#& working w/ the lord's alliance a few years prior
nice suit dumbass, did your husband pick it out for you?
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pawsimses · 2 years
Know what? Here's some random HCs from one of my Legacy verses because I feel like it
Kira and Lana are sisters, Lana being the older of the two. It isn't a well known fact and the two don't fully reconcile with their relation until after EoO. Prior they had a typical sibling rivalry as children and a tense strained relationship as adult upon reuniting years after Kira ran away.
"Kira Carsen" isn't Kira's birth name. Haven't decided her birth name yet but since she's Lana's sister she's a Beniko. Kira Carsen was the name she gave herself upon fleeing the Empire as a means of a fresh start, amongst fear of being found out as a runaway Sith acolyte.
Jaren Beniko is a high ranking Sith Lord in this (Kelsa was not). A stern but oddly soft man with his daughters and a no-nonsense strict officer in the field, he had a way of getting around situations through negotiations rather than drawing his saber, though he wasnt afraid to get his hands dirty if provoked (a trait he passed to his eldest daughter Lana). Was actually a Dark Council member in his early years prior to Kira's disappearance. Loved his daughters dearly. Because of his nature and odd habit of less ruthless approaches for a Sith, there was a rumor he was once a fallen Jedi. Still working on him but may roll a SW class for him.
(YES I'm playing here w the Benikos are Kenobi ancestors theory)
Ancient Sith Purebloods were dragons. Subsequently modern Sith, even humans, can become big lizard puppies if they tried. This is due in part to virtually most Sith sharing bloodlines w ancient Sith. Types of dragons varied/vary from fiery breathers to acid spitters to poisonous nibblers.
On the dragons note, though they CAN most Sith DON'T unlock the dragon form (it's a pain/not well known knowledge/assumed to only be from select bloodlines (which is bs)). The only known participant is Vowrawn. Because course he would. It surprised nobody as Vowrawn is from a very rich and old Sith family, almost considered nobility (Almost...😏).
On that note, Krovos and Shaar are Vowrawn's daughters through a past arranged marriage (now dissolved). Though he commited to the union only to appease family (neither spouse were in love), he does love his daughters and is proud of them and actively retains good relations with them presently. His ex and him are on good terms (they aren't Sith).
Mako is Force Sensitive in my verse (as is my BH). She was, obviously, never found by the Jedi; as a clone, and therefore part of a secret project, her name and identity were not held on Republic records (SIS files only). On top of that, her abilities are not as visibly apparently compared to other FS and she doesn't use them openly much (like Raina). She learns a few techniques from my BH, an ex-Jedi Initiate himself, and the two form a close sibling bond.
Post LotS Kira and Nadia are a married couple. They met before briefly during vanilla but only got to really connect upon joining the Alliance. Kira was the first to realize and have very much Bi Panic bc oh no. Knight Grell is cute. Very cute. She's so pretty when she laughs. She's got beautiful eyes halp-
Nadia however, was the one to make the first move, through various sputtering and flustered words, so nervous much pinning. Kira could only keep kissing her after that. Nadia will admit first she cried from happiness.
They are adorkable I love them ❤️
Jaric Kaedan and Syo Bakarn were quietly involved together prior to the First Son incident. It fell apart after Syo was arrested and brought before the Council for trial. Only then could he watch as his now former lover now looked at him with disgust. The heartbreak was something that plagued Syo just as bad as the guilt over the First Son's actions for years to come after. He truly loved Jaric.
Though not extreme nobility anymore, the Bakarn family is still very much elite and one of the more famous families on Corellia. These days they run a successful distillery business, which keeps them up in the ranks as one of the more prosperous names. Syo holds a share of the family's company.
Syo has two younger siblings. His brother (middle child) is an immature spoiled person who latched onto their family's title and status, preferring to drink at the cantinas around Corellia and flirt with potential lovers (ur 42 Jack stop). Syo doesnt get along with him at all. Syo's sister (youngest) is a gentle kind soul with a heart for helping those around her, though she has issues with temper and differing opinions. Syo adores her and she acts as his confident when he's home complaining about their brother lol
Jaric was born and raised on Tatooine. It was not a happy childhood and he strongly refuses to discuss it (AKA me brain can't decide on what to do there lol). Doesn't like sand. Satele is, for all intensive purposes, his adopted sister. She fills the hole in his heart left by the loss of his younger sister and he often sees her through Satele. Zho was a suggorate father in place of his bio one, whom Jaric has negative opinions about. He quietly regrets never reconciling with Zho.
