killing herself, and even after everything, you couldn’t do that to them.
Eventually, you got sick of standing, letting your body fall to the sand below you, your feet still firmly planted in the sand as you laid down, your eyes trained on the sky above you. The sun was setting, and the sky was a million different hues of blue, pink, and yellow, and you wished you could get lost in them. Absentmindedly your fingertips traced over the little wave on your hip bone, the feeling of the raised skin against your fingertips bringing you comfort as you let your eyes drift closed. For a moment, you let yourself think of what could be. What would happen if you didn’t hide your mark, and let the universes plan for you carry out. You pictured JJ for a moment, the boy you’d had a crush on for as long as you could remember, and all the moments you shared together when you were younger were overwhelming. You couldn’t remember why you’d started to think he hated you, when he’d never done anything to make you assume that. He, and his friends, had been nothing but kind to you. In the end, it all circled back to your parents. They would spend their time with you muttering about how no one really liked you, how they were all using you, and how you were just simply unloveable. So you pushed JJ away, which hadn’t been that hard considering he was a few years older than you. When you saw him, you turned the other way, ignoring his waves and gentle smiles. When his friends, like Kiara, approached you and asked you to join them for a party or to spend the day with them, you always declined. What was the point of making friends, if they didn’t really like you? Who could ever actually like you?
You failed to hear a pair of boots making their way through the sand, familiar blue eyes locked on your figure. JJ had rarely ever seen you looking so content, but as he got closer, he noticed the small furrow between your eyebrows, a few tears resting on your cheeks still. The motion of your hand caught his eye, his gaze falling down to where your fingertips traced. He stepped closer, making sure he was quiet as he did so, his eyes squinting as he knelt down just far enough from you that you couldn’t sense him. He heard you let out a sigh and he jumped slightly, expecting you to open your eyes and yell at him, but instead you just sprawled your arms out beside you, and that’s when he saw it.
Right there, where your fingertips had been a moment before, resting on your delicate hip bone, was your mark, the one you had told his friends earlier you didn’t have. And it was the same as his.
“What the fuck,” he muttered, standing up again as you jumped, your eyes snapping open to find him hovering over you. You quickly sat up, pushing yourself onto your feet as you looked up at JJ who stood a few feet taller than you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone was here, I’ll go,” you rushed, your cheeks flushed as you ran your fingers through your hair as you tried to step around him, but he stopped you. His fingers wrapped around your small wrist, tugging you back, causing you to stumble slightly into him, your hand gripping his arm to steady yourself. He wasn’t saying anything, but his blue eyes were staring into yours, refusing to break eye contact. The other hand that was wrapped securely around your wrist had made its way to your hip, and soon his fingertips were tracing the mark just as you had been moments before. Your entire body felt like it was on fire, and you knew his felt the same, both of your marks burning slightly at their first discovery. You tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out, JJ’s stare never faltering causing you to shrink under his intense gaze.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” his voice was soft, his eyes seeming to search your face for answers.
“I didn’t... I didn’t want to disappoint you,” you finally gasped out, tearing your eyes away from his, “Just... let’s just pretend this didn’t happen, JJ. You deserve better than me,” you twisted your wrist out of his hold, taking off across the sand and towards your car, your feet moving as fast as they could. 
“Hey, wait!” JJ called after you, and you could tell he was running behind you, but you kept pushing forward, tripping slightly as you approached your car, your hip slamming into the hood. A loud “fuck!” escaped your lips as you threw the car door open, getting inside and shutting it in seconds. JJ had caught up to you, but you locked the doors, ignoring him as he yanked on the door handle, and you looked at him for only a moment before pressing your foot down on the gas, racing out of the parking lot, the converse you had left beside your car getting run over by your screeching tires.
JJ let out a loud scream as he kicked at the shoes in front of him, watching as the one he made contact with flew across the parking lot. His hands were in his hair, his fingers yanking at the blonde locks in frustration. He had his soulmate. He knew who she was. She had been right there, right under his fingertips, and she had taken off.
But if JJ Maybank was known for one thing, and one thing only, it was for never backing down. You were his soulmate, and he’d be damned if he let you slip away from him.
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capesandshapes · 3 years
"snowflake the fairy and her boyfriend BRAD" capes no
Fuck you, this is an invitation and since you asked for it on anon everyone else has to suffer through it too.
Learn about Snowflake and her mystical boyfriend Brad below the cut.
I'm going to give you some background, and by that I mean, I'm going to humiliate myself awfully beforehand: When I was a kid, I freaking loved the Winx club and I would wake up at six am on Saturdays to watch it. Since Winx club began to air with I was eight years old and took a long hiatus in America around the time I turned ten/eleven and my parents also coincidentally had a bunch of computers laying around for me to play around and type on since my dad worked for IBM-- it's safe to assume that I spent nearly every free moment of those three years thinking about this cursed concept and plotting these awful books.
So like, the Winx club was aired on PBS in the midwestern market at an ungodly hour since they also served the east coast, and I would literally go to sleep the second the sun went down to watch it. I was kind of a weird kid, so I always pretended that I was tuning a tv to turn to my favorite channel before bed and so forth, then I'd have these dreams that I was pretty in control of.
And again.
I was obsessed with Winx.
So, obviously, I had these dumb dreams about winx fairies and all of that, but the show wasn't going exactly how I wanted it after like a season (thanks freaking RIVEN) so I drifted away from that and started dreaming about, writing about, and obsessing about my own rip off winx.
