#& the RELATIONSHIP w hera
jgracie · 12 days
I hc that because of being Hera/Juno's champion, Jason is constantly stressed about "what happened if I got my partner pregnant?" (Even if like, they've only held hands)
Cause Hera's influence can be traced to fertility, too, and we don't know how much of her influence can affect the people she blessed
WAITTTTT THIS IS SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭 in my head hera/juno is more of a parent to jason than jupiter is to the point where he might as well be her child not his (so just fyi whenever i’m talking ab their relationship that’s what it is to me i ignore ricks canon 🤬) so already jason is receiving all the blessings she can give him!!!!! many healthy babies and a perfect marriage for mr grace!!!!!!! and he’s hyper aware of this when he first begins dating you because he’s known he’s probs blessed by hera in these departments before but it’s never rly applied till now 😭 so the whole time he’s w u he’s super anxious because he rly doesn’t wanna end up looking at u the wrong way and accidentally somehow making u pregnant LMAO he def wants to bring it up but he doesn’t know how & he’s kinda scared it’ll scare you off 😭😭😭😭
doesn’t bring it up till you’ve finally had enough of how weird he’s been acting and ask and i’ve said thsi before but one thing ab jason is he cannot lie to you to save his life like if he does he’ll beat himself up for it FOREVER!!!! so he tells u everything n ur like “oh 🤔 i mean if hera loves u that much surely she won’t give us a baby if we don’t want one atm yk!” and the RELIEF THAT WASHES OVER HIM when u say that because he never thought of it that way LMAO like yes he is luckier but mommy hera would not spring that on him if he doesn’t want it!
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acaciapines · 2 years
Minkowski's plan to delay Lovelace's repairs to her shuttle goes terribly, terribly wrong, and somehow that's not even the worst thing that happens today. Featuring: golden feathers, several mistakes, and cute little bunnies 
new chapter today! i forgot how fast s2 goes in this au. like it makes sense cause i started halfway through it, but still. we’re almost done with it!
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Yan!Apollo w/Reader!Daughter of Yan!Hera Headcanons (Romantic)
❝ ☀️ — lady l: this headcanon is based more on Hera's POV than Apollo's, but I hope you like it anyway. This ask was thought of and I can do a second part if anyone wants! Good reading and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, jealousy, offenses and hatred, bouts of jealousy, unhealthy relationships, mention of war.
❝🦚pairing: yandere!apollo x reader!daughter of yan!hera.
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No one knew how you ended up in Hera's arms, but everyone knew you were hers. Some said that you were found by her when you were a small child, others say that you were taken by her after she cursed your parents after they had offended her in some way and other versions say that you were her and Zeus's daughter. No one knew the exact origin and it didn't really matter, because you were hers and always would be.
Hera is known for being vengeful and possessive, jealous of Zeus's lovers and anyone who crossed her path. And that jealousy passed on to you as you grew into a beautiful young woman. Your mother wouldn't let anyone near you and when you reached marriageable age, Hera became more suffocating than ever.
She would never let her little girl get married or be defiled by any man. Whether mortal or god, no one will lay hands on you. Hera swore to herself that you would never be touched or hurt as long as she existed.
Apollo has always had an interest in you. He always liked you but never had the real chance to get to know you, not with Hera hovering over you all the time. The god didn't know why but he wanted to get to know you better, to get closer. You attracted him, maybe it was because of your immense beauty, he didn't know, but there was something about you that attracted him like a magnet and he needed to know what it was. So he waited for an opportunity to get closer to you.
And this opportunity arrived in the best way possible. You were finally allowed to wander around Olympus for a bit, without having your mother glued to your side. You begged her if you could go out alone for a bit and Hera gave in very reluctantly. As you wandered through some gardens, Apollo was sitting near a statue of Zeus, playing his lyre and singing something in a low voice. You cautiously approached the god and crouched near a hyacinth bush, hiding and watching him in wonder. Apollo knew you were there, but he didn't stop singing and playing, wanting to impress you.
When he stopped singing and playing, Apolo stared blankly at the bush where you were hiding. That was when you knew you had been caught. You stood up awkwardly, smoothing out your rumpled dress and stammering out a weak apology. You knew it was wrong to spy on others, especially a god. To your surprise, Apollo laughed and approached you, telling you that everything was fine and he didn't mind being watched by a beautiful lady like you. You blushed and smiled at his words and that was the beginning of a beautiful romance.
After this meeting in the garden, you and Apollo began to meet more often, all hidden from your mother's jealous eyes. You found yourself more and more attracted to this god and Apollo more and more in love and obsessed with you. You were perfect in his eyes. Benevolent and merciless in just the right amount, a daughter of Hera indeed. You would be a perfect wife and Apollo found himself more and more eager to ask you to marry him, but he was no fool, he knew that Hera would never accept. So he wouldn't ask her permission, but rather his father.
Apollo went to meet Zeus and told him his wishes, that he would like to marry you, leaving his father at an impasse. Zeus would like to allow you to become his son wife, but Hera would never allow it. And she was the goddess of marriage, getting married without her blessing wasn't the right thing to do. But Apollo didn't care and when Zeus reluctantly gave his permission, he knew what he had to do.
