#i had. trouble drawing gale but i think he turned out okay
nice suit dumbass, did your husband pick it out for you?
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 4 months
Just Gale being a total freak. Gale x F!Tav, blood, spice, etc.
@netherese0rb @boufsy @owlseeyoulaterpal @lanafofana
@auroraesmeraldarose @aryancunin @amorgansgal
'I wanna see your animal side, let it all out, I wanna see the dirt under your skin, I need your broken promises.' - Death Valley, Fall Out Boy
Tav stood in the middle of the ruined landscape, taking heaving gulps of air. The shadows that had attacked them had disappeared in bursts of sickly green and they pressed on to the muted moonglow in the distance. One of the beseiged harpers had pointed it out, snapping that they should run for it if she perished. Tav led the group, barely thinking as they made their presence known and chose a camping spot away from the inn. Why they were not permitted to be inside she didn’t know, though she had an inkling there was little room for them.
The darkness had the unfortunate affect of making the air feel like a winter’s night; she shivered even as she built up a sweat helping everyone with their shelters. Gale appeared distracted- not unlike him, certainly, though he seemed a little more intense than usual.
‘Cold, Tav?’ said Karlach good naturedly as they passed each other. She carried a stack of dead wood under each arm. ‘We’ll have a fire going soon as. Where’s our rogue got to?’
‘Hunting, most like,’ said Halsin, bumping shoulders with Tav and almost sending her sprawling. ‘Oops! Sorry.’ He steadied her with a hand on her shoulder. ‘Silvanus knows what he’d eat out here, though.’ His eyes glittered impishly. ‘Unless you’ve been feeding him of course.’
‘Oh, behave,’ said Tav, blushing. ‘That was once.’
‘And where did Gale go?’
‘Huh?’ Tav scanned the campsite. Though his tent was set up, the wizard was nowhere to be seen. ‘I saw him a minute ago. He’s probably getting supplies for dinner?’ She sighed. ‘I’ll take a look. But there better be a fire going when I come back, it’s freezing.’
‘Relax,’ said Shadowheart, rolling her eyes. ‘I don’t know why you’re all so whiny. I feel fine.’
‘You would,’ shot Wyll. ‘This is Shar’s work, after all.’
‘Okay,’ said Tav. ‘I’ll leave you to your sniping. I’ll find the wizard. We’ll starve without him.’
‘Hey, I can cook,’ said Wyll, pouting a little as Tav turned her back and trudged off into the dark.
‘Gale?’ she called. ‘Everyone’s looking for you!’ He can’t have gone far. She misty stepped, walked a little further, scanning. ‘Gale!’ She was well away from camp now, clear on the other side of the lake.
‘Always one for walking into trouble, aren’t you?’ said a voice in her ear.
‘Gale? What the fuck?’ Her head whipped to the side, heartbeat picking up. ‘Why are you invisible?’ Stupid wizard.
‘I don’t want a search party looking for me,’ he said. His breath was hot on her ear. ‘Just you.’
‘Why?’ she asked, drawing the word out. ‘We need you back at camp, and-’
‘I wanted us to be alone.’
The cogs were turning in Tav’s head. ‘Hang on,’ she said slowly. ‘Is this about- about-’
‘Oh Tav, don’t play coy,’ he crooned. ‘I know you find this all as thrilling as I do. Now I admit,’ he said, sounding a little more like himself, ‘that I got a little tongue-tied. A little flustered. But now I think I can say what I want to say, knowing nobody but the one intended will hear it. But,’ he said, ‘perhaps it can wait. You’re so cold. We can’t have that…’
‘Turn visible, coward,’ said Tav, giggling. Gooseprickles rose on the back of her neck.
A snap and he was there in front of her, robes looking much the worse for wear, his face spattered with blood. ‘Dear me,’ he said. ‘You’re practically covered in blood and guts. Time for a bath?’ He tilted his head, smirked. His eyes were blazing.
‘You are too,’ she said boldly, gesturing. ‘Arterial, by the look of it. That’ll really mess up your hair if you’re not careful.’
Gale lunged forward, grabbing her face and smashing their lips together in a mess of tongue and teeth. She tasted blood and sweat on his lips, metal and salt. Groaning into her mouth he pulled at a slash in her robes and rended the fabric even further, mouth falling to the exposed skin of her shoulder to suck a bruise into her flesh. Her breathing stuttered and he hummed against her skin, dragging his teeth a little to pull a whimper from her. ‘Hnnngh, more of that,’ he said, kissing her mouth again.
‘What’s gotten into you?’ she gasped when he pulled away again to mark her neck. ‘I thought you couldn’t-’ she hissed as he dug his fingers into her thighs and growled.
‘As if that will stop me,’ he said darkly. ‘Not when you’re so fucking tempting-’
‘Gale, it’s not safe-’ She was between his teeth, latched onto the tender skin between neck and shoulder as he ground his hips against her. He applied sharp pressure in response and she yelped, half in pain, half surprise. He kissed the bite tenderly, pressed another kiss to the corner of her mouth.
‘I love seeing you covered in blood,’ he rasped. ‘Not that I want to see you hurt, but…’ he panted into her ear. ‘Fuck I love seeing you filthy.’
Tav could hardly breathe. This was not a side of him she’d ever anticipated. ‘You said we couldn’t-’
He laughed, a dark little growl. ‘We can’t. But I couldn’t resist giving you a little taste of what’s to come…’ he snapped his fingers and was gone, leaving her burning and frustrated in the dark.
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amjustagirl · 3 years
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Hogwarts x Haikyuu AU
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pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x f! reader 
genre: angst / fluff
warnings: a series of misunderstandings
wc: 2.3k
m.list. ~ taglist. ~
a/n: back by popular demand, another installment of the hogwarts x haikyuu fluff series featuring the Gryffindor quidditch team and one exceedingly persistent Iwaizumi Hajime. you may want to read the installment featuring one very smug Slytherin beater Kuroo Tetsuro (here) to appreciate the first scene in this story. 
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“What are we doing here, Iwaizumi?” 
He’d grabbed your hand on a hogsmeade weekend, asking if you had any plans. You lied, crossing your fingers behind your back, telling him you hadn’t. So you find yourself seated opposite him in Madam Puddifoot’s, smothered by pink and white frills, surrounded by porcelain teaware.
By all appearances, it looks like a date. It should be a date. 
But it isn’t. 
Instead of chatting with you, he looks distinctly out of place amidst the swarm of happy couples with a scowl on his face, tapping his fingers so aggressively you fear for the survival of any crockery on the table. 
“I needed to check up on someone”, he tells you half apologetically. You follow his line of vision.  
Kuroo Tetsurou - Slytherin beater, top potions student, is seated cozily with Iwaizumi’s junior on the Gryffindor quidditch team. You heard of the infamous bet between them, you’re surprised if anyone in Hogwarts doesn’t know of it given the ruckus that followed when Kuroo swaggered up to the Gryffindor team to wager the fate of his hair for a date with their substitute chaser (the sole girl on the team).
“I see”, you murmur, twisting the lace napkin in your fingers. “I shouldn’t have assumed otherwise.”
Iwaizumi frowns, finally turning to look at you.   
“Huh? What d’you mean - I thought you wouldn’t mind since you’ve always been a good friend - ”
You catch a glimpse of a dark head of hair moving towards the door from the corner of your eye. 
“They’re leaving. You should follow them”, you interrupt his stuttering with a wide smile that hurts your cheeks. Iwaizumi halts his incoherent flurry of excuses, only sparing you a glance before grabbing the bill and dashing off in the general direction of Kuroo. 
You purse your lips to keep them from trembling. 
You should’ve known that he wouldn’t be interested in you. Not when he’s so painfully attractive (especially when Oikawa and/or the Slytherin team aren’t around to knit his brows into a frown), so much so that his bloody biceps have their own fanclub. Not when he’s so laser focused on quidditch and his studies and his teammates and his friends, running flying tutorials for the younger students, keeping Tanaka and Nishinoya and Hinata and Yaku from blowing up Gryffindor tower or running afoul of the professors.
It’s your fault for assuming, for hoping, for wishing that Iwaizumi Hajime, your housemate of 6 years, longtime charms partner and the boy you’ve harboured a huge crush on for the past year and a half - might return your feelings after all. 
You should have known. You’re not winsome. Why would you ever win him? 
Wishing otherwise only ruins the heart. 
So you trudge back to school alone in the snow, skirting past the Gryffindor team who seem to be in some sort of an uproar, only allowing yourself to cry when you’ve drawn the curtains on your four poster bed to make sure you’re alone. 
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It is not terribly difficult to avoid Iwaizumi Hajime for the next couple of days, at least until charms class rolls around. You’ve sat next to him ever since you were both first years, when his voice hadn’t broken and you were still taller than him. That’s how your friendship blossomed, but you haven’t worked up the courage to face him just yet. 
So you choose to displace Daichi by stealing his usual seat next to Sugawara, pointedly ignoring the furrow in Iwaizumi’s brow and the confused looks he tosses at you until you flee back to your dorm after class. 
You’re being dramatic, you know. But you figure the best way of getting over Iwaizumi Hajime is to cut him out of your life, at least for now. 
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You turn to stare at Oikawa Tooru, captain of the Slytherin team, a classmate you’ve maybe exchanged less than ten words with in your entire Hogwarts career. 
He’s probably shouting at someone else. 
Nope. He’s definitely referring to you. 
You curse your parents for your laughably short legs when Oikawa effortlessly catches up to you in the hallway, pulling you into an empty classroom heedless to your protests. 
“I have a name, you know?” you snarl, snatching your wrist back. 
“You Gryffindors are always so fun to tease!” Oikawa lilts, head tilted to look down towards you. “Don’t be grumpy like Iwa-chan” - his eyes gleam when your lips tighten - “oh did I hit a nerve? Heard you’ve been ignoring him for a few days now.”
“It’s really none of your business”, you inform him pertly, inching towards the door. 
“No, it isn’t”, he agrees easily, with a smile you instantly distrust. “But I have a proposition for you.”
Curiosity kills Mrs Norris. It is no different for you. 
“What?” you ask, fingers already grasping your wand, ready to curse him at the first sign of trouble. “What do you want from me?”
“So prickly, just like Iwa-chan - no wonder you’re friends”, Oikawa teases, holding his hands up to placate you when you brandish your wand at him. 
“Speak or I’m leaving.”
“Okay, okay. Sheesh. You know - if you really wanted Iwa-chan’s attention, you should go on a date with me. That’ll show him.”
You stare at him. You’re not even aware that your jaw hangs open and your eyes bug out inelegantly. 
“What!” he cries, pressing a hand to his chest. “I’m doing this out of the goodness of my heart to get my best friend a girl he deserves.”
You gather yourself, narrowing your eyes at him. “What’s in it for you?” 
“Well - you could sit on the Slytherin stands and cheer for my team, that’ll distract Iwa-chan to no end”
“Go to hell, Oikawa”, you tell him flatly. “Go to hell.”
You slam the door behind you. 
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Iwaizumi Hajime springs to his feet the minute you step foot into the common room. You nod jerkily to acknowledge his greeting but you walk right past him, heading straight for the girls’ dorm. 
“Can we talk?” he calls after you when you’re already halfway up the flight of stairs. 
You pretend you don’t hear him. You think that should deter him, but Iwaizumi Hajime is persistence personified, so you really shouldn’t have been surprised when Akane Yamamoto comes barrelling into your room yelling that the Gryffindor quidditch team is determined to breach the centuries old magical barriers barring boys from entering the girls’ dorms. 
“What the hell is going on?” You hear Daichi thunder when you peer over the bannister. 
Yaku, Hinata, Tanaka, Yamamoto and Nishinoya are all dogpiled onto the staircase - now a steep slope, cheering Iwaizumi as he clambers on their backs, face set in determination. You giggle despite yourself as you watch Daichi flail in confusion when he notices his otherwise trustworthy vice captain in the thick of this mayhem. 
“He’s boldly going where no man has gone before” Yaku tells Daichi approvingly from the bottom of the pile. 
“Charting new frontiers!” Hinata pipes up, though he immediately cringes when Daichi turns the full force of his glare on him. 
“To infinity and beyond!” Tanaka and Nishinoya whoop.  
“This has gone on ENOUGH!” Daichi roars, and the enchanted staircase clearly agrees with him, because with an echoing creak that eerily resembles a blech, the smooth wood of the slope ripples, rolling the entire Gryffindor quidditch team (sans Daichi, of course) into a pile on the common room floor. 
Even though the rest of his teammates are complaining laughingly and railing against the antiquated enchantments, Iwaizumi continues to stare stubbornly at you. 
It’s not over, his intense gaze promises you. 
You shake your head, heading back to the safety of your room. 
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Your window rattles. The wind howls. 
You shrug it away as a particularly violent storm, burrowing deeper into your nest of blankets. 
Then you hear a loud crack. 
“We’re under attack!!!” you hear one of your roommates shriek before fleeing the room. 
The sorting hat must’ve made a mistake with her, you mutter under your breath, grabbing your wand before stomping towards the window. You yank the curtains back. 
Iwaizumi Hajime stares at you sheepishly through the glass, pebbles in hand, hanging on to his broomstick in the gale for dear life. 
“Are you crazy?” you shriek. “Have you lost your mind?” 
“You weren’t talking to me”, he mouths, forehead creased in frustration. “I want to know what’s wrong.” 
Never mind your other idiot roommates cooing in the background at how impossibly romantic the entire situation is. He’s never once looked at you with any ounce of romantic interest, which is fine, really, you’ll get over that, but he’s making it so much harder by badgering you incessantly. You want him to leave you the hell alone, so you can lick your wounds in peace and mope to your heart’s content. 
“Get lost!” 
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong!”
You’re about to rip your hair out from frustration. 
“Fine. Meet me in the common room then”, you mouth back, hands on hips, looking decidedly annoyed. Iwaizumi doesn’t even pretend to look fazed, grinning at you as he speeds off. 
You trudge down the staircase, waiting until he tumbles into the common room, broomstick still in hand. There are far too many eavesdropping ears in the common room, and you have no wish to embarrass yourself more than he has already, so you march him to his dorm. 
Daichi and Yaku watch with wide eyes as Iwaizumi meekly follows your order to strip off his wet robes and get into dry ones now - or serve him right for catching his death from a cold. Then with a sharp muffiliato, you draw the curtains, shielding yourself from any prying eyes.
“What can I say to get you to leave. me. alone?” you ground out. 
“Why don’t you tell me why you want me to leave you alone”, Iwaizumi replies, painfully earnest as he inches closer towards you. “Cos to me it seemed to me you just got mad with me right after Hogsmeade and I really don’t know what I did wrong. And even though Shittykawa kind of told me I’m a fool for not knowing what happened - maybe you’d want to tell me yourself?” 
“You didn’t do anything wrong”, you inform the godzilla toy sitting on the bottom of the bed (courtesy of his muggle mother, he told you once). 
“Was it because I left you at Madam Puddifoot’s? I was worried about my teammate and thought Kuroo was up to no good, but it’s no excuse, I shouldn’t have left you to walk back alone.”
“It’s not that either”, you murmur, even though that memory stings. “It’s not you, Iwaizumi.” 
“Really? I’m having a hard time believing that given the lengths you’ve gone to avoid me.” 
“Really,” you emphasise, still refusing to meet his eyes. But you know he’s not convinced and you owe him an explanation, if only to get him off your back so you swallow nervously, take a deep breath and -  
“I just - I just really need to get over you.”
“Wha - What d’you mean, get over me? I don’t get it - ” 
Your temper flares up. 
Iwaizumi Hajime stares at you, open mouthed. You itch to reach out and shut his mouth for him, but you barrel on to the bitter end - 
“Do I have to spell out everything for you?” you snarl like a cornered animal, frantically gathering up the remnant shreds of your dignity to piece it together into a makeshift shield.
“I like you, okay? I like you, Iwaizumi Hajime, and I got so ridiculously excited when you asked me to Hogsmeade that I didn’t realise you were only asking me as a friend. “ 
“I’ve liked you for so long that I need time to get over you, okay? Can’t you even give me that?” 
The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop in the room. 
This is embarrassing, you think to yourself. This is embarrassing, and you shouldn’t need to put yourself through further humiliation by waiting for him to turn you down again. 
So you reach out to tug the curtains to make a hasty escape when Iwaizumi’s arm shoots out to grab your wrist. 
“I don’t want you to get over me.”
“I said, I don’t want you to get over me”, Iwaizumi mutters, his ears turning so red you’re surprised his hair hasn’t caught fire yet.  
“Why not?” It’s your turn to make him squirm. 
“Because I like you too, okay? I didn’t - I didn’t really figure it out until you stopped talking to me and I missed you so much I swear on Merlin’s balls I was willing to try even the stupidest suggestions from my idiot teammates - “ 
“I could tell”, you interject dryly and he chuckles, cheeks bright pink. 
“Daichi was not pleased, let me tell you that”, he admits with a twinkle in his usually serious eyes. 
“But it’s worth it. You’re worth every bit of it.”
“Really?” you breathe. “You really, really like me?”
“Really” he says firmly, lacing his fingers with yours. “I really, really like you.”
“We’re a pair of fools then”, you say and he laughs aloud, a glorious sound you’ll never grow sick of.
“You both really, really are”, Yaku calls from the other side of the room. 
You both stiffen. You don’t even realise your conversation has stretched long enough for your hastily cast muffiliato charm to wear off. Now you can even hear Daichi trying to shush his irrepressible teammate muttering about ungodly six am practices that he’s not going to get enough sleep for if his idiot vice captain doesn’t get his love life in order soon. 
“We’ll talk more tomorrow”, he whispers, breath warm against your cheek.
“I’m looking forward to tomorrow then”, you whisper back, your heart fluttering in your chest as he escorts you back to the foot of the staircase to the girls’ dorm, chivalrously refusing to turn away until you step into your room. 
You fall into bed, a giddy smile on your face. The foolish wish your heart made has come true. 
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Miya Atsumu (Slytherin).~  Miya Osamu (Slytherin).~ Kita Shinsuke.  (Ravenclaw)~ Kuroo Tetsuro. (Slytherin) ~  Bokuto Koutarou. (Hufflepuff)~  Sakusa Kiyoomi. (Ravenclaw) ~
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agduna-central · 4 years
First Love
An Agduna story i wrote as Secret Santa on our Agduna Discord server for @itsmecollington
I had the choice between three wishes: 1. teen Agduna sharing a sweet moment outside as the sun sets over the fjord’s water 2. teen Agduna holding hands as Gale floats them gently in the air (like in the deleted scene but relaxed) (setting is up to you!) 3. teen Agduna drinking hot chocolate and laughing together
And then i thought why not take all of them for the story. This is the result and i hope you like it. Enjoy.
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Both were exhausted and stopped breathing heavily. He stood bent over and had his hands on his knees while he did not let Iduna out of his sight. Iduna, however, only wiped the sweat from her forehead and had a triumphant expression on her face. They had been playing hide and seek during the last hour, giving each other nothing. He didn't give up and kept chasing after her, touching her according to the rules of the game. But she was quick, fled from him and skillfully avoided all his attempts to pat her down. However, Iduna had help from this magical being and took advantage of this benefit mercilessly. So he was clearly at a disadvantage. She smiled at him.
"Well, have you had enough now?"
"Of course not! But let me first catch my breath a little, then we'll continue. I'll get you soon enough," he replied and looked at her with a slightly angry look. "If you didn't have the help of this...wind...thing, the whole thing would look very different, believe me."
"This wind thing, as you call it, is named Gale and is one of the four Spirits. Gale is my friend," Iduna explained to him and proudly crossed her arms in front of her chest.
He straightened up and looked at her while he slowly recovered. She was so different from the girls in Arendelle; he thought. So confident, resolved and bold. He liked her, although she behaved so disrespectfully to him, the Prince of Arendelle. But beyond that, he liked her too. She looked so sweet when she smiled.
"The way you...made Gale twirl me around in the air earlier and then let me plop to the ground in this degrading way was really unfair. You had your fun with me, it was obvious," he lamented and looked at her as determinedly as she was looking at him right now. But on the other hand, he also had a lot of fun.
This feeling of floating in the air high up near the treetops had been incredibly exciting. His heart was pounding in his chest as he looked down with nothing but air under his feet and the surrounding world revolved around him. In the end, she had given him a nudge on the nose and grinningly said "Boop!" She had clearly won the game, but he couldn't blame her for that. He wanted more of it.
Iduna just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. For a moment they just stood there and assessed each other with glances. Then he sighed.
"Do you think Gale would listen to me, too?" he asked. "I mean, can I get this Wind Spirit to make me float as you can?"
Iduna raised her eyebrows and thought for a second. Then she shook her head.
"I don't think that's possible. But I can tell him that he will just lift us both up and let us both float quietly for a while."
He nodded, "All right. But no tricks this time. Promise?"
"Promise!" she said and then shouted loudly for Gale. A moment later, leaves spun up, circled around her and played with her long hair. She giggled because it apparently tickled her neck. A few leaves now floated in front of her face, circling around an imaginary spot in the air. She held one hand next to her mouth and whispered something to the leaves that he could not understand. It looked kind of strange what she was doing. Then the leaves suddenly came towards him and he automatically took a few steps back.
'Now don't be such a coward, he thought, and stopped expectantly. A powerful air stream whirled around him and he felt the power behind it. Slowly Gale pushed him upwards and his feet came off the ground. He floated now and immediately this euphoric feeling was back. His clothes fluttered around him and the wind whizzed through his hair. He spread his arms wide and laughed. This time it went very slowly and he climbed more and more. Iduna floated up with him and, smiling, came closer at the same height. They climbed further and further and his heartbeat raced. This time, however, with joy. Then they passed the tops of the trees and were suddenly above the forest.
He hadn't expected this sight, and he hadn't imagined that they would both climb so high. Frightened, he rowed with his arms, but there was nothing to hold on to. Only air. Iduna noticed his fear and let herself be carried even closer to him. She grabbed his hands and stabilized him, giving him the support he needed. He looked at her gratefully and smiled. Then he could look around in peace. What an incredible experience; he thought. The view from up here was simply phenomenal.
The wind rustled in his ears and so he was a little louder than he wanted to be.
"That's fantastic, Iduna!" he shouted.
Iduna bent to his ear, "Not so loud, Agnarr! We don't want to draw attention to ourselves, do you hear?"
He opened his eyes and nodded violently when the situation became clear to him. No imagining what would happen if his father saw him like that. He now concentrated fully on Iduna and felt the safe, warm grip of her hands. They were now very close and their faces were only a handbreadth apart. He looked deeply into her eyes and began to sink into them. She held his gaze and smiled at him. Something was happening between the two of them as they floated silently on the spot. There was suddenly a completely new feeling inside him and he felt it in his stomach. It was like a swarm of butterflies and warmth was spreading inside.
He experienced a strong affection for her, an attraction he had never felt before. He could not name it, but he knew in that moment that he wanted to be near her all the time. A deep desire made him tilt his head towards her, but then he hesitated. He couldn't just kiss a strange girl, high up and floating in the air. Embarrassed, he lowered his gaze, saw their feet dangling freely in the air, and the ground below suddenly seemed to be infinitely far away. It would have been better if he hadn't done that now; he suddenly became aware of it, and the butterflies in his stomach had suddenly become something else. Something that wanted to go up by force, through his throat and out.
He noticed that Iduna looked at him as he began to turn green in the face, causing Gale to gently slide them both down.
"Do not look down, Agnarr! Just look at me, okay?"
He nodded and followed her advice. His grip on her hands became tighter and he swallowed hard. 'Just don't throw up now', he thought. He closed his eyes and opened them again as soon as he realized that this only made things worse. She giggled and he just found the situation even more embarrassing.
When they were back down on safe ground he took a few deep breaths in and out. A gentle breeze cooled his face and only now did he realize that he was a little cold. Unlike Iduna in her warm reindeer skin clothing, he only wore his thin city clothes and they were not made for this climate, especially not for situations like this. But slowly he started to feel better again.
"Thank you, Iduna, for this extraordinary experience! It just got a little cold up there and I could use a cup or two of hot chocolate. It warms so nicely from the inside."
Iduna looked at him questioningly, "Hot chocolate? What is it?"
"Hold on, you do not know chocolate? For real? Oh, man, you really missed something. This is the best taste you can ever imagine. Sweet and melt-in-the-mouth. As hot chocolate, it's just dreamy."
"We don't have anything like that here. Apart from honey, we don't have anything sweet here and even that we don't eat very often, because wild honey is not so easy to come by," Iduna said and shrugged her shoulders regretfully.
"We absolutely must remedy that. I can have this drink made for you in our camp. You will be thrilled," Agnarr replied eagerly, looking forward to returning the favor and spending more time with her.
But Iduna shook her head, she even looked a bit frightened; he thought as he believed to recognize in her facial expression.
"I am not allowed in your camp. If I'm seen there, I'll be in big trouble.
"Well, I'll bring you a cup of it," he said understandingly. "Just wait there at the edge of the forest for my return. It won't take very long."
Iduna swayed her head and thought for a moment. Then she finally smiled and nodded. "All right. I'll wait for you there."
"I'll be right back. I promise!" Then he turned around and hurried off.
Nevertheless, the following events took a completely different course and his memories became blurred. The first thing he remembered was waking up in his bed in Arendelle and the doctors of the castle taking care of him. What had happened before remained hidden from him. There was only a blurry image in his head, the face of a pretty young girl on a cart beside him, and he thought he remembered handing her a bar of chocolate.
More than a month had passed and she now lived in Arendelle in the orphanage and had daily classes in the castle. She wanted to look around the town a bit more today and after that she wanted to go for a walk by the fjord.
She just had passed a store where chocolate was sold and immediately memories came back to her. Memories of a promise that unfortunately could not be kept due to the events of that time. Worse of all, Agnarr did not remember their experience together with Gale, her friend the Wind Spirit. She had recognized this from his behavior during her last encounters. Ever since he hit his head on that rock, he didn't even know who and most importantly, what she was. And it was better that way; she thought.
She walked on, deeply lost in thought, and only then did she realize that she was almost at the fjord when she arrived at the great weir wall. She looked up at the wall and saw the reddish glow in the clouds above. The sun set soon and it had already become late. But now she was already here and could just as well watch the sunset at the fjord.
She entered the gate and the city guard let her pass. Once outside, she looked around for a suitable place to sit down comfortably. But the most comfortable place seemed to be already occupied and it was the young king Agnarr, of all people, who sat there and two guards, who leaned against the wall far enough away but still within shouting distance behind him and talked.
She hesitated. Should she simply walk over to Agnarr or turn around and go back to the city? His guards had already noticed her, too, and were now looking at her suspiciously. She was already about to turn her back to the fjord when Agnarr saw her and waved to her.
The guards relaxed again, and she couldn't just walk away again now that the young king had noticed her. It would be more than just rude; she thought. She sighed softly and marched towards him with measured steps.
"Your Majesty," she said with a slight bow as she reached him, and he pointed beside her to offer her a seat. She sat down next to him on his blanket and nervousness blossomed in her. Here on the fjord the air had become quite cool at this time of day and a light breeze was tugging at her hair.
"Iduna, you know you don't have to talk to me like that when we're alone."
"I know, Agnarr. It's just because of your two guards who keep an eye on us."
He took a quick look back, smiled at her, and waved. "Don't worry about them. So you have the same idea today as I did... to enjoy the sunset on the Arenfjord. I am very happy that destiny brought us together here."
She didn't know what to answer. Sitting here with the young king on the shore made her a bit nervous. She couldn't handle him as well as she did in the forest thus admit that they had known each other for a long time and had feelings for each other. So she just nodded and looked at him a bit shyly.