Enter, Snowflake. Red hair, blue eyes. Fire powers, even though her name was Snowflake. A clear rip-off of Bloom, but like picture more dresses and she's a fairy who lives in a fucking igloo.
Snowflake started out clearly interested in two men who, I shit you not, were named Brad and Joey. Brad had blonde hair and blue eyes, he was a rip-off of bloom's boyfriend but shirtless 90% of the time and fucking useless. Joey broke my heart. Joey was a rip-off of good old Riven, the love of my young life, only add a cool, tough tattoo on his arm that was a literal knife with the word 'hurt' underneath it.
Snowflake started out as a princess who went to a boarding school, but eventually, I realized that I didn't need the rest of those bitches around (by that I mean literally all of the other students). So Snowflake was a princess who hung out in her kingdom and had like three friends who were decidedly beneath her; Stacey, Edna, and Kay. Kay was Joey's twin sister. They were basically yes girls with one note personalities, save for Kay, who was like Snowflake's best friend and had light powers that were totally ripped off of the Dazzler and useless 90% of the time.
The meat of the story is that there was this older fairy who wanted to melt Snowflake's home and flood the world. She was named Carly because, surprise, I was bullied by a girl named Carly. Carly (in the story) bit people, but like, not as a vampire thing, she just like ate them? You didn't die or even bleed, and the part would grow back, I think I just thought that cannibalism was a pretty mean thing to do.
And also Carly wanted to abduct Snowflake to make her melt the world because Snowflake was basically a glorified lighter.
This all sounds twice as stupid when I write it out.
Anyway, so Snowflake's main boo was Brad, since Joey would have random fits and decide to be evil every once in a while and that was 'annoying'. The problem with Brad, however, was that he was a classic himbo and always got captured and had to be saved from the evil lair (an apartment inside a literal volcano) -- They always caught Brad because, I have no idea why, the idiot of the year was always hanging out in a hot tub and I'm pretty sure that's because that was the only way that my little brain could comprehend him being shirtless all the time as I needed him to be.
But eventually, like the eighth time Snowflake came to rescue him, Brad died. Like, Snowflake saw him across the clearing and this villain literally pushed a fucking boulder on him. I outlined in word and printed out on one of the five pieces of paper my parents would let me have every day (To keep my sister and I from stealing and printing on a whole ream) that this man literally had a boulder rolled on him. Like, Carly climbed up the stairs, went to a ledge, and had the fucking time to roll a boulder on him while Snowflake was talking.
And her spirits were crushed almost as flat as Brad was.
So like Snowflake decided to go out with Joey who was like, "have you ever considered being evil idk it's occasionally fun" and became evil and melted the world? Listen, trauma can change a girl.
Then she became a mermaid and brought her friends back as merzombies
But she wasn't happy, even though she could now wear black and cut her hair? Also Joey kissed with tongue and Brad didn't, so that should have been a major plus.
I really think it was just because Joey wore a shirt all the time, but who knows.
Snowflake's dead parents who died off-screen sometime showed up as ghosts and told her that she could do anything with the power of love. She asked them to stay, AND THEN THEY LITERALLY SAID SOMETHING LIKE, "sorry, we can't be here with you, you can do anything with the power of love, but we're not in love with you, DAUGHTER."
Snowflake cried on Brad's FLAT body and the tears somehow touched it and he was brought back to life and then immediately started to drown because I had a baseline understanding of biology, and by that I mean I understood that people did not breathe water.
Brad dying a second time in front of her made her powers explode
so, somehow, she unlocked all the powers of the HTRAE (THAT'S THE WHOLE UNIVERSE'S NAME, NOT THE PLANET. It's Earth backwards, because technically the planet is just inside earth-- Listen I can't explain this shit very well) and froze her kingdom again
and then suddenly like, controlled all the elements. Like bam, she is nature, bitch. This includes metal. No idea why. Just elements plus metal, which again, not an actual element there.
But it couldn't be over, because I'm from the midwest and my grandma is the head of the church commitee. Ten year old Beth knows how love and romance work, okay, she knows how to craft a fucking story and where to end it.
so I was like I guess her and BRAD get married. And then Joey came back to fight for her hand and he won, but Snowflake didn't love him so she froze him? EVEN THOUGH SHE LIKED HIS TONGUE KISSES.
And then her and Brad literally got onto a horse to ride into the sunset and made out-- With tongue.
and that's just like a really brief summary of my actual hundreds of printed pages (10 pt font) of nonsensical plot that was going to make up the Snowflake Series, and as an eleven year old I was convinced that this would sell for millions of dollars and everyone would be so impressed that they'd carve, 'Creator of Snowflake', into my tombstone.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What was the longest time you’ve had the hiccups for?  Maybe for half an hour? Mine are never that bad.
What type of TV shows are your favourite?  Not a big TV show type of person to begin with since it seems as if my attention span wasn’t built for once-a-week, season-breaks kind of content haha. I do like sitcoms, I guess...bite-sized ones like Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Big Bang Theory, etc. Drama shows I’d bite into if the plot is extremely intriguing to me or relevant to my interests, like The Crown or Breaking Bad.
Have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything?  I was before then I wasn’t for a very long time, then I came back just recently with this BTS shit I got myself into.
Do you know anyone who has died in battle?  Hmm. I don’t think so. My great-grandpa lived a few more decades after the war.