One night, Hera was by your side as you tried to fall asleep. Like the caring and patient mother she was to you, she kept you company until you fell asleep. As you fell asleep, Hera left the room and locked the door like she always did. You woke up a few minutes later and opened the window, allowing Apollo to enter. Once in your room, Apollo kissed you and got down on one knee and asked you to marry him. Your heart raced and before you could think, the words ''yes'' left your mouth and you were in Apollo's arms, kissing him passionately. You were so focused on each other that you didn't hear the door open until Hera started screaming.
Hera had known something was wrong for weeks. She suspected but had no proof that you were seeing anyone, until that cursed night. She left your room and waited for a few minutes, wanting to make sure you didn't have a lover, the thought made her sick. When she heard voices coming from inside your room, Hera unlocked the door and quickly walked in and she saw red. All she felt in that moment was hate, pure rage seeing you in the arms of a bastard of a husband. Hera had never been so sorry that she hadn't been able to kill Apollo when he was still in his whore mother's womb. How dare he tarnish you? Her pure princess? She was ready to kill him.
Apollo pushed you behind him just as your mother started screaming. This sight only enraged her further. It wasn't enough that he dishonored you, he still wanted to keep you away from the only person who would always love you. You flinched at your mother's screams and Apollo's eerie calm. When Hera finally stopped screaming, she tried to get closer to you but Apollo wouldn't let her. Just as Hera was about to curse him, Zeus stormed into the room furiously and demanded to know what was happening. Hera couldn't explain how furious she was and Apollo was very calm. Zeus looked at you and when he saw the ring on your finger, he knew what had happened. Curse that Hera had discovered that way.
Zeus tried to calm his wife, but his attempts were frustrated and he had to impose himself so that she and Apollo did not start fighting physically or trigger a war. Apollo just said that you and him would get married and that Hera would have no right to interfere, not when he had the blessing of the King of Olympus. Hera let out a scream of rage and all this fury was diverted towards Zeus, leaving the god in trouble. Hera was screaming at her husband and demanding answers, how did he have the nerve to let his bastard son get his hands on you? Hera doesn't remember feeling as much hatred towards Zeus as she did at that moment. Zeus remained silent, trying to remain calm while being insulted by his wife. When she finally stopped yelling at him, she turned to talk to you and you were no longer there.
Apollo had taken you. Hera fell to her knees and uttered curses. Zeus just watched her with remorse. She got up and sat on your bed and grabbed your pillow, in an act of fury, she tore it and her green eyes were filled with hatred. She would destroy Apollo and anyone who got in her way until you were safe and sound in her arms. She was ready to start a war, use her son, Ares, to destroy the world to bring you back. She swore these words and Zeus, for the first time, was speechless.
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percyluvr · 4 months
helloooooo!!!! can i request a percy jackson x daughter of hera!reader headcanons?? it would be pretty interesting to see hera having a child tbh
thank you if you do 💛
percy jackson x daughter of hera!reader summary: hcs for percy with a daughter of hera
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when he first met you he was kinda worried bc he has beef with hera
but he's also confused bc wasn't she not supposed to have kids??
he expected you to be just like your mom
and you lowkey were
but you were a bit less.. uptight
but at the same time, u cant really blame her, her husband literally cheats on her so much
i think u'd be so caring to him and he would love it SO MUCH
since hera is the goddess of marriage and childbirth, u would lowk take care of him like hes ur son
but like not in a weird way
u just care ab him so much that u baby him all the time
since both of ur cabins are always empty except for each other, u have sleepovers all the time
u have a pretty close relationship w ur mom, esp because ur her only demigod kid
percy isnt really jealous per say, bc he's decently close w poseidon, but like
he wishes he was that close with him
hera visits u in ur dreams a LOT bc she just loves u a lot
zeus is mad but she dgaf cuz ur her only daughter
and only kid
so obviously she's protective
esp when u tell her that u and percy r dating
shes at camp the next day asking u to introduce her to him
which ur like "mom pls y'all have already met"
and shes like "yes, but never when he was ur bf"
so u just go along w it bc u love her
they're lowk beefing bc she doesnt want u to get hurt
but as time goes on she realizes how much percy loves u and cares abt u
and she thinks ur the cutest couple ever
she is ready for yall to get married bc shes gonna throw the most extravagant and perfect wedding
and shes so excited esp bc ur the only kid she's going to be able to do this for
have i mentioned that she loves u a lot?
yk how in like house of hades and i think chalice of the gods when percy looks at annabeth and is js like "i cant wait to marry her and have kids"
yeah, hes like that but 300000x
and he's so excited bc he knows that ur gonna be SUCH a good mom
people always think ur weak bc ur mom "lets herself get cheated on"
or whatever dumbass shit they be saying
but u prove them wrong
mothers r fr the most powerful people in the UNIVERSE
and ur basically a mother bc u take care of everyone at camp
ur always at the infirmary helping the apollo kids bc its just in ur nature to love taking care of people
and percy always comes in with even the smallest little injuries
and it just warms ur heart to know that he wants to come see u even when ur working
u take care of the little baby pegasi too omg
gn thats so cute
imagine if blackjack had a lil baby pegasi and u took care of it
and percy is just like
ur so sweet to them even if theyre "just horses"
it makes him so excited to have kids w u
whenever u see a little kid
or like a younger camper
u always tell him that u cant wait to go to new rome uni and then get married and have kids w him
the two of u are just so excited for the future with each other fr
i just think the two of u would be taking care of the pegasi and u would fall asleep in the hay after staying up talking
big surprise for the kids that have riding lessons that morning...