Agnarr smiled. "May I perhaps offer you something to drink?" he asked and reached into a basket behind him. "It will warm us a little from the inside, now that it is already getting colder at the fjord."
"What is it?" she asked and followed his hand with her gaze. He opened the lid, took out a clay cup and handed it to her. Then he pulled out a small bulbous carafe from under a blanket in the basket and unplugged it. It steamed from the opening into the cool air above. "I love hot tea. Thank you, Agnarr," she said with a smile and held the cup out to him.
"No tea, Iduna. Much better! It's hot chocolate."
She almost dropped the mug and was speechless. He had kept his old promise and did not even know it. She stared at him and the sweet smell of chocolate wafted over to her. The taste of chocolate was familiar to her by now, he had finally given her a bar of it on the cart and it tasted heavenly. But in liquid form? She stretched out her hand and he poured the dark liquid into her cup.
She gently sipped it and then took a bigger gulp. Agnarr watched her closely and his grin grew wider and wider. "Hmm...," she hummed in delight and closed her eyes.
"Well, did I promise too much?" he asked.
"It tastes heavenly," she replied and drank the cup empty. He laughed.
She nodded vehemently and held the cup out to him. "Aren't you drinking with us?" she asked while he gave her a refill.
"Well, I hadn't expected visitors and so I only took one drinking vessel with me. But that's no problem, I drink it quite often in the castle. But you don't seem to know it yet and I'm glad that we have the same taste. So you are welcome to drink the carafe empty while the chocolate is still warm," he said and put the vessel back into the basket.
"Thank you, Agnarr, that's sweet of you," she replied smiling and took another sip.
The sun was already very low and its reddish ball was reflected glittering in the rippling water of the fjord. It had become quiet and even the two guards had interrupted their conversation and now enjoyed the picturesque sight as much as they did.
Agnarr slipped back a bit to give her a better view and his hand landed on hers. They looked at each other and after a few moments she turned her hand around and enclosed his. No words were necessary. Both enjoyed the presence of the other and at some point Agnarr slid closer to her and put his arm around her. She smiled and after a while her head sank contentedly on his shoulder and both watched the sun slowly sink.
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jlalafics · 5 years
“You, soft and only, you lost and lonely”-an Everlark Halloween fic
This isn’t technically scary, but I was going for supernatural rom-com. Hopefully this lived up to that.
Happy Reading!
Summary: Peeta couldn’t remember who he was. However, he knew he didn’t want Katniss Everdeen invading his apartment. Based on the movie “Just Like Heaven”.
Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes…
-The Cure
Peeta hated driving in the rain. However, what he hated more was breaking promises.
Not to mention, Alba would never forgive him if he didn’t show up and she would get his sister on him as well.
Making a sharp right leading to the freeway, Peeta looked down at his pager quickly to make sure that there weren’t any pages coming in. Finding it completely silent, he turned up the music on his radio and prepared himself for a night of lectures and meatloaf—
He never even noticed the truck barreling towards the passenger side of his car.
“Cole! It’s time for dinner!”
Katniss set down the bowl of mac and cheese—her son’s favorite—onto the beautiful cherrywood dining table. She had been lucky to score an apartment so close to her new job and even luckier that it came fully furnished. Hopefully once everything slowed down, they could actually find time to make it a home.
Her son rushed into the room, all smiles and a G.I. Joe action figure in tow. “I’m starving…but can I eat in my room?”
“Are you not finished unpacking?” Katniss asked the young boy, her hand pushing his dark locks from his stone colored eyes.
“No, I want to eat with my new friend,” Cole informed her with a beatific smile. “He likes mac and cheese, too.”
Katniss nodded in understanding. Cole was getting to the age when imaginary friends came into play. Also, for now, he was the new kid in town.
“Does your…friend want a bowl as well?”
“Yes, please.”
Taking a bowl from the open moving box, she scooped a spoonful and handed the bowl to her son.
“That’s not going to be enough, Mommy,” he replied. “He’s a big guy, you know.”
“Oh—” Katniss scooped a little bit more. “How about this?”
Examining the bowl, Cole nodded in approval before taking the bowls and rushing down the hallway toward his new bedroom.
“Here you go, Pe—”
He shut the door before Katniss could catch his words.
“Huh…it’s a he.”
Scooping a bowl for herself, Katniss settled in for a lone dinner of mac and cheese.
And, maybe a glass of wine.
It was during her fourth glass of wine that Katniss started to get curious about the previous owner. Cole was long asleep—after three stories and one lullaby—and in his own words, dreaming of going to Hogwarts instead of a regular old school.
Katniss couldn’t recall when she had told him anything about Harry Potter.
She began to peek around each room, pulling drawers open, and peeking into cabinets. When Katniss went into the master bedroom, she went immediately to the closet—a tiny thing, really—and looked inside. There was a single shelf at the top and a rack below it. She reached up, her hand moving over the dusty surface when she felt the familiar coarseness of paper.
Pulling it down, Katniss looked at the crayon scrawling of two people, a little girl and a man in a meadow with a house in the back. The sun, of course, was obscenely large.
“Why do children always draw the sun so big?” she whispered, her fingers tracing the writing on the picture’s corner. “From Alba…”
“What are you doing in my bedroom?”
Katniss whipped around at the deep timbre of a man’s voice, her heart practically exploding from her ribcage.
There was no one there.
“Shit,” she breathed out. “How much wine did I drink?”
The windows were shut and there were no vents that might allow a neighbor’s voice to invade her bedroom. Katniss walked out of the room, quickly checking on a serenely sleeping Cole, then down the hallway towards the living room and kitchen.
Nothing but deathly silence.
Going back into the kitchen, her eyes focused on the wine bottle, still mostly full. She felt her anxiety abate and her hand reached for the bottle—
“Do you really need a fifth glass?”
“Okay.” Katniss put her hands up in surrender; the wine was obviously laced with something. “I’m going to bed.”
That would be the last time that she would buy wine from a discount mart.
The girl was a damn lush.
The boy, Cole, was not so bad.
He watched her from…wherever…take over his apartment with tacky plush pillows with generic sayings and frilly pillows on his king-size mattress. The quilt—he cringed thinking how somewhere his Calvin Klein sheets were probably lying in wait—was multi-colored and so…old.
She was preparing dinner—lasagna—and he was suddenly aware that he could not smell the melted mozzarella that accompanied the dish, nor could he feel the heat emanating from the oven as the woman leaned down to pull out the steaming tray.
He had to admit—she had a nice ass.
Somewhere in the distance…there was a faint beep…then he could feel it.
He was fading again.
Peeta was no more.
“You look horrible.”
Katniss turned to her fellow nurse, Johanna, and glared.
“Gee, thanks. You’re making me feel real good about the transfer.” However, she went to the coffee machine across from the nurses station. “I haven’t been sleeping well since the move.”
“What? Is the place haunted or something?” Johanna sat down at her computer to begin her reports.
“Maybe.” Katniss took a long sip from the scalding coffee; she was going to feel that later. For now, she needed it to get through her shift. “Sometimes, I think I’m hearing things…but I don’t know if it’s the wine or stress. Also, lately I’ve been feeling…judged.”
Johanna raised a brow. “How?”
“Like there’s this aura of disapproval in the apartment,” Katniss explained.
“So, your apartment hates you?” Johanna supplied. “I’m sure that you’re just settling in.”
“Probably,” she responded. “I mean, it would be really uncomfortable if someone was there during my ‘lonely’ nights.” Her cell phone started ringing from her scrubs and Katniss looked at the screen. “It’s Cole’s school.” She picked up quickly. “Hello?”
“Miss Everdeen? This is Alma Coin, Principal of Panem Elementary. We have a…situation with your son and we’ll need you to come immediately.”
Katniss felt a prickle of fear rush down to her stomach. “Is Cole alright?”
“Other than the cut lip, he is fine,” the woman assured her tersely.
“I’ll be right over,” Katniss assured her and hung up. “Shit.” She turned to Johanna. “Cole is in trouble.”
“Go.” Johanna waved her off. “I’ll find someone to cover you today.”
“You’re the best,” Katniss told her gratefully.
“No, I’m just the head nurse,” her friend replied. “Go!”
Katniss opened the door to their apartment, leading her son in quickly. “On the couch. Now.”
Cole flopped on the couch, arms folded and his late father’s scowl on his face.
“Now…” Katniss joined him on the couch. “Can we talk about why you hit that boy?”
“He was making fun of one of the girls in my class,” Cole explained. “So, Peeta told me to hit him.”
“Peeta? Is he another boy in your class?” she asked curiously.
“No. He’s my friend,” her son replied. “The one who plays action figures with me.”
Her spine stiffened at the thought of Cole’s ‘friend’.
“Sweetie, you can’t blame what you did on your invisible friend,” Katniss explained as calmly as she could.
Cole shot up from his seat. “Peeta is real! He’s my only friend here!”
“Well, if that’s the kind of friend you have, then I don’t think you two should be friends anymore,” she responded firmly.
“I hate you!” Her son’s face was wet with tears. “I wish we never came here! Daddy would have never made us leave our house!”
Katniss knelt before him, her own mouth beginning to tremble.
“I know.” Her hands went to Cole’s shoulders. “I wish we could’ve stayed, too—”
Her son let out one plaintive sob before turning and running off towards the hallway. Katniss cringed hearing the door of his bedroom slam shut.
“Don’t cry,” she hissed to herself.
The tears came anyway, and Katniss angrily wiped them away. She hated herself for letting things get all out of control…for losing their house to pay off Gale’s medical bills…for losing her job because there weren’t enough hours in a day to be a widow and a newly-single mother—
Getting up, her feet took her to the kitchen where her shaking hands reached for the fridge door, ready to open the Moscato chilling in the back—
“If I knew you well enough, I would probably tell you that you have an obvious drinking problem.”
Katniss jumped, turning quickly to find a sandy-haired man standing in her kitchen.
“H-How did you get in here?”
Peeta searched his mind; he couldn’t quite figure it out. He just blinked and suddenly he was watching the boy’s mother reaching into the fridge for one of her many wine bottles.
He shrugged. “Not sure. What I do know is that you’re squatting in my apartment.”
“No, it’s my apartment,” she said in a tight voice. “Now, how did you get in?”
“How one usually gets in,” Peeta told her. However, he felt at his pants pocket and couldn’t find his keys. “Where are my keys?” He glared at the woman. “What did you do with them?”
“I didn’t do anything!” Katniss replied. She reached into the pocket of her scrubs and pulled out her keys. “But I have my set…” Backing herself against the kitchen counter, Katniss reached behind and, feeling around for the first solid object, presented it to the man before her. “Now, get out of my house or I’ll—”
Peeta smirked. “Ladle me to death?” He approached her boldly. “Also, that’s my ladle.”
Without thought, Katniss swung and Peeta reached to block her hit.
Only he couldn’t.
Because the head of the ladle went right through his hand.
His blue eyes widened in shock. “What the hell?”
Then, just like that, Peeta disappeared.
“Explain this to me again?”
Katniss, her grey eyes wide with terror, stopped mid-rock on the couch before looking to Johanna.
“There was a guy in my apartment, and he said that it was his…so I reached for the first thing I could find—a ladle—and it just went right through his hand!” She took a sip of water from the glass that she held; there was no way that alcohol would be touching her lips tonight. “Then, he vanished!”
“Katniss.” Johanna sat down next to her, eyes roving over her trembling friend. “You’ve been going through a lot lately, with the move and Cole trying to adjust. I mean, have you been getting any sleep?”
“I sleep…kind of.”
“And, have you been drinking more than usual?”
Katniss tried not to think of the condescending ghost who scolded her for her nightly wine glasses.
“Not more than usual,” she informed Johanna.
“I think you might need to see someone…like a priest or a counselor...or just anyone to talk to,” Johanna told her gently. “These hallucinations are not good for you.”
“He’s not a hallucination,” Katniss argued.
Johanna looked at her doubtfully. “Maybe not. Either way, this isn’t healthy.” She stood up. “You need some more time off—get this situation figured out and get back to work okay. I’ll just let the hospital know that there was…a home issue.”
Katniss nodded tiredly. “Thanks.”
Her friend went to the door before suddenly turning to her.
“You know, if this ghost is real, then there’s a reason he’s stuck here,” Johanna said. “You might want to figure out what it is if you want some peace of your own.”
Katniss snorted in response. “Great—a week of exorcisms.”
“Or watching Ghost Whisperer,” Johanna cracked. “I’ll see you in a week.”
Her friend closed the front door behind her, leaving Katniss to the silence of her apartment.
Getting up, she went to check on Cole and found him fast asleep. Walking into his room, her hand found its way to his soft locks and Katniss leaned down to press a kiss to his temple.
“Hey kiddo.” She smiled gently at him. “Just checking on you. I know that our last conversation didn’t go so well.”
“I’m sorry.” Cole’s eyes shone up at her and he blinked, letting his tears fall. “I miss Daddy.”
“Oh baby…I miss him, too,” Katniss said thickly. “But he wouldn’t want you to be sad.”
“He wouldn’t want you to be sad either,” her son told her.
“So, we’re just going to have figure out how to get out of the sads, right?” Katniss pressed a kiss to his cheek, blowing a raspberry and making Cole giggle. “Tomorrow, we’ll start to make some plans—maybe decorate your room and make this place our own?”
Cole nodded excitedly. “Yes, Mommy!”
“Now back to bed.” Katniss pulled the blanket over his shoulder. “Tomorrow is a new day.”
She gave him one last kiss before getting up.
As Katniss reached the doorway, something came to her mind.
“Yes, Mommy?”
“What does your friend Peeta look like?”
“He has yellow hair and blue eyes…he’s tall, but not as tall as Daddy was.” Cole looked at her, his eyes beginning to droop as a yawn escaped his lips. “Why?”
“Just wondering. Good night, sweetheart.”
Closing the door behind her, Katniss went to the kitchen.
Was she really going to try this? This would really solidify that she was most likely having a mental breakdown.
Taking a deep breath, Katniss closed her eyes and called out, “Peeta?”
“Peeta? I’m sorry for trying to hit you with a ladle…” She walked around the kitchen, trying to see if she could catch a glimmer of a spirit. “I think you know my son, Cole. He gave you mac and cheese.”
Katniss went towards the fridge.
“I think I’m just going to have one glass of wi—”
“There you go again with the booze!”
Got him.
Turning, she found herself looking at what seemed like a solidly formed Peeta. He wore a simple pair of dark grey slacks and a white button-down shirt. The sleeves were rolled up and she looked at his forearms to see if there were any distinguishing features.
Katniss could see nothing but smooth skin and faint blue veins running along to his wrists.
“I’m Katniss.” She sat down at the table next to the fridge. “You must be Peeta.”
After a moment, Peeta nodded. “I am.”
“What’s your last name?”
He looked at her for a moment and in the depths of his cerulean eyes, Katniss could practically see him searching for the answer.
Finally, Peeta replied. “I don’t know.”
“Have a seat.” Katniss gestured at the chair across and was surprised when he easily joined her. “I think I can help you find out what’s going on. However, I think you’re just going to have to acknowledge and accept one thing—you’re dead.”
He couldn’t be!
“How can I be dead?” He looked to the woman in front of him. “I have no recollection of it happening or any events leading up to it.”
“The dead often don’t know that they are,” Katniss replied calmly. “I think that what you need is…to go into the light.”
Peeta looked around in confusion. “What light?”
“You don’t see any sort of portal?” she asked. “Like something from above…or below?”
“No and definitely no,” Peeta argued. “I’m not dead.”
“Then why can’t you tell me anything about yourself?” Katniss’ eyes, smoky and deep, peered deep into whatever kind of being he was. “Can you remember anything from the past few days?”
“No.” He sunk into his seat. “It’s like I’m here…and then I’m not.”
Katniss looked at him with sympathy. “Maybe this is limbo?”
“Or maybe I’m not dead!” he burst out.
“Okay…okay—don’t wake Cole!”
“Cole is your son.”
“And, where’s his Dad?”
Katniss’ eyes shone with pain and he wanted to shake himself for being so crass.
“He’s wherever I guess you were supposed to go,” she said somberly.
“I’m sorry.” Peeta attempted a smile. “Cole’s a good kid.”
“By the way, thanks for telling him to hit that kid.” Katniss glared at him. “I had to miss a day of work to get lectured by his principal.”
“That kid was being mean to A—” He stopped and she straightened, watching his expression. “It’s like the memory is there, but I just can’t reach it.”
“So, you have some sort of ghost amnesia.”
“I’m not a ghost!”
“Okay, a corporal being amnesia,” Katniss said, trying to maintain peace. “I have some time off because my friend and co-worker thinks I’m delusional—thanks a lot—so maybe I can start asking around the building about you.”
“That sounds good.”
“Hey Peeta?” Katniss’ expression suddenly flushed. “You haven’t watched me at other times, right? Like not on Wednesday nights around 11:00?”
She breathed a sigh of relief.
“But your vibrator is pretty loud so I really wouldn’t need to look to know what you are doing.”
Katniss scowled; her face bright with embarrassment. “Damn you!”
It probably wasn’t the best time for him to mention the few times that he may have peeked in during her shower time.
“Oh, the guy upstairs.” The woman leaned against her doorway in thought. “Yeah, I don’t recall ever seeing him. Actually, for a while, I didn’t even know that someone lived up there.”
“Well, thanks anyway,” Katniss said before she bid her goodbye. She looked to the man beside her. “Did you talk to anyone?”
“I don’t know,” Peeta replied with a shrug. “I think I’m a friendly person.”
Katniss didn’t even attempt to hide her eye roll. “I’m sure you were.”
She walked up to the next door and knocked.
The man who suddenly stood before them seemed to be glistening, his upper body highlighted and contoured to show every single abdominal muscle on his golden skin.
“Hi!” He gave Katniss a bright grin, revealing straight, blindingly white teeth. “How can I help you?”
Katniss started. “Oh…yeah hi. I just moved into the apartment on the third floor and was wondering if you knew anything about the guy who lived there.”
“I think I ran into him once…seemed like the kind of person who was just too busy to give anyone else a second thought…” He thought for a moment. “A little cold, too.”
“Hey!” Peeta was genuinely offended. “Doesn’t anyone have anything nice to say about me?”
“Like he was someone who’d kick a puppy?” Katniss asked, a gleam in her eye.
“Exactly!” The man let out a riotous laugh. “I’m Marvel, by the way.”
“Katniss.” She shook his hand. “I’ll see you around.”
“Maybe we could have dinner sometime,” Marvel suggested.
“Really? This guy?” Peeta scoffed. “Yeah, he’s jacked but who the hell is walking around shirtless and oiled up on a weekday afternoon?”
“I’ll think about it,” Katniss said congenially.
“She has a kid!” Peeta yelled into the man’s ear.
Marvel touched at his lobe. “Weird. Got a buzzing in my ear…” He smiled easily. “I’ll see you around.”
“Better go add more oil to your arms. You’re starting to look less than perfect,” Peeta called out.
The door closed and Katniss turned to him. “Are you seriously jealous?”
“Of the meathead?” He shook his head vigorously. “Never.”
Katniss laughed as they continued down the hallway.
“I have to pick up Cole. I don’t know the whole logistics of ghosts, but can you leave the building?”
She walked out of the front door and held it open for him before walking down the stairs.
Peeta easily followed her onto the sidewalk.
“I guess I’m okay.”
The two began their walk and Katniss examined the man beside her. He seemed so real. The light of the sun still hit his skin and she could see that small glisten of sweat above his upper lip. In death, didn’t bodily functions usually cease?
“What if I was a horrible person?” he suddenly asked. “Nobody in my own apartment building knew me. I didn’t participate in any neighborhood events or even open my door for trick-or-treaters. What kind of person was I?”
“I think you would be in a much different place if you were bad,” she told him. “We will find out who you are. Maybe I could call the landlord.”
“They would never give that information,” Peeta replied. “Confidentiality and such.”
They reached Cole’s school, sitting on a bench just across the street.
Panem Elementary was a beautiful building, all brick with its old school bell still hanging in the tower.
Peeta could appreciate old architecture—
A girlish laugh…crayon drawings…golden hair…
“I think I just had a memory.”
Katniss looked to him in shock. “Of what?”
“They were like flashes…of a laugh…golden hair…drawings—”
“Hi Mommy!” Cole rushed over to them, a bright smile on his little face. “Hi Peeta!”
“Hey kiddo,” Katniss stood up and took his hand. “You ready?”
Cole nodded but not before waving at the girl across the street, who waved back.
The girl turned at the call and joined her mother, disappearing into the crowd of children.
“Maybe we could look around here?” Katniss said as they stepped into the apartment. “Can you tell me if the layout of the furniture is the same?”
“What are you doing?” Cole asked as he took off his jacket.
“Your mommy is trying to help me,” Peeta told him. “I think it looks the same…there were some photos on the mantle.” He struggled to remember what was in those frames. “I think they were a dark wood with carved designs along the borders.”
“That’s a start,” Katniss mused. “How about the kitchen?”
The trio went to the kitchen and looked around trying to see if there was a semblance of anything that spoke of the man who once lived in the apartment. Peeta surveyed the room, moving along the l-shape of the counters then to the fridge.
He turned to the mother and son. “Nothing.”
Katniss gave him a sympathetic smile.
“Don’t worry.” She tapped her finger to her chin before pressing the pad of finger to her lip in thought. “I tried the landlord and he hasn’t been very helpful. Maybe I can do some internet research or ask my realtor…”
“Why don’t you look in the drawers?” Cole asked suddenly.
“I’m pretty sure they’re empty—or they should’ve been,” Katniss replied as she headed towards the closest drawers to her. “I mean, I haven’t been able to unpack everything but—”
She stopped suddenly at the piece of paper laying plainly inside the empty drawer.
Peeta joined her. “What is it?”
“A note.” She frowned as she picked up the paper. “I don’t know if this is your writing, but it’s atrocious!”
“Hey!” Peeta looked at the chicken scratch. Yes, it wasn’t the best penmanship, but he was feeling very attacked for someone who wasn’t sure if he was alive. “I might’ve been in a rush.”
Cole pulled his mother’s arm so he could see the note. “Is that a 2 or a 3?”
“I’m not sure,” Katniss replied and held the note to Peeta. “You try deciphering this.”
Peeta examined the words in front of him. “It says, ‘Buy wine. 14…2 Sun Valley Way’.”
“That’s not too far from here.” Katniss gave him an encouraged smile. “See? We’re getting somewhere!”
“Thanks to Cole.” Peeta looked down at the boy. “Thanks bud.”
“No problem.” Cole beamed up at him. “Will you help with my homework?”
“Sure.” Peeta looked to her, his blue eyes warm. “Thanks.”
She nodded, her face flushing. “Of course. We’ll go tomorrow after dropping Cole off at school.”
Peeta’s hand suddenly reached forward, stopping short of touching her hair.
He stepped back, eyes darting down. “There was some hair…out of place.”
Katniss tucked it quickly behind her ear. “Better?”
His eyes met hers. “Lovely.”
“Peeta…stare at Mommy later! Word problems wait for no one!”
Cole rushed off to his room.
“I better go.”
“Sure.” Katniss went to the fridge. “I’ll get dinner started.”
Peeta walked out of the room and she opened the door of the fridge, leaning in to look for a semblance of something to make for dinner.
And, to cool herself off.
Katniss stepped out of her car, looking around the neighborhood and then at the house in front of her. It looked like every other house on the block; two-storied with brick steps leading to a wide porch. There was nothing decorating the steps unlike some of the other houses sporting ghoulish decorations—Halloween was coming up in only two days.
“So, should we go up?”
She jumped at Peeta’s voice. “Shit—you need to stop popping up like that!”
“Sorry.” He grinned roguishly at her. “It comes with the spirit territory, I guess.”
Together, they walked up the steps and at the top, Katniss knocked on the door.
They waited hearing quick footsteps heading towards them.
Peeta let out a quick breath. “Here goes.”
The woman in front of them took them both by surprise—blonde, buxom, and wearing a crop top and leggings. “Hello.” She flashed a sparkling white smile at Katniss. “How can I help you?”
“Uh…I was wondering if you know a guy named Peeta.” Katniss looked quickly at the man next to her. “Blond, cerulean eyes, has a cute, crooked smile…”
Peeta smirked. “You think my smile is cute?”
“I know a lot of guys, sweetie,” the woman in front of them replied. “I don’t usually know them by name, though.”
Katniss looked to her in confusion. “Excuse me?”
“Listen, I’m not sure what your husband may have told you, but Cashmere does not do refunds,” the woman continued, her eyes narrowing at Katniss. “I did my service, discreetly I might add, and I was owed the money. I keep a quiet living in this neighborhood and don’t appreciate being harassed.”
She slammed the door before Katniss could say anything else.
“Oh my God…” She turned to Peeta. “Did you pay that woman for sex?”
“I don’t know!” he yelled as Katniss stomped towards the car. “I don’t remember anything!”
“You don’t remember if you were a pervert?” Katniss glared at him as she opened her door. “I mean, how could you not remember those tits?” She got inside her car and slammed the door shut. “They didn’t move at all…”
“Are you seriously jealous of that woman?”
She started, seeing Peeta suddenly sitting in the passenger’s seat.
“No…I am not jealous of Cashmere’s perfectly manufactured body. I am perfectly happy with my normal-moving boobs.” Katniss started the engine roughly. “And maybe I don’t have abs—but I really like fries and am way too busy to do crunches.”
“Hey.” Peeta raised his hands in surrender. “I agree. I like your regular boobs. Feel free to stop wearing bras in front of me.”
Katniss chuckled in spite of herself. “You really are a perv.”
Peeta grinned. “But you love that about me!”
She let out a peal of laughter before pulling out of the parking space and driving away.
The occupant of 143 Sun Valley Drive stepped out of her house, going to her mailbox to take out the mail. A gust of wind hit, causing blonde tendrils to fly in all directions and she quickly tucked her hair back. Her eyes went to the car heading out of the neighborhood.
Cashmere must have had another visitor.
“That’s not right, Mommy!”
Katniss looked up at Cole. “I’m not an artist, sweetheart.” She continued her work, biting her lower lip in concentration.
“What are you doing?”
She jumped, streaking the green shirt and then glared up at the man before her.
“I thought I would get more used to you just popping up like that!” Katniss groaned, looking down at the mess before her. “This doesn’t look good at all.”
Cole nodded. “I agree.”
“It doesn’t look so bad,” Peeta said as he examined her work. “Just add some shadowing here…here…and here.” He turned to Cole. “What are you supposed to be?”
“The Hulk!” Cole told him excitedly. “And, he has lots of muscles!”
“Okay, that explains why your mother is painting abs on your shirt.”
“Yeah, we’re going trick-or-treating!” The boy was practically bouncing. “Can you come with us?”
Peeta looked to the woman currently contouring the set of pecs on the shirt.
“If your mom says it’s okay.”
“Sure. I could use a second set of eyes on Cole,” she told him. “There.” Katniss held the shirt up in triumph. “Now, it just needs to dry.”
“Thanks Mommy!” Cole exclaimed. “I can’t wait for tomorrow!”
The boy rushed off to his room, shirt carefully held out so it could be hung to dry.
Katniss pushed herself up onto the couch and smiled ruefully at Peeta.
“This will be the first Halloween that he’s gone trick-or-treating since Gale,” she explained. “We’ve been kind of hiding out for the last two years. I wanted him to have something special and handmade.”
“Can I ask what happened?” Peeta said gently. He sat next to her.