When was the last time you went on an adventure?  July. My friends and I spent the whole day driving around and stopping by sooo many spots around the metro. It was a lot of fun and we were fucking b e a t after.
What brand is your vacuum cleaner?  I dunno. My mom mainly uses ours.
Are you good at rapping?  I have a number of songs and verses memorized that I can recite quite okay, but I can’t write any of my own.
Name one world issue that upsets you.  Racism.
How do you feel about tanning?  I never saw the the big deal. I will say tanning beds and salons are such a culture shock to me, though. Are some people really that obsessed with modifying their skin tone?
Have you ever given a public speech? Hmm, just the one time I was entered into a public speaking competition and was given a topic to talk about on the spot. That was honestly a lot of fun and I wish there were more opportunities to do that exact same thing.
Do you read comic books?  No. I tried getting into that whole thing, but didn’t see the appeal.
Do you force your way into conversations in which you are not involved?  Not always but if I’m starting to feel left out or awkward, I will start to ask a question here and there to ease my way into the conversation. But if the topic is clearly none of my business then I do stay out of the way.
Kiss with your eyes open or closed?  Closed.
Do you believe you can change someone?  This isn’t a black and white matter, I think. The idea of changing a person can have a lot of layers; in my org, for instance, I got to pick up a few quirks and behaviors from my friends just by being around them for a long time – in that sense, I changed. But you can also strive to change someone who’s struggling and try to make them become happy, which I tried to do with my ex – which of course I learned the hard way that you can’t change someone if in that context.
How did you react when your first pet died?  I was bummed out but didn’t throw a fit.
Have you ever drawn anime?  No.
Can you use a pogo stick?  I’ve never even seen one in real life. I’m dying to try it out just once.
When’s the next time you’ll see the person that you like?  I don’t like anybodyyy.
Do you like bathing/showering?  I mean...yes? Like I’m not obsessed with showering, but it’s a necessity that I have to regularly do anyway lmao.
Have you ever considered entering a race?  Sure! Just give me a couple of weeks to practice because my endurance and stamina are embarrassing.
Rihanna or Lady Gaga?  Rihanna.
Who was your first good kiss with?  My ex.
What accessory do you want in your bedroom?  SHELVES
What do you take the most pictures of?  My experiences.
What are you always in the mood for?  Starbuuuuuuckssssssss.
What is something that you never turn down?  A day out with friends. I’ll always make time. What is something that you always turn down when offered?  Food, if I’m a guest at someone else’s place.
Name something sexy about your significant other.  I don’t have any.
What is one of your hobbies that you refuse to give up?  Surveys, I guess. I enjoy them too much and have been doing them for nearly a decade.
If you could be a professional in any sport what would it be?  Tennis.
If you could be a professional at any instrument what would it be?  PIANO.
Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician?  Surgeon. I would be too terrified seeing dead people, anyway.
Have you ever been on a subway? Nope.
Are you in love?  No.
Do you like having your lip softly bitten when you’re kissing?  Sure. Softly, roughly...both are fine hahaha.
Do you want to get married when you’re older?  I hope so. I want my turn, too.
What was the last band shirt you wore?  Eh, I don’t own any. I wore a fanmade V-themed shirt yesterday, if that counts.
You can have a milkshake right now. What flavor do you choose?  OMGGGG that sounds so fucking good rn. Chocolate chip cookie dough.
Have you ever given someone flowers?  Mhm, I used to give my ex bouquets whenever it was our anniversary.
What day of the week is usually your busiest day?  Monday like 98% of the time, so I hate them. It ultimately varies, though. Sometimes some days are a hell of a lot more hectic than others.
Do you have any concerts coming up? I mean...obviously not.
Do you like or hate the smell of fish?  Oh yessssssss. The smell of seafood/ocean always makes me fucking drool.
What’s your favorite brand of chips?  Pringles, or this local brand of salted egg chips that I love to get.
Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud?  Yeah, once. We had to write a poem as our homework and my teacher picked out a couple that he thought were the best-written, and one of them was mine even though I still firmly believe I did a shit job.
Do you like pineapple?  Oh god no. One of the worse fruits I’ve had.
Does your house have a dishwasher?  No. It seems to be just a Western thing.
Do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo?  I probably do, but I just can’t give you a lineup of names. Flower tattoos seem to be trendy these days, especially in the line style.
How many different languages can you say goodbye in?  So I have goodbye, paalam, 안녕히 가세요, adios, auf wiedersehen, sayonara, au revoir...so that’s 7.
Agree or disagree: You like Adam Sandler movies.  Ummmm definitely childish and I can feel that the humor tries so hard sometimes but I do enjoy some of his movies, like 50 First Dates. 
Have you ever had to get a tooth pulled? If so, what for?  Yeah, I mentioned this on a previous survey.
Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail?  No, I’ve never dated anyone who’s been imprisoned.
If you’ve ever babysat, do you like it?  I ‘babysat,’ but technically all eldest Asian daughters are expected to look out for their younger siblings and cousins anyway. I didn’t actively enjoy it, but sure, it was fun playing with them and it’s always nice to be viewed as responsible.
What is your favorite flavor on sunflower seeds?  I don’t eat sunflower seeds. I don’t dislike them, I just really never seek them out.
Do you get cold easily?  Yes.
Do you get a lot of spiders in your house?  Hmm no. If we do get visited they are almost always too small to be seen.