yall werent embarrassed tho cuz u have no shame fr
well, u have shame
percy has none
not the point.
everyone at camp sorta sees u as a mother and they always come to u
lowk camp therapist
bc they NEED one real bad
but it doesnt bother u bc u love to help them
ur always trying to fix problems at camp
and its very upsetting for you when you cant, and percy is always there to comfort u
ur lowk a meddler like ur mom
but its okay bc ur just worried about ur friends
i think that u would maybe have some soothing powers kinda like a hypnos kid, where u can like calm people down or put them to sleep
i also think that percy would suffer from panic attacks after his nightmares
so after he has a nightmare, you're there and if you can't soothe him with your words you just use ur powers
u can't stand to see him like that
it just upsets you so much
percy is so grateful for ur powers, but hes even more grateful for you
i think ur a lot more relaxed than most people at camp
and u dont really see the point in doing dangerous things for fun
which is different for percy, but he really does like it
he likes that he can just go to you and ask to relax and ur always down for that
its a change of pace that is definitely welcome and necessary in his life
ur definitely more of a rational thinker than him, so u stop him from doing some pretty stupid things
but u would never stop him from having fun
or doing thing that are important to him
ur relationship is lowk the blue print
yall just take care of each other fr
and ur like an old married couple which u two get teased ab
but u dont care
cuz u cant wait to get married lol!
a/n: this was a vv interesting request to write and i honestly loved imagining what a child of hera would be like so thank u for the req!
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pumpkinbxtch · 23 days
hello baby!!! congrats and im so proud of ya, u deserve all of it fr fr 🤍🤍🤍
i wanted to request SOME OF DAYDREAMING for your event, about percy and obviously, daughter of hera reader. love love love you! do your magic sweetie 😚🫶🏻
hiiii, omg. thank youuuu! 🥹 and yeeeeah. so here we goooooo
✧⁠*⁠。SOME OF DAYDREAMING w' percy jackson and daughter of hera reader
Percy never knew he could find that kind of glorious and definitely heavenly love. He never knew it until he met you and nobody could take him away from you. Not even Hera, your mother. He didn't care much, to tell the truth.
For Percy you were his only church, the sacred place where he placed his faith and loyalty; the same that you lovingly guarded and faithfully respected. Both were perfect and just what Hera never found in Zeus: a loving and reciprocated relationship. You were crazy about each other that probably could dying in peace looking into each other's eyes.
The kind of love that usually takes most of your life to find. That luck had been given to you and Percy thought that he couldn't wait any longer to turning it into something serious.
When you finished dinner at the restaurant, he was amazed by the beauty of your simple person and you smiled with reddened cheeks. He intertwined your hand with his and huffed dramatically, making the hair that fell across his forehead flutter.
“please be mine” he dreamily begged and you raised your eyebrow clearly confused.
"but I'm yours, percy" you said and he kissed your hand with fervor. not needing anything else to take the little box out of his pocket and opening it before your eyes. You knew exactly what it was and you knew very well how he had come up with the idea of ​​giving you a promise ring.
"My mother," you said, shaking your head in amusement as he slid the ring onto your finger.
"Well, Lady Hera may have had the best idea in her eons of life. And one we can finally agree on."
“Pers…” He denied and interrupted you as politely as he could.
"Please" His eyes spoke for themselves and you laughed.
"I'm not saying no. I'm saying that rings I think we've been wearing for quite some time." He didn't seem surprised, in fact he acted as if you had only confirmed his thoughts.
He leaned over the table and with a charming smile reminded you for the thousandth time why you would never let him go.
"Oh, honey. I know. I just like the things that shine on you."
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lvckyyz · 5 months
❝ masterlist ❞ ᯽
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𓂃 cabins headcanons:
zeus cabin
hera cabin
poseidon cabin
demeter cabin
ares cabin
athena cabin
apollo cabin
hunters of artemis
hephaestus cabin
aphrodite cabin
hermes cabin
dionysus cabin
hades cabin
iris cabin
hypnos cabin
nemesis cabin
nike cabin
hebe cabin
tyche cabin
hecate cabin
thanatos cabin
hestia cabin
psyche cabin
𓂃 camp half-blood random headcanons:
one eyed friend; tyson friendship w/ cabin 9
mission accomplished; three demigods and one mission
dinner time; how the cabins behave during dinner
𓂃 cabin x cabin (friendship)
the storm; relationships between cabin 1 and 3
trust / dare; cabin 16 friendship with cabin 14 and 5
friendship; cabin 13 and 14 being friends
somebody to love, part two how each cabin would react to their siblings being in love
𓂃 godly parent series + family relationship
godly parents, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight; the gods relationship w/ their children
family issues; cabin 1 meeting their siblings from olympus
cabin’s powers and abilities
magic; how i think the cabin 20’s powers would be
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Hey hope you're doing well, I love your Greek mythology work!