May make an AU out of it but for a short time, Saresh almost became Theron's stepmother (she and Jace were seriously dating). Theron wants to vomit every time he remembers.
Jace has dated other people outside Saresh post Satele. But it doesnt last. His heart only belongs to one.
Marr did love Satele in his own way posthumously. It's not exactly full romance but...he cared deeply for her.
And that's all for now lol
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paulisweeabootrash · 5 years
First Impression: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
I started writing up this review with the intent of shelving it for this year's end-of-year cleanup (yup, I intend to make that a yearly thing), but the more I watched, the more I felt it deserved a longer writeup.  Especially given how popular and well-received it was, because frankly I don't think it lives up to the hype.  So shapeshift into a more comfortable form as we talk about...
...That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (2018)
Episodes watched: 14.
Platform: Crunchyroll.
The victim of a freak stabbing, a nice but forever-single 37-year-old has his dying thoughts — from wishing he weren’t feeling pain to wishing he could have a shot with many women in his next life — granted as wishes by a mysterious voice.  The voice turns out to be "Great Sage", a sort of... user interface(?) of a fantasy world that functions according to very RPG-like rules.  Generic monsters vs. named human and humanoid heroes, powers that can be acquired and leveled up, that sort of thing.  Those "granted wishes" come in the form of a new body, that of a slime, impervious to many things and able to absorb the abilities of other monsters by engulfing them, which he can apparently use either to literally eat them or to keep them alive “stored” inside him (which sounds... horrifying) — "analyzing" them using the Great Sage and gaining the use of their abilities in either case.  Granted the name Rimuru by Veldora, a godlike dragon he befriends (and then eats in order to carry him around), our slimy protagonist goes out into the world to explore and fix other people's problems.  Monsters, as we soon see in much more detail, typically have no names and minimal organization or skill, and once named, "evolve" into more powerful variants with not only superior strength but also the capacity to use superior magic and technology.  It's an interesting mechanic/premise that really feels like it would be at home in an ancient etiological myth.
It starts off feeling very much like watching a pretty good adaptation of an RPG or maybe point-and-click adventure, as the plot progresses mainly via Rimuru using items and abilities he has incidentally acquired for unrelated reasons to stumble into and complete quests for other characters.  It bounces wildly in tone from fantasy combat to ecchi to adorable wholesome content, and I assume at some point there will be some kind of confrontation with or followup on the human hero who imprisoned Veldora in the first place?  But for the first five episodes, it's mostly "ooh what's this?" followed by a sort of self-imposed quest to create a goblin nation-state from the ground up by naming everyone, taming the dire wolves who are threatening the goblins, and importing technology from the aforementioned named humanoids.  Then it takes an abrupt turn for the serious, laying on us three episodes of backstory about Shizu, a character who I can't really talk about at all without spoilers, but that short arc was engaging and resulted in Rimuru finally being able to take on a humanoid form, which turns out to be a great disguise in future episodes.
Meanwhile, the vague world conquest plans of majin (a term used here to refer to powerful humanoid magic-users) and demon lords having been taking shape in the background, as a vast orc army is steamrolling through every weaker group of monsters it can find.  The next few episodes focus on a group of oni, ahem, ogres (but they’re totally traditional Japanese depictions of oni) who join Rimuru's village after their own is destroyed by the orcs and an underground civilization of lizardpeople who attempt, in a hilariously clumsily and overconfident way, to join forces with Rimuru's followers against the orcs.  The oni are pretty great, especially Rimuru's secretary/bodyguard Shion and scout/diplomat/spy/whatever Souei, as is the unassuming goblin Gobta, who has frequently been the comic relief up to this point but becomes important to the looming conflict.
The lizardpeople/Rimuru-followers alliance is eventually formed and the show tries to make their war against the orcs epic and dramatic, but... here it largely fails.  This arc is full of tedious repetitive exposition about the same characters and tedious repetitive exposition about the same characters and tedious repetitive exposition about the same characters and tedious repetitive exposition about the same characters, as if they expect the audience goes into every episode having forgotten the events of the previous episode and even several recurring characters' names.  Add to this some sudden new abilities getting pulled out of Rimuru's and others' asses, increasingly frequent jarring tone shifts from scene to scene, combat scenes where everyone is stationary and stupid, and cap it all off with a "boss fight" that only gets started after some villainous exposition monologuing worthy of Dragon Ball Z and an exposition dump flashback about the orcs that raises more questions than it answers, and at this point I'm only still watching to find out where the hell it goes from here.  This feels like a bad adaptation of a game now... but maybe a bad adaptation of a good game.  Maybe it would work better, honestly, in RPG format.  It's not like this doesn't have potential as a premise.  But I don't get the hype, because I really don't think it lives up to it.