Do you admire nature?  Yeah, I try to be around it as often as I can.
Name one naughty thing you’ve done.  Had sex while a few people were in the same room. I pay for it now hahaha; those friends who had the misfortune to be in that situation have never let me live it down and it’s one of their go-to stories when I’m being introduced to new friends.
Name two of your favorite things as a child.  I loved everything Bratz. I also liked Play-Doh.
Do you own a Pillow Pet?  No, I’ve never even heard of that.
Do you tend to solve problems with violence?  Never.
Have either of your parents gone to jail?  Nope.
Do you know a hoarder?  I heard my grandma had been one, but I didn’t see traces of it when I used to visit her. I guess she had been when she was younger and stronger. I show traces of hoarding too, but I don’t think it’s at a concerning level; I literally just threw out a bunch of shit in my room I’ve hoarded over the last five or so years.
Do you wax, pluck, or leave your eyebrows?  I don’t touch them; I’m never all that worried about my appearance. On very rare instances, I will shave some of the excess hair off. Do you have any interesting scar stories?  None of them are interesting tbh, just results of my own stupidity.
Do you hate the texture of meatballs?  I don’t hate their texture but I also just don’t enjoy meatballs in general. I find them boring, which has always led me to think if they’re really supposed to be just boring clumps of meat or if I’ve just always been served average meatballs.
Do you get migraines? Yes, I usually get one after work. They’ve decreased in frequency now but one will drop by every now and then to give me a shit time.
Do you like guns?  No.
Are turtles amazing creatures? All animals are. :') < Yes! Except cockroaches.
How much time do you spend taking surveys?  I dedicate an hour or so every weekend. I often wish I can allot more time, but I also have other hobbies and interests I would usually want to catch up on during the weekends. 48 hours is just too short :(
Would you rather visit: The Eiffel Tower or Egyptian Pyramids? Pyramids, in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t even need to think about it.
Would you like to work at a candy shop?  Uh no. If I had to, it would be on the back-end, maybe in the corporate side of things lol.
Do you have feelings for someone?  Nope.
Which one of your guy friends is the best looking?  JM.
Do you have anything to say to your ex bf/gf?  No.
Which band do you have the most of on your iPod/music player?  I don’t use music players anymore but my Spotify always reminds me of how much I listen to BTS whenever they do one of their quirky listening habit reports lol.
Which song describes your mood at the moment?  I want to go with RM’s Bicycle just because I’m feeling quite content and relaxed at the moment.
Which movie(s) do you quote the most?  Eh, I’m not a big movie quoter.
Which one of your best friend’s friends would you most likely date?  I honestly don’t see any of them as date-able.
Would you ever let anybody else drive your car?  Sure. I’ve let Hans and Gab drive it countless times when I’ve had too much to drink. It’s a small car and is fairly easy to use and navigate. I would let Anj use it too at some point, but I want her to perfect her u-turns first hahahaha.
Which one of your friends will be the most successful?  It’s already one of my friends to begin with but I’m not naming names. They come from a privileged background to begin with and their godfather already handed one of his companies down to them, so. They were also told the CEO position is already a sure slot for them.
What store did you last shop at?  I wanna say NCAT, this Korean-themed store that sells trinkets and jewelries and plushies and stuff. They also sell BTS albums so Anj and I dropped by to check out and touch all the albums we can’t afford yet HAHA
Do you think telepathy is real?  No.
When did you last draw something for fun?  Last Saturday when I played an online drawing/guessing game with my uncles and aunts.
Who makes the most in your entire family?  My dad.
Do you like writing essays?  I love essays, it’s my favorite writing piece to make.
Do you think plastic surgery is no big deal?  It turns into one when it gets obsessive, like when people get excessive plastic surgeries specifically to look like another person. I’m looking at you, fucking Oli London.
Do you take your trash to the dump or have it picked up?  It’s picked up.
When you sneeze do you sneeze into your shirt or your hands?  I look away and just sneeze. Sometimes I’ll put up my elbow.
Do you usually have sex in the morning, noon or night time? Erm, I usually had it at night. I only had morning sex when we would spend the night; and I nearly never had noon sex.
Did you ever fail your learners/drivers test?  No.
Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?  Gun to my head, Lil Wayne.
Name someone you’ve become a lot closer to recently:  Reena!!! I’m so grateful Angela introduced us to each other :) We both tend to get shy so we don’t actually actively get chatty when we see each other irl, but I love her presence and I love that she is my friend. I make up for it by being super friendly and wacky in our group chat haha. Does your car have a sunroof?  No. We used to have a car that did, but we had to sell that during the peak of the pandemic.
Are you closer to your mom or your dad?  Dad.
Have you ever had a friend with benefits? No.
Who’s the last person you cuddled with?  My ex.
Are you friends with any of your teachers on Facebook?  Yeup.
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theotherackerman · 3 years
My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore
My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Any recognizable elements belong to Attack on Titan.
Saturday, January 23rd
chapter twenty-six: when the butterflies turned to dust that covered my whole room
There was a problem with medication. Once one took it, people seemed to get the idea that one was cured. All those feelings one had earlier were simply gone. Disappeared into some sort of blackhole.
But they weren’t.
The medication stabilized, it made it easier to deal with.
This was the problem that Eren Jaeger was wrestling with today.
Grisha’s birthday creeped near.
It started Friday afternoon and continued into Saturday.