I am not well (because I have exams) but I am missing my Greek mythology works so I shall spare some thoughts:
Platonic yanderes Hades and Persephone who had kidnapped reader and the forced her to eat pomegranates and drink ambrosia, eagerly waiting to find out what powers their "child" will have, wonderi g if you'll be a god of something like your new parents, only to be pleasantly surprised when you turn out to be a diety of yandere relationships. Not only that, but you also have the power of "attracting yanderes" which means you now have a lot of unwanted admirers, much to your parents displeasure. Now, Hades and Persephone have to deal with not only having to stop you from running away/putting yourself in danger but also ward off any of these deranged yanderes who will defy death and even the gods themselves to get to you.
Romantic yandere Hercules sneaking into Olympus to meet reader, who'd been forbidden by Hera and Demeter (her protective mamas) to not see the himbo ever again, even hiring your diety siblings like Dionysius, Ares, Hermes, etc to keep an eye on you. But himbo yandere Hercules is an unstoppable force and he'll keep on knocking your siblings out until he gets to you, only to pout and apologise when you scold him for hurting your siblings, but you're scolding him from lap with his arms around you, so... a win is a win. He'll let you give him an earful for the rest of eternity if you're by his side (and pregnant with baby number 22🥰)
Platonic yanderes Perseus and Medusa having to cope with not breaking down every five minutes after Medusa had plucked out her daughter's eyes for the second time and now reader had turned non verbal. Even though Perseus had taken reader to Olympus so that Apollo could heal her in his infirmary, she still refuses to talk to them. And it's just a thousand times more painful when grandpa Poseidon visits you and you beg him to take you away from them. It hurts because you'd rather live with the one man who Medusa hates more than anything in the world. Its now up to Perseus to stop the tears of the two most important people in his life.
Romantic yandere Ares returning from battle, all bloodied and tired and he just wants to go to his room and cuddle up to his captive darling who he'd chained to his bed, only to see you running from his castle. Ares just watches you for a few minutes before sighing and tackling you to the ground. "I was hoping for a nice evening today, but I guess not-" "LET ME GO, YOU PERVERT-!" "SILENCE! YOU WILL NOT INETERUPT ME! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" He yelled at you, glaring at you until you were shaking like a kicked puppy. "Now, since you tried to escape and didn't even make it that far, you will now get up and run around the palace grounds." You looked at him confused. "W-what?" Ares pushed the hair away from your face. "You're gonna run laps. It's to train you. If you're gonna run, you're gonna have to put some effort in. No darling of mine will do a half ass job, even in escaping. So, up you go." He pulled you up before giving your butt a smack. "Run, now."You begin running, confused. "Oh and princess?" You looked behind. "Just for motivation, I'm gonna chase you. And everytime I catch you, I'm gonna do that thinh Ive been wanting to do in bed. But I'll do it right here, in the ground, where anyone can watch." He grinned evilly, watching you run with new vigour.
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 7 months
can i request hcs of jasón w a fem reader who gets easily jealous? maybe he left her behind at camp jupiter when hera took him. he’s not dating piper, but she doesn’t know that. ty!
He comes home
pairing: Jason Grace x female!reader
warnings: none
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author's note: Let me just say that if my man was talking came back with a girl next to him and he was almost acting normal, I would rip my hair out.
The reader would be seething, clenched teeth, hot cheeks, and everything.
He disappears out of nowhere, which you probably understood wasn’t his fault. You’ve been there from the very start since he came to Camp J. He had fully booked appointments with quests, no wonder he was gone one day: but you realized that it wasn’t the same. You felt this anxiety pooling in your chest, you knew this wasn’t the normal disappearance.
When he arrives with his so called “crew” you didn’t like either Piper or Annabeth. But you knew Annabeth wasn’t someone that would do anything, since she was Percys.
But even so, the thought of Jason settling down with others for six-fucking-months, made you want to absolutely go ballistic.
But you knew deep-down that he didn’t do it on his own, it was the same situation as Percy – it was against his will, and he had lost his memories.
But does he remember you?
That thought washed away when you saw the way he was acting stand-of-ish when he saw Reyna. So, he does remember, he remembers you.
It gave you some relief. But how were you going to make up for the time he was gone?
Based on the ever-so-serious facial expression on his face, the quest was not over. Not even close. You wanted to sigh and almost act immature about it, but it would do you no good.
Maybe even the reader would do impulsive things just tog et his attention. Jason is very analytical with his feelings, to the point where he rationalizes them – so he wouldn’t react much after the first time, its almost like he shuts off his emotions just to protect himself.
But he would have to take the convo private and talk to !reader, to get a clearer understanding of the situation but also your feelings present.
He wants you to be the feeler in the relationship. While he is the cool-headed one, he can’t let himself get too caught up in his feelings – so when you express yourself hate, love, happiness he feels good. He feels safe to know that there is someone there to express and project my feelings for me. You are not just a person to him, but something essential for him to feel human, a person that isn’t just a tool or a weapon for the Gods.
He would definitely understand your point of view and make it very clear that he did not leave on purpose and that he is not in any romantic or close relationship with any girls. He got some of his memories back, but part is still left out. Even so, he would try his best to explain that his feelings are still very real but if you want to break things off, he will let you.