W/A/S: 4 / 5 / any random number 3–8, depending on episode / !
Weeb: Like I said about Death March, "not weeb so much as geek".  But this is getting a higher weeb score than that because some basic elements (such as, uh, the main character himself) probably come off as really weird if you've never played any of the Dragon Quest (a.k.a. Dragon Warrior) games, which are responsible for the generic low-level slime monster we know today.  Not to mention that this show's versions of orcs, ogres, and demons are more like depictions of those various races in other Japanese media than they are like the Germanic/Anglosphere/Tolkien-influenced fantasy canon.
Ass: Rimuru likes boobs.  He likes to talk about them.  He likes to cuddle up against them.  He checks out everyone.  He's... a sad old virgin.  Expect gag boobs and gratuitous camera angles, but not all the way to anything sexually explicit.
Shit (writing): Again, it really does feel like we're watching Rimuru complete a series of quests or puzzles to advance through the predetermined areas of a game.  Which is probably the point, but that doesn't work quite as well as a storytelling technique when the audience isn't actually figuring out how to complete those quests.  The sudden tone shift for Shizu's three-episode story arc and the weird exposition dumps throughout feel like they're trying to cram a lot of source material into relatively few episodes and it's not going well — which is odd considering that they got a 24-episode season instead of the more typical 13.  And considering that the source material has been going in some form or other for five years prior to the anime (it originated on Shōsetsuka ni Narō, the same self-publishing website responsible for a great deal of the last decade’s epidemic flourishing of isekai, including the above-mentioned Death March and Re:ZERO).
Shit (other): I like the character designs.  And they did a great job in particular making Rimuru expressive despite not... uh... having a face.  But the animation is sometimes embarrassingly bad, especially in action scenes — I swear, there was a fight at like 4fps at one point, the CG orc army is just painful to look at, and the "battles" between the orcs and lizardpeople are mostly just them staring at each other and then occasionally weakly thrusting a spear forward.
Content: Brief surprisingly violent shots, given the often-silly tone of the show.
Stray observations:
- I said Rimuru pulled new abilities out of his ass, but... wait, do slimes have asses?  Can he form a temporary ass, like a comb jelly?
- Rimuru is not only lusting after the various elf and oni women; he is also obviously attracted to Souei, one of the male oni, and this is not played as being surprising or gross or funny in-universe, so, uh... yay bi representation... I guess...
- PS: I continued watching (even though this is frustrating) past the episodes this review covers, and I just want to add that I hate the pegasus knights.  Nobody had the sense to equip them with either ranged weapons or large melee weapons like lances.  They just fly around with swords that wouldn't be able to reach their enemies unless they pull up right alongside them.  This might make sense if they attempted a charge and attacked at point blank, which is the entire point of the distinctive cavalry saber, or maybe they could even dismount to fight on foot, and use the ability to fly for extreme maneuverability getting to a particular point on the battlefield?  Nope.  The closest they come to either of those tactics is to just fly leisurely towards Charybdis's open mouth without even unsheathing their swords in ep. 19.  WTF?  Look, I'm hardly a military expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I think these pegasus knights were dreamed up by someone who has only dimly heard of the concept of cavalry of any kind and hasn't spent more than a few seconds thinking about how you even can use horses in war, let alone bother to look up even a basic overview of how armies actually historically did.
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selowyn · 6 years
The Magistrate’s Mandate
“Confessor?” The question, following a knock and asked delicately from the doorway by a soft-spoken messenger, prompted a quizzical glance up from her desk inside the Sanctum.
“Yes?” Her musical voice further broke the silence.
“Pardon the interruption. The Magistrate would like to see you.”
Oh. Ohhh. “Very well.” Her voice was far steadier than she felt as she rose to follow.