Eren couldn’t tell you why but suddenly he could hear Grisha’s voice in his head. Telling him the music wasn’t good enough. The music would never be good enough. Nothing Eren ever did was good enough. He would never be good enough for anyone. For Mikasa. For Armin. For Zeke. He didn't deserve any of it.
The same things Grisha would say when he was alive.
It didn’t take long for Zeke to notice the change in Eren’s mood.
“Eren,” Zeke said as he sat down on the couch next to his brother. “How are you?”
“I’m not good. Dad’s birthday is coming….I know it’s stupid….I’ve been thinking of him a lot,” Eren muttered before he looked down.
“It is not stupid, Eren. Is there anything I can do to help?” Zeke’s hand rested on Eren’s shoulder.
“I don’t know. I just...I’m going to go upstairs,”Eren said before he stood.
“Well, if you need anything…”
“I know. Thanks, Zeke.”
Zeke Jaeger didn't drink that much.
For obvious reasons.
Much like his brother, it took far too many drinks to make him drunk.
But right now, he would give his left arm not to be sober.
Eren was breaking down as Grisha's birthday came closer.
Pieck was wrecked over Jean.
Niccolo was feuding with Sasha.
Reiner's aunt was in the hospital, dying.
The only sane ones were Marcel, Porco, and Bertolt who were far too wrapped up in a mix of school and work to do anything else.
This was insanity. It was the literal definition. Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
Zeke pulled out her phone and clicked on the contact.
"How do you do it?" Zeke asked.
"Are we friends now or something?" Levi's voice rang in Zeke's ear. "Because I thought you were somebody I paid hourly to listen to my bullshit "
"Okay, fine. Whatever. I am at the end of my rope here and you are the only semi sane person I know. I have two broken hearted people, another kid was a dying aunt, and my brother is going through a mental health crisis because of our piece of shit father's birthday is coming! So a little friendship and compassion would be nice!"
Levi laughed.
He laughed.
Zeke wanted to commit murder.
"Hmm...seems like your kids are as bad as the ones here."
"They are not my ki…."
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Alright, Captain. I see what you did. But what do you do? I cannot deal with this level of heartbreak from all of them."
"Nothing. You do nothing. You listen, you let them cry. You hope they get through it. They're all past needing us to fight their battles. I see the guilt you have for Eren. Not getting him away from Grisha soon enough, saving him. But you've got to let that go. You can't save everyone. And you're there for them. That's what counts. Besides, you and I have bigger things to disassemble."
"I believe I gave you that advice."
"Learn to practice what you preach, doc. Also get more fucking friends. You think Eren wants Mikasa over there sooner? Would that help or make it worse?"
Zeke sighed. He thought about it.
Eren had improved since having Armin and Mikasa back into his life. That improvement was directly from their influence.
"If she does not have other plans, it could not hurt."
"How's he holding up?"
"Well, he has not injured himself or drank. So that is an improvement from last year."
"He injured himself?"
"Not on purpose. He slipped and fell. He hurt his arm. It looked very strange for a bit there."
"I'll tell Mikasa you called because Eren isn't doing well."
"Thank you. I just have to work and I worry while I am gone."
"Whatever. I'm hanging up now."
Stay stable.
Don't relapse.
Easier said than done when it came to the struggle with his bipolar.
Eren was walking a fine line recently. One between his sanity and his past.
The past was harder to deal with than Eren thought.
His phone rang.
It was Mikasa.
"Hey," he said after he answered the call.
"Hi. Zeke called Levi. He said you weren't doing very well."
"Yeah. It's not a big deal though. It's just...my dad's birthday."
"Do you want me there?"
"More than anything.  I mean you don't have to be here but I wish you were. Besides, it's getting late. I don't want you driving in th dark. I know how much you hate it."
"It's okay. I can come."
"No, don't. Tomorrow. Come tomorrow."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Just...stay on the phone with me, okay?"
"Thanks, Mikasa."
"Anytime. Anything you want to talk about?"
"Hmmm….distract me. Tell me something I don't know about you."
"Eren, you know almost everything about me."
"Come on, there has to be something."
"Let me think...oh. When we won battle of the bands, we all went and got tattoos that sort of go together. They're all space themed."
"Oh. That's why you have a moon on your ankle."
"You noticed?"
"Of course, I did."
Eren noticed everything about her. How she laughed and the way her nose crinkled.
"Yeah, so I have a moon, Historia has the sun, Ymir has Saturn. Sasha has a galaxy and Annie has a star," Mikasa explained.
"Why the moon?"
"I don't know. I guess because I've always liked looking up at the moon."
"What about you? Any secrets I don't know?" she teased.
"Oh. I've got a bunch."
"No. I wish. I've told you all mine. No secret tattoos."
"As you said...there has to be something I don't know "
"Uh...well I guess I have always wanted a tattoo especially since you and Armin have them."
"Wait! Armin has a tattoo?" Mikasa exclaimed.
"Oh. I thought you knew. With him dating Annie, I thought she would have told you. He's got birds on his shoulder."
"Huh. I never knew that. What would you get if you could?"
"Well, at first, I wanted birds. Now...I'm not so sure. I guess that's why I haven't got one yet. Maybe something to mark everything I've been through, you know?"
"I do."
Eren and Mikasa talked all through the night about everything. About how Zeke let stray cats come into the house. They talked about writers block and how they both failed at getting rid of it. They talked about what Zeke's house was like in the winter.