“He just started to get these really bad headaches…” Katniss wrapped her arms around herself. “Then one day I got a call at work that he had a seizure—and before I knew it, he was gone.” She trembled, pulling herself in. “And we were alone.”
“It was tumor, wasn’t it?”
Katniss nodded as she sniffed back her tears.
“It grew quickly and just took over before we could even try to fight it.”
“I’m so sorry, Katniss,” he said softly. Something ached seeing her so broken. “I just wish there was something I could do.”
“It’s alright,” she replied. “Just you sitting here is enough.”
Peeta felt tongue-tied as he spoke the words that he knew that he shouldn’t speak.
“I wish…I wish I could just…hold your hand…or let you cry on my shoulder.”
They fell silent.
Katniss shifted, moving closer to him.
“I wish that you could, too.”
The streets were littered with children. They had decided to come to neighborhood where the infamous Cashmere resided since it was apparently the place to be when it came to trick or treating. However, Katniss made it a point to avoid that side of the street altogether.
“Okay, I didn’t prepare for this craziness,” Peeta said as they moved past a set of crayons followed by a man in a ketchup bottle costume. “This is ridiculous.”
“Well, this is Halloween with a kid,” Katniss replied, twitching her painted nose.
“What are you supposed to be?” he asked, eyeing her all-black ensemble.
Katniss shrugged. “A cat…or a mouse?”
“Mommy, I’m going there!” Cole pointed to the house with fake webbing on its hedges and ghoulish pumpkins along the staircase.
“Sure. Just wait for us,” she said before sprinting up the staircase to join Cole, who was already ringing the doorbell.
Peeta joined seconds later as they waited for someone to answer the door.
The door opened and a little blonde girl greeted them. She was wearing a pair of child-sized scrubs, a stethoscope around her neck and a head covering atop of her golden hair.
Something jarred Peeta’s senses.
“Trick-or-treat, Alba!” Cole greeted the girl happily.
“Alba Grace—I told you to wait for me before opening the door.” A pretty blonde-haired woman with bright-blue eyes greeted them with a wide smile and a bucket of candy in her hands. “Hello!” She put a handful of treats into Cole’s bag. “Cool costume.”
“Thanks,” Cole said shyly.
“I know her,” Peeta said suddenly.
Katniss fought the urge to look at him in front of the woman and her daughter.
“Mommy, Cole was the boy who protected me when Charlie Banks was being mean to me,” Alba informed her mother. “Cole punched him and almost got in big trouble—but not as much trouble as Charlie did.”
The woman looked to Cole. “Thank you so much.” Her eyes went to Katniss. “I’m really sorry that Cole got in trouble.”
“He was just doing what some other kid told him to do,” Katniss muttered. “I’m Katniss Haw—Everdeen.” She let out a breath before starting again. “I’m Katniss Everdeen.”
“I’m Prim Masters,” the woman introduced herself. “Why don’t you come in? It’s just me and Alba for now. My husband, Cato, is an EMT and doing a late shift so he could have the day off tomorrow.”
“Come on, Cole. We have brownies!” Alba reached out and took the boy’s hand to pull him in.
“I guess we’re coming in.” Katniss said with a smile.
“Of course! Welcome!” Prim stood aside to let her in.
Peeta walked past the woman and a wave of familiarity hit, followed by a hard pounding in his ears.
“I know her, too,” he told Katniss.
They walked into the living room to find Cole and Alba sitting on the couch, brownies in their hands. As Peeta entered the room, he felt Alba’s eyes on him. She suddenly stood up to grab another brownie. However, instead of eating it, she placed it on a paper plate on the coffee table before meeting his eyes.
“I like your costume, Alba,” Katniss said.
“Thank you,” Alba replied sweetly. “I’m a doctor—like my Uncle!”
“Alba…” A pained warning came from Prim and Peeta felt the need to protect the grown woman.
The girl ignored her mother’s call and jumping from the couch, she took Katniss’ hand to pull her toward the mantle. She pointed to the set of photos, stopping at a picture of Prim and a young man in scrubs, grinning from ear to ear.
“See—this is my Uncle Peeta and my Mommy on his first day at Panem Hospital!”
Katniss froze seeing the photo and picture frame that surrounded it—dark wood with carvings along the edge of the frame.
“No wonder I told Cole to hit that kid,” Peeta said later that night. “I needed to protect my niece!”
“Prim looked shocked at the mention of you,” Katniss said as she opened her bedroom closet. “Honestly, I am too.” She turned to him, a piece of paper in her hands. “The first night that I heard you I found this.”
Katniss presented him with the drawing. “It’s from Alba.”
Peeta looked at the drawing over her shoulder and smiled.
“I remember this. Prim sent this to me last Christmas. Alba wanted me to remember her, so she drew a family picture,” he explained. “I couldn’t come home last year. I was always busy…and I think that’s why they moved here—so I wouldn’t be alone.”
“That must have been the reason that you were bringing wine to their house.”
Katniss laid back on her bed.
“Prim was very evasive about your whereabouts, but she looked upset.” She turned to the opposite side where Peeta perched himself. “What if you are dead?”
“Then I figure out why I’m here,” he told her simply. “You’re not going to miss me, are you?”
“I might,” she admitted, suddenly avoiding his gaze. “When Gale died, I lost everything. We had to sell the house and leave everything behind because of all the medical bills and funeral expenses. We weren’t prepared for the unexpected. I lost my job because I didn’t have enough accrued hours to go on leave to take care of everything.” Katniss let the tears fall. “It was a very low point for us.” She took in a shaky breath. “Then by some miracle, three months ago, Panem Hospital offered me a job—and I was able to get this apartment. It was like someone was watching over us.”
“I think it was Gale,” Peeta said softly. “Maybe he’s looking out for both of us because he knew that we needed help during this…transition.”
“Maybe—but Gale had a jealous streak so I don’t know why he would pick someone like you,” she retorted.
Peeta chuckled. “So, he was not into blonds?”
“He probably wouldn’t have picked anyone so McDreamy-ish.” Katniss looked to him, a grin on her lips. “Oh, just admit that you probably fancied yourself Panem Hospital’s version of Derek Shepherd!”
“I watched that show once and was a little intimidated by how good Patrick Dempsey looked.” Peeta shifted, resting back against the headboard. “No one really looks good in scrubs—except for you.”
Katniss smirked. “You like nurses?”
Peeta shook his head. “Nope”
She frowned.
Their eyes met and his mouth fell into that easy smile that shook Katniss to the core.
“Except the one lying next to me.”
Katniss returned to work the following Monday. Over the weekend, she and Peeta figured that he would come along so they could try to get information about what may have happened to him. They separated in the lobby where he would try and gather details about his time at Panem Hospital.
“It’s good to see you back,” Johanna greeted her when she reached the nurses’ station. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” Katniss replied.
Truthfully, she felt much better.
She and Cole had an actual dinner last night, courtesy of the Mellark roast chicken recipe that Peeta happened to know by heart. Then, while he watched Cole, Katniss got to actually take a quiet bubble bath followed by her first restful sleep in a long time.
Johanna moved closer to her. “And…the ghost?”
Katniss could suddenly feel Peeta next to her.
“Johanna, was there a doctor named Peeta who worked here?”
Her friend’s face went stark white. “How do you know Dr. Mellark?”
“That’s my last name!” Peeta shouted. “I am Peeta Mellark!”
“Well…the ghost…is him,” she told Johanna. “How do you know him?”
“I don’t know him…but I know of him,” her friend replied. “Saw him around once in a while with his mentor.” Johanna’s dark eyes bore into her. “Is he really here?”
Katniss looked over to where Peeta stood right behind Johanna. “He’s right behind you.”
“Then how many fingers am I holding behind me?” Johanna retorted.
“Two,” Peeta told Katniss.
She met Johanna’s gaze. “Two.”
“How about now?”
Peeta was lightning fast in his response. “Five.”
Johanna was looking a little doubtful. “And, now?”
Peeta guffawed. “She’s giving me the middle finger.”
Katniss crossed her arms. “You’re giving him the finger.”
Johanna almost doubled over. “You can see a ghost.”
She nodded. “I can see a ghost.”
Johanna looked around.
“Well, sorry for messing with you, Dr. Mellark…also, sorry for checking out your ass that one time.”
Peeta smiled. “Tell her it’s okay.”
“He said it’s okay,” Katniss assured her. “Now, can anyone give me any information about him?”
“It was all very hush-hush, but you should go speak to Dr. Abernathy on the twelfth floor,” Johanna informed her, her eyes somber. “Just…take care, okay?”
“This doesn’t look good.”
They were watching one of the nurses speaking quietly to Dr. Haymitch Abernathy, Peeta’s mentor. The tall, dark-haired man looked at her before nodding at the other nurse.
“Why?” she asked Peeta quietly.
“They’re giving you that look like they’re about to tell you that I’m dead,” Peeta told her grimly.
The man approached, looking her over, before holding out his hand.
“I’m Dr. Haymitch Abernathy,” he started. “Before we go on, how did you know Peeta?”
“Tell him that we were involved,” Peeta said quickly. “He won’t tell you anything unless we were…intimate.”
“My name is Katniss Everdeen.” She shook the man’s hand firmly. “I’ve known Peeta for awhile now. We were…” Her face went warm. “Intimate.”
“That’s surprising,” Dr. Abernathy said. “I’ve known Peeta for a long time and he never mentioned you or any other personal relationships.”
“It was an on and off thing,” she explained. “I was living somewhere else with my son and just recently came to Panem. Can you tell me what happened to him?”
“There was an accident,” the man began. “Peeta was leaving the hospital about three months ago and…”
Suddenly, Peeta remembered.
He was on his way to Prim’s house to celebrate her official move to Panem. He had checked his pager and then turned up the radio as he made his turn. He remembered not looking forward to Prim’s daily lecture on meeting the right girl.
Then, there was the crash and…nothingness.
The loud thumping in his ears interrupted his memories…and he was moving…gliding…
Peeta blinked and when he opened his eyes, he was staring at himself.
In a hospital bed.
“Oh my God, you’re real.”
Peeta turned to see Katniss approaching his unconscious form.
“That’s me.” Peeta smiled dolefully. “Live and in living color—kind of.”
She approached his still body, her eyes roving over him. “You truly are a handsome man.”
“Better than Marvel?”
Katniss looked over at him, giving him a wink.
“Way better. When you’re awake, we can compare biceps—oiled up and everything.”
He looked over at the machines he was hooked up to. The machines were standard ones, measuring his heart rate and brain activity, while his stats were being recorded daily in an open notebook next to the ventilator.
They didn’t look good.
“Katniss, I don’t know how much you know about patients in a state such as mine but being in a coma for this long is never good,” he told her. “Day by day, my body becomes more dependent on these machines.”
“Then, try to get yourself back in there!” Katniss urged. “Dr. Abernathy only gave me a few minutes and we have to try to give you whatever chance we can.”
Peeta looked at her helplessly. “I’m afraid.”
She sat down in the chair next to his bed and looked up at him. “Why?”
“If it works, what happens…to us?”
“Us.” The word trilled in her chest like a songbird. “I didn’t know there was an us.”
“I didn’t think it could ever be possible,” Peeta admitted. “But…” He knelt before her so that he could meet her eyes. “…for the longest time, the only thing that I’ve wanted is just to hold your hand.”
“Then try, Peeta,” she pleaded. “Try for us.”
Peeta nodded resolutely.
Turning to the body in the bed, he carefully placed his hand over his physical hand. However, his hand just seemed to pass through, and he couldn’t feel…anything.
“It’s like there’s no connection,” Peeta told her. “What if I can’t get back?”
Katniss shot up. “No. You’re still in there,” she told him resolutely. “Close your eyes.”
He quirked a brow but did what she asked of him.
Carefully, she went to his bedside and took his hand. His skin was warm and when she reached to his wrist, Katniss could feel the strong pulse of the man in the hospital bed. There was still life and fire in him, but they just needed to find the key to making him whole once again.
“Katniss…” His voice trembled. “I can feel you.”
“You see?” Katniss turned to him. “There is still a connection to this body.”
There was a knock on the door and Dr. Abernathy stepped inside. “Miss Everdeen, I’m afraid your time is up.”
“I’m going to stay,” Peeta told her. “And, I’m going to figure this out.”
“Alright.” She gave his hand a squeeze before meeting his eyes. “Come back to me, Peeta.”
Peeta wasn’t sure how much time passed once he and Katniss separated. After she left, he had continued to try to anchor himself to his body even trying to lay his spirit self into his physical self. It did nothing but discomfort him.
He watched the array of doctors come in to check on his progress. They shook their heads at his dwindling body functions and lack of response. Sometimes Dr. Abernathy would come in, pulling up a chair close to his bed after his shift was done. The man would simply sit, clasped his hands together, and just…pray.
Peeta was surprised and touched by his mentor’s dedication to him. After, he would give Peeta’s hand a gentle squeeze and go home to his dear Mrs. Abernathy. Effie, Haymitch’s wife, came by in the daytime to knit by his bedside and chide him for his lack of a social life when he was not comatose.
“I met the nicest girl for you,” she told him one day. “Johanna, the Head Nurse on 8 introduced us, and she is just lovely. Her name is Katniss and she has the prettiest shade of grey eyes.”
Oh, he remembered those eyes. Peeta ached to see them.
His favorite days were when Prim and her family came. Cato, his brother-in-law, would talk to him about the latest comings and goings during his shifts. He had known Cato Masters since his family had moved into the house next door to theirs. They would build forts together in the fall, went to the local pool in the summer, rode their bikes around the town in the spring, and build snowmen in the winter.
Then years later, when Peeta returned from his freshmen year of college, Cato had fallen in love with the girl next door.
During visits, Prim was the one that would get all the reports from his doctors. Most of the time, it would be Haymitch who would talk to her since he was practically their surrogate father since their parents had long passed.
The rest of the staff was a little afraid of Prim; she looked sweet with her round blue eyes and golden hair but had a mouth on her that sent people running. She was especially this way when it came to Peeta’s care.
She really was the best sister.
Alba would sit with him, telling him stories about her days at school. Sometimes, she would sit and draw or read from one of her assigned books.
Today, she leaned forward into his ear.
“Cole really misses you,” she said—but her gaze went directly to where he stood across from her.
“Tell him that I miss him,” he replied, not even sure if Alba would be able to get the message. “And, his Mom.”
His niece simply nodded.
Peeta turned to see Prim sitting at the adjacent table with Haymitch. He hadn’t even realized that Haymitch had come in, so focused on Alba and her revelation about Cole.
“My brother would never decide on something like this,” Prim insisted. “He would never just decide to leave me alone.”
“I know he wouldn’t,” Haymitch replied patiently. “However, when doctors are employed by this hospital, they are required to make medical plans which include life-sustaining policies and that’s what Peeta did. He did require a three-month wait before we ceased life support.”
Peeta froze. “It can’t be three months.”
“I’ve pushed to three and a half, Prim,” Haymitch explained. “But, the board—”
“The board wants to pull the plug,” his sister said tersely. “Well, what if we have him moved?”
Peeta walked toward them. On the table was a closed folder, his name written on it.
“There were stipulations on that, too,” his mentor continued. Haymitch moved the folder towards Prim. “But from what I have read, he didn’t want you to suffer financially. He recognized that private facilities can be expensive.”
Prim looked to Dr. Abernathy. “What do you think? And, don’t tell me what you want me to hear.”
Haymitch sat back for a moment, hands clasped in front of him as he thought of his answer.
“Based on the numbers and his progress, I would say that it would be best to acknowledge his wishes and let him go. Personally, I want to keep him with us forever.” Haymitch cleared his throat and Peeta could see the anguish in his eyes. “I’d do anything to get him back to us, Prim…but I know, more than anything, Peeta would hate to know that we’re all in pain. So, I can’t give you a definite answer.”
There was a knock at the door and Cato entered. He immediately sensed the heaviness in the room.
“What’s going on?” He moved towards them, placing a kiss on top of Prim’s head.
“Maybe you two should talk this over,” Haymitch said as he stood up. “I’m so sorry, Prim.”
With one last nod, Peeta’s mentor left the room.
Cato sat down on the now-empty chair, taking his wife’s hands. “What happened?”
Prim burst into tears, crumbling against him.
Lost in their pain, they failed to see Alba’s trembling mouth as she sat next to Peeta’s bed.
Peeta rushed over, kneeling before his teary-eyed niece.
“Alba, I don’t know if you sense me or hear me or even see me,” he told her. “But I’m going to find a way out of this. I promise.”
He had to get to Katniss before Prim made a decision.
“Alba…do you understand?”
Slowly and with her head down, Alba nodded in understanding.
“I’ll be back,” he assured.
Closing his eyes, Peeta thought of his safe place…of dark waves and captivating smoky eyes…and of mac and cheese…and action figures on the carpet…and of that longing of just being a lifetime away from even holding her hand…
Then, Peeta was gone.
Alba looked up, scooting herself off the seat before going to her parents.
Placing a hand on her mother’s shoulder, she offered her a smile.
“Uncle Peeta will find a way out of this. He promised.”
“Come on, kiddo.” Picking Cole up from their couch and turning off the television, Katniss headed down the hallway. “Time for bed.”
“I’m not sleepy…”
She could already feel Cole drooling on her shoulder.
Walking into his room, she placed him gently on his bed before pulling his blankets over him. Giving him a quick kiss, Katniss backed out towards the hallway before turning off the light and closing his bedroom door.
Entering her room, she closed her door and grabbed a set of pajamas from her dresser. It was another early night in—another quiet one, really. She missed the laughter that once filled their apartment when Peeta was present, but Katniss wanted to give him the time he needed with his family.
She sighed, pulling her shirt off and reaching to the unclasp her bra—
Peeta was suddenly standing in front of her.
“Peeta!” She took the shirt thrown on her bed and pressed it to her chest. “What are you doing here…in my room…while I’m half naked?”
“I’ve seen your boobs,” he told her easily. “Accidentally ended up in the bathroom during one of your showers.”
Katniss quickly pulled her pajamas on before turning back to him. “What’s going on?”
Peeta sat down on her bed, telling her about his past plans regarding his medical treatment and sustaining his life. Then he explained that Haymitch had extended his stay for as long as he could, but the board of directors were pushing for Prim to make a decision.
“I mean, I could understand from their perspective,” he said after he was finished. “I am dead weight.”
“Not funny,” Katniss told him. “You gave most of your life to that hospital and now they’re treating you like you’re just squatting in their hospital room! Not fighting for your life!” She sat down next to him. “Now what do we do?”
“Just hope that Prim decides against it,” he told her. “That she gives me more time.”
“She’s going to,” she said. “I’m not letting you go without a fight. I lost one man to a tumor and I’m not losing another because Prim is being pressured.”
Peeta smiled at her vehemence. He was sure that if he wasn’t so…corporal that he would be able to feel his heart pounding at the sight of her, all fire and beauty wrapped in cotton pajamas. He would feel the breathlessness and anticipation of feeling her kiss.
He would feel all of this because she was just so…her.
Peeta had to ask. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because I love you.” Katniss said it with no hesitation. “Because when we were apart, the thought of not seeing your crooked smile really broke me.”
“Damn.” He took that feeling in and it was almost as if he could feel the blood rushing through him. “I better wake up.”
Katniss snorted. “Why?”
“Because I owe you one hell of a kiss.”
Taking a deep breath, Katniss hesitated as she stood in front of the hospital door.
“Katniss.” She turned to the man standing next to her. “This is not going to be easy.”
“I know.” Katniss knocked on the door. “But I have to try for you…and for us.” She pushed the door open and peeked inside. Prim was sitting at the chair next to Peeta’s bed, where his motionless body lay.
The young woman turned as she approached.
“Hey Prim. Don’t know if Dr. Abernathy mentioned this, but I work here, and I just wanted to check in with you.”
“Of course,” Prim replied hoarsely. It was apparent that she had been crying, her eyes bloodshot and cheeks rosy. “I guess he told you about my brother.”
Katniss nodded. “I actually stopped by, a few days ago. I know your brother.”
The woman looked to her in surprised. “How?”
“Tell her we took a class together at Penn,” Peeta said.
“We took a class together at Penn,” Katniss told her, biting her lip. She really hated to lie to Prim, especially with everything happening.
“Oh.” Prim smiled softly at her. “I thought you might’ve dated. You look like his type.”
Katniss felt her face heat up. “I don’t think he would’ve given me a second look.”
Peeta gave her a smile. “I would’ve looked.”
“Anyway,” Katniss continued. “I just wanted to say that, if possible, that you give Peeta some time. He’s in there, I know it—”
“It’s been so hard.” Prim’s mouth trembled and she took a breath. “On our family…on Alba…on me…” She looked to her brother. “And, I read over his plans…it’s what’s right.”
Katniss felt her chest tighten. “What are trying to say?”
“I signed the papers,” Prim told her hollowly. “About an hour ago. We’re going to do it tomorrow morning—while Alba is in school.”
“Why?” It came out louder than Katniss expected, and Prim jumped in surprised.
“Because he’s suffering!” Prim turned to her brother’s body. “Being in that body is like being in a prison!”
“Prim, I know you don’t want to hear this, but Peeta is here!”
It came out without a single thought, but there was nothing more Katniss could do.
Come hell or high water.
“He is here and he is begging you to not do this…” Peeta stood motionless, next to his sister as Katniss continued. “I know I sound crazy but it’s true. I moved into to an apartment and it turned out it was his. Then, he just started appearing. I mean, he’s standing right next to you.”
Prim turned quickly and Peeta moved closer to her. “Prim, listen to her. I’m right here.”
They went silent as Prim processed Katniss’ words and for a moment, Katniss thought that the woman might believe her.
Until Prim looked up.
“Get out,” Prim said coldly. “It’s obvious that you need help, Katniss, and if you value your job, I suggest that you never come in this room or near my brother again.”
“You have ten seconds, or I will call security.”
“Now what?”
They returned home, worried that Prim would make good on her words and contact security.
On the couch, Peeta inched closer to Katniss, the longing to hold her hand overwhelming him. He could see her suffering and it made him think of that same look in Prim’s eyes as the two women talked in his hospital room.
Everyone was suffering because of him, but he wouldn’t let that happen anymore.
“I think we just…let go,” he replied tightly. “I don’t want to spend what time I have left here fighting.”
Katniss brushed away her tears quickly. “Okay. What do you want to do?”
Standing up, Peeta nodded towards the hallway. “Come with me.”
She followed stiffly as he led her into the bedroom. “What are we doing?”
Peeta went to the bed, patting her side of it. “Lay down.”
Katniss let out a wet laugh. “I’m sorry, but nothing is happening in that bed.”
“Yeah, I think the small problem of me not being able to touch you is going to negate whatever you had in mind.” He laid back on her other pillow. “I just want to pretend for a moment.”
Katniss went to her side of the bed and laid down. She turned to him. “Pretend what?”
“That we’re just a regular couple coming home from work and relishing that time that we have together before picking up our kid at school,” Peeta said. “Maybe we’re trying to figure if sex is possible before then.”
Katniss chuckled. “Maybe not. I like to take my time.” She sighed. “A make-out session would be more in our favor.”
“I never really took that time, you know,” he told her. “To sit down and have a relationship, to focus on just a kiss. I regret that. I never took the time to fall in love and now you’re here—and it’s too late.”
“I thought this was pretend,” Katniss admonished. “Stick to the script. Just lay here and pretend to be in love with me!”
“Katniss.” Peeta reached, his hand just a brush away from the tip of the braid she wore. “Who’s pretending?”
“Peeta, why did you decide to become a doctor?”
Cole stared up at him with those doleful eyes, Katniss’ eyes, from his bed.
“Well, I wanted to help people,” Peeta said. “I wanted to make an impact on the world. I guess that’s what being a doctor meant to me.” The boy nodded in understanding. “But making an impact in the world is not just having the big, fancy job. People make an impact in even the smallest ways.”
“Like what?”
“Like you, Cole—you saw me when no one else could,” he told the little boy. “You trusted me without thought even if I might have steered you wrong. I hope you know that it takes a lot to have such amazing faith in people. That is your impact on people—your faith in the good of people. Promise me that you’ll always remember that, even when you become old and grey.”
“I don’t want to be old and grey!” Cole protested.
“That’s my biggest wish for you,” Peeta told him thickly. “To become old and grey, to live the life that wrinkles your skin and puts laugh lines on your face. I just want you to really live until your skin is fully lived in. You understand?”
The little boy nodded solemnly. “I think so.”
“Just remember everything I told you, okay? Lock it up and when you have a little boy of your own, you tell him everything I told you.”
Cole smiled tiredly at him. “Thanks, Peeta.”
He closed his eyes, memorizing every bit of this moment. Peeta would be sure to tell Gale all about his son—wherever he ended up.
“Your father is very proud of you.”
The young boy was already asleep.
Standing up, Peeta turned and found Katniss in the doorway, dressed in her scrubs. “What are you doing?”
“Come on. Johanna is already here,” she simply said.
Together they walked to the living room and Johanna jumped up from the couch.
“Do you really want to do this?” The woman asked worriedly. “You’re risking a lot.”
“It’s just something that I have to do,” Katniss replied. “School is at 9. Feel free to use my bed. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
Resignedly, Johanna nodded once more and taking her keys, Katniss stepped out of the apartment with Peeta in tow. Her silence was enough for him to know that it would be in vain to ask where they were going or what she was planning to do.
Once they were on the road, Peeta had an idea of where they were going.
“Why?” he asked her.
“Because…no one should be alone at a time like this,” Katniss replied as she made a turn into Panem Hospital.
In her scrubs, Katniss looked like any other nurse coming in for a night shift. Security didn’t bat an eye as she walked past them and continued, occasionally, watching the monitors.
Katniss entered his room easily. The night nurse had already done her rounds according to the chart at his bedside and, unless there was a sign of distress, she wouldn’t have to check in until the end of her shift.
“Why are we here?” Peeta asked as she sat in the chair next to his bed.
“Like I said—no one should be alone at a time like this,” she whispered. Her eyes went to his body and carefully, Katniss reached for his hand. “Your hand is warm.” She examined his hand, her eyes caressing his skin. “There’s a scar here.”
“Friend nicked my skin while we were ice skating,” he told her. “Just barely missed slicing off my hand but got that sliver of skin. I remember how much it hurt; how red the blood was against the ice and I was afraid…but this feels a lot scarier. Not really knowing what happens on the other end.”
Katniss stood, bringing down his bed railing before perching carefully at his side.
“Don’t be afraid.” Her hand reached to his cheek, feeling that bit not covered by his breathing mask. “Even if it was just for a moment, we really had something. People go their whole lifetimes never feeling the way that we do. I was lucky. I’ve had it twice.”
“I’ll have you with me,” Peeta promised. “Always.”
She looked to him, not even bothering to hide the tears running down her cheeks.
Someone was shaking her awake.
“Katniss, you need to get up—now!”
Blearily, she opened her eyes to see Johanna looking down at her.
“What?” she asked.
“They’re coming, Katniss.” Her eyes shot up to where Peeta stood in front of the bed. “Prim and her husband, Haymitch, along with the rest of the medical team. It’s time.”
“We really need to leave,” Johanna urged. “Your job…your license is at stake!”
Katniss stood up; her eyes resolute. “No. I have to see him to the end.”
The door opened and Dr. Abernathy stepped in along with Prim and Cato.
Prim looked furious. “What are you doing here?”
“I was just about to take her out, Dr. Abernathy,” Johanna told the man. She looked pleadingly at Katniss. “Let’s go, Katniss…you’re not part of this.”