The day was clear upon the Isle, the trees ever-bursting with eternal foliage of golds and reds. A small breeze teased up from the sea and she took a deep breath to steady her nerves as they made their way across the main square and up the steps to the summoning platform. The Magistrate’s office in Quel’Danas, situated high in a tower at Sun’s Reach, overlooked the harbor with a clear view of the Terrace. She had been here a few times before. Recalling it as well-appointed, she was curious as to the occasion. When she materialized before the open door to his offices, she was quickly ushered in.
“Ah, Miss Sunhawk,” the Magistrate intoned, rising from his ornate desk in a splendor of carnelian and cream silk, the faint crows feet in the corners of his eyes crinkling with the upturn of a smile. “Thank you for coming. A pleasure to see you. Please, please, come in. Make yourself comfortable. Yes, yes, have a seat, there you are.” Bowing low at the waist in the old way, the Magistrate pulled out a chair at his conference table, into which she invested herself following a deep curtsy. After offering her something to drink (politely refused), he admitted his time was short. A folder from his desk was fetched and brought to the table, slapped down softly as he took a seat opposite her.
Sliding wire-framed glasses over glowing golden eyes, he flipped open the chart, humming idly as he skimmed. “I have been reading your file, and am taken to understand that for a time you studied the arcane.” Peering at her over the top of the lenses, he awaited confirmation.
Interesting start. “Yes. My father was an arcanist and we shared a love of books.” The ensuing surge of sadness was expected, but could not be indulged presently. It was shoved back down with an intense exercise of discipline before it could pose too much distraction.
“How lovely! A right and proper calling for a highborne.” More skimming. “Ah, but that’s not all. He was an accomplished fencer, isn’t that right? And so perhaps it was through a mutual love of fencing you eventually found your way to more...martial pursuits.” A flip of a page. “How interesting. Was that here, in Quel’Thalas as well?”
She held her breath, shaking her head. His tilted in response and he sought his answer in the document rather than from her lips with a rapid shift of focus. “Ah. Ahh... I see. Perhaps it was in the City-State of...Theramore.”  
The rapid descent in his tone from praise to disappointment was palpable, and the Confessor shifted in her seat. This seemed a broad leap, glancing over many years and experiences, but... He wasn’t incorrect. “For a time, yes, that’s right.”
Tossing the dossier to the side, he leaned back in his chair, eyeing her appraisingly. “I suppose it at least shows some level of discernment that your family followed the Expedition rather than remain in Lordaeron, doomed as it was.” Breaking eye contact to peer out the window, he shrugged. “Why you all did not just...come home to the open arms of your Kingdom; well, that begs other questions.”
A swallow. “Sir, if you would like me to explain…” The wave of his hand silenced her.
“Those were dark times and Lady Proudmoore an accomplished sorceress. Many highborne cleaved to her side, and when the Prophet gave his warning she was wise to leave. Undoubtedly the Kaldorei are thankful for your aid at Hyjal as well.” A soft snort. “For all the good that’s done them.”
A blonde brow arched as lips set into a thin line, but prudence won the moment and she remained silent. Seeing no comment was forthcoming, the Magistrate fiddled with his robe before leaning forward once more to dig into her file. “Northrend. Uh-huh. Argent Tournament...working under the wing of her grace, Bishop-Confessor Morningdove...you know,” he suddenly remarked, tearing off the spectacles to rub his eyes, pausing a moment in thought. “I rather wonder how you rose to Confessorship so quickly. Not just any common arcanist or soldier can apply their brand of skill to cultivating the vulnerable minds of the Azerothian populace. Just what happened up there in the frozen North?”
She knew better than to comment, or raise objection to his tone, or to ask just how he knew all of this. His query was rhetorical, as was his pattern in this chess match. With a deep inhale, a prayer was whispered under her breath. Honestly is truth, and truth is pure. It would be her shield.
Her relief came quickly enough through his love of hearing himself speak. “Nay, please. It matters little for the issue at hand, and your station is one deserving of respect.” He sighed, his tone going conspiratorial. “It just seems the history written upon the annals our beleaguered world goes faster and faster, fate cramming as much as she can into the shortest man-measured years as possible. One war, two wars, three wars….a score of wars! One can hardly keep it all straight.” A wry hurmph is issued as he shifted in his seat. “Would that we had the long, languid eons of the past back...”
With that, the spectacles were shed, slapped to the tabletop with a clink of glass and wire. His hands wove themselves together, gathering at his midsection as he pressed forward. “Miss Silverhawk. You came here, a pilgrim to the Sunwell, and we granted your entreaty. You requested then to remain here, finding it to your liking--as many do.” His eyes sought hers. “This is a favor we do not grant easily, anymore.”