They just talked.
Eventually, they both fell asleep on the phone together.
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leavetwn · 3 years
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* AMANDA CAMPANA, NOBINARY + SHE/HER/THEY/THEM  | you know RAMONA GALLO, right? they’re TWENTY-THREE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, TWENTY-THREE YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to CRYING ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR BY MUNA like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole COLD PIZZA AS A HANGOVER CURE, TALKING SHIT ABOUT CUSTOMERS IN THE BREAKROOM, LONGING FOR WHAT COULD'VE BEEN,  thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is AUGUST 17TH, so they’re a LEO, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( claire, 22, est, she/her )
HEY , BESTIES ! happy new year (the way it’s 11:55pm here so barely) !! my name’s claire and i’m 22. i’m livin in the est timezone, and my pronouns are she/her. i’m bringing y’all a mess of a muse 😈 because well  ,,, it’s what i’m best at. if you’re feelin ramona & wanna plot, just go ahead and like this & i’ll hit you up. i usually plot on discord, but if you prefer the tumblr ims, that’s no problem at all. anyway, lemme stop waistin time and get to introducing you to ramona. * tw: mentions of cheating & alcohol. 
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 .
full name: ramona gallo.  nickname(s): anything your muse wants to call her tbh. age: twenty-three. date of birth: august 17th. zodiac sign: leo. gender/pronouns: non-binary, she/her/they/them. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. hometown: irving, north carolina. current residence: irving, north carolina. occupation: employee at zoinkies currently,  a lifeguard during the summer. eye color: brown. hair color/style: had long hair up until her breakup then had one of those breakdowns and cut her own hair into a bob and then her own bangs. i bet it was a mess lol so she probably called her friends or went to a salon the very next day to get it fixed. also highlighted the ends red but her natural color is brown. height : 5′5″. clothing style: simple and comfortable. t-shirts, croptops, turtlenecks, all usually paired with either jean shorts or jeans in general. she prefers to feel cozy rather than cute. tattoos: yes. a small one on her wrist. wants more eventually. piercings: both ears peirced & a navel piercing that she did herself against better judgement lol.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 .
you were born on a scorching hot day in irving , your father says so, anyway. you’re convinced he’s being dramatic. your birth went smoothly; after two previous children, your parents had become disillusioned by childbirth. just another one to add to the bunch, and one that was meant to save a dying marriage. still, they loved you nonetheless. your father, to this day. your mother, until you were ten, and then she up and left without a warning. 
your father keeps food on the table by fixing cars. you spend your days in the hot sun watching him replace parts and continuously try to crank vehicles until they run. he fist pumps every time one does. ‘ how lame, ’ you think, but it’s inspiring how hard he works to take care of three kids. and he does a good job. 
therefore , you spend much of your early life trying to make him proud. you’re smart as a whip, and all your teachers have good things to say about you when it comes to academics. you’re a bit of a troublemaker, though. your father doesn’t mind that too much; he was the same at your age. and he’s proud  —  proud to see you work so hard. 
you spend your teenage years doing much of the same. though , you begin to come home a bit later than usual, and your excuse is that you’ve been at ashley’s or samantha’s, but really all three of you were out partying. you don’t think your father would care (your grades are fine & he wants you to live like a normal teenager) ,  but you still lie about it. why ? well, who knows, maybe you like the adrenaline rush it gives you. like most things, you do them for the thrill. 
you join the swim team. you’re kind of bad , but that’s okay. just like always , you work hard, and you realize that you’re kind of a natural. your father cheers louder than anyone else in the stands. it pushes you to do better. with your good grades and athletics , your guidance counselor tells you you’re a shoo in for a scholarship from whatever university you want. you apply to several. if it’s one thing you hate, its this town. you can’t wait to make it out, and you figure, this might be your only way. 
you’re eighteen, and you’re in love. it’s crazy how love can make you see things differently. suddenly , this town doesn’t seem half bad. all your friends find it cute , and you tell them everything. the things he tells you or the way he makes you feel. it’s a crazy feeling; you never want it to end. 
you throw your cap in the air. finally , high school is over. college is looming. you’ve been accepted to several & received scholarships from at least a few. you lie in bed thinking about it. now, you suddenly don’t want to leave so bad. don’t want to leave him behind. how could someone leave another they love so easily? it makes you hate your mother more.
for the first time, you disappoint your father. you don’t go to college. you don’t give a damn. you want to stay where love is. you’re addicted to the feeling. this lasts for three years. now, you’re twenty-one; you’ve gotten a job at zoinkies, and that keeps you away for most of the day. you randomly decide to visit your boyfriend during a lunch break one day. you find him in bed with someone else. suddenly , you realize love isn’t as addicting as you once thought. what once made the world beautiful now made it hideous. what once made you feel so high had somehow made you feel so low. it was horrible, and you’d realized your mistakes. 
you threw away your future for love. something as rotten and twisted as love. something you swore you’d never let yourself feel again. something that you put away in a locked box with no key. irving was the same place you’d always known it to be. boring, drab, familiar. at least you had your family. that was barely enough to keep you sane, though, and it was hard to feel normal.
you turned to the thing that help. alcohol, partying, any escape at all. you lacked coping skills   —  that much was clear, but you didn’t care. you blamed it on something else entirely. just as your teachers had said, you’re a bit of a troublemaker. you do anything to make yourself feel alive, to make yourself feel free of the hurt. 