“I am part of this,” Katniss replied. “I love him. I’ve loved him for as long as I’ve known him—maybe even before I knew him…” She looked to Dr. Abernathy and then Prim. “Please.”
“Please,” Peeta whispered into his sister’s ear.
Prim blinked, her eyes suddenly widening before she turned to Peeta’s mentor. “What do you think?”
He stared at Katniss for a long moment. She stood firm, relaxing against Johanna’s hold.
“I think…that she needs to say goodbye as well,” he concluded. “But I’ll need her resignation immediately after this.”
“Fine,” Katniss responded.
The medical team entered, beginning the removal of Peeta’s IV and monitors. Prim rushed forward, sitting at her brother’s side while Cato stood beside her, an arm around her shoulders.
Katniss remained behind, her Peeta standing in front of her.
“Don’t watch this,” he told her. “Keep your eyes on me.”
The team shut off his ventilator and Prim wailed as they removed his breathing mask.
Still, Peeta remained right in front of her. “Sweetheart, just keep looking at me.”
Katniss felt her chest tightening, her breaths growing shallower. “Don’t go…”
“The breathing tube has been removed, Dr. Abernathy,” someone from the team reported.
“This is it,” she told him, not caring if anyone heard her. “After this—”
“It’s okay.” Peeta reached for her. “Because you’re going to be my last vision in this life—I’m leaving looking at the woman I love.”
She could see him growing dimmer as his time neared.
“I love you, Katniss…always.”
Katniss nodded, the hot tears burning her skin. “Always.”
The heart monitor let out the flatline signal.
Her eyes remained on him as he began to fade into nothing, that crooked smile of his the last imprint on her heart.
Katniss was faintly aware of everything going on around her, her eyes still trained on the spot where he stood.
Somewhere in the distance, Johanna was trying to pull her away…Prim was crying into her husband’s shoulder and Dr. Abernathy was recording the time.
Still her eyes remained on where Peeta last stood.
“Doctor!” someone shouted. “We’re getting something!”
Katniss’ vision cleared and she looked to see Prim peeking down at her brother.
“Peeta?” Prim whimpered.
The room stilled, the only sound the sudden steady beeping on the heart monitor.
A cough erupted from Peeta’s chest and she felt Johanna’s hands drop from her shoulders in shock.
Dr. Abernathy rushed to the bed where Peeta was slowly moving his head. “Peeta, can you hear me?”
Then, “Of course…I have perfect hearing.”
Prim burst into tears, pressing her face against her brother’s chest while Cato gripped the railing as he wiped his eyes. Dr. Abernathy was shouting orders to the medical team, his hands shaking as he began to examine his student.
And, Katniss—was now just a stranger.
“Let’s go,” she told Johanna.
Her friend looked to her. “Are you sure?”
“I don’t belong here anymore.”
Three Months later…
“Alba said her Uncle Peeta was asking about you.”
Katniss looked at her son as they headed home. It was strange; three months had passed, and it was like Peeta had been a dream to her son. He never mentioned him anymore nor did he say anything about ever seeing him.
“Yeah,” Cole replied. “She said that he asked her if she ever saw you when you dropped me off.”
“That’s interesting,” Katniss responded. “Anything else?”
“Yeah. Alba said he asked if you looked alright,” her son told her.
“What did you tell her?” she asked curiously.
“I told her that you look liked…Mommy,” he replied. “And, that we were spending a lot more time together since you don’t have to go to work anymore.”
Katniss had turned in her resignation that very day per Dr. Abernathy’s stipulation and she hadn’t looked back. In truth, it would have been too strange to be at a hospital where she’d be known as that nurse who spent the night with a comatose patient.
She had saved a good amount of money, so they were okay for the time being—or until Katniss found something where they didn’t need references.
“Hey look!” Cole pointed ahead. “It’s Alba’s Uncle.”
Katniss froze seeing Peeta standing in front of their building steps, his gaze trained on her.
She could feel her heart beating in her ears as they made their way closer—closer to him.
Peeta smiled at her son. “Hey Cole!”
Cole grinned up at the man. “How do you know my name?”
He looked to Katniss in question and she shook her head.
Recovering quickly, Peeta gave him an easy smile.
“Alba has mentioned you a few million times. You two sit next to each other, right?”
“Sweetie, it’s getting cold. Why don’t you go up while I see what Mr. Mellark wants?” Katniss handed her keys to Cole. Hopefully, she didn’t look as shaky as she was feeling. “I’ll be up in a few to start dinner.”
“Okay, Mommy!” Cole waved to Peeta. “See you later!”
He rushed up to the main door but upon reaching the top, Cole suddenly looked to the man.
“Do you like mac and cheese?”
“Love it,” Peeta told him.
Content with his answer, Cole walked into the apartment building.
Peeta approached her. “You disappeared on me.”
“I had to give you that time with your family,” she said, her eyes on him. “I had months with you.”
Peeta looked healthy and strong…and so alive. Katniss could feel that familiar pulsing in her body in his presence. Somehow, all he had to do was stand next to her and she could already feel herself coming undone.
“Plus,” she continued. “I promised Dr. Abernathy that I would resign if they let me stay during…the procedure. Also, your sister thinks I’m a nutjob and everyone knows me as that nurse who was in love with the coma guy.”
“Prim doesn’t think you’re a nutjob,” he assured her. “In fact, once I explained everything, she went to Haymitch and demanded that they get you back. You’ve been dodging his calls.”
“I’m on a different path now,” she said wryly.
“So, I’m not the only one,” Peeta said.
“What do you mean?”
“Well…” He sat down on the apartment steps, patting the spot next to him. Katniss joined him and Peeta scooted closer to her. “I’ve spent so much time saving lives that I think it’s time for me to focus on my own life. So, I’m currently living at my sister’s house since my apartment is now occupied and trying to find my new happiness.”
“Hmm…” Katniss nodded thoughtfully. “Any ideas?”
Peeta reached over, taking her gloved hand, and removed the covering finger by finger. Her hand unclothed, he intertwined their fingers and she gasped at the rush that filled her.
“Felt that too?” Peeta looked down at their joined hands. “I feel like I’ve been waiting a lifetime to do this.” His gaze went to her and he reached, cupping her cheek. “Also, I remembered something.”
Katniss leaned into his touch. “What?”
“I owe you one hell of a kiss.”
Then, his lips were on hers.
Her arms wove around his neck as Peeta deepened the kiss—this honey thick kiss that made every part of her come to life, that made her long for more. When he groaned into her mouth and swept his tongue along hers, Katniss shivered in pleasure feeling his hum against her lips.
It was all real. He was real.
Tears filled her eyes at the thought that once-upon-a-time, the thought of even a small touch was impossible.
Finally, and reluctantly, they pulled apart, both breathless.
“How was that?” Peeta gasped, his cheeks pink.
“I think we should continue this at my place,” Katniss told him. “After Cole has gone to bed.”
“Well, you are technically squatting in my apartment,” Peeta said as he helped her up. “So, you owe me.”
Katniss grinned. “How about your own side on my bed and all the mac and cheese you can eat?”
“Throw in a first date, a few make-out sessions, accepting my proposal, and a kid or two and we have a deal.”
Turning to him, Katniss pressed a kiss to his lips. “Deal.”
Hand in hand, they made their way home.
The title comes from the lyrics of “Just Like Heaven” the song from which the movie title was taken from.
Anyways, Happy Halloween!
Till next time,
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classysassy9791 · 5 years
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Everyone would get their happy ending. Even if she wasn’t a part of it.
Pairing: InuKag, MirSan Chapter 1 Word Count: 6,950 Can also be found here
A torrent of rain fell from the sky and gales that rivaled a whirlwind of destruction tore through the forest, making the trees come alive. Leaves tore from their branches and spiraled to the dreary earth below. The storm raged callously, intent on bringing destruction to everything it touched.
But Kagome didn't care about the water splattering against her cheeks or the way her hair blew wildly in the wind. She didn't even mind the soil that dirtied her knees as she knelt in the wet grass. Her eyes could only stare disbelieving at the object she held in her hand. The Shikon Jewel glowed pure and bright.
The final battle had been fought. And she had finished it.
"Is it over?" her fox demon companion asked, bouncing to sit on her shoulder.
She didn't spare a glance at the kit, instead nodding her head slowly with incredible realization. After everything they had been through, Naraku's reign had come to an end. The only fatality was that of the demon himself, and no one had felt a pang of regret or sorrow. At the same time, though, tears fell from her eyes. They were not borne of pity for him and his evil ways. Instead, she wept for those he had hurt and killed; for those whose very lives had been destroyed due to his desire for power and revenge. Kagome cried for everyone who had fallen victim to his wrath. It didn't seem right that so many had to die from one creature. All because of his greed.
Footsteps fell softly upon the grass as her other companions struggled over to where she knelt. A flash of red caught her gaze and she looked up to be greeted with the amber eyes of her protector. "Inuyasha," she murmured, blinking against the falling rain.
"Come on, Kagome," he said, reaching out a clawed hand to help her stand. "Let's get you back to Kaede's."
She gave in to his command as she stood, immediately finding her place upon his back. Without a word, the heroes slowly made their way back to their safe-house.
. . . 
Sunlight streamed through the treetops and glistened off the small lake, causing a rainbow to sparkle on the surface. The storm from almost a week ago seemed like a bad dream, the aches and pains of battle now faded. Even Kagome's spiritual abilities seemed to have returned completely, originally drained after she shot the fatal arrow that caused Naraku's demise.
But she remained restless, her mind unable to quiet and allow her to enjoy the peace her companions took pleasure in. She had been thinking constantly over the past few days. Being the reincarnation of Kikyou, the sole duty of protecting the Shikon Jewel fell to her shoulders. She had long ago decided that if this day should come, she would rid the jewel from existence – or at least make a pure wish on it so that harmony would prevail over the land.
So, Kagome found herself sitting at the base of the Goshinboku, mulling over what her decision would be. A soft rustling of tree branches brought her attention from the cloudless sky to the direction of the village. Only a moment later did the old priestess appear, rather frazzled to have traveled so far from her hut. "Goodness me, Kagome," she chided upon spotting the girl. "What on earth were ye thinking, dragging an old woman out into the forest?"
She smiled apologetically, watching as her mentor took a seat on one of the tree's large roots. "Sorry, Kaede. This was the only place I could think of that would give us some time alone."
"Aye," she agreed. "Tis a wise decision, with Inuyasha working in the village today. Although, it would not sit well with him if he learned of ye little adventure all alone."
She waved her words aside. "I asked Miroku to keep an eye on him so I could talk to you." Kaede gazed at her expectantly. "It has to do with the fate of the jewel."
Kagome held up the small pink jewel in her hand, letting the old woman catch a glimpse of it. "I see," she murmured. "So ye wish to seek my wisdom as to what ye shall do with it?"
She shrugged. "Sort of. It's more about the wish."
Kaede sighed and looked to the treetops. "When the jewel fell into my sister's possession fifty years ago, I knew little of its origin or the abilities it held. After her demise, I learned it contained great powers beyond my imagination. 'Tis why we were glad it had been burned with her body, to ensure no harm would come from it. But it seems Kikyou's efforts were in vain, for it has been brought back and now lies in yer hands."
Confused, Kagome waited patiently, expecting more of an explanation. When none came, her shoulders slumped in disappointment. "I'm guessing you have no clue as to what I should do?"
"Not in the slightest," Kaede replied honestly. She chuckled at the predicament, but was quickly silenced by the distraught expression on Kagome's face. "What troubles ye, my dear?"
"I think I know what I want to wish for. I'm just not sure if it's the right one."
The old priestess smiled. "Ye heart is pure, Kagome. I'm sure that whatever you choose will bring nothing but good." She patted the girl's knee in closure as she stood, preparing to return to the village. "Be back by sundown. Otherwise Inuyasha will be coming after ye."
Kagome smiled in response, but as soon as Kaede had vanished, gloom dwindled her happy façade. Not for the first time that week did she long for Kikyou to still be alive. A strange notion, considering their history, but Kagome felt lost in being the protector of the jewel. Kikyou had somehow always known what to do, and now Kagome desperately pleaded for her guidance.
. . . 
One more day.
Kagome finally determined that she had the right wish in mind, but it would undoubtedly change everything they knew, so during the trek back to the village, she had decided to give herself a set time in which would allow her to say her final goodbyes. She only had until the following night to say what needed to be said, and to do what needed to be done.
The campfire glowed merrily as everyone chatted quietly around it. Misery stayed far from their minds, replaced by laughter and good nature. Kagome smiled along with them, but even she could feel how aloof she kept herself; she had always been a terrible liar.
Her eyes drew to the half-demon she had unintentionally fallen in love with. His silver hair shined from the fire's glow as shadows were sent around the clearing. The amber intensity of his eyes made her heart race and his permanent scowl inadvertently filled her with delight. As usual, his arms were folded over his chest, Tessaiga propped against the crook of his elbow, as he sat with his attention on the forest, although Kagome was sure he was listening to their conversation.
Kagome's gaze turned to the rest of her companions, marveling in the minute details she knew she would miss. That's if I remember them, she sourly reminded herself. Sango's hair freely swiped at her back as Miroku took her hand in his, rubbing small circles with his thumb over her palm. Marriage had been spoken about earlier in the day, but even as Kagome fussed over the wedding plans and gave her congratulations, a sharp pang to her heart reminded her there would be no happy celebration.
"What's the matter, Kagome?" Shippou asked, propping his hands upon her thighs and looking up at her curiously.
A smile tugged at her lips at her little fox friend. Even young, he always seemed to have a keen eye when it came to details. "I'm fine," she assured softly, trying not to draw attention to her melancholic mood. She rubbed the kit's hair affectionately and gave him a comforting nod.
His bright green eyes seemed hesitant to drop the subject, but he finally gave in with a shrug of his shoulders. She could tell he knew something bothered his surrogate sister, but to him the reason would forever remain a mystery. He galloped back to where Kirara had curled up, and immediately took part in the conversation that passed between his comrades.
Inuyasha didn't miss the exchange Kagome and Shippou shared. He noted the way her hands curled into tight fists and every so often she would bite the inside of her cheek in a nervous habit. Sniffing the air around her, he could smell the anxiety coming off her in waves. He didn't understand it, though. They had just defeated their arch nemesis, and everyone remained in good health. It was a time for celebration.
His eyes flickered over her curiously, trying to pinpoint the source of her affliction. When his gaze landed on the Shikon Jewel hanging by the column of her throat, he swallowed nervously. Although he did his best to hide it, he couldn't deny the dread that had been building in his stomach over the past few days. He couldn't remember when exactly he had decided not to become a full demon with the power of the jewel - it most likely had to do with the times he had transformed into a demon and threatened the lives of his friends. However, he recalled a sense of worry that had bloomed in his chest during their last few battles as they reached closer to Naraku's end.
Inuyasha knew that once Naraku had been defeated, the jewel would be complete. It had never swayed their quest to destroy the half-demon who had caused so many a great deal of pain. But… it also meant that the reason Kagome had been brought to the feudal era, her purpose to be by his side, would vanish. He knew there was always a very real possibility that Kagome would leave them once she had completed her mission.
Could that be the reason why she was so upset?
Feeling someone's gaze on her, Kagome averted her eyes from Miroku and Sango's playful banter and peered up at her half-demon friend. She tilted her head questioningly. "You okay?" she whispered, her brows knitted in concern.
"Keh," was the only reply she received as he turned away.
Kagome frowned, but knew if it held any great importance to him he would tell her eventually. The twosome tuned back into the conversation between their friends and continued to laugh even as the shadows grew darker. Not until the last flicker of flames died down did the warriors begin to feel weary and said their goodnight's, moving into the hut to rest.
The young priestess listened to her companions' deep breathing as they each lulled to sleep, looking up at the ceiling and clutching the jewel in her hand. Please, Kikyou, she silently prayed. Give me strength.
. . . 
Kagome stepped out of Kaede's hut with a yawn and stretched her arms over her head. Her sleep had been restless and dreamless, which she was silently thankful for. She didn't need any help procuring doubt or deepening the dread in her gut. Holding a hand over her brow, she glanced up at the midday sun. It looked like it would be another beautiful day.
"Morning, Kagome," Shippou called, scampering toward her and bouncing into her arms. "You've been asleep for ages."
She shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry. I guess I'm still exhausted."
"It's okay. I was playing with my fox magic while you slept." He manifested a ball of blue fire as if to prove his claim.
"I see," she replied with an amused smile. "And where is everyone else?"
He pointed toward the village. "Miroku and Inuyasha went to help fix a roof, Kaede is bringing medicine to someone, and Sango took Kirara to take care of a small demon nearby."
Kagome scrunched up her nose, displeased that all her friends had left without waking her, but it was short-lived as she gazed down at the fox kit's carefree expression. "Well, then," she said, her chipper voice helping to push aside her dark thoughts. "Why don't we hang out, just the two of us?"
The silly grin on his face caused her to laugh as he expressed his delight for her company. He began sprinting toward the well, glancing back every so often to make sure Kagome followed. She chased after him, the wind on her face helping her to momentarily forget the concerns that kept her awake at night.
An hour easily passed as the two surrogate siblings played games. Shippou showed off his fox magic tricks and they shared the crayons she had gifted him as they drew pictures of their friends.
"Look at this one," he announced suddenly through the quiet clearing. He held up his drawing. "Bet you can't guess who this is."
Kagome peered at the picture closely, her eyes scanning over the brown outlines and tanned skin.
"I bet that one's Kouga," she smiled, pointing to the larger figure in the foreground. "And those two behind him are Ginta and Hakkaku." The two wolf demons chased after their leader, desperately trying to keep up with his speed.
"That's right!" he gleefully replied, setting the drawing down and choosing a blank piece of paper to start a new work of art.
The picture she currently worked on consisted of Shippou. His red hair shined like a beacon and his emerald eyes seemed to sparkle. She drew him in a battle stance, a wave of blue fox fire surrounding him; she disdainfully admitted she didn't possess the artistic talent Shippou had when it came to likeness. The drawings splayed out to the left of her consisted of the rest of her companions: Inuyasha with Tessaiga, Sango with Hirakotsu, Miroku with his golden staff, and Kirara in her transformed state.
A lazy breeze swept across the grass and brushed through strands of Kagome's hair. She sighed and set aside her latest completion, placing her crayon back in the box while admiring the small kit laying on his stomach across from her; his tongue sticking out between his lips in concentration as he continued to draw.
"Shippou," she spoke quietly, sitting on her knees with her back against the well.
He didn't look up from his drawing. "Yeah?"
"Come here." She beckoned him to the place beside her, and with a puzzled expression he did as she said. He sat down and felt his stomach churn with a feeling he couldn't identify. "You've grown up quite a bit since we first met you."
"Y-yeah," he agreed with a touch of pink to his cheeks, her observation catching him off guard.
Kagome ruffled his hair affectionately, her smile sad. "You know, you're going to be a great demon someday. You'll probably be deemed protector of a whole village."
His eyes shined from the compliment – too often had she found him looking up to Inuyasha, the half-demon's strength and reputation finally earning him the respect he deserved. "Really?"
"Really." She chuckled. Turning to grab her yellow bag, she dug through it until she found what she was looking for. "I want you to have these."
His eyes peered over the gifts she presented him. "You're giving me all your pocky?" He gawked.
"Yeah," she nodded. "With all the hard fighting you've done, I think you deserve it." She deposited his treasure in his hands. Kagome only gave him treats few and far between; she always lectured him about sweets making him sick if he ate too much at once. So, giving him all of her pocky not only gave him a big responsibility involving his heath, but also meant a great deal of praise.
"Thanks, Kagome!"
Trying to fight back the tears, she gathered the young kit in her arms, holding him close in an embrace. "You're like a little brother to me, Shippou. I want you to be as strong as I know you can be."
His little hands clutched her shirt and his eyes suddenly watered. It sounded as if Kagome planned on leaving, as if she was saying goodbye forever.
"Kagome," he spoke in a quiet, shaky voice. "Are you... gonna leave us?"
She shook her head and brushed the tears from her eyes. "No," she promised. "I'm not going to leave you."
How can I leave, if I never came?
Her words brought a relieved smile to his lips as he jumped off her lap. Quickly collecting his drawings and pocky in his arms, he began the trek back to the village.
"I'm going to show these to my friends!" he said, grin widening at the thought of the village children's reactions.
Kagome watched him leave, taking a moment to gather her thoughts as she wrapped her arms around herself. The wind touched her gently as it blew across the clearing, carrying along the crisp scent of autumn. Colder months would be approaching soon – just like the feeling in her chest; with each subtle goodbye, another layer of ice covered her breaking heart.
. . . 
"Hey, Sango," Kagome called as she stepped through the trees outlining the hot springs.
The slayer, having returned from her demon extermination, turned to face the newcomer with a smile. "Good afternoon, Kagome."
Kagome slid into the steaming pool of water, relishing in the slight burn against her skin. She closed her eyes and rested her head on the smooth rock behind her.
Something in her mood set Sango on edge, and she gazed at her friend curiously. "Is everything all right?"
"Oh, don't be silly. Of course it is." Even Kagome could notice the too-obvious falsity in her words, and knew Sango wouldn't believe her facade. As expected, the slayer frowned and narrowed her eyes. Eager to change the subject away from her somber disposition, she asked, "I was just wondering if you've visited your village recently."
The sudden question rendered Sango speechless. Come to think of it, she hadn't returned home in quite some time; they had been too close to catching up to Naraku and didn't have the luxury to make extra stops. Now that Naraku had been defeated for good, it would give her an opportunity for proper closure since her people had been avenged – and perhaps rebuild the village to its former glory.
"No," she finally answered with a wistful smile. "I suppose not. Perhaps tomorrow would be a good time to go."
"Yeah, tomorrow," Kagome mumbled distractedly, looking up at the clear, blue sky through the treetops. She clenched her jaw as she thought about Kohaku. His life had ultimately been stolen by Naraku and the jewel, leaving Miroku as Sango's only family.
The demon slayer moved closer and tilted her head. "Something's troubling you."
Curse a girl's intuition.
Kagome sighed deeply. "I guess." Her eyes found those of her friend. "I don't know how you do it. You've lost everything: your village, your friends, your family. And yet, you still manage to smile."
Sango hung her head in acknowledgement, but shed no tears. "You're right. The pain of losing those I love will always be a heavy reminder of the past. I won't ever forget my father, or Kohaku, or any of the other villagers. But… instead of dwelling on all that I've lost, I try to be thankful for what I've gained." She lifted her gaze to the priestess. "I have a new place to call home, people whom I can call family, and a man I would lay down my life for."
Kagome nodded sympathetically. She understood where the slayer was coming from, but still found it daunting that someone could shoulder so much. "Speaking of Miroku," she said, turning their conversation in a lighter direction. "How are the wedding plans going?"
Sango rolled her eyes exasperatedly. "I think he's more concerned with having children than he is of making me an honest woman. He's unbelievable."
"Well, his family was cursed for generations. It's no wonder he's eager to continue the lineage," Kagome mentioned. "I think you should cut him some slack."
She smiled. "Yeah. I do love him, but sometimes I wish he was less of a lecher."
"Then he wouldn't be the Miroku we all know and love."
"Would that be such a bad thing?"
Kagome pondered her words for a moment before grinning. "We definitely would've lost out on quite a few humorous situations during our adventures."
"Isn't that the truth," Sango agreed with a dramatic roll of her eyes. A sudden thought caused the humor to fade from her expression, shifting seriously as she turned to fully face Kagome. "While on the subject of love and marriage, how are you and Inuyasha?"
Vulnerable to Sango's impromptu question, Kagome blushed a deep shade of crimson. "W-What do you mean?"
Sango folded her arms over her chest. "You know exactly what I mean. You and Inuyasha have grown closer, especially during the time leading up to the final battle. It's obvious to everyone that you two have feelings for each other."
She winced. "Everyone?"
The slayer scoffed. "You didn't really believe it was a secret, did you? I'm sure I've known since the day I met the both of you. There was always an undeniable chemistry between you two, and there's no doubt Inuyasha cares for you, especially with the way he's so protective."
"Maybe," Kagome replied, turning away, finding the ripples in the water from her movements more interesting.
"No, not maybe," she argued. "It's true. You need to find out how he feels about you. If you don't, you'll never be able to make a decision."
"Seriously?" Sango deadpanned. "Earth to Kagome. I'm talking about your decision to return to your time on the other side of the well. I'm sure Inuyasha plays a big part in that."
Kagome glanced over her shoulder toward the trees. "Oh, I think I hear Shippou calling," she said, rising to stand.
Sango quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the hot springs. "You're being evasive."
"No, I'm not," Kagome challenged.
"Yes, you are. Kagome, I'm your friend. You can talk to me."
Kagome stared at her for a long moment, musing over Sango's statement, contemplating the speck of doubt that lingered behind reason. She surely had the correct wish in mind – she could feel it in her soul – so why did hesitation appear?
"Do you believe in fate?" she asked quietly, glancing over at the slayer. "I mean, if you're meant to be with someone, fate will bring you together no matter what?"
Sango chuckled. "Yes, I do. My answer to that perverted monk's proposal is proof enough."
She smiled, recalling the day in which Miroku asked Sango to become his wife once their battle with Naraku had come to an end. Everything had been so different then. They were constantly fighting demons, struggling to stay alive after each encounter with one of his incarnations. Now, peace had settled quietly and Kagome knew life would move forward toward a happy ending soon enough. The only problem being, it wasn't the original happily-ever-after they had hoped for.
. . . 
The sun began setting into early evening as the day wound down to an end. Kagome lay back on a grassy knoll, watching the sky while the deep oranges and reds fade to purple. In the distance, she could hear the sounds of the village folk preparing for the night, but they were far enough away not to bother her. Closing her eyes, she drew a breath full of the woodland air, letting the sounds of birds fill her ears, the melody much more welcomed than the traffic noises of her own era. Here, ten minutes seemed like a long time and so the day stretched out like a small eternity.
Kagome had a wealthy understanding that she couldn't stop bad things from happening in the world, even if she knew ahead of time they would occur. Thinking about it only made her more anxious, more fearful, but with the wish she had in mind, she knew she could at least prevent some of the bad from happening. Even at the risk of her own happiness.
In her quiet contemplation, she'd decidedly turned her thoughts elsewhere. She thought about love, the people she cherished, and everything right in her life. She felt like a higher power's whisper drifted through the trees, assuring her she had made the right choice.
The correct path is not always the easiest.
She opened her eyes and looked up, seeing Miroku towering over her. "Oh, hey."
"May I join you?" he asked with an amused smile.
She fanned her hand out beside her, offering him a spot of grass, before turning her gaze back toward the sky. They stayed quiet for a while, simply enjoying each other's company and watching as the clouds lazily moved across the expanse of magenta canvas.
"I spoke to Sango," he finally said, folding an arm beneath his head.
Kagome frowned. "About what?"
"She's concerned about you." He peered over at her hesitantly. "She fears you will do something that can't be undone."
Curious, Kagome sat up on her elbows and gazed accusingly at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Miroku sat up, holding his hands out in a manner of peace. "Please, forgive me, I'm only trying to help. With Naraku gone and the jewel in your possession, we understand you have a lot on your mind. Sango is only worried you will make a hasty decision you will later regret. And truthfully, so am I."
"I'm well aware of the weight I have on my shoulders. I understand what my duty is to the jewel and to the future of this world. I don't appreciate you thinking I'm taking this lightly."
"That's not it at all," he assured. "We're your friends, Kagome. We only want to be here to help and support you in whatever you need. Offending you was not my intention."