The quirk of her lips was surely visible and so he quickly continued. “Now. We understand all too well the siren call which our blessed font presents for our people; the importance it represents both symbolically and on a more personal basis.” The slightest smirk bloomed upon his face at that.
Her eyes sank downward to hide her shame. He doesn’t understand. I’m not like the others. I never sought to go to Draenor; never supped of the green crystals. I wasn’t even here when...
“We also wished,” his sharp voice cut into her internal cascade, “to display a show of good faith to your service to the stalwart Argent Crusade, in thanks for all they--and you--have done. After all, that was a very select organization, I’m told.”
“Yes, it...was.” Tirion hand-picked every one of us. Tears stung the corners of her eyes. “It still is.”
“And yet, for all the good offered the world,” and he did, to his credit, incline his head in respect, “the Crusade is just not what it once was, correct? I understand the Highlord and most of the prime force perished upon the...what are the humans calling it? The ‘Broken Shore’? And that now, the leadership has been assumed by a human paladin, a Lord Maxwell, and subsumed back under the auspices of their Order of Knights?”
A swallow. It was clear now where this was going. “Yes, that is correct.”
“Interesting.” Abruptly rising, the Magistrate recovered his glasses and wandered to his desk, fiddling with a few scrolls, fingers sliding down the pages until he found what he was looking for with a smart tap. “See here, it says reports indicate that members of this order, this...Silver Hand, have been present at the warfront of Arathi, fighting for the Alliance.” Peering up at her now, his face was void of emotion. He wielded fact with cold efficiency. “It would seem that they have chosen a side in this conflict. The side which, given the geographical location, represents a threat to the safety of the Kingdom.”
Her stomach lurched. She had wondered if and when this day would come, and...so it seems it had. Many of her new friends in the Outreach wandered in with their tail tucked between their legs, hesitant and vigilant. Is this how they felt, faced with conflicting loyalties?
Watching her a lingering moment, the Magistrate made his way to the nearby liquor cabinet, choosing a decanter of garnet hued liquid and pouring what looked to be a glass of dark port. Turning, he raised it in offerance - would she now partake, perhaps? At the shake of her head, he capped the pitcher once more and paced, robes whispering in time to the idle tapping his fingernail made upon the petite glass.
“You’ve been gone quite a bit lately,” he began again, the prior more circuitous train of thought replaced by a new level of directness. “Less and less at the clinic here, where some of our most wounded come for replenishment and renewal.” Long, pale hair shifted like melting snow with the disappointed shaking his head gave as he meandered to the window, eyeing the wide expanse of placid ocean as he sipped his drink
“Now, Miss Sunhawk, I understand completely the urge to follow one’s heart. The drive to offer your unique benediction to the far flung corners of the world, such as...salt-abraded prison islands and the shattered hamlets of Lordaeron. It must at times be practically impossibly difficult to resist.” The knowing smile he offered her with a side cant of his face made her blood run cold. “But lest you forget, you are a first and foremost, by right of birth and bloodline, belore’dorei of the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas, with all the rights, privileges and expectations that grants.
The world shrank, her vision clouding as her breath caught in her chest. With a soft clearing of her throat, she sat up straighter, mentally raising her shield to speak her truth. “Sir. With all due respect, I am, first and foremost, a Confessor of the Argent Crusade. Sworn to fight evil wherever it may manifest and offer healing wherever it is n--…”
“Confessor,” he interrupted. “Let me make this simple.” Turning toward her once more, he stood framed by the window pane, features in shadow as the light from behind streamed forward around his shape. “You will focus more upon your duties here. You will heal our wounded and you will counsel the bereaved. You will help train the Spellbreakers as needed. And you will do all of this not only because it is your privilege as one of us; but you will do this because you enjoy the proximity to the Sunwell afforded to those in Quel’Danas.”
A lead weight took up residence inside of her stomach. Her greatest failure now held her in chains. Despite all her discipline and work, the indelible mark Northrend had left on her made her vulnerable, a pawn for a war machine spinning out of control.
He must have noticed her wilt. “Oh come now my dear. Just to be clear, you are not a prisoner. No, no. However, we just wish…” He swirled the last bit of drink in his glass with a flourished gesture of his arm, casting garnets upon the wall as it caught the light. “For more of your precious time. That’s it.” Down went the dregs of the port, and so too her mood. “So. Are we clear?”