it’s two years later now. you’re still not over it in some ways, as regret turns to anger and resentment. you’re bitter. who wouldn’t be? but you feel like you’ve had time to mourn. maybe it’s because you never acknowledged it in the way you should’ve ( it’s still locked away in that box. ) you still have your bad habits. you still work at your stupid job that you hate. you’re lost, but you’ll figure it out. you always do. so, you continue to float , seemingly stuck in the town that you never let go of, and you wonder what comes next. only time will tell.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 .
still swims but doesn’t have as much time for it. probably not as good, but since she spends the summer lifeguarding, she uses that time to practice & try to get back to where she was. also kinda jaded asf so even if she says she wants to get back into it, she probably won’t lmaoo.
is a horrible driver. how did she get a license ?? not even she knows. def the type to like have a leg up on the dash board, hand out the window, and only one hand on the wheel while speedin idk how she makes it out alive
can take a car apart and put it back together again thanks to her dad. also changes her own tires so let her change your tires. im just sayin 
stays up way too late & would sleep until 2 pm everyday if she didn’t have to work. should probably work on being an adult and going to bed at a normal time but just half the time doesn’t give a fuck so she’s probably sleep deprived a lot. therefore also has a 
character parallels: alice ayres/jane jones (closer, 2004) , clementine (eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, 2004) , fiona gallagher (shameless, 2011-present) , more to be added.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
ok but plots really do be making my world go ‘round. 😳 i love em, so literally hmu with anything you’re feeling, and i’ll be down. just wanna plot & write with everyone 💕 but here’s a couple of wanted connections for y’all. i’ll prolly have a most wanted tag sooner or later & i’ma be make a plot page soon.  
* the unholy trinity  — these two are the friends she cherishes most. i’m assuming they’ve been friends since at least early high school , maybe earlier. they went through a lot together. these two were with her through all her relationship troubles. true ride or dies. she’s do absolutely anything for them, and she trusts that they feel the same way. they’re rowdy & wild, do whatever they want, and have a damn good time doin it. also have a gc where they just talk shit and send tiktoks idk just gimme this plsss 🥺
* friends with benefits / one night stands  —  this would probably be the extent of ramona. clearly not over what happened to her the last time 😭, so she’d have plenty of these tbh. she probably wouldn’t think too much about it, but it could be awkward for you muse maybe, etc. 
* unrequited love / crush  —  here’s a toast to the ones who crush on ramona. it would be an absolute tragedy lmaoo. she’s not really mean about it, but she is 100% certain she’s not looking for any type of relationship. could be really dramatic and messy and those are tha best kind. literally this
* former friends / enemies  —  she’s lived here her whole life, so she’s at least got one. these two just don’t get along/no longer get along for whatever reason that can be plotted out. 
* coworkers   — she works zoinkies throughout the year and picks up shifts as a lifeguard during the summer so your muses could know her from that. could delve into a close friend territory too lmao. they probably just sit in break rooms and talk about rude customers or bossy managers lmaooo.
* literally anything your heart desires — a lot could work. we could even just start from nowhere & have them meet for the first time if they’re newer/just to town. 
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alilbitofdoodles · 4 years
Some Melizabeth Headcanons
🔞 Warning: it’s basically just fluffy nsfw content 🔞
View on my page so It’s easier to read! Mobile still makes it look like just a bunch of bullet points though.
Meliodas (demon/past) + Elizabeth (goddess)
This Mel is biggest, cranky asshole in the universe. Why he has to ally with the Goddess Clan is beyond him, but fuck if he isn’t a sucker for big blue eyes, long silver hair, and giant tits (he’d rather die than admit it).
Elizabeth, on the other hand, has a big aversion to conflict in general, but goddesses he is such a prick. One time during a mission, the jerk literally groped her ass in front of the enemy. She purposely ‘forgets’ to heal him every now and then as punishment, but always eventually does so in the end.
Meliodas loves to tease and push her past her breaking points. Seeing her normally calm, collected persona come undone, especially by him, is insanely sexy. It’s his innate predator instincts. He thinks it might be a kink.
Elizabeth gives credit where credit is due. Although he’s haughty and overconfident, he gets the job done is actually a great leader/commander. That’s what she finds most attractive about him at first.
They have THE BIGGEST SEXUAL TENSION EVER, but it takes them forever to fuck because they’re both too damn stubborn to give in.
On Mel’s part it’s just his pride because there’s no way he’d ever desire any woman, much less a goddess for that matter. Elizabeth is just naive on the topic. Her knowledge goes as far as kissing and marriage. 
Their first time is spur of the moment. One second they’re arguing (somehow seeing her get along with other demons gets under his skin and she argues back that she’s free to talk to whoever) and the next moment they’re in a heated kiss. It’s spontaneous and desperate. They’re outdoors in a forest and anyone could walk in at any moment, but that doesn't deter them. Their movements are frantic and forceful, if not a bit clumsy, as they both reach their climax. Elizabeth finishes twice. Once before him, then a smaller second one when Meliodas relentlessly pounds her until he reaches his own climax.
For a while they pretend that it never happened, but this marks the event where they realize they got it bad for each other. 
Meliodas bites and he bites hard. He likes to draw blood and feel her trembling under his lips. He marks what's his and even takes satisfaction in leaving hickies where it would be visible to others. 