The last statement might cause an argument, because why would you want to leave him? No, you’re angry because he left, and you spent months without knowing if he was really safe.
One hour later, Jason is holding your hand when he introduces you to the rest of his crew. You’re happier but can’t help but feel needy in a way.
Jason would let you hold his hand and put an arm around you, but he gets distracted and ends up moving away from you just to talk a little about the next step for their quests.
In order for your relationship with him to work, you will need to agree to let him go when he wants or needs; also, be comfortable with him being around others for long periods of time.
But Jason would know of your jealousies already and would know the perfect way to make you feel better: spending time together and some wholehearted apologies.
Lets say he didnt come back, you would go on a search for him and maybe even treathen a couple of minor gods just to find him.
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kyrri0 · 6 months
post malachor really brings some unprecedented changes to kanan and hera's relationship it drives me insane
theres no more non verbal communication unless theyre next to each other. (fanon, but i choose to believe that) hera's lekku movements were also part of their conversations and now they can't be anymore. he cant read her from a distance. when kanan starts wearing that mask she cant see his face either and it cuts them both off from each other.
at the start of season 3 theyre almost strangers. hera is so unsure when she goes to talk to him, and in the end she cant get through to him the way she used to. kanan's whole demeanour has changed. neither of them feel like they know the other well anymore. hera is fully throwing herself, zeb and the kids into the rebellion w/running missions and leadership while kanan is on indefinite rebellion leave because he doesn't trust himself. like !!!! even their goals are diverging and it probably feels like an indescribable gulf between them im so ok about these two
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vibes516 · 3 months
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The idea of Omega 10yrs from now living life hiding from the empire yet still being some sort of mercenary is a vibe.
Feel like that she would have a lot of mental baggage, especially in the sense of the rest of the BB are gone. She’d be like 25, and say Crosshair was still alive, chilling in retirement at 50ish yrs, Omega would have a lot of trust issues.
Sure she always goes with loyalty, but her time on tantiss impacted her, and if she has to face that again, or at the very least run from that, that would be a lot of stress mentally.
I also like the idea that even is she wants no part in a rebellion, she has some sort of relationship with Hera, and probably interacts w the Rebels at some point.
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jgracie · 13 days
I sometimes think that Beryl named Jason like that not for Zeus, but for Hera/Juno.
Like, a small attempt to get on her good side
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unfortunately in canon it was acc jupiter who named him jason so that juno wouldn’t get mad at him 😣 but i like ur view SO much better i feel like beryl is such a complex character & while her actions r so wrong she does have her reasons yk?! the whole grace family is so tragic fr
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h0bg0blin-meat · 2 months
All the basics of Greek myth
The gods/godesses their roles,ther relationship etc etc
Okay. So first of all we all know about the 12 Olympians, i.e., Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes. Hephaestus and either Hestia or Dionysus, plus Hades.
Now before these Olympians there were the Titans, which included Kronos, Rhea, Oceanus, Coeus, Japetos, Crius, Hyperion, Theia, Themis, Tethys, Phoebe, and Mnemosyne, all of whom came from the Primordials, Ouranos and Gaia.
Along with them the other primordial gods included Khaos, Tartarus, Erebus, Eros, Nyx, Aether, Hemera, Pontus and Ourea.
Now this is an extremely brief explanation of these three generations of deities. I’mma get into a little more detail into their relations by whipping out Hesiod’s Theogony/the Greek Creation Myth (cuz his version is considered the standard creation myth for this pantheon till date), which sums about everything up pretty well actually so… Kudos to our fellar.
So according to this myth, in the very beginning, there was only chaos, from which we get the personified and deified version of it called Khaos. But soon after Gaia, Eros and Tartarus pop up, and then Khaos creates two more deities, namely Erebus and Nyx, who then, together, proceed to create Hemera and Aether, while Gaia creates Ouranos to partner up with, and they both, again together, whip out
The male titans, namely Kronos, Coeus, Japetus, Crius and Hyperion.
The female titans, namely Rhea, Themis, Tethys, Phoebe and Mnemosyne.
Three cyclopses, namely Brontes, Steropes and Arges.
Three Hekatonchieres (monstrous giants of immense strength and power, each having fifty heads and a hundred arms), namely Briareos, Kottos and Gyges.
Now all of these three sets of kids have one common thing, hating on Ouranos, for some reason that gets later uncovered. The reason is mostly him kidnapping his monstrous-looking kids and hiding them in secret places under the Earth (which, here, is Gaia).
Gaia got sick of this shit and produced a sickle out of adamant and asked her kids to teach Ouranos a lesson, but among these kids, only Kronos stood up to do it and so he did. Hid inside Gaia and when Ouranos came to lay with his wife, his lil kid popped up and castrated him, his two little thingies falling into the ocean, leading it to foam, and from that foam was born our beloved Aphrodite. Sensational. From his blood arose the Erinyes (chthonic goddesses of vengeance), the Giants and the Meliai (nymphs of the ash tree).