Her golden eyes meandered to the beveled glass in his hand. The intricate array of engraved facets glimmered with multidimensional promise of possibilities reflected, yet held in check by the singularly firm grip of his fingers.
“As crystal,” she whispered.
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jmorpc · 7 years
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a masterlist of 40 roleplay group and indie plots, listed alphabetically. I have tried to include plots for different types of groups, but there are certain types I’m not so familiar with - I tried. I will add more when I think of them! If you found this post helpful, or are in the rpc, please like/reblog.
All The Hues: everyone is assigned a unique color at birth; each event in their lives are determined by the color and revolve around their assigned color
AmDram: another musically inspired plot - this time, brought to you by the eccentric members in a community near you!
Bad Girls Do It Well: bitches who get shit done - based on the M.I.A song, and a little bit of TSwift’s Bad Blood - an all female gang
The Breakfast Club: a bunch of high school/college misfits who form an unlikely alliance and forge the path ahead for their peers
Broadway Baby: following the cast of a Broadway play or musical; their highs, lows, rehearsals and shows, etc.
Competition Time: probably based on any generic talent show/competition on TV - to give you some ideas; American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With The Stars, The X Factor, etc.
Deep Space: a group of astronauts have been sent into space - problems ensue
The Elements: depending on the time of year, place and other factors of where you were born, you are assigned to either the earth, wind, water or fire sector - each member must train in skills relating to their assigned element
Expat Central: following the lives of multi-national migrants who have all emigrated to another country/city/town and are becoming used to the culture/way of life there - they could all be working together or studying together at a college
Fake Dates: could be that they’ve been set up on a blind date, but they have nothing in common but don’t want to waste the day - they become friends and somehow their friends think that they’ve hit it off when really the joke is on their pals
Fashion Mag: based loosely on The Devil Wears Prada, or Ugly Betty
Ghostbusters Inc: our fabulous four have been in popular demand and have opened their big, red doors to the general public - extending their corporation for further business
The Goblin King/Queen: a King/Queen who rules in the labyrinthine land of goblins takes away children to raise as their own because any suitable spouses are deterred by the sight of the goblins, so they must live forever alone until parents, siblings and friends of the kidnapped come to find them, falling in love with the royal
Golden Age of Hollywood: when times were simpler, budgets were not insane and studio regulations didn’t exist - Hollywood produced some of the greatest pieces of cinematic history, starring some of the greatest stars of all time
Inside Out: everyone has a conscience, and everyone has different ways of reacting to situations - the brain is controlled by the emotions, helping us navigate through life, the most commonly known emotions are joy, sadness, disgust, anger and fear, but as we age, emotional ranges extend
The Incredibles: families of superheroes, each relative with unique superpowers who join forces to defeat the world of Evil.
The Interns: at a prestigious company, there’s always that one internship that makes everything feel like it’s that much extra work for everyone - now multiply that by the amount of workers in the office because everyone just got a buddy!
iZombie: I don’t think I need to say more but, I will - when a sudden zombie outbreak happens in a large city, a few people get infected and a couple of people gain specific powers which are in turn, able to aid them in their career paths
Jurassic Age: following the disasters and closures of the original and subsequent parks, the company behind funding and raising the dinosaurs has introduced and decided to integrate dinosaurs in amongst the general public - at zoos, hotels, national parks, etc.
Live From New York: with the lives, writing, rehearsals, read-throughs and eventually the shows from the SNL gang
The Lost Boys: based on the 1980′s vampire movie, starring Keifer Sutherland and that dude from the Bill & Ted movies - when a few newbies arrive in town, the gang leader invites them to a challenge, if they pass they can join the gang, if they fail, they become the next meal
Lost Boys/Girls; there are kids all around the world who for some reason or another, they don’t feel like they fit in anywhere, a plot in which they find out they’re not the only one like them would be pretty darn heart-warming/wrenching
Mapcrunch: people began to go missing and would often find themselves losing days at a time, without recollection of where they had been, or came from - they were somehow teleported from their location and dropped in an unknown location, and given basic tools to enable them to find their way home
Those Meddling Kids: based loosely on Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine Gang!