Honest eyes bore into hers as if trying to convince her he wasn't lying. She silently cursed herself for giving into Sango's open nature earlier. She should've known they were keeping a close eye on her, picking up on her moods and behavior now that the battle was over. But what they didn't understand was that she still had a battle to face. One she had to face alone.
Miroku had always been so genuine and honest, so she wondered why she didn't believe him now. His warm smile begged her to trust him, her heart told her he would never deceive her, but her gut warned her otherwise.
"You want to know what I plan to do," she stated bluntly, calling out his true reason for questioning her alone like this. "You're afraid I'll make a decision that benefits others with no thought of myself. Well, I hate to break it to you, but the wish on the jewel has to be selfless. I'm not allowed to think of my own feelings when it comes to this."
Or yours, for that matter.
His face shifted to one of open concern, brows furrowing. "I understand that. I simply wanted to let you know that you weren't alone in this. We can help you make a decision. We can help protect the jewel as long as it needs to be protected."
Kagome averted her gaze and ran her fingers through the grass. Miroku was a good friend. He encompassed all of the things she didn't know she needed or loved so dearly. He meant so much to her, meant so much to all of those lives he touched. How could she lie to him? How could she pretend as if everything was okay, when in truth, it was the farthest from it?
Now she understood the cold demeanor Kikyou lived with, the constant need to keep everyone at a distance. Her life was no longer her own. It was forever bound to the Shikon Jewel.
"I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet." She sighed, her white lie making her stomach heavy with guilt. "I don't even know what era I want to be in. Back home, I have my mom, and my brother, and my gramps. I have school to finish and friends to catch up with. I have put so much on hold in my life in order to take down Naraku and complete the jewel."
"Do you wish you had never come to this place?" Miroku asked.
"Of course not!" Kagome exclaimed, appalled he would even ask such a thing. "Everyone I've met and everything I've done… I wouldn't change it for the world. I can't imagine living without knowing of my adventures. I wouldn't be me without them."
Miroku sensed there was more to it than that, and patiently waited for her to continue.
Finally, she shook her head. "But this whole thing is so much bigger than me. How can I think of myself and what I want, when there's so much more at stake?"
"Kagome, no one can change the world in a single stroke. However, with each kind deed you've done during your time with us, you've made all the difference to the world. I feel blessed to have known you. You deserve happiness, too." He smiled.
Kagome turned away shyly, blushing at his praise. "Thank you. I just feel as if there's more that I could do."
"What's done is done," he said softly, climbing to his feet. "No one can change the past. We can only work to protect the future from our prior mistakes. Besides, with Naraku gone, I don't foresee anything detrimental happening anytime soon."
"I hope you're right," she mumbled, pulling her knees into her chest.
He held out his hand. "Now, shall we head back to Kaede's for supper?"
Kagome shook her head. "You go on ahead. I'll catch up."
Miroku nodded and took his leave, but a little ways down the hill, he stopped and glanced back at the time-traveling priestess. She sat staring up into the sunset sky, her obsidian hair blowing gently in the breeze. She had a kind of understated beauty. Perhaps it was because she was so disarmingly unaware of her prettiness and flawless, pale skin. She made things simple and easy, helping those around her to relax and be happy with what they had. Perhaps that was what caused her skin to glow. Her inner beauty lit her eyes and softened her features. To be in her company made a person feel that they too were someone, that they had been warmed in summer rays regardless of the season.
However, a sinking feeling formed in the pit of his gut. Not understanding why, Miroku had a sneaking suspicion that her rays wouldn't be there to warm them when the winter months approached. Something in his heart told him that she had made a decision that would change everything. And he knew. He knew that this would be the last time he saw Kagome Higurashi – that fiery young priestess from the future.
Exhaling deeply, and praying his conjecture was wrong, Miroku turned and continued toward Kaede's hut.
. . . 
Long shadows of the evening dissolved into the gathering darkness of nighttime. The air cooled and the cicadas sang. A canopy of luminous stars materialized amongst the ocean of blackness. Some were dull, merely flickering into existence every now and then, but a collection of shimmering stars illuminated the dark, half-moon night. The lake glistened, mirroring the dazzling assemblage of glittering stars and the incandescence from the campfire glowed merrily beside it. Faint wind brushed against the water's surface, the ripples ruffling the stillness, and shattering the reflection of the sky.
Brown eyes turned toward Inuyasha's forest, the place in which this whirlwind of a fairytale began. There Kagome had stumbled upon this other world through an old well and had met her half-demon for the first time, pinned to the Goshinboku.
The woods always looked different at night. Everything had an unfamiliar slant to it, as if the daytime trees and flowers and stones had gone to bed and sent slightly more ominous versions to take their place. The forest became dark and uninviting, but she knew it was the safest place she could ever be.
Kagome sighed, curling her arms around her bent knees and resting her chin upon them. The fire beside her kept away the night chill, but did nothing to aid the cold that beat within her chest. Time had passed by so quickly. She dreaded what would occur in the next hour, but she knew she couldn't avoid it.
She felt like a prodigious courage pushed inside her, demanding her to be brave and strong during this climax. The decision final, she refused to change her mind, trusting that fate would take care of the rest. It had to.
Footsteps fell upon the grass and she knew who had come to find her. She took a deep breath and looked up, her gaze falling on amber eyes full of concern.
"Hey, Inuyasha." Kagome smiled meekly.
He sat down beside her, crossing his legs and sliding his hands into his sleeves. He regarded the lake for a moment, ears twitching anxiously upon his head, silver hair shifting in the breeze, brushing lightly against his cheek.
Kagome worried her bottom lip. What would she tell him? What would she say to him during what would most likely be their final conversation?
"What's bugging you?" he asked frankly, sliding his gaze toward her.
"What makes you think something's bothering me?"
He frowned. "I'm not stupid. You've been sad and moody all day."
"It's not a big deal." She shrugged.
"It is a big deal. Naraku is dead. You should be happy."
"I am happy." She smiled. "I'm glad that it's finally over."
Inuyasha's ears flattened against his head, pausing, words suddenly unnecessary. One look in his eyes spoke volumes. Sorrow dwelled in his gaze as clear as if he'd spoken his thoughts and emotions aloud.
"You're going home, aren't you?" He said, finally acknowledging what he'd been dreading. "To your own time."
"What? Is that what you think?" She grimaced.
He turned away. "What else is left for you here? What reason do you have to stay?"
"Inuyasha, I have every reason to stay," she proclaimed, giving a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I have my best friends here. I feel as if I make a difference. Not to mention I have so much more to learn from Kaede."
"Keh, I guess so," he grumbled.
Kagome placed a hand on his shoulder. "Most importantly, I have you."
Dark brows furrowed and his lips parted. He turned wide eyes in her direction. "Me?" he echoed, unsure, even with his sensitive hearing, if he had heard her correctly.
"Of course. You are the most important person in my life. Haven't you realized that?" Kagome giggled.
He frowned, contemplating her words as she scooted closer to him, leaning her head against his shoulder. A heated blush rose in his cheeks as he averted his gaze, embarrassed, as always, by her show of affection.
"I don't ever want to leave here," she continued, looking up at the stars. "This is home for me."
"You mean, you want to stay?"
"Yeah, I do." She lifted her head to look at him. "I want to stay with you, Inuyasha."
"Then, why do you look so sad?" He swallowed, apprehensive.
"Like I said, it doesn't matter. I just want to enjoy tonight," she dismissed.
"All right," he growled, fed up, turning smoldering amber eyes on her. "You're really starting to piss me off."
Surprised, she knitted her brows and shifted away from him. "Inuyasha?"
"All of this talk about wanting to stay, but you still look so damn sad, Kagome. Why? What is making you so upset?"
"Drop it already, would you?" she shouted, jumping to her feet, tears welling in her eyes.
"No," he defiantly refused, standing up beside her and pointing at her accusingly. "Something's up, Kagome. I'm not lettin' you off the hook that easily."
She spun on her heel, ready to run from his barrage of questions, to run from the truth eating her up inside. A clawed hand reached out and grabbed her gently, pulling her toward him. "Damn it, woman! Just talk to me!"
Kagome bit her lip, considering her next move. If she told him the truth, she would never be able to go through with it. He wouldn't let her. So, there was really only one thing left to do, only one thing left to say.
Slowly, she turned to face him. She sniffled and took a deep breath, fingering the glowing pink jewel that hung around the column of her throat. "The Shikon Jewel has caused so much pain," Kagome whispered.
"Is that what this is about?" Inuyasha questioned, releasing her and clenching his hands into fists at his side. "Kagome, you don't have to make a wish. We'll protect it for as long as we need to."
She shook her head vigorously. "No, you don't understand. As long as the jewel exists, there will be pain and suffering. A wish has to be made."
"Then what's the problem?" He frowned.
Stepping forward, she wrapped her arms around his waist in an unexpected embrace. Pink dusted his cheeks, his eyes wide with surprise before he hesitantly returned the gesture, holding her firmly against him, still frustrated with her evasive answers.
The tears flowed unchecked down Kagome's cheeks and dripped from her chin into his robe of the fire rat. Too sad to cry out or wail, she just stood there as still as a statue while the magnitude of her loss swept over her. She became lost in the vortex of the moment, and she knew that she would be forever tormented by a past that could not be undone.
Taking a deep breath and drawing forth every ounce of courage she could find, she pulled away and gazed up at him. She took in every detail: the wash of concern showing in his clear, luminous, warm, amber eyes, the tufts of silver dog-ears she loved so much, twitching upon his head, his furrowed black brows and frowning lips. She breathed in his scent, the forest mixed with the charcoal remains of a campfire. She listened as he breathed deeply, feeling his breath tickle her cheek. She felt the warmth of his embrace as he tightened his hold on her.
He happened to be everything she never knew she wanted. He was brash, arrogant, and stubborn, but he became hers. And now it was time to give him up, to trust that fate would one day bring them together again. Her heart accelerated, almost beating right out of her chest as her stomach filled with wild butterflies, and she prayed to every spiritual being that her voice would not escape her.
"Kagome?" he murmured, his eyes questioning.
"I love you," Kagome whispered, her words almost lost in the soft breeze. "I love you, Inuyasha. I have for a long time."
She watched his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed hard. He seemed at a loss for words, but she'd expected that. He never was one to voice his feelings, and she knew that not long ago he had lost Kikyou. He probably wasn't ready to commit to her.
Smiling, she stepped away, out of his grasp. "I just needed you to know that. I just needed you to understand how much I care for you."
"Kagome, wait," He reached for her, desperation growing. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"A wish has to be made," she repeated, clasping her hands around the jewel and holding it to her chest. "This is the way it has to be."
His eyes turned wide, fearful, and he stormed toward her. "Wait, Kagome!"
She closed her eyes, pressed her lips close to the jewel, and whispered, "I wish Naraku had never been born."
For a brief moment, the world stopped spinning. She could feel her blood rushing through her veins as her heart pounded erratically in her ears. Inuyasha's terrified expression stayed with her as he rushed forward, hoping to undo what had already been done. But it was too late.
A flurry of pink light burst forth from the jewel, enshrouding them completely.
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theseerasures · 5 years
It’s probably the chilliness of the pre-dawn air that wakes her, but once she realizes that Kristoff’s not in bed anymore getting up seems to be inevitable.
original fic here.
The window is open again.
Kristoff sighs dramatically as he walks through the office door. “Seriously? It’s three in the morning.”
Anna’s head darts up. For some reason she has a pen clenched between her teeth. “Kristoff!” she says, the pen clattering back onto her desk, “Hi. Sorry. Did I wake you? Again?”
“You didn’t wake me,” he clarifies as he slides the window shut, “I did that on my own. But I would have gone right back to sleep if I hadn’t looked to the side and thought, hey, someone’s missing–who could it be? It can’t be Anna. I mean, she’s already tried to get up twice tonight, doing it again would just be–”
“Okay, okay, I get it,” Anna interrupts, eyes roaming over the papers strewn all across the room, “I just–I wanted to make absolutely sure that I know my lines.”
“You don’t have any lines tomorrow,” Kristoff points out, “The priest guy does all the talking, and then we cheer your name. You don’t say anything during the ceremony.”
“Well, that’s what’s tripping me up!” Anna cries, thrusting a fistful of itinerary at his face, “I mean, all I have are these uber-complicated directions about where to walk and stand. If I said something I’d probably remember how to do that stuff better.”
“I’ll make a note of that the next time you’re crowned Queen of Arendelle.” He plants himself down on her chair. Looks over at Anna, bent over a file cabinet now. Little hair strands are starting to break free from her loose bun. The collar of his nightshirt–comically oversized on her body–slips down a little as she straightens up, revealing a trail of freckles running down her shoulder, still darkened from the recent summer sun.
He loves her like this.
Anna frowns at him, breaking his reverie. “Have you seen my–”
Kristoff’s holding out her broach before she even finishes that sentence, but whips it out of the way again when she reaches for it. “Hold onto it for me so I don’t lose it, don’t give it back to me until tomorrow, even if I ask, because I’ll lose it or drop it into the fjord–your words, not mine.”
“Aw, come on,” she pouts, “Past-me’s no fun at all.”
“Past-you wasn’t three cups past her coffee-per-day limit,” Kristoff replies, holding fast, “I’m gonna defer to her.”
The manic look in Anna’s eyes slips, just a little. “Sorry. I know I’m–I know I’m acting like a crazy person right now. I’m just…”
She looks away, chewing generously on her bottom lip. Kristoff tangles his fingers with hers, gives them a little bounce, before pointedly moving away and reseating himself on the sofa. Forget Anna–the paper tornado on the desk is making his head spin. “You’re nervous.”
“Well, duh.” Anna blows an errant wisp of hair out of her mouth before joining him on the couch–but not before absently throwing the window open again.
Kristoff swallows another sigh as gooseflesh starts erupting all over his bare chest. “About anything in particular?” he asks, motioning for her to turn to the side.
“You mean besides literally everything?” she scoffs, but does what he asks, shifting so her back is facing him. “I still hate my shoes. What if I trip? And my cape–what if it gets caught on something as I’m walking and I break my neck? What if–”
“I do mean besides literally everything,” he interrupts her firmly. He’s learned a lot through three years and two nail-biting field trips, but this might be one of the first things he ever figured out: Anna’s anxieties have anxieties. He’s not going to be able to stop the rushing torrent of her thoughts head-on, so the best he can do is try to trim down on some of the tributaries, cut straight to the heart of the issue.
Somewhere in the castle, Elsa’s probably giving him a Look. Rivers aren’t hedges, Kristoff. They don’t have hearts either.
Whatever. He starts undoing Anna’s bun; her hair’s the worst of both worlds right now–caught somewhere between “everyday bed-hair” and “emergency all-nighter.”
Anna makes an exasperated noise. “Then I don’t know! Maybe? I don’t know. It just feels like…I don’t want it to end, you know?”
His fingers start combing through the tangles. “It?”
“Yeah, it. I don’t know what it is, but it’s…ending.”
Kristoff follows her gaze as it flickers toward the open window. Living in the castle for so long means he’s come up against every possible discussion a guy can have about doors, right down to the one about whether it changes Everything that a door is just kinda ajar instead of wide open (it doesn’t, is his steadfast stance), but this window thing–that’s new. New since they came back from the Forest. New since Elsa’s abdication.
He thinks he’s starting to understand. “Did I ever tell you why I went back to ice harvesting after the Trolls took me in?”
“No? I always kind of figured it was because nothing could keep your love for ice down.” She fidgets slightly. “Is this a distract-Anna-story or a help-Anna-story? Because–”
“It’s both. And–yeah, kinda, but there’s more to it than that. Right after they adopted me, I didn’t leave the Valley for a few years–not until I was…maybe sixteen? Bulda pulled me aside one day, and she told me that she loves me, they all love me, but I should go.”
Anna draws in a sharp breath. “Just like that?”
“That’s pretty much what I thought, too. She must have seen the look on my face, because she hugged me right away and told me that obviously they weren’t kicking me out, it was just…well, there are things about being human that they’ll never be able to teach me. And she said, for them…”
He pauses to think hard, here; this feels like the important part. “For them, they don’t really do anything except stay in the same place forever. They don’t really even get what it means to say goodbye, but they want to learn that, with me. For me. She said that I should leave, because they want to know how it feels to miss me. How it feels to want to talk to me, but then to remember that I’m not around. And then–how it feels when I come back. How happy they’d feel, when that happens.”
The tangles in her hair are gone; he starts working on the left braid.
“I’m not sure I understand,” Anna says, passing him the hair ties around her wrist, “Or maybe–I do get it, but I don’t get why you’re telling me now? I told Elsa she should stay in the Forest. That whole hurry-up-and-go-hurry-up-and-come-back thing, I get it.”
“That’s not what I’m trying to say. What I’m trying to say is–you’re not a troll. You’re like me.”
“Um.” He has to stop her head from craning around to stare at him so the braid doesn’t get messed up. “Yeah. I know that, Kristoff.”
“No, I mean–” So much for lordly wisdom. It’s fine. He’ll try again. “Why do you keep opening the windows?”
Anna shrugs. “I dunno. ‘Cause I get warm? And a breeze is nice?”
“Sure,” he agrees easily. Waits.
After a few seconds of silence she sighs. “I guess I’m…waiting. Just in case.”
In case anyone comes flying home. The first time Elsa had done that–just got Gale to carry her right through–he’d fallen right off this very couch. “Elsa’s already here,” he reminds her, “She got here this morning for the coronation. She even came in on a non-magical horse, like a normal person.”
“I know that!” He can exactly picture the stubborn, irritated face she’s making. “I was there. But I…I don’t know. It’s like a habit now. What if it’s not Elsa? Gale can bring anyone in here. What if Bruni just misses me and wants to say hi? What if something happens at the Ice Palace with the snowgies? What if the Northuldra get in trouble? What if someone–anyone–needs me? Arendelle needs to be ready. It needs to be better than it was before–it has to be home for everyone, so I…“
“So you’ll do that?” Kristoff asks as finishes with the left braid and moves onto the right, “Whoever comes? Whatever happens? You’ll take them in?”
“Of course I will,” Anna replies, “That’s what being Queen should mean, right? And I’m part of the bridge, so–that’s gotta be included in the package.”
Her eye is on the whole world, through the window. “I love that about you,” he says, simply.
Anna’s flush goes all the way past her shoulders. “Kristoff–”
“But you don’t have to be stuck here to do all that, right?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean–you don’t have to wait here all the time keeping the windows open. You don’t have to wait for someone to come to you. You should get to go out there! Just because you’ll be crowned Queen tomorrow, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be…”
Anna shivers suddenly. She doesn’t say anything.
“It doesn’t mean that you’ll be trapped here,” he finishes gently. “And it doesn’t mean you have to do all this by yourself, either.”
She stays still and silent for so long that he’s done with the right braid and is nervously scouting for something else to do–maybe start over, try an updo? It’s not like any of this is staying in place once he coaxes her back to bed anyway–by the time she finally turns back around to hold his hand. “I guess I have been thinking about it like that. All depressing, and–” Her face screws up. “I haven’t exactly had the best role models, when it comes to…monarch-ing.”
He just nods, lets her trace her finger idly across his palm.
“Mother and Father…well, you know. The only time I really remember them setting foot outside the castle was the time they didn’t come back. And Elsa was–Elsa was so much better after the Thaw, but then she just…left.”
“She didn’t just leave,” she amends immediately, “She talked to the council and drew up all the paperwork and asked me if I was sure seventy times and told me she believed in me like five hundred times, but…she did leave. And she should have! She’s allowed.”
“She is,” Kristoff agrees. He lifts her fingers up to kiss them. “But that doesn’t mean all you can do is stay.”
Anna blows out a shuddery breath, and then throws her arms around him. “I love you. You know that, right?”
“I have an inkling, yeah,” Kristoff replies, bending down.
Kissing Anna always reminds him of the feeling you get after a long, hard climb; lying flat in the snow, breathless, watching the stars appear in the endless sky above you, thinking wow.
Three years on, he’s still kinda stuck on wow.
“Kristoff,” Anna moans into his mouth after a few minutes, “Kristoff, we have to close the window.”
“What?” he mutters, distracted by the feel of her against him, the thrum of her heartbeat, the rush of his own blood…
“Someone might see,” Anna’s insisting even as he kisses down her jawline.
“We’re three stories up.”
“Gale might see,” she says weakly, not at all trying to move away.
“Gale doesn’t have eyes.”
“She can still–” She lets out a shaky gasp as Kristoff pulls the collar of her shirt (his shirt) further down and starts making his way down her sternum. “Kristoff. Let me at least–the curtains–”
“I have a better idea,” he announces, lifting her up as he stands. She lets out a surprised squeal even as her legs automatically wrap around his torso for better leverage. “Let’s finish this in the privacy of our own room, Your Majesty.”
Anna doesn’t even try to muffle her giddy laughter as it echoes off the walls.
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askmelanahost · 5 years
Part 2! I hope you enjoy!
Coming to another time in Melana’s life. She is sixteen years old and in high school. Like Jack had said, she didn’t remember quite much of anything from the mansion, just going to it. She just lived life like normal not even interested in the mansion. Though her dreams were filled with nightmares of the mansion calling to her in many different ways. She ignored them all, of course, keeping the mansion in the back of her mind.
She was driving to school one day, everything peaceful and normal for a Monday morning on her normal commute. Though something seemed to catch her one eye as something glowed in her passenger seat.
“When will you come back, my sweet Melana.” A voice whispered, but when Melana looked over, nothing was their insight. It sounded like a young males voice, it sent shivers down Melana’s spine. But she brushed it off and she continued to school.
Arriving at Gale Sound Highschool, she parked in her usual parking spot and she went in. Fixing her hair a little as she put on a big smile and started walking to her friends.
“Hey, Anabelle, Nancy, Sarina, Jack..” Melana greeted, Jack had moved in town a few years after the young ones traveled to the desolate mansion, though three never told him about it.
“Hey, Melana!” The three replied.
Melana sighed as she looked down, giving out her happy appearance.
“Melana? What’s wrong?” Jack questioned. “Did you see another one?” Melana nodded.
“Yeah, but it was more specific this time, a blue glow in my passenger and a voice, it sounded like a young teenage male, asking me about the mansion, when I would come back. It was weird.” Melana explained.
“That does sound weird, at least your safe,” Jack replied. Nancy, Sarina, and Anabelle nodded in agreement.
“Maybe we should visit it again?” Anabelle suggested.
“What?! Are you serious?!” The twins said in unison. 
“It might be cool to see something I’ve never seen before,” Jack said.
“It all comes down to the tiebreaker, Melana,” Anabelle said looking to Melana.
“I’ll have to think about it,” Melana said as she started to walk to class, the others following in suite. All of them going their separate ways.
After their long day of learning highschool things, they met up at Melana’s car.
“Don’t you guys have your driver’s license yet? Now I don’t have a choice…” Melana said in defeat. Anabelle smiled mischievously, Jack smiling as well. Nancy and Sarina giving small smiles.
“Alright non-drivers, let’s go to the Gracey Mansion I guess..” Melana sighed as she got in the driver seat starting her car and driving to the mysterious forest.
Once they got there, they all got out walking to their final destination. After at least fifteen minutes they made it to the worse looking mansion. Melana sighed as she felt a pit in her stomach.
“Something isn’t right. The door is open,” Melana said, “Let me check what’s up.” She said walking towards the opened door.
“What? The door isn’t opened.” Anabelle said.
“It is! It’s completely wide open.” Melana assured.
“Are you seeing those Melana. The door is shut and most likely locked.” Jack added. Melana sighed in frustration.
“Guess I’m seeing things again..” Melana sighed, though still walking towards the door, ignoring their non-verbal warnings.
“Melana stop.” Anabelle said.
“Yeah stop!” The twins replied.
“Yeah!” Jack added in. Though not sure what was going on at the moment. But Melana was completely out of it now, her eyes droopy and she continued to walk closer and closer, being pulled in by the mansion’s trance. The friend group didn’t think to stop the troubled teen as she reached the front door, the door to them finally opening by itself. All of them terrified with fear, that the house was alive. They all snapped out of their terrified state and they all called out.
“MELANA!” But it was too late, the door slammed behind her. The four running up and trying everything to pry the door open to help their friend. 
“Should we call the police?!” Anabelle asked.
“And tell them what? That a house kidnapped our friend and she’s locked in?” Nancy replied, “They’ll think we’re out of our minds!”
“We have to get her out! She could get killed!” Jack said, almost on the verge of tears.
“Right! Let’s think!” Sarina said as she walked away from the door, getting the others around to figure out a plan.
Snapping out of her subconscious, Melana found herself on the floor of a nice looking hallway.
“Huh? What happened, why does my head hurt so bad… Wait, where am I?” Melana thought holding her throbbing head. Melana sat up looking around. She looked up and saw a window. She stood up and walked over to it, freezing in terror once she realized where she was. She covered her mouth trying not to scream, not wanting to draw any attention to herself, though that plan had already failed, a small glow emitted from behind her.
“What is someone with beauty like yours doing in a decaying mansion such as mine?” A young male asked. Melana froze with fear, she turned around slowly, her eyes going small as she saw the scariest thing she has ever seen in her life.
“GHOST!! I’m gonna die here!” Melana thought.
“I didn’t mean to trespass, I swear! I’ll just be on my way!” Melana said with the confidence she had left to muster. She booked it for the door, turning the doorknob, only finding out now the disturbing truth, she was stuck.
“My dear seems you are stuck here for a while. Let me introduce myself, I am Gracey, the residents here call me Master Gracey. I own the mansion.” Gracey said.
“Uh, I-I’m M-Melana…” Melana said sheepishly.
“No need to be scared love, I’m here to help protect you,” Gracey reassured. 
“O-Okay, w-why am I here?” Melana questioned.
“Either to your fate, or to find out something. The mansion picks and chooses. But come, let me take you on a small tour.” Gracey said, appearing at Melana’s sighed, which made her jump. Gracey wrapped his arm around her arm and he started to walk taking Melana in tow. 
His tour guided her through the surprisingly well-fitted mansion, nothing was decomposing or rotting, which Melana questioned very much, but didn’t mention, she met some other ghouls as well.
“This is Madam Leota. She is a fortune teller.” Gracey explained.
“S-She’s a h-head…” Melana stuttered
“Yes child, I am without a body. But do not be afraid, your future sees no death for a long time, but soon, something special will happen.” Leota responded with a smile. Melana sighed in relief.
“Thank goodness. I didn’t want to die,” Melana said, “but something special? I don’t think so.” 
“Listen to your heart child, and something special will pop out with no problem,” Leota replied. 
“Okay, I guess,” Melana said.
“Alright my dear, we should continue! More people to meet and so little time, materializing is very short in these times, then I will take you to your room, don’t worry, I will keep you safe out of harm’s way, your room will stand alone from the others, close to mine though.” Gracey said.
“That sounds reassuring, but I need to eat, and drink,” Melana brought up.
“Oh! Of course! My chefs will make the finest feast, for someone with beauty like yours, you only deserve the best.” Gracey said.
“O-Okay,” Melana responded. She looked around some more. “Where do those stairs lead to?” Melana asked.
“You mustn’t go up those stairs, those stairs lead to the attic, and you don’t want to see what vengeful ghost lurks up there,” Gracey warned. Melana gulped a bit but nodded.
“Master Gracey. It’s almost time.” An older male said from behind, which made Melana freeze in place.
“Alister please, try not to frighten the poor girl. I just got her used to everything,” Gracey said now agitated. 
“Sorry Master Gracey,” Alister replied. Melana turned around to face her new apprentice. With no eye and a noose tied loosely around his neck, his fate was sealed immediately by the looks Melana got of him.