Now Kronos had full control over the cosmos from Ouranos, and was producing kids (i.e., Hestia, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera and Hades. Zeus wasn’t born yet) with Rhea. But his dad and Gaia had prophesized that one of his own kids would overthrow him, and from there we get the famous Kronos-swallowing-his-kids myth. And ofc, Zeus gets saved from the swallowing thingy with the help of his mom and grandparents, and then raised in seclusion in a cave below Mount Aigaion in the city of Lyktos of Crete. Also Kronos doesn’t know about this cuz Rhea wrapped up a huge stone in baby’s clothes and gave it to him saying it was the last kid, aka, Zeus.
(Chiron is also one of Kronos’s kids, and hence Zeus’s half-brother, paternally cuz Kronos once turned himself into a horse to mate with the Oceanid nymph, and one of the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys, Philyra, who mated with him in the usual human-nymph form, and hence we get him as a centaur.)
After Zeus grew up fully, he forced Kronos (Gaia did something to help with this, like give him some kinda poison secretly to make him puke his kids out-) to release his siblings. He then released the Cyclopses (who were still trapped with the Hekatonchieres btw), and then gave him his signature thunderbolt. This is when the great war called the Titanomachy happened between the Titans and Zeus and his siblings, over the control of the cosmos. This war went on for years, and in the 10th year, Zeus even released the Hekatoncheires, who also helped him overthrow the titans. Zeus threw his thunderbolt at the previous generation of gods, hence defeating them and throwing them into Tartarus, thus ending the war.
There was another threat to him tho, and it was Typhon, son of Gaia and Tartarus. But Zeus defeated him too and threw him into Tartarus as well.
Then my mans got elected as the king of gods (as he should), and had his first wife Metis. But after knowing that he had the same fate as Kronos, i.e., a son of Metis would overthrow him, he swallowed his wife (while she was pregnant with Athena, and hence later on we see Zeus HIMSELF giving birth to a fully-grown Athena from his mind) and that’s how he ended the cycle of succession. Smart move but I need justice for Metis >:<
Now for the new generation of Olympians, i.e., Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Dionysus and Hephaestus (also let’s add Persephone too), here’s how it goes. (Athena and Aphrodite were already covered above)
Apollo and Artemis were twin kids of Zeus’s 6th wife, Leto, who was the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe.
Persephone was born from the union of Zeus and Demeter. (there are other versions to this myth too)
Dionysus was born from the union of Zeus and Semele (a mortal woman), but he was again stitched to Zeus’s thigh to save him from Hera, who was deadlocked in killing him (cuz ofc Zeus cheated on her with another woman), and later births Dio himself. (there are other versions to this myth as well. For example, another myth says he was born from the union of Zeus and Persephone.)
Hermes was born from the union of Zeus and Maia (Atlas’s* daughter)
Ares, Hebe and Eileithyia were born from Zeus and Hera.
(*Atlas was one of the kids of Japetos and Clymene, who’s an Oceanid, and hence one of the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys.)
Now I haven’t mention what these deities are the gods of, because even though they are known for maybe one of two things they govern over (like Athena for wisdom and war, or Apollo for sun and music), their designations are actually pretty broad, and this post is long enough so ykw I’mma ask you to check out theoi.com and the theogony section of Wikipedia for further info :)
Thanks for the ask I had fun writing this lmao. (Might’ve made errors or stuff so correct me in case yall spot any)
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percyluvr · 4 months
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౨ৎ masterlist
percy jackson x reader summary: you get the flu and percy takes care of you
percy jackson x fem!reader summary: percy comes home after a long day of school to find his girlfriend and his mother immersed in a gossip session
percy jackson x daughter of psyche!reader summary: hcs for percy with a daughter of psyche reader
percy jackson x gn!reader summary: percy skips class to lay in bed with you
percy jackson x daughter of thanatos!reader summary: percy admires his girlfriend while she trains
percy jackson x child of asclepius!reader summary: percy is a pain in the ass, but he's your pain in the ass
percy jackson x daughter of demeter!reader summary: hcs for percy with a daughter of hera reader
percy jackson x daugher of hera!reader summary: hcs for percy with a daughter of hera reader
percy jackson x daughter of apollo!reader summary: your boyfriend breaks up with you and percy becomes your #1 defender, falling in love with you in the process
percy jackson x reader summary: just some drabbles about little things percy does for you that show how much he cares about you
percy jackson x daughter of zeus!reader summary: hcs for percy with a gf who’s a daughter of zeus
percy jackson x reader summary: you don't think you will ever be good enough for percy, so you watch him slowly fall in love with another girl that isn't you pt 2
percy jackson x hermes cabin counselor!reader summary: hcs for percy with hermes counselor reader basically being him but as a girl
percy jackson x child of nike!reader summary: you’ve been overworking yourself preparing for capture the flag and something your boyfriend says finally sends you over the edge
percy jackson x child of persephone!reader summary: you come back to camp halfblood and realize that percy has a crush on you
percy jackson x child of dionysus!reader summary: you enjoy a quiet picnic with your boyfriend
percy jackson x child of hypnos!reader summary: you and percy enjoy the soothing qualities of your cabin