Mount Olympus: following the lives of the Greeks who once ruled the Earth from their watchful peak; Mount Olympus - each of the Gods was assigned a sector to watch over and help nourish
Murder House: basically a generic haunted house plot - loosely based on the first season of American Horror Story
Once Upon A Time: a universe in which all storybook/fairytale characters know each other - could be based on the TV show of the same name
Paging Doctor Beat: set in a hospital - think of Grey’s Anatomy, House, etc.
The Peculiars: seemingly regular children with peculiar abilities - a grown-up edition of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Regal Manor: following a prior bankruptcy and passing of the previous Lord/Lady (insert other regal title here), the Manor or Estate has been willed to their closest living relative(s) - who works to restore everything to its former glory, including hiring a full service staff
Reunion: people who went to high school or college together have suddenly reunited and are reconnected to one anothers’ lives
Seven Sings & Virtues: 7x7 - similar to the soul mates plot, for every virtue, there’s a deadly sin to balance out a couple.
Soul Mates: everyone is born with an assigned soul mate, an according to Mythology, they once made one whole being before being torn apart and made to find each other to test if their love was true
Teacher Life: basically set in a school but the plot focuses on the lives of the faculty - anybody having elicit affairs, blackmailing colleagues, etc.
Toy Story: each time the kids leave the room or go to sleep, the toys come to life!
The Truman Show (see also; The Joe Schmo Show): a pre-selected character goes through life, living as though he is participating with others in a reality show - the catch is, the others know it’s not a real reality show and must continue in their alternate universe to keep the ‘show’ alive.
Under The Sea: set in the lost city of Atlantis or other underwater lagoon - everyone is a mer-person, basically everyone is Ariel!
The Village Of The Damned: where the children are all possessed by some evil demon or you could have it like the 60/70′s movie, where I think it may have been something with aliens?
The Witches of Eastwick: only one of the greatest witch plots to have ever been made! A group of friends all wish for something they have wanted for a while - and behold, an effective-immediate move-in from the local man of mystery and suddenly, the friends are getting everything they wished for through their own core powers
Written In The Stars: each of us are assigned a soul mate - this is another take on that; from Earth, we see the stars, each one is a pre-determined other half for someone, the stars (within the galaxy are people), see each person on Earth as a star - the closer they get to pinpointing their other half, the brighter they glow
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dak-legacy · 5 years
I’m sure it’s not an uncommon opinion right now but I didn’t like the ending of Game of Thrones.  Shocker, I know.  It was the final nail in a coffin I’d been denying was even there.  Now I see the end for what it is and I am disappointed.  
This is not a case of “There’d be backlash no matter what ending they went with.”  Because yes, that is true.  A series ending is not what many fans want.  We always want more, and to consume more.  Ironically more is what GoT needed.  
Also the “If you don’t like it why don’t you write a better ending.” and “You’re not a story writer, how do you know what’s good and what isn’t” Arguments are stupid too.  We don’t need to understand how something works or how to make something to know that we do not enjoy it, or that it’s not working properly.  I don’t know how my toilet works but if it started overflowing I’d voice my displeasure to the manufacturer and/or landlord.  
If you care enough there’s an ending below the cut, but don’t feel like you have to read it.
TL/DR:  The North and Dany beat the Night King during the Long Night.  They march on the capital only to find Winter came and has already killed everyone because the crown prepared for a war, not w
In an ideal world we’d get two seasons to finalize everything, something with this many characters and plot points needs it.  But if it must be one season then fine.  
Season 8 follows the Night King’s Storyline and the Final battle for King’s Landing.
The Long Night takes up 7 episodes, chronicling the arrival of Dany’s forces in the North, outside allies such as Jaimie Lannister, and the coping of the Northern Lords with a new southern queen.  
As the night sets in the dead don’t attack right away.  There are several days worth of waiting while people are too scared to venture into the darkness.  This gives Winterfell more time to prepare for the siege and allows the battle to be more co-ordinated than what we got in the show.  
Prior to the battle Tyrion asks Varys if he has anything to make their deaths quick, should the cold begin to take them or the dead overwhelm the city.  Varys provides a poison called “The warm embrace.”  A quick death which allows the drinker to experience warmth one last time before passing on.
Enough people have covered why that battle sucks, do some googling and find a strategy you think would work better than the one they used and put it here.
Following the battle Winter is still in effect, it didn’t just end because the Night King died.  Darkness across the North.  Jon agrees to follow through his promise for Dany to assist in the liberation of King’s Landing but they must march quick before the snows trap them.  Dany and Jon take their dragons and fly to Dragonstone to find somewhere with light and is a bit warmer to prepare.  Her armies follow suit as do the Northmen.  