“Alister, please take her to the room beside mine, she doesn’t need to be wandering the halls at this late,” Gracey demanded. Alister nodded and held his hand out for Melana to take.
“Come young one, let this short tour be ended, I will lead the way,” Alister said. Melana took his hand, oddly finding comfort in his gentle soft hands. He leads the way, giving small ghost jokes along the way to lighten the mood, which Melana giggled slightly to everyone.
“Found of jokes are you?” Alister asked.
“Oh yeah, I have a sense of humor like no other. I love dad jokes and puns as well, my dad wrote a whole journal of jokes, I read that thing multiple times. It’s one of the things that mom lets me have insight into how dad was like when he was still alive,” Melana said.
“I’m sorry for your passing. I hope you’ve done well, you’ve seemed to have done well without him,” Alister said.
“Yeah, I guess. But I wish I could’ve met him though…” Melana said sheepishly.
“Well, we can talk more about it in the morning, we have arrived,” Alister said, opening the door and showing the big room with a well-kept bed in the middle. “If you need anything, just call, I will always be able to help, as well as Master Gracey, or Madam Leota.” Melana nodded.
“Thank you, mister Alister,” Melana said as she walked into the room.
“You can just call me Alister,” Alister replied with a smile. Melana nodded as she silently closed the door, she ran over and hid under the covers of the bed even putting the pillows under the blanket so she can rest properly, not even five minutes later, Melana was out like a light.
Sorry its quite short, but I hope you still enjoyed anyway!
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There’s Power in Pain
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Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
A farmer with a troubled past had found a fallen hero on a riverside and makes the decision to take him in. With Ganondorf gathering power by the minute, there is no time to delay in his defeat however there is a time and place for everything as well as a lesson to learn. Link will have to do the hardest thing he has ever done and that is wait until he is ready to defeat Ganondorf.
But will Link ever truly be ready to rely on help to do the impossible? To accept that even heroes need support even from the most unlikely of people?
Meanwhile, a group of thieves organize to steal the sacred sword of the Hero of Destiny for themselves.
Chapter 10: Beedle’s Bargain Bungalow
Chapter 10 on AO3
“This is Clock Town, as you can see, there is a big clock therefore, Clock Town.”
Annette said boredly, motioning to a giant tower in the center of the town square. He could hardly hear her from where she sat on her horse, the bustle and noise of the town was loud in the midday foot traffic. One thing that was discernible among the racket of raised voices and distant music was a loud, echoing tick from the tower. It was so loud that it could be heard outside of the Clock Town walls. The day was warm and very few clouds littered the sky, so it would be expected that many people would be out, but he never knew a town could be this busy. He had never seen this many people, even in Castle Town.
They made their way through the town square to a horse stable for travelers, the sea of townsfolk parting the way, sending glares their way for interrupting their strides. In no time, Annette had booked a spot for both Cordial and Epona, giving her stead a farewell petting. Link gave his horse another look to make sure she seemed okay in the stable before he followed Annette out into the busy streets. She was wearing orange baggy, Gerudo style pants, from what she had said upon leaving the house, and a black blouse tucked in.
“Keep close and watch yourself. There are thieves that lurk around everywhere here, waiting for someone to be careless. If you ever come here alone, dark alleys at night are not your friend. Just a word of advice.” she spoke to him, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him near to her in the crowd. He pressed his lips together, knowing that she meant well but she was vastly underestimating his ability to take care of himself. He felt bad for anyone who would attempt something in a dark alley that he was in. Still, the brunette held her parcel bag close to her side, and his arm with it. The concept of watching his pockets was new to him, as everywhere he traveled before was safe and most people had good will.
Through the crowd, they ventured to a nook of the square where several shops were nestled. Annette looked up at the signs, squinting to combat the sunlight that was flooding the square.
“Ah, yes. Next to the “rat’s” place. I wonder how much of a discount he’ll give.” she muttered more to herself than to him, her hand falling from his arm.
“Rat? What are you talking about?” He questioned, the area near the shops were less crowded so he didn’t have to shout over the converging voices. Annette looked up and smirked, lifting her hand to point at a general store on the corner.
“That’s Zania’s competition and she calls him a “rat” because his prices are lower than hers and she hates him. Beedle is actually a friendly guy, but Zania and I would engage in a fistfight if she knew I went into his store.” she said and mused for a moment, her fingers caressed her chin. Then with a spark of mischief, she looked up with a grin. “Wanna go check it out?” she offered, her eyebrows arched up. He nodded, intrigued by her rebellious action against her friend.
Even though it wasn’t much, it still felt like he was helping her break the rules and it was amusing. She beamed happily and grabbed his arm again, dragging him along to the storefront. Upon opening the door, the scent of incense and perfumes tickled his senses and he was almost overwhelmed by the clutter of so many things in the shop. Many tables were piled high with various items ranging from region to size. The windows of the shop allowed the screened sunlight to filter in and reveal every item. In the back of the shop were piled boxes and barrels of stock. The thing that interested him most was behind the counter, where an assortment of arrows and a shield lay.
Annette migrated to the tea set that sparkled in the sunlight and he took his opportunity to look over the arrows. Wrapped in ribbon were bundles of arrows, which he counted silently to see that each bundle was ten arrows. The man at the counter perked up as Link approached, his round eyes and large nose were defined and he was certain he would be able to pick him out of a crowd. His middle part and freckles couldn’t be missed either. Taking no pause, the man perked up and welcomed Link in a cheery voice.
“Hello, welcome to Beedle’s Bargain Bungalow, Let me know if you see anything that interests you! I see you’re a new face, so I’ll tell you that our new dynamite powder will knock your socks off!” the man explained excitedly, a giggle punctuated his sentence. Link was immediately drawn in, if dynamite powder functioned like a bomb as he got from the name itself.
“Dynamite powder? How does it work?” Link asked, his eager voice got the better of him and he heard Annette sigh from behind him. Ignoring her minute input, he turned his focus towards the shop keeper for an explanation.
“You can use it one of two ways. You can spread it on the ground in a trail and light one end with a match and watch it burn all the way to the end or you can pour a pile of the powder and light it on fire and kaBOOM, a big explosion! Please know the Beedle’s Bargain Bungalow is in no way responsible for the injury or damage caused by this product and we hold no liability for any consequences Fifteen rupees a sack!” in Beedle’s explanation, Link was already concocting ways to use the powder with his other weapons. A fire tornado when and if he got the gale boomerang back would be all he could ask for.
Link nodded, acknowledging Beedle’s spill, but taking a step back. He didn't have any rupees so there was no reason in getting too eager yet.
Instead, he resorted to giving a thankful wave and joining Annette where she was gathered around an assortment of instruments and such including cases, straps, and polishing supplies. She was looking over at a bow for a violin, it’s mahogany polish gleamed in the low light of the shop. She gave a satisfied hum and placed it down, moving to the next one. He too looked at the assortment of items and a collection of wind instruments laid in their respective sections. There was one odd-looking instrument littered with holes, the label above it read ocarina and he was curious.
Picking it up, he turned it over in his hand and looked it over, yet something close by caught his eye much more than the ocarina. A pan flute laid and it was the only one among the other instruments, the wood pipes curved and were held together with several strands of colored twine, the dark brown, orange, and blue reminded him of Ordon. Annette looked over at him as he picked it up, her hazel eyes recording his actions. After a fleeting moment, she turned her attention back down. With that, he lifted the flute to his lips, without thinking much about the sound it would make, and blew into the flute. The tone sounded out and broke the silence, drawing the attention of the shopkeeper.  
“That one is rare! It’s only fifty rupees here, but any other place would charge much more.” Beedle informed, before going back to organizing some items behind the counter. His eyes didn’t leave it as he sat it down and looked up to find the brunette biting the inside of her cheek, her eyes darted from him to the flute. Giving him a knowing look, she turned and made her way to the counter, whispering something in a hushed tone. He didn’t hear what she had said, but as he joined her at the counter, the conversation progressed.
“Well, Miss Annette, if you would let me sell your jams here, it would just make me so happy.” he said, a fond giggle escaping him as he leaned forward on the counter, chin propped on his palm.
“Thats… I’m sorry, I’ll be disowned if I do that, you know. I already have a place that I’m selling my jams and that place is quite jealous.” she explained, and Link knew she was talking about Zania. Beedle laughed in spite of himself.
“That’s a shame. I know that I would give you a higher percentage of the profits, but you can’t betray your friend. Unless you just don’t tell her?” he said, his cheery tone clashed with his persuasive words. Annette gave him a challenging grin, her nose crinkled a bit.
“Yeah? That would be an ace plan if Zania was deaf. Besides, Zania does a lot more for me than just a little more profit. But nice try.” she said, her voice dripped with a tinge of bitterness, yet could have come across as being teasing. Link had heard the difference and knew it at this point.
“Oh well, that’s a shame then. I would have loved to sell your jams so much, but all I can do is try.” he said, straightening himself up.
“Hmm” Annette began, her voice hinting at some overblown idea that she perhaps had been planning the whole time. With a knowing grin, she leaned forward as if to tell a secret and Link too leaned in, wondering what she was up to.
“You could still sell them. I have honey strawberry jams today, which as you know are a specialty and are rare. But I don’t want a percentage.” she goaded, her eyebrow arching. Beedle’s eyes widened in excitement, but his glee soon faded when he realized there was a catch. He folded his arms defensively.
“If not a percentage, then how much are you asking for them?” he inquired and straightened up, giving a wide smile.
“For five of my super rare, specialty jams? I think that perhaps fifty rupees and three bundles of arrows will suffice. I’ll pay for the dynamite powder because I’m nice like that. What do you say?” She said coyly, her deal laid on the table. Beedle gasped and leaned forward, his arms falling from his chest.
“For five jars? That’s….” he thought about it for a moment and sighed aloud, “You drive a hard bargain but those jams will bring several people straight to my counter.” He huffed and his smile returned. “That's a deal!”
“I knew you’d think so! Great, so…” she motioned and he took the hint and gathered the arrows, dynamite powder, and rupees together for her in a bag. She pulled fifteen rupees out for the powder and graciously took the bag of supplies triumphantly. Like promised, she pulled the five jars from her parcel bag and set them atop the counter. Beedle all but drooled as he pulled them back on the counter towards him.
“Thanks for the deal, Miss Annette. This is greatly appreciated.” Beedle said, beaming and chuckling to himself.”
Annette responded with a dismissing wave and swung the bag out towards Link, her mischievous smirk further proved her manipulation tactic was planned and not at all spontaneous. He looked at her, amazed that she was able to pull that off, he himself had tried to make a deal before with other merchants, only for them to laugh him off and for him to pay full price in the end. For someone who could be so rude with her words, she was clever.
“Here you go! Don’t think that I don’t pay attention, but be warned, if you catch my house on fire with that powder, I’ll strike a bargain for your tombstone.” she jested, glowing with satisfaction. He took a breath and took the sack, peering in at the arrows and promising dynamite powder, his excitement rising.
As they approached the door, Annette covered her face and giggled into her hands, pulling the door open. She looked up at him and he knew she had done something she shouldn’t have.
“Zania is going to skin me, Link.” she said, her laughter cutting through the background noise outside of the store. He gave her a look, wondering if it was just because she dealt with Beedle or if there was another reason.
“Why? Because you made him a deal? Surely she won’t-” she cut him off with a laugh filled response.
“Those were the only five honey jams and she is gonna convulse when she knows that Beedle has them.” She had to take a breath and wipe her eyes as she calmed. He wasn’t sure why, but he too found himself laughing, more from being nervous and out of the feeling that he had helped Annette with mischief, even though in general it wouldn’t be so bad. But then again, the few times he had met Zania he was convinced that she was one to blow things out of proportion.
With no more than a few sparse giggles, Annette put them back on course taking to the street to the tailor shop just next to Beedle’s Bargain Bungalow.
Annette took the discount at the tailor’s shop for his tunic to be patched up. He really appreciated it but he noticed the entire time Annette got things settled at the tailor’s her smile faded more and more. She excused herself and told him to wait there, which he did and enjoyed looking around the tailor’s shop at all of the clothing that hung on racks and were displayed on mannequins. He wondered what had her running out of the shop.
When she returned, she had two bags. Her explanation covered one bag, but not the other one.
“I felt bad so I went out to get Zania’s favorite spice to make the soup she likes. It's a Hylian spin on a Gerudo dish and it’s incomplete without this so I’ll make it for her when she gets back from her trip.” her response explained why she had seemed down after leaving Beedle’s shop. Tucking the bags into her parcel bag, he was still left to wonder what was in the second bag and why she insisted that he stay alone at the tailor.
In no time, however, it was forgotten when they left and made their way along the street to another area of the town, a bustling marketplace full of fresh fruit, a deli, and other commodities sold under small booths spread out in the square. Annette gestured in a certain direction and they walked up to a booth that sold bread and other baked goods.
“What I wouldn’t give for some garlic bread, Link. See anything you like?” she asked, rummaging through a basket for what he was led to believe was garlic bread. He looked around and a certain type of bread caught his eye. He read the label and discovered that it was a cinnamon swirl with chocolate chip bread. Annette looked over, garlic bread in hand as if she were holding up a prime catch from a fishing trip. Spotting the cinnamon bread, she nodded more to herself than him.
“I should have known. You like sweets, right?” she said, more of a statement than a question. He looked down and gave a nod, feeling kinda embarrassed. “Cool, I can give you a nice dessert recipe but um… you might wanna get a friend to make it for you.” she said, teasing at that morning's mishap with the biscuits. Just then, two women came walking by, speaking to each other rather loudly and normally Link would just chalk it up to chatter, but what they said was particularly interesting.
“I just can’t believe he’s selling that for that price. Who even knows what it is?”
“Yeah, it’s doesn’t look useful at all. He claims you can wear it on your arm like a gauntlet, but it’s so ugly who would?”
“Especially with those pointy spikes on the end. He’s lost it for sure.”
Link considered for a moment what they were saying and he immediately thought of his lost clawshot. Could it be? If so, as Annette said, he was very lucky to just stumble across it. Annette stared at him, not realizing that he was looking past her shoulder at the passing women. Without explanation, he moved past her and towards the women.
“Excuse me, uh, can you tell me where you saw the thing you’re talking about? The gauntlet thing?” he spurted out and the women turned towards him, both giving him disgusted and offended looks for eavesdropping and interrupting them.
“You mean the ugly gauntlet thing?” The first one corrected and her friend turned and giggled to her. “Sorry, why do you want to know? You couldn’t afford it anyway.  No one can at those prices.” before he could explain himself, Annette was already at his side, garlic bread forgotten.
“Just answer the question. It’s not up to you whether or not he can afford it.” Annette spoke up, her tone harsh and commanding. Not the way he would have handled it for sure, but he wanted to see where it went.
“Oh yeah, I know about you. I doubt even the cheapest things would keep your hands off, from the rumors I hear.” the second woman said, her aloof expression made Annette take a deep breath. Link looked between the stranger and the brunette but could get no further explanation. No matter, Annette rolled her eyes and went on.
“Look, I just want to know where it is. It won’t inconvenience you to tell us.” she said, faking friendliness. Link noticed that Annette was clenching her teeth under her smile. But not for long as the first girl huffed and rolled her eyes, her defenses dropped.
“Fine, okay. It’s at Marty’s.” she answered, her voice sulky for having to tell. Obviously, it was not the high point of the town as Annette groaned and the other women nodded. With a quick thanks, Annette ignored the women and they went on their way.
“So Marty might have something of yours? That’s not good.” Annette asked and Link nodded, but was certain he could get it back. Besides, he was willing to do anything and it wouldn’t be the first time he jumped through hoops to get something for someone or do something hard for something that he needed.
Annette led him out of the area and to a store on the border of the square. Link kept his eyes sharp, looking around for any indication of something he was without. From the description, he was certain it was his clawshot.
They approached the store and with hesitation Annette pushed the wooden doors open, a long row of counter space showed various odd items lining down towards the counter in the back. Most things looked like inventions that didn’t quite work and were falling apart and others were broken and modified weapons. Screws, pins, sword hilts, bowstring, and other miscellaneous parts filled metal barrels and dared to overflow. The walls were littered with shelves of jars that held fluids that contain things that Link couldn’t place. On the opposing wall, monster heads were mounted among other beasts. One, in particular, were wolves, their faces twisted into snarls. Link felt his stomach turn at the sight.  The place looked like it was filled with junk, but had something to offer for someone looking for a spare piece of something.
In the back there was a workbench and a smith with various tools laid in a messy array on the solid, stone ground. Hunched over something with a magnifying glass, a stout, balding man observed something alarming familiar. Link made his way past the brunette and to the man, who barely noticed their arrival, busy humming to himself. Scooting behind the front table, Link leaned forward to see that the man was in fact examining his clawshots, both of them. He was even luckier!
The man, without looking up, spoke up to Link directly.
“You know this device, don’t you? Had you lost it?” he asked, and Link was taken aback. Before he could answer, the man continued. “They say that devices like this are very old and I can tell that it is not from this time. It has been lost and locked away and only someone who was very determined could have found something like this.” He said and took to his feet slowly, turning towards the blonde slowly.
Link sized him up and he was a man short in stature but he looked like he worked a hard job, his large arms littered with burns. Must be a smithing side consequence. The man had a draping beard that began just under his chin, yet the top of his head was shiny as ever. His eyes gleamed.
“But, only someone stupid could have lost this, so it’s mine now and I’ll only accept 5000 rupees for it.” he said definitively, placing his hands on his sides. Link let that sit for a moment and cursed in his mind, hating how unfair that was. There was always something that could be done in exchange, always an angle. If Annette could do it, he could too.
“What if-”
“You are the one they speak of, aren’t you? The one that slain that evil king in Hyrule field? If you are, then I have a proposition for you instead of a price.” the man interrupted, his face twisted into a hopeful grin. Link gave a glance to Annette, who motioned for him to come over to her. He gave another look at the man and joined her as she led him out of earshot of the man, who looked on from his spot. She pulled him down to her and whispered in his ear.
“This guy is a nutcase and he’s been reading too many old fairy tales about the past. He’s delusional. You don’t have to indulge him if you don’t want to. I might know another way to get it back, but you won’t like it at all.” She began, her words brushing against his ear.
“Why wouldn’t I like it?” he asked in a low voice, but he knew it was probably something that he himself would never do. She closed her eyes for a moment before explaining.
“You wouldn’t like it because I know someone who might be able to get it for you, but it will be illegal. I don’t want to, but if you really need this, I can ask.” she said, her words coming out slow. He was silent and made a quick decision.
“Let me figure out what he’s asking for and then I’ll decide. Thanks for warning me.” he stated, and she exhaled and looked away, muttering a response that sounded like it was nothing . He looked back to Marty, who was waiting patiently for their private conversation to come to a close. With a moment to gather himself, Link formed his question.
“What are you proposing?” he asked, and the man perked up with excitement. He rushed over to the clawshot and scooped it up. He offered it to Link, much to his confusion. He thought the man had a condition?
“Please, show me how to use this! Then I’ll let you know my proposition.” He blurted and Link took the clawshot, it’s weight did nothing good for his left arm, so he switched it to his right. He held it out and in a silent demonstration slipped it on his arm, all the way to his elbow.
“There’s a switch in the inside, right where your fingers should reach. Pull it down and the claw will be shot towards where you aim it. It is spring loaded, so it will immediately retract.” Link explained as best he could, the man watching in awe. He aimed it across the room, towards the front door, hoping the distance would aid him when he pulled the lever. Annette too looked on with curiosity, any cynicism absent from her face.
His fingers curled around the level and he pulled it, the claw launching out from its base, the sound of rattling chains filled the silence. His hope had failed him and from across the long room, the claw still reached the wooden door, it’s sharp metal prongs crunched into its surface with a crack. Before he realized his error in judgment, he was launched across the room, his heels trying to make traction on the ground to regain some control. In any other circumstances, this would be just what he wanted but he knew what would happen if he wasn’t using his clawshot to get to some high place. Just as he anticipated, he slammed into the wooden door and fell over, the clawshot still lodged in the wood.
Groaning, he sat up, recovering from his hit, which luckily had no real consequence on his broken arm. Looking up, he saw that the man had not moved from his spot and Annette stared at him with shock, her mouth hung open. With a tug, he dislodged the claw from the door, with it breaking off a hunk of wood.
Annette, once able to shake her shock away, rushed over to him, falling to her knees where he had sat up.
“Oh my goddess, are you hurt? That looked like it hurt.” her face paled, if possible, and she reached out to tug the clawshot from his arm, setting it aside. Without asking, she pulled his right arm towards her and looked at his hand and arm in a quick one over.
“That was…” she cracked up, her worry vanishing with her nervous laughter, “...the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.” her words marred by her snort, she fell back off her knees and onto her butt. He tried to shake away his frustration, but it flared. Pushing himself up, he felt his face grow hot with embarrassment and he scooped the clawshot into his grip. Annette’s laughter faded, and she looked up at him.
“Oh, are you mad? I didn’t mean to upset you but that was a spectacle. Just look at the door.” she said, her humor still laced in her voice. He looked at the door and immediately felt guilty. Taking the clawshot up towards the front, he heard the woman shuffle to her feet.
The man looked at him, his eyes wide as Link came back to the counter. Link shyly handed him back the clawshot, closing his eyes ready to have the man yell at him about the door. The next thing that came from the man was certainly loud, but not scolding.
“That was the best thing I’ve seen in months! How did you learn to use these! I wonder if I could make a replica for myself!?” he yelled in excitement. Link’s eyes cracked open and he felt his guilt wane.
“I’m sorry about the door…” he began and the man interjected.
“Don’t be! I have a cool story to go along with it! Besides, I would have never figured out how these things work without you showing me.” his mood had shifted and Link thought back to what the brunette had said about the man reading fairy tales.
“So, the proposition? I need those back as soon as I can get them.” Link said, hoping his impatient feeling didn't show in his tone. The man looked back at the other clawshot and sighed, realizing he would have to part with them if Link succeeded in whatever weird thing he was going to ask of him. The blonde waited and the man finally spoke after some thinking.
“My daughter made me a hat and I put all of my fishing lures into it, one of which was rare. It blew away in the wind and landed on top of the clock tower.  I miss my hat so much and I want it back so when I found these, I thought I could use them to get my hat back, but my arms can’t fit inside because I’m too muscular. If you could take one of these and bring my hat back, I’ll give you back the other one.” He proposed, and it was a reasonable request. Link had been asked to do harder things.
Glancing back at Annette, who was returning to her place behind him, he gave her a nod and she returned it, their silent communication doing well enough. He had made up his mind.
“It’s a deal. I’ll get your hat back.”
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xtyrantinax · 5 years
[Souls] The Mercy of War | Forest Walker + Songbird
Please pay attention to the warnings! This story involves dragons trying to kill one another, it gets a bit gory by the end of it, continue with care! Second breeding rite for Forest Walker who is owned by GlacialFalls and Songbird who is mine. We also have Paragon because I really wanted to include this badboy and show off the more murdery side of his personality since I don't often get the chance to play around with it. I know breeding rites only need to be 1,400 words but I really got into this and kinda wish I could have written more for it! I kinda took a different spin on the prompt (I hope that's okay).
Warnings: Death. Gore. Violence. 
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! Souls Between is an ARPG on Deviantart and is a closed species !
The skies high above roared loud with the thunder of a summer monsoon, lightning streaking across the obsidian clouds as they released a seemingly never-ending torrent of rain upon the dragons that flew below. The winds slammed into Songbird and her companions with all the strength of a fright train, sending them all spiralling through the air every time they failed to anticipate when it would strike next. Even with her heightened eyesight it was impossible to see more than a few feet in front of her, forced to squint through the rain and wind that assaulted her from all directions.
Yet she pressed on, determined to keep moving further through the massive storm despite wishing she could turn back and wait it out. At her side flew her uncle Paragon and one of the other local dragons, Forest Walker. There were also a few juvenile dragons who had decided to also brave the storm with them, most of them experiencing a flight through bad weather for the first time. Understandably, they weren’t all doing quite such a good job of weaving their way through the dangerous conditions, but they needed all the dragons they could get their claws on.
The glinting or white teeth in front was the only warning of another dragon that Songbird had before something slammed into her. She roared, a mixture of surprise and anger, before managing to steady herself again. The other dragon didn’t offer her a moment more of recovery before it was reaching out to snatch at her with the massive talons of its feet. It was a large ravager with a hide of deep umber, blending easily into the murky evening skies, easily designed for sneaking up on its unwitting prey.
As it was about to grasp a hold of Songbird’s neck, Forest Walker swooped in from above, landing with full force on top of the larger dragon. It hissed in protest but was unable to shake the stalker as he gave it one last powerful shove downwards to create some distance between them. He was quick to give a flap of his wings, racing back up into a defensive position with the others.
Songbird grunted her thanks to Forest Walker but lacked the time to properly say anything, already being descended on by another aggressive dragon.
As the storm had rolled in from far away so too had a large pack of dragons native to the Scorched Empire. There were far less friendly than the local residents, hunting down prey for sport and stealing other dragon’s kills, driving them away with their superior numbers and often mortally wounding others they came across purely to show off their strength. Some of the elder dragons had tried to reason with the outsiders, trying to settle the matter peacefully, but they had only responded with violence.
These dragons were raised in one of the harshest lands anyone knew and understood one thing; only the strongest dragons are the ones who survive, all others are disposable. They had a taste for blood and the blood of other dragons was the best tasting of all. There would be no settling this matter kindly, no pulling punches, only tooth and claw against fur, feather, and scale.
The was no calm before the storm, only full on battle as the outsiders lunged for the other dragons, scratching and roaring and snapping their teeth. The first to strike back was Forest Walker, racing head on towards one of the smaller ravagers. The young outsider thought that its size would be enough to take on the stalker, reaching out to meet him head on with an open maw. What it wasn’t expecting was for Forest Walker to dive last second underneath, just out of reach, before shooting back upwards again, slamming one of his strong wings into the youngster’s stomach. The ravager faltered, choking and losing focus on the surrounding battle. It was most unfortunate when one of its companions accidentally slammed into him, knocking them both clean out of the battlefield.
He flew up higher once more, closer to the lightning that lept from cloud to cloud just above. His eyes narrowed on a crimson stalker, switching his course with great difficulty thanks to the fierce wind and heading towards it. He swung out with his claws, catching the other dragon’s snout which only seemed to make it angrier. Fortunately, it wasn’t able to retaliate for Songbird came from nowhere and slammed herself into its side, grasping it with her front legs and using her hind ones to tear a gaping hole through its wing with a nasty ripping sound.
She dropped the dragon, letting it plummet down back towards the Earth with a panicked shriek. If the dragon was lucky it’d be able to slow itself enough to not break anything when it inevitably landed on the rather solid rock below. She was about to speak to Forest Walker when she was suddenly forced to lunge towards him, knocking the smaller dragon to the side. He looked up at her in a mixture of confusion and irritation for only a second before Paragon went shooting by, flames trailing from his open, snarling mouth. Had Songbird not seen him coming the ravager would have knocked the two of them over without thought and they likely would have been scorched with his fiery breath.
The thought of accidentally wounding his niece and ally, however, wasn’t even a thought on Paragon’s mind. In fact, there was very little on his mind other than the massive coal-coloured ravager that hovered above all of the other dragons. It was the leader of the outsider flock and Paragon was not longer thinking rationally.