percy jackson x fem!reader summary: a quiet, sleepy morning with you and your boyfriend
percy jackson x aphrodite cabin counselor!reader summary: valentine's day at chb brings you and your best friend closer than ever
percy jackson x child of aphrodite!reader summary: you see a trend on tiktok & convince your boyfriend to do it with you
luke castellan x daughter of persephone!reader summary: you get hurt during capture the flag and luke gets worried
luke castellan x child of ares!reader summary: luke sneaks into your cabin because he can’t sleep without knowing that the two of you will be okay
jason grace x daughter of apollo!reader summary: you and jason enjoy a winter day full of teasing and banter
jason grace x child of hypnos!reader summary: you fall asleep on jason's lap
jason grace x fem!reader summary: hcs for jason grace w a reader w lots of acne
jason grace x daughter of poseidon!reader summary: your boyfriend and your brother have issues at first, but bond over the fact that they both love you with all their hearts
jason grace x fem!reader summary: you get jealous when jason gets flirted with, but he reassures you that you’re the only girl for him
jason grace x daughter of aphrodite!reader summary: you do the bow trend with your boyfriend
jason grace x reader summary: when percy’s relationship ends, he goes to you hoping to get a second chance to be with you, but finds you happy and in love with someone else pt 1
leo valdez x daughter of poseidon!reader summary: hcs for leo with a daughter of poseidon reader
leo valdez x reader summary: you kiss leo for the first time to shut him up
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
reyna ramírez-arellano x praetor!reader summary: after a tiring battle, reyna can’t help but think of all of the people she failed to save
clarisse la rue x gn child of thanatos!reader summary: clarisse and her s/o are undefeated in capture the flag
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thewritingginger · 1 year
Fluff Alphabet - Hermes pt. 2
Fluff for our fluffy babe
Fandom: Blood of Zeus Letters: I, N, U, V, W Warnings: None, Fluff
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I nspired - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
His s/o helped him work through some his childhood trauma w/ his step mother Hera
& just generally helped teach him that his feeling matter and that they are ok to express when he needs to
He’s always so busy helping others and being a shoulder for his s/o that he kinda forgets/ doesn’t really think about his needs in the same vain
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
His Nicknames for you: 
My Love/ My Heart
Bug (cuz you’re smol and you’re his cuddle-bug lol)
Your Nicknames for him: 
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Very empathetic!!
This is our sweet boi!!!
This man is the one to go to when you need to be heard and a shoulder to cry on, he’ll listen to you for as long as you need him to & give answers/ comments when you want them
After being with you he can read you better than yourself sometimes
If you’re getting anxious in a social situation he knows and will help you as best he can, either by comforting you or leaving if you need to
If you’re feeling sad he can see that will go out, get your favorite treat or meal and cuddle with you on the couch till you’re ready to talk about it
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it thats worth in comparison to other things in their life?
If you’re serious you’re his near top priority tbh —especially if y’all are married
If you tied together he values your opinion when it comes to the smallest things like what to have for dinner to big life decisions like whether of not he should take a job
You’re his rock and he wakes up grateful everyday he has you
W ild Card - A random. Fluff Headcanon.
Hermes really wants to be a daddy—biological or adoption, he don’t care
One day you offed to watch your friend’s kid so they and their partner could have a night for the two of them
Being friends them as well, Hermes came over to help you
Your friends left midday so about an hour after they were gone you packed up the babe and the three of you went to the store to get a few things for dinner
Placing the toddler in the cart you began pushing them around and Hermes watched as the two of you interacted.
He couldn’t help the smile pulling at his lips when you’d deviate from your path to look at something the little girl was pointing at
Watching you cave and getting her an ice cream for after dinner warmed his heart
Then to top it off he couldn’t help feeling an odd sense of happiness when an elderly women at the check out commented on your little group
“I just have to say, you are the cutest little family.” Hermes just smiled wide, his arm slung around your shoulders as he thanked the women. In the moment you just laughed it off and smiled back
It wasn’t till the two of you were making dinner, your friend’s kid watching a movie in the livingroom, when you bring up what happened
“You thanked that woman when she mistaked us for a family,” you started, stirring the pot on the stove.
Coming up from behind you, Hermes wraps his arms around your midsection and kisses your shoulder
“Is the idea of us having a family that terrible,” he jokes, his warm laugher vibrating against your back
“No,” you quickly say. Putting the lid on the pot you turn in his arms, “It’s just that I hadn’t thought about it much.”
“Really?” he says, eyebrows raised amused.
“Do you think about it alot?”
“All the time,” his admission steals the breath from your lungs and your belly flutter in the best way
“Really?” your response mirroring one of his own, except this one is filled with more awe and love than humor
“Really,” he confirms, knocking his forehead against yours, “I’ve known since the moment I met you’re my one and with each day, including this one, I’m reminded how great of a parent I think you’d be,” can this man make a person melt anymore?!?