Of course, Elizabeth heals the wounds much to his displeasure.
One time she missed a spot on the back of her neck and he enjoyed watching her all panicked and flustered trying to explain how she had gotten hurt from behind by a monster to the others.
Elizabeth is highly reactive and oversensitive. She’s super shy and self-conscious. It doesn’t help that most of his comrades on the demon clan are comfortable showing a lot of skin and have voluptuous bodies.
In those moments he thoroughly explores her body, cooing how downright sexy and irresistible she is until she’s begging him to stop all blushy and frazzled.
Meliodas is insanely cuddly for the aftercare. He nuzzles and continues to leave little marks with soft nibbles. Elizabeth let’s him indulge in such intimacy; she loves it as well. He’s so childish and inhibited when he’s like this. He’s allowing himself to be vulnerable to her.
Wing cuddles. That’s all I need to say.
Meloidas’ favorite position is either taking her from behind (he likes to bite her neck and shoulder. As well as kissing her back where her wings would be) or her on top because he loves when she takes control.
Elizabeth enjoys the spooning position because it’s close and cuddly or anything else where she’s able to see his face.
Elizabeth Liones’ and Meliodas’ 
Before they get together, their relationship is the embodiment of :
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first time was birthday sex when she turned 18 and you cannot convince me otherwise. (The time line matches up perfectly for them to travel for a year and her be a couple of months pregnant).
You can bet your ass they probably did some stuff beforehand, but no actual penetration. 
On a more serious note, they delayed it for a while because they didn’t even know if they can have a child at first and it deeply hurt them.
Hawk ties him up every night and we all know he’d be able to slip out of the rope easily, but he wanted to be able to give Elizabeth peace of mind and still be able to sleep next to her again.
Every now and then, when he’s sure Ellie is deep asleep, he’ll whisper how much he loves her and vows to keep her safe.
He kisses her on the forehead daily before getting out of bed. Of course, she never knows this.
Surprisingly he doesn’t peek at her when she’s bathing, but he’s always waiting on the bed for ‘his turn’ when in reality he loves seeing her flushed complexion fresh out of the bath.
They have a shared closet and Meliodas likes to tease her by ‘accidentally getting caught’ looking at her underwear.
 Initially, Meliodas is a bit apprehensive when getting intimate. He knows Elizabeth’s erogenous zones and what makes her feel the best like it’s second nature, but he can’t trust himself to hold back. 
Each first time with her always feels like it’s his first too and he wants to hold her more carefully.
Is still a biter, but this time more considerate. Favorite places to leave marks are her inner thighs and on her breasts (he claims because it’s closer to her heart, but Elizabeth is sure that’s only 50% of the reason why).
Meliodas praises her constantly and desperately moans how much he needs her and oh boy does it render Elizabeth weak and squirming under him.
Body worship 24/7. This man loves giving oral and making sure she reaches absolute bliss and puts her pleasure over his. He loves feeling the heat of her skin and listening to her heartbeat. It assures him that she’s alive and still with him. 
Some nights, when the past haunts him, he takes his time in placing kisses on every inch of her body and just soaking up her warmth.
Elizabeth Liones 
Before they were able to get her some sleep wear, she wore Meliodas’ shorts and shirts to bed as pajamas for a few days much to her embarrassment. 
Some nights she ‘forgets’ to do the laundry and goes to bed in his clothes.
This time she has some knowledge of sex ed, but the opportunity to touch herself is far too few in between. Which is fine, she doesn’t have any particular need to do so. But some nights when Meliodas is asleep she gets very tempted.
Tries to bite as well, but she's too gentle with it to leave a mark; So usually it's just a slobbery red spot or a hickey.
She claws. The pleasure is too intense for her so her unconsciously drags her nails down his back.
She always apologizes afterwards, but Meliodas laughs it off. He always jokingly teases that she’s given him a second pair of wings.
She offers to heal them, but he always vehemently denies it. They’re marks of accomplishment more than anything to him. 
She always tries her best to swallow, even if Meliodas tells her not to force herself (he does it to her so it’s only fair! she thinks).
More than half the time she can’t. He drinks way too much booze for it to taste anything less than pure bitterness.
Seeing his sin tattoo while they’re getting intimate always makes her soft. It reminds her of his dedication, their promise, and the never ending cycle they lived through just to be able to love one another.
She specifically likes to give that spot a lot of attention, lavishing it in kisses and words of her endless and profound love for him. 
When she’s really in the mood, she makes subtle gestures. Like leaving her underwear in obvious places where he’d find them (after that he immediately hunts her down) or if shes’s feeling bold she’ll take his hand to move it between her thighs.
She keeps the thigh highs and shoes on during sex sometimes. 
He likes to snap the bands of her socks while he fucks her. 
He’s especially responsive when she hooks her legs around his waist to dig her heel into his skin. She thinks back on the the ropes and how he may be slightly masochistic. 
Every now and then she makes them breakfast after a wonderful night of sex and he still eats her food even if it’s not the best because!! He loves her!!
The aftercare is insanely cozy. 
If Elizabeth doesn’t pass out from the mind blowing sex that is.  On more than one occasion she has passed out. His libido is too strong, but she chalks it up to his demon side.
Meliodas dotes on her because he knows how rough he can get when he gives into his urges.
Every session ends with him carrying her bridal style to the washroom and taking a nice, long bath together.
This could also end up with additional bath sex
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