Songbird had only seen the ravager in such a sate a few times and without Blizzard with them to calm the raging, insane beast, they were now all in trouble. “Quickly! Follow him!” She shouted over the gales, swiftly moving to give chase after Paragon with Forest Walker right behind her. It was when they had almost caught up to the dragon when two dragons obliviously flew into Paragon’s path, drawing his attention to them. There were two dragons, a small warden outsider and one of their allied stalkers, both linked together in a mess of sprawled limbs as they fought.
With an unearthly roar that rivalled the thunder of the heavens above, Paragon lunged at the two dragons. One of his legs snatched at the stalker’s wing, snapping the limb under his iron grip as he twisted it around to an unnatural angle, eliciting a pained shriek from it, before he mindlessly threw the stalked away from him and the outsider warden.
The warden attempted to sink its claws into Paragon’s chest, but the crazed dragon ignored it as though he couldn’t even feel the pain. Upon realising that it was in grave danger, the warden tried to get away, but was easily caught by Paragon, the old dragon firmly grasping a hold of its body. The warden managed a brief, fearful expression before it was consumed by flame as Paragon let lose the full strength of his breathe. It screamed and writhed in absolute agony, batting at Paragon’s body desperately for him to stop or release him.
Time seemed to stop as they watched Paragon burn the other dragon alive, but they were quick to snap out of it when he tossed the wounded warden away like a piece of scrap. He didn’t even take the time to watch the outsider fall before he was going back after his original target, the outsider leader.
Forest Walker immediately dove after the first falling dragon, tucking his wings in tightly to his side to gain some speed until he drew level with his fellow stalker. He managed to wrap his legs around the other dragon’s body securely before spreading his wings once more, gliding to a stop to gently place down his companion.
Despite the fact they were currently trying to go for each other’s throats, Songbird found herself racing after the falling warden. She attempted to be as gentle as possible as she grabbed the outsider’s shoulders, struggling slightly to slow its plunging weight. Below them was a vast stone ravine with mighty spiralling towers of rock that reached high into the sky. She managed to slow them both down but finding a good spot to place down the wounded dragon was more than a little difficult.
In the end she settled for a tiny patch of grass she’d spotted. She was careful to gently lower the dragon to the ground. She gently rolled the dragon over onto its side to check its wounds, but immediately regretted her decision. The dragon’s face had been completely melted away, the skin sagging badly and the muscle underneath still crackling and sizzling as the flesh cooked. The smell was utterly nauseating and there was no way the warden would be able to survive with its face so badly disfigured and burned beyond all recognition.
Forest Walker had silently walked to her side, looking down at the wounded warden only briefly before deciding not to scar himself any further with the image. “We should help treat some of the wounded,” he began, drawing Songbird’s attention. The blood that had covered their bodies had begun to be washed away with the rain, even as it began to clear away and both found themselves grateful that they wouldn’t be walking around caked in dry blood.
Just as they were about to head back towards the broken winged stalker, something suddenly dropped from the sky, landing before them with a sickening crack. They both jumped back in surprise before realising that it was the lead outsider dragon. At least they thought it was. It was difficult to tell from the mangled form that lay before them.
Its body was broken and twisted from the landing, but that didn’t appear to be what had killed it, it was the was its bottom jaw had been torn from its very face, ripped free along with a large portion of its neck. There were long gashes all along its frame and its eyes stared unseeing into the sky, yet still held a glimpse into its final emotions, pupils narrowed in terror.
Paragon suddenly landed before Songbird and Forest Walker, standing upon the broken body of the corpse as though it were nothing. The skies had cleared and behind him the dawn had finally broken, bathing the ravager’s body in shadow as he stood above the dead and dying like a silhouette of death himself.
They had won the battle.
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ellanainthetardis · 6 years
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Will they save Prim? Will they stop the vampires? Will they all survive? Let me know your thoughts! 
[ff] or [ao3]
Haymitch’s fingers were restlessly drumming on the wheel and it was driving Katniss crazy.
Peeta caught her eyes and looked away fast but it was enough for her to know he shared the sentiment. They were both in the backseat of his SUV, working on cramming pieces of clothes into bottles of liquor. They didn’t know how much they would need so they had opted for bringing as many as possible just to be on the safe side.
Katniss tore up strips of cloth and Peeta thrust them into the bottles. They had a good rhythm going on.
The car was rushing past the meadow when their hands accidentally brushed. Katniss didn’t pay it any attention but Peeta cleared his throat.
“Everything will be fine.” he promised, grabbing her hand with a bit more purpose. “We’ll get Prim back.”
She caught Haymitch glancing in the rear-view mirror but she didn’t understand why he was smirking like that so she ignored him.
She didn’t let herself think about Prim too much because she would have gone crazy with worry if she had. She had to believe the plan would work.
“You will be safe.” she answered, squeezing his hand. “Just remember the plan. I distract them while Haymitch gets Prim out. The moment they’re out, you start tossing.”
“And then you get out.” he added. “Right?”
“I get out once I’m sure the bitch is dead.” she corrected, taking her hand back to give him another piece of cloth.
Haymitch didn’t look happy with that either but he didn’t say anything. Probably because there wasn’t much to say.
Cashmere needed to go down. Not only because she had gone after her sister but because they couldn’t let her try to open the Hellmouth. He might not have had time to give a full lecture on it but she wasn’t dense enough to not understand it was the kind of mouth that was better left closed.
“Katniss…” Peeta breathed out with entirely too much… She wasn’t sure what it was but she found she couldn’t look at him anymore. Something was gripping her heart and squeezing it tight. It was confusing and she didn’t have time for confusing right now.
Fortunately, that was also the moment Haymitch stopped the car, saving her from the odd tension.
“That’s as far as we go with the truck.” he announced. “We need to finish on foot. You’re sure you know where the cabin is?”
She didn’t even bother offering an answer. An old cabin next to the lake deep in the woods… There weren’t many and she and Gale had found that one out years ago. They had used it as a hiding place once or twice even. It was a good spot when you wanted to hide from the world. There were only two empty rooms full of dust – and, apparently, vampires.
She took the lead, carrying as many bottle as she could. Haymitch and Peeta followed closely behind her and she couldn’t help but cringe at how loud they were being. Haymitch, at least, was making an effort but Peeta was hopeless. Animals could hear them coming from miles away. It was a good thing they hadn’t waited until nightfall to attack.
As it was, they reached the cabin without any trouble at all and they all flattened on their bellies at the edge of the clearing to study their surroundings. The cabin was entirely made of planks and was situated on the short amount of flat land between the shore of the lake and the border of the trees. A little too close to the forest for what they had in mind, maybe.
“Try not to start a forest fire.” she advised.  
“So… No pressure, right?” Peeta joked.
The windows of the cabin were boarded. She wondered if vampires slept during the day or if there was one of them on watch… Most of the ones she had met tended to be stupid so she hoped the ones inside would prove to be of the same variety.
She made sure her bow was ready to use and then she turned toward Haymitch. He had a hard look on his face and she wondered if he would mourn her if she died that day. She hadn’t gotten the feeling he was really pleased to be her Watcher. He had treated the whole thing as a chore since the very beginning. How had he put it again?
I’ve been sent to help you until you kick the bucket and someone other than me draws the lucky ticket to coach the next dead girl to be.
“Don’t look so glum, Haymitch.” she taunted. “Look on the bright side. If I get myself killed you can go back to drinking full time.”
“I don’t drink full time.” he denied and then rolled his eyes. “Well, yeah, I drink full time but I also freelance as a demon hunter when I don’t have to play babysitter to arrogant little girls who think they know better than everyone else just because fate flipped them the finger.”
“See?” she snorted. “You’ll be happier when I’m dead.”
“You are a strangely dislikable person.” he deadpanned and then softened a little. “But you do have your virtues. Try not to get killed so soon. It’d look bad on my resume.”
“Fair enough.” She smiled. “Try not to get killed either. If you’re the best Watcher they’ve got, I’m scared of who they’re going to send next.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt your weird bonding moment but if nobody could get killed, it would be great.”  Peeta cut in.
“You be careful, boy.” Haymitch ordered sternly. “Stay out of troubles.”
“Okay.” Katniss took a deep breath. “Haymitch? One last advice?”
“Stay alive.” he retorted without hesitation.
It was a good one, she decided.
And then she was running.
Haymitch was behind her to her left, much slower than she was. She brought the door down with a powerful kick and she didn’t wait for the surprised scream inside to register. There were three vampires in that room, two of them were already smoking from the sunlight. She shot two arrows and they burst into dust, the third one moved at the last moment and she missed the heart. She threw her leg out and sent him flying just when Cato, Cashmere and another of her minions rushed out of the other room, stopping short of the long stripe of light that stretched between her part of the room and theirs.
Another well launched arrow took care of Cato but it also cost her the advantage. The vampire she had missed earlier jumped on her from the side. Her bow clattered to the ground and she fought him out, trying to pull out her stake.
“Go close the door, you idiot!” Cashmere ordered to the other minion.
Katniss wasn’t sure what happened next. She thought Haymitch must have made his surprise entrance because there were fighting noises and when she risked a peek, she saw her Watcher slamming a stake through the vampire chest.
It left Cashmere between him and the other room where Prim was presumably hidden…
“Wanna dance, lady?” he taunted, falling into a fighting stance he had tried – and mostly failed – to teach her. “Ain’t much into blondes but for you I’m gonna make an exception…”
That wasn’t the plan at all.
Her vampire was stubbornly refusing to die - well, to die for good. They traded blows and she herded him toward the streak of sunlight but it was a slow process and Haymitch wasn’t fairing well. He had rushed on Cashmere with a war cry and ended up hitting the wall when she swept him off with her arm like an annoying fly. He slid down to the floor and Cashmere lifted him back up by his collar. Her features morphing into her demon face, she opened her mouth...
Katniss couldn’t wait anymore. She leaped away from her opponent and tackled the blond vampire. Haymitch fell back down with a thud.
“Get Prim and get out!” she ordered, herding the two vampires away from him.
Cashmere snarled. “I was going to kill you quickly but now I’m going to make it last. I really don’t need a Slayer poking in my business…”
Katniss wasn’t aware of much past that point. The fight took her whole focus. She took more hits than she gave and she was relying on instinct more than on training. She did glimpse Haymitch rushing back out of the cabin, her sister tossed over his shoulder, but she couldn’t tell if she was alive or dead or injured or…
Cashmere’s foot sent her flying across the room. She rolled in the dust and came back in a crouch. She spotted her bow a few feet away and leapt in that direction just as the second vampire tried to grab her. A lucky backward hit with her elbow hurled him directly into the narrow pool of sunlight that separated the main room of the cabin in two. He burst into flames and, at first, she thought he was responsible for the sudden explosion.
Then, of course, she realized Peeta must have began the next phase of the plan.
And it was working a little too well.
Flames were catching quickly. Smoke burnt her throat and Katniss dashed toward the front door but Cashmere blocked her path, far much quicker and deadlier than anything else she had ever seen. Far more dangerous than the fire that was raining down on the cabin roof, thanks to Haymitch’s liquor stash.
“You think you can stop us?” Cashmere hissed, baring her fangs. “When the others will be here, you will regret this. They will bring Him back. He will rise and may the odds be in your favor then!”
The flames were running up the walls now. The cabin was turning into a deadly trap.
The heat was unbearable, Katniss couldn’t help small coughs. Her eyes were watery. She nocked an arrow and let it loose, not entirely surprised when Cashmere simply sidestepped it. The vampire looked mad in the dancing light of the surrounding fire. The flames tossed changing shadows on her skin, her yellow eyes seemed to glow…
“You will all burn.” the vampire laughed.
“If we burn…” Katniss retorted, the effect a little lost in the coughing fit. “You burn with us.”  
She needed to get out and now, the ceiling was about to collapse. Cashmere was blocking her way to the door so she needed another way out. She did the only thing she could think of: she dropped her bow, took a long-run and cannonballed into the wall where the flames were the thickest, shoulder first.
If the wood was as rotten as it had looked, she would be fine.
If it was solid, she was done for.
It turned out that bursting through a wooden wall on fire was painful... But she did go through. She landed badly but rolled with it anyway, ending up on her back in the grass, gulping down air only to cough it out.
“Katniss!” Haymitch called and, before she could try to even think about moving, he was pulling her up. All she could do was try to put one foot in front of the other while he dragged her away from the cabin that was quickly being swallowed by the flames. She heard Cashmere scream but then there was only the sounds of her own blood throbbing in her ears and her Watcher’s panting.
He only slowed down once they were in the middle of the woods and only because he tripped on a root. Katniss seized the opportunity to sit down for a second even if she knew they should keep moving because forest fires could move quickly.
“Prim?” she asked once she managed to get her parched mouth to form a coherent sound.
“She’s alright. I told the boy to get her to the car and to call the fire station.” he explained, offering her a hand. When she simply ignored it, he waved it in front of her face until she let him haul her up again. “You sure like the old school method. Girl on fire.”
“Don’t call me that…” she grumbled and then coughed some more.
“We need to get you to the hospital.” he commented and he sounded worried.
“I’m fine.” she lied.
“Sure, you are.” he humored her, forcing her good arm around his shoulders so he could support her better. With their height difference, it probably looked ridiculous. It certainly wasn’t very efficient.
“I’m sorry you didn’t get a better Slayer.” she muttered, as they were nearing the car. Her eyelids were drooping, her chest felt very tight and she was pretty sure something was very wrong with her shoulder this time.
He tightened his hold on her. “What?”
“You were disappointed…” she mumbled. “I’m not as good as your other ones…”
“No. Fuck, sweetheart… No.” he breathed out. “You’ve got to understand… My Slayers… They all ended up tributes in a fucking hopeless war… They were heroes. And so are you. And you ain’t dying on me right now so quit talking like you are.” He was almost completely carrying her by now and she could see the rear-end of Peeta’s truck. “You’ll be a great Slayer, Katniss. Thing is… I’m a bitter old drunk. I wasn’t sure  I had it in me to play mentor one more time, that’s all.”
She didn’t ask if he had come to a decision on that point.
Some things were better left unsaid.
She caught a glimpse of blond disheveled hair and then her sister was crashing against her and Haymitch, making them both lose their balance.
She blinked and she was lying on the ground, Prim’s face hovering over her.
“Little duck…” she whispered but it didn’t sound very coherent to her own ears.
She blinked again and Prim was gone. There was only the blue sky above and clouds that looked like the bird on the pin Madge had given her.
“Get her in the car. She needs a doctor and fast.” Haymitch was saying.
She blinked and she was cradled against someone’s chest. She was in a moving car. It was going fast. Prim’s frightened face looked back at her from the passenger front seat. A hand brushed her hair away from her face.
“Hold on.” Peeta’s voice murmured in her ear. “Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.”
She smelt the appetizing scent of bread just taken out of the oven. It was in her head, she thought, but it made her feel safe. Happy. Nothing bad could happen if there was hot bread nearby.
“Katniss. Stay awake.” he urged. “Haymitch, go faster.”
She let her head roll on his shoulder and she closed her eyes.
The last thing she saw was Prim’s lips forming her name.
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imjustthemechanic · 6 years
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Our Own Demons
Part 1/? - A Bolt from the Blue Part 2/? - A Different World Part 3/? - Stark At Home Part 4/? - Pot Roast Night Part 5/? - Space-Pie Continuum Part 6/? - Energy Signature
What if Tony Stark really were the villain of the Marvel universe?  How would that work?  Tony himself is about to find out, as he battles his inner demons (and some outer ones, too) across a multiverse of infinite possibilities.
Beth looked from one of them to the other as if wondering if maybe she was the one going crazy, then took a deep breath.  “Well,” she said.  “I guess I owe you an apology, Mister…” she gave Tony a watery smile.
“Stark,” said Tony.  “I’m also Mr. Stark.”
Beth cocked her head.  “I thought you were Italian on your mother’s side,” she said to the other.
“I am,” Tony’s counterpart told her.  “He just lives there.”
“Very pretty country,” said Tony.  “Lots of art.  And…” he tried to remember what he’d seen the last time he’d been to Italy.  That had been mere months ago, but he remembered very little besides skinny-dipping in the warm Adriatic with Pepper.  Though… they had visited Pompeii.  “Volcanoes. You know, volcanic soil is very fertile. Very good for grapes.”
“I, uh… right,” said Beth.  “Well, it was nice meeting you, um…”
“Arno,” the other blurted out.  “This is cousin Arno.”  He slapped Tony on the back, and then tried to get the conversation back where Tony had been taking it.  “Look, can we come in?  JANIS has some kind of error and I need to reset my key card.”
Beth had been on the verge of softening.  Now she stiffened right back up.  “By an ‘error’, you mean it’s not letting you into a place you want to go,” she observed.  She wasn’t angry anymore – instead, this was a retread of familiar territory.  Tony got the idea that she’d helped his double get into several places the man wasn’t supposed to be, and that every time it happened she’d sworn that would be the last.  Sure enough: “I told you I couldn’t do that again.  It’s not worth my job, Tony.”
“I’ll take the blame for it, I promise,” the other said.
“Hey.”  Tony himself butted in.  “You know what?  All he needs from you is plausible deniability, right?”  He looked at his double for confirmation.  “So you come over here and talk to me, and then later you can say that you had your eye on a guy who looked like Tony Stark the whole time, and you have no idea what happened.”  He gave her his most charming smile.
Beth sighed, but gave in.  She stepped aside so Tony’s double could enter the office, and stood with her back to the door.
“So,” she said.  “You… grow grapes?  On a volcano in Italy?”
“No, no,” Tony said.  “I just like wine.  I’m… I’m an art dealer.  Modern art.”
“That must be interesting.”
“It has its moments of high drama,” Tony agreed. “Yesterday was definitely not the first time somebody hit me when I told them who I was.”
Tony was halfway through a completely made-up story about his revenge on a man who’d sold him a fake Degas when his counterpart returned with the card key in hand.  “I’ve got it,” he announced.  “Let’s go.”
“Has he told you this story, Tony?” asked Beth.  “The one about the horse and the guy with the fake mustache?”
“Fifty times,” the other replied, without missing a beat.  “By the way… we’re gonna be playing a practical joke on Miss Potts later, so maybe don’t tell anybody you saw us, okay?”
Beth gave him a cynical look.  “Right,” she said.  “I can’t wait to hear about it.”
As they tramped down the concrete stairwell back to the basement, the other observed, “that actually didn’t go too badly.”
“Oh, didn’t it?” asked Tony.  “You’re not the one who’s supposed to answer to Arno.  Why Arno?”
“Like the river,” said the other with a shrug. “It’s the first Italian name I thought of.”
“We told her I wasn’t Italian,” Tony reminded him. “If I’m your cousin on Dad’s side I’m probably from Vienna.”
“There’s German guys named Arno.  It’s European,” the other said.  “And I doubt you’ll ever see her again, so why does it matter?”
“You’ll see her again,” Tony said.  “What’ll she think when you can’t keep your story straight?”
“She’ll think I’m a jerk and a liar.  She already thinks that.”  He sighed.  “That was three strikes anyway.  I’m out.”
“Maybe,” said Tony, who did wonder what strikes one and two had been, but decided not to ask.  The answer would probably make him wish he hadn’t, anyway.  “But we just gave you an out for it.  You’re only at two and a half, so you might be able to salvage it if you’re smooth enough.”
The other looked at him suspiciously.  “Firs the thing about Miss Potts, and now this. Why are you so interested in my love life?”
“I’ve got a vested interest in Tony Stark getting laid.”
“It’s creepy,” said the other.  “Cut it out.”
When they entered the workshop, they found it in exactly the same condition as Tony remembered from yesterday: suit parts strewn on the floor, and even the pipe wrench in the same places as Tony had made the other put it down.  That meant nobody else had been in here, which was good.  The junk robot Tony had noticed yesterday was still there – it raised its claw with a happy-sounding whirring noise, and Tony’s double gave it a pat on the chassis.
Tony himself bent down to pick up the faceplate, and realized it was actually broken.  The suit had been physically torn apart as the space inside it had suddenly become bigger than its surface area could hold. Tony could build a lot of things, but a TARDIS wasn’t one of them.  He was careful not to touch the torn edges.  If their theory were correct, that was where the tesseract trace would be.
“Sorry about that,” he said, turning the faceplate over to look at the inside.  It was a pretty piece of kit, he thought.  His own suits were all about appearance as much as anything else, but they were designed mainly to look solid, immovable objects capable of unstoppable force.  This one had more of an elegance to it, so that the power it was capable of would come almost as a surprise.  Perfect for Pepper, he thought.
The other propped open a laptop.  “Okay,” he said.  “Let’s see what we’ve got here.”
Tony set the faceplate down on a workbench and came to look over his double’s shoulder.  “SHIELD let me look at some of their equipment after the battle,” he said.  “It still had the trace in it, so I should recognize the signature.”  He shivered, trying to push away the still-troubling memory of falling and falling with the blackness closing in… no. No time to think about that.
“Really?  Lucky,” said the other.  “I’d’ve given my right arm to see some of that.  I wonder what they did with it after.”
“No idea,” Tony said.  Agents had snatched all the stuff back again a few days later for ‘storage’ leaving Tony with only the barest beginnings of the data he’d hoped to have – data that could have helped make sure something like the Chi’Tauri invasion would never happen again.  If he ever got a second chance, he wasn’t going to sleep for as long as he had the thing.  “They had machines that could siphon out the energy and store it.  If we want to make this work without a tesseract of our own, we’re gonna need something similar.”
He remembered what the apparatus looked like, at least.  Tony reached for the nearest table, automatically trying to create a hologram… but nothing happened.
“Hey, what have you got for diagramming stuff?” he asked.
“Whiteboard.”  The other jabbed a thumb at the far wall.  There was a wheeled board there, covered with circuit diagrams and equations. IN the lower right corner was scrawled orange juice, printer cartridge, bagels, dish soap (IMPORTANT), and there were two shirts draped over the top of it, as if they’d been washed and hung there to dry.
“I have so much to teach you,” Tony remarked.  He left the grocery list as he wiped the rest away, and tossed the shirts onto a chair so he could begin to draw what he remembered of the energy storage equipment.
“Here’s something,” the other said.  “It says here that the energy reacts violently with living tissue.”
Tony did recall reading something about that, and at the time he’d wondered what sort of experiments they’d done to learn it. There hadn’t really been anybody he could ask.  “Tissue? Like what, organs?”
“It says that an agent cut himself on something and there was a ‘violent reaction’ to the blood.”
Tony shivered.  “You want to talk about creepy?  That’s good old-fashioned nightmare fuel,” he said.  He heard a clinking sound, and turned around to find his double rooting through a mini-fridge next to the sagging old sofa.  “Really?  You read that and you immediately decide to have a snack?  What are you hungry for?  Black pudding?”
“No.  Ah, this’ll do.”  The other stood up, holding a rather unfortunate-looking bottle of caramel frappuccino.  There was no cap on it – he sniffed it gingerly and made a face.  “Yeah, there’s living tissue in there,” he said, and before Tony could stop him, he’d tossed a broken suit finger onto the table and poured a drop onto the exposed circuitry.
The phrase ‘poured a drop’ was not quite accurate – the remains of the frappuccino were very organic indeed, and it would have been more accurate to say he ‘let a blob ooze’ onto the shard of armor.  The words ‘violent reaction’, however, worked very well indeed.  A crackle of blue energy flared up, incinerating the liquid and scorching the table.  Tony froze as the image of that horrible hole in the sky flashed before his eyes again, and his double staggered backwards, spilling the rest of the expired drink down the front of himself.
The only individual who reacted usefully was the robot.  It grabbed the fire extinguisher off the wall and rolled over to douse the workbench.  This ended whatever reaction was going on in the remains of the suit, and sent a shock wave across the room.  Papers and empty coffee cups scattered as if in a gale.  Tony was tossed back against the whiteboard, which bounced off the wall and fell down on top of him.  His double got a much softer landing on the couch, and the robot tipped over and lay on its side, spinning its wheels helplessly.
After a moment of ringing silence, Tony wiggled out from under the whiteboard and pushed it back upright again.
“Violent reaction,” he said.  “Yeah, okay.”  Good thing he’d avoided the edges of the faceplate.
His counterpart crawled off the couch and got the robot back on its wheels, inspecting it for damage.  “Good boy,” he murmured to it, stroking the parts as if it were an animal.  “I’m not mad, that wasn’t your fault… you were a good boy…”  Once satisfied that the machine was still whole, he straightened up and looked at what Tony had been drawing.  It was now slightly smeared where Tony’s body had collided with the board.
“So, there’s a way to collect and store that instead of… um… dispersing it?” he said hopefully.
“Yeah,” Tony agreed.  Clearly transporting somebody between universes required a lot more out of the tesseract than opening a wormhole did.  He looked at his half-finished sketch, and picked up the marker to start filling in the bits he’s accidentally erased.  “I’ll draw, you build.”  The other would have a much better idea what materials were available than Tony did.  He would just have to make sure his notes included what properties the parts ought to have.  “By the way. Just a question, does your robot have a name?”
“Not really,” the other said, gathering up the stuff that had been blown off the workbench.  “Not an official one.  I call him Smartypants.”
“That figures,” Tony said.  “Causes a lot of destruction, does he?”
The other glared at him.  “He does his best,” he said defensively.
The phone on the desk rang.
Tony and his double looked at each other.  What had just happened had probably been felt throughout the building, and even if nobody else had come to the right conclusion about the cause, Miss Potts certainly would have.  Neither of them moved to answer it.
The phone rang again, and again, and again, and finally the machine picked it up.
You’ve reached the Special Projects workshop at Potts Technologies, said JANIS’ voice. The SP Manager is not available at the moment but if you leave a message…
Tony breathed out.  “We don’t have much time before she comes down here, do we?”
“No,” said the other.  “Let’s get to work.”
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kariachi · 7 years
Some Static Shock fanfic, as commissioned by @thenixkat, featuring Freida, Daisy, and Sharon gaining superpowers and coming together into their own superhero team.
It was seven weeks after the Big Bang when things got weird…er. Really that was most shocking part- that after a bunch of people got melted in a chemical explosion, and a load of other people got superpowers in the same explosion, and her friends started ditching her at random intervals, and she almost got eaten by a giant amoeba, there was still something that made Freida go ‘this is weird’.
“This is too fucking weird.”
Okay, ‘too fucking weird’, still. She was sat on her roof, where she had been- not stuck per say, but definitely not in a position to come down- for about an hour, watching the leaves in her yard go back and forth from one side to the other. The constant shifting of the wind would’ve been weird enough on its own, out here by the Lakes wind tended to change direction often but this was just ridiculous, but it was following her lead. Frieda moved her hand this way, the wind blew in that direction, she moved it the other way, the wind shifted. She swirled her hand around in front of her like she was stirring something? The wind turned into a small twister that sucked in the leaves and left them all piled in one spot.
If she’d known she could get the yard cleaned up that easily she wouldn’t have made the gesture to the sky that’d landed her on the roof in the first place. She supposed that theoretically she’d be able to use the same windy powers she was using on the leaves (and really, when had these shown up? why? when and why?) to get back down, but she wasn’t sure that she trusted it. After all, the worst-case scenario was that they stopped working while she was in the air and she plummeted, while if she stayed here eventually her parents would come home and get out the ladder. Then she’d have to come up with an explanation for why she was up there though.
Truly a lose-lose situation.
Her parents totally bought ‘I wanted to clean the gutters, but I couldn’t find the ladder, so I climbed the walnut tree’. They’d looked at her like she was a moron, and she was never going to be allowed to live this down, but they bought it.
As she practiced with her powers (in private, of course, ever since the Big Bang there were Opinions about anyone in Dakota who had superpowers and wasn’t Static) Freida contemplated her options. She wanted to help people, she already worked hard trying to better the world and keep people informed of what went on around them, and with these new powers of hers, she could do so much more. The idea of becoming a superhero, like Static, was tempting. Dakota had so much shit going on, so many Bang Babies causing trouble, and she could do something about it.