“I think you’d be great too,” you confess, wrapping your arms around his shoulders pulling him down for a kiss and just as your lips touch you hear a little voice behind you
“Groooosss,” you and Hermes share a little laugh, figuring if this is the future you want you might as well get used to it now
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[Pt. 1]
Hope you enjoyed that :3
💛 ~
~ Masterlist ~
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aloneholy · 4 months
hi i love your blog :) & was wondering if you could recommend your favorite/the best sapphic n wlw media like shows books movies please? I have recently come to ... Realisations .. :') I do love picnic at hanging rock btw and also the similar vibes of the media that you tend to reblog. homeorotic energy w out being Explicity Stated it also very welcome <3 thank you if you can and i hope thats okay !!! have a good day :)
hellooo what a lovely question - thank you so much! i’ll happily rec some things i’ve loved, especially that i find homoerotic/wlw media that Compel me much harder to come by - and i agree, picnic at hanging rock is so unique.
- zami: a new spelling of my name by audre lorde - an “autobiomythography” & maybe thee most formative book for me, in terms of wlw reading. i read it for university and it changed me as a person, changed the way i look at loving women. it’s beautiful
- nightwood by djuna barnes - if you like the more unsettling aspects of picnic at hanging rock, something lynchian and modernist, this is a dark and heavily abstract lesbian novel which i really love
- our wives under the sea - a really poignant and lovely soft sci-fi depiction of a wlw relationship, themes of grief, identity, loss etc. some compare it to annihilation though expect much less science fiction
- her body and other parties by carmen maria machado - a lovely (probably my favourite!) collection of short stories which often are wlw-centric or have a vibe. stunning prose in general
- hera lindsay bird by hera lindsay bird - wlw poetry, very fun and contemporary, what i call self-aware poetry
- mary oliver’s poetry!!!
- for biographies, anything about tove jansson….
- anything by virginia woolf will fit the not explicitly stated vibe feeling - mrs dalloway has a really wistful lesbian undercurrent, orlando is a love letter to vita sackville-west. etc. etc.
- persona (ingmar bergman) - thee movie. it’s Not explicitly stated, it’s feverish and desolate, but it’s both intensely homoerotic and a searing exploration of identity, existential dread etc.
- mulholland drive (david lynch) - again, unsettling vibes. not even gonna elaborate on it - it’s a david lynch - but it’s a must-see
- passing (rebecca hall) - a moody, poignant and beautiful adaptation of nella larsen’s novella (which is on my to-read list) about a relationship between two women
- the favourite (yorgos lanthimos) - recently rewatched with a friend, no notes. a bizarre, obsessive, thrilling story. rachel weisz is to die for in it
- kajillionaire (miranda july) - a tender and strange (affectionate) depiction of a bond between two women in unexpected circumstances
- thoroughbreds (cory finley) - what if murder was homoerotic, what if murder was a metaphor. in a way this is about every codependent friendship between girls that has ever veered towards obsession
- vita & virginia (chanya button) - a biopic abt virginia woolf and vita sackville-west specifically, people have very mixed feelings on it but i personally love it to bits.
tv shows:
- black sails - anne and max’s storyline in black sails is the most visceral and lovely wlw story i’ve seen in tv or film… there are specific tws i would heed for max’s arc in the first season which i’d be happy to elaborate on, but their story is beautiful
- first season of killing eve is still unmatched 😔 second is still quite nice, if not as good. third is hm. the ending scene has whimsy to it. never watch the fourth.
things my gf loves that i still haven’t read/seen:
- portrait of a lady on fire - i just know it will Get to me so i’m waiting for the right mood to watch it
- this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar & max gladstone - same reasoning!
things i’ve started but haven’t had a chance to finish yet:
- little blue encyclopaedia (for vivian) by hazel jane plante - a beautiful (but sad, and also about grieving, hence it’s taking me a while) trans wlw story. quaint and quiet and wistful.
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bikananjarrus · 10 months
i think i pinpointed one of my issues with the interactions between hera and sabine so far (and with the rebels characters currently not present). there’s no feeling of that shared history between them. everything they all went through and everything we saw in rebels, it just didn’t feel like it was there or like it ever happened.
filoni and others involved w the show are trying to make it accessible to average viewers who may not have seen all of clone wars or rebels. (which if you haven’t seen rebels, please I’m begging you, please go watch it). Which, it’s good to cater to a more general audience! stories should stand on their own! but even if i was watching as a casual viewer, i would walk away from these first two eps thinking that sabine and hera had WAY more history with ahsoka than they do with each other.
we see the mural sabine painted of the ghost crew, see the holo of ezra, have dialogue where hera suggests ahsoka go get sabine’s help, but there’s not a lot there to suggest that hera and sabine have a deeper relationship. we don’t even get kanan or zeb’s names mentioned! so casual viewers will be like ‘huh wonder who those other people in the painting are.’
by not talking about the absent ghost crew members or their shared history, hera and sabine feel like strangers. hera’s best scene so far was with chopper, and that’s bc her dialogue suggests that she has history with his shenanigans. even with sabine’s personal history, there was exactly one (1)!!!! mention of her being mandalorian. the rest of the focus has been on this ridiculous jedi padawan arc, once again suggesting more history with ahsoka. all sabine and hera’s mentions and talk of jedi all revolve around ahsoka (except for a tiny bit of ezra), even though the two jedi they spent the most time around and knew well were kanan and ezra.
i’m not saying they needed to infodump about rebels to the wider audience, but completely brushing over the events that happened in their original media makes these characters feel stiff, it’s not fair to them, and it’s an insult to the animated rebels show.
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