As they march on King’s Landing they realize how quickly winter has taken hold.  While the night isn’t in effect down here it is almost perpetual low light as the sun struggles to remain in the sky.  The area around the capital is quiet and whited out, covered in blankets of fresh snow. It’s beautiful. 
The beauty is cut short when the army marches on the gates of King’s Landing.  No archers on the walls, no armies in the field to meet them, the gates are closed and the city silent.  
When riders approach no attack alarm is signaled and the city remains quiet.  Dany flies overhead to look and sees no army waiting, and no fleet in the bay protecting it.  
The gates to King’s Landing are frozen solid and require Dragon Fire to blast through.  When the army march through the city they find mostly death.  Frozen corpses in the street, almost like human ice sculptures.  What few are alive shiver and peek out of their homes to the astonishment of everyone.  
Frozen sellswords and soldiers clutter the areas they were practicing drills and even up at the Red Keep it is no different.  
After entering the keep they find, shivering on the throne.  Cersei Lannister, wrapped in her warmest clothing.  Ser Gregor Clegane frozen in place beside her and Maester Qyburn sitting on the steps.  
Gregor attempts to protect his queen, but his boots are frozen to the floor.  In trying to step forward he rips his own foot off.  By the time he reaches the Dragon Queen and her men he is barely a torso and one arm pulling himself to her.  The unsullied stab him multiple times with their spears and pin him in place but he remains alive, much to Qyburn’s amusement.  With nothing else working the Hound, Sandor Clegane, arrives and offers fire as a solution.  He pours oil over his brother and lights it himself, letting go of his hatred for his brother and fear of fire as he watches him go up in flames.  
Dany demands surrender and the Queen and her hand accept.  However she is too cold to move and Qyburn comments that she will not make it to Casterly Rock or anywhere before the cold takes her.  
Tyrion offers his sister the Warm Embrace poison as an act of kindness to her.  While she still dies resenting him, commenting that he killed another child of hers, he is content knowing he was able to end her suffering.  
Dany, acting as Queen, takes care of what is left of the city.  Bringing in what food other houses can spare and doing what she can to save who is left.  
Other characters comment that the crown had prepared for a war, not winter. 
In the aftermath Dany sits on the Iron Throne, but realizes it is nothing more than a cold chair in a cold hall.  She has Drogon melt it with dragon fire.  Realizing Westeros is not where she belongs she leaves the decision of the crown up to the Westerosi.  She then takes her army, Drogon and Rhaegal back to Essos to secure the cities she liberated and rule where she is needed.
During the cleanup Qyburn is put on trial for his experiments by the maesters who use the chance to question him as to what happened in Cersei’s court.  He explains that Euron Greyjoy abandoned Cersei when he realized that The Iron Islands were no longer his and that his ships would freeze in the bay if he stayed.   Qyburn is sentenced to imprisonment for his crimes regarding experimentation and practices undertaken under Cersei’s rule.
After Dany leaves the Lord of Westeros hold a meeting to determine who has the right to be king.  The come to the same consensus that a ruler should be chosen by the representatives of the powerful houses.  
Tyrion is named Hand of the King once again.  Brienne of Tarth is Captain of the Kingsguard, Podrick gets his knighthood, Ser Davos is named Master of Ships, Bronn gets Highgarden but is not named Master of Coin, Varys is named Naster of Whispers, Jaimie Lannister is named Master of Coin, Samwell Tarly is named as maester but represents the Grand Maester on the small council.
In terms of the Stark family.  
Sansa is named Warden of the North.  Her cunning and smarts benefit the region and allow for stronger alliances between houses.
Jon becomes ambassador the the Free Folk and Night’s Watch allowing for better communication between them.  He pets Ghost lots.
Arya indulges her exploration fantasy and continues her life as a roaming assassin.
Bran returns to Winterfell and continues to advise his sister on matters relating to the world.  However in later years he merges fully with the Godswood and waits to pass on his gift to the next three-eyed-raven.
Our last shot is of Sansa receiving a scroll telling her The King is coming to visit Winterfell.  We never find out who was elected as King.
Now I am not a screenwriter, probably not even that good of a writer.  I’m a disappointed fan, just like most of us.  But that’s usually why you hire teams of writers and bounce ideas around between colleagues.  It evens out the creases.
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