It took her a week of thinking, weighing pros and cons (“Pro- help people. Con- I do not have the kind’ve time you need for this.”) before she came to a decision.
Another week, forty dollars’ worth of black and amaranth fabric, a handful of sailor fuku patterns, and way too many failed attempts at using her mother’s sewing machine later- Hurricane was born.
Hurricane’s first attempt at stopping crime went surprisingly well. It turned out that the sort’ve people who rob convenience stores are also the type to get freaked out when doors suddenly slam open and a gust of wind drags them outside and drops them at the feet of somebody in thigh-high heels. They hadn’t known what hit them and when they’d tried to bolt she’d easily been able to sweep them into the air and hold them there until the police arrived.
The second was a little harder. That time the man was in an alley and much more level-headed. Hurricane had drug him away from the woman he’d been threatening and rather than spook and run he had instead decided his best bet was to open fire. Still, she’d managed to come away unharmed- the wind had carried her safely into the air in a breath and the gales she’d called down had made it nearly impossible for him to aim, right up until they ripped the gun clean from his hands. After that it had, again, purely been a matter of keeping him in one spot a few feet off the ground until law enforcement could come get him.
Annoyingly enough the first criminal to give her trouble was Hotstreak. It turned out, to their mutual aggravation, that they were stuck in a stalemate of sorts. Hurricane couldn’t get any real control over the situation, his own flight making her tendency to lock people in the air pointless and his fires too intense for her to put out without risking damaging the buildings around them. On the plus side, he couldn’t get any control either, as she could just blow his attacks right back at him. They spent a good twenty minutes circling each other in the air, volleyballing fireballs, before they both had to stop and breathe, glaring at each other across the airspace over a Burger Fool.
Thankfully Static had shown up at about that point, turning the tide in her favor. Working together they’d been able to take Hotstreak down and turn him over to the authorities with less trouble than either of them seemed to have expected.
“So, when did you plan on telling me about the whole ‘superhero’ thing?” Eyes blowing wide, Freida’s gaze shot up from her burger. Daisy was settling into the seat across from her, knowing smile on her face.
“Five times you’ve gotten annoyed with someone only for a sudden gust of wind to blow their stuff everywhere.” She popped a few fries into her mouth, chewed, and swallowed. “Plus, I saw your costume last time I was over, and you don’t seem like half the cosplay nerd the boys are.” After a second or two staring at her friend, Freida sighed.
“Okay, I’m a superhero, happy?” Daisy snatched a few more of her fries.
“Nope. From now on, I’m helping you out.” Freida blinked, eyes still wide.
“Helping me out?” Daisy’s smile broadened.
“Well it’s not like I can just let you go it alone.”
Daisy’s basement turned out to make a pretty good base of operations. Her parents had long ago turned it over to her and her projects, and it had its own entrance from the backyard. Within a few days they had a tracker in Freida’s costume, access to police records and radio, and programs set to alert them to any strange sightings or occurrences around the city.
It wasn’t the Justice League Headquarters or anything, but a damn fine job for a pair of high school students.
For Daisy, her power reveal was a little bit more of a close call. It was five months or so after the Big Bang when she woke up feeling and looking absolutely miserable. Between helping Freida, her school work, and her own personal projects, she wasn’t getting near enough sleep and she could feel it, a tired ache down among her bones. On top of that, her hair was refusing to cooperate, the bags under her eyes were dark enough to draw in light like a black hole, and she had too many zits to even think about.
In a fit of teenage melodrama, she had wished with all her heart that she could just disappear.
Alas, life doesn’t stop for the tired or those with bad hair, and so she’d gathered her things together and headed off to school where, nothing had happened. Not the normal nothing, the ‘nothing interesting’, but, isolated nothing. Nobody so much as looked at her all morning. Nobody said hello. The teachers didn’t call on her. It was like she wasn’t even there. Just an empty patch of air threading its way through the halls and taking up her seat. Easily one of the creepiest experiences of her life. Come lunch she’d found herself heading for one of the lesser-used bathrooms, wanting to take some time to calm herself down, to relax. Went in, splashed some water on her face, looked up
There was nothing in the mirror.
Good news, the sight shocked her right back into visibility. Bad news, she hadn’t been visible all damn morning.
“That was too fucked up!”
“Where were you all morning?”
“Invisible, apparently.”
That Saturday Daisy and Freida hopped a bus to the outskirts of town, where they could experiment with their powers without risking any company. Once you got out of the cities populations tapered off quick and by nine they were well out of the way of anybody who might see them or give them trouble.
They were methodical in their investigation, Freida hovering around in the air taking notes as Daisy first worked on winking herself in and out of view, and then began trying to do other things. She couldn’t float or hover. No ghosting through things. Unsurprisingly no possessing stuff either. Nor, it seemed, astral projecting, or shield generating. Then Daisy’d stepped into a beam of light and that had set off the most impressive lightshow either of them had seen outside of a rock concert.
Of course, focus went immediately there. Could she do that on purpose? Tests said yes. Could she do it without reflected light? If she tried. Could she generate light? To Freida’s amusement, yes there too. (“My bestfriend’s a flashlight.” “Shut up.”) The best part though, was when they were testing whether she could control the intensity of the light (yes) and discovered she could focus it into lasers.
Actual lasers.
That was going to be so awesome.
Of course, this meant Daisy was going to start helping out in the field, she had fucking lasers now. What person wouldn’t use that new ability to help their friend, especially if it meant saving the day? Especially if it meant you got to dress up.
Freida had taken this calling to superheroing as her chance to live childhood dreams of being a Sailor Scout, with a costume that was probably only two steps away from copyright infringement and the addition of some black leggings to protect her modesty. Daisy headed in a similar direction, recognizing an excuse to make herself up like Cardcaptor Sakura. One flowy purple dress, complete with ribbons, and a pair of nice yet functional boots later, all laden down with as much sparkle as possible (it served a functional purpose, how awesome was that?) and Ultraviolet was ready to go.
“‘Ultraviolet’. Of course, because nerds of a feather.”
Ultraviolet’s first few times out fighting crime went pretty well. Temporarily blind a robber here. Disorient an aggressive drunk there. She couldn’t use her light powers and go invisible at the same time, unfortunately, but both came very much in handy. She could fight and sneak with the best of them out there, it was great. Bang Babies gave her a little more trouble than people without powers- they tended to be faster, more durable, and somehow seemed to have better access to eye protection- but between herself and Hurricane they could easily handle things as well as Static could.
Then they’d gone up against the Meta Breed. It’d been going, mostly well. Ultraviolet was pretty much the anti-Ebon, and Hurricane countered Talon beautifully, it was just Shiv that was a pain in the ass. The gang was spread out just enough for Hurricane to have to take her focus off Talon to handle him, and Ultraviolet was stuck on the ground with him. Worse, exposure to his own powers seemed to have made him less susceptible to her own than most people. Not that they couldn’t have eventually gotten everything managed, but then…
Sharon didn’t get a power reveal, hers built up slowly over time. At least at first. She could levitate a pencil. Weird, but cool. She could drag a book off the shelf and across the room into her hand. She was Matilda! She could walk on walls, apparently, let’s not do that again, please thank you.
Then one day, at around the same time Daisy was learning she wasn’t normal any longer, she been internally raging about how maybe if she put everything on the fucking ceiling and out of the way one of the men in the house would finally deign to pick up a damn broom, and before she knew it there everything was, on the ceiling. Including her. And the damn broom.
The family had ended up with take-out for dinner because after cleaning up the resulting mess like hell she was cooking.
Becoming a superhero was in the cards from the moment she realized just how great a jump in power she’d experienced. It was one of those traits people were always surprised to learn she shared with her brother, the feeling that she’d have made an amazing superhero if she’d had the powers or tech for it, the knowledge that she would’ve gone that route given the opportunity. That was just the sort’ve person she was. But she was also a grown woman, an adult who knew well enough that diving into the fray without proper preparation could be disastrous, especially when she was relearning the boundaries of her powers. Instead she’d set to practicing in her spare time, studying up on the various criminals of Dakota, taking self defense courses at the community center. Preparing.
Unfortunately, the best laid plans of mice and men…
She hadn’t expected to find herself smackdab at the edge of a fight between Hurricane, Ultraviolet, and the Meta Breed. Really, she hadn’t. Still, she knew she would need any information she could glean later, and so had stuck around to watch from what was hopefully a safe distance.
They’d been holding their own surprisingly well. Talon wasn’t built to withstand high winds, and the roar of them stole away a good amount of her voice’s potency, making her much less of a threat when Hurricane was on the job. And Ultraviolet, the light she was giving of, the lasers she was firing, were practically making swiss cheese out of Ebon. But, there were three criminals there, not two, and Shiv was making himself a slippery little nuisance for the heroes, working to distract Ultraviolet from Ebon. It was when he came forward while her back was turned, aiming a blow somewhere around her kidneys, that Sharon couldn’t stop herself jumping into action.
Note, she had been attempting to repel Shiv, not everything.  What happened was she ended up alone in a circle of empty space, each and every item in a forty-foot radius that hadn’t been nailed down having been sent flying off. She at least had the decency to be sheepish about this fact (and to panic internally, because holy fuck she wasn’t exactly wearing a disguise) for about a second and a half before steeling herself and leveling her harshest glare at each of the Meta Breed.
Either her glare, her powers, or the fact the numbers were now even apparently got through to Ebon that this wasn’t a good place to be, because patches of black shadow opened under himself and his gang, dragging them away as the heroes shook themselves off and got back to their feet. Both girls were staring at her like she had two heads.
“Sharon?!” That voice was too familiar, and the hair, and build-
“Freida Goren, what do you think you’re doing?!”
���Helping protect the city!” Sharon paid the stubborn tone no mind, still choking on the idea that Hurricane was a kid she’d known since her brother was still small enough for her to pick up. She whirled to face Ultraviolet, who at least was good enough to look like she was in trouble.
“And you-”
“Daisy.” Daisy. Was Virgil’s entire social group out fighting violent criminals!? Was that what was happening here? Letting out a ragged breath, Sharon dropped her head into one hand and began massaging her temples.
“Bad enough Virgil and Richie are running off all hours of the day and night, now I have to worry about you two too…”
After that, of course she wasn’t going to let them go running around fighting crime without adult supervision. But, first things first, she enrolled them both in the community center’s self-defense classes. In exchange, they helped her practice with her powers in a safe and controlled environment.
For over a month Sharon refused to let the girls help her get an outfit together. She threw something together, accepted a mask ‘for now’, and ran around in something that didn’t look quite professional until finally-
“Oh my god, tell me you didn’t actually commission leather armor for your costume.” Sharon just smirked, spreading her arms and twisting her body to better show off her superhero outfit. She’d gone for a knee length skirt and tall boots, long sleeves, leather greaves, and a mask to match, all in rich browns and golds. It even tied into her hairdo, braided edgings mimicking the braided bun she’d begun keeping her hair in.
Daisy was seriously considering following her lead there. Freida could fly out of reach, and Sharon was getting better at precision use of her powers, keeping people at arm’s length, but a simple pair of sunglasses could cause her trouble and she was getting real tired of people trying to use her hair as a handle.
“It was way more than I’d planned to spend,” Sharon explained, openly proud of herself and given how impressive she looked she’d earned it, “but if I’m going to be a superhero I’m totally Wonderwomaning it up.”
“You know what, girls?”
“We totally need a team name.”
“That could be cool...”
“I vote ‘Earth, Wind, and Fire’.”
“…Daisy, you’re closer, smack her for me.”
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darkzorua100 · 6 years
It is more then likely because I watched the two part season 3 finale of Shadowhunters last night and I’m still getting over my high of how that season ended (on that note, I really want to reread City of Lost Souls and City of Heavenly Fire now because Sebby’s back!) so going into episode 52, I was expecting something super big since we knew we were getting Takeru’s backstory, or least some of it, during this episode but it just felt like it fell flat. Again, I just came from something that was making me super hyped for what was to come so I feel like it is unfair to be judging the two but when it comes to 52, it doesn’t feel like we got anything new per say. And even the stuff that was new somehow found a way to piss me off for petty reasons but my brain is stupid like that. You all know this at this point.
So the episode begins with the Lost Children being rescued with Takeru, and my guess the rest of them even though we don’t see it, being taken to the hospital. We learn that he was six when this happened to him (so yeah, he is sixteen) and this is one thing I did like about the episode. We got to learn more about what happened to the children after they were rescued. I wish we did get to see Takeru when he was locked away like we did with Yusaku and Spectre, that might be shown later down the line though, but this here does make you think of what would have happened to these children if Ryoken didn’t save them when he did. I’m fairly certain they would have actually died from this.
Speaking of death, Takeru’s parents died while looking for him from another accident. What said accident was we don’t know but this is the second time now where a main character’s parents are dead from an accident. It might just be a stupid cop-out why of not having to write in any parents for the show but seriously, this is getting fishy now. Spectre and Go are orphans, Takeru, Aoi, and Akira’s parents were all killed in accidents, and god knows where Yusaku’s parents are. Really makes you think if SOL Tech really just killed every adult that had some connection to the Hanoi Project that they knew about. I mean, considering what they did to Kogami to keep his mouth shut, I wouldn’t be surprised. Doesn’t make it any less messed up though. 
Then we have this crazy bitch, Hayami, who is out right trying to kill Soulburner for Akira-senpai. And I mean full out “notice me-senpai!” crazy. And after she gets caught, she starts crying like a little baby like we are supposed to feel sorry for her and doesn’t even get in trouble for it. I really hope this isn’t going to be a reoccurring thing with her now because that is just irritating on so many levels to me. I’m not kidding, if she does this again during the Playmaker vs Blood Shepherd duel, Akira better do something or I’m going to lose it. I’m sorry but I really can’t stand this kind of childish behavior. 
So after that annoying interruption, Soulburner continues to hold up to his namesake by being as over the topic as he can with his fire theme as he reincarnation link summons Heatleo but still isn’t able to beat Go since his dinosaurs are really controlling when it comes to the battle phase. 
Go takes his turn and thinks to himself how if he was still being an entertainer he would have attacked Heatleo first but since he isn’t being Yuya anymore, he is going straight for the kill but just like Soulburner, he isn’t able to do so since Soulburner’s field spell saved him and now he is down to 1100 LPs.
After trading blows, Takeru gets more backstory to why he is here today. Like we already knew from last week’s episode, after seeing Playmaker, Blue Angel, and Go fight against the Knights, they inspired him to do the same. Again, I am very much looking forward to Takeru/Soulburner and Aoi/Blue Angel having some interactions now since we already saw how much he respects Yusaku/Playmaker and Go, I want to see how he interacts with Aoi/Blue Angel. Also it seems like he wasn’t so much of a delinquent as in he got into fights or did crime or anything like that, he just didn’t care about anything in that delinquent sense such as going to school. I mean, I don’t blame him. After going through that kind of trauma and losing your parents right after, I wouldn’t feel like doing anything either. We still don’t know how he actually met Flame yet or why he changed his look (I’m now fairly certain Flame had a role to play in Takeru’s appearance change (speaking of which, does he seem so much taller in his delinquent form or is that just me?) so I hope we end up getting that backstory as well in the future. 
On a random note, I really like Takeru’s old home and the ocean feel to it. Reminds me of Gateon Port from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. Also, it seems like Takeru has an admirer. Oh that’s cute. They are trying to make him straight XD However since this girl, Kiku, was in the cast list, mentioned by name, it does make me wonder if she is actually going to play a role later down the line. Watch as she turns out to be the Water Child lol.
So after using his Burning Draw skill....Soulburner activates a Ritual Spell...
Excuse me what now?
He’s not using Fusion?! 
I say this again, excuse me?!
Well okay then. Playmaker and Soulburner are both Ritual Users now. 
You know, I’m complaining about this now, since I was so convinced Soulburner was going to be using Fusion (still might, who knows) but considering that Ritual Summoning is getting the spotlight after FOREVER, I honestly should be throwing a party right now. I wanted Yu-Gi-Oh six to be Ritual based to begin with and now apparently it is.
Still wanted him to use Fusion though...
Anyway, Soulburner ritual summons Salamangreat Emerald Eagle (sounds like a Crystal Beast more then anything (again, reminding me so much of Johan, Takeru) and uses it to beat Go. Go takes his lose like a sore loser (love how Flames even calls him that) and leaves after telling Soulburner that no one can win forever and everyone will lose at some point but what you will do with that lose is what will really affect you in the long run.
Go does have a point though. Losing is what really helps you to grow more so then winning. Not that will actually happen though since as long as Playmaker and Soulburner have their Ignises, they honestly can’t lose because of plot armor. Seriously though, the day Playmaker actually does lose a duel, we are going to be throwing a five second party and then have to shut it down because we all are going to feel awful when Yusaku’s PTSD kicks in. 
And speaking of Yusaku, the episodes ends with Playmaker and Ai getting closer to Haru and Bohman’s lair only for them to get attacked by Blood Shepherd. Next week, Playmaker vs Blood Shepherd with the return of Ghost Girl and Blue Angel in action if the cast list is anything to go by. Nothing must else I have to say. Again, this episode was just meh to me for the most part.
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Hi! What do you think Katniss was thinking or motivated by when she made her choice one between the rebellion and the Capitol, aligning Peeta with the Capitol. They were already friends at that point and Peeta had already suggested that maybe they shouldn’t try and stop the uprisings. Was this a false equivalency she was creating?
“I wish that Peeta were here to hold me, until I remember I’m not supposed to want that anymore. I have chosen Gale and the rebellion, and a future with Peeta is the Capitol’s design, not mine.” -- Catching Fire, Chapter 9
It’s an oversimplification and a bit of a false equivalency, Anon.
Katniss is struggling to make sense of everything that has happened to her, and searching for her agency. She’s spent over six months debating her choice to trick the Gamemakers into crowning two Victors and questioning her motivations, regretting the outcome because it has endangered everyone that she cares about. The thing is, like pretty much all major human decisions, her motivations were not cut and dry or simple. They were layered and multi-faceted.
The berries. I realize the answer to who I am lies in that handful of poisonous fruit. If I held them out to save Peeta because I knew I would be shunned if I came back without him, then I am despicable. If I held them out because I loved him, I am still self-centered, although forgivable. But if I held them out to defy the Capitol, I am someone of worth. The trouble is, I don’t know exactly what was going on inside me at that moment. -- Catching Fire, Chapter 8.
I don’t know about you, Anon, but I’ve always read the book and the answer to this particular conundrum as “all of the above.” Katniss makes her choice to hold out those berries for more than one reason, and guess what. That’s okay. It is okay and it is understandable. It is human and real for her to take an action for multiple, contradictory reasons. But she wants to be able to rationalize all of this and figure it out, draw it into neat little boxes to illuminate the way forward and what she should do next.
Equating her choice to defy the Capitol rather than running into the woods with choosing Gale in chapter 9 is an easy line to draw because Gale has been more direct with his rebellious statements about the Capitol. He’s already adamantly declared that he is staying in Twelve to revolt if that happens, that he wants a rebellion while Peeta has only directly questioned it once, as far as Katniss has told us, at the end of their Victory Tour while they’re dancing.
The thing is, Peeta has defied the Capitol, alongside Katniss up to this point. But rather than whipping the Districts into a frenzy or stating in a fiery speech that this is what he’s doing, what he’s done up to this point is lay the groundwork to make the people in the Capitol question the very foundations of their world. He does so by turning the Hunger Games on its head and humanizing the narrative. The Games only work if the people in the Capitol can think of the people in the Districts, can think of the tributes, as less than human. Peeta’s declaration of love, followed with their joint actions in the arena, already started that ball rolling to change the thinking in the Capitol. We later see the implosion during the Quell interviews, but that’s another story, lol. As it is, what they’ve accomplished up to this point, is a hefty slice of rebellion, if you ask me, but it took both Katniss and Peeta to pull it off, a spark (”Because she came here with me.”) and then actions to back it up. Still, even that could be considered an inadvertent rebellion if you buy the silly, lovesick school girl narrative.
The only blatantly overt rebellions Peeta has committed at this point are telling Katniss to hold up the berries before they eat them -- “so they can see” -- at the end of their first Games, and their conversation you mentioned, in Catching Fire at the end of their Victory Tour, when Peeta suggests that maybe they shouldn’t have tried to subdue the Districts. Which implies he thinks maybe they should have done the opposite and inflame them. Problem is, that would have just caused more death and probably scared Katniss into complete inaction -- turned her into another Haymitch. The power Katniss and Peeta hold at this point isn’t great enough for them to have been able to afford any kind of protection for their families if they had defied Snow’s demands. There really was no choice for them at the time but to follow those demands. But...
As the scene you’ve referenced and I’ve quoted at the top there progresses, Katniss tries to work out what the rebellion needs to get off the ground and succeed. And what conclusion does she draw?
“We need someone to direct us and reassure us that this is possible. And I don’t think I am that person. I may have been a catalyst for rebellion, but a leader should be someone with conviction, and I’m barely a convert myself. Someone with unflinching courage, and I’m still working hard at even finding mine. Someone with clear and persuasive words, and I’m so easily tongue-tied.”
Does she think of Gale, the person who rants in the woods and analyzes every aspect of the politics of the Capitol, the person who she’s just equated with the rebellion? Nope.
“Words. I think of words and I think of Peeta. How people embrace everything he says. He could move a crowd to action, I bet, if he chose to. Would find the things to say.” -- Catching Fire, Chapter 9
Boom. She completely looped back around and contradicted herself by stating that she believes the rebellion needs Peeta. Oddly enough...isn’t that what she says before she kisses him on the beach? That she needs him?
Anyways, you have to take that scene as a whole, to include the next thing that happens when she goes downstairs and talks to her mother.
“I’m sorry about screaming at you yesterday.”
“I’ve heard worse,” she says. “You’ve seen how people are, when someone they love is in pain.”
Someone they love. The words numb my tongue as if it’s been packed with snow coat. Of course, I love Gale. But what kind of love does that mean? What do I mean when I say I love Gale? I don’t know. I did kiss him last night, in a moment when my emotions were running so high. But I’m sure he doesn’t remember it. Does he? I hope not. If he does, everything will just get more complicated and I really can’t think about kissing when I’ve got a rebellion to incite. I give my head a little shake to clear it. “Where’s Peeta?” I say.
-- Catching Fire, Chapter 9
Huh. Backtracking much there, Katniss? Here’s the thing. Katniss is afraid of falling in love, getting married, and having children. Which is exactly the future the Capitol expects her to live, with Peeta. So in a very simplified way, choosing Peeta at this point in the story might feel like choosing the Capitol, whereas choosing Gale would feel like choosing the Districts and the rebellion. So she wants to eschew anything resembling the Capitol’s plans for her. But she has just admitted that Peeta is the one with the power and the platform to help her incite said rebellion. He’s her partner and ally in this act. Then she hopes that Gale (the rebellion) can’t remember that she kissed him because she’s got a rebellion to incite and doesn’t have time for kissing...wait what? If choosing Gale is the same as choosing rebellion, then shouldn’t kissing him be commensurate with inciting a rebellion? But apparently, it’s a distraction to inciting rebellion... In other words, It’s really complicated.
Furthermore, if you pay attention to the undercurrents here, she naturally leans towards wanting Peeta. She wishes for his arms to hold her immediately after she wakes up. She claims she’s chosen Gale and the rebellion, but then thinks of Peeta as she’s plotting that rebellion. And when her mother mentions the L-word, she questions what kind of love she feels for Gale. She gets confused, shakes her head to clear it, and immediately thinks of...Peeta. After a brief discussion with her mother, Katniss calls him, worried that he might’ve gotten lost in the blizzard outside.
“Hey. I just wanted to make sure you got home,” I say.
“Katniss, I live three houses away from you,” he says.
“I know, but with the weather and all,” I say. -- Catching Fire, Chapter 9.
To top it all off, Gale is on her kitchen table, but who does she call to plot and discuss inciting rebellions with? Peeta and Haymitch... who are both victors and have ties to the Capitol as such...????
Unreliable narrators. Oi. You gotta read all the lines and then between them with Katniss. ;-) Basically, if you take that line at the top there by itself, it’s useless. She is oversimplifying her choices by making a few not completely true equivalencies.
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booksrockmyface · 7 years
Could you write a drabble.. Peeta pinning away for Katniss.
I totally can!
And I did!!
Have some high school!everlark! And thanks so much for the prompt!
Finnick nudged Peeta’s arm. “Go on, dude. Talk to her.”
Peeta finally pulled his eyes away from Katniss and focusedon his lunch. “I don’t do that. You’re the one that can schmooze a brick wall.”
Finnick laughed. “Katniss Everdeen is a brick wall and I hadno success with her.”
“So what makes you think I will.” Peeta glanced over again.
Gale leaned in and was talking very seriously. Katniss shookher head, a ghost of a smile on her lips.
“Do you think there’s trouble in paradise?” Finnick asked,following Peeta’s gaze.
Peeta shook his head. “They aren’t dating.”
“They so are.” Finnick argued. “Everyone says they are.”
“Their families are close. It’s like they’re brother andsister.” Peeta pushed his tray away and took the pen out of his pocket. Hepulled a napkin out of the dispenser in the middle of the table and started todraw the curve of Katniss’s lip. She didn’t smile much, but he adored it when shedid.
“How do you know?” Finnick shoved the last of his pizza inhis mouth.
“I know things.” Peeta said softly. “That’s the good thingabout being the quiet kid in class, you get to hear everyone’s secrets.” Hemoved on to the curve of Katniss’s chin and the line of her jaw. He wondered ifhis lips would fit perfectly against the spot just under her jaw where it mether neck.
“Well, someone hasto be the class clown.” Finnick said with a grin.
Peeta looked up to analyze the set of Katniss’s eyes todayand caught her looking his way.
“Oh, crap.” Peeta mumbled, putting his pen away andcrumpling up the napkin. He picked up his tray. “I have to go.” He hurried tothe window to drop off his tray. He missed the ledge and his tray went flying.
“Need some help with that?” A husky voice asked from behindhim. He recognized that voice the instant she spoke.
Peeta shook his head and gathered everything back onto histray and slipped it into the window. He turned and saw Katniss looking at thedrawing he’d done of her. The napkin must have fallen from his hand.
“Did you draw this?” She asked, her eyes were full of wonderas she examined the unfinished sketch.
“Yeah, I… I draw people sometimes.” He wiped his sweatinghands on his jeans. I draw peoplesometimes? What a lame answer!
She handed it back. “You shouldn’t throw away something sobeautiful.”
Peeta looked over her shoulder to see Finnick giving him adouble thumbs-up. The gesture gave him a little more courage. He cleared histhroat. “I’d like to finish it. Maybe you and I can hang out? Like get somefries at the diner after school?”
Katniss nodded, that ghost of a smile growing just a little.“Sure. But I can’t tonight. I have work. Tomorrow?”
“I can do tomorrow.” He was maybe a bit too eager, but itdidn’t seem to scare her.
“Okay.” She stepped back. “I’ll see you in history.”
“Yes, we have that class together.” He nodded.
She let out a small laugh. “Bye, Peeta.” She turned, pickingup her books on the way out of the cafeteria.
Peeta pumped his fist. “Yes!”
Finnick stood and started applauding, giving a shrillwhistle that echoed around the room and earned him a stern look from the headlunch lady.
Peeta shook his head and left before Finnick could embarrasshim any further. He was already doing enough of that on his own as far asKatniss was concerned.
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